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Nestled in the Berkshires, ‘The Virgin and the Unicorn’ Bed and Breakfast sports some of the most beautiful scenery of the Northeast. As featured in ‘Haunted America’ tours, perhaps as you sip apple cider this Halloween, you will be visited by the couple reputed to haunt the grounds. Local folklore holds that this working farm and manor house was built by Ethan Verence to impress the woman he wanted to make his bride, Corrine Parsons.

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Rowan Knapp was at her desk, surfing the web at work. The making of her Halloween holiday plans had spilled over into all hours because she couldn’t pick a place. She didn’t know what she wanted to do, but it was late October already. She needed to make her plans soon or she envisioned being stuck at home with a plastic pumpkin (the real ones having all been sold out) and crappy candy. Crappy candy was the worst. Leftovers lasted until Easter, when they were tossed in favor of Peeps. In keeping with the season, she was trying to figure out what to do with the vacation she’d scheduled on a whim. She was tired of being boring, of being bored. Skimming the paragraph describing the bed and breakfast piqued her interest. Thankfully this website was not pumping a version of MIDI theme from ‘Ghostbusters.’ The idea was growing on her and she decided this was her real pumpkin. The idea of spending Halloween in a real haunted house was too much to pass up. When she heard footsteps walking down the corridor, she shut down the browser in a habitual work ritual, pretending to efficiently care. Her manager came in to discuss an account and she shelved the wild romance of haunted lovers, and took on the professional disguise of being fascinated by the details of the ebb and tide of money on paper. It wasn’t faked entirely, at least, she loved her job. She just wanted some fun. Visions of poison plums dancing in her head, she breezed through the rest of her day.

Later, she went home and booked a room at the B&B for two weeks. Her imagination latched onto the idea of ghostly lovers. What would it be like to have a man build a manor for you? Was he handsome? Was she beautiful? She fell asleep with a smile on her face. She couldn’t wait to see for herself.

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Country road charm and local beauty surround ‘The Virgin and the Unicorn’ on the road to this classic property. (See map directions. We’re conveniently located 2 hours from Logan Airport and 3 hours from New York City.) Historically contemporary to the era of witch hunters and witchcraft, the farm on the grounds features an herb garden, an apple orchard, vegetable gardens and fields of rye. Enjoy the immersion in Northeastern late 1600’s culture with farmhands, apple pickers, and gardeners in historic costume. Relax and attend some of our exhibitions of colonial crafts, from demonstrations of candle dipping to blacksmithing. Don’t worry that you’ll be left in the past, though! The most modern of conveniences embrace the manor. Rustic charm gives way to your personal Jacuzzi in a luxury suite and a state-of-the-art gym on the grounds.

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Rowan took her time driving to the B&B. She lived in Worcester, Massachusetts, so it was only a few hours. She loved the road, the scenery, singing along to her music. The view of the mountains slipped around the car in a comforting rhythm, the road and the landscape grounding her. As part of her vacation rules, she turned off her cellphone and took off her watch. In her spare time she hated to be scheduled and reminded of passing time. Not that she really expected anybody to call. She only knew a few people from work, and didn’t interact with any of them socially, as that seemed like a bad idea. She was a Certified Public Accountant. She was in a good rhythm in her days, numbers and logic and order suited her. She had to take extension courses every year to renew her license, so she went all the way and supplemented those with other courses, filled up her nights with more learning. She hadn’t gone to school so much to make money as she made money so she could afford to stay in school eternally. Getting the benefits of a job she was good at, all the knowledge she could drink and in this case, paid whimsical vacations, she was almost smug.

She was a smart, qualified…virgin. She was 24 years old and she had yet to meet someone she wanted to sleep with. If it kept up like this, she’d be a spinster. Going to an antiquated place suited her sense of humor, along with her antiquated values. Calling her maintained virginity a value might be stretching it. She just hadn’t found anyone, or been found by anyone. She couldn’t consider virginity a valuable asset if it had been meaningless so far. She hadn’t defended her virtue particularly. She just hadn’t been tempted to spend it. Maybe she should get a bumper sticker ‘Spinsterhood Or Bust!’ The thought brought a smile to her face and she was still smiling as she pulled up to the property and got out of the car, handing her keys to the valet.

While she was waiting for her bags, she took in the scenery on the grounds and the manor. The main building was nestled into a copse of trees bare of leaves this late in the season. The trees had grown around the building, sheltering and sculptured, an effect only age could accomplish. Reminded of the passage of time, the cold air and gray branches made her feel a twinge of regret that she wouldn’t see them in spring or painted with the garish and startling colors of fall. She wanted to come back later to see change wrought by the seasons. The potential joy of seeing this place riot with flowers and new leaves in spring unfurling on the stark branches made her feel like she’d chosen the right place. Beyond the trees, the land around the manor opened up into clearings and pathways, leading to fields and outbuildings.

Practical and ornamental haystacks were heaped in the fields and placed as decoration along masonry and fencing. Fall passing into winter gave her the impression of spindly growth and spider web. The roots of the place were dormant but still very much alive. Corn cob bundles hung near gas-lit lamps. Artistically haphazard stacks of pumpkins decorated either side of the entrance. The doors were wide and welcoming, the aged wood carved with leaves and hung with wreaths of pine cones. Warm light seeped out through the glass.

The building was two stories with an upper level balustrade, a delicate wrought-iron wreath around the second-floor porch. The majority of the outer walls was colonial clapboard painted white, with details in brick and iron. Outbuildings spread out along the panorama of the little valley revealing a glass-encased greenhouse, other buildings in brick and more clapboard.

A flash of light lit up the right side of her field of vision. Turning to face the source, a smiling attendant in a white poet’s shirt, leather breeches and riding boots walked toward her. He showed her a readout of the candid shot on his digital camera. He was handsome and she looked at his face a little too long before she sheepishly turned her attention to the camera.

His voice was clear and deep, and he said ‘That’s a beautiful arrival shot, ma’am. If I do say so myself.’

Curiosity sharpened her focus on the camera readout. Her thick black hair was suspended on her sunglasses, swept back in casual disarray. She looked delicate and that always unnerved her a little when she saw pictures of herself. She would rather look tough. Tough probably didn’t come inherently to a 5′ 5′ petite. Her eyes were hazel, her lips tinted coral and lifted in a generous smile. Her body was draped in a white shirt and black silk pants.

She turned to the attendant and said ‘Thank you. What’s your name?’

He smiled and said ‘Randy, ma’am. The picture is yours if you want it. I’m available on the grounds to photograph anything you wish to save. Just let me know if you need a keepsake. No charge, it’s part of your amenities.’

She was delighted. ‘Lovely idea, thank you so much Randy. I’d love a copy.’

He smiled and gestured for her to follow him through the foyer furnished with antiques to the front desk. A deep-set fireplace provided a fire from hardwood logs that had wax-dipped pine cones burning in the flames, crackling and scenting the room. Light spilled in from the late afternoon sun through two floors of wide windows set with antique glass. The distinctive variations of thickness in the glass were reminiscent of underwater reflection.

Once she was checked in she was escorted to her suite. She was impressed, as the rooms were more beautiful than the photographs on the website had conveyed. An open space with four-poster bed in tones of mahogany, rust and cream. A color-dense quilt made her fingers long to explore its texture, and when she did, her senses met rich, soft cotton and down. A vaulted ceiling rose to a sharp apex, and the plaster work along the walls was exquisite.

The focal point of the suite was a window of jewel-toned stained glass above her balcony door. A tree of carnelian apples and emerald leaves dominated the field. A woman in a white dress was asleep, leaning up against the trunk of the tree, a forgotten apple falling from her open palm. A unicorn approached in the background, in tones of gray and black, silver threading his horn in a spiral.

It was so beautiful that on impulse she asked Randy, who had accompanied her to her suite with her bags, to take a picture of her under the stained glass. He took several shots of her, prompting her to smile, and then jokingly prompting her to frown until she waved her hands in denial with a laugh, and he snapped that too.

She pointed up and asked ‘Why is the unicorn so dark? I’ve never seen a black unicorn. It’s strangely beautiful.’

Randy nodded and looked at the piece. ‘It is unique. It’s rumored that Ethan had that commissioned himself. Nobody’s quite sure why the Unicorn is black, but I happen to think that it’s more accurate than a white Unicorn.’

She thought for a moment and then asked ‘Why would that be?’

Randy answered ‘Because Unicorns are always supposed to be virtuous. I’ve always imagined that any animal with a horn that big, that puts their head in a virgin’s lap, isn’t anywhere near as pure as the purity he’s attracted to. Perhaps Ethan was of the same mind. If his bride was the virgin, and he knew he was represented by the Unicorn, maybe he was just being more honest than most.’

He came around to stand by her and scroll through the pictures he had taken. He stood close so they could share the small screen. Her shoulder brushed his and she put her hand on his forearm when he pointed out her expressions. She drew her hand back and grew sober for a moment, reining herself in from overstepping intimacy bounds because she felt so at home.

She shook her head ‘I’m sorry, that’s a bit more forward than I should be. Forgive me. I can’t think of much worse than a woman flirting with a handsome man she owes a tip.’

Randy’s brown eyes sparkled and his mouth grinned easily. ‘You don’t owe me a tip, ma’am. They cover everything by entirely overcharging you.’

Rowan stifled a short laugh. ‘Did they overcharge me? I’m about to completely overstep my boundaries here and wonder what else is included that I don’t know about yet. Oh, and please call me Rowan. Ma’am gives me the creeps.’

He snapped the camera closed and smiled at her again. ‘Consider me at your service, Rowan. Day or night. My card is in the portfolio on the desk. If I’m available, I’ll be here. In fact, I’m here now. Anything I can help you with?’

‘Do you have any specialties?’

He considered for a moment and then said ‘Massages. I’m very good at massages. Would you care for one?’

‘This full service thing is intriguing. As you’re an insider, how do you suggest I spend my first evening here?’

He took her hand and drew her out onto the balcony, which had a view of the seasonally manicured grounds. He ticked off the highlights and indicated them to her. ‘There is the orchard.’ He pointed again ‘And over here is the greenhouse. It’s getting late, so it’s not the best time to visit, you’re probably tired and should rest up before dinner. Let me draw you a bath, give you a massage, and I’ll bring your dinner up to you after you rest. Let me pick what is best on the menu, as I get to preview it in the kitchen. How does that sound?’

‘It sounds perfect. I officially feel like I’m on vacation.’

‘Good, Rowan, let’s do that. I’ll give you a moment of privacy. Let me get you something to drink. The spiced cider this time of year is really good, would you like some?’

‘I’d love some, yes.’

‘Let me get the water running for you. Get settled in and I’ll come back in and set up the massage table. Come on out in a towel when you’re all set.’

She unpacked and undressed, and slipped into the bath. Bubbles and candlelight soaked the tenseness out of her muscles and mood. She had no idea what the room was scented with. It smelled amazing. Tip of her hat to the aromatherapy choice. If they had a gift shop, she was going to raid it. All the bottles were unlabeled except for the generic identifiers like ‘Shampoo’ and ‘Conditioner.’ Whatever was in the soap, she wanted to buy a life’s supply.

After a long soak she heard Randy set up the table in the other room. She got out of the bath and wrapped herself in one of the distinct texture of a bathrobe made from organically-grown, undyed cotton. Bliss.

She talked herself out of momentary shyness. Getting a massage from a handsome man was something normal people did, right? People other than her? She convinced herself his flirting was just good business practice and stepped out into the cooler suite, smiling in greeting to Randy and taking the mug of cider he offered her.

Thanking him, she took a sip. ‘That’s amazing. That’s the best cider I’ve ever had. What’s in this?’

He was arranging a towel on the table and unpacking some oils. ‘Honestly, I have no idea. The alchemists here are very jealous of their concoctions. From the chefs to the herbalists, they like ingredients that are listed as ‘herbs and spices’ and are very fond of the phrase ‘proprietary blend.’ I guess that’s what keeps online sales booming and people coming back.’

She sipped slowly as the cider was hot, and asked him ‘Have you ever seen the ghosts? Are there ghosts?’

He tilted his head and responded ‘I’m not sure. Sometimes, when I’m out walking at night, I see little lights. In the trees. Most often around the well.’

‘What well?’

‘There’s a wishing well. I can show it to you if you’d like. I’m not sure I’ve seen the ghosts, but I’ve seen something.’

She took a long sip and then put down her mug. She stepped over to the massage table and after a moment said ‘Okay, what do I do? I’ve never had a massage before.’

He indicated the hole for her face and said ‘Face down, thataway. Except for one thing.’

She tilted her head. ‘What’s that?’

‘You’re not wearing a towel.’

She looked down at the robe. ‘That’s right. Oops. Can’t you massage through the robe?’

He shook his head. ‘I wouldn’t want to try, fingers are better than cloth. A towel you can slide down, but with this robe, and the hood, I’d be massaging terrycloth. Not what I’m after.’

‘Want me to change? I can, give me just a second.’

He shrugged. ‘It’s entirely up to you, Rowan, however you’re most comfortable. But if you want a full body massage, and you want my best work, I suggest naked.’

She stood and thought for a moment. ‘Randy, to be frank, I’m terrified. And you’re very attractive. I’m afraid I’ll make an improper advance.’

His smile was gentle. ‘Cross my heart, Rowan, I’ll only pick up on proper advances. Deal?’

Her laugh was genuine and she felt the specter of inexperience dissipate. ‘It’s a deal, Randy. Turn around for
a moment?’

He turned and she slipped out of her robe, folding it carefully and placing it on a marble tabletop so she wouldn’t water stain any of the wood.

She eased herself onto the table and into position, and then said softly ‘Okay.’

He warmed a divinely-scented oil with his hands and started to massage, his hands driving warmth into her wet, chilled skin. A deep relaxation stole through her body. He spoke conversationally about the history of the manor, and outlined highlights for tomorrow’s tour. Her answers grew less and less animated, then monosyllabic, and ultimately she fell asleep.

He eased off on the massage and spoke her name softly. When she didn’t respond, he pulled the quilt from the bed to cover her. He wrote her a note and left quietly.

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White Lady (ghost)

A White Lady is female, who died tragically or suffered trauma, reincarnated as a ghost found in other legends of different stories and appearances in other countries.

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Rowan sat up from the massage table. Her attention drifted to the stained glass, but her focus was wavering and blurry. The room seemed to recede in all directions and what was left was only the stained glass. It appeared more sinister than in daylight, the colors roiling, the apples starting to drip what looked like blood.

The woman at the base of the tree stirred and then a ghostly shape took form, stepping out of the frame and leaving the glass behind her, drifting closer to Rowan. The figure was beautiful as she rose from the still life, but as she came slowly closer, her features distorted. Rowan could see that her mouth was sewn shut, the stitching writhing and tearing at her lips.

Rowan whispered softly ‘Corrine?’

The ghost’s head dipped in a suggestion of a nod, hovering.

Fascinated, Rowan reached out a hand to touch Corrine’s lips, and the stitching disappeared as her finger passed over the outline of the writhing binding. Rowan’s senses registering nothing in the air but cold. The back of Rowan’s neck prickled as the fine hairs there rose, and her eyes started to produce tears.

Corrine smiled at Rowan. Rowan smiled back.

Rowan asked ‘Can I do anything for you? I’m new at this whole ghost thing. I’d like to thank you for visiting.’

Corrine reached out a fingertip and passed it through one of Rowan’s tears, cold again brushing Rowan’s skin and the prickling intensifying. Corrine leaned forward to kiss at the tear, and then she was gone.

Rowan’s smile deepened. ‘Now that. Was cool.’

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Meals at ‘The Virgin and the Unicorn’ are a fusion of local produce and international technique. Dine in privacy in your suite or in our lavish dining room. Our chefs create daily menus from what is available seasonally, drawing on the freshest vegetables and greens from our own gardens (certified organic) and local organic growers and ranchers. (See sample menu)

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Rowan scanned the note from Randy and called the number at the bottom of the paper. Ideas of ghosts completely pushed any ideas about any romance with Randy out of her head. Right now he was her fastest way to food. She was starving. She requested dinner politely and hung up.

Adrenaline coursed through her, producing a new feeling with which she had no experience. She felt clear, transparent, very much like the stained glass she was still staring at when a knock at her door broke her reverie.

Randy wheeled in a cart and produced pumpkin soup with rosemary-garlic focaccia. She kissed his cheek, declared him her savior, and started to eat. He watched her for a few moments and then said ‘I’ll be back. Let me get more.’

She waved him out the door and said ‘If you’re hungry, get some for yourself, please, I want to pick your brain.’

He waved over his shoulder ‘You got it, Rowan. Be back soon.’

She was ravenous, finishing the bowl of soup quickly and tearing up the bread to soak up the last drops. By the time he made it back, she was still reverberating like a hollow and recently-rung bell, but the jangling was fading from its original insistence.

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Just out for a joy ride I was doing something I have only ever fantasized about. I borrowed my sister’s fire engine red convertible and drove with the top down on the interstate to see how many people notice that my skirt is up to my belly uncovering my bare pussy. It was a wonderful day for me. I got horns honked and yells with suggestions the whole time. I was so hot I played with my pussy and was dripping wet and super horny so I pulled over to the nearest rest stop, pulling to the back so...

2 years ago
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Mom and the Marines on the Beach

Introduction: Caught by some Marines as I lay out nude At the beginning of the summer when I found out my husband was going to be deployed we decided to take a break and head out to Top Sail Island for a week at the beach. The weather was fairly cool and raining most of the week so we found things to do inside or braved the weather. We were leaving on Saturday and it finally got really nice on Friday. Our house was right on the beach so I took my 2 and 4 yr old boys down to the beach and my...

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Is Your Mom TicklishChapter 8

The scene was familiar. Ms.Connor barked out the orders and the cheerleaders quickly obeyed. Before long, Tissues was standing again, wrists cuffed and secured with her arms stretched out high over her head. Her long, thick nipples remained hard as rocks. They left the spreader bar on her, keeping her legs spread wide and putting her dangling lips and gigantic clit in perfect view. She had to stay on her toes to keep the pressure off of her wrists. Her juices were clearly running down her...

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Mother and Daughter part 3

Janet tried her hardest, but she couldn't prevent herself from breathing a sigh of relief as she pressed her employee pass against the scanner, officially ending another week of monotonous work. As Janet quickly discovered, though, she wasn't the only one feeling relieved. "At. Last!" Rebecca- one of Janet's colleagues, a woman in her early thirties- giggled as she and a handful of her colleagues walked alongside Janet to the vast supermarket's locker room. "Dunno about you ladies, but...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 06

It was a cloudy Friday afternoon when we pulled up the driveway that led to Becca's parent's house. “We're here,” Becca announced, as she parked her car and unbuckled her seatbelt. I unbuckled my seatbelt and started to get out of the car, but Becca grabbed my left shoulder and motioned for me to remain in my seat. “Hold on,” Becca said. “There's something that we need to talk about first.” “A couple family rules?” I wondered. “For the most part, we don't have any rules,” Becca replied. “But...

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Toni the book

Some time ago I published a short story; titled TONI on Nifty. I did not get many comments, but the ones I got were very nice and I decided to make a book out of this story. One of the nicer comments was from Mardee Louise Prynne, who writes fabulous tranny stories herself and who told me that the name Leanbaby was silly. Therefore I changed the name for the book into LaneMacLane. I published this long version also on www.scribd.com (I don't know whether Fictionmania likes the...

3 years ago
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Sexual Mystifications Times Four

Sexual Mystifications Times Four 1 Beaded purses liquefy the soul Acid teardrops etch character Into faces characterless With youth's agelessness, And, above her head, The leaf is green with veins, A folio (or halo) for her blonde Good looks and satin soul. 2 They go before me, Confident, always, With they heads up, Bouncing, swaying, Jostling, trying, ever, To get ahead, But, at night, they rest, Hanging down In abject surrender. 3 Brown eyes and hair Like...

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The Thorny Rose Part IV

Dedicated to Sir_Jim   He put both hands on her shoulders to steady her and nudged her along the hallway into her bedroom. He pushed her back against the wall and stepped back facing her. “Take off the skirt and panties but leave your shoes on” Jim instructed. His mom unzipped her skirt and because it was so form-fitting, she had to remove it by raising it over her head. Next, she stepped out of her thong panty one leg at a time, almost tipping over from being intoxicated, when she tried to...

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CrunchChapter 6

After dinner, Ronni did indeed roll me out into the evening air as the temperature cooled and the shadows lengthened. A trip up the sidewalk got me several conversations with the neighbors. My accident was the biggest event the block had seen in years. As far as anyone knew, I was messed up worse than I really was, and I guess that Ronni and Rena had been remiss in publicizing my actual (in my mind) rapid recovery. This made for happy conversations with the neighbors, a couple of whom had...

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Sleeping With the Devil in My Mind

Sleeping With the Devil Song by Lee Ann Womack Songwriter: Brennen Leigh Hulbert Lyrics: I’ve been sleeping with the devil, I thought you ought to know I can’t look you in the eye and tell you it’s not so I’m his little Darlin’, I’m that old man’s dream I’ve been sleeping with the devil, so it seems I’ve been sleeping with the devil, arms around him tight Breathing my hot breath upon his chest the whole long night Get up in the morning, God knows I have tried I’ve been sleeping with the devil...

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The Crystal RainbowChapter 22 Inertia

"Brava, ma chéri! Brava! Tu êtes une merveille! Non! Tu êtes mon ange parfait¹!" Forcing his eyes away from the lovely blush, which blazed across her cheeks, tumbled down the column of her elegant throat and swept across the rapidly heaving expanse of her chest, he smiled broadly at Christine. "You know that I would not say it if it were not true. I never lie. I am pleased with the progress we made today. Now, close your mouth, ma chéri. Allowing your mouth to hang open in such a manner...

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Caught My Wife Cheating Pt 2

I was just replacing the receiver when Annie came in and asked me "who was that on the Phone?" I told her it was Z and that he said he’s coming over in about an hour. What else did he say she asked me as if she already knew? He said he’s bringing Carl with him. He also told me to make sure your pussy and ass is completely shaved for them. Oh how exciting I better get ready she said. Then Annie added, wait til you see the size of Carl’s enormous black cock. But two guys? I said?, Z and Carl...

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The NeighborChapter 5

They sat like that for a few minutes and Susan spoke. “Mom likes you, you know.” Now this caught Tom off guard. “What, Suzy why do you say that?” Lifting off him and holding his hands. “Dad, mom always talks about you. Do you know how many guys she has turned down? Not going out with anyone.” Now Tom didn’t know that, but his interest was getting peaked. “When she has her friends over its Tom this and Tom that. I think she really ... more than likes you ... you know?” Susan cast her eyes...

2 years ago
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A Trip to Remember Chapter 2

Introduction: This is the continuing story of Kathy Barrows visit to the South Pacific island of Maki A Trip to Remember Chapter 2 Authors Note: This is the 2nd chapter in the story of Kathy Barrows erotic trip to Maki, a little known island in the South Pacific. Some sex in this chapter but it really heats up later. Youll have to read the first chapter to catch up as she continues her search for the truly unique wood carvings hand- made by the natives. Kathy woke to the soft light of the...

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Masters ThreeHole Fuck Toy Part Two

She made it across the street, through the hotel lobby and up to John's room with two minutes to spare. She wasn't quite sure how - her legs were now shaking so badly, she could hardly walk another step. She took a moment to collect herself, took a couple of deep breaths and knocked on the door. She could feel her heartbeat pounding in her throat.John opened the door, pulled Kitty into the room by her arm and shut the door firmly after her. The next thing she knew, he had both of her wrists...

1 year ago
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AftermathChapter 18

Weena called me on my mobile at 11. I was at SciTech and apologized to the group of 8-9 year olds for taking the call. "Don't worry," she began. "You mean?" "Gall stones. They'll do a laparoscopy. But the doctor was right to send her for tests. It could have been a heart attack or a bunch of other things. The nurse network came through and I spoke to the sister in the pathology lab in Roma." "Thanks. We'll talk at home." "My mum's been ill," I told the kids. "I've been...

4 years ago
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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. What Holiday? Harourin? It was another boring day on the Grandline for the Thousand Sunny and her Crew. The sun had just set, and the Strawhat pirates were lounging on the grassy deck of the ship. Like the days before, they had done nothing of worth all day long, just the usual chores of keeping ship set and on course. They hadn't done anything exciting since crossing the Redline, and from what the maps say they wouldn't be doing anything for the next few...

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No Going Back

No Going Back My name was Richard Anthony Mason. When I was younger I found that liked to wear girls clothes. As I got older I found that I liked to wear girls clothes lot, a real lot. I liked girls clothes so much that I wished that I could wear girls clothes all the time. They say, careful what you wish for, let me say, they are right. When I was ten years old my brother Mike, who was nine at the time, caught me cross-dressing in my mom's clothes. I thought he was going to tell...

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EuroTeenErotica Stella Flex Scandalous Sex With StepFather

The relationship between Russian hottie Stella Flex and Yanick Shaft is not your average step-daughter/father relationship, but it’s one many horny teen girls might dream about. The brunette cutie is in a frisky mood and Yanick catches her at just the right moment to show her a few XXX tricks for the first time. The small tittied college cutie is already feeling herself, literally, playing with her perky size A’s when she’s caught with her hands fondling her tiny torpedos and...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 12 San Francisco Marilyn

Marilyn Perry lives contentedly in a "Haight" brownstone as the yuppies like call it, having managed to purchase it after a brief affair with one of the Microsoft wonder kids led her to buy cheap and sell high as it were. The Haight is a wonderful place for the adventurous with its many boutiques, galleries and eating establishments and Marilyn is surely that. It's 8:15 in the morning and she is looking out the picture window down Asbury Street past the house where members of The Grateful...

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Rainy Night Part 2

Lori met me as I got out of my car and took my hand with a naughty smirk. We walked towards the hotel and I opened the door letting Lori go through first. Not because it was the gentlemanly thing to do but because I wanted to see that luscious ass. There is something about a sundress like that. The way it moves over the curves when women are walking that just drives me crazy. I think she knew I was watching and added a little more bounce to her step than she normally would have. The way that...

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Nidhi and Trupti 8211 Part 1

Hello friends. My name is Krish. A married person with a caring wife. I have been a long-time reader of ISS and admire the wonderful authors in this forum. This is my first time writing stories on ISS. Appreciate your feedback to help my story-writing skills. I am also open to casual, non-serious relationships with interested females/girls. You can contact me at my email id: This is a fictional story between two friends, Nidhi and Trupti, involving their husbands. Nidhi: Age 28, from...

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BlacksOnBlondes Brooklyn Chase 03132018

Brooklyn Chase is a total Black Cock Slut, and just to prove it to her loyal Dogfart members, Brooklyn’s going to do something she’s never done — a double penetration scene! If you’re a fan (you probably are), and you’re counting (you probably are), this is Brooklyn’s sixteenth scene for the Network…and it may be her hottest one yet. She’s absolutely on fire today, taking on 3 of our best Bulls in all three of her beautiful holes! After the Bulls...

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MyYoungerLover Freya Parker Let8217s Focus On Us

Freya Parker is looking at her phone, gazing sadly and longingly at a photo of her with her former boyfriend, Brad Newman. Suddenly, Brad appears at her door, causing Freya to panic a little – her parents didn’t approve of her relationship with Brad because he’s older than her, so he’s NOT supposed to be here. Freya frets that her parents will freak out if they see Brad here, but Brad pleads that he just wants to talk to her for a few minutes. She lets him in, and Brad...

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Tested by Lothar

TESTED BY LOThARCHAPTER 1 AWAKENINGSWritten by: Charles E. Campbell(With this story, it is my intent to begin exceptionally slow, trying to create a sense of the situations, background, and circumstances leading to a young woman’s willful slavery and ownership. It is written in three chapters, building slowly at first, and then rapidly escalating as her ultimate life long goal is finally achieved.)   Butterflies in the stomach? Butterflies? Talk about a God damned understatement. I’d like to...

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EyePeep Mom in Shower

We have another home which my mom owns as a rental unit for my relatives. By the end of 2yrs, most of my aunts/uncles moved out so many of the rooms were now vacant in the 2nd home. My mom and i would make frequent visits to the house since she had to look for new tenants, so we slept over a lot at that house. The house is very old style, it was built maybe in the 40s, so it has a very old design and ventilation structure. I really wanted to watch my mom shower, that has been a fantasy of...

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A Year to Halloween Chapter 1 Eye of the Beholder

--- Chapter 1: eyes of the beholder --- Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. The paws echoed over the hardwood floor. Slowly and surely the creature moved towards the wall where a woman dressed in jungle clothing stood still. Watching the creature as it moved itself towards her. Her face appeared to be conflicted with emotions, the curves on her mouth subtle moved in a smile, but her eyes revealed some kind of fear while her eyebrows and cheeks conveyed some form of impression. She lowered...

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That Drunk Night

That Drunk Night shattered our Wall of Words Hi all, I am Kartik a small town boy (Panipat) living from last 6 years in the Capital Delhi. Meri Shaadi ko 4 saal ho gaye, maine arrange marriage ki aur meri biwi bhi Panipat se hi hai. Humara carpets ka business hai aur hum city ke high class logon mei se ek hain. Main ek educated modern style ladka hun aur last 6 saal se Delhi mei Interior Designing project based kaam karta hun. Meri wife ek homemaker hai aur kaafi polite aur understanding hai....

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 30 Holiday Season Part I

December 2, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “That ended pretty much as I expected,” I said to Jackie when she came back from walking Penny home. Penny had arrived with Ned about 7:00pm and ten minutes later, he had stormed from the house, his face showing a mix of anger and sadness. He had left Penny standing at the door of the ‘Indian’ room in tears, calling his name. I wasn’t surprised by what happened, and could only hope that at some point Ned would talk to Penny again. “She’s pretty upset. I...

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Modern Renaissance

It was late when I arrived in Jersey. I was to meet a friend at a renaissance festival to be held at the Smithsonian in New York the following day. I decided to stop at a hotel near the G.W. Bridge, which crosses over into New York, for the night. I had the vallet take my things up to the room I purchased and headed to the hotel bar for a martini before turning in. I sat at the bar for sometime sipping martinis and chatting with other travelers at the bar. One of the gentleman at the bar caught...

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Neighbors and NekojinsChapter 11

Nari starts to keep an eye out for Lars and when he is working out of his house, she always shows up. Even today, when it is raining, she comes over, so using the pool is not an excuse. Lars lets her in and makes a pot of coffee. Then they sit in the sun room, sipping from their cups, chatting and listening to the patter of the rain. “Did you hear about Piper,” Nari asks. “No, what about her?” he replies curiously. “Her father found her fucking two of the contractor in their house. He went...

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BlacksOnBlondes Keira Croft 09032019

Keira Croft is a real estate agent who can’t sell a house to save her ass…but she might be able to “give” her ass to sell a house! She’s showing a house to Isiah, but he’s only got eyes on her plump hump. Time to use her assets to get this house sold. First she grabs his meat stick and shoves it balls deep into her mouth. Then she rides it, grinding her tight twat back and forth. Best way to close this deal…is to give up that ass! Isiah slides right...

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Davids New Role

David's New Role David glanced at his watch and was relieved to see that it was finally time for his lunch break. He cleared the paper work he had been looking over from the top of his desk and placed it carefully into one of the drawers in his desk. He stood up and took his jacket from the coat stand in the corner of his office and then headed for the exit from the large corporate building where he had worked for nearly 20 years. Once out on the street he quickly headed for the...

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Back to the hotel

The moon outside was bright and the evening temperature quite comfortable so we decided to walk back to the hotel along the quayside. The side we were walking on was a sort of paved piazza, with house barges moored along side. The other side of the river, probably about 40 yards across, was lined with apartments fronting on to the river. There were many other couples in the vicinity and a few groups enjoying the warm evening. I slid my hand down the inside of her waistband and caressed her...

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The Red DoorChapter 13

I knew Sue was likely to lose it when I went to Titan, so I begged a favour from two fellow dog girls, Karen and Linda had alternated training Prince before I was hired, so once I had Sue in Prince’s kennel, and he was dominating her mind as fully as his cock filled her pussy, they took over whilst I slipped away. Titan’s kennel was all the way around the other side of the U shaped block. As I walked I thought about him, I could already feel the pull, I was a moth to his flame from our very...

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Wet Dreams

I always wondered how come my panties would be wet in the morning. My husbands brother lived with us. My husband would go on long trips with his company and would be home alone with Drew. Always on the days my husband was away my panties would be soaked on the outer and inner. One night I decided to set up a camera in my bedroom to see if I was moving around or having wet dreams. To my surprise the video taped showed Drew coming in the room with just his underwear on he would lay next to me...

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