- 4 years ago
- 35
- 0
Margret had never seen rain like this. She had lived her whole like within a twenty-mile radius. She was a rancher, there were still a few left in Northern California. She had been caring for horses since she could walk and had been raising cattle since she had married Ben the month she graduated from High School. She stood on her porch watching the water fall from the sky and roll down the slope in front of their small house. She still called it their house. He had passed almost two years ago but it would always be their house. She was covered from head to toe. The rain suit had been his and she looked tiny covered in the heavy rubber but she was dry. She had checked the horses, they were settled in and fed. She couldn’t do much for the cattle. They would be hungry when it finally cleared enough to get the quad up and out to haul feed. She really shouldn’t be out of the house at all. There was a risk of mudslides. The washes were probably flooded as well. She would have been happy enough to settle down into her bed and spend the day with her books.
She didn’t smoke and seldom drank more than a glass of wine so she had few needs that were desperate enough to force her to venture out. She was out of coffee though. Even after she had nursed what she had left she was out and she needed it. She looked at the keys to the truck in her hand. It was a large heavy truck and she would drive slowly. She would be okay. She would get coffee and she would get donuts. She didn’t need the donuts, not the way she needed coffee. She just wanted them. She wanted the little machine made chocolate ones. She liked how they tasted when held in the coffee until the cake soaked through and was held in place by the waxy brown coating. Her feet sank into the mud with each step almost to her ankle. She pulled herself into the cab of the old Ford and as the diesel turned over she sat for a moment enjoying the heat at her feet and the sound of the large drops clanking on the metal over her head.
The drive way to the house was soaked through and she had to engage the four-wheel drive. She smiled at all the times she had teased Ben about how the truck had six tires but only four-wheel drive. It always made him sigh, as if she was the one being silly. The county road was paved and there were no tourists or trucks on it, not on a day like today. She made her way down the hill to the creek. It was a bridged creek and she hadn’t even considered it would be as far as she could go. Trey’s old red Dodge was parked in the middle of the road and she stopped behind it. She let the diesel idle and stepped back out into the wet. She found the young man standing in front of his truck watching the water run over the bridge. The red and white striped pole that warned of the danger was entirely submerged.
‘What the hell are you doing out here, Maggie?’ he asked. He didn’t look at her, he just stared at the rolling water. He was soaked through. His wide brimmed cowboy hat and canvas jacket were little protection against this much rain and she couldn’t help but watch how the water dripped off his cheeks, nose, and the greying whiskers of his goatee. She had known him when he was nothing more than a kid, helping ben on the ranch for a few dollars in the afternoons after school. If he was going gray, how impossibly old what she?
‘Coffee.’ She said simply. He didn’t say a word, only pursed his lips and nodded. She stood silently beside him. She was dry but was getting cold. He had to be chilled clear through. She couldn’t help but think about his long lean body cold to the touch. She shook her head as if it would help shake the image out of her head. ‘How’s Kayley holding up?’ she asked him, as if discussing his young wife would help sober her up.
‘Fine.’ He said, after what felt like too long. She didn’t comment right away and the pause seemed to draw him out. ‘I suppose she’s fine,’ he continued. ‘She’s in the city.’ Each brief sentence was punctuated with a break and she wondered what he was thinking and not saying. ‘Staying with a friend.’
He had accented the word ‘friend.’ She didn’t want to understand what he was saying but she did. Suddenly she ached for the boy. She thought of how she used to make oversized sandwiches for him. He would pedal up to the house with a book bag on his back. She would feed him and then send him off to wherever Ben was working. When she looked back at him the tall heartbroken man seemed little if anything like the boy she had known back then.
‘Fuck.’ She thought to herself not realizing she had said anything.
‘What?’ he sputtered, surprised by the word. He turned to her and a smile crawled across his face seemed to light up the gray day.
‘Oh my god. I am sorry.’ She truly was. ‘I guess I just really need coffee.’
‘I’ll bring some by. I don’t want you going through the DT’s.’ He grinned at her. She felt warm at the idea and again had to fight off thoughts she knew were inappropriate.
‘Oh god, you don’t have to do that.’ She said. It was one of those things a person says and doesn’t mean and she wanted to take it back when she realized he might take her seriously.
‘It’s no problem. I’m not going anywhere today, that’s for sure.’ He turned and looked at their trucks. ‘You need to get on home.’
‘So do you. You are drenched. You are going to catch cold.’
Her words caused him to realize just how cold and wet he was and he shivered briefly throwing off droplets like a wet dog. ‘Go on. I’m right behind you.’ He said. Large strong hands reached out to her and she was surprised by just how closely they had been standing. He turned her by her shoulders and she trudged through an inch deep layer of water that was now flowing down the pavement into the creek. Inside the truck she was warm and dry and she watched him as he tugged the heavy chain across the roadway and fixed it to the posts on either side to keep anyone from foolishly trying to cross the flooded bridge. Without thinking she expertly turned the large truck around and it growled as it climbed the hill up towards her house.
As she made her way back up the county road she thought of the pretty young blonde. She had never fit into life out here. Trey had met her when he was in the service. Stationed in Pendleton he had picked her up in a bar close to the beach. She was one of those California girls that was too pretty for her own good. She was pretty enough that she drew attention from any man with a pulse but not as pretty as the women that made a living out of it.
Ben had been suspicious from the start. Before he was sick they would see the young couple around town. They met at parties and even had invited them over once or twice. The girl ran hot and cold depending on her mood. At first she had hated the country and the lack of distractions but after a few months, she seemed to be fitting in. Ben didn’t trust it. ‘Every man in town gives her that look. She likes the attention. It’s good for her but bad for Ben. I feel for him.’ Ben had argued. When the rumors began she turned cold again. Through Ben’s illness Margaret had seen Trey from time to time. He would come by and offer to help around the ranch. When he picked up feed, he would pick up theirs as well and bring it out for her. The young blonde wasn’t around much then. Maggie had questions for Trey. Was she just visiting the city or was she gone? How did he feel about it?
Maggie had never had kids and she wondered if what she was feeling was motherly or if it was something else.
After running from the truck to the porch she shed her rain suit at the back door and tossed it onto a wicker chair out of the rain. She was surprised by how dry her clothes were underneath it. Still, she padded in sock feet to the laundry room and tugged off her sweatshirt and jeans. Stripped down to her panties and a T-shirt she slipped quietly through the house wishing she had her caffeine fix and wondering if her coffee addiction was healthy. She turned the tap on the shower an
d waited for it to get hot. Her mind wandered briefly. How long had it been? Ben had been gone almost two years and the cancer that ate away at his prostate had ruined him for nearly a year before that. Jesus, how time can slip away. She pulled off the T-shirt and looked in the mirror at herself. Her panties, too practical to begin with and now overly neglected, went straight to the waste bin when she pulled them off.
She didn’t think she looked as old as she felt. Unlike most women who had spent their lives on horseback and on ranches, her skin was surprisingly soft and smooth. She had none of that leathery look that most of her friends had. Her pale freckled skin burned too quickly. She couldn’t let herself be exposed the way they had when they were younger. She hadn’t had children. Not by any conscience decision, it just had never happened, and her breasts were still round and full. Certainly, they didn’t stand up and off of her ribcage the way they had back when she and Ben were slipping out of class to find a secluded spot to make love underneath a tree but they were all right. As the bathroom began to fill with steam and the small mirror began to fog over she climbed her way into the tub for a long hot shower. She didn’t make a decision to take on the long overdue task of grooming her body the way a woman does when it is going to be seen, but she did it anyway. Her shower drug on long after she normally would have been out and eventually the water turned from hot to tepid. She wrestled herself out of her stupor before it went cold.
She refused to admit what she was doing, even to herself. Once, when her fingers and the soap and razor had brushed so closely to the parts of her that had been so long neglected the word seduction had actually come to mind and it had shocked her to the point that her whole body had shivered. She chased away the conscience thought but the intent, welling up from deep within her could not be chased away so casually and after slowly drying herself and rubbing lotion carefully into her skin from the tops of her feet to the back of her neck, she wiped the mirror clear and carefully applied eye liner and lipstick. She was pleased with how she looked. She let her red curls run free rather then tying them up behind her head as usual.
‘You’ve got that crazy red head look going on. I’m in trouble.’ She heard Ben say – a voice from the past.
‘Would you have it any other way?’ She said aloud. How many times had they had this exchange over the years?
‘Not on your life.’ He would respond, a rare smile stretching from ear to ear. She never really understood the phrase but she understood the meaning. She could remember the first time he had said it. They had ditched class and taken off to the old pond. The pond was dry now but back then it had been wide and deep and he had suggested a swim. She had dared him to go through with it and the look in her eye and the way her red curls spilled out in a tangle around her freckled cheeks had drawn a look from him she will never forget. She stripped naked in front of the speechless boy and ran flat out until she was knee deep in the water before turning and baring her chest to him. He was hers from that day on.
She hadn’t let herself be his crazy red head in a long time. He wouldn’t have liked that.
She had pulled on her favorite sweater. It was a thick warm cable knit that she dearly loved but after looking at herself in it she tugged it up over her head and tossed it back up onto the shelf. There was another one she wanted. He had gotten it for her from a catalog. The woman on the cover of the mailer had caught his eye, or rather her breasts did. It was Kelly green and had a deeply plunging V neckline and when it arrived and she pulled it on it had revealed enough of her cleavage to cause him to take her then and there. They had missed dinner that night. She pulled it on and was admiring herself when she heard the rap at the door. She called out to him to come in but realized he wouldn’t hear her over the sound of the rain that seemed to never stop.
They may have been in the country and she may have been a farm girl who seldom wore anything but jeans but they were only an hour and a half drive to San Francisco and less than twenty minutes from Napa. She, like every other woman her age, knew the effect of black yoga pants. Her best pair were a little tight, but wasn’t that the purpose? She quickly pulled them up over her ass and although she felt like she should check herself again for flaws she was out of time. She scurried barefoot back down the wood steps to the door and the dark figure that stood on the other side of the opaque glass. She took a last deep breath and opened the door to him.
‘Coffee.’ He said quietly, then, reflexively, ‘Wow!’ He stood motionless on the front porch and she watched as his eyes moved slowly over her only stopping when he was unable to move on from the crease between her breasts.
‘Come in. You are soaked.’ He didn’t move until she reached out and took him by the arm pulling him into the front entryway. He dripped on the wood floor and she didn’t care.
‘It’s nothing fancy. I hope its okay.’ He called out as she scrambled to the kitchen to put on a pot. It was just a regular brand and she typically prefered something more exotic but it was coffee and she was happy. She called back that it was fine.
‘I guess I should get going. It’s supposed to come down for the rest of the day.’ He called back, their conversation taking place from distant parts of the house.
‘Don’t be stupid. Look at you.’ She hollered back. ‘You clearly can’t be left alone, you’ve let yourself get wet clear through. ‘ She was embarrassed that she was standing waiting for Mr. Coffee to do his thing. ‘Get those clothes off before I tear them off of you!’ she didn’t even realize what she had said. The pot wasn’t finished but she didn’t care. She liked that first cup you get out of a fresh pot if you pour it before its brewed all the way. It borders on tar and it feels like you have to chew that first sip. The pot sizzled when she slipped it back on the hotplate. Sated with her first coffee of the day she waited for it to finish brewing.
‘I don’t want to drip all over your floor.’ He called to her. Filthy thoughts of him doing far more then drip on her floor raced through her mind. She felt she should be embarrassed by them but that wasn’t her style, at least it never had been, and maybe she was feeling just a little bit more like her old self. She did manage to stop short of actually saying anything. She thought of him, stripped naked, soaking wet, climbing on top of her and she took a long swallow of the dark black goodness in her cup. She willed the coffee machine to hurry up and finish brewing.
Finally holding two cups of hot coffee she went to him. He hadn’t moved from where he had entered and she found him standing in front of the door. He had listened to her to some degree. His jacket hung from one of the hooks on the wall. He was bare chested and bare footed and he stood in only his jeans. They were beyond wet and appeared nearly black and clung tightly to his legs. In his arms he held his shirts, a plaid flannel and white undershirt, and his socks. Water dripped from them into the puddle at his feet. His skin was pale, white as paper. His chest was covered in a dusting of dark and gray hairs. He seemed impossibly tall and looked to be every ounce of man she imagined him to be.
‘I didn’t know what to do with these…’ he said awkwardly and they went about an odd sort of dance passing coffee mugs and wet clothes back and forth until she held his clothes.
‘Give me your jeans too. I’m going to put them in the wash.’
‘Um. But then…’ he stuttered.
‘Something I shouldn’t see?’ she teased him, the crazy red head in her posing the dare. She was as surprised as he looked.
She could do it. Her mind raced. It would be easy enough. She could drop his clothes right there. They might even try up some
of the puddle. She could tug at the belt and undo it. Getting the pants off would be a bit of a struggle but an enjoyable one. She would end up on her knees. His cock, yes, the word in her mind was cock, would be at eye level. She could pleasure him. She had always been good at that part. She knew how to pleasure a man. That’s how it would happen in one of her books. She could imagine the words on the page. ‘Upstairs,’ she said. ‘In the little bedroom. There are some things. There are some in the closet and some in the boxes. Just get what you need.’ She took a long drink from her cup. The coffee was already cooling. She looked up at him. His face changed as she looked at it. Was it disappointment or relief? She couldn’t tell. She turned and wandered back through the kitchen to the laundry. She tossed the clothes into the washer and listened. The old house creaked at his heavy footfalls. It hadn’t had such heavy steps on the second floor in a long time. She tried not to cry.
She fixed a second cup of coffee and caught her breath before going upstairs. She found his jeans. He had hung them over the bannister. She saw a small puddle of water on the floor and understood. ‘Trey.’ She called out. ‘You find what you need?’ The door to the small bedroom was open. She tried not to look in but she couldn’t help but peer through as though she might see something. He didn’t respond and she stepped forward another step thinking she might find him.
‘Maggie.’ Came a deep voice from behind her. It was close. He had spoken softly. She felt him now.
‘Did you find something?’ She replied. She matched the softness of his voice. She adjusted her weight, just ever so slightly, such that she was leaning back. She wanted to know if he was really that close. At first she felt nothing but then, just when she thought she would be close to losing her balance, she felt him. He was right on her. He was so large, his body so hard, it felt as though she had leaned against a wall. She gripped her coffee mug in both hands so that they didn’t shake.
‘Maggie…’ he said again. It caused her eyes to drift closed. ‘I wondered…’ He paused again and it seemed to draw out forever. She realized she wasn’t breathing. ‘I thought I might shower.’
She didn’t want to move. She didn’t want to speak. She didn’t want to give in and finally breathe because the slightest movement would bring the moment to an end. The longer she resisted though, the more awkward it became. ‘Of course.’ She answered finally.
‘I was going to.’ He said. ‘I just didn’t find any… do you have a towel?’
Finally, a mundane request. I simple task she could accomplish. It was easier to have tasks to accomplish. They kept her out of her head. ‘Yes. Here. Let me get one.’ She leaned forward, no longer balancing against him, and turned. He hadn’t moved away. She found herself inches away from him. She could see nothing but his bare chest and when she reflexively cast her eyes downward, as if to avoid staring, she was presented with nothing but the rest of him, pale, cold, and naked in front of her. She saw the tuft of dark fur and then his manliness, dangling low towards her.
She laid her hand flat against his chest. He was chilled. It was as if she had laid her hand on bare metal on a cold day. She looked up at him. His eyes looked sad but his mouth seemed to curl up just slightly as if a smile was struggling to break through. As she looked at his lips they descended on her from what felt like an incredible height until she felt them, cold, pressed against her own. She felt her lipsgloss as their mouths slid together. It was another moment, overly brief, that seemed to end too quickly.
‘I’m sorry.’ He said.
‘Stop.’ She said back, just barely more than a whisper.
‘Yes. I’ll stop. Again. I am so sorry.’
‘No.’ she said. She tilted her head slightly, knowing the look she was giving him. It could melt a man in his shoes. ‘Stop apologizing.’ She wished she had more than the one free hand and reached up gripping the back of his neck and pulled him to her. This time she kissed him. Their lips and tongues danced together. When finally she let him loose, she felt his arousal pressing against her belly.
Today is the day Maggi comes to be with Jason her hubby he is in the Army and has been over seas. He has been assigned to a new post and now him and Maggi can live on post. Fran Barson meets Maggi at the airport cause Jason is in the field for two more days, Fran brings Maggi to on post housing and shows her the house. Waiting are a couple men Fran lets every one in and hands the keys to Maggi the men bring in the bags and other things and Maggi is left alone to settle in. Scared alone 1285...
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Later that night I went to the book store. I was full of excitement and hoping that Sue-Kee would agree to meet with me. I paid the $20 and luckily no one was in there so I went right in. I was already hard from anticipation. I dropped my pants and stuck my cock through the hole. I said, "it's Rascal." Sue-Kee said, "oh good. I've been waiting for you." After she gave me one of her fabulous blow jobs I asked, "have you decided to meet with me?" Sue-Kee said, "there are conditions....
I got this picture in my head of me falling through the front doorway, pulling Jill after me, as I went to turn the handle and Mom pulled the front door open. Jill must have sensed something because she pulled back on my hand when the door opened. "Jill." "Hi, Mrs. Hill." Mom held her arms out and Jill fell into them. She hesitated a split second, then wrapped her arms around Mom's waist and was scrunching her cheek into her bosom. Mom raised one her her hands and stroked Jill's...
Welcome to my new world, a world I had only fantasized of previously, fantasies that had left my writhing body covered in sweat, and my pussy dripping my own cum over the bedclothes. Yes, I, Claire, am now a slut, in mind and very much of body. All it took was one moment, where I let myself get into a situation I could not control, and I finally I found what I had really been needing for so many years. A little more about me first, before I tell you the story. Firstly the bit I know some of you...
Group SexHey everyone . Mera naam anubha hai , mai bhopal ki rehnewali hu , mera rang ek dum gora h, meri height 5’5 hai , aur ek dum perfect figure hu , jannat jise bolte hai voh hu , meri age 26 hai aur meri shaadi mai abhi time hai , meri kayi bf rahe pr ek mere colony ke ladke ne mera dil chura ke rakha tha . Voh mjhse 5 saal chota hai matlab 21 ka aur uska colour ek dum fair hai , patla hai pr bhot cute hai . Toh mai kahani pr aati hu , 3 saal se hum ek dusre ko jante the , sirf aankhe milate the...
The author would like to thank gandalf4217 for his edit. For readers who are looking for a full story of how it came to be that I had sex with my own niece, I'm afraid that this will only disappoint you because about the only thing that truly sticks out in my mind was our first time of sex, which is basically what I've put to writing. The lead up consisted of many, many, little things starting from the time when she was about 12, but nothing that would take up more than a short paragraph or...
Carly Shay just finished her third class for the day and like every Monday; she waited outside on her favourite bench to have lunch with her best friend Sam Puckett. It was usually the first time they got to see each other on Monday since Carly had an early class and Sam's first class wasn't until 9.She was late as usual, but Sam eventually made her way to Carly's favourite bench. She sat down and look across the table at Carly."What's the matter Sam? Why aren't you pulling out a steak or some...
Church Ladies My story begins in a comfortable neighborhood, in a comfortable little city, in a midwestern area, an area where there is little crime to worry about and neighbors tend to watch out for each other. A bit about myself to begin with, and then on to the focus of this story. My name, Daniel Peterson, or Dan as I was called by most, and my wife Patricia or Pat as she was called by most. We were both retired, and living comfortably with little to worry us. Our kids were...
Saul Roberts was on the phone when Morgan brought him his coffee. “What the fuck do you mean you can’t get here ‘till Tuesday. Phil we are at a standstill here, the client wants these brochures Monday morning and we still have half of them to do!” Saul shouted down the phone. “Well fuck you then if that’s your attitude. I’ll get some other fucker to do them.” Saul slammed the phone down. “Asshole!” “Um, Mr Roberts.” Morgan said, he was a nerdy little kid with thick framed glasses and a...
As I am from Kerala, this is yet another story with a village background. Not a story, but an incident or series of incidents presented as a story. When I was in upper primary school, a new lady teacher joined there. She was young and beautiful. bit dark in complexion, but a very lively complexion. She was 5’6 in height and with big well developed boobs and very sexy curves. Her hair was curly and that added to her seductive charm. By the time I had stated masturbating and this teacher became...
It's been a while since I posted a story, but a it's been because it's been a while since I hooked up so the day I was invited to a college party by one of my friends I knew I had to go since almost all college partys end with going home with someone to drunk fuck. My friend carly invited me to a college party one day during class, she said it was going to be at a guys house, not a large party, more of a kick back, but there was going to be a fair amount of people. I ofcourse said yes and she...
College Sweethearts ‘WHAT?!?! You have got to be fucking playing me here! Take your snooty ass outside before I make you eat that damn polo you favor so much!’ exclaimed third year forensic student Taylen Andrews. She was medium height, around five foot six and had brown hair flowing down to her mid back. She had a very tall angry looking man backed into a lab table yelling at him with all of her might. ‘I don’t give a shit if you have studied longer than I have, but you are not going to yell...
After a busy afternoon walking through the campus and gathering details about the Fine Arts department for my little sister and particularly for our mother, we were satisfied that she had enough information to respond intelligently to mother’s anticipated inquisition regarding a possible study venue the following year. She was even fortunate enough to speak to one of the senior lecturers still hard at work. After all, that was Cathy’s major motivation for spending the weekend to do a “recee’...
IncestThe light was low, dusk having fallen as they lay together in bed. They’d made love earlier urgently, frantically, sating their hunger for each other. Now the fingers of one hand were interlaced, the others were lightly caressing each other’s arms and shoulders as they took turns sharing stories about their day, reconnecting on another level. It didn’t seem to matter whether they were together often or, as it had been more recently, whether they’d been apart for days. When they first saw each...
In the process of destroying the ship, 1142 downloaded all the names of Blenders into Junior's computer. It also made a thread containing all the beings just in case Junior's device couldn't hold it or the drive crashed. 1142 held the string as it left the plunging craft with seconds of being plunged into the depths of the cold Atlantic. 1142 heard the screams of fright when it flew a safe distance from the crash site. Returning to the island Olivia hid the string in the drawer that held...
The Bloody Faithful Chapter One -Hunger- Drip... Drip... Drip... I awoke to impenetrable darkness. I lay naked on my back with an incredible thirst burning inside me. Somewhere nearby water drops struck something solid, a sink bottom or maybe the floor. The sound magnified my need to drink. In the silence surrounding them, each splat boomed like a small explosion. I was amazed how sensitive my ears seemed to be. I...
I knew campus would be dead the day of July 4th, but I wasn't expecting it to be this dead. Normally, even during the summer session, my Psych 101 class would have a hundred people in it. Today there was maybe twenty of us scattered around the auditorium. But that didn't stop Dr. Mallory from droning on at the front of the room. I shouldn't complain. Psych was an easy A for me and watching Dr. Mallory was not without its perks. Like the tight khakis he always wore that cradled his amazing...
I sat back, sipped coffee, and listened to Dad tell his fiancée everything. I don't believe he left out even the smallest detail. I'd believed he was a taciturn man. What a joke! He also surprised me on another level. He was very well-spoken. And Maureen, what a woman! That she would become my fourth mother pleased me no end. She was tough and strong, like a lioness protecting her cubs, and Dad and I were her cubs. She was cheerful with a good sense of humor with a laugh that was...
My 30th birthday night was rapidly approaching as we sat around having drinks and checking out a hot nasty porno flick. The movie started out with a small petite blonde, sucking on a monsterous black cock which seemed to stretch her mouth from cornor to cornor. I was getting pretty fucking horney, watching the action on the screen as I never thought about having interracial sex before. My husband was busy sucking my hard stiff nipples, as I explored the wet contours of my swollen thick lips...
It was a fine evening on what had been a day filled with warm sunshine and Roger Thompson was helping his father erect the very large tent that they had become so expert in putting up during their camping holidays over the last three years. Even at thirteen years and nine months he could, if he had to, put up the tent by himself. So between the two of them, Roger and his father Stanley accomplished the task in a matter of thirty minutes while his mother, Evelyn, and his sister, Caroline,...
Kelly and Mark had been online chat buddies for sometime now. Sometimes their conversations turned erotic and sexy and once in awhile they even did cyber chats with their webcams. Today, however, was their first encounter face to face. Kelly was nervous and anxious, all at the same time. ‘Was he really gonna show up and fulfill my desires and needs?’ she thought to herself. Mark had booked a nice hotel room and it was ready to be checked in by whomever got there first. Kelly arrived first,...
Rehaan: “Honey you don’t sound too good is everything alright.” Zoya: “Yes,yessss!!!, Everything is fine, don’t worry, (she covered the mouth piece again).I’ll get back to you later. AAAAHHHHH ………HHHAAAHHHH!!! Subhash had gleefully located her clitoris and the moan gave him a perverse thrill. Rehaan : “OK then honey see you later bye” Zoya : “Bye” …………. “OHHHHHHHHHHHHH . . . . .MMMMMAAAAAA”She just managed to cut off the phone as Subhash pressed her throbbing clit hard with his tongue and...
Suzy sat at the front of the class,stroking her black stocking tops under her desk, her school uniform skirt just ending at her tops, Suzy's teacher Mr. Wilson could see Her hand stroking her white cotton panties knowing exactly where to stroke...Her lips swelling and bulging her cottons, her swollen lips outlined and finger stroked by her hand. Her Teacher was mesmerized in lust watching her tease her lips through the panties, stroking and moving her cottons to show her pussy in class,...
(The website mentioned in this story is a fake, or if there is one by that title, I have no knowledge of it. This is entirely a work of fiction.) A TS Fantasy 5 By Paul G Jutras It was almost midnight and although Paul was getting sleepy, he decided to check his E-mail before going to sleep. He had shut the computer down already for the night and had to wait for the system to reboot and bring up the message asking if he wanted to run his anti-virus program. In suntan...
“Boys,” Doctor Hooker said, looking at each of them individually for a couple of seconds. “Our society condemns what they don’t understand. With the advent of the internet, things are changing of course. Even pornography is becoming more mainstream and acceptable to many. School children just like yourselves are making up games involving nudity and sex. They wear jelly wristbands that obligate them to sex acts and they send each other naked pictures on their cell phones. Did any of you three...
I met Hannah in a supermarket. The fruit and vegetables section. We were both looking at cucumbers.“Raita,” she said. “I made a curry so fookin’ fierce you can’t get near it so I need something to calm it down.” She had an Irish accent and a dry delivery that made her sound as if she didn’t care what anybody thought of her bad language."Gazpacho,” I replied. “The tomatoes aren’t ripe enough so I’ll use V8, but that’s actually better, just not so authentic.”“Bit of black pepper at the end to...
Love StoriesWe were on a sailboat, anchored in a quiet cove, a little breeze blowing making all the boats give off those little clanging sounds of my youth, the boat gently rocking in the small waves coming into the cove. We started undressing each other slowly, kissing softly, first your lips, then your cheeks, then down to your neck, around the front, back up the side, and finally nibbling on your earlobe before returning to your lips. Each time I undid a button I softly kissed the newly exposed skin,...
MARCYChapter 1Marcy was a bitch, plain and simple. Face it, with her body and good looks, she could have been a model, or at least head cheerleader. But that would have required her to show off her body, and that was the last thing she wanted. At 16, her long brunette tresses, medium size breasts and long legs were the envy of most of the girls in her class. She always felt she was too good for any of the boys her age, and she also felt she was better than any of the girls she knew.She was...
“Wow, I never expected to receive a blowjob from my mom at my doctor’s appointment,” Jake commented as Wendy drove them home. “I didn’t either but Jake, I don’t regret it finally happening. With the sexual lifestyle in our extended family, I’m surprised it took us this long. Eventually, we will have a full fuck.” “Can I tell Brad what we did?” “Of course you can. I’m sure he’d find out sooner or later. But don’t let him know you’re going to give him a blowjob for Carla. I think I’ll come...
We are a white couple. I am considered to be quite attractive. 5'3" blond blue eyes and HWP. For over 20 years my husband has always had fantasies of watching me being fucked by other men. He often brought it up during sex. On occasion I would play along to a small degree but would always hold back and this frustrated him. Sometimes I would watch a porno movie with him just to satisfy his desires. I loved him very much. I always told him I would never be with another man and that I knew he...
a couple of years ago i noticed this real skinny. no tit. ugly whore. kept driving by. one time she was all that was out that night so i stopped. she was not bright. but she was willing to show her pussy. and it did not stink like some. we went to her place. and got a bj and fucked. she did not act like she liked the fuck. i tagged her as a complainer. turn off. nutted and bye bye. she lived in a house on the street she walked on. she was always their willing to jump in any car. from time to...
Hi! This is Rahil. I am a regular reader of Iss.After reading the stories I decided to past my experience.I had a wonder ful experience with My aunt.She is my Uncle’s wife.She is is sexy lady.She had a good figure.she had a wonder full boobs and thighs.I was naturally attracted to her.My Uncle is working in Delhi and I was with my grand mother.My Aunt was with us.I use to dream fucking my Aunt.One day My aunt wanted me to accompany her to her mother’s place.We went by a private bus.The Bus was...
IncestDebbie, a sixteen year old sophomore, was in her science class. The class was waiting for their teacher to arrived, it wasn’t unusual for him to be late for class. He doubled as he disciplinary official and often had to witness the spanking of a student, usually boys but occasionally girls as well. That particular day she had been verbally fighting with one of the boys off and on throughout the day. The boy, whom she’d been fighting with, happened to sit behind her in this class and had started...