Destiny free porn video

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As strange as it may sound to some, my best friend is a lesbian. I'm a divorced, thirty-two year old male that flies a helicopter for the Washington State Police. Denise is the twenty-eight year old paramedic/observer that works with me every day. Both of us are sworn troopers and both of us have done street time of course - it's a departmental requirement - but, due to the specialty skills we possess, we found ourselves fast-tracked through the mandatory patrol time and put as quickly as was feasible into the aero-detail. Not that we minded of course, both of us had joined the department with aspirations of helicopter assignment anyway.

It's a job I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. I used to fly for the Navy, anti-submarine choppers off of a frigate, which sounds worlds more exciting than it actually is. Flying a cop chopper not only pays better but is more challenging, more exciting, and all-around more enjoyable. If I can keep this assignment until I retire, I'll die a happy man. Denise feels the same about her role. She used to be a street paramedic in Seattle. From what she tells me it's every paramedic's dream-job to work on a medical helicopter full-time. She not only gets to do that but also has the exciting enhancement of police work to go along with it. Neither one of us have ever taken the sergeant's exam, knowing that if we passed it and were promoted, we would be yanked out of aero-detail and placed back in the streets. That's a thought that doesn't even bear contemplation.

We began flying together two years ago, shortly after both of us were freed from street patrol. Denise, as I've mentioned, is from Seattle. She'd grown up there and lived there all of her life. It was where she'd done her patrol time. I had grown up in Detroit but had been assigned to Seattle in the Navy and had lived there ever since. It was where I'd done my patrol time too. So our department, in it's infinite wisdom, assigned us to the Spokane area as aero-detail newbies, a part of the state that neither one of us was the least bit familiar with. Let me tell you we were a pretty cute team trying to navigate the chopper around unfamiliar ground on the night shift for the first couple of months. In that time we became friends, very good friends. Between trying to figure out where the hell we were or where the hell we were supposed to be, we would have long, sometimes intimate conversations. I learned probably more than most heterosexuals know about the lesbian sub-culture (and more than one tip on proper cunnilingus technique) from her. Our discussions in the chopper have always been animated and without restraint. I've always prayed that we'd never get into an accident, not for fear of physical harm, but so that some FAA investigator, listening to our flight recorder, wouldn't hear what we routinely discuss together in the intimate confines of the helicopter cockpit. They sure as hell wouldn't be able to put a transcript of that in the newspaper.

Being friends with a lesbian is the best of both worlds. I could talk to her like she was a guy but without the macho blustering that is an inevitable part of male-male friendships. I didn't have to exaggerate the size of my cock, or make up fake sexual encounters to impress her, or be afraid to admit to unmanly emotions. I could also talk to her like I would a woman, but without sexual or commitment-orientated undercurrents that define those relationships. Denise could be feminine when the situation called for it, letting me know what women really want, discussing fashions or interior decorating schemes. She could also out-cuss and out-sleaze a long-shoreman. She could give valid advice on how to install a new sprinkler system in my yard or what might be wrong with my car. She could drink most men twice her size under the table. She was the best drinking and barhopping companion that I've ever encountered in my life. She also played a mean game of golf. If not for the sex thing, we probably would have married each other, we got along so well.

A few weeks ago our shift started as usual. We changed into our flight-suits (separate locker rooms of course), put on our uncomfortable and bulky shoulder holsters which contained our department issue .40 caliber pistols, weapons that we were unlikely, at best, to ever need in our current assignment (we were required to wear them on duty but you couldn't wear a gunbelt on your waist in a helicopter), and checked out the chopper before patrol. I did the pre-flight checks while Denise inventoried and tested the medical equipment, police and fire department radios, and made sure our street maps were all there and intact. We put on our flight helmets with the intercom system speakers and microphone in them and then I fired up the chopper and took us up to begin our routine patrol duties.

We came on shift at 3:00 in the afternoon, a busy time of the day, and, as such, we were immediately sent to a call in the City of Spokane to assist Spokane PD with a commercial burglary search. Spokane PD is a separate agency from ours but they do not have a chopper of their own so we spend a lot of our time doing mutual aid for them. The great State of Washington of course charges them by the call, making the decision to call us in that of a sergeant or above, but they were still shameless in their requests. We didn't mind. Spokane, in this particular neck of the woods, was where the action was.

In the two years I'd been assigned there, my working knowledge of the area had improved to the point where I knew the geography better than any other place I'd ever lived or worked before. Without even needing a map consult, I turned the chopper to the northwest and started heading for the location while Denise dialed up that frequency on our radio system and told them we were five minutes out. They gave us the run-down on what they wanted us to do; check the roof of the warehouse in question for suspects, jimmied sky-lights, or anything else out of the ordinary.

"Copy that," Denise told whomever she was talking to on the radio. She then turned to me. "Let me tell you what our plan for the day is."

"What's that?" I asked her, keeping half an eye on the landmarks below us as I cruised at two thousand feet above ground at ninety knots.

"We need to get ourselves a trauma transport today, sometime between now and eleven."

I raised my eyebrows. "Need to practice your skills?" I asked.

"Fuck my skills," she snorted. "There's a new ER nurse at the trauma center. She's a hot one. And I'm pretty sure she's of the sisterhood."

"Yeah?" I said, genuinely interested. "What's her name? Did she tell you she's a lesbo?"

"Her name is, get this," she paused dramatically, "Destiny. Isn't that a bitchin' name? She's the blonde chick I was talkin' to when we brought in that auto accident guy last week. The chick with the nice tits." She sighed for moment as she thought about it. "She didn't actually say that she was gay but, you know, we can tell these sorts of things. The way she was talkin' to me, the things she said. I think she's one of us." She quickly amended herself. "Uh, I mean one of me."

I knew the nurse of whom she was speaking. Denise was right, she was pretty hot looking. I'd wondered about making a move on her myself but hadn't had the opportunity. If there's one thing I'd learned in my career it's that women loved helicopter pilots. They would practically drop down and give you a blowjob right there when they found out what you did for a living. "Are you sure she's gay?" I asked, though I'd learned to trust her instincts on this matter.

"Reasonably," Denise told me. "Like I said, we know these things. There's a signal they give off."

"Well ain't that a bitch," I said, shaking my head sadly. "I was thinking about tryin' a little something with her myself."

"Hey," she said. "Leave her alone. There's so few women in this freakin' town for me to fuck but you got them throwin' pussy at you left and right. She's a sister, I'm tellin' you. Trust me."

"I'll take your word for it," I assured her.

We handled that call, which turned out to be nothing, and several others, which also turned out to be nothing. We were cruising around Interstate 90 east of Spokane, quite close in fact to the Idaho border, when Denise's ears perked up. She'd been listening to the fire department scanner. "There's an auto accident call on I-90 at Brantford Road," she told me excitedly. "Let's head that way."

I knew what she was thinking. If there was a helicopter requested for medivac, she wanted it to be us so she could go see her nurse. "Medi-flight will get the call," I told her, informing her of nothing she didn't already know. Medi-flight was a helicopter, staffed by two nurses (and a pilot), that operated out of the Spokane trauma center. They jealously guarded what they considered to be their calls. It was understandable. They were always under the threat of budgetary cuts or even elimination. The more calls they ran, the more they justified their existence. Our lieutenant, obviously acting on orders from above, had told us long ago not to be so enthusiastic in jumping their calls. Our budget, after all, was not in any such jeopardy and our admin was not so fond of medical or trauma aid calls anyway since they took us out of service for about an hour and half each time.

"We don't jump their shit that often," Denise said, almost pleadingly. "And they can't deny us if we're right overhead, can they?"

I turned my head and looked at her, appraising the near-desperation in her brown eyes. "When was the last time you got laid?" I asked her.

"Too fuckin' long ago," she answered. "I've rubbed myself to sleep thinking about this nurse ever since I first laid eyes on her."

"Good enough for me," I replied, turning the chopper back towards the west and putting on the power.

When the fire department asked for a chopper to be dispatched five minutes later, we were only about ten miles away, much closer than downtown Spokane, which was where Medi-flight was based. Denise jumped on the radio and, giving our location, offered our services. Medi-flight, which had been dispatched, was cancelled and we were added to the call. We were circling over the accident less than three minutes later, looking down at a twisted mess of wreckage that had once been a Volvo before it had slammed into a bridge abutment. Fire trucks, an ambulance, and several state trooper patrol cars, their lights flashing brightly, were parked at the scene.

We had arrived so quickly that we were forced to circle for five minutes before the freeway was shut down and another fire engine arrived to secure a landing zone for us. I then touched down gently on the asphalt surface of I-90, leaving the engine idling as Denise waved over a couple of firefighters to help her with our litter. As protocol dictated, I stood near the tail-rotor to make sure some incompetent fireman didn't accidentally walk into the thing, an act which would have erased his head instantly (and damaged our chopper). Denise, meanwhile, got report on the injuries and supervised the loading of the patient into the patient compartment.

The patient in question was utterly fucked. He still had a heartbeat but wasn't breathing and his skull had been split open, spilling some of his brains out. The paramedics on scene had put in a breathing tube and started an IV before transferring care to Denise so she was left with little to do but compress the bag that supplied oxygen to his soon-to-be-dead body. I lifted off after making sure none of the firemen or paramedics were standing too close and pointed the nose of the chopper to the west, heading for the trauma center at the best possible speed.

As I flew, I looked back at Denise, who was bagging the patient and talking to the staff at the hospital at the same time, informing them about what they were about to receive. Blood was running from the patient's head and onto the floor where it was already coagulating into sticky clumps. I was the one who had to clean all of this up, not Denise.

"You'd better get some tongue out of all this shit," I told her once she'd finished her report. "Or I'm gonna be one pissed off individual."

"I was just thinking the same thing," she replied.

I touched down on the trauma center's helicopter pad, shut down the engines, and a group of nurses helped Denise off-load the patient, putting him on a rolling gurney and trucking him towards the emergency room. Denise went with them to give report to the trauma surgeons that were standing by. I unstrapped myself from my seat, took off my helmet, and then exited the chopper, walking around to the back. It looked like someone had slaughtered a pig back there. With a sigh, I grabbed the cleaning supplies and went to work.

When I had everything back in order twenty minutes later I walked to the ER so I could take a piss and get a drink of water (and maybe find a willing nurse that had an affinity for helicopter pilots). I took care of my bodily functions, washed my hands, and then went looking for Denise. I found her sitting at one of the doctor's desks, writing up her report and chatting with the nurse she had the hots for. It seemed they were rather chummy with each other. Though they had the entire desk, which ran the length of the wall, to themselves, their chairs were only about a foot apart, so close that their legs were almost touching. The nurse was smiling and giggling at whatever Denise was saying to her. Again, I was struck by her beauty (the nurse's, not Denise's) and I sprung the beginnings of a hard-on as I envisioned my partner and her eating each other's pussies or grinding them together in a fit of lust. I'd never quite summoned the nerve to ask her if I could watch one of her encounters, knowing that it probably was a question that she would be deeply offended by, but I thought I might at least hint about the possibilities with this one. I could have a month's worth of jack-off fantasies just by seeing her nude. Two months if I saw Denise eating her box.

Denise caught my eye as I walked towards them and with a slight twist of her head, indicated that this would be a bad time for me to approach. I smiled my understanding. Before I turned away, she gave me a quick thumbs-up gesture. Apparently things were working out. Good. I was glad for her. I headed out of the treatment area towards triage, hoping to find an attractive nurse of my own to flirt with. Instead, a middle-aged, chubby one with bleach-blonde hair found me. She pulled me aside.

"Did you know," she whispered, "that that woman your partner is talking to is..." she looked around, seeing if anyone was listening. "Well, rumor has it that she's a lesbian." She said this last with a faint hiss of disgust. Lesbians weren't as common in Spokane as they were in Seattle and apparently weren't tolerated as well either.

"You don't say?" I said, feigning shock. "You think she might make a pass at my partner?"

The nurse shrugged in an all-knowing way. "She might. I certainly wouldn't put it past her. I've heard she's a shameless flirt with other women." She shook her head. "Disgusting. You might want to pull your partner away from there before something embarrassing happens."

Now it was no secret that Denise was gay. In fact, most people could tell, or at least gleam it just by looking at her. She wasn't ugly by any means but she presented herself in the part of a butch lesbian. Her brown hair was cut very short, shorter than mine was. She wore no make-up on her face and she carried herself in a manner that was not feminine.

"I've heard here and there," I whispered back to the nurse, "that my partner, now this is just rumor, don't tell anyone this, but that she just might be a lesbian too."

"No?" she said, eyes wide.

I nodded sadly. "She went to a Melissa Ethridge concert once."


I nodded again, concealing a smile as I thought about this nurse rushing to tell all of her comrades in scrubs the "news" after we left. We were frequent visitors to this place and most of them already knew about Denise's sexual orientation.

"Now remember," I said as I walked away, giving her a wink. "Don't tell anyone."

"Of course not," she assured me.

I decided to try my luck in the nurse's lounge where, even if there were no nurses there, I could at least score a cup of coffee. Halfway there however I was stopped by Denise, who came running excitedly up behind me. She pulled me aside, out of earshot of any passers-by.

"She's going to go out with me," she told me happily. "Tonight. After work."

"Good for you," I told her. "That makes cleaning up that guy's brains and blood out of the chopper almost worthwhile."

"But you have to do me a favor," she said, quickly. "I'll owe you a big one if you do."

"What?" I inquired, wondering what her date could possibly have to do with me. Maybe she wanted me to videotape it?

"Well," she said softly, "her sister is in town and is staying with her and she doesn't want to leave her alone. So she asked if I could..."

"Find a date for her," I finished with her.

"Pleeeeeease?" Denise pleaded. "You don't have to fuck her or anything. Just sit with her and have a few drinks with her. Keep her occupied while I go to work on Destiny." She gave me a meaningful look. "I want this chick bad."

I definitely wasn't into blind dates. It was too much like tossing a set of dice down on the craps table. But Denise was my partner and my best friend and Destiny was very attractive which made it a good possibility that her sister was too. "All right," I said. "I'll do it. But you owe me big."

"I'd suck your dick for you if I was into that," she assured me. "Thanks. Let me go tell her."

The rest of the shift went by without much happening. We ran no further medical transports so we didn't get back to the hospital at all. At 11:30 that night we touched down and secured the chopper, handing it over to the night crew. We changed into our civilian clothes and met out in the airport parking lot. I hoped we weren't going anywhere fancy. I had only a pair of jeans, tennis shoes, and a Mariners T-shirt on and my house was too far away to go change. Denise, however, was dressed pretty similarly so I didn't worry myself about this.

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Have you ever had that friend that you imagine what they look like naked? Well my sister's mother-in-law is a woman I wanted to see naked. She is 62 years of sexy, soft silky legs, reddish brown curly hair, nipples that poke your eyes out with pleasure. As we spend Labor Day weekend at a Resort. Relaxing in the indoor water park, watching her float on the lazy river all spread out on a tub. OH... how I like to feast on that camel toe, she was sporting. I had to get a tub and float on my stomach...

1 year ago
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Maa Beta Sex Tragedy From Pakistan 8211 Part II

Wo gusay mai bolin dfa ho ja bahir, mujy koi baat nie krni tbhi bahir kisi k khansny ki awaaz i, mai chup ho gya, ami bhi chup ho gyeen, paroos mai sai koi tha mai 2 mint tk yun hi betha raha or tbhi ami ko kaha k agr mai ab toilet sai bahir gya to koi daikh ly ga or phir glat smjhy ga, wo gusy mai bolien k mai ny kaha tha tujy yahan aany ko, mai ny tb ami ki nangi gaand ko goor sai daikha ami ny kaha kia daikh raa hai mai bola kuch nahin , tb wo loty mai pani dalny lgieen mai jaldie sai aagy...

3 years ago
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Vacation at the BeachChapter 7

I don’t know if you’ve ever been arrested or not, but it’s a nightmare. Especially when two of the five people being arrested resist it. That would be Val and Rudy. Val felt like saying, “But we didn’t do anything!” should be sufficient to stop the cops in their tracks. When that was ignored, she got insistent and then frantic. I’m pretty sure she figured that, as the oldest, she’d be blamed for everything. If not by the police, then by our parents. Rudy insisted the money was not...

2 years ago
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Gay First Goryhole Experience

This is a true story. A year or so after my first gay experience, I decided to try again. This time I wanted to have my fun anonymously. I was really only interested in giving oral and bottoming, but knew most guys would want to give it back. I had seen many gloryhole ads on Craigslist, and decided to give it a try. The ad I selected was a 51 year old man with a fetish for younger twinks, and had a gloryhole set up at his house. I emailed him back and fourth, until I had his address and a time...

3 years ago
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Thats a good boy

I put an ad on a Silver Daddy site looking for a boy to come and help me with household chores. When he came for his interview, I made it clear that sex was optional. He would not be required to have sex with me unless he wanted it. I told him his pay would be based on his work, not on his willingness to have sex with me. He agreed, and began work that week.As he began working for me, he showed himself to be a trustworthy person, so I gave him his own key to my place so that he could be there...

1 year ago
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I meet a very nice well fit older black male in the Bar at a Hotel i stayed in on a weeken trip i had.We got along real well, and had alot of fun and much great sex that weekend.i asked him if he was married or if he had k**s... But he was singel and no k**s.And on Sunday when we spilt up, we promised each other to do this again..But it took almost Six months before i heard from him again.Then he said that he had been out of the contry on work, and he wanted to hook up again.And he invited me...

1 year ago
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ProducersFun Mila Monet 09112022

Mila Monet finds herself in Mr. Producer’s guest room, in just light, lacy lingerie lashed over her tanned and toned skin. She explains how she got into porn because her friends were in porn, then goes on to explain what else she would do because her friends did it–namely, Mr. Producer. She strips down and starts to rub her wet little pussy, getting it nice and ready for Mr. Producer’s hard cock. She sucks her pussy off of his cock before feeding it right back into her pussy....

3 years ago
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How I seduced and fucked Mrs Welder an old retire

Mrs Welders was a petite lady with grey hair and glasses. We used to be teacher colleagues, before her retirement a couple of years ago, We kept in touch because Mrs Welder continued working as a substitute every now and then even after retirement. Her husband had passed away about a year prior to her retirement and I supposed she needed the extra money. We always came a long fine and I always liked her for her gentle personality. She was quite strict and even if she had a sense of humor, she...

1 year ago
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Threesome Switch Part 2

Three-Some Switch - part 2 by Switch-Guy (v3) *************************************** This is the final installment in the Three-Some Switch story arc. This version was upgraded from previous versions. The order to read the installments is: 1) Three-Some Switch 2) Three-Some Switch Back Story 3) Three-Some Switch Back Story Pt 2 4) (This one) Three-Some Switch part 2 These stories are available...

1 year ago
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Making A FamilyChapter 2

"Stand up, Mom." John commanded, beckoning her with his finger. He was standing in the center of the room, his limp, but still thick cock hanging obscenely between his legs. Susan stood and joined her son's position. He turned her to face the couch and then moved to sit down. He spread his legs wide and began to toy with his flaccid fuck meat. "Strip, Mother." he hissed, an evil glint in his eye, "Slowly! Entertain me! Make me hard again so I can fuck your horny cunt." Susan blushed...

2 years ago
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Miss Kitty

I had just come off my late night shift and was on my way home. I’d missed dinner because we had an emergency on the floor so I was feeling pretty hungry. I pulled into the local 7-Eleven to load up on snacks and just as I was coming out this black dude grabbed my purse and took off running. “Come back here you,” I yelled. Shit! Why does everything have to happen to me? I dropped my bag of goodies and took off after him. Despite my short legs I was gaining on the bastard. I think he...

3 years ago
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The Azayal Book 5Chapter 7

The Plot Thickens: The Enemy is Mobilizing “We do not know Jason, why you and your people are the target of so much energy and activity,” said Adm. Pawela Hage. “The enemy is preoccupied with targeting you.” “Admiral this is how it has always been with Jason. He becomes a prime target for the enemy,” said Razza. “Then we plan to overcome the enemy.” “The King believes he can protect you better in the palace, but he does think you will benefit from the last two weeks of training before we...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Reportee 8211 Part 9

In continuation to the series of Fucking My Reportee, this is part 9 of that series. I request you to read all the parts so as to build the tempo and understand the sequence of events. Huma and I both got up, still tired from our rendezvous from previous night but my cock was up tight and needed to be cooled down. Huma was looking at my tool with a very cheeky smile and said Huma: “Boss, aren’t you such a horny unsatisfied bastard?” Me : “Bitch, when there is horny slut in front, which dog...

2 years ago
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Young man is fucked by two virgins

Young man is fucked by two virginsWhen we came home from school, we looked forward to the afternoon.They are twin girls, called Betty and Juliane and today her 18th Birthday.They were still virgins, in other words, they have never had sex with another boy.Today was for Betty and Juliane is a special day, because your parents went away in the afternoon for a weekend with your family to Texas in a beautiful small town that bears the name of Lewisville.The twin sisters had thus a flat...

2 years ago
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Finding Reginald Markham

The alarm went off and I reached over and hit the snooze button to buy another ten minutes. The alarm also woke up my wife of two years, but she apparently wasn’t interested in another ten minutes of snoozing. I felt her hand trace down my body in the direction of my lower middle appendage which almost instantly started to grow in anticipation of what was coming. She pushed the covers off of us and then swung over me and using her left hand to guide things she impaled herself on me. She rode...

4 years ago
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john cena gets lucky

"Yeah you can," said the 10 divas at once. "Hello lad...," was what he was about to say. He was; however, cut off half way through when he saw all the ladies completely nude and he was dumb stuck. "I'm so sorry. I thought when you said I could come in that you were decent, but I guess not. I'll go." "No, it's okay. We don't mind," they all said ,as they giggled ,which made all their tits bounce a little. John Cena's 10 inch cock started to stir as he saw their tits...

3 years ago
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naughty mom chapter 3

Introduction: here is chapter 3 as for themes i have dont want to put so many up. but most stories cover a lot of areas. hope you enjoy. Naughty Mom Chapter Three: The rain hadnt lessened any. It was dark as Alicia drove home from the health club. The raindrops refracted the glow from lights momentarily, then were swept aside by the rhythmically swishing wipers. Alicia drove in a daze, hardly able to believe she had been fucked at the spa, not wanting to even think about it. She just wanted...

3 years ago
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Jojos Teen Lesbo Incest Adventures 1

Introduction: Just having some fun, my fav subject, lesbian incest. The novel I was reading was really getting hot. I let my fingers trace my hard nipples through my tank top and then pinched each nipple&hellip,hard. I moaned lightly. I could feel that familiar tingling deep in my pussy, I smiled at myself and felt my clit stiffen as I remembered the lady at the news stand who looked me up and down as I approached the counter. She was about my mothers age 42, and a blonde like me. I was...

2 years ago
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Beautiful sister

Hello,this is mithun and i belong to maharashtra. My father is working as deputy manager in a private company and my mom as manager in a local bank. I got one sister with whom i have spent many excited moments in life. Me and my sister have difference of 6 years. So at the age of 18 ,my aunt and uncle suggested that it would be better if me and my sis study at australia at their home. Mom and dad thinking of our good future agreed for that and allowed us to send to us at my 18..Then my sister...

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A new start The love story of a sub pt3

Thanks, as always, to NaughtyAnn, for her help and support.  I suggest you to read the previous two parts before to read this one. Comments are strongly appreciated. ******* So, as the months continued, I received punishment and humiliation for my mistakes and also for my unworthiness. I concentrated totally on learning everything as fast as I could, not for me, but to let my Mistress be proud of her slave slut. At times I would cry in pain or scream for joy. An unspoken agreement between us...

Group Sex
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A Prayer For Santa

Copyright© Early December - Charlie People think it's easy to do this Santa Claus crap at the department stores. I'm here to tell you it's one hell of a lot of work. All day, every day for a few weeks in that damn Santa get up. How would you like to wear that sweat soaked outfit day after day until it gets so wet and smelly so that you couldn't stand it yourself. And the kids? People have this strange idea that, especially at Christmas time, kids are charming little angels. They are...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 7

The Next Day Strange Encounter A dull popping sound entered his consciousness. It was accompanied by a stinging sensation on his thigh. It happened again and he moved, hoping that whatever was stinging him would go away. A third ‘pop’ and its accompanying sting brought him awake. “What the hell?” Frank sat up and looked around, suddenly realizing he was naked. And freezing! The little campfire was just smoking ashes and would probably have to be rekindled. Holding his hand up from checking...

1 year ago
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The Boob

The Boob Chapter One: I Wake Up "Can you hear me?" Who is that? "Matthew, can you hear me?" It's a woman's voice, but it wasn't anyone I knew. How the hell could there be a woman in McNaughton Hall trying to wake me up anyway? They don't allow women in here. "Can you hear me?" Why can't I open my eyes? For that matter, why the hell can't I feel my arms? Or my legs? "What the hell happened to me!!" I yelled that, and I could hear it, but my voice didn't sound...

4 years ago
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The Brides Brother Part 2

We threw our jackets on the floor and then kissed again, grinding our erections together through our open zippers, regardless of the fact we were smearing each other's precum across the fronts of our trousers.Ricky smiled as my tongue entered his mouth and this time he let me penetrate him deeply, offering no resistance as I worked my tongue between his teeth and flicked the tip of it firmly against the roof of his mouth. As we kissed, we humped each other's crotches, our cocks both straining...

Gay Male
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Luna rubbed her eyes as she woke to the sun shining on her beautiful face. She slowly got up from her bed and headed toward her bathroom for a shower. Luna pulled her pajama top off exposing her soft firm tits and her large nipples. She pulled her tiny panties off and she looked at herself in the mirror. At the age of 18 she was beautiful her long blond hair almost looked white fell past her hips. Her big eyes were the brightest green anyone had ever seen she almost looked supernatural. She ran...

1 year ago
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Hostel Games 8211 Part I

Being a studious girl is definitely boring. But fortunately for me, that wasn’t the case. Though i was brilliant in academics, it didn’t stop me from having fun, thanks to my hostel mates. Before joining the hostel i was like any other girl, who was studious. My life was pretty boring. But after completing my bachelor’s degree, i came to the city to complete my masters. My parents made me stay in a women’s hostel, as i was a girl and they stay in our town which was a night’s travel away from...

2 years ago
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Slave Male Service In Bangalore For Mistress

Dear Readers, My name is Divakar (real name). I am a 28 year old male IT professional working in Bangalore. I am fair in complexion and around 5’10” tall and weigh 75 kgs. My cock is decent 6 inches long and not so thick. I am married too. Around 5 years back, I met with a major bike accident and was hospitalized for almost a month. That time I went to Kerala to take ayurvedic treatment and I was staying in a treatment center for almost 3 months. During that course of time, I too learned to...

3 years ago
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Mad Diaries Part 6 Keerthi Mam Trapped

Hi friends, this is Madhan with a story of how and my friend Ashok had sex with Keerthi mam who was taking our maths. I am now continuing the story. Let me come to the story. I took in the hotel to mam’s phone through WhatsApp from Sanjana’s mobile. She watched the video, her face turned pale and she got panicked, sweating heavily due to the fear. She called Sanjana’s number. Now Ashok attended the call and spoke in a modified voice. Keerthi: Hello, who’s this? Ash: Now I’m the one who’s...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Gone Wrong 8211 Part 2 Individual Visit

We got up around 11 in the morning and went sightseeing. I was doing my level best for Chaitali to feel happy and comfortable. We did some shopping. After lunch, we went to a movie. We returned to the hotel around 7 in the evening and were tired. We had a bath and then freshened up. We planned for dinner in the hotel restaurant and started getting dressed. Chaitali was inside the bathroom. She came out, and I was stunned. She wore a strapless Cami Dress, exposing 70% of her thighs. As the dress...

2 years ago
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The Secret Life of Bellingham Sam

Sam was startled — and annoyed — by the blaring of a car horn while he sat parked along with a thousand other drivers on Interstate 5. What exactly did this genius expect to accomplish by honking here when the logjam was well out of sight, probably several miles ahead? He shook his head. Not a local, that’s for sure, he thought. Washingtonians, especially those who lived so close to ultra-polite Canada, only honked in a dire emergency and sometimes not even then. Shaken from his reverie, he...

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Brad the painter

Could this day get any worse?? First my heel broke on my way into work, at lunch I lost my bank card and the salon was running late so I was late getting back to work from my waxing. Then on the way home my dam car died…ok I know the engine light came on a week ago but it’s been crazy and seriously if it was that important the light should flash and have an alarm!Now I have 20 minutes to get ready for my date with Brad and no idea what to wear! Ok maybe not the end of the world but I wanted...

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My gym fantasy

It’s Monday night and that means it’s gym night. Except this is no ordinary gym session. The sports centre have decided to encourage more female participation by having an all girls’ night. I’m glad. For once I can wear my tightest pants and my most plunging vest without the worry of guys drooling over me. OK, I admit it, I like it one way. I know you go home and wank yourself thinking about our tight little bodies. I know how you fantasize about us, when we’re on the cycling machine. Well...

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