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Punishment 3 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Trepidation Jim stood at the locked door, inside his and Maria's bedroom and took a deep breath in an attempt to steady himself. As he exhaled, he was inwardly grateful that he had not succumbed to, what he now viewed as, a moment weakness, in that he had managed to stop himself just short of coming moments earlier, gazing as he did at his own reflection in the mirror. He was grateful, not only that he sensed that he still had, at least, some small amount of willpower left, but also that he didn't have to undergo the further shame of explaining to Maria and Karen, that his increased delay in returning to the living room was down to him having spurted his load into his panties. Jim again took a deep breath and, with his hand trembling, reached out to the key and unlocked the bedroom door. As he did so, his mind was racing as he managed to convince himself, that his earlier overwhelming urge to come, was nothing to do with how sexily he was dressed, but was instead down to the fact that he had not been allowed to come for more than 2 days. Jim convinced himself that he wasn't some sort of transvestite, and was satisfied that it was simply down to the fact that it wasn't normal for a 19 year old male, who was at the peak of his sexual urges, to go such a long length of time without having some sort of sexual relief. That was all. Nothing whatsoever to do with the tight hotpants, sheer tights and towering stilettos he was wearing. He was sure of it. Gripping the handle tightly, as much as for support as anything, Jim slowly opened the bedroom door and peered across the hall over to the living room door, which he could see was closed. As Jim stood there he strained to hear what, if anything, Maria and her friend were talking about. He was acutely aware that they must be talking about him, but all Jim could hear was his own heartbeat pounding away furiously in his ears. Jim cautiously, taking small steps, made his way over to the closed living room door, where he came to a halt. He could just about make out the two friends talking within the living room but, try as he might, he could not hear what they were saying. Once more Jim took a deep breath, as he tried desperately to think of some miracle that would mean he didn't have to enter that room. Forelonely, and with a soft sigh, Jim acknowledged to himself that there was no other option. He gripped the living room handle and gently turning it, he slowly opened the door and sidled into the room. As Jim quietly entered the room he did so sideways, so that he didn't have to look at his two tormentors within. Once he was in the room, he closed the door and came to a stop facing it, head down, in an almost submissive pose. As the door settled closed, Jim felt unable to let go of the handle, as he gripped it tightly, fearing that his trembling legs were about to give way from under him at any moment. Chapter 2 - Karen's surprise When Jim had earlier went into the bedroom to get changed, Maria and Karen had swapped their dining room seats for the ones they previously had on the living room settee. They had been so involved in their deep and collusive discussion, that they had almost missed Jim silently slip back into the living room. It had been Karen who had noticed Jim enter and, as soon as she looked at the now stationary figure standing at the door, her eyes widened and her face broke into a huge smile. On noticing Karen's change of expression, Maria turned to the door. Both friends sat silently and took in the vision before them. What each of them saw and how it registered within their separate minds, was decidely different. Maria simply saw her boyfriend Jim. Granted, her boyfriend was definitely not dressed how any boyfriend should ever be dressed. Nevertheless, Maria's mind associated the image of the person standing at the door as that of her boyfriend. Karen's mind, on the other hand, was having a great deal of trouble registering exactly what she was looking at. Part of her mind knew that the sexy creature standing before her must be Jim. However, her mind was having difficulty in accepting that fact. Karen could hardly draw her eyes from Jim's legs. Earlier in the week, when Maria had given Karen an update on the progress of Jim's punishment, she had enthused to Karen about how pretty and downright sexy Jim's legs looked in hose and heels. At the time, Karen had offered an accepting and friendly nod to her, but had dismissed Maria's enthusiasm and her description as being nothing more than an exaggeration. But...Karen now knew that Maria had not exaggerated. If anything, she had undersold just how exquisite Jim's legs were. Karen was, as all of her friends and family knew, a confirmed lesbian. She had never, ever, felt any sort of attraction to any male of the species. Up until now, that was! In all her previous relationships (her post-pubescent relationship with Maria not included) Karen was always the dominant partner. She was readily drawn to petite women, who she moulded and coerced into dressing as femininely as possible. Karen particularly liked her girlfriends to to adopt an ultra-feminine role in their relationships. This meant they were encouraged to wear short skirts, sheer hosiery and high heels and, if their assets so allowed, very tight and very low cut tops. Karen found such moulding and coercion easy, because the reward for conformity for any of her girlfriends, and there had been more than plenty, was an endless stream of intense orgasms, such was Karen's adept skill as a lover. But now, here in her friends flat, she was staring at a male, a male who was undoubtedly causing her to become sexually aroused...it was now the turn of Karen's mind to be put, unexpectedly, into a spin. Karen was captivated by Jim's legs. From his black, shiny, stiletto heels...to his slim, well turned ankles...to his calves displaying little or no muscle...tapering gently upward to his increasingly fleshy thighs...all the while sheathed in dark sheer tights...coming to rest at his pert, rounded bum...which was itself held, invitingly high, within the tight confines of his tight, pink, cotton hot pants. Sitting on the settee with her legs crossed at mid thigh, Karen gently squeezed her thighs together as a sweet tingle deliciously started to take hold of her. But she was definitely confused. She thought to herself, "Jim is a man. Or at least...Jim is supposed to be a man. But...how could a man ever have such sexy legs?...and...such a cute arse?!" Jim had been holding on to the door handle for approximately a minute, before Maria spoke, "Turn round sweetie, let Karen have a good look at you" Jim tentatively took his hand away from the door handle and slowly turned to face the two girls, all the while blushing furiously. When he was finally facing the the two girls he looked up at them not really knowing what to do next and stood there waiting for some form of instruction. As Jim stood there, Karen again drank in the sight of his long feminine legs, this time from the front and thought to herself, "My god those legs are traffic stoppers! I know Jim is supposed to be a man...well...more of a boy really...but there has been a serious mistake made here. No boy should ever have been born with such sexy legs. No...a mistake has certainly been made by nature. And that's a mistake I should take some action to correct..." Karen's thoughts trailed off as Maria spoke again. "Well sweetie...don't just stand there looking silly...come over and join us here on the settee" Jim automatically did as he was told. He didn't seem to realise that lately, especially when he was dressed in his sexy clothes, whenever Maria told him do do something...he simply did it. He was also unaware that he was now accustomed to being called "sweetie" by Maria...a name by which she had never called him before this week. As Jim walked the distance from the door to the settee, Maria was displeased to see him almost stumbling nervously in his high heels, with all of the grace he had previously mastered seemingly having disappeared. As Jim got to the settee, the two girls parted to make space for Jim to sit in between them, with Maria patting the space, invitinging him to sit there. All the while Karen had not taken her eyes from Jim's pretty hosiery encased legs and, as he sat down, this time retaining some of his earlier grace, by elegantly draping one leg over the other and crossing his legs at mid-thigh, Karen's eyes widened further as she heard the distinctive whisper of his tights encased thighs rubbing against each other. Jim was now almost pinned in against the bodies of the two girls and they both could feel his body trembling. Almost as if reading each others minds, both Maria and Karen gently placed a hand on Jim's thigh. Karen couldn't help but give his thigh a slight squeeze as she gently stroked the smooth lycra with her thumb, while Maria said "There there sweetie...everything is going to be okay...I promise. There's no need for you to look so nervous just because Karen has come over to visit. However, I do have to say...I wasn't best pleased with how you were walking just now. I thought you had made some decent progress this week, but you looked decidedly ungainly just then. It's almost as if you've never worn stilettos before today. I would have thought you would be walking in a graceful manner almost automatically by now. But instead you looked as though you were about to fall down, you were stumbling that badly." Jim's mind was conflicted. He didn't want to be wearing women's clothes. He didn't want Karen to see him dressed like this. He didn't like the way Karen was touching him and, more importantly, why was Maria allowing her to do so. He was sorry that Maria seemed angry with him, and he was almost angry with himself for not walking properly as previously instructed. That was careless and he knew it. He just hoped Maria wouldn't consider it to be another sort of infraction. But, he didn't want his walk to become automatically graceful. He was fearful that if it did, he would subconciously find himself walking that way when he was dressed in his boy clothes outwith the flat. With his head bowed slightly, and his eyes drawn to the girls" perfectly manicured hands resting on his thigh, Jim slowly replied, "I'm sorry Maria...I...I just was a bit nervous that's all. I...I think it was because Karen was seeing me dressed this way for the first time...I'm sorry. It...it won't happen again. I promise." "Well it had better not sweetie, or you will be heading for trouble...and THAT'S a promise, believe me!" warned Maria. Chapter 3 - Taking stock Karen then spoke "You know Maria, I can think of a couple of things that might help our little princess here with his walk. I've got a treadmill at home that I can arrange to have brought over here while I'm staying with you. That way princess can practise walking in his stilettos each day, for as many hours as we decide. I'm sure it will only take a few weeks before he will be strutting about in heels as if he was born wearing them. And I can think of a little something extra that will help with princess" high heel training, but we'll let that be a little surprise for him when the time comes. Also, we should really get princess a separate pair of high heels to sleep in. An extra 8 hours each night wearing skyscraper heels as he sleeps would certainly help his feet and legs to become much more accustomed to being in them. But unless you want him to scratch your legs with his heels as he tosses and turns each night, it will probably be better if you start sleeping in separate beds. But... in the meantime, let's see what we have to work with. Up! Up princess! On your feet! Start walking side to side across the room until I tell you to stop! Up now!" As she was talking, Karen's panties were getting more and more damp as she thought about the fun that lay in the days, weeks and months ahead. Maria, for her part, was hanging on every word that was coming out of Karen's pretty mouth, and as she did, she too was becoming more and more aroused at the way Karen was taking a keen role in Jim's punishment. Jim however was smarting. He looked quickly at Karen and then Maria before rising from the settee, thinking to himself "I hate it when she calls me that and why does Maria allow her to talk to me that way. I had better not say anything though...it might be deemed to be another one of those fucking infractions. And... what does she mean "staying with us"? And what's all this shit about sleeping in separate beds...no fucking way!" he bravely continued thinking to himself. "Now remember what I taught you sweetie," said Maria. "Nice graceful steps" Slowly Jim teetered in his stilettos to the side wall of the living room. As he did so the now almost natural sway to his hips began to reappear. When he got to the other wall he thankfully remembered to swivel gracefully on the smooth yellow sole of one shoe, to face the other way, before walking back to where he had came from. As he continued to mince back and forth across the living room, Jim's confidence in walking in high heels returned and, after a couple of minutes, he had upped his pace considerably, while his almost feminine hips regained their full sway. As he walked back and forth, he was increasingly aware that both the girls were sitting there, silently, looking intently at his legs and bum, with Karen's expression in particular, taking on a more and more hungry look. He incredibly found himself empathising with the women he saw in the outside world, those women who wore short skirts and high heels every day, women who were easy prey for the hungry eyes of any and every lustful male. After a few more minutes Karen spoke "Keep your head up high princess. Confident young women always hold their heads up high and never look at the ground when walking in heels. So you shouldn't either. If you have any trouble doing so, we can always find something to help you." Jim was about to protest that he wasn't a young woman, but he thought better of risking another infraction and simply said, "Yes Karen." And he was decidedly worried about what Karen meant about "something to help you". After a few more minutes, Maria and Karen turned their attention away from the young man with the pretty legs and began to whisper and conspire together. Jim noticed the two girls turn away from him and he hoped this meant that he could sit back down. However, no such instruction was forthcoming, so he thought it best to continue practising his walk. Thirty minutes later, Jim's legs and his feet were aching from the onslaught they were receiving and he found himself increasingly desperate to sit down again. It was with much relief and gratitude therefore, when he responded to Karen's instruction for him to resume his place on the settee. Jim again gracefully sat down on the settee and immediately and subconciously crossed his legs at mid thigh, an act which delighted Karen as she heard the whispering zip Jim's tights made once more. As she again settled her hand gently onto Jim's thigh, Karen said "Well Maria, I think we have had an encouraging start. We certainly have something to work with in our little princess here. His legs definitely don't look out of place in tights, heels and shorts. From here on in we just have to work on getting his mind set right. But I can't foresee any major problems as long as princess applies himself to his punishment just as much as we intend to." That last remark caused Jim's body to shudder, a movement which was not lost on the two girls. There was a pause for a few seconds, which Jim took advantage of, by looking pleadingly at Maria and, in a somewhat small and weak voice said, "Maria...is it okay if I ask some questions?" As Maria looked back at Jim, for the first time she felt some pity for him when saw what looked like a deep despair in his expression. She unsuccessfully tried to shake off the feeling, but instead comforted herself in the fact Karen was on hand to help her if she showed any signs of weakness. She replied, "Yes sweetie...go ahead." "Earlier on today, you mentioned something about a chastity device. Wha...what did you mean by that?" asked Jim. Maria looked at Jim puzzled and replied, "Do you not know what both those words mean sweetie? I though everyone knew what they meant. Chastity is when a person abstains from sexual activity. Device is a tool. So...a chastity device means a tool to ensure a person abstains from sexual activity. In this case, that person is you. Wanking, although perverse and demeaning can be viewed as sexual activity. So by fitting you with a chastity device on Friday, you won't be able to give in to your perverse needs." Jim was dumbfounded and asked, "What about...you know...us?...What about sex?...Will we still be able to...I mean...is it reversible... and...will we still have...you know...sex?" "Oh yes sweetie it is reversible. And of course we will still have sex. You can be so ditzy sometimes. Although, I will add that before a certain someone starts thinking about sex, that certain someone should be thinking about getting his mind right and instead be focussing all his energy on applying himself to his punishment, at least for the time being. Eh? What do you say to that sweetie? What Maria didn't say to Jim, as her smile beamed innocently at him, was that although they both would still be having sex, it certainly wouldn't be with each other, and in Jim's case, she didn't envisage it being anything like the sex he was used to having. As she continued to smile at Jim, Maria's fleeting feeling for pity towards him vanished as she began to feel fresh arousal thinking about her future plans for him. Jim was sufficiently relieved at the lie Maria had just told him, enough that a brief smile managed to flicker across his blushing red face. He then asked further, "But what's this about sleeping in seperate beds? I don't like the sound of that." "Well," replied Maria, "as Karen has explained, as you will soon start wearing high heels to bed at night, I don't relish the idea of you scratching the hell out of my legs with them each night. So your selfish needs will have to take a back seat I'm afraid sweetie." "Oh," said Jim as he dejectedly sank lower into the settee and, as he did so, uncrossed his legs and crossed them again in a decidedly feminine manner. As Karen avidly took in Jim's almost natural feminine movements, she squeezed her legs tighter again as she felt her arousal increasingly begin to simmer. It was taking all her willpower to stop herself from grabbing the partially feminised boy's ears and grinding his pretty mouth into her crotch. Instead she made do with again placing her hand gently onto his thigh. Jim again fell silent and looked down at Karen's hand resting on his thigh. When Karen gave his thigh a gentle squeeze, he slowly looked up, almost fearfully into her eyes. Karen smiled at Jim and said, "Don't worry princess...I won't bite. I'm positive I will be able to help you and Maria mend your relationship. All we need is for you to fully commit to your punishment and then, when it's all over, you can both get back to normal and put all this nonsense behind you. Eh?...what do you say princess?...do you think you will be able to fully commit to your punishment and win Maria's trust back?" Jim looked into Karen's eyes and, sniffing once. simply nodded his answer, without once flinching at Karen's new nickname for him. "Good," replied Karen, as she again gave Jim's thigh another, this time longer, squeeze. "Now princess...Maria tells me that she has bought you some nice new clothes. So why don't you tell me exactly what she has bought and I'll try to think of anything else you might need." Chapter 4 - Raising the stakes "Well," said Jim, as his face took on another surge of scarlet, as he tried frantically to recall the clothes Maria had bought for him, "I have about 10 or 12 pairs of panties, in various colours... I also have about 16 or so pairs of tights, black...with most of them being thin tights...and some thicker... I also have about half a dozen of those waist thingys that make my waist smaller...And I have, I think, about 6 pairs of hotpants, which are all different colours...And I've also got these shoes." As Jim said the word shoes, in an almost subconcious movement, he raised his dangling leg almost parallel with the floor for a few seconds, and swivelled his shoe back and forth at his ankle. As he did so, the black glossy stiletto almost seemed to sparkle as the remaining light coming in from the window, combined with the light from the living room lamps, danced off it. As Jim brought his pretty leg gently back down to it's resting position, Karen said, "Yes...very nice selection Maria, for starters anyway. But we have some serious shopping to do if we are to get princess' wardrobe fully stocked to enable him to cope with the punishment that lays ahead of him...." (A gulp from Jim)... "For starters, 6...and they are called waist-cinches princess...6 will never be enough. No, another 6 of those will be required at least. That way you will always have enough clean ones available should the need arise. Also, I hear that, up until now, you have been sleeping in your waist-cinches. While I find that admirable, it will only cause them to wear out more quickly. Therefore I will see to it that you acquire more suitable garments for sleeping in. "As for tights and panties, for the moment you seem to be adequately stocked, so there is no rush to get you any more for the forseeable. "Now then...hot pants. Hmm...(as she drummed her fingers gently on Jim's thigh)...that sounds about the right number of them...again for now at least. But, we will have to get you some other, more suitable garments, just as a contigency, for any situations that may arise. "As for footwear, no...1 pair of high-heels will never be enough. We will have to..." Just then Jim quickly uncrossed his legs and, rather more excitedly than Maria would have expected, interrupted Karen by saying, "Wait...although I've only got 1 pair of high-heels just now, I ordered 3 more pairs last night on the internet. And...I've not had a chance to tell you yet Maria (as he looked towards her)...I've checked my e-mails and there's going to be a problem with their delivery." "How so exactly?" enquired Maria, puzzled. "Well," continued Jim, "the only definite days are for 1 of the pairs of shoes to be delivered next Monday and the other pair of shoes the following day. But the boots are due to be delivered any day between tomorrow and a week on Friday." There was a moments silence as both of the girls looked at Jim with puzzled looks, before looking at each other and asking, almost in unison, what the problem was. "What?!" exclaimed Jim as he looked back and forth at both girls. "Don't you see?...Maria you're at work all day and I'll be at college. So?...Don't you get it?...There will be no-one at home to accept the delivery!" "Ah..." said both girls, again almost in unison, before Maria continued, "Is that all?...That's nothing to worry about Jim. You can simply stay home from college and wait in for the parcels to arrive." "What?!...Wait!...No!...I can't do that," replied Jim, as his heart began to race again "I'm afraid I got a bit of a talking to from the college administrator before I left there today. And...well, he told me that if my attendance... as well as my grades incidentally...don't improve, then he will suspend me from my course!" There was another moments silence before Karen spoke this time, "Hmmm...yes princess...that does represent a bit of a pickle doesn't it? But, as far as I can see, you really only have 2 options. The first option is for you to stay home and wait in for the parcels. The second is for the delivery guy to leave them with a neighbour for you to collect from them." "Yes...that's it," exclaimed Jim. "Maria can just pick them up from whichever neighbour the delivery guy leaves them with. Brilliant! I hadn't thought of that Karen." Karen smiled sweetly at Jim, before replying, "No no princess!...You're getting all confused again. Why would Maria go to the trouble of collecting the parcels from a neighbour? They aren't her parcels. She isn't expecting a delivery of high-heels. They are your parcels. They are your high heels." Jim sat stunned and stammering slightly said, "Wait...Wait a minute please...I...I can't go to a neighbour and collect the parcels. What if it's obvious to the neighbours what is inside the parcels. If they know I've been buying high heels on the internet...they will...well...they will think that I'm sort of pervert or something!" "I'm afraid it's worse than you think princess," replied Karen "Irrespective of whether the neighbours actually know what is inside the parcels, as soon as they open their door to you, they will immediately think you are some sort of pervert, or to be more precise...they will think you are a transvestite." "What do you mean?" asked Jim, his voice trailing away weakly. "Well...I would have thought that was obvious," replied Karen, "because as soon as you get home from college, you will need to adhere to your punishment by immediately slipping into your sexy clothes. That means the neighbours will get to see you as you are dressed right now. "It's a bit of a Hobson's choice for you princess and by that, I mean you're faced with a dilemma. You can either go to college and collect your parcels from a neighbour dressed in your sexy clothes... "Or...you can stay home from college...and the only persons who will see you dressed in your sexy clothes will be complete strangers who just happen to be delivery men. "Now... I know that you might think that your second option is further complicated, by the supposed threat of suspension that you received today from the college administrator. But there are two things to consider with that. One...is that colleges rarely suspend students for such "crimes". If they did, the colleges would be virtually empty come the end of each term, there are that many students who continually go AWOL. And...even if they do follow through with the threat...so what? What is actually more important in your life just now? Is it a need to cling to a college course that you can easily repeat any time over the coming years? Or is it the much more vital need for you to commit yourself to trying, with all your being, to save your relationship with Maria?" Not for the first time today, or this week for that matter, Jim sat there with mouth agape and head swimming with confusion. He didn't want to pick either of these options. He just wanted his life to back to normal. He could again feel hiself tearing up as he lowered his head and put both hands to his face. Again, unexpectedly, feeling pity for her boyfriend, Maria placed a comforting arm around his narrow shoulders and was about to speak when, anticipating Maria's gesture of impending weakness, Karen offered "Princess wait!...Before you start getting all unecessarily upset, I suppose there is one way I can help you out of your dilemma." As Jim held his tears in check, he looked at Karen with some small degree of hope, before she continued. "Now, at first, this may seem a little drastic to you. But bear with me and let me finish. Hopefully you will see that my help is the best way out of your dilemma. "Let's assume that you will never...in a million years... feel comfortable knocking on your neighbours door, wearing panties, waist- cinch, tights, hot pants and stilettos...to ask them for a parcel containing more high heels, which you purchased on the internet. Agreed?...thought so." (As Jim nodded). So the only real option is that you stay at home from college, at least until the day your last pair of shoes are delivered. Agreed?...good." (As Jim nodded once more.) "So that means the only real problem you have is you answering the door while wearing your sexy clothes. Agreed?...okay then (as Jim nodded again, only this time slightly more hesitantly and with a puzzled look). "That means your only real concern, is that a handful of total strangers might think you are a transvestite or a cross-dresser or something. If I'm being honest, I think if that is your only concern, then I you are being a bit of a drama queen...or should I say in your case...a drama princess. But...(as Jim raised his hand to protest)...but princess...I did say there was a way I could help you. And it is so simple...it is possitively ingenious. "Your only real concern is that that the delivery men will think that you are a boy...sorry...a man. I for one think there is a real possibility that, when they see you wearing your sexy clothes, they will immediately think that you are a girl. Jeez...look at your legs princess..." (Jim did as he was told). "In fact, there is a real chance that, once you've taken the parcels from them and they make their way down the stairs, they might find themselves with raging boners after looking at your sexy pins..." (Jim was now blushing more furiously than ever. And at the mention of the word "boner", he unexpectedly felt his own small penis twitch within the confines of its satin prison). "Therefore all we have to do is disguise you to make you look more like a girl and that shouldn't be too hard to do!" (At this point Jim's eyes were like saucers) "Looking at you now, there are only a few things we need to do to make you more convincing. "The first is quite simple. Your t-shirts are androgenous enough, but we need increased femininity. So...you can borrow some of Maria's tops for a couple od days, until we can get you some of your own. "The second is make-up. You would be amazed at how even a little make-up can transform girls with even the plainest of faces into pin-up models. So, tomorrow morning, I will do your make-up for you. "Lastly is hair. Again your hair is slightly androgenous, if a little unkempt. So...tomorrow morning I'll work on it a little, before we can arrange for something more suitable. "So, from the waist down, you already have nothing to worry about. It's just a matter of getting the rest of you, from the waist up, to match. That and with a little more coaching, you'll never have to worry that the delivery men will think you're anything other that a petite and attractive young lady. "So?...what do you think?" finished Karen. Jim sat there in silence. In his mind he was thinking that he wanted to shout at Karen and tell her she was insane. But as he sat there ever- trembling, with both his heart and mind again both racing, he knew that all that Karen had said made sense. Jim knew that any interraction he would have with the delivery men should only take a few moments each at most. And deep down, he knew exactly how pretty and downright sexy his legs looked wearing his hot pants, tights and high heels, and that any heterosexual men would probably have trouble dragging their eyes from them. So, even if, as he thought, his face and hair weren't all that womanly, if he accepted Karen's offer for help, it should mean that the delivery men would accept him as a girl. While Jim sat on the couch, his mind fighting a dozen battles with itself, Maria said to Karen that she thought it was a great idea, which she did. She was amazed at how effortlessly Karen had seemingly managed to manipulate Jim into having only one option, which was to accept his increased feminisation. Maria was also thinking that she couldn't wait to get to bed...thankfully alone...where she was going to peel off her soaking wet panties and have some languid fun with her favourite vibrator. Karen also couldn't wait to get to bed. She longed for Maria to join her, but knew that wouldn't happen. She even thought how glorious it would be if she could get princess into bed and set his tongue to lapping at her pussy. But, again she knew that wouldn't be on the cards...at least for tonight. However, she was anticipating that she would have to furiously masterbate herself to many climaxes before she would be able to get any asleep tonight.

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The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn't been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter's place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn't quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my mouth had a...

3 years ago
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Punishment? It had never gotten easy for her to raise a growing boy all by herself. Lisa just came home from work, a couple of hours earlier then normal thanks to a big account being finished completely. She had also received a big bonus, which always was a good thing in her household. Her son Frank had had his fifteenth birthday a couple of months ago, and by now she did not have a good insight into his life and thoughts. To her he seemed to be a loner, even on his birthday there had...

2 years ago
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Over the years, I’ve written many stories. Some include an element of spanking, albeit quite light. I have to admit, I do like the occasional situation where, usually as part of foreplay, or during sex, I get a kick out of being spanked. A hard slap, or two, across my bum cheeks, while I’m being taken doggy style, always adds that little extra thrill. On occasion, a particular friend of mine has used a leather belt on me. Actually, that’s one situation I do like. Standing there, watching a man...

5 years ago
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I step into the bedroom and Nicole winces at the light as it moves into the blackened room. She squints to see me but I'm a silhouette before the illuminated doorway moving slow towards her as she straddles the coffee table, her body impaled deeply on phallic silicone. Her ankles restrained to table legs and wrists bound to wrists. She trembles and sweats, her chest heaves nervously and each step I take towards her causes her breath to quicken. I've left her alone in the dark for an hour and...

4 years ago
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Monday morning. Time to get up, have my breakfast and go to school again. After a few moments, I sat up in bed, brushed the hair from my eyes, yawned and stretched, swung back the duvet and put my feet into my low- heeled mules before standing up and re-arranging my nightie which had managed to wind itself round my waist again during the night. Into the bathroom for the morning wash and brush-up before returning to my bedroom to dress for the day's activities. As it was a...

2 years ago
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You are sitting at a bar wearing a thin low-cut blouse with the top three buttons undone showing your huge cleavage. The pushup bra is giving your breasts the support they need to lift them higher. The bra stops just below your nipples so the cool air makes them hard and well noticed through the thin blouse.I'm sitting behind you just out of your view. I see a man hitting on you and you're flirting back with him by laughing at his jokes. You're even allowing him to touch your smooth bare...

2 years ago
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Punishment Some people are strange, and some people are quite ordinary. In their owneyes at least. Take me - ordinary, married (once), thirty or so, so-so job,good looking enough to have a sex life that means I pick up girls and fuckthem.I like that. Fucking. I like young bodies, tight cunts and big breasts.Yeah... big breasts. Preferably tied up, pierced, roped, branded, clamped,tight, fucked... I life that, watching as my cock ploughs through breaststied so tight they are purple. And maybe...

4 years ago
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I phone you in your office, I am actually sitting outside your building looking up at your window. I tell you that I'm downstairs and would really like to see you, "ohhhhhh and by the way... I have no knickers on". I know you are looking out your window at me, I am wearing a skirt just above my knees and I part my legs just a bit to give you an impression..... you cant see detail from where you are, but you get the general idea.You come down to meet me, its the first time we meet in person. You...

Wife Lovers
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       He met her at her car and stopped short at the sight of a baby seat in the back seat.  He looked at her questioningly. ?I'm... having a baby..? she said.  His face froze; ?Are you serious?? he asked.  ?No? she replied as she burst out laughing, ?I've been babysitting but oh my god you should have seen your face it was hilarious!?  His face became expressionless. ?That wasn't funny? he said. ?Oh yes it was!? she replied.  As her laughter slowed he said ?No, it really wasn't Rebecca....?...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Chloes fling in a hotel with her boyfriend was nice, but all good things must come to an end. Now it was time for her to take the punishment she knew was coming. Chloe Leto slumped in the seat of her boyfriends Bentley as he drove her home. The wind blew through the window and tousled her curly black hair. She braided it quickly, trying to contain it. You okay, babe? Luke asked as he gave her knee a squeeze, You havent said a word since we left the hotel. Yeah, She sighed and...

4 years ago
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Bella raced home, her mind contemplating her future if her parents saw the newspaper. Splashed all over it was her spreading her legs wide for any man willing to get a quick fuck. She knew she would suffer from her actions, if not from teasing from friends who witnessed it, but from her family, if they ever found out. Her heart racing wildly, Bella sprinted faster. She had to get to the paper before they did. * She saw her fathers' car parked in the driveway along side her brothers'. Damn it,...

4 years ago
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Punishment    I was kneeling in a dungeon (I could tell it was such because of the hooks hanging from the walls with several interesting toys hanging from  them).  You entered the room quickly with Your hands clasped behind Your back and paced around me in a circle. I could tell You were very upset and perhaps even angry.  You stopped directly in front of me and let Your hand rest briefly on the top of my bowed head before speaking.   "You disobeyed Me slave"  You said.  "Yes Master" was my...

1 year ago
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"You will be very sorry for you insubordination, young lady," Sir Jason said softly while tying the frightened woman's hands ankles and wrists to each corner of the large heavy table, leaving her naked body in the classic spread eagle position of submission, "and you will surely rue the day you disobeyed me, yes indeed, you surely will!!!" The cool air contacting her bare breasts immediately caused her large pink nipples to erect involuntarily, a sure sign to her master that she was indeed in...

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The silence is broken by the opening and closing of the door, the long weeks of waiting are finally at an end. He is close she can feel Him near her His breath on her shoulder sending signals through her body and she involuntarily arches her back, the movement causing her round full breasts to jut out further drawing attention to the aroused hard nipples standing so erect. Standing behind her He slips the blindfold over her eyes making any visual contact impossible she feels vulnerable...

4 years ago
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My feet beat a faster tempo as I move into my last lap around the track. The red rubber material felt like it is rising to meet each foot as I push myself harder. While the evening wind sliped past my ears, thoughts of how my life has changed over the last few weeks cling to the wrinkles in my grey matter. Three weeks ago I had a normal life of a divorced thirty-something professional. A good job, nice house, kicking car, and a few friends to do things with on the weekend. But then things...

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I collected the key card from the hotel's front desk as I had been told to do by Kevin, my fiancée. Taking the elevator, I went up and joyfully entered the room, looking forward to having a great time with him.I called out to Kevin as I closed the door, but I didn't hear any response. I looked around: both the bedroom and the bathroom both were empty. I assumed Kevin must have been there at some point when I saw the items lying on the bed. I stared at a paddle, a flogger, and a belt. 'What on...

3 years ago
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You left me alone, my lover, when my body was craving for you. You left me to suffer and burn and want. Now you must be punished. Tomorrow when you wake, you will find yourself tied to your bed. Hands and feet, unable to move. I will not use rope, only silk scarves. Strong but smooth and soft. I do not want you damaged, my lover. I want you full of strength for what is to come. Do not struggle. Do not tire yourself. When you open your eyes and feel yourself stretched on the bed in soft bondage,...

3 years ago
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I phone you in your office, I am actually sitting outside your building looking up at your window. I tell you that I’m downstairs and would really like to see you, ‘ohhhhhh and by the way… I have no knickers on’. I know you are looking out your window at me, I am wearing a skirt just above my knees and I part my legs just a bit to give you an impression….. you cant see detail from where you are, but you get the general idea. You come down to meet me, its the first time we meet in person. You...

3 years ago
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This story continues from my previous story “Breakdown”. It had been a few weeks since I had experienced being with a shemale. Alison was a beautiful big breasted, black-haired shemale. My wife, Sally, had found her underwear, hidden beneath the armchair on which we’d fucked each others brains out. Now she wanted to arrange a time for Alison to come over and spend some time, showing me how I betrayed her and that I would be punished for what I did. We were simply sitting in the lounge,...

3 years ago
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The girl had a date with a boy from her school, a kid named Darren. Miranda had never met him, but she had seen the texts exchanged with her daughter. Photo texts, too. While Mandy's texts had been innocent enough, the one the girl had received back had been of the boy's exposed manhood. Miranda had to admit; he looked impressively big, but her daughter getting texts like these? That was wildly inappropriate, and punishment for the girl was in order. She went to her boyfriend and showed...

4 years ago
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Jenny was a 19 year old college girl that had no flaws, she was hot, sexy, and popular. She had the attitude that the school was her playground and she could do what she wanted. Jenny had long blonde hair put up into pigtails and always had a perky little smile showing off her attitude. Jenny also dressed very risqué, she was always in trouble for not wearing enough but this never stopped Jenny. Things were going to change because there was a new teacher in the building, Ms. Reid. Ms. Reid was...

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I knelt naked upon my fur in the corner of the lounge room, as Master had instructed, Master had called as He was leaving work, informing me He would be bringing company home with Him, ?A sigh of relief passed my lips?.As I was to be punished upon Him returning home from work for my behaviour early that morning, but obviously Master had forgotten when He invited one of His friends over.This had also surprised me, for Master liked to keep His private life just that ?Private??Hearing His car pull...

3 years ago
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Sue was always in trouble in class. Today the teacher sent her to the office to be punished. The principal took her to the back room and shut the door and locked it. He pulled her to the desk and told her "You deserve to be punished hard for disturbing your class. I always punish my student naked." He then pulled her top off then her bra. He liked that she had a nice big set of tits. He then pulled her skirt up to her waist and pulled her panties down then off. He turned her around and looked...

3 years ago
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Sara had come in late from her date. She quietly went to her room and when she opened the door her dad was there waiting for her. He yelled at her "You are late. Have you been fucking that boy again? You have turned into quite a whore haven't you? Take off your clothes and be fast. I am going to punish you like a whore again." As Sara took off her clothes and stood before her dad she knew she was in big trouble. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He shoved a finger into her cunt and said...

3 years ago
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Punished You had decided that punishment was due for my misbehaviour. I had after all embarrassed you in front of your friends and though it turned out well, you remained a little red-faced from the moment. There was a glint of evil in your eye - you sought revenge but what exactly, I was unsure. We stumbled back into my room at the hotel. It was not quite late, the sort of late when you actually consider if it is worth going to bed or just start the next day. We were both a bit happy being in...

Oral Sex
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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held…forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

4 years ago
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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held...forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

Oral Sex
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Punished You had decided that punishment was due for my misbehaviour. I had after all embarrassed you in front of your friends and though it turned out well, you remained a little red-faced from the moment. There was a glint of evil in your eye – you sought revenge but what exactly, I was unsure. We stumbled back into my room at the hotel. It was not quite late, the sort of late when you actually consider if it is worth going to bed or just start the next day. We were both a bit happy being...

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She walked in late as her dad stood waiting for her. He grabbed her by the hair and told her "Get into the basement. You are going to be punished. When you act like a whore you will be treated like a whore." She was scared as he d**g her down the stairs to the basement. He shut and locked the door. "Now take all your clothes off. I want you naked and do it fast. If I have to rip your clothes off you will be very sorry." She stood with tears running down her cheeks and removed her clothes. When...

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As Jim drives up driveway he notices that light for the dining room is on and the d****s are half closed. His heart begins to beat a little faster with fear of what might greet him inside. With a silly looking smirk on his face he looks into the dining room to witness a plate of food sitting at his usual dining spot and across the table laid an empty plate sitting in front of his wife Edith. Edith lifted her eyes only to glare deep into Jim’s then crossing her arms and blurted out “where fuck...

4 years ago
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Broken she lay on the floor, barely conscious after her punishment. The candles flickered and the chains swung, below them she lay, marked from numerous strikes and oozing his lust from between her thighs. He stood over her for a few minutes, catching his breath,watching the trickle of cum work its way down her thigh and onto the carpet."You'll be cleaning that up tomorrow" he said in a low tone. She barely had the strength to nod in response. "I'm going for a shower" he said, grabbing a towel...

3 years ago
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Untitled work of Fiction or PUNished (HA-HA! Get it?!) By The Anonymous Bastard Hi, my name is Steve. At least it used to be. Now it's Jake. I had it changed last fall. No, I would never get it changed to some girly name like "Cindy" or "Jenny." Why on earth would I do that? Anyway, it all started last year. I was getting ready for the big homecoming festival. Naturally, I had my eye on the girl of my dreams- Suzie Lawsonitingshiremont. Looking back, all I can think is, "What a...

2 years ago
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Punished By Margaret Jeanette Kayleigh Cameron was very happy. She had just closed on a million and a half dollar estate she had listed four weeks ago. The whole real estate office was happy to see the commission on the sale. Kayleigh told Sylvia Hopkins she would treat her to lunch. Sylvia was Kayleigh?s best friend. They went to lunch at Topper?s, a popular eatery with the business community. They were seated in a semi-private corner eating lunch when Kayleigh...

1 year ago
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Jill knew that she was in trouble the moment she heard the sharp voice of Miss Norton ordering her to halt! It was way past curfew and here she was out in the hall trying to sneak back to her own room. "Hold it right there, Miss Penice!" the head of school security barked. "Do you know what time it is?" "Uh, yes ma'am," Jill replied with a sinking heart. "The why are you where not supposed to be?" Petra Norton intoned evenly. "Well uh, you see it's like this," Jill stammered. "Like what? Petra...

4 years ago
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Steve woke with a splitting headache, he lay in bed getting his surroundings. he did not remember getting home or going to bed, he had been out the night before celebrating his 16th birthday now he was laying in bed with a hangover and cant remember getting there, Steve got out of bed his morning wood sticking up, he got his measure and measured it, 10 inches, he knew the money he had spent on the developer was with it. Steve heard his 10 year old step sisters voice and quickly put his bathrobe...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 34 Bond James Bond

December 13, 1991, Chicago, Illinois When I arrived home, I went upstairs to shower and shave while everyone else was eating dinner. When I finished in the bathroom, I dressed in my tuxedo and then went downstairs. “Jesus,” Abbie breathed when she saw me. “Don’t give him any ideas!” Elyse laughed. “His ego is already big enough!” “There can only be one person in the house who thinks they are a god,” I said piously, “and Jess has that position sewn up!” “Watch it, Tiger. For all intents...

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Family Awakenings Ch3

I thought about waking them up for another round but I knew the kids would be up soon. I threw on my robe and made my way to the coffee. As I walked down the hall I noticed the only one of the kid’s bedroom doors that was closed was Stephs. I checked the other rooms real quick and noticed they were both empty. I knew most likely Danny and Sarah were downstairs but something told me to check Stephs room. As I looked in I was both shocked and instantly hard. There were my three kids, all fast...

2 years ago
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my first threesome part deux

Paul and i had both came looking and looking rather pleased with ourselves Sarah said we'll i hope i get to come too since you both have and let out a cheeky laugh, of course we we both said in unison then sarah said but you sucked him dry there's nothing left for me! i then said to Sarah well there's still some in my mouth and grabbed a hold of her kissing her passionately driving my sum covered tongue into her mouth tasting my juices and Paul's cum at the same time was bliss then i felt...

1 year ago
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Beach Boy

I had a hot shower @ the motel room. My boyfriend wasn’t working on my crew this week and I had been horny all week long. I arrived @ the beach around 7pm. I decided I would walk some, which I did. It was getting dark so I decided I had better turn around and start walking back towards my truck. I soon ran into this gorgeous. I proceeded towards my truck. Upon getting to the parking lot where I had parked, I lit up a cigarette. I noticed that this jock was walking back towards me. I didn’t...

3 years ago
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Snatched off the street

Never take a shortcut you aren’t’ familiar with was what I was taught as a young k**. ‘Don’t go down dark alleys.’ ‘Always walk where other people are, in a crowd or something’ Well this time I didn’t listen to that warning, and cut across some train tracks to save some time going home in Brooklyn, NY one night. No one was around, late afternoon, so I thought, why the hell not. I was walking down an empty street lined with trailers left behind by trucking companies that closed for the day....

4 years ago
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Depression Leads To Sex

Dear Readers I am regular ISS reader. This is my First Sexual incidence which i am going to put forward to you. My name is Krunal. This story is about my friend Tina(named changed). Please send ur valuable comments on my incidence on Let me start from the beginning in 2008. During my graduation days i was in love with a girl named Tina(named changed). We were madly in love and couldn’t stay without each other. We both used to roam a lot, go for movies, shopping, walk. We both were hostelites....

2 years ago
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The alleyway

She pressed close against his body, so close that he could smell the leather from her jacket. As they walked along, her arm around his waist, he could feel her nails through his shirt gently stroking above his pubic region; with each stroke he felt the blood rush towards his cock.They turned the corner and walked further into the alleyway, him guiding her into the shadows. He looked down at her face, her eyes staring back up at him and what little light there was reflecting off of her lipstick....

4 years ago
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Jesse and Dylan

             Please leave me a comment, this is my first story here and I want to know what you all think of it, please let me know about any modifications or improvements you think I should make.  Thank you! Enjoy!           It was late when he finally came home that night. The cold had driven him home earlier than normal; it was almost time for the first snow to come again in the city. After being at work for a few hours, he decided to go home and he’d catch up with the guys later in...

First Time
4 years ago
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Exhibition In Train 8211 Part 1

Hi friends.. I am Sirisha and this is my first story here.. I am a exhibitionist and I got many experiences which I will post one by one.. My stats are 34 30 34.. My regular maintenance I got very fair skin.. So many boys in my area had eye on me.. But as I am from very good family, I never tried to expose more near my home… Ok going to story.. 1 day I got a call from my brother who is married inviting to his home for summer holidays.. He lives in Delhi …. As my family likes him very much they...

3 years ago
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Bathtime With Niece

"Bath time, Uncle Bob," she said brightly. "Um?" said Bob, looking up from his book. His niece was naked. "I said it was bath time. Come on. I have cheerleader tryouts tomorrow and I have to get up early so I can get there, warm up and practice my cheers. Tub or Shower?" she finished. "Well, since you're in such a hurry, I suppose it should be shower tonight," said her uncle, and he got up. He untied his robe and dropped it to the floor, leaving him just as naked as his...

4 years ago
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Holiday Fun

Hi readers, it’s me Manu, I’m back with my own another experience here. I started masturbating very early whenever I have chance of being alone, I used to masturbate. I was studying in my native place and my parents were in Hyderabad. I went to Hyderabad for vacation. I saw Meena. She is very friendly with our family. They don’t have any kids and at that time it was 5 years since they got married. That uncle is also very friendly and he was working in a private company and aunty is house wife....

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Jasons TaleChapter 24 Safety Bay

After a while I got called back to Flying Arrow. Tony, Eric, and the Commander were fairly confident that they wouldn’t need all of our soldiers to take the citadel. They wouldn’t be sure until they actually saw Safety Bay, but if their new information was right they could release a lot of the transports to go with us on our sweep around the island. I appreciated the heads-up, and we modified our plans accordingly. The whole fleet would all go to Safety Bay, which was a inlet on the south...

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First Encounter

This story is fully fictional Mathias has recently garnered an interest in BDSM. He stumbles upon a kink website, during a normal night of watching pornography. Instantly, Mathias knew that this life was for him, and that domination would be his forté. Several days later Mathias' friend Amy visits, to work on a biology project. Amy is a beautiful young woman. She has long slender legs that compliment her hips and supple C-cup breasts.  "Hey Amy! Come on in!"  "Thanks Mathias, what have you been...

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The Dark SideChapter 4

Waking up next to Mademoiselle Danielle Bastien in the morning was a wonderful thing. For one thing, Danielle recalled buying a nightgown sometime in the past, but she couldn’t remember where she’d put it. It didn’t seem to matter; she said she went to bed for one of two reasons—and neither required clothing. That suited me just fine. Secondly, Danielle was a morning person. She woke up wanting to snuggle and kiss; she liked making love then too. It was July, winter south of the equator,...

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Shaved ch 2 Bungalow for two

She leaned into him and whispered, “What’s the first thing you want to do when we get to our cabin darling?”“Fuck you silly!”She blushed, and chirped, “Besides that?” “I’d love to take a long leisurely stroll on the beach with my baby. What do you want to do first?”She looked around, and whispered, “Change into something sexy and skimpy. So when we go for that walk, that way, I can entice you and anyone watching.”“Oooh I did not know you were an exhibitionist honey.”She confessed, “I am a bit,...


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