- 2 years ago
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Dale looked up from his newspaper and smiled inwardly to himself. His wife Joy had just then come into the kitchen heading immediately towards the sink where she stood rinsing out her coffee cup before pouring herself a fresh one. He smiled, because she really was a joy to look at, never failing to arouse him whenever he saw her, especially when he saw her as she was now, wearing only a man's tee-shirt and nothing else. Her tight firm little behind was peeking out at him beneath the short hem of the tee.
At thirty-five years of age, and just over five and a half feet tall, Joy was a remarkably attractive looking woman who appeared much, much younger than she was. Her hair was lusciously dark and fell easily well past her shoulders whenever she chose to wear it down, unlike at the moment where she had it pinned loosely on top of her head in preparation for her morning facial. She had firm full breasts that had that look of maturity to them even though they had never had children together. Dale could clearly see them in his minds eye even though she now stood with her back towards him.
"Morning honey!" Dale heard his wife addressing him though she hadn't as yet even turned around to face him directly.
Dale felt a familiar twitch between his legs and nonchalantly reached for his rapidly growing member in order to readjust himself. Even before he could respond back to her with a morning greeting of his own, Joy spoke, now pouring her coffee.
"Doggy style in the hot-tub later tonight," she said as easily as if she'd been talking about the weather.
"What?" Dale finally responded back to his wife with a confused tone of voice.
"You were playing with yourself," she answered now turning around facing him, taking a simple slow sip of her coffee as she did. Dale saw the playful look in her eyes as she peered over the rim of her cup towards him.
"No I wasn't!"
"Yes you were," she stated mater of factly, still grinning, then taking another sip.
"I swear she has eyes in the back of her head!" Dale thought to himself. And then as though she could also read minds, Joy added.
"And no ... I don't have eyes in the back of my head, I could see your reflection in the window."
"Gees, she's a mind-reader too!" He considered before replying. "I wasn't playing with it, I was readjusting," he said somewhat sheepishly.
"Ah huh."
Joy crossed the short few feet between them leaned over and gave him a quick sweet kiss on top of his forehead, then took a seat across from him at the table. Dale's eyes had followed the telltale movement of his wife's lovely full breasts as they moved ever so subtly beneath the thin confines of the light cotton tee-shirt. Her nipples already hard, pressing against the material, outlined now in wanton expectation.
"No really," Dale stated once again in his defense.
"Well, ok then," Joy finally relented. "I guess I have to trust you."
It was part of the game. A game they had been playing now for several months and one in which they had both found a great deal of excitement and enthusiasm for continuing. The rules were simple. Either of them would often and secretly masturbate with every intention of reaching orgasm. But they had to do so with the other person somewhere in the house at least while they did. If caught, then the "catch-ee" as they'd joked, got to name the price of catching them. Which as Dale thought about it wouldn't have been a bad thing at all, doing his wife "Doggy-style" as she'd termed it, but that was part of the game too. Being honest, as they had to be with one another for the game to continue with the same sense of secrecy and pleasure that it had been. And likewise, that same honesty was extended in the person who was able to masturbate without being caught, then informing the other of it later for the same type of reward being asked for: something of their choice or desire to be submitted to at their place of choosing.
"Besides, I wouldn't make it that obvious," Dale said defensively.
"What's obvious, is that you're hard," Joy giggled reaching her hand beneath the table and clasping her husbands firm thick throbbing erection.
"Well, what the hell do you expect?" He grinned mischievously. "Just seeing you dressed like that would raise the dead!"
Joy laughed, releasing his throbbing member much to his dismay, until she pulled the loose fitting tee-shirt up and over her head. "We still have some time before Bob and Cheryl come over this morning, wanna?"
Dale answered by standing up, his erection poking wickedly through the loose fold of his now open bathrobe, all that he'd been wearing to begin with.
"I guess you do," she smiled scooting her chair, turning it towards him as he stood in front of her, her warm inviting mouth only then encircling him, cutting off whatever words may have been trying to form inside his now pleasured mind.
They had only known Bob and Cheryl for a few months, meeting them shortly after moving in next door. Almost immediately the four of them had become fast friends, Joy and Cheryl nearly inseparable, which was ok with the guys as they had quickly become good and fast golf buddies as well, though their mutual interests didn't end there. Cheryl was a fiery little redhead, though unlike Joy, she wore her hair short with spikes of frosted blondish orange streaks in it that gave her an even wilder look which fit her outgoing personality. And also unlike Joy, Cheryl's breasts were considerably smaller, though very "perky" as Bob often commented, frequently reaching over to flick the tip of one whenever he thought he could get away with it without getting smacked. Something that still happened quite often. Not that Cheryl really minded, because she didn't. And she was always reaching over to pinch Bob's ass anyway. So all in all, things fairly evened out in that department.
Bob was equally attractive looking in a completely opposite way. He almost looked more like one of those rugged western cowboys with a constant five o'clock shadow about his face that never diminished no matter what time it was. And well over six feet, he made Dale look even shorter at just under.
"So where is this place again?" Dale asked his wife.
"Cheryl said it's about a two hours drive away from here," she said packing away a few things in an overnight bag for them. "Which is why we decided to get a room and spend the night at least, rather than turn around and drive all the way back."
"But a camp?" Dale stated once again less than enthusiastically. "I'm not sure I really want to spend a weeks vacation going to camp!" he emphasized. "The last time I had to do that, I was ten years old and bored out of my mind for the month I was forced to stay there."
"This isn't the same kind of summer camp you went to," she responded. "At least I hope not," she added just under her breath.
Cheryl had heard about it through a co-worker of hers that had been going there every year. It was a "camp" for adults, for adult fun and entertainments, and not for the timid or unadventurous spirit. Not that either of them was that, but Dale still had his reservations about it even so.
"It's a nudist camp!" He'd stated initially upon hearing about it.
"No ... its not!" Joy had tried explaining to him. "Yes, people can be nude, but it's not a requirement to be so, any more than its required that anyone wear clothes if they choose not to. Its about the freedom of it, and participating in the activities together, having fun!"
Dale still envisioned a group of 60 and 70 something's all standing in a line trying to learn how to do the hula together, with nothing on but their smiles.
"I'm still not so sure about this," he pouted as Joy finished packing away their travel bags.
"That's the whole point of going up today and having a look-see, meeting with the camp counselors and finding out just what we can expect if we decide to sign up for a week."
"The drive up would be a nice one", Dale considered. That and the fact they'd be going up in Bob and Cheryl's new convertible had sounded like fun.
"And besides ... didn't Cheryl and I promise we'd flash some truck driver along the way?" she added with a wicked looking smile.
"Well, there was that," he mused, then followed Joy out to the car where their friends sat patiently waiting.
As was usually the case with Bob driving, Joy took the passenger seat next to him while Dale and Cheryl shared the backseat. Since the boys and girls spent so much time together, it was during their forays out together that they would often pair up in this fashion, as the conversations were usually livelier and friendlier this way. Not to mention much more interesting whenever the girls were in a particular 'mood' as they obviously both were this day. They had barely been on the road less than an hour, already beginning the gradual ascent into the mountains, when Cheryl unbuttoned her blouse which she had worn specifically for this purpose, allowing her "perky" breasts to peek tantalizingly free, as Dale periodically reminded himself as they continued driving along.
"You're incorrigible!" Joy laughed glancing back over the seat towards her friend.
"Well we did promise!" she responded with feigned innocence.
"Yes, you did!" Bob agreed, reminding her.
Joy had worn a red with white polka-dot bikini top and a pair of white, tight-fitting shorts. Deftly, she reached behind herself unclasping the catch, but rather than removing her top completely, she just allowed it to hang there supported by her full breasts.
"Just in case," she winked back at her husband. "I'd hate for Bob to get a ticket for indecent exposure!"
"I'm not the one exposed," he laughed back.
"Ah ... but you are growing harder, and I'd say that at least qualifies for indecent exposure!" Joy quipped.
They had been together long enough that such banter back and forth amongst themselves had become the norm. They had hot-tubbed together naked on several occasions, so being in various aroused states around one another came as no surprise. They had even gotten fairly soused one evening, and ended up making love in front of one another, which they had all found very erotic and very arousing. But they hadn't crossed any lines beyond that, at least not yet anyway.
Ahead Bob spotted an eighteen-wheeler heading down the two-lane highway towards them.
"Here comes one!" He announced unnecessarily, as the girls had already spotted its approach.
"Ready? Cheryl asked already lifting herself up slightly away from the seat, clasping the bottom corners of her blouse within her hands.
"Ready as I'll ever be," Joy responded readying herself as well.
Moments before the big rig came at them, both women sat up proudly displaying their magnificent breasts to the driver, receiving in kind as they hoped that they would, a nice long blast of the drivers horn as he passed, along with a friendly wave.
Settling back in their seats, neither woman covered herself up, content at least for the moment to drive topless, the feel of the warm hot summers sun dancing and playing about their exposed femininity.
"So tell me about this so called summer camp," Dale asked turning towards Cheryl, enjoying the view as he did.
"All I know is what I've already told Joy. One of the women I work with, she and her husband have been going there every year now for the past four years. She told me that it was something they didn't think they'd enjoy the first time they went either, but found out just how wrong they were. She also said it was something we had to experience for ourselves, and then decide. But to keep an open mind about it. A 'very' open mind."
"That's it? That's all she'd tell you?"
"Pretty much. But I know Darlene. And if anyone has a wild side wilder than hers is, I'd like to meet them."
"Me too!" Bob laughed from the drivers seat. "I've only met her once at a Christmas party, but she was running around half the night trying to get as many people as possible, men and women, to kiss her breast, then autograph it. By the end of the evening, she was covered in signatures!"
"Yeah well, that may be good and fine and all that. But the last thing I want to do is learn how to canoe, weave baskets, or learn the hula."
"Well, you would be naked!" Joy teased. "That could be fun, especially the hula part," she added.
"Yeah right."
"Oh come on now Dale sweetie," Cheryl teased. "Joy and I would both be naked too ya know. Wouldn't you enjoy watching us riding horses or hiking off someplace together for a nice friendly picnic?"
Dale couldn't help but smile over that one. The image of the two women riding together brought up delicious naughty little thoughts to mind.
"We'll see," he finished, not willing to so easily give in to all of this. "We'll see."
"According to the brochure, the turn off should be just around the next bend," Joy stated glancing up from the pamphlet she'd been giving directions from. The girls had already mad themselves presentable once again, much to Dale and Bob's dismay, but their drive up the canyon had been interesting to say the least.
"There!" Cheryl pointed out, the first to catch the small sign near the turn off.
"Camp X-Ta-C", Dale read shaking his head. "I wonder how many actually put two and two together," he commented.
"Well I'm sure they don't want it to appear too obvious," Joy told her husband. "The brochure guarantees privacy as well as security," she added.
They drove up the winding dirt road another half mile before reaching a security gate where an armed guard checked their I.D.'s, matching them against a scheduled appointment list before letting them through.
"You'll find the main lodge off to your right about another mile up this road," he stated stepping back and waving them through the security gate.
"You sure this isn't a prison facility?" Dale questioned still less than enthusiastic about coming here in the first place.
"Well it certainly will be if you keep thinking like that," Joy responded, giving her husband an aggravated look in the process. Dale thought better of responding afterwards and settled down in his seat for the short ride to the lodge.
"Here we are," Bob proclaimed as the enormous rustic looking lodge came into view. "Camp Ecstasy!"
There were actually two separate entrances into the main building. Off to the far left was what appeared to be the guest check in area. To their right, a sign indicated the general office business entry where they'd been directed to come. Upon entering, they were greeted by a young female receptionist who checked off their names and invited them to have a seat while she contacted the camp director to let her know they were all here.
"There's refreshments and snacks while you're waiting," she pointed out. "I'll let Marsha know that you're here." With that, the young attractive looking woman exited through another side door and returned a few minutes later. "She'll be with you shortly, she's currently finishing up with another couple," she informed them.
"Excuse me ... miss?" Dale asked the receptionist. "Do you have another brochure, something a bit more detailed about what type of activities and such is offered here with the stay?"
The young woman smiled demurely. "Marsha will go over all of that with you inside," she said simply. "She shouldn't be any more than a couple of minutes."
It was true, the small pamphlet that Joy and Cheryl had been given hadn't explained much, just enough to spark some curiosity with phrases like "An adult experience unlike any other", and "Adventure and excitement in a pristine outdoors environment for the uninhibited explorer".
Just then a buzzer on the receptionist's desk sounded. "She's ready to see you now, please ... follow me."
The four of them quickly stood and stepped behind the young woman into yet another hallway, leading into a massive, rich, though still rustic looking area that at first, the four of them took to be yet another waiting area. "Please, have a seat, Marsha will be right out." With that, the young woman left.
There were a number of plush leather chairs and a long couch that sat in a horseshoe like configuration in front of a massive looking oak desk. Upon it were neatly stacked forms along with a nameplate that read: "Marsha Devarow - Director". Off to the left everyone noticed a fully stocked bar with a sign reading: "Please help yourselves". Easily seen were a variety of soft drinks, along with several wines and a fully stocked bar of 'mini's for just about every hard alcoholic beverage imaginable.
"Well hell, I'm going to pour me a wine!" Dale stated crossing over towards the bar.
"Get me one too!" His wife asked him.
Bob likewise joined Dale at the bar, though he quickly poured himself a scotch, fixing his wife Cheryl a light white wine. And though it was indeed still early in the day, they all felt a little excited, even apprehensive for one reason or another, and thought the alcohol a good idea for putting them in more of a relaxed mood. They had each just retaken their seats when the sound of a nearby door opening alerted them to the fact that someone was indeed about to join them. What they didn't expect, was to see a tall attractive brunette enter the room through that door, entirely nude!
"Hello, I'm Marsha Devarow," she said smiling. "Camp X-TA-C's director," she said emphasizing each syllable of the camps name exactly the way it appeared on the signage."
"Holy cow!" Bob exclaimed a second later voicing everyone's surprise in the process.
Marsha grinned walking over to sit at her desk. "Welcome," she said pausing for a moment, letting the still stunned foursome more fully digest her nudity before continuing. "The reason I am nude, is for several reasons. First to quickly let you be aware of the atmosphere of the camp. It is certainly not a requirement that you be nude while you're here, but many will be. Secondly, you are awarded special activity points for coming nude, or being nude at most of the activities. And trust me, there is plenty of incentive there for those who wish to participate, like 50% off of next years booking just for one. And finally, it helps me in getting an idea whether or not I think a person, or in this case persons are right for our camp and will be able to fit in and enjoy themselves. One major rule we have here and follow, is, just because you may be interested and willing to pay for your stay, it doesn't mean we will even accept you unless we're confident that you're not only aware of what we offer here, but that you can participate and thus enhance everyone else's enjoyment and reason for being here. So, that being said, let me go through with you in greater detail what camp X-TA-C is all about!"
Marsha spent the next hour going over a detailed list of the camps accommodations as well as many of the various activities. Dale couldn't help but smile inwardly at the flushed cheeks of his wife's face, as well as Cheryl's as they all listened. Even Bob shifted somewhat uncomfortably in his seat as Marsha answered several delicate questions courteously and professionally.
"Well, anyone have any other questions?" she asked. When it appeared that no one did, she invited them for a camp tour. "Once again, as part of our incentive to participate, we're offering a hundred dollars off per person if you're willing to disrobe and join me on the tour naked. There's a pair of complimentary sandals for each of you that you can take with you, and bring back if you decide to stay with us, either way they're yours to keep." With that she stood expectantly waiting for the four slightly embarrassed people to make up their minds.
"Hell, I'm game!" Cheryl said leading, and immediately began removing her clothing much to Marsha's delight. "There's a bank of lockers right over there," she said pointing, along with a selection of sandals for you to wear." Dale wasn't too surprised when Joy, not to be outdone by Cheryl's boldness, began undressing as well.
"Well? It IS a hundred off the price," she said smiling at Dale. "Come on ... chicken," she added with a mischievous wink.
Though somewhat reluctantly, Bob and Dale both soon joined the girls until the five off them stood naked together, with Marsha smiling approvingly.
"First, I'll show you our accommodations and where you'll be staying," she stated. "Please, follow me."
Two weeks later they were pulling into the same dirt road, only this time they'd be staying for the entire week. At first, Bob hadn't been too thrilled to discover that they'd be staying in Tipi's, rather than some sort of luxurious room accommodations. During their tour, Marsha had taken them to where the sleeping areas where, and pointed out the various sized Tipi's, along with the individual amenities offered with each. They had all four decided to split the cost of one of the larger units. There was certainly plenty of space, and to everyone's surprise including Bob's, as rustic looking as they were, they appeared to be both warm and cozy. There was a fire pit located in the middle of the Tipi flooring, and though it was certainly warm during the day, the evenings could become quite cool in comparison. A fresh supply of wood sat outside the Tipi, replenished each and every morning. There beds were spacious, and certainly comfortable with enormous Indian blankets covering each along with an authentic buffalo hide both for effect as well as for warmth. The flooring was a mixture of soft hides and pelts that felt delicious to walk on, and there was actually a sitting area within the Tipi itself for relaxing or awaiting one of the camps many scheduled activities. Located near by, each unit had its own self-contained restroom with running water.
"Where are the showers though?" Dale had wondered after settling in. Joy read their area map only to discover the showers were communal, and open. She laughed.
"I guess they get you naked one way or the other don't they?" she teased. "At least the bathroom's are private!"
"What I want to know, is where do we go for breakfast?" Bob questioned. They had all settled in, the girls already opting to go naked, though both Bob and Dale had chosen to wear brief swim suits in lieu of going all natural. Cheryl quickly located the equally open-aired restaurant area on their map, and they headed there immediately.
"So, what's first on the schedule after breakfast?" Dale questioned curiously. "Not hula dancing I hope."
"Nope! It says here that it's a 'get acquainted' meeting and that everyone checking in should be in attendance. It's worth 50 points for going," to which she looked up at both Bob and Dale glaring at them, "and an additional 50 points for each person showing up in the nude."
"Hey ... I'm almost nude!" Dale argued.
"Not hardly," Joy sighed. "You really do need to lighten up honey if you expect to have any fun here. Come on, where's that naughty adventurous side of you I know and love so well?"
"But what if?"
"What if what?" she asked.
"You know..."
Joy laughed. "Sweetie? If you get an erection because of some good-looking pair of breasts standing nearby, then so be it. Didn't you read the 'bonus' point's category? It said right in there that any men who actually do sport an erection during any of the activities are awarded an additional 10 points. Hell baby, you could be racking up a ton of them if you'd just get into the spirit of things!"
"That's the problem," Bob actually interjected. "I'm worried I'll be too nervous too get one!"
With that, the girls laughed, taking their soon naked boys in tow, and headed off to breakfast.
During breakfast, Dale was somewhat relieved to discover that many of the people in attendance where just like themselves, and most if not all were indeed naked with the rare exception of one individual or another. Additionally, it wasn't the geriatric crowd that he'd been worried about finding either, though there were certainly several older couples in attendance, none of which at least required the use of a walker to get around with. After finishing a delicious breakfast of nearly everything imaginable being offered, they joined the throng of people who slowly made there way towards the main pavilion where they were greeted by a young naked man wearing a short breech cloth.
"Why couldn't we at least be allowed to wear one of those?" Dale questioned seriously. No one bothered answering him however as they were ushered inside, each given a colorful ribbon and told to tie it about their upper arm.
"Mine's blue," Joy, said pleased. Blue was her favorite color.
"Mine's red," Cheryl stated, smiling excitedly.
Bob held up a yellow ribbon showing it off as Dale grimaced showing a black one.
"Go figure," he stated less than enthusiastically. "I wonder what we're supposed to do with these?"
"Shhh," Joy told him as they found a comfortable seat, taking them just as Marsha the camp director approached the podium.
"Welcome Camp X-TA-C!" she nearly shouted not even bothering to use the microphone that had been provided. "I am sure that most of you by now have had a chance to settle in, read through the programs, and hopefully sign up for many of the activities and events. For those of you who do, and who will participate, we'll be awarding some very valuable prizes during the last nights stay here. So it's worth your while to try and participate in as many functions or activities as you can. There will be plenty of competition, excitement, not to mention some fun surprises along the way for those of you who do!"
There was a nervous chitterling amongst the gathering, to which Marsha smiled, then calmed everyone in saying, "I know you're all wondering about the colored ribbons." Most everyone had already tied them around and about their upper arms as they'd been told to do earlier. "Behind me, through the opening you'll find six colored flags. Locate the matching flag of the color you're wearing, then form a single file line, man-woman, man-woman. Everyone understand that?"
Everyone did.
"Ok then, everyone follow me and I'll explain the rest of it to you all shortly!"
Stepping out into the warm sunlight, Dale saw that there were indeed six colored flags at the head of what appeared to be six lanes marked carefully within the soft grass of a long open field. Taking his place in line between a tall buxom looking woman with long blonde hair, and a rather petite, though slightly older woman than he was made him immediately nervous and apprehensive. And just as Bob had feared, the last thing he needed to worry about was sporting an erection. If anything, it was just the opposite and he had to fight to keep from dropping his hand down in some vain effort to conceal his discomfort. Many, if not most of the other men stood naturally, very relaxed. No doubt many of them having come here a second, if not third time already, and very much aware of whatever it was that was about to take place. The only good thing was, none of the men seemed to be aroused at the moment at least.
"As I mentioned to you all earlier, this is a 'get acquainted' type of activity, both for brand new participants as well as those of you who have been here with us before. But it's a great way to meet some of your fellow guests, and begin to shed some of that shyness and those inhibitions that many of you have brought with you."
"Ah oh," Dale thought to himself, catching a knowing smile and a wink from the petite older woman standing behind him.
"Don't worry," she whispered knowingly. "It's actually a lot more fun than you think!"
Dale quickly learned along with everyone else, that they were about to participate in a very unusual relay race, with the winning team each receiving ten points towards the final nights total accumulations.
"Now then, I want each of you to lie side-by-side, head to toe ... male, female, just as I explained earlier."
"This should be interesting," Dale mused, looking over to see his wife standing in the next lane across from him. Only she wasn't looking his way, she was staring down at the very firm tight buns of the six-foot Adonis standing in front of her.
"Now obviously the object of this race is to finish first, but you have to overcome the human obstacles, standing in front of you as well as behind you, and this is the way you're all going to do that," Marsha began.
Marsha then went on to explain that this relay race would require the last person laying down in line to roll over the top of the person in front of them and continue to do so until reaching the end of the line. The next person in line at the back would then do the same until the first person was once again the last person. At that point the second part of the relay race would begin with the traditional "leap-frog" until once again the first person had become the last person jumped over by everyone else.
"At the end of the race, both the 1st and last placed teams will then join with me over here," she indicated. "So, everyone take your positions in your lanes and listen for the whistle to begin," she finished.
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Live Sex Cam SitesThis was it, the big 18. Doug was so excited, he'd been waiting for this day his whole life, the day he was finally an adult and could do pretty much whatever he wanted. And what better way to spend this day than with his long time friend, and secretly desired lover, Carolyn. They hung out together the whole day, just the two of them. They went to a theme park, to the movies, and then Carolyn insisted they go to the mall to do some shopping. Doug didn't really like the mall, nor did he like...
Erotic"Shit!" Kevin yelled, ramming both of his fists defiantly on thesteering wheel of his car. "This fuckin' car gives menothing but shit." Kevins two buddies, Jay and Dean tried to pretend they couldn'thear him. They had so many other wonderful things to pay attention to:the beautiful pavement stretching for miles ahead of them and behindthem as they sat still on the road; the searing rays of the noontimeAugust sun; the intriguing patterns of bitter, burning sweat linesrunning down each other's...
Every summer we go to the same camping spot and spend a month. It is not too bad. The place we go is kind of secluded. There are a few other campers there, mostly the same people every summer. We got every set up and started to enjoy ourselves. Our camp neighbors, the Johnsons were all set up too. Several days had gone by and my family loaded up and went into town. My dad told me to be good and they would be back in about four hours. I was happy to have some time alone. I sat outside for a few...
Chapter 1 She turned the car off and sighed. Finally, she thought, I'm so looking forward to this weekend. She had been planning this trip in the back of her mind for years. One weekend, no kids, no job, no stress. Just her, a tent, and the great outdoors. "I need this" she said to herself. Why not talk to herself? There was no one to hear her. She had chosen one of the campsites that was farthest from the office. No one else was anywhere close. She could let her hair down and be herself...
Alisha and I were on our second day of our week long trip to the Olympic National Forest. We had found a remote camping spot near a river in the rain forest. We had settled into our vacation routine then things took a sexy turn. Alisha brought me a plate of freshly cooked eggs and bacon. "Thanks sweetie," I said. "Anything for you daddy. You're so good to me it's the least I can do." I was so proud of my daughter. She had graduated in the top of her class this spring and was turning into quite...
IncestCampingI’ve been lusting after Samantha since last New Year’s Eve party when I was given a drunken kiss and a grope. She’s married to Jim. At 37 she has firm 38D boobs, trim waist and a pair of leg that I fantasise being wrapped around my waist. We are part of a group who show dogs throughout the summer and therefore camp regularly. My wife and Sam’s husband show their dogs with another two couples, leaving me and Sam to help, support or mind the caravans. Today Sam’s plumped to stay at the...
This happened quite a few years ago but never told anyone. We were camping with about 16 people from Mums's work, all in tents and the year is about 1975.I was about 17 at the time and I was sharing a tent with a bloke of about 35ish who worked with Mum. On about 2nd or 3rd night we had a camp fire a few drinks and everybody was pretty marry. I had a few in a coffee mug so nobody noticed and around 11 I said that I was tired and went into my tent but couldn't sleep because of the noise. About...
One time me and about 6 other guys went camping. We we’re all the same age except for one of my friends who was 2 years younger then me. Well it ended up that me and him tented together. It was late, the other guys had gone on a hike, and we were talking about sex and masturbation. He said he had only done it a few times, but from us talking so much he knew that I did it A LOT. A little while later, out of the blue, Taylor said, ‘I wanna watch you jack off so that I can learn how to do it...
One weekend...You and I decide to camping. Wanting to get away from all the stress and frenzy of life in the city. Our first night out, in the middle of the woods in the full moon light, you and I are sitting by the fire. The scent of the pines being carried on the breeze. Warmth and smoke billowing up from fire. The glow illuminating your breathtaking beauty as I watch you roast our hot dogs. You notice me staring at you. You smile at me and ask, "See something interesting"? I grin right back...
We went camping for Mother's Day, it was a trip from hell. First thevan over-heated. Second we left when it was 80 degrees Friday. saturday itrained and dropped to 45 degrees. There was an indoor heated pool to keepthe k**s amused but everybody caught a cold. Saturday when we took the k**sto the pool, we blew a gas line. We were in Hicksville with no one to fixit. Finally found the only service station around and had it towed there.They had two mechananics on duty workingon one car in one bay...
One summer a group of friends before one of them was going to leave for college, they wanted to spend sometime together they’d forever forget. They went to the next town to the Lake, and set up a camp site, a camper, fire pit the whole 9 yards. They had a great time with had parties at other camps, and just hanging out, but one morning something they never thought of happened. It was kind of a slow day, and one of them came up with the idea of skinny dipping. None of them had ever done it so...
LesbianThe camper was supposed to bring us closer. Our marriage counselor felt that after fifteen years together, we needed an activity that we could share. She said we needed to find places, free from stress and distraction, to be alone. She knows we have problems communicating, and wanted us to be isolated and practicing the exercises she gave us. She thought we needed to complete some sort of project together, something moderately difficult, that required both of us, working together, to...
As an addict of ‘self love’ and having been so for as long as I can remember, pornography has played an important role in my life. However, being female means that much of my stimulation comes from fantasies. The advantage being that I have a whole library of pornography stashed away in the recesses of my mind, ready and waiting for an opportunistic moment when I can sneak my hand into my knickers and select my chosen scenario to accompany me in my ‘play time’. The fantasy which I’m sharing...
The truck is packed and ready to go, daddy is yelling at us to get our groove on. I yell up the steps to him and tell him that I'd be up in a minute.I need to get something I forgot to pack.Scotty comes down to see whats holding me up, He sees me stretched across my bed fiddling with something. He jumps on me and grabs my tits as he lands. I giggle at him and asks if he lies his feel. He whispers yes and he wants to suck on them. He rolls me over, lifts my spaghetti string top and begins...
As an addict of ‘self love’ and having been so for as long as I can remember, pornography has played an important role in my life. However, being female means that much of my stimulation comes from fantasies. The advantage being that I have a whole library of pornography stashed away in the recesses of my mind, ready and waiting for an opportunistic moment when I can sneak my hand into my knickers and select my chosen scenario to accompany me in my ‘play time’.The fantasy which I’m sharing with...
It was early June. The days were warming up but the nights were still cool. It was Friday, a perfect reason for not going to work. You wanted to get out and explore, check out some new trail up by the mountains that you hadn’t hiked before. You set out a little after 12 and got on the trail by 1. About an hour into your hike we bumped into each other. I was hopelessly lost and not very competent with a compass. You didn’t mind helping me because I was decent looking and friendly yet a...
"It's okay Angel" you said and held me tighter as we stumbled our way through the thick bushes, "We're nearly there honey". No sooner had you said that than the bush gave way to the clearing in which we'd made our camp. I slumped with relief but you held onto me and almost had to drag me to our tent.Once inside you placed a blanket over my shoulders and began taking my sodden hiking boots off. "Trust you to fall into the river! I know it's summer time but that river is freezing all year...
When I was a teenager, my family would take long road trips, and to save money we stayed at campgrounds around the country. Every day we'd break camp, load up the van, and head for a new place. We saw a lot of the country that way, and had some great experiences. Some more memorable than others..If we were lucky, a campground would have a hot shower available, usually on a coin operated timer. Many were also unisex, and they might have nothing more than a couple curtains for privacy in a given...
It was crowded around the campfire that night. The day had been warm enough, hot even, but with the sinking of the sun, the warmth and light brought it’s own promises. Bodies milled about, some with bottles in hand, covered with cloaks. Others, preferring body heat, snuggled together on blankets. As the flames curled up into the night, I saw his eyes watching me, considering. We hadn’t spent any time together that day, and the night before had been so late when he arrived, that there hadn’t...
This happened to me quite a while ago. We live Ona street and all the families were of a similar age. Which meant as k**s we all grew up together and everyone got on so well. It was possible back then to not have to lock your doors because everyone trusted each other.anyway there was a girl living across the road from us. I had the front bedroom of our house which looked straight into Diane’s window. As k**s we grew up together and we always walked to and from school a way she was...
As night fell over the heather clad moor, he could feel the mist slowly sweeping over him. The hairs on his back stood on end. He looked across from his hiding place and watched as the two ramblers pitched their tent. The girl was unpacking the small stove whilst the guy fiddled with poles and ropes. It had been a hot day but now the mist was here the temperature had dropped several degrees. Much to his amusement he could see the girl's nipples harden through her top. He watched as she bent...
When I was in my teens I had a friend whom I spent alot of time with. We were both kind of geeky. Over the course of time we had slept at each others houses and had seen each other naked. No big deal. I used to love sleeping at his house since his sister was hot and I wanted to stroke my cock everytime I saw her. Anyway, not having much luck with the girls we would look at porno mags and jerk off. One night we slept out in a tent in the yard. After lights out I heard him moaning softly...
This is a true story about what happened to me after I'd been made redundant at forty-eight. I'm Don and I'd worked for a large company for thirty-one years as an executive. The company restructured and I got enough in my pay out clear my mortgage and live reasonably well. But I had a daughter at University and another about to go.To pay for them I needed to get another position, but despite the hundreds of letters of application I wasn't getting interviews. I was too old for most firms so...
We were tenting it this weekend. I know for many of you exhibitionism wouldn't be anything. But I have never done anything like that. My husband followed me into the huge tent, with all the windows and door wide open. People were everywhere. He knew I was going to shut all the windows and zip up the door before undressing. Instead, he pulled my shirt up over my head, leaving me in my bra. I didn't protest - probably for the first time. Next he unhooked my bra and let it fall off. ...
Andria snuggled closer to me in our tent. The day had been very warm, but the wind coming off of the water made us shiver uncontrollably. I had suggested body heat would warm us up faster than anything else. I had another reason besides warmth to cuddle with her. Andria was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Her dark hair fell in waves around her face. Her eyes were a sparkling green. Her curves were undeniably sexy. She had an air of confidence when she walked that said she could get...
I was shocked to get an excited phonecall at work from my 19 year old daughter, Lindsey, that Wednesday afternoon. She had called to tell me that her friends had backed out of a planned cabin trip to New Hampshire and that wasn't I the lucky man to be able to spend some quality time with her instead. "What?" I said monotonously. She explained that she had planned for this trip for quite some time and was highly disappointed when her buddies reneged. Then, upon glancing at my desk calendar...
Biff was the campus jock. He was handsome, muscular and hung. He had a big thick cock and loved to fuck. Today he had the head cheerleader Sue naked in his bed. He had given each tit a good thirty minute work out and her pussy over an hour and now he wanted his massive cock sucked. He pushed her mouth to his cock and told her "Open wide and take my big dick. I want to see your mouth stretched as I push it in your mouth. Then I am going to watch it invade your cunt and your ass." He rubbed the...
my first go at a story enjoy Ned (CHAV) in the toilet Total fiction just thought id give it a go ;) So I’m up in Glasgow for a few days ( country boy from the west coast) so ive got 3G !! so I take a look on grindr and find a few hot guys near where we are staying and get to chatting with them. After about 30 minutes I get bored and decide to go for a walk in the park near the hotel. I decide that maybe taking a walk in Glasgow in the middle of winter is not the best idea as it starts to rain I...
Robert has come quite a ways sexually. From masturbating, swallowing his own cum and playing with own ass to sexual exploits with a much older woman. Still he has just scratched the surface with much more to come. I was on the bed laying on my back and Mary was on her side laying next to me. I could feel her big soft tits pushing naked and warm against my side as she sucked and lightly bit my right nipple and was pinching my left nipple. She ask if I wanted to ask her the questions...
“ ... I will have such revenges on you both, I will do such things ... what they are, yet I know not: But they shall be the terrors of the earth. You think I’ll weep? No, I’ll not weep: I have full cause of weeping; but this heart Shall break into a hundred thousand flaws, Or ere I’ll weep.” Shakespeare King Lear II, iv,278 “Revenge should have no bounds.” Shakespeare Hamlet iv, 7,128 Author’s note. This story is a response to the challenge by The Wanderer in his story “No...
“Hello anyone at home.” Sarah yelled. “We are in the living room.” Shannon called back to her. “What is the matter guys, why are you laying together like that?” She asked. We both looked at her smiling, not saying a word. “O MY GOD your pregnant, your going to be parents.” She shouted with joy. Shannon smiled at her and just shook her head yes. We got up off the couch, and had a group hug. “Have you told anyone yet, what about mom, told her yet, or Tom’s folks do they...
Hello readers, I am Rahul and I am 27 yrs old from Vizag Andhra Pradesh. I am athletic and fair, and I love to visit natural landscapes. I work in Vizag for a good company and also provide male escort services to housewives and women. I myself work as a male escort or playboy. I don’t have any contacts with those escort agencies and all because I don’t like all that. It’s just me, working as a call boy in my leisure time and enjoying sex at the core. I have sex with women who contact me and...
Welcome the Gotham City, New Jersey, one of the darkest and lawless cities in America. Gotham, famous for both its heroes and villains, is a place of despicable crimes and awe-inspiring heroism. Do you protect Gotham or threaten it? Are you a selfless hero? Are you heartless villain? Are you legendary or new? It is all for you to decide.
I got the note on the top of my paper. It said simply, “Delilah, see me after school. It is time for a new lesson.” I didn’t know what to make of it. I hadn’t done anything wrong this time. I hadn’t been whoring around, or fucking other boys. I had no idea why Mr. Denton would want to teach me a new lesson. My nipples hardened in anticipation, and I smiled at him. His face gave nothing away. I tried to flirt with him and he studiously ignored me through the entire class period. After the last...
I met her at a company party. She was standing alone by a window at the far end of the room. She had dark red hair, green eyes, long legs and the most incredible tits I had ever seen. I figured what the heck, if she’s not alone, she’ll tell me where to get off. “Hi, my name is Greg. I noticed you were standing here alone and I felt badly that you weren’t talking to anyone.” “Hi Greg, I’m Kristin and I’m new to the company, I only began two weeks ago.” When I asked her where she worked before,...
EroticIt was my first day back at work since I had lost my job. I was excited but my stomach was churning with nerves. I paced up and down at the bus stop waiting for my ride to my new job. I didn't have a car, I had to sell that to be able to afford to pay the rent. My girlfriend had left me, turns out when I wasn't making money I wasn't much good to her anyway, so this job was more than just a new job, it was a new start entirely. I flagged the bus down, paid my fare and took one of the...
Mom pushed me in my wheelchair through the hospital corridor - I got allsorts of looks from curious to smiling to righteous indignation. Apparentlyword spreads quick when there's a pregnant man in the hospital. Mommy keptreassuring me and Kelly, who was following alongside kept her hand on myshoulder - I held that hand tightly.Gary had pulled the car around to the hospital entrance and was waiting tohelp me in. Most of my meds had worn off and I was feeling some sorenessand tightness around my...
Erin and I held each other as we caught our breath. Her attempt to wane my concern with a small kiss led to another sweaty round. The exertion had finally worn me down. Even with my ability to recuperate, it had been a very busy afternoon. So, for a good fifteen minutes, we laid there breathing, relaxing and just enjoying being together. Erin and I had moved around to lay spooned together at the edge of the bed, so when my phone rang she was in easy reach. "Hello?" I could hear the other...
Sven drove to a diner that he knew of that was only about five minutes away. There was a big sign out front advertising "All Day Breakfast" and as we pulled in, it looked like a real nice homey kind of joint. We grabbed a booth again with me sitting next to Sven as usual. We had a buxom young waitress named Casey that the guys had fun flirting with; both of them eyeing up her huge tits and big round ass proudly displayed in her tight-fitting uniform. Sven and Kurt both ordered steak and...
Chapter 3: Domestic Discipline & Control We sat together for a while, sipped our drinks, and I felt a bit of a buzz. For a while we chatted, me telling her about my day a little, her telling me about the day she’d had here. She was easy to talk to, and curious about most things, as I was at eighteen. There were a few good movies she’d found for us to watch later, and we planned for it. ‘It was really fun going out for dinner the other night,’ she told me hopefully. ‘I’ve never been on a date...
Hi dear friends… Rajani again with the new story. I am from Ahmedabad and Thanks a lot for all the replies for last story My email id is Do contact me for some special service. This happened around one month back with my cousin. Uska naam rani tha dikhne me ek dam pataka and uske boobs to maano water melon size i just love that.. Woh hamare ghar aayi hui thi kuch time spend karne. usse dekhke mein bahot jyada bechain tha k kaise isse chodu. Ek din hum ne movie jaane ka plan banaya aur...
After Uncle Jack's mid-morning story-telling session, Tessa and I spent most of the day strolling companiably around the farm, enjoying the unhurried pace of things. At one point we ran into Tony, but he was genuinely busy and said no more than a hurried hello. Alone together like this we behaved just like any other couple newly in love, catching up on our past histories, laying down new histories of our own, basking in each others' company.Round about five o'clock we returned to the...
The untold story 1 Hi i am Ravi when this incident happen it was may this year. I was twenty seven that time. Worked as a purchasing officer, for a site…. We were in industrial site in Sri Lanka, where lot of desi workers engaged. End of the April our coordinating manager’s wife Reema came there to join her husband. She was about 30 (33 was exact i discovered later with her passport) since they have no children they have free behavior and enjoy their life. I was told by someone that Reema is...
A story about my experiences with my girlfriend first few years of our relationship. Please forgive my grammar and the following typos. I was 21 and she was 19. She was a student and a dance instructor and had an hourglass figure, beautiful eyes, and a wonderful smile. I met her through a close friend of mine, and it took me a few days to fall head over heels in love with her. However, like most amazing girls from India, she was from a very conservative background, from a small town and yet she...
Allison groaned as she flopped onto the floor. Abigail stepped over her supine sister to take the last box to the master bedroom, then came back out and looked down at her sister. Just watching Allison stretch out on the floor was enough to make the older girl swoon. Allison stretched her arms above her head and arched her back, which forced her youthful breasts to stretch her t-shirt, her tiny nipples little bumps beneath the fabric. By the playful expression on Allison's face, it was...
We hung out for most of the morning and afternoon until folks decided to break out for lunch. I opted to go back to my dorm. To my dismay I did not run into the sophomore, but probably for the better. If he tried to stick his fist up my ass again, I might turn into his puppet for good. I opted for a nice clean up... but I did not forget about my toys. I grabbed the dildo and plug on the way into the bathroom, along with things to clean out. I shaved all of my body hair off except my arms and...
‘You have got to be joking.’ Simon shook his head, eyes wide, as Mandy attempted to give him the candle and a bottle of baby oil.‘No joke, I’m deadly serious. Why, what’s wrong? You’re not going all prudish on me now are you, Simon?’‘No, I’m not… well, I don’t think I am.’Mandy closed her bedroom curtains and switched on the bedside lamp. It cast a soft amber glow around the room.‘I assumed when you were talking about candles and baby oil…’ Simon nodded in the direction of Mandy’s pussy, ‘Well,...
Oral Sex