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LEGACY By Jenny North "Whatcha reading?" I asked, seeing my wife's smile as she sat on the couch, thumbing through a book. She held it up and as I saw the cover, my heart sank. My high school yearbook. "I hid that," I told her. "Poorly! So I knew it was juicy. And with your reunion coming up..." "Which I will not be attending." "Aww," she pouted. "Do I embarrass you...Tinker Bell?" she beamed, holding up the page with pictures from the Halloween dance. Ugh, I'd really hoped to avoid this. Meghan scooched over and I sat down next to her, furrowing my brow as I saw the hated photo. I shrugged, trying to downplay it. "This girl I knew dared me to dress up in her old costume. She was cute and I was stupid. She even did my makeup." "Talented girl! I didn't recognize you until I saw the caption." "Yeeeah, that was a problem. For 'fun,' once we got to the dance she convinced everyone I was a girl who was visiting from out of town." "You minx!" "That was bad enough, but then she kept going out of her way to mention how I'd just broken up with my 'boyfriend,' and before I knew it, these football players were hitting on me. I was so scared that when they asked me to dance, I said yes. One guy even kissed me." "Jon!" "I know, I know. It was not my finest hour." "Did they figure it out?" "Hoo, yeah. After that, my nickname was 'Tinker Bell.' Not ideal in an all-guys' school." "Ouch. And...the football players?" "It--it was bad. Keith--the guy who kissed me--h-he..." I paused, feeling a sudden rush of emotion from the memories. Even saying his name put a knot in my stomach. I felt like a helpless kid being bullied all over again. Meghan took my hand. "Oh, Jon..." "I hated him SO much. Sometimes I wonder if I went too far." "Hon, you didn't do anything--" "No. Not then. Afterwards. After months of bullying, I wanted to hurt him...hurt him like, forever. I wanted to scar him for life. But this guy...he was a punk. He was hot shit back then--star athlete, sexy girlfriend--but you could just tell that he was going to flame out in the real world, ending up as one of those has-beens whose life peaked in high school. So--in front of everyone--I made him a bet. He was going for the state rushing record, and he wouldn't shut up about it. So I bet him that he'd fail." "What happened?" I took the book and flipped to his entry. The spine had a crease there from all the times I'd looked at it. Glaring amid all of the pages of young smartly-dressed guys was a full-page "Senior ad" that had Keith's name in a flowery script above a series of pictures of a heavily made-up girl looking rather sullen in various formal and casual dresses. She had broad shoulders and muscular arms, but had nice legs, pretty in her high heels. In one picture, the photographer had coaxed a small smile where she actually looked rather lovely. That one was my favorite. "I give him credit for going through with it. They almost didn't print it, but I had friends on the yearbook committee." "And this...could have been you?" I nodded. "I couldn't leave that town fast enough, so if I lost and had to prance around in dresses one last time, I didn't care what they thought of me. But Keith? I knew he'd be reliving his 'big man on campus' days for the rest of his life, and I wanted to poison his memory of that place forever. I wanted to ruin his life by destroying the only thing he cared about...his legacy." I looked to Meghan. "I'm...I'm not proud of what I did." "Jon, you were just a kid. You were hurting and you lashed out." I just nodded slowly and she glanced back at Keith's pictures. "Whatever happened to him?" "No idea. Last I heard, he was working at Hooters." She looked at me in surprise. I smiled. "Oh, no. As a short order cook, or something." "Oh," she smiled back. My smile faded. "I--I mean...I just ASSUMED..." My eyes cut down to the smiling girl on the page, then back to Meghan. "Curious about that reunion now?" she asked. * * * * * A few weeks later, I stood outside the restaurant in the cold, wondering for the dozenth time if this was anything like a good idea. Keith hadn't been at the reunion the night before, but from what I'd heard...I didn't know what to think. If he'd just been the same old asshole working in a dead-end job, I had no interest in seeing him. Lording my comparative success over him would have been pointless and childish, and in my heart I knew that doing something petty like that would only give the ghost of that abusive bully power over me now in the present. But...this...it changed things. Didn't it? Meghan offered to accompany me--repeatedly, in that way she had--but I asked her not to come. Reopening these old wounds was going to be hard enough without trying to put on a brave face in front of her. "Coming in?" a young woman's voice said, catching me by surprise. She was a waitress decked out in the standard orange and white Hooters uniform and she was holding the door open for me with a friendly smile on her face. "Ooh! Chilly," she said, her skimpy tank top offering scant protection from the cold. I stood there for a moment uncertainly. "You look like you could use a beer," she said with a grin. "You have no idea," I said as I entered. The lunch rush hadn't started so the place was still relatively quiet--a calculated choice on my part--and I scanned the room nervously, looking over all the employees. As I did so, the young waitress furtively watched me with some small amusement, obviously used to seeing men ogling the waitresses. But I was looking for something different. I examined the kitchen staff closely, but all of the guys there were too old or too short and stocky to be him. But I knew I was just avoiding the obvious. "Table for one?" the girl prompted me, holding a menu. I was about to agree when I suddenly realized that I was being watched. Slowly, I turned to see that halfway across the restaurant, one of the waitresses had stopped dead in her tracks and was staring at me with her mouth slightly open. Stupidly for a moment I wondered why she was staring at me before the last lazy synapse in my brain finally fired. It was, after all, why I was there. But as I stared back at her, I was having trouble reconciling the perky and wide-eyed blonde waitress in front of me with the memory of the abusive bully that had tormented me all those years ago. He--or rather she--seemed to resolve something in her mind and started walking over towards me, and as she did so I tried not to stare. She was tall for a woman--not surprisingly--and her snug fitting uniform revealed a cute figure, slender and with boyish hips. Her bosom was on prominent display in her low-cut tank top and if I'm being honest was probably her best feature...breasts like hers might have been overlarge on another woman, but looked full and proportionate on her frame, balanced by her broad shoulders. Her hair was long and blonde, framing her face in loose waves in that styled "just rolled out of bed" look that I always rather liked and Meghan derided. Without thinking, my eyes cut down to her very tight orange shorts, which were flat and lacked any kind of bulge in front. I chided myself mentally for expecting anything different. As we made eye contact again, her face confounded me. She was by no means the prettiest girl in the place, but not unattractive, relying heavily on makeup to emphasize her feminine attributes. She reminded me a little bit of the older sister that hangs out with her teenage sibling and is trying just a little too hard to recapture her fading youth. If I'd seen her on the street, I'm certain I'd have walked right past her--apart from maybe an surreptitious once-over--but now that I knew who it was, I could absolutely see Keith peeking out at me from behind all the makeup and artifice...his squinting eyes, that pointed chin. I felt my repressed emotions come bubbling up to the surface which were tempered only by my own uncertainty, especially given the sheepish glance that as my former tormentor was now giving me. "Hey, I'll get this one," she said to the other waitress, her voice low and husky, but undeniably feminine. And now that she was close, my eyes cut down to her plastic name tag that read "Kelly." It was strategically perched on her bosom, obviously placed there to give guys an excuse to ogle her breasts. I was slightly embarrassed to admit that I took her up on her offer. They were nice. "And, um, would you mind covering for me for a few minutes?" she added. "I'm gonna take my break a little early. Me and my, uh--" She paused and glanced over at me apprehensively, obviously struggling for a word other than 'friend,' and coming up empty. "We need a few minutes to catch up." The other waitress agreed, and I followed Kelly over to an empty table. I sat on one of the stools and watched as she reflexively fell into a cute and obviously practiced little pose as she perched on the other stool and crossed her leg girlishly. Considering how I'd been checking her out, it amused me slightly to see that she seemed equally dumbfounded staring at me. I could tell she obviously wanted to say something, but didn't know where to begin. "You know, I didn't recognize you at first," I admitted. "It must have been the blonde hair." She broke into a nervous little giggle that at first was rather disarming until she looked up and made eye contact with me. Then, to my horror, hidden within her smile I instantly recognized the sneering smirk that had accompanied countless torments years before and it sent a shiver up my spine. She obviously read the change on my face as her smile vanished and was replaced with a look of distress. "Look, Jon," she started hesitantly, "you obviously came to see me, so if you just have something you want to tell me and then leave, I totally get it. Or if you came to gawk, I can get you a menu or whatever. But--and I know I've got no right to ask anything of you--would it be okay if I say something first?" Part of me--a bigger part than I cared to admit--wanted so badly to just tell her off, inflict some verbal abuse on her, and then storm out and never look back. And although I hadn't considered the possibility, taking her up on her invitation to gawk at her also had its appeal...the thought of my old enemy waiting on me while looking like a buxom blonde cheerleader had a deliciously cruel allure to it. But, faced with her earnest expression, I just nodded, unwilling to say anything aloud out of fear what might come out of my mouth if given the opportunity. She took a deep breath. "I've thought about this a lot over the years. Y'know, what I'd say to you if I ever saw you again? I think that's why I never went to the reunions. At first I told myself I just didn't want to be singled out as the class freak or the one who's barely scraping by waiting tables, but truthfully, I was afraid of you." I didn't do a very good job at hiding my surprise. "Oh, I mean, I didn't think you'd be violent or anything, but...I was just so ashamed of what I'd done. When I think back on those awful things I did to you, it's like watching a movie of somebody else doing them. But it was me, and I have to live with that. I guess we both do. And I wish to God I could go back and take it all back, but I can't. All I've got to offer is that I am so, so sorry for the hurt I inflicted on you. I truly am." Her voice had picked up a tremulous quaver and she blinked quickly, looking like she might be on the verge of tears. I swallowed hard and grit my teeth trying to get my surging emotions under control. God, I wanted to hate her so badly. To yell at her, to scream obscenities until she broke down in tears crying. To hit her and twist her arm until she cried uncle and felt the pain I used to feel. To mock her and humiliate her, and make the former football jock feel crippling shame for the way he was flaunting his tits more brazenly than any of the cheerleaders he used to bed. Except, to my surprise, I didn't hate her. This woman sitting in front of me wringing her hands and fidgeting with her bracelet was thoughtful and awkward, timid and contrite. She'd offered to quietly accept whatever reprisal I'd come here to exact, only wanting first to have an opportunity to ask my forgiveness. Where the hell was my enemy? I felt myself trying desperately to cling to my anger, telling myself that this didn't change anything, that she was still the same scumbag who'd beaten me up, humiliated me, tormented me. But the more I looked at her, the less I saw of the bully and the more I saw that forlorn teenage girl standing awkwardly in her pretty flowered sun dress. The teenage punk who tormented me was gone, destroyed far more completely by the woman before me than I ever could have. And this woman wasn't my adversary. My emotions roiled within me as my anger, now lacking a target, struggled to find purchase and I took an unsteady breath as I struggled to get a grip on my feelings. She was still looking at me expectantly and I knew that I had to say something, but I still didn't trust my own voice...only this time, it wasn't for fear of what I might say in anger, but rather for fear of opening the floodgate of cathartic emotions, now clamoring for release. So again, wordlessly, I nodded, letting her know that I heard her. That I understood. And that I forgave her, even if I wasn't able to say the words. She managed a weak smile and sniffled, nodding her thanks. "If it makes you feel any better, I've spent pretty much my entire adult life trying to get rid of that asshole." I looked at her then, so unexpectedly vulnerable...so human. But it made me think of my own sins...one in particular that had been bothering me for years. One that had been preoccupying my thoughts ever since I learned where--and who--she now was. "Kelly," I said, her name feeling so unfamiliar. "That bet we made...I only did it because I wanted to hurt you--really hurt you--the way you'd hurt me." "I know." "It's just...I knew it would get to you, maybe even eat at you over the years. But...I only wanted to embarrass you. I never thought that you would...well, you know." Her face changed from a look of puzzlement into a look of abject astonishment. Then she burst out laughing. She laughed for several seconds, at first seemingly out of relief and then...I wasn't sure what. She was covering her mouth and trying to get herself under control even as people at other tables were looking at us, trying to see what was so funny. I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable as she settled down. "Oh, God... oh, God... oh, I am so sorry," she said, catching her breath. "I swear I'm not making fun. It's just...you REALLY thought I decided to become a woman just because I was embarrassed over our bet?" I cleared my throat. "Okay, it sounds dumb when you say it out loud like that." "Jon," she said, tossing her hair back over her shoulder and cocking her head to one side. She had a playful little smirk that reminded me of Keith but this time didn't dredge up all the negative feelings. "You gotta understand...I know you just wanted to humiliate me--and at first, you really did!--but the truth is, you gave me a gift. Maybe the most important gift anybody ever gave me." She held a hand over her heart. "Kelly has been inside of me my whole life. But I was so angry and confused it might have been years before she was able to push through to the surface. Dressing up for those photos, it unlocked something in me I knew was there but could never put words to. I mean, I know this probably sounds stupid to you, but until I took those pictures, I never thought I could actually be pretty! And I thought if everyone saw me as a girl, it would destroy me. But it didn't. You've no idea how many nights I spent looking at those photos in our yearbook." I smiled in spite of myself. "What?" "I used to look at those photos all the time, too. In my revenge fantasy, I would imagine you looking at those pictures and being tormented by them." "Mission accomplished!" she said with a smile. "All this," she said, gesturing to herself, "it's no picnic. Trust me, I've been tormented plenty." "I'm sorry about that." "Don't be! I'm not. This is who I'm supposed to be. That punk kid was a self-loathing bully who couldn't see past his own anger. I'm...well, I'm trying to be better." "You are," I told her honestly. She shook her head slightly. "You know, when I kissed you at the Halloween dance, I knew something was up. Maybe just unconsciously. But when I found out who you were, I just totally lost it. And though I could NEVER have admitted it at the time, I really think it was because I was jealous of you." "C'mon." "For real! You were out in front of everybody all dolled up...I would never have had the guts to do that! You were cute enough to fool people, and confident enough to eventually let everyone know who you really were. You even had a sense of humor about it. And I don't mind saying, you were one smoking hot little pixie. Seriously, if you ever decide to switch teams, I can recommend some doctors," she teased. I smiled. "Yeah, I don't think my wife would appreciate that." "Oh, you're married!" "Four years now. She wanted to come, but...well, I wasn't sure how this was going to go." "Yeeeah, I can see that," she said with a wince. "She's the reason I'm here, actually. She dug up my yearbook, found our pictures, and convinced me to go to the reunion. If it had been up to me, I'd still be holding on to my anger." "She sounds amazing. I'm sorry I won't have the chance to meet her. You're a lucky guy." "Thanks," I said. "You know, it's funny how things work out...I wonder what would have happened if it had been me that lost the bet." She smiled. "Oh, I'm sure your pictures would have been very pretty. But if you're wondering if you'd be the one living as a woman now, I think any budding transsexual inclinations you might be harboring would have bubbled to the surface when you were dancing with the boys in your fairy costume." "Ahh," I said, giving her a fake smile, which she playfully returned. "But that's not what I meant." "I know." She sighed. "You're wondering if I lost the bet intentionally." "All kidding aside, that was a pretty convenient stumble that took you out of the game." She got a faraway look. "God, I thought I'd never hear the end of that. All the guys on the team said I must have desperately wanted to dress up like a girl." I raised my eyebrows inquisitively. "Well, I didn't do it on purpose, if that's what you're asking. Though sometimes I wonder if what caused Keith's misstep that day was actually Kelly taking her first step into the world." I nodded and smiled, not sure what else to say. "I should probably go." "Yeah, I need to get back to work," she agreed, standing up and holding out her hand. As I shook it, she said, "I'm really glad you came." "Me, too," I said. Then, impulsively I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. At first she seemed shocked, and then broke into a befuddled little grin. I shrugged and said, "I figured I owed you one from the Halloween dance." She smiled and as we parted company, I paused after taking a few steps. "Hey, Kelly?" "Hmm?" "I was just thinking...Meghan and I were going to drive home this afternoon, but it's only a couple hours and I'm sure she wouldn't mind if we got a late start. If you're free after work, maybe we could grab some dinner and you'd get a chance to meet her?" She seemed caught off guard by the suggestion, obviously a little choked up. She blinked twice quickly before giving a tight-lipped smile and nodding. "Sure...okay." "Great," I told her. "It'll be good to catch up."

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I recently moved into sheltered housing after my lovely wife of 54 years marriage died a couple of years back and not really being able to cope with being alone in a 3 bedroom house by myself and just my  memories.My wife died a horrible death from cancer and I managed to be with her at the very end, although she was mostly medicated to the maximum she knew i was there and I thank her for her years of devotion and being my best friend and my only lover, I never looked at another woman, well o.k...

3 years ago
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Past LivesChapter 2

While still in the grip of an orgasm while Terry knelt in front of me in my studio gulping my ejaculating semen with relish, I had my first glimpse of the life I lived before Jane Wilson. Once again, it was a terrifying event. I died, and it wasn't a normal death. I felt the pain of a bullet rip through my chest and heart, exploding out my back in a cone of pink mist. Terry thought I'd collapsed with pleasure. I didn't correct her mistaken assumption. During that life I'd been a male,...

1 year ago
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Attorney Client Privilege

“Mr. O’Brien,” the small white-haired legal secretary spoke into the phone as she sized up the thuggish caramel-skinned man standing in front of her. “Your two o’clock is here.” She paused and wrinkled her pointy noise. “He says he’ll be right with you. Have a seat. May I offer you a bottle of water?”“Naw, I’m good,” replied the client. “I’ll just wait.”A few minutes later, F. Jamison O’Brien appeared wearing a neat slim-fit J. Farrar black suit, a pastel green Van Heusen sateen-finish...

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College life spring semester 1

*******************Following Kris back to start our second semester was so much easier thanthe first time I made this trek. Now, I very much looked forward toreturning to campus and continuing my education after really not knowingwhat to expect the first semester. This semester would test me even moreafter nailing down a 4.0 my first semester. This semester would involvetwo more college hours after taking it easy the first semester to getadjusted to the demands.My Christmas break went way too...

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RedTails Blue Rosette

RedTailsBlue RosetteByScarletdown"Hester," Olivia purred, "I want to order what those people are drinking." The Furling Ocelot cuddled the Furling Chinchilla who was sitting on her lap, and gestured in the direction of the party a couple tables over. Everyone present at Hot Summer Nights had paused in their dancing, dining, and drinking to watch the impromptu demonstration the inn keepers were conducting.Hester was shocked and stunned by what he was witnessing. The inn keeper's mate, a most...

4 years ago
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Twins Part Two

Twins Part Two Chapter Seven Ted and I had just turned eleven when our FBI handlers came calling. They had some bad news and we had some life-altering decisions to make. Agent Groves and agent Martinez called and explained they would be coming by to talk to us Wednesday evening. After dinner there was a knock on our front door. "That must be the FBI," Dad said. That was obvious, as all Ted's and my friends always...

3 years ago
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Steve and Kyle Episode 2

As the two young men stood there looking at each other, it became obvious to Steve that the first move would have to be made by him. So more or less assuming that eighteen-year-old Kyle was practising some form of sex, and not for a moment imagining  that he was dealing with an eighteen year old virgin, Steve suddenly took the bull by the horns stepped across to Kyle, took his shirt by the shoulders and pulled it off over the young man’s head, leaving him completely naked.This was the first...

Gay Male
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Christmas Eve

I was driving home Christmas Eve last year, it was late, a crowd of us from the office had been out drinking and partying. The trouble was I was one of the designated drivers, I drew one of the short straws, literally, and so I had to watch everyone else get legless, and various single and married colleagues paired off for that annual event the 'Christmas Party No Strings Fuck'. How some of them managed to even get as far as the bedroom or the car park in the case of the married ones,...

1 year ago
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Gharelu Randiya 8211 Part 3 Heena Didi Ki Chudai

Thanks ki meri phichli stories ko aapne pasand kiya.. Koshish karunga ki aur bhi achi khaniya likh paayou.. Kafi comments bhi mile thanks.. Lakin ek bhi comment ladki ka nahi tha.. (ladkiya story nahi padti kya) main koshish karta hoon ki sirf ladke hi nahi ladkiya bhi enjoy kare, ladkiyo ki feelings ka bhi dhiyan bhi rakhta hoo… So story phadiyea..Comment dena mandatory nahi bus story phad ke enjoy ki jiyea Love u guys and off course girls Have a nice day.. Jaise maine wada kiya tha ki main...

1 year ago
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Dinner with my buddies wife part 1

I stopped over my friends house to have a bite to eat, little did I know what my buddies sexy milf hotwife had in store for me. My buddies wife is a sexy milf. An amazing woman. Beautiful, talented, an incredible.mother, and a great friend. The total package. I already knew how well she took care of my buddy. I already knew the details of how insatiable and kinky she could be. I had been crushing on her since I met them, and she had been the subject of my fantasies ever since then. We sat...

3 years ago
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Lovley sisters

Introduction: This is about a girl named Sara who ventures with her younger sister, Christina. As a teenage girl, I was very horny, but I kept to myself. When I was 16 years old, my sister was 13, and when together, we got along very well. My sister Christina and I looked very closely alike. In fact, when my sister surpassed puberty, we could pass as twins, even though we were three years apart. We both lived with our parents, who were also close to each other. We lived quietly, and by that, I...

2 years ago
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Puddle of Trouble

Okay, so I was walking home from school on the way to my best friend Ashley's house and we were laughing and goofing off and one thing lead to another and she gave me a shove. Well it knocked me off balance and I fell into this HUGE mud puddle, I was soaked head to toe. We both laughed for a moment and decide to head back to Ashley's (It was close to the school, I hung out with her there until my Mom picked me up on her way home from work.) we get into the garage and Ashley turns...

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'Never shit on your own doorstep, ' how many times have I heard that saying? I don't think one actually intends to do so but inevitably it happens. This happened to me, after over ten years living next door to Marge and Reg. It all started with Reg having to fly east to his brother's funeral. He asked me to drop him off at the airport, which I did, and promised to pick him up when he returned in three days. That evening late I had a knock on the front door and when I opened it in...

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My 1st transgender experience

A recent addition to my friends list had a story about his first shemale experience which inspired me to write mine. Many years ago I was living near the San Francisco area. I had purchased the most recent Hustler magazine and one of the layouts had Shannon. She was so beautiful, and oh my what a cock. I had only ever been with women and did not consider myself gay, but for some reason I wanted to suck that cock. I cannot recall how many loads of spunk I blew looking at those pages of Shannon,...

4 years ago
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A Perfect Place To Hyde Part Two

‘Follow me,’ Jed tells the bridesmaid’s gracefully buxom bestie, ‘and then follow my lead. Time to hit the dancefloor, hit the dancefloor.’ It’s a popular song reference (Sia’s Cheap Thrills featuring the inimitable Jamaican rap stylings of Sean Paul – show dem it girl, bada bang bang – in case you didn’t know) and Clara titters to hear it. Staying abreast of music trends is paying dividends that Jed has never expected. The precocious teen sets aside her glass and allows him to usher her...

4 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 27

The helicopter landed on the roof of CIA headquarters thirty nine minutes later (more or less... I wasn't wearing a watch) and Dr. Wills and I headed down to the lower levels. When we were both seated in his office, he pressed his hands together so it looked as if he were praying. He pressed his two index fingers to his lips and looked as if he were about to speak. I waited patiently. Finally he heaved himself back into his leather chair and tossed his hands into the air. "This mess is...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Stephanie West 23465

Bambino’s been helping Stephanie West since her boyfriend’s out of town, but she wants help from his dick, too. But he doesn’t know that until she calls him over and tells him there’s an emergency — an earthquake…in Florida. Bambino knows something up when she tells him that, and he’s right. He shows up to her house to help with this so-called emergency and finds her in heels and sexy lingerie, grabbing his cock! He doesn’t want to have anything to do with it, but Stephanie won’t take no for an...

3 years ago
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Seducing Women From Pub To Bed

Hi, wet girls and women.This is harish from Coimbatore. I am 24 and working in private sector. I went to Chennai to attend a training program in my company’s new project in Chennai. They provided me accommodation in a well-known star hotel. Because of others from local Chennai so I am only in my room. I liked this privacy. In the night I felt bored so I decided to go to the pub on the top floor. I dressed up and went to the pub. I am having a beer and looking girls and women. There I saw women...

1 year ago
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Intense Love Between Neighbour Brother and Sister Incest Sex Stories

I have been living in this neighbourhood for quite some time. There are many who are old residents of this place. But some are new as well. One such is the Smith Family that moved in right beside my house. I had found them a bit weird from the first day, especially the kids. There was a brother and sister who were around 18-20 years old. They would not seem problematic at all at a first glance. But if you observe them closely, they start to appear a bit too close for siblings. Initially I was...

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What happens on the island stays on the island

One summer many years ago, when I was 18 and had just moved out on my own, I decided to take a two week long canoeing/camping trip with a buddy and his girlfriend. We loaded up my canoe and our camping gear, and drove up to the land of 1000 lakes on the Canadian border. We drove straight through, taking turns driving and sleeping, and by the time we got there we were all so tired and loopy that we were acting like fools. We joked about how close we were all going to get, camping together...

2 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 17

My Master was going out for the evening without me, which he did occasionally. He had his friends and social gatherings where a slave wouldn't be welcome or appropriate, and I understood that. I didn't resent it at all, but now I did have the small and not totally unreasonable fear that Mr. Reiser would be spending some of that time looking for a wife. I'll admit I didn't completely appreciate the way having a proper family would elevate him socially and professionally, but I was just a...

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Hospital Fun

There she stood, a gorgeous vision in a nurse's uniform. We had been secretly meeting for a few days now. I walked over to her not speaking a word. Her soft green eyes caught mine and a naughty smile shown on her glossy pink lips.I crossed the path to where she was stood against the side of the building and smiled at her as I slowly pushed her back into a dark corner, my fingertips softly trailing down her arm. She looked at me with her naughty grin and I was amazed at how even with that 'fuck...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Something To Remember

The Invitation You“Do any of you hike?” you ask. The question is addressed to the table but you were looking at her when you spoke. The immediate flurry of responses from everyone making it clear that not one of them has realised who your question is really aimed at.“My fingers do all the exercising I’ll ever need thank you very much!” one laughs.“You wouldn’t catch me dead anywhere near that much nature on purpose!” another exclaims.“Urghhh, I used to a long time ago but I just can’t with the...

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Achoo by g.p. Being a resident doctor for a mid town Toronto hospital for nearly seven years had taken its toll on Larry. Maybe it was in the family genes, or maybe it was from stress, but since coming to University Hospital from his home town of Red Deer, Alberta, he had aged badly. Though only 36, he was often mistaken for someone in their late forties in part from a weathered face, a spare tire, and a band of mostly grey hair surrounding an otherwise shiny bald scalp. With no...

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Chatting With a Psychiatrist

Hello, Doctor Red. I'm probably the first patient who will say this to you but I've made this appointment with you because I am completely and totally insane. Yes, I know that isn't the proper word. I just really want to stress to you that I am a deranged lunatic. I promised myself that I'd fuck at least- Come now, I'm paying you a lot of money for your time. Surely there are bigger things you can help me with than my language. Ok, I promised myself that I'd have sex with at least one...

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mummy & DaddyAs you walk through my door we greet one another with an embrace and a light kiss... as I start to move away I turn you around rather abruptly... as I place your blind fold on I kiss the back of your neck and whisper in your ear that you are DADDY's girl tonight and you will do as Daddy tells you too... I then lead you before my throne and mandate that you take all your clothes off... as you take your clothes off DADDY gazes upon and admires his baby girl... once naked? DADDY...

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Sisoban OmalloryChapter 6

My plans came to nothing. I was met at the Dublin Airport by Justine, Colin, Chelsea, Anne, and Claire. Before I could start Justine spoke. “She’s gone, Damon.” “Where is she?” “America,” said Chelsea. “She’s hoping to get her newest work published there. The exposure will be tremendous for her.” “Did she know I was coming?” Justine looked down, unable to meet my eye. “Yes. Please, Damon. This trip had been planned for a while, and she had contractual obligations. She couldn’t cancel, it...

2 years ago
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My Dogging Experience

'Dogging' is a very English activity. It's something you dont come across in Continental Europe, probably because we Europeans have it off in each others homes.I think of 'Dogging' as a really dirty sex, where anyone can come along and just have a shot.Admittedly, the talk is very dirty, where you are refered to as a 'Slut' and a 'Whore, just gagging for it' but personally I have found a lot of males use slutty langauge just to increase the sex act by degrading the girl on the receiving end of...

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Power Fluctuations Jacks Tale

Power Fluctuations ? Jack?s Tale By Jerrie526 I doubt that I will ever forget the day that changed my life for good. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jack Tate. I go by the name of Jackie these days. I say that because I am now a woman through the most unlikely reasons. I was involved in an accident with eleven of my neighbors that caused us all to swap bodies with one of the others. I was asked by the others to put down my feelings and such so that people in the future...

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GirlsWay Spencer Bradley Liz Jordan Luring The School Nurse

Spencer Bradley – a nurse at a high school – escorts Liz Jordan, a seemingly sick student, back to Liz’s house. They haven’t been able to get ahold of Liz’s parents, and Spencer resolves to put Liz to bed so she can rest. A few moments later, Spencer tucks Liz into bed and leaves the room to try calling Liz’s parents again. While Spencer is out of the room, Liz grins mischievously, revealing that she is faking sickness with the aim of seducing Spencer, since...

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Spanked Cum Girls Version

Midnight is approaching and I am sat at the kitchen table reading to Master.  I find it difficult to express how I feel about all the pleasure I receive, so tonight Master has instructed me to write Him a thank you note.  My head is bowed, my voice small and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I read the following: Thank you Master for Cum Girl’s overdue and well deserved spanking.  Although spanking is punishment, Cum Girl very much enjoyed having her arse and pussy spanked with the...

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Dyked Paige Owens Vanna Bardot Secret Scissoring

Vanna Bardot has beentrouble at school because some of the other girls can tell she is not like the rest of them. Someone even took her notebook and wrote ”DYKE” inside of it. Teens can be mean! But when Paige Owens reveals that she is the one behind the vandalism, Vanna decides to mess with her. She gets footage of Paige playing around with other girls privates, and suddenly the tables have turned. Vanna tells Paige that she will keep her mouth shut if she does a little lesbian loving with...

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The perfect little slut

I dare say we've all seen someone on the pages of xhamster that presses our buttons. You know, that instant " I have GOT to fuck her!" ( or maybe him, depends who's reading this)Well I got talking to a guy on here who enjoys, and I mean enjoys, watching his wife being fucked by other guys. The more I spoke to him the more I was certain this wasn't a guy saying he has his wife fucked but DID have her screwed in front of him. And the more pics of her taking part in group sex sessions the more I...

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