Housemaid In My 50s! free porn video

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HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES! PART 1 CHAPTER 1 "Oh dear!" my wife said when she heard the news. "This is quite unexpected. Do you try to tell me that as of the 1st of the next month you will be out of work?" I shifted in my chair a bit uncomfortably and had another sip of my drink. "It is an offer which I seriously consider to accept dear," I answered a bit cautiously, knowing already this was going to be a difficult discussion, "it appears to be a very handsome offer, I already checked it with our lawyer." She looked at me in an uncertain way but not without an interest. "Tell me about it then," she said. I was encouraged by her obvious interest and continued rather eagerly. "Well, they offer me a transition period of five years during which I will collect half of my salary without working and when I turn sixty I will collect my full pension, as planned by my pension scheme. In other words the company will pay half my salary for the next five years with the condition that I will not go out in the market to get another job based on my qualifications." She looked at me as if I said something incredulous. "You are telling me they are willing to pay you for doing nothing?" she said in a rather abrupt way. "That doesn't make sense to me, it is simply bad management." I looked at her skeptically because initially I thought the same myself, but when the lawyer explained a few things I realized that the Company had some interest in doing that. They would get rid of me and employ some one younger paying the third of my current senior salary. On the other hand they would benefit with tax cuts when they implement a policy of hiring young people in replacement of senior high ranking administrators. I explained that to Pam my wife and this time she appeared to accept it. In fact she remembered similar cases in the Company she was working. She looked at me more seriously now and said, "I guess you have a point here. But do you really want to stop working at 55; you will probably be bored to death. And you are not the type with lots of male friends, you are not involved in sports, you don't go out with the guys fishing or whatever an average man of your age would do. In fact, now that I think of it, you enjoy more going out with my girlfriends and they all love you and think that you are a very unusual male, they feel comfortable with you." That took me by surprise, what on earth her girlfriends have to do with our serious discussion. I didn't make any comment and I decided to continue with some practical matters. "I have been thinking what it actually means to our finances my possible early retirement. I'll loose half my income but you are doing very well at your job and if I remember correctly you are about to get a substantial salary raise. Then our daughter is 22 already earning her own money and there are no mortgages pending or any other financial obligations, don't you agree Pam?" She looked at me with a renewed interest. "The way you talk Nick is as if you decided already to retire. Yes you are right I am doing well at my work I am already an associate partner receiving extra bonuses and I am about to get a substantial raise and yes our finances are very healthy. So yes again it is true we can face the change financially, but for me the challenge is elsewhere. In fact you didn't answer my question how you are going to use your free time." She stopped and looked at me expectantly for an answer. I hesitated a bit because I wasn't certain how she would take my next suggestion, but somehow I decided to go ahead and speak my mind, "I must admit I have been doing some thinking myself about that. I am not a fool I know that too much free time can lead to boredom and depression so I want to keep myself busy with activities probably less intellectual but certainly more manual and beneficial for a middle age person's health." "I can't imagine you starting playing golf at this age and somehow I can't imagine you in a gym running in a tread mill," she said that rather sarcastically and looked at me waiting for an answer. I decided to continue talking in my even and calm way; I should avoid a fight at this stage at any cost. "No dear, I am not going to become a sport maniac you know it's not my style, but I can become the housekeeper and homemaker in this house." There I said it! She didn't get angry; instead she looked at me with a rather ironical smile, "So this is what you want? You more or less said in a politically correct term that you want to become the maid and/or housewife in this house. Are you certain you are thinking clearly? I know you will tell me you enjoy housework, we have been through this argument before, but this time is not on an amateur basis, it is like a full time job." She stopped to look at me in a concerned way this time, I didn't like this look, it meant she wasn't approving; I had to fight more to win this argument. I was about to answer but she continued talking. "And what about Linda, you seem to forget that for the last ten years we employ an excellent housekeeper and the house never looked better. I know she comes only twice a week but she is a terrific worker and a very organized person." She must have noticed the slightly heart look on my face because she added rather hastily, "I know, I know darling, you help her quite a lot and you often do the cooking and all sorts of other bits and pieces. I am not blind, I can see your contribution in this house, after all Linda is here twice a week and the other five days you keep an eye to everything." This time I rushed to say something to stop her monologue. "I am pleased you recognize my contribution Pam, all those years I am next to Linda for all sorts of things and now I can tell you something that probably will be news to you. Last Thursday Linda announced to me that she is thinking to retire and go back to her children in Philippines. Don't forget she is my age and she has been working since the age of fifteen. So there is an extra reason to suggest what I suggested before." She looked at me more skeptically and said, "Do I see a conspiracy here? How come Linda hasn't mentioned anything to me? After all I am the lady of the house!" She said this last phrase in a rather menacing way. Careful Nick, you might loose your case. One think that Pam hates is lies and things happening behind her back. She is a very straightforward person and she demands that the others are equally honest with her. I cleared my throat with a sip of wine and continued cautiously, "I must admit that Linda mentioned that to me because she feels more comfortable talking to me, after all she often says I am her 'assistant' or 'colleague' when I help her with her chores. She is worried how you are going to take it, she doesn't want to let you down, and she respects you too much for that. But I can tell she is tired and she wants to go." My wife was more accommodating this time, "I see what you mean, but if she feels that way we have to let her go and make sure that she receives a generous bonus. She has been very good all those years. I cant' forget how helpful she was with our daughter in her difficult teenage years. Did she tell you when she would like to go?" "She said that this is up to us to decide. But I understand she would like to be back home for Christmas, which is about eight weeks from now." "I can see you have a stronger case now; Linda wants to go and you want to retire from your prestigious job and take her place, am I correct Nicky?" That was a good sign, she called me Nicky and this means that her mood was softening, but I must be extra careful now, one wrong phrase and I'll loose my case. And I must say here that my case is that I want to become the housekeeper, I love housework and I love all things feminine, I am a repressed cross dresser and for many years now I was very good at keeping my urges under control. Pam knows my tendencies from the very beginning, in fact in our early years we had quite a bit of fun playing roles and often going to role reversal mode but after the birth of our daughter she made me promise to abstain from all those cross dressing activities. I kept my promise with some exceptions, silently accepted by my spouse, like wearing plain cotton panties at all times, a long T-shirt type nightie in bed and of course my aprons for housework and cooking. The aprons were and still are very plain but not masculine, always bought in ladies wear shops and most preferably in domestic uniform shops. "Are you day dreaming Nick? I thought we are having a serious conversation here." My wife brought me back to reality. "I am so sorry dear, all sorts of thoughts cross my mind at the moment, after all is a big decision to make, something that will change my life and by default yours as well." "I know that stupid," she said impatiently, "this is why I try to sort things out the best way for both of us and ask all those questions. So, I ask you again, do you really want to take Linda's position and responsibilities in the house?" "Yes and no," I answered cautiously again and I continued before she started speaking herself. "What I mean is that I am not Linda, I am a different person and I am your husband, so obviously things will be different in terms of everyday interaction and other activities concerning my obligations and duties in this house, but to be frank with you, yes, I want to take up her responsibilities and do even more because I'll be like a 'live in' person, not the outside help." "That's interesting," she remarked looking particularly sharp as she was examining me closely, "I can tell, you are quite determined to change course in your life and I must respect that, but I have to consider what that means to me to our daughter, to our friends to our life in general." I rushed to answer to that before she could develop her thoughts any further, "I understand what you mean but I can tell you from the very beginning, no dramatic changes will be monitored in our life. I am not the only person being retired in my fifties with a working wife. They will probably call me a 'househusband' but I certainly don't mind that since I am going to be that anyway. Our daughter is not living with us anymore and in the coming year she will be probably getting a job far away from us. As for our friends, you said it yourself before, I don't have any male friends and your girl friends are my friends as well and I don't think at all they will be critical of my decision. On the contrary they will consider you lucky that you have someone looking after you on a permanent basis." "Jesus! You can argue well when you really want something," Pam said looking at me rather tired now. "It's late Nick, past midnight, I am exhausted after a very hectic week. Let's call it a night. I will sleep with it tonight and tomorrow it's Saturday and we can continue our discussion over a leisurely breakfast with plenty of fresh coffee and those lovely pancakes you make occasionally." She came and gave me a quick kiss and said, "I am off to bed, goodnight." I stayed behind a bit stunned. Pam was a bit like that, one moment full of energy and the next one exhausted and off to bed. I decided to finish my wine relaxing a bit on my own and thinking about the conversation we just had. She certainly didn't reject my ideas; she didn't say a big 'no' and she was thinking all the options and I could tell form her reactions so far, I was giving straightforward answers to her. When I joined her in bed half an hour later she was already fast asleep. I was lying next to her in my plain cotton nightie, all sorts of thoughts crossing my mind. It took me a long time to go to sleep. CHAPTER 2 I was up and around before Pam. Usually on Saturdays I was preparing a good breakfast and only then I was calling her to come down. I kept my nightie on and I covered it with one of my many kitchen aprons hanging in the back of the kitchen door, a full blue striped cotton one with white piping all around it, quite plain but definitely a feminine one. Soon I had everything ready and I decided to be extra accommodating today so I went up to wake her up with a cup of fresh orange juice. I knew she loved that early morning treatment. She said to me on numeral occasions that her eyes were opening instantly after a glass of fresh orange juice. She was all warm and cozy from her sleep and she looked quite pretty even without her make up on. I left her to her morning ablutions and soon she joined me in the kitchen wearing her tracksuit. It was a normal Saturday scene, me in my nightie and apron serving breakfast to my wife who looked definitely more 'manly' than me. We were in our second cup of coffee when in her usual manner Pam started speaking, going to the point immediately, "I have been thinking what we were discussing yesterday, I still feel surprised by this early retirement proposal, but I guess it is not a bad offer and if you consider it seriously I have to consider it to. Something else that I just thought also is that we are going to save even more money if we are not going to replace Linda with another cleaner. Than means the loss of income for both of us is really not important." She stopped for a sip of her coffee and I added, "Yes, I had the same thought, Linda isn't that cheap anymore because we are paying her in a very generous manner." Pam continued as if she hasn't heard me, "But I think we have to be more specific about your role and tasks in this house". I was quite intrigued by now; she obviously appeared to agree with my proposal. "The house is quite big and requires lots of attention. I know we are only the two of us at the moment, but we often have guests and we often entertain. Are you prepared to assume full responsibility on everything?" I rushed to answer that question, "You know Pam how many different things I do in this house and for this house even now that I work full time. I'll remind you some, the weekly shopping which I will be doing later today when you will be in the Gym, most of the cooking, the washing up the days Linda is not around, some urgent laundry and ironing if needed, and other small tasks that usually go unnoticed." She looked at me with a new interest, "I must admit that I take so many things for granted in this house that I often forget how much you do. You are right darling, for many years you have been a committed homemaker for me and for our daughter when she was growing, I would be really blind not to see that, in fact all you are asking me now is to make that role of yours more official and accepted. I am sorry if I offended you before." "Don't be silly Pam, of course you didn't offend me, I only do what I enjoy doing more and over the years I tried to emphasize that to you." She looked at me more intensely now, "Of course I am blind sometimes, look at you at this very moment how you are dressed, the epitome of a housewife in a nightie and apron. I am so used seeing you like this that I pay no attention anymore and yet you are yelling it to me, you are telling me in so many ways that you want to become the housekeeper in this home and leave to me the professional breadwinning role. You remind me of our early days when I fell in love with you because you were not a threatening and insecure male; you were always encouraging me to be more assertive and go out in the world and be someone. We both know that the majority of men they want their spouses under their thump, they want to be in control." "I am so pleased darling you are thinking that way, I feel like we revert back in time. We used to talk then a lot about roles in the society and stereotypical attitudes and you and I were always a bit different, always more 'avant garde' than all the people we knew at the time. Of course we both are successful in our professional careers and I don't regret that, we produced a lovely child who is now a confident and independent woman and I feel that it is an excellent moment for both of us to redefine our roles, not in any dramatic way, just be ourselves and be comfortable about it." "You!, you are so clever if you want to achieve something, so full of correct arguments; all right you managed to convince me, I guess we have to talk about some practical issues now." She stopped to finish her coffee and continued, "But we have our morning activities pending, I am off to the Gym, I am meeting Tania there today, she will love to hear the news about the coming change in your life and I gather you have your supermarket shopping to do." "I am glad you agree Pam, but could you please not tell Tania anything for the time being? We still have to define some practical issues and we better do that before we announce our new plans to the outside world including Tania and our daughter. How about meeting me for late lunch at Mario's at about 2.00pm. By that time we both would be through with our morning chores." "All right then, lunch at 2.00" she said and rushed out of the room leaving me behind to wash up and tidy up the kitchen." When she was gone I stayed for a few moments to finish my coffee, all excited; things were going as I more or less planned them. And Tania was our closest friend, the one who knew more about me and my inner thoughts, the one who would understand more than my wife my inner need to play that role in the house, she knew both my cross dressing tendencies and my love for housework, but I wanted to conclude our conversation with Pam before any announcement. I was quite hungry and in a great mood when I arrived at Mario's restaurant a bit after two in the afternoon. I found Pam sitting in a corner table and sipping her favorite chardonnay. "Hi darling," she said cheerfully, "you are a bit late, have you finished your chores?" "Yes I did Pam, the supermarket was a zoo this morning, all those mothers with their screaming children, but I managed to get all we need for the coming week." "You know Nick, starting next month you will be able to plan your supermarket shopping in the middle of the week like a good housekeeper and avoid Saturday shopping; leave that day for the full time working people." I was slightly heart but also thrilled with her remark. She was already forming in her head my new situation. She started seeing me already as the house help. We had our favorite pasta with plenty of wine and we were both a bit tipsy when we resumed our morning conversation. Pam had the tendency to get bolder when slightly drunk and often speaks her mind more openly. Her voice also tends to become sexier and I feel I can be more open with her. "You must loose weight darling, you have to loose your executive bulges around your waist. Now you are going to do more menial work you have to look the part; and it will be healthier for you." "I agree, I have been thinking that myself. The menial work will be good for me, it will be my gym" and getting bolder I added, "and probably my aprons will fir better then." "I know you love your pinnies darling, I know you have a huge collection stashed somewhere together with your 'other clothes'. Now you will have the opportunity to wear them, your aprons I mean, much more often and yes if you loose some weight they will look better on you." She mentioned my 'other clothes' without any further comment but it is a good sign; she acknowledges their existence together with my pinnies. "But let's get a bit more serious here," she continued making an effort to hide her slight drunkenness, "you think that you are familiar with housework, you think you know how to manage a house because you have been doing various chores around this house for years now. But let me tell you this. It is not going to be easy for you, it is going to be repetitive, tiring and time consuming and on top of that you know me, I am a perfectionist and I demand a perfect job. Do you understand what I mean?" I felt a bit uncomfortable then but I managed to answer in a convincing way, "Of course I understand Pam, I know what a fuss pot you are and I want to be a competent housekeeper. In fact and if you agree with me I am going to ask Linda to show me some of her tricks. For instance she has a way of doing the floors and also the cleaning of our five bathrooms is another issue and..." She interrupted me rather abruptly, "Before you continue I must add something to you. If you are going to do this job, I want you to do a market research and start using eco friendly products as cleaning materials, I disagree with the stuff Linda is using, it is very harmful for the environment and you know how concerned I am for the whole global warming issue. So you should be. That's why you shouldn't bother to ask her, simply do your own research." I was a bit surprised by her mean tone of voice, but I also felt peculiarly excited. My dormant submissiveness was awake. I could here a potential employer giving firm instructions to her future employee. I managed to say, "Yes Pam you are right, this is a great idea, and I'll do my research. And then feeling a bit bold again I added, "and of course I must get used to receive instructions from you; strictly speaking you will be my employer in the future." "Now Nicky you put ideas in my head!" Pam said in a slightly drunken voice, "I probably will be acting as your employer in those terms, after all you are going to be my domestic employee but I don't want to loose my witty husband, I want you to be able to adapt to your new rather subordinate role without loosing your personality and your ability to act as my equal partner, will you be able to do that?" I sensed danger here, Pam was sort of accepting my new role in the house, but her female instinct was warning her that the relation would probably take a different turn and she wasn't prepared for that. I had to reassure her instantly. "I am not going to change Pam; I am going to be very much the same person you know all those years. I will be probably less stressed, housework and cooking are not exactly a CEO's job but I reassure you once again that I abandon my professional life with no remorse at all. In fact my concern is that you will be working as hard as ever and I will be feeling a bit guilty having all that extra time in my hands." She answered in a relieved manner, "I am glad to hear that, though I am not certain how we will be feeling in a few months from now, life plays funny games sometimes." She stopped for a wine sip and continued more firmly now, "As for my work I must clear it here and now, don't feel guilty or worried about me, I love my job, I love my creative role in the company, I am 48 and I am looking forward to at least another 10 years of a very active professional life." I looked at her skeptically, she was quite perceptive, she was right; it is true a new phase in our relationship was about to start and we certainly couldn't tell which way would go. Deep in my subconscious I was hoping for a relationship that would enable me to bring out my dormant, for many years, more feminine and submissive side. Would I be able to do that?" It was late in the afternoon when we arrived back home; we collapsed in the living room sofas for a much needed siesta after all that wine. To our great surprise we made love after a long time in the middle of the living room.

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One Night Stand In Cali

New grad year of work in Bay Area (1 years back), I played it pretty cool the first couple of months, because I was crushing pretty hard on a girl from back home Kerala. I drank a lot but didn’t do much in the way of hooking up with girls. That all ended when the girl back home helped me reach the devastating realization over Thanksgiving break that it was never going to happen. The result was me looking to relieve my sexual frustration with the first girl I could find. One Friday night I...

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Aishas Exercise pt4

Her paused, looked smilingly at Aisha and said, "Most important of all, thank you..."He paused, looking lovingly at his daughter."For what, daddy?""For wanting daddy to suck your naked tits."Oh God! Did she want all that? What was her father saying? She had thought all these were part of the exercise."Aren't all these part of the exercise, daddy?""It's the same thing, darling. You want to produce RH, don't you?""Yes.""So you also want daddy to suck your tits.""I see," Aisha didn't know how to...

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Getting it from all angles

Doing sexy things secretly and behind my hubby's back was new to me. I knew if I told Gary what I had been up to online he would be perfectly OK with it. Well, in fact, he would have loved hearing about it and dragged me off for good shag.But the thing was, it was giving me a great feeling. I was having a secret video affair with Mike, and I was doing it just for myself. It made me incredibly randy.I got into the habit of staying awake until Gary was sound asleep and going downstairs to...

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MIBD Artemis The Hunter

M.I.B.D. Artemis The Hunter Synopsis:Is the sequel to The Academy where The Agency and Hunter Enterprises face off against the Academy in a final showdown that changes the world. ~*******************~ Synopsis:Jo Ellen is the heir of Diana Hunter: the tragic heroine who was Joe Rossi. Joe was a Mafia "wise guy". Joe was often bullied by the larger boys due to his small size. Joe soon developed a reputation as a small, tough and wiry fighter. His speed, dexterity and agility made him...

2 years ago
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Mere Pehle Sex Ki Kahani Dusra 8211 Part II

By : Aryanpatel Hi dosto I am Aryan from ahmedabad aapko meri pehli vali sex ki kahani acchi lagia aur reply bhi bahut acche aaye and logone request ki ki ab aapki story aage batao to ab mai apni kahani aage sunane ja raha hu pls. muje coment dijiyega jo bhi ho vo ya yahoo msgr. Mai muje addd karke reply dena ya fir muje mail karna mera id hai and second id is ok friend. To ab mai aage sunata hu meri kahani us vakht sham ko archna bhabhi chale gaye and mai man hi man bahut khuch huva kyu ki...

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A Married Gay Man In Dallas

Hello Everyone- this is Vishal back with another experience about a married gay man in Dallas, Texas. I am Vishal (name changed), 37 years old and a very successful businessman by way of introduction. I run multiple businesses in a big city in the USA. I travel quite a bit to Dallas, Texas. I own a second home in a Dallas suburb where I stay in town for business, which is pretty much every week. I also have an office in an office park where some of my clients drop by for meetings once in a...

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The Babysitters SecretChapter 3

Now that my beloved brother Jimmy and I were truly a lot closer than a brother and sister are expected to be, I spent a lot of my free time tending to him and his broken leg still in a thick cast. At least, he was fairly mobile with the crutches and I helped him get on the stool and private things like that. He was really embarrassed about such things but I made a big joke out of it and we both laughed about it more and more with each passing day. Jimmy was still pretty upset with the fact...

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SAGN Chapter ThreeThe Oblong Dome

Chapter Three: The Oblong Dome ================================================= The rain that had been plaguing them for the better part of a week had picked up some force while they were inside the station. Mostly it was coming straight down like a curtain with very little wind to blow it in any direction. The runoff was now flowing noticeably wider from the edges of the road as the sewers backed up and discharged the excess water into the street. "If this doesn't let up soon we...

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Crossdresser gets Gangbanged

So one night i decided to be daring and go for a walk in my city dressed in my sexiest girls cloths (i'm just a 26y.o. italian 5'5" 125lbs body man). I had a skimpy pink top on the revealed my sexy pink bra and cut just above my belly button, for my piercing to show. I also had on a micro-skirt showing off my ass cheeks just enough to see standing straight up and showing off my tramp-stamp tattoo GET SOME right above my ass crack. Sexy pink thong underneath that plus knee high black leather...

1 year ago
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Dickgirls of Faeruhn 06 Kei and Yuri MaroonedWith BenefitsChapter 5 The Departure

After stopping twice to “pet the kitty” while spying on hermaphrodites screwing each other, Kei finally reached the river as dawn was breaking. She spotted Yuri’s boots. “Hey partner.” she called cheerfully. “Isn’t it a wonderful morning?” She kicked off her boots and dove into the water before Yuri could spot the drying crust of semen on her inner thighs. The water was cold enough to almost stop her heart. “Yuri, this is cold!’ she stammered. “I-I know!” Yuri stammered as she hoped Kei...

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My Stepsister Hailey P2

After having fucked my beautiful stepsister I really didn't know what to say or do for the rest of the day, it was amazing, and I did enjoy it, mainly because she had a beautiful tanned slim body, and her pussy was so wet and warm when it rode my cock, but she was still my stepsister and now I was really confused.Then eventually it was time for dinner, and my stepmother had made a big family meal to celebrate my stepsister coming home, and so I took my seat at the table beside my stepmother and...

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Ashley and Mr Thomas

Thursday: No matter how many times I'd gone to the Adult Video place to wank, I've always gotten an excited but scared feeling as I've gone in. What if someone were to see me? Of course, having been divorced for 3 years, I no longer had to fear that someone would tell my wife. In fact, since my son took her side and barely speaks to me, there's really nobody who'd care. But still, I get that feeling. In the last years of marriage and the three years since, this was the extent of my sex...

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Here for You Ch 0102

Author’s Note: This is a long story (over 20 chapters) and it’s quite slow-paced. I haven’t found an editor for this story. It’s actually completed and there won’t be much to edit plot-wise so if anyone who read this and is interested to help me out with the grammar, please leave me a message! Hope you enjoy it. Please leave me a comment or criticism as long as it’s constructive. Thank you. *** Chapter 1 It was New Year’s Eve and Ben was on managerial duty at the Chameleon, the nightclub...

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Too Much Tape

Too Much Tape Debra Total encasement. Sensory deprivation bondage. These were things he had never tried and the way his Mistress described them they sounded very exciting. So far the two of them had tried a number of different scenes, even up to transforming him into a French maid named Inga. Each scene always ended up with his having an orgasm and he had no reason to suspect this one would be any different. So he had agreed. Once he was naked, she had him put on a corset and...

3 years ago
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Right Under Your NoseChapter 11

JOHN Sunday passed rather peacefully. I was surprised not to hear from Anna. Maybe she was playing at Ann, and not calling me too soon or something. I realized I didn't know if this whole week was supposed to be an Ann and Jonathon week, or if it was just during the date. The date. Jesus. That turned into a mixed bag. I can't remember ever having such a good time, but it was all fake. Or at least the romantic part was fake. Sadly, it wasn't so fake for me. Something changed that night,...

4 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 5

For the rest of the day Vi was transformed. Anything I asked of her, she did, without hesitation or complaint. My sister became focussed to a degree that I had never seen outside of her rehearsals, her usual playfulness reduced to a low simmer. More importantly, she was happy. Her mood was the best it had been since we’d moved in. I could hear her humming in contentment as she buzzed through the hallways to organize and clean. There was a warm smile every time she came to me, asking for...

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Helena and I lost in the hood

Helena and I lost in the hoodMy naughty friend Helena invited me that night to go out with other girlfriends. Our loving husbands were out of town; so, we should never tell them about our girl’s night out…We went to a bar located in the suburbs; a place we had never gone before.After midnight Helena and I were starting to get bored; there we could not find a single man, the music was lousy and the beers were not so cold…We finally said goodbye to our girlfriends and decided to come back home....

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Sex With My Teen Sister Part 1

I and my sister always got along, for the most part, growing up. The regular bickering, silly fights would occur obviously, but the next hour we’d forget about it. We were always comfortable around each other, and I’d look at her just normally; as a little sister. She is 2 years younger than me. When I was about 20, when I started noticing women a whole lot (more than just the 10 year old view of women), I started to notice that my sister had a pretty nice body, even at a young age. I tried to...

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Give And Take 8211 Losing Virginity To A Virgin College Girl

Hello ISS readers. This is the first story of my sex life where I lost my virginity to a virgin college girl who became my best friend during my college time. Let me introduce myself. My name is Aneesh, 23 years old, currently working in an IT company as a software engineer in Bangalore. Basically, I am from Kasaragod, topmost district of Kerala. Let me start my story. The heroine of the story is Shreya. Shreya is from a rural village of North Karnataka and she came to Bangalore to continue her...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 197

Might as well go see how Annie, Crystal and Trudy are doing in their PT sessions today. I found Trudy doing leg exercises with small ankle weights around her foot. Crystal looked like some sort of android from all the leads attached to her body as she rode an exercise bike. Annie was looking bored stiff as she relaxed in the quiet resting room until her next session. She gave me a huge smile as I helped her to her feet and went into one of the unused PT rooms. Once I was sure she had...

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Lady in Red Pt 02 Ch 11

‘Let’s respond to your questions one at a time,’ suggested Gwen as she studied the photos. ‘First of all, I’m not running for office, so I certainly won’t be withdrawing. I never entered the race. These photos are real, and the quality is excellent. They were taken on our July 4th Ride for American Pride five years ago. ‘Jared is a dear friend and yes, we were naked as we climbed into the hot tub with several others. No one had sex in the tub. I’ve never been intimate with any man other than...

2 years ago
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all the humans did was more of the mouth-to-mouth stuff, then the boat began rto rock.View Author's Copyright InformationWhat the hell’s going on around here?Bronson (the Big-Mouth Bass), having just stuck his head above the bayou's calm surface, now stared, even more dumbfounded than usual, at the new arrivals. Why had those two in that fancy fishing rig slipped past the screen of willow branches and tied up against the trunk? It was mid-day and too damn hot for any respectable fish to be...

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birthday Surprise

I keep my wild c***d past hidden from my husband though I give him what he wants and needs sexually. A part of me wants him to read what I write here then again a part says no though I like the danger. I remember one particular birthday I was looking at my life At a table with some friends. They all had someone, I didn’t so I went home by taxi feeling sorry for myself. I went in the house, stopped, poured a glass of wine, and went to my bedroom and I stripped my clothes and looked at my body...

4 years ago
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Rumors of HavenChapter 17

Reaching the station, the caravan was hardly stunned to discover that six more people resided there, using it as a shelter for the moment. There were four men and two women, of which two guys and one woman seemed to know each other rather well. The other three people had just recently met each other and the others, but like their new companions, they made a point of greeting this new group. They were cautious, of course, bracing themselves for possible trouble, just as the newcomers did. This...

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Fucking My Hot Bhabhi While Bro Was Out For Work

Hey iss readers. This is love Patel back again with yet another hot sexual story of how i recently had sexual nights with my bhabhi while my brother was out for business trip. To begin with, i am 22 years old Gujju boy from Ahmedabad. Well-built athlete body and well to do looks. Any unsatisfied sisters/aunties/bhabhis from all over the Gujarat can contact me at You’ll definitely have the best sex of your life, that is guaranteed, that too free of cost. Coz i believe in making women...

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Squashtoy part 2

While my wife and her friend, who I will refer to as "M", were talking in the front room I listened at the door. I was quite embarrased as J told M all about the stories I had told her in confidence about how my cousins used to sit on me and make me cry. There was quite a lot of laughing as she carried on to tell M how she now did the same thing to me and how much fun it was to squash me for a long time and force me to beg her to move onto my face and let me lick her out, just to try and get...

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Tais Story Chapter seven

Chapter Seven The next day Talia wandered into the restaurant after school accompanied by another young girl and they were both moving cautiously. "Dad this is Samantha. She is my girlfriend." I was taken aback by the suddenness of it but didn't want to show it. "Hi Samantha, it's nice to meet you." We shook hands. Talia mumbled, "We are going up to my room to study OK?" I nodded. "OK would you like something to eat?" They both shook their heads and disappeared. A few minutes...

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Facebook Friend Geeta Ke Saath Sex Enjoy

Mera naam arjun hai aur mai baroda ka rehanewala hu ,mai ek mnc company mai job karta hu,mere age 26yr. Hai ,apko bore na karte hui mai story per ata hu. Ae story 1month pehali ke hai ,mere fb per ek girl ki request aye to me heran ho gaya kyuki koi unknown girl kise ko samnese frd request nahi bejati to maine accept kiya uska naam geeta tha fir uski profile pics. Dekhi kya baatv dosto dekhane mai ek dum hot lag rahi thi maine usko mess. Kiya to usne reply kiya fir humne ek dusre ka...

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GirlsWay Piper Perri Riley Anne First Date

Riley Anne is going on her first date. Her stepsister, Piper Perri, is doing her makeup and helping her get ready. Riley looks super sexy in her one-piece dress and is gonna knock her date’s socks off. Piper wishes her good luck as Riley leaves the house. When Riley comes back home Piper can see that something is wrong. Riley tells her that her date was horrible. As Riley goes into her bedroom, Piper is gonna get to the bottom of this: she doesn’t want her sister to be sad and is...

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Trapped by a TyphoonChapter 3

Jonnie’s pregnancy moved along smoothly. I thought it was interesting that both girls were convinced Jhasmine was in horrible physical pain when she was horny, but that Jonnie didn’t suffer the same way. While Jhasmine couldn’t find a comfortable position for sex and handed off most of the fucking to Jonnie, our pet never complained and was just as eager for her turn in her ninth month as she was when I first impregnated her. Sometimes it took some maneuvering to get me in position to enter...

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Stuffy and SarahChapter 6

“Well, Mister Brocklehurst, what do you have for me?” The judge, a well-preserved man in his late seventies, had a quizzical expression. In his chambers, he was dressed in a good suit, not his formal robes. “Your honour, my client wishes that you consider a suspension of a penal Indenture.” “And your client is...” he was looking at Louisa Reynolds, naked, wearing an engraved collar. “Regimental Sergeant Major Reginald Smith,” the lawyer replied, indicating said gentleman. The judge’s eyes...

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GirlsWay Abigail Mac Charlotte Stokely Aiden Ashley Lily Rader Fashion Model 2 Doing Whatever It Takes

Budding blond fashion model Lily Rader is ready to take her place as the fresh new face of Eternity Cosmetics. She walks onto the photography set wearing nothing but an airbrushed bra and panty set in blue, dazzling the sultry makeup company owner Charlotte Stokely and the hot photographer Abigail Mac. Supermodel co-star Aiden Ashley is forced to step aside as Charlotte gushes over the new girl’s astounding beauty. Aiden scowls in her matching pink airbrushed lingerie. The diva...

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Mom fulfills son disires pt2

Tim was up early on Sunday, he was anxious to see what the next session with his mother was going to entail. Since he wasn’t supposed to press his raging hard-on against her ass when his dad was around he wasn’t sure how he would be able to play with his mother’s sexy body.He stopped at the kitchen door to get a feel for the situation before he ventured in. Jill, his mother, was standing near the table wearing a straight skirt, which stopped just above her knees, and a knit top with a high...

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Lunch with Liz Part 2

For what seemed like a 24/7 occurrence, I thought about the encounter with Liz in her office. It felt surreal, much as a wonderful dream stays with you. As I masturbated daily, I thought about it. Every detail, every small sound she made. I even ate my cum, imagining it was hers. This made my reaction to the email I got from her about one week later very exciting. She was asking me to come by her office at 12:25. An odd time to choose I thought, but nevertheless, I was going to be sure to be...

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The Beauty of Nature

Nothing like a lovely stroll in an enchanted forest on a day where the temperature's perfect, right? Hearing the birds chirping, animal making other noises and even- "AAAAARGH!" Whatever that was. That noise came from the mouth of a young barbarian, who chased after a massive creature. "Wait! Come back here, U'Gar!" He shouted as he panted, struggling to keep up with the dire bear that previously served as his mount. The bear, despite its size, was way faster than its owner and fled away. "Oh,...

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My Mom My Sex Goddess

Hello my name is Haleem from Mysore, i m 24 and i got a chance of fucking which i will tell, i always wanted to fuck my mom, who is fat, white in color, and her age is 43, i wanted to fuck her since i started masturbating..It happened like this i was masturbating in bathroom, seeing a bikini model photo, when i heard her calling me..I don’t know what happened to me..I want to here her call to me and talk, i started masturbating very fast and then i came ..In real i m a nerd, i m a very shy, i...

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Incestuous Sexual Awakening

As I grew older, I got into Playboys (this obviously took place several years ago) and my admiration for all parts of a woman's anatomy increased. The pictures would emphasize a woman's tits, ass, tight body, hips and legs. Plus, all the women were made up to look completely gorgeous. To me, that become the idea of the perfect woman. What I also discovered was that aunt Carol could easily have been a Playboy model. She has a gorgeous face; not cute, gorgeous, elegant. Britney Spears is...

2 years ago
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Time Stands Still Chapter Fourteen Kidnapped

Time Stands Still Chapter Fourteen: Kidnapped By 2:00 p.m. As I walked back to my truck, I had the feeling I was being watched. As I drove out of the station parking, I tried to watch to see if anyone was following. Sure enough, there was an unmarked police car following about a block behind me. I drove at the speed limit and tried to think about how to figure out who was tailing me. An idea came to me and I started looking for a parking lot downtown. I...

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