Punishment? free porn video

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Punishment? It had never gotten easy for her to raise a growing boy all by herself. Lisa just came home from work, a couple of hours earlier then normal thanks to a big account being finished completely. She had also received a big bonus, which always was a good thing in her household. Her son Frank had had his fifteenth birthday a couple of months ago, and by now she did not have a good insight into his life and thoughts. To her he seemed to be a loner, even on his birthday there had been no friends of his. He had said that they had a celebration in school, and with all the homework they had to make there just wasn't time to visit him at home as well. Lisa heated water for a pot of tea, and walked up the stairs to ask Frank to join her for a cup of tea. She knocked on his door, but there was no reaction. She peeked into his room to see if he might be asleep, but he just wasn't there. There was a small travel bag on his bed, half opened. That was odd because they had no travel plans. Lisa stepped into her sons room to see what he might want with the bag. Just then she saw him in the back of their garden. He acted peculiar, almost frightened. She kept looking at him, forgetting the bag on the bed. Frank stepped on the old rabbit cage and from there he got over the wall into the garden of mrs. Jennings, their 30-something neighbour. Lisa had no idea what he was planning to do, he had no business there. It could not have been that mrs. Jennings had called him, Lisa had seen her on her bicycle in the city center a little while ago. Frank walked hastily in the direction of the house next door, alongside the clothesline. Suddenly he stopped, en grabbed a black pair of panties of the clothesline, followed by a black bra. Lisa was stunned and shocked. Never in her life had she expected something like this from her son. She saw him running to the back of the garden, and climb back over the wall. Lisa walked to the stairs, and got down again. She heard Frank get into the kitchen, and just then he stopped suddenly. The water for the tea was boiling, and he must have heard it. She walked into the kitchen, and saw Frank standing there, completely red, the bra and panties still in his hand. Lisa told him to take a seat at the kitchentable, and calmly made a pot of tea. Frank walked slowly to the table and sat down. She took two cups and put those on the table, followed by the teapot. She poored the tea, still without speaking, and then looked directly at her son. He was leaning forward in his chair, without any reaction. She told him to sit up straight, and tell her what he had just done. Whispering, almost silent he told her. He had seen mrs. Jennings leave on her bicycle, had waited some extra time, and then climbed over the wall to take something from her clothesline. He did not say what he took, but that was obvious, the loot was lying on the seat next to him. Lisa asked Frank what he wanted with their neighbours' underwear. The answer was ununderstandable, so she asked him to repeat it a bit louder. Still whispering he said that he wanted to wear it. She could see the tears in his eyes. "Have some tea first, it will make you feel better," said Lisa. Frank drank some and looked like calming down a bit. "Don't you agree that what you did is very wrong?" asked Lisa. "Yes, it seems so. But something inside me made me do it anyway, I don't know what, but when I saw that underwear hanging I wanted to feel it, and when I felt it I wanted to have it, so I took it off the clothesline. But I will hang it back right now, so mrs. Jennings won't notice anything!" It came out of his mouth as a continuous stream of words. "No," said Lisa, "that's no good. It seems to me that you should give it back to mrs. Jennings personally the moment she comes back home." Frank looked up, frightened. He wanted to say something but swallowed his words at the last moment. "This probably wasn't the first time that you did this. What else have you taken from the clothesline?" Lisa asked her son. He mumbled something, again ununderstandable. Lisa understood that there was more, and remembered the travel bag upstairs. "Is it in the bag on your bed?" Frank got to be fiery red again, which said more then any words could have. "As soon as we have finished our tea we'll go upstairs together and see what else is there," said Lisa resolutely. Calmly she drank her tea and watched Frank do the same, very slowly. When he had finally emptied his cup she told him to stand up and follow her. She went upstairs to his bedroom, where the bag still was on the bed, half opened. She sat herself down on the chair by his desk and waited what would happen. Frank had stayed at the open door and intensly studied the floor. "Come on," said Lisa, "let me see what is in that bag." Frank finally walked in and sat heavilly down on the bed. He opened the bag futher and took out the contents. That turned out to be three pairs of panties and two bra's. Next to those was a sexy looking bright red one-piece womens swimsuit. "I don't think that comes from Mrs. Jennings," Lisa said pointing at the swimsuit. Frank shook his head without a sound. "Then where and how did you get it?" asked Lisa. "I found it at school, at the lost and found near the gym," whispered Frank. "Nobody took notice of it and after a few days I took it home." "And those panties and bras, those all come from Mrs. Jennings?" "No, only one of each, the rest not," Frank clearly hesitated. "Then where do those come from?" "Those are Christine's." "Christine from next door? Jennie's daughter?" Jennie was the neighbour on the other side, and her daughter Christine was a pretty looking but a bit shy girl, who had just last week turned seventeen. "Yes." The answer was hardly noticable. "Then later on we have to make two visits. Is everything clean? Or just wait, don't answer that. Just wash it all again right now, then I am sure it is clean. What you took from the clothesline today you can leave here, that is clean. Take the rest with you and come to the bathroom." Lisa tried hard to keep her voice neutral, not angry. She didn't believe that getting angry now would do any good for anyone. Frank followed her into the bathroom, the panties and bras in his hands like they were on fire. Lisa let some lukewarm water into the sink and added some washing powder. "First wash all by hand in this water, then thorouglhy rinse it in lukewarm water. When that is done put some of this softener in some water and wash them again. When you're all done lay all of 'm above the radiator to dry and come downstairs. Be as fast as you can, we got more to do today." "Yes mom, I will do as you said." Frank sounded as having given up. Lisa got downstairs again and had another cup of tea. She needed time to think things over, she was really shocked by all of it. Just now she started to wonder what Frank had meant when he said he had wanted to wear mrs. Jennings undies. He never had been girly, had played soccer a couple of years, and was a boyscout. Did he want to be a girl? Did he have perverted thoughts about mrs. Jennings? She had no idea and decided to talk to him about it later on. First everything that did not belong to him had to be brought back to those he had stolen it from. She felt bad about the word. Stolen. Theft. A thief, that was what her son had become. That was the worst of it all to her. About fifteen minutes later Frank came downstairs. "Everything is drying now, mom." "Good," said Lisa, "now practice with me what you are going to tell Mrs. Jennings and Christine when you are returning what is theirs." Frank looked scared again and asked, "Do I really have to mom?" On his mothers face he could read the answer even before she told him, "Yes, you really have to. You took some of their most personal things, so I want you to bring it back personally. I don't know whether they want their stuff back or not, but that doesn't matter. It has to go back anyhow. What will you tell them?" "Sorry." "Something more would be better, I believe." "I will tell them that I noticed their underwear to be really pretty and wanted to know more about it. I did not dare asking them..." "Is that the truth?" asked Lisa with a soft voice. "Yes, mom, it feels like that to me." "Well then, that's the way it is going to be then. I will come with you, but you will have to do all the talking by yourself. And I also think that you had better get some flowers for each of them, then it might feel not as bad to them." Frank got up and took his jacket. "From my savings, those flowers, I presume?" "Of course. I will not pay for them, that would not be right." "No mom, you got a point there." Frank went out the door. Lisa finished her now cold tea and decided to already inform mrs. Jennings about what had happened. She had seen her come home while Frank was still upstairs. With a heavy heart she picked up the phone. When Frank returned home with three bunches of very nice red roses Lisa looked up. "Three bunches of roses? Did you take clothes from again someone else?" "Yes mom, but I have put it back immediately." "And from whom was that then?" She was really angry now. "From you mom, so I also got you flowers." Lisa's face softened immediately. "Thank you Frank, we will talk about that later, okay?" "Right mom. How to go from here?" "Go upstairs and take all the things from mrs. Jennings. Fold it as icely as you can, and put it in a little plastic bag." "Okay," he said it calmly, and got up the stairs. Some moments later he returned with a small bag with the stuff from mrs. Jennings inside. "This is it mom." "Now, let's go then." Frank took one of the bunches of roses, and they walked out the front door, and to the door of mrs. Jennings. Frank rang the bell, by now red in his face again. Mrs. Jennings opened the door and invited them into her livingroom. "What can I do for you two?" she asked. "I have to tell you something Mrs. Jennings, but I have difficulties doing so." "Well, take it easy, take your time, I will listen to you," waited mrs. Jennings. "Uh, well, uh, I have... uh, well, I have taken some things from your clothesline when you weren't home. Some of your underwear to be precise. I know that is not good at all, but it looked so pretty, and well, when I went to look closer I also wanted to feel it, and when I felt it I also wanted to take it and that's what I have done, but I am really sorry about it and I will not ever do it again and I have washed all of it just now and it is all in this little bag here and I bought you roses and I hope you will not be mad at me," After a hesitating begin it was like a continuous flow of words. Frank kept looking at the floor when he had said it all. "Look at me," Mrs Jennings said, "and tell me, what have you done with my underwear?" Frank got completely red again. "I have worn it," whispering again. "Then I don't want it back, but I think you should repay me for what you have taken so I can replace it all," Mrs. Jennings did not sound upset or angry so Frank looked at her. "I will do that Mrs. Jennngs, and really, I will not ever do it again!" "Well then, let's leave it at that," mrs Jennings said, "But let me have a look so I can see what it is and how much it will cost to replace it." Frank handed her the little bag and waited. "With about twentyfive it will be right. If your mother is also okay with it you will no hear anything from me about it anymore. Is that also okay for you Frank?" asked mrs Jennings. All Frank could do was nod his head, happy it was no worse then this. He missed the blink his mother gave mrs. Jennings. "I will make sure he will bring you the money his week mrs. Jennings, but he will be punished somehow by me later on," Lisa said. "I am glad you will not report him to the police for this." At these words Frank suddenly looked very scared. That was something he had not thought about, that it could become policework. "Well, no-one gets better from that. I consider it to be just a bad deed from a youngster, and leave it at that. But indeed, if it was ever to happen again then it is something else alltogether," said mrs. Jennings while looking straight at Frank. "No, really, it won't. Seriously it won't," replied Frank. They said their goodbyes to mrs. Jennings and went back home again, Frank with the little bag in his hand. That went quite easily," said Lisa. "You may hope that Christine takes it just as easy." Frank scared again. He had been very ncomfortable having to tell his adult neighbour what he had done, but this was even worse. Christine wen to the same school as he did and he saw her everyday. Secretely he had a crush on her, but of course he would never tell her so. She was almost two years older then him, and really pretty. All the boys in school wanted to date her. She had brown hair with big curls onto her shoulders and she had very beautifull big eyes. He didn't know the colour of her eyes, he had never been close enough to her to tell. And now he had to go and tell her that he had stolen her undrwear, and that he had put it on. He felt his knees shaking. "Can't we do this tonight, after dinner?" he asked his mother. "No, better right now," came the direct answer. "Go get Christines things." Frank went upstairs and came down a moment later with another small plastic bag. He wasn't red now, but pale. But he took the second bunch of flowers and said: "I am ready to go mom. Will you come with me?" "Of course I will. I will never let you stand alone, also now I won't." They went out the door again, now to the other side. After Frank had rang the bell Jennie opened the door. Jennie had been a schoolfriend of Lisa, and because she was also a single mother and already lived there Lisa had decided to buy their present house. "Hey, hi Lisa, and Frank as well, come on in." It sounded heartily. "WellJennie, we will come in but we are here this time for a reason. Frank has to explain something awkward to Christine. IS she home as well?" asked Lisa. "Sure, I'll call her. Or would Frank prefer to speak with her privately in her room? It is fine with me." "What do you think Frank, it is your call. But if you go to Chritine I will not come with you," said Lisa. "I geuss it might be beter. But will you please wait for me, mom?" asked Frank slowly. Jennie looked surprised, she had never before seen Frank like this. He did some odd jobs for them once in a while like working the garden or washing the car. Always a bit tough to her and a little shy to Christine. She thought he had an eye on Christine, but could never have expected him to lean on his mother so heavily. "If it is no problem for Jennie I will wait here downstairs for you," said Lisa, while watching Jennie askingly. "Yes of course that's okay, it's never a problem," reacted Jennie immediately. "You know which room is Christine's, it is the same as yours in your house. Frank got up the stairs and knocked softly on the pink door of Christine's room. it was opened immediately, as if Christine had seen him coming. "Hi, come on in, and don't notice the mess I have in here. I've been needing to clean up for about a year bu somehow I never seem to find the time for it," laughed Christine. "Hi Christine," siad Frank, "I have something to tell you but I don't know how to do so." "Start by not calling me Christine, only my father does that. For all my friends I am Chris or Chrissy. And whatever it is you want to tell me, I won't eat you." "Okay Chris, here it comes," Frank got red in his face again. I still don't know how to say this, bt I have been taking some of your underwear from your clothesline. My mom told me that I have to bring it back to you, so I have washed everything, and here it is," He handed her the small bag. "And these flowers are for you, as a sort of apology." "And further?" asked Chris. "Or is that all?" "Aren't you mad at me?" asked Frank surprised. "Well, in fact I already knew that you had taken my panties. And my nicest bra. That was awful, but I got myself a new one just like it." "But how did you know that?" asked Frank, now totally stunned. "I had seen you from out of my bedroom window, when I was sick at home once. You must have thought that I was still at school, but I had come home in he morning already. My mom went to her work, and some minutes later you walked through our back garden. I was surprised to see you there, certainy when I saw you take my panties and bra from the clothesline, and walked back home with those. But I also thought that I would get to be okay again someday. Did you expect me to punish you?" "Yes, in fact I did." "Well, you will be punished. Don't you agree that I have the right to punish you?" "Eh, yes, there is some logic in that. Do you want your things back?" pointed he at the bag. "No, I bought everything new agai. You can keep?t. I take it you have worn it all?" Frank got extremely red again, and felt himself getting very small. "Yes," he stammered. "Well, you get to do that again," said Chris with a grin on her face. "What do you mean?" Frank looked at her and noticed that she had bright blue eyes. They were now sparkling above a smiling mouth. "That wil be your punishment. You wil have to wear my lingerie again," said Chris. "But I mean right here, right now," Her smile got even bigger. "I want to see you wear it" "Are you serious, or ar you trying to make me look ridiculous?" Frank didn't understand it at all. "I mean, more ridiculous than I have made myself already." "No, I will not try to ridicule you. I thought we were too good friends for that. I know you hardly talk to me at all anymore, but I don't think you don't like me or something like that. Right?" Chris looked at Frank questioningly. He calmly said, "No, I do not dislike you. Absolutely not. And that I don't talk to you anymore is because I never know what to say whenever you're around. "But if you want me to put on your underwear you'll have to turn around." "I'll do that for you, but please name it for what it is. Lingerie. Underwear is for old lady's and for boys. Women wear lingerie. As do some boys. And hurry up now before downstairs they will be wondering what all happens up here." She turned around and Frank took off his jeans and shirt. "Don't peek, hey?" he said. "No, I will not turn back until you're ready," said Chris. Still a bit hesitating Frank took of his boxers, and put on one of the panties of Chris. Also the bra that was part of the set he put on. He had taken that as a set, and had worn it often. Black satin, with lace on the sides and a little pink bow in the front. "Okay, I'm ready. You can turn back now." "You look very nice Frank. You've got a great figure," she said admiring his looks. "More boys should wear lingerie, it looks much nicer then boxers." "I've never heard that before," said Frank, "that I have a good figure. And I also never heard of girls who like boys to wear lingerie," The word 'lingerie' still sounded strange to his ears. "Well, I do think so. That you have a good figure," Chris said again. "And I do think that lingerie on boys looks really nice, and especially on you. You're not such an annoying macho type, who thinks that all the girls are put on the world for him. I see enough of those already," Chris sounded sincere. "Have I punished you enough or do you want more punishment?" "This is not really a punishment for me, Chris, and I can see that you know that." "Yes, but maybe you think that I should now let you see what I look like in just my lingerie." "You don't have to, Chrissy, but I would like it a lot if you want to do that for me." "Then now you have to turn around, okay?" Frank turned around without waiting. Behind him he heard Chris remove her clothes. Then he noticed that in the mirror above her dresser he couls see exactly what she was doing. "Don't watch me in the mirror!" shrieked Chris "Or in fact I don't mind. You may watch me. Just turn back." She had just removed her sweater and was now loosening her skirt. Frank noticed that she was wearing the same bra he had on. And when she dropped her skirt he noticed that she also had the panties to match. Only at her set the little bows were red, not pink. She was also wearing long nylons, also in black. "And what do you think?" she asked, while making a pirouette. "Do you like what you see?" Frank was speechless for a moment. He stared at her, open mouthed. He had always liked Chris, but now he realised that he wanted to share his life with her. Even though he was only fifteen, and she two years older, he had the feeling that they were meant to be together. He walked up to her and hugged her. She didn't push him away, but wrapped her arms around him, and gave him a kiss. "That's something I have wanted to do for a long time," she said softly, and kissed him again. "But I think we better get dressed again and go downstairs, or they will come upstairs!" "You're right Chris, but just this," said Frank, and kissed her back. "Can you punish me again this way? Soon?" "Just tell me when you got time Frank. For me it is always okay. But it will not be punishment, not for you and not for me." They got dressed again, watching each other. Frank didn't take the touble of putting his boxers back on. He didn't think ever to be wearing underwear again, only lingerie.

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You left me alone, my lover, when my body was craving for you. You left me to suffer and burn and want. Now you must be punished. Tomorrow when you wake, you will find yourself tied to your bed. Hands and feet, unable to move. I will not use rope, only silk scarves. Strong but smooth and soft. I do not want you damaged, my lover. I want you full of strength for what is to come. Do not struggle. Do not tire yourself. When you open your eyes and feel yourself stretched on the bed in soft bondage,...

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I phone you in your office, I am actually sitting outside your building looking up at your window. I tell you that I’m downstairs and would really like to see you, ‘ohhhhhh and by the way… I have no knickers on’. I know you are looking out your window at me, I am wearing a skirt just above my knees and I part my legs just a bit to give you an impression….. you cant see detail from where you are, but you get the general idea. You come down to meet me, its the first time we meet in person. You...

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This story continues from my previous story “Breakdown”. It had been a few weeks since I had experienced being with a shemale. Alison was a beautiful big breasted, black-haired shemale. My wife, Sally, had found her underwear, hidden beneath the armchair on which we’d fucked each others brains out. Now she wanted to arrange a time for Alison to come over and spend some time, showing me how I betrayed her and that I would be punished for what I did. We were simply sitting in the lounge,...

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The girl had a date with a boy from her school, a kid named Darren. Miranda had never met him, but she had seen the texts exchanged with her daughter. Photo texts, too. While Mandy's texts had been innocent enough, the one the girl had received back had been of the boy's exposed manhood. Miranda had to admit; he looked impressively big, but her daughter getting texts like these? That was wildly inappropriate, and punishment for the girl was in order. She went to her boyfriend and showed...

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Jenny was a 19 year old college girl that had no flaws, she was hot, sexy, and popular. She had the attitude that the school was her playground and she could do what she wanted. Jenny had long blonde hair put up into pigtails and always had a perky little smile showing off her attitude. Jenny also dressed very risqué, she was always in trouble for not wearing enough but this never stopped Jenny. Things were going to change because there was a new teacher in the building, Ms. Reid. Ms. Reid was...

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I knelt naked upon my fur in the corner of the lounge room, as Master had instructed, Master had called as He was leaving work, informing me He would be bringing company home with Him, ?A sigh of relief passed my lips?.As I was to be punished upon Him returning home from work for my behaviour early that morning, but obviously Master had forgotten when He invited one of His friends over.This had also surprised me, for Master liked to keep His private life just that ?Private??Hearing His car pull...

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Sue was always in trouble in class. Today the teacher sent her to the office to be punished. The principal took her to the back room and shut the door and locked it. He pulled her to the desk and told her "You deserve to be punished hard for disturbing your class. I always punish my student naked." He then pulled her top off then her bra. He liked that she had a nice big set of tits. He then pulled her skirt up to her waist and pulled her panties down then off. He turned her around and looked...

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Sara had come in late from her date. She quietly went to her room and when she opened the door her dad was there waiting for her. He yelled at her "You are late. Have you been fucking that boy again? You have turned into quite a whore haven't you? Take off your clothes and be fast. I am going to punish you like a whore again." As Sara took off her clothes and stood before her dad she knew she was in big trouble. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He shoved a finger into her cunt and said...

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Punished You had decided that punishment was due for my misbehaviour. I had after all embarrassed you in front of your friends and though it turned out well, you remained a little red-faced from the moment. There was a glint of evil in your eye - you sought revenge but what exactly, I was unsure. We stumbled back into my room at the hotel. It was not quite late, the sort of late when you actually consider if it is worth going to bed or just start the next day. We were both a bit happy being in...

Oral Sex
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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held…forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held...forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

Oral Sex
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Punished You had decided that punishment was due for my misbehaviour. I had after all embarrassed you in front of your friends and though it turned out well, you remained a little red-faced from the moment. There was a glint of evil in your eye – you sought revenge but what exactly, I was unsure. We stumbled back into my room at the hotel. It was not quite late, the sort of late when you actually consider if it is worth going to bed or just start the next day. We were both a bit happy being...

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She walked in late as her dad stood waiting for her. He grabbed her by the hair and told her "Get into the basement. You are going to be punished. When you act like a whore you will be treated like a whore." She was scared as he d**g her down the stairs to the basement. He shut and locked the door. "Now take all your clothes off. I want you naked and do it fast. If I have to rip your clothes off you will be very sorry." She stood with tears running down her cheeks and removed her clothes. When...

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As Jim drives up driveway he notices that light for the dining room is on and the d****s are half closed. His heart begins to beat a little faster with fear of what might greet him inside. With a silly looking smirk on his face he looks into the dining room to witness a plate of food sitting at his usual dining spot and across the table laid an empty plate sitting in front of his wife Edith. Edith lifted her eyes only to glare deep into Jim’s then crossing her arms and blurted out “where fuck...

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Broken she lay on the floor, barely conscious after her punishment. The candles flickered and the chains swung, below them she lay, marked from numerous strikes and oozing his lust from between her thighs. He stood over her for a few minutes, catching his breath,watching the trickle of cum work its way down her thigh and onto the carpet."You'll be cleaning that up tomorrow" he said in a low tone. She barely had the strength to nod in response. "I'm going for a shower" he said, grabbing a towel...

3 years ago
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Untitled work of Fiction or PUNished (HA-HA! Get it?!) By The Anonymous Bastard Hi, my name is Steve. At least it used to be. Now it's Jake. I had it changed last fall. No, I would never get it changed to some girly name like "Cindy" or "Jenny." Why on earth would I do that? Anyway, it all started last year. I was getting ready for the big homecoming festival. Naturally, I had my eye on the girl of my dreams- Suzie Lawsonitingshiremont. Looking back, all I can think is, "What a...

2 years ago
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Punished By Margaret Jeanette Kayleigh Cameron was very happy. She had just closed on a million and a half dollar estate she had listed four weeks ago. The whole real estate office was happy to see the commission on the sale. Kayleigh told Sylvia Hopkins she would treat her to lunch. Sylvia was Kayleigh?s best friend. They went to lunch at Topper?s, a popular eatery with the business community. They were seated in a semi-private corner eating lunch when Kayleigh...

1 year ago
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Jill knew that she was in trouble the moment she heard the sharp voice of Miss Norton ordering her to halt! It was way past curfew and here she was out in the hall trying to sneak back to her own room. "Hold it right there, Miss Penice!" the head of school security barked. "Do you know what time it is?" "Uh, yes ma'am," Jill replied with a sinking heart. "The why are you where not supposed to be?" Petra Norton intoned evenly. "Well uh, you see it's like this," Jill stammered. "Like what? Petra...

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Steve woke with a splitting headache, he lay in bed getting his surroundings. he did not remember getting home or going to bed, he had been out the night before celebrating his 16th birthday now he was laying in bed with a hangover and cant remember getting there, Steve got out of bed his morning wood sticking up, he got his measure and measured it, 10 inches, he knew the money he had spent on the developer was with it. Steve heard his 10 year old step sisters voice and quickly put his bathrobe...

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The Principals Office

Miranda looked again through her back pack, “It’s just not here,” she thought, as she shuffled the notes she had taken in chemistry class that afternoon. Looking at the clock, she jumped up and headed back to school. Even though it was five thirty, she hoped that maybe Tom Hawkins, the night janitor would be there to let in. Without the lab results from the experiment she had been working on, it would be impossible to write up the report that was due tomorrow. Why did she always wait ‘til the...

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Slave To Maid At Hostel

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CHAPTER 11: THE VIDEO “Ms. Thomas?” I was stopped at the gate into the club community where the Cornell’s lived. “Yes, sir.” He smiled. “I’m not sir … just Al.” Al was probably in his early 60’s being a security guard for a bunch of rich people. I didn’t see a gun as he stood next to the guard shack by the car. Probably had a hot-line connected to the police which was undoubtedly safer for him, too. “Yes, sir.” He paused. “Don’t see many like you around here. Politeness and...

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The Longest SaturdayChapter 3

I chose this moment to freeze Time again, so as to not only give me more of a chance to do what needed to be done without distractions for myself or others, but also to reduce any risk of a rush or hurry. This would not be a rush to judgment at all, so most of humanity was indeed frozen. During that time I made one very essential tweak to all sentient adults of all races and sexes, making them hypersexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, and omnisexual: all of them! I would usher in a world that...

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Run for It

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Runs in the Family Part 3

It was astonishing how quickly a life of thirty years could fall apart. One single night, one simple mistake, one marriage dissolved. Bianca had her taste of Bruce, and she was satisfied. Or so she thought. But sleeping with Vince when he returned from his trip become a chore, where she counted down the minutes until he finished. Then she was imagining her son-in-law again, seeking some solitary pleasure while her husband slumbered beside her.When she came up pregnant, Vince was furious. And...

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Gideon lived in a decidedly classy part of town. As we approached his neighbourhood, the streets got wider, the houses larger. Hubert kept glancing out the back of the car, but he couldn't see anyone following us. Cyrus drove, and in the meantime called his brother on his cellphone to let him know we were on our way. I had time to realise that it was light outside. I'd completely lost track. The car trundled into a large U-shaped driveway, up to the main entrance of the large brick house...

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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 15

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Laura Part 31

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Their cries mingled with the sounds of the storm and, like the storm, gradually became softer. Spent, Dan remained atop her stretched body, but lifted himself on his arms. He lowered his lips to her breasts and slowly sucked and kissed each nipple. Lisa drew in her breath and quivered at his touch. His tongue traced some of the red lines left from the whipping and this too brought a response from the bound girl. With a catch in her breath she said, "All right, Captain," you've kept your...

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Fraternization The Next Day

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