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Nadia walked into the cold, dimly lit dungeon like room. The dampness hung in the air like a heavy stench suffocating anyone in its path. Water leaked from the ceiling, dripping onto the stony floor making it colder than it should have been. She never would have known about this place if she hadn't overheard the girls in the locker room mumbling about a guy they had tied up for eight days. The knowledge made her gasp, but she was careful to make sure no-one heard her. How could they do such a disgusting thing to a human being?! She wasn't sure if she wanted to know the reason, but had to find out. Anything could happen to this guy and if he was guilty of a crime she was unaware of, then these girls were not authorised to take the punishment into their own hands.

She vaguely knew the place they had talked about; it had always made her uncomfortable, but now she had to overcome her fear and 'save' this person. Now she was looking for him. She could hear a faint moan from the distance and realised it was where he must be. Nadia walked towards the faint sound holding the torch as steady as her hand could hold it.

As she walked closer the sound died down causing her to hurry towards him. There against the cold pillar was the body of a young man tied securely. He lay slumped with his head down. Nadia knelt next to him and took hold of his chin to look closer at his face. Her eyes widened at his state. He was filthy, unshaved, cuts and faint bruises all over his hands and face; he must've given quite a struggle before being tied down like a dog.

"Water" was the only word he managed to mouth before hanging his head down again. Nadia with her fumbling hands quickly managed to give him the water that she always carried with her. He gulped it down thirstily before she began to cut the knots using the pocket knife she'd brought with her, and using all her strength somehow managed to stand him up using herself as a leaning support. With all her might she managed to drag his body over to the door before being forced to set him against the wall to get her breath back. Luckily her car was parked close by so just another three minutes and she could get him into the car.

She debated with herself whether to take him to the police, hospital or nurse him back herself. She finally decided that she could nurse him herself, at least until she found out why he had landed himself in such a state, somehow she found the strength in her to pull him to the side of her car and put him inside.

For a slim guy he sure was heavy to carry, but with no-one to help Nadia was left with little choice. Finally she managed to get him onto her spare bed. He looked awful in the dim light of her room and it seemed he was burning up with a fever. She quickly began to undress him in order to put a cold compress on his forehead and feet, she had to ignore the smell of unwashed flesh but that was understandable given the ordeal he had gone through. The least she could do was to wash him thoroughly, she thought, but that itself was going to be a difficult task as she had never had to do this to anyone other than herself. She walked into her bathroom to run hot water whilst gathering a cloth and soap. Being careful not to spill the bowl she walked back in a laid it on the table next to the bed.

The quicker she undressed him the quicker she could wash--that was her way of dealing with the situation. Using a pair of scissors, she cut away his shirt and pants; at least they weren't soiled, but of no use either. Next came his underwear. She didn't even think about it. Suddenly she realised that there in front of her was a naked man--a dream come true. Holding back a laugh she dipped the cloth into the bowl and rubbed the soap onto it before bringing it to his chest, and arms. She methodically worked her way down to his legs before gently turning him over and starting with his back washing away a weeks worth of dried shit and piss. Once that was done she had to deal with his penis. Turning him over again she started with lifting his flaccid member and washing the whole area as delicately as she could. To her surprise his dick began to stiffen slightly but luckily for her she was done before it rose to full mast. She was too tired to be fascinated with this naked man.

The smell was practically gone and as far as she was concerned it would have to do. Nadia went to back into the bathroom to empty the bowl and refill it with cold water. Rinsing the cloth thoroughly, she used it to wash his neck and face. He mumbled incomprehensible words but Nadia knew that was the fever, she then put a cold compress against his forehead and feet then using a thin sheet to cover him before going to take a quick shower herself.

Making sure he was as comfortable as could be given the state he was in, she put on new cold compresses again before slipping into bed next to him. Waiting was all she could do to see how he was in the morning. Two hours and still no change, sleep began to overtake her senses, barely being able to keep her eyelids open, she fell asleep.

Five days later Nadia was woken up by a soft moaning sound, it sounded like the fever had broke through. He was covered in sweat and shivering. Quickly she got up and began to wash him again with the warm damp cloth and pulled the sheet over his body. The worst was over--so far. He needed plenty of rest and good food if was ever to get his strength back.

Padding off to the kitchen Nadia began to make breakfast before she could start on making chicken soup. Warm sweet tea with bread and honey was just what he needed and she fancied. She hadn't eaten since yesterday evening and her stomach was grumbling as a reminder.

As she walked into her room, the guy was shaking his head as if attempting to escape from a bad dream. Running over to him, she woke him up, his eyes barely opened and there in front of him was an angel gazing down at him, all in white. "Shh, you're having a bad dream. Go back to sleep" as if on command he did just that. His body was too worn down.

Three hours had lapsed when Nadia attempted to waken the stranger. With some persuasion she succeeded. He opened his eyes slowly trying to adjust to the bedroom light-though not bright, he had been confined to darkness for two weeks so anything stronger than the dark burnt his eyes slightly. His head felt too heavy to sit up, and then that's when he noticed a figure in the room; the angel.

Nadia approached him and sat down. "I'm Nadia, how are you feeling?"

"Where am I?" he asked bewildered.

"In my room. I rescued you. Do you remember anything?" she asked rinsing the damp cloth once again to wipe his face and neck.

"Not much, but how did you find me? I had lost all hope after those crazy women left me tied up. Are you with them?" he asked suspiciously, watching her every move as she drew closer to clean him.

"No. I just was lucky enough to overhear their conversation and went to investigate for myself. I couldn't believe my eyes, but that doesn't matter right now, you need food and rest and... a good wash. Do you have strength to get something into your stomach? I've brought you tea with bread and honey, and I have also make soup as you are best off eating liquids at the moment. By the way you still haven't told me who you are".

"Nathan. My name is Nathan", pulling himself into a sitting position so that he could eat something. The smell of the tea and honey made his mouth water. He practically snatched the food off the plate and gulped everything including the hot tea in one go. Under the circumstances it was understandable but it looked weird too.

"Well Nathan, do you think you can leave the bed for a shower?" she asked holding some towels in her hand. "Is it that bad?" he asked timidly. She blushed at his question and nodded. "I'll leave the towels here and clothes that I had in the cupboard. They belong to my brother and he's about your size" with that she left the room.

Nathan slowly began to undress, his arms ached so much from being tied. His clothes were ruined completely worth throwing away. Taking the towels he headed for the shower. Nadia popped in as soon as she heard the water begin to run. Quickly she changed the bed sheets and left before he came out.

"Nadia right?" she nearly dropped the cup she was drying. The last thing she expected was for Nathan to be in the kitchen.

"Yeah, how are you feeling?" She was now looking at him. He looked cute in her brother's jeans and t-shirt. She hadn't really studied him, but now that he was clean and shaven, he looked very appealing to the eye. His mousy brown hair which had been matted was now shiny and hanging loosely around his head. He was slim but masculine looking from what she remembered of last night.

"Weak. I feel I have to sit down all the time", pulling out the chair he sat himself and began to fiddle with the sugar jar.

"That's understandable. I'm making pasta for lunch, hope that's ok. However what happened? I mean don't you want to speak with the police, I know who those girls are so it's not like it'd be difficult to find them" she asked.

"I don't feel like talking about it" he snapped and quickly regretting it. "I'm sorry but right now I don't. Do you mind if I go back to bed till lunch is ready?" he asked getting up. "I'll call you when it's done" she smiled; she didn't take it to heart. Who knows she may have reacted the same way. The way she saw it was if he wanted to talk about, he would.

Reaching the door Nathan turned around. "Who helped you?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" sounding confused.

"I mean who helped you that night and since?" his eyes narrowed at her. "No-one. I've been looking after you myself. My only problem was getting you into my place, other than that I've been bathing you, feeding you, looking after you, changing..." She never got to finish. His eyes widened at what he was hearing. This woman was amazing.

"Thank you"! With that he left.

Nadia remained silent, just watching him leave. This guy obviously seemed appreciative and that made her feel proud of herself and would've have done it again if she had too.

Nathan opened his eyes as the smell of food hit his nose; beautiful and inviting. He'd been asleep for two hours, grateful for the shower and clothes. He got up and headed off to the kitchen, he was in desperate need of proper food after five days of liquids. He got up and followed the smell. There in the kitchen a table had been laid with salad and at the stove stood Nadia busily stirring away the food and making the final touches. She turned around when she heard him still down and smile before turning back to the food.

"Sleep well? I hope you like what I've cooked. Spaghetti with sun-dried tomatoes, it's plain but I don't think you can stomach meat at the moment" taking the saucepan off the stove and bringing it to the table. "Honestly it smells delicious and I'm starved" he said before helping himself.

"This is good, really good" he said with a mouthful. Never had food tasted so good and it really was; perfectly cooked and with just the right amount of seasoning. He finished the first plate fast before helping himself again. Nadia smiled, she was glad he liked it. As he began with his second helping he slowed down a little and looked across at Nadia. He began to study his saviour more closely. She was very sweet looking and had the possibility to be quite stunning maybe even sexy. Her dark hair was in many layers hanging just below her shoulders. She didn't look fragile or shy but more confident-different to what he was used to. One thing which was very noticeable was her bust. For a medium built woman it was quite generous, her top was already stretching because of it and he felt a familiar stirring in his dick.

She broke his concentration when she asked "Would you like something to drink? Juice or water, you choose". "I'll have pineapple juice, thanks".

After lunch Nathan managed to dry the dishes, he wanted to be of some use, after all he'd been looked after and it was the least he could do. However his mind just wasn't focused, every time he remembered that horrible place. The whole thing was supposed to be a joke but it had turned into a nightmare. Those girls were women he had met in a club one night over a month ago and great one-night-stands, but he never thought they'd be capable of doing something so stupid as to leaving him there for ten days. At first it had been a game to tie him up and take turn fucking him. They regularly checked up and he was untied most of the time, but after the fifth day he'd been left alone. On the third day he'd given up hope until this incredible woman came along--and only by chance. How was he supposed to explain this to her? However, he plucked up the courage to explain; that was the least he could afford to do.

"Nadia, we have to talk. We can't get the police involved 'cos there's something you should know," he started off. She was settling down on the couch in front of the television, but something in his voice made her stop reaching for the remote. As he began to tell her, she looked calm. When he finished she burst out laughing. "I'm sorry; it's just that it's incredible. I mean it's ironic yet disturbing. But on a more serious note, you're an idiot. What on earth possessed you to agree to such an elaborate plan? You could've died!" Her voice was very serious now. He could sense her concern and was grateful for it.

"So what are you going to do now? Where do you live?"

"I'm kind of new in town and that's how I met those bitches on my first night here. So practically nowhere, really" he answered meekly.

"Well since you're in no fit condition to move let alone leave this flat till you're stronger, you can stay with me. Until then, I'll do my best to look after you and help you get your life together, because I trust you--don't ask how or why, I just do".

"Thank you Nadia--I really mean it. I promise to be looking for a place by the end of the week. By the way you mentioned a brother. What about him and your parents?"

"My brother and I were sharing this place until three months ago when he moved in with his fiancée, but my parents are living in the Far East for the time being, and hope to return by the end of the year. We're a close family. What about you?"

"I have a sister whose five years younger than myself, also engaged, and a brother whose two years my senior with a wife and a seven month old baby. I came here to continue my studies in Finance and Marketing, but they don't start till two months time".

Three months had gone by and Nathan was still living with Nadia. They had come to an arrangement, he helped her out with the bills and was a companion for her plus they got on really well. She too was a student, but was in a gap year and wanting to teach before she completed her degree. They both had a lot in common with only five years apart in age.

One night Nathan was in his room masturbating rigorously when he heard the front door open. Thank God his door had a lock, but his concentration was broken by the one woman who he fantasised. He heard her go to her room. Looking down at his dick it was half-mast only, mustering up the energy he was able to pull himself off his bed and reorganise his attire before he went to greet her. Suddenly Nadia felt a pillow hit the back of her head; she retaliated by throwing it back. Before they knew what was happening they were having a pillow-fight followed my Nathan's tackling her onto her back on the bed, and tickling her intensely. She had always been ticklish as a child and she couldn't stop laughing whilst avoiding his fingers. She wasn't aware at first that he's stopped, too intent on protecting herself, but when she opened her eyes she saw him looming down at her in a strange way. "What is it" she asked still giggling. Nathan reached forward and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and bent down placing a kiss on her forehead before getting off the bed. She could've sworn that she felt his hand on her breast. However she thought her imagination was running away with her and got up heading for a warm shower.

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My m***er decided that it would be wise if she invested in a boat, her thought behind that was that they will have plenty fun time with it for year to come. And that they can sell it later to get a good portion of their money back. She has a rich friend down in Mexico that just got a new boat, so her old one is now available for us at a very discount price if We are interested. Needless to say mom jumped right in to the opportunity. There was one catch, We have to pick up that sailing boat in...

3 years ago
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6 Clan Amir The Shukra WarChapter 06

At 8:30 a.m. Major Pargrew leads a dozen vehicles up the slope to the ridge overlooking the battlefield. The three regional governors plus several media people disembark and look at the valley. The visitors can easily see the destroyed vehicles with many dead and parts of the dead still lying around, as well as the mass graves dug nearby with the busy Swords carrying the enemy dead to the graves. The film crews start their cameras when they alight. Now many turn them off because this sight is...

3 years ago
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The Boys Showed Her How

Mike, his brother, had just turned 14 as well. Ever since he could remember Mike had a crush and Ashley. She lived right behind them and since the parents were best friends, there was even a convenient gate between the properties. It was a Saturday and both sets of parents were going to go to the Auto Show. Although when they were younger, the kids use to like going . . . soon every year became the same thing over and over and their interest waned. ...

1 year ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 20

Bonny sits on top of Kaito eating up his penis, sucking on it lovingly as Kaito stares at her vagina in front of him. He takes his finger, poking it as its juices leak out slowly. Taking his finger, he shoves it inside of her, deep inside of her. “Hey!” She screams out. “What’re you doing?” Bonny asks. “Sorry, I was curious.” She sighs, waving her ass around in his face. “Don’t poke it. Maybe lick me a little.” She says burying her face in his crotch. Kaito nods shoving his face into her...

4 years ago
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Sam Alicia 9

When I woke up next morning, Katrina was propped up on one elbow looking at me. She looked happy. “Good morning sleepy head. Did you sleep well?” “Yes, I slept like a log. You look happy. Would you like another fuck?” “Yes, I feel very happy. I should be shocked by all the things that I learnt about you all last night, but I'm not. Instead I feel proud that you have included me in all your sex. My parents would be horrified if they knew, but I'm just thrilled to be part of it. No....

3 years ago
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Closing the deal

I’d only been working at Turner and Huntley’s Estate Agents for 3 weeks, and I’d pulled the dreaded weekend shift. Sat in the office in my regulation nylon uniform- green patterned blouse and red knee-length skirt- I looked out at the beautiful spring day unfold before me. People flocked past the plate-glass windows, all dressed for the sun, and all headed somewhere other than house-hunting. I sighed, resigning myself to another long day. I’d straightened my desk numerous times and was on my...

2 years ago
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That Girl Chapter 3

Introduction: Okay this came faster than I thought. If you watch porn regularly, then you probably know about the incest section, where moms fuck their sons, dads fuck their daughters, brothers fuck their sisters, uncles fuck their nieces, and&hellip,aunts fuck their nephews. All the porn videos and sex stories I had seen and read involving specifically aunts and nephews were running rapidly through my mind, creating perverted scenarios that could result from my catching Aunt Jennifer and Maria...

3 years ago
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My Neighbour 2

So things carried on with Sara, Matt and I whenever my wife was out of town and we were all free. Although for the last six weeks there has been no chance and hardly even sight of each other. I feared the worst, that maybe they were done with me and moved on to someone or something else. But as my wife left for work, out of town on Thursday, I started to get my hopes up. By Friday night I was almost sick in anticipation waiting to see if there was any more to this. As I sat and waited watching...

2 years ago
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Interesting Life Of A School Boy Gf And A Teacher

Hey Fellas, Hola!! It’s Rahul here, 24 yrs athletic build. I’ve been a great fan of ISS for years and of all the sexy adventures written here and I guess now it’s time to for payback :p!! SO without further ado, I’ll proceed to the story. This story goes back to then when I was in class 12th. I was 18 at the time. I used to study in a convent school of Indore. I was a complete athlete then (and now too, though the intensity has decreased). I was school senior team captain for both football and...

2 years ago
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For His Pleasure Part 3

I took a great risk last night, just turning up at her door like that.Hell - I still can't believe I thought that would be acceptable to her, that she would even open the door.But she did! And now things have changed.Changed from that first night when she became aware of me watching her.She had only just recently moved into the apartments opposite a few days when she had inadvertently walked through her lounge in just her underwear. She never noticed me - but I very much noticed her!I soon...

3 years ago
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As Fate Would Have It

Hi all, I hope that you're all enjoying summer. As I told you before, I'm working for an escort service weekend nights until after Labor Day, then I go back to the shop. My ex has the boys all this week, so I'll be able to work every night. I've been doing well, about 4 or 5 calls a night. I'm enjoying myself. This past Saturday night I had an interesting call. I'm sure that, by my title, you can figure it out. I chose to write about it. When I was in high school, I was just a normal girl. Not...

Straight Sex
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Rabi Ne Apni Soteli Maa Se Liya Badla 8211 Part VIII

ISS ke sare readers ko Ashu ka pyar. Me ek bar fir hazir hu apne life me ghati ek anokhi ghatna ko lekar. Magar us se pehele me un sabka thanks karna chahata hu jinho ne meri pichli sari kahaniyon ko itna pasand kiya ke unka pyar mujhe e-mail ke zariye mila aur mujhe encorage kiya aur kahani likhne keliye. Isiliye me apne busy shidule me se time nikal kar ye kahani likh raha hu. Ese hi mujhe pyar dete rahiye me kabhi aplogon ko nirash nahi karunga. Iss me story ka 1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th , 6th & 7th...

4 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 4 Near Misses

When Angel arrived at Red's Barn is was a lot less crowded than it had been on Saturday night. Mondays were not as busy. At least she could smoke in the bar, which was a welcome relief. The bar was owned by a man everyone called Red. He had been there Saturday night and he was there tonight. "Nice to see you again darlin'," Red smiled as he tipped an imaginary hat to her. "Thanks," Angel smiled at him warmly. Angel was feeling hungry and she ordered some chili cheese fries. Red's...

3 years ago
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Twisted and Torn Part 2

Twisted and Torn Part 2 Chris had taken the plunge and walked through the doors of a gay sauna and now stood in the semi darkness and worried of he might bump into someone who knew him. The music was somewhat loud and the heavy beats rumbled in his ears and he felt like he was a young man again walking into a night club as he made his way further into the place and found many grey lockers in a well lit area. He could have been standing in any gym locker and the many locks made it clear the...

Gay Male
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ThisGirlSucks Katie Kush Good Brainer Ball Drainer

Katie Kush is a blonde whore who loves sticking fat cock inside her mouth. Her favorite part is how it feels when is glides over her tongue. She also has an uncanny talent for opening her talkbox super wide. Today, she stuffs our studs full cock and balls between her salivating lips at the same time. This horny chick is a real pro! Then she shoves his shaft as far down her throat as she can take it, choking on his rod as she sucks and slobbers. Katie has always had a knack for cock sucking, but...

4 years ago
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Waiting for the right moment

As I rounded the last corner I found myself looking at the door to her class. I knew what would be waiting, the most gorgeous woman I knew. Rachael was my Geography professor. She had started teaching at my university a year ago and had replaced my old male professor who was just a little odd. From the minute Rachael walked through the door the room would brighten. I always found myself staring at her, watching what she did, watching as she laughed and smiled at the students. She was beautiful....

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Amethyst Banks Amethyst Takes the Best BBC

Amethyst Banks used all her social engineering skills to find out the unlisted Bangbros address. She heard they have the biggest black cocks in town. She was lucky. When she knocked Prince Yashua opened the door. He led her into the living room and let her touch his crotch and pull down his pants. Yes his cock was indeed quite impressive. It was bigger than her head. She started to suck it. Obviously it did not fit into her mouth. Prince Yashua licked her pussy and then took her doggy style. He...

2 years ago
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Staying Close to my Sister Part 4

My sister Elizabeth gave birth to our darling Emily, and my mother gave birth to our beloved twins Jane and Jennifer, all three born mere minutes apart. Sally and Amanda, my aunt and cousin, were both beautifully pregnant and helping with the babies that had already arrived. The prior mothers were already quite experienced, though clearly Elizabeth and Amanda had inherited their motherly instincts. The former lesbians Trisha and Karen had since moved in, glowingly pregnant themselves and...

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The Perfect Threesome

I’ve been steady with Laura for nearly two years now and we have a very close bond. We are as much buddies as anything but we are close and don’t have any secrets. We are both openly bisexual, but prefer girls for lots of reasons. Despite swinging both ways, guys have been few and far between of late. I just haven’t gone out of my way to seek male company. That all changed recently. I guess you would describe my taste in guys as ‘fussy.’ I like them to be young, fit and cute; but manly. I...

Group Sex
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Crystal PassionChapter 9

If you were touring America these days and you wanted to contact your manager or, indeed, anyone back in the UK, all you need to do is switch on a laptop or tablet or smart phone and use Skype. And if not Skype exactly, you'd use Viber or exchange e-mails or instant messages. But in the early 1990s, the internet was very slow and ridiculously expensive and most people weren't online anyway. So, when Crystal wanted to contact Madeleine, our agent, to find out how things were doing she had to...

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Marilyn and Connie and me

Marilyn and i have been close friends for 8 years and we seem to just work together very well. Since she moved back here 6 months ago and started over after a terrible marriage fell apart. She tried over and over to save it but her ex just wouldnt or couldnt. She was well employed and in her new home and her daughter Connie now 19 and in college were happy and it made me feel good after i had helped her any way i could. Marilyn is petite, 5 ft 3 and 100 lbs nice little 32 B breasts and a...

1 year ago
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Courtney and Chris

Chris was an all right looking boy. He was 18 years old. He had hair and blue eyes. He listened to rock music and dressed the skater look. Not all the girls were crazy over him but he was still a good choice they all said. He was slim about 120 pounds and had a nice 5 inch penis. It was a Monday morning and it was time for school. Chris's Mom woke him up and he hopped in the shower real quick. He got out and dried off. He then brushed his teeth and did his hair and he was ready. He ate a quick...

First Time
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The JobChapter 2 Night Clubbing

I took the ferry to Airlie my first weekend off the Island. My mum had relatives in Airlie, and our uncle had rented us their old house just on the back of the main tourist area of Airlie. The place was run down but clean. It was also in a great spot in that my brother Ryan only had to walk down the hill for about a klick to get to where he worked. The fact we didn’t own a car wasn’t such a hardship, but it could get annoying. Most of everything else we needed was also within a reasonable...

1 year ago
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Janet Osilio Private Detective

Janet Osilio: Private Detective By Mrraizer Chapter 1 - Making Her I began life as Mike Smith. I started MUSHing in my college days as something to do to break up the monotony of college life. In case you didn't know, MUSH stands for Multi User Shared Hallucination. It's usually based on a tabletop Roleplaying Game. The MUSH I started playing changed my life in more ways than one. The MUSH I started playing was new. It was called Tomorrow World. It took place in...

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WildOnCam Petra Blair Ashley Aleigh Get Wet For Each Other

Tall, hot and delicious beauty Ashley Aleigh is excited to show off her beautiful curves in her tight red top and sexy tight leather skirt that she may let you peek and see her panties before it comes of. Petra Blair joins her for some naughty fun with you and loves how Ashley admires her bush while eating out that hot wet pussy! Petra gets Ashley to sit on her face so she can devour that pussy without anything to hold her back. She wants to suffocate on it with how much she loves it! The girls...

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A Genny Story The Strapon

  A Genny Story...The Strap-OnThis is nearly a compleatly true story. It is my first attempt atsubmitting any of my adventures, but I have been sharing them with friendson line for a couple of years. I hope you enjoy this, and I promise to tryto send some more. I am GennyJust after Melly and I moved in together, I came home one morning and founda strap-on dildo still in the box, sitting on Melly's dresser. I was goingto leave it alone but my curosity got the best of me. I took it out to lookat...

2 years ago
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The Way To Wake Up

You walk in and see me asleep in bed, right where you had left me that morning. You get back into bed and kiss my eyes and then my cheeks and finally my mouth. You move down, kissing my neck and I giggle because it tickles. I run my hands through your hair and you look up at me and I kiss you back. I roll over and get on top of you, leaning down and kissing you and running my hands down your bare chest. I lean back and lightly touch the waistband of your boxers, but then decide to move up again...

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