Punishment free porn video

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Over the years, I’ve written many stories. Some include an element of spanking, albeit quite light. I have to admit, I do like the occasional situation where, usually as part of foreplay, or during sex, I get a kick out of being spanked. A hard slap, or two, across my bum cheeks, while I’m being taken doggy style, always adds that little extra thrill. On occasion, a particular friend of mine has used a leather belt on me. Actually, that’s one situation I do like. Standing there, watching a man unbuckling his belt, is ever so stimulating.
I’ve never been into hard BDSM, although, I have been caned a few times. Fairly low-key stuff, the hard-core BDSM fraternity would say. In my case, there are certain rules. Firstly, I do keep my knickers on. Actually, this, for me, makes it more real. At school. and I’m talking late 60’s, early 70’s here, when corporal punishment was the norm, bare arsed thrashings were certainly not the norm. At my school, and I’m sure this was probably fairly widespread, us girls got the strap, or similar, and the boys were caned. I remember reading an article in one of the papers back then. A girl had been caned for her repeated misdemeanours and, on the basis that this was a rarity, the story had hit the press. I can tell you that this wasn’t as rare as you may think. As pupils, we were always given an option. Take your punishment or, if you refuse, we’ll inform your parents. The upshot was usually that, with your parents’ consent, you’d get the thrashing, and, probably get another one at home. I know a few girls who were caned, and kept it quiet, in order to avoid another beating at home. I remember one girl, always in bother, and she refused to submit to being caned. The Headmistress wrote to her parents and, a couple of days later, the mother arrived at school and, much to the girl’s horror, picked up the cane from the desk, handed it to the Head and told her to get on with it. Apparently, her mother stood there, arms folded, and watched her daughter squeal as the Head caned her.
Anyway, where was I. Oh yes. I made the point about bare-arsed was certainly not the norm. For punishments, the boys had to strip to just their underpants. Forget the idea of Just William, or Billy Bunter stories of boys shoving exercise books down their trousers. For us girls, I remember, if you were in the earlier years, say up to 14 or so, you bent over a stool and the Head of Lower School would carry out the punishment after pulling your skirt up to your waist. As Seniors, 15 to 18, the Head of Upper School would make you strip to your bra and knickers. Again, no chance of wearing 6 pairs of knickers and a pantie girdle. I still can’t understand why socks and shoes had to come off, though.
Anyway, that’s the preamble done and dusted. Now, let me tell you a story.
One night, I was cycling home with a boy, from my class, and we were having a bit of a laugh. It was July, I remember, a hot afternoon and, being a bit of a show-off, he veered off the path, up somebody’s drive and cycled across their manicured lawn, shouting me to follow. Knowing this was a stupid thing to do, but, not wanting to be seen as a wet lettuce, I followed. We both ended up crashing into some bushes and sprawled out on a freshly planted flower bed. The lady came running out of the house, shouting abuse at us. We quickly got back on our bikes and raced off, but, not before he shouted, “Fuck off, you silly old cow.” “I’ll be round that school tomorrow, you mark my words,” came her quick response.
At home, I thought no more about the incident until, later that night, I was in bed and, suddenly, I sat upright, a cold sweat on my brow. My school had this thing about being good neighbours and taking care not to give the school a bad name, a Cardinal sin in their book. Two boys had been thrashed the previous week for kicking a ball over somebody’s hedge and, in retrieving it, damaged a garden ornament. Yes, they’d also shouted abuse at the homeowner, displaying their masculinity, NOT. I couldn’t shake off this image, in my head, of being hauled to the Head’s office and getting my punishment.
I met up with my classmate and we cycled to school. I mentioned the previous night’s incident and he laughed it off, totally unconcerned. Until, that is, we cycled through the school gates and there they were, the Head and the “Garden Lady”. My heart sank as the woman pointed in our direction and the Headmistress beckoned us over. Of course, there was no point denying it, and, after parking our bikes, the Head and Mrs Thompson, as I learned she was called, marched towards the school, the Head turning to us and barking, “Follow”.
In her Office, the Head spouted on about evil deeds, and wicked behaviour, while Mrs Thompson nodded continuously. Evil, wickedness, a bit over the top, I remember thinking. After several minutes of listening to her and us apologising profusely, Mrs Thompson was still of a mind to call the Police. The Head suggested that it might be better to handle this in school. Mrs Thompson’s response was that she didn’t believe detentions and lines worked sufficiently well and asked the Head what she had in mind. The Head went to her cupboard and removed a cane and a thick leather strap. Placing both on her desk, she said, “I think I can say with confidence that they won’t do it again, Mrs Thompson. You are quite welcome to watch, if you like”. “No, that’s fine with me. I’m glad to see you still believe in the old ways. None of this mamby pamby, softly softly stuff”. “Oh, you can rest assured they won’t be riding their bikes home tonight. In fact, I’ll guarantee they won’t want to sit down for a day or two.”
She left her office, walking Mrs. Thompson to the school reception area. I just stood there, frozen to the spot, looking at the leather strap, my mouth slightly open. I’d had the strap as a 14 year old, twice. That one was much thinner with a few knotted tassels. It hurt, as it was supposed to, but, this one, well it looked vicious. It was 9 or 10 leather strips, totalling about an inch thick, stitched together with a couple of metal studs added, presumably to make sure it doesn’t fall apart following overuse. It must have been about 15 inches long and about 3 inches wide, with one end slightly narrower, presumably an area for the punisher to grip. Christ, what have I got myself into, I thought, imagining the Head laughing aloud as she swung this in my direction.
The door slammed shut, startling me back to reality. Picking up the cane, she swished it loudly and, pointing to Johnny, barked, “Strip to your underpants”. Using the cane as an aid, she pointed it in my direction, “You” she shouted, then swinging around, pointed the cane towards the open door of a meeting room adjoining her office, “In there. Strip to your bra and knickers and don’t come back till I tell you”. I went into the meeting room, not closing the door. She followed me and went to a small window which looked back into her office, and closed the blind. She left, firmly closing the door behind her.
I started to strip, sitting on a chair to remove my socks and shoes. I undid my tie and, having placed it on the table, undid the cuffs of my blouse, before working on the buttons. I stood up to remove it and placed it on the table, next to my tie. I undid the zip on my skirt and slipped it off. I pulled my knickers up slightly, feeling how thin the cotton was. I was suddenly overcome by feelings of trepidation. The cold wooden flooring on my bare feet, the skimpy feel to my knickers, I felt so vulnerable, knowing that, in a few minutes I was going to be bent over a chair and thrashed. Then, I heard her barking at Johnny,“We haven’t got all day. Get a move on.”
I couldn’t help myself. I tiptoed to the window and, gently lifted one lat of the Venetian blind. Just a quarter of an inch was all it took to give me an unimpeded view of her office. He was now down to his underpants. His hands were clasped in front of his bulge area. She was sat behind her desk. “Face the door and put your hands on your head”, she instructed. This pose afforded her a side view of him, yet, he couldn’t see towards her because of the position of his elbows at the side of his face. I had a side view of her, sat in her chair. She was staring intently at him, her gaze transfixed on his bedroom tackle area. She was shuffling papers on her desk and picked up one batch. She gave the impression she was reading them, but I could see she was looking over the top of them, still towards his cock area. Then, still holding the papers in her right hand, her left hand went down into her lap. God, the side of her dress started to move up her thigh. She was getting off on this. Her legs were opening wider. Fucking hell, she was playing with herself. After a minute or two, she stopped, stood up and adjusted her dress. She walked past the desk, collecting her cane as she did so. Grabbing a stool from the corner of her office, she threw it into the middle of the area, allowing it to fall on its side. “Pick that up”, she snarled. Obediently, he did so. He stood next to the upright stool. She gripped the cane under her armpit and, standing behind him, she started to push his underpants down. He reached for the waistband, obviously baulking at this. She stopped, and grabbing his arm, screamed “Don’t you dare stop me”. She returned to his pants, this time one hand round the front, the other at the back, pushing them slowly towards his thighs, baring his bum and his cock completely. The hand at the front, brushed through his thick pubes, grazing down the length of his cock. Bear in mind, he was 17 and, to all intents and purposes, a full-grown man. “Don’t want you cheating, do we. Don’t want you hiding a text book down here, do we.” Gripping his buttocks firmly, she added, “Want to hear you begging me to stop thrashing you, don’t we.”
She pulled his pants back up and patted his bum. “Now, let’s get this show on the road. You dare stand up, before I tell you and…………..”. She pulled the front of his pants away from his belly, allowing herself another glimpse of his cock, adding”……………………..these are off”, before letting go of the elastic and letting it recoil against his flesh.
Swinging the cane hard against the plastic covering of the stool, making a sharp crack sound, she screeched, “Over”. Obediently, he bent over the stool and gripped his hands tightly around the wood support between the two front legs. Before he’d chance to get comfortable, THWACK, the first stroke hit him. He’d barely managed to complete his first gasp when another THWACK sent his head jerking backwards. He tried to gasp again but another THWACK drowned the sound. THWACK………………THWACK………………………THWACK. His legs, now off the floor, bending at the knees.
I watched, in awe, my hand covering my mouth. She’d stopped now, one hand holding the cane, the other down his pants, squeezing his buttocks so hard, Johnny writhed in pain. I’d counted 6, maybe it was over. No chance. She removed her hands from his pants, and ripped them down his legs………..THWACK…THWACK…THWACK…THWACK…THWACK………………………………….It took less than 5 seconds for her to deliver those 5 strokes and, then, standing a little further away, lifted the cane high in the air before delivering the final blow THWAAAAACKKKK, that sent Johnny crashing to the floor, his hands both holding his bruised buttocks.
“Stand up. Hands on your head. Compose yourself”, she ordered. He bent to pick up his underpants. “Leave them there”, she added. God, I could see the welts from where she’d beaten him. She sat down, and, again, confident nobody knew what she was doing, the skirt started to hitch up again. This time, the hem was up to her waist and her left hand disappeared down the front of her knickers. I could see from the rapid movement of her wrist, she was most definitely wanking herself, taking the opportunity of an unimpeded view of his cock, coupled with the graphic marks of her own sadistic handiwork.
After a couple more minutes, she told him to dress and get out of her sight. I sat on a chair by the table waiting for her call. I was somewhat dreading the call, but, those feelings were somewhat tempered knowing that she was already revved up. Us girls had our suspicions of her being a lesbian, based on her frequent visits to the Gym when we were all showering. So, maybe she’ll get off on seeing me almost naked. As a quick afterthought, I removed the two cup pads from my bra and put them in my jacket pocket. There, feast your eyes on these puppies, I thought, as I looked down at my nipples, poking through the fabric. Although I’d just turned 17, I had nice, firm 36 DD’s. “Come in”, she called, “Your turn, now.” I stood in front of her desk, my legs already turning to jelly. Oh yes, her eyes alternating between my nipples and my little white panties. She got up and, picking up the stool, put it back in its upright position. She stood in front of me, her face still flushed from her pussy play, her breath warm on my face. “I’m sure you’ve no added protection under these”, she said as she reached down and pulled the front waistband of my knickers away from my body. “But, we must make sure, mustn’t we”, she added. Before she could do anything further, I stepped back and slipped them down my thighs, showing my thick dark pubes. I turned slowly, showing my arse was bare under the miniscule garment. God, did I detect a little appreciative mmm as she licked her upper lip.
She told me to pull them up and, being a good girl, I leant forward and, squeezing my breasts inwards, with my upper arms, making them almost spill out of my bra, I did what I was told, and pulled my knickers back up. “Pass me the strap”, she demanded, pointing to the weapon perched on her desk. I picked it up and, feeling its rigidity, my hand trembled slightly, as I handed it to her. “Bend over the stool”, she said, slapping the seat hard with a swipe of the strap. Over the stool, I reached to grip the bar, just like Johnny had done. But, being shorter than him, I couldn’t quite reach. I repositioned myself, my legs slightly open at the sides of the stool, and, on tiptoe managed to grip the bar.
She put the strap down, in the centre of my back and, with her hands now free, she delicately pulled the waistband of my pants towards my waist, although the miniscule garment was never going to reach that far. Then she turned her attention to the elastic around the top of my legs. Using her thumb and forefinger, she held the micro-thin cotton fabric, ever so lightly, and ran her fingers from my side, right the way to my crotch, gently aiming to cover a little bit more of my bum cheek. When she got to my pussy area, her knuckles touched the edges of my pussy. I impulsively clenched my buttocks and opened my legs a little further. She repeated the exercise on my other leg and, this time, as I opened my legs a little bit more, I let out the faintest of gasps. She clearly recognised I was getting wet and I felt her knuckles lingering longer by my pussy. As she removed her hand from inside my knickers, she deliberately pushed her knuckles further into me. She patted my bum as she picked up the strap.
I lay there, clenching and unclenching my buttocks, wondering when the first blow was going to come. I looked between my arms, through the legs of the stool. She was stood behind me, perfectly motionless. Assuming she was getting an eyeful, and enjoying it, I wriggled a little, to give the impression I was getting more comfortable. During that manoeuvre, I opened my legs wide, before returning to their partially open position.
WHAACK. I arched my back as I felt the searing heat spread through my bum cheeks. I didn’t want her to have the satisfaction of knowing that she was hurting me, so, desperately trying not to squeal, I gripped the stool tighter. WHAAACK, another one hit me on the other cheek. My bum felt like it was on fire. I clamped my mouth shut. No way was I going to let her know she was hurting me. WHAAACK. This time, I couldn’t stop myself. I thrust my head back, letting out a loud gasp, as my knees bent, my feet almost kicking the back of my thighs. As the pain subsided, I realised I was getting ever so wet and, impulsively, opened my legs wide, curiously wanting her to see the sexual effect she was having on me. As I closed my legs, I felt the strap being placed on my back, again, and her hand going under the waistband of my knickers. As she squeezed my cheeks, I felt her finger trace a line down my bum crack. Then, more pain as she dug her nails into my cheeks. “Not so cocky, now, are you”, she growled.
She withdrew her hand and, once again, picked up the strap. THWAAACK………………………THWAAACK. My whole body shook as the two consecutive blows achieved their aim of giving me pain. This time, I couldn’t stop myself, and reached behind myself, shoving both my hands down my knickers, gripping a cheek in each of them. This had the effect of pushing my knickers down my thighs, baring my backside completely. “Hurts, doesn’t it”, she commented, softly, as she, too, started to stroke my cheeks. “Yes Miss, I’m sorry”, I whimpered.
She was now squeezing the inner sides of my thighs, the tops of her hands both edging towards my bared pussy. Moving to my side, one hand still perilously close to my pussy, she moved the other to my head, running her fingers through my tousled hair. She whispered, “You know, I really don’t like doing this, but, I see it as my duty, part of my job to make good people of you girls.” My mind went back to my brother’s experience at school. He was caned by the PE master, once, after a swimming lesson, and apparently, the teacher had a raging hard on, his cock almost ripping through his trunks. Stupidly, I muttered, “Sorry, Miss, I thought you were getting off on it.”
She grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. Bending down, her nose almost touching mine, “Getting off. You’re going to struggle getting off this stool, when I’ve finished with you, lady. I’m going to thrash the living daylights out of you.” That’s when I felt real fear. A male friend told me, years later, that he liked taking corporal punishment and he, in fact paid for the experience. But, no matter what, it was impossible to recreate the situation where he had no control over what was happening, the use of safe words, etc. I had no control over the situation I was in, now. She grabbed the strap of my my bra, yanking it towards my neck, her fist between my shoulder blades, pushing my upper body downwards. She yanked my bra harder, this time my tits coming completely out and pressing into the plastic top of the stool. THWAAAACK, the next blow dug into my bum cheek, the tail end of the strap making a loud CRAAACK as it slapped down my thigh. THWAAACK, CRAAACK, another. I tried to jolt my head back, unable to do so, as I was anchored to the stool by her brute strength. “Please stop, Miss, I didn’t mean it”. THWAAACK, CRAAAACK, was her reply. My legs were up in the air, my knickers now hardly covering any of my bum. THWAAACK, THWAAAAK, THWAAAACK, CRAAAAAAACK. She was losing it. I screamed out loud, begging her to stop.
The next thing I felt was her pulling my knickers down my legs and gripping both my bare bum cheeks. As she dug her nails into me, she leant forwards, her mouth next to my ear. I felt her hot breath as she panted, obviously out of breath from her physical exertions. “Now, come on, you little bitch, let’s see you get off my fucking stool and stand up.” She moved to one side as I stood up, my legs visibly shaking. I automatically reached behind to try to soothe the stinging pains coursing through my backside and thighs. As I tried to stand up straight, my panties dropped to my feet. As I was still a bit wobbly, I stepped out of them, to avoid tripping myself up. I looked straight at her. She was smiling broadly at me, as I, completely the opposite, had tears rolling down my cheeks. I stood there, mouth open, panting and grimacing from the thrashing I’d just had. She walked to the desk, picked up the cane and, while swishing it loudly, said, “Next time you’re in this office, you’re getting this and you won’t be wearing these, “ she added, as she picked up my panties with the end of the cane and, extending her arm, pushed them in front of my face.
“Now, get dressed and get out of my fucking sight”.
Needless to say, I was a good girl after that. Now, I’m not one to harp on about differences in society, today, and the causes, but, I do think that stopping the use of canes etc., in schools has seen a drop in behavioural standards. Yes, some teachers went a bit too far, and I do think quite a few did get off on beating pupils, but, in my school, there weren’t many boys or girls who bent over the stool for a second time.

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You left me alone, my lover, when my body was craving for you. You left me to suffer and burn and want. Now you must be punished. Tomorrow when you wake, you will find yourself tied to your bed. Hands and feet, unable to move. I will not use rope, only silk scarves. Strong but smooth and soft. I do not want you damaged, my lover. I want you full of strength for what is to come. Do not struggle. Do not tire yourself. When you open your eyes and feel yourself stretched on the bed in soft bondage,...

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I phone you in your office, I am actually sitting outside your building looking up at your window. I tell you that I’m downstairs and would really like to see you, ‘ohhhhhh and by the way… I have no knickers on’. I know you are looking out your window at me, I am wearing a skirt just above my knees and I part my legs just a bit to give you an impression….. you cant see detail from where you are, but you get the general idea. You come down to meet me, its the first time we meet in person. You...

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This story continues from my previous story “Breakdown”. It had been a few weeks since I had experienced being with a shemale. Alison was a beautiful big breasted, black-haired shemale. My wife, Sally, had found her underwear, hidden beneath the armchair on which we’d fucked each others brains out. Now she wanted to arrange a time for Alison to come over and spend some time, showing me how I betrayed her and that I would be punished for what I did. We were simply sitting in the lounge,...

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The girl had a date with a boy from her school, a kid named Darren. Miranda had never met him, but she had seen the texts exchanged with her daughter. Photo texts, too. While Mandy's texts had been innocent enough, the one the girl had received back had been of the boy's exposed manhood. Miranda had to admit; he looked impressively big, but her daughter getting texts like these? That was wildly inappropriate, and punishment for the girl was in order. She went to her boyfriend and showed...

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Jenny was a 19 year old college girl that had no flaws, she was hot, sexy, and popular. She had the attitude that the school was her playground and she could do what she wanted. Jenny had long blonde hair put up into pigtails and always had a perky little smile showing off her attitude. Jenny also dressed very risqué, she was always in trouble for not wearing enough but this never stopped Jenny. Things were going to change because there was a new teacher in the building, Ms. Reid. Ms. Reid was...

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I knelt naked upon my fur in the corner of the lounge room, as Master had instructed, Master had called as He was leaving work, informing me He would be bringing company home with Him, ?A sigh of relief passed my lips?.As I was to be punished upon Him returning home from work for my behaviour early that morning, but obviously Master had forgotten when He invited one of His friends over.This had also surprised me, for Master liked to keep His private life just that ?Private??Hearing His car pull...

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Sue was always in trouble in class. Today the teacher sent her to the office to be punished. The principal took her to the back room and shut the door and locked it. He pulled her to the desk and told her "You deserve to be punished hard for disturbing your class. I always punish my student naked." He then pulled her top off then her bra. He liked that she had a nice big set of tits. He then pulled her skirt up to her waist and pulled her panties down then off. He turned her around and looked...

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Sara had come in late from her date. She quietly went to her room and when she opened the door her dad was there waiting for her. He yelled at her "You are late. Have you been fucking that boy again? You have turned into quite a whore haven't you? Take off your clothes and be fast. I am going to punish you like a whore again." As Sara took off her clothes and stood before her dad she knew she was in big trouble. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He shoved a finger into her cunt and said...

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Punished You had decided that punishment was due for my misbehaviour. I had after all embarrassed you in front of your friends and though it turned out well, you remained a little red-faced from the moment. There was a glint of evil in your eye - you sought revenge but what exactly, I was unsure. We stumbled back into my room at the hotel. It was not quite late, the sort of late when you actually consider if it is worth going to bed or just start the next day. We were both a bit happy being in...

Oral Sex
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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held…forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held...forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

Oral Sex
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Punished You had decided that punishment was due for my misbehaviour. I had after all embarrassed you in front of your friends and though it turned out well, you remained a little red-faced from the moment. There was a glint of evil in your eye – you sought revenge but what exactly, I was unsure. We stumbled back into my room at the hotel. It was not quite late, the sort of late when you actually consider if it is worth going to bed or just start the next day. We were both a bit happy being...

4 years ago
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She walked in late as her dad stood waiting for her. He grabbed her by the hair and told her "Get into the basement. You are going to be punished. When you act like a whore you will be treated like a whore." She was scared as he d**g her down the stairs to the basement. He shut and locked the door. "Now take all your clothes off. I want you naked and do it fast. If I have to rip your clothes off you will be very sorry." She stood with tears running down her cheeks and removed her clothes. When...

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As Jim drives up driveway he notices that light for the dining room is on and the d****s are half closed. His heart begins to beat a little faster with fear of what might greet him inside. With a silly looking smirk on his face he looks into the dining room to witness a plate of food sitting at his usual dining spot and across the table laid an empty plate sitting in front of his wife Edith. Edith lifted her eyes only to glare deep into Jim’s then crossing her arms and blurted out “where fuck...

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Broken she lay on the floor, barely conscious after her punishment. The candles flickered and the chains swung, below them she lay, marked from numerous strikes and oozing his lust from between her thighs. He stood over her for a few minutes, catching his breath,watching the trickle of cum work its way down her thigh and onto the carpet."You'll be cleaning that up tomorrow" he said in a low tone. She barely had the strength to nod in response. "I'm going for a shower" he said, grabbing a towel...

2 years ago
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Untitled work of Fiction or PUNished (HA-HA! Get it?!) By The Anonymous Bastard Hi, my name is Steve. At least it used to be. Now it's Jake. I had it changed last fall. No, I would never get it changed to some girly name like "Cindy" or "Jenny." Why on earth would I do that? Anyway, it all started last year. I was getting ready for the big homecoming festival. Naturally, I had my eye on the girl of my dreams- Suzie Lawsonitingshiremont. Looking back, all I can think is, "What a...

2 years ago
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Punished By Margaret Jeanette Kayleigh Cameron was very happy. She had just closed on a million and a half dollar estate she had listed four weeks ago. The whole real estate office was happy to see the commission on the sale. Kayleigh told Sylvia Hopkins she would treat her to lunch. Sylvia was Kayleigh?s best friend. They went to lunch at Topper?s, a popular eatery with the business community. They were seated in a semi-private corner eating lunch when Kayleigh...

1 year ago
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Jill knew that she was in trouble the moment she heard the sharp voice of Miss Norton ordering her to halt! It was way past curfew and here she was out in the hall trying to sneak back to her own room. "Hold it right there, Miss Penice!" the head of school security barked. "Do you know what time it is?" "Uh, yes ma'am," Jill replied with a sinking heart. "The why are you where not supposed to be?" Petra Norton intoned evenly. "Well uh, you see it's like this," Jill stammered. "Like what? Petra...

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Steve woke with a splitting headache, he lay in bed getting his surroundings. he did not remember getting home or going to bed, he had been out the night before celebrating his 16th birthday now he was laying in bed with a hangover and cant remember getting there, Steve got out of bed his morning wood sticking up, he got his measure and measured it, 10 inches, he knew the money he had spent on the developer was with it. Steve heard his 10 year old step sisters voice and quickly put his bathrobe...

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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 6 August 27th 1982

It was Friday afternoon when the bus pulled to his stop. Gary had noticed that Fumi was not in school that afternoon. He had seen her in the morning, but she was not on the bus as he headed back home. He had wondered if she was alright. It was raining that day. It was difficult as his mind was always on Fumi. Her personality and character, combined with how long they had been together, just melted into his thoughts like glue. Keeping his mind on his schoolwork was a tedious and challenging...

3 years ago
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Freiend, Gals, ab sab apne land aur bur ko hatho se sahlate huye meri yeh real chudai ki story padiye, yeh us samay ki bat hai jab maine nayi nayi service join ki thi to meri pehli posting ahmedabad mei hui. Waha mai ek kiraye ke makan mei rahne laga. Makan malik ki ek 20 year ki ek hot sex bom ladki thi. Uske mast chutad the mastani chuchiya thi uska size tha 36-28-38. Jab woh chalti thi uske chutad is tarah se swing karte the ki man karta tha ki abhi jau aur uske chutado ke beech land ko...

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BohicaChapter 14

I drove home, then called Gloria and told her to close up for the rest of the day. She put a sign in the window and in 30 minutes she was coming upstairs and gave me a kiss. She went and changed into a dress as I changed my shirt. I had not realized how much tension sweating I had done during the meeting. As I told her about the meeting I left out the part about my possible power. Then I told her that approval had been given for the remodel, and we would be living in Chris’ place for the...

3 years ago
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Me and My ZapperChapter 10

"Pregnant!" Rebecca cried, causing the teenage barmaid to flinch. "As in proper pregnant." Eva nodded and withdrew a pregnancy test from her bag that clearly showed a blue line where I would have hoped to see nothing. I wiped a tear from her eye, causing her to flinch again. "I thought I should tell you." She bit her lip as she fidgeted. "My parents and me..." She shrugged as she stared into the knot in the wood on the table and looked up at me with red, puffy eyes. " ... they said...

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Jamies gradual grooming

"Jamie? Is that you?" A voice shouted out from across the road. Jamie lived in a relatively small town or village so it must be someone he knew. "Jamie, it's Mike from three doors down, Phillippa's dad?". With that Jamie stopped, he walked over to the very fast and expensive looking BMW. "Hi Mike, sorry I didn't recognise the voice at first are you okay?" Mike explained, he has seen my Mum the day before, who had aired my dirty laundry with him, charming! "Do you want to go and get some food...

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FantasyMassage Carmen Caliente Surprising The Wife

Eric Masterson and Carmen Caliente, husband and wife, sit together in a massage parlor waiting room. They talk quietly amongst themselves, all smiles as they exchange sweet, affectionate touches. Their knees touch often, and they enjoy holding each other’s hands and stealing sneaky kisses when they think no one’s watching. Carmen tells Eric that it’s very sweet of him to get a massage as an anniversary gift. He playfully tells her that she deserves it, especially after being...

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owning a married couple

formaly known as derek and susanI walked into the executive offices and looked at the managingdirector's PA. She was a slightly plump very pretty blonde in her earlytwenties, dressed in a smart business suit with a white blouse and dark,sheer, hose, probably tights. I knew that I would have three days at thecompany and I needed somewhere to stay and some amusement. To fill in timebefore my meetings started, using my security clearance I checked thepersonnel records and made a note of her...

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7th Period with my Science Teacher

I had no trouble finding Mr. Klenams class, It was right next to my 6th period, so all I had to do was go next door! It was the first day of school at KingsDen Middle, my first day f 7th grade. The day had dragged on and I was tired from being bored to death by my math teacher, Mr. Slijer. I walked into the classroom and the scent of man slapped me in the face. I ignored all the stares from the others and sat down in the first row. I was really self conscious because when I was small I use...

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My First Encounter With An Aunt

Hi, Myself is Sameer 23 M and working in the Hospital. This was happened to me first time when i was 20yr and starting my new job in the hospital with my studies. I have got my first job in night shift in the Orthopedic Hospital and there were only two staffs required in night shift. There were already women aged about 42 years was working and later on I joined her. Now I’ll tell u in “Hindi’ so Anybody can easily understand. Gaanv mein raat ke waqt jyada mareez nahi aate the isliye night shift...

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The First Morning

The First Morning By Tracy Crawford I opened my eyes. There was enough ambient light in my room to just make out the walls and furniture. The sun must be starting to rise. Not yet time to wake up. I adjusted my position under the covers to get more comfortable. As I brought my legs together, I felt the bare skin of my inside legs rubbing together. Still a bit groggy with sleep, it took a moment for that to register on my mind. I was wondering what happened to my pyjama pants when I...

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The night that changed my life Chapter 4a What have I done

The Night That Changed My Life- Chapter 4a – What have I done?  As we leave the hotel and get into our cars, the guilt of what I had done hits me like a ton of bricks. Vivid thoughts of my wife, and good times we have spent together over the last 10 years race through my mind. I even scream to myself in my car ‘You fucking idiot! What have I just done?’ But there is a feeling that I get when I am with ‘her’, something way more than just pure sex, it’s so hard to describe….she completes me.

1 year ago
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Times are Changing Part One

The divorce had been incredibly messy with Nathan’s wife taking the lion’s share of everything, despite the fact that she had been the one cheating. Their marriage had been a rocky one with very few positive points to take away from it. Nicole was one of them. “Did you check every cupboard, Sweetheart?” Nathan called out to his eighteen-year-old daughter, as he stuffed another suitcase into the back of their hired moving van. “Twice.” Nicole replied, as she carried the last of their belongings...

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Delta OriginalChapter 22 The Weddings

The brides and grooms were in final preparations. The first three couples were in the tents that were constructed at the end of the aisle. They were getting pimped out for the final walk. They had tossed a coin to decide who got to walk down first and who was next. Sandra and Dave were first, and then Anita and Terry. Leigh and DT were bringing up the rear. Dave wore a tuxedo and the other boys their military dress. The brides and their bride’s maids looked lovely in the dresses that Tammy...

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The Window Cleaner

The Window Cleaner Pippa held out Jennie’s hands with her own outstretched arms whilst studying her from head to toe. “Very professional in a sexy way,” she declared with a devilish grin, “go get him and zap him between the eyes!” Jennie laughs. “You’re mad! I’m not after anyone, honest.”“Give me a break,” said Pippa, “for the last six months you have dressed for work like an old prude and suddenly today you are wearing a mini-skirt up to your ass?”“We are not all like you,” Jennie replied...

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A lazy Saturday afternoon trying to suck off a dozen unknown men

My girlfriend was out of town, and I can’t find my friends, so I needed something to pass the afternoon. I often went to the local ABS to trade blowjobs on a Saturday afternoon. Besides loving to suck and to be sucked, I think it makes me a better fuck with my girlfriend on Saturday night. Well, this afternoon, I had nothing else to do, and didn’t need to save anything for Saturday night. I decided this trip to the ABS would be one to remember I loaded my backpack with my Polaroid...

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Angels Tale Part 4

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 4 "Ok, Angel." Lena was saying. "Now think of going to the pool tomorrow. Good. Now think of eating breakfast next Monday. Good. Now think of starting school. Good. Now, think of waking up next Christmas morning. Good." "What the heck are we doing, anyway?" "One of the ways you sort out the 'meaning' of mental images is how and where you represent them. We're finding out where you put the past and the future. With that,...

1 year ago
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Forcibly fucked in office party

Hello everyone: This is my third story. My first story was MY HUSBAND’S PLAN. My second story was SOBIAS GANGBANG. After that first incident everything was back to normal. I didn’t ask anything to my husband knowing that it was his plan, neither he talked to me regarding that day, but still there was some sort of gap between us. Days passed, I was busy with my daily routine. I had a lot of free time at home, so I just thought that why should not I do a job to kill time. My husband came that...

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