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HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 7 - FINAL CHAPTER 19 Thursday morning, six months later... I heard the hand bell ringing from the dining room. My Mistress was calling me. I hastily wiped my hands in a tea towel, adjusted my apron and rushed to the front of the house. She was reading her morning paper and finishing her second cup of coffee as I entered. I bobbed automatically and said in a soft voice, "Yes Mrs. Manley!" She didn't answer immediately, something in the newspaper held her attention for a couple of minutes. Finally she raised her eyes and looked at me. "Nikki, I have to go in a few minutes and I want to be certain that you understood all the instructions I gave you last night. Could you please summarize for me?" Her tone of voice was polite but indifferent; she was simply addressing her maid. I bobbed again and said, "Certainly Madam!" After all those months I still felt a bit uneasy standing in front of my employer, hands kept neatly in front of my apron as I started to speak. "I have to clean very thoroughly and prepare the house for Saturday's dinner party. Then I have to run out for a major shopping, I have the list on the kitchen table. In the afternoon I have to start food preparations for the dinner party based on the menu list and I'll print name tags for you and your seven guests Madam." I stopped to catch my breath, my employer wanted me to speak quickly and to the point, she didn't want to waste any valuable time on unnecessary blathering. I started again, "And tomorrow I'll..." This time she interrupted me, "I don't care about tomorrow at the moment Nikki, we will review that in the morning. I want something light to eat tonight, probably smoked salmon and a nice green salad. And prepare your pedicure kit, after dinner I want the full treatment for my toenails." She started to get up and I understood I was dismissed, I slightly bobbed again as I turned to go. She stopped me with her hand. "You did organize for this colleague of yours, I believe her name is Arka, to come and help you on Saturday? She will be quite exotic serving around the table. And you said to me that she has an identical black and white uniform to wear. I want this dinner to be quite formal. It means a lot to me, the top people from our Firm will be attending." "Of course Madam, Arka is coming at three on Saturday afternoon, she has permission from her employer and she is bringing her black and white uniform. We both got them from Miss Annie's shop, they are identical." "That's settled them, you can clear here now and I am off to work. Bye for now." "Enjoy your day Madam," I said and bobbed again. It became a habit by that stage; as soon as my Mistress was out of the house I would settle in the kitchen table with a fresh cup of coffee and my favorite magazine for about half an hour. That was my relaxing morning break before starting my chores. But this morning my mind was elsewhere; the Saturday's dinner party became quite a concern for me. Seven guests plus Mrs. Manley that is four couples, invited to a very formal three course dinner. And I was expected to do all the cooking to the last detail including the dessert. I was quite confident by that stage for my cooking abilities, but the formal serving was a big worry for me. Then I had this brilliant idea to ask Arka if she was willing to help with the serving, provided of course that our respective employers would agree to that. Fortunately that was arranged very quickly and now Arka was going to be assisting me. What a relief. Gosh, so many things have changed in my life the past six months. I barely could remember now that only six months ago I was a successful high ranking manager in a top firm. My early retirement and my persistence to become a housekeeper/maid changed everything dramatically for me and for my wife then, employer now. The changes were in all levels; my looks to start with. I was quite relaxed with my appearance now. I was visiting Jennifer's beauty shop once a month to maintain or in some cases enhance my feminine looks. My beard has been removed by laser treatment months ago; my hair and semi permanent makeup were done at least once a month and my breast forms were now permanently glued to my chest. Finally I learned to speak with a soft husky voice, the voice of a woman who used to be a serious smoker in the past as some people commented. I even heard people saying that my voice was sexy! I was permanently dressed as a female now. Even in my unisex track suit I looked very womanly. My greatest thrill was when I was going shopping wearing my maid's dress, just the dress not the apron, and depending on the weather a light cardigan or a coat. I was clearly the domestic and I had no intention of hiding it. I forgot to mention the most important thing. We were not in the same house anymore. My employer put the house in the market soon after I started living permanently as a female. We both agreed that our old neighborhood was too risky, people knew us there as a couple and I had to move cautiously in and out of the house. At the end I was certain that most of our neighbors 'knew'. A new house was found in another part of town, definitely in a more up market area, my employer was after all a high ranking executive and she needed the 'status' of a 'correct' neighborhood. We both had to sign for the selling of the old and the purchase of the new property. It was a rather traumatic experience, because I appeared dressed as a female and signed with my old name for legal reasons. My wife explained to the solicitors that I was testing my 'other side'. They didn't seem to mind; after all they were getting quite lucrative fees for those transactions. In the other hand I was reassured that I was by 50% the owner of the new property as well. Mrs. Manley was unscrupulously fair; she said that she wouldn't jeopardize my future even if I was a humble domestic at this particular moment. The new house had a small servant's quarter attached to the kitchen and scullery area. It consisted of a small sitting area, an even smaller bedroom and a WC-shower facility. I felt quite happy there, I had my privacy, my spacious closets and most importantly I could stay out of sight if needed. I was going in and out from the back door, the 'traders' entrance' as it was called in Victorian times. The rest of the house was for me the space to clean and to look after, but this tiny apartment was my niche. An electric bell board above the door with indicative lights was specially installed to summon the maid. There were four lights, for the central living area and dining room downstairs, the master bedroom and guest room upstairs. It was old fashioned but necessary. Once my apartment door was closed I couldn't hear a thing. The intense ringing of the telephone startled me. I answered in my polite maid's voice, "Good morning, Mrs. Manley's residence, how can I help you?" "Good morning Nikki!" I heard Arka's singing voice. "Are you still in the middle of your coffee, you lazy maid?" My heart jumped from excitement. Arka was my closest friend at the moment. We enjoyed a lot each other's company and we often had long chats on the phone. "I am about to finish it, as a matter of fact I'm running a bit late; I have to clean the whole house today and then go for a major shopping. You know how worried I am about Saturday's event." "But I'll be there to help you; I'll be doing the serving and you can stay behind the scenes. I thought we discussed that already," she said in a slightly annoyed voice. "Don't be such a coward Nikki, you can do it," she concluded in a confident voice. I knew she was right, but for the first time I would be exposed as a maid in front of my wife's, I mean Mrs. Manley's, colleagues. I met a few of them before in social occasions as my former self, but I was reassured by Pam that as I looked today nobody would be able to link me with her husband who was on a trip abroad for the past few months. I heard Arka's voice again in the other side of the line, "How about meeting for coffee at four pm at the mall you would be shopping. I have to do some shopping myself." I liked the idea, I liked meeting with Arka, she made me feel good, "That's a great idea Arka, I'll meet you at four in 'Rialto', you know the nice Italian Caf?; I have to run now. And I'll be out of uniform for a change; I want to feel a bit more elegant today, so wear something nice as well. Bye for now." CHAPTER 20 I put the phone down but my mind stayed with Arka. We became quite close the past few months. At one point I told her partly the truth about myself, that I was simply a cross dresser and not a TS. She accepted it but she asked more questions, she pushed me for answers. Finally I admitted the whole truth; that my employer was really my wife and everything happened with my full consent and agreement. She accepted my explanations very graciously with no further comment. We became closer friends and gradually an erotic feeling started to emerge. I could sense it in her as well. But, I was tormented by my feelings towards my wife/employer. I was very loyal to her. I couldn't make any move unless I had some sort of consent. And the consent came the moment I was less expecting it. Mrs. Manley in her usual to the point manner said to me one evening after dinner, a couple of weeks after we moved in to the new house, "Nikki after you finish in the kitchen make some coffee for both of us and join me in the living room I would like to have a chat with you." I rushed to the kitchen to finish my chores slightly puzzled. It wasn't her style to invite me back to the living room ever since we moved to the new house. On the contrary she encouraged me to tidy up the kitchen and then retire in my tiny apartment. I must admit I felt a bit lonely there but I had to remind myself that the life of a live in domestic wasn't exactly an exciting one. And I chose to be a domestic so I shouldn't complain. Soon in a highly unusual manner and feeling slightly uncomfortable I was sitting in the living room opposite Mrs. Manley sipping my coffee, still wearing my dove grey evening uniform dress. She asked me to remove my apron, simply saying that I was off duty at this particular moment. I was genuinely puzzled and slightly worried when she started talking to me. She looked at me though in an amused manner without any trace of confrontation, "My God Nikki, you seem like a fish out of water, I can see now how much you adapted to your servant's role; you genuinely look worried as I am about to punish you for something. Don't worry I have not such an intention at the moment; I simply want to revalue our domestic situation and where we stand at this point six months later." She noticed how my expression changed to pure wonder and all of a sudden she approached and hugged me! I had to stand up as she was hugging me not knowing how to react. At this moment I felt how much I lost my ability the past few months to interact sexually with my wife! I felt the sexual excitement of our encounter but I was not able to initiate anything. She felt my embarrassment and went back to her seat. I sat down again at the edge of the chair as modestly as I could, keeping my knees together and resting my hands on my skirted lap. I realized that I was missing my apron. I got so used the past few months to wear one at all times inside the house. "Now that I look at you more closely I realize how much you changed the past few months Nikki", Pam started talking again. "You do look less and less like a man in drag and more and more like a slightly masculine woman. That beautician Jennifer is quite good, she knows how to enhance your feminine aspects and disguise the unwanted masculine ones." I blushed all over as she was talking to me, I knew she was up to something but I couldn't figure what. She continued, "What I am about to say might be a bit hurtful to you but you know me, I like to be straightforward and speak my mind. I want to emphasize once more that whatever happened so far happened with you full consent; I keep mentioning that but I want both of us and all the others who know our present condition, to be aware that nothing of the sort would have happened if you were not fully cooperative and willing. In fact you were the one who initiated all this." I realized I had to say something at this point. "I do agree with you Ma'am, I am the one who started everything and I must say Ma'am, six months later I never regretted it. In particular after I managed to explain successfully my new phase to our daughter. I feel much more relaxed now; I have nothing to hide anymore from the people that really and truly matter to me." It became so natural for me to address her as 'Ma'am' at all times now. She accepted it equally naturally. She gave me a satisfied look, "I am glad to hear that Nikki; you reconfirm to me your commitment to your current condition in life. In fact you make it easier for me to say what I have in mind." I was very curious now and slightly nervous. Pam had this unique ability to surprise me. She smiled warmly again, obviously she wanted to make me feel more relaxed, and started talking, "I'll start with the obvious Nikki, you changed the past six months, you changed a lot, not only visually but in character. I see now more and more a female servant and less and less my cross dressing husband. I often catch myself thinking of you as 'the help' or 'the maid', I even started thinking of you as a 'she'. The other day Tania noticed that. We had lunch at Mario's and we were talking about you and I was telling her 'she did this or that'. It was quite a revelation for me." She stopped and looked gently at me. Her look was totally benign; she didn't want to frighten me; that was obvious. I was peculiarly relaxed now, as if the pieces of the puzzle were about to be placed in their correct position. I also had the feeling that we were about to change chapter again in our relationship. Pam continued, "I accept the new Nikki. It is very much you and I don't want to change it, but even if I tried you would have resisted me. So I accepted all those recent developments, even encouraged them at one point. But...." She stopped and looked at me again reassuringly, "There is obviously a 'but' to what I've said so far. I am afraid I can't see you as my husband or even partner anymore. I feel more and more that our worlds are miles apart. We share the same house and we have common legal interests in property etc and I respect that, but you are not part of my professional or social life anymore; you moved yourself to another class you are a maidservant now." I felt more and more nervous; what she is trying to tell me? Why she is so persistent in the 'class' thing? Is she getting ready to announce some sort of separation or even divorce? I valued my wife/employer very much; I couldn't face life without her. Panic started building up, I had to say something, "I am worried Pam, the way you are talking you make me think that a separation is imminent, I don't feel ready for..." She stopped me with a big good hearted laugh, "Don't be silly Nikki, I never mentioned such a think and please don't forget your place, you just called me Pam, you take liberties girl, this is an official warning." "I am sorry Ma'am," I rushed my answer, "I didn't mean to be impertinent but.." "Please let me finish Nikki and then you can express your opinion." I remained silent as she continued talking, "I was just saying that we are socially apart now; you might be still the same intelligent person but to my eyes you are Nikki my maid. You have more friends now in your new world like Arka that Indian woman who calls you very frequently, those Filipinas you met in Miss Annie's seminars, you usually go out with them on your day off and probably other people I don't even know. On the other hand I am more involved with my colleagues at work now, they invite me to parties and excursions, I have been already in a private boat cruise with them, and I meet new people through them. They all face me now like a single lady. They know my marital status, but to them my husband is abroad for several months now and his return day is not known." She stopped and looked at me unthreateningly, "Do you see where I am getting?" I looked at her in an uncertain way and managed to say, "Yes and no Ma'am, I understand you want to pass a message but I am not sure what this message is." "It is a very simple message really; all I try to say is that we both should feel free to make relations outside our commitment to each other. Probably nothing serious but we can be more open flirting with other people and stop giving the impression that we 'are taken'. Do you know what I mean?" I blushed all over as I understood what she was trying to tell me. I was confused, I wasn't certain I wanted that but I had a strong feeling that her decision was made. All I had to do is to go along with it. I managed to say in a quiet but steady voice, "Yes, Madam, I understand now, we can develop a certain freedom of movements without the guilt complex. I'll try to accept that if you really see it that way." She looked at me a bit more aggressively now, "You just called me Madam Nikki, I like that, you can continue addressing me that way from now on; please don't call me 'Ma'am' anymore, it sounds a bit vulgar to me now." She stopped, waiting for my acknowledgment and when I said a simple, 'Of course Madam, it sounds better to me as well,' she continued, "I am glad to hear that Nikki; I can add that much for you to know though, I'll never embarrass you in front of other people and be certain you don't embarrass me, do you understand girl." For some reason her attitude was changing as she was speaking, a bit more aggressively now. "Can I ask you Madam what exactly you mean by embarrassment in front of others?" I asked using my neutral polite voice. "What I mean Nikki is that I'll never bring a boy friend in this house, I'll never make you uncomfortable that way, I still respect our past together to do that, so I expect a similar attitude from you. We both can have our freer moments outside this house. Of course you can bring your friends in your servants' quarters and I can bring guests in the house but not intimate situations. Do you agree with that?" I felt an overwhelming sense of relief as she finished her last sentence. All I managed to say was, "Of course I agree Madam, thank you for being so understanding." She looked at me in a serious way, "It is not a matter of understanding Nikki, it is a matter of survival for us both. I think we have to protect our private lives respectively without hurting each other." I thought the conversation was about to finish but then she added something that got me off guard completely, "And Nikki darling, of course you will continue to be my sex toy, I can still use you that way; for instance I feel a strong erotic feeling when you do my toenails sitting in your little stool, then I want to eat you alive." She saw my surprised and excited look and smiled mischievously at me, "I thought you would like that idea Nikki; now you can go back to your quarters, I think our chat is over, goodnight darling, come and give a kiss to your Mistress." We both stood up at the same time. She came and kissed me passionately in the mouth, playing with my tongue, and then she pushed me gently away with a "Good night maid!" CHAPTER 21 The ringing of the phone brought me back to reality. It was Arka in the other line. "You said to me before to wear something nice to meet you at the Mall. I know what I want you to wear darling; I want you to wear your green saree and come out as my beautiful Indian hijra!" Arka's voice startled me, I didn't expect her call. I was even more surprised with her request. I never appeared in public dressed as an Indian transgender woman, a hijra as they were called. I had a beautiful silk green saree that Arka gave me as a present when we became closer friends together with a black hair wig and she taught me how to wear it and use the right make up etc but that always in private. I started protesting but she cut me short, "Listen Nikki, this is not a request, it is an order, and I want you to come out dressed in your saree, proper make up and your black wig with the braid, the one I gave you. You are going to be my Indian companion this afternoon. Of course I'll be wearing normal street clothes so I'll be there to protect you in case someone tries to harass you. You do that for me otherwise I'll think again if I am going to help you on Saturday serving in the dinner party." She was blackmailing me in her own way! But her authoritarian attitude brought out my submissive streak so I meekly answered to her, "All right Arka don't get angry with me; I simply don't want to stand out in public and in that outfit everybody will be looking at me." "Don't worry about that Nikki, I'll be there for you; and I'll be calling you with your Indian name, do you still remember it? "Of course I remember it Arka, it is 'Harita' which means green and matches my saree and my eyes." I checked the watch in the kitchen wall, it was nearly ten o'clock and I had the house to clean; I had to rush now, I would need more time to prepare myself for the afternoon outing. Then I though of my supermarket shopping, I couldn't do that dressed in a saree! I continued talking to Arka, "But Arka we both forgot my major supermarket shopping, I can't go around dressed in a saree in the bright lighted supermarket, every body will be laughing at me." "You shouldn't worry about that, in fact I can join you for the shopping so we can meet in the supermarket at 3.00 o'clock, do all the shopping, put everything in the car and then we can enjoy ourselves for an hour or so. Now run along girl you you're your housework to do. See you later Harita!" And she hung up on me before I had time to answer. I put the receiver down having my usual mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety. I realized that since I started changing my status and looks six months ago this has been the prevailing feeling, this mixture of sentiments. Probably it was good for me. It certainly accelerated my metabolism because I managed to lose a lot of weight in the past few months. I was certainly more careful with my food but it wasn't the only reason. My metabolism changed as well. I rushed to the utility room where I kept all my cleaning material, I put my full working apron on and I started carrying the vacuum cleaner upstairs, I had work to do and a maid's work is never done!... To be continued with part 8 (the last part), and I am terribly sorry for the delay in finishing this part.

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We catch up to Lilly Hall, who is running. She loves to exercise in the shortest booty shot. You can see a lot of ass. She takes it off in public because she needs to be more aerodynamic. She runs fast. We get to the house, and she shows it off more. She spreads her checks, and we see it all. Tony Rubino can’t help but rub and worship the booty. She begs for the dick. Tony obliges slides it right in her pussy. She is in control; she fucks him till exhaustion. Tony has no choice but to cum...

2 years ago
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An Incest BirthdayChapter 28

Only eight more chapters including this one! Time flies man, never thought I’d get this far. Thanks to everyone who stayed with it for four years. It was that time. They had been planning it out for the last two weeks and it was finally here, mom and dad’s anniversary. Mom, dad, Aunt Lisa, Jim, and Marie were all taking a cruise on a luxury ship, leaving us kids to fend for ourselves, which we were completely fine with. Rita and I were upstairs helping mom pack what seemed like thirty...

3 years ago
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a sexy threesome bisexual MMF story

It's been a while since I've posted anything but this is definitely a hot story from several years ago.So I started communicating with a married couple online, they were a few years older than me and, from their pictures, very fit and sexy. As we got to know each other they made it clear what they were looking for, they wanted a guy to fuck her while he watched. She was really sexy and so was he so I was up for this and we decided to meet up for drinks. After hanging out at a bar for a while...

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Bonnie Discovers Her Submissive Side Chapter 5

"Susan, I have to pee.""So pee. I'm not stopping you."Bonnie tried to relax enough to go and finally felt the warm liquid seeping past the dildo and down her legs.Susan watched her and when she finished, laughed."Dirty little slut, peeing yourself. In the old days, you would have been taken out to the woodshed and punished with a switch. We don't have a woodshed, but I do believe I can come up with an acceptable switch."She walked around and finally picked up a branch. She pulled out a knife...

Strap-On Sex
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Mom8217s Sex Journey Part 8211 4

Previous part: Mom agreed to have an affair with the Dealer for the future of our family so that he can help and support our family in all ways including financially. The dealer started coming whenever he wanted to have sex with mom. Continuation: It was 12’0 clock in the night. Mom’s phone was ringing and mom woke up suddenly and took the phone within 2 rings. She made sure that my father is not awake by phone ring and she went to the other room with a mobile. It is Dealer on phone. Dealer: I...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 45A

Thursday morning when Selena's alarm went off they both woke, having had a good nights sleep, despite the exhaustive tryst they had. They hit the bed around 9 o'clock and were asleep by 10. "Want me to make you some breakfast babycakes?" Joe asked as she began to get up and put on her robe to head to the shower. "Oh, honey! I didn't realize you were even awake." She answered and rolled back into the bed. "We were naughty last night when we were supposed to be making love. You make...

1 year ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 3 Acceptance

Sunday, May 05th, 1996, Sanford Maine I awoke groggy, sticky, and with bleary eyes. What had happened the night before came crashing back to me with a jolt. I had made out with my baby sister; she had made me cum (twice) by rubbing her hot pussy all over my throbbing cock. She had also made herself cum (a few times) by rubbing herself on my wood like a madwoman (I wonder how it would have felt without our underwear on). I would have said that it all felt like a vivid dream, except that I was...

3 years ago
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1 glory hole visit 2 blowjobs 3 happy guys

I went down to my local glory hole in Tempe. I went in not really expecting to see any good looking guys...I was wrong.The porn shop is by a big university so that def helps. I walked in and there were so old chubby guys and I wasn't to interested in tasting their cum. So I kinda just walked around and looked at some porn and waited. When I was getting ready to leave I seen a young very good looking, a little chubby, guy come in. I smile and seen him walk in the booth. I quickly move to the...

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Lornas Lodgings

I was desperate to find somewhere to live. I had taken this temporary appointment at the last minute. They wanted someone quickly, and I was free so I took the job. I was well qualified and it paid well I had just arrived a few days early at this beautiful South Coast seaside resort and I had to find somewhere to live. Being a married man in the process of divorcing my wife, I had no ties and I was glad to get away from my home town, her family and all the recent bad memories there. I left my...

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From Jeannie to Vanessa Chapter 06

Chapter 6: Tying the Knot, Epilogue, and Postscript. I think Autumn was always my favorite time in the South. The excitement of graduation and starting to work full-time was past. We’d survived another sticky hot summer, and now the cooler weather would likely stretch out through Thanksgiving and even, sometimes, Christmas, before turning ugly and gray in January or February. My mom and Jack’s mom were already buzzing about like flies with wedding fever and even I was excited, although not...

1 year ago
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MrLuckyPOV Kylie Page Heavenly Hottie Kylie Page Cums Back

Kylie Page is one of the hottest babes the adult industry has ever seen. Her incredible, massive, all-natural boobs, sensual voice, bouncy ass, and sexual energy are just a few of her incredible qualities. After a break from the business get ready to get truly LUCKY as she cums back in full force. This heavenly beauty doesn’t miss a beat as her perfect, tight, wet pussy is ready to take it deep. She sucks, strokes, rides, and throws her amazing ass back on the dick before using her massive...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 368 Northrop Grumman Integrated has a Bad Day

Friday, June 8, 2007 It was 12:40am and I had a long way to go: south past Florida; west across the Gulf of Mexico, across Mexico itself and a hundred miles out into the Pacific; then north to LA. It was about 3,800 miles by my reckoning. Sunrise off LA was 5:30am, giving me five hours. That was an average of 760 mph - exactly Mach 1, which I was NOT going to attempt. I changed my intended route to cut across Florida and estimated that reduced the journey to 3,400 miles, giving 700 mph as...

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The Paper Bag Girl

Have you ever been in a position where your sexual desires totally over-ruled your sensibility? Where you knew it was wrong, but oh boy, it feel so right, so multi-orgasmic right? Well, tonight was one of those times!When Eric asked/pleaded for me to wear a bag, I thought he was just k**ding. I was about to tell him, he was out of his fucking, fucked up, d**g induced, schizophrenic mind, but that was until I looked into his eyes and saw that this was not the case; and I could read Eric better...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Farm

I am a very methodical person and live an ordered existence. I am not totally anal but love structure in my weekly routine. Mondays to Fridays I work hard, visit the gym after work to de-stress, then make supper and do the dishes. I only allow myself an hour or so of television before retiring to bed. Being an avid reader, I then lose myself in one or another book before falling asleep. On Saturdays, I clean house and do my washing, after which I do my weekly grocery shopping.On Saturday...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Mom Son In Heaven 8211 Part II

Hi everybody I am back. That I slept with my finger inside my mom pussy and morning my mom got and was shocked to see her son finger inside her pussy. Then she slowly started to rub my finger inside her pussy still she cum then she slowly without waking me up she pulled my hand outside of her saree and went to get ready for office then I got up then I thought my mom will scold me for yesterday night thing. So if I hugged her from what she will see and I went and hugged and my mom did not say...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Jessie had been threatening for several weeks to call me over to her house for me to give her another massage after I'd massaged both her and Mom with baby oil in our back yard one afternoon and she finally did it. I got home from work and was showering in the mud room when, as usual, I heard Mom call out, "That you, Hut?"Like always when I looked toward the door, there was Mom with a light robe on today - she must not have been hot enough in the house to strip down like she often did -...

1 year ago
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Vita and Donald find love

It was nineteen thirty seven in Missouri and Vita watched her brother Donald work on the old Hudson.She went to the out house to pee. Donald followed his little sister. Vita pulled her cotton panties down and squatted. Her brother opened the door smiling."I want to watch you piss." he said.The horrified Vita screamed."GET OUT OF HERE YOU BASTARD!". Donald pulled his overalls off and poked his dick in his little sisters face. Vita stood up and kicked her brother in the balls."scared to cry out....

2 years ago
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Unknowingly Toothbrush Masturbation Revenge

Sarah thinks she can throw a house party and not invite me? Just because I let her boyfriend play with my tits? I flash them all the time to the guys at the park. Mark should have had more control when someone shakes a pair in front of his face, especially if his girlfriend is such a prude. I will make that bitch pay.Her parents were away for the weekend leaving just Sarah and her brother to look after their big family house. She threw parties often and invited all the popular k**s from...

4 years ago
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The Story of Master McBridepart 2

As I looked around, I noticed that some of the boys penis’s were actually looking bigger and longer. And their testicles had changed as well. As I looked at them, I couldn’t take my eyes off of them as both their penis and testicles would sway as they walked. All this time of playing doctor with my friends, I was always proud when my friends would notice that my penis was longer, but now, I stood there in embarrassment, as they proudly walked by me, with everything just dangling as they walked...

1 year ago
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The Apartment on Tabor Road

After picking up the key, I turned around and drove back to building thirteen. My section sat across from the others which meant I had a hike to the laundry room. Still, I liked how the first floor unit felt tucked snugly away under the stairwell. The key slid into the lock and opened smoothly. The door needed a little push but that was okay. Upon entry, I sat down the box I had brought with me from the car and took a look around. The living room seemed smaller than the model I’d seen a few...

4 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 47

Elspeth and Brianna traipsed slowly down the stairs, heads close together and speaking quietly, sombrely to each other as Hope eased the door closed behind them. "I'd feel better if they'd accept a lift," Mr Nakata muttered, quietly. Hope turned to him with a tired smile. "I think they just want the fresh air." She shrugged, leaning back against the door. "I get like that, sometimes. I just want to be outside, away from all the walls and doors and people pressing in on...

4 years ago
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The German Project

The German ProjectThis story is dedicated to my friends flight from Heathrow was uneventful as usual and only reminded me that I really needed to change to Lufthansa in future who without doubt has much prettier cabin crew than British Airways. Landing and clearing Frankfurt airport was equally uneventful as was the taxi ride out to Bockenheim district where the German subsidiary of the company I work for has its offices.It was late in the afternoon and I had...

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A birthday blow job for daddy

I gave up on birthday parties after my thirtieth, but my wife Joan and my daughter Karen insisted on celebrating my thirty-eighth with cake and ice cream. I blew out the candles with one long puff and then Joan carved out three wedges. After we finished off our sugary treat, my pretty wife wished me a happy birthday and handed me a gift-wrapped package. She had thoughtfully bought me a best-selling book that I had been planning to read. “I’ll give you my present later, Dad,” Karen said. When...

3 years ago
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Ride Me BabyChapter 4

It felt like a jack hammer was drilling a hole into her skull when Louise awoke the following morning. She groaned when Gillian's alarm rang shrilly. "Turn the fucking thing off," she muttered from beneath her pillow. "GOT A HANGOVER, LOVE?" shouted Gillian with amusement. "It serves you right for drinking all that crap last night." Nausea threatened to overwhelm her and reluctantly Louise pulled her weary body from the narrow bed before dashing into the bathroom to be sick. Oh the...

3 years ago
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The Chauffeur

"Courtney?" I said to the limo driver. "Are you sure you know the right way to Club Frantique?" I drummed my fingers impatiently – perhaps a bit too impatiently – on the armrest of the limo. "I think we were supposed to make a left back there, maybe two blocks ago or so." "We were?" Courtney glanced back in my direction, trying to look past me and through the rear windshield of the car ... the one made out of dark tinted glass, the one she especially couldn't see through at night....

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Van Trip

My travelling companion is Gemma. Gemma is the eighteen year old daughter of Laura. Laura and me have an open relationship based on two conditions. The first being that when we shag someone else it’s only to be for sex, the other being we always tell each other. No secrets. Gemma is entertaining herself alternating between playing with her phone, reading a magazine and rolling and smoking spliffs. I’ve got the windows open. I like to get stoned myself but not when I’m driving. Well...

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: 14 июн 2011 С сестрой и ее подругой.Меня зовут Максим я расскажу вам историю, которая произошла со мной, когда мне было 18 лет. Как раз в этом возрасте я начал интересоваться девушками и много времени проводил за ананированием на порно журналы. У меня есть сводная сестра и она старше меня на 10 лет. Она выглядит не очень привлекательно, хотя специально одевается вызывающе откровенно, видимо недостаток красоты она заменяет доступностью и тем, что одевается как последняя шлюха. Она не очень...

4 years ago
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The Skimpy Cafe Meeting Miss May

This early in the morning there weren’t too many people about. There were two people on bikes and a few people on paddle boards lazing down the calm waters of the river. The breeze picked up, sending goosebumps up her bare legs and tickling under her pink lace bikini bottoms. She climbed the steps up to the second deck of stores, following the signs for Skim Milk. She unlocked the door with a key and let herself inside the cafe. Skim Milk’s colors always reminded her of a sun rise,...

2 years ago
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A wild Cougar

At the time of the incident, I was 24, mom 44. My parents were divorced 7 years ago, since then, mom has taken a particular liking to men in their early 20's. She prefers to go back to their house if she can, but occasionally brings them home if she's going to be alone or they don't have their own place. On Saturday nights Mom always goes out to a local sports bar to meet younger men, now mom is what you call a MILF, about 5'6" tall brunette, slim, not busty but not small either, she looks her...

1 year ago
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We lost Granny a few years ago, and while I still miss the hell out of her, I’m glad to have all the fond memories. I think back on all the time she spent giving me baths, letting me stroke her kitty, and giving me a lot of cooking lessons where we got pretty messy in the kitchen. She’s the reason I know how to make a creampie so well. Maybe I had a different kind of grandma than the rest of you guys, but I think the old ladies at GrandMams would have gotten along with my

Premium Granny Porn Sites
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Body Parts Ch 01

Most men fall in love, fall out of love, have sex, have girlfriends or who knows what else in their lives. I am like most men. I have been married and loved in my life. Little did I know that in my 40’s I would meet the most engaging, intelligent woman whom I would later get to call my best friend. She is amazing and it thrills me each day to learn more about her. I could go on and on about her mind, her laughter and everything that makes her fun to be around but those things are not what you...

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beach sex part 1

It was a very hot day at the beach, the sky was clear and there were plenty of waves in the ocean. I went there to enjoy the beach but I didn't plan on hooking up with any hot babes except maybe flirting with a few girls. So as I walking along the beach to find my place sit and set up my stuff I noticed this incredibly hot babe wearing an even sexier bikini that barely covered her fit body, she looked like an SI swimsuit model with her big boobs and great curves and a cute navel ring. She was...

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One Chance for Love

Just by the look in his eyes, I knew he was gaga over me and although it did stroke my ego he was never anybody I’d be interested in. It wasn’t that I lead him on but more like me not telling him to get lost but either way it encouraged him to hang around just waiting for his chance. I had a boyfriend and he knew it but he said I was too good for the boyfriend and that he would wait until I realized it too. John was right and I knew it, Mark was a loser and would always be a loser but the sex...

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Fighting Back

Fighting Back Karla Reynolds knew that the man she faced would attack her but the suddenness was still a shock when it came. He was her height, muscular and very fast. He threw punches so rapidly that it was impossible to avoid them all and she found herself driven back under the onslaught. She wasn't alone although she may as well have been. Two men were close witnesses to the attack but they made no attempt to intervene or even comment. Karla tried to fight back but she was tiring...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 16 Questions Asked Questions Answered

June – Year 1 “Holy Shit!” Not the best alarm clock ever! Dara was standing in the door examining a scene of total sexual carnage. There were bits of clothes scattered around the room. The top bed sheet was scrunched up on floor at the foot of the bed. The fitted sheet was off of two of the corners and was wrapped around Erin’s feet. Lynn woke up first; I guess when a mother hears any surprising noise out of a daughter it sends waves right into the mother’s brain. She found herself wedged...

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Shaadi Se Alag

Hi everybody, I am Simran. I reside in a very big city of UP, Meerut. I am 29 years old and a housewife. Main year 2014 mein shadi kar ke Meerut ayi thi. Mere sasural ke pehle kuch mahine bahut ache nikle. Sabhi log mjhse ache se baat karte aur mera khayal rakhte. Mere husband ka ek chota business tha. Par unke father government job mein the toh ghar mein paiso ki kabhi problem nahi rehti thi. Meri shadi ke 1 saal baad mere husband ki ek achi private job lag gayi. Unhone engineering ki thi....

2 years ago
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Ashley part 8

"Come on," George whispers, looking every bit as terrified as I am. "Mr. Jackson has said we can go into form early so that we- well, you- don't have the rest of the form staring at you." "Okay," I whisper. "Mr. Jackson your form tutor?" Megan- who has joined the 'convoy' of myself, George and Priya- asks. "Yeah," I say as I take step after step on my quivering legs. Despite the protection of three of my closest friends surrounding me, the walk to form is still the most...

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