Housemaid in my 50 Part 4
- 2 years ago
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I had just come out of a long term relationship-she had gone off with anotherman. As she had not put in any money towards the purchase of the house, I wasthe sole owner & occupier. However it was too big for me to keep tidy bymyself so I decided to advertise for a housekeeper-I thought just for a larkI would advertise in one of the Alternative papers so I did in the followingway-
"Man (30) very strict disciplinarian needs a housekeeper. Please submitdetails to Box No XX",
I never expected to have any replies but I waswrong, doubly so! Yes I had two answers- both had understood the significanceof the wording and both had said they were interested in being more than justa housekeeper. I was intrigued and decided to meet both of them but separately.So I phoned them and met the first at a café on a Saturday afternoonand the second at the same place on the following day.
So on the Saturday I met Angela. She turned outto be a nice looking 24yr old blonde who was working in a restaurant as a cook.She told me that she had no current boyfriend-the last one had ditched her.The reason was interesting to say the least! For evidently they had been togetherfor about 2 years and after about a year she had done something wrong and hehad threatened to put her over his knee and give her a good spanking-she haddared him to do so and he did. This triggered off her desire to be punishedand she deliberately did things to annoy him so that he would spank her again.Thus worked for some time but then he decided he had had enough and told hershe was perverted and threw her out of his flat. She realised that she wantedto be dominated again and read all the ads in the right papers but mine wasthe first she had actually answered.
I questioned her closely about how she felt aboutbeing in a BDSM type of relationship as a slave as well as a housekeeper andshe was sure that she could handle it. I also asked what sort of sex she wouldallow and she said anything I wanted I could have-all holes were available!Needless to say I was very pleased with our talk,
But told her I would have to let her know afterI had seen the other applicant.
To cut a long story short when I saw Mary, a brunetteabout 27, she told me much the same story, that she loved housework and waswilling and able!
Now I was in a quandary! Two lovely submissives!Which should I choose?
Suddenly the answer came to me-no need to choose-havethem both!
I rang them both at the same time, one on the ordinaryphone and one on the mobile. I told them of my idea and asked them if theywould agree to a week's trial to see how we all got along. They were very agreeableand we made a date for a couple of weeks time. My instructions to them werethat they had no need to bring a change of clothing as I assured them theywould be nude all the time. They were to just wear either a dress or a topand skirt-no bra or panties-I would check this before we left! A time was madefor them to be at a certain shopping centre where I would meet them.
I arranged to rent a remote cottage for a week-Ihad done so before with my last girl friend. So-the day arrived and I met thetwo girls. I then got them to buy sufficient food for the week and we wentinto the car park and they loaded the car up-I didn't do anything as I hadslaves to do it! Before they got into the car I checked both were dressed "correctly"-pulledout a tit and lifted their skirts to check "no panties"-Angela had a shavedpussy but Mary was unshaved. Satisfied, we got in the car and after handcuffingthem and putting a collar on each of them with their respective names on them,so that they would learn that they were completely under my control, we setoff and drove to the cottage. When we arrived I undid the cuffs and orderedthem to strip before going into the house. Once inside, I asked what they wantedto do –they said, "Have a pee!" So I let them do this and ordered themto bring all the gear in. After all if they were to be maids they might aswell get used to doing all the work!
When all was unpacked apart from my equipmentcase, they came to me and stood in front of me wondering what they would haveto do next. I took my time inspecting them-feeling their cunts and their tits.I said to Mary that we would have a cup of tea and some cake and she was toget it ready. Meanwhile, I got Angela to bend over my knee and I gave her agood spanking. She cried, she wriggled but I noticed that her cunt was gettingwet! So she was enjoying it. Then Mary came in with the tea. She looked atAngela's red bum and said she was jealous! I told her time would come soonenough! We sat at the table-Angela didn't want to as her ass was sore but Itold her not to be silly and she sat very gingerly with obvious pain.
I looked at my watch and realised we had stillabout 3 hours of daylight left-so I told the girls we would go for a walk andthat they were to put on the sensible walking shoes I had ordered them to bring.Angela asked what clothes they should wear. I said "None of course!" They wereboth shocked at this and protested-but I reminded them that they had both agreedto be slaves for the week. With that, I selected a short whip and slipped alead on to each collar and went out for the walk. They were both scared ofmeeting someone whilst we were out. We took a path into the forest-it gaveme a great feeling to have my two slaves on leads-especially as I gave eachof them a few lashes with the whip as we walked along. We talked about allsorts of things as we walked along but we always came back to Submission andHumiliation. After we had walked about ¾ of an hour, I saw a log besidethe path and ordered Mary to lie across it and I gave her a longer thrashingthan Angela had had-she screamed for mercy but of course to no avail. ThenI ordered Angela to kneel down in front of me and take my cock out and suckme off. She obeyed and did she suck! In a short time I shot into her mouthand also pulled out so that some cum was on her tits and belly, which of courseMary had to clean up with her tongue. Then we went back to the cottage. I toldthem to prepare a nice meal for all of us whilst I had a long relaxing bath.I tied a string to Mary's ankle which was long enough for her to do anythingnecessary in the kitchen and with the order that when I pulled the string shewas immediately to come to me and dry me. I had a long soak then pulled thestring and after about 2 minutes Mary came dashing in. She apologised for notcoming immediately but she was in the middle of peeling a potato and finishedbefore coming to me. I told her that I would have instant obedience every timeand that she would be punished for not coming at once. She helped out of thebath and carefully dried every bit of me, taking special care of my cock andballs, which she kissed.
It was beginning to get cooler so I ordered Maryto light the log fire. As she knelt to do this, her lovely cunt and ass wereright in front of me. So I put my fingers into her two holes. She obviouslyenjoyed it as she started moving up and down my fingers until she suddenlyyelled "Oh yes! I'm c-u-m-m-i - n-g!" Afterwards she licked my fingers to cleanher cum off them.
Then it was time for a drink before dinner. I askedthe girls how long and Angela said about 20 minutes so I got them to sit withme on the sofa before the fire. I put my arm round each of them and asked themhow they felt after the first day of their week's slave-service. Angela saidshe had enjoyed everything so far but was worried about going for a walk naked.I said "Tough!" and reminded Mary that she hadn't had her punishment for notcoming to me immediately I called. Again, she apologised and said she deservedpunishment, which she would enjoy just as much as that she had already had.I played with their tits as we had a drink then I ordered Angela to fetch myequipment bag and I produced a pair of nipple clamps which I told Angela toput on Mary's tits. Looking rather apprehensive herself, Angela very gentlydid as she was told but despite the gentleness Mary cried out and was goingto pull them off. However I smacked her hands hard and told her that they wouldstop on until after the dinner dishes were washed up. (This, in effect becamean hour and a quarter).
So we sat down to a truly excellent meal-the girls had shown that indeedthey were as good at cooking as they appeared to be at sex. Poor Mary's titswere very sore as I eventually took the clamps off. Soon it was time for bed.I got them to toss as to which was going to be fucked in the cunt and whichin the ass. Angela won and chose cunt. We all got into the queen size bed andI was soon being fondled by both girls. Angela went down on me but I orderednot to suck me off as I needed all my cum for their fucking! I straddled andguided my throbbing cock into her wet juicy cunt and soon started to ride heruntil I could feel both of our orgasms coming-Angela screamed as she came andhungrily kissed me. Eventually we both subsided-I told Mary to clean us upwith her tongue-that in itself was quite a sensation! Mary was very proficientin tonguing! After about 15 minutes I started to kiss and lick Mary's titsand body and she started to move as she felt sexy-then I rolled her over andgot Angela to wet her hole and my cock before I begun entering Mary's ass.Mary shuddered as I pushed into her but once in was quite happy to lie thereimpaled on my cock. I ordered Angela to tongue my ass as I fucked Mary-againthere was a scream as we both came. Then I rolled off Mary utterly exhaustedand we went to sleep-me in the middle and a lovely naked girl on each side-Ah!Bliss!
I woke up. Found I was by myself in the bed. I looked at my watch and foundthe time was 8.30. The door opened quietly and Angela looked in. "Good morning,Master " she said as she saw I was awake. She disappeared and a couple of minuteslater they both came in with a tray of 3 cups of tea. Mary said they had gotup about 7 and that it was very cold so they had cleaned the fire and relitit and the house was warming up again. She also told me that they had cleanedthe whole house apart from the bedroom and had made some muffins for breakfast.I thought I must be in Seventh Heaven- 2 very efficient girls doing a wonderfuljob as housemaids and wanting to be treated as slaves!
I said that before I had my tea I needed a pee. Angela said that there wasno need to go to the toilet, as she would take all my pee in her mouth! Andthat's exactly what she did-she took my cock into her mouth after kissing itand drank all my pee! I had fantasised about having this done but had neverexpected to have such good service! Afterwards she wiped her mouth with a tissueand the 3 of us sat on the bed drinking our tea-quite a little domestic scene!I asked Angela how often she had drunk pee before. I was amazed when she saidit was the first time-she having heard about on the Net and had been curiousenough to want to try it. I told her that she would have plenty more opportunitiesbut that it was now time to have breakfast, So we sat round the table, allnaked, and enjoyed Mary's scrumptious muffins.
After breakfast had been cleared away, I told the girls that we would gofor our walk immediately they had finished tidying up. Angela looked out ofthe window and said it was pouring with rain. I said "So what? If we are allnaked it won't matter about getting wet" Angela pouted and said if that wasmy idea of fun, it wasn't hers. I told her that was insolence and warrantedimmediate punishment-so I gave 10 lashes with the whip across her tits. Thisof course set her off crying- but to no avail. So the three of us went outnaked (for I thought why get my clothes wet?) and as we walked along the roada work-truck came towards us. I told the girls to smile a wave at the truckas it came past. We all waved and got a big wolf-whistle as it drove past.Then we reached a path and turned off the road and soon were sloshing througha lot of mud. I found a fallen tree and told Mary to lie across it and gaveher a very severe thrashing but unlike Angela's, all across the bum. I thentold Mary to lick Angela's bum as I was going to bum-fuck her. She got downon her knees and wetted the other girl ready for me, Then with very littleforeplay I thrust deep into Angela-she screamed but after a few seconds shebegan moving in time with my thrusts. Within a couple of minutes we had bothhad tremendous orgasms.
The girls thought we would go back, but I decided we would have a mud fight.We threw mud at each other and all rolled about in it. We were laughing aswe played, but then it was time to return home. We found our way back to thecottage but before going inside, we rinsed the mud off with the garden hose,which, of course, was freezing cold. Then we went in and I got Angela to stokeup the fire and then we all went and had a lovely hot shower.
Afterwards we had a steaming cup of coffee laced with whisky and sat infront of the hot fire. I put my cup down and slipped a finger into both oftheir cunts. They responded immediately and Mary took my cock into her handsand slowly caressed it, whilst Angela tongued my mouth as far as she couldget. I told Mary that I needed a pee and it was her turn. She started to saysomething then remembered the thrashing Angela had had when she said she didn'twant to go out in the rain. So she knelt before me and took my cock into hermouth and after a couple of seconds, I unloaded a lot of piss into her-unfortunatelyfor her a drop fell on to the floor. I said nothing just picked up the whipand gave her another 10 lashes.
I told them to stand up in front of me and asked Mary what was differentabout her from Angela. She looked puzzled, then glanced at Angela then herself.She blushed and said that Angela was shaved round her cunt and that she wasn't. "Deadright! " I said. "We'll have to remedy that, won't we?" I told Angela to getsome towels as we were going to shave Mary whilst she was on the bed. Angelaobeyed instantly and I told Mary to lie on the bed. I tied her wrists to thebedhead and opened her legs wide and tied them by putting a rope under thebed and tying her legs that way. She now had her bushy cunt completely exposed.I instructed Angela to put several towels under Mary to soak up any water.I fingered Mary's cunt and she squirmed a bit. I asked her if she had everbeen fisted. She looked puzzled and said she hadn't. "Right, you are goingto be fisted now!" I said. I put another finger into her cunt and moved themabout inside her. She tried to clench her cunt-lips but I ignored this andslipped a third finger into her. Angela was standing looking quite amazed atwhat was going on. I had some difficulty in getting my fourth finger in Mary'scunt and she sobbed and strained at her bonds. I now forced my thumb into herand she had the whole hand inside her! She squealed as I moved my hand around-she certainly had a big cunt and I decided that I needed another fuck. I pulledmy fist from her and she screamed-I was so aroused that I shoved my cock intoher without any foreplay at all. Despite the ordeal she had gone through, Marywas soon responding to my thrusting cock- I came just as she shouted out thatshe was cumming. As my cock shrank and popped out of Mary's cunt, I orderedAngela to clean my cock with her tongue then to suck my fingers which had beenup Mary's cunt which Angela also had to lick clean.
Now it was time to shave Mary. I told Angela to get a bowl of warm waterand lathered Mary's pubic area. I got the razor and very carefully startedto shave her and soon she was as smooth as Angela, who I now told to dry andclean up Mary. She did this and then we went and sat in front of the fire leavingMary still tied up on the bed.
I put my arm round Angela and asked if she was enjoying her "holiday". Shesaid it was wonderful and that she had often thought about having such treatmentas they were both getting. I asked if she liked being whipped and she blushedand nodded. " I loved being spanked by my ex," she said, " But he hadn't whippedme and though I was a bit afraid at first when you did, I found I was verypleased to receive pain from you. You are so nice to us-but I know neitherof us liked going out in the rain. However the mud-fight was great fun!" "Howabout being fucked in the bum?" I asked. Angela said that again she was afraidas she hadn't experienced that before but, again, after the initial pain ofpenetration, it was lovely.
I played with her cunt and tits and she asked me to fuck her again. Well,with an invitation like that how could I refuse- so I laid in front of thefire and told her to put my cock into her cunt and work us both up. She climbedon to me and carefully did as I told her. Within seconds she was grinding herselfagainst me and almost jumping up and down on me as she moved my cock up anddown. Soon she said she was cumming and was it all right for her to do so-towhich I replied loudly "Oh yes!!!" and we both got enormous orgasms. Aftershe had got off me and calmed down, without any prompting she licked me clean.I led her into the bedroom where Mary was still tied up. I said "Mary, didyou hear us fucking?" She nodded. I told her that Angela needed to be cleanedup and that she knew what to do. I told Angela to straddle Mary and told Maryto clean Angela's cunt, which she did immediately.
"I suppose you want to be untied now, Mary, don't you" I said. She answered "Yes,please, Master" I asked Angela if we should and she surprised me by askingif she could whip Mary first. Of course, I agreed. Mary swore and her eyesblazed with anger, but Angela ignored that and gave her 10 lashes on each titand 10 on her cunt. Mary sobbed and screamed but finally it was over and weuntied her.
When Mary was freed, Angela put her arms round her and burst into tears,saying she was sorry about whipping her and that Angela could whip her as punishment.Mary cuddled her and said she understood and she would be glad to whip her.I told them not to do it now, as it was lunchtime. They prepared a light lunch,which was absolutely delicious. I had certainly got 2 excellent cooks as maids.
After lunch was finished and cleared away, we sat on the rug in front ofthe fire and got them to read some erotic stories to me as I played about withtheir tits. I suggested we go to bed for a rest and once again we were playingwith each other. I asked them if they had had any sexual relationships withother girls and both said they hadn't-but both thought that they would liketo try it with each other. I told them to get on with it and they started slowly.Mary took Angela's tit into her mouth and sucked at it hard, then licked Angelaright down her stomach until her tongue went inside her cunt. Angela wriggledabout a bit and told Mary to fuck her with her tongue until they both camewith a big scream. Then they reversed roles but Angela started from Mary'sbum, up to her tits and then down to her cunt and once again with a lot offoreplay they came. By this time, I was feeling randy again (!) and said Iwanted to be sucked off by both of them. They sucked and licked my cock andmy tits and played by taking my cock into one mouth and then passing it overto the other-this went on for some time but eventually I couldn't stop myselfand came over both their faces. They cleaned me up and we laid back in thebed and went to sleep for about an hour.
When I awoke both the girls were still asleep. I slipped out of bed andhad a pee and a wash. The fire needed rebuilding as the house was cooling down.I went back into the bedroom and woke Angela and Mary up. I told them I wanteda cup of tea and that the fire needed attention. Angela went to do the fireand found there was no wood so I told her to fetch some from the woodshed outside.She hesitated as it was still raining, then put her shoes on and went out andcame back twice with a pile of logs. Once again she knelt to stoke the fireand her lovely cunt was exposed to me as I sat on the sofa. Then Mary broughtthe tea in with some cake she had made in the morning. We sat in front of thenow roaring fire and enjoyed our snack. Angela said to Mary that she thoughtshe should be whipped as a reprisal for the thrashing she had given Mary earlier.Both of us thought this a good idea so once again I watched as a girl was beatenby another. Mary was, decidedly, heavier handed than Angela and she beat hermuch harder and longer than she had experienced herself. Soon it was over andthey collapsed sobbing, into each other's arms.
It was great to toast myself in front of a big fire with an obedient girl-slaveon each side of me! We sat there for a long time until the girls asked permissionto cook dinner. Once again they excelled themselves-we had a four course mealwith wine and coffee. I had rarely had better in a restaurant and I told themthis- they were very pleased with this.
They cleared the table and washed up and came back to the fire which theyhad to fill up again. I still found it difficult how they had taken to beingnude all the time and being at my beck and call for anything. They both saidthat they were enjoying it a lot and hoped that I was pleased with them. Isaid I was but that I couldn't fuck any more tonight and that when we wentto bed they could sleep together with me on one side and that if they wantedto play with each other that was OK by me. So that is exactly what happened-they fingered each other with much talking until I fell asleep.
When I woke up in the morning, again I was alone in the bed and as the previousmorning the girls brought me a cup of tea. Angela asked if I needed a pee butI said not yet. So we sat on the bed as yesterday-but after I had drunk mytea, I had a strong urge for a fuck! So I told Angela to straddle me and fuckme. She wriggled about and slid my cock into her waiting cunt and started ridingme. Soon she was shouting, "Yes! I'm cumming ! Yes, please ! Oh let me fuckyou harder" She exploded with a squeal and slowly came down. Mary had beenwatching and without being told cleaned us both up with her tongue. What bliss!I told Mary that now I needed a piss so she obediently took my cock into hermouth and let me pee in her being very careful not to let a drop fall out,being mindful of the thrashing I had given Angela the previous morning.
After breakfast, I asked the girls what more supplies were needed as wewere going to the nearest town to buy what ever was needed. They came backwith quite a small list as we only had a few more days before we went home.I told them that I was going to give them both an OTK spanking before we went.They weren't too happy about this! First it was Angela's turn-I got her tobend over my knee with her rump in the air. It looked gorgeous! It alreadyhad a few red marks but as I spanked her with much yelling, her bum got a lotredder. I gave her 50 spanks and then she had to thank me in the usual waywith kissing and sucking my huge cock. Mary had looked on this performanceapprehensively, as she knew she was in for the same. She was right! Soon shetoo was over my knee and getting the same number as Angela and with equal soundeffects from her. When she thanked me she had to make me cum and swallow myhot spunk.
I got them to stand in front of me with their bums towards me and I haddone an excellent job in colouring them-a uniform red! I got out two largerubber cocks and pushed them up their cunts and then strapped them in so theywouldn't fall out. Then I made them pick a card -one had a "C" and the othera "T". Angela drew the "C" so I put cunt-clips on her and Mary got tit-clamps.Then we got dressed and went into town-about 40 minutes in the car. The girlswere very subdued trying not to move too much as the cocks were so big andtheir bums so sore! We did our shopping and then I suggested having a coffeein a café. Neither was very happy but, of course, I got my way and wesat at a table and got served by a young waitress who looked at Angela & Marystrangely as both their faces were showing pain Then we returned to the carand I drove home. When we arrived, I insisted that they unload the shoppingand put it away before they could take off their clips. As they did, both criedout with the pain as the blood returned to their crushed parts- then I undidtheir straps and removed the rubber cocks –again they yelped! They hadbeen wearing these things for about two hours.
After they had calmed down, I asked how they felt about their experiencesso far. Surprisingly, they agreed that whilst the morning had been very uncomfortableand painful, they thought the treatment was the sort they had expected andwere quite happy to continue for the next three days!
Indeed that was what happened. Lots of cock, both sucking and fucking andmuch thrashing. We also went out for our walks with the girls naked and ontheir leashes with games in the mud, thrashing and fucking. All the time thetwo girls continued their good work in the house which was spotless, warm andcosy and the meals we had were really excellent.
At last we came to our last night at the country house and we sat in frontof the fire- naked as usual. We talked about the treatment they had been givenand I praised them both as companions but also as really first class housekeepers.
"When we get home," I said, " I'll leave you whereI picked you up. I want you to go away and think about whether you want tocome and live and work with me. But this is roughly the plan. You will keephouse for me and I can do all the things we have done in the past week andmore. I will give you free board and $150 each per week. You will have oneday off each fortnight separately and once a month the two of you can havethe day off together. However on your days off you will wear chastity belts,as I won't have anyone else fucking you. If you decide to accept these termsI'll draw up a proper agreement. The arrangement will be for two years andcan be renewed if agreed by us mutually. Don't say anything now- have a weekto think about it and I'll ring you both and ask for your decision.
Angela said "Master, we have talked about thiswhen we have been cooking and we agree on the week to think it over but wewill be together when you phone me and we can both give you our decision."
That night the girls excelled themselves as theytook my cock in every way they could think of. I was quite sore after so manypenetrations! We slept very well!
So we came to our last morning. Angela came inwith the tea and Mary to my surprise came in with my belt and asked that theyboth receive one last thrashing before going home. Who was I to refuse suchan invitation? I gave them both 20 strokes with the belt then added a further20 in an OTK spanking. Were they red!
We packed our gear and they took it out to the car. I said I wouldn't handcuffthem on the way back and so we left the house and drove back home. The girlscomplained about their sore backsides but of course, I just laughed. We gotback home and with much kissing by all we parted.
The week passed slowly. I didn't really think they would come and live withme after the treatment I had given them. If not, I'd have to start lookingagain. But I'd had a lot of fun in that week away!
Eventually it was time to phone Angela. I wondered what she would say. Idialled her number and when she answered I instantly recognised her voice.
"Well, Angela." I said, "What have you decided?"
She replied "When can I sign the agreement? Master? Is that answer enough?I loved the week away and if the terms you suggested are OK still the samethen I'm all yours! Now, I'll put Mary on"
Mary said" Yes, please Master I too want to serve you."
So I had my housemaids all ready for their (and my) special needs!
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Aaj main pehli bar yeh apni story btane jaa raha hoon mera naam raj hai main chandigarh ka rehne wala hoon, meri height 5’10 hai aur main fair , average body ka hoon..agar apko meri story pasand aye toh mujhe mail karey yeh baat hai meri aur meri classmate ki kaisay mainey ushey choda. 2 saal pehle jab main apni tutions ley raha tha 12th ki non med kit oh..meri chemistry ki tution par meri mulakat ish story ki heroine say huyi Riya, ushki height 5’5 hogi,rang gora..ekdum explain karun toh alia...
Maggie was woozy. Maggie was wobbly. Let's face it, Maggie was drunk, leaning heavily on Mike Swanson's arm, as he led her to her hotel room door. She searched in her purse, came up with her key, and handed it to him. Mike opened the door, and stood aside, for her to enter. She went in, made a rush for the bathroom, and closed the door behind her. Mike followed her in slowly, and seated himself in an easy chair, next to the table in front of the window. When the sound of her retching came...
The air brushed over her overheated skin, lifting a long line of goosebumps from her shoulder to knee. Swallowing hard, she tried to relax into the position he’d left her in; bent over the couch, hands flat on the cushions, standing on tip toe with her ass high in the air. Her dark hair spilled over on to the cushion on either side of her face, leaving her back bare. She was a ball of trembling need before he’d finished adjusting her legs wide enough apart that the air caressed damp lips. He’d...
SpankingLauren side-stepped a difficult conversation with Emma with white lies and an unusually creative mind. She had been sitting cross- legged on her bed, wearing only her regulation shirt when Emma walked in, sat on the opposite bed and stared at her. "What'cha doin?" "Mending my knickers. My only pair of goddamn knickers" "What happened?" "I caught them in the door catch. Stupid, eh?" Actually, brilliant. Perhaps next time, though, she should prepare an excuse in advance. "Hmm. I...
“Don’t think you’ll be able to break me so easily,” Betty scoffed. Her pride was admirable, considering her position. We were in Elise’s guest room and I had Betty tied to the bed with a bandana covering her eyes. Her legs were in the air, forcefully spread with ropes leading to the headboard where her wrists were bound. With her body in such a position, her titanic breasts looked even more magnificent, two avalanches of flesh just begging to be manhandled. Her pussy and anus were on...
Saturday June 2nd 2018 I go to a bachelor party. There are 14 of us there plus the "dancer" who was actually a pig. The plan was that she would sit on the toilet seat and suck our dicks one by one. We decided that needed to change, so she got a painful and humiliating gangbang. We even fucking spit on her. We were all over her for 3 hours. A couple of really hung guys DP'ed her. It was a savage assault on her holes. They had no mercy. She was crying and squirming frantically. I jumped...
You are sitting at home watching TV when you turn over to The Big Bang Theory and see sexy shot of Kaley Cuoco. The beauty plays Penny who lives next door to some nerds who are shy and can't really talk to women, then starts dating one of them. You love the show mainly because you can relate to the nerds and she is really hot and she wears revealing outfits. You can't remember how many times you have jizzed off thinking and looking at her massive tits and how many times you have thought about...
Oh, Brother what have I done!A year into transition I wanted to pay a visit to my sister in the city and while there meet with the brother I barely knew. I left home when he was seven any only saw him maybe twice thereafter.I decided to see my brother first as he lived just off the main highway on the way to my sisters.He spotted me in the driveway and ran up to open my door. A gentleman I thought.Once inside he offered me a glass of wine and grabbed a beer for himself.We did the standard chit...
His roommate, Carl Branson is a sophomore and a major douche. He has no respect for Wolf and acts like a complete bum rather than a decent roommate. He eats all of Wolf’s food, “borrows” his stuff without his consent, leaves the dorm a complete mess, etc. All of this stuff bugs Wolf and every time he confronts Carl on this, he gives him a fake apology followed by a half-ass excuse. Something like "Oh sorry bro, I had to borrow your notebook for my class." or "I figured since you packed the...
Some people emanated confidence and acted with assurance that they could do anything they set their mind to. Ward was one of those individuals and Kerri felt her stomach shuddered every time he got near. He certainly held enough cards to have a stacked deck against the poor teacher and his goal was to deal a hand, which would give him sexual pleasure. How he got the information out of her, Kerri would never understand. He had come into her classroom at lunchtime and closed the door to give...
My friends eighteen year old son was coming over to help me put some boxes up in my bedroom. He was a handsome boy but shy. That day I dressed in a thong and a over-sized shirt with just one button fastened. I wore no bra. When Jes arrived he just stared at my body. I took him to the bedroom and showed him the boxes and as i moved I knew he could see my complete tits and nipples. He loaded the boxes and when he was done I thanked him and gave him a tight hug. Not wanting him to leave, I then...
Pyare Doston, Jindgi me sirf chudai ke baare me likhna ek kathin kaam hai aur khas kar ke ek ladki ke liye. Jaisa ki maine aap ko bataya hai, maine alag alag prakaar se chudai karwaai hai aur wo aap ko batatne me kabhi bhi peeche nahi rahi hun. Mere raaste me kai rukawaten aayi, kuch log mujhe pasand nahi karte, shayad wo mere unke sath chudwane ko naa kahne ki wajah se mujhe pasand nahi karte. Maine pahle hi kaha hai ki apni chudai ke baare me likhne ka ye matlab nahi hai ki koi bhi mujhe...
This summer was amazing and camp was amazingly fun. Everyday I get to spend time with the sexiest person on camp grounds, Wolfgang. He is tall, built, and kind of pale. He has dark hair and eyes, and soft features that give his face a sensitive look. He is the man I dream about every night. The only problem is he is a counselor and I'm a camper and if any one knew what we did, neither of us would be going back to camp. Ever. After a long day of taking care of little girls as part of my...
Oral SexI still could not believe I had fucked my own mother. I had fucked her last night. My father had been found fucking his secretary in mom’s bed when mom came back from her school an hour before her school time. My mother Rupali is a school taecher and my dad is a lawyer. As soon as I entered the house mom was screaming,” Ramesh mere ghar se dafa ho jayo. Jayo uss randi ke pass jisski chut tujhe mujh se achhi lagati hai. Mere samne ussko behan kehte thay, apni behan ko chodte sharam nahin aaayi?...
IncestI am now sitting on floor..heads down.. totally exhausted.. not in a condition to resist at all…The boys come over me and start peeing.. I can feel the warm liquid over my head,, face… breasts…and under my ass!! Its stinking and they are aroused and throwing the pee hard on my face…Its hurting but I enjoy!! I was totally drenched in there cum and pee now and I was loving it Meanwhile the door rings..may be body is worried…Manav opens the door…waiter is outside with food!! Waiter looks...
Imagine you're standing, dressed in a silky slip with stockings and suspenders. The silk clings to your body highlighting your breasts and curves. You close your eyes. Slowly you feel my breath inches away from your face. I start to kiss your cheek, your forehead, your closed eyes then... gently... your lips. Then I move on to your neck, nibbling at your skin. Simple, sensual kisses. I slowly lift my hand to your waist and caress your body lightly. Myhand moves under your slip and in...
Amsterdam hadn't changed in twenty years, at least what I saw of it. The hotel proved small, quaint and cheap. I paid for a week in advance in cash. My room on the fourth floor was small but adequate and comfortable. After showering in the hallway bathroom, I lay back, fantasized about Julie, masturbated and slept. Waking early, I headed down to the continental breakfast and discovered Amy. Whether the small hotel run by an Italian family with rough skills talking English, the German couple...
It was after school ended for the day that Kim, Tammy, and Cerise finally managed to catch up to Miss Kelvin. They were walking between buildings along a covered walkway when Kim spotted Cathy leaving her classroom building by a side door and heading toward the Vocational Building down the hill. The three girls broke into a sprint to try to catch up to her. "Miss Kelvin, wait!" Tammy called. "Cathy!" Kim shouted. Cathy stopped and waited for the three energetic girls to reach her. As...
"Alrighty!" Charlotte continued. "One more thing y'all all are just gonna have ta make yer mind ta is that y'all will be receivin' an erotic piercin'. Lucinda, show 'em yers please?" With no more reaction than if she had been asked to show the palm of her hand, Lucinda lifted her top to display a small Cyrillic letter hanging pendant from the nipple of her left breast. Charlotte said: "Thank ya, Lucinda. And just to show there's no favoritism, Ah got me one, too." She lifted her...
Jessica's aunt, Mildred Whithers, was asleep when they arrived, a small blessing she was indeed grateful for, as Aunt Mildred had a tendency to ramble on for hours, particularly when she had the rare privilege of meeting new people. Jessica helped her boyfriend make up his bed on the sofa and tip-toed upstairs to her bedroom, kissing him affectionately before her departure. She unfastened the clip at the back of her head and brushed the day's knots and tangles from her thick blonde hair,...
“My son’s friend. Part 3.” is only on my profile page.Every time I was with my wife, sexually, I was only thinking about Steven. His touch and body had awaken lusts and excitement in me that I thought was long lost. All our encounters up to this point had been quick, although amazing. First those late night visits, where we had to be not only quick but also quite. Then, quick encounters as I drove him home from my house after hanging out with my son. Every encounter, every experience, every...
Susie didn’t speak until they arrived at the railway station. Suddenly she stopped, sensing a strangeness come over Peter once more. Clutching her little bag to her chest, she turned and watched, realizing it would take some time before the last of the effects of the drugs left him. Once again, something weird was taking hold of Peter who now seemed to be staring at Susie as if mesmerized. He was seeing visions again. He could see beside her, standing there in the light streaming through the...
Some background for this story: I was about 21 years old and attending college in Georgia when this happened. It was the Labor Day weekend - so we were off from school until Tuesday. Two male classmates of mine, Rob and Ricky (both of whom were black) told me they were going to a beach house in Florida for the holiday and asked if I would like to join them. Now I had the hots for Rob (he had a good build, nothing fantastic; very dark skinned; and average looks, - but the bulge in his pants when...
Sunday morning I was feeling really good, lying in bed remembering Heather and our time together. That feeling changed when I picked up the phone I had left in the living room the night before. The first text on it was from Faith and I immediately felt guilty with what Heather and I had done. Thinking that I was going to get yelled at via text message I looked at the first message and the header in capital letters was titled, "PROBLEM." What it turned out was not her bitching at me but was...
Sunday, just after church, Bill came by to go to the park with me. He and Kate were in the living room, flirting back and forth, when I got back there after changing out of my Sunday church clothes. Kate was sitting across from Bill, her dress carelessly drifted up so that you could see her legs above the knees. I asked her how her Hungarian language studies were coming, and she got up and left in a big huff. I then reminded Bill about the deal that he had proposed, and which I had...
I used to work in a theatre, selling programmes, drinks, ice creams and helping out with whatever needed doing around the place. After every the final show of every run there was a ‘last night party’, the bar stayed open and the drinks flowed. In one particular show there was an older gay man in one of the roles. He was in his early sixties I guess and rather portly with a large belly and double chin. He was good fun and I'd got to know him a little bit during the run, telling him often that he...
Sitting in the court room. waiting for the judge to rule on the divorce, I leaned over to my attorney, "Bert, I've changed my mind about fighting with Karen, give her what she wants." "Have you completely lost your mind? She is the one who wants the divorce, the one who cheated on you. No, hell, no, I will let you do that," he said angrily. "Bert, you are a good friend and my lawyer, do what I tell you," I answered. "Why, John? I don't understand, please explain it to me." I sat there in...
First TimeChapter 4 A Rough Time. Steve saw, to his horror, a steel framed bed, but with metal railing design sides and ends. It also seemed to have a top. Thats effectively a cage he thought to himself. Next to it was a medium height dresser with a plastic covered matress on top of it. Steve was helped on to the mattress on the dresser and laid on his back. The cold from the plastic, made Steve shiver and Sissy Sue opened a drawer and produced a pink disposable nappy, she then eased up...
James was waiting for me in the bedroom while I got ready. The steam in the bathroom from my relaxing bath had fogged up the mirror, but I really didn’t need it to see, I know my body in such intimate detail that I could get dressed with my eyes closed, blindfolded and in the dark. Luckily, I had candlelight to help me as I unwrapped my terrycloth robe and began applying my Amaretto Truffle Coconut Body Oil from head to toe. I loved the feel of the slippery substance between my fingers as I...
My thanks as always to my editor, ErikThread. He’s a very patient man. Chapter 1: He wasn’t looking forward to this luncheon. He would be forty years old tomorrow and some of his fellow salesmen had decided that he would be entering the twilight of his sexual life, and on this, his last day of potency, they would regenerate his sex drive with a visit to a notorious strip club. Perhaps it was supposed to be a comment on his modest lifestyle. Whichever, he had never been one to frequent those...
They halfwaded, halfswam through shallow water to a nearby island, splashed their way across another shallows and fled into the forest. "Come fast," Kreeg called back over his shoulder, panting, as he led the way. "Watchers all back at the lake." "Where are we going?" Neal struggled to keep up with the shaman, wincing as he stumbled over a tree root. "We need our clothes; sandals for our feet, or we cannot run far." "They are near. Kreeg keep them safe." They were following a...
Tomas finally called a halt to the revelry and insisted we get moving towards Soldier's Peak. I showed Leli how to use the music app and gave her free reign to pick songs to listen to while we walked. Everyone stuck close, wanting to listen to the strange sounds coming from the speakers, and even for me it was nice to have even temporary easy access to music I'd grown up with. I hadn't realised how much I'd missed it. The day passed quickly, and enjoyably. The group were quite scandalised...
Mere ek dost ne batayi hui ye story hai jo uske gaaon ki ghatna hai.Uske gaaon main ek MLA tha jo abhi election haar chuka tha aur doosra ek nanasheb naam ka rayis aadmi tha… Jis aurat ke baare main main bata raha hoon woh kafi sexy aurat thi aur uska pati us MLA ke pass kaam karta tha uski kheti badi ka sab management karta tha aur woh aurat ki 2 saal pehle he shadi hui thi aur woh pass ke he shaher main LAW karti thi. Roj subah woh bus se shaher jaati aur clg karke wapas aati. Uska pati kuch...
I knew when my sister called me out of the blue; it must have been something important. Our usual form of communication was through the occasional email. My sister Amanda and I were very close when we were younger, just a couple years older than me we shared a lot growing up. As we got older, living so far apart from one another naturally eroded our relationship. After all these years she is still the dearest person in the world to me and I would do anything for her; my heart trickled with...
Meri chacheri bhabhi ka naam suneeta hai.unki umar 29 hai,woh gori, badi choochi 38d aur moti gand wali aurat hain jiski height karib 5.4 hai aur hamesha ankhon mein kajal hothon par brown lipstick lagaye rehti hain . Bilkul aisa lagta hai jaise abhi abhi shadi hui hai. Jabki unke do bacche hain ek 7 sal ka aur ek 5 saal ka. Bhaiya bombay mein kaam karte hain aur 3-4 mahine mein ek baar ghar aate hain.kaam jyada hone aur time kam hone se woh bhabhi per kaam dhyan detain hain. Waise to bhabhi...
A Woman At Last by Wendae This a work of fiction filled with all of my fantasies that I've accumulated as a cross dresser over these 73 years. The warmth of the sun streaming through the window on my face roused me out of a restful sleep. As I stretched I enjoyed the feeling of the sheet sliding over the nylon nightie I was wearing causing my nipples to tingle and start to harden. I ran my hands down my body...
I begin to kiss up her sweaty body. Taking my time on her collar bone and up her neck. Our lips meet in another passionate kiss, her tongue exploring my mouth and tasting her cum on my tongue. Her hand slides to the back of my head holding me to our kiss as she sits up.Her other hand reaches between us and slides down my chest grabbing my firm member and guiding it to her. Her breath sharpens and she moans loudly as my manhood rubs slowly down along the bundle of nerves between her legs and...
Straight SexThe four of us slowly walked through the woods. Aaron led the way, his mace in one hand and Jill’s hand in the older. Kayla had hooked her arm through mine, part for comfort and part to help me walk. I knew that I’d heal from Jennifer’s attack but it was still going to suck for a while. “So, what were those big dog things?” Kayla finally asked. “Liz said that Alicia is into genetic engineering stuff, so they are some sort of lab monster I guess.” “Liz? She’s here?” Kayla asked. “Yeah,...
Friends, this is part 4 of this series. This is a story about me, my wife, my mother-in-law, and my wife’s sister, where I fucked all of them. You can read the earlier part from the link above. So, that you will get the background of this story. You will enjoy it more if you read the earlier parts. Ours was a love marriage and my wife’s absence had resulted in making love to MIL and then my SIL. I and my mother-in-law were on the balcony and watching the clear sky which was lit...
IncestFirst and foremost, I have to apologize for taking so long to continue this story. I loved all of your feedback and hope that you enjoy this installment. I also promise that it will not take as long for me to post the next. Sometimes life gets in the way of the things you truly enjoy. Writing is my guilty pleasure and I hope that reading my stories will become your’s. With that said, I hope you come to love the characters in this story as much as I have… ‘One sec, Jos!’ ‘Tell her to go away,...
Laura Broderick was named for her mother. Most Americans wouldn’t recognize that because her mother’s name was Lowri. But if you were from Wales or knew any Welsh history, you would recognize that Lowri and Laura were the same name. Names aside, there was no doubt that Lowri and Laura were mother and daughter. Both had the very fair, burns-red-in-the-sun pale skin common of someone with Celtic heritage as well as pale green eyes, and reddish-orange hair. According to her father, Thomas...
LesbianOnce we were in the changing room, much to my surprise, Janet took out the book from her school bag instantly. I decided to say nothing, and it wasn't necessary. She opened the book at a random page and laid it down on the bench. "Guess you want to keep this book clean?" "Of course I do! I'm really not into getting shouted at by this old dragon lady." "So you'll just have to keep it clean... how you do that is your problem." With that, she unzipped her jeans, put them off, this...
This story is fictional! I was in my car on my way to my sister's house , I haven't seen her and my neice and my sis's boyfriend. My job keeps me busy in Honolulu city I don't get to go to the country. So I took 2weeks off to visit them it's been a year since I saw them even though we are close. Alana my sister is 45 and i'm 42 and my neice Star is 25 my sister's son moved to the mainland for colledge. I was married once but I caught my wife cheating on me with guest at her hotel. I had some...
IncestUncle Dave was only 6 years older than I. His wife (my Aunt Betty) was only 3 yrs. my senior. We had always been a very close family and the 50's seemed a slow and easier time. It was that closeness that led to my very first "Piece of ass." Even more fantastic was the fact; I lost my 'Cherry' with the girl of my dreams; Aunt Betty!David was in the Coast Guard and stationed in San Francisco. They had only been married 6 months and she was now living with my parents while he finished his tour of...
Carl pulled back from Adams soft nervous lips and sighed as he reached across and brought Adams hand into his own, pulling him closer and placing it on his firm flat stomach. His own hands then went to the back of his head as he lay back and enjoyed the sight of his two favourite labourers pleasure him with hands and mouths. Adam became bolder fuelled by the beer and began rubbing Carls stomach and chest, his fingers twisting at his nipples as Carl moaned gently. My focus was entirely on...
Namaste doston.. Kaise ho aap? Main pehle aapko apne bare mein bata dun. Main richie hun and meri age 38 hai. Meri shadi ho chuki hai aur main apne husband ke saath bangalore mein rehti hun. Meri arranged marriage hui. Waise main delhi ki rehne wali hun and shaadi ke badd main bangalore mein shift ho gayi kyunki mere pati wala pe job karte hain. Ok main aapko apni body ke bare mein bata dun, meri height 5’5 hai and figure 34-30-36 hai. Mera ek beta bhi hai jo ki 14 saal ka hai. Maine apni life...
As soon as we entered the mansion, Redhead turned and faced us and said sternly, "Now listen, you pair of halfwits, we're going upstairs into the shower room and we're going to get soaped off and then to one of the bedrooms and we can fuck some more. Got that"? Gemma and I just looked at one another and shrugged, "And like I said, absolutely no touching - the next time you cum..." she pointed a finger and hissed at me, "...will be inside me - got that"? I nodded and smiled and we followed her...
Copyright© 2006 msboy Edited by pairadice. My deepest appreciation to him. Any mistakes are my own not his. The phone rang again and again. It wouldn't stop ringing, Angie picked up the phone. "No Comment!" then slammed the receiver down. The phone began ringing again almost at once. Angie decided to let it ring for awhile. I'll just let those reporters stew in their own juices. The phone just kept ringing and ringing. Angie had enough of the shrill noise, She picked up the phone and...