Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 9 Weapons and Arsenals
- 3 years ago
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On the way to school, Denise and I had also spoken about how she would work gym to avoid the boys' locker room as much as possible. Being on light activity really helped because she wouldn't need to shower. We decided that she could put her sneaks on before and drop everything off everything at her hall locker instead of needing a gym locker. That way she wouldn't need to use the locker room at all. And she could just dash through the lockers into the gym.
We delayed our walk to the athletic wing, waving off a few confused stares at our state of partial dress. Denise got one Request to display herself; she stretched her arms out and said "Ok?"
The guy said, "But you need to do it naked!"
She responded, "I am. Under my permitted safety equipment."
The guy muttered to himself as he hurried away, "What the hell..."
Then the warning bell rang. We were given three minutes from the final bell to be in the gym.
"Here's the locker rooms. The guys will all be rushing to get on the floor. You've already got your train ... er, sneakers on, not changing anything, so just zip straight through to the gym. You're ok on what to do afterwards, right? Cool."
I left her and went into the girls' lockers. It felt strange. There were a few lockers designated for Program people, incredibly with no built-in locking capability (guess they figured if you had no clothes you didn't need a lock), so I shoved my stuff in and slipped on my—uh, sneakers and took off my cycling tights. Then I pulled on a tight jock and cup. Shut the door, snapped on my lock, and ran out to the gym. The feeling of cool air on my exposed ass was weird!
Apparently Denise and I were the only two Program people in the class and both teachers zeroed in on us.
The male teacher, forgot his name, shouted, "You two! What's the meaning of this clothes violation? Get those clothes off instantly! You have thirty seconds or you get a Program violation."
"Sir," I responded, these are Program-sanctioned safety equipment which is specifically provided for by the Program rules."
"They are not! A jock is only for a contact sport and a swimsuit is certainly not protective! Take them off, now!"
"Sir, you can check with Dr Fletcher. He's already approved our selection of safety equipment."
"Nonsense. He can't do that, the choice of safety gear is up to the teachers."
"Dr Fletcher told me not to argue with teachers so I won't. You can either find out from him or just start the class."
"I don't like smart-alecks..."
I held my temper. "Please! You have a choice to make."
"Yeah. I'm calling the shots now. Your choice is either 100 or 500 laps around the track, now."
"Sir? Today I'm not accepting that suggestion. It borders on abusive coercion; demanding that a student do a five-mile run for an arbitrary reason. Shall I make that an official complaint or are you withdrawing the suggestion?"
"Ok, I'm putting you on report for ignoring the instructions of a teacher and sending you to the assistant principal's office right now for discipline."
"I have to decline again, I'm afraid, sir. My instructions are to stay with Miss Roberts."
"You are going to the office and we are going to help Miss Roberts to disrobe."
She gasped and shrunk to me, holding onto my arm.
"Not a problem, Denise. Let's go." I took her hand and led her toward the stack of mats. "Let's continue those exercises in meditation now."
"Where are you going?" the teacher shouted.
"To our gym activity," I called back. "A special Program gym activity."
Denise snickered.
He started walking toward us. I put up my hand. "No, sir, don't come closer. Your actions are posing a perceived threat to our personal safety; you implied that you were considering an assault."
"WHAT? All right, this will stop. I'm having the principal come here at once."
"Please do."
Fletcher arrived five minutes later; the male teacher turned his section over to Miss Williams and went to him. I heard the conversation, at least the teacher's part. He was quite loud. He quoted to Fletcher what I had told him, quite accurately, actually. Fletcher spoke to him and I could see him physically deflate in resignation. Fletcher walked over to us.
"I'm sorry—I should have given those two teachers a heads up about you guys. Mr Marshall (oh, yeah, that's his name!) is an ex-sergeant in the Marines and not used to being questioned. I told him about your special needs and said that your statements were accurate about the protective gear. You may rejoin the class."
"Thanks, Dr Fletcher," we both said.
We walked back to the class and joined our respective groups, getting glares from the teachers, which we ignored.
Soon the whistles blew and "Showers! Hit it!" rang out.
Denise didn't need a shower; she didn't need to change either, so I took a deep breath (time for more fireworks), opened the girls' locker room, and both Denise and I walked in. I looked around; this was really cool, seeing bunches of pretty, partially clothed chicks changing clothes. I had to look away then because my cock was beginning to stir and was becoming painful. We went to my locker and then I saw nicks and scratches all over my new lock and on the locker door around it. I looked around as a girl passed by.
"Oh, that's your locker? You can open it?"
"Yeah, why?"
"The custodian was trying to open it before; when I came in to use the facilities I saw him with a big pliers thing trying to get it off. I assumed that someone was locked out."
I asked for her name and then she left. Now I was really annoyed.
Just then Miss Williams came in. "Miss Roberts! You can't be in here! Program people must use the opposite-sex locker rooms! Go there at once."
Here we go. "Miss Williams, the rules specifically state that the USE of restrooms and gym prep facilities shall be done in the opposite-sex's room. It does NOT deny the person the right to be physically present IN the room of the same sex, unless she is using the room for its purpose. Miss Roberts is simply standing here, being present, but is NOT using any of the facilities here for any purpose," I explained.
There were chuckles throughout the room.
"The Program requires that Miss Roberts shower in the boys' room; she has to be there."
"True, if Miss Roberts were to take a shower, she would use the boys' room."
Denise spoke up. "I have no need for a shower, Miss Williams."
"Really? Ok, then for your next class, we'll be certain that you'll need a shower."
"Have you overlooked my doctor's letter that states light activities only, Ma'am?"
Miss Williams stomped away.
"Denise, look. See how the lock's scratched? He must have been trying to cut it off but couldn't because of the shrouded hasp. I wonder why he was trying to break in. I think I'll pay him a visit."
I could skip a shower today since I hadn't broken a sweat. Denise told me that she could hang out in the hall with the Guardians, so we went to the hall and found them waiting there; then I returned to my locker and switched back to my cycling tights. I was happy when I realized that I had gym again this week only once more, on Wednesday.
History class was next period.
When I got to History, Denise was already outside the classroom and she and her Guardian were dealing with Requests—mostly answering questions about why she was wearing a swimsuit instead of being naked. Then the first bell rang, allowing Denise and me to duck into the room. She turned to me.
"Kevin, thanks for all you did in for me in gym! And I had a blast with standing up to Williams."
"Yeah, you did good, too."
"Hey, I just thought of it—you think we'll get called when the Program people come this afternoon?"
"Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah, they may come today; we'll see."
Well, they didn't and we spent our History and English Lit classes in peace. When the dismissal bell rang, Denise ran off to her locker to get her stuff because her mom was waiting to take her to her therapy session. She shouted a quick "good-bye" as she dashed out. I followed her to be sure that no one would bother her for a Request, but she got to the door and her clothing box, grabbed her clothes, and was running to the car before many kids had arrived for the dressing show.
The other Program kids had begun arriving and were getting dressed as quickly as they could to avoid being delayed for Requests. I had cheated on the dressing part; I had an extra pair of shorts and a shirt in my locker so I dressed in those, went to my box, and retrieved those clothes. I knew that this was a Program violation, but I didn't really give a damn. Also, I didn't think anyone would actually care if I was dressed when the school was empty. Then it occurred to me that I could just leave my outer clothes in my car before school and get them when I left. Yeah, need to tell Denise that, too. I suddenly recalled that I had to visit the custodian's office. Finding it took several minutes of wandering.
When I located the custodian's office I knocked, then went in carrying my lock.
"Sir, I was told that you tried to cut this lock off in the girls' locker room earlier today. May I ask why?"
"I'm afraid I can't say."
Uh oh. "Can you tell me the authority that gives you the right to enter a student locker without a legal search warrant?"
"Doesn't need a warrant. Just an administrator's request ... uh, forget that."
Ah-hah. "Maybe I will, if you tell me which administrator requested it, or shall I call the police and file a charge of attempted burglary? There were witnesses to your attempted break-in, you know."
"Mr Abover told me."
"And what did he say to do after it was opened?"
"That the Program person lost his key and needed his clothes. Bring him the clothes."
Hmmmm, maybe Abover thought I would strip more for gym; actually, I did. Only wore a jock. He was trying to steal any of my remaining clothes to humiliate me, I guess.
"Ok, sir, I've decided not to do a police complaint if you write down what Mr Abover told you and sign it, ok?" He reluctantly did that.
Well, I'm getting quite a collection of signed documents from all kinds of school and Program personnel. Maybe when this is all over, I'll make a scrapbook—or frame them.
I drove home, trying to think how I could use the custodian's confession against Abover. I hoped I would get a bright idea soon. When I got home, I changed into some "reasonable" clothes and drove off to the med school hospital.
My instructions were to go to the urology clinic. I found the clinic and signed in. Soon I was called to an exam room where a nurse took my vitals and asked why I was there. This is so strange. They have my records and can see the diagnosis and can't tell from that? I told her and she left, telling me that the doc would be right in. Two minutes later Dr Worthington came in.
When I awoke Friday morning it felt like I had not slept at all. Groan. This must be a post-adrenaline reaction, the body’s gotta come down from the high. I think listening to the news report must have had something to do with my delayed recovery. When I picked up Denise, she told me that the press had rung her for a statement but she told them that she had fallen, didn’t see much, so she couldn’t tell them any more than the clerk did. Smart girl. She saw the news report too and wondered how...
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I woke up in the morning disoriented and confused—something felt way off kilter and I just couldn’t get my bearings. Slowly last night swam into my consciousness. I was in Denise’s bed. After our wild sex of the evening, we had awakened in the wee hours and made love again, a slow, leisurely, gentle love-fuck that ended with the two of us having huge cums and then falling back to sleep. We got up and sleepwalked through our morning routines and made our way to school, with me driving slowly;...
When I got to my history class, Denise told me that she had an attempted groping incident as she walked in the hall with her Guardian. She told me what happened. “Two guys came up to me and one asked if they could feel me between my legs and I refused. “Then the other said, ‘Hey, her friend isn’t here to protect her. You grab and hold her and then I’ll hold her so you’ll get a turn.’ “He went to grab me but I was holding my whistle and blew it, and at the same second the Guardian was...
I felt better when I woke, but then remembered what challenges the day will hold. First, Tuesday was to be the first touching-allowed day, but limited to contact above the waist. Actually this was a sexist limitation because a girl’s breasts are far more a sexual organ than is the male chest. But the idea was to be able to ease the naked students into experiencing contact slowly, so some sort of starting point needed to be established. When I hopped out of bed, a sharp tug at my cock...
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After English class, Denise and I left the school and noticed a change to the way the clothing boxes were arranged. Instead of a stack of loose boxes near the door, there was a long cabinet thing with eight doors in it. Fletcher was there, handing paper slips to the Program kids, and we heard him talking. “Last week we had a problem with the loose clothing boxes. Your clothes will be kept in the boxes inside this cabinet and these combinations will open your door. The doors are self-locking....
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I was dreaming, I thought, I must be dreaming. This has to be a dream. I’m in a large, fog-filled room and girls, tall girls, short girls, fat girls, thin girls, cute girls, ugly girls, are circling around me, moving in and out of the fog, getting really close and when I turn to look at them, drift away. When I try to move toward a girl, she smiles, giggles, glides away, and disappears into the mists. Now I’m beginning to feel ghostly hands tugging at my groin; I look down and see that I’m...
When I woke Friday morning, the weather was overcast but the storm had passed. Then I learned that this time of year was hurricane season in this part of the country. Indonesia had similar storms we called cyclones and Japan had typhoons. Can't escape the nasty weather, right? Apparently the storm yesterday was from the outer fringe of a hurricane. That's why we got that really gusty wind and all that rain. Go figure; I need to start listening to the weather. Denise and I arrived at school...
Fletcher and his goon reentered the office. The goon had an almost feral smile now. Fletcher walked behind his desk. “Ok now? Clothes off.” “Wait.” “What? You said you’d undress after your five minute powwow.” “No, sir, I said we needed time to discuss this between ourselves. Now that I have a complete picture—well, not complete but perhaps a sightly better one—I know what we need to make this work maybe a little better; at least for six of us. The other two are much more...
Soon we were joined by the others. Barbara was all excited when she came running up to the table. "Hey guys—did you hear? There were two ambulances outside, cops all over, and someone saw a couple of U.S. marshals taking a lady out of the school. They had these black jackets on with the words in big letters on the back! There's rumors that it was a big drug bust! I wonder who got hurt? Maybe someone OD'd!" Denise and I looked at each other knowingly, but Nelson noticed our...
When I woke up on Wednesday morning, I felt a bit off-kilter; usually I feel rested and alert. Now I felt somewhat disturbed. I had dreamed during the night; usually I don’t remember my dreams but now I began to recall, not the actual dream, but impressions of what the dream was about. In it, it seemed that shadowy figures were moving around a web, like a spider web, and one of the figures resembled Abover. It was a hulking shape, had a swollen face, and one arm was hanging limply. The whole...
I woke up and had to think to figure when and where I was. I had been having some nightmares that people were coming to take me away and then joyful dreams of making passionate love. Wait—those weren’t dreams; that stuff happened yesterday! And this is Thursday. Shit, am I ever screwed up! I went through my morning routines almost mechanically and then realized that I had forgotten to check my emails from yesterday. I looked and there was one from Dan Hollander in Jakarta that had come in...
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Tuesday came, bright and warm. It's gonna be a hot day. I'm not looking forward to the heat, the tights get uncomfortable when I sweat. Need to look into tights with some natural fiber content, I guess. I'll bring extra powder to use. After driving to school and parking, I walked into the building to my locker and then needed to find my home room. I had just stowed my junk and closed the locker when Abover sloped past, giving me a surprised look and a real scowl when he saw me. His face...
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Denise woke early in anticipation of things to come. She had already packed the car with all that she needed for the day and, after breakfast, set off for the rented property where she had arranged to meet a new lover called Peter. They had agreed that Andy (a professional photographer) would be joining them to record the events on video and in pictures.On arriving at the property Denise unpacked the car and she felt a sense of excitement as she lay the contents of her luggage across a bed in...
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Denise Gets Caught, chapter 1 Dennis Radcliff had it made. His wife was a real MILF, and she was constantly horny. A fact that he took advantage of almost every night. Dennis worked from home Tuesday through Friday in his home office, going into work on Mondays and Fridays for the weekly meetings. Angela worked in an office full of other women and run by other successful men like Dennis. Men who constantly praised her looks, often making advances. Advances that she would share...
Jack had been walking for quite some time and was beginning to wonder if he would ever find the girls. He had done a little searching near the house then began walking up the beach in the direction that Staci and Jill had taken Renee and John the day before. The beach was fairly empty for a Sunday afternoon, much to Jack's surprise, and he didn't anticipate having a hard time finding Denise with her bright red hair. However, after walking for close to thirty minutes in the hot sand, his...
Jack woke early on Saturday feeling the effects of a bad hangover. Friday had started well. He'd gotten up late and gone to class where he sat with Denise. They didn't have much of a chance to talk before class as she was late getting there. They talked for a few minutes and Denise had mentioned that she had to change to meet him at the gym so Jack had decided to return to his apartment. He came home, had lunch and then met Denise at the student recreation center for their work out at 2...
Denise rolled onto her right side and let her left arm drape across Jack's abdomen. He stirred slightly, than softly began snoring once again. Denise held back from snuggling too tightly against his back as the room was quite warm for this time of year and Jack was giving off quite a lot of body heat. As she watched him sleep, Denise wondered briefly if he wasn't coming down with something. Most nights he was like a human sized space heater, but tonight he was burning up. Denise sighed...
Denise scowled to herself as she stared at her computer organization homework. She'd run the gamut of emotions with this class in the past six weeks, going from expecting an A to hoping to get a C. Denise had signed up for the class because it was on the only hardware class offered and she'd hoped to find that it was highly technical, dealing with networking and the communication of various parts of the hardware with each other. Instead she was finding it to be a class about how the...
Jack filled his plate and sat down next to Denise. As he began eating, Jack noticed how quiet the kitchen had become. Looking around, he noticed that everyone was staring at Denise or himself. "What," he asked, "is wrong with everyone? Is it something I said?" "No, we're just wondering if you two are going to stay long enough to be sociable or if you're just planning to eat and run," answered Jill. Jack laughed. "Sorry, I guess we haven't exactly been visible for the last half...
Jack staggered out the door of Jill and Staci's apartment late that evening. After Staci had gotten her turn, the threesome had taken a break to order some pizza and guzzle some water down. Jill had turned on the air conditioner to cool the apartment down and help with the stuffy smell of sex that permeated the small apartment. Once their pizza arrived, Jill dared Staci to answer the door naked. Never one to turn down a dare, Staci waltzed up to the door and threw it open, revealing not only...
Jack woke up disoriented with a massive erection caused by a full bladder. He was lying on a bed with a warm feminine body next to him and his right arm, which seemed to have a heavy weight on it, was numb. He was sure it was a school day, but his alarm clock hadn't gone off. The bed he was lying in didn't feel like a conventional mattress, it was more malleable. He also had a mouthful of hair which he knew didn't belong on his head. Spitting the red hairs out of his mouth, Jack sat up...
Denise couldn't stop smiling as she and Jill pushed their way through the crowd of Christmas shoppers at the mall. She loved this time of year, fighting the crowds, looking at the holiday decorations and, most of all, shopping. Denise was especially enthusiastic this year since she was buying things for Jack. It had been too long, she decided, since she'd had a special guy to buy Christmas presents for since it was more fun than buying for a girl. Of course, not having school for a few...
I've always had these wild sexual fantasies about my secretary, Denise. She is quite lovely, a sweet young girl about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, with a cute little girl look that I find so sexy!She is about five foot four inches I guess when in her stocking feet, but since she usually wears heels, she comes up to just below my own six-foot stature. She has a very nice figure too, not too skinny (I hate those skinny-as-a-rail types that look like they are afraid of food!), but not too...
Oral SexDenise and her fiancé are getting married at five o’clock today. She had many appointments scheduled throughout the day. Her and her bridal party went to the spa in the morning and enjoyed hot stone massages. Afterwards, each girl received a manicure and a pedicure. They all had a wonderful time. After the spa, they went back to Denise’s house to have brunch. Pat, the neighbor, had set-up the food that was delivered. She arranged all the food on the dining room table. There were assorted...
Cheating"... 'cause everybody needs someone sometime, Everybody needs someone can't you see? Everybody needs someone sometime..." Jewel continued warbling out of Jack's boom box as he pulled the drawers out of his pale pine dresser. He rummaged through each before slamming them back into the dresser in a vain attempt to locate his black swimming trunks. They weren't leaving until the next morning, but Jack wanted to be packed so all he had to do was shower, eat breakfast and go to pick up...
DeniseAn adult novel of sexual slavery and service.Written By Miss Irene Clearmont.Copyright ? 1998/1999 Revisions ? 2011Synopsis:Miss Denise Arden Lamont renews her friendship with an old university friend, Kathy. Kathy has always been rather curious in her choice of male friends and indulges herself in training them.As Denise slides into this dark world of sexual slavery she becomes entrapped by the evil Miss Clearmont whose appetites for malevolence and vice know no boundaries.*****This was...
Jack poured the briquettes into the grill then returned to the kitchen to snag the matches, while Denise poured the chips into a large bowl and set them on the counter, next to an open bottle of salsa. Wandering back outside Jack began looking for the lighter fluid. After scanning the perimeter of the deck, Jack discovered the tall gray plastic closet. The double doors stretched to a little over six feet high and it looked to be only about three or four feet deep. Not exactly an expensive...
This is my second story. Don't be shy to critisize me. I know it got damn long again... Sorry... Enjoy it anyway! This story happened around fifteen years after my wife Karen had died. She had died of an unwanted abortion together with our unborn little daughter. I’d been to her gravestone at the cemetery once a week ever since. After she had died I never got into a new relationship, it was as though I had totally lost interest in women. My name is Marc; I’m 5’9”, something like 165 Lbs. I’m...
TabooThe Morning After The smell of fresh brewing coffee, bacon frying and eggs woke me up the next morning. I smiled. It took a minute or so to appreciate the reason I have a mustache. I took a deep breath and as much as I love the smell bacon, eggs and coffee, from my mustache came the scent of Denise’s pussy and ass. That over took my mood and my dick started to get hard. I jumped out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a piss because I know how hard it is to piss with a hard on...
I had a change clothes in the car and at the last minute at my posh office, near the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, I got dressed without anyone seeing me and I left 10 minutes later. Old baggy jeans, white Reebok trainers, and a forgotten blue T-shirt. Hair braided in a high ponytail, soft pink lipstick and barely a very slight line of the eye. Round glasses that I used 15 years ago with a light frame ... and so I have crossed all of Tacoma to almost the outskirts. My name is Kristen and I have 49...