Ajeda free porn video

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My name is Tarek and I’m from Bangladesh. I’m a regular reader of ISS. As I used to read the stories, often I also wished to tell the readers of my own story that I have been carrying within me for years. But I have always been suffering from hesitation, I don’t know why. Every person has unique stories of his or her own. And sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. I have also seen some fabricated stories in ISS. Real stories are more enjoyable than the fictitious ones. The real stories are like mirrors where we can see ourselves and all our carnal behaviors reflected.

Today I like to shake all my hesitations off and relate the most adventurous story of my life. This is the story of my first endeavor, my first initiation into the mysterious realm of sex. Bangladeshi society is rather conservative and my milieu was not any different. On that time I was a student of HSC, which is the 12th class in Bangladesh. We had been living in Dhaka and we had a house maid. Her name was Ajeda and on that time she was about 14 years old. She had been with us since her childhood. Her other sisters had also been working in many of our relatives’ house. So she was very familiar with all of our family members. She came from the same home district as we. In fact she grew with us and that is why she was regarded as one of the family members.

I was not very concerned about her and almost forgot her entity. It was the most difficult period that every man experiences; it was the period of my adolescence. I was overwhelmed with restless sensation characteristics of adolescence. Potential female faces that I came across in the day time reappeared in the night as my paramour and I didn’t know what to do. Already I had learned the art of masturbation and in those nights it was my only remedy.

One day I was just skimming over a magazine in our living room and Ajeda was cleaning the windows. I was hardly aware of her presence. Suddenly I felt something…..but could not understand immediately what was wrong. I looked at her and realized that something had gone terribly wrong. I moved toward the window that she was standing by and looked outwards. There I found a guy standing and beckoning with amorous gesture to her. Ajeda was standing there all pale. Everything seemed clear to me and I asked her what the matter was. Immediately she started begging my forgiveness and requesting me not to tell anything to my mom. She was promising every possible thing that she would do for me if only I would not report it to anybody. She was uttering gaspingly, “I will do anything you like me to do but please don’t tell it to anybody. I don’t know that guy. He use to gesture at me whenever I come near this window”. She was emphasizing on “anything” that she would do for me to atone herself and this intrigued me. All on a sudden I perceived the opportunity and the innocent girl was doomed.

Ajeda was a little petite girl with dark complexion, she was just blooming. For the first time I looked at her appreciating and there she was with all her innocent and provoking luster. She was still in her frock but her boobs were already developed. She lived and developed rather unnoticed. She used to call me Mama (maternal uncle).

I told her all right, but at the same time I made her realize what a grave crime she did commit. On that time my parents were busy with their respective job and duties. Ajeda sleeps in a room adjacent to the kitchen. My room was on the same side and my parents lived on the other side of the house. At night I could go to the kitchen without disturbing anybody which I often did to prepare tea. Whenever I needed to go to kitchen I had to go there passing Ajeda’s room. She always locked her room from inside at night.

Next one or two days I was planning and at the same time threatening her about the consequence that she was about to face if only I did report. I was also very frightened about the fact that if she would report to my parents about my advance towards her then I would be undone for ever. I also gave a thought to abandon my entire plan. But my libido prevails upon all good reasons. I called her one evening and told her in grave voice that there was only one way for her to make me forget everything. She was eager to know it and reassured me about her acquiescence. I told, “You know what I like to get from you, Don’t you?” At first she did not understand and asked, “What?”

“Well, you must know what I can ask from you as a male”

“I am not getting you, what do you like to get?” Ajeda replied.

I was perplexed and could not understand how to make it clear to her. I tried again and this time I stared greedily at her boobs and said you must know that. She got it this time and was apparently stunned. She could not look at me and was looking downwards. I told her to think of it and let me know her decision later. I also told her that this was the only thing she could do to make me connive at her misconduct.

Next day she came to my room cautiously and asked me again what actually I liked her to do. I told her, “You know that”. But she kept asking importunately what exactly I was going to do with her. Finding no other alternative I told her that I would like to put her clothes off and then …..You know! She seemed to be very much frightened. I left her without saying anything.

Again next day she came to me and told me that, what I planned to do was very risky because that could make her pregnant. “But you are not that much older” I inquired.

“Oh no I am already, I have my…..you know….from last year. Otherwise I am ready to do anything,” Ajeda said. I was happy indeed but at the same time frightened too at the risky aspect of enjoying her.

On that time I was an inexperienced lover and was too young to go to a medical store to purchase condoms. I did not like using condoms either. After all it would be my first time. I knew about safe period sex but forgot the exact timing. So I purchased a book about sex and from that I collected the information about the safe period. I told everything to Ajeda and assured her that it would be no problem. After much calculation I fixed a date with her. She told me that she would give me the chance just for once and never. I agreed. Then she told me in an apprehensive tone that it would hurt her badly.

“How did you know that?” I asked.

“I heard it so from my cousin who is married”

“Don’t worry; I will take care of that. Besides, you need to tolerate some pain, after all you committed a serious crime” I told her. She had no other alternative but to acquiesce tacitly. Her taciturnity encouraged me and I bent on my plan to enjoy her to my heart’s content.

The assignation was three days later and I passed those three days throbbing with anticipation. And at last the day arrived. I reminded her and told her that I was coming to her room that night. She looked at me intently and tried once again to dissuade me. But I was immovable and told her that there was no other alternative to expiate her crime. She looked at me like a trapped rat. And then I asked, “Is that all right?” Then she very firmly reminded me that I was going to get the chance just for once and never. I agreed readily. So, I told her to keep the door of her room open and to wait for me. I would come after everyone had fallen asleep. She listened silently and went to her way with a very melancholic appearance. She was looking great in her helpless predicament.

It was such a night that I was to remember for the rest of my life. I was pacing in my own room and in the dinner table I had no appetite. To find it difficult to pass the time I went to bed early and waiting there for the right moment. I was shivering whenever I thought what I was going to have.

Our flat was rather spacious and it was divided into two by a passage. My parents’ bedroom, living room and another room were in the eastern side. In the western side there were three rooms in a row. The first one was mine, and then the passage and it led to the kitchen passing dining room and a little guest room. In this little guest room Ajeda slept. The positive side was that when my parents closed their room the eastern side was aloof and detached. If at night my parents came out of their room, there was no way to understand where I was and what was happening in the kitchen and most importantly in the little guest room.

At about half past midnight all seemed quiet. I waited for another half an hour and then came out of my room and closed the door very silently. I then started for my very first amorous adventure. I was wearing a lungi and apparently shaking when I slowly approached towards the kitchen. I went to kitchen first and arranged everything to prepare a cup of tea. I made the arrangement to create a pretext….in case!!

I came in front of Ajeda’s room and pushed the door. In a state of euphoria I found it open. Gingerly I pushed the door open and entered into the dark room. I put on the light and looked at Ajeda. In that room there was a little bedstead for the guest but she used to sleep on the floor. She closed her eyes tightly as the room flooded with sudden light. I closed the door, went near her and sat down beside her. I hold her wrist and tried to call her up. She looked at me and I told her that this was the time…… This time she tried her last to get rid of me. I got angry and told her that all right I was leaving but the next morning I would inform everything to my mom. She gave up and conclusively asked me to do whatever I liked to do. A trickle of euphoria went down my backbone and I reached out for the zipper of her Kameez. I pulled it down and brought her kameez out of her front part. She immediately crossed her hands and hid her boobs. Forcefully I removed it and looked at her boobs. I will not try to describe how beautiful her boobs were because mere words cannot describe the beauty of young virgin boobs. Her nipples seemed to be very erect and they were like big cherry fruits. I put my palm on one of them and cupped it and pressed it lightly. Instantly I lost all patience and started kneading the breast hard. She was squirming and moaning in a whisper….ish… ish…ah…ah….ish… lage… Lage (it hurts, it hurts).

I squeezed and squeezed on till I was satisfied with them. Then I pulled my own vest out of my body and pulled down her Kameez and brought it out of her body. She was topless now. I embraced her bare body and it felt amazing. Her bare body was so soft, smooth and worm. I bent my mouth on her nipple and started sucking. She was wriggling and hissing. I told her not to move and kept on sucking.

“Mama, ki koren? Ki koren? (What are you doing?). My penis was about to tear off my lungi and I started to reach out toward her belly and downwards. I held the one end of the fastening lace of her Salwaar and pulled it out. At first she did not understand what was happening but soon she realized that I was opening her Salwaar. She held the fastening lace tightly “….na Mama…. Na……pleeeeeeeaaassseee!!!!”

There was nothing on earth to dissuade me. I scolded her rudely and very forcefully took out the fastening lace out of her grip. In no time I loosened and hoisted her Salwaar down and took it out of her legs. Instantly she placed her both palms on her womanhood and tried to hide it from my sight “na mama na dekben na dekben na pleeeeaasseee” (Don’t look at it, don’t… Don’t… Please!!) Ecstatically I removed her palms and looked at the ultimate prize.

I was transfixed by the stunning beauty of her little pussy. It was so amazing and fascinating that I could not avert my eyes. It was like a bud covered with very delicate and tender brownish hair. Her pubic hair was just growing and hence it looked very soft. She laid there like the hapless maid who was brought to the altar of sacrifice. I unfastened my lungi hurriedly and brought it out of my body and threw it on the other side of the bed. I put my palm on her cunt. It was soft and furry, Ajeda was squirming and hissing and closed her both knees tightly but I forced her to keep both of her knees apart. I looked at my penis and I never seen it so large before. My penis is more than average and on that moment it assumed a horrible size. My circumcised penis was seething with rage and was moving up and down with an inexorable power.

I rode on her and placed myself on her chest keeping my weight on my knees. She kept her eyes closed all through…but I wanted to show it to her. I called her and told her to open her eyes. She opened her eyes and instantly shrunk back at the very size of my erect penis in front of her. She was horrified at the enormous size of it. “eh eh uhu uhu eto boro kano? Voi lage, shoran….” (Why is it so big? I am afraid…move it away!!!). I told her to make it wet with her saliva. At first she did not understand, so I told her that if she made it wet with her own saliva it would be lubricated and it would hurt her less. I also told her to take it into her mouth, which she refused adamantly. I did not force her and told her ok, just moistened it with your saliva. She took her saliva in her palm and anointed my penis. It felt great and I could not hold myself any longer. I crawled backward and placed my penis on her little cunt. I looked backward under my body and found my erect penis just in position. The fatal size of my penis made me apprehensive too. It looked like a leviathan before a little butterfly. I held my moist penis with my hand and placed the tip of it on her slit and pushed it inwards. At first it slid downwards….Ajeda shuddered under my body. She was not cooperating and so I scolded and threatened her again and forced her to comply with my instruction. I straddled her legs and bent her both knees and furled it backwards. Thereby I found her pussy more positioned to be penetrated. I got the idea of this particular position from a sex magazine. Again I held my penis and tried for the second time. This time, on the way slipping down again, it seemed to have found the right entrance….and I kept it there and pushed hard. The corona of my penis seemed to be dipping inside and Ajeda gave a horrific startle….I bit my lower lip and pushed on. It seemed to me that my penis was wearing a soft rubber ring and the ring was slithering slowly onwards. On that very moment Ajeda started screaming….. Ish….. Ish…uh… Uh… lage…. Lage… na… Mama… Na… Batha lage… ish… ish…uh… uh… ishiiii (It hurts…it hurts…oh no!!!….don’t…don’t……). As I pushed hard her screaming also increased proportionately. I was metamorphosed into a sadistic demon and placed my palm on her mouth and gagged her mercilessly. I held her tightly and pushed my penis inside her. Ajeda was writhing under me and vehemently tried to throw me away. The sound of her muffled moaning had a great impact on me and I shoved in with demonic force. The soft ring slowly slithered towards the base of my penis and with a final push I impaled her totally. The full length of my penis was lost into her and I felt it tight and warm.

I started pumping clumsily. Then the pace of my butting haunches increased. I felt it to be beyond my control. Frantically I was pumping and then a final and fatal shove uuuhhh aaaahhh ishhhhh…! I shoved my penis with all of my force as if I was trying to touch the furthest point inside her with my penis and there I came to my inexorable crisis. Waaow!! My seed spurted out and I was out of my control. It went on for a considerably long time. I collapsed on her and was panting desperately. My whole body was drenched with sweat.

Slowly I pulled back my penis and the wilting penis came out like a long lace and I could feel the total length that went inside her. I rolled down from her body and lay beside her. I was still gasping and drop of sweat trickled down from all over my body. After a while I got my sense back and looked at Ajeda. She was lying there motionless. I called her and there I found her totally unconscious, she got fainted. Oh my god! What was I going to do? I looked at her cunt and it was all smeared with fresh blood and some drops were still trickling down. Her bed was stained with blood all over. I was very horrified and rushed into the kitchen. I brought a mug full of water and bent upon her. I sprinkled some on her face… she started moaning I applied more water on her face and slowly she started gaining her sense back. The first thing she asked if all was over or not. I told her yes, and then she looked for her clothes. I helped her put on her Salwaar and she went to bathroom limping. I was waiting and she came back after a long time. She removed her bed sheet and put another one. Then she lay on her bed and I was beside her. She was groaning a little…..what was the matter? I asked. She told me that it was paining and burning. She pointed towards her crotch. I went to my room and brought back with a pain killer and a sedative and told her to take them. She asked me very calmly what they were. “It will alleviate your pain”. She swallowed both the tablets.

I took her in my arms and caressed her face tenderly. She hid her face in my chest and start sobbing. I kissed and tried to sooth her. And at last she fell asleep.

The most amazing thing was that just after two days she came to me furtively and told me, “On that night I could not feel anything except the pain……. I like to feel you….. I mean I like to realize the whole thing, I will not mind if you come just for once this night…. I will keep my door open”. I smiled. A torrid affair between me and Ajeda ensued thereafter. But those are some other stories. May be next time I will tell you some of those stories.

In the mean time you can write to me or send me your comments to this address Looking forward to hear your feedback. Thank you so much for being with my story.

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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 21 Lupins Lupins

Next morning, a little before eight o'clock, Valenglay was talking in his own flat to the Prefect of Police, and asked: "So you think as I do, my dear Prefect? He'll come?" "I haven't the least doubt of it, Monsieur le President. And he will come with the same punctuality that has been shown throughout this business. He will come, for pride's sake, at the last stroke of eight." "You think so?" "Monsieur le President, I have been studying the man for months. As things now stand,...

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I had known Bryan for years and considered him my best friend. We were very close, but something unspoken had always prevented us from advancing our friendship to the next level, even though we were compatible in so many ways. When he had moved away for college, I was heartbroken, for I ended up staying behind and working in the family business instead, but I was elated when he returned four years later for a job in a neighboring town, for once again my best friend was not someone I could see...

4 years ago
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Cameron Finds His GameChapter 8

"Fifteen minutes, exactly. What've you got there honey?" "Personnel dossiers for three prospective Caretakers. We are supposed to review them and select one by next Saturday when I am to return to Crossroads." "Can I see?" "Sure, but lets go to dinner first." Leia drove them to Sir Scott's, a nearby steakhouse, where they had reservations. Once settled at their table, off in a corner where they had fewer close patrons for company, she insisted on the report that Cameron wanted...

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My little sister Lily Chapter 2 Lilys first lover0

She smiled at me. “What’s that?” I returned the smile. “Breakfast, silly.” I sat down on the bed and passed her a plastic bowl with her ‘skillet’ in it. “Yum, avocado.” She crawled onto the blankets and over to me, she kissed my cheek and I couldn’t help but stare. This was the first time seeing my sister and lover naked from head to toe. She smiled when she realized I was inspecting her body. I ate slowly and watched her. She gave me a show. She sat cross legged so I could see everything...

2 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 22

The sudden appearance of the attackers had shocked Cal, just as it had the others. The sight of the gun brought back unavoidable images of Fasil in the back yard on THE DAY. It was fortunate for Cal that the gun-wielder wanted to talk as it gave Cal time to collect himself and remember his disciplines. First, the threat assessment. The gun was the only visible weapon, and a quick glance did not show any of the others with body positions indicating a weapon at hand. Cal would have bet,...

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My little sis growing up Part 5

I had just graduated. I got the opportunity to go out of state work for a while. I hated to leave sis behind but then I couldn’t stay home forever. “I’m going to miss you when you leave little brother.” She said as she cuddled up to me in the swing out back. It was getting dark. Mom had just brought us out two glasses of homemade tea. It was getting dark as a cool breeze blew against us from the back. Sis laid her hand on my leg and slowly slid it up my shorts. My cock was soft...

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Sperm Roulette

Several weeks had passed since Barb’s ‘date’ with Tom’s black friend and it turned out that she did not get pregnant from her first interracial fling. After Barbara’s black lover left that night, her mind in a turmoil with the possibility that she might well end up pregnant with a black child. It was the next day before she told Tom of the potential pregnancy. As the days wore on, both found themselves becoming more and more turned on by the thought. They...

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Chrissys Little MistakeChapter 1

“Daddy?” I was sitting at the computer, finishing up some work. I turned to look at Chrissy, my seventeen year old daughter and one of the lights of my life. Her brother, Bobby, was the other one. He was in his eighth week of basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, in what he called the scenic Ozarks in the one phone call he’d been allowed so far. He said he’d finally found that place everybody talks about where you can’t see the forest for the trees. The locals all called it “Fort...

1 year ago
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BangBus Gianna Dior A Porn Star Is Born On The Bus

Every now and then the bus comes across a star in the making. This is definitely one of those times. We see Gianna Dior walking down street and are immediately drawn to her. This girl is amazing. She has a beautiful face, a winning smile, glowing skin, mesmerizing eyes and just exudes sexiness. Not to mention she also has a tight and slim little body. At first, she wanted nothing to with us. We finally talked her into at least speaking to us by giving her “C-note”. Little by little...

1 year ago
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American Defloration

I can still remember that hot day when I missed my classes in college. My parents were out visiting my grannies in another town, so I could do whatever I wanted. It was really hot, like in Africa, I guess.I suddenly heard knocking on my door. I didn’t want to open it. I was too lazy to get up from the couch they knocked again. Ok, I’m coming and I grumbled, going to the door. I was almost naked.I wasn’t ashamed of my friends, if the one knocking was one of them and if it was somebody I didn’t...

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Dominated by Alexs Boyfriend

I’ve been wanting to tell you guys more about Alex’s boyfriend but as you can tell from yesterday’s blog post, I’ve been busy adding more movies. Right now I’m going to sit down and tell you guys what has been going on over the last week or so. Last time I blogged about Alex and his boyfriend, Alex was going on his first ‘date’ with Adam (that is what I’m going to call him, not his real name). I saw them running down the beach outside my house and Adam looked fucking hot. They were both...

2 years ago
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My unexpectedly good threesome

"Do you wanna come fuck this tight wet pussy tonight?"That's the message I got from this woman who I had been chatting online with. We had exchanged a few messages back and forth over the past week or so, and she seemed pretty cool to me. So when she sent that message, there was no way I was turning her down.There was a bit of a catch though. Turns out she wasn't home alone. Her husband was there with her, and he wanted to join in. In fact, it turns out that it was his idea to invite me over....

3 years ago
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Filthy Compliance

“You filthy little cunt” You say and a small part of my mind considers whether I actually like being called a cunt or whether it’s just the tone you’re using to talk down to me. I say down because I’m actually on my knees below you, I’m following orders like a good little girl would.I’m tempted to defy you, it’s my rebellious streak but I like the image of the good little girl and so do you.“Do you know what I’m going to do to you?” you ask me in a voice that intimidates me and makes me ache in...

3 years ago
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pierced and ready

Today she got her nipples and pussy pierced. The whole time it made her so horny that she needed a man. She went into a small intimate bar to see who was there. She wore no bra or panties to rub against the new piercings and her clothing was very revealing. She sat at the bar legs spread and looked around. A man caught her eye. He could tell she wanted some one to fuck her and he wanted that job. He went over to her and rubbed her back and then to around the front of her. He liked that she had...

4 years ago
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Sorority Sissy

sorority sissy by sissy 4 u i had been dating karen ever since I started going to college about six months ago in a northeastern university karen was an extremely beautiful girl which was part of the reason why it was so easy for her to join the sorority delta kappa all the girls at that sorority about 50 in all plus a house"mother"who took care of the bills the dormitory and any trouble the girls might get into the resident girls of delta kappa as i said were were real "lookers...

2 years ago
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Mia owned her house free and clear thanks to her last divorce, well more accurately thanks to having a great attorney. The house sat back into the woods on a half acre of property in Northern Virginia, the basement having been converted into an in-law suite for her aged mother and father. She had no children, no boyfriend, just herself and her parents to take care of nowadays. Her father, Jack, was 69 and a retired aerospace engineer and her mother Doris was 66 and a housewife. They had moved...

3 years ago
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Suzannes lesson

Suzanne’s lesson.     “What is it this time Suzanne?” “Smoking in the toilets, Sir.” She stood in front of his desk, one hip thrust forward, deliberately provocatively. Mr. French sighed in resignation of an on-going and unfathomable problem. It seemed that he and this particular young lady were having these chastisement meetings rather more frequently than he would like. “Adopt the position.” Suzanne was a problem, a constant problem. At Saint Agnes School for girls, she was the misfit....

First Time
1 year ago
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Bena Adventures 3 The Slutslave working as a worthless prostitute

Introduction: This is a story about an adventure we had quite some time ago. Bena is my romanian slave slut. We live in Poland. We are not native english speakers. Bena is about 5 feet 3 inches tall, has brown tanned skin, long brown curly hair, slim body and small 32 Cup A breasts. Her Pussy is nearly always shaven. If we wouldnt, it would be very bushy. She enjoys very much s&m adventures. She loves pain and humilation. She is always wet in her little pussy. I plan hot adventures for her all...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 3 The River

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Tuesday, August 11th, 2071 – Chasity "Chase" Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun rose, shining through my window. It roused me from my thoughts. All night, I had sat on my bed, staring at my hands, the pain slowly fading from my spanked ass. But the hurt in my heart only intensified. Joab had been the first person in a long time I had cared for. He was strong and passionate. He loved me. And maybe I loved him. But I messed it up. I replayed...

1 year ago
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Way off Broadway

My name is Pete. I've worked for the last fifteen years at a large financial institution based in Silicon Valley and have managed to work my way up to a good position as an assistant manager. I'm not terribly interested in moving higher than that simply because of the headaches I've seen my boss get from climbing higher in the corporation. My boss's name is Nicole.When I started with the company, she was one position lower than I am now. Back then, there were only five people in the whole...

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My little stepsister

(feel free to change the names to whoever you want via the three red bars in the right-hand corner) You sit quietly in the waiting room, as you wait for the train to pull into the station. Lucky for you your phone vibrates as you get a message from Dani saying that the train will arrive in 5 minutes. It's already half an hour late, but what're another 5 minutes going to do, so you pull out your phone and decide to watch some videos on YouTube. Finally, the train arrives and you stand up to see...

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The Half sister

~Another Fantasy style story.~My name is Ryan. I grew up in a pretty normal house. My parents divorced when I was eleven and my mom moved my sister and me across the state to start over. My sister and I had a completely normal c***dhood and grew up to be normal adults. When I was around 22, I discovered an i****t themed chat room and began discussing it with others. It was mostly mother and son or father and daughter but what really got me going was all the brother and sister stories. This...

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Beach vacation

I don't know how many of you have read about the skiing vacation I took last last winter. It was a rather boring until my boyfriend Dave and his friend Jim decided to do some very kinky things to Jim's girlfriend Cathy and me, of course. None of the individual activities were new to me, but the combination of things did get me very excited. Cathy on the other hand was quite innocent of these kinky entertainments. The vacation turned out to include her first assfuck, her first time naked in...

1 year ago
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Falling in Love

Falling in Love Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I took the job because I needed the money. It was a very innocuous job. My job was to clean up after the doctor was done for the day, which was always around six. The pay was okay, and kept me in pizza money. But as time went on, the doctor asked me if I wanted to help him during the day, part time, as an office assistant. He was expanding his office and needed the help. Of course, I took the offer. Working nights was...

3 years ago
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Drugged for Dogs and HorsesChapter 2 the next morning

Many hours later I awoke, I was again in the dimly lit room and didn't know where I was, I didn't really remember anything in fact everything was hazy about the night before. I seemed to remember a strange sexual dream. I tried to get up thinking I was at home and I should get up to go to high school, when I felt my breasts flop and hang swollen in front of me. It was then I remembered vaguely what had happened. I had been injected to make my breasts grow and fill with milk and they were...

1 year ago
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Lady in Red Book 2 The Rise of the WarriorChapter 19

Gwen's surprise at her friends' practical joke was total. As she stood looking at her family with her mouth open, Steve hugged her shoulders to him and whispered in her ear. "This was Lisa's idea. She had the patches waiting for her on the helicopters and passed them out when you weren't looking. Are you going to be able to laugh this off?" "Are you kidding? They got me good! I love them even more for making the effort to set me up like this. We need friends and relatives that treat...

3 years ago
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Steve and Kyle Episode 10

CHAPTER 22The week between Christmas and New Year passed all too quickly as all vacations always seem to do. Steve and Kyle got to know – intimately it must be said and in the widest meaning of the word – quite a number of other guys, but at the end of the day when they retired to their suite Benjamin had become a more or less permanent fixture in their lives. He appeared regularly around nine and the three of them had a sort of ménage à trois relationship in which who fucked was always in...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Not OrdinaryChapter 23

“Emma!” I wasn’t sure I had ever put so many of my emotions into just one word as I did then. My frustrations, longing and so many other emotions that I couldn’t even begin to fathom, all seemed to be encapsulated into that one word. As she stood before me, the perfect picture of majestic brilliance, I couldn’t help but wonder if I could ever sort out my emotions when it came to this woman. “What are you doing here?” I found myself at a loss of words, asking the first question that came to...

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The Waitress

The WaitressSophie sits in a corner cafe, her emotions all over the place. As she surveys her surroundings the tables were in need of a wipe, the gloomy ochre, smoke stained paintwork peeling away from the Victorian brickwork beneath. The gloomy surroundings fitted her mood, the girl she was supposed to meet hadn’t turned up, Sophie felt alone, lonely, unwanted and depressed.A new girl appeared at the far side of the counter, it was easy to see by the waitresses wide shoulders and slim hips...

3 years ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 17 Otherworldly Voices

'Alex? Are you busy?' 'Sure, Mickie.' Alex recognized her mental signature as he sat back, enjoying yet another coffee while the girls around him discussed what being a Seeker meant to their lives. 'I've got a few spare moments, ' he teased, seeing as how he wasn't doing anything at the moment. Becky and Melinda had everything well in hand. 'I really wanted to apologize for walking out on you. I didn't want you to think I don't regard what you are doing as important, but ......

1 year ago
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Busty Petite

Reddit Busty Petite, aka r/BusyPetite! What’s one thing that makes men get an erection that’s literally unstoppable because they’re biologically programmed to respond to it that way visually? Big tits. What’s another thing that has the same effect on most straight men? Small waists. What happens when you combine the two? You get a community-made image and video-sharing forum dedicated to nothing but busty petites which has over 831 thousand people subscribed to it, and that’s not something that...

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