Mary Had A Little Lamb
- 4 years ago
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Mary had a little Lamb
His ball gag kept him dumb
And everywhere that Mary went
Her Lamb was sure to come
Mary's little Lamb wore a sheepskin coat -inevitably!- long and expensiveand coming down almost to his ankles, just allowing a few inches of denim trouserto protrude, and beneath that the heavy boots she required of him.
She had to fight to contain a smile as her friends admired the coat shehad bought him, running their elegantly manicured fingers over the smooth tannap, stroking the soft white trim and remarking on its elegance, for she wasthe only one aware that beneath it he was almost naked. Around his chest therewas a harness of slender leather straps, fastened so tight that they bit intohis flesh and made his nipples bulge, around his neck a collar, around hisgenitals thin laces which were so constricting that they threatened to cutoff the supply of blood. The denim trousers, they were quite fake, no morethan cuffs of trousers which were suspended from his harness.
"So handsome," said Victoria. "Where did you find him, Mary?"
"Quite a hunk," said Lillian, her hand trailing lightly down his arm.
Victoria was an accountant, pretty but prim, who would have been quite horrifiedif she knew what manner of man was hidden beneath the sheepskin. Lillian wasmore passionate but plain, and could never hope to snare such a gorgeous lookingyoung man.
To remind her Lamb that he was hers, lest the attention of her friends shouldmake him forget, Mary curled one hand around his waist to hold him close, slippedher other hand into the pocket of his coat. The lining of the pocket had beencut, her hand slipped straight through to naked flesh, and her fingers squeezedhis bound balls.
Lamb gave a gasp and her two friends exchanged wry smiles. It was the firstsound he had made since Mary had introduced him to them, introduced him asa strong but silent type, excusing him in advance for his lack of conversation.
Beautiful but stupid, they were already thinking.
Beautiful but dumb was more the case, however, for the fact of the matterwas that beneath the scarf which was wound about his lower face Lamb was gagged,a soft rubber ball stuffing his mouth and fastened at the back of his neck.
"So where did you find him?" Victoria pressed.
"And how long have you two been together?" asked Lillian.
"Oh, there are places,! Mary answered Victoria vaguely, and then turningto Lillian said, "I have had my little Lamb for someweeks now."
"Hardly little," said Lillian, in something approaching a purr, the emphasisMary placed on 'had' escaping her, and with it the suggestion of ownership.
Her friends really were quite dim. Sweet, faithful friends…..butreally so naïve.
Mary made a show of consulting her wristwatch, hinting at an appointment,a place to be and a time approaching, said, "Well, it was lovely to bump intoyou both, but…."
"Yes, a bit chilly for standing around here chatting," said Victoria, huggingherself.
"But we really must get together again soon," said Lillian, though apparentlyto Lamb rather than to Mary.
Mary chuckled inwardly, said, "Yes Lillian, we must. I'll be in touch." Then,with a gentle pressure on Lamb's balls, she said, "Come pet."
And he almost did, she felt his genitals respond to her touch as he movedwith her, keeping step beside her, and she could imagine her friends gaze followingthem, marvelling at her pet's silent obedience.
"Did you like my friends, pet?" Mary asked Lamb, as they continued alongthe street, weaving their way through the evening crowd, and all he could dowas give a slight nod, careful not to let the scarf slip. "Then maybe I shouldlend you to them? I'm sure they would love that. Victoria might be a bit tooreserved to react with anything other than shock at first, but Lillian wouldhave a ball if I let her loose on you."
Mary laughed at the startled sideways glance Lamb gave her, squeezed hisgenitals and said, "Oh yes! What a ball she would have!"
They walked a block, turned a corner, then another, Mary guiding Lamb bygentle tugs on his genitals. Shops were closing, offices emptying, the streetswere busy and all around was the opportunity for embarrassment.
Then, outside a brightly lit bar, Mary pulled him to a sudden ball-wrenchinghalt.
"Do you know, my little Lamb, I rather fancy a drink," she said, smilingto see the alarm in his eyes once again. Outdoors, in the cold evening air,his muffled appearance could be excused, but in a warm interior it might besomething of an embarrassment for him.
Though not as much as if he should take his coat off.
"Come on, pet," she insisted, tugging him to the door, drawing him throughafter her.
Pausing on the threshold, she surveyed the bar. It was not busym, perhapsa quarter full, a scattering of small groups at tables, a couple or two inclose confidence in the alcoves along the far wall, three or four people onhigh stools at the bar itself. She looked at Lamb to read his eyes, guessedthat he was hoping for the privacy of a secluded corner so took him directlyto the bar.
She seated them both on high stools, asked the barman for a glass of redwine.
"To darken my lips with," she added, with a flirtatious smile.
"And for Sir?"
"Nothing for my friend," Mary answered for Lamb, took the offered wine andbrought the glass to her lips, took the merest taste.
She would drink slowly, prolong Lamb's agony.
The heating in the bar was efficient, the room was warm after the wintrychill of the street, and in no time at all Lamb began to perspire, a slightsheen glossing his brow. Beneath the heavy coat his skin would be slick. Swivellinga little on her stool, Mary unfastened her own coat and crossed her legs, theslit in her skirt parting to reveal a length of smooth thigh. The loose silkblouse she wore was low cut and he could see the tops of her breasts, the softcurve of her neck which would be so inviting for him. If it wasn't for thegag beneath the scarf he would be licking his lips now, and Mary smiled sweetlyat him over the top of her glass as she took another taste of wine.
After a while she noticed the woman on the other side of Lamb casting himthe occasional sideways glance. She tilted her head, offered the woman a smile,a nod, said, "You're wondering about the scarf?"
The woman smiled back apologetically, but admitted, "Yes, I was rather."
"Perhaps he has been to the dentist, an extraction, needs to keep the coldout," Mary offered, by way of an explanation.
"Ah," said the woman, satisfied, and returned to her drink.
She wore a knitted jumper, thick and loose fitting but still not disguisingthe fullness of her breasts, her heavy woollen skirt cam halfway down her calves,and beneath this were polished leather boots.
Lamb would love those.
"Or perhaps," Mary then said, leaning towards the woman, pressing her bodyagainst Lamb's, "perhaps I was lying."
"Sorry?" said the woman, now confused.
"Put your hand in his pocket," Mary invited her, smiling to see the horrorin Lamb's eyes.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Trust me, put your hand in his pocket and all will be explained."
The woman looked down at Lamb's coat, considered a moment, then slowly loweredher hand, found the pocket.
"Oh my!" she cried, as her hand found hot damp flesh, and she raised herother hand to her mouth in surprise.
"Oh my indeed!" laughed Mary, sliding her hand in his other pocket, searchingaround until she found the woman's fingers and then drawing them down to Lamb'sgenitals.
This time the woman said nothing, simply gazed wide-eyed into Mary's faceas her fingers were manipulated around his balls. She looked at Lamb's faceand was astonished to see that he was quite expressionless, staring straightahead, showing not a flicker of emotion or excitement. Yet he was excited,she could feel it, excited by her touch. His cock was straining against itsbonds, his balls were full and swollen.
"How long has he been like this?" she asked.
"Since yesterday morning," Mary told her, no longer needing to encouragethe woman's fingers, pleased to note her enthusiasm.
"And how much longer?"
"As long as I decide," Mary smiled. "Isn't that right, my little Lamb?"
Lamb nodded, which brought a chuckle from the woman.
"But how can he bear it?" she marvelled.
"Oh, eventually he will break, beg," said Mary, and her fingers closed overthe woman's. "Would you like to see me beg, join me in making him beg, perhapseven be made to beg yourself?"
"Sorry?" said the woman, but through the faked confusion Mary could readthe answer in her eyes.
She slipped her hand from Lamb's pocket, nodded to the woman to do the same,said to him, "Go to the little boys' room, pet. Stay there ten minutes andthen come back."
He rose from his stool, walked across the room and disappeared through thedoor.
"He might get into an awkward situation, if someone tries to engage himin conversation while he's alone," Mary explained to the woman, rising fromher own stool. "Now come with me to the little girls' room."
"Sorry?" said the woman, not for the first time.
"It's commendable that you feel the need to apologise to me so often, dear,but for the moment just come."
Mary strode briskly across to the ladies' room, entered, held open a cubicledoor and waited. Seconds later the woman appeared, she gestured her inside,then locked the door after them.
Immediately she placed her palm flat against the woman's groin, said, "Liftyour skirt."
Obediently the woman lifted the thick winter skirt as Mary's hand movedto the bag she had slung over her shoulder.
"And the knickers too, dear," she said, as she rummaged around, and as thewoman's knickers fell to her ankles she brought out the item which would replacethem.
It was a triangle of leather, from each corner of which there hung a slenderstrap. The first two she wound around the woman's waist and fastened, the thirdshe pulled between her thighs, drawing it up tight between her buttocks andclamping the triangle over her mound. This was padlocked to the belt she hadmade of the first two and the woman's orifices were sealed. Mary could nowmake the woman itch and yearn at each, but now had her incapable of easingthat itch.
She let the woman drop her skirt, then leaned into her, kissed her, fondledher breasts and then took her hand to lead her back into the bar.
When her little Lamb returned Mary smiled wickedly at him, took him by onehand, the woman by the other.
"I might soon have a full flock of lambs!" she laughed. "A full flock oflambs to fuck!"
"Make yourself comfortable dear, while I settle my little Lamb," said Mary,removing his sheepskin coat, and for the first time Linda saw the true stateof Lamb's nudity, the lattice of leather which crossed his chest, the laceswhich bound his genitals, the gag which had kept him dumb.
To the collar around his neck Mary attached a leash, said, "Come, pet."
Dutifully he followed across the sitting room, through the door which ledto her bedroom, then knelt by her bed. When he offered her his hands, though,she shook her head.
"You're not to be cuffed tonight because I want you to play with yourself," shesaid, squatting before him and removing just enough laces to release his genitals. "Iwant you to wank, excite himself, want to see you hard and dripping when Icall you back."
He was becoming erect already and she laughed to herself as he caught hiscock in his hand, thought that she could simply just blow on it and it wouldbecome hard.
"Good pet, now you just stay that way, nice and hard for Mistress," shesaid, rising and returning to the sitting room.
Playing with himself as Mary had ordered, slowly stroking his cock to keephimself hard, all was quiet for a while. Then he became aware of the voicesin the next room, words which were vague at first, muffled, but then Mary sayingquite clearly, "I prefer my men to be kneeling before me, naked and bound,helpless at my feet."
There was laughter, slightly nervous, the woman from the bar, Linda, saying, "Ifonly men could be that easily trained."
"Oh but they can," said Mary, in a flat and matter-of-fact tone which silencedany further laughter.
"They- they can?"
""But of course! You have seen my pet, bound and gagged."
"Bound and gagged, yes-"
"You don't think it was a struggle to have him that way, that I had to overpowerhim?" Mary interrupted. "Not in the least! He has been trained that way andwill do anything I tell him to. He knows that he will be punished if he refusesand also punished when he complies. If I beat him with a cane or lash, or fuckhim with a dildo, he kisses it first. And when I have finished with him hekisses my feet, kisses the hand which punished him, licks my fingers even throughhis tears."
The memories, the promises, made Lamb harder still, he stroked himself morequickly until he heard Mary say, "Care to see?"
He stopped, heard nothing, but there must have been an answer.
"Pet! Through here now!"
On all fours, nudging the door open with his head, Lamb crawled back intothe sitting room and over to the sofa where Mary and Linda sat, the leash whichhung from his collar trailing between his legs. Mary caught hold of the leashand pulled his head up.
"My new friend, Linda, seems a little sceptical that a man can be trained,and I believe might benefit from learning something of the art of subduinga man." she said to him. "Say hello to Linda as a sad slut ought to."
"Yes Mistress," Lamb said, and moved across to Linda, pressed his face againsther heavy woollen skirt and then slipped down to kiss her shiny brown boots.
"Suck the heel, take it into your mouth," Mary ordered, and as Linda liftedher foot slightly so he began to lick and suck on the heel.
Linda's eyes sparkled, she looked at the leash which Mary still held, said, "MayI?"
"Be my guest," smiled Mary, passing the leash over. "Feel how hard he isat the thought of you controlling him."
The heel removed from his mouth, Lamb felt a tension on the leash, and Linda'shand crept down his body. He kept as still as Mary would have demanded, didnot resist when Linda fingered the single lace around the base of his cock,made no sound when she circled the one which was wrapped around his balls.
Then she cupped her hand around his genitals and gasped.
"Yes?" asked Mary, with an amused laugh.
"He is so hard!"
"He is?" said Mary, with feigned disgust. "Oh my pet! Then should he bepunished?"
Linda laughed too as she squeezed his balls. "How?"
"You have the leash," Mary told her. "Turn him around and have him bendforward, his head on the floor."
Linda tugged on the leash and pushed with her hands, forcing him into therequired position and holding him there with her hand on the back of his neck.Then Mary took the leash and unclipped it from his collar.
"Now hold his balls firm while I whip him," said Mary. "Grab his cock andfeel it pulse in your fingers."
Linda went to kneel before Lamb, reached beneath him, took firm hold ofhis balls in one hand and wrapped the fingers of the other around his cock.Then Mary began to strike him, making his body jerk forward with the pain,blow after blow which soon brought tears to his eyes.
"If you slacken your hold on his cock a little you'll feel him move backwardsand forwards in your hand," Mary suggested, and Linda's fingers relaxed a littleso that it really did feel as if Lamb was fucking her hand.
"And if you put your hand beneath his chin," Mary further suggested, neverslowing the strokes across his buttocks, "and raise his head, then you'll beable to look in his eyes and see his pain. I guarantee a sight such as thatis enough to make you come, my dear."
Lamb's head was lifted by Linda's hand, he looked straight into her eyes,and if she saw pain in his then he could see only pleasure in hers. Then theblows suddenly stopped, he heard the leash cast aside and was aware of Marystanding astride him, squeezing him between her thighs as she sat on him. Shestroked her fingers across his shoulders, stroked them along his neck.
His body had stopped pumping backwards and forwards, now that the blowshad ceased. His cock lay still in Linda's hand.
"Wank him Linda, toss him off," Mary told her. "I promise he won't move,he won't come, until you tell him to."
"Really?" said Linda, beaming brightly into Mary's eyes, and began to strokeher hand slowly along his cock, all the while holding his face up, lookingdirectly into his eyes.
Lamb felt weak in her hands, beneath her gaze, he gasped for breath andfought the urge to drive his hips against her hand. His face contorted andLinda frowned for a moment, then smiled, her hand working faster on him.
"Tell him to come and he will," Mary told her. "Order him to wait and youwill have him crying for mercy, begging for your pity. Whichever way, you havehim, he is in your power."
"Oh but I so want to see him come!" said Linda.
"Then tell him. Order him to come."
Linda brought her face closer to Lamb's, her breath scorching his face,her perfume suffocating him, smiled deep into his eyes as if she might devourhim as she said, "Come for me. Come for us. Come for Mary and I."
And as his orgasm came so Mary struck him across the head with the flatof her hand, said, "Come pet!"
Lamb let out a gasp which grew into a cry, a cry which became a scream ashis balls exploded and his cock erupted, his spunk splashing everywhere asLinda's hand tightened around him, spitting through her fingers and splashingMary's feet. He tried to spasm, his body shook, but Mary had him clamped tightbetween her thighs and the hand around his cock would not permit him to move.
Slowly his body relaxed, shivering, shuddering.
"Now hold your hand to his mouth, my dear, and have him clean it," saidMary.
"And he would?" asked Linda.
"Oh yes!" laughed Mary. "He would do anything you asked! You have him now,my dear. Now he belongs to you as well as me. He is a slave to us and worshipsus."
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Mary and Tracy were spoiled sisters. They were pretty young blond girls who were sluts in college fucking anyone and everyone who made a pass at them. Their mother knew that. She had caught them with the red headed paper boy when they were twelve and thirteen. Tracy had her blouse off and her panties were down around her ankles. The paper boy was sucking her little breasts and Mary was undressed masturbating her pussy watching. She did not scold the girls. She took them to the doctor and put...
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MARY-THE FIRST STEPS By Scrambler'J' Copyright Scrambler'J' 1999 This is my first TG story so if you don't like it that's fine or if you have any ideas for me to make it better let me know E-mail me at [email protected] Mark was worried that he might lose his girlfriend Jenni soon. He could tell something was bothering her last week. He wonder what he had done to upset her. On a chance he followed her one night after work and saw she went into a bar on the east side...
The public caning that sixty-year-old Lucy Hogarth had been a twofold success in her view because it raised funds for the local Women's Institute and it brought Lucy sexual pleasure. It had also caused sexual excitement for some other ladies present, one of whom was Mary Littleton. Prior to the evening Mary, who was some three years younger than Lucy, had never had any serious sexual thoughts regarding the application of corporal punishment but she had found the occasion hugely erotic, so much...
SpankingMary and her sisters were deep in animated discussion as they strolled across the lawns at Farleigh Court her new husband’s parents home It was the first time the sisters had been together since her marriage nigh on six weeks prior since when she had been on honeymoon around the sights of Europe returning on the famed “Orient Express.” “Oh it sounds so wonderful,” Esme simpered, “Does it not Jayne?” “And the nights, did Harold take you to heaven?” Jayne enquired mischievously. “Jayne...
If you were to ask a male employee or customer at this particular supermarket what they would consider "eye candy", many of them would probably point right to Mary. A perfect fit for the Cosmetics department, the beautiful young woman was usually dressed in very fashionable, attractive outfits. Her long-flowing blonde hair was always styled to absolute perfection, and she used just enough mascara to make her lovely face look even more appealing. But men were not attracted to Mary just...
Some of the students in that particular class were somewhat the worse for wear when Mr. Miller returned. Christine Fulton, for example, was sporting a torn shirt that exposed her left breast for all to see. She made no effort to cover herself up as her hormones were still raging after having ravaged Justin Campbell. This was a rather odd coupling given that Justin was president of the school Chess Club while Christine was the school’s head cheerleader. At this moment, however, Christine...
I am what you might usually call a computer geek and married Mary, who I was introduced to by a mutual friend, when I was 26, some fifteen years ago. Our first meeting was set up as a blind date when Mary was asked to make up a sixth at a dinner party and to everyone's surprise, including my own, we just hit it off and we wed less than a year later.Now, I know I'm not bad looking - just nothing special, whereas Mary is attractive. Not the tall, model type who many of your writers describe, but...
“Look at your slut wife!” I stood and looked at Mary. Her whole body glistened with oil, her cunt gaped wide and her asshole pulsed and was shiny with oil. As I turned to look at the now nude John, I made an almost comic gulp! Laughing at my response he said “Yes big isn’ t it! 8 inches long and 61/2inches thick! But it’s the knob that is going to make your wife scream!” His knob was almost triangular in shape flaring down to the base it overlapped his dick by a ¼ inch. “It sets up a vacuum as...
Mary first started wanting to blow santa Claus last Christmas Eve. She had gotten out of bed to get a drink of water from the bathroom and heard muffled noises downstairs, like someone mumbling. A light was on in the living room. And there, as plain as day, stood Santa Claus… with his full white beard, red hat, red coat, red pants, and black boots. Oddly, however, Mary’s older sister Kim, 21 years old, on her knees in jeans, a red sweater and sneakers, helping Santa position gifts under the...
Group SexMary Allen: Femdom Household HorrorCast of Characters Mary Allen - Attractive Young TV Host, Secertly turned on by report Dr. Forbes - Pyscologist Judith Wilkes - 28, Teacher Samantha Bridg - 17, Timothy's girlfriend Bobby Green - 18, family friend, Shawna's ex-boyfriend George Banks - Lead Investigator Lauren McAdams - LawyerJulia Douglas, 44 Richard Douglas, 47 Shawna Douglas, 19 Ben and Ryan Douglas, 18, twins Timothy Douglas, 17 Rachel Douglas, 14Marie Tate, 39 Michelle Tate, 17 Warren...
Mary was spending her 18th birthday at the lake before starting her final year in high school. She was about to be a senior in high school but never had the freedom to make her own decisions. Mary's parents were very religious that had a set of strict rules that she must follow. She wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend or wear anything too revealing. It didn't matter that she was 18 now but still have to follow their rules. She had long red hair that she got from her mother, but her green eyes...
Straight SexRachel rang the bell, and the Mayor opened the door to them. “Come in Mary, we have been waiting for you to wake up. Would you like a drink, or something to eat? You need to keep your strength up. Mike is expecting us to keep an eye on you whilst he is away. There’s only kosher food available though, the twins are running the kitchen; Hazel is otherwise engaged.” Mary realised that she was hungry. “Thank you,” she said, “I’ll get myself something; I don’t want to be a bother.”“Let me take your...
She stood at the window staring out at the city lights, her arms wrapped around her, her mind fixing on the city lights in the distance. She didn’t hear him come up behind her, but then she felt his breath on her neck followed by soft light kisses. ‘You smell so sweet honey,’ he said in a very soft voice. She shivered as he kissed her, and felt her body responding to her touch. Her mind raced. She felt the confusion of loving to be kissed and hating it too. She loved the feeling of excitement...
"You could do Lewis you know." "Do what with Lewis?" "You know ... sleep with him, the horizontal mumbo, sex." "You are drunk." I replied. Of course I was drunk too. My girlfriend Mary and I were sitting at her kitchen table. We were supposed to be planning her upcoming wedding, but a pitcher of margaritas later, Mary started in again on the considerable bedroom skills of her finance Lewis. "OK Mary I'll bite, why are offering Lewis, and his talents to me?" My speech was a bit...
The three of them slept well for the following few nights, although oddly enough none of them felt inclined to immediately repeat the joys of that first session. It was almost as if they had reached a peak and were now relaxing in the knowledge that what they had done could be repeated anytime they liked. Which is what they did. Over the next few wonderful weeks of summer, while battles raged in the skies over the south coast of Britain, in a small village in Dorset, David enjoyed the...
After my father-in-law died, my wife's mother Dorothy came to live with us while she got her affairs sorted out. She stayed with us for almost two years during which she and I had a sexual affair which fulfilled her needs and all my fantasies. After she moved out into her own flat, she and I continued to see each other but she of course had other relationships as well. After Dorothy had lived in her flat for about a year she decided to change around some bedroom furniture, and my wife Caroline...
This part of the story takes place at the weekend, after Sam tried out the loveballs on Mary in his office. Topic is human petplay and don't rip my fur off, because you read it and notice it doesn't suit you. If you already know my stories about Sam and Mary, you can just go on and read this one. When you don't, I suggest to read at least Mary's human kittypet adventures (1), which can be found here: contains maybe some informations,...
Mary couldn’t get Jane’s face out of her mind. “Can’t you go any faster?” Sandy called out. Mary didn’t think she could, but she tried. She was dragging Sandy’s third and final pair of suitcases up the stairs. The third floor would have been no problem with the elevator; but Sandy wanted her to walk. Of course, Mary walked. Sandy giggled. Breathing heavily, Mary pulled the large brown suitcase through the door and into the bedroom. The green one was waiting outside. She looked around. Huge...
FetishI have always found it strange the way things happen sometimes. Things seem to happen when you least expect them too. For me one these strange events happened when I was in my mid teens and in the throws of puberty. I was ready and willing to nail my first girl. Maybe I was trying too hard I don't know. I would sneak into my parents closet when they were at work and look at my dad's dirty porn mags. I would study the pictures and read some of the articles, the stories that were sent in by...
Mary and I have been married for ten years and were living a typical suburban life. I met Mary when I was in college, and she was still in her last year of high school. She is a very tall woman with long legs and large breasts. They were too much of a temptation for me, so I married her. I never regretted that move because I don't think I would ever find somebody better than Mary.Mary never complained about my member's size, although probably deep in her heart, she would have liked to have...
CheatingMary Moody was born in Davis, California, on august 23, 1992. Mary had a relatively normal childhood. She was a good student and ended up graduating high school a bit early. Afterward, she attempted to attend college, first for psychology and later for culinary.Crazy, Hungry, HornyThat's quite the change-up. That means her career choices went from helping crazy people to helping hungry people and finally to helping horny people. That's a rollercoaster if I've ever heard of one. Plus, somewhere...
Twitter Porn AccountsI went to bed, dreaming about what my girlfriend had in store for me. The next morning, after we had a quick morning fuck, we got dressed and headed to campus for our only class together, Acting 101. While walking to class, anytime a girl who was even half way attractive would pass by, Mary would point and ask “How about her?” Each time, I’d just say no. After saying no to about the 50th girl, I finally said “Look Mary, I know what you’re trying to do, and I’m flattered, but I just feel weird...
Mary knocked on the door tentatively. Tap-tap? A bellow rattled the door. "Come!" Mary squared her shoulders and marched into the small cubicle that served as the office for her boss, who ran the news operation at WJM- TV. Lou Grant was a balding fireplug, short and squat with beefy arms that bulged out of his rolled-up sleeves. As Mary came into his office, he slid closed the drawer where he kept his bourbon and planted both meaty fists on his cluttered desk. His expression softened as he...
Mary and Joe were having a great time in Vegas. The night out at the dance club really excited them both. Joe was amazed at the way Mary opened up, and how brazen she had been around the black men. She really liked to tease them with her sexy body, making her very excited. Joe knew it as all in fun, and always kept a close eye on her, being alert and ready to intervene if things had gotten too much out of hand. He would protect her, at any cost, while she played and enjoyed herself. After all,...
(I would like to thank MissBoePeep for editing this for me, she did a great job and at such short notice. Also thanks to some friends of mine who read this and with there helpful hints pointed me in the right direction. I hope all who read this enjoy it, if you do. Then I’ve done my job.) * It was a typical wet and misty morning when I pulled up to the gates of the cemetery. I had hated this town when I left and hated it just as much now, and if I sat for any length of time and actually...
Mary had just turned 40, and because she had had her two children young, it was just she and her husband Tom at home. She had hoped for a career before she married, but when Tom, her senior by 2 years left school and got a job, he had immediately asked her to marry him, though she was not quite 17. He had been her first sweetheart, and though they had played around, they were both virgins when they married. The children arrived sooner than planned, and then there was just so much work to do....
ToysI suppose it would be fair to say that I asked for it. It wasn't as if I hadn't been given an early warning, but still, it came as a surprise. I met Mary Beth at the beginning of our junior year at college. Even though she was not the kind of girl I was normally attracted to there was just something about her that drew me to her. The girls I normally fell for were tall, trim athletic typed and Mary Beth was just the opposite of that. Barely over five feet she weighed 130 lbs. and was what...