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(Transvestite, Hetero sex, Spanking)

This story contains elements of cross-dressing, a somewhat dominant
female, and a rather submissive and effeminate male. If such things
make you want to toss cookies, don't read it, eh?

This story also contains one fairly graphic scene of eroticism between
two consenting adults. If *that* squicks you, what the hell are you
doing on this group? Grow up and get a life.

Part 1: The File on Lee

I was pretty tired when I got to Nancy's. Long day with the little
darlings (that's undergraduates to the uninitiated), including some of
those sessions where the pretty little defenseless undergrad girl tries
the old Higher Grades Through Salt Water trick. Tears, that is. I hate
that. I hear that they've nicknamed me "Old Stoneface," because I
freeze up and turn sour when the faucets start to leak. Anyway, I was
definitely in the mood for a little sympathy.

"Nance?" I called, as I entered. And I owed her an apology for being
late. I could smell food from the kitchen; we had an agreement that we
wouldn't fall into the stereotypical male-female chore division, and
tonight was my night to cook (So why was I supposed to be cooking at
her house, and why did we spend 90% of our time together there? After
all, she'd end up cleaning up any long-term messes, and by default
keeping the place up. I can hear you sneering. Well, there *was* a
reason. Basically, I'm a slob, and she hated it so much that she'd
either have to clean it up, or suffer. She refused to do either, so
except for rare occasions when I got active and cleaned things up, we
stayed at her house).

"There's some stuff for you on the couch!" she called back, cheerily.
Sounded cheerful to me, anyway. I felt warmed a little; she sometimes
bought things for me, totally spur of the moment.

I stopped cold when I saw what was on the couch, though. A pink satin
little girl's party dress, the kind with puffy sleeves and big white
satin floppy bows on the skirt. My heart stopped beating for a moment,
until I realized that it couldn't be for me. She didn't *know*, after
all; she *couldn't* know. She must have bought it for herself. Not
really her style, of course. I noticed matching shoes, little pink
patent-leather flats, with white bows, and relaxed. She was doing a
Little bro-Peep costume, or something. Not my concern. Whatever she
meant for me must be somewhere else on the couch.

So I stepped closer, and spotted it. There were some packages and
stuff, but they obviously went with the dress. The stuff for me must be
the stack of paper. It was enormous, too -- at least a ream there, I
guessed. I picked up the top sheet, and my heart stopped again. I guess
maybe it shouldn't have started after the first time.

I was still standing there, in shock, with the sweat pouring down my
face and my gut feeling as if someone had rudely used it for batting
practice, when her voice, behind me, snapped me out of it. "Are you
going to change for dinner?" she paused, and added, sarcastically,

I blinked, letting the pain wash over me, and turned to face her. Gods,
she was crying! "I, uh, can explain," I began, nervously, but let it
trail off. What was there to explain?

She'd asked to use my computer that day, to do some project involving
graphics for her company. My computer wasn't ideally suited for
graphics, but it was better than hers was. However, the graphics
programs all ran under Windows. Windows is a bitch for security.
Judging from the stack of paper, she'd printed out the contents of the
\data\personal\stories\porn subdirectory. Which would explain the
dress, alas. The stories weren't really porn, but most of them *did*
feature a boy or a man wearing an outfit like the one laying in front
of me. I glanced back at the couch. Yup. The other packages were
panties and stockings. Probably pink nylon with ruffles and white lace,

That tableau held for perhaps three minutes, her crying softly, me
staring alternately at her, the couch, and the printout of the first
page of one of my stories. She broke it finally. "Well?" she prompted.

My mind raced briefly, testing and discarding dozens of explanations.
But... really, what was the point of denying it? I shrugged, letting
the old emotional armor settle into place. I smiled, sardonically. "I
guess there *isn't* an explanation," I said.

Silence. "You don't trust me," she accused.

"Of course I...!" Pause. "Umm. No, I guess not." Pause again, and an
olive branch: "*I* hate it. I mean, I hate *me* when I do it. How could
you not? So, uhh, I tried to stop, and... umm, write it out."

"Cross-dress, you mean," she elaborated. A bit unnecessarily, to my
mind. That was what we were talking about already, right? "You like to
dress up and look like a girl." She was taking this too calmly. I was a
little worried. Sensitive position, as a professor, you understand, and
junior faculty is not notoriously immune to being fired on moral
grounds. They'd dress it up, of course, call it something else. I
shrugged again, looking away from her. "You want somebody to dress you
up and treat you like a little girl," she continued, remorselessly.

"No!" I protested, genuinely shocked. My traitorous glands did their
trick, though, and my heart raced, my mouth dried, my palms got moist,
and my belly took the down elevator without warning. I had to explain
this one. "No, really! I don't, uhh, know *why*, and I've tried to stop
-- honest!" I emphasized as she rolled her eyes. "But it isn't, uhh,
because I want to be a, a girl!" My face felt hot. It got hotter when I
realized that I was blushing.

She looked disgusted. Well, wouldn't you have been? I would have, if I
had been a girl and... oh, never mind. "Lee," she said, still much too
calmly, "I read those stories." I glanced at them. Not possible.
Hundreds of pages. Skimmed, maybe. "The hero is always named Lee. And
Amy," she added. "He always gets forced into a dress like that, sooner
or later. And likes it. Then, poof, he's Amy for real."

*Good synopsis*, my professorial side commented. I snarled at him. To
Nancy, I smiled, mechanically, and replied, "Uhh, well, hardly any of
them even have *endings*, and I was going to, uhh, turn him back, at
the end. Just, you know, let him have a real experience of being a
girl." That was pretty weak, I admitted to myself. It was half-true,
though. None of the stories *did* end, and I had always gotten stuck
halfway through, looking for a conclusion that was emotionally
satisfying. No, not even that -- just a *progression* toward an ending
that was emotionally satisfying. Come to think of it, most of the
stories never even got to the sex-change part. A little foreshadowing,
but it had only happened in two or three of them. How had she gotten
the impression that it was universal?

She cleared up that little question. "Lee, dammit!" Finally a little
emotion, something to understand. "I read your analysis, too!"
Analysis? Oh, gods, that must mean the file called 'anal,' where I
speculated on commonalities in the stories and possible reasons behind
them. Once I knew she had read that, her earlier comment made more
sense. A quote, a direct cite from that little bit of introspection.
The dry-voiced little observer in my head commented that she probably
hadn't gotten the joke behind the name of the file -- reference to my
rather obsessive need to categorize. Christ, that damned file was
written like a scholarly article!

I'd been so obsessed tracking down all those little information trails
that I hadn't answered. She had crossed her arms, was leaning against
the doorframe, and the tears were streaming down her face faster. No
mascara, I observed. She stifled a sob, and visibly gathered herself.
Here it came, the ultimatum. "Lee, either you decide you *trust* me, or
get out." I must have looked puzzled. She explained the part that
didn't need explaining. "Forever."

"I, uhh *do* trust you," I told her. "And I *promise* I'll stop, this
time." I actually had a plan, one that would probably work, if she
didn't stop me from doing it. It had worked once before, until somebody
found out about it.

"You *idiot!*" she shrieked, and sobbed some more, before controlling
herself. I had taken a step closer, dropping the page, then paused,
uncertain if she would *accept* comfort from me. "You *can't* stop, you
*know* that!" As a matter of fact, I had written something of the sort
in that wretched file. I lost count of my attempts to stop before I got
into grad school. She took a deep breath. "So trust me, and get
dressed, or get out."

Get... *Get* dressed? It took me maybe thirty seconds to figure out
what she expected me to get dressed in, not because it wasn't obvious,
but because I simply refused to believe it. My fantasy come true? And
then the spanking? No way! My fantasies were erotic; this was simply
terrifying. And I shook my head sharply.

Another sob broke loose, and then she whirled and left. Out of my
sight, she could let herself cry more freely; I heard her, from the
bedroom. Doing something. I stood there, imitating a statue (except for
the lack of pigeons, but I felt I'd been shat upon altogether
sufficiently already). She came back with a bag, which she dropped by
the front door. "G-get your d-dress and g-get out!" she said. Oh. My
stuff, in the bag. I flinched when she called it 'my' dress, but not
even the powerful yearning within me was enough to convince me to touch
the damned thing.

I wanted to say something, but when she opened the door, the choice was
pretty clear. Shame-faced, I slunk out, picking up the bag on the way.
It occurred to me, then, with a sinking feeling, that she must have
cleared her stuff out already. In anticipation. That brought it home to
me: the relationship was *over*. I barely made it to my car before I
started crying.

It cleared my head a little. It occurred to me that she had a very
complete file on me, if she wished to blackmail me, or make me lose my
job. Junior faculty can wear long hair, and maybe even get away with an
earring (I'd waited until my first year was over before putting an
earring back in, and never wore a pair, of course), but the only panty-
clad faculty the administration was interested in were those that would
help the Equal Opportunity statistics. Transvestic faculty were
possible, I supposed, but only with tenure.

It didn't occur to me until I got home that Nancy had been wearing a
black silk blouse and miniskirt, and wearing high heels. Not that I
understood it, then; I thought it was another taunt, a reminder of how
the standard "accepting woman" of my stories was always dressed when
they met. It wasn't her style. She might even have bought it that very

When I got home, I discovered that she *hadn't* taken her stuff away.
Oddly, though, she'd found my stash of stuff -- which was pretty
pitiful, except for the lingerie, which was, umm, extensive -- and
mixed it with hers in her side of the dresser. It had been there before
we'd met; I'd had it hidden for the eight months we'd been together. It
took me a while to disentangle my stuff from hers. I *had* to do that.
I'd promised myself that I would *never* touch her stuff, except to
take her out of it, and I'd kept that promise. It hadn't been easy; she
was pretty damned sexy, and just her clothes could push all my buttons.
She tended toward Indian print skirts, pants, and casual blouses, but
she had some really killer outfits, and after she had realized my
weakness for sexy lingerie, she'd indulged me by equipping herself with

I didn't bag her stuff up, though. I bagged *mine* up again. I still...
hoped, you see. Then I laid down on my futon and cried and cried and

Well, the hope got dashed over the course of the next week. I gave her
a whole day to calm down, then called her up. It was an awkward
conversation. Once we got past the preliminaries, she asked me if I was
willing to trust her, and when I asked, clarified that that still meant
wearing the damned ridiculous dress. Now, I admit I desperately wanted
that dress, wanted to wear it, wanted to play at being Amy for real...
but I was *not* going to admit it. I look *stupid* in a dress. I mean,
really ridiculous. Hairy legs, knobbly knees, big hands and feet. The
mustache doesn't help much either. Or the nose, I guess. So I refused,
of course. I mean, I *knew* that she would never be interested in me
sexually if she once saw me dressed, and I had my pride. The dregs of
it, anyway. And what she wanted, I thought, was to try to humiliate me,
to make me stop. I asked if I could have the stories back. She said no.
But I could have the dress. We were both crying when we said goodbye.

I tried again two days later. It might have been the exact same
conversation. We were both locked into our positions, and couldn't
budge out of them. I wasn't going to be a party to my own humiliation.
I didn't tell her that, but I did say that I had stopped. The only
thing she asked to that, was whether I had carried out a purge of my
clothing, and she strictly forbade it. Anyway, she refused to return my
papers again, and we were both crying, again, and we said goodbye,
again. Except she added, "Lee, don't call me until you're ready to
trust me." Which meant, ready to be humiliated, I understood. The last
thing she whispered I wasn't sure I'd heard, for months. "I still love

I worried about her concern for a purge all weekend. The only thing I
could think of was that she planned on exposing me, and wanted that for
evidence. Well, I could get around that -- I've got lots of experience,
lots of dodges. I found a self-storage warehouse place, and dumped a
box full of clothes and cosmetics into a five-by-five. I wrote a
careful note, basically, "I'd really like to have the printout," put it
with all her stuff, and dropped it off at her house one day when she
wasn't home. Left the key on top. I suppose I could have searched for
it, but that would *really* have been a betrayal of trust, and I shied
from it. I had to take her things back, because I was getting tempted
to wear them. I admit, I sort of hoped she would give me the dress when
she gave me the printout, but when the dress turned up, alone (well,
with the accessories, but without the printout), I realized that I
didn't really want it. No, that's not right, either. I realized that I
wanted it *too much*. I put it all in the mail to her. And then hoped
she'd mail it back. But she didn't.

A pair of months passed, and I spent Halloween at home, with the lights
out, pretending there was nobody there -- and in boy clothes. We were
coming up on the end of the semester. I'd been feeling truly wretched.
Other girlfriends had found out; I used to tell them myself, in my
college years. In grad school, though, one had broken up with me, using
that for an excuse, and my armor had gotten a lot thicker. She had
claimed that I would eventually become a transsexual, and I suppose I
had been in reaction against that ever since, refusing to admit that,
at some deep level, I *did* want to be a girl. It was a hard thing to
figure out, anyway, since I knew, quite clearly, that I also *liked*
being a boy, that I loved sex, and that I was a pretty good lover.

I was using an old technique to avoid cross-dressing, one I'd pioneered
in college. It depended on the fact that I smoked. Basically, it was
aversion therapy. I waited until I felt the familiar signals -- sweaty
palms, dry mouth, empty stomach, racing heart, and a fixation on pink,
soft, and lacy. Then I went and got the one pair of panties I had left
in the house, and put them on. And put out a cigarette. On my arm. Or
sometimes my leg. The pain was... extreme. In college, a friend's
girlfriend had learned what I was doing (I told her, proud of myself
for having figured out how to stop), and she had had a fit. She was
angry with me for hurting myself, not for dressing up. This was the
same woman who had been angry with me, when I told her that I liked
wearing women's clothes, because I stole them. On the other hand, the
one time that she had taken me shopping, she had made me pay at the
register, refusing to take my money and do it for me, so I knew that
she didn't *really* approve.

But I finally stopped, and put the last pair in storage. I'd discovered
myself contemplating the idea of putting the cigarette out elsewhere.
And had also been contemplating filling a hypodermic needle (I had them
from when I had visited a third world country, in order to not get an
injection from a dirty needle) with air and ending the pain. I still
hurt every time I walked by a place that had been 'ours,' and I was
paying less attention to my courses than I should have been. The
semester ended, and I found out how much less, from the student

The day after I got the evals, after much soul-searching, I went and
took everything back out of storage. I needed it, needed the release,
in order to concentrate on my job. About half of it, unfortunately, had
been ruined; it turned out that the warehouse I had chosen had water
and insect problems. Some of the clothes were hopelessly stained, and
much of my makeup had turned into puddles of goo. So I had a sort of
purge, if not a voluntary one. About a week before Christmas, the day
before leaving for my parents' house, I went shopping. Christmas had
always been a pretty good time for me, since a man buying women's
clothes was actually common, at that time of year.

I ran into her in the d**gstore. I had gathered some foundation and
blush, and had just picked an assortment of eyeshadow, when Nancy's
voice, behind me, remarked, "Those *really* aren't your colors, Lee."

I choked, looking around frantically, but no one else appeared to be
within earshot. She'd gotten close to me because I always kept my eyes
fixed firmly on the merchandise, avoiding the knowing looks of the
other -- inevitably female -- customers. "It's not for me," I lied
automatically. And blushed. Her face, which had been open and amused,
went closed and cautious. Hurt? I don't know. "It's for my sister," I
added. I did have a sister. "Christmas present," I mumbled.

"I see," she said, coldly. "Do you know what colors *she* prefers? What
does she look like? Green eyes, brown, curly hair, high cheekbones?"
She raised a sarcastic eyebrow.

"No," I replied, softly, feeling as if someone had taken a knife to my
gut. "You've seen her pictures. Sort of dirty blonde, brown eyes. I
don't know about cheekbones, I never noticed." I was looking down. I
didn't want her to see how much it hurt.

"Oh," she replied, sounding disconcerted. I still didn't look up. She
released the basket I was holding, and I glanced up, quickly, to see
that she had a puzzled, worried look. I gave her the famous mechanical
smile, and walked away.

She was right, I decided at home. They weren't my colors. At least I
hadn't got any mascara; the tears would have made it run.

I got back from my parents around the second of January. It had been
the usual hideous Christmas, with inappropriate gifts and the required
oohing and ahhing. I was as guilty as anyone else, of course, but that
only made it worse. The only bright point was my sister's baby, who got
things she really *did* like, and enjoyed them quite openly. I almost
asked my sister for makeup advice, but... what did it matter? Nobody
was ever going to see *me* in makeup. And if it made me look
ridiculous, well, that would go well with the rest of my outfit, right?

There was a gift waiting for me. From Nancy. Two sets of makeup, one
for a blonde, one for a green-eyed brunette. Or brunet. Also a little
booklet of beauty tips. The note: "I'm sorry I misinterpreted... if I
did. Here's something that should be more appropriate for your sister.
And some for your friend, Amy. Merry Christmas. Love, Nancy."

I worried at that note, and the package, for days. Why was that comma
there, after the word 'friend?' Sending the makeup off to my sister was
an easy decision. A good one, too, it turns out; she sent a letter back
a week later effusively thanking Nancy (I'd told her who it was from).
When I nerved myself to try the other, I discovered that she had been
right. The mustache looked more out of place than ever, but in a bad
light, if I put my hand over my mouth and upper lip, I might have
passed for a woman with absolutely no skill in putting on makeup. I'd
gotten a pretty nice haircut at home, too, more feminine than I had let
myself wear it when Nancy and I had been together -- just bangs in
front, but that made an incredible difference from pulling it all
straight back in the usual ugly guy's style.

Once I'd used the makeup, I had to keep it. So I told myself. I also
found a present for Nancy, one that I agonized over for longer than I
had spent on all the presents for my family. I had to find something
that wasn't trivial, but that also wasn't super expensive; I didn't
want her to feel uncomfortable about the cost. It had to be appropriate
-- personal -- without being intimate. I finally settled on a soft
leather over-the-shoulder handbag, one as casual as she usually was,
but as quality. I figured she wouldn't know how expensive it was. Hey,
it may be obvious to any idiot that women know the prices of things
that they usually have to buy, but I'm not an ordinary idiot, okay? I
included a copy of my sister's letter, too.

Classes had just started when I got a note from Nancy. "Lee, the bag is
beautiful! But you spent much too much! Let me make it up to you: I'll
buy you dinner. Give me a call. Love, Nancy."

I was in an absolute panic when I finally placed the call. But the
chemistry had somehow changed; she teased me fondly, friendlily, and
demanded that I let her buy me dinner and take me to a movie. I agreed,
of course, hoping that something would start up again.

We went on a Friday night. In her car, with her driving. Not so
astonishing, it was, as she pointed out, her treat, and we'd always
shared those kinds of tasks before. She gave me a slight panic, early
on, when I asked where we were going, and she replied, "Trust me." I
was very restrained all through dinner, wondering if she was going to
demand that I prove my trust, and wondering if I would refuse, if she
presented me with the dress again -- she was wholly desirable, that
night, and wearing the perfume I had given her, long ago. At the movie,
she was very affectionately aggressive, her hands teasing me at odd
moments, but fending off, gently, my attempts to return her caresses.

By the time we were in the car, I was confused, and a bit unsettled as
well. Were we together again? I've never been good at reading the
signals. She drove me home, parked the car, and leaned over to kiss me.
I thought, for a moment, that I was going to come in my pants; I'd
missed that so badly, the softness of her lips, the sweetness of her
mouth. She broke the kiss, and I sighed, licking my lips.

She giggled. "I love the way you do that," she whispered, and my heart
leapt into my throat.

I managed to open my eyes, and surreptitiously cleared the tears from
the corners. Hers seemed unnaturally bright as well. I hesitated,
fearing the 'no,' that was sure to come, but managed to force the words
out -- they had to turn sideways and slither past my heart, which was
still blocking things up. "Will... would you like to come inside?"

She smiled, and I thought my heart would break. But then she asked,
"Did you like the makeup I gave you, Amy-Lee?" Something crept into her
eyes as she whispered the question.

I know that my eyes probably reflected abject fear. I was trying to
figure out what hers were saying, there with the dim light from the
streetlamps, and caught in a struggle between fear and desire. I'd
never thanked her properly, she was hinting, or so I thought, and I'd
lied to her and hadn't trusted her. Could I trust her even enough to
tell her that I liked her gift? "Yes," I croaked, answering my question
and hers.

She kissed me again, and the release of tension was enough to let me
decide what I'd seen in her eyes. Fear. Fear of being hurt, of being
lied to, again, probably. This time, when she broke the kiss, she laid
her head on my shoulder, and her fingertip followed the tip of my
tongue. It was an old trick of hers; she'd always been fascinated with
the fact that I savored her kisses so much that I had to lick them all
up when they were over. "Will... Can you show me, if I come in?" she
asked, in an oddly thick voice.

That question was more or less equivalent to a handful of speed. My
poor, abused heart, that had just spent several minutes crowded into my
throat, and then brittle as glass, took off like an Olympic sprinter.
It didn't have far to go, really. Nancy had always had it in her
keeping; it fled there, where it had always been well-treated. I made
an absurd little whimpering sound, and squeaked, "Y-yes."

She hugged me tightly, for a long pair of moments. I absently returned
the hug -- I mean, really absently. Most of me had run for shelter
somewhere, and I felt weirdly detached, like in the middle of an acid
trip. There and not-there. She pulled back, finally, and whispered,
"Come on," taking my hand to pull me out her side. As if she was afraid
to let me get too far away. In that oddly detached mood, I let her lead
me to the door, and watched as she repeated my actions from the car,
surrpetitiously blotting tears from the corners of her eyes.

We went in, and she led me to the bathroom. My hands were trembling
convulsively when she let go of them, and took my coat. She
disappeared, and I found the makeup, still operating on autopilot. When
she came back, a moment later, I had tears standing in my eyes again,
because the lipstick had mostly missed my lips. I started to wipe it
off with the back of my hand, feeling horribly ashamed, but she stopped
me, then gently cleaned my lips and my hand with tissue. Her glance,
now, seemed compassionate, and I hoped, desperately, in the part of me
that was shrieking in terror, that she would let me off the hook. She
did, sort of. I guess. She put the makeup on me; I just stood there,

"There!" she said, finally, turning me to face the mirror. "That wasn't
so hard, was it?"

"Yes!" I gasped, and then laughed, half-hysterically, before bringing
myself under control. Her eyes looked concerned, when I caught them in
the mirror, reaching up to blot the tears again.

"You'll run your mascara," she warned softly, and I gasped a laugh
again, as she slid her arms around me from behind. I relaxed into her,
and finally dared to look.

It was a more remarkable transformation than the one I had managed on
my own. Well, that was predictable, I guess, she had experience with
the stuff, and got the blush in the right places, and the shadow
properly feathered. I stared, a bit taken aback, and then, reflexively,
laid my forefingers across my mustache, hiding it. She giggled at that,
and I blushed, and got fascinated by the way the blush made my face
look even softer and more feminine.

The terror was receding, turning into a fear that was more
controllable. It was very odd, and I didn't really understand it. We
stayed there, staring at the mirror, or at each other's eyes in the
mirror, for what seemed a very long time. Then she let out an enormous
breath, and the world all came back into focus for me. It was an
ordinary, mundane world, and I hadn't died of wearing makeup in front
of her. I was enormously proud of myself.

"Where's your makeup remover?" she asked.

"My what?"

She giggled. "Okay. I know you have coconut oil. That'll work." She
found it, and then said, "Watch me." She started taking off her own
makeup. I hesitated, then followed suit, and when I was finished,
relaxed even further. I suddenly realized that I was exhausted.

"I'm beat!" I said. I caught her eyes in the mirror, again. "Are you,
umm, staying?"

She looked at me, calculatingly. "I don't have a nightie," she said.

I blanched. Okay. Another step. Just make the words come out. "I'll
loan you one," I answered. 'Of mine,' her lips shaped. I nodded,
feeling the heat return to my face, and added, in a small voice, "P-
please, don't make me w-wear one." She looked, nodded.

Now's the time for me to claim that our emotions, after having such a
workout, turned into heated passion, and we made love all night. Well,
no, we didn't. We both wanted to, I think, but my cock wasn't willing.
I finally whispered, "Sorry," and started to move to go down on her --
she was wet, and I didn't want to leave her unsatisfied -- but she
stopped me, and suggested that we cuddle instead.

But she was gone in the morning, when I awoke. The only thing that
convinced me it wasn't all a dream was my nightie, with her scent still
strong, laying on the side of the bed. I had a vague impression of her
getting up, kissing me, and moving around looking at things and talking
to me, but I sleep like death, and have been known to carry on midnight
conversations on the phone without ever remembering a word of what I

I wasn't quite sure what to do, so I didn't do much of anything. She
called in late afternoon.

"Hey, sweetie! When will you be free to talk?"

"Umm, I don't know. About what?" There was a long silence. My heart
returned, and slammed against my ribs. "Did we agree to something this
morning? I don't remember. Whatever. I'll do whatever I said. I don't
remember, that's all!" Calm, Lee, I told myself. Don't sound so
desperate! Why not? I wondered. I *am* desperate.

There was another slight pause, and then she chuckled throatily. "I
could tell you that you agreed to anything, you know."

I grabbed my nerve with both hands. "Yes. Anything. I'll do it." There
was another moment of silence. "It's worth it," I added. "You are."

"Anything?" she asked archly. A hint of a laugh?

Ka-thump, ka-thump, ka-wham. Hearts, I decided, are a bother. If I
could get rid of mine, I wouldn't be in this position. Time for the
magic words. "I trust you," I said. But my voice sounded strangled.

This time the silence lasted forever. I started to panic, when I
realized that she was speaking. Her voice was very soft, and it sounded
as if she might be crying. "...on the first bench in the park, at 7:30.
All right?"

"Yes!" It came out harsh. More obstructions in my throat.

"Pink ones," she said, obscurely. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I choked. Before I could ask, 'pink what?' the line
had gone dead.

Well, but it was obvious, right? Panties. I have a weakness, I guess
you could call it, for panties. And for pink. And for nylon, and
ruffles. My all-time biggest button pusher is pink nylon panties, with
ruffles. Little-girl panties. Little bro-Peep panties. I found out that
the previous night's impotence had been only temporary; just thinking
about showing up for a meeting with her, wearing pink panties, was
enough to make walking uncomfortable. I debated stopping by some store,
and getting new, but decided that I had only a limited amount of
courage, and needed it all to show up so dressed in the park.

At 7:20, I settled myself on the bench where we'd met, almost a year
before. On Valentine's Day. I'd bought a bouquet of flowers -- for
myself, to be honest, but when I'd seen a beautiful woman sitting there
all alone, I'd impulsively handed them to her. It had taken a while to
convince her that I wasn't some odd masher or r****t. I was warmed by
the memory, and dwelled on it, since it distracted me from the fact
that every time I shifted position, the nylon caressed my cock and my
bottom, and the elastic gave me tender little nips around my legs and
my waist.

She showed up late, of course. Woman's prerogative. Her face brightened
when she caught sight of me, and my heart swelled. She ran the last
couple of steps, and shyly handed me a bouquet of roses. Pink ones. I
accepted them, blushing. It occurred to me that I had missed a very
important bit of conversation. I stood and walked with her,
uncomfortably aware at every step that I had made an utter ass of
myself. She noticed, finally.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "Have you changed your mind?" She looked a
little hurt.

"Umm, no. I just..." I looked around, desperately. Not too many people
in the park, not in mid-January. I gulped, looked down at the flowers I
was clutching -- crushing -- in my hands. "I didn't hear what you
said," I confessed in a miserable whisper. "I didn't, umm, want to ask.
And you said, 'pink ones.' So I wore... I'm wearing pink ones."

No response. I finally dared to look up. There was an astonished grin
spreading over her face, as she understood what it was I had to be
referring to. She reached for my hip, and I shied away, face flaming.
She giggled. "Really?" she asked, her voice vibrant. "My god, how
wonderful! I didn't think you'd have the..." She looked at me. "You
really do mean 'anything,' don't you?" I nodded, relieved when we
started walking again. "Even if I take you home right now and tell you
to show me that you trust me." That was a statement, not a question.
But I confirmed it with a nod and a glance. I was wishing she'd take
charge of my heart again, since I was getting very tired of its antics.
It was trying to break my eardrums.

We walked to the edge of the park before she spoke again. "Why were you
so stubborn four months ago?" She didn't wait for an answer, but
continued, gently, "I told you to meet me here at 7:30; you must have
gotten that part. And that I wouldn't demand anything beyond your
strength. And that to symbolize the start of a new relationship, I'd
bring you flowers. Pink ones, like the ones you gave me, in our first

Well, good news and bad news all at once. I didn't understand what she
meant by 'new relationship.' On the one hand, I wanted whatever she was
willing to give. On the other hand... on the other hand, I corrected
myself, I also wanted whatever she was willing to give. Did that settle
that? Although it worried me a little that she was giving *me* flowers,
instead of the other way around. We were heading for a restaurant that
had been one of our casual, talking spots. It had always been easier
for us to talk in a public place, a neutral zone, rather than at one of
our houses.

Between the flowers, the panties that *kept* reminding me of their
existence, and the things that she had said, that I had to mull over, I
was abstracted, and she ordered the table, guided me to it, and took my
coat as I sat down. I flushed, realizing that since we had met in the
park, I had taken the 'feminine' role. She smiled, in a way that said
she understood why I was blushing. I crowded myself into a corner of
the booth, and tried to adjust. We had used this place, in particular,
because the lighting was dim, the booths reached the ceiling, and so we
could talk with a sense of privacy. I laid the flowers on the table,
and picked up a menu.

"Let me, okay?" she asked, reaching for the menu. I looked up, blinked,
hesitated, and nodded, letting her take it. She ordered for us both,
and I sat there, feeling a bit foolish. And a bit cosseted, protected,
taken care of. There is an odd security that comes in total dependence.
I think girls learn that when they're young. Most men never do. Maybe
they don't want to. I wasn't sure I wanted to.

Once the waitress had gone off to put in our orders, she leaned
forward, looking at me searchingly. "Lee," she began, "four months ago
you preferred blowing up our relationship to letting me see a part of
you that you were ashamed of. Now you seem to be saying exactly the
reverse, that you'll suffer anything to have a relationship. Why should
you trust me now, when you didn't then?"

Taking the bull by the horns, apparently. I shrugged, for an answer,
but she waited. "I don't know," I said, finally. "A lot... a lot
happened, after we broke up. I tried to quit..." I thought about
telling her how, but remembering the reaction of my friend's
girlfriend, decided that it could wait. "I got... depressed." Suicidal,
in fact, but again, let's not dramatize. "I always... trusted you. I
think, maybe, I just didn't trust me." That wasn't really right,
either. I just didn't *like* me. Well, let it pass.

She considered that, nodding. "I think you're right. I think you still
haven't admitted some things to yourself that you're afraid of." I
flinched. "But it was probably for the best. Four months ago, I
couldn't have given you what you want. What you need, maybe. I did a
lot of reading." She shook her head, and laughed dryly. "A *lot* of
reading, and not just your stories. I was trying to find a reason to be
as disgusted with you as you are." She looked straight at me. "I
couldn't. I kept on loving you, and hoping you'd grow up enough to come
back to me. I even followed you around, whenever I saw you going to a
store!" She laughed. "That finally worked out -- but you *lied* to me.
Are you ready to admit what you need, what you want to be?"

I was a bit nonplussed. My stories, some of them, got pretty radical.
There were some things I didn't think I was ready to try, and maybe
never would be. "What... what is it you think I want to be?" I asked.

She cocked her head to one side, just looking. At me. For a long time.
A very long time. I finally had to drop my eyes, and nervously fiddled
with the flowers. "I'm a very assertive woman," she began,
elliptically, "but four months ago, I would have been a little shocked,
a little uncomfortable, maybe, to have a sissy boyfriend."

My head shot up, and the denial sprang to my lips. But she was smiling,
warmly, a little challengingly, and I flushed, remembering that she had
read all those stories. I looked away again, and nodded once, sharply.

The waitress brought our food. I took a deep breath, released it, and
glanced at her warily. She answered the unspoken question without
words, laying her hand over mine, the one that was playing with the
stems of the flowers. "I'll go slow," that gesture said. The food,
though, wasn't a total reprieve. As soon as the waitress was out of
earshot, Nancy continued. "Some of what you want, I can't offer. I
can't turn you into a girl if you snap your fingers." Another story
reference. An embarrassing one. In that one, the boy (he wasn't really
a man, I think) was asked at one point what he would do if he was told
he could turn himself into a girl just by snapping his fingers, with no
possibility of turning back. 'Decide now. You have thirty seconds.' At
twenty-five seconds, he was staring at his fingers. Her fingers. Magic,
remember? I'd actually heard about that as a sort of test, and tried it
on myself, and shocked myself in just the way suggested by snapping my
fingers, at about twenty-five seconds. But I'd convinced myself that it
was only because it wasn't for real, and because I wanted to shock
myself, and... oh, all sorts of excuses. "Four months ago, maybe, I
would have been trying to push you far enough to make you want to
quit... maybe that's what I did, anyway." She paused. I pretended I was
absorbed with my food. "Are you really wearing pink panties?" she
asked, quite casually.

When I finished coughing, I nodded. She patted the bench beside her.
"Come here. Show me."

I looked around, shocked. She waited. I thought about it. Like I say,
it was a dim restaurant. Finally, I gulped, slid out -- feeling as if
every inch of my ass had been specially sensitized -- and slid in
beside her, on the other side. She looked at my lap, and raised an
eyebrow. I looked around, furtively, and tried to look like I was doing
something other than unzipping my jeans. I put my hands, shaking, on
the table when I was done.

I couldn't help but gasp when her hand slid over the nylon. Boing!
Instant erection. She stroked it, and I gasped, again, shuddering,
before I brought myself under control. "Well," she said, with satisfied
amusement in her voice, "I think you'd have a little trouble denying
that you like wearing panties at the moment." Stroke. I shook my head,
darting little glances to the side. "No, what?"

"Umm, no, I don't," I said, confused. "I mean, don't deny it."

"Deny what?"

I looked at her. Question and answer, the Truth Will Out -- common
elements of my stories. I tried twice to say what she wanted me to say,
and finally leaned closer to whisper it. "I like wearing panties."
Stroke. I shuddered again. Gods, don't let her bring me off in public.
Please. Please.

Instead she took my hand, and guided it under her skirt. Up. Up. Her
skin was like satin. "And this is proof that I like seeing you in
them... sissy," she whispered back. Her panties were warm and damp. She
was aroused by *something*. She left my hand there, stroking her, for
several moments, then sighed, and urged it back out, closing her legs.
"I don't want spots on my skirt, sweetie," she explained. She reached
across the table, and pulled my plate across. She ate the rest of her
dinner one-handed; the other hand stayed where it was. I don't know
what I ate. Boiled sand, maybe. I didn't taste it. She only sent me
back to the other side when she ordered dessert for us, and I was just
as tongue-tied and mute as before. The waitress gave me an odd look.
'Why is she the one doing the ordering?' We'd been there before, you
see. Dessert gave me just enough time to get my breathing, and my, err,
circulation, under control. She paid the bill, and motioned me toward
the door.

When we got to the park, she gave me a sidelong glance, then shrugged
her purse off and hung it on my shoulder. I blushed again. Purse,
flowers. But, hey, I justified, people can put it down to young love.
An odd feeling, though, to have the thing banging on my hip. On the
other hip, Nancy's familiar softness, her perfume. Her arm around my
waist, walking me home. The park was four blocks from my house.

I wasn't sure what she would do, at that point. Back off? Come inside?
I *needed* some time to deal with this, and to deal with the
disturbingly deep arousal her taking the dominant role provoked in me.
She came inside. She didn't even ask. I got cranked up another notch,
just looking at her for directions. She looked around, frowned, and
then smiled at me. "Go put on your makeup, sweetie," she told me,
turning toward the kitchen. "Oh, I almost forgot. There's something for
you in my purse."

The package that I opened with trembling fingers turned out to contain
perfume. The same kind that I had bought for her, that she wore. A
hint, obviously. And if she had read the stories, she knew the effect
perfume had on me -- well, on the "hero," which was me in drag. I
blushed slightly. "Infelicitous choice of phrase, Lee," I muttered to
myself, and drifted off to the bathroom. Where I would put on perfume,
and start *feeling* feminine. Panties arouse me. Perfume softens me.
Weakens me. Feminizes me, I guess.

Strengthens me oddly, I discovered. With the delicate scent in my
nostrils, the trembling of my hands decreased, and I got my makeup on
in reasonably well, if still clumsily. I heard music start up from the
direction of the bedroom, where my stereo was, and then Nancy came
through the door, carrying something. "You look very pretty, sweetie,"
she told me. "But we're going to have to do something about your
wardrobe!" She slipped back out, and I discovered that she had brought
the least objectionable of my skirts, and a blouse that happened to fit
very badly. It was pretty, which was about all one could say for it.

The perfume hadn't given me quite enough strength, it seemed. I changed
into skirt and blouse easily enough, but leaving the relative safety of
the bathroom was beyond me. I looked ridiculous, and knew it. I dreaded
the moment when Nancy discovered it. I stood there, trying *not* to
look at the mirror, and shaking every time I considered going out the
door. And aroused. I had a feeling that I would have a case of blue-
balls to match any sixteen-year-old's if this went on much longer.

"Are you practicing the 'Make 'em wait' part?" She was there, and I
drew a breath, waiting for her to laugh. To giggle. To smile
maliciously, even. "Come on, I want to dance," she said, and drew me
toward the bedroom.

I have *never* been much of a dancer. Too self-conscious. Slow-dancing,
though, was usually all right. I mean, all it amounts to is foreplay in
public, with your clothes on. This turned out to be a little different,
though. First, *she* led, signalling with pressure of her hands, or her
hips, or her body. That inflamed me further, just as it made me even
more uncomfortable. Something was slipping away, something was getting
revealed, and I was beginning to feel extremely vulnerable. She danced
me female, is what she did. She was wearing high heels, tall ones --
maybe the ones she had bought for the all-black costume. She'd told me
once she didn't like them. Since I had taken off my shoes to change,
and left them off, it meant that we were about the same height.

So we danced through three songs, and then the CD ended. It ended, and
I realized that I was dancing with my head on her shoulder, while she
had her face in my hair, and that she had been stroking my bottom
through skirt and panties. My hands were just around her waist.
Passive. I started to flush, painfully, when the music stopped and she
broke the clinch. I heard myself whimper.

She held me back from her, her hands holding my arms to my sides, and
looked at me. Then drew me closer, and kissed me. Taking the
initiative, again, and this time demandingly. When I tried to kiss her
back, her mouth and tongue turned punishing, demanding, until I simply
submitted, and let myself *be* kissed. As the kiss ended, my skirt
slithered down my legs to puddle on the floor, and she urged me to step
forward, stepping out of it, as her hands caressed my bottom again. She
was nibbling and licking my ear. Another of my weak spots, one that she
had learned, long ago, sent me into trembling ecstacy. Then another
shift of position, and she was pulling my blouse over my head.

I'm a fraction short of six feet tall, but standing there in front of
her, wearing nothing but makeup and a very silly pair of panties, I
felt very small. She stepped back, unzipped her skirt and stepped out
of it, then unbuttoned and discarded her blouse, keeping her eyes on me
the whole time. Stepping toward me again, she unbuckled her bra, and
let it slither off her shoulders and land with a snick of fasteners on
the floor. She took my hand, and led me, unresisting, toward the bed.

I was out of my depth. Every time I started to respond, she pulled
back, gently laid my hands aside, and then started over. She pushed me
to sit on the bed, then sat beside me and started kissing me. My lips,
my nipples -- unfortunately, they aren't at all sensitive -- my ears --
they are -- and everywhere else. Her tongue traced a trail along my
waistband. I used to do that to her. Eventually, she had me laying back
on the bed, arms at my side, eyes closed. She'd somehow lost her high
heels and pantyhose while she was teasing me.

I turned over my will to her, at that point. Whatever she wanted.
Shortly, she was straddling me. Nylon binds when you press it together,
but if you back off, and sort of brush it, the feelings are
unbelievably erotic. She stroked me, through two layers of nylon,
moving nothing but her hips. And then pressed down, and ground us
together. I could feel her heat, and the damp spreading into my crotch
as well. After a few minutes of this, I started to toss my head and
make little noises. She slowed down, lowered herself directly into
contact, and started a sort of slow bump and grind. Simultaneously, she
took one of my wrists in each hand and raised them over my head,
lowering her body until her nippled traced erotic circles on my chest.

Then she made a noise, ground herself into me convulsively, and kissed
me hard, shuddering. My eyes popped open in astonishment. She was
coming! I had usually been able to bring her off -- say three times out
of four -- but usually only after I had come, and then usually
manually. She'd let go of my wrists when she started to peak, so I
hugged her, hard, and started to kiss her back. I stroked her back,
down to her beautiful ass, and stroked her cheeks and her hips. She had
very sensitive hips. She not only didn't stop me, but her kiss turned
into something very soft, very wet, and very tender. And then she bit
my lip! I yelped, but she was ignored me, and plundered my mouth again,
the waves passing through her body again. The junction of our hips was
hot, and very wet; it was very similar to penetration, and I had
started climbing toward the peak myself.

Then she stopped, and raised her upper body with a jerk, pushing her
elbows between my arms and my body and pinning them, somewhat
painfully, to the bed. Her thighs had clamped shut, and stopped me from
moving. I was pinned underneath her, her complete weight resting
solidly across my hips and the insides of my elbows. "Oh, no!" she
breathed. "Not like that!" She took a deep breath, to calm herself. I
was amazed that she was able to do so. I'd only managed to bring her to
orgasm twice in one night once. And her eyes were flashing with
passion; I had a glimmering idea that the night wasn't over yet for
her. "Tonight, I'm in control," she whispered, and lowered her head to
nibble on my ear again. "When you come, you're going to come like a

I moaned, partly from the pleasure that was thrilling through me again
as she deep kissed my ear, and partly from fear. A delicious fear,
though, one which seemed to channel itself directly to my groin,
increasing my arousal. Revenge on my heart, you see. It was having to
work double time to supply sufficient blood. Or maybe revenge on my
brain, since I think it just shut off the blood supply there to send it
to areas with a higher priority.

The next time she came, she had me trapped. Forearm to forearm, with
our fingers tightly entwined, and all the weight of her upper body
keeping me pinned and motionless. She was biting my face, giving me
sharp little nips, and I almost lost control. I bucked my hips, and
managed to stroke twice, to get right to the edge of the abyss when she
sat up and let all her weight pin my hips to the bed. I shuddered,
clenching my fists, and tossed my head in frustration. When the wave
began to recede, I could feel sweat... sweat?... trickling from the
bottom of my cock, between my legs, into the crack of my ass.

She waited until I managed to recover enough to open my eyes. She
licked her lips, and I closed my eyes again, biting my lip. I opened
them when she raised herself up off of me, and I felt her hands at my
waistband. She locked gazes with me, and wouldn't let me look away, as
her hands gently urged me to raise my hips, so she could push my
panties down. I felt a thrill of shame, and of excitement; it made me
feel very passive, very submissive. Very feminine, I guess. It felt
like a very feminine thing to do. She pulled them down to my knees,
stopped, and swung herself off the bed. Before I could recover, and
maybe decide that we'd had enough of this role reversal, she had
shucked her own panties, and was back on top of me. Warm, soft, and wet
against my erection.

I tried to avoid her hands, when she started to resume the position
that kept me pinned and helpless. She didn't argue with me, or demand
anything, she just chased my arms into position, then clenched her
hands over mine, and slowly transferred her weight forward, which had
the secondary effect of parting her nether lips to engulf the shaft of
my cock.

When she kissed me again, I closed my eyes. "Good," she whispered,
nuzzling my lips. "Keep your eyes closed, sweetie. Just feel. You're
helpless." She trailed kisses from the side of my mouth to my ear, and
whispered again, "Overpowered. The nipples are hard, hard and tender,
brushing the chest." I gasped. Yes, they were -- her nipples, brushing
my chest, lightly, erotically. She shifted her weight, inching forward,
until the head of my cock was between the softness of her lips. "You're
ready," she breathed, and the kisses trailed down my neck and back to
my lips. "Feel the penetration begin. Soft lips spreading, accepting."
Her lips fastened to mine, closing them rather than opening, and then
her tongue, harder than it had a right to be, pushed my lips apart,
without actually entering my mouth fully. I made a noise deep in my
throat as I understood. And a vivid hallucination, that lasted a
microsecond, of *being* penetrated.

She broke free, kissing my eyes, my cheeks, and down to my ears again.
"So beautiful," she murmured. "So soft, and helpless, and then it's
deeper." She moved, and swallowed more of my cock, pulled back, and
impaled herself further. She gasped, and chanted, "Deeper, deeper," as
she stroked, taking in more and more. "And it's... all the... way in."
She gasped. "Between, inside, together," she said, her voice changing
to a moan, and then she all but shouted into my ear, "Oh, God!" and
ground her hips against mine, in a circular motion, our pubic bones
grinding one another -- with a bit of her soft flesh caught between --
and she broke into sobs.

My eyes snapped open, and I tried to say something, to reassure her
somehow. But I just whimpered again instead. And she didn't *need*
comfort. That was her third orgasm, I realized, a little awed.
Frightened, too. I mean, maybe it was just the long drought, though I'd
heard that she had had a couple boyfriends after we broke up, but she
was more responsive, more uninhibited, more outrageously sexy than I
had ever seen her. It turned me on unbelievably, but she *wouldn't* let
me finish.

She pushed herself up onto her elbows -- my elbows, actually -- and a
couple tears fell onto my face. She bit her lip, fighting for control,
and then opened her eyes. Lowered herself again, slowly, and moving
again, this time in a way that provided friction for me. My eyes
snapped shut, as I realized just how close I was. She kissed the corner
of my eye, and I realized that I'd been crying too, as she murmured,
"You cried together as the waves swept over, pulsing through the walls
of flesh, so that they closed over the magician's wand, stroking,
kneading... needing." I heard the difference in the words. Don't ask me
how. Sexual telepathy, maybe. Her voice was tight and shaking. "And
then they begin to move together, p-perfectly m-matched, and reach th-
the... Oh, God! Feel it! P-penetrating, penetrated, inside, within...
together! Together!"

I thought that I was dying. I didn't care. I was released, and found
release. Or, vulgarly, I came, and so did she. I think she started
crying again. I can't say for sure, because I passed out. Not for long,
but when I woke up, she was cradling me in her arms, and moving against
me again, sobbing. Using the twisting bump-and-grind that kept me from
moving inside her, much, while she reached another orgasm. And another.
I'm not sixteen, though, and once a night is about all I'm good for, so
the, umm, 'magician's wand' was shrinking. She finally relaxed a
little, her sobs dying out.

I was, I realized a bit fuzzily, exhausted. Completely satiated, from
the most intensely erotic bout of love-making I could remember. I had
drifted half into dream land, with vague dreams of a finger tracing the
outline of my lips through a pair of thin, lacy panties, when Nancy
bestirred herself. Moving as swiftly as before, she sat up, and I
slithered all the way out, feeling another little trickle. "Hey,
sweetie," she whispered, her voice trembling. "Wake up a minute. "If we
don't take our makeup off now, we'll look like raccoons in the
morning." I was going to object that I didn't care, but she had moved
again, and was pulling my panties back up. Rather than argue, I let her
push me toward the bathroom, and accepted the little jar of makeup
remover she dug out of her purse.

She left, probably to go put her own panties on, and I looked in the
mirror. Now, there's a classic syndrome among cross-dressers. Arousal,
dressing up, more arousal, masturbation, and then total revulsion. When
I saw myself in the mirror, my first impulse was to dig out a razor, or
the hypodermic, and *end it*. In an agony of shame, I shucked the
panties, tossing them in the corner, and started cleaning my face with
vicious, hard strokes.

"No," said Nancy's voice, behind me. Not angry, but very firm. "Put
them back on. And this." She was wearing a white nightie I'd never
cared for, since it was supposed to fit through the bodice and then
flare into a sort of puffy chiffon skirt. I'm not built like a girl,
though, so it was loose in the chest, tight in the waist, and the skirt
wasn't made of an erotic material, not to the touch, at any rate. It
was to the eye. 'This' was a pink nylon chemise, one of those things
that mail-order houses sell cut-rate on the back of the order form.

"N-nance," I stuttered, "I c-can't!"

"Why?" she asked. When I didn't answer, she continued, "Because it's
sissy?" I winced, then nodded.

"I... it makes me look, s-sil-... ridiculous," I added, in a whisper.

"You *are* a sissy," she said, matter-of-factly. "And tonight, you're
going to sleep like one," she stated, picking up the panties and
handing them to me. It wasn't a request, or an order. It was a

It turned out to be true.

I felt even more deeply embarrassed the next morning, when I woke up
next to this beautiful, desirable, feminine creature, in little-girl
drag. And with amazingly stained panties, too. They were almost crusty.
So were Nancy's. She ignored my glumness, and joked that it was too bad
I was so narrow-hipped, or she could borrow a clean pair from me. She
kept up her light chatter as we showered -- separately, alas -- and got
dressed. She did end up wearing some of my underwear, some of the nasty
'one size fits all' kind. She put it on with a wry joke. I wore boy
clothes, from the skin out. She asked me what was for breakfast, by
which I guessed I was making it. Which was fair enough. She stayed and
cleaned up a little in the bedroom, and then we ate, not in total
silence, but not very happily. Her cheer was wearing thin, against my
wall of gloom.

I was disgusted with myself. I had given in and done some things that
I'd fantasized about, but that wasn't the real problem. The problem
was, I enjoyed them. I knew it, and Nancy knew it. I couldn't
understand why she didn't hate me yet -- I did -- and wondered what was
going to happen next. Nothing good, I was sure. What if she continued
to try and bring my stories to life? I shuddered, and dropped my fork,
when I had a sudden, hideous image of stepping up to the lectern, in
front of a class full of students, in high heels and a miniskirt.

She did the dishes when we were done, and came out to the living room,
where I was sitting and staring at the window, trying to decide what I
was going to do. "Lee," she said, softly, kneeling in front of me and
taking my hand. "You need some time alone. So I'm leaving." I started
to protest, half-heartedly, but secretly relieved, when she laid a
finger on my lips. "I'm not going to demand anything of you that you
can't do, and that includes demanding that you try to hide your
feelings when you're feeling particularly raw and vulnerable. However,"
she added, and her voice became very firm, "you *are* going to have to
make a decision. You'll have to decide if you want to be my sissy or
not." I flushed and again started to protest, but she shushed me again.
"It isn't that hard a decision," she said, with a smile, "since one way
or another, you're going to be a sissy. The question is whether you'll
be *my* little sissy, and let me make the decisions and take the
responsibilities. No, don't answer! I don't want to hear it, and I
don't think you're ready, or able, to make a decision in the state
you're in. So I'll give you time. Friday I'll come by to pick you up,
and treat you to dinner and a show. If you've decided you can trust me,
you'll be wearing panties. And perfume -- that's easier to see." Well,
smell, I corrected, but not aloud. "That gives you a week to torture
yourself with it. Agreed?"

There was something in her eyes again, and I had to work it out before
I answered. Anxiety? Yes, it seemed to me, she was anxious. And
considering things, I realized that whatever decision I made when I was

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I would like to thank Y2C, Wergor, and David Gee and the others at the MC Forum for the help in designing this story. Thanks. Brian Towns was looking at the papers on his desk. It was hard catching with all that need to be done with his two business that when on below him. If it wasn't for Lucy, his personal assistant he would have been swamped with work that kept him from his real work. Being a superhero. It made him a bit guilt that he had accidentally made her his love slave. Brian Towns was...

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During colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...

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Trust By Razor7826 (Copyright Razor7826 2007.  The events presented in this work are fictional and do not represent the views of the author in any way.)        "John... put that thing away.  We've already talked about this..."  I stared at the disgusting red ballgag that my shirtless husband dangled in front of me.  "You know that we should always have a safe word."        "Shhh, Erica."  He placed his index finger gently over my lips and stared at me with his hazel eyes.  "You trust me, don't...

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John and Alex Part 2

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The Night Out Part 2

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Rabi Ne Apni Soteli Maa Se Liya Badla Part III

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Slut training1

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A Trivial Change Part 2

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The Soda Jerk and the Secretary

September 16, 1951 Robert Smith a soda Jerk at his home town pharmacy is on his way to work, when he is stopped by a red light. Once the red light turned green Robert resumed his drive to work. When he got to the pharmacy he parked his car a 1938 ford he bought when he turned 16, shut down the engine, removed his keys from the car's ignition then he got out of the vehicle and went into the pharmacy. Once he was in the pharmacy building he clocked in and put on his apron once his apron was on...

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Back home from office so early

Back home from office so earlyWednesday I came home early, because I was really very tired.I had not called my sweet Ana to tell her I was coming early; I knew she could be worry thinking I could be ill or something…At our parking entrance there was a green van and I then I recalled having hired two young black men to fix some plumbing matters at home.I slipped into the house and walked toward my office when I heard voices and laughing. It was Anita with those young black guys in the living...

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Ainsely 4

I followed him to the front door, hugged him one more time, and looked him in the eye. “That will never happen again.” He looked at me surprised, confused. “Never,” I repeated, and closed the door.***It was a bad drive to work. I was already late because I'd stayed with her so long, trying to talk her out of her blue mood or crazy thinking or 'whatever.' Then there was a fender bender three cars in front of me coming down the main drag on post. So that made me later. I pulled into the parking...

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The Trailer Park The Third YearChapter 23

I couldn't help laughing. "You want to let me in on the joke?" "Us." It was the kind of night that seemed to define Washington. Define the northwest. The air was clear after the afternoon rain. The Moon was out in force enviously trying to outshine her older brother, the sun. The stars shone brightly, cheering her on, yet twinkling at her forlorn attempt. The air was cool, still filled with the moisture of the rain. Tami and I were taking our ritual walk, hand in hand, enjoying the...

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Sexy Tour Of South East Asia

Hi this is Mukesh once again with another of my stories, at the very onset I would like to thank all the readers for the overwhelming response to my earlier stories. This story I am about to narrate is about myself with a family of three ladies. This true incident dated back to the year 1985 when I was working with a reputed Travel Agency in Calcutta, those days our Company used to organize conducted tours to South East Asia and I was working as a tour guide who used to accompany these...

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Cam4 Teen

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Woman Partner Chapter Five The Cocktail Party

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 5, The Cocktail Party) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

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Bleach Fight

Introduction Welcome to the Bleach fight were all the sexy ladies of Bleach fight to be the sexiest of them all. And some of the lovely ladies joining use are Orihime Inoue Yoruichi Shihouin Matsumoto Rangiku Rukia Kuchiki Kūkaku Shiba Tatsuki Arisawa Yuzu Kurosaki Karin Kurosaki Lisa Yadōmaru Hiyori Sarugaki Lirin Ururu Tsumugiya Mashiro Kuna Chizuru Honshou Harivel Neliel Soi Fong Cirucci Thunderwitch Momo Hinamori Ise Nanao

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Its My PartyChapter 77

Time: Monday, April 11, 2019 6:48 PM It was an hour after sunset in the bee park, and Mark was cuddling with Emily, Hannah, and Holly on the one giant bed in their small home by the pond. The pond was frozen now and smooth as glass. Yesterday afternoon Mark had led an unplanned expedition to the bee park to drop off winter coats, and his team had four pairs of ice skates as a surprise. They had tried it this morning at sunrise for about a half hour. It was fun. And then they had come in and...

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Bou choda shoshur 2

“Aaaaa?..aaaaahhh? Ooooiiiii? Iiisssssss. ” “Bau rani tumi tomar neecher choole kono din tel lagao na kee?” “Dhutt pagol! Neecher choole keu abar tel lagay na kee?” “Bau rani, meyeder jerakom mathar choole tar sundorota baraye theek temni kore guuder chool meyeder guuder sundorota baraye. Guuder oopore sukno sukno chool ta ke kono purush manush pachondo kore na. Tumi jato ta jatno tomar mathar chooler koro oto ta tumi tomar guuder baal keo kora uchit. Eibar Mala nijer duto paa khoob choriye...

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I Just Love Brotherly LoveChapter 1

My friend, Haley, has her computer in her room and, somehow, she has figured out how to get to the adult stuff on the web, you know, the porn sites. My god, there's a lot of them. We've been surfing for over a month and we just never run out of new sites. Oh, some of it is pretty gross. I mean, what an education! What some people will do and call it sex. Well, anyway, we quickly learned to avoid those videos, just the sex stuff with men and women was plenty. Oh, plenty. We saw everything,...

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SS Erotic Ch 02

Nikki laid in the bed completely naked and she dreamt of beautiful things. She dreamt that a tall, handsome man was aggressively groping and squeezing her massive, ample breasts. She moaned loudly as he punished her soft, sensitive flesh. He made circles around her nipples with his tongue and then moved downward, toward her throbbing wet cunt. She screamed in pleasure as he attacked her pussy and with every lick she came closer to orgasm. After a while she felt the orgasm coming and just as she...

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June Bugs

Fred squirmed uncomfortably beside the big black man. They were perched high up on a white lifeguard chair scanning the water. It wasn't that Fred disliked blacks, it was just that the man was so big he took up most of the chair forcing Fred to sit on his left ass cheek. Plus, he was jealous. Booker was huge. Not only was he built like a Mr. Universe contestant, but he didn't seem to work at keeping his physique. The man ate greasy burgers, hotdogs, fries or pizza daily for lunch and Fred had...

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Big cock and a little cock for my wife

It had been my fantasy for a long time to share my wife with another guy.A guy with a big cock.The bigger the better.My cock was only 4 inches and although my wife Susan had never complained, I wanted her to have more.I had been talking online to Jack for a while, and he had agreed to join us. I had sent him pics of Sue and he was well up for it. Talking Susan into it had been a bigger problem. I introduced the idea while we were having sex.Susan usually rubbed her clit to climax when we made...

2 years ago
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Fucking A Milf 8211 Part 2

Hey guys. I am back win the final part of the sex story Fucking a milf. I hope you all enjoy it. Kindly send your views at Girls and ladies feel free to interact for any queries. We were both drenched in sweat with hearts beating rapidly. She was lying totally naked with black sexy heels. Her big breasts were wet with sweat and her eyes had a splash of my cum. She was breathing heavily and I could notice her slender stomach going up and down. Her navel also drenched with sweat was slowly...

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First Anniversary

FIRST ANNIVERSARY By BobH. (c) 2003 "I love you, and I can't live without you." It's hard to believe it was a year ago today, twelve long months since you pressed your slender body against mine and kissed me goodbye at the door as you always did before I set off for work. As usual, I grumbled about how unfair it was that you got to work at home while I had to drag my ass downtown. This was a little ritual we had, and you took my complaints no more seriously than I did. It was...

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Business Trip pt 2

i stepped out of the last of my clothing and stood there in the darkness completely naked in front of this man who i would be working for and whose cock i had just sucked. Marcus was sitting on the sofa in front of me silent but watching me and looking me over intently and i could see a faint grin on his face. "too much hair on you but baby look at you!" he laughed "do a little turn for me Eric"i started to turn in place and was suddenly overcome with nerves maybe the alcohol wearing off i dont...

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Mistress and Me

During one of my "inspections" of my mistress castle (which was in the middle of nowhere maybe because she didnt want to be found) my mistress aproached me. She was a sexy 24 with blonde hair, blue eyes, 40B brests, a 8 size waist and a shaven pussy. She was wearing her latex mistress outfit which was a very skimpy dress that had her stomic showing and a pair of latex high heels. I was in a very sexy maid outfit that if I had to guess was bought at a halloween store. This would...

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Story: #13 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 09 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** The door slid open with a powerful crash as the light of day forced its way in to the dark metallic closet that was Jessica's resting place, when her master Jason was not in need of her service's she was placed in this small metal closet,...

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My Sexy Neighbour Tony

MY SEXY NEIGHBOUR TONY I knew my neighbour Tony fancied me, I'd noticed him several times watching me from his flat across the courtyard. A couple of times I'd even been naughty and 'accidentally' left my blinds open as I walked around the bedroom in just my bra and panties, knowing that he could see me and what effect it would have on him. One afternoon when, for some reason, I was feeling particularly naughty I decided I'd give him the ''Full Monty'' and, after making sure that he...

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Working up the nerve Part 2

“That was really good, Will. You fuck a lot harder than my last boyfriend.” “Thanks, I tried to go as hard as I could. You felt really good on me.” We went on complimenting each other for a little while, until she hit me with something I wasn’t expecting. “I don’t want to get into a relationship right now.” This was fine with me. I had done alright in college without a girlfriend and I still wanted to have the freedom to sleep with whoever I wanted. However, I didn’t want to lose...

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Through The Mirror Part One

Claire woke up aching - that deep, pleasurable ache that could only be assuaged with a hard and merciless fuck. I haven't felt like this in years, she thought, loving the tingling in her pussy, not daring to open her eyes in case it turned out to be a dream. In fact, the last time she had felt this aroused was back in college; naked and soaped up with that fiercely sexy blonde - what was her name...Helena? Oh, Claire remembered moaning like a whore up against that shower wall. Almost felt...

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Dear Cum The Fools

 1 April 2021 Ms Cum GirlCum CottageLower Snatch DrippingCunnyshire Dear Ms CumIt has been brought to our attention here at 'The Daily Heil Publishing Corporation' that the saddo website you're so fond of frequenting is hosting an international competition, and that as a saddo of minor repute and standing we expect you to fly the flag for this Sceptred Isle. All of us here at 'The Daily Heil Publishing Corporation' are rabid acolytes of the tousle-haired cockwomble and sport huge, throbbing,...

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Its only natural

March 2012. This feeling is so good it ought to be illegal. Technically I suppose it is, which is maybe what makes it more fantastic. It’s a glorious day, unseasonably hot and summery. The kind of day where almost everyone finds a grassy country park in which to picnic. I can see them enjoying themselves on the field through the canopy of trees, laughing, playing ball games, Frisbee, cycling, walking dogs, eating and drinking. All beneath a cloudless, azure sky. The birds high above us are in...

3 years ago
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Master Cheater Episode Number Two

My wife had a business conference that would last two weeks in San Diego.  I hated the thought of two weeks in San Diego while she worked twelve-hour days. In the past when I accompanied her on these trips, she came back to the hotel room, exhausted from a long hard day at work, took a shower, and went to bed.She had asked me to go with her and do my work from the Hotel Business Center during the day. She always planned on having some downtime for us, but it never happened. I told her that I...

4 years ago
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The Return of Lilly RoseChapter 11

Paul, Lilly and Lane get in to the city late in the evening. Paul persuades them this would be the best time to go see his friend. They walk in to the strip club. Paul walks over to the bar. A few minutes later Frank Gannon walks out of the office. He sees who it is and motions them to follow him. Lane is wearing his trademarked mask. Frank wonders who he is. He sits down behind his desk and says, "Hi Paul, what brings you here?" "My friend here needs some equipment." "Who is...

4 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 21

Los Angeles. There's no way I can adequately describe my first impression of that monstrosity of a city. I'd never been there, but I'd seen fragments on the news, scraps of it in movies and on TV. In some ways LA is no different from any other large American city; beautiful in spots, appealingly sit-com-ish around the edges, and just plain nauseating at the core. In other ways it's completely different; the filthy rich traipsing the streets alongside the pathetically poor, diamond...

3 years ago
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Step daughter fantasizing being with Stepmom

this is really a very rough draft. I just had to save it here.I have always thought my step mom was hot! She has a fantastic body. Also did topless dancing with her very big tits. I'm sure she was great at it. And when she told me that she needed some pussy one time, she wasnt asking for mine, we were at a bar and she was looking for a hookup. I was already planning for one day maybe her and I could get frisky. At that time I didn't act on anything..I wasn't sure what her response would be, I...

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