Laran Legacy free porn video

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I'd always been called Kendall. My mother had caught some sort of vicious infection before I was born. It marked and twisted me horribly. What marked me killed her. I was born on Aldrys 3, a farming planet. They couldn't cope with my deformities. I was sent off to one of the core worlds for genetic therapy but the ship I was on somehow was re-routed to Cottman 4, an old, cold planet under a dark red star.

There I became a ward of the star base.

I didn't speak much. At first I couldn't pronounce words properly with my deformed face. However, I read and I learned. I had a bright, fierce thirst for all things that I could dig out of books.

One day I was on a bus destined for a local art museum when some sort of attack caused the bus to roll over and its shell was shredded. I was tossed about as the thing was shaken like a bouquet of flowers shedding petals. When everything stopped moving I crawled out of the wreckage and made for a corner of the closest building.

It was what the local bully-boys were waiting for.

I was punched, clubbed, kicked and finally stabbed with a short sword.

I honestly thought that I was going to die there on those filthy cobblestones. Something inside of me reached a final limit. I heard a horrible scream and the sound of thunder.

I awoke in the base hospital. There wasn't a square inch of me that wasn't scorched or blistered. I was dizzy as hell and my headache was, let's just call it 'weapons-grade'. I was seeing 'auras' around everything. I was stuck in that hospital room for what seemed like years. I slowly healed but my skin kept tearing and my broken thigh bone didn't want to fuse.

Team after team interrogated me as to what happened. I said nothing. I simply looked at them. What the hell was I going to say? The world came to an end?

Finally an older man wearing fancy brocaded clothes came to see me. He did something that made my head hurt horribly. I screamed out, "NO!" and passed out.

I woke up. It couldn't have been very long. There were small smoky fires coming from the equipment, the ceiling tiles were destroyed and the old guy was lying upside-down--legs up-- in the corner. I felt something like constant thunder in the back of my mind. It seemed to come from deep below me, but it was damned strong.

Oh, they tried to patch me up, but the way my body healed--or rather didn't heal-- made it an exercise in futility. I got more scars and my mobility was even more limited. My left hand just lay in my lap with the fingers curled. It was a devastating blow.

It wasn't long before the base diplomats received a demand from the Comyn Council for me to appear before them. There wasn't a fucking thing I could do about it. I got angrier and angrier. The thunder in the back of my mind became louder--more real.

I was wheelchair bound and was glad for the escort. The streets were made from cobblestones so old that a person could easily trip in the ruts worn in the stones. I'd been flown from Thendarra to Caer Donn, where the old spaceport was. That's where the council met. It was bloody cold. The air tasted metallic. The winds wouldn't have been so bad if they'd just come from one direction but they changed from moment to moment, making walking difficult. There was nothing allowed off the base that was motorized. Oh, no. That would have made it too easy. I had a good mad on to begin with. When the poor guys carrying my wheelchair around slipped on the ice and dropped the thing I jarred in agony. I was pissed. I panted a few times trying to get a hold of myself.

I realized that I wasn't cold anymore. I'd been curled over trying to protect myself from the wind. Now I relaxed and straightened up, working the cramp out of my lower back. It was damned strange, but I wasn't going to ask any questions that had answers I didn't want to hear.

It was late in the day when I was rolled into a big room. I'd missed lunch and supper. Two more strikes against the day. I had copped an attitude just after noon and it just kept getting better.

Seven old guys in colorful tunics and embroidered vests were sitting behind a big U-shaped table. It was open towards the door. My escort rolled me up to a short stair and left me.

Everybody was, um, wincing like they were in a room with the lights turned up too bright. A tall skinny guy with a white pony-tail stood up from his chair in the middle. He about yelled at me, "Control Yourself!" His voice felt like three hammer blows! I focused on him with everything I had and said, "Go to hell." I felt an echo of the thunder in my head flash towards him. The carpet between us ripped in half like the wake of a jet boat and he fell over backwards. That was the end of that interview.

At least they fed me. A servant took me to a room with a chair, desk, bed, dresser and a small toilet in a side-room. I was finally able to pee. It was awkward balancing on one foot while holding a door jamb and trying to hit the damned hole, but I did a creditable job without pissing on myself. Much. Once I got back into the chair and figured out how to prop my leg up I felt a lot better. Since there was a light over the table I rolled over to it, then fished my day pack off the back of the wheelchair. I'd been working my way through a book on the theory of electromagnetism on my own. I carried it everywhere. As I concentrated on the equations the rumbling I'd been hearing dialed back. I was having as good a time as I'd had since before the bus blew up.

I heard a light knock on the door. Curious, I called out, "Come in.". A young lady--a girl, really as she had no hips or figure, preceded a servant pushing a serving cart. She looked about the room and scowled. "This will never do! The fire has not been set, there is no fruit nor cheese plate left for you, not even a drop of wine!" She turned to the servant. "Gerald, Go fetch help and get this room properly prepared for guests. I shall serve as hostess." He dropped a quick nod with a finger to his brow, grinned and scooted. I could tell that she was on good terms with the help. That put her head and shoulders above the people I'd met in that frozen pile of rocks before that. Hell, I'd not even noted the cold. Something inside me kept me warm and toasty. I'd thrown off my blanket and sat in shirtsleeves.

The girl turned to me and curtsied, of all things! I returned with the deepest bow I could, as my motions were confined by the chair. "Greetings, young lady. I would rise and give you courtesy but for my leg, as the cannon bone is broken."

A look of concern flashed over her face but it was quickly replaced by a calm, pleasant look. "I am Isobel. I have been tasked with making you comfortable during your stay. The kitchens have prepared an early supper. Shall I serve?"

"Of course, but only if there is a place setting for you as well."

Her wonderful attitude surfaced again as she danced around the table, laying out a service for two and placing covered warming dishes here and there. A team of four servants entered to prepare and light the fireplace, light a small chandelier over the table and, after covering a sideboard with a tablecloth, laid out trays of candied fruits, cheeses and nuts. Gerald assisted her with the heavy chair while I rolled up to the other side of the table. He then poured glasses of water and large goblets of wine for both of us. He nodded with a smile and ushered his team out the door.

"Well, that was something! Shall we see what the kitchen has prepared for us?" The table was shallow enough for me to reach all but a couple of the dishes. I removed the warming covers to the cart where I also found the serving spoons.

We had sliced pork, mashed potatoes, root vegetables in cheese sauce and a lemony gravy for the meat. It was all quite good--better than I'd had before. After tasting the dishes I remarked, "This is quite good. I haven't had such a wonderful meal before, and to have it with a pretty young lady across the table just takes it all to the sublime."

She blushed prettily and grinned. We each had a slice of warmed raisin pie for desert, which about did me in. I helped clear the table back to the cart as I could, then we sat once again. "I hope that I might answer some of the questions you must harbor."

I nodded. "Thank you. This is much less confrontational than what occurred in the hall."

"First, to clear the air we have to agree on some background and terms. Do you know what Laran is?"

"No, not really. I've heard the term used, along with TP, PK and others but it's all over the horizon for me."

She sat back and sighed. Then she started quietly talking. "A bit over sixteen hundred years ago three colony ships arrived here from Earth. The cold and lack of food almost killed them, but a few survived. What they didn't know was the planet was already inhabited by a very old race that was in decline. The Chieri were star-farers when man was learning to use nets to fish. Once more, they were quite powerful telepaths. The races were mutually attracted to each other and, what's more, were cross-fertile. In this way dominant talents for various forms of telepathy rose. To make matters more complicated, a naturally occurring mineral acts like a psychic resonator. It changes a person and is changed by a person in what is called a bonding. If you see a bright blue or blue-green crystal with bright lines inside it, turn away and definitely don't touch it! If it's tuned to someone, just touching it can kill them."

All this came out of the blue for me. It explained a few things I'd heard, but why tell me? "All this sounds like something that should be held secret. Why tell me?"

She flatly said, "You have Laran."

I shook my head. "No way. I was born half-way down this spiral arm."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Tell me what happened over the last month. I might be able to explain things."

I started in with the bus trip, the explosion, the beating, then feeling the sword push through my arm-pit. Then I woke up bruised, battered, burned and in shock in the base hospital.

She retrieved a tablet from the serving cart. It was a holographic display. "This was taken from the place you were found." She turned it on. It looked like a small nuclear weapon had gone off. But then, I noticed that the bus was untouched from the way I'd seen it when I fled for cover. The other direction, though--the stone wall was partially melted and had run like thick clay in a rainstorm. The surface was glassy and crazed. There were blackened outlines of my attackers laid out on the ground. Buttons, shoe-buckles, coins and knives were left, but distorted--partially melted. "What the hell did that?"

"You did that."

"No way!"

"You must accept it. Your powers burst free uncontrolled to save your life. The reflected heat burned you severely, but nothing like what it did to your assailants. It burned their bones to ash. Not even their boot-heels survived."

I was bemused. "No wonder they kept giving me the third degree. They must have been frustrated to no end when I just lay there and scowled at them. Say, who was the old guy in the brocades that visited me? He did something, something to my head. The next thing I knew it looked like a bomb went off. He was laying against the wall like he'd been thrown there and fell to the floor. Everything else was on fire. Ever since then I've had this rumbling, roaring noise in my ears. When I get angry it gets stronger. No, it gets a LOT stronger. When I was studying my math it calmed down so that I barely noticed it."

I looked over at her. Her face was white. Her fingers were white where she was grabbing the chair arms. I was concerned for her. I quietly asked, "Are you all right? You don't look well."

She took a deep breath and let it out. "I shall be fine. It's just not every day I find myself sitting across the table from a ticking bomb."

I shook my head. "I wouldn't hurt you for anything. I saw the way you treated the help and the way they reacted. You're a good kid."

"How can I explain it? You have more power at your fingertips than you can possibly realize. The part of you that controls it has no restraint, no conscience and no morals. You could be startled and blow this wing of the castle apart out of reflex." She looked around then walked over to a pair of hangings. She spread them open to reveal a pair of doors covered with small glass panes. She had to work at it, but got them open. "Come out here to the balcony. I wish to show you something."

I followed her out onto the stone platform. She sure had me curious. "Stretch out your arm, palm up. Good. Now make a cup as if you were holding a sphere. All right, here comes the surprise. Breathe from your belly. Feel the stones beneath you. Feel the stone of the foundation connecting deep into the ground. Now, relax your focus but keep watching your hand. Point the cup straight up and gently call fire."

It was crazy, but I could feel the stone. I exhaled and commanded, "Fire!" A violet-white jet of flame shot into the night sky. Some part of me cackled and danced. I gently closed my hand, shutting off the flame jet with a snap. All the snow on the balcony had melted. The silence was scary by comparison. "Impressive."

"Umm, I was hoping for something like a candle flame!"

"I think you've proved your point. Let's get back inside out of the wind, shall we?" She had a much easier time closing the doors than she did opening them as the ice and snow were gone from the balcony. We went back to the table. I had another slice of raisin pie. I was a bit hungry for some reason.

"Would you please believe me now that you need training?"

I scratched the back of my head and grimaced. "Yeah, I pretty well have to believe now." I sat thinking for a bit. "Say, can you tell me what happed in the hall when I got here? Some nasty old guy with a white pony tail tried to hammer me, but I knocked him ass over tea-kettle. That pretty well ended the party."

She looked at me as if I'd grown a horn in the middle of my forehead. "Y-y-you decked LORD ALTON?"

"Yup. He really had me pissed off. His words hit like hammer blows. I put up my hand like this", I raised my hand with my palm out and finger-tips up, "and 'pushed' at him, hard. The carpet between us tore in two and he sailed backward over his chair."

I heard her mumble to herself "By Zandru's hairy nuts" and watched her shake her head. "We must get you out of the castle, to somewhere safe. You made a bad enemy. Then we'll work on getting you healed and trained."

"Whoever you find had better be nice like you. If anyone craps on me I can't help but get angry. I don't want the walls to cave in unless that Alton guy is under 'em."

It wasn't long before I found myself on a litter, then strapped down in a float-car. This little bit of high tech was supposedly illegal to use outside of the bases without diplomatic permission, but 'dem dat makes the rules breaks da rules'. There were six of us that took a wild ride through a mountain storm that night. We landed in a protected courtyard in the city of Carthon, far to the east, on the edge of the dry plains. The city stayed alive by being at the confluence of two rivers. I learned later that Carthon was a real bread-basket of a city, with irrigated fields in all directions following the water.

Isobel had a cousin, Terrilyn, who was a healer. Isobel called her to come help because she was notoriously sweet-natured. It didn't hurt that she was gorgeous, with golden-red tresses that flowed across her breasts and covered her chest. I shivered at her touch. Later I found that she did that to everyone! It was no wonder that she made a marvellous healer.

I was settled into a chair in the sunlight and given a little blue stone about the size of my littlest finger joint. Isobel explained that it was my own personal matrix stone. I should study it to stabilize my erratic skills. It was wrapped in a heavy leather pouch that had been skived with lead-bearing thread. Under that was a silk handkerchief and under that a soft-tanned doeskin bag. After working through all the layers the stone tumbled out onto my palm. It was darker than cornflowers, yet lighter than the deep sea. It was both transparent and opaque. It was filled with ... possibilities. The tiny silvery lines fluoresced in a pattern that was just at the tip of my tongue.

I blurred my vision to look at it as a whole. I almost lost my breath as I found myself as a moving point of light among billions of others, each of a slightly different color and brightness, all of them changing constantly. I began to see traces--wisps of spider webs between them. I knew that Terrilyn was about to open the door. I shifted my focus onto her.

She acted as if she'd run into a door then sank to her knees. "Lord! Please! I cannot bear such rapport!"

I realized that my focus had somehow harmed her. I relaxed and closed my eyes. "I apologize, Terrilyn. I once learned a form of concentration while studying higher mathematics. I applied that to my exploration of the crystal." I smiled at her. "I believe that I've discovered a training trick, no?"

"Lord, your 'training trick' is capable of shattering rock and destroying minds."

"Really." I'd have to practice this new form of focus. My visualization tricks to visualize an equation in 4D seem to have a real-world application beyond anything I'd dreamed of.

She shakily stood and slowly approached me. "Now that you have found your focus, gently--I say GENTLY--bring it forth again to scan your body."

I did what she told me to. Damned if I didn't look like I'd been beaten with an ugly stick on one side and had a good dose of stomp added for good measure. There was a yellow-orange mess of something around my broken thigh bone. I concentrated on that, then -pushed-. It looked healthier immediately. I went from battle zone to battle zone, changing the colors from something ugly to a pleasant dark-green glow. When I came up for air I felt like I'd gone twelve rounds with a blacksmith. I opened my eyes to see eight people standing in a ring around me, holding hands. I felt a low level of energy coming from them. I was groggy but my enhanced vision focussed on the fire in the hearth. I raised a shaky hand towards it and -pulled-. The fire went out, the previously burning wood was cold charcoal and the temperature of the room dropped ten degrees. I felt a hell of a lot better. I pulled in a breath and explosively let it out. When I looked at Terrilyn she grinned at me. "Lord, you weren't supposed to heal a lifetime's insults in a clock turning." She glanced at the circle standing around like maundered buffalo. "Our thanks for not pulling the lives out of our tower telepaths as well."

I found myself too tired to do more that evening than to fall asleep.

We dove deep into my body to correct its failings each day for weeks. Eventually there was nothing more to remedy. I was able to easily walk across the floor and use both hands. Both my eyes answered to my call. It was quite a change!

Later an older leronis came to visit. She had an odd personality. I felt that she would have been happier as a tree-squirrel for she darted here and there in her curiosity. I laughed and felt tempted to offer my arm for her to climb my shoulder. We got along famously.

"Now that you have learned to focus, have healed yourself and have learned to draw power it's time to investigate the core of your power."

I felt that working fully under her teaching would leave me vulnerable to others that had access to her knowledge of my training. Despite her teachings each night I built up a redoubt--a deep bunker within my mind that would resist all commands and hold a furnace of power solidly within my mind. I worked on strengthening that redoubt and strengthening the reservoirs of power held deep within me. I held them under multiple layers of shields so that none would be aware of my reserved weapons. Rather than put my faith in a single bolt I formed thirty-two individual reservoirs and channels. I learned from my initial experiences and incorporated a shield into each one so that each release would focus out upon an enemy rather than be reflected back upon the caster--me!

We determined that it was no fluke that I perceived a roaring, rumbling sound when defensive or angry. This explained my ability to draw power from flame as well. I drew power from deep beneath the crust

I was adopted into the Greystone clan by Victor, Lord of Carthon. I found it bittersweet that I was needed for my genes to bring life into the dying clan. All my life I'd been harried and ridiculed as a mutant due to the viral weapon my mother contracted while I was in the womb. Oh, yes--I was a mutant all right. A mutant with the ability to repay many old insults. A mutant with a long memory.

I was trained in the history of Darkover and learned the terrible price of injured honor combined with great personal power. I resolved to put away my injuries no matter how they ate into me unless they were thrown into my face once again. Only then would I prove myself on their bodies and minds.

I learned to use my peculiar focus to taste the minds of others. I had so much power at hand that I took part in the training to become an under-keeper. Normally this would have kept me from the breeding lists as copious use of Laran tended to numb the nerve channels that reproduction employed. I seemed to be immune from this, much to Lord Victor's delight.

I seemed to be quite popular with the ladies though I was ignored upon meeting them after the fact. This first perturbed me, then disgusted me. I mentioned this to Terrilyn. She was good enough to explain that the breeding lists were maintained by the grandmothers and all clan members obeyed their demands yet this had no effect on the social standing of various members of the clan. This high-handed behavior made me feel quite put upon. I determined to have my revenge. However, it would all be done out of sheer altruism. Well, that was my story and I was sticking to it.

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The Orion Legacy

Lance Bauer had one thing that made his life worth living. He hated his job. He hated the apartment he lived in. He hated his next door neighbor. She was smoking hot with big tits and a huge ass. He especially hated her kid. An entitled high school brat that was probably going to be as gorgeous and hot as her mom and probably as big a bitch. Lance had a motorcycle. A Yamaha R6 that went fast and handled like a dream. This made all the bullshit in his life tolerable. Knowing...

3 years ago
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Willies Legacy

Chapter 1 I'd always looked up to Willie, but that was nothing unusual in itself. He was two years older than I, and he was my brother. He had just turned thirty two when he started having pains under both his arms and a tightness in his throat. Having never had a real illness before, Willie did his best to ignore things in the hope that the discomfort, whatever it was, would soon go away. Two months passed by, and still the pain under his arms remained, and the throat tightness got...

4 years ago
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Bewitching Legacy

I shook my head and chuckled as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The pirate's costume I was wearing was a little garish for my taste. That's what happens when you wait until the last minute to get a Halloween costume. You have to take what's left. I hadn't intended to go to my friend's costume party, but then he talked me into it at the last moment. After I arrived at his party I didn't feel so bad. Some of the costumes being worn were far more outlandish. I usually wasn't the...

2 years ago
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Uncle Harrys Legacy

I have this Uncle who when I was young was my sisters and my favourite, mostly due to the fact that every time he visited, he would bring a present for us and would perform the most wonder tricks. One birthday, it may be my 9th or 10th, I had invited some of my school friends over for a party when Uncle Harry arrived to do some tricks. What I remember most about that day was he hypnotised some of my quests including my younger sister Beth and made them perform all sorts of silly things; we all...

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Joes Legacy

It seemed to me like I'd known Joe all my life. His family lived next door but one to mine; looking back I'd say Joe and I spent all our spare time together as kids. We didn't actually go to school together because Joe was American and he was sent to the nearest American school, somewhere in town. Maybe that's why he never did lose his Yank accent although he spent nearly all his spare time with us Limeys, as he insisted on calling most of us, in jest of course. You know the sort of thing....

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A Charmed LifeChapter 3 The Legacy

The next day passed uneventfully but with Bess feeling much better than she had in years. The morning stiffness and body aches that usually greeted her were gone, a new vitality surged through her she had long forgotten. She met Kate again in front of the inn and like the night before they paid a visit to the blacksmith. They continued this routine another fortnight. Always finding him in the same condition, they slipped in, used him and slipped out. Kate monitored Bess’ progress and was...

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Earths CoreChapter 23 An Heir For A Legacy

“Hahaha!” Zax’s voice rolled as he laughed in jubilation. “Sooner than I anticipated. Good, good!” He was pleasantly surprised, since now he would able to spend a while longer in New Earth before leaving for Ercas Mir. “Let’s see how my Inner Panorama and soul have changed”. He entered his sea of consciousness to have a look. ‘Whoaa! It’s so abundance! So that is the sea of consciousness of a second realm soul!’ Before he even got to his Inner Panorama or soul, Zax was captivated by the...

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A New PastChapter 60 Alisonrsquos Legacy

“Chrissy, are you disappointed?” the interviewer asked. “Disappointed? At what? I’ll be in the first dozen people to set foot on Mars and my team will be the one to establish a permanent base on the Martian surface. Why should I be disappointed? It makes perfect sense from a mission perspective to have the first team conduct surface surveys while we remain in orbit performing analysis of the possible locations. Once we select a suitable site, we’ll land and start the construction phase.” I...

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Three Square MealsChapter 142 Ancient legacy

Tashana bounced up and down, her eyes alight with excitement. “Valada must have built a secret bunker under the palace!” “It certainly looks like it,” John agreed, squinting in the direction of the study. “The lift shaft starts from a room concealed within the wall cavity.” “Let’s go!” the Maliri archaeologist exclaimed, turning on her heel to rush to the study. John caught her hand and pulled her back. “Hold on a second. I know you’re excited but we need to be careful; Valada might have...

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Sunday Morning Workout

The sun was shinning down, it was a warm summers morning. Walking through the park in the early hours of a Sunday morning was just what Kimmie needed. Birds singing and the faint smell of the dew.Finding that nice quiet area she loved Kimmie settled down on the bench. It was a little damp but she was not worried, adjusting her skirt and hold ups to get comfy she undid a button on her blouse to let in just a little cool air. She opened the bottle of water she had in her bag and took a mouthful...

4 years ago
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Meri Dost Ke Bhai Ne Ki Meri Pehli Chudai

Baat un dino ki hai jab mein second year ki student thi. Mere parents dono job karte hain or is wajeh se mein aksar ghar par akeli hi hoti hoon. College ke dino mein aksar mein or meri friend Preeti ek sath padhai karte the. vo aksar mere ghar par aa jati thi. Preeti ka ek bada bhai tha, Viren, jo aksar usko drop karne aata tha. Jis tareh vo meri taraf dekhta tha mein samajh rahi thi ke vo meri taraf attracted hai. Mein ghar pe hamesha shorts and t-shirts pehanti hoon or Viren ki nazren hamesha...

2 years ago
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So Much Fun on the Bus

Introduction: The school trip was over and the long ride home was taking place. Early in the morning one of the younger girls elects to wake up her close friends and they eagerly diddle with each other. So Much Fun on the Bus by stifflittlepoints The students had participated in several fundraisers for most of the school year and they were returning home from their week-long trip. They had left at 8:00 p.m. and the bus would be on the road for almost 10 hours. Carly stood up and looked towards...

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Brendas Blessings

I am a church-going girl. I don’t go for the preaching and potlucks though. I go to find older men that can give me the transcendent spiritual experience that some people label as “good sex”. Horizontal prayer is my favorite kind and I’ve learned that church-going men are far more likely to appreciate my loving than party boys and such. To give you an example from my past, there is Lloyd. He’s just over sixty and took good care of himself. I avoid the slobs. We chatted at church after...

3 years ago
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Helen my bosssurprised me

Helen said she had two daughters but told me little about them,so here I was standing in front of her oldest.She had a smile and just a robe on knowing what I was here to do for her. “Thank you for making my momma happy,” she said, telling me to sit down and relax. She got me a coke and sat down with me,”this has been the happiest I have seen her in years”she said. “You don’t have to be nervous “ she said “I already know what you are toting”then smiled, “that's why I told my momma about...

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Naa Tholi Anubhavam

Hai everyone. Naa story ki feedback echi varandariki chaala thanks.  Meetho naa kotha anubhavam share chesukundamani ee jarigina story ni meeku rastunna. Mee andariki telusu maa aunty and tana sister jarigina incident. Kaani naaku ela jaragadam first time. Chaala kottaga undi. Nenu oka mnc company lo work chestunna. Akkada naatho paatu oka team undedi. Daaniki oka team leader, oka manager untaadu. Nenu maa team memebers & manager chaala close ga unde vaallam. Maa manger 30 years untundi oka two...

2 years ago
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A day at the races

This story happened quite recently when a friend of mine decided to have a evening at the local racetrack, we got the train at the town station and travelled the 10 miles to the coast, he said we have a few drinks no big gambling as he had to be home for 11-00 pm My friend is younger than me and has a small family, I being a lot older and mature had no restrictions on time to get home as my partner had gone on a girly week-end 4 days in Spain,we had a few bets I won a a big amount on one...

3 years ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 13

Chuck, Cindy, Tim and Sue had vigorously continued their lusty family sex affair through the next few months as both Cindy and Sue became very visibly pregnant. Of course, they'd both BEEN pregnant but the reality of their "mother to be" status had become readily apparent to everyone -- themselves and those they met out in public. Of course, no one but the foursome knew that Tim had knocked his mother Sue up and Chuck had gotten Cindy with child. That was their secret and they intended to...

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A Helping Hand Part Two

This is part two of this story. To understand what’s going on you need to read Part One. I hung up the phone in amazement. I really couldn’t believe all of this was happening, especially considering the horrible circumstances that created this situation. My mind started working overtime revisiting the events of the morning. I was trying to figure out if Joyce was really that good at giving head or if it was just because I hadn’t had sex in years. Then my mind suddenly created something...

Group Sex
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Carnival in Hyannis Mid Week

Slogging back to his tent with an ice-cold Pepsi, Bobby looked up and noticed a familiar face at the edge of the fairgrounds. Long fine blonde hair gently moving in the almost nothing of a breeze, Debbie’s friend Sammie began strolling toward Bobby. Sammie had coy smile as she approached Bobby. “Hi, Bobby!” she shouted. “Hello Sammie. If you are looking for Andy, I haven’t seen him today. Most of the ride boys are gone for the day; off doing what ever.” “Actually, I came to see...

3 years ago
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Shweta Bhabhi Ki Mast Chudai

Hiii FRIENDS, myself Manoj from HP. Friends mene aapko pichli story me btaya tha ki kis tarah mene apni Virginity loose kri thi Shweta bhabhi ke sath. Aap meri pichli story “First Time Bhabhi Ke Sath” jrur pdhen. Aapka jyada time na leta hua me apni story pe aata hun. Friends Bhabhi ke sath chudai krke mujhe bhut accha lga or me Bhabhi ke sath or bhi jyada open ho gya. Bhabhi ko ab me chupke se chudne ko bolta tha pr o shuru me to bhut tense ho gyin ki unhone mere sath sexual relation bna ke...

2 years ago
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Mumbai With Naveen 8211 Part III

After a nice fuck inside the movie theatre, it was sure enough that we both crave for one another. But morally we knew that what we were doing was completely wrong. So we kept on going from one mall to another to hang out but we couldn’t stop thinking about our two wild sessions that we had. I insisted that we have some ice cream when he got a call from his girlfriend. She wanted to meet him this evening and was willing to even bunk the next day. But he insisted that he doesn’t want her to...

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Susans Forfeit

My husband David likes me to play sexy games; He (and other men) says I’ve got a great body and he likes me to dress provocatively and tease him and his mates and any other males watching. We’ve played this game almost from when we started going out. Essentially a dare I can bottle out of, but will cost be points. And a forfeit will burn up those points. So an example, A dare:- in a restaurant with 2 or 3 other couples and I have to let my dress slip till one whole nipple (or maybe breast...

4 years ago
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Nothing Serious Part 2

Joey had spent a frustrating evening at the club. None of his seduction attemps had gone very well. And with his rising alcohol level they'd been getting worse and worse until it was a real embarrassment. Even the 'secondary targets' (as he liked to call girls he thought should be happy if ANY man showed interest in them) turned him down or even laughted at his clumsy attempts to flirt with them. But his self-esteem was too high to blame it on himself and thus he went home murmuring about 'all...

3 years ago
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To Be King

Valgroth The world sees Alphas as being the dominating class. They aren't first rate citizens, but it would bode well for all parties involved to not mess with them or their loved ones. This is why we put in place different districts of spirituality throughout our kingdom. The northern district is governed by the priest and second son, Javex, who taps into the earthen element and grounds all alphas within his domain spiritually. He is said to be an Alpha of considerable strength despite is...

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Absence makes the cock grow harder part two

I’m sitting on my hotel bed looking at a blank screen that seconds earlier had been displaying my wife’s freshly shaved and fucked pussy. I was massively aroused and outrageously jealous at the same time. She had betrayed me by being unfaithful and breaking every rule we had agreed on before I took this overseas assignment. One night stands only. No anal sex and no sex in our marital bed. She wasn't showing any signs of remorse as she revealed the previous night’s sexcapades, even wearing the...

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Dating Dixie

CHAPTER 1 Waiting to be conferred with his double Master’s degree in business administration and computer science, Palmer Dumas waved back as his overly proud mom and Aunt Phyllis and now there was his sister Susan, who a week ago received her doctorate, waving. He wasn’t embarrassed because everyone in the crowded auditorium was waving at someone. He regretted his beloved high school teacher Miss Hoffman was not there to see Palmer Dumas, one of her star students, take to the stage. He was...

2 years ago
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Love on the Waterfront

It's late and all the stores are closed. The crowds have dwindled down and nearly everyone has gone home for the evening. I'm down at the Seattle Waterfront Park, at the fence in the darkness, overlooking the water, far enough away from the street so that I can barely be seen by innocent bystanders.The moon is shining on the water and all I can hear is the waves slapping against the piers and the ferry boat off in the distance. Behind me, I hear faint footsteps getting closer. I turn my head...

Gay Male
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Taking over the Hudson Family 1 by 1 part six

I laid their looking up at the ceiling for what felt like hours. I had not been able to sleep after what had happened last night. I was still reliving fucking my best friends father in front of her and her brother while they fucked in front of us. It all seemed like some kind of dream. Never though in my wildest dreams would I have been able to dream any of this up. I rolled over to my side thinking that would help me fall asleep but I had no luck. It did not help that Carrie was taking up...

3 years ago
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Blind Ecstasy

Samantha unlocked the door to the house after a long day of coaching gymnastics, intent on only one thing—sitting down in the recliner and doing nothing for at least half an hour. She took a step inside and was surprised to see a paper bag at her feet. A note is pinned to the side, so she reach down to remove it. The note is short and to the point. A smile crosses her face as she scanned the page.After reading the instructions, Samanthas slid her leotards to the floor and stepped out of them...

4 years ago
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Fucked Sister By An Excuse Of Periods

By : Love Rockx Hiii to all ISS readers. Let me introduced myself. I am hardik a athletic build boy of age 21. I have a huge dick of 7’inch.i have a good personality but the weakest point of mine is that I feel shy. I like boobies the most in any female. I love big breasts. Here is an incident which took place before the marriage of my sister. This happened with me 3 years back. I live in a middle class family. I live with my parents and my sister. My parent does job and goes ever morning for...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 58

‘Who are you?’ Jen asked. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Straight A’s two semesters running? And you lost about a week and a half when you were sick and more time when Jeff’s father had his heart attack. You’re a serious damn student. What happened to the hottest girl this campus has ever seen?’ I smiled. ‘She upgraded to a multidimensional personality.’ ‘Impressive. How did Jeff do?’ I chortled and gave her that what-do-you-think look. ‘I thought he had a huge load. Didn’t that give him any...

3 years ago
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Lallu Ki Mauj

Sabhi ladke mujhe Lallu keh kar bulate thay aur main Lallu hi tha. Asal mein mera naam Raj hai. Padhayi likhayi mein Lallu, khel mein Lallu, bas do cheez mein main Lallu na tha. Ek meri kismat aur dusra mera lund. Kismat ka dhani tha main, jiss taraf jata to mera kaam ban jata aur Bhagwan ne mujhe beshak shakal surat bahut achhi na dee ho, lund dene mein koi kasar nahin chhodi. 10 inch ka mota lund diya hai mujhe bhagwan ne jisska fayda mujhe milega mujhe pata nahin tha. Uss wakt main 18 saal...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 350

This one is compliments of the 'Shy One.' As I get older I realize: 1. I talk to myself, because sometimes I need expert advice. 2. Sometimes I roll my eyes out loud. 3. I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off! 4. My people skills are just fine! It is my tolerance of idiots that needs work! 5. The biggest lie I tell myself is "I don't need to write things down, I'll remember it." 6. When I was a child I thought nap time was punishment. Now it is like...

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Corporate FavorsChapter 9

Upon her return, Jennifer found she and Ron had been invited to the opening of a new art gallery. The evening turned disastrous however when they got into a petty argument on the way home and Ron ended up sleeping on the couch while Jennifer cried herself to sleep. She could see her marriage beginning to crumble. She tried talking with Ron the following morning, but he seemed preoccupied and left for the office saying he really didn't want too talk about it now. It seemed to her that Ron...

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Tea Ladies

T Ladies Orgy(T minus three weeks)Mike Harris called it 'The Quickening'. He had borrowed the term from the film 'The Highlander' wherethe quickening refers to the awakening of special powers that lay dormant in certain people until theyare triggered by a significant event.Mike applied dramatic licence to the feelings that regularly overwhelmed him and called these feelings'The Quickening'. Mike hadn't felt the quickening for two years; he thought that he had suppressed thefeelings for so long...

5 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 216 Corn Silk

It was great to have the whole casa home when we finally got rid of the camera crew and audience. We called the rest of the clan that was available and carved up the second turkey. We made extra potatoes and there were three more pumpkin pies in the prep area. We just had an early Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings and none of the extra prep time. After dinner and dishes, we all had some studying to do, but it had been such an exhausting week that people drifted off to bed pretty...

3 years ago
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The Training of a Bisexual Cockslut Part 4

My girlfriend then ordered me to lay on the bed, telling the girls to each hold a leg and one to hold my shoulders down. My ass in the air and loose, my girlfriend handed Holy Shit the dildo I’d used in the car and told her to fuck me with it while her boyfriend watched and stroked himself. She gladly accepted, grabbed my cock and inserted the dildo, working it slowly until it was buried in my ass, leaving it there momentarily and then withdrawing it all the way as my ass gaped open from the...

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