Patriarch Alliance- A Perfect Day free porn video

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?So, how u find my new worm

?He is a Man, I am not,

? He is the sky, I am the earth,

? His name is heaven,

? Mine is dirt.?


2nd Chant

The Way of Females



?So, how you do find my new worm?? Carlos asked.

?Soft,? Ivan lifted his leg and step on the worm?s tits again. ?Very, very soft.? Both men laugh at the not so funny joke.

????????? The worm in question lay still and kept her position. She is lying on her back, naked on the floor with only a pair of thongs on her body. She kept her legs straight and arms beside her body. Her head is bald; in fact her whole body is bald. Unlike her home-planet of Thordaw, the Worms of Kabir were not allowed hair. All the hair on her body had been removed and DNA surgery has made sure that it will never grow again. Even her eyebrows had been shaved. All her teeth had also been pulled. Hairless, toothless, she looked just like every married female on Planet Kabir; a lowly worm. She knows she is been laugh at, and she is pleased. She is making her man happy.

?From Thordaw?? Ivan asked.

?Yes,? Carlos nodded. ?Saved her life and now she?s mine.?

?Yes, I?ve heard the story.?

Indeed he has. Carlos was making a pilgrimage on Thordaw, crossing the Burning Flats on foot when he saw the plane crashed. He went to the crash site and rescued the passengers. As luck would have it, the plane was carrying a bunch of unmarried females on a school field trip. 10 females survived the crash. Carlos used his limited supplies to care for the females and sent out a distress signal from his radio. It took the rescuers 2 days to reach them. 1 man, 10 females, alone in the Burning Flats for over 2 days. Amazingly, no one died. Carlos became a hero. Rightfully so; the females would have no chance if he wasn?t there.

?Only you could go on a religious pilgrimage and come back a hero with a new 17 year-old worm.? Ivan lifted his leg and step on the worm?s tits, harder this time. The worm remained still. ?Well trained,? Ivan commented.

?Yes,? Carlos said, ?that?s why I picked her.?

?I heard that her father wasn?t too pleased.?

?Yes. Didn?t like the way we treat our females here on Kabir. He thinks we?re too harsh.?

Ivan chortled. ?We are talking about a man from Thordaw, right? Where they work their cows from sunrise to sunset.?

?Yes, but to them, manual labor are what females are born to do. He think that it is wrong to just have them crawl on their bellies all day.? Carlos looked like he actually agrees with the man.

?You?agree with him?? Ivan asked disbelieving.

?Of course not! I merely understand where he is coming from? Carlos continued, ?Even in the Patriarch Alliance, we will have our differences.?

?How did you make him agreed to the marriage??

?I didn?t.? Carlos saw the look on Ivan?s face. He pointed to the worm, ?She did.? Ivan looked at the worm. The worm was silent.

Carlos told the worm, ?Tell him how you made your father agree to the marriage.?

?My father is a true man of the Alliance,? the worm began, ?My father loved all his children, even the worthless females like myself. When this worthless worm told him my wish, he gave his blessings.?

?You agreed to come to Kabir?? Ivan asked the worm. The worm remained silent.

?You may answer,? Carlos said.

?Yes, Sir,? the worm answered. ?It is my wish to serve and suffer for this man.?

?Why?? Ivan asked again, though he suspected the answer. The worm remained silent.

?You may answer,? Carlos said again.

?This worthless worm is female. My greatest desire is to find a man to serve. A man that is both strong and steadfast. This man,? the worm looked at Carlos, ?saved us. He took care of us. He looked after us for 2 days when he could have just walked away. This man is strong and steadfast. My wish has come true.?

?No man could walked away and still call himself a man,? Carlos said.

?But some men would. They would have walked away and say that it was none of their business, that they owned nothing to those females,? the worm said. ?You didn?t.?

?Soft and devoted.? Ivan laughed. ?You?re making me jealous.?

?I don?t know,? Carlos replied. ?Paris there is soft and devoted also.?

????????? Carlos is speaking of the worm at Ivan?s feet. Paris is Ivan first. This means that she is his first wife. She, like the other worm, was naked with only a thong between her legs. She kept her legs straight and her arms by her body. She is facedown on the ground. It?s called the Worm Position. Like all worms, Paris is both hairless and toothless.

?I don?t know?I?m beginning to be bored with her,? Ivan complained.

?What? Why?? Carlos was surprised.

?I had her for over 5 years now. I?m thinking of taking a second.?

?She been disobedient??



?Not really?

?Then why think of taking a second??

?Why not?? Ivan argued. ?I have the money to afford a second and I wouldn?t mind a little variety.?

????????? Carlos nodded. In a way he could understand why his friend would want variety. He admits to himself this was also a reason for him to take a second. ?Amelie.?

????????? The worm called Amelie crawled to the 2 men. Carlos? first, Amelie crawled to them in the classic worm crawl. She uses her elbows to push herself along the ground, all the time making sure her stomach and knees were grounded. She stopped at the feet of her man Carlos, and went into the worm position.

?Let?s have some fun.? Carlos said.

?What you have in mind??

?I have 2 worms now. I?ve been thinking of having a little competition between the two.?

?What sort of competition?? Ivan was beginning to like the sound of this.

?Nothing major,? Carlos smiled, ?just a little old fashion dog wrestling.?

????????? The 2 men laughed. The 3 worms remained still. They knew what dog wrestling was of course. 2 females faced off against each other on their hand and knees, with nothing on but their thongs. The idea is to take the thongs off your opponent?s body and stuff the underwear into your mouth. If you do it before your opponent, you win. You may use your hands, but you must remain on one of your knees at all times. If there are more than 2 females in the contest, you must put the thongs of all your opponents into your mouth. The winner is safe, all losers get punished. Since the punishment can be anything from push-ups to whipping, it is considered to be a very serious game?if you are a female. Men watch it for laughs.

?Good idea,? Ivan agreed. ?What?s the punishment??

?I?ve just the thing.? Carlos went to the cupboard and took out 2 small pipes. Each pipe was only about 15cm long. ?Whipping,? he happy said.

Ivan took one of the pipes. He saw a small button on it and pressed it. A metre-long laser whip immediately came out of one end of the pipe. ?Which 2?? he asked.

?Mine, of course.? Carlos laughed again. ?Get into position you 2.?

The worm got onto her hands and knees. Amelie did the came. Facing each other, they got ready. ?Now, you 2 worms listened up. We expect a good show here. The loser gets whipped,? Carlos lifted the laser whip for emphasis. ?So I expect both of you to try your every best to win.?

The worm was disappointed to hear that. Worms on Kabir are not allowed to work or study. In the 3 weeks she had been on the planet, all she did was clean the house with her first. The worm had spoken and laughed with Amelie?she was her friend. The worm had half thought of throwing the match, but her man had demanded that she tried her best, so she will.

The worm looked at Amelie. The worm was much smaller than the first, Amelie was both bigger and more importantly she has longer arms. If the worm charges, Amelie would just uses her long arms to reach around for the worm?s thongs. No, the worm must use her speed.


Amelie rushed forward. The worm moved back. Surprised, the first rushed forward faster, trying to grab the worm with her arms. The worm was ready. She dived to the ground, below the arms of the first. Amelie grabbed nothing but air. The worm grabbed Amelie?s thong and pulled. It was down to the knees before the first knew what happened. Amelie immediately closed her legs, making it more difficult to take the thongs. Amelie now has 2 choices; she can go back and defend herself, making it difficult for the worm to fully take out the thongs; or she can attack and try to pull the worm?s thong now. She chose the latter. The worm immediately closes her leg. And so it started. 2 worms rolling along the ground, each trying her best to rip the other?s thongs off. Cries of frustrations rang the room. Shouts of laughter too. The 2 men were laughing their guts out. In fairness, anyone who sees 2 naked females each trying to strip the other and put her underwear in their mouth will laugh too. It was a most humiliating position to be in.

?The worm then had an idea. She jammed 3 fingers straight into the pussy of Amelie. The reaction was immediate. A cry came from the first and her legs spread. The worm tore the thongs off and immediately put it into her mouth. She had won.

?Winner!? one of the men shouted.

?Long position worm,? it was from Carlos. Amelie, obedient as ever, lay face-down on the ground. She straightened her legs and stretched her arms over her head. Her arms, legs and body were in a straight line; her whole back open for the whip.

The men did not waste any time. The whips flew and the cracks of the whip were heard without pause. In frenzy, the men lifted the whip and crash it on her back. Cries and scream of mercy were ignored. The worm saw it and was scared. She wondered about her move. Then she decided. Her friend needed help and pain was what a worthless animal like herself was born to feel. Slowly, she crawled forward. The men stopped. The worm came beside Amelie and got into the Long Position as well. The men now have 2 targets instead of one.

The pain was incredible. The whips flew again. Screams of mercy from the 2 worms were ignored. The worm and Amelie held each other?s hands, giving encouragement not to break position. Both worms had maintained the Long Position; they knew that if they didn?t, the beating would become worse. Finally, after an eternity, it stopped.

Carlos was spent. He sees the 2 worms crying in front of him. As long as he do not kill or maim them, the laws of the Patriarch Alliance allow him to do practically anything he wants to them. A sense of power swept through him. This was what it meant to be a man of the Alliance, absolute power over your females. Carlos threw Amelie around and entered her. Again and again he thrust, caring nothing about the pain the female was feeling. He growled at the worm, ?Siti, I want a fist in your pussy. Don?t stop until I tell you to and don?t you dare cum till I give you permission.?

????????? The worm known as Siti nodded her head. Looking around, she saw Ivan fucking Paris in the ass. Cries of joy came from the two. The worm known as Siti turned back to her man, and saw Amelie looking at her. Her first was smiling.

Her man was happy, her man?s friend was happy. Even her first was happy. Her body wreaked with pain, the worm opened her legs and forced her left fist into her pussy. The worm known as Siti smiled. ?The day was perfect.? ?


?He is a Man, I am not,

? He is the sky, I am the earth,

? His name is heaven,

? Mine is dirt.?


2nd Chant

The Way of Females



?So, how you do find my new worm?? Carlos asked.

?Soft,? Ivan lifted his leg and step on the worm?s tits again. ?Very, very soft.? Both men laugh at the not so funny joke.

????????? The worm in question lay still and kept her position. She is lying on her back, naked on the floor with only a pair of thongs on her body. She kept her legs straight and arms beside her body. Her head is bald; in fact her whole body is bald. Unlike her home-planet of Thordaw, the Worms of Kabir were not allowed hair. All the hair on her body had been removed and DNA surgery has made sure that it will never grow again. Even her eyebrows had been shaved. All her teeth had also been pulled. Hairless, toothless, she looked just like every married female on Planet Kabir; a lowly worm. She knows she is been laugh at, and she is pleased. She is making her man happy.

?From Thordaw?? Ivan asked.

?Yes,? Carlos nodded. ?Saved her life and now she?s mine.?

?Yes, I?ve heard the story.?

Indeed he has. Carlos was making a pilgrimage on Thordaw, crossing the Burning Flats on foot when he saw the plane crashed. He went to the crash site and rescued the passengers. As luck would have it, the plane was carrying a bunch of unmarried females on a school field trip. 10 females survived the crash. Carlos used his limited supplies to care for the females and sent out a distress signal from his radio. It took the rescuers 2 days to reach them. 1 man, 10 females, alone in the Burning Flats for over 2 days. Amazingly, no one died. Carlos became a hero. Rightfully so; the females would have no chance if he wasn?t there.

?Only you could go on a religious pilgrimage and come back a hero with a new 17 year-old worm.? Ivan lifted his leg and step on the worm?s tits, harder this time. The worm remained still. ?Well trained,? Ivan commented.

?Yes,? Carlos said, ?that?s why I picked her.?

?I heard that her father wasn?t too pleased.?

?Yes. Didn?t like the way we treat our females here on Kabir. He thinks we?re too harsh.?

Ivan chortled. ?We are talking about a man from Thordaw, right? Where they work their cows from sunrise to sunset.?

?Yes, but to them, manual labor are what females are born to do. He think that it is wrong to just have them crawl on their bellies all day.? Carlos looked like he actually agrees with the man.

?You?agree with him?? Ivan asked disbelieving.

?Of course not! I merely understand where he is coming from? Carlos continued, ?Even in the Patriarch Alliance, we will have our differences.?

?How did you make him agreed to the marriage??

?I didn?t.? Carlos saw the look on Ivan?s face. He pointed to the worm, ?She did.? Ivan looked at the worm. The worm was silent.

Carlos told the worm, ?Tell him how you made your father agree to the marriage.?

?My father is a true man of the Alliance,? the worm began, ?My father loved all his children, even the worthless females like myself. When this worthless worm told him my wish, he gave his blessings.?

?You agreed to come to Kabir?? Ivan asked the worm. The worm remained silent.

?You may answer,? Carlos said.

?Yes, Sir,? the worm answered. ?It is my wish to serve and suffer for this man.?

?Why?? Ivan asked again, though he suspected the answer. The worm remained silent.

?You may answer,? Carlos said again.

?This worthless worm is female. My greatest desire is to find a man to serve. A man that is both strong and steadfast. This man,? the worm looked at Carlos, ?saved us. He took care of us. He looked after us for 2 days when he could have just walked away. This man is strong and steadfast. My wish has come true.?

?No man could walked away and still call himself a man,? Carlos said.

?But some men would. They would have walked away and say that it was none of their business, that they owned nothing to those females,? the worm said. ?You didn?t.?

?Soft and devoted.? Ivan laughed. ?You?re making me jealous.?

?I don?t know,? Carlos replied. ?Paris there is soft and devoted also.?

????????? Carlos is speaking of the worm at Ivan?s feet. Paris is Ivan first. This means that she is his first wife. She, like the other worm, was naked with only a thong between her legs. She kept her legs straight and her arms by her body. She is facedown on the ground. It?s called the Worm Position. Like all worms, Paris is both hairless and toothless.

?I don?t know?I?m beginning to be bored with her,? Ivan complained.

?What? Why?? Carlos was surprised.

?I had her for over 5 years now. I?m thinking of taking a second.?

?She been disobedient??



?Not really?

?Then why think of taking a second??

?Why not?? Ivan argued. ?I have the money to afford a second and I wouldn?t mind a little variety.?

????????? Carlos nodded. In a way he could understand why his friend would want variety. He admits to himself this was also a reason for him to take a second. ?Amelie.?

????????? The worm called Amelie crawled to the 2 men. Carlos? first, Amelie crawled to them in the classic worm crawl. She uses her elbows to push herself along the ground, all the time making sure her stomach and knees were grounded. She stopped at the feet of her man Carlos, and went into the worm position.

?Let?s have some fun.? Carlos said.

?What you have in mind??

?I have 2 worms now. I?ve been thinking of having a little competition between the two.?

?What sort of competition?? Ivan was beginning to like the sound of this.

?Nothing major,? Carlos smiled, ?just a little old fashion dog wrestling.?

????????? The 2 men laughed. The 3 worms remained still. They knew what dog wrestling was of course. 2 females faced off against each other on their hand and knees, with nothing on but their thongs. The idea is to take the thongs off your opponent?s body and stuff the underwear into your mouth. If you do it before your opponent, you win. You may use your hands, but you must remain on one of your knees at all times. If there are more than 2 females in the contest, you must put the thongs of all your opponents into your mouth. The winner is safe, all losers get punished. Since the punishment can be anything from push-ups to whipping, it is considered to be a very serious game?if you are a female. Men watch it for laughs.

?Good idea,? Ivan agreed. ?What?s the punishment??

?I?ve just the thing.? Carlos went to the cupboard and took out 2 small pipes. Each pipe was only about 15cm long. ?Whipping,? he happy said.

Ivan took one of the pipes. He saw a small button on it and pressed it. A metre-long laser whip immediately came out of one end of the pipe. ?Which 2?? he asked.

?Mine, of course.? Carlos laughed again. ?Get into position you 2.?

The worm got onto her hands and knees. Amelie did the came. Facing each other, they got ready. ?Now, you 2 worms listened up. We expect a good show here. The loser gets whipped,? Carlos lifted the laser whip for emphasis. ?So I expect both of you to try your every best to win.?

The worm was disappointed to hear that. Worms on Kabir are not allowed to work or study. In the 3 weeks she had been on the planet, all she did was clean the house with her first. The worm had spoken and laughed with Amelie?she was her friend. The worm had half thought of throwing the match, but her man had demanded that she tried her best, so she will.

The worm looked at Amelie. The worm was much smaller than the first, Amelie was both bigger and more importantly she has longer arms. If the worm charges, Amelie would just uses her long arms to reach around for the worm?s thongs. No, the worm must use her speed.


Amelie rushed forward. The worm moved back. Surprised, the first rushed forward faster, trying to grab the worm with her arms. The worm was ready. She dived to the ground, below the arms of the first. Amelie grabbed nothing but air. The worm grabbed Amelie?s thong and pulled. It was down to the knees before the first knew what happened. Amelie immediately closed her legs, making it more difficult to take the thongs. Amelie now has 2 choices; she can go back and defend herself, making it difficult for the worm to fully take out the thongs; or she can attack and try to pull the worm?s thong now. She chose the latter. The worm immediately closes her leg. And so it started. 2 worms rolling along the ground, each trying her best to rip the other?s thongs off. Cries of frustrations rang the room. Shouts of laughter too. The 2 men were laughing their guts out. In fairness, anyone who sees 2 naked females each trying to strip the other and put her underwear in their mouth will laugh too. It was a most humiliating position to be in.

?The worm then had an idea. She jammed 3 fingers straight into the pussy of Amelie. The reaction was immediate. A cry came from the first and her legs spread. The worm tore the thongs off and immediately put it into her mouth. She had won.

?Winner!? one of the men shouted.

?Long position worm,? it was from Carlos. Amelie, obedient as ever, lay face-down on the ground. She straightened her legs and stretched her arms over her head. Her arms, legs and body were in a straight line; her whole back open for the whip.

The men did not waste any time. The whips flew and the cracks of the whip were heard without pause. In frenzy, the men lifted the whip and crash it on her back. Cries and scream of mercy were ignored. The worm saw it and was scared. She wondered about her move. Then she decided. Her friend needed help and pain was what a worthless animal like herself was born to feel. Slowly, she crawled forward. The men stopped. The worm came beside Amelie and got into the Long Position as well. The men now have 2 targets instead of one.

The pain was incredible. The whips flew again. Screams of mercy from the 2 worms were ignored. The worm and Amelie held each other?s hands, giving encouragement not to break position. Both worms had maintained the Long Position; they knew that if they didn?t, the beating would become worse. Finally, after an eternity, it stopped.

Carlos was spent. He sees the 2 worms crying in front of him. As long as he do not kill or maim them, the laws of the Patriarch Alliance allow him to do practically anything he wants to them. A sense of power swept through him. This was what it meant to be a man of the Alliance, absolute power over your females. Carlos threw Amelie around and entered her. Again and again he thrust, caring nothing about the pain the female was feeling. He growled at the worm, ?Siti, I want a fist in your pussy. Don?t stop until I tell you to and don?t you dare cum till I give you permission.?

????????? The worm known as Siti nodded her head. Looking around, she saw Ivan fucking Paris in the ass. Cries of joy came from the two. The worm known as Siti turned back to her man, and saw Amelie looking at her. Her first was smiling.

Her man was happy, her man?s friend was happy. Even her first was happy. Her body wreaked with pain, the worm opened her legs and forced her left fist into her pussy. The worm known as Siti smiled. ?The day was perfect.? ?



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Night Skies Hotel: False Alliance By MTG and Solari Historian's note: This story is set during the "modern" era of the Night Skies Hotel. While it's not necessary to have read preceding NSH stories in order to fully appreciate this one, there are some references to characters and events from those stories. *** "So - you hear Ayrton Senna is going to pull his team out of Formula 1?" "Yeah." Ben had been in a sour mood for a while, much to Mick's frustration, though he knew...

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Perfect Porokia Passionate Alliance

Hello everybody, I am Runu,31 yrs old. I am six ft tall, average body structure. I am married with a three yrs old son. My wife is smart and pretty. After finishing my education from a public universiy, I wasn’t able to get the expected job. A year of searching various field, I just bought a ticket and landed at Narita airport, Tokyo ,Japan. With just a thousand us dollar in my pocket. I left behind my family in search of better life and fortune. I did not know a single Japanese word, bought a...

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Shivani Fucked In Front Of Her Husband Uday

Hey all… Myself Raj back with yet another new experience and yeah this time something new. Drop your comments @ Firstly wanna thank all the true/fake/despo/ladies and other profiles or people who dropped comments showed interest and then create negative environment. Sorry guys,girls & ladies. These are my true experiences and I would not like any of my sentiments hurted. Appreciate you behave properly. Anyways back to fun… Out of all mails received I got a mail from a Muslim couple from...

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A Strong Alliance Shazia Ch Two1

_______________________________________________________________ The entire ride back to Orc Kingdom I had Elzira ride naked in front of me on my horse. Fondling her small perky breasts as they bounced to the motion the horses hooves. Sometimes I’d grind my thick dirty fingers into her slit, making her shutter and tremble against me, my erection pressed to the small of her back. Shazia, Elzira’s older sister was bound and gagged, her horse being led by one of my generals. I enjoyed the...

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Milk and Chocolate a Gorgeous Alliance

“You two beauties are going to be famous,” chuckled Dearie, lovingly nurturing Verd and Azu. “Fuck, I thought they were already,” snickered Nash their carer, dabbing them softly with man sized tissues. “Round there darling,” murmured twenty two year old Dearie hefting Azu and indicating smears of white cream under her left side, that’s Azu’s left side. “Just rub it in.” The wrap around mirrors behind and to each end of the bath enabled the loving mother to attend every aspect of the daily...

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Patriarchal Deception

This book is a continuation of a branch in the main story, ‘Patriarch’. This book contains spoilers from ‘Patriarch’ and expects you to have read the main branch of the story, or the plot won’t make sense, really. Thomas steps inside of John’s room, enjoying how all the women’s faces light up. With access to John’s memories, he can see the memories John has of each woman, picking their name up easily. Felicia and Dawn, John’s cousin and his sister, are calmly chatting with Aurelia, Thomas’ own...

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Dont Open Till Doomsday

Music wafted through the warm spring air like ribbons of sound, reaching my ears in jumps and starts as I went to answer the phone. ‘…Don’t open ’till doomsday, destruction’s not far away…’ It was the Misfits, playing through my crappy two dollar speakers at the other end of the house. When I reached the phone it had already rung six times. I was really hoping whoever it was would give up, I hate phone conversations. Of course, I had no such luck. ‘Hello?’ I asked, in that...

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Mayday Mayday Mayday

It was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away. I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot. I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she...

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Targaryen Alliances

It was on the first day of the new Summer that Prince Jon Targaryen, Second in line to the Iron Throne was called from his chambers to see his father, the King. Rhaegar was once a great warrior, but the years and frequently illness had reduced him considerably, yet as he sat behind the oak desk in his study, there was a quiet strength in his purple eyes as he regarded his youngest child. “My boy,” he said with a faint smile. “ I’m glad you came so quickly, time is of the essence.” “ what is it,...

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Lakshmis Extramarital Alliances 8211 3 Her Daughter

Both have been fucking for many years and now we fast forward for 15 years. Now Rashid was fat and pot-bellied and Lakshmi was now huge due to her pre-menopause. Sushma had grown into a lovely 22-year-old lady for whom Ashok and Lakshmi chose a boy from the US. The boy was usual Tambrahm (Tamil Brahmin) kind, puny and short but really fair, clean shaven. When the alliance came through, Ashok and Lakshmi were really excited as it was an America maapillaey (bridegroom). Sushma did not like his...

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IBE The Days Of WanderingAddendumDayton

I tried to sleep, and I nodded off for a few hours, but it didn’t stick. I was tossing and turning. I was hot, and my various joints and muscles were aching me more than usual, or perhaps I was just more conscious of it than I usually am. In any case, I was tossing and turning. I was conscious, too, that this might be hurting Kelly’s quality of sleep. After an hour or so, I was wide awake, nervous, in pain, and feeling like a nuisance. I got up and went back to the downstairs bar. While we...

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A guy and his 55 Doomsday

Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                                Tina - Rita's daughter Jinn - What the genies are called                                             Trully -  second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker           Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn   Mary - Boss's daughter                                                              Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio     Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's...

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The Borgias New Friends and Alliances

John Sat In the Hold of His Ship, reading the Letter in his Hands Over and Over Again: This Letter hereby States, that We, Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI of Rome, Acknowledge John Doe as Our Son, and A Member of the House of Borgia. He is Thus Recognized as The Duke of Gandia and The Lord of The Tuscany Citadel's San Gimignano and Monteriggioni. He is Ordered to Come to Rome and Announce Himself to His Family. Signed Pope Alexander VI John had received the Letter Three Days Ago, though The...

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Lakshmi8217s Extramarital Alliances 8211 4 Rashid Fucks Sushma

A month later, Sushma gets a call from an unknown number on her mobile. “Hello, Sush kunju, naan dhaan Rashid uncle.” (Sush baby, I am Rashid) “What uncle, you are calling from a new number and not your usual one?” “Yes dear, in future, when I call you, this would be my number.” “Why uncle?” “No dear, I heard all that you spoke and was so happy that Lakshmi’s girl is exactly like her mother.” “I don’t know what you are saying, uncle.” She pretended ignorance, even though it was an open secret...

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Lakshmi8217s Extramarital Alliances 2 Different Dicks

Rashid and Lakshmi went to a hotel as she wanted him to fuck her. In the next minute, he was fully naked. He was only 5 feet 8 inches only an inch taller than her and lean too. But she was shocked to see his cock in the semi-flaccid state was already 5 inches, which probably was the size of Ashok’s in full erection (she thought). Another shock was his pink head without a foreskin, typical circumcised Muslim cock. “Yenna ivvalan perusha irrukku. (What it is so big)I don’t think It will fit me,...

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Lakshmi8217s Extramarital Alliances 1 Satisfied At Last

Lakshmi was a middle-class typical Iyer lady married to a goyan gopu (wimp) called Ashok. He was really bad at sex even though they had a girl child Sushma. Lakshmi was a hot bitch but was a virgin till she got married. She as a teenager was constantly on the lookout for sex but that never materialized. She used her fingers liberally to satisfy herself. She was in a typical lower-middle-class Brahmin area so her friends were all those kind of girls who were into studies, dance, and music. No...

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 5 Alliances and Conspiracies Part I

June 1981, Milford, Ohio “Stephanie!” I growled when she came out of her room for swimming. “What?” “Get in here! Now!” I said firmly. She walked into my room and I shut the door. “When did you call her, Squirt?” “Call who?” she said, trying, but failing, to act innocent. “Stephanie, what got Jennifer in trouble? What was my problem with Becky?” She visibly deflated, “Yesterday. But I had to! I had to! You were going to get engaged to Kara!” “I was NOT going to get engaged to...

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 6 Alliances and Conspiracies Part II

June 1981, Milford, Ohio On Monday morning, Stephanie and I swam and had breakfast together. Afterwards, we went out to the deck. “You don’t seem like yourself,” Stephanie said, her voice full of concern. “I’m not, Squirt,” I said. “Bethany knows you called Karin. She basically said that the Triumvirate is over because they can’t trust you. She also told me that I need to tell Kara. And she told me not to trust you.” “How did she find out? Did you tell her?” she accused. “No. She put two...

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Summer CampEpisode 18 Alliances

"Very well ... Let's do this systematically ... Robert, why don't you take Jake and Susan to harvest some decent grilling forks for every one, okay? Make sure that they're all made of green hardwood, no dead twigs, no pine or spruce, got it?" Robert nodded and, after making sure he took his camper's knife (The only inconvenience to being naked was the scarcity of pockets.), he walked up the trail with his crew. "Sam, why don't you take Linda, Tom, Luke and Ginger and hunt down some...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 11 Strange Alliances

Joseph let out a long breath and placed his sword on the ground before standing to his full height. He had no sooner arisen than a second voice came to his ears. “I would suspect things will go better for you with him if you refer to him as the king,” a voice spoke. “And they certainly will go better for you with me if you follow your own advice. Put the crossbow down and I won’t put a bolt between your shoulder blades.” Joseph hazarded a look over his shoulder and saw a bedraggled man with...

2 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 34 Meetings and alliances

I awake with Nimrod rock hard against me. So I wiggle my consent that I am awake. "Not this time. My girl," he slides a finger in then pops it out. I give a moan. "We are civilized people," he rolls out of bed. "What?" I am shocked that he is leaving. "Bath time," he reaches for his robe. "But there will be people," I whine. "Yes," he looks at me calmly as he pulls the robe shut, not really doing anything to hide the raging hard on that he has. "But I want..." I trail off...

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Sarah Carerra 228 A Staple for the Holliday

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 21, 2011) Chapter 28 - A Staple for the Holliday There were already a number of people standing around when the limo pulled up to a door at the Staples Center. For a moment I worried that things would become complicated...

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Marathon Chudayi

Aaaahhhh…. Ye kya kar rahe ho sanjuuu… ufff.. Chus chus kar hi mujhe jhada doge.. Kya… ohh tumhari jeebh…haaiiiii…. Mar gayiiiiiii.. Haann.. Aur andar.. Uffff… ye kyaaa… ummmm.. Ohh… meriii choooooot.. Ohh… itnaa…paaniiiiii… bahut achcha ..lag..rahaaaa.. Pehali..baar.. Choot me jeebh..ohh maaa… maa…. Sanju..aaj marr..daloge kyaa..” Prabha bhabhi ki choot mere unh ke upar thi.. Dono pair mere sar ke dono taraf aur choot se paani bina ruke tapak raha tha.. Aur bhabhi apne chootad kabhi mere munh...

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The Perfectionist

I think Gods best creation of man and women is meant to make love and it’s to us that how beautifully, technically and perfectly you can enjoy it. Lovemaking is an art and it can only get matured with regular practice and our dear friend Mr Vatsayan had explored 184 Asans and most of us used only 2-3 Asans in which most of the time Man on top and totally ignoring women’s feeling and her desires. I had experienced and shared very light moments with my partners during love making and understand,...

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The Perfect Family Imperfect Desires Ch 1

The middle aged man sat alone on his bed. Frustrated. Not getting enough from his wife of twenty plus years, but getting too much work at his job. He worked early mornings through to afternoons or even sundown, at times. With what little time he did have to relax, he spent making repairs to the family house and whatnot. And when the family had a holiday (which would come around 3-4 times a year), he was lucky enough to be the one who would fork out the money. Yes, Steve was a giver. His...

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Melody Smiths Schooldays

Melody Smith's Schooldaysby Eve AdorerChapter 15 – My Vacation Vocation Supremely aroused as I had become holding the divine Deneel in a tender embraceas the ultimate phase of Maiden Mead making had been given over to me,a long tepid shower was needed to lower the summit of my ardour and saveme from the evil compulsion to touch myself. My body came down from its peak of heat but very slowly. My mind continuedlost in the maze of lust for the remainder of the sleepless night through whichI...

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Meri First Chudayi

Hiiii… Aaj Me Aap logo se jo story share karne ja rahi hu wo Meri khud ki real story hai. Jise me aap logo ke saath share karna chahati hu. Mera Naam Riya hai, Age 25 year, figure 34, 2, 34, brown rang, me ek school teacher hu. Dosto Ek Age Ke Baad Sab ko Apana Bistar Suna Lagta Hai, Har Ladki Chahti Hai Ke Raat Me koi ho us ke saath jo puri raat use apni baho me le ke pyaar kare, us ke bubs ko dabaye, us ki nipal’s ko suck kare us ki chut ko chume or us ki chudayi kare. Me bhi Aisa hi Sochti...

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Letter from Dayton

LETTER FROM DAYTON From Aldous the Call Boy Dear Shoeblossom, Knobby dances naked, huge Victor rat traps snapped on his nipples, as Lia and I take turns swinging at his swinging balls and trembling buttocks. I am using a car ariel I broke off of the neighbor’s old Corvette, and it makes long red streaks on Knobby's buttocks, and Lia, giggling, is slashing him on his other side with a cat O Nine Tails. ? It's really too bad that I get such a kick out of helping Lia torture her...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 12 Dayton

I was driving my red F-150. Gertie in the middle, Harold, shotgun. We were braving suburban Raytown without Columbo, naked without Harold’s bodyguard. Gertie wasn’t complaining about the less-than-comfortable middle seat. She was strapped in and going over today’s lesson with Harold. Again. “This isn’t a whore building, Harold. You’re playing it straight today.” “I know, Gertrude. Market diversification.” Harold, seat belt diagonally across his dark blue blazer, white shirt, Trumpian red...

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Carefree Daycare

Welcome to Carefree Daycare! This story will be far more linear than regular CHYOA stories. It consists of 5 days of which all have a specified ending. Because of this you can add chapters on how the main character got into this situation, but you can not change the course of the story. There is a 6th day that serves as a free day a couple months after the original story. You can write any story line here you'd like. Because of the said restrictions, the are strict guidelines for adding new...

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Sexy Maami Ki Choot Chodi 8211 Rishton Mein Chudayi

Hi dosto ye meri pehli story hai is liye agar mujhse koi galati ho jaye to please mujhe maaf karna. Chalo ab main kuch apne aur apni maami ke bare mein batata hu. Mera naam Karan hai aur main 27 saal ka hu. Main Punjab se hu aur kafi ache ghar se hu. Aur mere lund ka size 7 inch ka hai. Mere ghar mein mere alawa mom dad hai. Chalo ab kuch maami ke bare mein batata hu. Unka naam Seema hai woh 39 years ki hai par dikhne mein 25-26 saal se jyada ki nahi dikhti. Jab woh saari pehenti hai mohale ke...

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The Imperfect Storm Chapter 22

© Copyright Mojavejoe420 2013-17 (Trent has written an erotic story on, but he's afraid to tell his girlfriend, Whitney, about it. Her sisters know about it, however, and have threatened to tell Whitney. They're also seeing our man Trent in a rather different light. Please check out Chapter 1! Thanks for reading.) - The Imperfect Storm - Chapter 2 Whooshing noise. What the fuck? I'm dead asleep! Oh, it's my girlfriend Whitney's phone. Incoming...

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Jiju Ke Sath Mast Chudayi

Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu main ap sabko apni chudayi ki kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise mere jiju ne mujhe choda ye meri sacchi kahani h mere jiju hamare ghar aaye aur hum dono ek dusre se masti kar rahe the ap sabko to pata h jiju aur saali me kaise majak kiye jate main apne jiju ke sath masti karti hu aur wo bhi mujse non veg joke karte h. Apko kahani batane se pahle apne bare me bata du main bahut sexy ladki hu aur mera figure h 36...

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Mom And Maid Ki Ek Sath Chudayi

Hello friends mera name Vicky hai and main Ludhiana se hoon and main 29 years ka hoon and meri height 5’7″ hai and mere penis ka size app 6″ hai and meri body type athletic hai and main ek businessman hoon and mujhe sex ki bohat bhookh hai jis se maine apni mom ko bhi chod dala. Aap sab ko bina bore karte hue story par aata hoon meri maid ka name Asha hai and woh bohat hi sexy hai and uske boobs ka size 34 hai aur kaise usne mujhe meri mom ke saamne hi seduce kiya aur kaise maine apni maid ke...

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Meri aor meri babi ki garma girm chudayi

Main Mohan fm hayrana se kafi mahino ke baad es site pe apni ek new kahani lekar aaya kahani aaj se thik 8 saal pahle ki hai aasha karta hun ki pahle ke tarah es baar bi mujhe aap aapna aecha response doge. Story padne se pahle land wale apna land hath main nikal le aor chut wali apni chut main ungli karma suru kar de because kahani bahut interested hai vaise to aap ko peta hi hai mere hathiyar aor power ke bare main phir kuch new reader ke liye beta deta hun mera land 9.5 inch longa and...

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Sali ki jabardast chudayi

My dear ISS readers (Chut valo aor land valo), Sabse pahle aa sabko mera namaskar. I am Mohan fm sirsa (haryana) age about 29 years working job in a company. Mere paas 9.5 inches long and 3 inches motayi wala land hai. Main apne baap ka eklota beta hun. Aj main ap logo ko apni ak real story suna raha hun. Es se pahle main aap logo ko apni 2 story paste kar chuka hun (1. Sali ki sasural main chudayi, 2. Sasural main saas ki chudai) Meri sadi feb,03 main hui thi, Meri shadi ko karib 4 saal aor 6...

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Nokeri Versus Chudayee

I was jobless and had not enough money to ride a bus from town to my home. I was living in a remote township of Bhagalpur. It was about 10 Km from city to my place. I used to find a job in the city and in the evening return hopelessly. I was quite young and smart, but there was no job matching to my qualification. One day I was walking along the road, going back to my home. I was tired and hungry. It was the last working day. The next day was weekly holiday. I was very depressed and worried for...

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Amandas Sudan Holliday

?Amanda's Sudan Holliday? By Angelgirl If you have already read "Amanda's Letter from Daddy" you probablydon't need to read this introduction. But if you haven't or might take offenceto a brutal story about a very young girl you will need to know these few things.This story begins after the death of my Daddy. It was at his funeral I firstmet two of his lifelong friends. They were twin brothers from the Sudan andwere Princes. They were amongst the richest men in the world. They told methey had...

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Virgin Bhabhi Ki Jabardast Chudayi

Ye jo story main aapko sunane ja rha hun isko sunke sabhi ladkon ke lund khade ho jayenge. Aur ladkiyan apni chut me ungli daal lengi ab story pe aata ye baat aaj se ek sal pehle ki hai mere bhaiya ki abhi 1 saal pehle hi shadi hui thi to unki wife yani ki meri bhabhi ki age mere barabar hi thi 22 ki to main apne bhaiya ke ghar jaya karta aur apni bhabhi se baat karta dhire dhire main unki taraf attract hone lag gya unka figure kamal ka tha 34 ke boobs the gol aur mote mote ras bhare unki kamar...

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38 yrs old radhika ki chudayi

Hi doston mera naam krish ha m a gr8 fan of iss or maine socha kyon na apna experience share kiya jaye i m frm delhi mujhe mobile chating ka bhut craze ha or ek din mujhe idea k voice chat par ek ladki mili jo phone sex ka bahut shouq rakhti thi or use bhut maza ata tha usne mujhe apna mob no. Diya or kaha raat ko baat karna. Raat ko kariban 11 baje uski miss cal ayi maine use call kiya to usne kaha mujhe maze karne hain abhi ma bhi masti ma tha or usko bola janeman shuru ho jao masti karna...

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