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I was going through the morning mail my secretary had just put on my desk when I was alerted to an incoming call on my cell phone. Not too many people knew my cell phone number and a quick glance confirmed that it was from my best friend, Nick Camden.

"Hello Nick, what can I do for you?" I asked as I continued to sort through the mail.

"Jack, can we get together for lunch today?"

A quick check of my calendar and I found I had time in my schedule.

"Sure can. How about Sordino's at 12:30?"

"That's fine. See you then."

As I used the intercom to inform my secretary about my 12:30 luncheon, I wondered briefly why Nick wanted to meet for lunch. Of course, we did get together periodically for lunch, as his office wasn't far away. My attention quickly returned to the mail and then to preparation for a meeting with my staff in half an hour. The rest of the morning went quickly and at 12:20 I was on my way to my luncheon appointment with Nick. Sordino's was a local watering hole and restaurant within walking distance, so I didn't bother taking my car. It was just 12:30 as I walked through the door of the restaurant and spotted Nick sitting by himself in a back booth. He waved to attract my attention as I came in, and rose to greet me as I got close.

"Nick, this is great. I always enjoy these imprompu lunches, " I told him as we shook hands and sat down.

Nick and I went way back to our high school days and we'd remained friends for over twenty years. He and his wife Nadine were best friends with my wife Lynn and me. Nick is also my favorite tennis partner.

"Well, I can agree with that." he responded. "You're the one with the big managers job though. I'm just a lowly salesman with time on my hands."

"Lowly salesman my ass. You make more than I do and put in more time on the job than I do. So don't give me that crap," I laughingly told him.

"Okay, okay, enough BS. Let's eat."

After we'd ordered we started a conversation and updated one another on what was going on in our lives as well as bemoaning our latest attempts at golf. I could tell that something was bothering him though. Finally, as we were running out of conversation, Nick suddenly became very serious and he told me something that left me speechless for a few heart beats.

"Jack, I just got back this morning from Atlanta. I got up early and left on the first flight to get here and it was necessary to be out of my hotel by 6AM. When I was leaving my hotel room to catch the shuttle to the airport I saw a woman, who I swear looked just like Lynn. She was leaving a room down the hall carrying her shoes and went across the hall to another room and used a key- card to enter it. She looked a little disheveled as though she had just gotten up. I was going to say something but I was so stunned and she didn't stay in the hall but a few seconds and so I didn't get a chance to say anything. Does Lynn have a twin sister I've never heard about or a cousin who looks like her?"

When I was able to speak I asked, "What hotel was it?"

It was the downtown Hyatt-Regency. Are you all right?"

I must have gone pale or something because I floundered for another bit before responding.

"Lynn is in Atlanta on business staying at the downtown Hyatt-Regency."

"Oh shit! God, I'm sorry Jack. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything."

"Do you remember what room she left and what room she went into?"

"Let me think. It was on the sixth floor and she must have come out of 611 and gone into 614 or thereabouts."

"Shit! Lynn is supposed to be in 612."

"Damn! That's rotten Jack."

"Do you think she saw you and recognized you?"

"She looked down the hall in my direction as I closed my door. Those hotel door latches make a lot of noise, you know, when they close. She didn't acknowledge me at all after a quick glance before she went into the room. Its just that the way she looked coming out of that room made me think she'd spent the night there, and was sneaking back into her own room before anyone else was up. It was just a very remote chance that I was in the same hotel and just happened to come out of my room just as she was crossing the hall."

"Well, she gets home this evening. I wonder if she's going to say anything?"

By this time I was finished with my lunch as far as I was concerned. I just needed to get somewhere where I could be alone and think through what Nick had laid on me. It certainly didn't look good to be spotted coming out of another hotel room early in the morning like that.

"Look, I need to get back to my office now but I'm going to ask you not to say anything to anyone right now; not even Nadine. If Lynn and I have a problem I'd like to be able to work it out with Lynn before the world knows about it."

"Okay Jack. I'm terribly sorry about this. If there's anything I can do, let me know ... and I do promise to keep it to myself. I hope what I saw doesn't turn out to be what it looked like but I had to let you know. I'd want to know if Nadine was involved in something."

"Thanks Nick. I'll be in touch to let you know what's going on."

We said our goodbyes and I headed back to my office. I didn't get much accomplished the rest of the afternoon as my mind continued to dwell on the possibilities of what Nick had told me.

I guess I should interrupt my story to tell you a little bit about Lynn and myself. Lynn and I met in college. She was going for her BS in Computer Management and I was going for my BS in Civil Engineering. One of our courses overlapped and we ended up sitting next to one another. I think we were both taken with one another and it wasn't long before we were an item. We ended living together in our senior year and we married shortly after graduation. We've been married ten years now. Our sex life has been active and satisfying as far as I knew. Anyway, she'd never complained about it in all the years we were married.

Lynn is now 32 and a very attractive woman. She keeps herself in shape with exercise and diet. I know she gets hit on a lot but I'd always had a complete trust in her faithfulness up till now. She works as a senior buyer for a small plant in town that manufactures components for computers, and travels several times a year to visit and negotiate with suppliers ... It was hard to imagine that she would jeopardize our marriage by playing around.

I work for a national contractor of homes and business and I'm now the assistant manager of the heating and air conditioning department but I'd gained some insight on most of the disciplines that make up a large building contractor. At 33, I think I'm not that good looking but I'm in good shape. Lynn's obsession with keeping herself fit rubbed off on me or I was afraid to not be in shape with her looking so good. So I do a full round of gym work and tennis to maintain my body.

We own a condominium, but have been thinking about a getting a house because at 32 Lynn is getting concerned about her biological clock. If she wants kids I'll go along with it because I've always thought that children were part and parcel of a loving relationship. Without the responsibility of kids it's mostly companionship.

I've never availed myself of opportunities, because I thought about how hurt Lynn would be if she found out or I brought an STD home. I didn't think it was worth the risk and besides, Lynn kept me more than happy at home. I'll have to admit to being tempted at times when my little head tried to take over.

I was sitting in my office after my lunch with Nick and I had an idea to try to find out what I could about Lynn's latest trip. We'd had dinner with Lynn's boss, Bill Johnson and his wife Clare, a couple of times so I thought I'd give him a call.

"Bill? This is Jack Lancaster. Got a minute?"

"Sure Jack. What's up?"

Bill, I'm terribly embarrassed to ask this, but can you ask your travel department what time Lynn's plane gets in this evening? I'd written it down and forgot where I put it. I don't want to embarrass myself with her by calling so I thought I'd give you a call."

"Sure Jack, just a minute."

I heard him talking to his secretary and then he got back on the line. "While she's checking with travel how are things with you? We've got to get out to dinner sometime soon."

"I'm fine. We're keeping busy at work and you may not like to hear this," I told him laughing "but Lynn and I have been discussing starting a family."

"Well that's great, Jack, and its about time. Clare and I have two and we couldn't be happier."

"Sounds great. Say, can you tell me who went with Lynn on her trip? I get uncomfortable when she travels by herself."

"She took Ralph Marietta with her again this time. Ralph is a new hire right out of college, and she's been teaching him the ropes of the tough procurement business."

"Ha, ha." I responded, but I wasn't thinking it was funny at all. "How long have they been traveling together?"

"I think this is the third time."

"Well Jack, here's the information you wanted." He rattled off the airline, flight number and ETA.

"I really don't think you have anything to worry about when Lynn travels by herself though. She's pretty independent and can take care of herself."

"Thanks and you're probably right, Bill, so please don't mention I talked to you about it or that I misplaced her airline information. We have to stay on the good side of our spouses, don't we?" I laughed

"You're right Jack. Have a good day."

I rang off and sat there at my desk thinking awhile. If she were playing around on her trips I now had a pretty good idea who it was with. She'd never mentioned about anyone traveling with her before so maybe she'd been lying by omission. The fact that she'd never mentioned Ralphie Boy was indicative of an attempt to deceive. I had to be very careful here and not go jumping the gun. It would be too dangerous to confront her based strictly on circumstantial evidence. I'll wait until she gets home, act normally and see how she reacts. I haven't noticed anything different in her demeanor after her last two trips. In fact, I think I'll go to the airport tonight and meet her. She normally takes a cab home but I can explain showing up by telling her I missed her.

I was standing back from the security area waiting for Lynn to come through so we could go home. I'd watched the arrivals board and was expecting her momentarily. The first passengers were coming through security as I watched. It was toward the end of the influx that I saw her, but she wasn't alone. A tall, good-looking younger man was with her and he had an arm about her shoulders. I slipped into a convenient store front and continued to watch as they headed toward Baggage Claim.

They continued to Baggage Claim talking together animatedly. I unobtrusively followed and managed to take pictures of them with my cell while I was getting madder by the second. When they reached Baggage Claim I was appalled to watch as they exchanged a passionate kiss goodbye after collecting their luggage. It was a kiss that indicated a lust and passion that you would normally share with someone you've had intimate relations with. I was thankful for my cell to have a record of what I'd seen, but I was now raging inside and couldn't wait any longer to confront her.

As Lynn turned to head for the exit to catch a cab I stepped forward and she saw me. She initially smiled when she recognized me. Then she paled as she saw the look on my face and she suddenly remembered what I might have witnessed moments before. She stood there undecided from the shock of seeing me and what it might mean to our relationship as I walked up to her.

"Lynn, don't come home. Get yourself a room for the night or go to your parent's. I don't want to see or talk to you until I'm ready. I want you to know that I'll be talking with a lawyer."

Leaving her with a stunned look on her face I turned and started to walk away. Before I got beyond earshot she'd recovered enough to call out.

"Jack, wait." and hurried to catch up to me. "It wasn't what you're thinking. It was just one kiss of friendship. We can't divorce over that."

I turned back to her. Several people were standing and listening to our little drama. Ralph had disappeared.

"Yes we can Lynn. That wasn't a kiss you should give to another man if I weren't around, and we can divorce over it when I know there was more involved. Irreconcilable differences might cover a multitude of reasons which can also include adultery."

She paled again at the use of the A word.

"Honey, I would never do that to you. My gosh, it was just a kiss."

"Tell me Lynn. Whose bed were you in last night?"

If it was possible for someone to go chalk white Lynn managed it, but she continued to deny any inappropriate behavior.

"I spent it in my own bed. You've got to believe me." She croaked out.

I decided to try a small bluff to see if I could extract a confession out of her.

"Nick was in Atlanta at the Hyatt Regency this morning and saw you leave the room of your traveling companion, Lynn. If you've got a good excuse why you were leaving his room carrying your shoes at 6AM this morning I might be able to overcome the inappropriate kiss I just saw."

She looked shocked for a moment and glanced briefly at the people listening to us before responding. I think she knew that she was caught.

"Jack, I think we need to take this somewhere more private. Can I go home with you? I promise if we can't resolve this by talking for half an hour I'll leave."

"I don't think so. If you can explain right now why Nick saw you coming out of that room at 6AM I'll agree to talk further. I'm not going to give you time to think up a cockamamie reason for what he saw. Its either the truth right now or goodbye. Our marriage may hang on you coming up immediately with a rational reason for what he saw."

She looked at me very sadly before replying.

"I'm sorry Jack. I truthfully have no excuse that would satisfy you. I love you and don't want to lose what we have together. Please let me come home."

I was still simmering in my rage and I wanted to hit back by humiliating her publicly. It didn't bother me that I was announcing to the world that I was a cuckold. What I needed to do was identify her as an adulteress and make the humiliation hers.

"I'm sorry too Lynn. Right now there's no way I see that we could make a go of it. My trust in you is seriously jeopardized and a good marriage is based on trust. It would only be a sham of a marriage if we tried to continue after what you've done. I refuse to spend the rest of my life wondering about you when you weren't around. Let's just make a clean breast of it right now and let me get on with the rest of my life." I told her and turned and walked away.

As I left I heard someone clapping in the background and another guy, who had been listening, gave me a thumbs up as I exited the terminal. I didn't look back.

Tears were running down my face as I got in my car in the short-term parking lot. I couldn't drive for half an hour as I fought not going back and getting her. I hadn't really known how deeply I loved her and needed her until that moment.

The weekend was spent in sort of a daze. I don't remember anything about it. I think I watched a lot of old movies on the TV. Maybe I was trying to go back in my life to when things were happier. Thankfully, Lynn didn't try to contact me, I think I would have hung up on her if she had tried. I did start feeling bad about publicly humiliating her, but then I felt she had something coming as revenge for what she'd done and I didn't feel so bad.

I awoke on Monday morning after a fitful sleep. I hadn't heard from Lynn and I realized it was time to do something about making at least a preliminary decision regarding my marriage. A couple of days before, my boss had been looking for someone to take over the office in Seattle for a few weeks. Maureen, the regular manager, had to take maternity leave, and as far as I knew he hadn't found anyone yet. Maybe some time away would give me a chance to cool down and get my thoughts in order.

When I went into work that morning I stopped in at my boss' office and asked whether he'd filled the job in Seattle yet.

"No I haven't." he responded. "Are you interested? We really need someone out there soon."

"I think I'd like to go for it then. How soon do I have to be there?"

"I don't mean to pry, but I assume you've cleared this with Lynn and she's okay with your absence for six to eight weeks."

"Lynn and I have separated and I have the time now to look at other options for my future life."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I thought you and she were going to start a family soon."

"For reasons I'm not going into I don't think that is going to be a possibility of that any time soon. I need this time to sit down and give my marriage a lot of thought."

"All right, I don't like to take advantage of problems in your personal life, but I need you out in Seattle as soon as possible. You need to be brought up to speed on operations there before Maureen leaves and she's due in less than two weeks. So anything you can do to expedite your presence out there would be appreciated..."

"I should be able to be out there in three or four days." I just need a little time to tie up the loose ends in my personal life and I'm gone."

"Well, try to fit in some time to give Matt a little update on where you're at on the Kingston Project, and you're free to take the rest of the time off before you go."

"Okay. I have to take time off to take care of a few things this morning but I'll get with Matt after lunch."

He stood up and took me hand.

"Thanks for doing this Jack I appreciate it. I'm sorry about you and Lynn, and I hope it works out okay for you. Keep me posted on your progress and if you have any problems."

The rest of the morning I was running around trying to isolate half our joint bank and investment accounts to forestall her making a run on them if she felt our marriage was over. I hadn't heard from her since the confrontation at the airport, and I had no idea where she was. I expected to hear from her soon though.

In the afternoon I got with Matt, my co-worker, and brought him up to speed on the project I'd been working on. He was surprised that I'd taken the job in Seattle. Obviously, my boss hadn't alerted him to my personal problems.

"What does Lynn have to say about being gone for a couple of months?" My wife would kill me if I took something like that. Of course we have two kids I'd have to leave her with and leaving her alone with them would go over like a lead balloon."

I didn't want to let it out that we were probably going to divorce so I soft pedaled my response.

"We're having some personal problems so I'm using this as time apart to try to let the dust settle a little."

"That's too bad. I hope this separation works then."

The rest of the afternoon was spent going through the details of my project and introducing him to some other key people. Before leaving for the day I told him, "I'll be around a couple more days so if anything comes up you're unsure about give me a call on my cell. Its Monday now and I expect to be leaving Thursday."

On my way home I decided I didn't feel like cooking so I stopped at TGIF for dinner. After dinner and a couple of cold brews I continued my trip home. It didn't feel right to eat out by myself but I figured I'd better get used to it for awhile. Maybe forever for the way I was feeling about my marriage right then.

I noticed her car was gone from the garage when I got home, so I assumed she'd been over to pick it up and probably taken some clothes and other personal items away with her.

I'd barely gotten in the door when my cell phone rang. Looking at it I saw it was Lynn and decided to answer.

"What is it Lynn?"

"Jack, can I come over so we can talk? I was there earlier and picked up my car. Dad drove me over and I took some clothes and other things. I'm staying with my folks for now."

"I don't see that there's much to talk about or I'd care to listen to right now, Lynn."

"I'm really sorry Jack. I know I've hurt you badly, but we need to try to give our marriage a chance. I know if we could talk I'm sure we could work something out to your satisfaction that would save our relationship."

"You broke the contract of commitment we had Lynn. Right now I'm too angry to consider any thought of staying together. I suggest you not contact me again. When I'm ready to talk I'll call you."

I heard a sigh of resignation.

"All right Jack. I'll wait, but can you make it soon? You should know that mom and dad are not too happy with me either."

"Lynn, I'll tell you what You can come over Thursday evening about 7:00 and do your thing. I'll be able to give you an idea on my position then."

I didn't plan to be there, but I'd be leaving her a message that would express my feelings. I just have to work out what the 'message' would be.

"Okay Jack. Thank you. I love you."

I felt I had to get a crack in before hanging up even though I felt it was a little childish, "You can also bring your fuck buddy and have a good time in what was our bed if that turns you on."

"Jack, it was a one time thing and I will never, never do that again. You can be assured of that."

"I don't know how I'm supposed to be assured or believe you or whether it was even the first time. When we get together to talk you'd better be prepared to address the issue of trust because right now your rating on that is zero. How do you expect me to agree to raising a family together if I can't trust you?"

"I understand Jack and I can't say I blame you. Please, just give me a chance. I'll..."

"Good bye Lynn."

I hung up; I was done talking to her.

The next day I was busy. I made an appointment to see a divorce lawyer for the next morning (Wednesday) and then I spent the day packing my all my clothes, except what I needed for my trip to Seattle, and all my personal possessions and then moving them to a storage locker. It took most of the day. I didn't know whether I'd ever come back to this home because it held too many happy memories of our times here together that could never be forgotten, but were now tarnished by her duplicity.

I then checked into a motel near the airport for the next two nights.

On the way to the appointment at the divorce attorney's the following morning, I stopped at the office and picked up my travel itinerary and had a last talk with my boss.

"Well Jack, have a good time out there and say hello to Maureen for me. She's quite a gal. I think they're grooming her for bigger and better things."

"I met her once at a corporate retreat and I was impressed with her. Not only is she smart and personable; she's not bad looking either."

"Well, she must be married now if she's having a child. Anyway, say hello to her for me. You never know, she might be our boss someday."

"Will do. Take care and I'll see you in a couple of months."

We shook hands, and I left the office heading to the divorce attorney.

I was right on time for my appointment and I was ushered in as soon as I arrived. The attorney was an older woman, who no doubt had handled many divorce cases, and she first asked me to explain my problem and to tell her what I wanted.

I related to her about my discovery of Lynn's infidelity and then told her about accepting a transfer out of state for a couple of months. "As far as what I want to do, I need to know what options I have."

"You have several options. First, you can do nothing for your time away and continue your marriage when you return. That would be accepting her adultery, and I don't think you would want that without undergoing extensive counseling. Another option would be to file for a legal separation to see if the time away from each other will allow the marriage to heal. Finally, just go for a divorce."

"In your case, since you'll be gone for a while, I would recommend that if you still love your wife, you can create a separation agreement which you can be used as the basis for a divorce in the future and it protects your assets while you're apart. It can also be used to require things of the other party. In your case you could require her to see a psychoanalyst to see what caused your wife to commit adultery and whether it's predetermined she will do it again. However, you may have to promise to give the marriage a chance afterward for some amount of time. If it still doesn't work the settlement terms of the agreement are the basis for a divorce."

I thought for a few minutes about my love for her and how I'd enjoyed living with her before and then told her to go ahead and draw up a separation agreement based on her recommendation. I laid out what I wanted in terms of a split of assets, which included giving Lynn the heavily mortgaged condo and contents except my personal items and a few other articles that might still be there. I'd already made a 50/50 split of our finances and she documented that in the agreement.

I did not want to resume the marriage without some indication that would provide me some assurances that our marriage had a reasonable chance of succeeding after psychotherapy. The duration of the therapy would be determined by the therapist. Lynn also needed to document for me how many times she had been with her lover and how many lovers there had been since we were married. I think there was only the one, but I wanted it from her in writing so that if something turned up later that hadn't been noted by her we would proceed with the divorce.

The lawyer listened to my conditions; taking notes as I rambled on,.When I was through she told me she could have it written up and ready for my signature that afternoon. I told her that would be acceptable although I was a little nervous about what I would do if she told me she had taken several lovers while we were married, and that I was a cuckold several times over.

After leaving the attorney's office I called my friend Nick and asked if I could come around that evening to talk with him and Nadine. He told me they would both be home that evening and I told the I'd stop by about 7:30.

After lunch I stopped back at the lawyers office. She had the separation agreement ready for my review. After looking it over I asked for a couple of small changes to my conditions, which her secretary quickly incorporated, and I signed it. I asked if she could have it given to my wife tomorrow evening about 7:00 at our house. She'd be there expecting to talk with me but I thought the separation agreement would provide everything I wanted to interface with her about. I'm sure she'd get the message. The lawyer told me it could be done for an extra charge that I agreed to. She also told me she would keep me posted on the legal aspects while I was away. I made sure she had my cell number to call me.

After leaving the lawyers office I decided I had one more thing to do. I placed a call to Bill Johnson, Lynn's boss.

"Bill, this is Jack Lancaster."

"Oh, hi Jack; what can I do for you?"

"Bill, there's something I think you need to know. Lynn and I are separating, and its because I discovered she's been sleeping with your other employee, Ralph Marietta, while they were traveling together."

There was a stunned silence for a moment.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Jack. I don't know whether you know it or not but we have an anti- fraternization policy for company employees, and both Lynn and Ralph signed on to it when they were hired. Can you provide proof of this?"

Just a witness that saw Lynn leaving Marietta's hotel room at 6AM in Atlanta on Monday and Lynn admitted it to me. Plus, I have photos of them kissing inappropriately in the airport Monday evening."

"That certainly indicates some degree of intimacy that shouldn't have occurred. I'd like to talk with our HR department and then I'll have a talk with Lynn."

"Okay Bill."

I felt a little better after hanging up that I'd done something about Ralphie Boy. I'd be interested in what came out of it.

That evening at Nick's home, I explained to them what was going on between Lynn and myself. They were sorry to hear about our separation and that I would be away for so long.

"I think a couple of months apart will give us both time to reflect on our marriage and where we want it to go if we stayed together on a trial basis."

"You might be right, Jack." Nick told me. "We're going to miss getting together. You guys have been our best buds for a long time. I don't know what the hell we're going to do without you both."

"Let's hope Lynn and I are back together in a couple of months. I'll be counting on you two to help our marriage heal if it can be done."

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Unexpected Sex With Neighbor

Hello everyone.. This is Sam back with another experience. This happened just before a week back. The desire of having Ramya, our neighbor in another portion of our house started after my first experience with mom’s sister. Coming to Ramya’s details, she is married, her husband works in a news channel as a ground reporter in hyderabad. She has a very good assets (38d-28-40) and regularly wears saree. I always fantasized about her and used to masturbate thinking of her. But I never let her...

1 year ago
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They don’t see each other often. But when they do, she is his completely? She gets to the door before he even rings the bell. She says ?Hi.? But, he doesn’t answer, just grabs her, putting one arm around her back, bringing her into him firmly and securely. His other hand slides up her neck to the back of her head where she feels his fingers grip her hair. He pulls her head toward him, kisses her softly, passionately. Her mind becomes dazed instantly. She can feel her pussy tingle and...

1 year ago
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Fulfilled Fantasies By Male Prostitute

Hi all iss readers. My name is Namita Ahuja. I am 38 years old happily married for last 12 years and mother of two children. My husband name is Rishi. I am a working woman and well satisfied with my life. My relation with my husband is great. I am still in love with him since marriage. This was all a little introduction of mine. Now let’s come to the actual story. Actually this is not a story but a real incident of my life. I am sharing this here only because iss is also a reason of happening...

3 years ago
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Hot Black Motel Hooker

I was out of town for work. Had the day off. So I just was chilling in my room. I heard a women laughing. I went to check it out. I had room over looking the pool. As I looked down. I seen her. Sexy black women. Her big tits seem to almost burst out her swim suet. She had guys all around her. Seemed like everyone was flirting. I watched her for a while. Every now and then. she would look up and wave. I did not know why but it made me feel sexy. After a while. she went to her room. I went back...

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A Mexican Holiday Part 4

Tom became more and more animated as the car descended to the beach; as he watched the surfers catching the waves, carving big curves in the face of the combers his eyes grew larger and he bounced in his seat. He bolted from the car just as it stopped at a collection of buildings that serviced the people at the beach in search of a board. There were shops selling food, shops selling swim ware and shops renting beach chairs, personal water craft and most importantly surfboards; Tom was off...

1 year ago
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The dancer 1

"Okay now," Bonnie asked for the last time, "you got everything under control!?!" "Uh, yeah," he replied, "I've got the boom box, the CD's, my wardrobe, and the address, I think that's it!!!" "Good," she answered, "make sure you give them a good show, now the deal is they give you five hundred up front, and you get to keep two, any tips you make are all yours!!!" What if they pay me by check," he questioned?!? "It doesn't matter how they pay you, you bring back either the check or cash to me...

2 years ago
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Girls Intuition

"Why don't you just leave me the hell alone?" it was like this most days. Him screaming and me edging him on. It's wasn't that I didn't love my husband it's just that he was to say the least, frigid. I know I know, guys usually love sex but my husband doesn't seem to like it at all. I mean I have tried to talk to him about it but it just doesn't work. Maybe I should cheat on him. No, no that would never work, I love him too much. Silly me, look at me just jabbering on and, and well...

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The Lift Encounter

Dean was 18 and an avid watcher of the reality program's, from X-Factor to I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! Some of the times it would interfere with his work at the local hotel. But the following month that would all change for the better. Dean had found out a new show was about to start filming near the hotel and involve quite a few B listed celebrities, he thought one of his dreams would come true, watching a show like this being actually filmed. But his boss Mr. Jackson had other ideas...

Oral Sex
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The Reclaiming

You woke up with the biggest stiffy. Under the covers, you couldn't keep your hands off me. I woke up after you. A flood of sexy text messages was waiting on my phone. You were now whispering in my ear about what a good girl I had been this weekend. I felt it, and it pulsed in my hands. We had plans. We were not alone. We got up. We got ready. We left for a spring. One we hadn't been to. In the car I played with your hair. You absolutely love it when I play with your hair. ...

2 years ago
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Not What You Expected 2

Not What You Expected First Afternoon By Joannebarbarella This is a short chapter to let people know about obedience and maids. Things need planning you know. What a morning! First my plane was delayed and then when I came home expecting to surprise my husband I don't know who got the bigger surprise. It's amazing but already I have trouble thinking of him as (him). She makes such a lovely girl and given my sexual predilections I just about wet myself thinking of taking...

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more than a walk in the park

More than a walk in the park I was 48 living alone and it was summer,all the women in there light summer attire and I loved to watch them as I was now.I came to the park often as I liked people watching and had a few nice places in it I could watch them,I liked it when there were young courting couples about as they had very few inabitions and I sometimes had some sexy glimpses from them banner1 I was near the lake today as it had less people about, the gardens had too many oldies in it. I had...

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Meet Me In the Park

I usually don't meet people off line, but after several hot chats with this charming young man, he convinced me it was about time I spent a little less time on the net talking about my fantasies and a little more time on my back fulfilling them.We had been talking about my fantasy of meeting someone at a nearby State Park and spending the afternoon making love in the grass of a secluded little valley I know; and since he lived only thirty miles from there and was very much into older women, he...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Natasha Nice Darcie Dolce Xandra Sixx Sorority Initiation

Darcie Dolce walks into the room wearing a see-through dress. She looks incredible in it. She sits down and picks up her phone. She calls up Natasha Nice and starts discussing sorority business. There’s a new girl, Xandra Sixx, that needs to be initiated and Darcie has to consult Natasha in order to move forward. Natasha agrees that it’s about time she gets moved up to the next level. Darcie suggests they call her 3- way on the phone to give her the good news. When they tell her...

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my fantasy1

i have been waiting 4 u all day long& when i finally hear u turn off the shower i am already ready 4 u 2 cum & fuck me... we are both already cumpletely naked & we dispense with any sort of 4-play... not that preparation is even necessary becuz i am already hard & throbbing just at the wicked & wonderful thought of finally having your delicious cock buried deep inside my tight fuck-hole... your cock is also entirely engorged most likely 4 the very same reason i hopefully...

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My Teenage Slumber Party Part One

The idea of a teenage slumber party where gorgeous pubescent girls and guys all sleep semi-naked in a room together is something most of us would walk a million miles for. I was lucky enough to find myself at one accidentally. I was 17 at the time and in my first year of a diploma course. My college friend Dan, whom I had recently met, had rented for the first time a place of his own. It was a fairly dingy garden-flat with just the one room containing a double bed and a kitchenette, and a...

4 years ago
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Temptations Kiss Ch 08

Cass jumped into action, throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a mix matched sweatshirt. She threw her hair into a ponytail and grabbed her keys. Randon was already waiting at the door fully dressed and ready to leave. ‘Do you want me to come with you?’ ‘I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Anna probably won’t want any men around. I’ll call you tomorrow.’ Cass said and kissed him quickly before rushing out to her car, not bothering to wait for Randon to leave or to even lock her door. It was a...

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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 24 Leliana

She made a small, pleased sound when their tongues touched, and he swallowed her gasp as he nipped at her lips. Before she realised what had happened, she found herself sprawled across his chest, her knees on either side of his hips, as he laid back unceremoniously in the middle of the tent. They kissed for an eternity, lips sliding deliciously against each other, their breath intermingling. He was a good kisser, not too aggressive, but nicely assertive, his tongue teasing hers, his breath...

4 years ago
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How I slept with my girlfriends mom

It was 2008. I was 19, dating this really cute scene girl, Kristen, who was a year younger than me. She was a tiny thing, skinny, and a bit of a myspace celebrity. She had perky tits and a thick ass that just begged to be grabbed. We had been dating for a bit and despite my shyness, Kristen initiated the physical stuff. We were making out in her parent's basement, which we did often, when she just reached into my pants. I remember how it tickled as her hand slid over my lower stomach and below...

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Caribbean Heat Part 3

After the amazing new experience I had just been through, I was feeling a bit giddy, and unsure of where this was all headed. Josh and I were both needing a shower at that point, so we jumped in the super shower stall and washed each other’s bodies. I loved running my hands all over him from head to toe, and sliding my hands all over his cock and ass. This was to become a regular ritual for us in the days ahead: mind-blowing sex followed by a relaxing shower for two. We went through a lot of...

Gay Male
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Beyond Full

 My Sir demanded me to my knees inthe middle of the room. He disappeared behind the clothes rack by the dresser and dug through the second drawer where the toys were kept. Then he walked back to me, smiling, and held up a large black silicon plug. We had recently purchased a trainer set, and he picked the largest one! Oh, how I had day dreamed about that black plug.  Sir set it on the bedside table and went back to the dresser, this time bringing back the sleek, leather handled riding crop, my...

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Gangbanged Teen

Hey guys, My name is Priti from Gurgaon. I am 24 years old who loves to enjoy a lot. Let me tell me something about myself. I am very fair, long hair below waist, dark eyes. Must not to forget tell you my figure. Its sexy 34-28-32. I’m no stranger to the lustful looks of uncles and young boys of my town. To sum up, people would give anything to have me in bed. Hindi sex storiesComing to the story. I went to goa to attend my friend’s marriage, where i had this amazing sexpriance. Maine kabhi...

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They stolen everything

It made a huge bang , i woke up 3 masked guys in my living room stealing my tv and stuffI was no match for even the first guy ,closing my bedroom door reaching for my phone , i was too slow he slam my door open punch me once falling face down my phone flew accross the room''get everything in the van''he said closing my doorduck tape use on my mouth my body thrown on my bedstruggling the masked guy black guy getting more duck tape''dont fight white boy , you are mine tonight''''im gonna steall...

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Zugzwang Part 2 ZeroesChapter 12 Hell Is Other People

The atmosphere in the breakfast nook was neither as hostile nor as awkward as it was the day before. I regretted having to shatter it. Still, I waited until everyone was done with their food before I spoke up. "Patty, your apple pancakes get more delicious every time I eat them." "I'm sure it's just because you go so long without eating them," she demurred. "Nonsense, Patricia," Antonio said. "I eat them every Sunday, and Eric is right - their quality is increasing." "I need to...

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Starlight 300Chapter 13

We had decided to land at our permanent base on Sol 3 and do some overdue maintenance. The water tanks had never been cleaned since I first bought 299 and it was the same with the food hopper. Both were being steam cleaned, ready to be refilled. "Captain," said Lila. "We have a visitor." I shut off the steam hose and looked around. "Hello, Captain," whispered Rachelle. Somehow seeing her here wasn't a complete surprise, for the news report of the shooting on board the gold ship was...

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My best friend my best friends friend and I

Writer's note: this is a real story, not fictional, only names of girls are changed for privacy reasons. Enjoy!My name is Dave. I’m a normal, regular college guy. I have a girl best friend – yes man-women friendships are possible and very beautiful! Her name is Doris. She is a brunette, has a very cute face and a great body. She helped me a lot when I broke up with my girlfriend. We spend a lot of time together, go to cinema, to night clubs, almost every day drink coffee at our favorite pub… We...

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Supermans Boyfriend Jimmy Olsen Part 8 Final

Superman's boyfriend, jimmy olsen from rent boy to cub reporter by mistress tawny suede chapter thirteen - building tension! Clark couldn't help gazing across the newsroom floor at jimmy as he set up his small desk. The lad looked great! He had put on a bit of weight. But gone was any hint of makeup or other feminine mannerisms from his days as a rent boy. Or at least, clark assumed he was no longer selling his ass on the street. Jimmy's hair was well maintained. He was wearing...

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Night Entries Chapter 2

Night Entries, Chapter 2: I couldn't go through with it. I'm such a coward. I guess I have no choice but to keep on going, even if life makes no sense. I can only hope its a short life, since there doesn't seem to be any hope for me. ****** I feel like some kind of zombie. I'm just going through the motions, not living at all. I guess it doesn't really matter. I've kinda stopped talking to God, since He doesn't seem to listen anyway. The other day I actually screamed at Him, I...

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Hunter Men 01 Take That General Motors

I wasn't particularly trying to be quiet when I opened the kitchen door. I didn't have a reason to be—on the contrary, I was in a bit of a hurry, which usually means I'm kind of noisy. I'd left my wallet on the counter, and there were some things I had to complete for tomorrow before meeting my father here and taking him and the boys out to dinner. A kind of "guys night out" since all the women in our family—my mother, sister and niece—were out of town for the weekend. I was about to open...

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Alone with Sarah

It was a cold, damp, rainy night. I was home all alone in the living room watching TV naked when suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I then put a towel over me and went to answer it. Afraid of what may be on the other side, I opened the door slowly, as I was not expecting anyone as nobody called or texted me about possibly coming over.As soon as I opened the door, I noticed it was my neighbor, Sarah. Sarah is a redhead who is 5'5" and has a slim body type."Uh hi," I said in a surprised but...

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GoddessChapter 18 The Mothers Story

MRS. H AND MRS. D HAD OUR complete and undivided attention in the cool of the following morning on the shaded patio outside the breakfast room. The girls, especially, wanted the whole story right now, but the mothers were going to tell it their own way, that was obvious. So Oscar sat on Persephone, metaphorically, of course, and I did my best to restrain Hebe. Rick was attentive, and silent. He had his eyes on Mrs. D, especially, and I remembered the story Persephone had told me about a...

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Souvenir PaddlesV

Souvenir Paddles – V And, so I found myself kneeling on the floor, beaten into what I felt was total submission. My face was covered with tears, which still streamed out of my eyes, seemingly unaware of the cessation of my discipline. My buttocks and thighs burned and throbbed in pain. Pain like I’d never ever experienced before. My sobbing seemed to be subsiding along with a slowing of my breathing. I wondered if I would be made to wait before being given the privilege of serving Tiffany, who...

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1st Visit to the Nurse Mistress

It’s not often that an article begins with the ending, but in this case, the end of the story is very important. My visit to Lady Ashley - Nurse Mistress was excellent! She is a true professional and knows exactly what to do in a medical scenario. By her own admission, the medical scenario is her favorite. And, through at least 10 years of experience fraught with many disappointments and money spent foolishly, I can tell you that there’s every truth to the adage, “You get what you pay for.” A...

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High on Meth

I had taken my stash of the stuff, and headed home, it was raining, and I was high enough not to mind. in fact it felt really good to be getting wet, while the high was keeping me warm. I stopped in the shadows of the boardwalk I was taking home, and fingered my ass. It feels gooooodddddd. I pull my sweats back up and head on home. I was soaking fucking wet. from head to feet, and my toes, but I smoked another toke of the shit, and remembered where my lighter and cigarettes were hiding: out in...

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Bridal Gift

Author’s Note: This story was written a few years back under a different pseudonym on a different site. I went back and revamped it a bit. I hope you enjoy it; this story was inspired by a picture I saw of a woman wearing her wedding gown and getting fucked by the groom reverse cowgirl style & her bridesmaids were there to help her as well.Keeley Mason was getting married today.Keeley’s a deliriously happy twenty-four-year-old bride who was madly in love with her boyfriend of close to three...

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Cabin Fever Need A Little Company Chapter 05

Introduction: For years, Paul was secretly in love with his childhood friend Karen. Now Karen is dead. Following the funeral, Paul accepts an invitation from Karens close friend, Marcy, for a night of uninhibited, no-strings-attached comfort sex in Marcys motel room. Complicating matters is their mutual guilt over a previous brief affair the pair had shortly after Karen first fell ill, and the fact that (unbeknownst to Paul) Marcy is now 4 weeks pregnant as a result of that affair. Chapter 5 –...

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Her slice of sweet sex

Hey guys my name is Shyam [all names are changed] and I live in Kerala, malappuram. I am 18 years old and I have a fairly good figure. I am a regular reader of ISS and I enjoy all the experiences that the authors have had. I would like to relate to you my personal sexual experience with my lovely Valsa aunty. Valsa aunty is my neighbor. She must be around 45 years old but her boobs were large and sexy. She had a round sexy ass too and a very sexy figure. Her husband is a lawyer and often stays...

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Lost EmpireChapter 47

Derrick felt really bad as upset as Shelby had been. Hell he felt horrible though as Tempro had pointed out there was really nothing that they could have done. Well nothing beyond what they had. Tara’s last message was still ringing in his ears. The amount of courage and bravery she had displayed made him feel worse that he couldn’t save her. They were finally starting to dock with Tempro when there were several alarms going off. “Intruder!?” Derrick’s head snapped around to stare at Shelby....

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Ivan Hortons ChoiceChapter 2

Ivan left for the upstate campus before the Tutlock brothers arrived at the estate. It was late; night was falling. He had a long drive ahead of him and a chance to ponder all that hap happened As he cruised thorough the night on Route 17 he had plenty of time to play the weekend memory over. Of course Mrs. Tutlock's visits to his bedroom were disconcerting. The sex was great, but he wondered why he didn't regret his unfaithfulness to Robin more than he did. What Beryl had told him as she...

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Ann The meeting

When I checked my mailbox on the adult dating site, there was a short message from a woman named Ann. She was 30, living in Cambridge, MA, just across the Charles River from Boston, new to the adult site, and would be interested in chatting. I acknowledging her email, indicated that it was nice to meet her, and asked her about herself, at least whatever information she was willing to share at this early time. She wrote the next day. She was originally from Seattle, was single, worked in...

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Nickies Coming Out

"Let's just say I'm having a little trouble walking today."Martha had no regrets. Every step she took reminded her of the fun she had over the weekend."I'm thinking Beth is having some of the same issues. We went to that frat party about 10 o'clock, and that was pretty much the last I saw of her."A smile came across Beth's face. "Those boys were very—shall we say—friendly."Having graduated from college only two years earlier, the girls fit in easily with the college crowd. And besides, no frat...

1 year ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 10

For the next two and half years, I followed a routine of mining gold for two months, three weeks at the cave melting as much gold as I could get done, and one week in Las Cruces getting to know Anna better, a little bit at a time. Then I’d make a trip to Santa Fe to deposit 5000 pounds of gold. After the first trip to and from Santa Fe using the buckboard, I decided to upgrade to a freight wagon. The freight wagon I bought from Mr. Mendoza held all my supplies, and usually all the gold I’d...

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The Widow Next Door

Edith Downing had been my fifth grade teacher, as well as my next door neighbor, growing up. She had a daughter four or five years my junior, whom I babysat for a few times early in my high school days. I'd seen the death notice in the local paper, and since she was a former neighbor,  I thought I should pay my respects, so here I was at her funeral service. Let me back up here a moment. She wasn't just a neighbor, she was my first. She started me on a lifelong journey of giving and getting...

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26 A bit of Cumbrian charm

Tuesday morning saw everyone congregating at mine, Tasha was back and ready when Paul & Sophie came to pick her and all her luggage up and dropped Jacob & Charlie off as we were running them to the station. Their railcards precluded a lot of peak time trains but they still needed to be there around 10.30am and by the time we’d waved off Paul, Sophie and Tasha it was almost ten so we couldn’t hang about. Fortunately, traffic was light so they were at the station in plenty of time and we...

2 years ago
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Growing Up in Gwinnett Volume 8

The men's room had four wooden stalls with gloryholes in several of the walls. By this time, the stall doors had all be removed. I went in and was by myself. No sooner had I sat in one of the stalls, this guy can in the men's room and walked into my stall. I remember he said excuse me, but he was staring between my legs as he backed up. It's funny the things you can remember; the guy's name was Mark (the same as my best friend at the time). I guess he was 40 or so. He was taller than...

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Creative in Colorado

My wife and I recently moved back to Aspen Colorado (where she is from) shortly after we were married in Jacksonville, Florida. We met online about two years ago while I was in the process of finishing up Law School. She is five years older than I and a very successful Real Estate agent. She moved down to Florida with me about six months ago at the beginning of summer for two reasons. (a) She wanted to take some time off from her career and she wanted to work on her tan at some of the local...

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Helping Hand ndash Chapter 3

This is a work of fiction meaning it only happened in my mind and I pass it on to you with the hope that you find some entertainment in reading it. If you have not read chapter 1 and 2 I suggest you start there A quick reminder that Larry was told by his mother to go next door and give their married neighbor a helping hand. He ended up having sex with the woman and when he returned home he heard his mother on the phone getting a...

2 years ago
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My wife8217s best friend photographs our loving

“Go to the bedroom and get naked” Erica told me. Turning to Dianne with a grin she added “We’ll be in there in just a few minutes.” Dianne grinned back at her. I was only too happy to obey, but I wondered what they had in mind. Bondage, maybe? Not really Dianne’s style. Not a threesome: Dianne was clear that when we married she was taking that “forsaking all others” vow seriously and expected me to do the same if I wanted to keep her. It...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 19 Katiersquos Office Blowjob

Katherine Jackson, the reigning Mrs. Missouri, wiped the sweat from her brow. She had finished her work out and she stared out the window as she drank a glass of water. She looked at Phil Dorman’s house that was overgrown with weeds and shook her head. It was a shame that his property was in such disrepair as it hurt the value of their established neighborhood. She rolled her eyes as she knew the fat old man was too out of shape to make an effort as the property had grown out of control since...

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The Contest0

Until then, I did not believe anyone thought I was sexy. As the youngest member of my computing firm, and the only woman, I thought of myself as everyone’s kid sister. All of the men were middle aged. That would not have kept me from dating them, but they were also married. As far as I was concerned, that was just as well. I had grown tired of the sexual hot house atmosphere of a college campus, where everyone who dated me seemed to expect sex on a second or third date. I had really just...

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