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Gunnar paced through the small house. He had been in Maggie’s room, the one with the big bed next to his. It was his favorite when Maggie was gone. It was his favorite because it was strong with her scent. The clothes she had carelessly discarded on the chair and floor, the bedding she usually fail to straighten after getting up. But mostly the clothes she left behind. Sometimes, Maggie would come home to find some of her clothes mysteriously on Gunnar’s bed. It wasn’t mysterious at all to Gunnar. Although Maggie would sometimes wonder aloud how she had managed to drop any of her clothes there and even apologize to him for messing his bed, Gunnar knew very well it hadn’t been her at all but that he had gently picked the item up in his mouth, placed it on his bed, and curled up so his nose would be close to it. Her scent. When he felt lonely while she was away, her scent was all he needed. It seemed to him that the smallest of her clothes held the most scent and those were the ones that usually found their way to his bed.

Gunnar was pacing, though. It happened all the time. His concept of days wasn’t the same as Maggie’s. He didn’t really understand work days and weekends or holidays. He just understood that most days Maggie left for a long time and came back. The weekends and holidays, though, were indeed special. He didn’t understand why but Maggie didn’t leave in the morning and was more relaxed, happier, and gave him more attentions.

Gunnar’s understanding was very basic. Maggie safe and happy; pack safe and happy. Maggie was his pack. Maggie and Gunnar. The longer Maggie was away the more Gunnar became restless and paced, sniffing the air at any slight cracks in windows and door, cocking his head to detect sounds that might tell him something. When Maggie wasn’t there with him, Gunnar couldn’t protect her. When he couldn’t protect her, he didn’t know she was safe. If Maggie wasn’t safe, the pack wasn’t safe, and that uncertainty was stressful for Gunnar.

Gunnar was a large German Shepherd. Nearly a hundred pounds the Vet had told Maggie. Maggie had asked if that was normal, might he have some other breed in him, too? No, the Vet had said, he’s all German Shepherd and a magnificent specimen he is. That had caused Maggie to hug him around the neck. Whatever was said, he was happy. Maggie happy. Pack happy. Maggie had come to him (or him to her, as she saw it) from the city shelter. He had grown so large the young family he was with became nervous with their little c***dren. Gunnar hadn’t understood why his first pack had been taken away from him but he was even more determined to protect his new pack. Maggie was different, too. The other female in the other pack … she … well, Maggie was different and it made their pack stronger.

Gunnar paused his pacing in the bathroom where Maggie often left the window partially opened for fresh air. He stood at the window and whined. He pushed his nose up to the opening. He found nothing alarming though there were sounds he couldn’t visually check. He should check. He’d like to check but that would mean getting into the tub and that was where Maggie soaked him down and rubbed funny smelling stuff into his fur before soaking it out, again. He didn’t understand that, either. Why put it in if she was just going to wash it out? And, it left a funny smell. He didn’t like it. It wasn’t his scent. So, he didn’t like the tub.

He decided, so he wouldn’t have to get into the tub to check, that the sounds were those young next door. They were nice. They gave him lots of pets when he was outside behind his own fence. They put their little hands through the fence and he licked them or let them rub his neck or body. Sometimes the woman next door would catch the young and yell at them to stop. That would scare the young and Gunnar, too. Then Maggie would come out and pet him and that would sooth him. Maggie and he were a good pack.

Gunnar paced down the short hallway to the kitchen. There were scents here but all behind doors and drawers. This is where his food and water bowls are. His food bowl is empty, of course. He had gulped that down this morning. Maggie had giggled at how he ate so fast. He like that sound she made. Maggie happy.

Gunnar paused in the kitchen and listened. The door next to the kitchen was where Maggie would come from when she came. There was always a sound, like a growl but not really a growl. Then the door would open and there would be Maggie. Where she went, he couldn’t even guess. He just knew she would be back. Maggie always came back. Until she did, though, he couldn’t keep her safe.

Gunnar lay on the kitchen floor. His bed would be better. Or, the living room floor was softer but neither were close enough to the door by the kitchen. The light on the floor told him it was getting time for Maggie to return. Then, he would know Maggie was safe and the pack was safe together.

Gunnar stood erect like something in the floor had sent a shock through him. The sound. The sound like a growl but wasn’t a growl. He sat straight, at attention. He was a German Shepherd, after all. He cocked his head to pick up the sounds. There would be a second growl. Always one then the second then the door would open. Then Maggie would be back. There was something beyond the door. Definitely something. He cocked his head, again. Then … the growl, there’s the growl! His tail beat against the wall of the short hallway like a crazed rock drummer.

* * * *

Maggie pulled her Honda Accord into the garage after the door raised. It had been one of THOSE days. So, when she bumped the car into the boxes she stored at the back of the garage, she wasn’t totally surprised. She backed the car up a couple feet, threw the shift lever from reverse to park, turned the key and sighed. Home. Finally. She opened her door, grabbed her purse and laptop bag and slammed the door. Maybe she did that a little harder than necessary. She repeated to herself, one of those days. She reached up and pressed the button for the garage door.

As the garage door started to lower, she shifted the load on her shoulders and a smile came over her face as she turned the door knob. There he was.

“Gunnar … my big guy. How are you Gunnar?” She squatted down just inside the door. It was a mutual love fest. His tail went crazier than before and she scratched his ears and ruff. How does he do that, she wondered. He is always right there. He’s not running to the door. He’s always right there. “It’s the weekend, buddy. Three nights and two days to ourselves.” She put her head next to his and hugged him, sighing at the touch of his wet licks on her neck. She took hold of his face and kissed his snout. He never seemed to know what to make of that. But this is what she needed. Time to recover. Time without expectations, judgment, or disappointment. Time for the one male in her life who would never let her down, demand anything from her, but was always there for her. And everything got better at that moment.

* * * *

Maggie! Maggie’s home. They went through the ritual. It was always the same except for those truly bad times when Maggie came home different, sad. On those days, if she had long ears and a tail, they would be drooped low and the eyes would be sad still. Maggie looked tired when the door opened but then she saw and she changed. Maggie’s good. He endured the squeezing of his neck. Anyone else and he might growl defensively. Even that thing she does with her lips on his snout. What is that? But it’s something she likes, something he thinks she does to express herself to him, how much she loves him. She talks about love. He doesn’t really know love. What he knows is devotion. Devotion and protection. Gunnar is devoted to Maggie the way he never felt before. Is that love? Maggie is home. Maggie safe. Pack safe.

Then it happened. He is never sure what causes it. Maybe it’s that love thing. One moment she comes and talks in that high voice she uses when everything is good. The low, loud voice is when he has to pay attentions and react. That’s when something is wrong and he has to be on alert. But this is her high voice, talking, petting, scratching, and hugging.

Then, it happened. He doesn’t know why but he knows what. She was quiet for moments. Something in her eyes as she focused on him, as if her eyes were speaking to him. There it is. The scent. Not her normal scent. THE scent. He knows that scent all so well and his body reacts instantly to it. Her mating scent.

* * * *

“Gunnar!” She’s surprised sometimes how her voice changes with him. Her voice can be commanding and firm with him as it can be with other in her life, all of whom are human. But, in these times when she is relieved to be back home, to receive the unrestricted, uncompromised, uncomplicated love she gets from him, her voice rises to almost a squeak.

Maggie drops her bag on the kitchen counter and crouches down in her skirt and heels, nearly bowled over by his enthusiasm to greet her with the loving kisses of his licks, pushing his head into her lap for the pets and scratches he is sure to receive.

She allows the uninhibited giggles to flow from her as she welcomes and enjoys the energy of his attention as she enthusiastically returns the attention with scratches to his ears and putting her face to his. Before Gunnar, she would never have believed having her face covered by licks could be so welcoming … so rewarding. Before Gunnar, she couldn’t believe contentment in her life devoid of the aggressive, self-serving men who seemed to flow through her life.

“Oh … you sweet, loving Gunnar,” she sighed as she welcomed the eager attention. She held his head in her hands and pursed her lips to him. His tongue lapped happily over her lips and chin. She pulled back slightly and gazed into his eyes. Human and canine … what communication was truly possible? Yet, she felt in her heart a connection, response, feeling from him that maybe defied expectation. She leaned forward the few inches separating them and kissed his snout before standing. “I bet you’re hungry. Ready to eat?”

The word brought another reaction that was all so familiar. His head cock and his ears perked to attention and his body reflected an increase in anticipation. Maggie kicked off her heels and moved to the pantry beside the refrigerator. Thump, thump, thump. The rhythmic wagging of his tail, his eyes fixed on her every motion and action as she retrieved his food and water bowls next the small island in the kitchen. A scoop and a half of dry food and water. She placed both bowls on the plastic tray on the floor to capture nuggets of food from his aggressive chumping and slurping drinking. But, he waited. His body itching to jump to the bowls, he waited for the signal, the two words. “Okay, boy.”

Maggie watched for a moment with a smile. Many of her friends think her life must be lonely as she lives by herself in the edges of the developed suburbs. But it is the undeveloped area that allows her and Gunnar the room to be. And, it is the life she discovered with Gunnar that has transformed her life of bad choices in men to contentment through companionship that is simply giving and accepting; the rewarding companionship coming from complete devotion.

After her own dinner, cleaning up, and an hour on the laptop to eliminate emails she hadn’t gotten through during the day, she peeks at Gunnar who has come to sit near her. She’s never been quite sure what it is. Nights like this … nights that are frequently like this … she needs his attention and she know her body is reacting to that need and she is aware of his attention, a more intent attention, as if he can ready her mind. She knows their senses are far more highly attuned than humans but are they really that highly attuned? Is her body sending a message by way of smells? Are those smells like a flag waving at him at she needs him and not merely his presence?

She closes the laptop, leaves the chair and crouches, sitting on her stocking covered heels. She bounces up and hikes up her skirt, spreads her knees, and watches Gunnar almost shyly. She feels wicked. She watches as his nostrils flare, his head stretches out toward her without otherwise moving. She watches as his eyes flick from her face to that spot between her parted legs. He knows but this is the process. His nose twitches as his highly-tuned sensors confirms what is already evident from her posture. His hind legs rise and he steps closer, his snout still twitching as it receives all the signals he needs but he still approaches slowly. With his snout between her knees, she hears his sniffing as he takes in the scent of her. She flushes as her arousal spikes and she sighs, her eyes closing as his tongue swipes her stocking covered knee. A man would have pushed her back and attacked like an a****l while this a****l is approaching with tenderness.

She hears a small sound and opens her eyes. He licks her knee, again. She smiles and leans her head down and he raises his. Again, her lips, chin, and nose is swiped repeatedly. She kisses his snout and opens her knees wider. She gasps as his snout moves between her legs, the fur of his head grazing her thighs, and his tongue finally swiping over her pantyhose and panty covered pussy. She knows she is soaking wet there. She knows he is tasting her now, not only smelling her arousal. She has been thinking about this since leaving work … since before leaving work, if she was honest. A crazy day, she needed Gunnar and his attention. She even saw his awareness earlier, the reddish tip of his cock peeking out from the sheath as he sat waiting for his food. Even the promise of food hadn’t eliminated his awareness of her need, her readiness to be his … again.

Maggie groans, gasps, and moans as the wide tongue laps at her soaked crotch. She falls back onto her butt on purpose. She lifts her feet and pushes her pantyhose and panties down her legs and off her feet awkwardly as her actions are driven by a desperate desire for more contact. With her skirt at her waist and braced on her elbows, she spreads her knees wide and watches as Gunnar confidently returns to her pussy with eager swipes of his tongue.

After several moments, Maggie collapses back and her hips rise off the floor. Gunnar’s snout follows his target as it rises, the tongue never stopping. Now, though, with full access to her pussy, his tongue somehow curls and presses between the wet, pliable lips of her pussy and she cries out as her arousal and stimulation spikes sharply.

“Ohhhhh … God, Gunnar … you are … soooooo good.”

The words mean nothing but the tone and sound mean everything to him and he presses on with more intention as he hears her sounds of pleasure. Her sounds of being pleased and pleasured please him, too. These are the things that make Maggie so different and special. Maggie isn’t only a good mistress for him but is also a mate.

“Oh God, YES! Ohhhhh … Gunnar … I’m … you’re … oooooooo …”

Maggie squirms from his attention and quickly strips off her skirt and turns to her hands and knees. She is panting now in her need and wags her ass side to side at him.

“Come to me, Gunnar. Finish me off like you can do.” She feels him jump onto her back, the fur of his chest on her bare ass, then feels him grab her around the waist and pulls his hips to hers.

“Yes … YES! That’s it, Gunnar. Finish me. Make me explode.”

She feel the tip of his hardening cock poke around her ass and pussy. She reaches beneath and guides him into her. She gasps at the sudden penetration. Gunnar pauses for an instant as he repositions himself and drives deeper into her pussy. Almost immediately, though, he begins fucking in that most distinctive way … like a fast action pounding machine. Her mouth hangs open but nothing comes out as the cock rams into her and takes her past arousal and into a delicious orgasm. Her head sags as her body shakes and quivers.

Gunnar never pauses, though. He is inside her … his mate now. He fucks with abandon and as he does his cock becomes harder and larger. Soon, there is resistance to fully entering her as his knot forms at the base of his cock. He presses on, though. The knot is everything in fucking … in breeding. He presses and rams against her restrictive hole. She whimpers and grunts. He knows this is just part of it for her. He feels her press back toward him and presses harder until he is inside.

It is like a ball stretching her pussy lips. There can be a sensation of stretching too much until finally it passes inside with a suddenness that takes her breath away. He gasps, then moans as the knot fills her pussy beyond what the cock alone had done.

“Use me as your bitch, Gunnar. Use me, fill me, breed me.”

The truth is her arousal and stimulation continue to rise as his fucking relentlessly continued. Her orgasm only subsided but his fucking kept it. The knot nearly brought her off, again. She uses her own action combined with his to jam the knot against her g-spot. She is so close to cumming and when she feels his cock harden and swell even more before jerking and spurting volumes of cum into her pussy … she does explode yet again.

It took Maggie more than a few moments to recover. She wasn’t in any hurry even if she was lying on the floor. The afterglow of mating with Gunnar was something she treasured. It was like nothing she ever felt before … certainly not from a man.

When she looked, Gunnar was lying nearby. He raised his head at seeing her move. He came to her and lavished her face with new kisses with his tongue. She giggled and managed to get to her knees and then to stand. She looked down at herself and giggled, again.

“I look rather silly, don’t I?” She stripped out of her blouse and bra, then sighed. She smiled at the feeling of being naked with Gunnar. Usually, being naked was a precursor to getting fucked. Not so this night. She could feel his cum seeping from her well-fucked pussy. That feeling enlarged her smile.

It was dark and Maggie brazenly walked outside with Gunnar so he could do his business in the backyard. When they returned, Gunnar followed Maggie to the bathroom where she urinated, showered, and made the blue foam in her mouth. Gunnar stayed close.

He followed her through the house as she turned off the lights and returned to the bed. Gunnar knew patterns. This was their time for sleep. He sniffed a spot near the bed, turned in a circle, and lay down.

“Night, Gunnar.”

Thump thump.

Gunnar’s nose crinkled as he tested the air.

His ears swiveled to listen.

He heard Maggie’s heartbeat slow as she fell asleep.

Gunnar sniffed.

He listened, and raised his head. All was good. He lay his head down tight into his body in his curled position next to her bed. All was good. Maggie safe. Pack safe.

Just before the deepest part of sleep took hold of her, Maggie’s mind revisited what the dog trainer had said to her after Gunnar’s graduation: ‘Every second we have with these fine a****ls is a blessing. No creature, human or otherwise, will love you with such devotion, or trust you so fully. Remember this, Maggie. These dogs will lay their precious hearts bare to you, and hold back no part for themselves. Can anyone else in your life say the same? Such trust is a gift, so best you be worthy.’

She smiled in that last instant of consciousness as she was curled under the light cover, much like Gunnar was next to the bed. She squeezed her thighs, intent on feeling the lingering sensation of their mating. She smiled and snuggled into the bed. If he only knew ….


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EplehausBy Brewt.BlacklistDecember 2010Vivien's ScabbardPuella PallidaWE WERE generally comfortable. After the kids had grown and left, we moved to a smaller abode more like what we had before we were first married. It was not expansive; we traded off personal privacy space for lower costs, so we did have a tendency to be in each other's laps or faces or breathing room no matter what. There really wasn't an "away" from each other. But as we had never really fought much over the years, we...

4 years ago
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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 28

Three days later - Monday morning - Robert & Sarah [Sarah] Robert was waiting for me outside my digs. I slid into the passenger seat, reached over and kissed him lightly. My heart was pounding with excitement. My waiting time was up and I was ready. I looked for a hint. "Good morning," he said, driving off. My heart sank, excitement fading. Here I am your willing bride. All revved up and ready to go. "What a lovely day!" he said as we drove through the town. He glanced at me...

2 years ago
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The Post Office Parking Lot Part Three

Kelly slid down my chest and torso, stopping just short of my pelvis. George's hand still gripped my pulsing pole as I felt it pierce his entrance. With Kelly off of my face, I watched her move her hands to spread George's buttocks. He eased down my shaft pensively as a quiet growl escaped his mouth. The restrictiveness of his anal ring was impressive for a gay guy. Even if he hadn't been with anyone else lately, he surely would have pleasured himself anally. Either way, it was an enjoyable,...

3 years ago
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Second String Spouse

Ralph needed help. Mary was pushing forty and her libido just went into overdrive. Ralph had gotten what he wished for ... only a bit too much. The fact that he travelled every other week didn’t help matters either. Mary had been a loving and dutiful wife since their wedding at age twenty. No children had happened even though birth control was never used and Ralph tested fertile. They were each other’s first love although Ralph found out ten years into the marriage that he was not her only...

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Maesons AssistantChapter 11 Tea Service

“Well you’re not getting it,” Maeson replied teasing her a little bit. It was a play on words, and he was still her older brother, and it was still his right to pick on his little sister at least some; which did include when his little sister was kneeling naked at his feet. However, he didn’t leave her hanging long, that would be cruel. He said that just to tweak her nose and let her know that it wasn’t going to be all grave and serious all of the time! After all, this wasn’t some movie and...

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Steam Room Stumph

Thursdays were usually epic for me when I worked at the Spa, fewer people showed up so I could get my work done and be out of there quickly in the evenings. Also it seemed that there was more opportunity for sexual adventures. I was 18, and I could pop a woody" in a stiff breeze on a warm day, and yes sex was always on my mind. I'd gotten the job over the summer time, and was lucky enough to be retained afterward, since I was trying to save money for School the job was vital. I took...

2 years ago
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How My Office Colleague Became My Sex Partner

Hi guys,a warm welcome from Sandy to iss readers. I simply love ISS, this is my second story. M 21 male from Mumbai, with athletic body and good looking and sexy stats, and if any girl or unsatisfied aunties interested can contact me on And here the story begins.. I am working in a software company from past 14 months. This incident is a real incident and I don’t like posting false moments like few people. Well, I look handsome and stunning enough to attract a girl but this time she was Aunty....

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Jenna Foxx Virtual Reality Jenna Fox Fucks So Real

Tommy Pistol ordered the newest Bangbros VR set. When it arrived he was very excited to check it out. He chose Jenna Fox from the menu. Almost lifelike she appeared in his living room. She danced for him, she shook her ass, she masturbated. When she touched his cock it felt so real. She started to give him a blowjob. Wow, amazing!! Tommy couldn’t believe his luck. He fucked Jenna doggystyle. Again, so real! He fucked her missionary, sideways, then came right in her mouth. She swallowed it...

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Alia bhatt indian actress Sex imagine

Alia Bhatt, now a known name in the whole industry was one of the new party members enjoying and socializing as a star does. The young starlet looked nothing like herself tonight as she was dressed in a black outfit with high make-up on her lovely face. A black jacket that covered her upper-body showed very little and left all to its imagination wheras her pants that hugged her long legs did compliment her beautiful behind, hugging her ass with displaying its perfect shape. "Oh yeah! That's the...

3 years ago
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A Rave and a Blonde

Main kaafi time se iss se updated nai hu kareeb 2 saal pehle maine ek storp post ki thi about how i became an callboy.. For new users hii i am archie from Mumbai and yea i am a callboy or you can call me and real life hunter-rokko ;-) Now i am 20 years old all this was started when i was 18. I am a cute guy, as my clients and girlfriends say. It was about 6 months ago in Goa. I was there for New Year. And i was there with my friends and one of my customers cum friend invited me for a rave...

2 years ago
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Two Years Love Making With Her

Hello readers and thanks for publishing my love making story and also it is one of best way to communicate to sex lovers and to tell the best truth of my life I tell whole thing to you’ll so be patience with my story if I cut then it doesn’t have fun and I will not get to explain my first sex with married lady. Like others story I also add fake names I don’t to ruin her life when she given me happiness of sex. Myself Vijay, well tone body I do excises to keep myself fit since age of 14 yrs .i...

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________________________________________ Albus managed to sit up right before the hexes started flying. Realizing that he dropped his wand when Lubar and Jarrett hexed him, he groped about for it on the ground. Not finding it, he crawled behind a nearby bush and watched. Jarrett didn't stick around long. He sent one pathetic Stunner at Harry, who easily deflected it, and disappeared on the spot. Harry immediately disarmed Lubar before he could do the same. Once...

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TA The Challenge App

Alexis was your typical college freshman away from home for the first time. She had long wavy platinum blonde hair which she dyed a deep royal blue her first week as a testament to her new found freedom. She wasn't a pretty girl, but she was far from ugly and the hair helped bring attention to her best feature, her face and her natural sky blue eyes. She had 34 D-Cup breasts which looked enormous on her 5'1'' frame, and she hated how big they were. She hated it even more when boys stared at...

1 year ago
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The Gallery

His soft touch now running down your ribcage has you nearly paralyzed and your body yearns for more. You fight to regain control and look up at your tormentor. Torch light flickers on his face, the whites of his eyes glow even in the shadows. Dark green and intense, he's looking deep into yours and you feel your little bit of control slipping away. The Gallery With the lightest touch, my fingers slowly move down your neck. You stretch it out to make the sensation last longer. I do not stop...

2 years ago
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Just pushing naked Wife into friends shower

Kurt was one of the guys that got to party in my wife's prim little pussy, and the only one she had a little school girl crush on. So on a day I was going to give him a ride to work,and she came along. When we got there he was in the shower, and I got the kinky idea of giving my wife, and Kurt a unexpected treat of each other. I just started undressing her, and she thought I wanted a quickly while he showered. She was surprised when I pushed her into the steamy bathroom, and trough the shower...

3 years ago
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Christmas Teens

THIS HAPPENED IN 2010Christmas time was fast approaching and we were in the spirit of Christmas. This particular Saturday my son was out with his girlfriend and my wife was having lunch in town with one of her old friends. I was home alone, getting ready for a session on xhamster when there was a knock on the door, as I opened it there stood Ali and a friend, Ali used to live opposite us but had moved a year ago.As she came in Ali said “This is my friend Shazzer, Shazzer was Asian, petite,...

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The Beginning Part 6

From a bachelor party to a proposal.Karen was lead back to the bedroom. Ever body was trying to get their black cocks in to her again and bust another nut before they had to leave. You can see my wife’s breast were bruised and sagging low from all the biting and squeezing they received . Her breast were completely dry. She had cum in her hair, dripping out her ass and pussy. She was welled used ,abused and happy.I told Leon if he don’t mind to let his buddies have their last fuck with her and...

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Times were tough that year we had only been married a year when Patricia got laid off from her job the company was down sizing and was moving a lot of it's office people overseas which meant more jobs for people in India and less jobs for people in the good old USA typical corporate greed I knew the company was not doing badly I watched their stocks being a broker I was hip to these things but laid off she was and with just my salary it was going to be a struggle until she located another job!...

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You like that little Bitch Gay

Not too many days passed before I emailed him wanting to connect. I knew that the next time we met he would be burying his cock in me and I wanted to make sure we had enough time to plan it so we had a decent amount of to time to explore. I told him that I could entertain him the next few days and he indicated that tomorrow would probably work and he would confirm in the morning. I went to bed that night thinking of what it might be like the following day and hoped that we would get together. I...

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NubileFilms Mia Evans Close To You

A sheer robe and a thong are all that covers Mia Evans as she waits for Sam Bourne to join her for their date. She watches from her upstairs window as he lets himself in the gate, then waves for him to come inside. As Sam makes his way upstairs, Mia sheds her robe and lays on the bed to greet Sam with a kiss and an unspoken invitation to fuck. Flipping Mia onto her back, Sam settles between her thighs. He has a perfect line of sight up her body as she rubs her own breasts and nipples....

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Protection and Preservation Book 08Chapter 12

[Janice writes from France] Equipped with radios, Robby and Pam went behind our landing path and Ted and Lois went forward. The trio climbed over Prince looking at everything carefully. Bennie and I went to what appeared to be an intersection and walked to the right. That was where the people we saw would approach us. Ten minutes later, Bobbi said, "The plane is fine. We can takeoff in either direction though I would prefer not to turn around. Mom Janice, we are armed and are locking the...

4 years ago
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The InvestigatorsChapter 7

The day six meeting began with a rehash of all they knew and all they needed to know. Eddie: It's time for a working hypothesis. We can't prove it, but we think Rose Seabold was in that room. If she was then she killed our drug lord wannabe. Her motive was money. Most likely she was getting paid well for it. It is very likely that she stole a large amount of money from the victim. Wes: So we start there and work out? Eddie: Unlike a politician, before we ruin her life, we are going...

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Not Becoming a Slut Wife Jessie

I met Jessie in my second year of college — at a fraternity party, it was. Off in a corner someplace there were five or six of us playing some dumb-ass drinking game. Don't ask what game it was. It was just some stupid excuse to get shit-faced as quickly as possible. Jessie wandered into the party late. Don't know if she came with a brother or if she just crashed the thing. She asked if she could join the game, so five or six became six or seven. I didn't know her. Heck I'd never seen...

1 year ago
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Helpful HannahChapter 8

When I awoke the next morning, I had calmed down a lot. I was still revolted by what I’d done, of course - I’d been so horny I’d let my pussy do the thinking for me ... so turned on, so eager to help that I’d done the unspeakable: I’d seduced my brother. That was the worst part about it - I felt so bad for him. He’d come to me with a problem, not expecting his own little sister to be such a pervert. I was so sick - convincing him to fuck me, that since he was wearing a condom it “didn’t...

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just perfect0

I stepped out of the shower and began to plan my first night of freedom. What should I choose out of the many options like the all night keg parties, little get together parties, or should I just relax in my big empty house alone with my girlfriend Crystal. Yeah, I think I’ll pick door number three, so I grabbed my cell phone and gave her a call. Just hearing hear voice, even on the phone, just makes me want to do back flips. Finally I was finished getting ready as I heard the knocking...

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Wife Slut Jennifer

A few years ago my and wife went through a bit of a rough patch. She felt it would do some good if she moved out. After 3 months apart she came back and things have mostly been peachy. When we were a part some of my mates spotted her around town in clubs and bars so I figured something would have happened for sure. When we started having sex again I poked and plodded her about her time in her apartment. She went on to tell me she had been at her place for about a week, when she had a problem...

Cheating Wifes
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Getting Even

Getting Even By Margaret Jeanette Tracy Watson happily pulled into the Bronze Kettle parking lot. She entered and told them she was meeting someone. Minutes later Jean Foster came in. Tracy waved to her. As Jean sat down Tracy had to tell her that she had just filled the airplane for the two-week tour of Europe. She said that the low price had attracted a lot of repeat customers. She was so happy as it was her travel agency's biggest tour ever. This tour's profit would assure...

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A Hot Summer Afternoon

My very first story! I’m so excited please rate and leave comments! I stepped into the cool, forgiving water of my in-ground pool. My lack of sex from my recent breakup with my boyfriend had me in an almost constant state of horniness, so obviously the ‘water’ was the force gently pulling down my bikini straps, revealing my perky B-Cups with rock-hard nipples. I was just pulling down my thong when a knock on the door jerked me back to reality. ‘Stef? Anyone home?’ A male voice called. Damn,...

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Dont Ever Give Up Ch 02

Note: Special thanks go out to my two regular editors, LilTexasSexFiend and AnInsatiableReader, for making this infinitely better than it was when I first wrote it. As always, let me know what you think, through voting, comments or private feedback. All three works too! ,-) As I said, this story will go up with one chapter posting daily until it’s all uploaded, so don’t get too mad about the cliffhangers. Enjoy! ********************** ‘You know, I heard a rumor somewhere.. someone said you...

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Taking advantage of a girl and first cumshot

I hit puberty hard! Subsequently doing some highly immoral things in terms of peeking touching etc. The stuff i feel worst about is groping when going through puberty - i couldn't keep myself away from spying or gropingMy first was pretty intensive, when i was about xx, my girlfriend at the time was a year older and came to my house with her mate one night when my parents were away. I had fancied this girl for ages and all i had glimpsed was an amazing camel toe one night when we were both...

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So This Guy Walks Into A Bar

So This Guy Walks Into A Bar... By: Simonne Danielle © 2006 DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, or if the content offends you...DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age, eighteen (18) or older, and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The locations and characters in this story are fictional...

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A life of asian fucktoys on my big white cock

I remember The first time I went I was absolutely hooked. I was in a place called dongguan in vietnam or something like that it's a pretty fitting name. The women just kept coming up to me like I was some movie star giving me sexual cues and the like " I sucky and fucky you mister" one whispered. "I suck you so good white man". I couldn't control myself anymore and I started chatting more openly with this woman called jia or was it ling ling. She was petite with b cup tits which...

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My first MMF time Part 3

After our shower and some rest she took me to my house to get my things while her man went to the store for more things to put on the grill and a stop by the liquor store. We got back before him and she started fixing some side dishes for our meal, When he got back we got the grill ready and just hung out on the deck, she joined us later and we all fixed some margaritas, I could tell it was going to be another good day, drinks at 3.30 and when she took her first sip of her drink she stripped...

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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 29 Friday Brings Completion Perhaps

When I woke Friday morning, the weather was overcast but the storm had passed. Then I learned that this time of year was hurricane season in this part of the country. Indonesia had similar storms we called cyclones and Japan had typhoons. Can't escape the nasty weather, right? Apparently the storm yesterday was from the outer fringe of a hurricane. That's why we got that really gusty wind and all that rain. Go figure; I need to start listening to the weather. Denise and I arrived at school...

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All The Kings Horses AdaptingChapter 4

"Why do you keep asking about that?" Sandy responded. "Do you think we should?" "Mainly, I want you to think about it ahead of time. I would also like to talk some more about the positives and negatives of your doing that," Julia told them. "Now, what are your objectives for your marriages? And don't tell me you want them the way they were. Tell me specific things you want to see happen." "I want him to stop having sex with other women, and I want him to start making love to me...

4 years ago
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A Lesson For Cathy

A Lesson For Cathy by Constance Grant Authors Note This story is based on characters created by I. R. Nixon; I have tried to give Cathy a richly deserved lesson, without destroying her spirit for more mischief. Chapter 1 - Cathy's Blue Monday Cathy Greenbriar had a bad Monday, maybe the worst of her entire seventeen years of existence. Oh it started off great, last night her mom had given her a pair of white, with baby blue and pink trim, elevated sneakers as an "I...

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