Lost ToysChapter 14: Joseph Dyne – Monday, June 22nd, 2015 free porn video

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I put down the novel on the battered coffee table. I wasn't the Ian Fleming fan Matthew suggested I'd be. I leaned back and pinched the bridge of my nose. I had work tonight. I wish I could have started then. Sitting bored for two hours and then catching a bus held no appeal. I'd have given the company two extra hours for their measly twenty four bucks.

Things had been quiet these last few days. Matthew had been spending most of his time out and Craps was at St Mary's every free moment he could find. I had finally beaten Mass Effect 2. Arkham City was sitting next to For Your Eyes Only.

I checked my phone, probably for the first time since Saturday. Seems that I missed out seeing Jurassic World with Paul and the boys yesterday. Fuck it. I tossed my Blackberry next to Bond and The Bat. This place was clean, I had no interested in getting a snack, and sitting at my computer held no sway. I was just going to simmer on the black leather couch until I had to peel myself up and walk out the door.

"So, this is the homestead," The door opened with Matthew's voice. Fuck. I grumbled, but he might help the time drive by a bit quicker.

"Cleaner, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised," Laughed, sarcastically, a mellifluous voice. What was Matthew doing with all of these women? I wondered if this was Deborah. I'm pretty sure you don't take your millionaire boss-girlfriend to the slums.

"Yeah, I guess. Any word from Gwen?" He asked as he stepped out from the porch and saw me on the couch, "Hey Joe!"

"Yeah, hi," I said as I waited for the girl to walk up next to him. She was gorgeous, a taller than his jaw black woman in sock feet. She had straight black hair around a heart shaped face. She wore more pink than you often saw on adults, just her tank top and her lipstick. Her shorts were tight around a beautiful ass and she had long beautiful legs. She had the easiest smile. I immediately liked her.

"Eden, this Joseph," He waved between us and she followed him into the living room. I reached up to shake her hand.

"And Joe, this is Eden, she's a waitress from work. And I think my new girlfriend?" He still had that uncertainty that was quintessentially Matthew. Eden rolled her eyes at that.

"Yeah, we're saying that now," She said with a patient smile.

"Excellent," He beamed, kissed her and fell back into the armchair at the end of the sofa. Eden settled down, between us, at the other end from me.

"Yeah, congrats," I shrugged. I wagered the imminent relationship explosion was postponed only because that Sara girl he had helped out had felt compelled to clean up the place. I figured I would have a completely insufferable roommate by fall.

"Didn't you need to get something?" Eden asked Matthew and he looked confused, "Before we met Gwen for dinner?"

"Fuck! Right..." He slapped her thigh as he stood up. Way more Alpha Male than I had ever seen from him, "I'll be right back."

"Hi," She said to me after Matthew had rushed across the apartment to slam his door shut.

"Hi," I said back.

"So, um, how long have you known Matthew?"

"Since Uni," I recalled, "We were in the same classes mostly first year."

"I would have loved to have known him in his college days," She smiled.

"No, you really wouldn't've," I shook my head. She laughed agreeably. Our first year, she would have been what? 14? 10? Even excluding that. I'm pretty sure 19 year old Eden would have found 19 year old Matthew intolerable. Matthew had loved Janine and the rest of the women in the world were pieces of shit. Except his sisters, I guess. I almost agreed with him. I kind of wished Janine had broken him more thoroughly. Maybe, he would have pulled himself out of his own ass much sooner. She had her life now and we had our own.

"So what did you guys study?" She asked, "I was a sociology major."

"We all dropped out of math," I spoke for Matthew, Janine and myself, "Actually, I guess Matthew flunked out."

"Why'd you leave?"

"Ask the pill bottles behind the mirror," I shrugged, "I wasn't medicated and my support group of friends all but disappeared."

"Ick," She squirmed. Not the best nice to meet you conversation.

"Fuck! Holy shit why'd they take a gun!" Matthew erupted from his bedroom.

"What the hell?" I asked as Eden grew wide eyed.

"Oh!" And then Matthew was laughing like a felt vampire who just counted to a thousand.

"You have great taste in men," I nodded in her direction.

"Yep, this is all on me," She frowned. Whatever she was talking about flew on over my head.

"What are you guys doing tonight?"

"Games and stuff at another waitress's place," She blushed. I didn't press. I didn't want to ever, ever, ever hear about Matthew's sexual exploits ever again. Hell, one time with gin and Janine was enough.

"Sounds fun," I moved on. Matthew's door flung open.

"Hey, Joe," Matthew peeked his head out of his room, "My computer's dead. Can I borrow yours for like twenty minutes?"

"Yeah, it's in my room. You probably need the password."

"1 Q 2 W 3 E 4 R, you hacker," He shouted back and I got a little red. You don't announce that shit in front of others. On the other hand, it was about time I stopped using the password I thought up in grade 8 computer class.

"So, you're reading Bond books?"

"That was my first, and probably my last."

"Good on you," She sniffed, "Fleming's a bit too misogynistic for me."

"What do you read?" I asked, books always being my neutral topic. You ever have that first conversation with a person? When the wheels in your head start turning, like a slot machine, and you're wondering what topics you could discuss with this person. Politics, ideas, gossip, sports, science, the weather. The wheels were locking into place. The last person I met through Matthew rolled up sports, sports, sports.

"I like classics," She shrugged, "The last book I read was Frankenstein."

"Shelly is so fucking wordy!" I grumbled. She smiled. I saw Matthew had chosen well.

"Yeah, though Sense and Sensibilities is my favorite all time book," She grinned, prompting me. I had never read Austen. I figured I'd give her a shot with Eden's recommendation on the pile. I'm sure I had Sense and Sensibilities and Sea Monsters on the shelf above the Xbox games.

"I'm partial to The Captain and The Enemy," I decided. One favorite book is very hard.

"I don't know it," She admitted.

"Graham Greene," I smiled, "Read it. There's a copy right over there next to the My Little Pony DVDs."


"The books are mine," I shrugged, "You're dating the Brony."

"Ew," She chuckled.

"Sweet!" Matthew strutted out of my room oblivious, "I got what I need."

Eden and I were laughing at him and he just smiled as we finished. He had changed his clothes. The ratty dishrags he wore to work had been seriously upgraded. It was so surprising to see Matthew in new clothes that I actually noticed what he was wearing. It was simple, he wore a plain black t-shirt and new pair of jeans. This girl meant something to him. I hope he survived her. He was carrying a grocery bag with a green book showing through the dull plastic. He was giddy and impervious right now. That was for the best.

"You ready to go, babe?" He smiled and Eden got up and tucked her hair behind her left ear. She crossed to the bookshelf and picked up the thin paperback.

"Room in your bag for this?" She asked and Matthew took it.

"Joe! Quit mind fucking all the pretty ones," He jokingly scolded as he tucked the book into his bag.

"Never!" I laughed.

"It was, uh, nice to meet you," Eden said as she plucked a tag off the back of Matthew's jeans. He took her hand and they made to leave.

"Probably nicer for me," I laughed a little neutrally, "Take care of him. He's fragile."

"Yeah, thanks buddy," Matthew laughed and flipped me off.

Gwendolyn Ashcroft – Monday, June 22nd, 2015

I drove up to Matthew's apartment buildings. I didn't like this area of town. Gottingen was a block up and they had a decent gay bar that I sometimes went to on its comedy nights. I didn't usually drive. I wasn't usually by myself. I pulled into the cul-de-sac between Matthew's tower and the middle one.

I had only ever been out this way once before. Matthew's apartment, new to him at the time, had become the after party of my first Flynn's Christmas party. I had been twenty and felt considerably more invincible than I did right now. This driveway in winter was chaos. It seemed benign now, just grungy. One of the visitor parking spots was empty and I pulled in.

I had had the most embarrassing day. In the trunk were bags of purchases including several I'd have much rather have collected via the internet. I fished my phone off the front bench but before I could text that I arrived the passenger door flew open.

"Jesus, Gwen! Calm your tits." Eden replied to my surprised shriek.

"Sorry, I just don't like it here," I looked around and I only saw three other people. One was a scruffy looking college kid who gave me a concerned look before wandering off. The other two were Matthew and another girl. Holy hell! Really? He had told us he was going to get one more girl today and, from the conversations I had been having with Eden, that had already been exceeded by two hundred percent. This girl, obviously part of the building's cleaning crew, was dressed in a splotchy t-shirt and had her tight braids held away from her face by a blue bandanna.

"The best thing I can say about Matthew right now is that he hasn't got a racist bone in his pants," Eden mumbled as she also looked over the skinny black girl.

"He's also kind. He listens," I pointed out. The thing was I had to talk to be heard and by the time I got my words together Matthew would double this harem. I felt a shudder under my skin. I pictured Eden, the girl in tower and I dressed in Jasmine like garb. Diaphonous oversexualized costumes as we lounged around a gold inlaid pool, drinking wine and eating grapes until we were called up to our king. That'd suit Courtney best; she kind of had that young Barbara Eden look.

"Nice doesn't mean good, Gwen," Eden slumped in her seat. The car was still running and she turned the dial on the radio until she heard Our Lady Peace. She closed her eyes and smiled a little. I would have preferred something less 90s depressing. I looked over to see Matthew wave good-bye to the janitor girl and followed Eden to the car without another slut in tow.

"Hi, Gwendolyn," He singsonged as he slipped into the back, "Oh, my God. I love this car. Leg room in the back!"

"Thanks?" I said, "Are we going to..."

I let the question die off as Matthew buckled in. Eden heard the safety belt click and grabbed her own at the shoulder.

"Do you live alone, Gwen?" He asked. I pouted, one Gwendolyn was better than none, I suppose.

"For the moment," I looked around and started backing out. Eden had buckled in just before I started forward out the cul-de-sac intending to go home.

"For the moment?"

"Well, I live with this girl Jacklyn," I explained, "She went back to school a couple of years ago and is now on a work term with her degree," I eased out into traffic and had to turn right because of how wide my car was and despite the empty nine pm streets, some jackass had his truck wiggling around to my left. I didn't care to drive through Uniacke Square, but I was just being paranoid.

"Good for her," Matthew declared lazily.

"So she's paying rent but probably won't be back for until Septemberish," I sighed.

"These bracelets are a pain," Matthew derailed the conversation. Well there wasn't much more to say. I was glad he hadn't started grilling me about Jacklyn. I kept my mouth shut, "There's got to be a better way."

"Why do you have that church book?" Eden looked over her shoulder and asked. I couldn't see it in the rearview but I suspected I knew it to see it.

"Is that the magic book that lets you be a wizard?" I asked recalling my first encounter with Dawn.

"Sort of," He shrugged, "Well that's a bald faced lie. It's like the shittiest written operating manual for magic."

"Sounds like a church book to me," Eden quipped and Matthew grinned. I finally turned up North St and was beginning to feel better. It was still a bit of a drive to my south end apartment.

"Yeah," He said through his smile. He was ripping page to page, clearly only reading headings or snippets before jumping through to the next. He went forward and backwards while the next song, Neil Young the DJ had said, played through. He settled on a page a few blocks before I pulled into the garage. He hopped out of the car before I had reached for my seatbelt. He was laughing and Eden was standing with her hip cocked and her eyes impatient when I joined them in the cluttered parking garage.

"The, uh, the--" I shut my mouth and just opened the trunk with my keys. I handed one bag to Eden and took the big black paper one with the pink tissue paper for myself, "Did you two lock your doors?"

Matthew turned back and locked his doors. Eden and I waited, and then led him to the elevator. I lived on the third of five floors. Like usual, we didn't see anyone else on the way to my apartment. I didn't take a full breath until my door was secured behind the three of us.

It was a great apartment for one person but would feel a bit cramped when Jacklyn returned. The kitchen was big and to the left of the front door. To the right of the door was the closet that was filled with my sneakers, more than a few pairs of winter boots and the sandals Jacklyn had left behind. The living room had a big fat fluffy sofa in front of her monster flat screen. A little mahogany table sat between them. Oscar, so named because he had been transplanted to the apartment in a can, offered a bit of leafy shade in front of the white curtained window. The bathroom was tucked behind the closet and our bedroom doors were on either side of the couch.

Matthew was at home in a moment. He kicked his frayed and stained sneakers towards the closet doors and crossed the room to flop down on the sofa. Eden rolled her eyes to me as she took off her shoes and tidied up his and hers together. I then kicked off my shoes the way Matthew had and Eden started snickering.

"Gwendolyn?" My ears picked right up, "Can you get some candles? Eden bring the bags over."

I handed her the sex toys and Eden set off while I muttered an "Of course, Matthew." There were a couple of white stick candles in the drawer under the microwave and several orange, purple and pink ones scattered around the room anyways. I went to grab the box of matches but remembered better. I took a pair of short brass candle holders and joined the pair on the couch. Eden was at his right hand. I was at his left.

"We should order food," He said, "Pizza?"

"Yeah, sounds good," Eden agreed.

"Alright, call Daddy Mike's, no onions, some meat. They had a decent deal for a large 5 topping and medium garlic fingers," He announced and started taking the other things out of his bag. He had a novel, the church book, a gold and white music box, a notepad and a visibly chewed Bic pen. An address was scribbled on the front page of the notepad. He had underlined it twice and exclaimed it three times.

"Hi Daddy Mike's what can I get you?"

"I have an order for delivery," I said. I ordered what Matthew had asked. Pepperoni, bacon, mushrooms, green peppers and jalapenos. Eden seemed alarmed at that. I asked about the deal. Eden's puppy dog eyes exchanged the garlies for cinnamon sticks.

"Half an hour, forty five," He replied, "Cash, debit or credit?"

"Cash," Matthew had placed two twenties on the table. We still had Deborah's credit card and Matthew commanded Eden's and my money as well. I felt warm to see him pay for it. I said thank you to a hang up and put my phone on the table.

"Alright," Matthew had been studying a page in the book a few moments, "Clear the table."

I grabbed my phone back. Eden took my kindle and put it on the floor before Jacklyn's door. Matthew aligned the music box. Then he dug through second bag of stuff and pulled out the stainless steel Zippo I had bought on his insistence. He set it down in front of the music box.

"All right girls, are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" Eden asked scooting forward on her cushion and had her butt in contact with Matthew's thigh. I moved forward on his left but left him a little room.

"I'm going to make this lighter magic."

"It's not magic already?" I asked.

"Was it when you bought it?"

"I don't think so," I hedged.

"OK, wizard," Eden taunted the title, "What's this going to do?"

"I don't know what should a magic lighter do?"

"Oh! Whoever looks into the flame can't move!" I got excited. Both turned to me.

"I like that," Matthew grinned and I grinned back. Eden inaudibly tutted.

"Cool, so how does this work?"

"Well," He grinned like he was being sneaky, "First you need the right ambience."

He lit both candles, using the lighter, and put them in the holders on either side of the music box. I got up and hit the switch for the overhead light. There was a bit of ambient light leaking in from the streetlights outside and the light over the stove was still on but Matthew called me back, leaving it alone. He returned the lighter to it's place in front of the music box.

"And now," He said as I settled down on his side again, "We begin."

He reached across and opened the music box. Inside, where there was usually a little statuette of pirouetting ballerina there turned a two dimensional copper fairy. She had thin wings and curtsied with her ankles crossed and her skirt pulled up. There was no definition on her her face and her hair was bent a little out of plane. She turned for the almost three notes before it went silent.

"Oh, uh," He chuckled, "I guess I should wind it up first."

"OK," Eden slunk back as Matthew moved ahead to grab the box. There was a knob on the bottom and he turned that for a good minute. He put the box back into place, fussed a little, and then opened the top again.

"Alright, ladies," He said to the beginnings of Swan Lake, "This lighter is Mine."

I felt something powerful then. Eden and my eyes turned towards the steel zippo. Already Matthew's clear thumbprint scuffed the cap. "And when I open this lighter and spark its flame, it will stop whoever sees from moving and thinking."

We waited for a few minutes. Matthew closed the music box lid.

"Do you think it worked?" He asked, nervously. Eden was surprised at his tone.

"Something happened..." Eden agreed.

"OK, Eden, get up, walk to the kitchen and walk back," He said and Eden got up. She looked great in the candlelight. I felt a bit of an ugly duckling around her. I sighed and fell back. She got to the kitchen counter and turned around. Matthew had his lighter in hand. She started walking. It didn't light on the first try. Matthew got sour and ripped his thumb down the flint wheel. Spark, flame, and Eden easily walked over and sat down next to him.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The last wizard was cock," Matthew muttered, "We have to try again."

The setup was the same. Align the box and lighter, Eden and I shimmied up to the edge of the couch. Matthew scribbled something down on the notepad and tried again.

"This lighter is mine," He announced redundantly, "And when I spark its flame, whoever sees it won't move or think!"

"I don't like the think part," I said.

"Me either," Agreed Eden as he closed the lid of the music box.

"What are you doing?" I asked, "You didn't do anything new."

"Oh, go over to the kitchen and walk back," He grumbled. I sighed and followed Eden's circuit. Matthew got the flame going on one try this time. I carried on and sat back next to him.

"God fucking dammit!" He slumped back, "Get the lights Gwen."

"Ok," I said with a little offence.

"I'm sorry, get the lights, please," He smiled at me and I back at him. Eden leaned over Matthew's shoulder to read the page he was stuck on. He seemed to be scanning it but not taking his time. He reached to turn the page as I sat down. Eden's finger stopped him, she was pointing about a third of the way down.

"It says here you have to tell a subject to do something," She declared.

"I tried that," He sighed, "It didn't work when I said the lighter did something."

"Oh, I know, but then you said the lighter would make someone not to move. I think you have to tell them to stop."

"Oh, yeah, I flipped that as well," He grabbed her chin and kissed her. She fell away with a sad smile, he turned back to his altar, "Lovely assistant, the lights."

"Yes, Great and Powerful Matthew," I said with reverence and comedy. He smacked my ass as I walked to the switch. I felt like I wanted to be offended. We were back in the light of candles and stoves.

"This lighter is mine!" Again he repeated himself, only now he was booming and projecting. I could see from the toothy smile on his face that he was excited to make progress, "Whosoever looks upon its flame will stop until the flame is extinguished."

"I think that deserves a lighting flash and a mwahahahaha," Eden groaned.

"C'mon have a bit of fun," Matthew chuckled as he closed the lid, "So what do you think this time girls?"

"It works," I shrugged, "I guess."

"Alright, let's see then. Abra Kadab--" He lifted the lighter and flicked it open. The flame sparked and in that instant the lid snapped shut, "--cited to see what happens. Alright, who's my volunteer?"

"I'll do it," Eden stood up and crossed over to the kitchen. She was walking back. Matthew again had to work the flint wheel harder than usual. He was attempting a third strike.

The snap of the lighter closing startled me. It was like the room had rushed back. Matthew had somehow moved across the room. He jumped and celebrated. I looked to Eden and mirrored her confusion.

"What happened?" I started to ask.

Matthew gestured to the two twenties on the table, "Pizza's on its way up, I buzzed her in."

He cackled as he walked into the washroom. His door shut while she knocked on my apartment door. I walked over on unsteady and confused feet. I opened the door. She was a teenager, or maybe twenty. Tall and busty in a cute top and a baggy pair of shorts. I didn't want Matthew to see her.

"28.70," She said and I handed her the money. I moved to close the door in her face.


"No," I hurried.

"Oh, thanks! Have a good night!" She chirped and spun off down the hall. I breathed a sigh of relief as I carried the pizzas over to the table. I moved the candles to one side of the music box. The smell of cinnamon was so tempting. I was dipping my second stick in the frosting cups, Eden was almost caught up, when Matthew left the bathroom.

"Good?" He asked as he stepped over my thighs to his spot in the middle of the sofa. He reached for the pizza.

"These are criminal," Eden happily moaned around a cinnamon stick.

"That's great," He smiled as he took his first bite. He complimented me before he finished chewing, "Excellent choice in pizza."

"Thanks, it's what I like," Although I usually went onions over the bacon.

We took our time eating, I had a couple bottles of red wine to go with the pizza. I was tilted when we were done but Eden and Matthew were not. The cinnamon sticks dropped off with temperature. I licked some frosting off of Matthew's lips. For the moment I was having fun. Eden seemed a bit rigid but she let go after her fourth and final glass.

"What else did we buy today?" Giggled Eden. She covered her mouth and blushed at that. Matthew guffawed and it was my turn to blush as Matthew took the black bag from under the table. Oh, we were on this now? He tore out the tissue paper like a child on Christmas morning.

I am not a prude. I hope. I just, well, getting a cardboard package from a UPS guy was less embarrassing than an hour and a half shopping spree in an overly decorated adult store. I had walked in, the clerks, a couple in their mid-fifties were sitting back and watching one of the TVs. The other three TVs were showing quieted softcore pornography and commercials for sex toys. They were watching Buffy on Netflix. One of the later seasons, with the nerds.

I pulled myself out of the drunken daydream as Matthew handed me a fat flesh colored dildo with a suction cup. It was still in the box, as was the smaller white one and harness that rested in Eden's lap. Matthew pulled out a pair of fuzzy cuffs.

"I don't think we need these," He smiled and tossed away thirty five bucks. The last thing was a skinny four inch plastic vibrator and a sleeve of way overpriced Energizer AAs. They seemed to make all of their money on the batteries. Matthew was giddy, it was like the first time he had seen a sex toy in person. I figured it might be.

"Well, this is going to be a party," Eden announced with diminishing enthusiasm.

"C'mere," He pulled her by her wrists. The box crumpled between them as they kissed.

"So, what, are you going to magic these as well?" I asked as they broke apart. Matthew turned with a smile. Eden fought back a scowl.

"Sort of, but we need something," Matthew looked around, "Where's your TV remote?"

I reached across his waist, smiling near his face as I pulled the remote from between Eden and his cushions. He kissed the tip of my nose and I couldn't help but smile. I remembered how I felt just a couple of days ago. Envious of Eden and Matthew. I was here now, Matthew was sexually charged and so was I. Eden struggled, but Matthew would catch her up.

"Alright," He flicked on the TV and we got baseball. I don't think I'd watched TV TV since Jacklyn had left. If she wasn't coming back I'd cancel it and save the four dollars a month. He quickly scrolled up to the porn channels. A sign asking us to contact our cable provider for more info appeared when he clicked on Axel Braun's Dark Knight XXX, "I didn't think you'd have these channels."

"I could've told you that," Eden snorted.

"Well this is something I wanted to try," Matthew smiled and handed me the remote. I had also taken the vibrator and batteries. He reached for the music box.

"Don't you have to move the candles back?" I asked.

"What matters is that we're focused," He lied. Something was important, Eden could see that too.

"All right," He began as the little fairy turned and oscillated. This time he ignored Eden and took my jaw in both of his warm hands. I flickered a grin. The rest of everything seemed to fall away. Matthew was kind of cute without that scraggly beard. I touched his cheek, it was stiff and coarse, he would need a good shave tomorrow, "Gwen, the cable box is mine. Whoever uses it to watch TV will have access to the porn channels."

And we waited. Eden spoke after a moment. "That didn't work."

"You've reached Bell Aliant," The automated voice service said in my ear, "For service in English press 1. Pour service en Franc--"

"Gwen?" Matthew shook my shoulder.

"Oh," I was startled to put down my phone. I hit the call end, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," He said, "I should have figured that. Leave your phone for now."

I looked down and saw that I had dialed in the cable number again. I didn't even recall looking it up, I sure as shit didn't know it offhand. Matthew took my phone and we turned the television off.

"Well, I guess--" Matthew's phone chirped its default tone. I didn't recognize the beautiful redhead he was smiling with. I guessed it was one of the girls from today. Kendra? I shook my head and read the name Cleo.

"Hey, it's your new best bud," Scoffed Eden.

"What?" I asked.

"Matthew made her think they were best friends," Eden sighed, "He should have just fucked and enslaved her."

"No," Matthew denied, "I'd rather keep most girls unAware. It doesn't seem right to make girls like you two. It matters that you're important to me."

"It matters to us too," Eden admitted, "I'm sorry about Rajani. I was just a bit upset. I don't share too well with other girls."

"I've never even tried to before all this," I admitted.

"Me neither," Smiled Matthew, "The problem with Rajani wasn't you, Eden. It was Sara."

"Yeah? I don't want to be like her," I agreed.

"I don't want a stock of carbon copy girls either," He fell back into the couch. The fairy slowed to a halt. I closed the lid and started winding it. He looked at me with more than a bit of interest.

"So what?" Eden carried on, "Unless you tell Sara exactly what you want she'll assume anything her last master wanted goes. Maybe he wanted mindless sex bimbos? It would explain Sara and Phoebe."

Same as Lost Toys
Chapter 14: Joseph Dyne – Monday, June 22nd, 2015 Videos

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I was now openly crying as Brad held my face and made me suck his penis, Brad shot another load all over my face and told Joseph, 'your turn, make that bitch suck you good, We ain't no where near being finished. You're having fun aren't you.' Joseph looked at Brad laughing and said 'I get to fuck a good piece of ass and get my dick sucked, what you think.' Joseph came round and took hold of my head, I looked over at Brad and pleaded 'Mister Brad, this isn't right. I thought it would just be...

1 year ago
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Wish I was Joseph

I need your help. Honest, I need something, fucking something to get my head straight. I need anything you can drag out of your life's experience to help me sort what to do, tomorrow, tomorrow morning. Don't fucking fold on me. Don't scroll on, please.... I wish I was Joseph. Not the being 22 thing or anything like that. Not the angst of starting out in the dating game and wondering how best to use my degree or that stuff. No, I mean in the easy guilt free, well endowed, lay a bitch attitude...

5 years ago
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High School Cruise with Joseph

Joseph and I were great friends, but many people wouldn’t expect it. We were both 16 and juniors in high school. Joseph was a varsity football player. He wasn’t the star by any means, but he still had a great body with amazing abs and biceps. He was about 5′ 9′, had short brown curly hair, tanned olive skin, and a smile with green eyes to die for. I was still fairly popular in high school, but I spent a lot of time studying. I had a slim and lean body, was about 5′ 8′ with short brown hair, and...

4 years ago
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High School Cruise with Joseph

Joseph and I were great friends, but many people wouldn't expect it. We were both 16 and juniors in high school. Joseph was a varsity football player. He wasn't the star by any means, but he still had a great body with amazing abs and biceps. He was about 5' 9", had short brown curly hair, tanned olive skin, and a smile with green eyes to die for. I was still fairly popular in high school, but I spent a lot of time studying. I had a slim and lean body, was about 5' 8" with short brown hair, and...

Gay Male
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Joseph got fucked in ways he never imagined Shemale Sex Stories

Joseph has been in search of a girlfriend for months now. Ever since his last breakup, nothing seems to work out for him. He is tall, handsome, and has a beautiful body. His green eyes occasionally captivated women. And yet, he could not land a date ever since Kelly left. This was probably because he tends to get tongue-tied around women ever since she left. But after almost three months without sex, he was getting desperate. He would occasionally check through different dating sites. This is...

3 years ago
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The Education and corruption of Joseph Potter Chapter 9 The Partys Over

“Penny for them,” Sally said, her voice drawing me back into the room, as would a hypnotist clicking his fingers. We were now alone. She sat in a wicker chair in the corner facing me as a low murmur of thunder sounded over the hills in the distance.“What?”“What?!” She mocked, impersonating my cockney accent, “You were miles away, sweetie.” I felt the right side of my neck, running over the tip of my finger over the sore, swollen spot.”“Was I?”“Yes, so where did you go last night?” she...

4 years ago
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Relaxing Lunch on June 22nd

It was a stressful day at work, nothing crazy just busy as hell. All I could think about is going home to watch a couple vids online and relax on the couch. But i decide instead to try something i havent done, reach out to a professional. Someone told me about back page san diego, which is kind of like craigslist without all the bullshit "this add is flagged". I browsed in the rub down section and found someone close that could provide a nice rub down and happy ending. I made contact and set an...

2 years ago
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The Education and Corruption of Joseph Potter Chapter Six The Weekend

SummerLate AfternoonThe girl carefully left her sun lounger, and although the pool’s edge was only a metre or so from where she lay, walked its full length, completely aware of the attention that she attracted, as men and women alike lowered their sunglasses and peered over the top of their books.It wasn’t difficult to read their minds; in fact, it was obvious really; they didn’t hide it. The women wished they were her age again, recalling a time when they too attracted the much sought-after...

Wife Lovers
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Memories of Joseph

Christine couldn't believe her eyes when she caught her 17-year-old son and her 15-year-old daughter kissing in the living room. She'd gotten off work early that day and it was raining outside as it usually was in Seattle. She ran inside the house hearing music blaring loudly from the living room stereo and she almost choked when she saw her children kissing so passionately on the couch. She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there watching them kissing and whispering sweet things...

1 year ago
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Shanghai Chronicles Gurls pact of 2015

Shanghai Chronicles part 1 - The Gurlz pact of 2015 The year was 2015 and I had just moved to Shanghai, China. Everyone I knew including me thought China was this place out of the Kung Fu movies, but it turned out to be no different from a Dubai, New York or a Singapore in reality it was even more shinny and new. At first impression I thought I was in a sci-fi movie, and this was the city of the future. Work wise China was booming and the money was good. Those expats who knew of this...

4 years ago
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Brad and His Cousin Josephpt2

I looked at Claude's crotch and saw that he was stroking a monster of a penis, Joseph grabbed my feet and Brad held my hands. Claude crawled over my butt and bust my sloppy bung hole wide open with his enormous penis. I cried out all to no avail, Claude grunted and slammed his penis up in my butt without mercy for all of 20 minutes. With a growl deep from with in, Claude erupted a flood of semen that flushed out from around the massive shaft that filled my anus. With each throb of his penis...

2 years ago
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And Joseph ProfitsChapter 2

Two weeks later Vicky struggled to hold back the lunging surging dog as she strolled down the leafy avenue. The impatient animal seemed to want to want to pounce on every new smell. Barked at everything that moved and was so filled with enthusiasm to be out of the villa that her slim arms struggled to keep it under control. She saw a group of Africans sitting smoking something pungent, openly smirking as they watched her struggle with the powerful animal. She glared at them and they looked...

1 year ago
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Memories Of Joseph

Note : This story is completely fictional! Christine couldn't believe her eyes when she caught her 17-year-old son and her 16-year-old daughter kissing in the living room. She'd gotten off work early that day and it was raining outside as it usually was in Seattle. She ran inside the house hearing music blaring loudly from the living room stereo and she almost choked when she saw her children kissing so passionately on the couch. She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there watching...

3 years ago
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The Education And Corruption Of Joseph Potter Chapter 2

The weeks that followed Mrs Conway’s birthday party were a blur. Mandy hadn’t been slow at voicing her appraisal of me; the reviews were out and favourable. Soon it seemed that everyone wanted a piece of young Joey Potter.This brought new challenges. As much as I enjoyed the attentions of the female half of the school, to the male side, I became a target as they were jealous of my newfound fame.It was a few months later, that I was to realise that not only did I really have something different...

Wife Lovers
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 5 Junes First Look

As they watched the movie, Roger couldn’t help but feel June’s body squirming during many of the sex scenes He glanced quickly at June and noticed that both of her hands were on her lap with the finger tips at the point where her legs met her body. Her mouth was slightly open and her eyes glassy. She was obviously tremendously turned on by the scenes of the poor secretary being dominated by her supervisor. Likewise, June glanced over at Roger once and saw the bulge in his pants. She wondered...

2 years ago
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The Education And Corruption Of Joseph Potter Chapter Three

Sunday morning. Through my bedroom window, I could hear my dad’s distinctive laugh as he talked to our neighbour. As far as I was concerned, Sunday was Groundhog Day. Mum was playing Steve Wright’s love songs on the radio in the kitchen as she peeled the spuds for Sunday dinner, as dad kept out of her way.It had been two weeks since my encounter with Mrs Harrison in the boys’ changing room. Now, every time I stepped out of the school’s changing room showers, I was confronted by the memory of...

Wife Lovers
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The Education and corruption of Joseph Potter Chapter ten

“How much did David Hamilton know of your affair with his wife?” I heard the question as soon as the last word of the statement had been completed.  It pierced the silence like a gunshot. The female reporter sat on the end of a row about halfway up in this crowded press room.Her question proved to be a catalyst, setting off a frenzy of barely comprehensible noise from her colleagues.  Of the few questions that I understood above the free-for-all, none paid even the slightest reference to...

4 years ago
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Sister Mary Joseph

How is it that seemingly unlikely people end up in unanticipated sexual intimacy? I mean, what are the forces, the precipitating factors that contribute to this improbable union? For instance, how does it happen that an older woman and a younger man - the friend of her son perhaps - end up entangled? Or in-laws? Or, in my case, with a nun? I suppose that some of the necessary predilection would at least include the right temperament. But that's one of those true-but-trivial positions....

3 years ago
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The wind was whistling round the village, there were flurries of cold rain creating delightfully muddy puddles but the children didn’t want to play outside, it was too cold. Winter was sometimes unpleasant even here. This was one of those days, the beams of the Rabbi’s new roof would have to wait until the weather improved and the old carpenter sat by the fire calmly whittling. “Another wooden man for the child to play with?” Asked his much younger wife, stroking her belly. Her husband was...

3 years ago
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22nd Century Mother

Lighting fast internet and computers to match, all the information you could wish for few clicks away, TV series and movies on demand, then the smartphones, laptops, tablets, all with more memory than you could use, food, ahh, the food... You don't even have to make it on your own, you can order it, even online if you so desire! It's something every woman - especially a pregnant woman, appreciates. And last, but not least, perhaps the biggest worry of most parents... easy access to porn....

1 year ago
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My 22nd birthday

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello this is saket from a Delhi in India. I am 21 year 5.9 feet tall old and doing my college. My family is very small comprising of me my sister and my mother. My sis name is swati she is 19 years old and 5.7 feet tall and with a perfect body is studying in intermediate she has a great figure. My mom is only 40 years old and is working as a personal assistant for a general manager of a multinational company. She had maintained herself in a way that...

2 years ago
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Time Travellers Terror 2015

__________________________________________________ ‘TIME TRAVELER’S TERROR’ ─── by ══/\/ymph══ (DAW) (C) October 2015 ────────── please do not reprint without permission ──── Written: October 1st 2015 __________________________________________________ It has been a long-standing tradition when you go to camp to have either one of the counselors or older campers tell a spooky ghost story to the younger members sitting around the campfire. Certainly with Halloween quickly on it’s way, I...

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Punishment 2015

Punishment 2015 Stephen "It couldn't be… and yet for a brief moment I thought it was. Thegirl I had dreamed about…the girl that had figured in my every eroticfantasy. At school she had been head girl; three years above me and probably a millionlight years away from ever looking my way. Head girls don't talk to lowly 5 th .Graders, I wonder if in fact if they ever see them? Not that I am not worthy of a look. Even though I would never say it throughmodesty, I am good looking although only five...

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The Visitor Monicas Diary Monday June 26

The Visitor Monica's Diary Monday, June 26 Finally, I got some sleep. What has always been a day of rest for me and mine began close to 1 a.m. and did not end until 11:00 last night. I had of course prayed that Grace would vote to let us take Timothy and that Family and Protective Services would approve us as foster parents, but I had hoped that Nathan and the children would be present when we informed our new family member. To be honest, I had hoped that Nathan would be the one...

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Tying Me to Her or The Adventures of Joseph Hill

"Come over to the House. I have a surprise for you.-Anniston." I looked at the message on my phone and sighed, my eyes going back to the winding up lecture. My name is Joseph Hill. I am a 22 year old guy who comes all the way from Africa, studying in California on a scholarship. My father was from the Seychelles and my mother from the continent proper. It's from my dad's genes that I get my lighter skin tone. "Light-skin black" as others may call it. Now, let me destroy any...

2 years ago
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Joseph Gets Broken In

This is a true story, a couple of years ago, this hard looking, well-built black 43 yo Crip named Paul, we all knew him as Mad Dog moved 2 doors from me. I was intimidated by Mad Dog. A couple of weeks ago, by mistake I revealed to my neighbor, Mad Dog, how I was sexually attracted to him. Then I got a message from Mad Dog on my cell. I knew deep down, this would be it. He was straight up. No bullshit, no nothing. Also his cock was incredible. He said he knew what I wanted and that he wanted...

4 years ago
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Auntie June

Auntie Junie By Cassandra Morgan When the shriek came, high-pitched and loud, it was easy to wonder if the windows would shatter. The very sound of it would knock birds from the sky It was an unearthly howl, a primordial scream, the sound of a Banshee unleashed. It was a thousand sirens blasting at once. You know the sound that the heroine makes when she finally sees the face of the monster. It was like that, only it was, well, joyous. Amanda Jordan was bouncing across the room...

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June and AliceChapter 5 Puppy Love

June Walked into Roger’s apartment to find him sitting at her desk, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts and sipping a cup of coffee. “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” June said, laughing. “Ditto!” Roger exclaimed. “Come over here and give me a kiss.” June went over to Roger, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him. “Let’s go sit at the table, and you can tell me all the details of your meeting,” June said as she walked into the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee. She...

2 years ago
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June and AliceChapter 9 Under New Management

June woke on Friday morning and looked over at her sister’s empty bed. In a near panic, she sat up and looked at the clock on her nightstand. It was only 5:30 am. Relieved that she had not overslept, she laid back down. As she laid there, she wondered why Autumn was up so early. June’s thoughts turned to her meeting with Rick and Maddy. Even though they both seemed sincere, she was still a bit uneasy about what they would ask of her. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom to pee and...

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June Cleaver Leave it to Beaver

Back June's mind turned to the first day she met him. Normally she hadn't thought about another man. She had been the perfect wife and housekeeper. Meals at the right time. Always wearing dresses. Hair just perfect. House spotless. Just the way her husband Ward liked it. The milkman showed up at her door to introduce himself. He had just taken over the route and wanted to make sure all the housewives knew him. He was a very good-looking man. June found herself tingling all over when she...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 39 Itrsquos Showtime

June arrived home shortly before her parents and Autumn were due. She ran upstairs and showered, shaved her legs and pussy, dried and brushed her hair, put on some make-up, and went downstairs. Only minutes later, her parents and Autumn walked through the door. “My, aren’t we all prettied up tonight,” Autumn said when she saw June sitting at the table. “I take it you’re not dining with us tonight, are you?” “Hopefully, no,” June responded. “I’m waiting for Roger to get home and call me....

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June and AliceChapter 7 Sayonara Marilyn

Monday morning came quickly, too quickly as far as June was concerned. Roger would be leaving this morning to present a proposal to a firm in Buffalo. Yesterday, June had convinced him to change his plans from coming home this evening to early tomorrow morning. Ordinarily, she would have liked him to return home on the same day, but not this day. This day would end with her final party at Alice’s, and keeping Roger as far away as possible was necessary lest he discovers the activities planned...

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Abduction and rape of June

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 37 Lights Camera Action

June awoke to the sound of her alarm clock and looked at the clock through blurry eyes. It was 5:30. She now regretted that she had set the alarm for such an early time. She went to bed early last night, hoping to get a fresh start the next morning. It wasn’t because she was eager to get to Alice’s for the movie shoot. No, it was because she wanted to think about her role in it and how well she would perform. She had a restless night thinking about how Alice might punish her if she made...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 38 Junersquos First Week On the Job

June awoke to the sound of her alarm clock. “It’s Monday. My first day on the new job,” she said to herself. Roger got home too late for her to see him on Friday night. She spent almost all day Saturday with him, however. They made love, talked a lot about a lot of things, made love, went to lunch, came back to his apartment, made love, watched TV, showered together, went to dinner, came back to his apartment, and made love. She hadn’t seen him in over a week, but they certainly made up for...

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June Gets Blackmailed

By Docker5000 Introductory Jason sneaks out of school and meets his older friend. The two lads discover Jason’s mother having sex with two men in her living room. Chapter 1 Jason Clark was extremely bored as he sat in class as his teacher went on about something. Jason was completely ignoring him. Jason just continued to look out of the classroom window. His regular English teacher was off sick and the substitute teacher that was standing in for her was completely...

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June The Sexiest Manipuri Party Girl

Hi friends, am back with the continuation of the story of June, the sexy Manipuri babe. June was 19, a Manipuri (chinki) girl but not the usual trashy cheap looking one. She was elegant in poise and had the look you see among tall Asian models. Her height was 5 7″,a lot more than usual Manipuri girls. She had perky breasts, shapely legs, and a tight curvaceous ass with a figure of 34B-26-36, a body guys dreamed of while they jerked off into the night calling her name over and over again. Her...

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June and AliceChapter 3 Alice Throws another Party

June pulled into Roger’s apartment complex and parked next to Roger’s car. She got out of the car and glanced over towards Alice’s apartment. June couldn’t remember if Alice told her not to call her this morning as well as tomorrow morning. Playing it safe, she quickly took off her dress and panties and picked up the telephone and dialed Alice’s number. “Hello,” Alice answered. “Alice, it’s June. I wasn’t sure if I had to call you this morning or not, so I thought I had better call to be...

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June and AliceChapter 10 Loving Maddy

June arrived at work early on Tuesday morning and found the apartment dark and empty. She went into the kitchen, made herself a cup of coffee, and sat down at her desk. As June sipped her coffee, she remembered that Maddy wanted her to call today. June looked at the clock and saw that it was only eight o’clock. June decided to wait to call until nine o’clock or later when she was sure that Rick was at work. She didn’t know if Maddy only wanted to chat or talk about June sexually dominating...

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June and AliceChapter 8 Rick Maddy

After a somewhat restless night of worrying about her future with Rick and Maddy, June awoke and looked over at the nightstand clock. It read 7:40, and June threw off the covers and jumped out of bed. Of all the days that she was late getting up in the morning, this had to be the worse day for it to happen. Roger could walk through the door at any moment if he decided to leave Buffalo very early in the morning. She ran naked into the kitchen, put on a pot of coffee, and jumped into the...

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PART 2 BY DOCKER5000 Introductory It had been just over a month and June is still haunted by what the two drifters did to her. She is now desperate to feel that way again. And a over-heard conversation hopefully can give her that chance to feel alive once more. It was nearly a month after June’s experience with the too drifters and she still cannot get them out of her head. Her husband and son still do not know anything about her sexual adventures with the two men. As far as they both...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 33 The Shopping Fun

June awoke on Monday morning and sat on her bed, wondering what she was going to do all day. She looked over at Autumn’s bed and saw that it was empty. She got dressed, ran a brush through her hair, washed her face, and staggered downstairs to the kitchen. The house was eerily quiet. A note from Autumn laid on the table where June usually sat, explaining that she was at the store helping mom and dad. June made herself a bowl of cereal and ate her breakfast. She looked at the clock and saw it...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 18 Alice Joanrsquos ldquoPartyrdquo

The week flew by without June having to submit to any of Autumn’s humiliations. Of course, she still had to crawl naked to her sister’s bed each night and thank her each night. Today, however, was different. Today was Thursday. Today was the day she would be going to the doctor’s for an examination and, hopefully, get the prescription for birth control pills. Today was the day she thought would never come. Today was also the day that she was going to be punished by Autumn. It was the only...

2 years ago
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June and AliceChapter 2 Another Party Is Planned

June awoke early Friday morning after spending a restless night thinking about the events of yesterday’s party at Alice’s. What bothered her most was Alice saying that she owned her and that she would have to do whatever Alice wanted her to do. Then she remembered that she had to write down all the things that would humiliate her. At first, she thought that would be easy, but now she realized that she would be giving Alice even more ideas. As if Alice needed any more ideas. June looked over...

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Peter June and the Whatevers

There are times that you know, right from the start, that something's going on, and it ain't quite kosher! Like I did that night when I awoke at some unearthly hour and instantly became aware that standing beside the foot of my bed was an apparition ... To-whit, one patently beautiful and very naked female! In fact I could only just make out her form; but I could see enough to recognise that she was completely naked, and that her figure went in and out in all the right...

3 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 25 The Dog Show

June awoke early on Saturday and looked over to her sister’s bed to find it empty. She sat up and recalled the events of last night and how earnestly Autumn had begged her to let her lick her entire body and how her big sister had used her tongue so effectively in all of her orifices. When June was satisfied with Autumn’s performance, she sent her to her bed with orders not to masturbate. June then recalled her earlier talk with Roger and wondered how, and if, she would end this part of her...

2 years ago
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June This Could Be The Beginning Of A Beautiful Friendship Part 1

My name is Matthew and this is my story. After the death of my wife due to a lengthy battle with ovarian cancer, I began to search for some female companionship. Bars, church, and friends and family were not the answer. Instead, I joined a senior outdoor group. That is where I met June. June was approaching sixty, but looked ten years younger. She was five foot four with salt and pepper hair, nice breasts and a tight ass. We seemed to instantly hit it off and became close friends. The two of us...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 15 June The Patient

Sunday night June thanked Autumn profusely by not only licking her pussy but her ass and tits as well. The rest of the week went by without incident. Oh, she did have to crawl to Autumn’s spread legs and thank her but she wasn’t ordered to satisfy her sister’s sexual needs. Not that she wasn’t grateful, but, for some reason, she found herself drawn to Autumn’s pussy and had an almost irresistible urge to kiss it. She began to wonder if she was obsessed with performing lesbian sex. When her...

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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 2 June

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2007 -- 8:47 AM The San Francisco Jonathan Kwong Enterprises office wasn’t anything like the one in New York. There were no JKE logos on the entry doors or signs on the outside of the building. Instead of occupying the top three floors of a massive skyscraper with its own helipad, we had only the twelfth-floor in a smaller, nondescript building. All the big movers and shakers in the company were in Manhattan, and sometimes it felt like the only reason we even had a San...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 31 The Patient Redeux

Saturday evening, after dinner, June decided to ask her parents for permission to stay overnight on Friday. “Mom, Dad,” she began. “One of my girlfriends asked me to come to a sleep-over this Friday. No boys will be there. Only a few girls are getting together for a little fun before I graduate. Can I go?” June’s father looked at her mother, who nodded in agreement. “Yes, you can go. Behave yourself and try to be home before we leave for the store Saturday.” Her father replied. June...

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June Takes Her Oral Exams

After June visited Toyland, it was now time for the oral lessons in her hot sex education. I knew the oral section would not be difficult for June. She was a natural. We waited about a week before the oral lessons began. That gap in time was an extremely difficult for June. She was like an insect emerging from a cocoon. She wanted and needed sexual relief. We talked about our agenda for the main event. I told June it would be a three part lesson. For June, her part would be to give a tit fuck,...

Oral Sex
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 29 The Gangrsquos All Here

June arrived at school early Friday morning. After parking the car, she got out and looked around at all the kids standing outside. She spotted the group of boys she was looking for and started to walk in their direction. June picked these boys solely because of their reputation among the students. She had talked to other girls who have dated most of them and who had sex with some of them. These boys never went steady with any girl but rather “played the field” using their term for a quick...

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