- 3 years ago
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‘The scars indeed run deep, cursed are those who know, damned. The secrets we keep, the mysteries we seek, the tears we weep, the blood we have shed and blood we’ve spilled for crimes not committed. A terrible cycle of fear and resentment, lost within the pain we seek to hide. Learning too late the bitter consequences: our self-destructive demise. Locking away the memories, which hurt, then ourselves for being hurt. Realizing at last we are alone, though can’t remember why. Don’t know what went wrong, or how it all began, all we remember is the pain inside grows. Though the source of it, the beginning, is hidden away, forgotten. So we are lost, alone with our pain and no tears left to cry. Bearing scars that can never heal, burned, we are numb. So full of pain, we no longer feel, and so afraid we are no longer real.’
The heavens raged as dark clouds violently formed, spewing forth thunderbolts, igniting the dormant wrath of ancient Gods. A city lay silent and trembling at the mercy of the night, and a Raven took flight. Leaping into the dark storm, to soar high above the burdens below. The night shattered, fractured forever in that moment.
Somewhere huddled in the deepest shadows for protection a bastard child cries out, stricken. The skies erupt again, a vengeful rumble echoes through the whispering city. A guardian, assigned by fate rushed panic-stricken for aid and as their hands met, lighting struck. Blood welled in the child’s distraught gaze, staining a face dirty from hiding. All the misery in the world captured in that horrifying instant, before the light of heaven consumed the shadows.
He ran. Through the twisted labyrinth, dressed to the waist and crying, not knowing anything: Consumed. Driven by pain, by sorrow, drowning the world, drowning him. Raven cried out begging forgiveness, guilty for the crimes he did not commit, and sentenced without mercy. Raven ran until his lungs burned, then he ran until he vomited up the lies. The lies he had created, a fictional fantasy he endorsed. Raven had reached that place were darkness is revealed, he could hear his blood begin to boil. His darkness churned exposing the truth that he so desperately sought. Bringing with it the all the memories forgotten, the past reflected clearly, destroying his falsehoods. His blood awakened and spoke truth. The inner voice guided him into the corridors, restoring the broken pieces of that which was once.
She lay awake but dreaming, wrapped in his arms, he traced her scars with a gentle hand sending delightful chills down her spine. She welcomed his soft caress, opening her heart to him, this image of her vision. Transcending her body of self, she reached for him.
Awakened in fright, he surged forth with the nightmare still fresh in his mind. Raven moved in the dream aware only of escape. A nimble beast of reflex, he stood, instantly prepared to battle, panting wildly and bathed in sweat. In the span of a few breaths he was dressed gathering his weapons. Moving silently yet hastily fully to gather what basics he would need.
A storm gathered, the air electrified and pulsed with an unnatural energy. Evil! The gods raged, the land trembled as the sky unleashed a terrible wrath upon the world. Darkness became a tangible cloak, hollow and pitch, dimming even the incandescent bolts that spilt the melding heavens. This night contained the answer, as mysteries tenaciously pursued.
Raven paused, sitting on the cold concrete bench. Lighting a cigarette and watching the brilliant colors of the fading day, he emptied his mind and for the first time, listened to silence. In that blissful silence he sat, focused in the winter’s sky, no thoughts or worries dared invade. Raven sat staring at the wonder and glory locked in mortal combat. In the drama of this ancient conflict, he could only observe with excitement and awe.
When at last the marvelous display faded to black, a harsh and bitter breeze chilled his warming heart. Raven remembered his quest, thinking back to this enchanting stranger, and his hope in finding, at long last, acceptance. With this, arose confidence, a willingness to continue and to prevail as he strolled into the night.
Raven chose a street at random and began to walk. Feeling the brisk winter breeze nip coldly, he was carried back to distant memories. The great forests and rivers of ice beckoned of a time long ago when only the Hunt mattered. He still harbored these fantasies, dreams of running wild among ages past. The sheer excitement driving, filling him with a passionate joy unlike anything he could compare. When from his fantastic dream a frightening image rippled, became focused and clear. Wolf!
This haunting vision terrorized his mind, striking him a physical blow, and sending him reeling. He stumbled drunkenly, at the mercy of these stalking horrors. Confused and frightened he fell, gasping for breath to the frozen street.
‘Life times past, joys and sorrow, yearning for peace, praying for decay. A victim of this urban nightmare sentenced to suffer eternally in this grim and pitiful world. What crime so great, what sin so grand, to deserve woeful fate? Redemption can only be earned through penitence, a curse burned away by rage and hate, forgotten across the sands of time. Abandon all hope, embrace the mysteries hidden in the blackest night. Shed the false and hollow shell to be reborn beautiful, a beast of desire, simply unrestrained and wild upon the decaying world. Free from the mortal coil. To bathe in the rivers of sin, and burn away the rotting filth, starting again fresh, new.’
He gasps, reality sharply piercing the turbulent disarray. Icy waters rushed over him, numbing his body and mind, when he was violently lifted and thrown. Crashing into the cold concrete with crushing force, Raven gasped a labored sigh and submitted into the void. Falling through the broken shards of consciousness at the terrible mercy of this nightmarish vision.
They had spotted him leaving the square, that was the man they were sure. He was dressed, casual in black, complete with long coat and gloves. Trained eyes could detect the sword carefully hidden beneath the dark folds, confirming the suspicions. They watched as he started down a street, and cautiously followed just within sight. They studied his actions and trying to discover the secret location of the child.
They had began the hunt, stalking him through the hurried crowd and mindful of his every move. When he paused, they moved closer blending into the confusion. Watching as he stared up into the murky heavens and stumbled blindly into the street. He fell, striking his head, they could hear the wet, meaty crack of his skull against the iron gutter. Convulsions wracked his body, as he lay dazed and drowning in the shallow currents. Quickly they moved in to intercept their weakened prey when he stood without warning and stumbled into traffic. They intervened, pulling him from the path of a speeding motorist to hurl him into their grasp.
Raven could feel himself falling down through the shattered remains of sanity, to be gently rescued by the dark. When from the void of nothingness a raven could be heard. Its chilling cry pierced the fragile silence, bringing comfort and fear. Fear of this demon that had has haunted his dreams and memories, stalking mercilessly across hallow oblivion, at last granting comfort in its arrival. Welcomed this awaited reunion.
‘Do ya think he dead? He skull leak,’ the thug asked motioning to the blood that trickled freely from the ears and scalp of his captive. ‘Maybe he head broken and he not tell master, me not get trouble. I not break he head. You see, right Took,’ fear in his gaze, looking to his friend for comfort and aid.
Took smiled, ‘Don’t worry Slick, somehow I think he’ll live. Come on, now we gotta get him off the street before anyone notices that he’s bleeding all to hell.’ They carried him under the masquerade of a drunk, lau
ghing and being loud. The few that dared to wander after dark are careful to mind their own affairs, the all-seeing eyes that guarded this modern metropolis gave into the deceit. So now they could travel unhindered to the awaiting transport, it almost seemed easy, Took thought with a sinister smirk.
Took held images of grandeur, for he was the prodigy to the elder of his clan and would be held in high honor. Holding tight the hope of sitting in the counsel chamber, serving the high order. The instrument of judgment, swift and efficient he would in a sense rule over all the clans. To be feared and respected, he could see these fantasies drunk on his own sense of worth. So consumed he was that he failed to notice the shy shadow, which tracked their every step.
Another stalked this mysterious stranger, gliding through the shadows with the stealth only the immortal may possess. Tara recognized instantly the nature of these thugs, vampires. Powerful creatures, though not without weakness, she remained hidden, keeping step and waiting for the moment to strike. She, herself, was granted the Dark Kiss ever so long ago, and so knew how to combat this terrible force. A sense of pleasure filled her, in this chance for revenge, awakening the beast deep in her tormented soul. These creatures would suffer, as she did and die the final death in which she so longed. Releasing the souls bound in torment to these hollow shells, cursed to darkness and damned for this eternal existence. No longer capable of life, stranded forever in shadow these creatures deserved: Mercy!
Moving ahead of their pace, she placed the child in the security of shadow, and moved out into their path. They noticed her presence instantly upon her transition, Slick moved to intercept, a sinister grin upon his twisted features. She could see the blade he held close, the dark blade she noticed, gleamed wetly in the pale street lamps no doubt coated with that same evil ichors. She smiled to herself, as they were totally unaware of her identity, and the prize they desperately sought, no more than a few paces away. Slick advanced casually, trying to keep the blade unseen. She measured his steps, checked his posture and judged his attack. The instant he surged she moved with a fluid grace, allowing the blade to slice through her jacket, but not her flesh, as she caught his hand and pulled him off balance. As he staggered, sure of victory, she moved in closer, and with actions too swift for the mortal eye she sank her fangs deep into his throat. In the span of a few breaths she devoured all he was. Drinking deep she took his life’s blood, with it his strength and soul flowed into her granting her a moment of blissful satisfaction.
Took watched intent on her demise, seeing his partner seem to stumble, he watched the dark blade strike with frightening swiftness, tearing through the woman’s jacket disappearing in her flesh. He watched as she fell into Slick, her head resting upon his shoulder. He was certain the victory of his comrade, until he witnessed the impossible. Slick seemed to go languorous and spasm. Took stared in disbelief, shocked by the horror as Slick crumbled to her feet. A shriveled husk, this once untouchable demon of destruction now a withered corpse, disintegrating to dust before his eyes, he howled in fear and fury. In his rage he abandoned caution, drawing a gun, he opened fire. The heavy-pistol thundering round after round, shattering any hope of benighted escape, he focused on the woman’s destruction ignoring all else.
She dropped back, a sadistic smile grimly flashing as she moved between the hail of bullets. She became a liquid dancer, flowing untouched by the assault, anticipating his hate and guiding her nimble form into position. When, to her surprise, the final shot slammed through her chest with such terrible a force as to send her to the ground, she felt the impact like a sledgehammer, aware that the violent round shattered bone, destroying her lung as it passed through, opening a ghastly wound. She knew her blood painted the brick behind her, yet she remained. On one knee, her smile evermore grim, she began to rise when Took lunged forward. He held a knife and the discharged pistol determined to beat her down.
Tara waited for him, still smiling. Took could hear the approach of enforcers growing near, yet he never sensed the attack so close at hand. Her body guided by the celerity of her thought, as she dove under his blind assault, deflected his clumsy attack, her fangs buried deep into the tender flesh of his thigh. She drank of him with the same tenacious need. Another withered corpse fell to her feet. She focused her will and in the span of a few breaths healed the damage to her chest, then gathered the unconscious Raven and the child in which she was sworn. Together they faded into the night.
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Hi dosto, I am Anup from Pune. Ye story meri mummy ki hai, jinko maine humare family doctor se chudwate dekha. Mummy ka nam varsha hai, figure ek shadi shuda aurat jaisa leking unki gand thodi moti hai, wo humesha tight blouse pehnti hai. Ek din main bhahar se ghar aya, mera chota bhai tv dekh raha tha. Maine nice doctor vijay ki car dekhi thi. Maine usko ko pucha to bhai ne bola mummy ko chakkar aa rahe the isliye doctor ghar pe aye hai. Main unke room ki taraf gaya, door khula tha, maine...
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‘Dear Journal Girl, Life sucks good bye forever’ That’s how I should write it, short, sweet, and to the point, right? Well, wrong I’ve never been accused of being short and to the point, I am long winded in my suffering. So here goes the real writing. ‘Dear Journal, I have been on this planet for all of 17 yrs, and ever since I’ve grown out of my childhood it’s been nothing but pain. To have to fake happiness one more day is impossible. No matter how deep the razor cuts it never seems...
The one night with Mandy and the dalliances he had with Lisa were enough to keep him sexually satisfied. Pat thought however that something was missing and he couldn’t put his finger on what it was. After thirty two years of marriage he had become use to living with a woman and there was more than sex involved in being married. Pat did send Jill some emails and occasionally did Skype with her but she for some reason was not a fan of doing Skype. He didn’t know why she was not a fan nor would...
My cousin (second cousin) is about a year older than I am and we’ve hung out all our lives and what not. For the past few months there has been some serious sexual tension between us. One night she had nothing to do and came over my house while my parents were away. We watched TV and drank, ya know, what normal college k**s do on any given day of the week. Because we were drinking we were both horny as hell and the thought of doing something so forbidden was even more exciting. After going home...
The Female Power Rangers have defeated some of the Most Powerful treats but what will they do when there faced with being Naked? Completely Naked infrount of others? What Will they do when everything of theirs is on display for the Viewing Porpoises of Others? and How Do They End up Completely Naked? Female PR Villains dont escape from it ether they too will eventually end up Naked but How So and How will they deal with being Naked? Even Female Side Charters aren't spared from ending up...
BDSMPaul and Steph only contacted each other by text since the first date Steph had with Linc. They figured Linc would investigate Steph’s background—which he did. The investigator found nothing to concern Linc except some minor things he attributed to teen rebellion. Ten days before the wedding, Steph again texted Paul. [Steph] Hey. I miss you and your man-sized goodies. [Paul] Miss you too. How’s it going? [Steph] Chained and blindfolded me last night. Hurt a little. I can take it. [Paul] I...
I was sitting at the desk, Allison standing behind me when Bob and Rebecca walked in. I had already cleaned us up and wiped all outward signs of what had just happened between Allison and me. As usual, they had met in the lobby and come in together. I didn't wait for them to say anything, "So how bad is it?" They stopped in the entryway for just a moment before moving to sit down. "Bad enough," Rebecca said. "An envelope was delivered to my office yesterday. It contained a letter from...
Introduction: A cruel woman brings her son to the Doctor and life changes for both the Son and the Doctor. I have written other stories. You can follow the Authors link above by clicking on JadeM. Thank you to workingman for the inspirational idea. The Doctor Is In Let me say at first that I love my job. Being a Physician has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. Needless to say my parents were thrilled by my success and were so proud of their eldest daughter. Like most medical...
Hi I have been regular reader of ISS for more than a year and it’s been a part of daily life too so am coming forward to post mine gave a nice thought about it and yeah at last here I am. Let me start telling about myself am basically from Coimbatore right now in Bangalore as a Engineer well built, clean, fair since am good at studies I graduated real fast am just 22 yrs old and with a decent tool which can satisfy any women. You can drop in a mail or suggestion or try to contact me in this...
Chapter 13 – Cheerleader Cheryl Puts Out Two months later, Cheryl was two months pregnant. The once proud co-ed vomitedfrom the deepest pit of her cramped up stomach. The pretty cheerleader wascertain that it was the wart-faced rapist's child. Her tiny perfect toes curledas she knelt over the basin and spewed long and hard into it. A slave in highheels and stockings wiped the puke dribble from Cheryl's chin and then carriedaway the basin of vomit to be used as a delightful sauce to help...
Part 5 This was a day when my wife was coming back , the day when myself and Harini had to go back to being a SIL and sisters hubby. This was really making us edgy, nervous and restless. We had had rounds and rounds of love making last night and yet we could not get enough. The flight was supposed to land at 10 and it was around 7:30 when I woke up. Harini was next to me, bare bodied , sexy and erotic. She was lying on her chest, her wonderful breasts pressing down and repelling against the...
IncestHot BlondePart 1My name is Mike Johnson, my friends and co-workers call me Max. This is a nickname that was given to me when I was younger because I look like Mel Gibson from the Mad Max movies. I have been married for 28 years have two great sons and I am a federal agent with the U.S. Marshal Service. My main job is to apprehend fugitives that are on the FBI’s, 10 Most Wanted list. I am currently on the trail of a suspect by the name of Darrin Black who is number 8 on the list. I tracked him...
TabooMany, many years ago, when I wrestled in high school I found something out about myself. I am a wrestling induced bisexual. I know...what the hell is that you say. Well I'll tell you. I can honestly say that I have never had a sexual thought about a man in my life. I don't fantasize about the guys I work with or my mechanic or any male celebrity...well except for maybe Clay Aiken. Just kidding about Clay, while I'm sure he is a great guy, he really doesn't do a thing for me. It was a...
Hi iss readers this is my second story to u but first wasn’t accepted I hope this will b on well I’m married for 5 yrs now and sex life is preety borin as many must have observed after few yrs of marriage. Well comin to my wife she is 5’3” tall and have the figure of rani mukherjee big boobs and sweet little ass. This long time back when had ran away from home were livin in rented house I was doin a job but the salary was not enough so it was hard few yrs. The place was not so good and a few...
He had lost track of how long he had been riding... it seemed like he had been in that saddle since he was able to sit up straight. One day melted into another and the nights had been cold and lonely for as long as he could remember. But that was the life of a drifter such as he. His world consisted of his horse, his saddle, and the meager supplies he carried with him at the time. His days began at the crack of dawn, making a cold breakfast before he packed up what little he had, and rode in...
HistoricalIntroduction: Memories of two erotic summer holidays. I had no particular intention of following up on the last tale but, after what happened over the summer, I feel compelled to share this with you. You will recall from the previous story that I am the wrong side of fifty, a respected English teacher, whilst my wife, Kelly, is barely out of her teenage. Despite the mammoth age gap, we have a strong and loving marriage with an awesome though irregular sex life but, unsurprisingly, Kelly needs...
If you are wondering whether being a sissy is for you, the following information will point out the many good things, and dispel any doubts or negative feelings you may have about becoming a sissy gurl. The rules are important, and obeying the rules will make you a happier sissy.Repeated reading of this and the subsequent entries will deepen and clarify your sissy state of mind: once you have freed yourself from thoughts of masculinity, you will be left with only the desire to please real men,...
u smile & pull me in2 the bathroom& then pull me in2 the shower with we soap & wash each others bodiesi can feel my excitement growing & i can FEEL that yours is growingas u throb & expand in my hand...then your hands move 2 my shoulders& gently press my body downwardmaking me drop 2 my knees in front of uas my hand slides 2 the thick base of your i slowly look upward & in2 your eyesi open my mouth & let your cock slide insideslithering my tongue...
On Monday, if John suspected anything, he didn’t let on. Things went back to normal for a while at school and at home. The only time I really even messed with my abilities was when Joey and I were horny. We got into a routine where one of us would call the other and arrange a time, then I would connect to him, and we would jerk each other off telepathically. That had started as a joke about me controlling his hand to jerk him off, but when that proved better than when he controlled it...
Ashley sat on the floor crying. She was such a cluster of mixed emotions she could not seem to get control of any of her emotions. Ashley had always considered herself a strong ‘type one’ personality. She was always quick to take charge of a situation and did not submit to anyone. Yet, she just had. She had let a man she barely knew tie her up, whip her with a riding crop and then fuck the shit out of her. What made it worse was she enjoyed it. That was by far the strongest orgasm she had ever...
Adreena and her man have a special relationship. He takes care of her and the house then he gets what he wants. He doesn’t and Adreena locks him up in chastity. Today is one of the days he decides to misbehave. Adreena locks him up in order to help curb that behavior. Later that day two of his friends come over to watch the game and end up finding out about the marital arrangement. Adreena at first just humiliates her man. Telling his friends about how weak his dick is and how she could...
xmoviesforyouVolume 1Chapter 1SHOW AND SHARE Another Melody Mitchell storyThe drinks and snacks were neatly laid out in the kitchen, and Melody glanced at the clock to make sure that she had left herself enough time to get ready. She knew she would be in very hot water if she was late. Half past five, that gave her just an hour to prepare before the men got back from town. This was the first time that their games would involve another person and her heart skipped a beat every time she thought of it. She had...
My name is Tarek and I’m from Bangladesh. I’m a regular reader of ISS. As I used to read the stories, often I also wished to tell the readers of my own story that I have been carrying within me for years. But I have always been suffering from hesitation, I don’t know why. Every person has unique stories of his or her own. And sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. I have also seen some fabricated stories in ISS. Real stories are more enjoyable than the fictitious ones. The real stories are...
I took the elevator to reach the last floor, where I worked. The small cabin was really crowded that morning. And I was being squished among a lot of people. A wonderful start to that long day, I thought to myself. Suddenly, I felt it. There, again… definitely it was more than just a quick accidental contact. A pair of hands was rubbing my buttocks through my tight skirt. I should normally be offended, but that soft contact felt so good…It was not an aggressive groping. Those hands were...
Our friends Sheila and James had invited us to a house party, but that night I was arriving late to the airport from a flight abroad. But my sweet Ana would go alone and I would join her later at the party.I finally arrived home past midnight. I took a warm shower, changed my clothes and drove to our friends’ house. But I found some pretty bad traffic and I then texted Anita, saying I was really late. She texted back saying not to worry and she loved me.I could get to the party around two...
I am a 19 yrs old girl sharing my first sex experience with readers. ….I lived in Delhi……. Two years back when I was in the 2nd year of graduation, one day I went to my friend’s house to pick up some study notes at about 3 PM in the month of hot July………. Since I was a regular visitor to my friend’s house I entered the house without knocking the door. ………The door was open and I just opened it entered in the room…… I found nobody in the house……. Suddenly my friend’s brother came out of bathroom...