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For those who are fascinated by the world Majgen live in, I have submitted Majgen appendix 001 it contains some historical background and can be read on the side indepent of the storyline in the normal Majgen chapters. I hope it will be approved earlier than this chapter.


—-=(The spaceport)=—-

After they were done in the tailor design shop, Baglian and Majgen went back to the cab.

‘Take us to the nearest suitable spaceport,’ Baglian ordered over the intercom.

He did not elaborate, he did not need to. The chauffeur knew which spaceports had the facilities, which users of first class cabs would consider appropriate.

The cab let them off at a taxi gate reserved for persons traveling on first class.

‘We wont be needing you anymore,’ Baglian said while walking away from the cab. He had already left a tip for the chauffeur, using the payment system access in the passenger section of the cab.

Most people tipped in public, next to the cab, when they decided to tip a cab driver. Since Baglian didn’t care much what others thought of him in general, he hardly ever bothered with the inefficiency of tipping outside a cab.

Majgen followed Baglian through the taxi gate and into the elevator at the end.

This elevator was not as large as the one at the Mentariata’s taxi gate 7 had been, but it was still comfortable.

The elevator closed its doors behind its two passengers. With a pleasant recorded voice it requested instructions.

The spaceport taxi-gate elevators had no buttons, in these elevators passengers could not choose their own destination. Instead there was a touch screen, as well as voice activation options. With either of these two means passengers could inform spaceport computers of their travel plan, or state desires to meet a travel planner in person.

Normally, after receiving instructions from its passengers, spaceport taxi-gate elevators would relay the information to a central computer, which would then choose a destination for the elevator.

For security reasons passengers were also scanned for identity confirmation in those elevators, usually by comparing scan with data in their passport. People who travelled a lot usually had their passports implanted, like almost everybody had a credit card chip implanted.

Practically all mentarions had passport implants.

Majgen did not know it herself, but apart from her passport implant she had five other identification implants and nine tracing implants. Majgen also had five GED specific information implants, four Mentaricon specific information implants, and two Empaticon specific information implants.

She was more packed with security measures, than a convict on sick leave from imprisonment facilities.

Shortly before transferring Student Majgen to Femaron Baglian’s custody, the Mentariata had rearranged her implants.

In that process a simple mistake had been made.

Ottearon Antwoine Weissme had ordered for all of Majgen’s information implants to be replaced. He had personally written which information to place on each of the new chips to be implanted into her.

However, somewhere in the chain of command the word ‘replace’ was lost. The technician controlling the procedure chose to overwrite the information on her current implants, instead of replacing them with new ones.

The technician did not notice that five of Majgen’s implants contained genuine GED information chips. He successfully replaced the information on the Mentaricon and Empaticon implants, but the GED specific implants were impervious to the Mentariata coding waves.

Mentariata had machinery that could write on empty GED chips, and have such information be tagged with Mentariata or Mentaricon signature. As had been done when Majgen first got her implants. But genuine GED chips could not be overwritten at all, once coded.

The only way to erase the old information from a genuine GED chip, was to destroy such a chip completely.

Hence when Majgen had left the school clinic, believing she had been through a regular physical check up, the old information, meant for GED readings, was still on her GED specific implants.

Units belonging to the Governmental law Enforcing Division, GED, were in charge of spaceport security on all public spaceports. The elevator Majgen and Baglian was in, scanned them for GED-specific implants, as well as passport information.

After reading the information on Majgen’s GED specific implants, the elevator began moving to a secure area of the spaceport, and sent information to the spaceports security computer. Telling which one of it’s security programs had been activated.

The security computer sent an alert on to GED personnel. To this alert, the computer attached a message which held instructions for security personnel. These were nearly five year old written instructions from Majgen’s GED-implants, containing advice on how to proceed if an implant alert was triggered.

Part of the security-protocol the elevator was following, was to keep receiving instructions from its passengers as usual.

Majgen and Baglian could not feel the elevator moving. They both assumed it was standing still, while Baglian was tapping instructions on the touch screen.

With the bored speed of habit, Baglian finished informing the elevator of his travel and waiting plans.

‘You will be transported to spaceport floor eight in blue section. Available leisure areas can be rented from control panels or personnel stationed there,’ the elevator’s pleasant voice misinformed.

At that time the elevator had already arrived at a security room. Its doors remained closed while the elevator’s computer awaited instructions from spaceport security.

Baglian and Majgen had no suspicion of anything unusual going on. Not even after spending minutes waiting for the elevator to let them off.

Baglian knew first class travelers rarely had to wait that long for elevators to arrive at the proper destination. However, he was not worried by the inconvenience, they were very early.

Both of them were facing the elevator door, waiting for the elevator to announce arrival. There was no way for them to know, the elevator had been standing still a while. First class elevators were designed to accelerate and decelerate unnoticeably.

Four minutes and forty-two seconds after the elevator doors had closed, GED spaceport security personnel was ready to receive them and the doors opened. Majgen’s head was slightly bowed, she did not see the GED-team in their black spaceport uniforms herself. Baglian did.

‘What?’ he thought, completely unprepared for the view.

Reacting to Baglian’s surprise, Majgen raised her head instantly. But all she saw was a flash of light from an electric pulse gun, as she was shot.

Baglian jumped back when his student slumped silently to the floor.


The word was spoken by a GED-officer, the only one of them who wasn’t aiming a pulse gun into the elevator. ‘Stillness’ was a standard GED-phrase which meant, stand absolutely still.

Baglian froze in spot, he had no clue as to what was going on. However, very few were sufficiently stupid to disobey that command when looking into the firing end of multiple pulse guns.

The one who had spoken stood still a few seconds, observing the Femaron. When the officer felt confident, the Femaron was not about to do anything rash, he moved his eyes to his wrist watch.

‘I am going to have to ask you to stay where you are for two full minutes, Femaron,’ the Officer said without taking his eyes of his watch.

‘What is going on?’ Femaron Baglian asked.

‘Standard procedure,’ the Officer replied, ‘we will only need you to stay right there for one minute and forty-seven seconds longer.’

‘You just shot my student, how can that be standard procedure!?’ Baglian sputte
red. He could sense Majgen was still alive, although deeply unconscious.

‘Majgen Rahan, is not allowed to leave the planet. By orders of her legal guardian, the Mentariata,’ the Officer replied. ‘Please remain calm, Sir, we will not keep you long.’

‘Are you saying the Mentariata told you to shoot my student?’ Baglian asked, he was still absolutely baffled by the unexpected turn of events.

‘Please remain still, Sir, we need you to trust us to do our job properly, for one minute and twenty-one seconds longer.’

‘What happens in one minute and twenty-one seconds?’ Baglian asked.

‘At that time we will feel assured that if you have been affected by her it will have worn off.’

‘I am a Femaron, you think I have been mind-controlled by a rank 10 student?’

‘Please remain still, Sir, it wont take much longer.’

‘Why did you shoot my student?’

‘Please remain still, Sir,’ the Officer repeated.

Baglian could not enter the minds of any of the GED-officers. They were wearing helmets which blocked empathic signals. He did not like to be treated like a criminal, but he did not speak again while waiting for the two minutes to pass.

‘Are you feeling clearheaded, Femaron?’ the Watch-Watching Officer said when his timer had counted down.

‘Yes,’ Baglian replied.

‘Are you feeling violent urges towards me or my colleagues?’

‘None I can’t control.’

‘All-right. At ease officers, he seems unaffected.’

The GED-team relaxed, lowered their guns and deposited those in their holsters.

‘Come with me please, Femaron,’ the Officer requested, when all guns were holstered.

‘What about my student?’ Baglian asked.

‘Majgen Rahan will be sedated with kask. She will be kept fully unconscious till Mentariata security supplies us with further instructions,’ the Officer explained.

Baglian could tolerate that, for now. He wanted answers fast, and chose to go with the officer, rather than complain further.

—-=(A conversation with Weissme)=—-

Ottearon Weissme was furious that the nature of his orders had been disregarded by his own staff. However, he did not waste time showing his frustrations while working out the misunderstandings with the GED.

‘Yes, the officers at the space station acted with accurate, precision and speed. I must say, their swift action upon reading the instruction on that chip was impressive,’ Weissme said, recycling the same sentence for the fifth time since he had been contacted by space port security.

Only practice and determination enabled his friendly appreciative smile from turning stiff on his face.

‘They shot an unarmed eighteen year old. How hard can that be?’ Weissme thought, but didn’t let his thoughts affect his words.

‘Yes, the procedure was performed with the precision of a military operation, very efficient.’

Weissme was highly skilled in matters of sweet-talking. In less than an hour he talked GED officials into not making a big deal of the mistake. He talked spaceport medical personnel into removing Majgen’s GED chips, on the behalf of the Mentariata. And he coerced spaceport GED security personnel into handing Student Majgen back to Femaron Baglian’s custody prior to their planned flight.

Once finished with the GED part of the affair, Ottearon Weissme arranged for a private long distance audiovisual talk with Femaron Baglian, who was still at the spaceport.

‘Now, on to make sure that the most arrogant Femaron in the universe will still feel privileged to train, Student Majgen Rahan,’ Ottearon Weissme thought while waiting for the call to go through.

‘First a good long tirade of concern for and interest in his well-being, to make sure he feels important.’

When Ottearon Antwoine Weissme talked with close high ranking friends, and mentioned opening conversations using such tricks, he referred to it as the oiling phase.

The call went through and Weissme, the leader of the Mentariata, started out with eloquently asking Femaron Baglian how he was doing.

‘I have not been harmed, Ottearon Weissme,’ Baglian said, in response to Weissme’s first expressions of concern.

‘My phrasing offered nine options for whining complaints,’ Weissme thought, ‘I expected him to at least jump at three of them.’

‘It is quite horrid to be exposed to such things, isn’t it, Femaron Baglian?’ Weissme said, giving the Femaron a new opportunity to air frustrations.

‘I assure you, Ottearon, I am quite fine,’ Baglian said, brushing Weissme’s words of concern aside politely and efficiently. ‘However, I would like to know how soon I can get my student back, Ottearon Weissme.’

‘He is more interested in getting Student Majgen back, than in being praised,’ Weissme realized. This in itself removed all Ottearon Weissme’s worries regarding a possible change of heart in the Femaron when it came to the task of training Majgen.

Ottearon Weissme had not needed to worry. Baglian would not express it neither directly, nor indirectly, but he would not let any inconvenience deter him from the unique opportunity of training Majgen.

Weissme allowed Femaron Baglian to guide the conversation away from oiling, and into sorting the details regarding the safe return of Majgen. A topic Baglian did not stray from, until it was fully settled.

Baglian’s next topic of interest, however, was predictable.

‘So now, please tell me Ottearon Weissme, why did the GED shoot my student?’ Baglian asked as soon as the matter of him getting back Student Majgen was settled.

‘Amazing that he withheld that question for this long,’ Weissme thought. He did not know many who would have kept their priorities that straight so soon after facing armed pulse guns.

‘Ah yes, Femaron Baglian, I’m terribly sorry for that. I had made the proper arrangements for that not to happen. However, I did not check if my orders were carried out as needed.’

Ottearon Weissme considered himself too old and dignified to push all blame from himself. Even when it was plausible to do so.

‘You see,’ Weissme continued, ‘Student Majgen acted a bit rebellious, when she was first enrolled in the Mentariata. As you know she was discovered at a very late age.’

When Ottearon Weissme said ‘a bit rebellious’, what he was thinking was:

‘Scared senseless to such a degree that she could not even herself account for all her actions.’

However, he saw no reasons to explain this to Femaron Baglian. If Baglian should feel a need to learn more of those days, he could find plenty information in Majgen’s mind.

‘She even tried to run away from the school a few times,’ Ottearon Weissme said.

Ottearon Weissme went silent a moment while considering how much he should elaborate on the security measures they had made after that incident.

Although running away from school was a normal occurrence in non-empathic boarding schools and the likes, it was practically unheard of in mentarion schools, like the Mentariata.

‘Back then, we blocked her finances and implanted GED information chips on her,’ Weissme said, deciding to elaborate as little as possible.

‘The instructions for the GED we planted on her back then, requested that they immediately sedate her, and return her to us. If she should attempt to enter a spaceport.’

Weissme did not list all the other places, where the chips would also have informed the GED to sedate Student Majgen and return her to the Mentariata. He also did not mention, he had convinced a number of different powerful officials, and GED-politicians to put their signature on the information. Weissme had done everything he could think of to ensure swift action and full cooperation from the local GED-departments if the chips were ever read.

Before he was asked to train Majgen, Baglian had actually been very close to attaining high security clearance within governmental
offices. Far closer than Baglian himself was aware of. Ottearon Weissme, however, knew, hence he also knew he could share sensitive information with Baglian safely, except for one thing.

Everything Baglian knew, eventually Majgen could know. No matter how hard Baglian should try to keep it from her.

Since the incident between Majgen and Femaron Braygen, about four years earlier. Ottearon Weissme had kept himself out of Majgen’s sensing range.

He knew too many things, a student should never be allowed to learn of. In time he had even begun keeping at least two chain of command links between himself and her. Making sure never to talk face to face to any empath employed at the Mentariata about Majgen. Especially if that someone would enter Majgen’s sensing range in near future.

It had been a sacrifice for him.

Weissme had wandered freely all, over his school, since he became its leader. But in order to avoid Majgen’s sensing range, and in order to make sure everyone did not realize he was actively doing just that, he had been forced to stay out of the student hallways of his school.

The measures Weissme had taken to keep Majgen from gaining too much knowledge from other empaths, had been extensive too.

If Ottearon Weissme did not believe that Baglian could be trusted with all aspects of the Majgen-situation, Baglian would not have been chosen as a mentor for Majgen. However, if he did inform Baglian of all aspects, he would also indirectly inform Majgen.

‘I do hope that one day Student Majgen will mature to a politically sophisticated woman, who can be trusted with the full knowledge of her own value. As well as the full knowledge of the danger she has posed to mentarion society,’ Weissme thought to himself, ‘but until that day she has to be kept in the dark.’

‘She never did make it as far as a spaceport,’ Ottearon Weissme continued, ‘with her finances blocked she never managed to get further than she could walk. She hasn’t tried to run away for years though. I hope you have found her to be suitable obedient now?’

‘Yes,’ Femaron Baglian said, ‘a bit too anxious to think straight at times, but very intent on being obedient. I have good hopes that her anxiety will be under full control before I am done with her training.’

Ottearon Weissme nodded consent. Not revealing that he understood the finer details of that matter.

After seeing memories from the mind of one of Baglian’s former personal students, Weissme knew Femaron Baglian could be directly cruel to his students. Especially in the beginning of their studying time with him.

However, Weissme had also understood that living with Baglian would be less painful for Majgen, than living at the Mentariata.

‘Regarding her finances, Ottearon,’ Baglian continued, ‘why are they still blocked, Ottearon Weissme?’

Weissme frowned.

‘I’m sorry for that too, Femaron Baglian,’ Weissme said, ‘I forgot to consider the matter of Student Majgen’s funds in connection with her transfer to private studying.’

The Ottearon really had forgotten to think of that matter. Now that he was reminded of it, he immediately decided that he would not release Majgen’s funds.

‘She still fantasizes of freedom from a mentarion life,’ Weissme thought to himself. ‘Even though she has no plans of running at this time, such plans might appear if the opportunity becomes too temptingly available.’

Majgen’s funds had barely been touched the last five years. It had grown to a size that could buy her a ticket just about anywhere, even though her only income was tenth ranked student allowance.

‘Would you like to have access to her funds, to cover her private expenses, Femaron Baglian?’

‘No,’ Femaron Baglian replied, ‘I don’t mind having a student with no access to money. I can easily cover the expenses I consider reasonable. I was merely curious as to why they were still blocked.’

When Baglian politely repeated his question this way, Ottearon Weissme realized he could not avoid the question inconspicuously. So he chose a direct lie.

‘Majgen has been a rank 10 student a very long time. I was planning to give her back control of her funds when she would one day be promoted to rank 9. In reality there is not much difference between life as a rank 10 student, and life as a rank 9 student. If she got her money back along with the promotion, I think she would get a stronger feeling of achievement from the promotion.’

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My First Time And Hers

This is my first story. Please be a bit gentle with the voting. Thanks and enjoy! First, before my story, a little background: This is my first story. By the time you see this, this whole story will be written. I will post it in 3rd's however, depending on if I receive good feedback. This story is somewhat hard to describe. It's sort of half-fantasy, half-true story. I.E. some of it is true, but most of it is my fantasy. That's all, and please enjoy! I put my arm...

1 year ago
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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 5

Raif and Elizabeth were sitting on the porch of the post enjoying the cool shade of the warm spring day when they saw the wagons coming over the rise to the east. “Looks like we have more traders coming, but it’s awful late in the year for traders,” Raif noted. “Raif, that looks like Sky’s horse by the wagon and I don’t see Sky on him,” “Yes it is his horse, I see Sky sitting on the first wagon. I’m telling you, that boy will never meet a stranger. I’m sure the man sitting next to him is...

1 year ago
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A new beginning

Luke and I had been married for about 4 years now. At the beginning sex was perfect for us. Now it just seemed like an everyday thing. Go to bed, turn out the light, make love, and then roll over and go to sleep. That was going to change tonight.I had been reading different experiences that people had to spice up their sex life. I found a story about a dominant male telling his submissive what to do to be very arousing. I had already spoken to Luke about wanting to try something to make our sex...

1 year ago
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DaisyChapter 17

Daisy tutored her in her school work as well. Amy blossomed into quite a woman. She was more sure of herself in everything. Daisy taught her about clothes and makeup. She shaved her thin bush, explaining how it made one feel sexy. For the first time in her life, Amy did feel sexy. As a result she got a lot more attention. One evening Daisy came back to the room and heard giggles as she entered. A shocked and frightened boy was under the covers with Amy. "Hi Daisy. This is Brian." "Very...

2 years ago
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Sonnet Seduction

‘Excuse me can I slide in here?’ I said to no one in particular among the throng of people mingling in one of the less dense areas of the overcrowded bar. I said it so as to try and not piss off that one person who may have managed to get enough drinks to get drunk. Me, I couldn’t get my first beer, but I did find that one drunk. ‘Hey asshole you trying to get in between me and my girl?’ ‘Hun?’ I turned around and looked in the direction of the voice then up. Then up so more. The guy looked...

4 years ago
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Neglected Black HousewifeChapter 2

"So how is this Thursday night thing supposed to work?" I ask Cyn while we cuddle naked on the bed, having exhausted ourselves in my shower. "I'm not really sure, Mike," she confesses. "We've never invited anyone to join us before. I'll call you after I talk with Barbara and Shelly," she adds while drawing circles on my chest with her fingertip. We've been in bed all day and took a much-needed break about half an hour ago for a shower. While lathering soap on each other, Cyn...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Mackenzie Moss Playing For Pussy

Mackenzie Moss has always had a bit of a thing for her stepbrother Alex Legend, and it turns out that she hasn’t been alone in that unfulfilled desire. When Mackenzie and Alex get caught up increasing the stakes of their card games, their desire finally breaks free. They agree that the loser will do whatever the winner wants, but along the way they challenge each other to increasingly intimate bets. Mackenzie flashes her tittles at the window, then gets Alex to whip his dick out to do the...

2 years ago
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The SaviorsChapter 12 The new ability

They had not bothered to get dressed and when they arrived at the sandy beach that bordered the lake the women waded into the water. The men stood guard, Kurt's watchful eyes surveyed up and down the shore and the jungle behind them, while Troy kept watchful eyes on the water and sky above. They would not be taken by surprise by flying ants or any thing else again. The women bathed and refreshed themselves and waded ashore to relieve the men of guard duty so that they too could wash off. The...

3 years ago
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Covid Sucks And More

Hi. Katie here with a fun update. I hate Covid and just like every other person on this planet, I can’t wait for it to vanish forever.Despite our having a very active lifestyle, Covid comes along and shuts it all down. For the first time since I started college, I went months without pleasing a cock, except hubby, who has been used relentlessly. I must say, he’s been great every day.He noticed that I was like a cat on a hot tin roof, so horny and frustrated that I was going out of my mind....

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Job in chudai

Hi mera naam samron hai mai jo stori batane ja raha hu vo aik true syori hai main 12th main padhta tha feb-2007 main mera exam tha exm hone ke baad main khali th isliye maine job join kiya tha vo job kurieyer ka tha main leter bhejne ka kaam karta tha rooj subah 8 se shaam 5 baje tak mera kaam tha eik din aik leter leker main us add per gaya vo aik panch majil vali bilding thi 3rd floor pe room no-26 tha mine door pe nouk kiya to dervaja khula to aik ladki thi maine usse kaha ji aap ka leter he...

2 years ago
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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 14

David pulled his Mazda into Curtis’s driveway. Avery was already in the passenger seat, sipping a coffee David’s dad had brewed for her. She had never looked more content. Curtis climbed in the backseat. David waited for a minute before Curtis caught on. “Vic took the bus. She doesn’t want to look at Avery today.” “Ah, that sucks,” David commented as he shifted into reverse. It wasn’t an emotional comment but almost rote and perfunctory. Avery’s brain started running a mile a minute. She...

2 years ago
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Absolute Power

That was the weirdest dream you have ever had. It seemed to involve a lot of swirling fire and a focus on the devil. You can still remember what he said to you because it is burned into your mind. "I have chosen you to further my cause on earth, I have given you absolute power over everything and everyone. Whether it is with a thought or spoken it will happen no matter what." You awoke in a cold sweat and decide that you might as well just get up. As you get in the shower the water is cold as...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Kissing CousinsChapter 2

"Steve?" "Yeah?" "You got about four hours to stop doing that." I was dumsquizzled. She not only wasn't going to blow the whistle on me, she was enjoying it and encouraging me to continue. I wanted to give her an out and said, "Carrie, I'm so sorry. I was dreaming and I thought you were someone else. It was an accident and it won't happen again." "It's O.K., Steve. I told you I liked it." "You're my cousin. We can't do this." "I know it's taboo, Steve," she said as...

2 years ago
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Its Not Easy to Be a Love Goddess Ch 03

He moved in with me then, if you can call a toothbrush and a hairbrush luggage. ‘Angels travel light,’ he told me. ‘But I always carry my own toothbrush, and the hairbrushes in this dimension are just too hard on angel hair. They hurt like hell!’ I could believe that as I stroked the mane of silk that cascaded to his shoulders. That hair alone had the invitation of all my body parts to come and visit any time—any time honey! The reunion took place in my womb sometime in the wee hours of the...

3 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 06

This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Cheers again to Techsan and the wonderful editing job on this piece. I seem to be making the same editing mistakes over and over again. Hopefully, Techsan will train all of this out of me. Also, thank all of you who have read this story and made comments. It really helps me keep on track. Please continue to leave comments — good and bad....

1 year ago
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Never In A Million Years revised

As an older white guy (just over 50 when I posted this particular ad), it's not like my in-box got flooded. The responses were mostly from Russian scammers, prostitutes, and drug addicts. Depending on how bored I was, I'd turn the tables on the scammers, be nice to the hookers, and point the addicts toward local treatment centers. Occasionally, I'd get a hit from a real, genuine human being. Most emails were guys offering blow jobs. Once in a blue moon, a woman would respond. One day, I...

2 years ago
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I'm an 18yr old senior in high school on the swim team. Every year we have to get a physical to be allowed to compete. Mom set it up with our family Doctor. I followed all the requirements like don't eat after midnight the day before, that kind of stuff. Sitting in the waiting room my name gets called. Sent to an exam room the nurse comes in and has me get on the paper covered exam table. She takes my temperature, checks my pulse, and takes a blood pressure reading. "The Doctor will...

4 years ago
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Aurum Et Periculo the Mystery of the Roman GoldChapter 2A Paris and Adventure

The following day was also beautiful. I was thinking two gorgeous April days in a row must be an English record. We cleared the Marina on a course slightly east of south under full sail. I steered while daddy and Mother set the sails. Mel sat next to me on the navigator’s bench looking bright green. I said kindly, “You’ll get used to it dear”. She responded by heaving into one of the buckets at my feet. I had to admit that the Channel is a lot choppier than most of the places I had...

3 years ago
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LegacyChapter 7

The interview with the king had started out cordially enough, until he started asking John about his meeting at the inn with the count. It went downhill from there. The king asked point blank if John was supporting the king's position or the lord's position. John tried to point out he was totally not committed to either side, but assured the king he was not for the lords. The king paced a bit in thought then told John outright if he was not for him, he was against him. John said he was...

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The Wifes Daughter

I had a friend from Lush tell me a story and it sparked this tale.I married this gal a few years back after a failed marriage of my own. She had a sixteen year old daughter and I had none. Our life together was good as was the sex. However the daughter as she grew up started to fill my mind and made for some very intense desires that I knew I could not fulfill. One, my wife and me were not having any trouble in our relationship or sexually. Secondly, her daughter was now seventeen, almost...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Amelias surprise for Dean 2

With Dean's driving we made the hour drive home in about 45 minute. I couldn't wait to strip him down and have my way with him. I had to wait for a little while though, first things first. He pulled into our driveway and shut off the truck. I pulled him in for a kiss.  "Mmm, I can't wait to get you into the house." I bit my lip looking at him with love and lust mixed together. "Why wait?" He asked suggestively. I laughed. Normally I wouldn't be opposed. It's not like we haven't fooled around in...

3 years ago
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Amy Emily and Me Part 5 Truth or Dare

We both stepped into the shower. Emily and I kissed passionately before she kissed her way down my body until she was on her knees. She then started licking the tip of my cock. She spread the tip open, exposing the inside of my pee hole. Emily took her tongue and pushed it inside a little. I could feel the pressure from her probing and my cock was getting hard again. I'm not sure if I can go with it hard and told her so. I can't help it. I want every drop you have to give me. I understood...

3 years ago
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Suddenly in SpringChapter 2

The following week-end came with summers first really hot sunshine. Both mother and I are sunbathing in our new bikini- swimsuits on the grass beside the little pool. Music filters around us from the radio. Gerald had set up the cocktail trolley, and mother even invites me to share a drink. " Come on Jade, your old enough now for a cocktail; Gerald, mix her a stiff Martini!" The cocktail tasted good and its heady effect gave me a pleasant feeling that was relaxing. Margo was chatting with...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Turn of Events

She was told to dress sexy tonight.  She complied as any good slave girl would do. She looked beautiful. When we go out she is required to wear clothing that can be adjusted throughout the night. I enjoy buttoning and unbuttoning her clothing as the mood strikes me. Tonight she was in a beautiful white blouse; a very thin bra appeared underneath that left little if nothing to the imagination. She had on her long chain which hung down the front of her blouse, a short black skirt, no panties, and...

2 years ago
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Chapter 4 FemDom pt4

"Am I interrupting?" Baroness said"no Baroness." i blurted out before Mistress could get a word in. "Mistress was just giving me some much needed encouragement and instruction Baroness."Baroness smiled at Mistress. Mistress smiled at Baroness."Good bitch, you will need it." Baroness said"yes Baroness, and thank you Mistress." i said."You are such a good boy." Mistress said as she reached down to give my cock a few hard slaps before returning to her seat of luxury. Baroness released the leash...

2 years ago
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Fraudsters Punished 2

"I’ve had the heater on in the punishment room for an hour now so it’s warm enough for you to try out some of the equipment.""Is that an order Colonel?" Margaret questioned sensing he was in his ‘military mode’."Yes, if that’s the way you want it. I thought you might have wished to feel what some of the equipment they used long ago felt like." Jeremy replied."Maybe but I am not so sure as to what you might do when I am strapped down and helpless and, as you saw this morning, I’ve just started...

2 years ago
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It was finally here. The day that Hank had been wanting to arrive for the last seven months. It was finally the first day of football season. He was again able to watch his favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. This was even more important as they just happen to be playing his least favorite team the San Francisco 49ers. He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself. The pepperoni with extra cheese pizza he ordered had just arrived and his beer had been chilling for about an hour. So it...

4 years ago
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Couple makes BIM cumslut drink cup of sperm

Dan called and asked me to visit to meet this sexy woman. How could I resist?? Found his old Victorian house in a neighborhood surrounded by warehouses. Pulled into the drive and parked behind a 1952 MG TD. Nervous as I knocked on the door. Dan led me into the living room. This is M. I asked about name, and in a British accent she said like in a bond flick. Short platinum blond hair, wearing a pink ball cap. Bright green eyes, wearing a tube top bursting with boobies. Her top was mint green,...

2 years ago
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Katies High Stakes Negotiations Episode 6

The small alarm clock pierced the quiet solace of my deep sleep. I was wrapped in a soft cocoon of blankets, lost in the warmth of a snug subconscious existence. 'How could it go off so early? How can it be so loud?' I raised my long arm and let my hand drop in the direction of the blaring sound, hitting the large snooze button without any precision. The assaultive alarm went quiet. I wanted to roll over and pull the warm comforter over my head, letting its soft, weighty embrace lull me back...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Loves Journey

Love's Journey -------------------------- The flowers are in bloom In the early weeks of May The little boys chase frogs The girls just sing and play. Above a field of green Beneath a tree of pine Two friends sit side by side Two lovers intertwined Moral laws be damned Let only God lay blame Love shall rule the day Though chromosomes the same. Years and years as brothers Divide by hate and pain Wandering the desert Stuck out in the rain. Separate bearing...

3 years ago
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My Neighbour 2

So things carried on with Sara, Matt and I whenever my wife was out of town and we were all free. Although for the last six weeks there has been no chance and hardly even sight of each other. I feared the worst, that maybe they were done with me and moved on to someone or something else. But as my wife left for work, out of town on Thursday, I started to get my hopes up. By Friday night I was almost sick in anticipation waiting to see if there was any more to this. As I sat and waited watching...

2 years ago
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Nayi Padosan Punam Bhabhi Ki Chudayi

Hello dosto. Mera naam Rishav Sharma hai. Main 21 saal ka hu. Ye kahani 1 saal purani hai. Main Mumbai mein padhai karta hu aur ek PG mein rehta hu. Mere PG mein koi curfew time nahi hai. Main jab chahe tab bahar ja sakta hu. Mere PG ke bagal mein ek chota sa park hai jaha main roj college ke baad shaam ko walking karne jata hu. Wahan ke kuch regular members ke sath meri achi jaan pehchan bhi ho gayi hai. Ek din jab main shaam mein wahan walk kar raha tha tab maine ek nayi aunty ko dekha. Bahot...

4 years ago
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The Cuckolded Reviewer Part II

I slept fitfully that night. Tossing and turning as the events from the previous evening ran through my mind. I also felt incredibly horny and it did not help having Trish almost naked beside me. At one point she had turned and was lying on her back. Her top had risen right up and she was naked from her breasts down. He legs were also wide apart. I reached out with my hand to touch her but I held back. Instead my hand hovered inches from her mound. I was so desperate to touch her, desperate...

3 years ago
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Putting your Ass on the Line Gay

It was a cold winter night. A few friends had gathered at my place to watch a ball game. We had drunk a couple of beers each and we were looking for something to do. The game was due to start in an hour or so. Suddenly, an idea came to my mind."Let's play truth or dare," I said triumphantly."Good idea!" Chris said and the other two guys, Pete and Paul, agreed.Chris was a tall, athletic guy and a great gambler as well. After a few rounds it was his turn to play."Truth or dare?" Paul asked."I...

2 years ago
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Beach Party

They stopped the car at the headland and looked out to the north over a deserted sweep of pure white sand. It was a beautiful vista, a low swell pushing green rolling breakers into the beach in a steady pulse, the waves breaking in a white frothy foam on the shore."Shall we go down onto the beach?" he asked, knowing that she would agree."Yes, let's," she replied as she swung the door open and stepped out onto the grass, her firm breasts swinging freely in her string top bikini bra.He got out,...

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