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Punishment 2015


"It couldn't be… and yet for a brief moment I thought it was. Thegirl I had dreamed about…the girl that had figured in my every eroticfantasy.

At school she had been head girl; three years above me and probably a millionlight years away from ever looking my way. Head girls don't talk to lowly 5 th .Graders, I wonder if in fact if they ever see them?

Not that I am not worthy of a look. Even though I would never say it throughmodesty, I am good looking although only five feet eight inches tall. I havea slim athletic body, good bone structure with brown eyes and straight thickdark brown hair. I think I was popular with the girl's because somehow theyfelt I was non-threatening and could be handled easily.

At school I always seemed to be the first choice when circumstance dictatedthat the girl did the asking… always first on the party list… firstto be asked by the pretty and flirtatious faces of the girls in my year… "Comeand sit with us"… "There's room here", "You going to the dance, Steve?" etc.I rarely refused an invitation and enjoyed my popularity, but the Holy Grailin the personage of Debbie Pearson… was always out of my reach.

It's been a year since I left school and started my accountancy trainingand she was still on my mind. Instantly recognizable! The same beautiful naturalash blonde hair, tied neatly back with a subtle tiny black bow. Her face, stillas neatly featured as I had remembered, with those wonderful green eyes, thecolour and the depth of the world's most exquisite emeralds. Her teeth thesame perfect white, framed by the most exquisite lips. Her figure, slenderand lithe, with wonderfully firm breasts, narrow waist and perfectly proportionedtanned legs that seem to go on forever. I remembered all this and yet I hadseen her, or thought I had seen her, for a mere instance… just a glimpseas she was reflected many times before becoming a pale image in the heavy toughenedglass of the security counter.

I felt the blood rush to my face. I wanted to flee, to run away… nearlyan adult of nineteen years old… and I really wanted to run.

Surely it could not be!

That she worked here?

I shivered, feeling my cheeks burn and my throat constrict. I could not,simply could not, endure the shame if it were true. I collected my senses.Of course it was an illusion… a mere culmination of my trauma of themorning. Of course that was exactly what it was!

The court had been as bad as I had feared. I was spared nothing, nor I admithad I deserved to have been.

Driving with in excess of 20mg. of alcohol in breath.

Statute 20/92 of The Driving Code.

Made law on October 23 2015. 'Any person found in charge of a vehiclewith…'

I had read the charge through many times as I sat in the waiting room. Basicallysince October, one bottle of beer would put an average weight man near thelimit that he could legally drive a car. The new limit had been in operationfor four days when I had been caught by the two female police officers in thepolice car.

I could think of no mitigation to offer the court. Eventually I was called.The attractive female court official, her expression, neither condemning norsympathetic, had ushered me into the courtroom. The three female district judgesbade me stand up while the prosecuting lawyer read the charge. I watched herwalk towards the middle of the court so that she could point to me and stillface the panelled dais where the judges sat, their ornate wooden benches, hidingall but their heads and shoulders.

"Stephen Woodrow Ryder. You have been charged with driving with in excessof 20mg. of alcohol in breath. How do you plead?"

I had looked at the judges. The middle of the three, probably thirty fiveyears old; her suit immaculately tailored, her hair swept back into a neatbun, looked at me questioningly as I stood before the court, shamefaced andtrembling.

"Guilty, Ma'am"

The lady to her right, her black hair shining under the strong lights, hadpursed her red lips into a thoughtful expression before speaking. "You haveno legal representation; do you wish the court to appoint someone?"

I managed to stammer a reply.

I am guilty er Ma'am.. er I have no er… defence."

She looked me in the eye.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I have nothing to say Ma'am."

"You are not even sorry?" Her sardonic expression was accented by one beautifuleyebrow raised quizzically as she questioned me.

I stammered, like the fool I felt. "Oh no, Ma'am… I er… meanI am most dreadfully sorry. I deserve to be guilty…er I mean I am guiltyand most dreadfully sorry." I could not stop myself. I felt tears well up inmy eyes. I er only had a mile to go… er and the road is always desertedat that time of night… and I drove so slowly er that the police carstopped me…" I could not stop my tears flowing as I rambled on.

"I mean to say… I was a fool… er an inconsiderate stupid, stupidfool. I had no thought for the consequences or who I might have harmed…andno one to blame but myself. I am so, so, so sorry Ma'am."

I stood silent, I had been a fool and I knew it. I could not help my tearsI looked down at my feet and waited for the worst, hearing only the clacketyclack from the machine of the court stenographer.

The Lady who was sat at the other side of the senior judge had looked atme long and hard while I had been questioned. She was probably in her lateforties and although attractive, looked as if she did not suffer fools gladly.

I did not raise my head again to see them leave; I looked to my side, myattention drawn by a gentle tug on my sleeve. It was the court officer whohad first led me in. She had a kindly and concerned expression on her face.I was too upset to appreciate the nuance of her look as she whispered to me. "Youmay sit while the judges consider their verdict."

I can't remember how long I waited. I could not stop crying, I consideredwhat would have happed… had I run someone over… or hit anothercar… all the possible outcomes of driving when one's reactions are slowed.

I was not privy to the deliberations behind the large wooden door that ledoff from the back of the judge's benches.


Constance Hartman

She had known, as soon as she saw him, what his fate would be. For Constance,his young good looks and slim well-proportioned body were all too few and farbetween in her courtroom. Constance had been a senior judge in the newly termed,'Young Offenders Court', for five years. She had served the bench well, enjoyingthe stature of her worthwhile profession and taking pride in her quality decisionsregarding the future of her young offenders.

It had been the introduction of the 'Punishment Centers' that had made hersee a side to herself that she had never in her wildest dreams thought thatshe had possessed.

She had felt guilty at the thrill that had run through her body the firsttime that they had all been invited to a model and experimental PunishmentCenter in another state.

She had not dared look at her fellow justices as she had watched a nakedteenager being soundly strapped by a woman police officer. The image had playedconstantly on her mind… and even in her sexually oriented dreams. Ithad been a source of excitement to her. The model center had quickly foundthat the effectiveness of center was increased by the use of all female personnel.The shame and humiliation of the youth was increased to such an extent thatmany of the more persistent law breakers rarely visited twice.

For the state the financial benefits had been extraordinarily good. Insteadof the cost of hundreds of staff to administer probation or run boot camps,thirty or so young women could process up to five offenders a day. If too manyturned up at one time they were left in the basement cells until they couldbe dealt with. The whole process of court to punishment was done in privateand therefore, a one time offender could be sentenced, takes his punishmentand have none of his friends or employers know that he had committed any crime.This was one of the reasons that offenders were given twenty-eight days toattend.

When the centers had opened within her own jurisdiction, she had been oneof the first to sentence a young offender to its corporal methods of punishment.

She had quickly discovered that her delight was heightened only by the good-lookingyoung boys as they were being punished.

Unfortunately the sentenced youth could attend at anytime within a twenty-eightday period and as such her visits were often filled with disappointment. Itwas only as she became on personal terms with some of the staff at certaincenters that they would quietly and with discretion let her know who had arrived;or rather what the young boy… or sometimes girl looked like.

She stifled her imagination as she looked at her fellow judges. She was quitesure that as senior judge her recommendations would be well heeded. Betterthan that, she knew that she was quite adept at sowing the seeds for someoneelse to make the right decision. Constance also had certain knowledge, althoughthe subject was never broached… that her fellow justices also took akeen delight in the strapping of a good looking young boy.

"Well he is pleading guilty; without representation he is at the mercy ofthe court, which is a foolhardy action, brought about I believe, because heis full of remorse and intends to not make the same mistake again." She paused. "Ireally do believe that he is full of remorse."

"Well there is not a lot we can do. I suppose that it is no excuse that thelimit has only been dropped for four days. I suppose he will be about the firstto be prosecuted under the new limits."

"But only one milligram over it, if he had waited and had the sample takenin blood, he would have been clear."

"I know, the arresting officer has stated that he waived his right to waitfor a doctor and a blood sample, it says he was full of self-guilt and justkept saying he was sorry… but now we have to decide… the optionsaren't many."

Constance looked at her companions.

"Well there aren't any really. I obviously won't send him to jail of course,and the probation services are stretched to capacity and are taking on no morenew cases, so there is only the punishment center. If we defer it to the nextsessions, they will want to know why… and what can we tell them… thathe was utterly contrite?"

"I know… it just seems unfair… that we get belligerent, obviousdiehard drinkers that get caught on their thousandth journey, having got awaywith it time and time again… and of course they will use every ruse...including of course delaying things for as long as possible by waiting fora doctor, whom they hope will be on another call…oh well."

Constance read the pre-court report as she pretended to consider what todo. "He is a very unfortunate young man. He lost both parents in a car accidentlast year and has been living in an apartment by himself since then. He hasno record of any kind and seems to be quite a responsible young man, apartfrom this."

The dark haired judge spoke, her voice low and thoughtful. "Yes it must havebeen a traumatic year for him, since he lost his parents… and yet hehas kept to his work and has not gone off the rails."

She looked pensive for a moment and then spoke again.

"There is one thing… if we were to send him to the one center we allknow… if you get my meaning, We could make sure that… well atleast afterwards, he would get… well, erm… more looked after… urmless traumatic… do you both think."

The senior judge looked at her companion, a smile spreading across her face. "SometimesKate, I think you are heaven sent for this court. Yes of course…allagreed? I will just change the form from any center toCenter No. 19"



I felt a gentle hand on my arm, bidding me to stand up. I did not see thekindly look upon officer's face as I stood with shaking legs, as the judgesre-entered the court.

I stood as straight as I could, I tried looking at the three female judgesand then my cowardice took over and I hung my head in shame.

"Stephen Woodrow Ryder." I looked up as the clear voice of the senior judgeaddressed me. "You are sentenced to attend a punishment center, during thenext twenty eight days. You must attend within this period or you will be arrestedand appear before me on a far more serious charge, which will result in yourloss of freedom for a considerable period of time. You will also not be allowedto drive a motor vehicle for a period of nine months from this date and youwill be bound over for two years. Do you understand?"

I managed to look at her as I answered. I could not help the trembling ofmy voice as I almost sobbed my reply.

"Yes Ma'am, thank you Ma'am… I am er.. most sorry for my stupidityMa'am."

I hung my head as I heard the prosecuting lawyer speak in a loud voice. "Courtis adjourned"

I heard the court officer whisper to me as the judges filed out. "Come withme and I will give you your forms. Her voice was kindly and for the life ofme I couldn't understand why.

The punishment centers had been existence for over a year now and had beendesigned for a variety of crimes, vandalism, joyriding, petty theft and drinkdriving. They were specifically designed for the juvenile male although onodd occasions, for severe or repeat offences girls had been sentenced to attend.I knew very little about them and anecdotal hearsay of what punishment, punishmentcenters actually doled out was a closely guarded secret. Offenders who hadactually visited the centers were not allowed to say what the punishments consistedof for fear of being immediately arrested for contempt of court; and the governmenthad banned newspapers from speculating on what the punishments might be orreporting hearsay from offenders. All that was known was that they were aneffective method of curbing adolescent crime and that there were very few repeatoffences.

I sat at the desk in front of the young court officer, my eyes were stillfull of tears and I still could not repress the odd sob of deep regret as Iwaited. I noticed that she had taken off her uniformed jacket and was wearinga white shirt. Her breasts seemed firm as they pressed against the crisp whitematerial as she leaned towards me.

After she had finished sifting the forms and putting them in order she spoke. "Ifyou will sign these. Please"

She handed me a sheaf of forms, which I signed without reading. She tookthem from me, her slender fingers shuffling the papers into a neat pile beforehanding me the top copy.

"Take this with you… you are to attend Center 19 any time withinthe next twenty eight days." I felt sure that she gave me a look of kindnessand sympathy as I got up and turned to leave. On impulse I turned back to her.I looked at the soft expression of sympathy upon her face and although I wasnear to tears again I managed to stammer. "Thank you for your help er.. Miss,I am so sorry to have caused so much trouble."


Constance picked up the telephone as she smiled conspiratorially at her fellowjudges. "I think a telephone call would be more judicious than a note… don'tyour think." She laughed at her own pun as she dialled the number.

"Martha… oh good… and you? Yes the same! Yes we have had ayoung man in this morning. I don't want to influence you in any way… andI know the punishment is statutory; but I would ask you to let everyone readthe court report."

Constance listened for a short while and then spoke again. "Oh yes… ifit had been for more severity I would have put a recommendation on the form."

She listened again for a few moments and then spoke softly. "Yes… Ihad not immediately thought of that. Yes I know it could be short notice… butif we are free we will certainly attend. I think that he is so contrite thatit might even be today, its still early enough… before twelve isn'tit?"

She listened once more and then thanked the woman on the other end of thephone.


I was determined that I should get this whole sorry mess over and done with.I returned to my apartment and showered thoroughly. Changing into clean clothes,I looked for the address on the form. Offenders must attend BEFORE twelve noon.You may be detained overnight. You may bring any medicines that have been properlysubscribed. You may NOT bring luggage. Forty minutes later I was on my way.The cab dropped me off one street away, somehow I think the driver suspectedwhere I was heading, but I walked quickly into a florist shop and waited untilhe had departed before making my way to Number 26/28 Arlett Street.

The building looked like every other government office on the street. Itdid not have a sign other than its number, etched discreetly into a brushedchromium plaque set into the wall beside the glass door. The door was framedin stainless steel with a broad bar across the front of the glass. The glassof the door matched the windows, with its opaque smoked glass, guarding theview of the interior from the street.

So here I was waiting at the business-like counter of Punishment Center 19.The glass that had portrayed my apparition of Debbie Pearson, separated mefrom the young girl who spoke into the microphone on her side of the glass.. "CanI help you?" Her voice sounded strangely neutral through the small speakerthat must have been concealed somewhere in the counter surface.

"Er my name is Steve.. er Stephen Ryder, I have to report here within erm..er twenty eight days.. er, so I have come today."

I felt foolish and embarrassed talking to the young girl behind the counter,whom, no doubt, would know the details of my crime.

She looked no older than seventeen; the cuffs of her crisp white shirt werefolded back at the sleeve, revealing her slender wrists. She wore a neat stainlesssteel watch on her left wrist and a tiny silver chain adorned the other. Herface looked neat and attractive with a minimum of make-up; her appearance wasslightly studious, no doubt aided by the wire framed spectacles that she waswearing.

"Can I have your form please… you did bring it with you?" Her voicewas questioning as she looked at me, her eyes were quite obvious in her interestof looking me up and down.

I fumbled in my jacket pocket and produced the form which I put in the traywhich was set into the counter and allowed objects to be passed to the otherside. I slid the form towards her, underneath the glass partition.

She did not thank me, but read the form for several moments before she extendedher slender manicured fingers forwards and pressed a button on her counterposition. "Please wait there and I will send someone out to fetch you. Shemotioned behind me and I looked around to see that there were three chairsopposite the counter, the backs of them against the smoked glass of the window.For the first time I noticed that because of the light, one could see out ofthe windows, although passers by could not see in. There was a low glass tablein the centre of the room on which were placed a variety of Government informationleaflets.

I took the middle seat and waited;. I mused at my fright on seeing someoneI thought was Debbie Pearson… and then I remembered that it could notpossible have been her. I had often enquired in a quite causal way of old schoolfriends what ever happened to so and so, eventually slipping Debbie's nameinto the list of people I enquired about. I had found out by this reasonablysubtle method, that she had gone on to do nursing. The last time that I hadenquired I was told that she had qualified and that she was now a theatre nurse,having moved to another city, although they couldn't remember where.

I sat and waited. The young receptionist reappeared several times behindthe counter but paid me little attention. I was too embarrassed to ask howlong I would have to wait and instead started thinking about what my punishmentwould be. I had heard of aversion therapy for drink driving and wondered whetherI would be shown a series of films about the blood and carnage that can becaused by drink driving.

Althea Jones

Althea Jones had been sixteen when she had joined the court service as anassistant to the probation officer. When the Punishment Centers had been firstplanned she had seen the advertisement for staff in the Government employee'smagazine. Although she had not realised the full import of the new department,she had read with interest the prospects of advancement and promotion. Theone word that had taken her eye from the start had even sent a thrill of excitementthrough her… the word 'Punishment'.

It had been a pleasant surprise when she had learned the actualities of thecenter's purpose and methods… and had been more of a surprise to herwhen she had been promoted to the front counter; the Center's first point ofcontact with offenders. She soon realised that her job was not just lookingafter the first reception of the offender, but that she was playing an integralpart in the conditioning of the convicted criminal.

Althea had, for as long as she could remember, known that she was different.Not in any outward appearance, other than that she was extremely pretty: butin the fact that she liked to dominate boys.

Her realization had come very early on in her young life. She had seen anold illustration in a book in her father's library. It had shown a young woman,smartly dressed in epaulette'd uniform, smacking the bared bottom of a youngteenage boy. His trousers had been pulled down to his ankles and he seemedto be screaming furiously as the young lady's hand descended onto the reddenedcheeks of his bottom.

She could not recognise the uniform, but the setting seemed to be an officialplace of punishment, she thought that perhaps because of the style and settingof the room that it might in a police station. There was no reference to theillustration, and as the book was written in German she was unable to readthe text.

Time and time again, she had waited until her parents were out and takenthe book from the shelf to gaze at the illustration.

She had told no-one of her discovery and had never discussed, even with herclosest friends, how that vivid illustration had made her feel.

As she became older she realised that she was indeed different to the restof her girlfriends. Instead of their gushing enthusiasm at being kissed onthe lips by this boy or that, she had, had an entirely different view of theopposite sex.

Her fantasies involved subjugating boys on every level, including her favouriteimage of taking his trousers down and holding his penis while she spanked hisbottom.

She had eventually, after very careful consideration, chosen a boyfriend.Not the muscular football player that most girls seemed to favour, but a slim,well-proportioned boy, just a year older than herself. Her choice had suitedher well, although for the boy, the pleasures were at best… mixed.

Her first date was planned to perfection. Instead of the movies or dance,she had invited him home for the evening while her parents were away overnight.She had carefully and expertly teased him, with little and affectionate touches;a hand gently caressing his cheek, or her face touching his as she leaned overhim to pass him a drink.

The boy had responded, although timidly, by thinking that he could go further.It was his first fumbled sexual advance, as he tried to touch her breasts,which sealed the relationship.

She had jumped up as if utterly shocked. Her protests making the boy blushnervously and then shake with dear as she threatened to tell not only her parents,but also to phone his mother, whom she knew to be exceedingly prim.

The result was that either he was punished by her or she would tell, embellishingthe description of his fumbling to that of attempted rape.

Relieved at first, he had agreed… only to realise in shock and anguish,what the alternative would be.

It had taken some time, before he realised that her threat was real and serious.She had emphasized what the dire consequences of his parents being informedwould actually mean to him… and suggested that it was possible thatthe school would find out. It never once occurred to him, that he had beencleverly and expertly set-up.

Althea often smiled to her self at the thought that in reality it had onlytaken an hour and a half from him walking through her front door, to the sceneshe remembered vividly.

She had made him strip to his under shorts, knowing that it would have takena lot longer to get him to part with them willingly. She had eventually coaxedhim to lie over her pretty knees. Once in position she had quickly pulled thegarment down to his thighs, his shock at being bared so intimately had madehim cling to his position rather than reveal his penis and testicles to hergaze.

The rest had been easy. A hairbrush placed conveniently and innocently besideher chair was quickly brought into play. He had cried and gasped with the realisationthat he was indeed being spanked. The fire in his buttocks had brought himto floods of tears as he was relentlessly spanked with the hard-backed brush.

"What a naughty cry-baby you are… thinking that you could have yourway with me… how disgusting… aren't you ashamed of yourself?" Herwords had so belittled him that it was a few seconds before he realised thathis under-shorts had been briskly pulled down to his ankles. It had taken Altheano effort at all to entirely remove the garments… or to deftly grasphis testicles by thrusting her hand between his legs and grasping the delicateorbs of flesh in her slender fingers.

Although she had had no experience, she managed to hold them firmly, butwithout causing undue pain. Still holding him, she had made him stand withhis back to her, as she retained her grip on him.

After that, her confidence grew. She slipped her other hand around his hipsand grasped his penis, which she suddenly realised had stiffened to becomesemi-erect. She had made him turn towards her, and had used both hands to holdhis penis and testicles from the front; gripping him firmly with a threat tosqueeze harder if he did not obey.

Her triumph over him was the culmination of all her fantasies. She had manipulatedhim to her will. The rest of the evening for Althea was relaxed and enjoyedentirely at her leisure. In protest and shame she had spanked him while hewas standing up. She had made him stand sideways, holding his penis firmlyin her hand while she had laid more strokes of the hair-brush over his buttocksuntil he had sobbed and begged for her to stop.

For Althea, the grand finale… the epitome of his shame had been carriedout in a delicious sexual ritual: she had made him kneel on the thick armsof her easy chair with his head hanging over the cushioned back and with alarge bath towel underneath him.

As he hung his head in shame and anguish, she had applied baby lotion tohis bottom, her hand smoothing over his buttocks as she spoke to him.

"Poor baby, did I hurt you very much, never mind, it will all be better soon."

He was blushing and trembling as her fingers first brushed against his tightlyclosed sphincter. Impudently she had insinuated her finger-tip up through theopening, experimenting with varying movements and pressure until she had foundthe soft mound of his prostate.

Her knowledge of its location had already been carefully and diligently researchedin the copious volumes of anatomy books she had taken from the public library.

He had gasped and groaned, his anguish almost palpable as she had reachedaround his hips, her hand brushing over his tummy as it moved down to his erectpenis.

He had continued to gasp and groan, almost wailing in anguish and embarrassmentas she retracted his foreskin for the first time.

She had, with increasing dexterity milked him… keeping a steady rhythmwithin his bottom and over the sensitive flesh of his penis. She had grownbolder and more vigorous; his gasps and groans giving her excellent clues asto the effect of her manipulation to his prostate and penis.

Within minutes he was ejaculating wildly; his body shaking and tremblingas he gasped for air. She did not stop until she had milked the very last dropfrom him.

She smiled as she thought back to that time. She had honed her dominant skillsand her sexual technique to perfection upon her reluctant model. She had madehim attend her house when ever circumstances permitted it. She had spankedhim and milked him to her hearts content, each time the pain and pleasure,more exquisite, more unbearable. For the seventeen months until she had leftschool, she had experimented with his body and his psyche. The vivid illustrationin her fathers book brought to life.

She looked over to where the young man was seated. She had already admiredhis good looks and clean cut appearance. It was usually the tattooed younghooligans that were the bread and butter of the center's reluctant clientele.They were usually scruffy, most of them ugly and brash, certainly not the typeof youth that would have taken her interest. This one seemed different. Hewas well spoken, perhaps timid, but certainly attractive. His body looked trimand lithe and he seemed fit and healthy.

She noted that he had blushed several times as he had looked across at her,perhaps it was because of his embarrassment at his crime… or perhapsshe thought, that he was embarrassed about her knowing that he had had to attendfor punishment.

One thing, that she was certain of… was that he had not even the remotestidea of what his punishment would be. She squeezed her legs together at thedelicious thought.



As I looked around the room in my idleness I noticed that there were onlytwo doors apart from the one I entered from the street. Both were marked private.One was at the opposite end of the counter and one was to my right. Both weremade from a smooth grey easy clean surface that seems to be indicative of mostgovernment offices. For the first time I noticed a small sign that had beenplaced beneath one of the many security cameras; it read. 'Mobile Phones MustBe Switched Off'. I felt in my pockets for my own mobile phone and checkedthat there were no messages.

I had already given a week's prior notice that I would be taking my freedays off this week and so would not be back in the office for eight days. Ithankfully switched it off, before it could incur anyone's displeasure.

Suddenly I heard the distinct sound of an automatic lock being activatedwithin the frame of the door to the street. I looked around as a second lockmechanism was being activated, this time the sound came from the door to myright which was marked private. I watched as it opened and a strikingly prettywoman in police uniform entered the room. She was pulling a trolley which lookedvery similar to a supermarket shopping cart. The only difference being, thatin front of the basket there looked to be a small locker.

Her dark hair was tied back from her pretty face, emphasising the well definedbone structure of her sun-bronzed face. Her shirt bore the epaulets and stripesof a sergeant. I noticed that her breasts seemed very prominent against theloose material of her blue shirt and that her City badge was laying at angleover the slope of her right breast rather than hanging from her shirt..

Around her slim waist, she wore a wide leather belt, which supported an assortmentof equipment. I observed that there were handcuffs, a radio communicator anda rather odd night stick that looked more like a cattle prod. I remained seateduntil she spoke.

Reading from a plastic name tag which had a flat plastic band attached toit… and in turn was attached to her clipboard, she said.

"Stephen Woodrow Ryder… is that you?"

I muttered my confirmation as she wheeled the cart further into the centerof the room.

"O.K. Now listen to me." Her voice was not harsh but had an air of authorityto it as she looked me directly in the eye.

"You paying attention….? Good. Between now and when you leave, youobey every order immediately, without questions, without delay. Now tell me… whatdo you do?"

I was speechless for a moment and then in a rather shaky voice I replied. "erI obey every order..erm immediately without erm… question.

"Right now for your own good… remember that. So repeat it one moretime."

I felt foolish, as if I was in class at school. I looked towards the glasspartition and saw that the receptionist was watching me as I stood listeningto the sergeant.

"Don't look away… look at me. Now tell me again what do you do?" Shehad raised her voice slightly, but still had that air of quiet authority.

"I er…obey immediately and er… don't ask questions."

"Well that is the essence of it." She lowered her voice and looked at mewith a kind almost concerned expression on her face.

"Look Sweetie… I am trying to help you get through today… sotell me again."

"I obey every order. .erm without question and without delay."

"O.K Strip and put your clothes in here." She indicated the basket" Yourwatch, any money you may have, mobile phones etc. You put in this locker here.Got it?"

I know I must have looked dumbfounded. I could not believe for a moment thatshe meant me to strip… right here in the office. I looked at her, incredulousat what she had asked me to do.

"You mean take my clothes off… here?"

"You forget very quickly, I thought you had learned your little rule. Nowtell me it again, what must you do." I felt utterly stupid and embarrassedas I looked at her. Her attractive face bore an expression of impatience asshe waited for me to repeat the rule.

"I obey every order erm without question and without delay… but…"

"Let's just stop before we get to the 'butts', shall we?"

She stood with her legs astride and her hands upon her hips. Her well formedlegs forming her skirt into and A shape.

"Right here we go again. Strip… put your clothes in the basket andyour personal items in the locker." She spoke in a tired fashion, putting herflattened hand out towards me in a gesture similar to a traffic cop stoppinga car at a junction.

"Not another word. Go to it… Strip."

I looked at her and then feeling utterly foolish began to stake my jacketoff. I folded it and put it in the basket. Slowly and feeling utterly humiliatedand ashamed, I undressed, occasionally glancing at the glass patrician, onlyto see that the receptionist was still looking at me without a trace of surpriseor embarrassment on her face.

"Come on Sugar… I haven't got all day."

The sergeant glanced at her watch before looking back at me.

I hurried my undressing until I had placed my shoes, with socks inside, ontop of the pile of clothes and my watch, phone and wallet in the locker. Ifelt utterly foolish as I stood before her in just my underpants.

"I said strip… that includes the pants."

She stood looking at me with her hands resting on the belt at her waist.I felt the heat from the redness in my cheeks as my body shivered with acuteembarrassment..

"I could not help looking at her. My voice pleading as I stammered throughmy embarrassment.

"Pleeease er… miss… er sergeant… not with.." I glancedat the counter. "Not… erm my underwear… please not erm here."

I watched as her hands went towards the nightstick and then suddenly sheseemed to decide… and I think gave me the benefit of her benevolence.

"Look sweetie… this day is going to be tough enough as it is. Thatis why I made you repeat the rule. Now without this gets more unpleasant foryou… take your pants down and put them in the basket." The kindnessand sincerity in her voice made me stop and consider my position. Only twohours ago I had been full of remorse and now I was whinging about the punishment.

I felt my face blush and another shiver run through me as turned away fromher and hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my under shorts. Feeling utterlystupid and humiliated, I pushed them down my legs, acutely aware of the obviousprurient interest of girl behind the counter.

I held my under shorts against my body, making sure that they were coveringmy genitals, before clasping my bare hands to my groin as I quickly put themon top of the pile of clothes, covering myself again with both hands.

I stood crouching over, my knees pressed together and my hands clasped firmlyover my penis and testicles as I looked at her through a mist of humiliation.

"O.K. now I have some questions to ask you. So pay attention, you got that?" Inodded feeling utterly foolish at my nakedness in front of her. Unconcernedat my embarrassment she read from the clipboard.

"Ever suffered from heart problems?"

"Er… no." I answered.

"Do you have a pacemaker?"

I answered to the negative.

"Ever suffered with a hernia?" I shook my head.

"Rheumatic fever?"

Again I shook my head as she carried on with a whole serious of questionsrelated to my health. Eventually she finished the list and looked at me straightin the eye. I could not help my blush of embarrassment at her close scrutinyof my naked body.

"O.K., now turn around and face the window." Her instruction caused me toblush once more. Ashamedly I faced the window. Looking out towards the street,I had never felt so naked. I tried to convince myself that I could not be seenby passers-by and yet the view of the young girls walking in the street, goingabout their business just a few feet from my nakedness, seemed to accent mypeculiar and humiliating situation.

I heard her move to stand behind me, as I crouched forward trying to retainmy modesty from the front. I knew that she, and the girl behind the counter,would have a perfect view of my naked bottom.

Suddenly it happened… a blinding pain shot through my left buttock.I instantly fell forward, my left leg immediately became completely numb, failingto support my weight.. I tried to break my fall, at the same time trying toclasp a hand to my buttock which felt as if it were on fire. The terrible painseemed to envelope the whole left side of my body. I felt dizzy and sick asI felt myself falling to the floor, writhing in agony. I looked up feelinghurt and full of anguish and indignity. I could see the pretty sergeant casuallyreplace the cattle prod device back into her belt. I had forgotten my modestyin the shock and hurt of the moment. I was writhing upon the floor, my penisand testicles flopping lewdly from side to side as I tried to rid myself ofthe pain.

The sergeant stood over me, her eyes betraying no surprise at my anguishas I writhed uncontrollably. I rubbed my buttocks hard against the course materialof the carpet in absolute torment at the pain which cut through my body likea knife. Eventually I managed to clasp my hands over my penis and testicles,aware, even through the haze of pain, of high ridiculous I must have lookedto her.

It was several moments before I could get to my knees and then eventually… standshakily in front of the pretty young sergeant.

She looked me up and down, her expression not unkindly. "It hits some guysharder than others, but the effects don't last long. Don't think I am pickingon you… everybody gets it."

Her voice became softer as she saw the tears well up in my eyes. "Look sweetie,you need to know what this thing does." She patted the device hanging fromher belt. "That was on number two; this thing goes to number ten! Get the picture,you don't disobey… and you don't hesitate… get it?"

I could not help the tears that rolled down my cheeks as I looked at her.Whether it was the kindness in her voice or the pain and humiliation of theviolent electric shock, I could not tell.

"Let me tell you something else. You are wondering… or you certainlywill do soon, why I didn't give you number one as a demonstration. Number oneis for your balls," She looked at my groin as she spoke. I could not help lookingdown myself, my eyes involuntarily following hers to my hands which were stillfirmly clasped over my genitals.

"A prod in those little plums of yours is a pain you would remember for therest of your life. So you had better look lively when you are given an order.Do you understand now?"

"Yes er miss… It is just the shock and erm… embarrassing ermbeing undressed like this" I could not help further tears from running downmy cheeks as I spoke.

She looked at me, this time her face showed real concern. She moved towardsme and put her hand on to my shoulder. Her fingers were gentle and cool againstmy fevered skin. Somehow I felt real warmth and affection from her, in spiteof the pain she had made me endure.

"Look sweetie." Her face moved closer to mine and she whispered softly tome.

"Forget your embarrassment; embarrassment doesn't hurt like the stunner does.You are here for your punishment, the law requires it… so try and takeit easy and do what you are told. It won't be easy… but it is betterthan adding to it, alright sweetie?" Her lips were almost touching my cheekas I listened to her. For some reason I wished right then, that she would puther arms around me and kiss me tenderly. I could not stop my tears from flowingdown my cheeks or my body trembling with emotion.

"Right give me you left hand."

I looked at her with a worried expression upon my face.

"Don't worry I an not going to zap you again… unless of course youdisobey."

My concern was not just that she was going too hurt me that I would haveto take my hand away from my genitals. Fumbling to cover my penis and testicleswith one hand,

I raised my arm out in front of me. Gently she took my wrist and placed theplastic tag around it. She took a small stapler type device from her pocketand sealed the strap.

"Just so that we don't forget who you are." she smiled.

She stood back and looked at me. "O.K. Stephen, let's get on with it. Goand stand in front of that door." She indicated the door marked PRIVATE throughwhich she had entered.

I crouched in my position of knees pressed together and hands clasped tomy groin and shuffled rather than walked to stand in front of the door. I couldfeel my shoulders shaking with my sobs… and yet could do nothing aboutmy distress.

I heard her turn the shopping cart around, so that she could pull it- ratherthan push it, before she moved forward to stand behind me. Suddenly I feltthe coolness of her delicate fingers stroke over my buttocks and heard hervoice speak gently to me.

"Poor baby… such a sensitive soul aren't you."

I shivered and tried to stifle a sob as the electronic lock released itsmechanism and the door opened to reveal an empty corridor. There was a noticeupon the wall. It read: 'Foul or abusive language WILL result in further punishment.'She waited, making sure I had read the notice.

I heard her voice; again it was soft and caring.

"Walk forward and stop in front of the second door on the right. Don't askquestions, don't hesitate, don't disobey and you'll get through this… socome along sweetie let's get moving."

As I stood in front of the unmarked door, I felt the sergeant brush pastme and knock. She resumed her position behind me and putting her soft handsupon my hips, whispered in my ear. "O.K. sweetie, remember, don't resist anddon't question." I felt sure that it was her lips that touched my neck as shelet go of my waist.

The door opened to reveal two tall female warders. Their bodies were breathtakinglybeautiful, bodies with the height and physique that one imagines Amazonianwomen would have. Each wore a white shirt and black tie. Their navy skirtswere knee length and did little to hide the superb proportions of their hipsand legs. Hanging from each of their belts were a set of handcuff and a cattleprod.

They could have been sisters, their pretty faces were so similar; high cheekbones,with beautiful blue eyes, straight nose and firm jaw line. No uniform, howeversevere, could disguise their firm breasts and narrow waists. Behind them inthe totally tiled room stood four nurses, two each side of a rubber paddedbench which was set into the centre of the floor.

Several broad leather straps were hanging down from the shiny rubber surface,the brightness of the stainless steel buckles, glinted under the brightnessof the circular operating room light in the ceiling. To the rear of the paddedbench were several baths as well as a row of sinks.

Rubber tubing and several strange medical apparatus hung from hooks on thewalls or were placed on shelves surrounding the other three sides of the room.A tall chromium I.V. stand had been placed to one side of the bench, its tubingrunning down to a portable instrument trolley, which contained a plethora ofinstruments as well as tubes, jars and bottles of various liquids and ointments.

All the nurses looked to be young, perhaps eighteen or nineteen years old.They were each wearing rubber aprons over their uniforms and their hands wereencased in surgical gloves. They were all extremely pretty, unlike most hospitalnurses, their make-up had been perfectly applied to their beautiful faces andtheir uniforms were beautifully fitted to accent the lovely curves of theirbodies.

There were two blondes and two with dark, almost black hair; the one thingthey had in common was their look of cool appraisal at my naked body.

I was not left waiting at the door for long as the next few moments becamea blur of hurried activity. I felt a firm push in the small of my back andalmost simultaneously, as the two Amazonians moved forward, my arms were heldand forced outright to each side of my shoulders, baring my genitals to thegaze of the young nurses. I felt myself being forced forward over the sideof the padded bench. My head and arms were hanging down towards the floor asmy body was forced into the required position.

I ended up with my chest pressed against the bench and a strap being securedaround my back to hold me there. Two of the nurses stood at either side ofmy exposed buttocks. I felt them both use both of their hands to pull my buttocksapart, stretching my flesh so tightly that I gasped with the pressure. Thebench's height ensured that my legs were spread apart as I felt the firm fingersof a third nurse start probing at the entrance to my sphincter with her lubricatedfingers.

I grunted with pain and shame as she expertly slid her slender finger upinto my bottom. I could not believe what was happened to me as suddenly a largeslippery metal nozzle was pushed against the entrance to my bottom.

I balked at their intention: that they should try and put such a large objectinside me. I yelled with fright and pain as the pressure increased and thensuddenly I felt my sphincter give way to the rounded metal tip. My knees trembledas my feet splayed out against the tiled floor. My body stiffened as I triedto resist, helplessly bent low over the bench. The muscles of my neck tensedin response to the wide stainless steel nozzle that was being forced up throughmy sphincter and into my anus.

Jenny Leander

Sergeant Leander had looked on as the boy was deftly handled by the two warders.She had seen this routine on a daily basis and yet she could not stifle thesexual thrill she felt, as the naked young man was unceremoniously bent overthe bench. She had felt a sudden impulse to thrust her fingers up the youngoffender's bottom, when the nurses in their practiced manner, had stood ateach side of him and used both their hands to stretch his buttocks apart.

I guess he's getting a lot more than my fingers right now, she thought asshe watched the nozzle suddenly disappear through the sphincter muscle.

She usually had little concern for the fate of most of the offenders. Butthis one was different. His body was superbly proportioned and his face unusuallygood looking, with clear skin and neat features.

It had become obvious to her, that he was extremely sensitive and seemedto quite timid and shy in front of women. Somehow she had always liked thattype of boy rather than the brash macho thugs that the center usually had todeal with. Another fact which had not escaped her notice was the well endowedsize of the boy's penis. She had examined him carefully as he had writhed uponthe floor with the sudden agony of her cattle prod.

Of course, the staff at the centre had all been carefully chosen. It hadbeen determined that the all punishment center staff was to be female. It hadbeen a policy from the offset, that the prettier the girl, the more humiliatedthe male offender would be. The girls here had not only to be pretty to theextreme, but also capable and self assured.

It was never admitted that perhaps some of them took more delight than theyshould in subjugating the male… but Jenny knew from her own feelingsthat this was probably the case. In fact if she were to be truthful she couldnot think of one of the staff here that had not at some time or other takenan obvious delight in handling the naked male body.

She had already been aware when she had first seen Stephen that, becauseof his good looks and superb body, the girls would be making the most of havinghim under their control.



Not a word was spoken as the nurses busied themselves around me. I felt mybuttocks being released as the first gush of water rushed inside me. "Pleassseeeerr.. miss." I yelled as the warm soapy liquid filled my stomach. I had neverfelt such a sensation as the water continued to pour inside me. The pain wasintense as the water seemed to gush and churn within the very centre of mybeing… and yet the nurses paid my distress no heed.

I was acutely aware of how blatantly my genitals must be displayed to thenurses from behind my spread-legged position. The water seemed to have stoppedand I heard the nurses move away from the table.

I was left to my own thoughts for about five minutes until they returned.After this short painful interlude of stomach cramps the humiliation continued;the nozzle was deftly pulled from my bottom and at the same time my buttockswere once more pulled apart. I felt a cool soft hand press upwards againstmy lower stomach and my buttocks being spread even wider. I shivered as a coldpan was placed between my legs, its stainless steel rim pressing against theinside of my thighs. I could not help evacuating noisily as they increasedthe pressure on my stomach and the parting of my buttocks, stretching my bottomapart so widely that I was unable to retain the control of my sphincter andthe liquid within me.

They continued stretching my buttock and pressing my tummy until I was completelyempty. I felt my ears ringing with shame as a wash cloth was carelessly slappedbetween my buttocks and I felt my bottom being wiped summarily.

This time one of the nurses took a huge syringe from the trolley and heldit while her companion held a jug of soapy water. The handle of the pump actionextended probably two feet from the cylinder when it was fully charged. Againmy buttocks were stretched apart to their limit, as once more, the nurse'sslippery rubber-clad fingers invaded my bottom, applying more lubricant beforethe longer nozzle of the syringe was pushed up inside me.

"Arggghh "I yelled as suddenly. a huge jet of water invaded my stomach. Itried to rear up, but could not, as the sensation of the water shocked thevery core of my system.

Twice more the syringe was filled before they seemed satisfied with the distensionof my painful stomach. Once again I was left… until the hands returnedto prise open my buttocks and stretch my sphincter. This time the nurse usedtwo hands to press against my stomach.

I was in turmoil as I was forced to evacuate the now almost clear liquidinto the stainless steel pan. My shame and humiliation knew no bounds.

Once again a clean warm wash-cloth firmly and diligently wiped my bottomand between my legs, before I felt the strap being released and I was helpedto a standing position, this time facing the end of the bench.

I was able to look at the nurses properly for the first time. They seemedamused by my plight, their pretty faces betraying the hint of a smile betweeneach other. I felt foolish and stupid as I once more clasped my hands to mygenitals. The nurse on my left smiled at my instinctive action as once againthe female warders grasped my arms and turned me around so that my buttockswere touching the end of the bench,

Without warning the young warders tipped me backwards and grabbed my legswhich they held high and wide until my knees were positioned either side ofmy face. I looked down at my body… my bottom was lifted off the tableand my penis and testicles were exposed and openly available for everyone tosee. I felt a folded towel being pressed between the bench and the small ofmy back, to keep my buttocks raised up above the rubber surface.

I groaned with dismay as two of the pretty young nurses moved around to theedge of the bench and looked down at my exposed genitalia. Casually, as ifit was of no consequence to her, one of the nurses reached forward and flippedmy flaccid penis up from between my legs, so that it lay against my stomach,pointing towards my naval. I could not contain my embarrassment as I groanedloudly and turned my head away… only to see that the young sergeantwas watching my shame from the side of the room.

To my utter horror and anguish, I watched as the nurse lathered her handsand with a knowing look, started to apply the lather between the cheeks ofmy buttocks. The second nurse casually lifted my testicles as her companionproceeded to soap thoroughly, her fingers needlessly exploring the sensitiveopening of my sphincter. I shivered in shame as the two nurses shaved me, liftingmy testicles as they wished, completely denuding me of hair between my buttocksand around my testicles.

My heart sank as even my scrotum was not spared their attentions, they stretchedthe flesh, this way and that, stretching the skin to its limit, so that itcould be stroked over with the razor until it was clear of hair.

It was with a callous, almost casual action that the smaller of the two nursestook the tip of my penis between her finger and thumb and lifted it away frommy body. I tried to squirm out of her grasp, but was held firmly by the twowarders. I could not escape the humiliation as she stretched my penis upwardsby its tip, while the other nurse proceeded to shave around the base.

Even in my turmoil I could not ignore the sensation of their fingers aroundmy genitals. I grunted as the nurse took a firm hold of the shaft of my penisand ran her flattened palm over the tip. I nearly lifted off the table withthe acuteness of the sensation. She looked unconcerned at my futile attemptto escape the effect of her fingers. I could feel the blood pulsing in my groinas she expertly slipped the skin of the foreskin quickly up and down the shaftof my penis with a practiced motion.

I tossed my head from side to side, in despair as I felt my penis throb inthe first throes of an erection. She smiled at me knowingly, as she proceededto quicken the pace in which she slipped the foreskin up and down the shaftof my penis, giving me the same knowing look each time she caught my eye. Icould not help it, however hard I tried, to stop the sensations of her fingersarousing me; I became fully erect.

The nurses spared me no humiliation… no shame was too much for themto inflict upon me as they gathered around the nurse who was holding my penis,pointing at my rigid member and then looking at me. "What do you call thisyoung man… have you no shame becoming erect in front of young nurses." Theoldest of the four nurses addressed me. She leaned across the warder who washolding my right leg and looked into my face.

"Well what have you to say for your self?"

I did not know what to say… I was helpless and prostrate before them… Ifelt drained and emotional as I looked at her. Nonchalantly the nurse continuedstroking my penis moving it in a deliberately casual way as if it was of noconsequence, even though the second nurse could find no more hair left to shave.

I stammered, my face on fire with embarrassment as I spoke…

"I'm sooo sorry miss. I could not complete the rest of my sentence… Isobbed in embarrassment as I lay before them. Utterly humiliated and cryinglike a baby.

Their teasing stopped, but not before my penis was fully erect and bobbingup and down as they let me up and led me to one of baths that had already beinghalf filled with warm water. I was held at either side with my arms outstretchedby the female warders. The nurses had made me place my legs widely apart asthey proceeded to wash me. Their hands were everywhere; around my erect penis,lifting and hefting my testicles, between the cheeks of my bottom.

I could not look any of them in the eyes and so I hung my head in absoluteshame.

It was perhaps tem minutes that I was held captive in the bath, the nurseshad made sure that my penis stayed erect, by taking it in turns to soap mygenitals… or stretch the foreskin back on pretence of examining me,to see if I was clean.

I had gasped with shame and indignity as slender fingers had penetrated mybottom, causing all the nurses to giggle as I stood on tiptoe to try and escapethe sensation of their busy fingers.

The warders made me raise my arms as the nurses shaved my armpits. Both nurseslet their fingernails brush casually against my nipples as they placed theirother hands against my chest for support while they diligently removed everyhair from under my arms.

The nurse, that rinsed my body, looked up at me with an almost mischievouslook upon her face, as she scooped water up from the bath. Deliberately shelet her arm knock against my erect penis, again and again, as she brought herhand up to let water run down from my chest and tummy. I was beside myselfwith the utter humiliation as again the nurses laughed at the bouncing movementof my erect penis. The two warders almost lifted me from the bath, their beautifulfaces looking amused at my utter embarrassment, as my penis waved from sideto side.

Now they dried me. I was held upright, standing spread legged on the tiledfloor with my arms outstretched as the nurses bent down before me, their hairand cheeks deliberately touching my erect penis as they moved the soft towelsover my body. I was in this position when the sergeant walked back into theroom. My nakedness was amplified a thousand times by my completely shaved pubis.

I had not seen her leave but had been aware that she had not been in theroom for quite sometime. She looked at me with my legs spread widely apart,my nakedness lewdly on display as the warders held me captive.

She had a paper in her hand which she beckoned one of the nurses to comeand read. I could not hide my anguish, I was almost in tears again as theystretched my foreskin backwards to its limit while they dried the exposed skinbeneath. One of the nurses stood in front of me and thrust her hand betweenmy legs and slapped my bottom in an upward motion.

"There you are, all nice and clean for your examination." Deliberately shelooked down at my genitals before casually taking my erect penis in her slenderhand. "Can't control yourself, even when you are going to be punished mmm?She tightened her fingers around my throbbing member. "Well I guess you mustlike drawing attention to yourself like this huh… is that what you like?" Shepushed my foreskin right back down the shaft stretching the skin painfullyas she spoke.

"Come on honey bunch… tell is that what you like?"

I could feel the tears well up in my eyes.

"Pleasee no missss…. I er… am soooo ashamed." I could not helpthe trembling of my body as I answered her. She stood back and let go of mypenis. She looked rather curiously at me… her eyes searching my face.The suddenly she instinctively put a soft hand to my cheek.

"Maybe you are honey.. maybe you are."

The warders retained their grip on me as the nurse left me. I could see thatthe rest of the nurses were talking to the sergeant over by a table in thecorner of the room. The nurse joined them and I could see the sergeant occasionallylook across at me and then look back down at a paper on the table.

Eventually the sergeant left the nurses at the table and came and stood infront of me. She looked down at my erect penis and then raised her head tolook me in the eye. "Do you think Stephen that if I ask these ladies to letyou go, you will be able to do as I ask and put your hands upon your head withouttrying to grab little Sonny Jim here..?" She deliberately took hold of my penisand waggled it from side to side.

"What do you think mmm… think you can do that?"

She casually patted my penis once more before letting go of it and insteadcupping my testicles in her soft slender hand and lifting them gently.

"Now remember… a little shock in these fellas is going to ruin yourday."

I was so embarrassed I could hardly answer… eventually I managed tostammer. "I promise er.. miss… er… on my head."

"That's a good little boy. Just clasp your hands on top of your head andkeep them there… no matter what… you got that?"

I nodded dumbly as she stood back and took the cattle prod from her belt.She smiled as she saw the look of anguish on my face.

"Only if you disobey sweetie… it's up to you." She looked at the twobeautifully proportioned warders.

"O.K. girls, let's give him a try!"

I felt them let go of my arms and somehow… I managed to raise my armsand clasp my fingers together on top of my head. I felt even more embarrassedat my position as the sergeant deliberately looked me up and down as she tappedthe cattle prod into the palm of her hand to remind me of its consequences.

"Now that we've got you all cleaned up sweetie, I am going to get someoneto take you for your examination. You will not in any circumstances take yourhands from your head… got it."

I nodded dumbly again as once more her eyes looked down at my penis whichwas still fully erect. I had never ever felt as naked as I did now. They hadshaved me so cleanly that I could feel every little movement of air on my newlyshaven pubis and genitals.

"Just a little test before I go honey… to make sure." She took mypenis, firmly wrapping her fingers around it. I flinched but managed to keepmy hands upon my head. She moved closer so that her lips were only inches frommine and her body was pressed against the tip of my penis, as she held it ina firm grip and whispered softly to me.

"Don't forget… what I told you sweetie. Without question… withoutdelay… think you can remember that now… huh Sugar?"

I felt a tear run down my cheek, not just with the embarrassment of it all,but also because of the pure and exquisite tenderness of her tone.

I nodded, inhaling her sweet perfume as I drew in my breath and sobbed. Shesqueezed my penis quickly and moved away from me. My penis sprang up in theair as she let go of it. I saw her smile as it bobbed to and fro standing upwardsfrom my body. "I guess 'Sonny Jim' here has a mind of his own." She laughedas she left me to return to the nurses and have a quick conversation with thembefore leaving the room.

I stood as I had been left: completely naked and shaven as smooth as a babywith my hands upon my head and my legs spread widely apart.

I felt utterly humiliated as I stood there waiting, not daring to move aninch. The two warders moved away from me to the far wall and stood with theirbacks to it, looking towards me. I felt a strong urge to clasp my hands overmy genitals, but the fear of the warder's cattle prods stopped me from doinganything so foolish.

I could not help trembling as the two stunningly beautiful Amazonian girlskept their vigil. I was acutely aware that my penis was still fully erect andthrobbing visibly from the attention of the nurses and the pretty sergeant.The warders betrayed no expression as they talked to each other, their voicestoo low for me to hear their conversation.

I watched the nurses as they left the room. They did not look towards me,instead they chatted amongst themselves. I noticed that they had taken offtheir rubber aprons and hung them up on hooks set into the wall. Their figureslooked even shapelier as they walked side by side through the door.

I tried to think of something other than my humiliation and sexual arousalat the hands of the nurses, but the transition seemed to be too much for mymind to cope with. I looked down at myself, only to see that my penis was stillfully erect.

My quiet solitude was suddenly cut short. I felt my cheeks suddenly suffusewith a burning heat as a new wave of embarrassment swept over me. My mouthfelt dry and my heart started beating rapidly. I couldn't believe my eyes asthe young girl, I had met earlier in reception, walked into the room. She cametowards me, her slender body moving gracefully. Her shirt cuffs were stillrolled back and she was wearing a full skirt that revealed her pretty knees;the broad striped material had deep patch pockets on either side. Her neatand daintily strapped, high heeled shoes clicked against the tiled floor asshe came to stand in front of me.

She was carrying a clipboard which she held with one hand flat against herbreasts, as she looked up at me. I had not quite realised just how small andslender she was until she came to stand so close to me. I hung my head in shameat my blatantly obvious sexual arousal, trying in vein not to look at her asshe examined my naked body from head to toe.

I watched as she examined my freshly shaven pubic area and my erect penis.She did not comment and her neat features showed no expression as she liftedher hand to my chin and turned my head so that I could not avoid looking intoher eyes. Her confidence and authority seemed at odds with her youthful andstudious appearance.

She did not take her hand away but held my chin gently as she looked keenlyat me from behind her slender framed glasses.

Her voice was gentle and softly spoken.

"I am going to take you to the duty sister for your medical examination.If you promise to be a good boy, I can take you to get a drink of water first.Do you think you can behave and not cause me any problems?"

I looked at her gratefully, even though my cheeks were burning with shameas she addressed me as one would address an errant schoolboy, being made tostand naked through her thorough visual appraisal of my naked body. My mouthwas dry and I realised that my throat was parched.

I managed to stammer a reply as I was made to look into her eyes. "Er… yesmiss… I mean I am dry miss… er thank you miss."

She seemed satisfied with my humility and looked around at the two warders. "Iam going to take him for a drink of water. There is no need to come as I havea CP if there is a problem." She patted her pocket twice and then turned backtowards me. I could see that the warders had looked at me warily and then ateach other. Eventually they had seemed satisfied with my look of humility andembarrassment and had nodded confirmation to the young receptionist.

"Now, listen to me! You are to keep your hands on your head and walk in frontof me, when we reach a door; stop; and I will open it for you. If I see youmove without instructions, I will stun you; do you fully understand what Ihave just said to you?"

I could not believe that such a young girl could have such authority overme… and the thought of her having a cattle prod ready to inflict suchsevere pain sent a shiver down my spine.

Whether it was the previous instructions of the sergeant or what, I do notknow, but I repeated the instructions she had given me word for word.

She made no comment, but took her hand from my chin and placed it on my hip.Her hand felt cool against my fevered body. She pressed against my hip, gesturingfor me to head towards the door. I managed to stumble over the first few paces,before gathering my stride and stopping with my legs together as I reachedthe door. I felt her slender body brush against my nakedness as she moved pastme and opened it.

"Stop when you get into the corridor."

I obeyed her every instruction as we moved through the corridor, eventuallystopping against an open doorway that led to a small tiled room with a table,several chairs and a sink with coffee making materials on the draining board.Beside the sink was a small refrigerator.

"Stop" she commanded, her voice was softly modulated but firm.

I obeyed instantly, standing with my hands clasped to my head.

"Right on my next instruction; place your hands flat against the wall aboveyour head and lean against it with your legs spread as wide as you can getthem. Got it?"

I nodded dumbly at her question.

"O.k… that's the way… no legs further back… hands furtherapart… just like you were going to be frisked." I moved my body untilit was positioned just as she wanted it. I was leaning well forward with mylegs stretched widely apart, blushing as I realised that my penis and testicleswere rudely on display from the rear. My penis was no longer erect, but washanging down although the flesh still fat and swollen.

Suddenly without warning I felt a sharp sting across my buttocks. I gaspedas I realised that she had slapped my bare bottom. I gasped more in shock thanin pain as she moved her body close to me before I could rear up.

She placed her hands gently against my hips and spoke softly to me. "Juststay like you are until I have finished what I am going to do. Don't move… anddon't speak unless I ask you a question. Do you understand?

"I mumbled my reply." Er… yes miss… don't move and don't speak."

"Good boy, now stay still." Her voice was even softer as she stood back.I felt vulnerable as I leaned against the wall with my legs stretched widelyapart and my head hanging down between my outstretched arms.

"Right arch your back and push your bottom up a bit more. There that's theway!"

Suddenly I felt her place her cool hands upon both my buttocks. I gasped,but managed to stay still as she slid her fingers into the cleft, parting thecheeks of my bottom. I shivered but stayed bent over against the wall as herfingers became bolder. She slipped her fingers down the cleft between my buttocksand stretched them apart.

I could feel her fingers probing at sphincter. I shuddered as she pressedthe tip of her finger hard against the opening. I was shivering as suddenlysomething small and hard was deftly slipped up through the opening. I felta cold lubricant being spread around the entrance to my bottom as well as beingsqueezed up inside me.

"Relax, your bottom… come along now." Her voice although low in volume,had a firm tone to it. I tried to do as instructed and quickly felt her fingerslide easily up inside me.

"I do like nice cleanly shaven boys. Now stay still and for goodness sakeand try and relax."

"Arcchhh… arggghhh." I groaned as her slender digit penetrated mefully. I could feel my knees shivering as I felt an unexpected and unknownpressure deep inside me. I had never felt anything like it before; it seemedto penetrate the very core of my being.

I felt her other hand slip around my waist and press flat against my lowertummy and pubic area.

"My they have shaved you nice and smoothly, haven't they… all thatnasty hair is gone!" I felt an incredible pressure as she seemed to curl herfinger up inside me. I felt my penis pulse and jump as her finger moved deftlywithin me.

"Ooooh … argghhh. er miss." I groaned as her fingers that were restingagainst my tummy suddenly grasped the tip of my penis.

"There that didn't take long did it." Quickly she let go of my penis andwithdrew her finger from my bottom. I felt her hand flatten against the softflesh of my buttocks and slide down and between my legs.


I groaned as my testicles were suddenly encased inside her cool slender fingers.

"Ssshhhh… she whispered as she palpitated the sensitive orbs betweenher fingers. I felt her lean her body against me as she reached her other handbetween my legs and wrapped her fingers around my erect penis. Gently she slippedthe foreskin back until the skin was stretched tight.

"Ooohhhhh… arggghhhh." I gasped as she handled me as if I were ananimal being examined for sale. I felt my penis throb as her fingers exploredthe contours of my rigid flesh. I could feel her breath against my back andher small soft breasts press against me as she held my genitals captive inher hands.

"My, your testicles are full, don't you have a girlfriend?"

I could only manage to mumble as she held me firmly.

"Come along answer me… I said; do you have a girlfriend?"

"Er… n'no miss, I haven't got a girlfriend… argghhh." She squeezedmy testicles, making me gasp at the indignity and embarrassment of it.

"Well, you must masturbate… do you pull your penis, mmm?"

I was trembling with embarrassment.

"Err s'sometimes er.. miss."

"Naughty boy… playing with yourself… you ought to get a girlfriend."

She squeezed my penis firmly… I could feel it throb almost uncontrollablywith the pressure and the softness of her fingers.

"When did you last go with a girl?" She squeezed my member moving her delicatefingers expertly over the rim of the glans.

"Er… I haven't had… erm a…" I could not finish the sentence,such were the sensations that she was causing to race through my body.

"Well… a lovely boy like you, never having had a girlfriend. I oughtto take you in hand properly." Her fingers continued to play havoc with myemotions as she held me firmly captive in her hands.

"Arghhhhhh… ooohhh… er pleasssse er I feeeeel er oooohhh." Ibabbled incoherently as my penis began to throb more violently. Quickly shetook her hands away from my genitals and back through my legs. Instead sheplaced them on my waist and moved them around my torso. She smoothed them overmy tummy and then upwards, her fingers quickly locating my nipples, which shebegan to tease with her fingers nails.

She spoke again, quickly… more urgently than her usual measured instructions.

"Turn around with you back pressed to the wall and your hands upon your head.Come along… do as you are told."

Her hands left my body and she stepped backwards, as I straightened my backand stood up; quickly turning around and placing my hands upon my head. I blushedprofusely as I saw that my penis was pointing upwards at the ceiling; rigidand straight. She saw my blush of embarrassment and put her hand tenderly onmy cheek.

"My you are a shy little boy aren't you? Well just stand still and get yourlegs spread apart as wide as you can". She did not seem the least concernedor embarrassed at her intimate handling of my genitals as she looked at mybody; her gaze cool and appraising.

She placed her hand upon my cheek and moved close to me, her young body pressingagainst my erect penis as I blushed once more. "Now just close your eyes untilI tell you otherwise."

I let my eyelids close and felt her gentle fingers trace over my cheek beforeshe took her hand away and stood back from me.

I stood in silence shivering with acute sensation and embarrassment. It seemedto be several minutes that I stood in silence and darkness, with my hands claspedon top of my head and my feet spread widely apart upon the tiled floor.

I waited as she made a careful examination of my body: her appraisal wascool and clinical as she stood watching me.

The silence was broken by my gasp of embarrassment as she slipped her handbeneath my penis and delicately drew her nails up the length of the shaft,watching me as I gasped for breath.

Suddenly she took a firm hold of my penis and brought her other hand beneathme to grasp my testicles. "Stay still" she urged as she squeezed me so firmlythat she caused me to gasp in pain.

"Shhh… not a sound!"

She squeezed me again, this time more gently and then let me go.

I stood as I had been instructed, still with my eyes closed as I heard heropen the door of the refrigerator and the distinctive sound of a glass beingfilled.

"O.K. take your hands from off your head and open your eyes." I obeyed onceagain as she moved towards me and offered me a glass of water.

She looked amused as I drank thirstily, finishing most of the glass almostimmediately.

"Right now, finish your drink… and give me the glass. She looked atmy penis which was throbbing visibly as she stood with her legs astride waitingfor me to empty the glass. She took a small tube from the table top and screwedthe cap on it, before slipping it into the wide pocket of her skirt.

"Turn around and face the door, and put your hands back on your head…" Shetook the glass and waited until I had obeyed. She stood behind me and stokedher hand gently over the cheeks of my bottom before flicking the tips of herfingers against the soft flesh. "O.K. The same routine as before… alongthis corridor and turn right… stop at the fourth door and wait."

I felt humiliated and utterly stupid as I was made to walk naked down thelong corridor. I could not help my penis swaying from side to side as I walked.I am sure I heard a stifled giggle from the young receptionist as I presentedmy side view to her, while turning to face the door.

The room was very large and modern. It had two very sophisticated lookingexamination tables set into the floor, each having a variety of highly technicallooking equipment surrounding them. The floor was completely tiled in largewhite tiles and the walls were finished in a pastel shade of smaller sizedtiles. Around the perimeter of the room were white integrated drawers and cupboards:medical equipment and instruments were neatly placed on the surfaces. The nursesthat had embarrassed and humiliated me just a short time ago, now stood bythe first of the examination tables. I blushed a deep shade of red as the youngreceptionist smacked me on the bottom.

"Go and stand in front of the table and remember to do as you are told." Idid not dare to look into the eyes of the nurses. I could see from the lookof amusement on their faces that my erect penis had not gone unnoticed. I blushedagain as I approached them, my eyes downcast in absolute horror at the embarrassmentof my position. I felt the soft cool hands of the pretty blonde haired nurse,as she held my waist and turned me so that my bottom was touching the end ofthe examination table. "Sit on here. "

She watched as tentatively as I obeyed. She lifted my chin and looked intomy eyes. I could see that there was still a hint of amusement on her face. "Justfollow my instructions and you will be fine. Now open your knees so that yourfeet are spread well apart on the floor… there… that's the way." Icould feel my face burning as she looked down at me. My penis was pointingupwards straight towards her as she watched me position my knees; casuallyshe placed the palm of her hand on the inside of my thigh and looked at medirectly.

"Now lay back and stretch your arms out above you." I coloured up again asI realised the humiliating position I would be in and how exposed my genitalswould be to the view of the nurses. The two dark haired nurses had moved toeither side of me; suddenly their gently fingers were touching my chest andshoulders, helping me to lie back on the sheet of white cotton that coveredthe surface of the examination table. I could not help shiver as my skin touchedthe cool cotton. One of the nurses bent right over me, her beautiful face onlyinches from mine.

"Now let's have those arms stretched out above your head. There that's it.Now just relax your legs, so that we can lift them up into the stirrups."

I shuddered as the nurses gently lifted my legs. I could not help gaspingas they were placed widely apart in the stirrups before the nurses fastenedstraps around my shins to hold my legs in position. One of the nurses presseda button, making the stirrups slide backwards towards my chest; I shudderedwith the indignity of my positioning as my knees were eventually slid backuntil they were above and to either side of my head.

Finally I was positioned to their satisfaction; laid back with my legs spreadwide apart, my bottom completely lifted off the bench with a padded wedge underthe small of my back. The nurses stood at either side of my body looking downat me. I could not have ever envisaged a more humiliating scenario. I felttears form in my eyes as I shivered in shame.

I could not have articulated the thought, but there did seem to be more gentleness,more concern from the nurses as I lay there, trying to avoid looking them inthe eyes.

One of the nurses lifted my arm and placed it a alongside my body. I couldnot help looking at her as she wrapped a pressure cuff around my arm and inflatedit. I could feel a firm steady pressure as she looked intently at the gauge,squeezing the bulbous rubber occasionally as she listened to my pulse abovethe cuff. Eventually she released the pressure and unwrapped the cuff. To mydismay she put her hand gently on my chin and turned my head towards her. Ihad to look into her eyes as she spoke to me.

"Well, young man… your blood pressure seems to be in order." I lookedat her, feeling my embarrassment bringing more colour to my cheeks as she deliberatelylooked down between my legs. "Mind you," she continued, smiling at my embarrassment; "Itlooks as if I you were demonstrating that to me anyway." I blushed an evendeeper shade of red as she indicated my erect penis. I could do nothing butshamefully turn my head away from her.

If I had thought that there would be an end to my embarrassment I had beensadly mistaken. I saw the nurses all turn to the end of the bed and stand straightas the tall, beautiful personage of Debbie Pearson. I shut my eyes, squeezingthe lids tightly in abject humiliation as she came to stand between my widelyspread legs. I heard her speak to one of the nurses, her voice light and businesslike. "Ishe all ready for me?" The nurse replied promptly.

"Yes sister, his blood pressure is excellent."

"Well done!"

I felt utterly exposed and shamed as I felt her hand gently rest on the insideof my thigh. "Right young man… let's have those eyes open. I am goingto palpitate your tummy and I want you to tell me if you feel any pain." Igroaned with the trauma I was feeling as I opened my eyes. Shamefully I lookedat her beautiful face, feeling the anguish of my situation wash over me. Icould not have felt worse, or even imagined a situation that could have mademe feel more ashamed than this.

To my utter dismay, I felt her bare arm brush against the tip of my erectpenis as she placed her hands flat against the upper part of my stomach. Iwatched and shivered helplessly as she pressed gently, almost sensuously againstthe flesh of my tummy. I gasped and shivered as her soft cool hands moved lowertowards my exposed genitals, as she continued with her examination of me.

"Any Pain here?" She asked, her question delivered in a matter of fact tone.

I was in turmoil as her hands moved to the soft, freshly shaven flesh abovethe bone of my pubis. "What about here, do you feel anything?"

I managed to mutter and shake my head as she continued to press against myflesh. At last she seemed satisfied and lifted her hands from me and then… beforeI could feel any relief from my embarrassment she gently lifted my testicles.

"I want you to cough… for me." I groaned… and then coughedlightly. I could feel her squeeze and jiggle the soft orbs of flesh in herfingers.

"No… I'm afraid that won't do… I want a nice big cough. Comealong now." I could not help my face from colouring to a deep crimson as Icoughed again, loudly this time; feeling utterly stupid and vulnerable as shegripped my entire scrotum within her slender fingers and moved the testes toand fro inside the sac.

"That seems fine, now… er Stephen isn't it?" She looked towards oneof the nurses. "Yes sister his name is Stephen Ryder."

"Well Stephen… I want you to breathe deeply while I just have a littlefeel inside your bottom." I shivered at her words… feeling utterly bereftof any self esteem as she picked up a pair of rubber gloves; my only savinggrace was…that she did not seem to recognise me.

I watched helplessly as she lubricated several of the fingers of her rightglove. Suddenly, I felt all four nurses place their hands on me. Simultaneously,two of the nurses, placed their hands on my shoulders and chest, while anotherplaced both hands upon my hips and tummy. To my horror the fourth nurse nonchalantlygrasped my erect penis and at the same time cupped my testicles. I shiveredin shame as she bent my penis forward and lifted my testes upwards from beneathmy widely spread legs.

It was in a mist of shame that I felt Sister Pearson's fingers gently prywithin the cleft of the cheeks of my bottom. With a gentle, practiced motionshe quickly slipped a finger up inside me. I could not help looking at heras she increased the pressure until her finger was all the way in.

"Just relax," she cooed, as she reoriented her finger deep within me. Shewatched me intently as she curled her finger up against my prostate. I couldonly tremble in anguish as I felt my penis throb between the nurse's fingersin answer to the strong stimulation. I turned my head in shame as Sister Pearsonlooked at the nurse enquiringly. There were no words spoken as the young nursereleased my penis and Sister Pearson wrapped her own fingers around it as oncemore she stimulated my prostate gland.

"Argghhhh," I could not help groaning as she repeated the procedure, nowbeing able to feel for herself, the answering throb of my penis.

"Ah, an excellent penile response."

I shivered in shame as she stimulated me in a quick series of prods of herfinger deep inside me, before releasing my penis, which to my horror was throbbingvisibly. I watched in anguish as it bobbed up and down, lifting up from mybody of its own volition with each pulse.

I felt her gently slide her finger from my bottom, her eyes watching my penisas it throbbed uncontrollably.

I heard the door open and the clatter of high heeled shoes approach the bench.I saw a lady of perhaps thirty five years of age stand beside Sister Pearsonand look down at my naked and trembling body.

She was dressed in a smart navy blue pinstriped business suit. Her hair wasbrushed back from her beautiful and intelligent face. She showed her perfectteeth in a bright smile as she greeted the Sister. "Well I can see that youhave been busy… we are ready for him now."

She turned her head towards me and looked closely at my penis, which wasthrobbing violently. Her well groomed appearance made me feel even more ashamedof myself as she casually leaned forward and took hold of the tip of my penis. "Ithink you will have to do something about this sister, before he goes through.We have some visitors… so perhaps if you would?"

"Of course, it should only take a few seconds." Sister Pearson smiled atthe lady and quickly moved closer to the juncture of my thighs.

I seemed to be shrouded in a haze of pure anguish and embarrassment as Ifelt the slender finger of Sister Pearson once more slip deftly up in betweenthe cheeks of my bottom, easily slipping through the sphincter in a well practicedmanoeuvre. The nurse, who was still holding my testicles, tightened her grip,lifting them up gently as she moved them around in her delicate fingers.

"Argggghhh." I groaned again as Sister Pearson, quickly located the plumpgland of my prostrate. Without preamble, her fingers encased the shaft of mypenis and she retracted the foreskin until it was stretched tightly back againstthe base of my penis.

I had never felt so completely vulnerable, as gently she smoothed her handover my rigid member; the sensations so intense, that I tried to raise my hipsto evade the skilful milking motion of her hand.

She leaned forward as I tried to avoid looking at her. "Don't turn your headaway Stephen, I want you to look at me."

I timidly obeyed, my mind in turmoil as she transfixed me with her beautifulgreen eyes.

"Is this what you imagined, Stephen? When you used to look at me across thequadrangle, all moon faced and wistful. Is this what you were thinking… thatI would be milking your penis for you?" I was dumbfounded. Such was my abjecthumiliation that I wished a hole would appear in the ground and swallow meup. I could not believe it! She had remembered me… and she knew exactlywho I was.

I groaned in despair as her hand moved slowly and deftly; inexorably bringingme to a reluctant climax. I felt my whole body stiffen as semen rushed frommy testicles and prostate, erupting from the tip of my penis with a strengthand vigour that I had never thought possible. I felt my whole body tremble,quaking uncontrollably as I ejaculated. I thrashed my head from side to side,such was the absolute culmination of my pent-up emotions.

"Argggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh." I could not help the sounds that wereemitted from my constricted throat muscles as my hips bucked and my penis eruptedwith large globules of semen. Time after time I felt the Sister's fingers jabhard against my prostate… each touch eliciting a further emission frommy wracked body.

I was being skilfully and dextrously drained, unable to control any partof my physical or emotional will.

The nurses held me firmly as the Sister continued to manipulate her fingerdeep inside my body; the fingers of her other hand, sliding skilfully up anddown the shaft of my penis. I ejaculated countless times until my body froze;my sinews locked rigid in an obscene and wanton display of uncontrollable emotion.

Gentle hands smoothed over my skin as the last globules of semen were extractedby the sister's skilful fingers.

I felt the young nurse exert a firm pressure around my testicles as the Sisterdrew her hand up from the base of my penis to the very tip, her slender fingersfirmly eliciting the very last drops of fluid from my exhausted body.

I felt drained… emotionally and physically as all of the nurses busiedthemselves cleaning the semen from my stomach and chest. In a daze, I feltthe finger being gently withdrawn from my bottom; I felt a blackness descendupon me and for a time, remembered no more.

Debbie Pearson

Debbie had seen Stephen enter the building that morning, catching a glimpseof him in the security monitor. She had popped her head out of the door behindthe reception counter only for an instance, to see if she had been correct.Although she was pretty sure that it was Stephen, she had checked the nameon the form as the copy had come through to her office.

Although Stephen had not known it, Debbie was well aware of Stephen at school.She had seen him, like many others, look at her surreptitiously. She had alwaysbeen aware of her good looks and had adopted an attitude, like many other verypretty girls, of aloofness. Her attitude had quickly distanced her from muchof the unwanted male attention she had been subject to at school.

She had first noticed Stephen looking at her while she had been outside inthe school quadrangle. His attentions had been remote and unthreatening, nevereven coming close to where she had been standing or sitting talking to hergirlfriends. Normally she would have not given him another thought had it notbeen for his exceptional good looks and his respectful attitude. She had carefullyenquired as to who he was, but had been careful not to draw attention to herinterest in him.

It had been the annual sports day that had really brought him to her attention.She had been walking past the field changing rooms. These were brick outbuildingsthat were situated right on the edge of the sports field. They were designedto accommodate equipment that would be needed during a football or baseballgame or for a player to change kit during a game for one reason or another.

As she walked past an open door she had seen Stephen dressed only in a jockstrap, standing next to his locker. She had stopped for a brief moment andadmired his slim physique, before moving quickly on to meet her friends andwatch the athletics competition. She knew he had not seen her as he had searchedfor clothing in his locker.

The visual image of his almost naked body had stayed with her and she hadoften wondered what had become of him. She had read in the newspapers lastyear how his parents had been killed in an automobile crash. She had had animpulse to send him her condolences, but had not known his address or if perhapshe would remember who she was.

Now he was in her charge, sentenced to be soundly strapped by the duty sergeant.She knew she was already sexually excited by the prospect, but equally shefelt sorry for the boy.

Debbie had taken the job a year ago. She had since school always wanted topursue a worthwhile profession although she did not need to ever earn a living.Her parents were one of the richest families in the state. They had indulgedtheir daughter and had been pleased that, rather than become a lazy socialite,she had taken up nursing. They had furnished with her own private and luxurioushouse, beautifully situated in the best area of the city and had given heran income that would have been the envy of even the most successful businessman.To look after her needs, her mother had insisted that she kept the family'stwo most trusted and discreet Pilipino maids.

Her introduction to the center had been by one of the nurses she had workedwith in the hospital operating theatre. The nurse had recognised her skillat monitoring the vital signs of patients and had got her an interview at thecentre. Her first introduction to the work of the center had been a severecultural shock, but to her own surprise she had guiltily felt an incrediblesexual delight as she had watched a boy being soundly beaten with the regulationpunishment strap.

As her first year had progressed, she had delighted in jointly subjugatingoffenders to humiliation and embarrassment. The better looking the young boyswere, the more pleasure she had derived from her part in their punishment.She could not have denied her delight at having Stephen under her control orher sexual interest in him. She had felt a thrill run through her body as Altheahad whispered to her after bringing him in to the examination room. The youngreceptionist's voice had been excited and urgent.

"He hasn't got a girlfriend… never really had one…and get this… he'sa virgin. Can you believe that an absolute, lilywhite, never been touched nineteenyear old… VIRGIN."

Debbie smiled as she thought of Althea… the girl was incorrigible.She had invited Althea to her home, for a weekend by the pool. Several of thenurses regularly came over each weekend and on this occasion Althea had arrivedand had immediately gone up to one of the pretty blonde nurses. Jane, who wasa slender girl, was lying upon a sun bed wearing a bikini. Althea had whisperedto her and then kissed her on the lips before untying the bottom of her bikini.Debbie had been amused, but not surprised, as Althea had taken off her glassesand laid between the girl's slender legs, immediately pressing her lips tothe girl's vagina. As Debbie had approached them, somewhat taken aback; Altheahad turned her head and without a hint of embarrassment said to her: "Hi Debbie,be with you as soon as I try this out… found a new way to lick clit."

It had not taken long before Althea had worked her impish charm upon Debbie.She had been a little taken aback and surprised at her own sexual feelingsas they had lain together one afternoon. Debbie had succumbed to Althea's advances,letting the slender young girl, gently stroke her breasts, almost absent mindedly,as they had talked and lounged by the pool. Debbie realised that the girl wasan expert in the way she seemed to know exactly where and when to touch toelicit the greatest sensation. Debbie had allowed the young girl's fingersto roam over her body… and in no time she realised that her body wasbeing brought to a violent and satisfying orgasm by the lips and slender fingersof the young nymph.

Althea had become a permanent weekend guest, as had most of the staff fromthe center. It was not just that they were all friends, but also because theycould discuss the center and their feelings freely without outsiders. On theoccasions when there were guests, other than those from the center, everyonehad found the atmosphere rather strained and the conversation guarded. So ithad become a weekend retreat for center staff only; all of them, enjoying theluxurious lifestyle of their friend without jealousy or resentment at her personalwealth or privileged upbringing.

Debbie was delighted to have met Stephen again… and under these circumstances,her mind raced with the almost limitless possibilities. His body was even betterthan she had remembered it… and now that she was able to examine himat her leisure she was delighted that his penis and testicles were better developedthan she had thought they would be. She loved the look of the boys when theyhad been shaved and the delicious feel of their smoothly shaven genitalia.

She could not remember exactly when during the day that she had decided thatshe was not going to let him go. Although she was still uncertain about howexactly she would go about possessing the boy, she realised that that was exactlywhat she wanted to do: possess him, have total control over him.

Debbie looked down on the naked boy, admiring every contour of his body asshe stood back before turning her head towards the center principle.

"He will be alright soon. I think it's a combination of all that he's beenthrough so far, but he will be ready in a few minutes, I am just going to haveone of the nurses measure him and I will get her to adjust the stock. You saidthat we have visitors; anyone I know?"

Tricia nodded. "Yes the judges from the court. I think you already know Constance… andprobably some of the others. I think there will be a full house today… withhim being… er good looking and all. Word seems to get around somehow!"

Debbie watched as Patricia Hodge left the room and then turned her attentionback to the boy. She watched one of the nurses begin to measure him, takingthe tape carefully to various points of his body.

There was always a certain excitement among the nurses as offenders werenearing their time of their punishment, but today there seemed to be some mixedfeelings. Where as normally there was a sexual vindictiveness in the handlingof young male offenders: the girls usually delighting in teasing the unfortunatemiscreant with jibes such as, holding his erect penis firmly and saying "Betthis is not so cocky when you feel the strap on your bottom." On this occasionthey had felt differently about the timid young boy, even before they had readthe transcript of the trial.

Debbie looked at Stephen as he began to stir back into consciousness. Shehad made up her mind that she would treat him efficiently and clinically, ifthere became an opportunity to help him through it in anyway then she wouldtry.

It would be a different matter, once he had completed his punishment; thenshe would do her best to afford him every comfort.

She moved towards him and helped the nurses release him from the stirrups,taking the wedge from under him as they placed his feet on the floor. Theywaited for him to recover; one of the pretty dark haired nurses stroked hischeek, feeling the blood racing to his face as he once more became aware ofhis situation.



I must have fainted for a moment. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeksas the nurses helped me from the bed. I looked down at my body, blushing profuselyto see that my penis was still engorged although no longer fully erect.

The nurses stood around me, making me place my legs in a wide stance as Istood naked and ashamed. I could not help gasping with shame as I was madeto bend over and touch my toes. I could feel my penis and testicles hang freelybetween my parted thighs as the nurse took a gloved hand to my bottom. I felta liquid being rubbed on my bottom cheeks and then a sharp sting in my rightthigh. I turned to see the sister empty the contents of the syringe she washolding, into my leg.

"I'm just giving you a mild sedative to stop you urinating, while you arebeing punished." She said brightly.

I could not help stammering… What are they going to do to meeee… ermiss… er what will the punishment be?"

She looked at me, her face showing concern. "Now don't you worry about that… itwill all be over soon, just you do as we say… you can stand up straightnow and just put your hands on top of your head.

I stood still, contemplating what my fate would be when the two wardressesentered the room; their magnificent bodies moving gracefully as they came tostand on either side of me. They took my arms and almost lifted me off theground. The next few moments were a blur of movement as the guards moving mewith consummate ease, almost carrying me to another door at the far end ofthe room.

It was opened by the nurse and I was led through it and along a short corridormade up of portable privacy screens. I found myself facing something that resembleda padded lectern. Two vertical chromium plated posts were set in the floorabout six feet apart. A shiny horizontal bar joined the two posts with a footwide padded rest running the whole length of the bar. A short curved extensionprojected toward me at a right angle to the bar, with a square pad at the endof it. I was quickly leaned over the small pad which supported by waist – andthen my chest was pushed against the horizontal padded beam and my arms stretchedout on either side and fasted to by straps to the two upright bars. I felta strap being placed around my waist holding my waist firmly against the smallpad. I tried to adjust my position and found that I was virtually immobileas I felt a strap loop my two ankles tightly together.

Although I could move my upper body slightly, I could not move my hips ormy bottom. The pad under my stomach finished just above my pubic bone, leavingmy genitals hanging down freely.

I looked around in desperation to find that I had been left alone. I couldturn my head to each side but could see no-one although I could hear the lowmurmur of several voices from the other side of the white portable screens.

I began to tremble in fear as suddenly the screens began to be wheeled awayone by one. I looked around to see each part of the room revealed as the wardresses,wheeled the screens away.

To my horror I saw the two tiers of seating that encircled the small roomwere completely occupied. Young girls and women stopped their conversationsas the screens revealed my naked body; shamefully strapped to the lectern onlya few feet away from them. I blushed in shame as the all female audience lookedat me intently. Seated in the centre row, in front of my head, were the threelady judges who had sentenced me. Sitting next to them was the young girl fromthe court who had given me my attendance form. Along both rows, both to myright and to my left, were young girls and women. Most of them were smartlydressed and looked to be either secretaries or office workers.

I felt my body begin to tremble as the center principle walked in; dressedsmartly in her navy business suit, she looked stern and determined. Behindher was the young receptionist, who was carrying a clipboard.

In a formal procession, came Sister Pearson and the four nurses. I couldnot help gasping with embarrassment as they all stood to my side and lookedat me.

The center principle moved towards me and placed her hand under my chin,lifting my head up, as she addressed the assembled audience of females seatedaround me.

"This is Stephen Ryder, his offence is driving with one milligram of alcoholover the twenty milligram state limit. He is to be given twelve strokes withthe regulation punishment strap, his punishment to be administered by sergeantLeander. This punishment is to commence immediately."

She turned to me and spoke so that everyone in the room could hear her. "Ihope that this will teach you a lesson young man. That bare bottom of yoursis going to be very sore by the time you leave here."

She turned to Sister Pearson. "If you will check him over, we can proceed." Iwatched as Sister Pearson took the stethoscope from around her neck and placedthe earpieces in her ears. She moved around the upright bars and came to standnext to my waist. I felt the cool metal of the stethoscope upon my back andthen her soft hand upon my waist. The cold metal moved against my skin, sendinga shiver through me as she moved it underneath me, pressing it against my heavingchest.

At last she seemed satisfied and took the earpieces from her ears, hookingthe stems back around her neck she leaned over and reached underneath me, graspingmy testicles in her soft fingers. She whispered to me softly. "Give me a nicebig cough now." I was trembling with shame and fear as I struggled to coughas loudly as I could. Her fingers kneaded my testes as she made me repeat mycough. "There… you seem fine."

Before she moved away from me, she lifted my head and turned it so that shecould look at my face. I could not help my expression of fear and humiliationor the tears that formed as she held her face close to me and looked into myeyes.

"Be a brave boy, Stephen." She whispered as she moved away from me and noddedat the center principle.

I looked forward, acutely aware of the interested gaze of the young girlsas they shifted in their seats, watching me avidly. Suddenly my attention wasdrawn to the sergeant who had first made me strip in the reception area. Shehad changed from her uniform and was now wearing a white short sleeved cottontee-shirt and loose navy skirt. The exquisite shape of her firm bra-less breastswas displayed to perfection by the tightly stretched cotton of her shirt. Hernipples stood out from each breast so prominently that the thin material seemedto wrap itself around the rigid nubs of flesh like cling film.

Her long tanned legs were bare, encased only in slim sandals with slenderleather ties around her ankles. I could not help trembling as I saw the longthick leather belt that trailed down to the floor from her slim wrist. It wasabout four inches wide and extremely thick, only the first few inches taperingto the solid wooden handle which she held loosely in her hand.

Without looking right or left, she moved towards me on the other side ofthe padded bar and lifted my chin with her free hand.

"Sorry sweetie… try and be brave." She let go of me and moved aroundthe upright bars and behind me. I tried to turn my head as she moved to therear, straining to look at what she was going to do…but I could notsee her. I flinched in embarrassment and indignity, as she placed her handsupon my buttocks, insinuating her fingers between the deep cleft, which I wasclenching together tightly. I felt the softness and coolness of her fingersas she pulled the cheeks apart, exposing even more of my bottom. The resultwas such, that even when I tightened the muscles even more flesh was availableto the strap.

The whispering voices in the room went quiet as I first heard the terriblewarning swish of the strap as it whistled through the air towards my tremblingflesh.

In total shock I felt the first impact of the heavy leather implement ofpunishment. I could not believe the intensity of the pain that enveloped mylegs. The strap had hit my thighs four inches below the crease between thighand buttock; it was like a fire spreading everywhere, the intensity quicklyincreasing as the pain surged through my loins, seemingly to envelope everypart of me.

I threw my head back in anguish ready to scream when the next stroke hitme.

"Arggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I could hardly recognise my own voiceas the strap hit my thighs for the second time; the carefully aimed strokewas expertly applied, its mark delineating the broad width of the strap uponmy flesh. The accuracy was such, that the welt of the second stroke was accuratelyadjoined to the mark of the first: It was as if they had been dovetailed together.

I tried to draw in breath as the third stroke hit me, this time, the strap,laying its four-inch width of venom, on the lower part of my buttocks. I wasin anguish and turmoil. I felt as if every sinew of my body was stretched toa breaking point. I screamed… unable to control either, my voice, orthe violent shaking of my body.

"Argggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….. arrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhh." I shook andtrembled in a violent paroxysm of agony and turmoil. My neck muscles were soconstricted that I gagged… my eyes rolling in their sockets as the fourthstroke bit into my flesh, its wicked killing bite, cutting into the very centerof my buttocks.

"Arrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." My head rolled from side toside as once again, the thick leather mercilessly bit into my buttocks… itsaccurately aimed band of pain, again placed adjacent and perfectly parallelto the last stroke. Had my punishment finished on that fifth stroke, I am sureI would never have forgotten it and yet there was to be more. Could the bodyendure such pain, was it possible. My mind raced in a fever of indescribableagony.

Swwwissshhhhhhhhhhhhh. Craaaaaaaaaccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.


I felt my body stiffen to such a degree that not even the shivering of mysinews was evident. I was in a trancelike state as the sixth stroke fell onthe very top of my bottom cheeks. I had gasped for breath before I screamedand yet my voice was so high pitched that I did not recognize myself.

I screamed and screamed. My body suddenly galvanised from my seizure intoa paroxysm of gyrations. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and theblood pumping past my ears as I wailed in anguish and agony.

"Aarrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… arggggggggggggghh… arrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

I shuddered and shook as I felt the cold metal of the stethoscope upon myback and chest. I could feel one of the nurses pull my penis away from my bodyas Sister Pearson, encased my testicles in her soft hand. I could not thinkcoherently or articulate any utterance as the nurse's hands left me and bothshe and Sister Pearson stood back to watch the continuance of my chastisement.

'Swissssssssssssshhhhhhhh. Craaaacccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk' The seventh strokecut into the top of my buttocks, following exactly the path and target of thesixth. The pain coursed through me as I threw my head back violently and screamedin agony.

"AAAAAArrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhh." I shook and shivered as the pain shotthrough my buttocks… I could not believe that anyone could stand somuch pain. I screamed, my voice high pitched and feminine, as the fire ranthrough me. "aaarrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."


My vocal chords constricted and I was still wailing in anguish as the eighthcut into my flesh just below the seventh, overlaying the same flesh which hadalready been cruelly tormented by the heavy leather of the regulation punishmentstrap. For a moment I could not articulate, my body seemed numbed and thensuddenly the fire cut through my body like a knife.

"Arrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," I wailed… myutter torment unchecked as I threw back my head in anguish. " mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeerrrrrcy… Icccannnt stand….i it….. arghhhh."

The ninth stroke almost lifted my feet from the floor as it seemed to comeupwards enveloping the under part of my buttocks. I became fevered, I shookuncontrollably and violently, my legs rubbing backwards and forwards as muchas their confinement would allow, vainly trying to assuage the pain from mybody

"Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee arggggghhhhhhhhhhhh. I screamed at the top of myvoice as my body shivered in utter distress and my eyes rolled in terror asthe torturous pain increased unabated.

I felt hands upon my body… still blinded with absolute agony as mytesticles were held firmly and my penis, once again, pulled away from my body.I rolled and shook my head from side to side as I was examined, hardly feelingthe cold stethoscope against my back and chest.

I could feel hands upon either side of my face… and then through mymist of anguish I saw the beautiful face of Sister Pearson. I was beside myselfwith grief as I pleaded.

"Oooohhhhhhhh…. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeee. Noooommmore" My tears fell in a torrent as she looked at me and then nodded towardsmy rear. I felt betrayed as she stood back and watched me, abject in my cocoonof indescribable agony.

The last three strokes came quickly and fiercely… each stroke placedone on top of the other, all placed accurately on the very center of my buttocks.

I screamed one long scream… my endurance at an end, as the pain becameso intense that my body locked solid. Every muscle every sinew stretched toits limit.

"Aaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… ayyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee" Myscream was one long cry of pain, unpunctuated… unrepressed: an unearthlyhigh pitched cry of anguish.

Jenny Leander

Jenny had felt the familiar wetness between her legs, as she had looked atthe perfect white buttocks of the young boy. She felt sorry for him, but shealso recognised the inevitable sexual excitement she felt when she was aboutto start a punishment.

On instinct she had put the strap on the floor and moved forward behind him.With an almost delicious sense of control she had placed her hands on his buttocksand slipped her fingers between the tightly clenched cheeks of his bottom.She plied the quivering flesh apart, hearing him gasp at the sudden intrusion.

Jenny had always had a penchant for dominance, ever since she could remember.Her appointment to the center had been heaven-sent. She had been able to indulgeher pleasures, legally and with the full blessing of the state. Her greatestthrill was when there were no witnesses to the beating, other than the regularattendance of the center's office workers and essential personnel.

Jenny loved the embarrassment of the young boys. Seeing their tear stainedfaces colour up to a deep crimson always sent a thrill through her body. Sherelished each scream; basking in the total control she had over the young offenders.

When she had come to the center she had realised that all of the girls whoworked in close proximity to the offenders, where very much like herself. Many,she knew, had been attracted because of their enjoyment in dominating youngmales. Even those that had joined without that predilection, had soon founddeep within their inner psyche, that they were sexually excited by strappings.

The center encouraged as many of the office workers as possible to attendthe beatings. Their presence always caused further embarrassment to an alreadyhumiliating experience for the young boys. Jenny knew that most of the girlswho watched the punishments were soon wet with excitement as a boy was soundlyand expertly thrashed.

The routine never varied to any great extent. But often after the boy hadbeen punished the pad would be removed and the bar would be raised with theboy's feet being spread apart and fastened securely. If there were no visitorswaiting to inspect her handiwork then she would stand behind him and reacharound to take his penis in her hand, before milking him mercilessly untilhe reluctantly ejaculated. She would exacerbate the humiliation of the youngoffender by talking to him as she vigorously worked on his penis. "Well… youonly have yourself to blame, fancy having to have your bottom smacked by agirl."

It was often the case that the miscreant seemed to form some sort of a bondwith his tormentor… and to her delight, the further embarrassment ofbeing chided and masturbated by her, caused them profound embarrassment.

It had been a long time since she had seen a boy seem to suffer his punishmentso badly, She was aware that some boys had particularly sensitive flesh andit was obvious from this young man was one of those.

She had administered the strap, as she always did, covering him with lashesfrom thigh to the very top of his buttocks with the first six and for the secondsix, overlaying each stroke as she saw fit. She always gave the last threestrokes on the center of the buttocks, each aimed to precisely fall on topof each other. She knew that even with the hardiest of boys that the pain wasintense… but she reasoned that after all that is what they were herefor.

She had seen Debbie show concern at the state of the boy, but had not lessenedthe severity of her strokes, once she had been given the go-ahead to continue.

Well sweetie, she thought. I am sure that between us all we will make itup to you. She smiled at the delicious thought as she watched the warders unfastenhis legs and remove the extension and the pad from the horizontal bar.

She could hear him groan as the horizontal bar was raised mechanically sothat he was able to stand upright. His feet were fastened ensuring his legswould be spread wide apart. His arms were still fastened to the horizontalbar and his head was resting on the top of the padding which covered it.

She could see that his buttocks were badly blistered as he shivered and shookwith the intensity of his pain. She knew that she would not be able to indulgein any other activity today as there were many more visitors here than usual,including a senior and two junior judges. It was common practice for the witnessesto stand around an offender after he had been punished. Often they would chidehim, sometimes taking hold of his penis or his testicles as well as runningtheir hands, sometimes roughly, over his freshly blistered bottom.

She watched Debbie as she approached the boy, gently stroking his cheeksas he stood there, sobbing in agony and anguish.

It was the senior judge who first got up from her chair. She approached theboy and standing in front of the padded bar, gently held his head in her hands.Jenny could not hear what she was saying, but the judge's actions seemed tenderalmost loving as she spoke with him. Jenny watched as the judge patted theboy on his head and then walked around the upright bars to examine his bottom.To her surprise and delight, the judge bent down between his widely spreadlegs and reached through his parted thighs. Jenny held her breath as she sawthe judge lifting his penis and gently cupping his testicles.

The judge held him there for several moments before letting him go. Abruptlyshe stood up and went to stand beside Debbie. Jenny was far too curious tolet the conversation go unmonitored. She put down her strap and joined Debbieand the Judge who greeted her warmly. "I was just telling Sister Pearson, thathe seems to have taken his punishment badly. She has agreed to keep him herefor a few days in the recovery wing. I know you all have your duty to do, butI did wonder if perhaps you might take special care of him." Both Debbie andJenny smiled at the judge's request. It was Debbie whom replied. "I think wecan take very special care of him. You are right, I think he has taken it verybadly and I understand that he lives alone, so there is no-one else to lookafter him. If you would like… you could see him in, say a couple ofdays. In fact I won't release him until you ask me to, how's that?"

The judge smiled. "Yes I think he is erm… rather special and certainlynot our 'run of the mill' customer. Yes if you would… I er… wouldbe most grateful." The judge looked around to see that most of the all femaleaudience were already leaving their seats; some were already standing aroundthe boy as he sobbed pitifully. Jenny saw that one of the girls had nonchalantlyreached down and taken hold of his penis, stroking her other hand over hisback in a comforting gesture. Jenny knew that the statutory half hour of confinementafter a punishment was a painful time.

But she knew that most of the girls were cognizant of the court transcriptand of the boy's circumstances and she could already see that their attitudewas one of tenderness and sympathy towards him.


My scream lasted until my voice gave way. The timbre of my own voice hadsounded surreal to my ears, as if I was in an echo chamber. I cannot thinkhow long it had been since the last stroke; it was a while before my feveredbrain realised that perhaps at last my punishment might be over. I could justsee through my tears a blurred image of female faces watching me.

I shivered and shook, the pain had not diminished. I had not thought thatany human could endure such pain. The severity of my beating had shocked meto the core. I shook in fear as I became aware of movement around me, fearingthat my beating was to start again. Instead I felt gentle hands against mywaist and my legs as the straps of my confinement were removed from my anklesand waist. I breathed deeply, not able to quell my sobs of pain and self pityas the padded rest was taken from under me.

I stood shaking as I felt the bar beneath my head and arms begin to moveslowly upwards and gentle hands prompted me to move my shaking legs forward.I felt a firm grip around each of my ankles as I was prompted to shuffle myfeet apart, until I was standing with my legs spread wide. The bar continuedto rise until I was able to straighten my back.

I felt a huge tremor of fear as I felt straps being placed around my anklesto hold my legs in position; I wondered if my new position was to afford memore punishment. I gasped in anguish and pain not knowing what was to happento me, only knowing that my body could not stand any more hurt.

I started to cry in despair and anguish as I stood spread legged with myhead resting against the soft pad. I must have been near to fainting; as ifin a dream I saw the beautiful face of Debbie Pearson. I felt her hand gentlystroke my cheek, her face full of concern as she looked at me. My emotionswere so stretched that I was overwhelmed by the gesture, I cried, sobbing mightily.My chest heaved and I gasped for breath in between the huge sobs that wrackedmy body.

I stood there for what must have been several minutes, my mind clearing fromthe acute pain of the last three strokes of the strap. I was aware of movementin the room and of someone coming to stand in front of me. I raised my headsufficiently to see that the lady judge was standing before me. Suddenly Ifelt her hands gently hold my head so that I was looking into her eyes. Shespoke softly and tenderly as I sobbed pitifully.

"Well Stephen, your physical punishment is finished. I know that you arein pain, but it will ease in time. I am going to inspect your bottom and checkthat you have not been marked anywhere else. I am not going to sign your releaseuntil your bottom has been properly treated. I understand that you live onyour own. Do you have anyone that could care for you when you are released?"

Somehow I managed through my sobs to answer her. "Er… no one… ermiss… er Ma'am.

She looked at me closely; I could see the tenderness and concern on her face,which only prompted me to cry even more.

"Well in that case I will see what I can do. I will see you again Stephen,when you are more recovered." I sobbed as she gently stroked my cheek beforetaking her hands away. I stood with my head resting on the bar again as suddenlyI felt soft delicate fingers gently lifting my testicles and to my horror,the shaft of my penis being gripped firmly and the foreskin being fully retractedso that the skin was stretched tight. I felt helpless and humiliated as I triedto look around behind me, but could only see as far as the interested expressionson the faces of the young girls and women as they got up from their seats.

I closed my eyes in shame as I felt my penis and testicles suddenly beingsqueezed firmly before being let go. I sobbed at the pain in my buttocks andthe humiliation of my public naked punishment. I felt dejected and shamefullyaware that all the girls in the room had witnessed my naked bottom being soundlystrapped and heard my cowardly screams and anguished cries for mercy.

I stood sobbing with my head resting on the padding, aware that I had beensurrounded by some of the girls from that had witnessed my punishment. Twoof the younger girls were standing in front of me. I tried to stifle my sobbingbut to no avail as they looked at me, their pretty faces showing their curiosityat my predicament. One of them put her hand to my cheek and spoke quietly tome. "My name is Jane and this is Karen… don't look away when we aretalking to you." I groaned with shame… my tears still rolling down mycheeks as I raised my head from the pad.

"My, you must be in pain… It must be really humiliating for you, havingyour bare bottom spanked in front of so many people." I felt her other handgently touch my chest, her flattened palm stroking gently downwards until herfingertips were just touching the top of where my pubic hair used to be.

"I bet you feel really ashamed of yourself don't you? I mean what aboutlittle willy here…" her hand moved downwards over my smoothly shavedskin. Deliberately she curled her fingers around my penis and pulled it forwardsand upwards.

"Fancy not even being able to have your modesty covered while you were beingspanked!"

I groaned in humiliation as the other girl brushed her fingers delicatelyacross my chest, teasing my nipples, at the same time reaching down with herother hand and curling her fingers under my testicles. I had never felt sovulnerable as her fingers enveloped my scrotum and she lifted and weighed mytestes in her slender fingers. Her voice was soft but teasing as she spoketo me.

"What a shame it must be for you… and you being such a nice lookingboy. You feel really smooth down here… why don't we just stiffen youup a little bit mmm? Make all that hurt go away, shall we?"

I groaned in despair and desperation as Jane took both hands to my penisand held the tip of the glans between finger and thumb so that she could slidethe foreskin down the shaft. There was a mischievous look on their pretty facesas I felt their delicate fingers expertly manipulate my penis and testicles:I tried to look away, but everywhere I looked there were girls watching mewith interested looks on their faces. I could feel soft hands stroke over myback and upon the inside of my thighs as other girls began to touch me. Everyoneseemed to have gathered together to watch the two girls stimulate my genitals.

I could feel an answering throb in my penis as my foreskin was expertly slidup and down the shaft. I could not help shivering as she stretched the foreskinskin tightly each time she retracted the covering of the glans. Her skilfulfingers gave me no respite as she looked at me, her pretty face smiling knowinglyas my penis became engorged in her hand.

"My… he is a cheeky little fellow isn't he… and he's growingnicely. Does that feel nice mmm?" Her fingers moved faster as my penis beganto stiffen rapidly. I felt my cheeks suffuse in a deep blush as suddenly shetook her hands from my engorged flesh and began to tap her hands upwards againstthe shaft. I groaned with embarrassment as I felt it bob up and down. I couldnot look down but I was well aware that my penis was now fully erect and throbbingvisibly. The pain from my buttocks seemed to enjoin with the acute sexual sensationin my penis, reluctantly making me as hard as I had ever been. I felt Karenreach her other hand between my legs and gently scrape her fingernails alongthe underside of the perineum; the combined sensations of their fingers elicitingeven greater sexual sensation.

Jane looked at me as she slipped her fingers back around the shaft of mypenis. "Well sweetheart… you are a big boy now, even if you don't haveany hair. We are going to let you go, so that the other girls can have a lookat this nice long fat willy of yours!" She gripped the flesh of my penis hard,at the same time as Karen squeezed my testicles firmly in both hands. She pressedher pretty face against mine and whispered. "If I had my way… I'd stickmy finger up your bottom and milk that beautiful penis of yours and make youcome all over the floor." She smiled innocently as she moved her head backand looked at me… "you'd like that wouldn't you, my little bare baby?"

For the next twenty minutes, I endured humiliation after humiliation. Softdelicate hands, examined my body… probing stroking and stimulating meat will: their softly spoken words of tenderness and comfort spurring me toeven greater sexual awareness and embarrassment. I could not have contemplateda more embarrassing situation, each girl adding to my shame with her touchor her words. My penis kept to a painfully exquisite hardness, jutting outand upwards from my body in a reluctant shameful display.

Suddenly it was all too much for me. I began to sob loudly in utter misery,tears rolling unhindered down my cheeks. I felt comforting hands holding mearound my waist as my legs and arms were freed.

I stumbled rather than walked between the two warders as they led me to asmall room with a padded bench. A shiver ran though me as I saw the thick leatherstrap which hung down from each side of the bed, one half had a leather coveredbuckle and the other was perforated with a series of holes. The sight was forebodingafter my experience in the punishment room.

Through my tears I could see that there was a hole, of about six inches indiameter in the centre of the bench as they bade me first kneel… andthen lay face down upon the linen covered surface. I was placed so that I waslaid flat upon my tummy, my erect penis and my swollen testicles, hanging freelythrough the hole in the padded surface. I shivered as one of the tall beautifulwarders slipped her hands underneath the bed and casually took hold of my penisand testicles. Her voice was tender and caring; "There is a pan underneathyou, so if you need to urinate, just do it. You are not to move at all… youdo understand? Someone will come and put something on your bottom, I won'tcover you in case it aggravates your skin and I am not going to fasten youdown with the restraint.

I wish I could do something for this…" she squeezed my penis morefirmly, but I am afraid that I am not allowed to." She squeezed my penis oncemore and then let me go.

I felt the other warder lift my head and hold a glass of water to my lips.I found myself drinking greedily until my dry throat was quenched. She tookthe glass away and gently slipped a slim pillow underneath my head. She bentforward and softly kissed my tear-stained cheek. "Try and rest… it hasbeen a traumatic time for you. If you can… try and sleep… atleast until Sister Pearson comes and does you little bottom for you."

I was still blushing profusely from the casual handling of my genitals asthey both left the room. I heard them stop for a moment outside of the roomand became aware that the lights were being dimmed. I was left in solitudeand semi-darkness as I contemplated my sorry state. I wanted to try and rubthe hurt from my bottom cheeks, but was afraid that if I touched them theywould become more inflamed. I felt naked and vulnerable as I lay, my uncovered,upon the soft surface of the bench, my penis and testicles hanging down freelyexposed to the sight of anyone who entered the room. My trauma and fatiguegot the better of me and I drifted into a light sleep… for a time, rememberingnothing more.

I awoke sometime later as I felt soft hands being gently smoothed over thetender cheeks of my bottom. A cooling and soothing liquid was being sensuouslyapplied over my burning buttocks and thighs. I was aware that the lights hadbeen turned up to full brightness and that all four of the nurses were standingaround my bed as well as Sister Pearson. I must have stirred as I heard hersay. "Shhhhhh Stephen…. Don't say a word, just lie there and we willbe finished soon. I felt her hands gently encase my penis and testicles whichwere hanging down through the hole in the padded bench, her slippery fingersexpertly retracting my foreskin, making me raise my buttocks at the suddennessof the acute sensation. "Shhhhhh… just relax now." Again Sister Pearsonquieted me as the gentle hands of one of the nurses, soothed over my bottom. "Iam going to milk your penis and empty these for you." She illustrated her wordswith a gentle squeeze of my testicles as she began to slip her hand quicklyup and down the shaft of my penis.

I groaned in a mixture of embarrassment and sexual sensation as I felt morehands being placed upon my bottom. Two of the nurses were now caressing andsoothing my buttocks, one of the nurses slipping her fingers in and out ofthe crevice between my cheeks as Sister Pearson deftly brought my penis toan erect state. Deftly she retracted the foreskin fully and let her fingersslide quickly up and down over the rim of the glans. Instinctively I raisedmy buttocks with in reaction to the acuteness of the sensation, only to feela finger slip unhindered inside my bottom. I tried to raise my body up, onlyto feel the hands of the other two nurses gently press on my back and shoulders.

One of them leaned over my head and kissed me softly on the cheek. "Shhh… Stephen,just lay still now." Her gently spoken words were in contrast to the busy fingersthat were expertly manipulating my penis and the slippery slender digit thatsuddenly curled skilfully inside my bottom. "Argggghhhhhhhhh" I groaned asmy prostate gland was explored with a firm pressure from the nurse's finger.I felt the Sister hold quickly my penis with two hands as the one of the nurse'slet go of my shoulders and moved closer to the Sister. I heard gentle whisperingbut could not make out what was being said as the nurse also slid her armsunderneath the bed and took hold of my testicles. I felt them being held firmlyas Sister Pearson slipped my foreskin back with one hand and rubbed over thevery tip of my penis with the other.

I was in a turmoil of sexual sensation as suddenly my prostate gland wasprodded firmly, this expert attention was accompanied by a second finger beingthrust up through my sphincter as my buttock cheeks were casually spread openby the nurse who was massaging my buttocks to allow the other nurse greateraccess.

"Aarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh." I shook my head as I felt my sphincterbeing stretched impossibly wide and my penis being rapidly milked, the Sister'shands moving over my engorged penis in a practised motion.

"Relax now… it won't take long… be a good little boy!" Thesoft voice of the Sister added fuel to my abject embarrassment and feelingof helplessness. My shame knew no bounds; to be systematically thrashed andhumiliated in front of so many beautiful girls and then to be expertly drainedof semen in a nonchalant and casual display of expertise, had humiliated mebeyond my comprehension.

My mind reeled in dismay, my shame tantamount to a deep and bottomless despair.

I was acutely embarrassed at the thought that I could not contain the suddenacute sensation from deep within my groin. It was the inevitable humiliationas I felt the inextricable point of no return; the unyielding sensation thatheralded the beginning of my ejaculation. No respite was given as my bottomwas explored thoroughly by the nurse's probing fingers buried deep inside me;nor by Sister Pearson who milked me so expertly that I lost all sense and reason.

"AArrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oooooohhhhhhh… arrrggghhhh." Igroaned as semen spurted spontaneously from my penis; again and again I ejaculated… mytumultuous orgasm agonisingly prolonged by the skilful fingers of the Sisterand her nurses.

"Poor baby… never mind it will all be over soon… just a littlemore... there we are what a brave boy." The tender voice of the Sister inflamedmy senses as her hands seemed to stimulate the very core of my nervous system.

For the second time I was being milked with such skill and expertise, thatI felt I could not withstand the acuteness of the sensations that were beingso dexterously wrung from my body. My chest heaved as I fought for breath,I gasped as my penis continued to spurt huge globules of semen without respite.The sensual pressure upon my penis and the firm incessant probing inside mybottom, held me suspended in the throes of utter and inexorable sexual abandonment.

"Arggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Please don't… no more pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaseee"

I could not contain my emotions; such was the skill of the nurses and thesister that I felt I would die with the severity and the intensity of the feelingthat coursed through my body… an exquisite mixture of unbearable pleasureand pain.

I raised my shoulders in panic as I reached the limit of my endurance, onlyto feel gentle hands press me back down upon the bed.

There we are… my you are in a state…shhhhhh now…" Thesoothing voice of the Sister did little to assuage my utter nervous exhaustion.My sinews seemed locked in a deep convulsion, my neck and throat constrictedin a trancelike grimace. My penis pulsed so violently that I could feel a deepache between my legs.

"ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH." I groaned in protest until at last the handsof the nurses and the Sister simultaneously slowed to a gentle caressing touch.

I had been drained, thoroughly and efficiently… expertly milked ofevery last drop of seminal fluid. I could only gasp at the acute sensationas the nurses fingers were slipped slowly out of my bottom, my sphincter beingstretched in one last exquisite agony, as Sister Pearson stilled her fingersupon my penis … and squeezed the rigid flesh reassuringly.

"Poor baby… it has all been too much for you, hasn't it? Never mind… justrelax and you will be fine." I felt soft hands caressing the hair at the backof my neck and soft delicious lips upon my cheek as the nurse held her prettyface close to mine.

It was with a feeling of utter exhaustion that I felt my penis being gentlysqueezed and wiped with a hot towel. Two pairs of hands were delicately applyingmore soothing ointment to my buttocks and thighs, while the other nurses strokedtheir slender fingers, in light feathery touches, over my back and shoulders.My last recollection as I drifted back to sleep was the dimming of the lightsand a cool cotton sheet being drawn over my body, covering me up to my shoulders.

It must have been sometime during the night that I awoke as I felt the strapbeing tightened around my waist, the pressure immediately forcing my hips flatagainst the bed. The lights had been turned up to full brightness and I blinkedas I became fully awake.

Before I could protest I heard the soft voice of the young receptionist andfelt her hand gently brush against my face.

"Shhhhh… I am not going to hurt you. Just lie still." To my embarrassmentI felt her lift the sheet from my feet and slowly and deliberately slide itup over my shins and thighs, eventually baring my bottom totally. She casuallyfolded the material over the strap which was fastened around my waist.

For some reason I felt even more naked and vulnerable than If I had beentotally uncovered. Feeling utterly helpless, I was forced to lay flat withmy buttocks bared and my hips pressed firmly against the surface of the benchby the broad waist strap, my penis and testicles fully exposed as they hungdown through the hole. I tried to look at her as she stood behind me, but thebroad strap stopped me from twisting my body far enough for me to see her.

Instead I lay my head back on the pillow, with my head turned to the side.I felt utterly stupid with my bottom bared as if I were a small child. I squeezedmy legs together as tightly as I could and tried to clench my buttocks, butthe movement caused my skin to burn with pain as I tensed the muscles.

I knew she was examining my buttocks, but could do nothing to stop her. Ilay there in silence until she moved further up the bed. I gasped as her handreached under the bed and casually fondled my penis and testicles. The almostnonchalant way that she handled me, made me feel even more vulnerable and embarrassed.She took her hand away, after pulling my flaccid penis downwards, stretchingit to its full extent.

I watched as she moved to stand in front of my face which was turned towardsher. She placed her hand between my cheek and the pillow, gently turning myhead so that she could look into my eyes.

I felt my face begin to burn as the blood rushed to my cheeks in a deep flushof embarrassment. She noticed my blush instantly and smiled at my discomfort,giving me a knowing look. Her eyes twinkled behind the slender framed glasses,making me feel utterly foolish as I lay fastened upon the bench with my bottombared for her inspection.

"Right, the same rules apply. You don't speak unless I ask you a question.When I ask you a question you answer me immediately. Don't try and turn yourhead away and don't be evasive with your answers. When I ask you to do something,you obey immediately. I know Sister Pearson has put some ointment on your bottom,which will have relieved a lot of the pain. However, a sharp slap with my handupon those little cheeks of yours will still hurt you more than you can imagine.So… tell me…do you understand me?"

I could not help blushing to an even deeper red as I looked into her eyes,her pretty face looking amused as my face burned with shame.

"Er… yes miss… er I understand.
"Good… now, are you going to obey my instructions immediately and without question?"

I looked at her, feeling utterly foolish as she held my head so that I couldnot evade her cool appraising gaze.

"Er yes.. miss… I will try."

I felt utterly foolish under the control of a girl younger than myself… andyet knew that I was in no position to argue.

"No… you will not TRY to do as you are told… you will DO asyou are told… now have you got that?"

I blushed again, but managed to stammer a reply. "Yes miss… I willdo as you ask."

She let go of my cheek and stood back, looking at me for a few moments, beforemoving out of my sight to stand at the foot of the bench.

I felt her cool fingers grasp each of my ankles.

"Right… bend your knees and draw them up as high as you can." Sheillustrated her instructions by pushing my ankles forward. I groaned with humiliationas I drew my knees up, until they were hanging over each side of the narrowbed. She had held my ankles together so that the soles of my feet were touchingeach other.

I felt utterly humiliated as I realised the vulnerability of my position.I was no longer able to clench my buttocks together and I knew that she wouldbe able to see into the crevice of my bottom. She continued pushing on my anklesuntil my thighs were widely spread apart. I gasped in dismay as I felt herfingers gently trail over the under-part of my bottom cheeks.

"Well Stephen… you certainly have a well spanked bottom, just whatnaughty boys need. Did it hurt very much when you were being given the strap?"

I was already blushing profusely from the humiliating and revealing positionof my legs. I could feel her hand move freely in-between the crevice of mybottom; the casual touch of her fingers accenting the openness and availabilityof my sphincter to her touch.

"Answer me; you are in no position to disobey without incurring an extralittle smack on this naughty bottom of yours!" She punctuated her words witha tap on the inner part of my bottom cheeks, thankfully not touching any ofthe skin that had been beaten with the strap.

I groaned with humiliation as I answered her. "It was awful er… missI didn't think I could stand it… I felt as if I …"

I could not finish the sentence. Whether my tears were of self pity or justthe culmination of the events of the day, I did not know… but I beganto cry.

"Yes… naughty boys always seem to cry when their bottoms are soundlyspanked… however you can save your tears. Tell me which part of yourpunishment was the worst?

My voice trembled as I answered her. "The last strokes miss, it… itwas like I was being er… branded miss. It was the worse thing I haveever felt miss."

I felt her hand move from in-between the cheeks of my bottom and her fingerstrail delicately over the welts on the centre of my bottom.

"Yes… she has done an excellent job of strapping your bottom for you,hasn't she?" I could tell by the tone of her voice that she expected an answer.

"Er… yes miss…arghhhhh." I gasped as the tender flesh seemedto burn under her touch.

"Still tender… isn't it?"

"Yes miss." I replied gasping as she placed her hand casually back in-betweenthe cheeks of my bottom for a moment, before taking her hand away.

"Well Stephen, I am afraid that is what naughty little boys deserve. I firmlybelieve that young boys should be soundly spanked regularly and of course,milked diligently rather than letting you indulge in that disgusting habitthat boys have of playing with their own penises. Now just relax your bottom,while I just stiffen you up a little bit."

I blushed at the way she talked to me as if I were a small child. I alsofelt utterly embarrassed at the thought that she could do with me as she wished.

I felt her fingers return to invade the crevice between my buttocks; thistime they felt cold and slippery.

"Arghhhhhhh…ohhhhhhh." I gasped as she pressed her finger firmly againstmy sphincter, impudently teasing the small rosebud of muscle by moving herfinger up and down over the opening.

"Just relax like a good boy. Ooops there we are, now that's what I like… nowlet's just slip it all the way in for you… just keep your little bottomstill."

"Argggggghhhhhhh….oooooohhhhhhhh please nooooooo." I could not helpgroaning and protesting as she slid her finger deftly and easily up into mybottom. My position made it impossible for me to clench my buttocks. I feltutterly helpless as she quickly located my prostate gland and expertly smoothedher finger over the sensitive mound.

"Arrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I could do nothing but groan and cryout as I felt an incredible pressure building up deep within my bottom. I triedto move only to feel her slap the lower part of my thigh.

"Don't you dare try and evade me… just lie still like a good boy whileI make your penis nice and stiff… there now that seems to be workingnicely." I groaned and moaned as her finger moved quickly and diligently insideme. I could feel my penis throb as her finger roamed unhindered inside my bottom,expertly coaxing me to a full erection. I gasped when her wrist touched theblistered skin of my buttocks as she moved around to the side of the bed: herfinger remained firmly in my bottom and not missing a beat as she reached underneathme.

"Ooohhhhhhhhh." I could not help crying out as she casually took hold ofmy penis between finger and thumb, squeezing to examine the stiffness, whileat the same time prodding my prostate gland with the tip of her finger.

"There we are… all nice and stiff in no time. Little boys are sp predictable… andyou have stiffened quicker than all of them… my word Stephen, what adirty little boy you are. Don't you feel embarrassed that your penis stiffensso easily? What a naughty, naughty child, you have obviously had no propercontrol in your life, you really deserve to be soundly spanked. Have you noshame?"

I was utterly mortified as she chided me, helpless and humiliated and blushingso profusely, as her words reduced my stature to that of a small child.

She took her fingers away from my penis and firmly pressed her finger downwardsstretching my sphincter widely.

"Just relax that bare bottom of yours… ooops there we are, just alittle push now…try and relax now… take a deep breath sweetheart."

Her words were accompanied by an even firmer pressure from her finger. "Arggghhh….oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I gasped as something large and hard was pressed against the opening beforebeing slipped deftly and firmly up into my bottom.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I tried to evade it but could notmove. I cried out in anguish as the cool hard object was slowly and firmlyintroduced deep into my anus. The increasing girth stretching me widely untilshe finally located the device in an agonising pressure against my prostate.She withdrew her fingers leaving my bottom firmly impaled.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… er ohhhhhhhhhh pleeeeeeeeeeease misss….er oooohh."

I gasped and moaned as she reached her hand underneath the bench and againfelt the hardness of my penis with her finger and thumb.

"O.K. sweetheart, I am going empty these balls of yours… hold tightnow!"

I could only gasp not knowing what she was going to do. For an instant Ifelt her soft fingers near the crease of my bottom and then suddenly a firmand incessant throbbing against the very core of my penis. The sensation wasso acute that I felt my hips tremble and my legs shake in abandonment as Icried out.

"Arrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," My abject wailof anguish went unheeded as the device vibrated methodically against my prostate.I could not contain my emotions as her hands enveloped my penis and testicles.I felt the skin of my foreskin being stretched back as the movement of herfingers seemed to join with the incessant throbbing deep within my bottom.

What she was doing to my penis I did not know… the sensation was sointense that I was incapable of coherent thought. The expert manipulation ofher fingers upon my captive flesh gave me no respite. Just when one movementbecame almost bearable she changed; pinching or squeezing the sensitive fleshin such a way that she almost seemed to have a telepathic knowledge of exactlywhat I was feeling.

"You are going to come soon… what a naughty little boy you are… aren'tyou ashamed of yourself?"

Her voice sounded casual, almost mocking in its tone, the steady modulationin contrast to my utter degradation and anguish as her fingers callously manipulatedme to a pitch of sexual torment.

Such was her skill that I did not feel one of her hands momentarily leavemy penis, but I knew that she must have adjusted the device in my bottom asit suddenly throbbed with even greater vigour.

"Arrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh… ooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh."

I arched my back in a painful concave arc, lifting my shoulders from thebench and throwing my head back as the device pulsed quickly and solidly deepwithin me. Her hands seemed to be touching every nerve of my penis as I ejaculatedreluctantly and violently. "aarrgggghhhhhhhhhhhh… pleeeease…nooooooooooooooooooo" Mypleading and shameful anguish at the intensity of my orgasm elicited no mercyfrom her. I was being milked so thoroughly that I felt I would die of sensation.

"There we are… what a big brave boy you are… just a littlemore now… you are not finished just yet." Her words seemed to spur myejaculation to even greater vigour as her hands gave me no respite from theintensity of my orgasm.

"There… what a good little boy… let me have it all and I willturn the vibrator off for you."

I felt her fingers firmly milk my penis in a downward motion and squeezehard as she reached the tip. Soft fingers touched my bottom for a moment andthen suddenly… utter relief as the throbbing in my bottom ceased.

Her hand reached back underneath me and I felt my testicles being squeezedas once again my penis was milked in a deft downward movement. I lay my chestback upon the bench, gasping for air as her hands began to move slowly overmy genitals, caressing my penis and testicles with feathery touches.

My throat felt hoarse as I gasped and groaned, while she steadied my emotionswith gentle touches; her fingers carefully avoiding the sensitive glans andrim of my penis.

"Sensitive little fellow aren't you? Never mind sweetie… its all overnow! Just lie still for a moment and I will take the vibrator out of your bottomand then you can straighten your legs. Hold still honey…. there that'sthe way… take a nice deep breath now."

I felt her hands gently pry my buttocks more widely apart and then suddenly,the incredible pressure of my sphincter being stretched wide as the devicewas removed. My knees and legs ached as I straightened them to lie straightupon the centre of the bench. I shuddered in anguish and fatigue as she movedtowards my head and laid her hand gently on my cheek.

"Poor little baby… a sound spanking and then having to be milked.What a shameful experience for you… and to think all because you werea naughty little boy!"

Her words were the final shame to my ordeal. Tears formed in my eyes as Ifelt her move away and thankfully relieve me of the constraints of the broadleather strap, before carefully covering my bottom with the sheet. My tearsflowed freely as, moments later, I heard the door close and saw the lightsbeing dimmed to a soft glow.


Althea Jones

Althea walked along the corridor, her body tingling with delight as the twosmall eggs, which were lodged in her tight little vagina, moved randomly asshe moved. She could not help pressing her hand over her small pointed breasts,feeling the sensitive nipples standing up firmly beneath the shirt she waswearing. She hurried to her office. 'If I don't stop moving around soon,' shethought, 'I am going to cum again… is that possible, she mused… threetimes in thirty minutes?'

Althea had the ability to not be surprised by anything that she thought ordid. She knew, that she selfishly allowed herself to do most things at leastonce.

'How can you know if you like it or not… if you don't try it;' shereasoned.

Her humiliation of the young boy had been heaven. His blushing face and tremblinglips had thrilled her more than she had ever thought possible. Having controlover a boy always thrilled her, but having control over such a good lookingand acquiescent boy was a delight that she had savoured.

Each small part of his subjugation had thrilled her to such an extent thatshe could replay every part in her mind with absolute clarity. Recall at amoment's notice the exquisite expression of utter embarrassment on his faceas she had bared his bottom; or the gasps of utter degradation as she had impaledhis sphincter with her vibrator.

She could not have said which part was best. Each little part of her skilledand expert control of his emotions had been perfect. Seeing him squirm in anguish,as the relentless throbbing of the device, had sent him into paroxysms of utterembarrassment and sexual torture. Watching his face as she had verbally reducedhis stature to that of a small boy; each part had added up to a sensuous andemotionally triumphant thrill.

One thing she was sure of… she would make sure… dammed surethat the opportunity occurred again. She did not know how… but she wasdetermined that it would. 'Soon she thought… I need that kind of thrillagain… soon.

At last she reached her chair and sat down, pushing her flattened hand downbetween her tummy and the waistband of her skirt: her fingers had hardly touchedthe smoothly shaven lips of her vagina when she threw her head back and trembledin orgasmic pleasure; again and again, shuddering in the delicious thrill thatrippled through her whole being.

From the moment that she been asked if she minded staying overnight by herfriend and co-conspirator, Debbie Pearson; she had relished the thought ofwhat she would do to the boy, slipping the hand made ivory eggs into her vaginahad been a stroke of genius. So thrilled was she with her performance uponthe boy's fragile emotions, that she had been able to orgasm by simply squeezingher legs together.

'Tomorrow,' she thought, 'I am going to have a serious talk with my lovelyfriend, Sister Debbie Pearson… 'cos, if you don't do it sister… Iwill!' She chuckled to herself and then suddenly realised that she should thinkabout getting some sleep before morning.



The warders led me along the corridor, walking either side of me and holdingme loosely, their fingertips gently resting on the inside of my upper arms.

They had awoken me earlier with a cup of coffee, even taking the troubleto bring sugar and cream which they added after asking me.

I had blushed as I thought about the events during the night. I had blushedto an even deeper red as one of the pretty warders had gently lifted the sheetbaring my body totally. I had watched in dismay as she folded the sheet andplaced it on a table by the doorway. The second warder had placed her handon my back and stroked her fingers over my shoulders. "OK Stephen, time togo." Was the only information I was given as I blushed in shame at my nakedness.I was aware that my penis was engorged as I slid my body off the bed, shiveringas the movement caused my buttocks to clench. I had placed my hands over mygroin in shame as I turned to face the two pretty warders.

They had taken me by the arms and pulled my hands away from my groin amplifyingmy humiliation as they both looked down together at my turgid penis, theireyes twinkling in amusement.

I had no idea where we were going as I walked naked and ashamed, sandwichedbetween their tall athletic bodies. We turned into a small room where a smallnumber of breakfast plates had been prepared on a plastic topped table. Thetable, which occupied the centre of the room, also held a coffee flask, cupsand jugs, as well as pots of various sizes. I looked at the plate, feelinghunger for the first time since I had arrived at the punishment center. Thewarders sat me down gently on one of the four chairs which surrounded the table.I gasped at the first contact of my buttocks with the plastic padding of thechair. Slowly I eased myself on to its surface finally letting my weight downon to my bottom.

"Guess you are a little sore after your session yesterday… never mindhoney… it gets better so they tell me." One of the warders stepped forwardand unscrewed the lid of the flask.

"Its been prepared for you, so eat what you want… coffee is in theflask. We are going to trust you to remain where you are until we come foryou. What ever you do, don't wander off, it is punishable by another sessionwith the strap… and we don't think you would want that."

I could hear them laughing as they walked back through the open doorway andinto the corridor.

It was over three quarters of an hour later when they returned and led meto the Center Principle's office. They knocked and waited until the door wasopened by a young girl I had not seen before. She, like all the other staffin the Punishment Center, was extremely pretty. She was wearing a white shirtand navy skirt which only came to mid thigh. The skirt was cut loosely andswished about her lovely tanned thighs as she moved. Her legs were bare andher skin glistened with health. She was wearing dainty sandals on her smallfeet. Her hair was dark, almost black and cut to shoulder length, it shonewith health, glistening as she moved her head to look at me. Her small mouthspread to reveal perfect teeth as she smiled, not with friendship, but ratherwith amusement at my naked humiliation as I was made to stand for her inspection.Her blue eyes twinkled with an almost scornful expression as I began to tremblewith anguish.

She looked me up and down, her eyes casually examining my nakedness, beforelooking curiously at my blushing face. I was about to cover myself, but thesudden firm grip upon my arms pre-empted my impulse.

Her voice was casual and relaxed.

"Bring him in… you know the routine."

I was led into a smart modern office. There were two desks, one was obviouslyfor the young secretary and the other, which had a large glass surface, wasplaced in front of a huge window which ran from floor to ceiling. Behind thedesk was the lady who had so casually instructed Sister Pearson to masturbateme before I was punished.

I felt utterly humiliated as I was led to stand, not in front of the desk,but around to the side by her chair.

She turned towards me as the two warders took a firm hold of my arms andstretched them outwards until they were parallel to my shoulders. They heldme in that position as the woman pulled her chair forward until her knees wereactually touching mine.

"Open your legs and stand with your feet as wide apart as they will go." Hertone was quiet but firm. I blushed as I moved my legs apart, I could not helpthe shiver that ran through my body as she leaned forward and cupped her handsunder my scrotum. I watched unable to draw my eyes away as she used her otherhand to casually take a firm hold of my penis. I gasped at the sudden intimatehandling of my genitals. "Timid little fellow aren't you? How does your bottomfeel this morning?"

She looked up at me, her smart business suit and her carefully made up faceand beautifully groomed hair, contrasting surreally with my trembling nakedness.

I managed to mumble a reply as the young girl, which had let us into theroom, moved to stand by the side of the Center principle. I felt nothing butshame as the woman casually handled my penis and testicles in front of her,as if my nakedness and ultimate humiliation was of no consequence.

I gasped as my penis throbbed in her hand. I began to shiver as she retractedthe foreskin, casually exposing me fully to the gaze of the girl and the twowarders.

I tried to avoid the young girl's interested appraisal of my genitals asshe suddenly looked at me directly. Her voice was almost a drawl as she lookeddown at my genitals which the Center principle was holding firmly.

"Quick on the trigger isn't he. It amazes me how little control these youngboys seem to have over their penises. Well he was certainly first in the queuewith that cocky piece of meat."

I blushed profusely as the Center principle let go of my genitals… andto my horror, left my penis pointing upwards towards the ceiling.

I felt the grip on my arms tighten as the girl leaned forward and reachedtowards my penis with her hands. I could do nothing but blush and tremble asshe nonchalantly tapped the tip of my penis with her slender fingers. I feltmy penis bob up and down before feeling the girl's fingers wrap gently aroundthe entire shaft. I was in turmoil as she slipped the foreskin back, exposingme fully once more.

"Cute little fellah isn't he? Guess you young boys have no shame." She heldme firmly as she turned her head towards her superior, her pretty lips wideninginto a grin as she spoke.

"Are we going to milk him before the Justice's visit, y'know… drainthese fellahs?" She casually placed her other hand underneath my testiclesand hefted the soft orbs of flesh in the palm of her hand. I almost faintedwith embarrassment and shame as the warders held me firmly with my arms stretchedout and my legs spread wide. Chuckling softly she continued.

"Or shall we have him walking around with his penis swinging about like thisall day?" She took her hand from my penis and then playfully, slapped it fromone side and then from the other. I blushed to a deep shade of red as everyonelaughed at my penis swinging wildly like a pendulum.

The principle looked up at my face, seeing the tears in my eyes she spokesoftly.

"OK Liz I think that will do. Just turn him around and bend him right overand then you can get take him for his prep and his bath."

She waited for the girl to let go of me and then reached forward and tracedher fingers over the smoothly shaven flesh around my penis and testicles.

"He won't need another shave… tell them." She waited as my tremblingbody was turned by the two warders until I was facing away from the Centerprinciple and the young girl. Gently but firmly they bent me over. I gaspedwith shame and indignity as one of the warders moved in front of my head, whichwas hanging low and then held it in her hands.

She moved forward, straddling me between her long and athletic legs, grippingmy head between her knees. She leaned over me and I felt her soft hands slidesmoothly across my back and around my hips. She slipped them underneath meand pulled upwards against my hip bones, making me raise my bottom. The otherwarder tapped the inside of my thighs with the palm of her hand, until I hadspread my legs widely apart. I shivered in absolute shame as I looked betweenmy legs to see the Center principle lean forward and place both her hands gentlyagainst my buttocks.

"Argghhhhhhhhhhhhh." I gasped as she gently prised my buttocks apart andexamined my flesh closely.

After she seemed satisfied with the condition of my bottom, she reached beneathme and patted my penis.

"Alright young man you can go and get your bath." I gasped again as I wasallowed to straighten up and led across the room and through the door.

Moments later I entered the room where I had been so shamefully preparedfor my medical examination. The nurses were all there waiting for me… aswas Sister Pearson. I could have died with shame as her eyes went immediatelyto my genitals. I caught the smile on her face as she turned away from me andaddressed the four nurses. OK… a good enema and then bath him thoroughly.Shave his face, but leave his genitals… although on second thoughtsyou can shave in between his bottom. I imagine that part will be getting aclose examination this afternoon." She turned back towards me and looked atthe warders holding me by the arms. "Just hold him tight for a moment." I blushedas she casually smoothed her hands around my penis, avoiding touching the shaft,but carefully feeling the above it as well as between my legs. I shivered asher hand brushed against my testicles as she deftly examined me between mylegs.

She turned her head to look over her shoulder at the four young nurses whowere watching with interest as she casually smoothed her hand over my pubicarea.

"He seems OK but you can check for yourselves."

She looked at me, her face showing some concern as she saw my shame.

"I am just going to look at your bottom honey."

She moved behind me and I felt her fingers slide gently over my wounded buttocks." OKSunshine… you will do."

She walked back past me and back to the four nurses who were stood by theexamination bench, where I had first been given an enema.

"Better get on with it girls… I will be in my office if you need me.Without looking back she walked towards the door and exited the room.

My shame seemed to know no bounds as they made me kneel on the bench, theirsoft hands moving and positioning me until my head was laid on the surfaceand my bottom was high in the air with my knees spread wide. I watched as oneof the blonde haired nurses stood by my head… deliberately and slowly,she pulled on a pair of rubber gloves, her hands only inches from my face.

She looked at me with a knowing expression on her face, making absolutelysure that I was watching her attentively before she sensuously lubricated thefingers of her right hand.

I could not help but watch her performance, shivering with shame and humiliation,as she made the finger and thumb of her left hand into an 'O' and slipped thelubricated forefinger through it in a gesture of penetration.

I felt the hands of one of the nurses gently part my tender buttocks, hertouch was gentle, but she firmly parted them until I was stretched widely apart.The blonde nurse gave me one last look before she moved to the foot of thebench and reached forward, her hands slipping unhindered between the cheeksof my bottom.

I gasped as the cool lubricating gel touched my skin. "Oooooohhh… arggghh." Ifelt the nurse's fingers press against my tightly constricted sphincter. Thepressure of her fingers increased as she spoke to me." Relax Sweetie… andtake a nice deep breath." I had hardly begun to inhale as her finger suddenlyimpaled me. I could not help trying to raise myself from the bench as she penetratedme deeply, her finger sliding right up to the hilt.

I felt hands upon my shoulders pressing me down as she began to work herfinger in and out of my bottom. I could feel the knuckle stretch me as shebegan to work her finger more quickly.

I had seen nothing of the preparation of the enema as a cold object was pressedagainst the upper part of the crevice of my bottom.

"Oooohhhhh… oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I gasped, as suddenlythe nozzle slid slowly and steadily up through my sphincter and deep insidemy bottom. I was held firmly as the nozzle widened, stretching me unbearablywide, before my sphincter closed firmly over the narrowed part of the nozzle.

The nozzle felt longer and deeper than the one they had used the day beforeand I felt thoroughly penetrated as warm water began to gush up inside me.

"Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… owwwwwwww." The feeling of my stomachbeing rapidly inflated caused me to yelp. I felt soft hands slip between mylegs and brush against my testicles and erect penis before being flattened,palms upwards, against my tummy. "There we are Sweetie; we'll just rub yourlittle tummy to stop you getting the cramps… Try and hold still andlet the water do its work.

I began to feel bloated, but as the nurse had promised, their hands kneadedmy tummy and eased the discomfort. My humiliation was causing me far greateranguish than the pressure of the water inside me.

Whether it was accidental or deliberate I could not tell, but the nurses'hands constantly rubbed or tapped against the tip of my penis. The wrist ofthe nurse who had accessed my tummy now constantly contacted intimately againstmy testicles and the shaft of my penis.

I started to gasp as the water filled me with an incredible pressure. I couldfeel that my tummy was greatly distended and grunted as the discomfort hadnow become pain.

"There we are… all done. What a good little boy you are. Now we aregoing to let you evacuate just where you are. We are going to help you to raiseyourself up, but not move your legs or knees. Cindy will put a pan betweenyour legs.

I gasped and groaned as they helped me raise my upper body so that I wasin an upright position, albeit on my knees. I felt the cold stainless steelpan being slipped between my legs as two of the nurses stood at each side ofme, holding me steady. I blushed as I looked down at my erect penis which wasjutting out lewdly from between my thighs. I could see from the faces of thenurses that the cause of my embarrassment had not gone unnoticed.

Their free hands once again returned to rub my tummy, knocking against theshaft of my penis constantly as they held me in an upright position.

I could only close my eyes in shame as they continued to stroke their handsgently from my chest right down to where the trunk of my penis joins my body.

I could not help gasping every so often as their fingers touched or tappedagainst my penis keeping me erect as they held me steady.

I could feel my stomach bursting to rid itself of the copious amounts ofwater that had been forced up inside. I groaned and even in my shame had tolook at one of the nurses. "I c' cant hold it any er… longer er… miss" Istammered as I felt the inevitable my sphincter giving way to the pressure.

"Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I groaned in acute anguishas, almost callously, I felt one of the nurses abruptly pull the nozzle fromup inside my bottom. I almost fainted with the pain as my sphincter was stretchedwide to accommodate the widest part of the device. I evacuated the moment thenozzle was pulled clear, blushing profusely as I heard the sound of the waterempty into the pan.

My ears rang with shame as I heard her next words. "There we are… yourpotty training must have been really thorough Stephen!"

I felt a warm cloth wipe between my thighs and the cheeks of my bottom, thisaction too, seemed to be the cause of merriment amongst the young nurses. "Youhave been a very good boy Stephen, but you are in no position to wipe yourown bottom, so I will have to wipe it for you… little boys never seemto wipe their bottoms properly."

I groaned with embarrassment as they examined the contents of the pan.

"Good boy… you are almost done. Do you think that you could lay onyour side and not hurt your bottom. Do you think you could do that for me Stephen?"

I shivered in shame as the pan was taken away and the nurses helped me tolie on my side. I turned a deep shade of red, blushing with shame as I waslaid down facing the blonde nurse who had inserted the nozzle into my anus.My penis was pointing straight towards her, she reached and casually took itin her hand, her fingers wrapping around the shaft and pushing the foreskindown towards my body.

"My you are a big boy today. Do you think you can draw your knees up to yourchest for me?" I trembled in shame as she held me in a firm grip for severalmoments before letting me go.

My penis felt as hard as rock as they took hold of my legs and drew themup, before turning me onto my back so that my bottom was lifted off the surfaceof the bed. They placed a rolled up towel under the bottom of my spine andtwo nurses, one at each side of me, forced my legs back until my knees wherenearly touching my face.

I watched the smaller of the two blonde nurses casually take a huge syringefrom off the instrument tray and depress the plunger slightly until water shotout of the long and frightening looking nozzle. She looked at me, her amusedexpression making me feel uneasy.

"I am just going to give you a little cleansing squirt in your bottom andthen we will all give you a nice warm bath and make you look like a nice cleanlittle boy for the Sister."

Her words belittled me even more, making me feel wretched and ashamed asthe dark haired nurse greased the nozzle of the syringe in an exaggerated display,her hand smoothing over the nozzle as if it were a penis.

I could only gasp, looking up at the ceiling after she had caught my eyeand given me a professional smile.

I felt hands between my legs and could not help looking as the dark hairednurse gently parted my buttocks, while her companion moved forward with thehuge syringe. I watched gasping in despair as the nurse insinuated her fingerright up through my sphincter and into my bottom.

"Arggggggghhhhhhhh… ooooooooOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH. I tried to shufflemy bottom away from the pressure of her finger and the initial probing of thesyringe, much to the twinkle eyed amusement of all the nurses.

After that I groaned continuously as, first the nozzle was deftly and swiftlynavigated up through my sphincter and then pushed firmly up into position,the rounded tip, seemingly reaching right up into my stomach.

"OoooooooooOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH…. Arrrhhhh." I was allowed no respiteas the nurse who was holding the syringe looked at me and spoke gently, stillwith a twinkle of amusement in her pretty eyes.

"Take a nice deep breath for me Sweetie." I managed to comply just as shepressed the plunger, her firm action sending a gush of water deep inside me. "Arggggggggh.Please noooooooo…." I wanted to lift up off the table, anything to escapethe acute sensation that I felt within my bottom. The nurses held my legs firmlyas the dark haired nurse casually reached forward and took both my erect penisand my testicles in her hands, squeezing them gently.

"OOOoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH." I threw my head back and wailedas the blonde nurse emptied the entire contents of the syringe; the torrentof water racing up into my bottom, the liquid gushing fiercely as it seemedto penetrate the whole of my torso.

"Steady now, my poor baby… it will soon be over now, what a bravelittle boy you are." Her words only added fuel to the flames of my embarrassment.

I was in a continuum of anguish and shame as they busied themselves aboutme. First taking the nozzle from my bottom and then manoeuvring me off thebed and making me stand on the floor in a squatting position above the pan.

One of the nurses was holding a gloved hand up between my bottom cheeks,pressing hard on my sphincter to stop me evacuating too soon.

"That's the way my brave boy… squat down like a good little Indian." Icould have died with shame. I knew there were tears in my eyes as eventuallythey prompted me to evacuate with pressure on my tummy and a sudden and humiliatingstretching of my buttocks… soft fingers, gently but firmly separatingmy buttocks until they were obscenely spread.

The bath was no less of an embarrassment and humiliation. They washed methoroughly, my hair, my neck, my ears and of course the utter shame of theirhands casually and flippantly toying with my penis and testicles.

They made be adopt the most humiliating of postures as they shaved my bottomand around my penis… making be bend then stretch as they denuded meof any hair.

Hands were everywhere… my foreskin, deftly retracted as busy fingerswashed behind the rim; the slender fingers wriggling between the tender cheeksof my buttocks and the final insult: the erect finger that penetrated my sphincter,making me rise up on my tiptoes as it probed and explored deep within my torturedbottom.

My lips were trembling in shame and there were tears in my eyes as I wasstood on the tiled floor, with my legs stretched widely apart to await furtherindignities.

I was dried like a young child… held with my arms out by the amusedand pretty warders, as every crevice of my naked body was diligently wiped.I was naked and ashamed as the warders positioned my body to await the Sistersinspection. I was made to stand with my feet together my back arched straightand my hands clasped to the top of my head. When they had positioned me theystepped a few paces back behind me.

I felt utterly degraded and shamed as I stood waiting to have my naked bodyexamined by the beautiful Sister Pearson… the girl I had dreamed ofas a suitor, rather than the juvenile and degrading position I was in now.The embarrassment was so intense and acute, that it made the nerves in my teethstand on edge.

I watched and waited as the nurses gathered around a table at the far endof the room. One of them talking on the telephone as another sat on the tabletop, her leg swinging to and fro as she relaxed. I could see that the nurses'focus of attention was still my naked body as I stood trembling in my cocoonof shame.

I waited in trepidation as the nurses sat casually relaxing at the far endof the room. I nearly jumped out of my skin as the door opened noisily andthe Sister walked into the room. She looked beautiful and radiant, her faceso perfect that I was mesmerised by her. Her lips wore newly applied lipstickand her eyes were exquisitely made up to accent the deep emerald green of theiris.

She was dressed in a fresh white tunic, the thin and expensive looking material,clinging to her body almost in symmetry to her tall and lithe figure. She worethe blue and gold belt and epaulettes of her rank upon her waist and shoulders.

She looked at the nurses and then walked quickly towards me, until her bodywas only a few inches from mine. I could smell the subtle and clean sophisticatedscent of her perfume as she peered closely at my tearstained face and tremblinglips.

She looked concerned, but I thought I also detected a spectre of delightin her face, as she dropped her head to examine the rest of my body. She madeno pretence at hiding the fact that she was examining my erect penis. She stoopeddown and looked carefully at my penis and testicles.

I could not help myself as my penis throbbed once, lifting upwards and thendropping back down in a series of pulses, completely remote to my own will.

I could have wailed in grief at the utter and abject embarrassment I felt,as it happened suddenly and unexpectedly only a few inches away from her face.

I was dreading her looking at me as she eventually finished examining mygenitalia and stood up meeting my eyes, directly and enquiringly. I colouredup instantly, in a violent reddening of my cheeks, the flesh burned in shameand anguish as I was forced to meet her gaze. Her expression was thoughtfuland yet amused in a wistful way. She did not speak, but carefully looked intomy face, her eyes moving over my features, mesmerising me with her beauty asshe examined every contour, crease and angle of my face.

It seemed to be many moments before she moved around me and I stood tremblingknowing that she was examining my naked body intimately and that I could donothing about it. I stood there for what seemed like an age before she reappearedin front of me. Her voice was soft and made me tingle with the quality of itas she spoke.

"Open your mouth wide, there's a good boy." I blushed, managing to part mytrembling lips quite widely. "As wide as you can for me…. now let'ssee." It was too much for me as her body moved to touch mine. I could feelthe tip of my penis pressing against her pubis before it slid up to be sandwichedbetween her tummy and mine.

The cool gentle fingers of her left hand slipped around my waist and heldme close as she brought her other hand gently up to my face and pressed gentlydownwards on my chin. Her voice whispered as I became totally intoxicated bythe feel of her body and the closeness of her beautiful face against mine.

She peered into my mouth, her gentle fingers tilting my head from side toside as I stood naked with my hands pressed against the top of my head.

At last she seemed satisfied. She stood back and looked at my naked bodyonce more, her eyes examining me everywhere.

As if it was an afterthought, she moved forward again and spoke softly. "Standup straight with your back arched, looking straight ahead." I did as I wastold only to blush with horror and the absurdness of my situation as her fingersdelicate brushed over my penis.

She seemed to caress my penis rather than examine it, which to my dismaystarted to throb violently. She let go of me and quickly cupped my testiclesin the palm of her hand and lifted them upwards. "Cough please Stephen." Iwas trembling all over as I coughed loudly, hoping not to prolong the stimulationof her hand cupping my scrotum.

She seemed satisfied and once again stood back.

"Thank you Stephen, you have been a good boy."

She smiled at me… and I perceived it to be a genuine smile as shequickly turned away and walked over to the nurses.

After a few words with all of them, she left the room without looking atme again.

It was two of the dark haired nurses rather than the warders who led me backto the padded bench where I had spent the night. With little fuss they positionedme, holding my penis as they fed the erect flesh through the hole in the surface.I felt the nurse stroke her hands over my genitals from underneath the bedbefore they both busied themselves with strapping me down. The strap was nottoo tight and I lay with reasonable physical comfort as they covered me withthe sheet. To my embarrassment the smaller of the two nurses lifted the sheetand uncovered my buttocks. She stroked her hand over my sore bottom cheeks,her fingers trailing with the delicacy of a feather.

"You will have about an hour here so rest… or sleep if you can." Iwatched them leave; the lights were not turned down but remained brightly lit.


Debbie Pearson

Debbie had had a virtually sleepless night but had still arrived early forher day's duty. She had spent much of her time in deep thought, her usual andconscientious way of working things out had prevailed and she had written downseveral plans of action. One by one she had discarded them, but kept segmentsof the better ones combining them, until at last she had made up her mind.

The real success of such a relationship will rely not on subterfuge or deceit,but on playing by the rules, as long as of course one could manipulate therules first. She smiled at the thought as she looked across the corner of thetable to her confident… Constance Hartman.

Constance spoke with consummate authority her voice well modulated and clear… asif she were in court.

Yes it is perfectly legal. You are over the age of twenty-one years, andas such are an adult, with the same rights as a person twice or even threetimes your age. You are a valued citizen of this community. You are employedin a responsible and valued job. With my recommendation there would never beany question of your suitability. I think the idea is wonderful and I am surethat I can get my fellow justices to sign immediately and… I can tellyou no department in this city would ever question the recommendation of threeJustices of the Peace.

Debbie looked thoughtful and then spoke quietly to the Senior Judge.

"Would it not seem unusual to have him living there? Would not that be broughtinto question?"

Constance looked at her and replied confidently.

"Of course not; he is a minor. I am going to state that he is not matureand it is a blessing that he was brought to the attention of the court. Theorder takes him to his legal age of adulthood and until that time he will beyour ward: bound over to you and subject to your rules. It is not unusual forthe person that has a ward bound over to them to take a keen rather than summaryinterest in their welfare. We have several upright citizens, which I couldquote you or anyone else that should enquire, who take a keen day to day interestand control of their wards."

Constance paused and looked seriously at Debbie.

"I assure you that feeling the way you do… and I know you have deliberatedwell… it will be not only be beneficial to you, but to him too. I thinkyou are right about his passion for you and by the end of today you will know… andif your suspicions about him are completely wrong then I can easily relieveyou of your responsibility. How does that sound do we have a deal?"

Constance laughed and Debbie smiled, secure and happy in her decision.

Debbie had really made up her mind yesterday, but had promised herself thatshe would scrutinise him again today, to confirm her decision. There were fewpitfalls but very much more to gain. She knew that she would never be ableto live a normal life again, the Punishment Center had seen to that. It hadawakened latent desires that she had not consciously realised that she hadhad. Her financial circumstances made working at the Center a vocation, ratherthan a means to earn a living. She was convinced that she would never be ableto marry in the normal sense, after all what bedtime activity could comparewith the normal procedures operated at the Center on a daily basis!

She stood up and helped Constance clear the tray of coffee and biscuits fromthe surface of the enormous plate glass conference table.

They both arranged the chairs so that only the side of table furthest awayfrom the door would have seating. Their view would be unhindered.

Although Debbie was aware that she would go through the motions of her workfor the rest of the day, she knew that her interest would be less than attentive.She had but one image in her mind… and that was walking through herown front door… with her prize.

She excused herself from Constance and returned to her office. Like the seniorpersonnel at the Center, her office afforded her every luxury… and todayshe was glad of her personal facilities. She entered her bathroom, which waslarge and beautifully tiled in Tuscan. There was a large bath and shower, doublesink and bidet. The walls, where not tiled, were mirrored; affording a rearview as well as a front view by the reflected person standing in certain partsof the bathroom.

Off to the side of the bathroom was her personal dressing room where, aswell as her uniforms, she kept a variety of summer and winter clothes.

Shelves and cupboards lined the dressing room, filled with her personal effects,makeup, toiletries and simple jewellery. She had on several occasions attendedunplanned functions straight from the Center building, without having to returnhome for an appropriate dress or pair of shoes.

She undressed slowly and sensuously, her mood dreamily surreal as she watchedherself in the mirror. As she became nude, she stood to appraise her body.Her breasts were her most unusual feature. Full and firm, they were perfectlyproportioned to her slender and lithe body. The unusual feature of her breastswas the second mound of flesh that surrounded the nipple.

It was so pronounced that it was like a small second breast placed on thecentre of the first. She had only ever seen breasts like hers once before andthat had been on a German Television programme that had been dubbed into Englishfor PBS.

The documentary was supposed to chronicling the daily life of a tribe ofAfricans. Debbie had been drawn to the pictures of the female population, whoall seemed to carry the same physical make-up. While the men of the tribe werevery average in their physique and certainly could not be described as handsome,the women were tall and beautiful and their breasts had certainly taken theeye of the cameraman.

More and more throughout the programme he had concentrated his camera uponthis physical feature, so much so, that she was certain that PBS would notbe showing it again, certainly not as a documentary about tribal way of life.

The plump and prominent secondary mounds of flesh of the African girls wereso alluring that she had stripped off her clothes and compared her own breastsin her mirror to those of the tribal girls. She realised that the shape wasexactly the same and that her own plump mounds of flesh were certainly as prominentand as large as those of the televised girls.

She had always been aware from the time of her first serious date that boyscould not get enough of her. The odd boyfriends that she had tolerated forshort periods of time had been extremely hard to get rid of once they had caughtsite of the alluring look of her breasts.

She leisurely examined her body, noting that her stomach was absolutely flatand firm and accented another unusual feature of her body. The flatness ofher tummy accented the exaggerated prominence of her pubic mound. The fleshwas pliant and firm and swelled to a perfect mound that dipped sexily betweenher legs.

The lips of her vagina were plump and reminded her of two perfectly smoothand firm wedges of peach. There was a patch of soft pubic hair, about the sizeof a silver dollar, above the crease of her vagina; this was the only hairshe had upon her body below her eyebrows. Her underarms as well as her pubicand anal area were completely and naturally bereft of hair. She had often thoughtthat it was a good job that it was fashionable to shave ones arms and pubisin this country. She had met other girls who from birth, had little or no hairon their bodies, but had never met anyone with such a perfect arrangement asherself.

She examined her long beautifully shaped legs, turning full circle in themirror to appraise the tone and quality of her perfectly proportioned limbs.Even her feet were neat and small. Like her slender and articulate hands, herfeet followed the same petite proportions. Although Debbie possessed a degreeof modesty that others found difficult to maintain, she had known that shewas indeed blessed with an unusual and superior face and body. For a prettygirl, it does not take long, even from an early age, to know that you are superiorin looks. The attention of boys from that early age breeds hauteur that, oftensubconsciously, is designed to keep admirers at their distance.

She turned again, this time examining her beautifully firm buttocks. Thesmooth skin of the perfectly shaped hillocks of her bottom glistened with healthunder the lights of the bathroom.

She smiled to herself as she thought about the course she had embarked upon.

'I wonder if he will enjoy the benefits,' she mused as she let her long slenderfingers trickle magically over her breasts, before firmly sliding down herflat tummy to the prominent mound below.

Slowly she teased open the firm plump lips and dipped her fingers gentlybetween the springy firmness of the pliant wedges of flesh. It took but a fewmoments before her body shuddered in a tightly confined, but delicious orgasm.

Her mouth opened in rapture, her small beautifully shaped lips opening toreveal her perfect teeth as she breathed in deeply.

'Yes my young man,' she thought, you will suit me wonderfully well and ifyou are a good boy, reap your reward… but under firm control.



I was awoken by one of the young nurses. I had managed to sleep, possiblybecause of the lack of sleep during the night, but my sleep had been fitfuland troubled when at last I did manage to doze off.

I became aware of my childlike and vulnerable position as I felt the nurseundo the buckle of the strap and her hand gently smooth over my bared bottom.I blushed immediately as a second girl entered the room. It was the young girlfrom the Center Principle's office. Her pretty lips widened into a smile asshe saw my blushing face and bared bottom.

The nurse spoke as she released my waist from the strap. "Right this is MissLiz Bryson, she is going to supervise you while you have your photograph taken.I blushed again as I heard her words. I was about to ask why I was to be photographed,when the young girl spoke to me, her voice firm and sharp.

"Did Sergeant Leander not tell you Stephen… Sweetie? You don't questionthe rules… got it?" I gasped as she reached underneath the bench andtapped my flaccid penis with her fingertips. "Got it?"

I stammered unable to contain my shame in front of the young girl and thenurse. "Er Yes… er miss… I won't do it again."

She deliberately tapped my penis one more time. "Good boy, that's what Ilike to hear."

Another walk down the corridor with my hands clasped to my head ensued, thistime thankfully, with my penis soft and flaccid. They led me to a large roomwhich had camera lights and tripods of various descriptions set up againsta white roll backdrop. There were several large bodied digital cameras mountedon tripods with wheeled dollies underneath them, each with a different typeof lens and matte-box.

The room had a large floor area with only a row of cupboards on one wall,they were topped with a shiny surface upon which were flat monitor screensand powerful looking computers.

Against the backdrop was a trestle with a padded surface and to the sideof the white roll background was a large measurement graphic which had thevarious heights printed in large non-serif typography.

There was an open doorway further along the back-dropped wall. I stood andwaited as the door was closed behind me. The nurse left me with Miss Brysonand walked through the open doorway. Miss Bryson stood in front of me, herarms were folded across her breasts and she stood looking at me. I droppedmy head in shame at her unhurried appraisal of my naked form. I was standingwith my legs together and my hands upon my head as she stepped towards me andput her hand upon my cheek, making sure that I looked her in the eyes as shespoke.

"Right my little Honey-bunch… I am going to photograph you. You maybe wondering why, so as it is not a secret, I will tell you. The records ofyour crime are kept along with a photograph of your punishment, copies of whichare sent to the court. You have to remember that you are now a convicted criminaland as such will be held on record for the rest of your life."

I looked at her pretty face, blushing as she continued to speak softly tome.

"The photographs along with the disc recording of your punishment will alsoshow that you were punished properly and fairly and that no other part of yourbody was hurt." I blushed as I realised that my strapping had been recorded.I had not been aware of any cameras at the time of my punishment.

"The fact that we have these photographs and recordings ensures that ournaughty boys and girls are too embarrassed to reveal what transpires at a PunishmentCenter… can you imagine the shame of your friends seeing you screaming,while a pretty girl straps your little bottom."

I coloured up again, my lips trembled as her eyes fixed on mine. "I can seethat you are no different, embarrassed are we Sweetie?"

My attention was drawn to the doorway, which I could see over her shoulder.To my dismay the Sergeant, who had strapped me, walked into the room followedby all four of the nurses. I trembled in humiliation as they approached me.

Miss Bryson, looked over her shoulder and then turned back to me, her eyeslooking at me curiously. "Timid little fellow aren't you… never mind,let's get this job done."

The nurses came to stand either side of me as Miss Bryson left me and walkedover to the camera equipment. It was Sergeant Leander that stepped in frontof me and casually placed her hand on my shoulder.

Her attire was the same as she had been wearing at my induction. She fingeredthe cattle prod that was holstered in her belt and looked at me her eyes, searchingmy face. "OK Honey… you're going to be embarrassed whether you likeit or not. You ought to realise straight away, that we have the power to fastenyou down and deliver another four strokes to that bottom of yours. I know youwouldn't want that so I am advising you to do what we say, quickly… andwithout fuss or comment."

"What do you do Sweetie Pie?"

I could not keep the tremor from my voice as I looked at her pretty face.I had a peculiar feeling as I realised it was those pretty hands that had heldthe strap and beaten me so cruelly.

"I… er will… er obey…er quickly and.. er without fussor comment…er miss." I could feel tears in my eyes as I looked at her.For some reason I wanted her to put her arms around me and comfort me. Insteadshe reached forward, her hand moving quickly between my legs, and took a gentlebut firm hold of my testicles. Her fingers felt cool and smooth against myshaven scrotum. I gasped and shivered as her fingers enveloped my testicles.

"Don't move." She commanded sternly she squeezed once and then let me go.

"Argghh." I gasped as I felt the firm pressure of her fingers.

"OK Honey, first shot. Take your hands from your head and go to the trestleover there. Bend right over the bench. Spread your legs as wide as you canand rest the palms of your hands on the floor, with your hips resting on thepadding. I am not going to help you… you are going to do it yourself… whatare you going to do?"

I blushed, my face burning with shame and my lips trembling as I answeredher. "Er… please miss… I am going to bend over the bench.. erwith my legs spread apart and my er… hands on the floor."

She stroked my cheek gently and smiled at me. What a good boy… that'sexactly right Sweetie… Now Miss Bryson is going to instruct you fromnow on, I will be here with my little cattle prod in case you don't obey quicklyenough for her. So come along Sweetie… get to it."

I walked to the bench and took my hands from my head. I felt absolutely foolishas the nurses and the young girl as well as the sergeant watched me. I leanedover the padded trestle, knowing how stupid I must have looked as I let myselfalmost fall over it. I parted my legs a little, aware that my penis and testicleswere hanging down on their side of the bench. I waited for the inevitable instructionto open my thighs even further.

Instead there was silence as I planted the palms of my hands flat againstthe floor. I was blushing and trembling as I heard the camera being wheeledforward. I remained bent over the bench with my head hanging down, and my eyestightly shut in shame.

The sudden shock and pain of the open palmed slap made me cry out. "Argghhhhh." Iopened my eyes and tried to turn my head as a second slap was administeredover my tender and tortured bottom cheeks.

"I warned you honey… legs well apart." I looked to the side wherethe voice of the sergeant had come from… and realised that it had notbeen the sergeant who had slapped me, but Miss Bryson.

I gasped as her soft hand stroked gently over my stinging buttocks. Her voicesounded amused as she felt over my burning bottom cheeks. "Right Sonny… spread'em until they ache.

Got it Honey?"

I blushed as I stretched my legs wider than I had ever thought I was able.

"Well done Honey-bunch, she drawled as I heard the camera fire quickly, theshutter sounding a muffled chatter as it took multiple shots.

I was aware that the nurses had moved closer. They seemed to be familiarwith the routine as two of them placed their hands on my shoulders.

Before I could protest I felt the embarrassment and shame of my buttocksbeing parted. The other two nurses had each slipped both hands between thecheeks of my bottom, their hands pulling from either side as they proceededto stretch my buttocks widely apart.

"Arghhh… oooooohhhhh." I could not contain my anguish as I was stretchedwide open while the camera whirred and chattered as another series of imageswas digitally recorded.

They held me in that position long after the camera had stopped and I beganto wonder why I was still being held when, suddenly I saw from between my legs,the young girl approach me. I felt her hands gently touch my penis and testicleswhich hung down from between my widely spread thighs. She took a firm holdof my testicles and proceeded to tap her fingers against the tip of my penis.I could only gasp and groan in utter misery as I was stretched wide while thefingers of the young girl deftly aroused my penis.

"Arghhhhhhh… oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh." I could not help myself… Ifelt humiliated beyond belief as I felt my penis stirring. I felt her gentlegingers, slip the foreskin back to uncover the glans. She let go of my testiclesand applied both hands diligently to my penis, skilfully eliciting a sexualresponse from my member which responded against my will, to the soft and insistenttouch of her fingers.

I was blushing a bright red by the time she took her hands away. I heardthe camera whir and then felt the nurses release the pressure of their handsupon the cheeks of my bottom. I was gasping in relief as they helped up fromthe trestle. My legs and back were aching as I stood shamefaced in an uprightposition. The sergeant and one of the nurses moved the trestle to the wall,away from the backdrop. I blushed again as I looked down at my penis whichwas now jutting out from my body. I could feel the hardened flesh ache, bobbingup and down in a constant throbbing, over which I had no control.

One of the dark haired nurses gently stroked her hand over my cheek and lookedme in the eye.

"Don't worry, it will get better Sweetie." Her voice was soft and tenderas she looked at me with an expression of concern on her pretty face. She turnedand followed the Sergeant and the other nurses through the doorway to, whatI presumed, was another room.

I was left alone with Miss Bryson, who left me no time to ponder as she tookmy arm and led me over to the white back-drop. She stood me facing the whitepaper, with my back turned towards the camera.

I could feel her breath on my back as she stood behind me and placed herhands gently on my hips. "Now Stephen, I want you to stretch your arms outabove your head and stay in that position until I tell you to do otherwise." Ifelt the feathery touch of her fingers delicately touching each side of mywaist and then chest, as she ran her hands upwards to correct the positionof my arms, as I stretched them out above my head.

"That's the way… now stay as you are."

I heard rather than saw her return to the camera and take more pictures andthen her footsteps as she approached me again. To my horror, she placed bothhands on my waist and then slid them around to my tummy and downwards, herslender fingers, familiarly and deftly, taking hold of my erect penis and cuppingmy testicles. I could feel her breasts pressing against my back as she leanedforward, her cheek brushing under my outstretched arms as she examined my genitals.

"OK Honey… turn around and face the camera, keep your arms stretchedupwards, just as you are."

I blushed as she squeezed my penis before letting go of my genitals. I feltdizzy with shame as I turned towards her as she looked at me from behind thelarge digital camera.

"A smile is optional." She said mischievously as looked down into the viewfinder.I coloured up instantly, aware that her photograph would record the foolishnessof my position, with my penis erect and my blushing face squeezed between mytwo up-stretched arms. I began to tremble as I realised the full extent ofmy shameful exposure to the camera. She finished her series of digital imagesand approached me once more this time she was carrying a large card, whichwas shaped like the number plate of a car. I could not help colouring up againas stood before me. To be handled and ordered around by such a young girl wasso embarrassing that I hung my head in shame.

I was acutely aware of the juxtaposition between my nakedness and the trimand attractive appearance of the young girl in front of me. I noticed thatshe had undone a further button of her blouse to reveal the plump soft contoursof the upper part of her breasts. Although her demeanour was one of efficiency,I felt sure that she was extracting pleasure from my shame and embarrassment.

"OK Sweetie, stand in front of the height chart facing the camera and holdthis, come on you can take your arms down now. She handed me the card and watchedme blush furiously as I read it. 'Stephen Ryder' was printed in bold lettersacross the top and underneath in smaller letters it read: 'Punished for Drivingwhile unfit through Drink.'

She held my arm as I stood facing the camera and then adjusted my positionuntil I was holding the placard across my chest. Casually she cupped my testiclesas she spoke to me.

"Stay as you are now and don't move until I have finished." Her hand leftmy testicles and she casually smoothed her fingers around my freshly shavenpubic area. I groaned in dismay as she tapped her fingers lightly under myerect penis, making it bob up and down.

"Well honey… if you insist in having your penis erect… thenthat is how you will go on record."

I groaned in dismay.. "Please er… Miss couldn't you er… waita minute er…" I was shaking with embarrassment as I pleaded.

"Look Sweetie, I can't help you, you're the one with his willy sticking outfor the whole world to see. So stay exactly as I have positioned you and don'tmove… you obviously want everyone to know what a dirty little boy youare."

I trembled in shame as she took a series of photographs and then made meput the placard down and stand sideways. I could feel tears in my eyes as shemoved the camera closer to me. I was acutely aware that my penis was standingupwards in front of the measuring graphic as she continued to take a long seriesof exposures.

To be continued…………………….

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10 Most Popular Indian Sex Stories Of The Month May 2015

Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of May, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! It was not a surprise this time as it was well planned and executed it deftly. A night filled with passionate love making to our content. …We reached a wonderful resort and done with all formalities in the reception to get our room booked. We made our way into the room and locked the door. I turned the A/C on and went to the...

4 years ago
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10 Most Popular Indian Sex Stories Of The Month April 2015

Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of April, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! How I was shared between my real life master and his friends on a Goa trip, where I was not only used as a sex slave but also was used as their personal servants. …He had a pair of devils hand, huge fingers and palm complimented with the hardness of an animal. He was rubbing my boobs for a couple of min and then suddenly felt it....

2 years ago
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9 Most Popular Sex Stories Of The Month March 2015

Here is the list of nine most popular sex stories published on ISS for the month of March, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! A love cum lust story of two college students. It is about how two people form the opposite sex, discover their sexual feelings towards each. It is about an innocent sex adventure, which gets thrilling and erotic as the story progresses. …Suddenly, she came down from the bean bag and sat with me on the mat. She was looking very...

2 years ago
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6 Most Popular Sex Stories Of The Month 8211 February 2015

Here is the list of six most popular sex stories published on ISS for the month of February, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! We went to her farm house and she gave me a pleasurable blowjob along with a hardcore sexual action. I loved the way she sucked my dick. …I started to squeeze her boobs with my one hand we both turned on then I open her bra and started to play with her big 38 size melons, wow it is really big and hand full, I started to press and...

3 years ago
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Lost ToysChapter 14 Joseph Dyne Monday June 22nd 2015

I put down the novel on the battered coffee table. I wasn't the Ian Fleming fan Matthew suggested I'd be. I leaned back and pinched the bridge of my nose. I had work tonight. I wish I could have started then. Sitting bored for two hours and then catching a bus held no appeal. I'd have given the company two extra hours for their measly twenty four bucks. Things had been quiet these last few days. Matthew had been spending most of his time out and Craps was at St Mary's every free moment...

1 year ago
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Lost ToysChapter 17 Dawn Rhodes Wednesday 24th June 2015

I hated sleeping in that bed with Phoebe and Sara. It wasn't a room thing. Phoebe and Sara were both skinnier and shorter than me. If I wanted to be untouched they'd cuddle up on the other side. If I wasn't feeling my best, they wrapped me up and held me. It was the mess. Sara needed to get off usually twice a day. She couldn't do it herself and Phoebe never thought twice about helping. I masturabted from the chair once. Not watching, just concerned Matthew had taken as much from me. I...

3 years ago
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Lost ToysChapter 18 Sara Saint Thursday June 25th 2015

Matthew and Gwendolyn were knotted up over the covers. Matthew had gone out like a light, snoring into Gwendolyn's ear. She had been red faced, stroking the backs of his hands, until she too had finally fallen asleep. I had slept in the car. The big back bench seat was perfect for me. Now I was ready for the day and The Wizard and my sister were dead to the world. Our bags were dumped by the TV. We had all packed pretty light. I had a couple days worth of clothes and more than a couple...

2 years ago
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Punishment Dress

In the span of history, until relatively recently, a beating was given across the bare flesh, and dress had a significance limited to the procedures and drama of its removal. Before the great change, the chances were that a victim would be crudely stripped and flogged without more ado, but, if dress played any part at all, it was as an agent of humiliation rather than as a layer of protection: a soldier was the more shamed by being stripped of his full-dress uniform, and, by the same token,...

4 years ago
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Punishment 2

Punishment 2 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Karen's visit Maria opened the door of her flat and, almost silently, strode into the hallway, closely followed by her best friend Karen. Maria draped the jacket of her business suit, together with her handbag, over a hallway chair and stepped out of her smart, patent, red, high-heeled court shoes. Immediately at her back, Karen similary placed her jacket over a hallway chair and, as both of them quietly made their way towards the...

3 years ago
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Punishment Mistress

The Punishment Mistress [F/M noncons institution, spank, milking]"No... No," he moaned aloud, to no one in particular, because he knew that the punishment mistress would take no heed of his protest. "Please, no," he said, louder, this time addressed to the punishment mistress. Part of his fear was his total vulnerability. He knew that there would be no escaping the severe strapping that he had been sentenced to for the week's misdeeds at the institution. He was totally naked, bent over a heavy...

1 year ago
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Punishment 1

Punishment 1 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - The blonde It had all happened the previous weekend when he had been out with a fellow college student, who had invited him to his brother's stag night. Not a hardened drinker, Jim had quickly gotten pissed and found himself separated from the others, in a large bar with what seemed like hundreds of strangers. He had intended to phone his live-in girlfriend of 1 year, Maria, and tell her he was drunk and would be heading home soon, but...

1 year ago
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Punishment Stephen "It couldn't be... and yet for a brief moment I thought it was. The girl I had dreamed about...the girl that had figured in my every erotic fantasy. At school she had been head girl; three years above me and probably a million light years away from ever looking my way. Head girls don't talk to lowly 5th. Graders, I wonder if in fact if they ever see them? Not that I am not worthy of a look. Even though I would never say it through modesty, I am good looking although only...

1 year ago
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Adventures at AdultCon 2015

The Las Vegas Convention Center wasn't as big as you thought it'd be. It seemed...smaller than its reputation had demanded. Though, to your disappointment, most things in Vegas turned out to be smaller than its reputation. Your friend had practically forced you to join him on the trip down, then he got his ass too drunk to move, then too hungover to get out of bed. Typical. But you weren't going to let him ruin this weekend for you, even if he was too busy killing his liver. You see the line to...

1 year ago
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The Glory Hole 2015

Sylvia and Judy at the Glory HoleThe Glory HoleA much older Silkie tells this story to her daughter Mistye about her teenage adventures:"I''d had boys in my ass before, in fact, I often preferred it to vaginal sex because I was so small. I hadn't had anybody or anything like MIguel before. He wasn't trying to hurt me, that just that way it was. I was really tiny there. probably a lot like you. I don't have to tell you how it feels to get fucked really super hard He came in my insides like three...

2 years ago
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Uncut And Raw 6272015

I am a man that is uncircumcised. Women think that if you are uncut that you are dirty. That you will tear the foreskin if you put it into a tight ass or pussy. That you cant feel it as well when they give you a blowjob. And the one I have just heard that you cant cum as much as a cut man. This is the question I got from a little redheaded woman that worked in my office. She was hot. A plump ass, perfect breast and hips that flared out. She was a perfect woman. Little did she know...

3 years ago
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DECEMBER 5th 2015

“Hi Gary, I saw your profile on here, and thought I would message you”This was the line that started it. This is a message I received an a swinging site I am a member of.Of course, I replied and, and this is how it all went.OK, I wont bore you with the introduction messages etc., but basically, I adore giving women oral sex, I love it in fact, and this is what my profile on the site is based around.The message came from L (name withheld). She was a 39 year young, single mother of one. After...

4 years ago
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Thursday 29th October 2015

Waiting in the bedroom. showered and smooth underneath, my clit caged and locked wearing exactly what Master requested… blonde wig, stockings, suspenders lacy panties and bra under a sexy mini dress. Standing, waiting nervously, glancing around the room I caught sight of a neighbour through the window but even more worrying sitting on top of a cabinet next to the double bed stood a fist sized black butt plug. At which moment Master entered the room. After some posing and a small show I was...

2 years ago
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Real weekend 2015

After writing the Fantasy week-end story, actually it become reality.We went to meet with my wife's lover, and to be together for 2 nights and 2 days.I was in charge to look for an apartment for this days, and i never looked for hotel rooms and apartments with an erection, but this time, every picture i saw i was just imagining them on that bed, in that showe, in front of the mirror on so on.Finally i book a small apartment with a big bed, a small couch with bed view.We arrived late, and he was...

2 years ago
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Gran Canaria May 2015

Hi all just got back from a week in the sun and thought you would all like to hear of my adventure.Happened Thursday last week, was staying at a large hotel in playa Ingles, full of German OAP's so pretty boring most of the week until this happened.I'm a 48 yrs old English guy, average JO... on holiday with my MrsI'm in the underground Wellness centre, loveley swimming pool, Dead sea pool, Sauna & Steam room.Well I came out of the steam room, and saw a couple of travel cases by my towel on...

3 years ago
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Spring Break 2015

It is Spring Break and I have the house to myself. I put an ad in Craigslist that I have my private gloryhole open. The responses are swift an immediate. I have a nice variety of cocks to choose from. However, one takes my breath away as it is from a man in town on business who sent a pic of his 8 inch cock. In the pic his cock is flaccid but the curve of the uncut cock I like a horse. He says he can be right over.I am waiting in my private gloryhole vestibule which is really my bathroom door...

4 years ago
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It Might Be A Perfect Start For 2015

Hello girls and guys this is Rehan Age 21 basically from Vizag but now staying in Hyderabad. For guys n girls who read my 1st story thanks for your feedback. For who didn’t read my story go n have a look at that. “Expected pleasure but she taken me to heaven” this is my 1st story. Again send me your feedback at My narration may be not up to the mark so adjust a bit. Some guys asked her number for your information I am not in contact with her because we have only one time sex so later she...

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Punishment 6

Punishment 6 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Expectation of a gentleman caller After Maria had taken Jim into her bedroom and repaired his tear-ravaged make-up, she had taken him in a gentle but tight embrace for a few minutes, all the while cooing softly in his ear that he had nothing to worry about and that she and Karen would take care of everything. Despite the punishment that the two girls were putting him through, a punishment that seemed to be continually shredding not only...

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Punishment 120

PUNISHMENT 120 ? PART 1   ?????????????????????? PUNISHMENT 120 ? Part 1, the drive. Della Domina settled back into the plush, luxury leather of the robot-driven Lincoln Town Car and flipped open the folder from her Gucci briefcase. In it she found details of the subject for the Punishment 120 episode she was to shoot for the huge-rating Sex Sinema Channel. The channel had been in business for about six years ever since Congress and Senate, in a show of unanimity unheard of when men...

1 year ago
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Punishment Time

Once again, she misbehaved to the displeasure of her Sir. Six months ago, she admitted her submissive tendencies to herself and found Him not long thereafter. He has been training her for a few months now and she cannot believe that she keeps making the same mistakes. What will He do to her? He is not sadistic in any way, but He is also not going to let offenses pass without notice. He always said that the punishment should be equal to the offense, but she knows that repeated offenses will...

2 years ago
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Punishment In The Border Town Reform School

The assistants at the reform school just across the Rio Grande brought Dan to the punishment room. This was Dan’s second day at the school, where he had been sent as part of a plea agreement. It appears that Dan and some accomplices liked to raise hell in their neighborhood. They thought it was fun to watch their neighbors frantically work to remove the spray-painted slogans and slurs. Those who didn’t know how to immediately remove the paint had to pay a professional ...

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You fidget in your chair as you sit in a hotel room, waiting for me to arrive. You feel a mix of anticipation and fear. You know you’ve been bad - you broke one of our rules and I’ve promised to punish you. You’re waiting, dressed as I’ve instructed. Tight white blouse with your white, lacy bra visible beneath. Tight short skirt. Stocking but no g-string. You squirm as you wait for me, a little anxious about what’s about to unfold. Your heart jumps a little as you hear the door. It opens and I...

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“Ah, Brother Michael, come in, come in. Let us dispense with formalities; you know why you are here? Yes” The abbot paused “Brother Michael, you are a good monk, a good man -” “Please my Lord Abbot, I am no better than others, do not build me up with false pride. I pray” “-of course, yes. I mean you try hard to serve our Lord as well as any monk. How can I say this? You have one flaw ... you tell the truth, unvarnished, to all” “And that is a flaw my Lord Abbot?” “It is when the person you...

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Hi this is Raj Patel from Ahmedabad. I am regular reader of all this story & I love to share my true Experience. I am working with call center in Ahmedabad as team leader & 23 yrs old with 5’9” height & 7” thick dick. This incident happen when I was 19 yrs old & studding in college. I am staying with my parents. My dad is having his own business & mother is house wife. We are staying in top floor of apartment & our apposite door only 1 lady is staying & she is 33 yrs & divorce. Name of that...

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'enough is enough we are fed up getting calls from school saying you lot have misbehaved you are all old enough to know better its time to start behaving from now on there will be punishments you dad and i have been discussing this if you cannot behave then you will have to put up with the consequences punishment will include humiliation , the punishment and humiliation will get more severe each time you do something wrong starting today with you scot for trying to cheat on your exam your...

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Punishment 3

Punishment 3 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Trepidation Jim stood at the locked door, inside his and Maria's bedroom and took a deep breath in an attempt to steady himself. As he exhaled, he was inwardly grateful that he had not succumbed to, what he now viewed as, a moment weakness, in that he had managed to stop himself just short of coming moments earlier, gazing as he did at his own reflection in the mirror. He was grateful, not only that he sensed that he still had,...

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Punishment Day for NANCY

Nancy was desperate that day. She got her progress report and the Principal has asked to bring her parents to school. Out of the 8 subjects in her 12th, she failed in 4 subjects and that includes chemistry, her father’s favorite. Tomorrow is Saturday, and she needs to ask her father to see the principal at his home by morning 11am. She shivers at the thought, for she knew what to expect after the meeting at home.Nancy is the only daughter of Mr. James Hurston. She has an elder brother who is...

3 years ago
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Punishment for your Crimes

Chapter 1 (Just contains chastity, and some sex stuff) As I got out of the shower, she knew. I could always tell in the expression in her face. My wife, Jane, was drop dead gorgeous. Brown hair, past down to her mid back, with these beautiful hazel eyes. But in this case, I could tell she looked at me suspiciously. "I put the dogs in the other room." "Sorry, I'm really tired, it was a long day! It's the end of the week and I'm exhausted." I wasn't completely lying of course, I do...

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Even years later Prescott could never explain how the game got onto his computer -- or why. One afternoon he was sitting at the computer streaming a game show from a local TV station when they broke in to show a live police pursuit. He watched a small white sedan weave in and out of traffic and, more than once, sideswipe other cars, and narrowly miss hitting pedestrians. "We have just received a video feed from the surveillance camera in a local convenience store." There was a meaningful...

4 years ago
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Punishment or Reward

Janey didn't like floating at other apartment complexes in the company. It wasn't that she minded helping out, it was just that the extra driving time and then working at a place she was unfamiliar with caused her extra stress. It wasn't the big stuff. It was not knowing where the paper clips were or extra printer paper. It was getting a phone call from a tenant wanting to know if the paperwork they asked for was sent off last week. How should she know?  On the way there Janey called the...

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Punishment The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn’t been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter’s place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn’t quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my...

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Punishment The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn't been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter's place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn't quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my mouth...

2 years ago
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Punishment configuration 1

There are zero niceties from the start. I am just barked short orders and sharp questions. I am not allowed to speak but to concisely answer such questions. Of course, there will be no kind of stop word or anything like that. This is a real punishment, not kinky play. Upon arrival, right on the hall, I am ordered to strip down from crown to toes, including any jewelry or accessories, and throw it all into a box on the floor. The slightest doubt or resistance are immediately treated with...

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Punishment Room

Somtimes I fantasise about bdsm and being a domThe room has one door and no windows with the only light coming from 4 floor lamps positioned in each of the rooms four corners. They illuminate a low wooden box which sits in the middle of the room. The box is just over foot square and made of pine with a number of rings screwed to its sides and top surface. These can be used to restrain an uncooperative fidget slave if necessary. Two chalk lines are drawn on the box the purpose of which will...

4 years ago
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Punishment and Reward Via Remote control

Jamie lives half the country away. This would be fine, except Jamie is my submissive, is collared to me and is my lover and friend.In order to overcome these difficulties, we manage to use a couple of tools, and use them well. First and foremost, of course, is the airplane. We can scrape the money together to fly, one to the other or vice versa about every other month. It's the days in between those visits, however, which are truly difficult.Our second tool is the phone. We chat about life, we...

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The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn’t been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter’s place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn’t quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my mouth had a...

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The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn't been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter's place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn't quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my mouth had a...

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Punishment? It had never gotten easy for her to raise a growing boy all by herself. Lisa just came home from work, a couple of hours earlier then normal thanks to a big account being finished completely. She had also received a big bonus, which always was a good thing in her household. Her son Frank had had his fifteenth birthday a couple of months ago, and by now she did not have a good insight into his life and thoughts. To her he seemed to be a loner, even on his birthday there had...

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punishment 3

it was quiet in the house for a month until a phone call from the school about scot they found d**gs in his locker he is suspended from school while they investigate'scot take your clothes off and go stand in the middle of the garden facing brians house for 10 minutes' kevin says 'you know the rules your punishment will start now'scot knows better then to try to argue strips goes out into the garden facing brians house he puts a hand in front of his limp cock'hands on your head' sally tells...

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Over the years, I’ve written many stories. Some include an element of spanking, albeit quite light. I have to admit, I do like the occasional situation where, usually as part of foreplay, or during sex, I get a kick out of being spanked. A hard slap, or two, across my bum cheeks, while I’m being taken doggy style, always adds that little extra thrill. On occasion, a particular friend of mine has used a leather belt on me. Actually, that’s one situation I do like. Standing there, watching a man...

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Punishment for copying in exam

My own private heaven and hell. Its not that the kids are rowdy, or that I hate my work, its. She sits there, an innocent angel. Even her name fits, mala. Eighteen years old, and already turning heads. Today she is wearing what must have been her idea of a schoolgirl’s uniform. White shirt that left a small band of skin showing at the bottom. Green plaid short skirt (mid-thigh) & boots. Damn this girl/woman is beautiful! Her hair shines in the light, a chestnut color, and her eyes are a...

4 years ago
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Punishment ParkChapter 4

Hortense sneered with a curt spitefulness as Clara and Norma revelled in seeing her to a piece of ground on the outskirts of the park, lying fallow, the earth uneven, and showing an abundance of plant growth, unlike anywhere else in the park, the wicked looks of the three directed at Tanner as he was led up to them on his leash, whipped smartly there by Georgina. As Hortense simmered, guessing the reason for the disturbed ground, Madam Norma Greer stood hand on hip, and barked at him. “Well?...

3 years ago
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Punishment 5

Punishment 5 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Delivery It was now Friday morning at 10.00am. Jim was standing in front of the full-length hallway mirror reciting his mantra. He was reciting it there, because Karen insisted he now do it there, so that he would have a visual aid to help get his mind-set as feminine as possible. As he said each part of his mantra (which he was instructed to do in as feminine a voice as possible) he was to gaze at any part of his body that his...

4 years ago
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Punishment Coming Soon

– Day 1 – In hindsight, it was one of the moronic things I had ever done! The only excuse I can offer is that I was a bored 19 years old on a hot summer’s afternoon. Mother and I had gone into town to go shopping. She had bought some clothes for me, but most of the afternoon had been looking for boutiques for Mom. It was my last summer of freedom before fall semester began, and This was”NOT” how I wanted to spend my time. I suggested that I go browse some shops myself while she did her...

2 years ago
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Punishment Day

The beautiful naked blonde hung on the whipping ladder which was cleverly designedto allow her entire body to be exposed ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? PUNISHMENT DAY The beautiful naked white woman hung face down on the ? Whipping Ladder ? which was cleverly designed? to allow her entire body to be exposed . The Ladder was one half meter wide at the base and tapered to only a few centimeters at the top. It was inclined at 45 degrees and mounted on a platform to...

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I step into the bedroom and Nicole winces at the light as it moves into the blackened room. She squints to see me but I'm a silhouette before the illuminated doorway moving slow towards her as she straddles the coffee table, her body impaled deeply on phallic silicone. Her ankles restrained to table legs and wrists bound to wrists. She trembles and sweats, her chest heaves nervously and each step I take towards her causes her breath to quicken. I've left her alone in the dark for an hour and...

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Monday morning. Time to get up, have my breakfast and go to school again. After a few moments, I sat up in bed, brushed the hair from my eyes, yawned and stretched, swung back the duvet and put my feet into my low- heeled mules before standing up and re-arranging my nightie which had managed to wind itself round my waist again during the night. Into the bathroom for the morning wash and brush-up before returning to my bedroom to dress for the day's activities. As it was a...

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Punishment 4

Punishment 4 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Decision A few moments passed, as Jim, Maria and Karen, all for their own reasons, sat silently on the sofa and collected their thoughts. As Jim sat, squeezed in between the two girls, his mind ever awhirl, he desperately tried to think of some way out of the surreal mess he now found himself firmly entrenched within. His gaze shifted downwards towards his legs. Legs which were sheathed in dark, sheer tights. Girls legs for sure! His...

2 years ago
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You are sitting at a bar wearing a thin low-cut blouse with the top three buttons undone showing your huge cleavage. The pushup bra is giving your breasts the support they need to lift them higher. The bra stops just below your nipples so the cool air makes them hard and well noticed through the thin blouse.I'm sitting behind you just out of your view. I see a man hitting on you and you're flirting back with him by laughing at his jokes. You're even allowing him to touch your smooth bare...

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Punishment And Reward

He was trembling as he knelt before her, awaiting her next action. he was both excited and scared of what might happen. They had been teasing and playing online previous to this meeting and the last time they played he had cum without permission and then freaked out and hastily left without explanation. He knew that she must be really mad at him and that his behavior had been unacceptable. It took a few days before she had answered his messages and he had been worried that she might not want to...

2 years ago
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Punishment of NatalieChapter 1

Natalie was a bitch! She was rude to everyone. She was a luscious piece of 17-yr old ass and she knew it. She thought this gave her the right to put down anyone and everyone. She was wrong as she would soon find out. Natalie opened her front door. She was wearing tight hot pants that showed her cunt-crack. She was wearing a tight tee top that was stretched almost translucent over her firm tits. Her nipples poked eagerly though the fabric. She looked out at 15-yr old Bill with disdain. He...

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