Sister Mary Joseph free porn video

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How is it that seemingly unlikely people end up in unanticipated sexual intimacy? I mean, what are the forces, the precipitating factors that contribute to this improbable union? For instance, how does it happen that an older woman and a younger man - the friend of her son perhaps - end up entangled? Or in-laws? Or, in my case, with a nun?

I suppose that some of the necessary predilection would at least include the right temperament. But that's one of those true-but-trivial positions. Necessary, to be sure, but hardly sufficient. Think about it: the mere presence of an erection for example, coupled with a horny disposition hardly insures much of anything happening. As a case in point, I spent several years of my young life hanging out in that uncomfortable space, constantly armed and ready with nowhere to go.

No, desire by itself isn't enough. More's needed. A physical connection coupled with a temporal connection might add to the stew of spontaneous generation. Yes, there have been those times when, by good fortune and presence, the barriers of improbability have been breached. It had happened to me a time or two, but not as often as I might have wished. No, that's not enough. There's a huge difference between conventional, voluntary proximity and reluctant, involuntary closeness.

So, given the mix of sufficient predisposing personalities, however hidden, coupled with a forced physical proximity, unexpected shifts might occur.

I wasn't thinking of any of this the time I was thrown together with a nun. I didn't even have a secret lech for nuns; they were far down on my list of masturbation fantasies. Oh, in the seventh grade I had an attractive young nun who'd taken a kindly interest in my reading skills and I'd briefly wondered what she looked like under those long, black robes. But it hadn't been planted in my libido as a major jack-off fantasy. So when I'd accepted a two-day charter to deliver a 35' sloop to the British Virgins, I hardly blinked when I was unexpectedly asked if I'd take along a Sister Mary Joseph as a passenger.

I wondered briefly if all nuns were called Sister Mary Joseph? I vaguely recalled having a Latin teacher by that name. But I remember about as much of that teacher as I did the Latin that was force fed into my reluctant adolescent mind.

"Sure. Be glad for the company," I replied to the charter manager. He rarely asked for favors and besides, I thought he was a straight shooter.

An hour later, as I was finishing stowing my gear and provisions for the two-day sail, Mike, the guy who'd arranged this ferry job, pulled up in his jeep with the gaily-colored canvas top and tooted his horn. A black-robed woman in traditional, I mean old-fashioned, nun's attire climbed out. I saw a flash of black-stockinged calf as she lighted. Shading her eyes with her hand, she surveyed the length of the small sloop, her eyes ending with me. I smiled and waved to come aboard. She waved back, turned and said something to Mike who in turn, waved goodby and spun off.

She picked up a small black bag and walked to the gangplank where I stood ready to assist her. What little I could see of her face, I guessed she was about my age, middle thirties or so. As I extended my hand to help her step aboard, I smiled at our contrast, she covered head-to-toe in black and me, wearing nothing more than a faded pair of ancient Pusser's sailing shorts.

Even though there was a little cooling breeze, she was perspiring, not surprising given the intensity of the August sun in the Caribbean. And it was early morning. It was going to get a lot warmer, I knew.

"Thanks for giving me a lift," she said, extending a warm, firm hand and shaking mine. Her eyes were grey-green, level and intelligent. Strong eyes, I thought.

As I touched her elbow to steer her aft, I said, "Normally, I try to sail straight through doing these deliveries. But the weather's been a bit unsettled and I'd prefer to lay over at night. How much of a hurry you in?"

She laughed, wiping the sweat from her brow. "Actually, I'm way ahead of schedule. I don't have to be at the school until September. So please, do whatever is comfortable for you. I want to be a good... uh, shipmate?"

"Good, we'll just poke along then. I've done too many of these day-and-night sails, and I can use the rest."

"Sounds good to me. Where shall I put my things?" she asked, holding up her small bag.

"Tooth brush?" I asked.

"Hardly more. All my materials and clothes were shipped ahead. I suspect they're waiting there for me."

"Sister," I said, "it'll be a bit cooler as soon as we get underway, for there's a fairly constant wind out of the northeast, but I have to warn you, it's going to get a lot hotter before the sun goes down."

"Oh, darn! Really? I'm suffocating already in this Batman outfit."

Her description of her habit was so unexpected, I guffawed and then almost choked, trying to muffle it. "Sorry," I gasped.

"Don't think a thing of it. The Church has already changed their stance on nun's clothes. They're becoming much more liberal, thank goodness. But I had a brief interview by the Bishop and, apprehensive as I was in the presence of such an... ah... exalted person, I wore these traditional robes, I guess to try to impress him." She looked away and added in a softer voice, "I don't think it did." Then again speaking to me she added, "But my "real-live clothes" have gone ahead."

Leading her into the galley, I said, "If it's permitted and you're comfortable, you can wear some of mine. I have some extra, but they're all men's sailing clothes... " Finishing lamely, I added, "Shorts, T-shirts, things like that."

"Oh, would you? I'd be so appreciative. This all happened so fast, getting a ride with you I mean, I didn't have a chance to plan a thing. God provided, I thought, and I just jumped at it."

I pulled a Coke from the ice chest and holding it up, raised my eyebrows in a universal query?

"Yes, please. That'd be wonderful."

"There's a very small cabin here that you can use. There's only one head right here; we'll both have to use it. The pump for the toilet takes some getting used to. OK?"

She smiled and nodded. I find it's much better to get the ground rules out front. If there's a problem or an objection, it's better to know about it in advance. I knew I carried all sorts of misconceptions about religious orders and nuns. That, coupled with a slight problem I had with authority figures, might set me up to misunderstand.

Digging into my duffle, I pulled out another pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Then remembering, I dug into a locker and found a baseball cap. "Well, that's about it. Not very clerical, but certainly cooler and more practical."

"Can I change right away, before we get underway?"

"Sure. I'm going above to cast off. We'll motor in the channel. Come up when you're ready."

I put the small gang plank ashore and cast off the stern and bow lines before jumping back aboard. It's always easier to sail with more than one person, but from long experience, I knew how to do it with an economy of motion. I didn't have to think about the mechanics of boats and sailing. It was just something I did, freeing my mind for other things. Like thinking about Sister Mary Joseph. Geez, what a handle! I wondered if she'd mind if I shortened it?

"What can I do to help?" she asked.

Surprised, my head snapped around. She was standing on the aft deck wearing my clothes. She was almost comical. The shorts and the shirt were both too large. The bunched bottom of the T-shirt was belted into the sailing shorts. They, in turn, were staying up only by the grace of a cinched, built-in pull belt. She looked like a little girl wearing her daddy's clothes.

"You're laughing at me!" she protested with a smile.

I looked ashore as if to form an answer and looked back at her, secure in the knowledge that the sun at my back prevented her from seeing my eyes as I looked her over. Christ, she had breasts! And shapely ones too, made more prominent by her tiny waist.

"Sorry again. Don't mean to laugh. It's the contrast, you see. One minute you were my seventh grade teacher and the next minute you're... well, certainly not that! You look good! I mean, it's... it's more, uh, fitting."

"Thanks. And I mean it. What can I do to help? I'm a strong woman and I'd like to learn something about sailing. I'll be your uh, first mate. That OK?"

Mate? Suddenly, that term carried a vastly different meaning.

"Alright, mate. You take the helm. See that red buoy ahead of us? Steer a course to the right of it and I'll handle the main."

I'd done this a hundred times alone, but I thought it'd be better to give her something to do. I knew there'd be times later when her help would be welcome. After several minutes' busy work, we were healed over a little and sailing at a comfortable five knots. I shut off the diesel and sat back, watching her.

Her hair was auburn, wavy and longer than I thought nuns wore it. Shows how much I knew about nuns. Next to nothing. Curling around her ears, it framed her face nicely. Her arms and her legs were firm and nicely rounded; they were not pale as I'd anticipated. Actually, she had an olive complexion with a good base tan. She also had an athletic build and she looked strong. I told her so.

"It's the racquetball," she explained. I'd rather play tennis, but in the winter's cold, I'm glad for the exercise. You play?"

"Both," I nodded, and then to be honest, added, "but not in the last while."

The day's warmth and humidity was taking it's toll in perspiration and despite the capacious of the borrowed T-shirt, it began to cling to her, mostly to her rounded breasts. Her bra was clearly evident. I naturally noticed things like that, but in this case, it carried an extra charge. I was enjoying looking at this nun's body, at least as much as I could see.

"Sister Mary Joseph?" I asked.


"Would you mind if I called you something shorter? Maybe MJ, or something like that?"

She laughed and answered, "No one's ever called me "MJ" before. Actually my baptismal name is Mary, but sure, call me MJ if you like."

"Thanks, that'll feel better." Reaching into a small top-side storage, I pulled out a tube of sun block left there by a previous passenger and passing it to her, said, "You'd better put this on... everywhere that's exposed... the sun'll fry you in an hour, even if you've got a fair tan already."

"I'm used to tanning well. It's the Mediterranean blood I think, but you're right. I'd better be careful."

I put the autopilot on our course and then watched as she covered her arms and legs. As she lifted one foot to cover her calves, I noticed one leg of the baggy shorts gap well open, affording me a view almost up to her crotch. I caught a flash of white panties.

I'd put on sun glasses as I always do, for the bright sun light hurts my eyes. I have a slight impairment of my pupillary constrictor muscles and can only constrict about half way. Still, I didn't turn my head away and when she suddenly looked up, she saw me looking between her legs.

She flushed and lowered her leg, but kept on chatting. I hardly heard what she was saying, so taken was I with her obvious healthy good looks and innate sexiness. And why, I wondered, was there an added charge because she was a nun? Was it the unavailability? Or did I simply enjoy the kinkiness of it? Probably both.

A strong gust healed us to starboard and unprepared, she lost her balance. Instinctually, she threw an arm and a leg out as she fell back and then hung there, over-balanced on her behind, unable to come upright again. And this time, the pant leg of the baggy shorts fell completely open, exposing an entire thigh to her panties and crotch. It was broad daylight and I stared at the darker gusset of her white panties and the dark pubic hair curling out of her panty crotch. The view lasted seconds, no more, but it was imprinted in my mind. I was looking at a nun's white panties, right at her crotch. God, what a jolt!

MJ regained her balance with a good natured laugh and asked, "Does that happen often?"

"Infrequently on relatively calm days like this, but when it kicks up... " and I let it finish itself.

Sitting back against a floatation cushion again, she asked, "So tell me, why'd you become a sailor?"

I thought a moment before answering, "I didn't."

"I don't understand."

"I don't think of myself as a sailor. Yes, I sail, but that's not what I do. That's not who I am."

"I understand that you're not what you do, but how do you mean it?" she asked, persistent.

"I've driven a truck, but I don't think of myself as a truck driver. And once I learned about electronics and could fix a televison set, but I don't think of myself as an electronics technician."

"But I think of myself as a nun."

"Yes, there's that. And I can understand it, for you've given your life to it, haven't you? To God? Something like that?"

"That's certainly part of it. There's commitment, to be sure. If you were to ask me, 'Who are you?' I'd see myself as someone in a black robe; I'd see myself as a nun. What do you see?"

"About myself?"

"None other, cap'n."

"Well, it's not what I do. It's what I AM."

"And that is?"

"I'll tell you something about me. It's no secret. Secrets'll kill you."


"I'm a guy who used to drink too much. I don't do that any more. That's the central organizing fact in my life, Sister."

She looked at me, one eyebrow elevated. I'd seen that look before.


"Yes, really. Now, I don't drink. Not at all. Haven't in a long time, but I used to. I was... no, I am an alcoholic. It's important for me to recognize that I'll always be an alcoholic and in that recognition, I don't have to drink."

"I've heard about that. AA I think. One of our priests had a problem and he... "

I interrupted; I'd heard those stories hundreds of times from pros. I didn't want to listen to a second-hand report. "So you see, Sister, when I think of myself, it's not what schools I've gone to, what degrees I have or what I've done, but rather, it's who I am. Simple, huh?"

"Hardly... but I think I do understand a little. And what happened to 'MJ'? I was beginning to like the sound of it."

"Yeah, I retreat to formality when I'm apprehensive, MJ."

"You thought I'd judge you, didn't you?"

I shrugged. "Many folks do."

"I've my own history. I wasn't always a nun, you know. I'm quite aware of humanness. No, I try not judge people. I try to accept them just as they are and hope they'll accept me as I am."

"And how's that?" I asked, curious. This was no ordinary nun, I thought and then smiled. I didn't know any nuns at all. How would I know ordinary?

"Most days I'd like to think that I'm a daughter of God, that I've given my life over to his care, but the fact is, quite often my ego gets in the way. And my humanness."

Laughing, I said, "I know about ego, but what do you mean about humanness?"

"Goodness, how'd I get into this?"

"You don't have to talk about anything that's uncomfortable."

"Yes, I know, but strange as it sounds, I think I'd like to. I need to be honest. Perhaps I need to be honest with myself... honest outside the confessional. Somehow that doesn't seem to count, the confessional I mean. The anonymity serves to protect me from the bare truth."

"You on the lamb or somthin', MJ? You know, church collections or somthin' like that?"

"Oh, you!"

"I know, I know. I often try to hide behind repartee. Don't let me side track you."

She pulled both knees up and leaning forward, wrapped her forearms around her legs as she gazed off into some unfocused middle distance. I looked at the undersides of her thighs.

"It's just that I'm not sure... " and she trailed off.

"Of what?"

"I'm not even sure of what. My faith perhaps. Or, as scary, if I'm really cut out to be a nun. I mean, I'm not completely happy... I have these... uh, thoughts... these desires. They're unsettling. Do you know what I mean?"

"Maybe. Not sure." Then, taking a big chance, I asked, "Sex?"

For a moment, she looked pained. "Yes! That's it." She looked aside, perhaps in thought or perhaps in embarrassment. "That's what's bothering me and there's no one I can talk to. Father Weston always tells me the same thing." Then, dropping her voice, she mimicked the Father: 'Just pray, Sister. Pray to God.'"

"It work?"

"Sometimes. A little. But mostly, I'm left uncertain, agitated, almost jittery."

Not knowing anything about her and less about the chaste life of the religious, I didn't know what to say, but trying to keep the topic alive, I asked, "MJ, were you inexperienced... I mean, were you a virgin when you became a nun?"

I felt my face become warm when I suddenly realized that I'd spoken of her virginity as if it were in the past tense.

"Uh... I didn't mean... " I started to say, but she just laughed.

"Not even close! I became sexually active when I was a teenager and I loved it. Actually, I continued to love it right up until I made the decision to enter the convent in my mid twenties, somewhat later than most." She gave me a shy smile and added, "I suppose I thought that when I became a nun, it'd be no problem."

I nodded, thinking she knew what I was feeling when she caught me looking between her legs. I glanced away, feeling guilty and then looked back, making eye contact again. She has a very soft smile.

"That's the problem. It'd be easier if I'd never tasted the fruit, but I did and I'm bedeviled with the memory and the urges. My body seems to have an agenda separate from my mind."

"Get horny?"

She laughed again and said, "I haven't heard that word in years, but yes, that's the feeling."

"Humanness then."

"Yes, I suppose that's another word for horny?" She gave it an interrogatory inflection and looked at me as if for confirmation.

"Well, I stayed chaste one time. For a year. Actually for a year and ten days, but who was counting? But I must confess that I didn't think of my humanness as I grew twitchy!"

"A year? But why? I mean, if you didn't have to... "

I shrugged. I didn't know what to say.

"Character building?" she asked with a gentle smile.

"Whatdaya' think? Did it work?

She starred at me with an appraising look and said, "I suspect you already had lots of character. Were you in jail?"

I glanced at her, ready to protest and then felt silly when I saw her smile and the twinkle in her eyes. Two could pay this game. Still, my face felt warm.

"Just a confinement of my own making," I replied.

"Yes, I know about those jails."

Checking the wind direction and my heading, I interrupted, "I'm gonna make a starboard tack, wanna help?"

Jumping up, MJ said, "Sure. Tell me what to do."

Pointing to a line, I said, "When I come about, the boom'll swing way over to this side. Help me pull in the line, but be careful. Watch where you're standing," and I pointed to a spot, "... so you're not hit by the boom when it swings over. Okay?"

"Aye, aye, skipper."

Noting that she was standing where I'd indicated, I turned my attention to the busy work that'd occupy me for the next few seconds as the boat's forward momentum carried it across the wind. As the boom was whipping across the deck, MJ stepped forward for some reason and catching her movement, I yelled, "Back!"

The boom just brushed by her, knocking her off balance and she toppled right over a stay wire into the water. In moments she was bobbing astern and as I turned directly into the wind again, I looked back to see her waving an OK to me. Fortunately she was directly astern and the wind drifted the boat back to her without having to come around.

With the main flapping in the breeze, I ran to the stern and lowered a small ladder. MJ appeared to be a strong swimmer and came right up to the hanging ladder the first time and with little help, scampering back aboard. She was laughing but there was a trace of fear in her eyes as she grabbed my hand and said, "Thanks. Does this mean that you're now responsible for my life?"

"Yes. But only for the next few days. After that, it's God's turn again." I stared at her, soaking wet, the thin T-shirt clinging to her bra-covered tits, nipples full and prominent. I thought I'd love to 'take care' of her.

"Guess I"ll have to change again," she observed, wringing out the tail of the T-shirt, exposing a good portion of her midriff.

"MJ, I've got lots of shirts, but those are my only extra shorts. There's a Tobago Cays shirt at the bottom of my bag that someone gave me. It's XXL and is way too large for me, but it'll work as a night shirt for you."

Sweeping her short hair out of her eyes, she laughed again and looking at me shyly said, "Any port in a storm."

I approved of her steady, non-hysterical response to the sudden dunking.

Using the hatch cover as a hand hold, I swung down into the main cabin and turned to lend her a hand stepping down the ladder. Her legs appeared longer to me, in part because the shorts were jammed up between her thighs. I seemed not to be able to help myself, for I continued staring at her legs and her crotch all the way down the ladder and it wasn't until she said my name that I looked up into her eyes.

"You're staring," she said in a soft, mater-of-fact, non-accusatory tone.

"Uh, sorry," I replied. My face felt warm.

"That's okay. I understand," she murmured and then stood for a moment, looking at me before saying, "The shirt?"

"Oh yeah, the shirt... it's right here somewhere... " I was mumbling to myself as I rummaged in the bottom of my bag. "Here... this is it," and handed it to her. All I could see were here nipples. She'd gotten a bit chilled and her nipples had become even more prominent. The wet shirt clung to her pebbled areolae, making dark, bumpy circles plainly visible through the shirt and bra.

Seeing the direction of my gaze, she glanced down at her shirt front and said, "Oh! Goodness. I didn't know. Sorry."

Mimicking her, I said, "That's okay, I understand."

Hearing her own words, she broke into a bright smile and said, "I hope so."

There were no other boats on the horizon when I'd last looked and I knew we were well away from any shallow reefs, still I felt an imperative to check things out topside. More, I wanted to remove myself from the hole I was digging with such persistent alacrity.

The breeze had died off a little so it was easy to catch the wind and return to the new heading. After putting the boat on autopilot, I sat back with my feet braced and contemplated the horizon, a more compelling sight than my navel. She'd had panties on under my shorts; I'd seen them briefly. Now they were wet but would she wear 'em anyway? Or - my mind ran with this one - would she have on only my large T-shirt? If so, I might get a look at... and her voice nudged me out of my reverie, "If I fall over board one more time, I'll be in big trouble, huh?"

She came up on deck, pinning her hair back, her arms up, raising the hem of the shirt. I looked her up and down, admiring her lithe lines and shapely legs.

"MJ, you are the best looking nun I know."

"I'm probably the only nun you know," she retorted, sitting opposite me, gathering the hem of the long shirt under her thighs.

"Well, there is that," I agreed, "but when I was in grade school at St. Columbia... " and tailed off.

"You're kidding!" she said, looking surprised, pushing the shirt down between her thighs, still holding her knees up but together. The shirt fell away from the back of her thighs affording me a glimpse of her legs.

"Once, in seventh grade I think, at recess I was showing a photography magazine to a younger nun who'd been kind to me and while I was paging through it, looking for a particular picture I'd wanted to share with her, a black and white picture of a nude woman suddenly popped up. In my confusion and embarrassment, I fumbled and before I could go on, she placed her hand on the open magazine and commented on the non-nude picture on the facing page. Can you see this tableau, MJ?"

"Sure. What happened?"

"Well, nothing happened but I always wondered what she thought. I mean, she had to have seen the naked woman and she had to have known how embarrassed I was."

"I'm sure she did, on both counts. She probably took some vicarious pleasure in pretending to look at the other picture."

"You think so?"

"I would have. But then, that's part of my problem, these earthly thoughts."

We looked at each other, me wearing only an old pair of shorts and she wearing only a large T-shirt. I was acutely aware of her, not just as a nun, but as an attractive woman who was nude under my shirt. Or was she?

"MJ," I asked, "you wearing anything under that shirt?"

She looked down a moment and then into my eyes. "No," she answered, "why?"

I considered for a minute telling her some lie, some bullshit that would have aimed at making me look good, but without thinking about it very much, I knew that wouldn't work for me. I'd have to tell her the truth, but how best to word it? And what was the truth, anyway? That I was just being open and honest with her? Maybe a little, but more, I suspect, that I wanted to get in her pants. Except at the moment she wasn't wearing any.

"Why? Because you're an attractive woman. More actually. Because you're a sexy woman." Jesus, I thought, what the hell was I doing? I wasn't sure what I was doing, but I wanted to follow this thread, so I continued, "You think of yourself as a nun. I don't, at least not entirely. I think of you as more - as a woman. Seeing you like this is pleasing and it's exciting."

She just stared at me, wide eyed.

"Am I offending you, MJ? I don't mean to be discourteous, but I've this unsettling habit of being frank. I say what I'm thinking... most of the time anyway... and further, I tend to ask for what I want."

She leaned forward a little and still looking at me with that same quizzical expression, she asked, "And do you get what you want... most of the time?"

"Seldom," I laughed, "but I try not to make up other people's minds for them. I let them decide for themselves. I've been told to ask for 100 percent of what I want, 100 percent of the time, and then be willing to negotiate a win-win compromise. So tell me, am I offending you with this line of questions?"

She sat and stared at me for a long time; I didn't think she was going to answer. Then she passed her hand in front of her in a kind of a chopping motion, apparently to add emphasis to her words, and said, "I must confess that in most social situations I've been in since taking the vows, I would have been offended. I don't understand it, but for some reason I'm not. It's refreshing. Your honesty, I mean. No, I don't feel offended - that surprises me a little - and there's some part of me that finds this whole situation just a little thrilling. Perhaps I'm being tested. Do you think?"

"It's been said that nothing happens in God's world by mistake. Perhaps we're both being tested. What do you suppose the message is?"

She smiled and countered, "You're answering a question with a question, but that's all right. You've been frank. I shall as well. Is that okay with you?"

"The truth shall set you free," I quoted.

"But first, it'll piss you off," she appended.

"They teach you that in the nunnery?"

"Yes, but not exactly in those words. I got that rendition from my father."

"A wise man?"

"More than I knew back then. But I don't want to talk about my father. I'm much too selfish right now. I want to talk about me. Actually, I think I NEED to talk about me. Will you keep a confidence?"

Making a small adjustment in the sail, I observed, "We certainly have the time to talk and I've never had a need to share a confidence. What ever you tell me, MJ will stay with me."

"You're sure?"

Nodding, "You can take that to the bank."

Again she studied me for a long moment and then seeming to make a decision, she leaned back and said, "I hardly know you, but I feel that I can trust you. Heaven knows, I need someone to talk with. Someone outside the Church, that is."

The breeze caused the mainsail to snap and at the same time, it rustled the bottom of her long T-shirt. I caught a flash of her thighs again, still well below crotch level. I couldn't tell if she saw me looking.

"I'm a good listener and I'll tell you my truth if you want it. Still, it's been my experience that many people just want to be heard. They don't want to be fixed, just heard. And some don't even want the truth."

"Yes, I do want to be heard, but I think in addition I need some reality testing, some feedback. Let me just start and we'll see where things go."

"Okay, let's start with the truth. Not any truth. Your truth. You know, the one that'll piss you off?"

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Sister Mary Jeans StruggleChapter 12

Vespers could not end soon enough, Sister Mary Margaret and my self informed Mother Superior that we were going to go visit Cheryl, the new PE teacher, after giving her the address we left. The rule is we had to return by 9:30 PM. It was only 6:45, so we had all kinds of time. On the way over Sister asked me what she should do when we got there. I told her we would just play it by ear. I had no idea, and I did not know what Cheryl had in mind. All I knew was, we were going over to have the...

1 year ago
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Memories Of Joseph

Note : This story is completely fictional! Christine couldn't believe her eyes when she caught her 17-year-old son and her 16-year-old daughter kissing in the living room. She'd gotten off work early that day and it was raining outside as it usually was in Seattle. She ran inside the house hearing music blaring loudly from the living room stereo and she almost choked when she saw her children kissing so passionately on the couch. She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there watching...

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The wind was whistling round the village, there were flurries of cold rain creating delightfully muddy puddles but the children didn’t want to play outside, it was too cold. Winter was sometimes unpleasant even here. This was one of those days, the beams of the Rabbi’s new roof would have to wait until the weather improved and the old carpenter sat by the fire calmly whittling. “Another wooden man for the child to play with?” Asked his much younger wife, stroking her belly. Her husband was...

4 years ago
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Sister Mary Margaret

Hi, I'm Katie Richardson and I'm being punished. Everyone thinks I did something bad to Sister Mary Margaret, but they can't prove any of it. Well, that doesn't seem to matter to my stepmother, Dora Lee, she told me I'd have to stay in my room all afternoon unless I was willing to give Sister Mary Margaret back. Hah, now that I'm 14, cruel and unusual punishment just won't work on me anymore. Nope, why, I bet I could stay in my room a whole day without breaking down. Anyhow, it all...

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Sister Mary Jeans StruggleChapter 6

I decided to make this long and drawn out, I asked Sister Margaret if she needed the Bath, I told her that I wanted to take a nice long hot bath. She seemed a little put out with me. I assume it was because of last night when I would not let her into my room. I did not lock her door keeping her out of the bathroom, to be honest; I don't know what I was thinking, or even if I was. I started to fill the tub; I got in, laid back, closed my eyes and started to relax. My mind was going over what...

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Sister Mary family fun porn stories

In the year after I turned 18, three incredible things happened to me. The first two sucked. I guess the third did too, but you’ll get that joke later. The first thing was that I hit puberty. Like a brick wall. One day I was a normal kid, a decent second-baseman in the school softball games, no problem bigger than sweating out whether I’d get a C- or a D+ in penmanship from Sister Mary Margaret. Sister Margaret had taught penmanship, and nothing but penmanship, for it seemed like a...

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Sister Mary Jeans StruggleChapter 9

This went on and on, each taking their turns and with me getting them ready. I have to tell you, I don't know which I enjoyed the most the anal intercourse or the vagina intercourse. I can tell you, I just loved sucking them and getting them ready each time. I lost track of time and I am thankful Harry didn't. He made an announcement While I had Jim's cock in my mouth working it nice and hard "OK Jim, your the last one, Sister has to get going before she is missed" I was lost in my lust,...

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Sister Mary Jeans StruggleChapter 2

Living here at Saint Mary's we all had to do our chores to help out everyone would be assigned different things and of course we all got rotated between them all. The only chores that I really like, are working; are the laundry room and the kitchen. The outside chores (the yard, flowers and stuff like that) I did not care for. Whenever I was given one of those I would trade with another girl and take her laundry room detail or kitchen detail. The house cleaning inside I sort of liked, only...

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Sister Mary Jeans StruggleChapter 10

It wasn't long before I began to plan and connive a way to get what I desired so badly. I was very lucky once, and I knew I had to make sure I did not place myself in any kind of a position that would let anyone else get control over me. While I would lay in bed at night and in the mornings before Mass and breakfast. I would touch myself and vividly go over in my mind those nasty days I was tricked into being an unwilling, no I can't say unwilling. Because I did love it so much, yet, I did...

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Sister Mary Jeans StruggleChapter 11

I was sleeping and realized I was dreaming of some very nasty sick sexual things that I had done and things I guess I wanted to do. I was dreaming that I was being fucked over and over by a bunch of guys and as hard as I wanted and tried I could not climax, it was at that point I knew I was sleeping and dreaming. I told myself to wake up, I could feel myself struggling in my own mind and my sleeping mind told me to hang in there that if I kept thinking all these nasty things. I would...

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Sister Mary Jeans StruggleChapter 3

Classes all day were very slow, Math, History, English, Religion, Science, PE all crept by. The only thing I thought about all day was what could I use and what may be in the work shed that I could use and stick in me that may give me that wonderful feeling again. Even in the classrooms I saw all kinds of things I wanted to try and use. Especially in Science class, we have glass tubes I kept thinking that some would fit, but they seemed to be so thin. But there are some nice fat ones also. A...

4 years ago
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Frank Came TO Joseph

Frank Came To JosephBy: Londebaaz ChohanCome on in, Frank. Take a seat. I am in the middle of brewing the coffee and soon I am done with it, we shall be glad to have a look and try to solve the problem, I am sure. I was living on the 9th floor in this high rise apartment complex on the Olney Avenue in the North Philadelphia City and worked as a resident in the Penn. State Hospital. In those days the area was very neat and clean, safe as well. These apartments were very spacious and comfortable...

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Sister Mary Jeans StruggleChapter 4

This went on for about 7 months, going to my room after supper, masturbate, shower and go to bed, wake up, masturbate, put my stockings put on my habit then off to class's to teach. (I still do not wear any underwear at all; I just can't stand them covering my groin. I even hate it when I have to wear those pads). Now something happened today that I really hit me and I mean hard. I had my 5th period class reading and I saw one boy Jeremy Jones in the rear of the class he was so engrossed in...

2 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 31 Marys Thanksgiving

After Wednesday classes, Will, Alex and I hit the supermarket. We got all the stuff I needed for Thanksgiving dinner, plenty of beer. The guy at the liquor store even let us buy a nice bottle of wine. He knows us pretty well by now. We stopped for supper at the Union. No point in paying extra or trying to make supper in an unfamiliar kitchen. And the weather was cold enough so nothing would spoil in the car. At Henry's house, we put stuff away, looked around. Two big bedrooms with big...

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Marys Christmas

Introduction: The magic of Christmas is in the giving For reasons of my own, I no longer allow comments, nor do I make them. If you would like to offer a critique, please send me a pm. I can only improve with your very valuable input. This is my entry to Calling All Writers, Chapter 9. Please join our website and go to the Sex Stories Forum to enjoy more stories, and to vote. Mary pulled up next to the barn at Nicks Christmas Tree Farm, the first Saturday of November. The farm opened for...

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Jane and Mary scat party

Jane lay on the bed caressing her breasts. She had had a hard day and was attempting to wind down. A joint and a vodka and then a relaxing time on the bed seemed an ideal recipe for the evening. Her nipples were stiff by now. She had no bra on but was wearing a fairly skimpy pair of plain white panties. Long auburn hair and a slim but well rounded figure. Jane turned over, face down, onto the bed and began to gyrate her hips into the mattress, one hand cupped over her crotch. She did not hear...

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Mary gets to meet Sandy

I?Oh, hi. You must be here for the room? I?m Mary.??Uh-huh.? First impression: very rude. Sandy pushed through the door and straight past Mary. Dragging her mud-caked sneakers over the carpet, tossing her jacket into the corner, she entered Mary?s apartment and her life. ?You must be Sandy?? Mary continued, determined to hold on to civility. She liked keeping her place tidy. She picked up the jacket, got a hanger, and looked at the other girl?s ample frame, the sweaty t-shirt, torn jeans,...

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Marys Unexpected Journey

Introduction: This story was originally written for a competition on the XNXX Stories forum and is a relatively short story at 12,000 words. I hope you enjoy it. Authors note: This is a story, and the author is aware that it is not 100% historically accurate, although efforts have been made to ensure some degree of realism. It is a work of fiction, however, and intended to be no more than that. Marys Unexpected Journey MORE ALE, WENCH, MORE ALE! the man cried, slamming his empty tankard on...

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Mary A Desired Older Woman

(Could the mature, attractive wife be tempted)But I do love him, Bert. We have a comfortable life, lovely c***dren, a nice home and I know he works hard, but........!' and Mary tailed off from what she was really wanting to say.Mary was 49 and had spent her whole life living in the little village in Hampshire, down a tiny, leafy lane that led to a small bay by the sea. She had been married for nearly 30 years, and had inherited the little bungalow from her parents when they had died, so she had...

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Mary mary quite contrary

I walked into The Flamingo Lounge on the Block. I was bored at work, so I took the afternoon off last Friday to see the dancers. Hell, to touch and fondle the dancers. It was early June, and warm, over 90 degrees, so the street was quiet. I hurried to get from my car in the parking garage to the coolness of the basement bar. The Flamingo Lounge, like most of the clubs on the Block, was a nude club. You could go in and just watch the ladies dance, if you wanted. The ladies come by and talk to...

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Educating Mary Part 4

Mary sat quietly on the straight-backed chair, her hands primly folded in her lap, eyes downcast. She was sitting in one of the rooms on the ground floor of the mansion, a room furnished entirely in antique furniture that looked like it belonged in the Victorian era. There were oil paintings of stern-looking men and women on the walls and old oil lamps that had had their wicks and oil tanks cleverly replaced with light bulbs. The walls were panelled in dark oak, and the floor was covered in a...

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Educating Mary Part 2

Watching the streets of London go by, Mary sat in the passenger seat of their car. Two days earlier Jeff had sprung the surprise on her: that he was taking her to France for a fortnight. Mary was, of course, thrilled with the idea, and had packed in a hurry, taking time to call her mother and some of her friends with the good news. She’d had to do some juggling of schedules at work, but in the end she’d been able to get a couple of weeks off. The only fly in the ointment, as far as she was...

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Gaining Mary

Standard warnings apply (i.e if your too young,too gullible, or it's plain out illegal don't read any further). The storyis fictional as are the people it's about. Enjoy. Gaining Mary The halls were empty now, all the students havingleft for the day. Mary was in no hurry to go, however.Her stepmother had gone on another week long businesstrip and she had no real friends to hang out with so she decided to snoop aroundthe deserted school.There was not much of interest, a few open lockerswith the...

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Mary Jane sets a trap

Mary Jane sets a trap (humiliation version)By lilguy [email protected] Jane finds out Black cat sleeping with Peter and sets a trap for a catfight Author note- This was a commission I did for someone else (aka Black Cat) sleeked through the roof tops in a skin tight catsuit. It was tight and leather hugging natrualy and tightly to her body. It had little mini pockets to hide all her gear. The pants hugged to her butt showing the...

2 years ago
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Educating Mary Part 6

It was Wednesday evening, and Jeff Urqhart walked, for the third time in his life, up the gravel pathway to the door of the Victorian mansion that loomed in front of him. He tried to be calm, but his mouth was dry and his pulse was racing in his ears. After having dropped his wife Mary off here two weeks ago, leaving her to the tender mercies of the domina named Erica who lived here, he’d come to take his wife home. He was not just a little apprehensive; while Erica had promised good results,...

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New Neighbor Rhonda and MaryAnn

John was broad shouldered but slim, not much fat evident. His hair was an indeterminate color between red and blonde and brown, cut short enough to keep out of his eyes, which were a different color depending on the season (currently it was springtime, so they were a grey-green). Today, he arrived at his new home, his truck loaded with boxes. Across the road, an SUV pulled into the last house on that side's driveway, and a pair of women a little bit older than him got out, one with short...

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Mary Deannas Anniversary Fuck part 1

PrologueLike many husbands I have had a long time fantasy of watching my lovely wife, Mary Deanna, being fucked by a Black man. For about as long as I can remember I had dreamed of her sucking and fucking a big Black Cock while I watched her and maybe even photographed or videotaped her with her Black lover. I never expected her to actually ever let any man fuck her other than myself, but one has his dreams. In fact, I had only rarely broached the subject of sex with another man with her, as...

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My sisterinLaw Mary couples wifeswapping

Husband's fantasies about sleeping with his sister-in-law and his fantasies about his wife sleeping with another man are filled when his in-laws come to visit.***My wife Diane and I were having her sister and her husband visit us for the week. Mary was Di's older sister but the two of them were fairly close to each other. Mary's husband Jerry was about as easy going as you could get. The two of them made a good pair as neither one seemed to get to riled up about anything. Diane and I were...

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Dave and Mary Part 2

Dave and Mary (part2) Mary leaned forward and placed the tip of the strap on to Joanna's ring piece, Joanna twitched , Mary said, "Try to relax sweetie it will not hurt as much." Easier said than done thought Joanna. As Mary slowly put her weight against Joanna she felt her resisting, with a little more pressure Mary slowly got the strap on to go in a little way, as Joanna struggled against her bonds as the strap on entered her, she could not do anything to stop it happening...

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The Munsters 56 The Mary Brouhaha

The Munsters 5-6: The Mary Brouhaha By Ron Dow75 5) Tower In "secret" room in the second floor of the tower room of Sigma Iota Sigma Sorority: Herman Munster was now "Mary Munday", the perfect organic duplicate of Gloria Munster, his "niece". Instead of the sunlight-sensitive brown-into-puce pants and coat he got at a discount from work (or the snazzy navy turtleneck he preferred over the stuffed white shirt), he-she was in a short pink wrap- around skirt without a coat,...

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Oh Mary 3

Oh Mary 3Following on from the time on the train, which I guess is a couple of years ago now, Mary's appetite for extra cock had developed as had my own enjoyment of being cuckolded. Roger had faded away and been replaced by a string of other well hung men who openly fucked her in front of me. Mary grew quite fond of one, Paul who was only in his early 20s. He has a very slim build which only accentuates his very large thick cock. It almost looks incongruous as it cantilevers out 10 inches from...

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The Abduction and Sale of Mary Beth

THE ABDUCTION AND SALE OF MARY BETH by Lady Tressa It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Mary Beth, a twenty nine year old petite brunette with a divorce pending, had planned on spending the weekend alone at her rural home, performing some long overdue house cleaning.Those plans were disrupted when Mary Beth arrived home at 8:00 PM on a Friday in December. It was currently 9:00PM, and Mary Beth was lying naked, faced down and spread eagled on the king size bed in her bedroom. Each arm and leg was...

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Marys Secret

Introduction: The second chapter in this story is already halfway done, so tell me if you like it and I might post Authors note: This is actually the first erotic story I have ever written, and I have no idea how to do it. This is only the first chapter in a story that I am in the middle of writing. The plot gets better in other chapters. I was walking home one night, when I started to think about my life. I work as a secretary at Briggs and Jefferson Law Corporation. It sounds great on paper,...

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Mary Christmas Everybody

Introduction: This is my entry for a Xmas pantomime story competition. Its in the form of a play, and is intended to simply be a spoof adult play, on a Xmas theme. If youre looking for a sexually stimulating text, please look elsewhere, but if you want something that will make you smile then (I hope) this one is for you. MARY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early...

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Mary and Chris May September Roamnce

My name’s Chris Coleman, I’m a college student and it’s the summer break between my junior and senior year. I’d really like to be able to take on a full time summer job but I’m carrying classes during the summer quarter so part-time work is all I can handle. I want to graduate in December and get a job. Although I do intend to pursue a post-grad degree it will have to be something I can accomplish while I’m working. I’m a scholarship student so, between that and student loans I make do,...

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Mary Christmas Everybody

A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early 30’s), Carole (a young trainee), Rudy The Red Knobbed Reindeer (a reindeer), Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen (more reindeers), Foo-Kin Thin (a small box of electronics from Japan), Santa Claus (a red faced obese old inebriate wanted for questioning by police forces in 92 different countries on suspicion of...

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They broke out of prison, the four of them, all dangerous men willing to do anything not to go back. Their stolen car ran out of gas a few miles away from the next city, nothing around for miles. They had been travelling for two days, trying to put as many miles as they could between the police and them. A storm was coming, nothing would be moving for days, the snow out here making the roads impassable. The lights of the house were inviting, the family living there believing they were...

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Marys fantasy

We want to be used!Mary had confessed to me her affair; use is a better word, with her “master”. I had followed her on her last meeting with him and seen her used by a dozen men in humiliating and depraved sex and I had found it so sexually stimulating I longed to see her used again. Her Master had dismissed her, she showed me the e mail telling her she was now used goods and he had enjoyed turning her into the slut she had become. This left us with the realisation that Mary wanted more...

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Mary has been intrigued by bestiality

Mary is 42 years old, stands about 5’2″, average looks, and a nice body. She does yoga several times a week and is reasonably fit. She is not Hollywood slim; the catty women at work call her ‘curvy’ behind her back. Then again, the men at work call her curvy too, but they’re not being mean… Mary has never married. She’s had a few boyfriends, but just never seemed to find the right guy. Her neighbor Bob is a nice man with a big black great Dane named...

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Mary Gets To Meet Sandy Part 3

“Will you hurry up with that down there? My bedroom is a real mess, I can’t get a good night’s sleep like that.” “Yes Sandy, I’m almost done.” Sandy was sitting at the kitchen table, and Mary was on her knees wiping up a puddle of coke from the floor. After several hours of cleaning and washing for Sandy, she was almost resigned to her new situation. Just enough, anyway, to have begun worrying about practical matters. Space. Money. Food. How did Sandy expect they would live? Had the girl...

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Frank and Mary Beth

Our story is like so many others. We met in college, dated off and on and then one day I realized I didn't want to date other girls. I wanted to spend all my time with Mary Beth. Apparently about the same time she decided that she wanted to spend her time with me. We were a steady couple the rest of the way through college and we were married three months after graduation. Mary Beth never did put her college education to go use. Three weeks after we married we found out that she was pregnant....

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Grandfather Death and Virgin Mary

"No one lives forever," said a voice in his ear. "Certainly not us," said another, on the other side. Two figures, both women, appeared in the mirror behind him, though Friedrich knew that if he turned around he would not see them. They were only ever in the mirror. Friedrich sighed and sat down. The room was dark, and filthy, and full of dust. The windows and doors were barricaded, and everything smelled of decay. How long had he been here? He barely remembered now. He was dying...

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Mary Sims

There should be a genre of Historical Fiction. This story explains why my great grandparents had a black slave. The lieutenant had been greeted at the door by a large black woman and asked to wait in the reception room when he had asked to see Mr. Sims. “George Claiborne Sims is the name,” the well dressed man announced himself as he entered his own reception room. “Lieutenant Henry Justus. You are the one I was looking for,” said the lieutenant in the US Army uniform. “And what can I do...

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The Beardsley School for Girls Chapter 1 MaryBr

The Meeting (Part 1)The interview was with the Beardsley School for Girls, a school in Hampshire. Beardsley was similar to his last school, a place for girls from wealthy, prominent noble or rich families that did not have the credentials to get into the elite schools that their parents expected from them. Most of the girls' problems were social, not necessarily academic, the ones who, it seemed, rebelled against their parents. In order to maintain its accreditation, the school had to take in a...

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Mary had a Hot Ram

Introduction:Another b**st storyMary Had a Hot Ram ChapterGEnre- Dark Fantasy, b********y, Bi-sexual, First Time, Lesbian, Masturbation, Virginity---------------------------------------------------Chapter 1Mary Wilson had a little lamb.His fleece was white as snow and he followed her to school and all that shit, but the nursery rhyme stuff stopped there -- because the little lamb grew up to be a horny ram.The ram was a powerful creature with swept-back horns, mighty shoulders and piledriver...

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Mary sexual education part 2

 Mary sat on a bench while reading a letter that Brad had left for her on his cabin door. She already read it once before but was rereading it to make some sense out of it. What Mary had read in the letter left her shock and with some uncertainty about how to handle it. He wrote that she deserved to know the truth about him and why he did the things he did with her. The reason for him coming to the lake was for one last trip with the guys before he got married. He never intended to lie to her...

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Educating Mary Part 5

Mary was standing on a small dais in the middle of the dimly lit room. She was wearing a pair of tight leather shorts, spiked heels, and a black leather collar around her neck, and nothing else. The nipples of her small firm tits were rock hard and stood straight out, her lips were moist and slightly parted as she breathed in and out through her mouth in short, excited breaths. Her long, black hair hung straight down her back, and her skin glowed with a golden undertone in the light of several...

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Dave and Mary

Dave and Mary Dave and Mary lived in a large stately home on the outskirts of Yeleverton on Dartmoor, Dave is a multi millionaire from a large lottery win some years ago, and Mary ran a small business selling women's clothes in Tavistock which is a few miles north of Yeleverton. They both lived very comfortably and where both very happy with each other. Dave to relieve the bored of not working helped out at the shop which his wife runs, Dave was just a glorified coffee boy but...

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Rhonda MaryAnn and John new neighbor 2

John Dawes stood on the Park's front porch in the waning light of day, trying to summon the courage to knock. For weeks he had avoided them. After Mary-Ann and Rhonda had told him to go and find a girlfriend, so he could be in a relationship instead of fucking around with his neighbors, melancholy, and then outright depession had come over him like a fog. He knew he had caught feelings after having sex with them and attempting to help them conceive, so he had tried to ignore his neighbors...

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Mary had a Hot Ram

by David Crane --------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Mary Wilson had a little lamb. His fleece was white as snow and he followed her to school and all that shit, but the nursery rhyme stuff stopped there -- because the little lamb grew up to be a horny ram. The ram was a powerful creature with swept-back horns, mighty shoulders and piledriver haunches. He remained white except for a black face and black rings around his legs just above the nimble cloven...

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Felica Hardy humilates Mary Jane

Mary Jane and May Jane get owned again (humiliation ending)By [email protected] and Felicity have a sleepover with their teens and their victimsAuthor NoteIt been a while since Felicia Hardy ended her rivalry with Mary Jane Watson by completely humiliated her and making her a slave. Her daughter Felicity Hardy got in on the act by dominated Mary Jane daughter May Day Parker. Both of the Watson’s were beautiful red heads with super models looks. Mary was hot enough to be Felicia rival for...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 13 Mary Leibowitz the Lotus Flower

Marilyn walked into Adrian 's ten minutes early and although there were few people sitting at tables, heads did turn and eyes followed her as she made her way to the bar. Besides being a very good-looking woman, stylishly dressed, she carried that well-fucked aura about her as well. To the young woman behind the bar she said, "Hi, I'm meeting a friend here for lunch, but I'd like a vodka martini with two olives, please." The bartender smiled at her and asked, "Will that be on the...

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Just Like Mary

Just like Mary Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The leaves were falling, littering the ground, my efforts to rake them into a pile futile. With the breeze continually spreading the pile around, I finally gave up and went inside. My dad was still working on his painting, the young girl laying on her back, white tights, shoes and dress starting to take shape. Dad made a wonderful living as an architect, but his real passion was painting. There were several of my sister and...

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