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Nadia walked into the cold, dimly lit dungeon like room. The dampness hung in the air like a heavy stench suffocating anyone in its path. Water leaked from the ceiling, dripping onto the stony floor making it colder than it should have been. She never would have known about this place if she hadn't overheard the girls in the locker room mumbling about a guy they had tied up for eight days. The knowledge made her gasp, but she was careful to make sure no-one heard her. How could they do such a disgusting thing to a human being?! She wasn't sure if she wanted to know the reason, but had to find out. Anything could happen to this guy and if he was guilty of a crime she was unaware of, then these girls were not authorised to take the punishment into their own hands.

She vaguely knew the place they had talked about; it had always made her uncomfortable, but now she had to overcome her fear and 'save' this person. Now she was looking for him. She could hear a faint moan from the distance and realised it was where he must be. Nadia walked towards the faint sound holding the torch as steady as her hand could hold it.

As she walked closer the sound died down causing her to hurry towards him. There against the cold pillar was the body of a young man tied securely. He lay slumped with his head down. Nadia knelt next to him and took hold of his chin to look closer at his face. Her eyes widened at his state. He was filthy, unshaved, cuts and faint bruises all over his hands and face; he must've given quite a struggle before being tied down like a dog.

"Water" was the only word he managed to mouth before hanging his head down again. Nadia with her fumbling hands quickly managed to give him the water that she always carried with her. He gulped it down thirstily before she began to cut the knots using the pocket knife she'd brought with her, and using all her strength somehow managed to stand him up using herself as a leaning support. With all her might she managed to drag his body over to the door before being forced to set him against the wall to get her breath back. Luckily her car was parked close by so just another three minutes and she could get him into the car.

She debated with herself whether to take him to the police, hospital or nurse him back herself. She finally decided that she could nurse him herself, at least until she found out why he had landed himself in such a state, somehow she found the strength in her to pull him to the side of her car and put him inside.

For a slim guy he sure was heavy to carry, but with no-one to help Nadia was left with little choice. Finally she managed to get him onto her spare bed. He looked awful in the dim light of her room and it seemed he was burning up with a fever. She quickly began to undress him in order to put a cold compress on his forehead and feet, she had to ignore the smell of unwashed flesh but that was understandable given the ordeal he had gone through. The least she could do was to wash him thoroughly, she thought, but that itself was going to be a difficult task as she had never had to do this to anyone other than herself. She walked into her bathroom to run hot water whilst gathering a cloth and soap. Being careful not to spill the bowl she walked back in a laid it on the table next to the bed.

The quicker she undressed him the quicker she could wash--that was her way of dealing with the situation. Using a pair of scissors, she cut away his shirt and pants; at least they weren't soiled, but of no use either. Next came his underwear. She didn't even think about it. Suddenly she realised that there in front of her was a naked man--a dream come true. Holding back a laugh she dipped the cloth into the bowl and rubbed the soap onto it before bringing it to his chest, and arms. She methodically worked her way down to his legs before gently turning him over and starting with his back washing away a weeks worth of dried shit and piss. Once that was done she had to deal with his penis. Turning him over again she started with lifting his flaccid member and washing the whole area as delicately as she could. To her surprise his dick began to stiffen slightly but luckily for her she was done before it rose to full mast. She was too tired to be fascinated with this naked man.

The smell was practically gone and as far as she was concerned it would have to do. Nadia went to back into the bathroom to empty the bowl and refill it with cold water. Rinsing the cloth thoroughly, she used it to wash his neck and face. He mumbled incomprehensible words but Nadia knew that was the fever, she then put a cold compress against his forehead and feet then using a thin sheet to cover him before going to take a quick shower herself.

Making sure he was as comfortable as could be given the state he was in, she put on new cold compresses again before slipping into bed next to him. Waiting was all she could do to see how he was in the morning. Two hours and still no change, sleep began to overtake her senses, barely being able to keep her eyelids open, she fell asleep.

Five days later Nadia was woken up by a soft moaning sound, it sounded like the fever had broke through. He was covered in sweat and shivering. Quickly she got up and began to wash him again with the warm damp cloth and pulled the sheet over his body. The worst was over--so far. He needed plenty of rest and good food if was ever to get his strength back.

Padding off to the kitchen Nadia began to make breakfast before she could start on making chicken soup. Warm sweet tea with bread and honey was just what he needed and she fancied. She hadn't eaten since yesterday evening and her stomach was grumbling as a reminder.

As she walked into her room, the guy was shaking his head as if attempting to escape from a bad dream. Running over to him, she woke him up, his eyes barely opened and there in front of him was an angel gazing down at him, all in white. "Shh, you're having a bad dream. Go back to sleep" as if on command he did just that. His body was too worn down.

Three hours had lapsed when Nadia attempted to waken the stranger. With some persuasion she succeeded. He opened his eyes slowly trying to adjust to the bedroom light-though not bright, he had been confined to darkness for two weeks so anything stronger than the dark burnt his eyes slightly. His head felt too heavy to sit up, and then that's when he noticed a figure in the room; the angel.

Nadia approached him and sat down. "I'm Nadia, how are you feeling?"

"Where am I?" he asked bewildered.

"In my room. I rescued you. Do you remember anything?" she asked rinsing the damp cloth once again to wipe his face and neck.

"Not much, but how did you find me? I had lost all hope after those crazy women left me tied up. Are you with them?" he asked suspiciously, watching her every move as she drew closer to clean him.

"No. I just was lucky enough to overhear their conversation and went to investigate for myself. I couldn't believe my eyes, but that doesn't matter right now, you need food and rest and... a good wash. Do you have strength to get something into your stomach? I've brought you tea with bread and honey, and I have also make soup as you are best off eating liquids at the moment. By the way you still haven't told me who you are".

"Nathan. My name is Nathan", pulling himself into a sitting position so that he could eat something. The smell of the tea and honey made his mouth water. He practically snatched the food off the plate and gulped everything including the hot tea in one go. Under the circumstances it was understandable but it looked weird too.

"Well Nathan, do you think you can leave the bed for a shower?" she asked holding some towels in her hand. "Is it that bad?" he asked timidly. She blushed at his question and nodded. "I'll leave the towels here and clothes that I had in the cupboard. They belong to my brother and he's about your size" with that she left the room.

Nathan slowly began to undress, his arms ached so much from being tied. His clothes were ruined completely worth throwing away. Taking the towels he headed for the shower. Nadia popped in as soon as she heard the water begin to run. Quickly she changed the bed sheets and left before he came out.

"Nadia right?" she nearly dropped the cup she was drying. The last thing she expected was for Nathan to be in the kitchen.

"Yeah, how are you feeling?" She was now looking at him. He looked cute in her brother's jeans and t-shirt. She hadn't really studied him, but now that he was clean and shaven, he looked very appealing to the eye. His mousy brown hair which had been matted was now shiny and hanging loosely around his head. He was slim but masculine looking from what she remembered of last night.

"Weak. I feel I have to sit down all the time", pulling out the chair he sat himself and began to fiddle with the sugar jar.

"That's understandable. I'm making pasta for lunch, hope that's ok. However what happened? I mean don't you want to speak with the police, I know who those girls are so it's not like it'd be difficult to find them" she asked.

"I don't feel like talking about it" he snapped and quickly regretting it. "I'm sorry but right now I don't. Do you mind if I go back to bed till lunch is ready?" he asked getting up. "I'll call you when it's done" she smiled; she didn't take it to heart. Who knows she may have reacted the same way. The way she saw it was if he wanted to talk about, he would.

Reaching the door Nathan turned around. "Who helped you?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" sounding confused.

"I mean who helped you that night and since?" his eyes narrowed at her. "No-one. I've been looking after you myself. My only problem was getting you into my place, other than that I've been bathing you, feeding you, looking after you, changing..." She never got to finish. His eyes widened at what he was hearing. This woman was amazing.

"Thank you"! With that he left.

Nadia remained silent, just watching him leave. This guy obviously seemed appreciative and that made her feel proud of herself and would've have done it again if she had too.

Nathan opened his eyes as the smell of food hit his nose; beautiful and inviting. He'd been asleep for two hours, grateful for the shower and clothes. He got up and headed off to the kitchen, he was in desperate need of proper food after five days of liquids. He got up and followed the smell. There in the kitchen a table had been laid with salad and at the stove stood Nadia busily stirring away the food and making the final touches. She turned around when she heard him still down and smile before turning back to the food.

"Sleep well? I hope you like what I've cooked. Spaghetti with sun-dried tomatoes, it's plain but I don't think you can stomach meat at the moment" taking the saucepan off the stove and bringing it to the table. "Honestly it smells delicious and I'm starved" he said before helping himself.

"This is good, really good" he said with a mouthful. Never had food tasted so good and it really was; perfectly cooked and with just the right amount of seasoning. He finished the first plate fast before helping himself again. Nadia smiled, she was glad he liked it. As he began with his second helping he slowed down a little and looked across at Nadia. He began to study his saviour more closely. She was very sweet looking and had the possibility to be quite stunning maybe even sexy. Her dark hair was in many layers hanging just below her shoulders. She didn't look fragile or shy but more confident-different to what he was used to. One thing which was very noticeable was her bust. For a medium built woman it was quite generous, her top was already stretching because of it and he felt a familiar stirring in his dick.

She broke his concentration when she asked "Would you like something to drink? Juice or water, you choose". "I'll have pineapple juice, thanks".

After lunch Nathan managed to dry the dishes, he wanted to be of some use, after all he'd been looked after and it was the least he could do. However his mind just wasn't focused, every time he remembered that horrible place. The whole thing was supposed to be a joke but it had turned into a nightmare. Those girls were women he had met in a club one night over a month ago and great one-night-stands, but he never thought they'd be capable of doing something so stupid as to leaving him there for ten days. At first it had been a game to tie him up and take turn fucking him. They regularly checked up and he was untied most of the time, but after the fifth day he'd been left alone. On the third day he'd given up hope until this incredible woman came along--and only by chance. How was he supposed to explain this to her? However, he plucked up the courage to explain; that was the least he could afford to do.

"Nadia, we have to talk. We can't get the police involved 'cos there's something you should know," he started off. She was settling down on the couch in front of the television, but something in his voice made her stop reaching for the remote. As he began to tell her, she looked calm. When he finished she burst out laughing. "I'm sorry; it's just that it's incredible. I mean it's ironic yet disturbing. But on a more serious note, you're an idiot. What on earth possessed you to agree to such an elaborate plan? You could've died!" Her voice was very serious now. He could sense her concern and was grateful for it.

"So what are you going to do now? Where do you live?"

"I'm kind of new in town and that's how I met those bitches on my first night here. So practically nowhere, really" he answered meekly.

"Well since you're in no fit condition to move let alone leave this flat till you're stronger, you can stay with me. Until then, I'll do my best to look after you and help you get your life together, because I trust you--don't ask how or why, I just do".

"Thank you Nadia--I really mean it. I promise to be looking for a place by the end of the week. By the way you mentioned a brother. What about him and your parents?"

"My brother and I were sharing this place until three months ago when he moved in with his fiancée, but my parents are living in the Far East for the time being, and hope to return by the end of the year. We're a close family. What about you?"

"I have a sister whose five years younger than myself, also engaged, and a brother whose two years my senior with a wife and a seven month old baby. I came here to continue my studies in Finance and Marketing, but they don't start till two months time".

Three months had gone by and Nathan was still living with Nadia. They had come to an arrangement, he helped her out with the bills and was a companion for her plus they got on really well. She too was a student, but was in a gap year and wanting to teach before she completed her degree. They both had a lot in common with only five years apart in age.

One night Nathan was in his room masturbating rigorously when he heard the front door open. Thank God his door had a lock, but his concentration was broken by the one woman who he fantasised. He heard her go to her room. Looking down at his dick it was half-mast only, mustering up the energy he was able to pull himself off his bed and reorganise his attire before he went to greet her. Suddenly Nadia felt a pillow hit the back of her head; she retaliated by throwing it back. Before they knew what was happening they were having a pillow-fight followed my Nathan's tackling her onto her back on the bed, and tickling her intensely. She had always been ticklish as a child and she couldn't stop laughing whilst avoiding his fingers. She wasn't aware at first that he's stopped, too intent on protecting herself, but when she opened her eyes she saw him looming down at her in a strange way. "What is it" she asked still giggling. Nathan reached forward and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and bent down placing a kiss on her forehead before getting off the bed. She could've sworn that she felt his hand on her breast. However she thought her imagination was running away with her and got up heading for a warm shower.

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Jaq Gets Sent Some Sexy Films

I recently became friends with a guy on Lush, he is in Australia and his name is Dan. Dan loved the pictures of my wife Jaq on my profile and began to leave comments on them. Most of you will know that Jaq and myself have a very varied and interesting sex life and Dan loved to read about our adventures.One day Dan messaged me a short video that he had made. I quickly clicked onto the video to see what it contained. The video clip showed Dan jerking off over one of the pictures of Jaq. It was so...

3 years ago
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night out all dressed up

as a cross dresser and not a gay cross dresser what happened the other evening was quite amusing to me, i had spent the entire day around my home, dressed in my usual black satin underwear and a satin dressing gown, i had nothing to do so I got all dressed up, wearing white satin panties, bra, suspenders and black stockings, I decided to wear a red dress, not to tarty, nee length with a lovely top, feeling very special I was now putting on all the make up and lipstick (red to match of coarse)...

1 year ago
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Private Lilit Sweet The Girl Next Door

Today has the pleasure of introducing you to Lilt Sweet, an adorable young teen who has come to Private Specials, Rimming Ladies 4 for a debut that she’ll never forget! Lilit is the new neighbour of Kai Taylor and after she dances enticingly he can’t help but head over for a visit where things soon heat up as Lilit shows off her incredible cock sucking and ass licking skills. Then enjoy this delightful teen in action as she gets a hard pounding in all her favourite positions,...

2 years ago
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The HomestandersChapter 32

The decision back around Christmas to visit Eve and John as part of the great bike trip eastward had done much to shape the overall trip. Emily and Vicky still had a lot of curiosity about their little blonde classmate. Though they hadn't seen her since the 1998 Halloween party, Emily had frequently talked to her on the phone as had Vicky occasionally, so on top of the curiosity there was building a genuine warmth that had seemed to heal some of the scars of the past. After some discussion...

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Nikki bent over the glass topped table, her eyes shining with anticipation as she prepared her first line of cocaine of the day. She felt a hand reach under her short satin dressing gown. 'Hi mum, ' she giggled as the hand started stroking her juciy slit. 'Do me a line darling, and I'll get us our first drink of the day, ' purred Gloria as she reluctantly removed her hand, licking her fingers as she went over to the drinks cabinet. 'What time is it?' asked Gloria. 'Nine o'clock,...

2 years ago
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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 29 Sherry Sets Up June

That night, after lights out, her friend June came to her bed and Sherry wasn't sure what to do. She knew that she should leave because the priest would be waiting for her but, in order not to arouse suspicion; she remained with the other girl. It was quick, but it just whetted Sherry's appetite for Father Murphy's ministrations as she and June made another journey to Lesbos. Then, as her friend was relaxing in the restful aftermath of her orgasm, Sherry asked her to return to her own...

3 years ago
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BFF SecretsChapter 10

Christen slid out of the convertible’s passenger seat limp and sweaty. “Thanks for the ride, Miss,...” was about all she could manage to say. “Just Scarlet dear, and the pleasure was all mine.” The redheaded adult winked. “M-m-m mine too.” the teenager returned the woman’s wave, and stood gathering her strength as the car pulled away from the curb. Presently the buxom blonde recovered enough from her recent orgasm to walk up the walkway to her house. She hoped her BFF Helen would be home...

1 year ago
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City Guardsman Chapter 4

________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER FOUR ----------------------------------------------- The city was just returning to normal. It has been two months since the king had come to the city. He stayed two weeks and the city celebrated for two months. I glanced at Sam crossing the square to join me for a lunch time tea. Adelia and Tim had taken a huge group of children to Baroness Terness to spend the day. I smiled as Sam sat down...

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Owned by the MotherinlawChapter 5

Further confident looking women arrived, smiling and sneering at the gimp, and pointing at me contemptuously. My erection raged as I watched the superbly dominant Arabella stride positively toward the cellar door; her willing gimp, the once proud and dignified headmaster, on all fours with a tail swinging from his plug. The women laughed at him and slapped him like a dog as he passed, increasing his yearning for punishment and humiliation by them; he was a truly broken and servile shell of a...

1 year ago
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Used poppers slut

I was nervous on the drive in. Should I do it? I could just bail out now. Still feeling the same way as I pulled up, jittery, breathing shallow, legs all wobbly as I crunched up the driveway towards the white house with the big windows, in the middle of nowhere, just fields upon fields. My shaking hand went up to the doorbell and I'm still thinking of pulling out. I rang it. He stood there naked and the first thing I noticed was his cock. It was massive, hanging between his legs and held in...

2 years ago
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The GovernorChapter 9 The Fifth Commandment

As soon as Lucy arrived home from school, she knew that something was wrong. There was an atmosphere in the house. Something had happened. She glanced anxiously at her mother and saw that that she'd been crying. Her face was flushed, and she wouldn't look at Lucy directly, and so Lucy was anxious. "What is it? What's going on?" Lucy demanded, but her mother would only say that Lucy should go see her father. He was in his study. That's what she kept saying over and over. He was in his...

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Unexpected Accident At Reunion Changes Everything 8211 Part 1

It is my first story submission and any mistakes take it easy and go with the flow and rhythm. I am one of the reader of iss since many years & fan to ISS. Thank you iss for giving us a platform to share our real time experiences. Please share your feedback or discussion or anything you want to talk email me at: My name is Rahul. I’m from hyderabad. As usual a B.Tech graduate. I’m 23 years old. This incident happened last year summer when my 12th class batch has arranged for a reunion 7 years...

3 years ago
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Massaging A Widow Led To Sex

Hi, Pramod here. Email id: . I come to the incident directly as everyone knows me and my profession. I came across a widow who needed sexual pleasure. I had posted an ad in 1 app stating my private massage service. She contacted me through the mail id provided in the ad and inquired about massage. She didn’t mention she wanted to have sexual pleasure. She took all the information. She was mailing me as a male. She asked me how will I massage women in front of her husband and if her husband is...

2 years ago
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Pleasure With Business 8211 Part I

Foreword – If you are interested in lovemaking alone then read no further, because I assume anyone who is on this website knows what the process of sex is. It’s the build up and the foreplay which make a story unique. My heart always belongs to just one girl; but i have my sperms for the rest!! ;) Hi, this is Nadeem, 26 year Mumbai based travel professional. A firm believer of keep your options open but never shit where you eat. All this changed when I was on a business tour to Thailand last...

3 years ago
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Nick Texts His Submissive Wife Jenny

Sometimes our sex is soft and tender, just making love. However, sometimes it’s rough and raw, hot fucking! I received a text on Friday mid-morning from my husband at work. It said: “I’m horny. I need my cock sucked and fucked. Some woman will have my cock in her mouth and pussy this afternoon. Are YOU interested?” I replied, “YES, I am! I want your cock; I need your cock! Just tell me where and when.” He then wrote, “Hmmm, doesn’t sound like you want it badly enough. I’ll have someone else do...

1 year ago
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How i become reach and happy

This all started when i was at 12 years old. At that time i got lot of friends,i used to rome with all of those, at that time i doesn’t even know a single bit about the sex. One day when we all friends discussing one of my friend(rahul) started talking about the sex how it is done and all everthing about it. At that time i didn’t understood anything as i don’t know anything about it. So i left and i didn’t talk about the matter. While i am returning home rahul came along with me as his home is...

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Sex With A Stranger

SHE…Was almost there…so close, and yet she wasn’t. She forced herself to remain as calm as possible, to keep her body as relaxed as she could, except for where his mouth was. That wonderful sucking mouth.Her ex-husband had never done this for her, i.e. treated her to orgasms willingly, unselfishly. She found it incredible that a man could be so patient and to worship her body as she had so often fantasized.Always enjoying attention and craving intimacy with a man after three months of a “dry...

Straight Sex
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Road RashChapter 2

The next weekend, in typical spring fashion in the Northwest, dawned gray and overcast. Rain threatened on the horizon and I packed my rain gear along with dressing in layers. When I pulled into the parking lot of the park with my bike on the roof rack, the turnout was about what I expected whenever rain threatened; about half as many riders as when the weather was nice. Nick had called in sick (read, hung over) that morning, so I was going to have to handle the whole herd solo. Instead of...

2 years ago
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Pregnant Louise III

Louise: my former, heavily pregnant neighbour.'Larry': Me!Italics: My thoughts/memories.The undeniable pressure in my balls began to build as I watched my cock piston in and out of Louise's arse; she was loving having her ring stretched by my meaty shaft! I knew that soon I would cum - there would be no holding back! "Ooh...Daddy, that fucking good...Jesus..."! Jaws tightly clenched, I grunted down at her, "Where do...ya want it...ya little whore..."? She whimpered louder as I forced...

1 year ago
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A Somali Queen In Ottawa

A lot of people are surprised when they meet me. I guess that’s because they’ve all got preconceived notions about what it’s like to be me. My name is Azizah Khalif, and I’m a young Black woman of Somali descent living in the City of Orleans, in provincial Ontario. I recently graduated from Carleton University with a Master’s degree in Computer Science and I presently work for the National Gallery of Canada in downtown Ottawa, as part of tech support personnel. I have a good job, and a very...

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BackroomCastingCouch Makayla 01142019

When she was 19, Makayla had what she calls a sexual awakening, which basically means she was fucking everything in sight. Now another year older, it’s no surprise she’s ready to get into porn, maybe. She hasn’t made up her mind yet, but here she is so we decided to give her a quick lesson on what she’s in for – miles of dick. Of course, she had to pass the first test of eating some ass, which she wasn’t sure of but passed anyway. As it turns out, ass was the...

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JulesJordan Holly Hendrix Teen Gets Wrecked In Oil With DP And Double Anal

Here she comes – the tiniest, fiercest, most filthy little brunette we’ve seen in a while! Holly Hendrix has created quite a buzz in her short time in the business but watch what she can do and you’ll have no doubts why. You should probably have a stock of oil of your own for this one, or you might hurt yourself. Itsy bitsy Holly is an animal and she loves exploring all of her partners’ bodies. She takes this two cocks to greased up heaven! Her perky tits get shined up...

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A New Slave Submits

We had been talking online for many months, spending time flirting and getting to know each other. We live too far apart to be able to just get together in the afternoons but after quite a bit of planning I was finally in her city, waiting in a hotel room for her to arrive. She was married, but not getting what she wanted or needed at home, which is how we met in the first place. Social networking sites are full of people that are looking for something "more", and that is how we ended up...

4 years ago
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My Girlfriends Sisters Part 2

It had been two months since I had fucked Stephanie. I hadn't stopped thinking about what it had been like. I remember my cock being the hardest it had ever been as it slid in and out of her tight wet pussy. I had seen her many times over the past two months but we never spoke of what we did together. Today is Christmas. My girlfriend and I usually go over to her dad's house and spend the holiday with them. Around five we got ready and headed over. We were the first to arrive and decided to...

1 year ago
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The Party 2

The Party Janet L. Stickney The music started, and as I stood at the head of the aisle waiting, my sister's husband took my arm. "Ready?" Words failed me, but I managed to nod my head yes, even as I felt the sharp tightness of the corset holding me in. I watched as the Bridesmaids started walking down the aisle, one by one, escorted to the altar, until at last it was my turn. I looked around, saw the people waiting for me. The flowers in my gloved hand contrasted nicely...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Six

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Six: Control Top "So down to business," Cassie said as she lay in Dale's arms. "You know as a prospect I ran dope with the Devil Dogs MC?" "Sure. We work with the Devils on a couple of things that are of mutual benefit." Dale blew smoke at the ceiling. "Well while I was in hiding in Mexico I ran junk for Diego Martinez for a while. I made some good cash. But I also found out the Dogs were short- changing the Beasts." Cassie lit her...

2 years ago
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A Holiday Adventure

Jenny and Cassie walked hand in hand along the secluded beach; it had been a couple of miles since they had left the small fishing village, leaving the throng of people behind them. Jenny wore a small white bikini with a sarong and was carrying a small bag with their picnic. Cassie's bikini was pink and was a bit smaller, over the top she wore a long tee shirt. Cassie's bag contained a couple of beach towels, some sun tan oil and a bottle of wine.They stopped near a small outcrop of rocks and...


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