Mary sexual education
- 4 years ago
- 33
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Mary sat on a bench while reading a letter that Brad had left for her on his cabin door. She already read it once before but was rereading it to make some sense out of it. What Mary had read in the letter left her shock and with some uncertainty about how to handle it. He wrote that she deserved to know the truth about him and why he did the things he did with her. The reason for him coming to the lake was for one last trip with the guys before he got married. He never intended to lie to her but only wanted to see if he could get her to strip. One thing led to another, and he could not help but have sex with her.
The way he described her in the letter made her feel a little cheap and foolish. Brad went on to say that he never met a woman that was so innocent like she was; that was this easy to fuck. Sharing her with his friends was a test to see how far she would go. Brad may think it was cute to call her his little angel slut at the bottom of his letter, but Mary did not think so. She may have been naive in many things, but she knew what he meant about that name. A good girl that likes to fuck; she hated how right that name fits her and wished that it was not so accurate.
She went to his cabin more than willing to repeat the action from the day before but found that the place was empty with a note attached to the door. She knew that she should be mad at him for all of his lies and what he got her to do. Mary felt ashamed and embarrassed but not anger. He never forced her to be with him or his friends. That was something she did all on her own and wanted it to happen.
What was upsetting her was how easy she fell for all of his lies. She let Brad do forbidden things with her without any resistance, but the worst thing was that she liked it. Mary's parents raised her to be a good girl and to stand firm against sin. She did just that until a few days ago when she first met Brad and was led astray. What she hated was that she still wanted him and would even fuck him after knowing everything. He knew just how to make her feel good with his words and his touch.
Everything that happened was confusing to her and didn't know how to react to it. She kept going back and forth from how she felt about having sex. The things she did went against her parent's teaching and felt conflicted about enjoying it. They told her that it was sinful and evil, but having sex made her feel so alive. She felt a hunger for that orgasmic rush that she got from having sex and would've fucked anyone to feel it again.
Mary was so deep in thought that she almost didn't notice the girl that just sat beside her. The girl had blonde hair and troubling blue eyes. She was in her mid-twenty wearing a short white cotton dress and was very attractive. Mary could tell that the girl was bothered by something and wanted to help her. She had her trouble to deal with, but they seem trivial next to this woman. She always had a kind heart and felt compassion for others. Mary's heart was still pure, even if her body was no longer.
"Miss, are you okay?"
"Yes...well, not really to tell you the truth. I am afraid I may have done something stupid. Have you ever done something stupid, but for a good reason, and now you may pay for it?"
"Yes, I have about two days ago."
"What happened two days ago?"
Mary felt her body tense up from the question and was afraid to answer her truthfully. There was no way that she could tell the girl about her sexual undertaking with Brad. She feared that the girl would look at her with disgust and called her a whore. What else would you call a woman that has been with five guys at once? It was troubling to her how much she knew that it was wrong, but she found pleasure having all those men between her legs.
"I am sorry I didn't mean to pry! I am Kelly, by the way."
"Hi! I am Mary. It is okay. I don't know if I could say it out loud."
"Look, we are both strangers here right, and we may never see each other again. I will make you a deal. I will tell you all about my trouble, and then you can tell me yours. I won't pass any judgment on you because God knows I am no saint myself."
Mary nods in agreement but still felt anxiety about opening up about her sex life to a stranger. The more she thought about it, the more she saw the good in telling a stranger her secret. Even if the girl did react badly to it, she would've gotten it off her chest. There was no one in her life to talk about such things with, and get advice for it. There was no way that she could ever tell her parents, or they would have sent her off to nunnery school.
"I have spent the last few years trying to put my college degree to good use, but I couldn't find a job. I was running out of money and was desperate for a job. I finally found one but didn't know if I could work there."
"What kind of job was it?"
"Well, to put it bluntly, the company makes porn and sex toys for lesbians. I was desperate and didn't care where I work as long I had a job. I said I was a lesbian because I thought it would give me a better chance of getting the job. The problem came when I started getting hit on by the other girls in the office. I made up a girlfriend to keep their hands off me, but it soon backfired."
"How so?"
"They all wanted to meet her, and I foolishly told them that I would bring her to the party tonight. I did have a plan for a friend to pretend to be my girlfriend, but she just backed out at the last minute. I fear to show up alone, seeing that I was lying and getting fire over it. That is enough about me, and it is your turn now."
Mary felt a weight being lifted off her chest as she started revealing her sin to the woman while still fearing the woman's reaction. The words poured from her lips in great detail, telling the woman everything. First, she talked about her parents before confessing all she did with Brad and his friends. She finished by looking down at her feet, waiting for the woman's harsh words that she just knew was coming.
"Let me get this right you fucked five guys at once? Well, I got to say I am impressed. You know sex isn't something you should be ashamed of and should be proud of yourself for exploring it."
"Proud of myself?"
"Yes, proud! Too many people are too afraid to try what you did. We, women, need to take back our body and it is our choice of who we fuck or not. I did two guys once but never five of them, but I bet it was fun too."
Mary felt better after hearing Kelly's words and felt so relieved she wasn't shaming her over it. They talked for a few more minutes over the topic of sex and men. Kelly told her that some men would lie to her just for a chance at fucking her. Kelly went on to explained how sex was good and how to express her sexuality healthily. Mary wanted to show Kelly the same kindness that she had shown her. It wasn't until the words had left her lips before she knew just how she would repay Kelly's kindness.
"Can I be your girlfriend?"
Kelly's face bent in confusion until she realized what Mary was asking her and started to smile. It was one thing having sex, but doing this was an unforgivable sin in her parent's eyes. She didn't see any harm in pretending to be a lesbian. It wasn't like she was going to have sex with anyone. Kelly has been so good to her that she felt she should return the favor by agreeing to be her girlfriend for a night.
"I do appreciate that you want to help me out, but you don't have to. I will be okay no matter what happens tonight."
"I know that I don't have to, but I want to help you. It is for one night anyway and not like anything will happen right."
"If you are going to do this, you must be sure of what you are getting yourself into by doing this. The girls that I work with can be a bit lively and may end up shocking you. Whatever happens, just remember that none of them will try anything with you beyond just words. Can you play along with them?"
The whole thing didn't seem too hard for Mary, and she has been to a party before. She didn't think it would be all that different besides everyone being women and gay. Well, not everyone, Kelly and her were just pretending to be gay. The thought of another woman finding her attracted didn't disturb her as she thought it would. She pushed those thoughts out of her head and focus on more exciting things.
"I am sure that I can do this, and it could be fun. I will have to talk with my parents first before I know for sure if I can go."
It was getting more comfortable for her to lie to her parents to get what she wanted. They still thought she was an innocent little girl that was pure as the angels in heaven. If they only knew that their baby girl knows all too well about how it feels to embrace a man in erotic ways. They wouldn't understand that she was all grown up now with a woman's needs. Mary wasn't sure if she wanted to go back to being that innocent little girl again.
Getting her parents' permission to go wasn't easy as lying to them, but knew one thing that would make them say yes. She told them about a youth bible study that was happening tonight and that it would be over with around nine. They were all too eager to say yes to her request and would never say no to her when it was about God.
Mary waited for Kelly for a few minutes at the bench where they first met before the girl finally arrived. Kelly gave her some clothes that she wanted her to change into and was stun by what she saw. She always dressed modestly without showing off her body, but these clothes were a lot more suggestive than she used to. The attire was for Kelly's friend, but it fits almost perfectly on Mary's body.
If someone had told her last week that she would be undressing in a public restroom to get ready to go to a lesbian party, she would have called that person a liar. Here she was doing just that and found the whole thing rather exciting. The bra was too small for her, but the panties were just right. She never knew that undergarments could come in anything besides the white ones that her mother always got for her. They were black with patterns of flowers on them that she found to be pretty. Without the bra, the shirt that she wore was transparent enough that her breasts were barely visible.
Never had she ever shown so much of her legs before, and it was her first time wearing a short skirt. She was only allowed to wear pants and dresses that would be fit for attending churches. Mary realized that this was the perfect time to go against her parent's wishes and wear something revealing for once. Mary wanted to push the boundaries a little further and unbuttoned her shirt halfway.
It wasn't like she will know anyone there and was free to be wild as she wants. She wasn't sure how crazy she wants to get with lesbians, but they were girls and saw no danger in it. Mary did everything that her parents told her without question. She saw the whole thing as a game where she didn't have to be herself for a night. Mary liked the idea of walking around dressed like this, acting like a bad girl, and it made her feel empowered.
The chances of her getting an opportunity like this again were slim, and she just wanted a night where she didn't have to be perfect. All the things that could go wrong never entered into her head and just thought about having fun. Mary knew what being a lesbian meant but didn't realize what she was wearing would excite them. Mary was a beautiful girl but didn't know it. She was ignored by the boys at school so much that she thought she wasn't attractive.
If Mary could read minds would have known that not only the boys but even some of the girls found her attracted. It was her parents that kept her clueless about such things with all their biblical teaching. She didn't know that dressing this sexy could entice those women with sexual passion toward her. Mary's full focus was on herself, and her need to be anything than a little miss puritan for one night. It wasn't like she was pure now, but she just wanted to misbehave in a way that has nothing to do with having sex.
Mary didn't realize that the party was happening in a mansion and felt her excitement increase over that. The outside gave her the impression that she was about to walk into a fancy party. The inside, on the other hand, told a different story. There were statues and paintings of women having sex or in some form of undressed.
The party didn't start until five, and they were a little early, but Kelly wanted to introduce her to her boss before the guests got there. She saw that they were still setting up, and the server wore the most revealing dresses that she ever saw. They wore a black corset dress with an end that was shorter than her skirt. The women's breasts looked like they were about to pop out of their outfit, and their legs were covered only by a pair of black lace stockings. They were all young and beautiful with a healthy bust.
They were also pornstars doubling as servers for tonight's party. The party was to promote the porn that they were all in, but Mary didn't know this. She just saw young girls close to her age with innocent looking faces wearing revealing outfits. The outfit was so short that Mary noticed the bottom part of the girls' asses were hanging out of it.
A tall blonde woman was ordering the servants about in a red cocktail dress. The woman was in her forties but had a figure of a woman half her age. The woman was Kelly's boss and didn't have a filter when anything that she said. There was no guessing when it came to what this woman wanted because she made it crystal clear.
"Hi, I am Miranda, Kelly's boss and I had heard all about you, but you are far more beautiful than she described you. You wouldn't be by any chance willing to do porn for my company?"
"I am afraid, not Miss Parker! I am all that she needs in the bedroom." Kelly reply, trying to get the attention off of Mary and back onto her.
"Too bad, I could have created a new whole series around a girl like her. Innocent looking redheads can make good money in porn, and I am sure that your girlfriend would have looked hot being fucked by one of my girls."
"She sure would have Miss Parker, but only I will make that pussy purr," Kelly replied with a smile.
Mary couldn't believe that this woman wanted her to do porn and started talking about her in such a personal way. She knew that she should be upset over being asked to be in one, but she wasn't. Mary had never seen one before and didn't know what all happens in one. She knew that there was sex, but her experience with it was pretty limited, and she wasn't sure how two women could make love. The only thing that she could go on was the art on the wall, and they were mostly of two naked women kissing.
"Excuse us for a moment, my dear, but I have to speak with Kelly alone about some personal affair before my guests arrive, but you are free to explore my home at your leisure."
Every room that Mary walked into had more lesbian art that showed the sex in greater detail than before. She looked at them out of curiosity and knew that she shouldn't but couldn't help herself. Mary felt a familiar feeling starting to stir within her but wasn't ready to accept that it may have been the explicit sexual arts that were turning her on. It was the first time that she ever saw anything that was pornography, and it was taking a toll on her.
Mary had seen female naked before, but nothing like this and didn't know how to handle it. Seeing women engaging in a sexual act with each other was becoming too much for her. Turning to leave, she stopped when she saw the reflection of herself in the mirror, and something came over her. It was like someone else was controlling her body as she watched with no power to stop it.
It almost seemed unreal watching herself unbutton her shirt in the mirror and pulling it open. It was like it wasn't her pink nipples that she saw hardening when she touched them. She caressed her breasts gently without taking her eyes off of them in the mirror. Touching herself in this way felt so right to her, and when she squeezed her nipples, let out a low moan. She snapped out of it when she realized what she was doing and felt embarrassed.
"What is wrong with me," Mary asked herself out loud?
Mary didn't know what came over her and button her shirt back up. Last week she wouldn't have done anything like this, but after losing her virginity, she became a very sexual person. Mary couldn't say no to sex now and couldn't help it that she find the act so enjoyable. Sex was wrong in her parents' eyes, and the wrongness of it made it more exciting. After experiencing her first orgasm, she started craving sex more with each passing day, and she couldn't go a moment without wanting it.
Mary couldn't understand how something that can make you feel so much pleasure could be evil. She was having more of a hard time accepting that she could still be a good girl and like sex at the same time. Since she was a kid was told that good girls were pure and untouched from sexual experience until their wedding day. A good girl didn't have sex with someone that they just met or with their friends too. That was something a slut would do, and she was starting to look like one with her every action she made.
Kelly told her that being a slut wasn't a bad thing but was a word that some people used to make women feel shame about their sexuality. Mary's new friend was full of feminist wisdom and shared some of it with her. Kelly encouraged her to take back her power that was stolen from her by her parents. A woman should be free to explore her sexuality, and Mary just explored hers in the empty room.
Feeling the need for fresh air before she does something else that she will regret. She was glad that no one came in while she was touching herself, or she wouldn't be able to live with the shame of it. Part of her wished that she never went to the lake for her birthday and held on to innocent a little bit longer. Maybe if she had lost her virginity under better circumstances, she wouldn't be acting like this and still be in control of herself.
Mary walked into the backyard while pushing what she just did from her mind and breath in the fresh air. She noticed a beautiful garden with all kinds of assortment of bright flowers not too far from her. Wanting to get a better look at the flowers, she walked over to them and admired them until she heard a woman's voice with a Russian accent. Jumping back out of fear and surprise, Mary didn't respond to the woman's question.
"I said, who are you, and why are you doing in my garden?"
The way the women look at her didn't think it was a good idea to bring up that it wasn't her garden but Miranda. The woman had short black hair and had her septum pierced. The light blue jeans and the white gloves that she was wearing had dirt on them. The woman's orange tank top was untouched from such stain and barely hid the woman's black bra. The woman's breasts had little beads of sweat on them that made them more alluring.
Mary would have thought the woman was attractive if she didn't look so unsettling. It was the stern look that the woman gave her that made her feel threatened. She reminded her of a P.E coach that she had once that was in the army. They both were in their early thirties, but this woman scared her more than her coach did. She didn't want to say the wrong thing to provoke the woman's wrath.
"I am Mary, and I just wanted to take a closer look at your beautiful garden."
"Are you one of Miss Parker's guests?"
"Yes! Yes, I am."
"You can look then. I am Marya. Which movie are you in?"
"Porn. You know where you have sex with another girl. You are cute and would very much like to see you naked."
Mary was taken back and didn't know what to say or how to react to the woman. The first thought that entered her head was that she should be upset by someone saying that to her. The boldness of this woman wanting to see her naked and watch her do forbidden things with another girl took her by surprise. She has never been around a woman like her before casually speaking about such a topic with ease. The woman didn't seem to realize how inappropriate her words were and acted like it was a perfectly normal conversation to have with someone.
"I...I have never been in one of those movies before."
"Too bad. A girl of your beauty could make good money in films. You should give it a try."
"I can't I longer single. I would, but my girlfriend can get a little jealous, and I don't want to upset her."
Mary almost said that she was straight, but remembered that she must pretend to be gay. She was afraid to disagree with the woman and put all the blame on her pretend girlfriend while agreeing to the woman's point of view. Mary was wanting to say enough to make the woman happy before leaving but made herself more appealing to the woman. She told Marya that she likes the idea of someone seeing her naked, but she must be faithful to her girlfriend.
"You know what your girlfriend doesn't know won't hurt her. You can show your body to me, and it can be our little secret."
Realizing she said too much, Mary tried to fix her mistake, but nothing she said work. Mary wanted to get out of the situation that she was in without getting naked first. There was no way that Mary could rephrase her words without admitting that it was a lie. She feared that it would upset the woman, and was afraid of what she might do. Marya wasn't dangerous, and it was Mary ignorant mixed in with her imagination that led her to believe that she was.
"I would, but my girlfriend might see us. She is inside and could be looking for me right now."
"Miss Parker is a good woman; she let me stay in the guest house, and your girlfriend won't find us there."
Mary couldn't think of anything to get her self out of this mess and reluctantly agreed to the woman's request. She didn't want to take her clothes off but didn't see any other way around it. Even that Mary wanted to run the other way followed Marya against her will and felt her heartbeat increase with every step that she made. Mary tried to tell herself that it wouldn't be that bad undressing in front of this woman and that it would be okay to be seen naked.
The walk to the guesthouse bedroom felt longer than it was, and the moment that she fears had finally arrived. Marya was on the bed, removing the dirt stain gloves from her hands while waiting on Mary to reveal her most beloved treasure. Mary turned to the door seeing her only way of escaping this nightmare but slowly slipped off her shoes. She decided to give the girl just what she wanted and wasn't in a hurry to give it to her either. Mary's hands shook as she unbuttoned her shirt and felt a rush of excitement as it fell from her body.
Mary took a moment before continuing undressing and felt a thrill ran through her body. She wasn't supposed to be enjoying what she was doing, but she was. The air-conditioning room felt good on her bare breasts, and her hard nipples were betraying her excitement. After tossing her skirt aside and sliding down her panties, Mary stood still, letting the Russian woman look at her nude body. She didn't try to cover her self up and let her most intimate part of her body be visible to the woman viewing pleasure.
Marya was the first woman that she ever let's look at her like that, and she could feel the woman's eyes on her body. Mary stepped closer to the woman to give her a better view of the erotic area of her body. Mary didn't know why she did that or why she was enjoying the attention that she was getting by the woman. What was turning her on was the forbidden factor of having another woman staring at her nude body.
The woman motions her to sit down next to her and did so without protest. Mary found that she rather like the feeling of being naked and enjoyed the attention that she got from Marya. It was becoming clear to her that the woman wasn't bad as she first thought she was. Marya never said anything that was demanding or threatening to her. The woman never touched her and only look at her body with lustful intent.
"You are a gorgeous girl and like to thank you for sharing your beauty with me. Can I ask you for one more thing?"
"Sure, go ahead."
"Can I kiss you?"
Mary froze in place from hearing those words and was too stunned to say no. The woman took her silence as a yes and pulled Mary into a warm embrace before giving her a long deep passionate kiss. She was kissed many times during this week, but it was nothing like what she was experiencing now. Mary felt the heat from the woman's body on her naked flesh, sending sensation through her like she was finally coming alive.
Mary could smell the woman's sweat mixed in with the fresh soil that she was working in and didn't find the woman's scent unappealing. Marya's kiss was nothing like being kissed by a man and noticed the difference immediately. Brad's kiss was strong and forceful, while Marya was soft and tender. Marya didn't rush the kiss and took her time with it. The way the woman touched her with tenderness and care made her feel like she was loved.
The woman touched her in such the right way that she didn't mind that another girl was touching her exposed sensitive skin. Marya took great care to make her feel pleasure from her touched and not rush their lovemaking. All the resistance that she once had melded away from one powerful kiss. Mary didn't fight being pushed on her back as Marya climbed on top of her. She felt two tenders, but soft hands squeezing her breasts, playing with them in a delicate matter.
Marya knew just how to touch and kiss her in the right way. She had experienced the sensation of being fucked, but this was the first time that she has ever been made love to by someone. The woman took her time kissing and caressing her breasts that she had mini orgasms from it. Time seems to last longer within this woman's embrace, turning seconds into minutes and minutes into an hour. Every touch by Marya made her flesh heat up like it had hot coal under her skin, and her body swarms around like something was trying to escape out of her.
The time that Marya got between her legs, she kissed and licked everything besides her pussy. The woman knew just how to tease Mary and waited for the right time before sliding her tongue into her wet cunt. Marya's tongue went in deep and fast, licking in a wild fashion. It didn't take her long before she was screaming from a powerful orgasm that was soon followed by two more.
Mary laid on the bed, catching her breath while thinking about what she just let this woman do to her. She just committed an unforgivable sin, according to her parents, but she didn't care and wanted to do it again. Pushing that nonsense out of her head pulled Marya into a kiss while removing her clothes in haste. She didn't take her time like she did with her and attack the woman's body with wild passion. After making love to Marya, she held the woman in her arms, caressing her nipple with her finger while the woman was smoking a cigarette.
"You are a pretty good lover and see why your girlfriend gets jealous. It has been nice, but you should go before your girlfriend get wise about your infidelity."
Mary knew that Marya was right, but didn't want this moment to end just yet. Mary liked how it felt having this woman pressed against her naked body in heated passion. It wasn't her intent for things to get this far, but it did, and she wasn't upset about it. Marya changed everything for her and how she viewed sex with women. She never thought it was something that she would ever do or like, but now she has to rethink her sexuality.
Mary Slipped out of bed to find her clothes and thought about how far she had fallen from the good girl that she once was. She did a lot of bad things this week, and what she just did would have been the worst by her parents' standard, but she didn't care what they thought anymore. Mary had her first sexual experience with another woman and found it to be gratifying. Even knowing that she was okay with what she had done must keep it a secret from her parents. They would have made her life a living hell if they found out, and she would have to keep it a secret for now.
Mary kissed Marya after getting dressed and gave her panties to the woman because Marya wanted it as a souvenir. Walking back into the mansion without any panties on felt liberating to Mary like it was her bra-burning moment. She was free to be sexual with anyone that she wishes to be and will not hold back her sexual desires anymore.
While Marya was welcoming her into the Sappho lifestyle, Miranda was welcoming her guests to her party. Some of them wore some revealing outfit that Mary couldn't help but stare at their exposed flesh. New desires grew within Mary and found that she wanted to be intimate with some of the girls that she saw. There were plenty of new choices for her next lovers, but she has to find Kelly.
She was still basking from the experience of having an orgasm felt the need to be extra naughty and unbuttoned her shirt further. The gap in her shirt became wider and revealed more of her breasts to wanting eyes. She walked around looking for Kelly and enjoyed the lustful glances that she got from the other guests. She finally found Kelly talking with some of her colleagues from work while drinking champagne.
Mary joined her and got carried away a few times during the party. She let a photographer take some racy picture of her while Kelly watched. When they were finally alone, Mary told Kelly everything that happened with Marya and was glad to see approving eyes staring back at her. Kelly was pleased to know that she was exploring her sexuality and revealed that she did the same thing but only with men.
It was on the way back to the cabin when Mary realized that this could have been her last time with a woman. Well, for a while anyway and didn't know when the next opportunity will or would happen. She knew that when she got home, things would go back to normal on the surface, but deep down, she will feel the itch to be touched again. Mary felt a sadness crept in her from knowing that it may be a while before she would feel another orgasm.
Mary has already made up her mind that she will have sex at the first chance that she got. She would go on being the good girl that everyone knew while living a secret double life. If things go right for her, Mary will find someone willing to be with her, but they must keep their love a secret. Closing her eyes, she tried to recall the sensation of being with another girl, and it was like nothing she had ever experienced before. The new path that Mary had found her self on was more exciting than anything her old life had in store for her and found peace in her new self.
Mary opened the door quickly, and walked out across the car park to look for the waiting car; but it was not there. Panicking, she tried to get back in through the blue door, but it had been locked after her.As she wondered what to do next, Bob came up behind her. “The car is in the next street,” he said. “Walk in front of me, so that people can see you.” Mary did as she was told - anything to get to the car. Blushing, she could see both men and women looking at her and reading her label.Once...
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Mary couldn't understand what was happening. Her up bringing told her this is not acceptable, but her body craves attention. Spreading her legs wider, Beth laid between them. Her hands held Mary spread wide, Beth softly licked Mary's virgin hole. Circling it, then pressing against it. Mary's heart pounded as imagines flashed in her mind. Things she had heard of but refused to act on. She let a moan out as she felt Beth's tongue move up from her wet lips to her anus. Happy her new friend was...
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So i have had a pretty interesting and exciting sexual life. All the stories i write about are true. This is the story of Mary, the sluttiest girl i have ever known and probably a contender for the worlds biggest slut. I first met Mary when i was 21, she was supervisor at the new call center job i had just started at. On the first day of meeting her she came over to where i was sitting, chatted for a while and gave me her number and told me to call her that night. Mary is a good looking...
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I?Oh, hi. You must be here for the room? I?m Mary.??Uh-huh.? First impression: very rude. Sandy pushed through the door and straight past Mary. Dragging her mud-caked sneakers over the carpet, tossing her jacket into the corner, she entered Mary?s apartment and her life. ?You must be Sandy?? Mary continued, determined to hold on to civility. She liked keeping her place tidy. She picked up the jacket, got a hanger, and looked at the other girl?s ample frame, the sweaty t-shirt, torn jeans,...
Introduction: This story was originally written for a competition on the XNXX Stories forum and is a relatively short story at 12,000 words. I hope you enjoy it. Authors note: This is a story, and the author is aware that it is not 100% historically accurate, although efforts have been made to ensure some degree of realism. It is a work of fiction, however, and intended to be no more than that. Marys Unexpected Journey MORE ALE, WENCH, MORE ALE! the man cried, slamming his empty tankard on...
(Could the mature, attractive wife be tempted)But I do love him, Bert. We have a comfortable life, lovely c***dren, a nice home and I know he works hard, but........!' and Mary tailed off from what she was really wanting to say.Mary was 49 and had spent her whole life living in the little village in Hampshire, down a tiny, leafy lane that led to a small bay by the sea. She had been married for nearly 30 years, and had inherited the little bungalow from her parents when they had died, so she had...
I walked into The Flamingo Lounge on the Block. I was bored at work, so I took the afternoon off last Friday to see the dancers. Hell, to touch and fondle the dancers. It was early June, and warm, over 90 degrees, so the street was quiet. I hurried to get from my car in the parking garage to the coolness of the basement bar. The Flamingo Lounge, like most of the clubs on the Block, was a nude club. You could go in and just watch the ladies dance, if you wanted. The ladies come by and talk to...
Mary Jane sets a trap (humiliation version)By lilguy [email protected] Jane finds out Black cat sleeping with Peter and sets a trap for a catfight Author note- This was a commission I did for someone else (aka Black Cat) sleeked through the roof tops in a skin tight catsuit. It was tight and leather hugging natrualy and tightly to her body. It had little mini pockets to hide all her gear. The pants hugged to her butt showing the...
PrologueLike many husbands I have had a long time fantasy of watching my lovely wife, Mary Deanna, being fucked by a Black man. For about as long as I can remember I had dreamed of her sucking and fucking a big Black Cock while I watched her and maybe even photographed or videotaped her with her Black lover. I never expected her to actually ever let any man fuck her other than myself, but one has his dreams. In fact, I had only rarely broached the subject of sex with another man with her, as...
Introduction: The second chapter in this story is already halfway done, so tell me if you like it and I might post Authors note: This is actually the first erotic story I have ever written, and I have no idea how to do it. This is only the first chapter in a story that I am in the middle of writing. The plot gets better in other chapters. I was walking home one night, when I started to think about my life. I work as a secretary at Briggs and Jefferson Law Corporation. It sounds great on paper,...
Introduction: This is my entry for a Xmas pantomime story competition. Its in the form of a play, and is intended to simply be a spoof adult play, on a Xmas theme. If youre looking for a sexually stimulating text, please look elsewhere, but if you want something that will make you smile then (I hope) this one is for you. MARY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early...
My name’s Chris Coleman, I’m a college student and it’s the summer break between my junior and senior year. I’d really like to be able to take on a full time summer job but I’m carrying classes during the summer quarter so part-time work is all I can handle. I want to graduate in December and get a job. Although I do intend to pursue a post-grad degree it will have to be something I can accomplish while I’m working. I’m a scholarship student so, between that and student loans I make do,...
A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early 30’s), Carole (a young trainee), Rudy The Red Knobbed Reindeer (a reindeer), Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen (more reindeers), Foo-Kin Thin (a small box of electronics from Japan), Santa Claus (a red faced obese old inebriate wanted for questioning by police forces in 92 different countries on suspicion of...
They broke out of prison, the four of them, all dangerous men willing to do anything not to go back. Their stolen car ran out of gas a few miles away from the next city, nothing around for miles. They had been travelling for two days, trying to put as many miles as they could between the police and them. A storm was coming, nothing would be moving for days, the snow out here making the roads impassable. The lights of the house were inviting, the family living there believing they were...
We want to be used!Mary had confessed to me her affair; use is a better word, with her “master”. I had followed her on her last meeting with him and seen her used by a dozen men in humiliating and depraved sex and I had found it so sexually stimulating I longed to see her used again. Her Master had dismissed her, she showed me the e mail telling her she was now used goods and he had enjoyed turning her into the slut she had become. This left us with the realisation that Mary wanted more...
Mary is 42 years old, stands about 5’2″, average looks, and a nice body. She does yoga several times a week and is reasonably fit. She is not Hollywood slim; the catty women at work call her ‘curvy’ behind her back. Then again, the men at work call her curvy too, but they’re not being mean… Mary has never married. She’s had a few boyfriends, but just never seemed to find the right guy. Her neighbor Bob is a nice man with a big black great Dane named...
“Will you hurry up with that down there? My bedroom is a real mess, I can’t get a good night’s sleep like that.” “Yes Sandy, I’m almost done.” Sandy was sitting at the kitchen table, and Mary was on her knees wiping up a puddle of coke from the floor. After several hours of cleaning and washing for Sandy, she was almost resigned to her new situation. Just enough, anyway, to have begun worrying about practical matters. Space. Money. Food. How did Sandy expect they would live? Had the girl...
FetishThere should be a genre of Historical Fiction. This story explains why my great grandparents had a black slave. The lieutenant had been greeted at the door by a large black woman and asked to wait in the reception room when he had asked to see Mr. Sims. “George Claiborne Sims is the name,” the well dressed man announced himself as he entered his own reception room. “Lieutenant Henry Justus. You are the one I was looking for,” said the lieutenant in the US Army uniform. “And what can I do...
Introduction:Another b**st storyMary Had a Hot Ram ChapterGEnre- Dark Fantasy, b********y, Bi-sexual, First Time, Lesbian, Masturbation, Virginity---------------------------------------------------Chapter 1Mary Wilson had a little lamb.His fleece was white as snow and he followed her to school and all that shit, but the nursery rhyme stuff stopped there -- because the little lamb grew up to be a horny ram.The ram was a powerful creature with swept-back horns, mighty shoulders and piledriver...
by David Crane --------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Mary Wilson had a little lamb. His fleece was white as snow and he followed her to school and all that shit, but the nursery rhyme stuff stopped there -- because the little lamb grew up to be a horny ram. The ram was a powerful creature with swept-back horns, mighty shoulders and piledriver haunches. He remained white except for a black face and black rings around his legs just above the nimble cloven...
This story was written for the enjoyment of adults only. Please send your comments on my humble work to [email protected]. I love hearing from you. This story is more of control and humiliation than blatant sex. It takes some background information to make the implausible situation seem real. I feel it is one of my best stories and am eager to receive feedback from my readers/ Mary and Carl Chapter 1Mary I was born...
Mary was a very attractive but shy 18 year old who was born and raised in Iowa. Mary was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighted in at about 100 pounds even. She had wavy blonde hair and beautiful light blue eyes. She had had a sheltered life and she knew it. In her high school graduation class there were only 6 black students. Mary was always raised to be friends with everyone, but only close friends with people like herself. It would have been a scandal in her family if she would have ever...
So Mary hired James to design and set up the new system, that when done could run itself. first was to install new system of automated gates that would open and close letting each horse thought a number of set of new alleys and gates leading them to the breeding dummy room and back the their own stall. After a bit of time each horse learned the when the gate opened and they breed the dummy and food would be there back in there stall. Slowly the system was coming together for Mary each...
I stood there looking in the window at my life crashing down. I listened to my wife as she made a mockery of the seven years of our marriage and our eleven year relationship. Eleven years of me being a blind, stupid fool.Mary and I met in the eighth grade, started going steady in the tenth and by the middle of our senior year in high school we were making plans for the rest of our lives. We would get college out of the way before we got married and then build our careers for ten years or so...
Sandy had moved in on Sunday. Monday morning, Mary started keeping secrets. They multiplied fast, and she got better at lying even faster. She was almost proud of it. Mary told her mother her budget wasn’t working out after all. Mum was incredibly sweet about it. She wouldn’t hear Mary apologize or put herself down. Paying your way through college was hard these days, much harder than it had been in her time, she said. Dad and she were happy to help out as much as they could. Yes, of course...
FetishMary the Teenaged Slut - Part One Mary Havens hurries home on a frigid Thursday afternoon. The pretty littleteen with blonde braids is late because mean old Mr Hunter, her Grade 10 Geographyteacher, gave her a detention. Her heart hammers in her chest as much fromfear as exertion. The slender fourteen-year-old knows her parents will punishher for coming home late – the later she is, the more severe the punishment.Her small, firm breasts jiggle a little as she runs. The cool air has hardenedher...
My name is Tony and this is my story of how I found a new life and great sex in the big city. I’m 29 and well built (I played rugby at university) but not overweight for my size. I keep my hair short and am proud of my physique. I visit the gym at least twice a week and have never had any trouble attracting the ladies. That said, I haven’t had many girlfriends, having had a six year relationship that ended when she left me for a rich banker who drove a Porsche.It was then that I moved to London...
Mary and Tracy were spoiled sisters. They were pretty young blond girls who were sluts in college fucking anyone and everyone who made a pass at them. Their mother knew that. She had caught them with the red headed paper boy when they were twelve and thirteen. Tracy had her blouse off and her panties were down around her ankles. The paper boy was sucking her little breasts and Mary was undressed masturbating her pussy watching. She did not scold the girls. She took them to the doctor and put...
Group SexMary Jane (In Her Mary Janes) by Misty Galant "Stop fidgeting, Mary Jane." Martha Winters admonished. Mary Jane was actually her husband Martin who because of bad behavior had been reduced in status to a six year old girl. Now Mary Jane was dressed in a pink dress and black Mary Janes, with frilly anklets. She was waiting in the living room with her mother. "But mommy, I'm thcared." When anxious or stressed, Mary Jane had a tendency to lisp. She was very fearful of meeting...
MARY-THE FIRST STEPS By Scrambler'J' Copyright Scrambler'J' 1999 This is my first TG story so if you don't like it that's fine or if you have any ideas for me to make it better let me know E-mail me at [email protected] Mark was worried that he might lose his girlfriend Jenni soon. He could tell something was bothering her last week. He wonder what he had done to upset her. On a chance he followed her one night after work and saw she went into a bar on the east side...
Mary had a little Lamb His ball gag kept him dumb And everywhere that Mary went Her Lamb was sure to come Mary's little Lamb wore a sheepskin coat -inevitably!- long and expensiveand coming down almost to his ankles, just allowing a few inches of denim trouserto protrude, and beneath that the heavy boots she required of him. She had to fight to contain a smile as her friends admired the coat shehad bought him, running their elegantly manicured fingers over the smooth tannap, stroking the...
The public caning that sixty-year-old Lucy Hogarth had been a twofold success in her view because it raised funds for the local Women's Institute and it brought Lucy sexual pleasure. It had also caused sexual excitement for some other ladies present, one of whom was Mary Littleton. Prior to the evening Mary, who was some three years younger than Lucy, had never had any serious sexual thoughts regarding the application of corporal punishment but she had found the occasion hugely erotic, so much...
SpankingMary and her sisters were deep in animated discussion as they strolled across the lawns at Farleigh Court her new husband’s parents home It was the first time the sisters had been together since her marriage nigh on six weeks prior since when she had been on honeymoon around the sights of Europe returning on the famed “Orient Express.” “Oh it sounds so wonderful,” Esme simpered, “Does it not Jayne?” “And the nights, did Harold take you to heaven?” Jayne enquired mischievously. “Jayne...
If you were to ask a male employee or customer at this particular supermarket what they would consider "eye candy", many of them would probably point right to Mary. A perfect fit for the Cosmetics department, the beautiful young woman was usually dressed in very fashionable, attractive outfits. Her long-flowing blonde hair was always styled to absolute perfection, and she used just enough mascara to make her lovely face look even more appealing. But men were not attracted to Mary just...
Some of the students in that particular class were somewhat the worse for wear when Mr. Miller returned. Christine Fulton, for example, was sporting a torn shirt that exposed her left breast for all to see. She made no effort to cover herself up as her hormones were still raging after having ravaged Justin Campbell. This was a rather odd coupling given that Justin was president of the school Chess Club while Christine was the school’s head cheerleader. At this moment, however, Christine...
I am what you might usually call a computer geek and married Mary, who I was introduced to by a mutual friend, when I was 26, some fifteen years ago. Our first meeting was set up as a blind date when Mary was asked to make up a sixth at a dinner party and to everyone's surprise, including my own, we just hit it off and we wed less than a year later.Now, I know I'm not bad looking - just nothing special, whereas Mary is attractive. Not the tall, model type who many of your writers describe, but...
“Look at your slut wife!” I stood and looked at Mary. Her whole body glistened with oil, her cunt gaped wide and her asshole pulsed and was shiny with oil. As I turned to look at the now nude John, I made an almost comic gulp! Laughing at my response he said “Yes big isn’ t it! 8 inches long and 61/2inches thick! But it’s the knob that is going to make your wife scream!” His knob was almost triangular in shape flaring down to the base it overlapped his dick by a ¼ inch. “It sets up a vacuum as...
Mary first started wanting to blow santa Claus last Christmas Eve. She had gotten out of bed to get a drink of water from the bathroom and heard muffled noises downstairs, like someone mumbling. A light was on in the living room. And there, as plain as day, stood Santa Claus… with his full white beard, red hat, red coat, red pants, and black boots. Oddly, however, Mary’s older sister Kim, 21 years old, on her knees in jeans, a red sweater and sneakers, helping Santa position gifts under the...
Group SexMary Allen: Femdom Household HorrorCast of Characters Mary Allen - Attractive Young TV Host, Secertly turned on by report Dr. Forbes - Pyscologist Judith Wilkes - 28, Teacher Samantha Bridg - 17, Timothy's girlfriend Bobby Green - 18, family friend, Shawna's ex-boyfriend George Banks - Lead Investigator Lauren McAdams - LawyerJulia Douglas, 44 Richard Douglas, 47 Shawna Douglas, 19 Ben and Ryan Douglas, 18, twins Timothy Douglas, 17 Rachel Douglas, 14Marie Tate, 39 Michelle Tate, 17 Warren...
Rachel rang the bell, and the Mayor opened the door to them. “Come in Mary, we have been waiting for you to wake up. Would you like a drink, or something to eat? You need to keep your strength up. Mike is expecting us to keep an eye on you whilst he is away. There’s only kosher food available though, the twins are running the kitchen; Hazel is otherwise engaged.” Mary realised that she was hungry. “Thank you,” she said, “I’ll get myself something; I don’t want to be a bother.”“Let me take your...
She stood at the window staring out at the city lights, her arms wrapped around her, her mind fixing on the city lights in the distance. She didn’t hear him come up behind her, but then she felt his breath on her neck followed by soft light kisses. ‘You smell so sweet honey,’ he said in a very soft voice. She shivered as he kissed her, and felt her body responding to her touch. Her mind raced. She felt the confusion of loving to be kissed and hating it too. She loved the feeling of excitement...
"You could do Lewis you know." "Do what with Lewis?" "You know ... sleep with him, the horizontal mumbo, sex." "You are drunk." I replied. Of course I was drunk too. My girlfriend Mary and I were sitting at her kitchen table. We were supposed to be planning her upcoming wedding, but a pitcher of margaritas later, Mary started in again on the considerable bedroom skills of her finance Lewis. "OK Mary I'll bite, why are offering Lewis, and his talents to me?" My speech was a bit...
The three of them slept well for the following few nights, although oddly enough none of them felt inclined to immediately repeat the joys of that first session. It was almost as if they had reached a peak and were now relaxing in the knowledge that what they had done could be repeated anytime they liked. Which is what they did. Over the next few wonderful weeks of summer, while battles raged in the skies over the south coast of Britain, in a small village in Dorset, David enjoyed the...
After my father-in-law died, my wife's mother Dorothy came to live with us while she got her affairs sorted out. She stayed with us for almost two years during which she and I had a sexual affair which fulfilled her needs and all my fantasies. After she moved out into her own flat, she and I continued to see each other but she of course had other relationships as well. After Dorothy had lived in her flat for about a year she decided to change around some bedroom furniture, and my wife Caroline...
This part of the story takes place at the weekend, after Sam tried out the loveballs on Mary in his office. Topic is human petplay and don't rip my fur off, because you read it and notice it doesn't suit you. If you already know my stories about Sam and Mary, you can just go on and read this one. When you don't, I suggest to read at least Mary's human kittypet adventures (1), which can be found here: contains maybe some informations,...
Mary couldn’t get Jane’s face out of her mind. “Can’t you go any faster?” Sandy called out. Mary didn’t think she could, but she tried. She was dragging Sandy’s third and final pair of suitcases up the stairs. The third floor would have been no problem with the elevator; but Sandy wanted her to walk. Of course, Mary walked. Sandy giggled. Breathing heavily, Mary pulled the large brown suitcase through the door and into the bedroom. The green one was waiting outside. She looked around. Huge...
FetishI have always found it strange the way things happen sometimes. Things seem to happen when you least expect them too. For me one these strange events happened when I was in my mid teens and in the throws of puberty. I was ready and willing to nail my first girl. Maybe I was trying too hard I don't know. I would sneak into my parents closet when they were at work and look at my dad's dirty porn mags. I would study the pictures and read some of the articles, the stories that were sent in by...
Mary and I have been married for ten years and were living a typical suburban life. I met Mary when I was in college, and she was still in her last year of high school. She is a very tall woman with long legs and large breasts. They were too much of a temptation for me, so I married her. I never regretted that move because I don't think I would ever find somebody better than Mary.Mary never complained about my member's size, although probably deep in her heart, she would have liked to have...
CheatingMary Moody was born in Davis, California, on august 23, 1992. Mary had a relatively normal childhood. She was a good student and ended up graduating high school a bit early. Afterward, she attempted to attend college, first for psychology and later for culinary.Crazy, Hungry, HornyThat's quite the change-up. That means her career choices went from helping crazy people to helping hungry people and finally to helping horny people. That's a rollercoaster if I've ever heard of one. Plus, somewhere...
Twitter Porn AccountsI went to bed, dreaming about what my girlfriend had in store for me. The next morning, after we had a quick morning fuck, we got dressed and headed to campus for our only class together, Acting 101. While walking to class, anytime a girl who was even half way attractive would pass by, Mary would point and ask “How about her?” Each time, I’d just say no. After saying no to about the 50th girl, I finally said “Look Mary, I know what you’re trying to do, and I’m flattered, but I just feel weird...
Mary knocked on the door tentatively. Tap-tap? A bellow rattled the door. "Come!" Mary squared her shoulders and marched into the small cubicle that served as the office for her boss, who ran the news operation at WJM- TV. Lou Grant was a balding fireplug, short and squat with beefy arms that bulged out of his rolled-up sleeves. As Mary came into his office, he slid closed the drawer where he kept his bourbon and planted both meaty fists on his cluttered desk. His expression softened as he...
Mary and Joe were having a great time in Vegas. The night out at the dance club really excited them both. Joe was amazed at the way Mary opened up, and how brazen she had been around the black men. She really liked to tease them with her sexy body, making her very excited. Joe knew it as all in fun, and always kept a close eye on her, being alert and ready to intervene if things had gotten too much out of hand. He would protect her, at any cost, while she played and enjoyed herself. After all,...
(I would like to thank MissBoePeep for editing this for me, she did a great job and at such short notice. Also thanks to some friends of mine who read this and with there helpful hints pointed me in the right direction. I hope all who read this enjoy it, if you do. Then I’ve done my job.) * It was a typical wet and misty morning when I pulled up to the gates of the cemetery. I had hated this town when I left and hated it just as much now, and if I sat for any length of time and actually...