Shania, Pt. 4 free porn video

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We decided on a little bistro close to our apartment building. It was kind of dark, cool, and intriguing. The food was excellent. I didn’t eat much, though, as I spent most of the meal just looking at the angel across from me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

I shook my head. “Not a thing. I just can’t get enough of looking at you. You make this dark room bright.”

“Thank you, I think.” She beamed at me.

“You’re so bright and sparkling. You just look pretty.”

“That is so nice. I’m so pleased you think I’m pretty. I didn’t get to be pretty when Jerry was alive. He and his crew liked me to look hot, you know like Sandy at the end of Grease?”

“Hot is great,” I grinned at her, “but you’re just made for pretty.”

“I can be glam, too, you know.” Her voice and look were tantalizing.

“I’ll bet you can,” I smiled.

“Can you imagine me as sultry and smooth?” she laughed.

“It’s a hard image, considering how bright and sparkling you look right now,” I confessed. “But, I saw that over the past couple of days. I never want you to be sad again, Shania, but the truth is, you look terrific in black. Very glamorous.”

“The biker boys liked black, too,” she said, looking over my shoulder into space. “But they liked tube tops, leather shorts, high-heeled boots and stuff.”

“Piercings and tattoos?” I asked.

“Just my earlobes and a tiny tattoo on my hip.”

“You have a tattoo on your hip?” I asked, amazed.

She nodded and grinned. “A little, tiny tiger. I let you see it later when we get naked.”

I stopped in mid-stroke, my fork hanging in mid-air. “We’re not doing that, Shania. I already told you.”

“That was before you admitted you loved me.”

I nodded, putting down my fork. “All the more reason not to.”

“Eric,” she said, softly but very firmly, “I want you to love me, and I want you to make love to me. You’ve admitted you love me. Tell me why you refuse to make love to me.”

“Because, Shania, there is a chance you won’t love me. If that happens, I don’t want you to feel you’ve been used, tricked, or have made a commitment beyond what you can deal with. I don’t want you ever to regret that we made love.”

She leaned forward so she was nearly in my face. Her voice was low and dangerous. “I will have you, Eric. You will be mine. I will hold you inside me and draw your love into me. I want that, and I want it tonight.”

“It is because I love you that it won’t happen tonight, Shania, not on the night after you buried your husband.”

She continued in the low, forceful and demanding voice. “I don’t give a fuck about that, Eric. That is the past. It is ancient history. He used me for his own gratification. What I want now is to share myself with you and for you to share yourself with me. I want us to be partners Eric. You can’t deny me that if you truly love me.”

“You can’t blackmail me like that, Shania. I won’t let you use what I feel for you as leverage so you can manipulate me. We will make love when you can convince me that you are in love with me, not before.”

“I don’t have to manipulate you, Eric. You already love me. You want to protect me, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I nodded.

“And, if I need anything, you’ll make sure I get it?”

“I will provide for you, if that’s what you mean.”

“Yes, that’s what I mean. And you won’t push me away from you, will you?”

“No, I won’t do that.”

“Will you let me come live with you in your apartment?”

“If that’s what you want.”

“And you’ll do damned near anything I ask of you, won’t you?”

“Within reason,” I chuckled.

“Eric, my husband is dead. I’m released. I’m free and alive. I want to celebrate that freedom and being alive.”

“You don’t need me to do that,” I said softly.

“But, I choose you,” she matched my tone.

“I’m conveniently located,” I joked with her. It pissed her off.

“You think it means that little to me?” her eyes flared and flashed. “If it was just a matter of fucking somebody, I could hook up with Stan.”

“The jerk from this afternoon?”

“Yeah. Honestly, Eric. I can’t figure out what you’re trying to do with this? Don’t you want to make love with me?”

I leaned back in my chair and looked at her. “You have no idea how much. But, what I really want, Shania, is to hold you close to me. I want to feel you breathe, touch your skin, caress you and enfold you. What I want is to wake up next to you. I want to know you are close to me, that I can reach out and touch you. I want your kisses and your touch. I want to know who you are, what your next thought will be, the desires of your heart and be the love of your life. That’s what I want. And, even more important, I want you to know that you can trust me to think of you first and always. I want you never to doubt that you are more important to me than life itself. Making love, sex? I want for you to be thrilled, exhilarated, energized, and delighted. I want you to be overwhelmed with pleasure. What I want is for you to feel the synergy of the two of us being existentially more than just you and I joined. I want my life to be about you, Shania. And if that doesn’t scare the crap out of you, and I imagine it will, I want for you to commit to sharing that vision of unity and togetherness for the rest of our lives. I want to celebrate being alive and being together, mystically joined into a single entity from this day forward. I want our lives to intertwine, to interweave and become one life that matters more to us than either of our lives individually. That’s what I want.”

Shania sat absolutely still. She appeared stunned. She raised the linen napkin to her lips and dabbed gently.

“Take me home, Eric,” she said. Her voice was barely audible.

I nodded and signaled the waiter for the check.

As we stepped out into the night air, I felt distinctly uncomfortable. “I’m sorry, Shania. I didn’t mean to overwhelm you with all that.”

“Shut up, Eric,” she said, not unkindly. “I just want to go home.”

“I’ll walk you back to your apartment”.

“To our apartment, Eric,” she whispered. “Where you live is where I live.”

“Oh,” I said. “I thought you wanted to go back to your place.”

“Your place is my place, if you will have me.” She put her hand on my arm at the crook of my elbow to stop me. “What you just said.” She looked into my eyes. “That’s the vision.”

“Well,” I responded uneasily, “it is my vision.”

She shook her head. “It’s our vision, Eric. Now I know why Jerry never understood. You’ve been the keeper of our vision. Jerry and I were never meant to have it. It belongs to us; to you and me.”

“Okay.” I was at a loss for words.

Shania slid her hand down my arm until she grasped my hand. We started walking toward our complex.

“I don’t know if you believe in fate or whatever,” she said, “But this is it. We’re fated to be together. When I heard you lay it all out like that, I was astonished. I don’t know why, really. I’ve known we belong together for a few days. Tonight it just became absolutely crystal clear.”

“Well, you already know how I feel about you, my love. All that remains is for you to decide.”

“If I love our vision, can loving you be far behind?” she asked lightly.

“I hope you will,” I chuckled. “Unrequited love is a bitch.”

“I’m nobody’s bitch, Eric. I already told you. But I’m going to love being your partner.”

I pulled her hand up to my chest and pressed it to me. “I’m going to love having you as my partner.”

“And,” she said confidently, “as far as tonight is concerned, I going to sleep with you in your bed, in our bed. I am going to be naked and you are, too.”

“Shania,” I started with a cautionary tone.

“Hush!” she ordered. “I will hold you and you will hold me. If we make love, it will be. If we don’t, then we will be together. Frankly, at this point, I don’t really care. All I want is to be with you. If you love me then I will love you in return. If you enter me, then I will welcome you. If I need you, then I will take you and you will give yourself to me. It doesn’t matter, Eric. All that matters is that we begin, right now, this night, to live into our shared vision, together.”

“So you are coming into my bed in spite of everything?” I laughed.

“Our bed, Eric. From now on, there is no yours or mine. Everything is ours. Our apartment, our bed, our relationship, our love, our life. It was meant to be and I can prove it.”

“You can, huh?”

Shania sounded dead serious. “You are in 2B and I am in 3C. Do you know what you get when you multiply them?”

“Uh,” I stammered, “Algebra? Not one of best subjects. I don’t know. Is it like 6BC?”

“Exactly,” she said. “The beginning of time.”

“Honey,” I said, as gently as I could, “I don’t even know if the calculation is right. But I do know that 6BC was not the beginning of time.”

Out of the corner of my eye I could see her grinning wickedly. “Well, crap!” she said. “You seem to need empirical evidence that we should be together. I’m grasping at straws over here. You want to go with it for me?”

I laughed aloud. “You are incredible! Bright, beautiful and a really quirky sense of humor, too. How could I not love you?”

Shania directed me into the shower first. She collected our glasses, wiped down the table, and washed the glasses out, leaving them in the strainer while I showered and shaved. I came out from the shower wrapped in a towel around my waist. She gave me the once-over.

“Not bad for an old man,” she remarked.

“Just got to keep driving the knife in, don’t you?” I asked, only half-kidding.

She stepped up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She planted a blistering kiss on my lips. When she pulled back, her eyes searched mine.

“I don’t care how old you are, darling,” she whispered. “You’re mine. I own you, and you own me. It was just a joke.”

“I’m sensitive about that topic. It’s the weak link.”

“I will love you for who you are, my darling. All this other junk is just crap. It doesn’t matter.”

“You kiss me like you love me,” I observed.

“You could feel that, huh?”

“Do me a favor,” I asked her. “Don’t decide tonight. Wait until tomorrow, at least.”

“Or next Tuesday?” she teased.

“That would be fine.”

“I like feeling your warmth. Do you know that your love for me just flows out of you?”

I shook my head. “Maybe it’s just the desire.”

“Oh, God,” she said breathily, “I hope so!”

“So you do want me to love you, then?” I kidded.

“Go get in the bed. I’ll shower and join you shortly. Oh, and lose the towel,” she ordered.

“This is not a good idea, Shania,” I repeated.

She put a finger up to my lips. “Shoosh,” she whispered. “When you feel me take you inside me, you’ll know its right.”

She twisted out of my grasp and stepped into the bathroom. I turned toward the bedroom, turned on the bedside lamp, pulled the towel off and scrubbed my hair one last time before sliding between the sheets. I felt the cool comfort of the bedding against my skin and the easy support of the bed smoothing the tension of the day from my muscles. I turned on my side and looked at the street lights beaming their glow into the night.

I must have dozed off, because my next conscious thought was the realization that a warm body was pressed against mine. My arm was wrapped around her waist and my hand was full of her breast. The aroma of fresh flowers gently reached into my nostrils and I could feel one of her hands smoothing the skin along my thigh. I released my handhold on Shania and turned onto my back.

“You were sleeping when I came to bed,” she whispered in the night. She twisted around so she was facing me. Her hand rested easily on my chest.

“I guess so,” I answered softly. “A lot happened today.”

“Yesterday,” Shania corrected me.

I looked at the projected numbers on the ceiling. It was 1:12 in the morning. “Huh,” I observed. “It’s tomorrow already.”

“That’s right,” she said, nuzzling her lips against my shoulder. “And I don’t regret anything I said yesterday.”

I chuckled.

“You still want me to love you, then?” I asked.

“I do. So, if you don’t mind…” Her hand slid down my body to capture my manhood.

“Not much going on down there,” I laughed.

“Don’t be so impatient,” she whispered. She raised herself up on an elbow, leaned in to kiss my lips. It was tender, gently sucking, with tiny licks of her tongue at my lips. “You kept your promise, though.”

“What was that?”

“You didn’t make love to me last night.”

“But you did come into my bed,” I reminded her.

“Our bed, my darling, remember?”

“Hmmm,” I hummed, feeling her fingers beginning to trigger my arousal.

“Oh, that’s starting to feel better,” she said. She changed the motion from pattering her fingers on my manhood to stroking it.

“You’re just intent on doing this, aren’t you?” I whispered hoarsely.

“I am. I want to feel your love inside me.” She leaned in to kiss me with increasing passion.

“What about you? Are you going to ready?”

She hummed an affirmative. “A couple more of your delicious kisses, darling,” she whispered. “I’ve been ready for you.”

“You haven’t slept?”

“A little. I curled up and let you spoon me. Do you know what you did in your sleep?”

“Tell me.”

“You actually said the words. It was clear and exiting. You said, ‘Oh God, Shania, I love you so very much.’”

“The truth is out,” I chuckled.

Her hand continued to stroke me, in spite of my full arousal. “I wondered how many times you’d said those same words in the privacy of this room over the past weeks and months.”

“Constantly,” I chuckled. “I told you I’d loved your forever.”

Shania launched herself astride me. I felt her hair swish across my face. She leaned down and kissed me, this time tugging at my lips with her teeth.

“I want to feel you inside me,” she whispered.

“You’re in control.”

Her lips went to my ear. “That’s right,” she whispered into my ear. “Tell me what I want to hear.”

“That I want you?”

“Uh-uh,” she said, sliding her body down until my rod contacted her flesh. “Not that.”

“That I need you?” I teased.

She raised her hips until the tip of my manhood was just lodged at her entrance. “I can tease, too, you know.”

“Oh,” I said as if in revelation, “I think I know, then.”

“Say it,” she ordered.

“Shania,” I whispered. She pushed until a tiny bit of my shaft penetrated her.

“Almost!” she encouraged. “What does Shania mean when you say it?”

“I love you, Shania.”

Her warmth enveloped me completely as she sank her hips down on me. “That’s it,” she hummed as she enveloped me. “And I can feel your hardness and your love filling me up.”

It was paradise. Shania held me inside her, tiny pulses moving through her and transferred into me. She hummed and moaned, “Oh God! That feels so good, so right.”

“I’m not hurting you?” I worried.

“Oh, fuck no! It’s perfect!” she purred. “I knew it would be. Oh, God, Eric. Love me!” She leaned down and planted her lips on mine. I felt her sucking my lips with hers and plunged my tongue into her mouth. She sucked on it as her hips wiggled on my shaft. She released my lips and raised her head. “Oh, baby,” she moaned. “Tell me,” she pleaded.

“I do, Shania,” I groaned. “I do love you.”

“Oh, my love,” she whispered, “this is perfection. We’re going to do this a lot, baby,” she moaned.

I chuckled.

“You’re laughing at me,” she accused.

“No, no,” I replied quickly. “It just feels so good, like you said.”

“You do love me, don’t you?” she asked, working herself into a rhythm of hitches and thrusts on my rod.”

“You’ve known it all along,” I answered.

“I did,” she said, with a small gasp. “I knew you loved me.”

“And now you’re loving me,” I whispered.

“Yes, I am. I want you to fill me with your love seed.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, concerned for her gratification.

“Please, baby,” she groaned. “I came when you entered me. I’ve come again since then. I want to feel your come inside me. Flood me with your love,” she pleaded.

“Soon, baby,” I moaned. “God! You feel like fire and velvet.”

“Yes, velvet,” she hummed. “Like when you say my name.”

“Shania, my love,” I said, feeling the beginning of my own release approaching.

“Hold me, darling,” she demanded. “Hold me close and fill me with your love.”

“Yes, baby,” I groaned, clasping my arms around her and feeling the unmistakable burn that started above my knees. “Now, baby. Now.”

“Yes, my love,” she whimpered. “Me, too. Oh, God! I love you!”

Her lips sought out mine as our bodies heaved and we groaned together into each other’s mouths. Our tongues tangled and roamed against each other. We held each other and shuddered together. Shania pulled her head up and away and took a huge gasp of air.

“Good?” I asked, barely able to breathe myself.

She laid her head on my shoulder. “We are incredible together,” she said softly.

“Yeah,” I agreed, “and I didn’t even have a chance to make love to you.”

“I can’t imagine,” she said, still panting.

“Isn’t it great we still have that to look forward to?”

“Hmmm,” she hummed, snuggling against me.

“Shania,” I whispered. “You said it.”

“I know,” she said gently. “I do because I want to.”

“I’m okay with writing it off to the passion of the moment.”

“I don’t think so, my darling.”

“I’m an old man, Shania,” I said quietly.

I could feel her chuckle. “You held up pretty well.”

“No joking, my dearest. We really need to address this.”

“You’re still inside me, Eric. I’m holding your love inside me. I don’t ever want to let it go. As of now, you are my love and my life. Nothing else matters but the two of us being together. Put it behind us, my love. I am yours and you are mine.”

“There will be comments, innuendo, and nasty insinuations.”

“I don’t care, Eric. We have our vision. We have our love. I’ll be your trophy wife. I don’t care. Love me and let me love you. That’s all we need.”

Same as Shania, Pt. 4 Videos

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I was lying in my bed. I couldn’t move. I tried to lift up my head but I didn’t seem to have the energy. ‘What happened?’ ‘You passed out.’ ‘I can’t move.’ He laughed. ‘That won’t last long. You expended so much energy your body just doesn’t want to move at the moment.’ ‘What did you do? I felt like I was exploding. I, I can’t even really describe it. Whew. If that’s what sex is supposed to be like, you just took my virginity.’ He laughed again. ‘It may have sapped your strength, but it...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 437

Yorkshire Obituary in the Yorkshire Post following the death of his wife. The couple had been happily married for 50 years. The husband contacted the newspaper regarding an obituary. When informed of the cost, the man uttered, in true Yorkshire fashion, "How Much?!!!" He reluctantly produced his wallet. "I want summat simple" he explained, "my Gladys was a good-hearted and hard-working Yorkshire lass but she wunt ave wanted owt swanky." "Perhaps a small poem", suggested the woman...

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Pottercest Father and Daughter2

Summary: Lily-Luna Potter returns home for summer after her fifth year at Hogwarts, but is upset about her boyfriend, now Ex-boyfriend, becoming pushy about his desires and talks to her father whilst her mother is out. But things don’t go as planned for either of them. 27th of June 2025 Harry Potter, the Head of the Aurors, was returning home from a hard days works. He had lead three raids on Death Eaters Safe Houses today. Even after all these years, after the proven, permanent...

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He made me feel safe

“Chris!” I yelled as he was walking up to me. His next class was in the class room I had just left. He looked over and saw me, and lit up with a huge smile. Then he spread his big wingspan and we moved toward each other. We embraced each other tightly, almost squeezing the air out of each other. But this time was different. As we started to move apart, he left a soft kiss on my cheek. Now this was very peculiar for three reasons. First, he had a girl friend whom I had met on various occasions....

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My New Neighbour Made Me His Slut 8211 Part 1

Hello friends!! My name is Mayuri. I am a married 28-year-old housewife. A little bit more about me, 5’4” in height, 34-28-34 in the figure, whitish skin color. I am married since the last couple of years and live with my husband in the suburban area of Mumbai. I was having an average sex life until the incident. I am going to narrate happened with me a few months ago. So coming to the story. We were living in a 7-floor apartment and our flat is on the last floor of the apartment. In the next...

4 years ago
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Evening before Thanksgiving

For those who want to jump to the sex part, I placed in capital letters "SEX PART" at that portion of the story.Brett, as any good employer, let everyone go as early as possible on the evening before we give thanks. He would remain late and close, so he would be late getting home. Agness and I left early enough to enjoy the deer, and turkeys feeding in the freshly cut corn fields. The pre-dawn sky displayed several hues of blue. To the west the light blue turned aqua just before streaks of...

4 years ago
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Ssbbw neighbor Lynnette

I'm a 30 year old married black man with an absolute fetish for BBW and ssbbw ladies and my neighbor of the past year or so is just that. She's about 5'2", bottom heavy pear shaped. 55 years of age, professionally employed and divorced. Real respectable lady that gets what she wants, if you get my drift. It's not a hard thing to discern when a woman has a thing for you. Over the past year I began to pick up on the extra glances she'd give, the overly extra sense of humor and most definitely the...

3 years ago
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Consequences 4 Getting Caught

I was sitting there with the TV showing white snow and the VCR still running, tears running down my face and my whole body trembling and wracking with sobs. The marriage to the wonderful man I've loved so much for the past 6 years ended, completely and entirely by my own doing. I had no one to blame but myself, my ever present lust and my slutty behavior. Knowing me he warned me before he proposed to me, that he will never tolerate any infidelity. His words were 'I have no intention of...

3 years ago
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Stardom ka galat faida

Dosto aap sabhi ko meray land ka salam deta hu aur sabhi chut waliyo k chut ka salam leta hu. Dosto sab se pehlay mai aapnay bare mai aap sabhi ko bata deta hu. Mera naam jhon ha ahmedabad mai rehta hu .waha ki mashoor college mai padhta hu .aur waha admission bhi mujhe padhai k wajha se nahi balki meray guitar bajane ki skill se mila hai. Dosto ye sab mai aap ko boor karny k liye nahi bata raha par meri kahani ka talluk isi se hai is liye bata raha hu wase to meri college mai bahot si ladkiya...

3 years ago
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Merry Christmas Pete

I was moping around the house when my younger sister, by a year, came into the living room. Bev didn't have my problems. Everything was easy for her. She was almost 2 inches taller, had light brown hair that was usually in a pony tail and easily attracted whatever guys interested her. Where I was short and skinny, Bev was tall and more of a cheerleader type. And to top it off, she was every bit as smart as me. "What's up Pete?" "Nothing. Same old shit." "Bummer. So, what do yo want...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 6

We were all startled when Chris Weathers, Susan's husband, got to his feet. I knew he had his own opinions on a lot of things ... but, like Liz, he tended to keep them to himself. I wondered what had been said to make him angry. Rather than offer a contribution to the discussion, he walked over to a young man sitting three tables away. I had to turn my head to follow his movements and eventually I turned around to see what was happening. "Are you aware that California is a dual-consent...

2 years ago
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Memories A True Story

Not too many years ago my wife worked as a supervisor for a government agency. During that time she went to conferences around the country as part of her job. My wife is attractive with long dark hair, full hips, and generous breasts. She could be a great beauty, but true to her rural Baptist upbringing, she is demure, almost shy, and dresses conservatively.As part of our pillow talk before sex, I’d ask her if she ever imagined what it would be like to fuck another man. My wife was a virgin...

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A Beginning

He was a vision of beauty, although, I should have been used to this god-like image by now. He strolled casually towards me, as if what we were about to do was as normal as taking a walk in the park. It had always intrigued me as to how he was so laid-back about our work; as if I didn’t turn him on. If we were in a club and I had seduced him, this would be his ultimate fantasy. My breasts glistening with my own juices, sitting waiting for him to do with me as he wished. I had to admit it, I was...

First Time
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Double Switch Ch 17

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with...

2 years ago
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Husbands wishes

My name is Sandhya P B. I am 26 years old. Though I am educated, as I came from a very poor rural family, I had to get married to a well to do middle aged businessman of 57 years. My husband’s name is Prem Kumar. I am an average looking woman – very fair, long hair, about 5′ 6″ in height, a figure of 34 – 27 – 38 and good skin texture etc. Being a rural woman I am rather very strong, but, conservative in nature and always dressed in sarees. I was a virgin when we were married and my husband...

2 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 41

Clara went to her first appointment with the Doctor. She didn't like it. She said he kept asking her to tell him about how she felt about Kate and those boys. He asked her how she felt about her mom and dad getting a divorce too. He told her that she could talk about anything she wanted to, so she said she had mostly talked about school. He had just sat there, letting her waste most of the time for that first session. I spoke with her on Thursday day night, right after I finished eating...

1 year ago
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The Ring0

“Bullshit,” Frank responded commenting on the good luck. He was a firm believer that magic wasn’t real, and his skepticism was well established over such things. Claims such as Dave’s were outlandish. Everyone laughed. The group of five friends were at their favorite bar Molly’s. It was a place that allowed for great conversation and often great games of D&D and various card games when it wasn't packed. “I swear man. Little old lady, charged me her price and then gave me the...

1 year ago
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Living with Katrina Ch 10

Hi Litsters, Here is chapter 10, starting off right where 9 ended. This chapter is the most important of the series, in my opinion. Try as I might, I couldn’t find a place to squeeze in sex into this chapter. If it’s any consolation, I do believe the next couple of chapters will have lots and lots of the good stuff ,) I’m also writing a separate story involving Katrina (Madness in the Method). As always, I am indebted to my editor NaokoSmith who has the unenviable task of going through my...

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Housewifes first squirt

So, a few years back, I wanted a little extra cash around the holidays. I took a seasonal job, part time at one of those big box electronics stores. This is where I met, well, let's call her "Patti". Patti was older than me, early forties, shoulder length dirty blonde hair, ice blue eyes. She was tall, around 5'10", long tone legs that led to very feminine, curvy hips. She was a natural 36F, and yes, they were amazing. Patti dressed modestly, she was a "good girl", went to church, was happily...

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On the outskirts of Raccoon City the wind is strong and very cold, the speed and strength give it an ominous sound like an animal howling. The forest leaves rustle to and fro through the dark green grass blades. Through small breaks in the clouds beams of moonlight shoot down upon a forgotten place. Surprisingly enough a mansion stands among these elements but not in contrast to them. This residence melds into the dark environment perfectly. The mansion is styled after the Victorian homes of...

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The Life of Riley

The Life of Riley  By Susan Riley Former Area Manager  Part One: How my life changed My name is Susan Riley. At least, it used to be. Now they just call me Riley,or cunt, or bitch, or slut, or bimbo, or other equally charming insults. Onceupon a time I was what they used to call a liberated woman. I earned good moneyas an area manager for a large company, in charge of a dozen stores. I wasmaking around fifty thousand a year, drove a top of the range BMW, and owneda large five-bedroom house...

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Culture Shock Ch 21

Elaine trotted to the bathroom, her anxiety mounting.   Quickly she used the toilet, cleaned thoroughly and washed her hands and her new plug.   Her excitement was evident in the reflection above the sink.   Her nipples were so hard.   She couldn’t believe she was going to do this now.   Looking at her watch, Elaine noted she was down to twenty-five minutes.   She had second thoughts. Maybe I shouldn’t do this…   What if someone comes home?   She sighed and dried everything off.   In two...

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Sheba Solomons Lost City Pt 01

Episode 1 The Expedition Commences Prologue The Mountain rumbled as the steam rose into the air sending birds exploding from the green canopy of the forest and the roar and screams of the other animals as they fled the volcano that was no longer dormant. Yet almost as soon as the mountain had awakened it returned to a fitful slumber and the panic subsided as the animals and birds returned to their normal lives. The forest returned to its distant calls and silences as the hunt for life...

3 years ago
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My Sweet Slut Vivien

Yesterday at work, I received th following text message, "Master A, could you please stop at my place after work, I beg you please. Vivien."I am basically submissive, but I do love to switch. Vivien is a natural Switch. She is only 103 pounds and stands only a little over 5 foot, but when in a Dominant mood, she can control any room. Her beautiful black hair, piercing blue eyes, and perfect body can make anyone quiver with anticipation. Today was an exception, for her submissive slutty persona...

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Bondage with Kyle

Kyle's parents were away for a long  weekend, as it was a public holiday on the Monday. Being almost 21 and having a bit more freedom I spent the weekend with him at his parents place. The Friday night he made a suggestion, that tomorrow he wanted to tie me up and have his way with me, anyway he wants. I agreed to it although telling him that anal was out of the question. Friday night once in bed cuddling. We soon started making out. Moving my hand down his chest and tummy to his cock, finding...

4 years ago
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Model Sex SlaveChapter 9

Diana was updating her computer diary, describing her weekend assignment. She was naked since Don was home. He had made love to her twice since breakfast, once with just her and the second time with both her and Lee. Right now, Lee was serving him in the master bedroom. The mistress was supposed to be home this evening at 20:00. She typed in her duties for the day: Housework, sex with the master, exercises, etc. When she finished her diary, she checked her schedule and found an evening...

1 year ago
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Pay check time

I was working for a local restaurant when I was 18. I had only dated a few boys here and there and none of them looking like anything I wanted to hop in the sack with. We hired a new girl that had moved in down the road from me as a waitress. I had trained her and she seemed to be doing really good. She was about 27 and was living with her boyfriend here in town. He was 31 and so handsome. He managed another restaurant here and their schedules were so busy that sex was usually a quicky. On...

3 years ago
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The New Neighbors

  It was late summer and all of my buddies were either on holidays or working at crappy low paying jobs. I had just turned eighteen and felt every hormone tingle in my body. I had been a small boy growing up, not attracting attention from girls, but over the last year or two I had developed, in more ways than one. I had sprouted to above six feet and, with the help of my father’s weight machine, put some muscle on formally thin frame. After football practise the guys would tease me in the...

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Aiming For Amy

It was 6th period lunch on Thursday at East High School. Amy was sitting at the popular Freshman Table with all her friends, and was about to be surprised by Nick, a popular senior. Nick motioned over to Amy for her to come over to him. Amy looked at her friends and shared a few giggles and then got up and walked over to him. Nick watched as she walked over to him and thought she looked really hot in her Freshman Cheerleader’s Uniform. When Amy got over to him he asked, “Can we talk...

2 years ago
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A Day at the movies I will never forget

Here is a true story that happened to me when I was in High School. I had been dating this girl named Victoria for a couple of months now. I had known her for awhile before we started dating and we were really comfortable around each other. However, we were both still pretty new at doing sexual stuff and I think the only thing we had done up till that point was make out with some dry fucking and heavy petting. She was close to giving me a blowjob once but I think my dad knocked on my door of my...

4 years ago
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Watching Carrie Climax

In the three months prior to their marriage, Craig had discovered what a particularly hot potato he had on his hands in Carrie Winslow, a successful fashion model. Given the wild eroticism of his hours with Carrie, her uninhibited and imaginative sexuality, her joy in carnal experimentation, he just knew he had to be married to her. He ignored the idea that such rampant craving might be difficult to contain.During eighteen months of marriage, Carrie had begged to be indulged in many erotic...

Wife Lovers
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Blacked In Jamaica

My name is Reyanna and I am a Caucasian woman with shoulder-length black hair, a pretty face, firm medium breasts, and luscious nipples. I also have long shapely legs, trimmed bush, and a firm ass. Most men find me very attractive and sexy. And most men that I meet would love to fuck me.This story took place a few years ago when I went on a solo vacation in Jamaica. The island is full of dark-skinned Jamaican men. I have heard stories that most are well-endowed and cater well to white women who...

Group Sex
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The Awkward Boner

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I just woke up horny this morning with a strong wood in my boxers. I did not even recall what I was dreaming about to feel so horny but somehow my mind was too active for the mornings and even while brushing my teeth’s, my hands rubbed down on my cock. Was I masturbating in the morning after like 5 minutes of waking up? I got over with the morning rituals, wore a coal black shirt paired with a cream pant and proceeded with...

1 year ago
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On The Veranda

What a day at the lodge. The sun is just rising above the wild scene. Outside birds are chirping and the leaves of the trees rustle in a light breeze. The cobbling water from the stream provides a soft background sound. You lie on your stomach, naked. I am naked as well. I softly kiss your neck, then your shoulders, and down your back. I nibble your beautiful butt and you turn around and laugh. I move to your side, place one hand under your shoulders and the other under your knees. I lift you...

Love Stories
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Dick Pussy

Once there was a woman by the name Lusious and she was sitting at home with nothing to do she is saying to herself I'm board to death with nothing to do so Lusious said I will go for a walk down Stroke Ln and Wet St; As Lusious was walking she didn't see anybody or any action going on so she walked down a little more on Wet St and Lusious came to a stop and she notice a group of people in this abandon ally behind Wet St to her surprise she notice that it was a bunch of people having an orgy...

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Office Sluts Became My Slaves Part 2

I hope you like this story. For the initial stages please read part one at https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/office-teacher/office-sluts-became-my-slaves-part-1/ Sorry for the delay in the story. I was busy with the activities ;) :p as always, feedback, encouragement, suggestions are welcome and requested at . Coming back to the story, the next day after the incident, I send a message to both tanvi and ashma that reads “Good morning my dear slave, do not forget your homework or be prepared to...

1 year ago
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Her comforting Twin 3 Night on the Town

Note : This story is completely fictional! Since the twins had decided that they were in an official relationship together, they lacked opportunities to act on it. Sure, they stole an alluring glance here and there when no one else was paying attention, and would give each other quick kisses before one headed out the door, but their schedules were conflicting as of late. They really did not have too much time for each other. Hence, Cora decided to take the initiative to make time. After all the...

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A Little Fijian Gang Bang Chap 3

Dave -Woke up at 6 am again, which was a bit of a surprise, as Sue had damn near raped me again last night. This was certainly the best holiday we had had in years, well it was for me anyway. Just before the game finished, Sue had slipped my hand under her dress to show me she had no knickers on. Wow! That’s always been a huge turn on for me, I couldn’t wait to get back to our room. But Sue dragged me down the beach, and we made love against a palm tree, in the moonlight with the waves crashing...

Group Sex

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