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She was born Elizabeth Margaret Manchester. She'd never known her mother as her mother had died during childbirth. Her father, Edward Manchester became both Father and Mother to her. English immigrants, her grandparents had come over from England at the turn of the century, along with their son Edward, who would one day become her father.

Named after both her mother, and her grandmother, her father had nicknamed her "Maggie". The same name he had affectionately called his wife for so many wonderful, yet short-lived years spent together.

Edward had no formal education, no formal training of any sort. But he was good with his hands, having an intelligent mind that could think through any problem, solving it. As such, he wandered the country hiring out as a handyman, taking Maggie with him of course wherever they traveled. Often, he did odd jobs simply for room and board, along with enough to eat to barely sustain the two of them.

Once the work he'd been commissioned to do was completed, they'd find themselves off on the road again in search of employment, another place to stay, as well as another meal to fill their bellies. Occasionally Edward would get lucky and find someone who had enough for him to do to keep him employed for a couple of weeks or more. It was during one of these rare periods that his daughter now barely fifteen had witnessed which would be for her, her first sexual encounter, something she would remember for the rest of her life.

Edward had been very careful about protecting his daughter, especially around any young men or boys who might have other intentions. He would often move on, rather than taking a job no matter how promising it might be, if there were young men hanging around who might take an interest in Maggie. At fifteen, virginal, Maggie was a very naïve and even worse... curious.

With the onset of the depression, Edward was finding it more and more difficult finding jobs. As such, he knew he was taking a big risk as far as Maggie's innocence was concerned. Hesitant when he finally found work, because of the young woman he met who was only slightly older than Maggie, and who appeared a little too loose in her mannerisms than he would have preferred, he nevertheless took the job offered as they were scraping the bottom of their financial barrel.

As was often the case, they'd been given a place in the barn. It was warm, dry, providing them plenty of comfort as well as a place to sleep. Maggie's father had already risen, going out very early that morning with Mr. Brown who owned and ran the particular farm they were staying at. Her "father" as she affectionately called him was out mending fences and would no doubt be away all day. Maggie had already finished the chores she'd been instructed to help out with, returning to the barn in order to finish reading a book she'd recently been given by her father on her previous birthday. She'd found a secluded little spot up in the hayloft where she could read, dream and fantasize about far away places without being disturbed. It was the sound of a woman's hushed laughter that alerted her to remain quiet however as she peered down from her place of concealment into the area below her.

"Shhh. Hurry. We don't have much time," the young woman said giggling. Maggie saw the young girl recognizing her almost immediately. Kathryn as she'd been introduced two days prior when her father had found work. Kathryn as Maggie had learned was already eighteen, engaged to be married from what she'd discovered earlier. But it certainly wasn't to the man she saw Kathryn standing there with now. She'd met him too. No, this was one of the other hired hands that lived and worked the fields that she was with. Maggie watched as they both hurriedly began undressing themselves as well as one another.

From her vantage point she watched as the hired hand leaned over to cup and attempt to kiss one of Kathryn's beautifully pink-tipped breasts.

"I told you, we don't have time for that," she cautioned him a bit worriedly. "You're supposed to be on your way to help father. And I'm supposed to be gathering eggs. So, if you want to fuck me, you'd best get on with it before we run out of time!"

Maggie watched as Kathryn hiked up the dress she had on, revealing that she wasn't wearing anything beneath it. A fact she found both appalling as well as strangely exciting as she came to think upon it later. More importantly, she wondered about two things. What had the word "fuck," meant? She'd never ever heard that particular word used before for one thing. And for the other, what were they doing?

To say that Maggie was naive in the ways of the world was an understatement. Her father had always been reserved, over protective, as she'd later come to think on it. Even when she had come upon her 'curses' as women called them, her father had taken her to a local town doctor to have him explain that particular malady to her. Something of which she had felt embarrassed about for days afterwards, especially as she would often force her father to stop in his travels so that she could take care of this most unwelcome, but very necessary problem. But Maggie was even more innocent when it came to anything of a sexual nature. She knew where babies came from, that much she had actually guessed. But as for the mechanics as to how they got there, she was clueless. It was an almost magical occurrence as far as she was concerned. Married people simply had babies. Which was the extent of her understanding regarding that particular subject.

"Come on! Aren't you hard enough yet?" she heard Kathryn ask. Maggie watched as Kathryn positioned herself directly below her in one of the unused, freshly cleaned stables. Hiking up her skirts, she saw a thick black patch of hair between Kathryn's legs, not all that dissimilar from her own. But what immediately caught her attention, nearly taking her breath away as well as almost causing her to gasp out in surprise, was the sudden appearance of the young man's fleshy bare ass as he pulled his pants down hovering over Kathryn were he stood.

"You mean this?" Maggie heard him say, but unable to see what the "this" was he was referring to.

"Yeah, that!" Kathryn had responded almost dreamily beckoning towards him with her hands, imploring him to join her.

"Not until you say it," he demanded teasingly. "Come on, you want it. Say it!"

"You're horrible Phillip. You're a horrible, horrible man to make a woman say such things. To have her speak such naughty despicable words!" The tone Maggie heard Kathryn using however was anything but shock, anger or even repulsion. It was if anything, unbridled excitement!

"What is going on?" she wondered again to herself, beginning to feel the first signs of some sort of tingling taking place between her legs. Something she had felt a few brief times before, but had always feared it to be the beginnings of her monthly curses.

"Well?" Phillip asked once again. "You're the one who's in a hurry," he reminded her.

"Cock, prick, penis!" Kathryn said spitting the words at him, though once again not in horror or anger, but with an amused, almost affectionate tone of voice.

Maggie was confused, curious. She'd heard the word "Cock" before of course, a name describing a male rooster. And "Prick" certainly. She'd used that particular word herself whenever she had pricked, or poked at something. And embarrassedly, she knew what a penis was too. She'd once asked her father what his 'thing' was when she'd seen him off standing by the side of the road relieving himself. She'd seen babies' penises of course, but had never thought to ask about what that particular appendage was. Only upon seeing her father's had she thought to actually wonder about it. And he had told her simply it was a "penis" that and nothing more. "Men had them, women didn't." Simple enough an explanation for her perhaps. Then. Now, hearing the three distinct words being used together to describe what Kathryn was obviously looking at took on a whole new meaning for her.

"Now, are you going to fuck me or not?" Kathryn asked him once again, using that same word she'd used earlier.

"Fuck?" What did it mean? Maggie wondered silently. Even saying it silently to herself gave her an odd sense, something secretive, something curiously wicked. Whatever "fuck" meant, it had something to do with whatever Phillip and Kathryn were preparing to do.

Maggie watched as Phillip finally lowered himself over Kathryn. Watched as Kathryn spread both of her bare legs to either side of him so that he was positioned directly between them. A moment later they began moving together. A moment after that Kathryn began moaning, pleasurably for some reason. Whatever it was that Phillip was doing to her, it felt good. Even more inexplicably, Maggie felt a trickle of moisture gather between her legs, momentary panic settling in as she quickly checked herself, worried that her curses had taken this particular moment to start, relieved when she found they hadn't. Even so, she became rather 'wet' as she continued to lie there listening to the two of them below her, wondering... wondering what it was they were doing? But even more importantly, why were the two of them enjoying it so much as evidenced by Kathryn's deep groans of obvious pleasure.

The sounds of their coupling, though Maggie still had no real idea what it was she was seeing, let alone listening to, had heightened her own awareness that something interesting was taking place below her. Something that obviously felt good, and brought a significant amount of pleasure to both of them. Kathryn continued to moan, groan, thrashing herself almost violently beneath Phillip. He in turn began bumping against Kathryn faster and faster until she screamed, followed a moment later by his equally deep-throated grunt.

As time was short obviously, Kathryn made Phillip get up from her. When he did, Maggie saw his semi-rigid "penis" as he stood, turning towards the side as she glanced down between the slats in the upper loft above them. Phillip's penis was easily twice the size her father's had been when she had seen his. And she now knew without any doubt as to what he'd been using it for. The thought of a man somehow putting something like that inside of her seemed foreign, yet at the same time, wickedly wonderful as she relived the lusty naughty sounds that the two of them had been making together.

Looking down at Kathryn, she now saw something else too. Several white slimy trails seemed to be coating the course black mat and belly of Kathryn's womanhood.

"It's a good thing you didn't squirt inside me," she told him. "I'm too far from my courses yet to let you do that," she added. "And I don't desire to find myself with a child quite yet either! Though that idiot I'm engaged to would certainly love thinking it was his," she added thoughtfully.

Maggie had to stifle a loud gasp, balling her fist against her mouth as realization dawned on her like a tidal wave. So much made sense to her now, within the blink of an eye. Something she would have never dared to ask her father about certainly, nor would he have in all likelihood even answered her had she asked.

"Except with his belt perhaps," Maggie mused once again looking down through the slats in the flooring.

Phillip helped her to stand. Maggie watched as Kathryn straightened her skirts while Phillip helped her to remove bits of straw that had clung to her, including her hair. "Now... you'd best get a move on and go find Daddy and that other man he hired. They're probably wondering where you are already," she told him. "By the way. Have you seen Maggie today? Mother told me to find her and send her into her if I did. So keep an eye out for her would you? Hell, she's probably out frigging herself someplace, foolish girl."

"Well, if she is off frigging herself someplace, you'd best hope I'm not the one to be finding her, or I might want to be fucking her as well," he'd said teasingly.

This time Kathryn's look was menacing, every bit as much as the tone of voice that she now used. "I ever catch you so much as looking at that girl, I'll tear your fucking eyes out with my own hands!" she warned him seriously.

To Maggie's relief, the two of them left a few moments later. Feeling the moisture, which had continued to flow, continuing to pool between her legs, Maggie reached down wanting to ensure that nothing else was happening. Though she didn't do it often, if hardly ever at all, she placed her finger between her legs, drawing it up to look for any telltale signs. When she did however, she experienced something she had never felt before. An entirely new and different sensation. It felt good, really good. But before she could further explore what it was she'd just discovered, she heard the sound of Mrs. Brown calling out for her. Scrambling down from her place of concealment, she quickly ran around the other side of the barn so that neither Phillip nor Kathryn might expect where it was that she had been hiding. Luckily, neither of them did. Unluckily, Mrs. Brown needed the pigs fed.

It was well after sunset, long after dinner had been eaten with everything cleaned and cleared away, which Maggie had helped with of course. She had made up her bed, unfolding the blankets she'd been given along with a pillow for her head. Her father had settled into the vacant stall next to hers, the very one that she had seen Phillip and Kathryn "fucking" in earlier, she thought.

"Father?" she had asked tentatively, her curiosity getting the better of her reasoning.

"Yes Maggie?" he'd answered her a moment later, hearing him as he laid out his own blankets in preparation for sleep.

"What does the word 'fuck' mean?" she asked innocently.

Maggie was stunned, shocked, surprised to put it mildly when her father suddenly appeared in the opening of her stall, belt in hand with the most fearsome look upon his face she'd ever seen before.

"Don't ever... ever say that word again! Do you hear me?" he demanded in a voice she had never heard her father use before.

Maggie looked at him numbly, frightened now as he moved towards her folding the belt over once as he did.

"Turn over, onto your belly!" he demanded of her. Maggie remembered only being spanked once by her father, and then, only with his hand. He had threatened her with his belt but had never used it. Doing so only as a warning to her to behave and never talk back to him again. Which she hadn't. Seeing the belt this time however, she hoped for a warning, but knew in her heart as he had told her to roll over, that this time it wouldn't be.

"Thwap!" The first sting to her ass came as a shock to her. The thin material of her nightgown and underwear giving little or no protection from the stinging edge of the leather as it came down hard upon her sensitive flesh. Maggie expected another, hearing only the sound of her father's exasperation and the sound of the belt being thrown off to the side of the stall angrily.

"Let that be a reminder to you. Do NOT speak such filth in my presence ever again!" her father screamed at her. But Maggie could also tell by the tone of his voice, that he was confused, frustrated perhaps. Just as angry with himself as he was at her as he turned and walked away back towards his stall. Seconds later he blew out their only lantern without even saying goodnight to his daughter. Maggie curled up inside her blankets, the sting of her father's belt still fresh across the backside of her ass. In the darkness, she heard her father speak, asking in tones almost too low to hear, apologetic in a way without saying so.

"Where was it that you heard that word?" he asked her. "And don't lie to me Maggie, I will know it if you do. What did you see and hear?" he asked again a little more sternly.

Maggie had never lied to him before. She feared his anger in her lying to him every bit as much as in telling him how she had come to know this word. But she found in telling him to be the lesser of two evils. So she did.

It was the first time that Maggie ever remembered her father leaving a job early before. Especially one in which there was actual payment, let alone room, board and meals included. He had waited until sunrise to inform Mr. Brown they were leaving. Mr. Brown had attempted to convince them to stay, even offering a meager increase to his wages as her father had proven himself to be reliable and hard working. To her surprise, her father declined, accepting payment meager as it was for the work he had done, opting instead to leave, saying nothing more than he had a promise to keep, and needed to be on the road, immediately.

She had walked by her father's side for several hours in silence. The single red welt upon her ass a reminder of her father's anger with her. But a curious question mark too, for why had he stopped after only one?

"I'm sorry," he said simply after a time. Maggie remained silent. She wasn't exactly angry with him, merely confused. Obviously there was much she didn't understand, much that she wished to understand better. Especially about herself, about the feeling she had experienced between her legs by the touch of her own finger. Not to mention why "fucking" seemed to be so pleasurable. And if indeed it was, why then was it something her father would consider so wrong?

"You're almost a woman grown," he said a moment later. "I realized that back there in the barn. I've put off doing what I've known all along would eventually need to be done. There's much you need to know," he stated turning to look at her, his face aflame with embarrassment. "But those are things I cannot explain or tell you about," he added quickly. "You need to live someplace where you can be schooled too. Not out wandering the countryside with me. I know such a place, I know a woman who will take you in as though you were her own," he told her with a measure of finality.

"But father! I don't want to live someplace without you!" Maggie began to cry. He had said nothing more to her about it as they walked along in silence; only the gentle comfort of his strong arm around her shoulder told her that he was no longer angry or mad at her. But she also knew that once his mind was made up about something, there was no changing it. With fear and dread burning deeply within her soul, Maggie walked beside him towards the beginning of a new life.

Several days later Maggie and her father had managed to hitchhike half way across Texas. They arrived at a small town still several miles away from San Antonio. It was here that Maggie's father introduced her to a woman he had known. Though how he had gotten to know her so well, or obviously so intimately was a mystery to her. He'd never mentioned the woman to her before.

"May? I'd like to introduce you to my daughter," he'd said. "This is Maggie."

May was an exceptionally attractive woman for as old as she obviously was. Maggie found it odd that she was single, never having been married for as attractive as she was especially at her age. And though she didn't exactly live alone as she ran a boarding house, thus having plenty of guests most of the time, Maggie found the woman to be warm and friendly towards her. Especially upon learning that she was Edward's daughter.

"How long has it been Ed?" May had asked almost affectionately. Perhaps a little too affectionately it seemed in fact to Maggie when they had arrived. She'd also noticed a warning look seemingly pass from her father to May as they stood out on the porch together. May had seemed to pick up on the look, quickly inviting them both in without pressing the question further. "Why don't you let me get the two of you something to eat and drink?" she asked.

"I think Maggie would like that," her father had said with a relieved tone of voice that Maggie immediately picked up on. "And then maybe you and I can go back outside onto the porch and chat for a moment or two," he'd indicated with another knowing look cast in Mays direction.

May had taken the hint; fixed Maggie a sandwich along with some fruit, cheese and a nice cold glass of milk before pouring herself and Maggie's father an iced tea. "May and I have some business to discuss," he'd told her. "You sit in here, enjoy your lunch while we talk." Edward had let her know in no uncertain terms that they weren't to be disturbed.

Later that evening her father let her in on what he'd been talking to May about. Maggie learned that she was to live here with her, helping out with the boarders she took in, attending one of the nearby schools during the day in order to further her neglected education. He told her how he would be gone for long periods of time while he sought employment, doing what he did best, traveling around trying to make ends meet and save a little money up for the two of them. Times had been hard; there had been the depression. And now it seemed, war was coming. It was the talk on everyone's mind these days.

Her father had stayed on for three days before leaving bright and early one morning as he'd indicated he would do. It was the last time Maggie would ever see her father again. She heard weeks later he had been killed in an accident crushed by a bailing machine on a farm he'd been working at shortly after his arrival. Worse, the news didn't even reach her for several weeks, as no one knew for sure where his daughter even was or lived. If May hadn't noticed a small tiny article in an old newspaper about her father's death, she might not have ever known. And so it was, May became her best friend, confidant and mentor.

Maggie had turned seventeen, having lived with May now ever since her fathers death. Together she helped May run the boarding house. Business was booming as they lived fairly close to the train station. As late, things had been pretty hectic. People seemed to be constantly coming and going, which was especially odd for this time of year with winter approaching. It was November 1941 and was proving to be one of the coldest winters on record, especially for San Antonio.

Maggie had been sitting inside with May one evening when she finally worked up the courage to ask her how it was that May knew her father. May smiled, gave Maggie a sorrowed look, setting down her needlework that she'd been working on as she did nearly every night after the sun went down.

"Do you really want to know?" she'd asked.

"Yes. Yes I would. And please... tell me everything, I need to know."

May's smile was reassuring, though sorrowful at the same time. "I met your father a long time ago," she began. "Probably around your age he was, just having entered the army. That was during the BIG war of course, and he was anxious to go over seas and fight for his country. Thankfully the war ended before he was ever shipped over."

"So how did you meet him?" Maggie asked interrupting her, curious more than ever. May laughed, almost blushing as she sat back closing her eyes, remembering.

"Back then, I didn't run a house, I worked in one."

"You mean a boarding house? Like this one?" Maggie asked.

"No, a different kind of house Maggie. You see, I was a prostitute at the time, or a lady of the evening as I preferred to call myself," she added.

Maggie was shocked. Not so much that May had admitted to being one of "those" kinds of women. But shocked that her father had actually, knowingly gone to her. Even if it was before he'd met and married her mother.

"You mean to tell me that father... and you?"

May smiled. "No, he didn't know it at the time. Back then we working girls didn't actually live at our place of employment. I lived at the same place your father was staying at. Another boarding house not much different than the one I'm running now. We used to go out in the evenings for long walks whenever I wasn't working. And as strange as it may seem, I decided to never tell him what it was I actually did for a living. One evening, we ended back at the house. The old lady who ran the place had left for a few days to attend her sister's funeral. It just so happened that your father and I were the only two people staying, and living there at the time. So it was, we spent the night together. I took his virginity. He of course immediately proposed marriage afterwards. And it was then that I felt like I had to tell him the truth about myself. Which I did. Your father left the following morning. I didn't hear from him again for nearly three years. Then one day, he came through town. I was still a working girl, but I had been trying to save up enough money to get out of the business and buy my own place, a boarding house. He had come back for me. But not in the way I had hoped he would, nor even in the way I had expected. He came through long enough to tell me two things. One, that he'd never forgotten me, and because of that, he'd managed to save up enough money to give to me so that I could buy that boarding house, get out of the life I'd been living."

"And two?" Maggie asked.

"And two, that he had gotten married, and his wife was pregnant. He had no desire to do anything with me, nor did he expect for me to ever pay him back for what he had done for me. But one thing he did ask, which I promised him I would do. And that was, if for any reason he needed a favor from me in return, he would consider that as payment in full for what he had given me. A new life."

Maggie sat back digesting everything that May had told her about her father. She realized then and there that there was so much she didn't know about him or about herself for that matter.

"Am I that favor?" Maggie asked her. Once again May gave her a knowing smile.

"But one in which I accept gladly," she told Maggie. "You see, I found out early on that I would never be able to bare children of my own. It was one of the reasons I never married. Not many men wanted a wife who was barren for one thing. And for the other, no man wanted a woman who had once lived the sort of life that I had either."

"What was it like?" Maggie asked cautiously. "What I mean is... what is it like being with a man anyway?" Now it was May's turn to look surprised.

"How old are you?" she asked again.

Maggie blushed. "Seventeen, Eighteen in three months, remember?"

"Yes, I know. I just wanted to know if you knew how old you were. A lot of women your age are already married by now." May's comment wasn't meant to be stinging, but Maggie heard the implication. She really was way too innocent. "So you mean to tell me, you've never ever been with a man?"

"No! Never!" Maggie exclaimed almost indignantly. Just as quickly blushing as she remembered that day not so long ago when she had witnessed Kathryn and Phillip "fucking" in the barn below her.

Long into the night they spoke. Maggie asked, May answered. Maggie's eyes grew wide as she learned about womanhood, femininity. And more importantly, the pleasures that a man and a woman could enjoy and experience with one another. One thing May did that her father could never do, was answer her personal intimate questions. Perhaps it was one reason why after that episode in the barn her father had decided to bring her here. To find out from an expert. Someone who knew, and who wouldn't feel squeamish or shy about answering her questions. All of them. And as Maggie found out, she had a lot of questions to ask.

Maggie soon settled in to her new life. Business was brisk. For the first time in recent memory according to May, it was the first time in a long time that the boarding house was filled. With the threat of war on every radio, every newspaper, enlistments were up. Young men everywhere were either joining the services or thinking about it. As they did, job openings became available. Men from nearly everywhere were coming to town looking for work now that the great depression seemed to finally be over with. As such, Maggie was busy all day long from dawn to dusk. Cleaning rooms, helping with the three guaranteed meals for their guests, Maggie had little if any time for herself any more.

"Maggie?" May had asked her while ironing sheets and bedding one evening just before retiring.


"We need to go upstairs and make up the bed for our new boarder," she'd told her. "You know, Mr. Peterson. Anyway, I didn't have any fresh linen at the time. Would you mind running these up and making the bed before he starts complaining?" she'd asked.

"Yes May," Maggie said gathering up the freshly laundered, ironed sheets. By the time she had reached his room, he was on his way down to "inquire" about his bedding as he'd told her in the hallway. Maggie had apologized profusely, indicating to him in the hall that she was on her way up when she had stumbled into him. He hadn't scolded her really, in fact, seemed rather polite given the late hour and all. Maggie quickly scurried to his room and began making the bed, hearing him having entered behind her, closing the door as he did.

She was born Elizabeth Margaret Manchester. She'd never known her mother as her mother had died during childbirth. Her father, Edward Manchester became both Father and Mother to her. English immigrants, her grandparents had come over from England at the turn of the century, along with their son Edward, who would one day become her father.

Named after both her mother, and her grandmother, her father had nicknamed her "Maggie". The same name he had affectionately called his wife for so many wonderful, yet short-lived years spent together.

Edward had no formal education, no formal training of any sort. But he was good with his hands, having an intelligent mind that could think through any problem, solving it. As such, he wandered the country hiring out as a handyman, taking Maggie with him of course wherever they traveled. Often, he did odd jobs simply for room and board, along with enough to eat to barely sustain the two of them.

Once the work he'd been commissioned to do was completed, they'd find themselves off on the road again in search of employment, another place to stay, as well as another meal to fill their bellies. Occasionally Edward would get lucky and find someone who had enough for him to do to keep him employed for a couple of weeks or more. It was during one of these rare periods that his daughter now barely fifteen had witnessed which would be for her, her first sexual encounter, something she would remember for the rest of her life.

Edward had been very careful about protecting his daughter, especially around any young men or boys who might have other intentions. He would often move on, rather than taking a job no matter how promising it might be, if there were young men hanging around who might take an interest in Maggie. At fifteen, virginal, Maggie was a very naïve and even worse... curious.

With the onset of the depression, Edward was finding it more and more difficult finding jobs. As such, he knew he was taking a big risk as far as Maggie's innocence was concerned. Hesitant when he finally found work, because of the young woman he met who was only slightly older than Maggie, and who appeared a little too loose in her mannerisms than he would have preferred, he nevertheless took the job offered as they were scraping the bottom of their financial barrel.

As was often the case, they'd been given a place in the barn. It was warm, dry, providing them plenty of comfort as well as a place to sleep. Maggie's father had already risen, going out very early that morning with Mr. Brown who owned and ran the particular farm they were staying at. Her "father" as she affectionately called him was out mending fences and would no doubt be away all day. Maggie had already finished the chores she'd been instructed to help out with, returning to the barn in order to finish reading a book she'd recently been given by her father on her previous birthday. She'd found a secluded little spot up in the hayloft where she could read, dream and fantasize about far away places without being disturbed. It was the sound of a woman's hushed laughter that alerted her to remain quiet however as she peered down from her place of concealment into the area below her.

"Shhh. Hurry. We don't have much time," the young woman said giggling. Maggie saw the young girl recognizing her almost immediately. Kathryn as she'd been introduced two days prior when her father had found work. Kathryn as Maggie had learned was already eighteen, engaged to be married from what she'd discovered earlier. But it certainly wasn't to the man she saw Kathryn standing there with now. She'd met him too. No, this was one of the other hired hands that lived and worked the fields that she was with. Maggie watched as they both hurriedly began undressing themselves as well as one another.

From her vantage point she watched as the hired hand leaned over to cup and attempt to kiss one of Kathryn's beautifully pink-tipped breasts.

"I told you, we don't have time for that," she cautioned him a bit worriedly. "You're supposed to be on your way to help father. And I'm supposed to be gathering eggs. So, if you want to fuck me, you'd best get on with it before we run out of time!"

Maggie watched as Kathryn hiked up the dress she had on, revealing that she wasn't wearing anything beneath it. A fact she found both appalling as well as strangely exciting as she came to think upon it later. More importantly, she wondered about two things. What had the word "fuck," meant? She'd never ever heard that particular word used before for one thing. And for the other, what were they doing?

To say that Maggie was naive in the ways of the world was an understatement. Her father had always been reserved, over protective, as she'd later come to think on it. Even when she had come upon her 'curses' as women called them, her father had taken her to a local town doctor to have him explain that particular malady to her. Something of which she had felt embarrassed about for days afterwards, especially as she would often force her father to stop in his travels so that she could take care of this most unwelcome, but very necessary problem. But Maggie was even more innocent when it came to anything of a sexual nature. She knew where babies came from, that much she had actually guessed. But as for the mechanics as to how they got there, she was clueless. It was an almost magical occurrence as far as she was concerned. Married people simply had babies. Which was the extent of her understanding regarding that particular subject.

"Come on! Aren't you hard enough yet?" she heard Kathryn ask. Maggie watched as Kathryn positioned herself directly below her in one of the unused, freshly cleaned stables. Hiking up her skirts, she saw a thick black patch of hair between Kathryn's legs, not all that dissimilar from her own. But what immediately caught her attention, nearly taking her breath away as well as almost causing her to gasp out in surprise, was the sudden appearance of the young man's fleshy bare ass as he pulled his pants down hovering over Kathryn were he stood.

"You mean this?" Maggie heard him say, but unable to see what the "this" was he was referring to.

"Yeah, that!" Kathryn had responded almost dreamily beckoning towards him with her hands, imploring him to join her.

"Not until you say it," he demanded teasingly. "Come on, you want it. Say it!"

"You're horrible Phillip. You're a horrible, horrible man to make a woman say such things. To have her speak such naughty despicable words!" The tone Maggie heard Kathryn using however was anything but shock, anger or even repulsion. It was if anything, unbridled excitement!

"What is going on?" she wondered again to herself, beginning to feel the first signs of some sort of tingling taking place between her legs. Something she had felt a few brief times before, but had always feared it to be the beginnings of her monthly curses.

"Well?" Phillip asked once again. "You're the one who's in a hurry," he reminded her.

"Cock, prick, penis!" Kathryn said spitting the words at him, though once again not in horror or anger, but with an amused, almost affectionate tone of voice.

Maggie was confused, curious. She'd heard the word "Cock" before of course, a name describing a male rooster. And "Prick" certainly. She'd used that particular word herself whenever she had pricked, or poked at something. And embarrassedly, she knew what a penis was too. She'd once asked her father what his 'thing' was when she'd seen him off standing by the side of the road relieving himself. She'd seen babies' penises of course, but had never thought to ask about what that particular appendage was. Only upon seeing her father's had she thought to actually wonder about it. And he had told her simply it was a "penis" that and nothing more. "Men had them, women didn't." Simple enough an explanation for her perhaps. Then. Now, hearing the three distinct words being used together to describe what Kathryn was obviously looking at took on a whole new meaning for her.

"Now, are you going to fuck me or not?" Kathryn asked him once again, using that same word she'd used earlier.

"Fuck?" What did it mean? Maggie wondered silently. Even saying it silently to herself gave her an odd sense, something secretive, something curiously wicked. Whatever "fuck" meant, it had something to do with whatever Phillip and Kathryn were preparing to do.

Maggie watched as Phillip finally lowered himself over Kathryn. Watched as Kathryn spread both of her bare legs to either side of him so that he was positioned directly between them. A moment later they began moving together. A moment after that Kathryn began moaning, pleasurably for some reason. Whatever it was that Phillip was doing to her, it felt good. Even more inexplicably, Maggie felt a trickle of moisture gather between her legs, momentary panic settling in as she quickly checked herself, worried that her curses had taken this particular moment to start, relieved when she found they hadn't. Even so, she became rather 'wet' as she continued to lie there listening to the two of them below her, wondering... wondering what it was they were doing? But even more importantly, why were the two of them enjoying it so much as evidenced by Kathryn's deep groans of obvious pleasure.

The sounds of their coupling, though Maggie still had no real idea what it was she was seeing, let alone listening to, had heightened her own awareness that something interesting was taking place below her. Something that obviously felt good, and brought a significant amount of pleasure to both of them. Kathryn continued to moan, groan, thrashing herself almost violently beneath Phillip. He in turn began bumping against Kathryn faster and faster until she screamed, followed a moment later by his equally deep-throated grunt.

As time was short obviously, Kathryn made Phillip get up from her. When he did, Maggie saw his semi-rigid "penis" as he stood, turning towards the side as she glanced down between the slats in the upper loft above them. Phillip's penis was easily twice the size her father's had been when she had seen his. And she now knew without any doubt as to what he'd been using it for. The thought of a man somehow putting something like that inside of her seemed foreign, yet at the same time, wickedly wonderful as she relived the lusty naughty sounds that the two of them had been making together.

Looking down at Kathryn, she now saw something else too. Several white slimy trails seemed to be coating the course black mat and belly of Kathryn's womanhood.

"It's a good thing you didn't squirt inside me," she told him. "I'm too far from my courses yet to let you do that," she added. "And I don't desire to find myself with a child quite yet either! Though that idiot I'm engaged to would certainly love thinking it was his," she added thoughtfully.

Maggie had to stifle a loud gasp, balling her fist against her mouth as realization dawned on her like a tidal wave. So much made sense to her now, within the blink of an eye. Something she would have never dared to ask her father about certainly, nor would he have in all likelihood even answered her had she asked.

"Except with his belt perhaps," Maggie mused once again looking down through the slats in the flooring.

Phillip helped her to stand. Maggie watched as Kathryn straightened her skirts while Phillip helped her to remove bits of straw that had clung to her, including her hair. "Now... you'd best get a move on and go find Daddy and that other man he hired. They're probably wondering where you are already," she told him. "By the way. Have you seen Maggie today? Mother told me to find her and send her into her if I did. So keep an eye out for her would you? Hell, she's probably out frigging herself someplace, foolish girl."

"Well, if she is off frigging herself someplace, you'd best hope I'm not the one to be finding her, or I might want to be fucking her as well," he'd said teasingly.

This time Kathryn's look was menacing, every bit as much as the tone of voice that she now used. "I ever catch you so much as looking at that girl, I'll tear your fucking eyes out with my own hands!" she warned him seriously.

To Maggie's relief, the two of them left a few moments later. Feeling the moisture, which had continued to flow, continuing to pool between her legs, Maggie reached down wanting to ensure that nothing else was happening. Though she didn't do it often, if hardly ever at all, she placed her finger between her legs, drawing it up to look for any telltale signs. When she did however, she experienced something she had never felt before. An entirely new and different sensation. It felt good, really good. But before she could further explore what it was she'd just discovered, she heard the sound of Mrs. Brown calling out for her. Scrambling down from her place of concealment, she quickly ran around the other side of the barn so that neither Phillip nor Kathryn might expect where it was that she had been hiding. Luckily, neither of them did. Unluckily, Mrs. Brown needed the pigs fed.

It was well after sunset, long after dinner had been eaten with everything cleaned and cleared away, which Maggie had helped with of course. She had made up her bed, unfolding the blankets she'd been given along with a pillow for her head. Her father had settled into the vacant stall next to hers, the very one that she had seen Phillip and Kathryn "fucking" in earlier, she thought.

"Father?" she had asked tentatively, her curiosity getting the better of her reasoning.

"Yes Maggie?" he'd answered her a moment later, hearing him as he laid out his own blankets in preparation for sleep.

"What does the word 'fuck' mean?" she asked innocently.

Maggie was stunned, shocked, surprised to put it mildly when her father suddenly appeared in the opening of her stall, belt in hand with the most fearsome look upon his face she'd ever seen before.

"Don't ever... ever say that word again! Do you hear me?" he demanded in a voice she had never heard her father use before.

Maggie looked at him numbly, frightened now as he moved towards her folding the belt over once as he did.

"Turn over, onto your belly!" he demanded of her. Maggie remembered only being spanked once by her father, and then, only with his hand. He had threatened her with his belt but had never used it. Doing so only as a warning to her to behave and never talk back to him again. Which she hadn't. Seeing the belt this time however, she hoped for a warning, but knew in her heart as he had told her to roll over, that this time it wouldn't be.

"Thwap!" The first sting to her ass came as a shock to her. The thin material of her nightgown and underwear giving little or no protection from the stinging edge of the leather as it came down hard upon her sensitive flesh. Maggie expected another, hearing only the sound of her father's exasperation and the sound of the belt being thrown off to the side of the stall angrily.

"Let that be a reminder to you. Do NOT speak such filth in my presence ever again!" her father screamed at her. But Maggie could also tell by the tone of his voice, that he was confused, frustrated perhaps. Just as angry with himself as he was at her as he turned and walked away back towards his stall. Seconds later he blew out their only lantern without even saying goodnight to his daughter. Maggie curled up inside her blankets, the sting of her father's belt still fresh across the backside of her ass. In the darkness, she heard her father speak, asking in tones almost too low to hear, apologetic in a way without saying so.

"Where was it that you heard that word?" he asked her. "And don't lie to me Maggie, I will know it if you do. What did you see and hear?" he asked again a little more sternly.

Maggie had never lied to him before. She feared his anger in her lying to him every bit as much as in telling him how she had come to know this word. But she found in telling him to be the lesser of two evils. So she did.

It was the first time that Maggie ever remembered her father leaving a job early before. Especially one in which there was actual payment, let alone room, board and meals included. He had waited until sunrise to inform Mr. Brown they were leaving. Mr. Brown had attempted to convince them to stay, even offering a meager increase to his wages as her father had proven himself to be reliable and hard working. To her surprise, her father declined, accepting payment meager as it was for the work he had done, opting instead to leave, saying nothing more than he had a promise to keep, and needed to be on the road, immediately.

She had walked by her father's side for several hours in silence. The single red welt upon her ass a reminder of her father's anger with her. But a curious question mark too, for why had he stopped after only one?

"I'm sorry," he said simply after a time. Maggie remained silent. She wasn't exactly angry with him, merely confused. Obviously there was much she didn't understand, much that she wished to understand better. Especially about herself, about the feeling she had experienced between her legs by the touch of her own finger. Not to mention why "fucking" seemed to be so pleasurable. And if indeed it was, why then was it something her father would consider so wrong?

"You're almost a woman grown," he said a moment later. "I realized that back there in the barn. I've put off doing what I've known all along would eventually need to be done. There's much you need to know," he stated turning to look at her, his face aflame with embarrassment. "But those are things I cannot explain or tell you about," he added quickly. "You need to live someplace where you can be schooled too. Not out wandering the countryside with me. I know such a place, I know a woman who will take you in as though you were her own," he told her with a measure of finality.

"But father! I don't want to live someplace without you!" Maggie began to cry. He had said nothing more to her about it as they walked along in silence; only the gentle comfort of his strong arm around her shoulder told her that he was no longer angry or mad at her. But she also knew that once his mind was made up about something, there was no changing it. With fear and dread burning deeply within her soul, Maggie walked beside him towards the beginning of a new life.

Several days later Maggie and her father had managed to hitchhike half way across Texas. They arrived at a small town still several miles away from San Antonio. It was here that Maggie's father introduced her to a woman he had known. Though how he had gotten to know her so well, or obviously so intimately was a mystery to her. He'd never mentioned the woman to her before.

"May? I'd like to introduce you to my daughter," he'd said. "This is Maggie."

May was an exceptionally attractive woman for as old as she obviously was. Maggie found it odd that she was single, never having been married for as attractive as she was especially at her age. And though she didn't exactly live alone as she ran a boarding house, thus having plenty of guests most of the time, Maggie found the woman to be warm and friendly towards her. Especially upon learning that she was Edward's daughter.

"How long has it been Ed?" May had asked almost affectionately. Perhaps a little too affectionately it seemed in fact to Maggie when they had arrived. She'd also noticed a warning look seemingly pass from her father to May as they stood out on the porch together. May had seemed to pick up on the look, quickly inviting them both in without pressing the question further. "Why don't you let me get the two of you something to eat and drink?" she asked.

"I think Maggie would like that," her father had said with a relieved tone of voice that Maggie immediately picked up on. "And then maybe you and I can go back outside onto the porch and chat for a moment or two," he'd indicated with another knowing look cast in Mays direction.

May had taken the hint; fixed Maggie a sandwich along with some fruit, cheese and a nice cold glass of milk before pouring herself and Maggie's father an iced tea. "May and I have some business to discuss," he'd told her. "You sit in here, enjoy your lunch while we talk." Edward had let her know in no uncertain terms that they weren't to be disturbed.

Later that evening her father let her in on what he'd been talking to May about. Maggie learned that she was to live here with her, helping out with the boarders she took in, attending one of the nearby schools during the day in order to further her neglected education. He told her how he would be gone for long periods of time while he sought employment, doing what he did best, traveling around trying to make ends meet and save a little money up for the two of them. Times had been hard; there had been the depression. And now it seemed, war was coming. It was the talk on everyone's mind these days.

Her father had stayed on for three days before leaving bright and early one morning as he'd indicated he would do. It was the last time Maggie would ever see her father again. She heard weeks later he had been killed in an accident crushed by a bailing machine on a farm he'd been working at shortly after his arrival. Worse, the news didn't even reach her for several weeks, as no one knew for sure where his daughter even was or lived. If May hadn't noticed a small tiny article in an old newspaper about her father's death, she might not have ever known. And so it was, May became her best friend, confidant and mentor.

Maggie had turned seventeen, having lived with May now ever since her fathers death. Together she helped May run the boarding house. Business was booming as they lived fairly close to the train station. As late, things had been pretty hectic. People seemed to be constantly coming and going, which was especially odd for this time of year with winter approaching. It was November 1941 and was proving to be one of the coldest winters on record, especially for San Antonio.

Maggie had been sitting inside with May one evening when she finally worked up the courage to ask her how it was that May knew her father. May smiled, gave Maggie a sorrowed look, setting down her needlework that she'd been working on as she did nearly every night after the sun went down.

"Do you really want to know?" she'd asked.

"Yes. Yes I would. And please... tell me everything, I need to know."

May's smile was reassuring, though sorrowful at the same time. "I met your father a long time ago," she began. "Probably around your age he was, just having entered the army. That was during the BIG war of course, and he was anxious to go over seas and fight for his country. Thankfully the war ended before he was ever shipped over."

"So how did you meet him?" Maggie asked interrupting her, curious more than ever. May laughed, almost blushing as she sat back closing her eyes, remembering.

"Back then, I didn't run a house, I worked in one."

"You mean a boarding house? Like this one?" Maggie asked.

"No, a different kind of house Maggie. You see, I was a prostitute at the time, or a lady of the evening as I preferred to call myself," she added.

Maggie was shocked. Not so much that May had admitted to being one of "those" kinds of women. But shocked that her father had actually, knowingly gone to her. Even if it was before he'd met and married her mother.

"You mean to tell me that father... and you?"

May smiled. "No, he didn't know it at the time. Back then we working girls didn't actually live at our place of employment. I lived at the same place your father was staying at. Another boarding house not much different than the one I'm running now. We used to go out in the evenings for long walks whenever I wasn't working. And as strange as it may seem, I decided to never tell him what it was I actually did for a living. One evening, we ended back at the house. The old lady who ran the place had left for a few days to attend her sister's funeral. It just so happened that your father and I were the only two people staying, and living there at the time. So it was, we spent the night together. I took his virginity. He of course immediately proposed marriage afterwards. And it was then that I felt like I had to tell him the truth about myself. Which I did. Your father left the following morning. I didn't hear from him again for nearly three years. Then one day, he came through town. I was still a working girl, but I had been trying to save up enough money to get out of the business and buy my own place, a boarding house. He had come back for me. But not in the way I had hoped he would, nor even in the way I had expected. He came through long enough to tell me two things. One, that he'd never forgotten me, and because of that, he'd managed to save up enough money to give to me so that I could buy that boarding house, get out of the life I'd been living."

"And two?" Maggie asked.

"And two, that he had gotten married, and his wife was pregnant. He had no desire to do anything with me, nor did he expect for me to ever pay him back for what he had done for me. But one thing he did ask, which I promised him I would do. And that was, if for any reason he needed a favor from me in return, he would consider that as payment in full for what he had given me. A new life."

Maggie sat back digesting everything that May had told her about her father. She realized then and there that there was so much she didn't know about him or about herself for that matter.

"Am I that favor?" Maggie asked her. Once again May gave her a knowing smile.

"But one in which I accept gladly," she told Maggie. "You see, I found out early on that I would never be able to bare children of my own. It was one of the reasons I never married. Not many men wanted a wife who was barren for one thing. And for the other, no man wanted a woman who had once lived the sort of life that I had either."

"What was it like?" Maggie asked cautiously. "What I mean is... what is it like being with a man anyway?" Now it was May's turn to look surprised.

"How old are you?" she asked again.

Maggie blushed. "Seventeen, Eighteen in three months, remember?"

"Yes, I know. I just wanted to know if you knew how old you were. A lot of women your age are already married by now." May's comment wasn't meant to be stinging, but Maggie heard the implication. She really was way too innocent. "So you mean to tell me, you've never ever been with a man?"

"No! Never!" Maggie exclaimed almost indignantly. Just as quickly blushing as she remembered that day not so long ago when she had witnessed Kathryn and Phillip "fucking" in the barn below her.

Long into the night they spoke. Maggie asked, May answered. Maggie's eyes grew wide as she learned about womanhood, femininity. And more importantly, the pleasures that a man and a woman could enjoy and experience with one another. One thing May did that her father could never do, was answer her personal intimate questions. Perhaps it was one reason why after that episode in the barn her father had decided to bring her here. To find out from an expert. Someone who knew, and who wouldn't feel squeamish or shy about answering her questions. All of them. And as Maggie found out, she had a lot of questions to ask.

Maggie soon settled in to her new life. Business was brisk. For the first time in recent memory according to May, it was the first time in a long time that the boarding house was filled. With the threat of war on every radio, every newspaper, enlistments were up. Young men everywhere were either joining the services or thinking about it. As they did, job openings became available. Men from nearly everywhere were coming to town looking for work now that the great depression seemed to finally be over with. As such, Maggie was busy all day long from dawn to dusk. Cleaning rooms, helping with the three guaranteed meals for their guests, Maggie had little if any time for herself any more.

"Maggie?" May had asked her while ironing sheets and bedding one evening just before retiring.


"We need to go upstairs and make up the bed for our new boarder," she'd told her. "You know, Mr. Peterson. Anyway, I didn't have any fresh linen at the time. Would you mind running these up and making the bed before he starts complaining?" she'd asked.

"Yes May," Maggie said gathering up the freshly laundered, ironed sheets. By the time she had reached his room, he was on his way down to "inquire" about his bedding as he'd told her in the hallway. Maggie had apologized profusely, indicating to him in the hall that she was on her way up when she had stumbled into him. He hadn't scolded her really, in fact, seemed rather polite given the late hour and all. Maggie quickly scurried to his room and began making the bed, hearing him having entered behind her, closing the door as he did.


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The Mailroom

Deidre Simmons gets a lot of attention in the office. A lot of . . . inappropriate attention. It’s not uncommon for her to find a pair of amorous eyes zoned in on her tits or ass, or have a superior whisper something in her ear that would have him out on his ass faster than he could blink. But it doesn’t bother her, either. In fact, she welcomes it—revels in it, and will even get a little piqued when someone ignores her.        Her friend, Samantha, chalked it up to the nasty divorce she’d gone...

3 years ago
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Night Angel

Put on the song Gimmie Shelter by the Stones and enjoy ^..^Through the night she glides, her hunger knowing no bounds. Searching for prey in the dark recesses of a town filled with lustful intent. Her hair is as dark as a raven wing, and her eyes feline born. Lips are full and red. Breasts lush, body made for lusting. She is hunter, is in heat and satisfied it shall be.She materializes in shadow to find what she craves. Into the steamy bar she walks and people stop in their tracks as she walks...

1 year ago
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Axe VictimChapter 3

(two more days have passed) What a day, Donovan sighed, pulling his black pickup into his driveway. He couldn't believe the stuff Keys came up with this time. It was trite schlock. And he told them so in no uncertain terms. Barrier Riff had never fought in the studio before. This one was a doozy. Keys was right about two things. The record company wasn't going to wait forever, and Donovan had nothing better for them to play. There was no way his name was going on an album with that...

4 years ago
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Idylls of the Lady Ch 2

Heather ate her breakfast, feeling deliciously sinful after her frolic that morning with James, and bathed and chose a gray silk gown. She pulled her chestnut hair back loosely in a ribbon, and went downstairs, to where her brother, Lord Holden, sat smoking his pipe in the salon. ‘Good morning, darling brother,’ she said, walking over and kissing his cheek. She made sure enough cleavage was showing to spark his interest. He swallowed hard. ‘Good morning, Heather,’ he choked out. She smiled...

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UNCLE DAVE’S family THREESOMEShe could suck a dick better then her mom ever could when she was her age. Dave had discovered his niece’s talents on his first trip home in the summer of 86. Anita had just turned eighteen and she had not seen her uncle in over five years. It was a shock for both of them to realize the attraction that was between them, it was nothing short of pure lust when ever they were even in the same room together. Christine, Anita’ mom and Dave’s sister was more then aware of...

3 years ago
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Please dont judge mejust fuck me

Ive made confessions before and then erase them because I feel ashamed of what I realize I am. Let me first say that I have always had plenty of girls. I was the guy that got the good girls to suck my dick, swallow my cum and let me fuck them up the ass. I even got a few to let me and my boys run a train on them. Honestly, I was the guy that convinced them to let me finger and then slide my dick in their ass and would fuck them as hard as I could and get off on them not being able to say shit...

1 year ago
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Peter Is 20 YvetteChapter 2 Sunrise

London was amazing - not because I made the Olympic team again. I actually expected to do that. Not because I won the silver in 1500 freestyle and 25k open water. Because in between them, Yvette and I made love for the first time. "I love you," she said. "I'm so proud of you. Come here." After that, I almost didn't make it to the next competition. I didn't want to let her go, didn't want to stop making love to her. If she hadn't finally pushed me out of the bed, I wouldn't have. We...

2 years ago
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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English chapter1

The law of physical life It is a universal rule of physical life that every individual being undergoes a development which we know as its individual life and which, so far as its physical substance is concerned, ends with death. Death is the destruction of the greater part of this individual organism which, when death ensues, once more becomes lifeless matter. Only small portions of this matter, the germ cells, continue to live under certain conditions which nature has fixed. The germ...

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Bec3 It Aint Over Til Its OverChapter 10 Friday Evening

Lightning crashes overhead and thunder roars. A single high soprano voice soars in wordless homage to the storm. The naked woman dances and spins. Her long hair blows wild and free in the blustering wind. The goblet and knife in her hands speak of some nameless ritual. Her naked dance is sexy, brazen, promiscuous, earthy, vulgar. She flings her arms wide and opens herself to the storm. A single bolt of lightning spears down and slams into the earth in front of her. Heat and light sear the...

1 year ago
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Humiliated by Mommy part 4

Humiliated by Mommy by Naughtieboys [email protected] © Julian Smith and Em-bare-assed Press 1999-2001. Revised 2013. THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION (or unpure friction) FOR ADULTS ONLY. NO REAL CHILDREN WERE HARMED IN THE PRODUCTION OF THIS STORY. BY READING FURTHER, YOU ARE DECLARING THAT YOU ARE A CONSENTING ADULT. This work is copyright by the author. Commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and include...

2 years ago
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“Wow, now that was sexist. Don’t you think so?” one of the pharmacy clerks said after I walked out. I was at the elevator and Marjorie, who I was talking to, thought about what I’d said. ‘No, I don’t think,’ so she told herself as she smiled. I kind of liked that actually. Then the same clerk spoke up again. “Don’t you think so Margie? Margie, hey Margie?” she called out. “Did you hear me?” Margie said it to herself again, ‘No, I kind of like the idea,’ but then she said out loud “Yeah,...

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AssignmentChapter 4

My husband and I slept in our bed that night. The very bed I had been so thoroughly well fucked on by Gary that afternoon while Jim was at school. I had let Gary take me in all of my holes and I had loved every second of it. My guilt flowed over me as I cleaned up after my session with Gary. I felt used and dirty. Then I remembered that Jim wanted me to have sex with men. Not a man, but many men. He wanted to witness me being 'raped' by several men, taken in all of my holes. I let myself...

2 years ago
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Sex Guns Beer

You've been a lonely single man all you're life; you even start to think you will die a single man, and, when you think about that, a feeling of sadness invades you. You decide to go out for a walk and find out if there will be any cute girls that will hook up with you, you don't know. After walking for an hour you stop at a bar that looked kind of familiar. You think you've even been to this place, but you don't know, so you decide to go in after all. You might get lucky in there. You enter...

3 years ago
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Barnyard OrgyChapter 6

If the ropes didn't hurt so much, cutting into her tender skin, Jenny would swear she was having a nightmare. This was the type of thing she saw in the movies or heard on the news, not something that could ever really happen to her. But each time she moved, each time she breathed, she was painfully aware of the reality of the situation. Her heart was thudding, she was having trouble breathing, and she was sick to her stomach. For the first time in her life, Jenny thought she might faint....

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The Video Store Chapters 1 2 3

Lea had agreed to spend the weekend at her boyfriend Alex's apartment. She told her parents that she was visiting a college friend in the next state. Her little sister Jenn knew about the arrangement but had promised to keep her secret. Jenn owed Lea one since Lea had found Jenn playing with herself while looking at a body builder magazine. Jenn was just discovering her sexuality and was easily excited. But Lea had been very supportive, explaining that she also liked to masturbate all the...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Liza Rowe Braceface Fellatio

Liza Rowe is the cutest braceface around, and loves to suck cock whenever possible. She likes it when you hold her pigtails as she motions back and fourth down your shaft. She likes it even more when you make her gag. If she really likes you, she will use her feet to hold your dick while she slobbers all over it. This is a hell of a sight to see. Looking into those beautiful eyes as she stares into ours with a face full of cum was magical. Liza will stay forever in our dreams, and always on our...

4 years ago
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The new neighbors2

A couple days after moving in he decided to knock on the front door and meet the people he would be living in close quarters with. He was a little apprehensive as he didn’t know what to expect. He didn’t have to be friends with the people – he just hoped they weren’t too weird, or noisy. He waited for a second on the front porch until the door swung open. A young, sweaty, shirtless guy opened the door. He looked to be a couple years older than Jack’s twenty-two. “Hey, what’s up, man?”...

4 years ago
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Geraldine was right. Darlene had a big meaty clit nestled between two very fat pussy lips. Just looking at it was making my dick hurt but her clit, which was pulsating and getting more erect with each pulsation made my mouth water. Geraldine suggested that I start with Darlene first and she got no argument from me or Darlene. I laid the big woman down on her back and began with light wet kisses from her earlobe, down her neck and then on to her breasts. I took my time and savored the taste...

2 years ago
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The Rules of Golf Part 25

Matthew and I lay on the floor exhausted, we looked into each other's eyes, silently acknowledging that Mia was indeed owed a serious pampering before Matthew finally spoke, "we’re going to need a while to recover, Mia.” Continuing, “ I hope you can wait.”“No problem at all," replied Mia, continuing, “go and clean up, and then you can both prepare dinner. I’ll be relaxing until I’ve been satisfied by you two guys.” Mia then put on a satin kimono and adjourned to the kitchen while Matthew and I...

3 years ago
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It is becoming clearer and clearer that we live in a universe of energy, and everything, whether it is our bodies of even the very environment we live in, is created of sound / light / frequency / vibration which are all one and the same. And matter is simply a condensed form of that energy.The problem is this, that humanity has yet to tap into this power, a power that we all have within ourselves. You could say that your body is dense matter and your soul pure light. If we look at the word...

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Daniel and Madelyn

Daniel is one of my good friends and we were planning on hanging out. He informed me that his girlfriend, Madelyn would be at his house as well. I didn't mind it because I had know her since I was born. Madelyn was a short skinny girl who's in competition cheerleading. She was barely a B cup with a small but very cute bubble butt. Just by looking at her, you know any hole you put your dick in, it was going to be super tight. Daniel was your regular guy who I knew from past experience had a...

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Stephanies SlaveryChapter 5 In trouble again

"Did you get your bum smacked again last night? Did he screw you over the kitchen table as soon as you got through the door? Or did he tie you down to the bed and rape you good and hard while you screamed for mercy? Did you have to suck him? Or take it in your bum hole?" Tracy kept up a tirade of nagging questions when Stephanie sat at her desk the next morning. Stephanie tried to ignore them but Tracy just stood there with a smirk on her face as if to say, "You're getting your...

3 years ago
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Dispatchment WeekChapter 8

As dawn broke, the women looked up gleefully to witness him jerking helplessly to another humiliating orgasm. As he panted through Destiny's richly soiled panties; squirming in the tight bonds and luxuriant silk, the women applauded loudly, jeered and laughed as he spent over and over as he was slowly lowered, adding to the milky mess he had made of the silk throughout a torrid night. Today was his last full day, and Matron, Destiny and Miranda were accompanied by a group of huge, buxom and...

1 year ago
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You still watched

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi Sis, I have to stay at Aunties for the summer, so I'm just leaving you this note to tell you that even though I won't see you for a while, I will still think of you. I know we're not as old as most other people who like to touch, and even though everyone thinks brothers and sisters shouldn't do it with each other, I know you like to watch me rub my weener and I like it too, when you watch me and smile when you see my juice squirt out. You don't know...

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Saving Amy

SAVING AMY As Eric came awake, he realised several things almost simultaneously - and none of them good. He was naked. He was chained upright, against a cold stone wall in what seemed to be some kind of cell. There was something stuck in his bottom. And he had not the faintest idea of how he'd got here, or where he'd been before this. A groan of terror and incomprehension forced its way out of his throat. The answering moan from away to his right told him something else. He was not...

1 year ago
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Teenage Sex Club pt1

It was late August and I was excited about the next school year, my hopes were high and expectations great...then I ran into Daniel and Bruce. At first they seemed friendly, asking how I've been and how great the last session we all had. Daniel began to speak 'Bruce thought that we should ask you if would come alone before I get violent. I told him I would ask you, but you would have no choice. Either you accept what we say or we force you, it's still your choice.' I looked at the two of them...

4 years ago
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The Author Pt 01

A Story of Bondage and Domination. A work of fiction Part One: Jennifer betrayed. April 12th 2001: Jennifer pulled on the ropes binding her to the bed reveling in the erotic bondage as Jeremy fucked her. She was spread eagle on her back, a pillow under her ass, raising her pelvis to her boyfriend. Ropes bound her hands and ankles. This was the way Jennifer had hoped to spend her birthday, a perfect way to turn 18. Jennifer had been singing happy birthday to me in her mind as Jeremy tied her...

2 years ago
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What Happens in Quarantine Part 3

And then afterwards, Daniel had both of his children lick and suck his dick clean. It had felt like heaven, although Anthony had been unsure about doing it. Daniel chuckled a little as he lay there. It was probably the first time the boy had ever done anything with another guy. But, as Daniel remembered from college, other men can make some of the best sexual partners. After he had let them run off, Daniel had heard Lacey and Anthony fucking all afternoon. They had barely emerged to eat...

3 years ago
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SRU Half and Half

SRU: HALF AND HALF By Roy Del Frink A disgruntled lady walked up to the counter, holding a paper bag in her arm. "Listen here, buddy," she said to the old man behind the counter, "you sold me a potion that would turn my husband into the next thing I said. I said, 'Change my husband into a Chippendale dancer,' and look what happened!" She placed the bag on the counter, and opened it. The lady pulled out two chipmunks, dressed in tiny top hats, tuxes, and canes. One had a...

1 year ago
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The Affair ContinuesPart 2

From last time: She stretched and touched her breasts and belly with a smile. She lay there thinking of what it was going to be like later. She heard the shower go off and the curtain part. She rolled over and cuddled the pillows underneath her as she watched Bill dry off. She looked at the broad shoulders and large chest. She watched the hands that just pleasured her. She watched them glide over his body and wished it were hers. She wanted to touch him. She looked at his loins and thought...

4 years ago
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Sulfur SpringsChapter 2

Melody woke to shouts and gunfire. She groaned and checked her watch. Three hours, more than she'd really expected. She stuffed her poncho liner into her ruck, and grabbed the rest of her gear. She was disoriented a moment, then realized the firing came from inside the arena. She walked over to the roll up doors, and peered outside. Nobody on the loading dock, but there was a gunner in each of the Hum-Vees. She went back to where she'd been sleeping, and kicked the other soldier from her...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 81

‘This is why you needed to see me?’ my father said, gesturing toward Jeff. ‘What did you do to Sabrina? That poor girl ran off like she was being chased by a posse.’ Jeff smiled. ‘That’s an apt analogy. A posse would be appropriate for her role in this. But I have no doubt you are the mastermind of this deal with the devil.’ ‘I don’t have to put up with this disrespect,’ my father said. He turned to leave. ‘Hey, Dad, don’t be that way,’ Jeff said, oozing sarcasm. My father turned and...

4 years ago
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From bus to bed

Hi Friends, I am Parth from Surat (Gujarat) again. I am an ardent fan of ISS and a regular visitor of your site. I am a fun loving guy and like minded peoples can contact me on This time I am writing you my experience which I had, whilst I was traveling back from Ahmadabad by Bus. A couple of months back I had to go to Ahmadabad for my professional work. Whilst I was returning, my meetings with the client finished late and hence instead of Train, I had to resort to Bus option to return back to...

3 years ago
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Amir Ghar Ki Aunty Meri Rakhel

Jo b aunty mere se satisfaction chahti hain pe muje mail kar sakti hain.. Acha to mai story pe ata hu k kaise maine ek amir ghar ki aunty ko apni rakhel banaya.. Yeh kahani hai 6 mahine pehle ki jab maine aur ek kahani iss pe post ki thi, to wo kahani padhne k bad ek aunty ne muje msg kiya.. Wo ek big shot rich businessman ki biwi hai jisko apne husband se rahat nahi milti hai.. Usne muje msg kiya aur bat karne lagi to pata chala k wo b wahi ki rehne wali hai, bas isi se mai khush ho gaya k...

1 year ago
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Sarah Part Nineteen

It was a Friday night at the end of spring break from school. Sarah had found a place to live in upstate New York, completed most of her school work, and was looking forward to her graduation and new job. She was relaxed, happy and horny, and had planned an evening of pleasure for the two of us. A blanket was placed on the living room floor. The toys were organized next to the big leather chair in the living room. And, Sarah had tied my wrists to the chair arms. For the next forty-five...

3 years ago
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Summer Discoveries No 4 The Lake House

Needless to say, the Canada Day party exceeded expectations, with reality having been even more exciting than Steph’s dream. As you can probably imagine, Jack and Steph’s sex life was rather charged up in the following weeks. But, of course, as happens with summer, Jack and Steph got very busy over the next month with picnics and festivals and the kids’ events and family vacations and concerts and parties and on and on and on, all of which are very fun, but cumulatively exhausting. So it came...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Carpark Holland

Via msn agreed with G in the woods of Zeist. The forest beyond the stables. Car parking for the right barrier. There was. 2 cars. G discovered me and came out of his car. I took off my jacket and slip out. Was now on my shoes after naked. Stepped out of the car and leaned back against the door on. Pulled me off to G, which stood before me. G turned around and pinned me against the car. He grabbed my buttocks and slid his hand between my legs my small cock. I heard his jacket and pants zippers....

2 years ago
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He sits on the couch in the living room, legs pulled up comfortably. Wearing nothing but his boxers and his jeans, bare foot and topless. Browsing through the movies on the pay per view channel. Looking for a movie for them to watch. Just how they like spending a lazy Sunday afternoon. It’s raining outside, and the rain is ticking against the window. He looks outside, and feels glad they’re inside, no reason to go outside, just enjoy their day off together.He hears the door open, and looks up...

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