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Hi. My name is Maggie. Well, Margaret. Margaret McGee. Or Margaret M. Silverstein, now, I guess. I was born in Brooklyn, to Catholic parents. My parents were of that new breed- the breed where both parents worked. But this was in the time before day care and other such things had really made it easy for parents of limited means to have a kid cared for while both parents worked.

As a result, I was on my own a lot and I had to learn to fight for myself on the streets of New York. I was always athletic, and perhaps a little bit of a tomboy. I liked to run, miles a day. That was how I vented my pent up anger on the world at large, among other things.

But, well, I was also a person who cared a little too much for her own good. Seeing people truly hurting, that bothered me. But that was a good thing, in the end, I suppose. But I am getting ahead of myself.

While I was athletic, and very strong, I wasn't pretty. And I knew it. If I didn't know it on my own, lots of people went out of their way to tell me. I never even tried to go after boys- I just didn't feel good enough about myself. My face was a little flawed, I suppose. And I was too muscular- girls weren't supposed to be muscular. Whatever.

When I graduated high school, I got a job working as a waitress at a restaurant in Manhattan, and got a little studio walk up not too far from Central Park. I kept running in the park every morning, as I worked the lunch shift. Junior waitresses just didn't get the more profitable night shifts early on in their career. I was making money, I was surviving ... but I was very lonely. I ran to keep my mind off of it, among other things.

After I had been working for a little over a year, I started getting the night shift at the restaurant. Which was a good thing, because I started to make more money. But it also meant that I crashed into bed at 1AM most nights, and didn't get up until noon. So I ran in the early afternoon.

Every day that I went running, at the place where I was deciding to end my run, there was a middle aged man. Salt-and-pepper hair, often not well maintained looking. But he wore expensive clothing, and that clothing changed every day. So he wasn't a poor helpless bum. The other thing about him, the thing that caught my attention, was he always looked sad. He was always crying. Always.

At first he was just a man I noticed as being always there. And then he was a guy I noticed as being very upset. Later, I started to realize this was a man who was very deeply upset. But eventually, when I started making a point of watching him, I began to realize he was a terribly broken up man who didn't have a shoulder to cry on.

But being gooey like that wasn't me, and so I didn't sit around and offer one for him to cry on.

But as the weeks wound on, and I kept seeing him there, well, he started to grate on me. I mean really grate on me.

Then, one day, I asked a cop who was always on beat in that area about him.

" ... You don't know who he is?" the cop asked, "Well, I guess you wouldn't. That's Geoffrey Silverstein."

"Who the fuck is that, mack?" I asked.

"He's the man who..." the cop paused, "Well, his wife, she was apparently a crazy bitch. And he watched her shove his son, and the son fell down a flight of stairs and was killed. He testified at her trial, and watched as she was put to death. Apparently, she had been abusive to him for years, and he just took it for that boy. He snapped. I mean this was all over the news."

"How long ago was this?" I asked.

"Oh, gee, it must have been 6-7 years ago," he said.

I kept ignoring him. I kept trying to tell myself that he wasn't my problem. I told myself this with such regularity and such increasing frequency, I realized that it had become my problem.

The next day after making my decision to get involved, I walked up to him.

"Mack?" I asked very softly. He didn't seem to hear me.

"Hey, Mack," I said with more sharpness, and he looked up at me, "Cheer up."

He looked at me with sadness in those eyes, and a good dose of irritation. For a moment, I thought perhaps he would physically attack me. Not that I was that worried- I was a very strong woman, and he was a fifty year old or so that looked like he hadn't eaten in months.

"Leave me alone!" he growled.

I stared back at him, and had taken all of his sadness I was ever going to be able to take.

"No way, mack," I insisted, "I've been watching you for weeks, and I am just not going to put up with this anymore."

I offered him my hands, and he, looking absolutely dumbfounded, took them, and let me pull him up to a standing position. He just came willingly.

Then an idea sprang into my mind. It might not have been a nice thing to do, but something told me it was the right thing to do this time. I led him to the fountain.

He looked at me oozing pure confusion.

"Gee golly, mack," I laughed, "I gotta lighten you up."

And with that, I gently pushed him into the fountain.

After a few moments, he surfaced, all wet, and looking even more befuddled, as if that was possible, and like a bedraggled dog. I couldn't help it. I laughed.

And then ... and then, he started laughing, too.

A few minutes later, when he was out of the fountain, being sternly looked over by some cops from a distance, he kept laughing for a few minutes.

"Feel better?" I asked.

"Lady, that's the first time I've laughed in, dear god, its been seven years."

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah. Thank you."

"My pleasure," I said. And I meant it.

"Please, come back to my house for a meal," he said, "Its the least I can do."

I was hungry, poor, and broke. What could I do but accept?

"Sure thing, Mack ... but only if I know your name."

"Jeff," he said. So the cop was right.

Like most New Yorker's, Jeff walked a lot, and so we started walking towards the west side of the city, and down away from the park. We walked several miles, and we were just talking about nothing in particular. He seemed a lot more cheerful, which made me no end of happy.

Soon, we were walking down a street that had a lot of brownstone mansions on it, and I was utterly shocked when we went to a 3-story-plus-half-raised-basement double wide on what must have been 45 feet of width- not to mention alleys on both sides- and walked up the stairs. If that surprised me, I was even more shocked when he unlocked the door and opened it into the largest, grandest foyer I had ever seen in a private house, for that is what this must have been.

The floor was all marble, with a staircase that must have been, I swear, 8 feet wide taking up the whole rear center of what must have been a 40-foot deep and 20 foot wide room. The room was two stories high, with a balcony-style railing overlooking about three quarters of the rooms perimeter, also in marble. Off to the sides were rooms. He smiled as I rushed from room to room. One of them had a pool table, but the rest all looked like some kind of variation on a living room, all ornate.

Except for the bathroom, of course, which was huge, with ornate marble fixtures, with gold-colored plumbing. Each of these rooms had several large radiators.

He then walked me back past the stairs, whereupon I soon figured out that this huge foyer only took up about half the houses depth. I walked down a hall under the stairs, to a huge- ten feet wide at least- hall that led past two rooms, one to each side. One was clearly a dining room. The other one was- well it must have been a ball room.

In back of both of these rooms was a huge kitchen, where a man and a woman were both working on what smelled like it was to be a great meal. On one side of the kitchen was a 6-person table for eating off of. The rest of the kitchen was very traditional. All old school appliances.

"Oh, young Mr. Silverstein," the man said, "You didn't tell me we'd be having guests over for dinner. I would have made something a little more fancy."

"Its alright, James, I'm sure whatever you are making will suffice," he told him.

James plated the meals, and the woman, who James called Arlene, served us. Then they both retreated down a set of stairs to what I assumed was the basement.

"I didn't know you were rich," I said, somewhat confused.

"Oh, please don't patronize me," he said, "And besides, I'm as poor as a church mouse."

"How can you-" I started.

"Do you think money is wealth?" he barked at me, "Money is nothing but money. Wealth is having people you care about and who care about you! The only people who fucking cared about me are all god damned dead."

He had started crying again, really crying. I got up out of my chair and wrapped my arms around him. He was older then my father. But the man needed comfort, and I tried to provide it for him.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Its ok, mack," I said, "but dear god, I don't think I have a fountain to dunk you in this time."

He looked up at me and smiled, although he was still upset. "I don't know what I can do to thank you," he said, "I can't possibly repay you for simply making me laugh. It felt, for a moment, as if there was somebody out there who cared."

I raised my hand back and slapped him hard across the face. He looked up at me with great confusion.

"You fucking idiot," I yelled at him, "Do you think, do you fucking think, that I would have walked up to a random person in this fucking city of depraved lunatics, who might have killed me, and tried to break him out of a funk, because I don't care about people?"

"I'm sorr-," he stuttered.

"You better be," I told him, "Because I fucking care. I kept running by you every fucking day watching you cry and cry and cry. Maybe I have too much fucking empathy. Maybe I have too big a fucking heart. But after a while, I started caring. And today, I cared so fucking much that I actually did something about it, to a stranger in fucking Central Park. I didn't know you were rich, and I didn't know you were fucking respected. I just didn't fucking know."

"What can I do to repay you?" he cried.

"First off, stop fucking crying," I snapped, "But-"

He looked down at the floor, and I just had to stop yelling at him.

"I'm sorry," I said, "It just makes me so angry that you are so upset you can't see caring even when it exists."

"No, I'm sorry," he said, "Now please tell me what I can do to repay you for helping me. I was so lost in self pity, I just shut off. For seven fucking years. You just turned me back on again. What can I do?"

"You know what, mack?" I said, "For as lonely as you are, I've been all alone all my life, just because I'm ugly. The best thing you can do to pay me back, is be my friend."

"You aren't ugly," he said, "You're beautiful. To me, anyway."

"Bullshit," I said, "But will you be my friend?"

"Of course," he smiled.

I left the house that night, of course. I liked that old man, for some reason. We started meeting in the park every day, and I stopped running. We just walked together, and talked. Slowly, we started picking up the pace until we were both running. He seemed to start getting back into shape.

One day, he asked me where I worked, because he wanted to take me out to dinner- it was his birthday. I told him that I worked nights as a waitress, and that he couldn't take me out to dinner. He then offered to pick me up the next morning for brunch from my house. I accepted.

My apartment is tiny, dingy, and, well, I'll admit it. Its a slum. I was embarrassed by it, but I tried to tidy it up so that it would at least look presentable.

When he came, and this was about a year after we met, he saw the apartment I was living in and he seemed shocked by it, but kept his thoughts to himself. He took me to the famous steakhouse Spark's for lunch, and the food was fantastic.

At the end of the meal, he was really looking at me contemplatively.

"Call your boss," he told me, "Call in sick today."

"I can't," I said, "I need the money too badly."

"How much would you have made today?" he asked, quite bluntly.

"I don't know. $15?" I said, somewhat confused.

He took $20 out of his wallet and handed it to me. I started to say something about how I resented him offering it to me, when he cut me off.

"Please," he said, "I just want to let you give me the birthday present I want."

"And what's that?" I asked.

"A little of your time."

"Ok," I said. I was a little worried.

When we got back to his house, he took me upstairs for the first time, and I was really worried. He seemed to be a little sickened by walking up those huge marble stairs- and I wasn't sure why. He took me into a room that I'd call a library, or an office. He sat me down on a huge leather wing chair across from a flickering fire, and he took the other seat.

"I've never told you the story about my wife," he said, "Did I?"

"Some cop told me it was something about your wife killing your son, or some such like that."

"That's part of it," he said.

He then started telling me the story of how he had a girl working for him, named Rachel. He had been horny- he was only in his 20s, so that was to be expected. She eventually seduced him into having sex with her, and she became his secretary. One day she came into the office and told him she was pregnant. She convinced him to marry her.

The problem with her was, as psychologists would later determine, was that she was both a little psychotic, and a classic psychopath. She wanted the marriage to get her hands on what she perceived to be a fortune. The thing is, Jeff didn't have a fortune. The business made him a nice living, but did not make him rich. When she finally figured that out, she was pissed.

At that point, he offered me a drink. He gave me a cognac brandy, a drink I had never had before, but quickly developed an immense liking for.

She cut off the sex immediately, and turned into the grandest bitch ever to roam the earth. There was money in the family- but it came from his grandparents. He then told me all about his mother and father, and how his father had killed his mother in a fit of drunken rage, and how the state had executed him for it. He also told me how his grandparents had taken him in and raised him.

He was never spoiled. Despite living in this huge house, he was never spoiled. Although they had servants, even then, he was expected to clean his own room, put away his toys, and do household chores. Not only that, but even though their servant, James, who had been here with his now-dead wife since Jeff was a little boy, knew how to cook, it was his grandmother who did most of the cooking. And how she loved him as if he was her own son.

When he graduated high school, his grandfather had given him enough money to start a small business. That business had flourished enough that when he married Rachel, he was able to move out into an apartment on his own. She hated that- she wanted to live in a mansion.

Still, while Rachel didn't seem to care about her son, and seemed to, in fact, blame him for all the pain she experienced when she was pregnant, Jeff loved him, and with all his heart. When his grandfather died, he was completely torn up. It was, to him, like his father and mother dying all over again. But when Rachel found out that the whole fortune was going to his grandmother, she flipped out.

Jeff just took it. Some years later, his grandmother died. All he had was his son. Oh, and the $25 million that his grandparents left to him, and this house. But he really didn't care about the money- he loved the house, though. The only thing that really mattered to him was his son. His son was the sole and event horizon of his life.

Very quickly, Rachel had ideas about how they were going to spend the money. Jeff had quite different ideas. He intended to keep James, his daughter Arlene, and her husband Joe, on in the positions they had held for many years. He intended to save the money so that he could leave his son with enough money to maintain the house until his dying day, so that it could remain in the family, like it had been for over a hundred years. Which meant, since the goliath building cost a mountain of money to maintain and pay taxes on, money had to be conserved.

She wanted to buy jewelry, go on trips by herself, and so on. They had fights about this. Endlessly. If it hadn't been apparent that she didn't want to leave Benny, his son, a cent, he might have given in. But he was fighting for his son.

Then one night, there was a bigger fight. He wanted to send his son to Harvard. Benny had gotten in, and Jeff was willing to pay for it. Rachel was not. They had a huge fight, and eventually, Jeff put his foot down, raced down the stairs, and had been planning on going out.

Rachel then called Benny over to her, saying she wanted to talk to him about college. When he got to her, at the top of the stairs, she gave him a mighty shove, and he fell down the hard marble stairs, to the bottom, his head landing with a huge crash on the hard marble floor. He was dead.

Rachel then said that, since he no longer needed to inherit the house, perhaps Jeff could let her spend some more money. That was why he couldn't even look at the stairs without feeling a little bit queasy.

Using every bit of willpower Jeff had, he didn't kill her. He called the police. She was arrested. He testified against her at the trial. Although the only clear evidence was his testimony, she had been so cold, and he so impassioned and clearly torn up, that the jury believed his side.

He forced himself to see her execution. He had put her there, and he knew it. He felt it was just, but he also felt that if he was going to be responsible for the end of a human life, he was required to watch that life end. And he did. At first it gave him a little bit of closure.

But then he broke down. His son was dead. His wife's death didn't bring him back. He realized that he was just as much a monster as she was. And that had led him into this terrible depression that I had brought him out of.

Then he told me about his business. How he hadn't really been involved with it since the day his wife died. His office manager slash secretary had been running it. She was a good woman, and he realized, she also cared about him, and the people he employed. So she tried her best to keep the enterprise profitable, although she didn't have the skill, or the balls to run it as well as he had.

She was now a little over 70, and she had called yesterday to tell him that she was getting to the point where she just couldn't do it anymore. He didn't have anyone to replace her lower in the ranks. He didn't have anyone he could trust with it, or who had what it took to do the job.

Then he thought of me.

"Are you fucking crazy, mack?" I asked him, "I don't have a college degree, I don't know anything about business, I'm not very smart-"

"Bullshit," he said, "First of all, I don't have a fucking college degree, either. Second of all, you don't need to know anything about business, nor would I want you to. Mary and I will teach you, so that you know what you need to know about this business. Other businesses are irrelevant. Third, Maggie, you have the audacity to do this job, and do it fucking right."

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SPITFIRE by Alex B. Shannon Blake couldn't help it. She simply had to talk herself into trouble.This had been a problem for her growing up at home, at school and later on,wherever she worked. She seemed to crave confrontation and constantly foundherself arguing with others over the smallest of issues. Of course, this wasbefore she met Erik Powell. The two had been dating less than a month when Shannon managed to instigatea loud argument in the middle of a film they were watching. Aggravated...

3 years ago
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Guardian AngelChapter 4

2nd August 2003 Geoff was in his element. He turned off the water from the hose and stood and looked at his pride and joy. He sniffed taking in the wonderful smell of Gunk. The Vincent Black Shadow gleamed in the sun light. Geoff took his chamois leather and started drying the paint and chrome work. He noticed the taxi pull up. Crouching down he picked up his tube of Solvol Autosol and started to polish the tappet covers. He heard the cab door close but didn't turn to look. He knew who it...

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A Gloryhole Virgin No More

I was traveling to Atlanta one day arriving at my hotel a little after Noon. Since my interview was the next day, I had some time to burn. I checked into my downtown hotel then decided to go out for a walk. I passed an adult store and as I walked past, it trigged something in me. I was just thinking of the video’s that I had rented from the video store in Augusta, where I lived, and jerking off to them to very satisfying orgasms. I managed to walk only another block before I decided to turn...

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As I sat on a bar stool drinking my beer, I watched as four guys repeatedly took turns fucking a good looking brunette as she leaned over a pool table. I had had a few turns with her and now was really enjoying just watching the show that was unfolding before my eyes. The woman was very attractive. She was wearing a mid-thigh mini skirt and a fashion tank top. She had a great figure, long dark hair, nice tits and shapely legs that went on forever. About three hours ago she came through...

1 year ago
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Crossdressed In Best Friendrsquos Momrsquos Clothes 11

As I had fallen asleep - I started dreaming......I was licking Roxy’s pussy again.“You’re such a good pussy licker!” and I kept going. She stopped me and pushed me onto my back. “Now I’m gonna suck your pussy, Caroline!”I tensed up and was scared. She was sitting on my stockinged legs and grabbed my skirt and pulled it up. I only had on some pink panties. And in the dream, I had a huge cock. Her face looked shocked and was stunned.“I'm so sorry, Roxy. I meant to tell you that I’m a guy!” The...

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How I became addicted to Interracial porn

How did I become addicted to interracial porn? I am a middle-aged white married male, who had never really watched IR porn or avoided it out of racist jealously. One weekend, on a business trip sitting by the pool at my hotel, an attractive blonde was dancing on the deck drawing attention to herself. Needless to say I started getting hard, watching her dance along the pool. I managed to take a few secret pictures of her as I rub the outside of my swimming trunks. I’m a happily married man with...

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So This Guy Walks Into A Bar

So This Guy Walks Into A Bar... By: Simonne Danielle © 2006 DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, or if the content offends you...DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age, eighteen (18) or older, and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The locations and characters in this story are fictional...

2 years ago
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My Door is Open part 2

While sitting and relaxing with a cocktail, there's another rap at the door. I go over , no clothes on ad answer. A man and woman enter and introduce themselves as Tim and Beth. Beth seems a bit scared when she walked in the room and seen a black man sitting there with no clothes on. I tell Bth to cme over by me and have a glass of wine.Tim gets himself a beer and looks at me with a grin. I tell him if he wants some of my pussy, he needs to come over to me. I tell him to undress and I...

2 years ago
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Prelude to Lesbos

Note: This is a real-life true story that is happening to me personally at this moment: Several months ago, my dearest friend in the world revealed to me that she has come to appreciate the sensual, sexual intimacies of another woman in bed, and that her feelings are very strong for me that way. From then down until now, she's been patiently, gently, lovingly inviting me into her arms and her bed. I have come to want it very much, and yet I'm so nervous and afraid. These are my feelings -- my...

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Gambia West Africa

Many thanks to infructescence for her editing of this story. It was hot sunny day in Gambia. Though both the door and the only window were missing on the corrugated tin shed at the backyard behind a bar in the outskirts of the capital city Banjul, it was hot as a sauna inside the shed. No wonder why the naked gorgeous Scandinavian housewife who was lying in there, with her back on a large "extra bed" type gray air mattress, was totally wet from sweat. Another reason for her sweating was the...

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Noahs Summer Visit Part 11

After two years of being away I finally returned home. I had finished my sophomore year of college overseas and came home for the summer. I missed home a lot while I was gone but one of the things I have to say I missed the most was my stepmom. My mom died when I was five because of a car accident and since then my dad hasn’t been one for relationships, that is until six years ago when he met Vanessa. Vanessa was gorgeous, a 5”6 150 lbs. Latina goddess. She had hazel eyes, long black curly...

4 years ago
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From College Boy To Call Boy

Hai i am Karthick from Chennai ,i am a very big fan of this site, i have read many stories in the this site and now finally decided to share my own real life experience. My name is Karthick,i am 20 years old and i am doing 2nd year engineering in a reputed college in Chennai. I am 6ft tall,tanned brown colour,athletic body with a 9inch dick. I am a very sexually active guy and have lot of interest in porn.Well,to begin with the story,my interest in porn only helped me to attain a real life...

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Our First Threesome Part II The Ladies Play

We'll pick up our story after Mae and Stacy visited the clinic together in order to get an STD test for Stacy. With results that are almost instantaneous, the STD test results came back negative and Mae came home that evening to tell me the big news that our threesome could proceed. Inside there was still a small part of me that wanted her to test positive for something so that I could get out of the situation as I still felt a bit uncomfortable. I spent a long time finding my wife, I was...

1 year ago
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The Battered LampChapter 11 The Heart of the Warrior

Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta-reading this! Wednesday, January 22nd "I wish my sister was healed!" Kyle demanded, cradling Fatima's head on his lap. Aaliyah closed her eyes, shuddering, "It's an enchantment. It's beyond the scope of my power." "So you could heal her if she was hurt?" She shook her head. "Healing isn't hearth or harem." "And neither is breaking a spell?" "No," she whispered. "I'm sorry. I tried, but my father's commands still restrict my...

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Coming home from school

You are walking home after school with your friend. It’s a warm summer day, and school is almost out for the year. You approach your houses since you live across the street from one another. “Hey man you want to come over and hang out for a bit?” your friend asks. "I can't I have to finish up some homework tonight," you tell your friend. "Alright, see you tomorrow," He says before going to his house across the street and you go into your's. You walk into your house, and start heading back to...

4 years ago
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CindyChapter 61

Cindy's turn: Oh, gosh! It's almost a madhouse. There's so much going on. Monday morning we're up early, up the road, drive-thru at McDonalds for breakfast. "Purina Road-warrior Chow," Dan says. Dan's lived on the road and in RV parks for years. I think this last one might've done it for him. Auburn University is ahead of us. I have a nine o'clock appointment. Mizz Patel from the engineering department has set it up for me. "Do not worry, dear Cindy," she said when we were...

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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 28

Cateria had arrived and with her came several Med Techs and five med bots. Ha-Hi himself had piloted the tank down. Now my XO came over to where I was standing and smirked. “The next time I am going with you on an away mission, I wear a helmet. That rock hammered me real good, you know.” I squeezed his hand and put my other hand on his shoulder. “I am sorry, it was my fault. I should have listened to you.” He chuckled. “No it wasn’t your fault. We all picked a dangerous profession and...

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Parry time pt1

"Damn!... Those sons of bitches!" Pissed over his employers' call notifying him he'd have to work the weekend starting this evening, Chad slammed the phone back atop its cradle, outwardly displaying a rare moment of uncontrolled rage. "I knew this was gonna happen. If there was anyway possible they could screw up our weekend... Shit!... Those sorry bastards!!"He and Toni, having planned this evening's party more than three months earlier, hoped that by informing everyone of their upcoming...

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The Blind Date BluesChapter 7

Had they been alone in the pool, Sam and George would have soon been engaged in what was now their favorite game - hide the sausage. But they weren't alone and, for some reason, George just couldn't mount his girlfriend and slide his aching penis into her while his little sister watched. As for Amy and Phillip, they ended up panting and horny, with no outlet for their passions and both felt itchy and jumpy as they pulled apart to try to catch their breath. Both wanted something more, but...

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Farzana ke zindagi

My story start in (1990) when i am 14year’s i saw my parent’s from Key hole my dad fuck my mom but that time i don’t know chudai may Kiya maza my family i have my dad bussnesman my mom housewife My brother nasir with dad business and myself farzana 2nd year Student from lahore pakistan. At collage time i am 18year’s best friend is shazia.we are in Same collage same standard and she is also my neighbor. I know her From two year’s we are like sister’s. One day we are study at my...

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Be Careful What You Wish For

Be careful what you wish for! For as long as I can remember, probably going all the way back to puberty, I had the fantasy, no it was much more than a mere fantasy; I had the goal to have sex with two women at once. I didn’t care much one way or the other if they got it on with each other, though I imagined that it would be hot as Hell to watch. More than one girlfriend broke up with me if I even hinted at another woman joining us in bed, and I eventually learned to keep my dream a...

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Wife Runali My Sister and Me

Saul was in his room catching up with his email when he heard his wife and sister giggling rather loud. Peace in the house while entertaining his sister was something Saul was relieved about. The two ladies hit it off quite well. It had been a few months since she had arrived at their house. His sister was a beautician by profession and that helped matters. His wife was pampered by his sister with various creams and oils. Saul loved to watch his wife being massaged by his sister although it...

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Im a naughty friend

I sometimes get my friends desperate without them knowing. Here's how the last episode went.... My friend and I planned a girls night out with a few other girls from out of town so we had particular times and places we were meeting. My friend whom I will call Kim had the furthest drive which was about an hour, so I decided to have fun with drive. We stopped for gas at a convient store and while inside, I got us both a 44ounce drink....hmm what was I thinking? I drove under the speed limit on...

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The Hole in One

The Hole in One Gerrard was lost in thought as he drove to the course. What had happened? Where had the years gone? What about all the promise he had shown? He knew damn fine what. He’d bottled it, that’s what. Whenever he got the chance he’d lost his nerve. So now he was an aging pro giving lessons to old duffers knowing full well he’d never realised his potential and was doomed to carry on as he had been for the last eighteen years. He couldn’t help but feel bitter. Today he’d been booked to...

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Jenny and Tanya part 7 Tanya tamed

With her love Jenny sound and deep asleep, Tanya knew finally Peterson to be hers.They lovingly embraced after bringing Jenny to bed. High time for Tanya´s turn.Happily she laid down for him, like Jenny had. No need to tie her up.Tanya eagerly spread. Showing the depth of her pink prettiness, wet and hot.Like she´d been all night. Pete Peterson loves her long lovely looks.Longs to lick her tasty juices. Postponing on purpose to punish her.Wooden kitchen tools and the little cat-o-nine-tails...

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I love to display my hard cock in public

I'm a big time exhibitionist. Not the trench coat flasher type, but full-on naked in public. I like to sit out on my patio naked, with all nine inches of my hard cock in full view. I've got a heavy ball sac, as well and a thick bush of pubic hair. The woman across the way likes to see my erect manhood. I'll stroke my cock while she watches me. I like to to sit back and spread my legs, so she can get get a good view of my balls and asshole. Several times I've given her a good show, working my...

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I pushed him away and said your grand mother is in the next room stop it. He got up and closed the bedroom door and reached for me again. I said son no she can still hear us and pushed him back. He stepped back and slid down his shorts. His dick was still soft and he humped his hips and I saw it start to twitch. He rocked back and forth making it swing between his legs. His dick started to grow in front of me. Soon it was hard as a rock and bouncing in the air. ...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 57 Is No Sister Safe

Friday, April 15, 2005 (Continued) Julia decided there was no time like the present, and rode her bike to my TK distance limit and back again, reporting that it was just under 0.1 of a mile away. Maybe 0.08 or 0.09, she guessed. I hadn't thought about the poor precision of her odometer, and a car's odo' wouldn't be any better either. Call it somewhere between four and five hundred feet. Not exactly good science, but it'd do as I had no need to measure the distance more accurately. The...

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Sexual violence against Armenian women and girls during the Genocide 1915

SEXUAL VIOLENCE AGAINST ARMENIAN WOMEN AND GIRLS DURING THE GENOCIDE (1915 )        (For the illustrated part go to my website or google :  Maria ProcoThe forced deportation of the women, childerly, and elderly left alive after the gendercide against Armenian men gave rise to some of the most hellish scenes in recorded history. Some Armenian women and children were offered the alternative of conversion to Islam and subsequent slavery in Turkish harems. The rest were driven from their homeland...

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The Age of Madeline

I never expected to kiss a boy again, much less suck his cock. But I did, the night of my sixteenth birthday. I sucked two, actually, my two best friends, Michael and David. They were sixteen also. We were in my basement, trying out my new Xbox 360. It was an awesome machine. About ten o'clock, right out of the blue, David asked if I would suck his cock. "Sure," I said blithely. "Whip it out, dude!" I couldn't believe when he did. "What are you doing?" I croaked, horrified. He...

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Taste of Brother

I thought the whole coronavirus pandemic was going to be bad; I thought going back home from the freedoms of college was going to suck. I did not want to go back to my small city in Arizona from the New York University but unfortunately, I had no other choice.My job had shut down and I didn't want to force my parents to support me; plus I knew my brother would be home since he had just moved back home after completing his fourth year of accounting and his job had fallen through due to the new...

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The TGI Chronicles Part 2 Daves StoryChapter 6

I walked up the High Street that Friday night, still mumbling in my mind about the stupid boss I used to have. And wondering what I would do for a job after I was sacked on Monday. I decided to leave it to them to sack me, that way they would have to pay me off, and that should be more money than if I resigned. Well, I guess Davinia won't be around after tonight, so I will be a completely free agent to move on anywhere for a new job. But it was a pity, I really did like living here. The...

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Finders KeepersEpilogue

Sangeeta appraised her body in the mirror. Thanks to the benefits of military grade nanomeds, save a few worry lines around the eyes, she didn't look much older than the day she had reported for duty, fifty-five years ago. She was no longer the starry-eyed teen who had dreamed of piloting a space fighter in glorious combat, however. The glamour had worn off that dream even before she finished sim training. Now, she had lost too many friends and comrades to think of her job as glorious or...

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The Fitting Ch 04

It turned out the children were laughing at the double rainbow. Rachelle marveled at the beauty of natures work. She was soaked to the bone, dripping, feeling so much emotions. This was such an odd occurrence for her. Looking at Robert side ways she saw a man with strength of steel. Handsome and very sensual. The cause of him having to sit a little longer was easing up. He finally stood up and stretched his long legs. ‘Rachelle, double rainbow means its stopped. What do you want to do now?’ He...

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Monica and the Three Girls Part 6

"What's all your fault, Kallie?" "Please don't be mad okay?" She paused a moment. And then another moment. "The first time my mom used that drug on you, I was listening to what she said, and it was pretty crazy that she could do that. And then when she did it again, the phone rang right in the middle and she went into her room to talk for a few minutes. I had been listening again from the next room, and I came in and changed her instructions a little." I already knew what she was...

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