Majgen Ch. 015 free porn video

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—-=(The Ulballa)=—-

Majgen was awakened by the characteristic two tone clinging sound of the apartment’s visitor alert. While swinging her legs off the bed she cleared her throat.

‘Room-seven-four-two-clock-display,’ she said, to have the time displayed on the wall. She blinked her vision into focus.

‘It’s the middle of the night,’ she thought, ‘and whoever is at the door it’s none of my business. I can’t even answer the grieving door.’

Majgen let out a sigh and got on her feet to get dressed. Baglian still kept the apartment locked to her. Not because he felt it was needed, he didn’t nowadays, but it had become habit.

‘If he lets someone in he will want me to brew mocca, if he doesn’t let whoever it is in he might want a smoothing beverage before going back to bed. Even if he doesn’t want anything he will have my hide if I don’t make myself available to serve him.’

By the time Majgen had pulled her outer cloak on, and started brushing her hair. The two tone clinging sound returned, and began repeating insistently.

‘Well sure, that will help,’ she said to herself. ‘Femaron Baglian doesn’t like being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night. I wouldn’t want to be whoever is out there. Abusing his door alert that way really won’t help on his mood.’

After brushing her hair, Majgen briefly ran a wet cloth over her face, and checked her appearance in a mirror. She still looked sleepy.

She glanced at the clock.

‘This will have to do for proper Mentarion Appearance. After all, it’s the middle of the night, and I’d better stand ready before Femaron Baglian answers the door.’

The alert was still chiming, but Majgen knew her personal teacher would not rush to the door without grooming himself properly – no matter how annoying the sound was. Two minutes before Baglian showed himself, Majgen was in position in the living-room next to the hall leading to the apartment’s front door. At that time the alert had been chiming for four minutes.

‘A perfect image of mentarion dignity,’ thought Majgen, while watching her mentor walk through the living-room. ‘Too bad for whoever is out there that he is boiling with rage underneath. Femaron Baglian really doesn’t like to be pulled out of bed.’

From where she stood Majgen couldn’t see the front door. She was surprised when she heard Baglian open the door almost immediately upon reaching it. She had expected him to interrogate whoever was out there, over the intercom, prior to opening.

‘Greetings Ottearon,’ said Baglian.

‘Which Ottearon?’ thought Majgen, she didn’t recognise the empathic feel of the stranger entering the apartment.

In a very impolite manner the Ottearon ignored Femaron Baglian’s greeting and brushed past him into the apartment.

‘She is headed for me,’ thought Majgen. ‘Why?’

The Ottearon only took seconds to find Majgen, she could sense Majgen’s presence same as Majgen could sense hers.

‘So this is the infamous Majgen Rahan,’ said the Ottearon, while running her eyes over Majgen. ‘You don’t look like much.’

‘She thinks she has been misinformed about me,’ perceived Majgen. ‘Misinformed regarding what?’

Other people had entered the apartment in the Ottearon’s trail, brushing past Femaron Baglian. A GED general and his escort of two low ranked officers. All three non-empaths were wearing anti-empathic helmets.

‘So that’s the one?’ asked General Dageb.

‘Seems so,’ replied Ottearon Skent.

General Dageb raised his arm to look at his wrist-watch, he didn’t seem pleased by what he saw.

‘Find out if we have wasted our time stopping by here. We need to hurry,’ ordered Dageb.

Ottearon Skent nodded, her eyes never left the short young woman in front of her.

‘Strengthen your mind shield, Student,’ she commanded.

Majgen obeyed instantly.

‘She is going to test me by mind shocking me,’ realised Majgen a second before the Ottearon commenced a series of mental attacks.

‘Her defensive abilities are sufficiently strong for the task, General,’ informed Ottearon Skent, after all her shocks had failed to break down Majgen’s shielding.

‘And the other thing?’ asked General Dageb.

‘How would I know, I only just met her,’ replied Ottearon Skent. ‘Femaron Baglian, how is that special perceptivity working out for your student?’

‘Constantly progressing, Ottearon,’ said Baglian.

‘How useful is it at this time?’ asked Ottearon Skent, not bothering with mentarion etiquette.

‘I would consider it quite useful at this time, Ottearon.’

‘Be more specific, Femaron. I don’t feel like playing word games with you.’

‘Certainly, Ottearon.’ Baglian turned to Majgen. ‘Student Majgen, tell me why the Ottearon has come to visit at this late hour.’

‘Somebody asked her to, Femaron Baglian, the Ottearon believes coming here was pointless and a waste of time.’

‘You wouldn’t need to be an empath to figure that one out,’ commented General Dageb. ‘Try to tell us something less obvious.’

Majgen moved her eyes to Baglian. He nodded a confirmation to the General’s command.

‘You were told to come and fetch me, because somebody else believes I can be of assistance.’ Majgen moved her eyes to the Ottearon’s face. ‘A high-ranking yijejo has been caught alive, but this far it has been impossible to penetrate its mind shield. The GED wishes to avoid torturing it, they fear its mind has been tuned to collapse upon torture.’

‘Evil grief!’ exclaimed Ottearon Skent. ‘How did you know that, Student?’

‘I perceived it from you a few moments ago, Ottearon.’ Majgen bowed to the high ranked mentarion.

‘Is she lying?’ asked General Dageb.

‘No.’ Ottearon Skent was certain. Majgen’s mind shield could not hide there was no discrepancy between her emotions and her words.

‘So she might be useful to us,’ concluded General Dageb. ‘Let’s wrap it up here, we don’t have time for further tests.’

‘Student, go put one spare set of middle temperature clothing in a bag. You’re coming with us,’ instructed Ottearon Skent. As if adding a side note she continued, ‘You too, Femaron.’

One hour later, Majgen was staring at the visual of their ‘connecting flight’ on the monitor of the small fast fighter they were in. The closer they got, the bigger the ship they were approaching seemed to get.

‘How big is that thing?’ wondered Majgen.

Ottearon Skent noticed her reaction. ‘He is a beauty isn’t he?’

Majgen forced her eyes off the viewer, to give her full attention to the Ottearon.

‘He is the Ulballa, on his way back after repairs. He took quite a beating in his last battle, but not as bad as the other side,’ continued Skent, there was a grim smile on her face.

‘Bloodlust,’ thought Majgen, but she didn’t blame the Ottearon, Majgen too liked the idea of scorched yijejo corpses floating around in space.

‘Go ahead, Student Majgen, look at him. Later you will only see him from the inside.’

Majgen turned her eyes back to the Ulballa, the battle cruiser was still growing on the 1:1 scaled viewer. They were still at a good distance, but she could discern the biggest weapons on the battle-cruiser by now.

‘That thing could write it’s name on a moon – with four-hundred meter deep craters – easier than a drunk could piss one letter on a wall,’ thought Majgen.

Ottearon Skent became absorbed in her own thoughts. She had high hopes that the Ulballa would run into a few yijejo patrols once they reached the War Zone. Her eyes danced with glee at the prospect.

‘Welcome to the war, Student,’ Skent said to the younger woman. ‘I hope you will enjoy your stay.’

‘Bloodlust,’ thought Majgen again, the feeling she perceived from Ottearon Skent was infectious. It woke long forgotten thoughts. ‘Yes, I think I will enjoy my stay.’

The growing image of t
he Ulballa filled Majgen’s eyes. A smile as ugly as a scream, spread on her face.

‘Bloodlust indeed,’ thought the young woman, ‘at long last.’

One emotion, one thought, took place in her.



The peculiar lighting in the interrogation room made it appear dark. The walls were coloured a neutral green, the absence of direct light made them appear a confusing grey. There was no furniture, no chairs for interrogators to rest on. When interrogating a yijejo a human empath had to be sure to never let his guard down. It was very important that an interrogator remembered to leave the room if in need of rest.

At one wall some panels glowed faintly, indicating where the displays for communication and information were placed. While inactive the displays were indistinguishable from the wall structure, they maintained the same colour as the wall when not in use.

A few very weak lamps were placed high on the walls, but the strongest light-source was a single projector build into a cavity in the ceiling. The projector’s lamp was placed so deep in the cavity it would not be possible to see it unless standing almost straight below it looking up. It would have been ill advised to do that, the projector’s lamp was so strong that looking directly at it would have been painful. A broad strong beam of light shone from the projector’s cavity illuminating only a circular area in the middle of the room.

When nothing was in the beam the strong light had an inconspicuous impression, the floor was a rough deep grey-black colour that could inhale the beam, breathing out only the dimmest reflection of a light circle.

When Majgen entered the interrogation room with Femaron Baglian, the spot under the bright light was occupied. A prisoner of war, a yijejo, was at the centre of the light-beam. Chained in place, securely fastened to the floor in a crouching position.

Naked, helpless, and terrified.

The strong light from the projector hitting the yijejo’s pale yellowish white skin, presented an illusion that the alien was glowing.

‘Careful, Student Majgen, he might start attacking our minds any…’ Baglian would have proceeded to say ‘moment’ but he stopped talking to focus fully on keeping his mind shield up as the yijejo began his first series of attacks against Baglian’s mind.

‘Femaron Baglian won’t be able to keep off that kind of attacks for hours,’ Majgen thought to herself, ‘he is only Femaron potential.’

The plan for this interrogation, the first for Majgen to ever attend, was that Baglian and other mentarions would take turns at distracting the yijejo, to make it possible for Majgen to do her thing without too many disturbances.

‘Grief that thing is strong,’ thought Baglian. ‘I had expected it to be weaker — it has been deprived of sleep for a long time now — but at least I have its full attention.’

Baglian moved closer to the yijejo, and placed himself right in front of it.

‘Fear.’ Majgen cherished the feeling she perceived from the enemy’s emanations. ‘It is afraid of us, it is horrified.’

She smiled.

‘I can’t wait till I’ve dragged out every bit of information we need from you, Creature. You have good reason to be afraid. When I have done my part you will learn pain you wouldn’t believe existed.’

For the first time in her life, Majgen was jubilant to feel terror emanating from another being.

‘Revenge, Creature. Revenge! You will PAY.’

The yijejo noticed the strong emotions of hate coming from Majgen. Instinctively he began attacking her instead of Baglian. Majgen had no trouble withstanding the mind shocks of her drugged foe, but she was not meant to be distracted.

‘Keep your emotions under control, Student Majgen,’ ordered Baglian, and mind-shocked the yijejo to regain its attention.

‘Look at me you ugly thing. Yes, I hate you too, Yijejo. I’d like to take a knife and take my first sculpting lessons on your skin.’ Along with his mind shocks and words Baglian allowed his feelings of hate towards the chained enemy to grow freely, he estimated feelings of hate would increase the likelihood the yijejo would again consider him a more important target than his student.

Baglian’s strategy worked. The yijejo turned its full attention away from Majgen and back to the Femaron, even though the Femaron’s attacks were too weak to trouble it.

Majgen took some deep breaths and tried to get her hate under control. After some moments she managed to stop fantasising about torturing the prisoner, and moved to her planned position behind the yijejo.

‘Focus on your task,’ she reminded herself over and over, ‘right now you have a job to do.’

She closed her eyes, and prepared herself for the surge of memories and emotions, which usually came to her once she opened herself empathically. Then she opened her senses fully.

Nothing happened.

‘All I can feel is his fear.’ For a second Majgen was astonished. ‘Maybe yijejos don’t emanate the same way humans do.’

She closed her senses and eyes again.

‘No, that’s not it. He is emanating, I just can’t feel it. It’s me. Not him.’

After some more long breaths, Majgen repeated her preparation and sense opening procedure.

‘Nothing. Just the fear. Grief!’ Majgen clenched her fists in frustration.

‘I have to figure this out! My special perceptivity has failed me before, figure it out. Don’t panic, don’t give up. Just give yourself a little time to figure this out, Student,’ she advised herself.

After fighting the yijejo intensely for a couple of minutes, Baglian took a moment to glance at, and sense, his student.

‘She is inactive, she isn’t doing anything.’ The realisation was a surprise to Baglian. ‘Why aren’t you sensing, Student Majgen?’ he commanded to know.

‘I cannot sense from him, my hatred blinds me, Femaron.’

It was true. Majgen was filled with hatred and rage towards her enemy. One of the kind that had killed her parents and friends when she was so young.

‘You are a mentarion, Student. Forget yourself and do your job!’

Baglian was perspiring from mental effort. He was only a Femaron. For him fighting off the mental attacks of a yijejo, even a severely drugged and sleep-deprived one, was a tremendous effort. And this particular prisoner was far stronger than the average yijejo.

Majgen tried to compose herself, tried to sense the way only she could. It was obvious to both her and Baglian she was making no progress.

‘Express your block, Student.’

Baglian hoped she would be swift, his own fight was draining his mental stamina quickly. If their first interrogation attempt gave absolutely no results, for reasons of him running out of energy before Majgen got control of herself, then he would be replaced by an Ottearon at the second and all later attempts.

‘Get control of yourself fast, Student. I want to remain in charge of the first team to ever retrieve information from a Winin’s mind,’ thought Baglian.

Winin, a yijejoan rank. Two hundred years into the war no human really understood the political build of the yijejo nations. However, they knew that Winin was a very high rank. This prisoner was a Winin. That was the reason he was considered exceptionally important. He was the highest ranked yijejo, ever to have been caught alive.

Majgen only needed a few moments to put her feelings into words. ‘It does not deserve to be seen without hatred.’

Baglian was quick to find a solution to that emotional blockade. ‘I will hate him for both of us, Student. Trust me to hate for both of us and forget yourself.’

Majgen looked at Baglian, and studied his emanations. ‘Yes. Femaron Baglian can hate for both of us.’ She closed her eyes, shut down her senses, and focused on her memory of Baglian hating the caught yijejo.

‘Femaron Baglian will hate for me, I am not essential.’

Majgen me
ditated on that meaning until she no longer felt her own hate.

‘I am not essential.’

She began to open her senses.


The primary emotion, her true block, finally revealed itself, the true reason for her blinding hate. Majgen opened her eyes and looked at the helpless yijejo. She studied his alien features.

‘No, this is not the one who killed my parents. The shape of the head is wrong. And its lower reaching limbs are too long compared to the uppermost ones.’ Majgen felt the emotion shy away at logic as she compared the yijejo in front of her to the one she had seen come around a corner when she was five.

‘This is still an enemy, but he is not my parents’ murderer, he is not even a soldier.’ She looked at Baglian again. ‘This one Femaron Baglian can hate for me, this one is unlikely to have any connection to my parents’ death. I am not essential.’

Once again she closed her eyes and her senses. Taking a deep breath, she found no need to meditate further. She opened her senses. This time she felt the blur of information in the yijejo’s emanations.

‘Now I can feel you, whoever you are. I will not judge, it is not my part.’ That was Majgen Rahan’s thought, when for the first time she let a yijejo’s emanations reach her heart.

‘I/we/he am/are/is young. Male. I am a young man, and I am. What am I doing?’ Majgen was pulled further into the yijejo’s memory.


‘Why are the overviews of musical shows always so hard to browse through? It is ridiculous,’ he thought to himself, while tapping away at the monitor in front of him, ‘Should it really be necessary to take an education as information-specialist to buy a seat for a live show?’


He turned his head at the sound of his name being yelled. And saw his best friend running towards him.

‘Eiiae!’ Aejoa yelled back. ‘Sweet Eiiae, I’ve missed him.’

Feelings of friendship and warmth bubbled inside Aejoa upon seeing his approaching friend. Eiiae didn’t slow down until a few steps From Aejoa, and even then he only slowed down to the degree needed for Aejoa not to fall over when they collided.

‘My friend! I’ve missed you,’ said Aejoa, hugging Eiiae tight.

‘Let me get some limbs free so I can hug you back, you silly fool,’ complained Eiiae, feeling as happy as Aejoa.

‘Noo, no limbs for you, this is my hug!’ claimed Aejoa, holding his friend even tighter. Preventing the slightly smaller yijejo from getting any of his reaching limbs free.

Each of them could feel the happy humour in the other.

Eiiae struggled in Aejoa’s grip till he managed to sneak two of his upper reaching limbs out between the limbs Aejoa kept him intwined in. With those two he hugged his friend back.

‘I have missed you too, Aejoa.’

Their minds reached towards each other, to share their feelings fully.


‘Love, friendship.’ Majgen tried to shake the memory off. ‘This was years back, this is not what I seek.’ She blocked out the stream this memory was in. ‘Information, it’s there somewhere. Keep searching, Majgen,’ she ordered herself.


‘Math is boring,’ stated Aejoa, and threw his homework pad across the room.

‘It doesn’t have to be,’ said Eiiae. ‘I think it’s fun, just give it a chance.’


‘Eiiae again,’ thought Majgen. ‘They are even younger in this memory. Not useful information.’

She moved on.


‘Have you heard all I said?’ The old and dignified yijejo asked, his eyes locked on Aejoa’s.


‘It is the full truth you speak to me!’ The elderly yijejo stated with ceremonious dignity.

‘Have you listened to every word?’ Was his next question.

‘Yes!’ Aejoa looked up into the eyes of the speaker from his kneeling position.

‘It is the full truth you speak to me!’ The elder yijejo waited a short moment before asking the last question. ‘And do you so swear, to adhere to all this?’


‘It is the full truth you speak to me!’

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10 Most Popular Indian Sex Stories Of The Month May 2015

Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of May, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! It was not a surprise this time as it was well planned and executed it deftly. A night filled with passionate love making to our content. …We reached a wonderful resort and done with all formalities in the reception to get our room booked. We made our way into the room and locked the door. I turned the A/C on and went to the...

4 years ago
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10 Most Popular Indian Sex Stories Of The Month April 2015

Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of April, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! How I was shared between my real life master and his friends on a Goa trip, where I was not only used as a sex slave but also was used as their personal servants. …He had a pair of devils hand, huge fingers and palm complimented with the hardness of an animal. He was rubbing my boobs for a couple of min and then suddenly felt it....

1 year ago
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9 Most Popular Sex Stories Of The Month March 2015

Here is the list of nine most popular sex stories published on ISS for the month of March, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! A love cum lust story of two college students. It is about how two people form the opposite sex, discover their sexual feelings towards each. It is about an innocent sex adventure, which gets thrilling and erotic as the story progresses. …Suddenly, she came down from the bean bag and sat with me on the mat. She was looking very...

2 years ago
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6 Most Popular Sex Stories Of The Month 8211 February 2015

Here is the list of six most popular sex stories published on ISS for the month of February, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! We went to her farm house and she gave me a pleasurable blowjob along with a hardcore sexual action. I loved the way she sucked my dick. …I started to squeeze her boobs with my one hand we both turned on then I open her bra and started to play with her big 38 size melons, wow it is really big and hand full, I started to press and...

3 years ago
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Lost ToysChapter 14 Joseph Dyne Monday June 22nd 2015

I put down the novel on the battered coffee table. I wasn't the Ian Fleming fan Matthew suggested I'd be. I leaned back and pinched the bridge of my nose. I had work tonight. I wish I could have started then. Sitting bored for two hours and then catching a bus held no appeal. I'd have given the company two extra hours for their measly twenty four bucks. Things had been quiet these last few days. Matthew had been spending most of his time out and Craps was at St Mary's every free moment...

1 year ago
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Lost ToysChapter 17 Dawn Rhodes Wednesday 24th June 2015

I hated sleeping in that bed with Phoebe and Sara. It wasn't a room thing. Phoebe and Sara were both skinnier and shorter than me. If I wanted to be untouched they'd cuddle up on the other side. If I wasn't feeling my best, they wrapped me up and held me. It was the mess. Sara needed to get off usually twice a day. She couldn't do it herself and Phoebe never thought twice about helping. I masturabted from the chair once. Not watching, just concerned Matthew had taken as much from me. I...

3 years ago
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Lost ToysChapter 18 Sara Saint Thursday June 25th 2015

Matthew and Gwendolyn were knotted up over the covers. Matthew had gone out like a light, snoring into Gwendolyn's ear. She had been red faced, stroking the backs of his hands, until she too had finally fallen asleep. I had slept in the car. The big back bench seat was perfect for me. Now I was ready for the day and The Wizard and my sister were dead to the world. Our bags were dumped by the TV. We had all packed pretty light. I had a couple days worth of clothes and more than a couple...

1 year ago
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Adventures at AdultCon 2015

The Las Vegas Convention Center wasn't as big as you thought it'd be. It seemed...smaller than its reputation had demanded. Though, to your disappointment, most things in Vegas turned out to be smaller than its reputation. Your friend had practically forced you to join him on the trip down, then he got his ass too drunk to move, then too hungover to get out of bed. Typical. But you weren't going to let him ruin this weekend for you, even if he was too busy killing his liver. You see the line to...

1 year ago
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The Glory Hole 2015

Sylvia and Judy at the Glory HoleThe Glory HoleA much older Silkie tells this story to her daughter Mistye about her teenage adventures:"I''d had boys in my ass before, in fact, I often preferred it to vaginal sex because I was so small. I hadn't had anybody or anything like MIguel before. He wasn't trying to hurt me, that just that way it was. I was really tiny there. probably a lot like you. I don't have to tell you how it feels to get fucked really super hard He came in my insides like three...

2 years ago
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Uncut And Raw 6272015

I am a man that is uncircumcised. Women think that if you are uncut that you are dirty. That you will tear the foreskin if you put it into a tight ass or pussy. That you cant feel it as well when they give you a blowjob. And the one I have just heard that you cant cum as much as a cut man. This is the question I got from a little redheaded woman that worked in my office. She was hot. A plump ass, perfect breast and hips that flared out. She was a perfect woman. Little did she know...

3 years ago
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DECEMBER 5th 2015

“Hi Gary, I saw your profile on here, and thought I would message you”This was the line that started it. This is a message I received an a swinging site I am a member of.Of course, I replied and, and this is how it all went.OK, I wont bore you with the introduction messages etc., but basically, I adore giving women oral sex, I love it in fact, and this is what my profile on the site is based around.The message came from L (name withheld). She was a 39 year young, single mother of one. After...

4 years ago
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Thursday 29th October 2015

Waiting in the bedroom. showered and smooth underneath, my clit caged and locked wearing exactly what Master requested… blonde wig, stockings, suspenders lacy panties and bra under a sexy mini dress. Standing, waiting nervously, glancing around the room I caught sight of a neighbour through the window but even more worrying sitting on top of a cabinet next to the double bed stood a fist sized black butt plug. At which moment Master entered the room. After some posing and a small show I was...

2 years ago
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Real weekend 2015

After writing the Fantasy week-end story, actually it become reality.We went to meet with my wife's lover, and to be together for 2 nights and 2 days.I was in charge to look for an apartment for this days, and i never looked for hotel rooms and apartments with an erection, but this time, every picture i saw i was just imagining them on that bed, in that showe, in front of the mirror on so on.Finally i book a small apartment with a big bed, a small couch with bed view.We arrived late, and he was...

2 years ago
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Gran Canaria May 2015

Hi all just got back from a week in the sun and thought you would all like to hear of my adventure.Happened Thursday last week, was staying at a large hotel in playa Ingles, full of German OAP's so pretty boring most of the week until this happened.I'm a 48 yrs old English guy, average JO... on holiday with my MrsI'm in the underground Wellness centre, loveley swimming pool, Dead sea pool, Sauna & Steam room.Well I came out of the steam room, and saw a couple of travel cases by my towel on...

3 years ago
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Spring Break 2015

It is Spring Break and I have the house to myself. I put an ad in Craigslist that I have my private gloryhole open. The responses are swift an immediate. I have a nice variety of cocks to choose from. However, one takes my breath away as it is from a man in town on business who sent a pic of his 8 inch cock. In the pic his cock is flaccid but the curve of the uncut cock I like a horse. He says he can be right over.I am waiting in my private gloryhole vestibule which is really my bathroom door...

4 years ago
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It Might Be A Perfect Start For 2015

Hello girls and guys this is Rehan Age 21 basically from Vizag but now staying in Hyderabad. For guys n girls who read my 1st story thanks for your feedback. For who didn’t read my story go n have a look at that. “Expected pleasure but she taken me to heaven” this is my 1st story. Again send me your feedback at My narration may be not up to the mark so adjust a bit. Some guys asked her number for your information I am not in contact with her because we have only one time sex so later she...

2 years ago
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The Conner Family Ch 03

Chapter 03 Nightmares Of A Broken Promise It was a beautiful day, thought Navy Captain Jennifer Ann Conner as she sat looking up at the nearly clear blue sky on this mid May morning. Yes, a good day to go flying, she decided. She snorted. Any day was a good day to fly. Except during thunderstorms, she corrected herself. That was not fun at all she had to admit thinking of her previous experiences. Like landing on a pitching carrier deck, during a thunderstorm, at night. That was more of a...

2 years ago
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After The Book Club

“I’m sorry I didn’t show up last time,” Karen said.“Well,” I shrugged, “it’s strictly voluntary.”“All the same,” Karen replied. “I don’t want you to think it’s because I’m not interested.”“Oh, it would be difficult to make that mistake,” I said.I wasn’t just being polite. This evening had been the twelfth of thirteen book club evenings I had presided over during the autumn months. Karen had attended all but last week’s, often putting me on the spot with questions and insights born of a bright...

2 years ago
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Whore doeuvres

My wife Larisa went to college up in Canada but is an U.S. citizen, so often times we'll go on vacation to visit her Canadian friends. Since we live in the U.S. each time we go up to Canada it turns into a thing, where we have to see as many people for as long as possible because we don't know when we'll be back again, even though we usually go up once or twice a year. Often times this leads my wife to do things she normally wouldn't do because she gets caught up in the moment and doesn't want...

3 years ago
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TandraChapter 36

This base wasn't on the screen, as an asset. I wonder how many more lies pervaded its logic. "Link through the base computer, to synchronize its shield with my communicator." "Yes, sir." "Carlton, are you able to get any data from the new arrival, concerning its reasons for coming here?" "No, sir. There is only traffic on a secure channel. I am unable to decipher it. There is only normal ground traffic otherwise." "Continue monitoring, and try to translate their language. Is Amy...

2 years ago
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Captured Ch 05

She wet the tip of her thumb with her tongue and smudged the charcoal line. Still… She was drawn from her musing by a soft groan. Her blue eyes lifted inquiringly to the man who lounged against the far wall of the cabin. One leg was drawn up before him on the bed, where a pad of papers were propped. He merely raised an eyebrow at her before returning to his attention to his sketching. Miriam chewed on her bottom lip as she watched his tanned hands with their long, tapered fingers and clipped...

3 years ago
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Horny Maid

Hi ..My name is Sagar (28 now) and this incident happened when I was 18.As I was going through the stories in this site..I also felt an urge to share my experiences with you guys..It all began at my ancestral home……where i used to stay during my graduation years as the college was near there.So I was staying away from my parents with my grandmother. And there was a maid..more of a home nurse to look after her.And this maid was not really a servant..she was a neighbor who used to stay with my...

1 year ago
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Bakugan battle breeders

(All characters that are underaged in the original series are 18 years our older in this story.) You wake up with a sore back. Yesterday your dad kicked you out of the house and you had to sleep on a park bench. You can't hate him for it since it is your fault, but it still sucks. You better go look for a homeless shelter our something. Otherwise your going to get sick sleeping outside in the cold with no blanket. Not now thow. For now your going to spend the day contemplating your life. As you...

2 years ago
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Michelles Gift part 2

Siobahn and her boyfriend Brian have decided to give their friend Michelle a very special birthday gift. They’ve just returned from Michelle’s birthday party at the local bar to Michelle’s house. ‘Oh, someone’s been naughty tonight! Look, honey, she hasn’t beenwearing any panties,’ Siobahn said to her boyfriend Brian as she pushed up Michelle’s skirt. ‘Mmm and she’s’ very wet. Come taste.’ The tall black man was immediately on his knees between the legs of his girlfriend’s best friend. As...

3 years ago
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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 18 Party Animals February

15 Months, 454 Days After Jenny's Disappearance I'm looking at the PER flyer, standing outside the venue, feeling embarrassed and apprehensive. I should explain that there are two reasons for this. Firstly there's the regular embarrassment of feeling as if I'm standing here shouting "I like kinky SEX!" at the top of my voice and secondly, the last time I was in a club it was with the guys out in Seoul at a venue I don't think Jenny would have approved of, enjoying myself when who...

4 years ago
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Job HuntChapter 8

When he was finished sending his men out, Howard told me, "I have to call the FBI in. They are the ones who really have jurisdiction. We have a relationship with your agency because of people that go through the unemployment process, and it is our responsibility to protect federal employees and property. Some of them could be people we are looking for. Did you see the posters down by the counter? We have a stack of posters near each counter for your people to look at. It's surprising how...

2 years ago
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Orgasm Of My Life With Neighbor Goddess

I am an average guy with decent looks. I have always been steeped up in studies so I didn’t have much interaction with girls during adolescence. During eleventh standard, a new family moved next doors. I have seen the kids hop around for a while but I have not seen their mother. Since it was my IIT preparation phase, so I didn’t notice much. I went with my life with usual pace. My first sighting of her…I remember distinctly- how would I not, I have masturbated so many time to it. I was...

3 years ago
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Hot And Wild Night With A Delhi Beauty

Hi, readers. I’m going to share my recent experience with you. I am Samir, from Delhi, educated well-placed guy who loves sex like you all do. Well coming to it, I recently went for a get together at a party where people unknown to each other interact socially. I happen to meet this group through meetup. So during the party, everyone was talking to each other but none strike me. While the party was going a lady perhaps in her early thirties came along with a friend. She was pretty good looking...

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Herbie The Reunion Part 1

I hadn't seen my best friend, Herbie, from c***dhood for close to six years when I got a call from him letting me know he would be passing through my area and wanted to know if I'd like to meet for dinner and drinks. The city he was going to be in was a 2 1/2 hour drive from me, so he suggested I stay at his hotel to avoid driving home after having a few drinks. Even though I hadn't seen him in years, we remained in contact with each other and I was excited to see him again. I'd had many...

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Apni Padosan Ke Sath Chudai

Hi guys, this is my first story on ISS so umeed hai ke agar koi ghalti hui to ap usse ignore pe apna feedback dijiye ga aur agar koi larki Islamabad ya Rawalpindi mein apni sex ki pyas bujhana chahti hai to, she can mail me. Uski privacy ka khaas khayal rakha jayega. Let me introduce myself to you. I’m a horny guy from Islamabad, Pakistan. Height 6′ and lund 7 inch ka hai. Meri physique kafi achi hai jis ki wajah se main kafi bada lagta hun apni age se aur strong bhi. Is story ki heroine hai...

3 years ago
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Online friend and I finally meet in a tent

My name is Michael, and I was 17 at the time, when I first discovered I was into men as well as women. I was about 5 foot 8inches tall with a small muscular frame, so nothing special. I wouldn't say I was hung, but well off maybe. I am a full 7.6 inches long with a full hard on. At the age of 16, I knew I wanted to try sexual actions with another guy but had been to scared to do anything about seeking the attention of another man. When I turned 17, I started to get into chat rooms and talking...

Gay Male
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Thrill of The Chase

The taxi ride over had been a flurry of caresses and deep kissing, progressing into a fantastic full on make out session. He could still feel how her slender tongue had parted his lips and swirled around his own, as she pressed her warm body against him tightly. The cabbie blushed and sent them away as they threw the fare at him. She grinned and kissed him and mouthed the apartment number, then ran up the stairs and said in a sexy voice "catch me if you can" They raced up the stairs and she let...

2 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 32

She sat there on the toilet seat lid wringing her hands. It took her a minute to realize that she was actually trembling with fury and she had to close her eyes to calm herself just as she had done for her class speech. She knew that she couldn’t sit there forever so she did all she could to muster up the willpower to face the fucking asshole douche bag. When she realized that she had said ‘fucking asshole douche bag’ out loud, she realized she’d need another minute. With a poker face that...

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the little special pill 7 Living in Cockington

"Well?" asked my wife again, as we stood naked and sweaty in our lounge "Who's going to talk to her then?"We had just been caught by our teenage daughter naked and fucking with our neighbours hot blonde housekeeper and her new redheaded cute friend, and now my wife was asking which of us was going to be the one to try and explain it to her as she had run upstairs to her room in horror."Well..." I replied"Fine! I guess i'm doing it, but your coming to!" Veronica said sternly.So we threw on our...

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How Traditions Start part 12

An original story by starrynight. To all my readers. I hope you enjoy the story in these difficult times. As always, comments on the story, including what you would like to see next are greatly appreciated. If you have additional ideas for stories that you think I would be interested in writing, or would just like my opinion or help with, don't hesitate to PM me. Wishing you all brighter, happier, and sexier times. Enjoy: Zach was breathing heavily, his chest heaving as he inhaled and...

4 years ago
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Tanning Salon RAPE

My very first job was at a tanning salon when I was 16 years old. I was not the type of girl that had a lot of experience with guys, in fact, I had only ever kissed one guy up to that point. My mom was very strict so I wasn't allowed to have boys over or go out with them. I was a very innocent 16 year old, but I didn't look like it... my body was well developed. I was 5'5'', 122 lbs., my tits were a perfect size 34C, I had a sexy fit hour-glass figure, soft tan skin, long brown...

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