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A repost, with some minor editing. Hope you enjoy.


He lives down the hall from me. His hair is shaggy and blonde, sometimes hanging messily over his blue eyes. A scar splits his right eyebrow in half. Tattered jeans and block colored t-shirts appear to be the only clothing he owns.

He moved in a month ago and through gossip I’ve learned he’s an amiable guy, working as a teacher. Mainly he keeps to himself. Something about him disturbs me– the way he walks, how his calculating blue eyes take in everything around him in one rapid swoop, the weird hours he keeps- but my landlady says he’s a Good Guy.

I catch him one day, helping her climb the stairs. He doesn’t speak to her but he gives her a smile before he walks away.

I wouldn’t know what a Good Guy looks like, but I’ll take her word for it.


Everything goes in slow motion– cars passing in the street, mosquitoes buzzing in my ear at night, summer rain tinkling down whenever it gets too hot. Nothing much is happening, but that’s how I prefer my summers.

I sit outside with the kids that live in my building on dry nights, teasing them and playing games. It’s the most fun I have some days.

On this particular night, I’m smiling while a few girls play jump-rope and pretending not to notice the new guy as he ambles up the sidewalk.

The sun just went down but the heat is still hazy and cloying. Little droplets of sweat decorate my forehead, and just as I wipe them away, my eyes catch his. He’s walking up the sidewalk, weaving through blankets of fireflies.

The first time he smiles at me, it’s electric. Every vein sizzles with hot blood, every cell vibrates, and every breath shimmies out unsteadily. It’s not even that he’s good-looking, because I’m not so sure he is, but there’s something about him.

One of the kids runs over with a ball in his hands. ‘Come play with us.’

The man laughs. ‘It’s a little hot for that, don’t you think?’

But he takes the ball and tosses it around. I watch them play for a while, feeling strangely panicked. He hasn’t really looked at me, and he certainly hasn’t spoken to me, but I sense something revolutionary is about to happen. I don’t really think I can deal with that. I’m not ready, and I’m not so sure I’ll ever be.

He throws the ball to another child after a while and stands back, letting the kids enjoy their game. The girls giggle when the boys’ game gets too close.

My whole body thrums with energy when he lowers himself down on the stoop next to me.

‘They’re great kids,’ he says.

‘Yeah. Yeah, they are.’

‘I see you out here with them a lot. That’s really nice of you.’

‘I don’t mind.’

We’re quiet for a few minutes. It makes me a little depressed that I can’t think of anything to say to him.

‘You’re a hairdresser, right?’

The question startles me and I look at him, face to face. He seems different close up. His nose has been broken countless times, I can tell, and his lips are almost too big for his face. His eyes are a disconcerting blue- not a crystal blue, but a dark, moody sapphire.

‘There are a lot of very talkative ladies in this building. They say you’re really good.’ His smile widens. ‘I could use a haircut.’

‘I work downtown.’ I take a deep breath and wonder if I should tell him the rest. A little bit of a breeze rustles through, catching his scent on a wave of air. I’ve never felt this way… So off balance by someone, and somehow addicted to the feeling. ‘Sometimes I do cuts in my apartment, though.’

‘Hmm. I might have to make an appointment, then.’


I don’t see much of him the next few weeks. We smile when we pass one another in the hall, or on the street, and occasionally he says hello. I don’t dare.

It’s an Indian summer, but a crispness is invading the air, making me at once happy yet aching. I always feel a bit lost in the fall. September has set in, the leaves are beginning to fade, and the kids are back at school. He doesn’t hang around so much anymore, busy with teaching. It dawned on me after we said our goodbyes that night I don’t even know his name. I could ask around, but that feels too sad and clingy. It would undoubtedly get back to him, anyway.

Then one rare Saturday I don’t have to go into work, I hear a light knock at the door.

He is on the other side, standing casually when I open it. A small smile curves his lips.

‘Are you busy?’

My heart thuds. ‘Umm, not really.’

‘I was wondering if you could give me a hair cut.’ He runs a hand through his hair, shuffling around the choppy layers, and gives me a big smile. ‘I’m becoming a bit too alternative for school.’

I smile nervously and gesture him inside. He sits quietly while I gather everything I need, taking longer than usual because his presence knocks me off kilter.

‘I don’t want anything too drastic,’ he tells me. ‘Just something to make me look professional.’

Normally I’d be amused at the hint of anxiety in his voice, he’s concerned I might take too much off, I can tell. Being in the business this long has helped me decode ‘I want just a little off’ as: ‘Please keep my hair completely the same.’

He doesn’t chatter while I mess around, and I’m grateful for that. Clients who talk my ear off make me go nuts sometimes. It’s peaceful this way and I find myself relaxing. My shoulders drop, my stomach calms and the whole thing almost feels pleasant. I don’t take too much off the length of his hair.

Then I’m finished. He runs his fingers through it. He takes a peek in the mirror I present him and grins at his reflection.

‘Wow, I like it. It’s still me.’ His eyes glide to my stare. ‘Thanks. You’re really good at this.’

I’m probably blushing but I don’t care. ‘Thank you.’

He puts some bills down on my table- more than I deserve- and stretches. His eyes assess me. The sensation of his cataloguing gaze both thrills and terrifies me.

‘Wanna go for a walk with me?’

I blink at the question. I most certainly wasn’t expecting that. Before I can think too hard about it, I hear myself consenting. ‘Sure.’

‘My name is Graham, by the way,’ he says once we’re in the late Autumn sun. ‘I forgot to introduce myself. And you’re Virginia, right?’

‘Right.’ I’m surprised he knows my name. Maybe the fascination isn’t one-sided. ‘People call me Ginny sometimes.’

His smile is soft. ‘Good to know.’

We drift down the sidewalk, crunching leaves below our feet. We don’t need to talk and I like that. It’s a little uncomfortable, but mostly it’s exciting.

He tells me about school after a little bit. He loves being a teacher, but he doesn’t even have to say the words. I can see how his eyes light up, how he uses his hands, how he laughs when he tells stories about his students. Then he says how hard it’s been for him, moving out here to the city, away from everything he knew before.

‘I like the city. But it’s so lonely, sometimes, don’t you think?’ The way his eyes scan my face tells me he already knows my answer.

‘Of course.’ I try not to sound too depressed.

‘My sister keeps trying to move by her. Some days I’m almost tempted.’

He tells me a bit more about her- how they’re really close, how he considers her his best friend.

‘You’re quiet,’ he says after a while. ‘Am I talking too much?’

I stare at the scar on his eyebrow. ‘Not at all. I like it.’

Shockingly, I do like it. I like the tone of his voice, the way he smiles, how I can picture everyone and everything he talks about just by the descriptive words he uses.

‘I’m from a very quiet family. It’s nice to be around someone who doesn’t mind talking.’

Graham throws his head back and laughs. ‘Is that a polite way of saying I don’t shut the fuck up?’

A small cautious laugh bubbles out of my chest. ‘Not at
all! I really am enjoying your stories. I’m an only child so I never got to experience any of that. The closest I have is a cousin who I pretty much grew up with, but we’re not so close anymore.’

His amusement dies down and his eyes are doing that probing thing. ‘I’m not so close with the rest of my siblings anymore. I’m one of seven… We all grew up and scattered across the world. We all have our own lives. One brother is actually in Africa right now.’

‘You must miss them.’

He kicks a broken bottle out of our way. ‘Of course, but I was the youngest. I was kind of used to them not being around anymore. There’s just my sister, Kate… and even then, she has her own life now.’

We pass by a pretzel cart and he stops, his eyes glowing. There’s boyish delight in his expression and I feel myself grinning.

‘Want one? I haven’t tried one yet. I feel like a fraud.’

I look from the cart back to him. ‘I’ve never had one, either.’

His eyebrow goes up and he snorts in disbelief. ‘How is that possible? You’re a New Yorker.’

‘I’m suspicious of street food.’

His smile turns puzzling as he approaches the vendor. His eyes are still on me when he says, ‘Two pretzels, please.’ The man hands one over and Graham presents it to me.

‘To trying something new,’ he toasts with a large smile before taking a huge bite out of his own.

‘So tell me about you,’ he says a little while later. ‘Do you have any siblings?’


‘You close with your parents?’

The sky is a little darker, preparing to drizzle any minute. Thankfully we’re headed back to our building. ‘Not really. My relationship with my mom is complicated.’

‘Hmm.’ His expression reeks of pity. I can’t have that.

‘No, I mean… She loves me. A lot. Too much, actually.’

‘You can love a person too much?’ His smile makes me warm. It isn’t a comfortable warmth, but it isn’t unbearable, either.

‘Of course. Absolutely. It can be smothering.’

‘You could be unloved,’ he points out.

I don’t want to tell him I’ve been there, too. It’s sad. I don’t want to be sad today. Something about him cheers me up, I don’t want to waste this high. So I just nod and change the subject and hold onto the good feeling like it’s the only thing tethering me to this earth.


A week later someone knocks on my door. I’m simultaneously hoping and dreading that it will be Graham.

I’ve thought of little else besides our little walk and it’s driving me crazy. I don’t have good luck with men. Actually, that’s an understatement. I’ve been with addicts, losers, abusers and suffocating romantics. I don’t trust anyone anymore, least of all myself.

But when I peek through my peephole and see Graham standing there, I can’t help myself: I smile and blush. Drunken butterflies tumble through my stomach. I feel like I’m sixteen again, riding the back of Tom Daly’s motorcycle. Except Graham isn’t Tom- all pimples and hands where I don’t want them. He’s smiling softly on the other side of my door, waiting for me to open up.

So I do.

‘Hey, Virginia. I hope I’m not interrupting anything. I would have called first but I don’t have your number.’

‘That’s okay. Come in.’

He steps in but doesn’t come in too far. ‘What are you doing for dinner tonight?’

My palms sweat and my heart pumps erratically. ‘I was just going to heat up some Chinese from yesterday.’

‘Unacceptable. A new Italian restaurant opened up five blocks from here. My buddy at work told me I have to try it.’ He runs a hand through his hair which already looks shaggy, in spite of the haircut I gave him. His blue eyes glitter when he gives me a puppy dog look. ‘Please don’t make me go alone.’

I want to go with him desperately. I want to be a normal girl who doesn’t have to weigh all the ramifications of saying yes. Unfortunately the scars all across my body, and the scars that burn in my memory, remind me I’m not.

‘I don’t know… I have a few things I have to-‘

‘Come on. If it sucks, I won’t have anyone to complain with!’ His smile is contagious, damn it. My lips tug up reluctantly. ‘Come with me. You won’t regret it, Virginia.’


A few wines later, I’m relaxed. I know this because my tongue feels swollen and my body feels creamy and warm. I’m also talking- too much.

‘So your dad is married to a girl two years younger than you?’ Graham looks like he’s trying to decide if that’s funny or sad.

‘Yeah. It gets worse, though. She was my college roommate.’

Graham whistles. ‘That’s rough. What about your mom?’

I wave my hand and swirl my red wine around. ‘She’s a warrior. Nothing fazes her.’

He looks like he wants to say something but offers one of his smiles, instead. ‘Are you guys close?’

‘Nah. She doesn’t really know how to deal with being a mother. Don’t know if she knew how to deal with being a wife, either.’ I sip my wine and narrow my eyes at him. ‘You’re making me talk too much.’

He puts his hands up innocently and smirks. ‘Hey, it’s only fair. I think the only thing I haven’t told you yet is the time I paid Joey Crown to moon the whole class in the fourth grade and he got suspended for two weeks. I’ve felt guilty about that ever since.’

Giddy, drunken laughter erupts from me. I smack Graham’s shoulder, loving this feeling. His own tipsy laughter rings out, drowning mine.

He pays the check, ignoring my protests, and grabs my arm to help me up.

‘You know,’ I tell him, dropping my head back to get a good look at him while we’re this close, ‘you’re not that bad looking.’

He tries not to laugh. ‘Thanks, Gin. I appreciate that.’

‘No, really.’ My brain and tongue aren’t working properly. Everything feels soggy. ‘I mean… You are handsome. Kind of. When you want to be.’

‘Okay, I think we should take a break from the compliments,’ he laughs.

‘Graham.’ It’s the first time I’ve said his name and we both know it. ‘You really are. Because you’re not. You know? You’re really beautiful. You don’t have to be nice to me, but you are. You don’t have to play with that obnoxious kid in apartment 2-H, but you do because you know he doesn’t have any friends.’

His smile is all weird. Like he’s forcing it, like he’s really uncomfortable. Oh, God, I’m fucking this up!

‘I mean that all your features are kind of mismatched but together they’re so good. Do you know what I mean?’

Graham takes a deep breath and smiles on the exhale. ‘Yeah. Thank you. You’re not so bad, yourself.’

We start walking outside but my drunken self feels like she hasn’t made her point- and worse, that she’s insulted Graham. So Drunk Ginny decides to point out her own flaws.

‘I have the biggest mole on my back. It’s really gross, actually. When I was fifteen I seriously considered getting it removed.’

Graham’s bellowing cackle is loud and echoing through the street. ‘Oh yeah? That’s kind of hot.’ He squeezes my arm. ‘You know, I’m impressed how clear you’re able to speak when you’re trashed.’

‘I’m not trashed.’ My heel decides to trap itself in a crack at that moment. ‘Just tired.’

He crouches down to patiently maneuver my shoe out of trouble. He breathes out a hot laugh against my leg and I shiver.

‘You’re a funny girl, Virginia. A wasted girl, but a funny one, nonetheless.’

We’re having a moment. There’s nothing but the way his dark blue eyes look in the gauzy light, the sensation of his fingertips on my bare ankle and the irregular thump of my heartbeat.

Slowly he stands, keeping eye contact. I’m sure he’s going to kiss me, and maybe it’s the wine or the fun I’m having, but I’m not completely panicking at the prospect. Then he shocks the hell out of me, he steps back.

‘We should get back. It’s late.’

The way I’m feeling now is kind of hard to explain. You know how when you’re just drifting off to
sleep, into a really fabulous dream, and your whole body jerks awake? It feels like that, only worse because now we have to walk home coated in the awkwardness of our almost kiss. He won’t even look at me.

He tries making small talk on the short walk back, but neither of us are paying attention. Our lit up apartment building is a lighthouse. I can’t wait to run up to my apartment, sink into a hot bath,and try to forget all about the stupid, crushing disappointment. I never should have allowed myself to hope, to depend on another person for companionship.

I have my foot raised to take the first step up to our door when his hand on my elbow stops me.

‘Wait. Ginny, wait.’

Like a fool, I do. I can already hear the speech he’s about to make. Maybe he has someone home. Maybe he can’t forget, like me. Whatever it is, I’m grateful for it. I can’t make another false start in my life. I won’t.

He isn’t talking. Impatiently I turn my head, about to spew out everything I’m thinking for once, when his hot lips meet mine. It’s a shock and I try to pull back, but he doesn’t stop. He tugs me closer to his body, running his hands up my back. One cups the back of my neck, the other drags over the side of my face.

His tongue flirts across my bottom lip. It’s subtle but I can sense the question here- ‘Is this okay?’

It is. My mouth sighs and he’s inside, giving and taking. The kiss turns rough and altogether undefinable. He bites and soothes and groans. His hands never stray, he doesn’t touch anywhere inappropriate. Still, the hunger he feels is evident in every tongue stroke, in every deep sound from his throat.

I forget I’m me, I forget about my past, I forget that I vowed I’d never be a ‘funny girl’ to anyone ever again. I forget that I could get hurt, that this isn’t what I want, that I’m terrified of him.

I just forget.


But the next morning I remember.

I glance at my reflection when I wash my hands and see my swollen lips and everything I tried to suppress comes back like a rubber band. And it stings. I’m the woman who had to move to a huge city because she desperately wanted to be swallowed up. I’m the girl who ran away from her boyfriend who thought it was fun to use her as his stress relief. I’m the idiot who bailed exes out of jail, who ignored the depletion of her bank account, who always turned into a fool for love. I can’t do it again. I won’t.

There’s a knock at my door and now I just feel dread. I know who it is and I just want him to go away. He likes me- the pieces I’ve let him see- and I like the pieces of himself he’s shown to me, too. Now I’m going to hurt him. But it’s for the best, really, because soon we’ll have to show all of ourselves to each other and it might be too late.

He comes again that night and calls my name softly from the other side of the door. He leaves a note under it.


My friend suggested an Indian place on the other side of town. Be my date tomorrow night?

Also, here’s my cell number. Can’t believe I keep forgetting to ask for yours.


I throw it out.

The next afternoon, he comes home from work at the same I am. His grin is huge and happy to see me. He’s making it so much harder.

‘Hi,’ he says. He’s breathless from jogging up to me. ‘You never called.’

‘Sorry… I only saw your note this morning.’

He swallows and I watch his Adam’s apple bob. ‘That’s okay. So what do you think- are we going Indian tonight?’

There are so many things I could say. I know that I want to say yes, but it just won’t work. It won’t stay this way forever. Graham might not be anything like the string of skeletons in my closet, but it’s enough that I have them.

‘I’m sorry,’ I hear myself saying. The words are flat and dry. ‘I can’t.’

‘We can go tomorrow.’ Graham shrugs and ruffles his hair. ‘No big.’

‘I mean I can’t go out with you.’

His expression morphs into one of confusion. ‘What do you mean?’

‘I’m not looking for a boyfriend.’

He shifts his messenger bag to his other shoulder. ‘Virginia, I just want to get to know you. Just be your friend.’ He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. ‘And I’m sorry about the kiss. It was too soon.’

‘This isn’t about the kiss. I just-‘

‘We’ll be friends.’ His smile is wide and warm. ‘Let’s be friends. Please.’

I huff impatiently. ‘Graham, I-‘

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Breakout 10

The more I learned about other people's sex lives, the more frustrated and resentful I got. I was 28 after all. Connie and Julie had told me all about their own sinful lives, and pretty much convinced me I should, how do i say it, branch out. But I was so timid, nothing ever happened. Late one afternoon, we had planned to meet at our favorite bar. When I got there, Connie and Julie were sitting at a table with two incredibly sculpted men - I later found out they were gym coaches - Carlos and...

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When Secrets Come Out 3

Introduction: This part starts with Nates point of view. It gives some background. Please rate and/or comment. I need to criticism to get better. It all started when I was 7. I was hanging out with my best friend, who happened to be a girl. We were inseparable. We did everything together. I thought we might have ended up together. We played dress up sometimes and other times we played sports and video games. We did what the other wanted to. I guess my dad didnt like it. One day when I came...

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The Forbidden Love

Jasper Wallace climbed the darkened stairway in the ancient castle, without the aid of candlelight. He didn’t wish to draw attention to his trespass. His mission was too important to fail. Luckily he’d walked this path every evening for the past month. Quietly, he hurried down the narrow corridor, a smile spreading across his face as he neared his destination. He stopped at a door at the very end of the corridor. Looking back into the darkness he listened for hidden footfalls. Satisfied he...

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Wife wears vibrating panties to casino part 2

Starting off exactly where the first part ended.Linda my wife is rubbing her pussy while she gives orders To me and her new gambling friend Jack. On how to stroke our cocks.As we both have been leaking precum already and Linda is driving us Both crazy. She then says to jack to stand up and walk over to her.So he stands up and walks over to her chair. His cock sticking straight out In front of him. It looks more like a whopping stick and Iam sure it’s been Used as one. He walks over to Linda and...

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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 36

Haley’s turn: Almost two hours of the blur of that eight-foot propeller in front of me. There’s the airfield. Radio’s on the Unicom frequency. I punched the button, made the call to announce myself at the destination. Now the guy who’s going to give me the test has probably given hundreds of them, but I bet he’s never done one in a Stearman. Compared to our little Cessna 152, this thing is HUGE, but Haley’s got it under control. Landing’s easy, even if it isn’t our grass strip. Besides,...

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Franks New Pet

Chapter 1I spotted her from across the bar, a tall woman in her late thirties with silky black hair that brushed her shoulders and the kind of quiet, sensual grace that only comes with age.  She'd never be on the cover of any magazines, but she was easy enough on the eyes, especially with that top she was wearing.  It was modest, but also slightly too small, leaving her ample and quite obviously braless chest straining against the fabric.  Of course, even without the assistance I would've had...

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Another Afternoon by the Lake

All persons mentioned below were above the legal age of consent. With the desire to satisfy his urgent need, he was oblivious to the cacophony of wildfowl as they milled overhead. After one last look around he quickly dropped his jeans and pants then lay back against the sun baked dunes. With eyes closed he began to slowly stroke his cock, as a circlet of fingers rolled loose skin back and forth pre-cum oozed from its mushroom head easing his play. He lifted up his hips, driving his cock deeper...

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Cuddling SecksChapter 9

With Ursula standing at the window, Secks climbs down off the chair and slips up behind her. “So, doll,” he rasps. “Yous looked like you were having a good time.” Without turning, the girl nibbles on her bottom lip. “I had a great time.” She lets go of her lips and grins. It’s time to see how far she is able to go with the bear. “I don’t think I can do anything else tonight. My pussy is a bit sore from all this fucking the last couple days.” “I understand, doll,” he says, surprising her....

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DeAnns Birthday Trip Part Three

DeAnn's Birthday Trip - Part ThreeWe all boarded the private jet and the pilot and co-pilot came out to welcome us aboard and introduce themselves. Bill and Frank. Very nice looking guys but this trip was strictly a girls party so we all shook hands and said hello, then they went back to the cockpit and fired up the twin jet engines. Eventually we taxied out to the runway and then we were off and away in a rush down the tarmac.Joey came out and asked if we wanted drinks, and everybody did, so...

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Longtime coming

Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started when we were growing up in Florida. I never really knew much about sex or being horny or masturbation or any of that. Until i basically watched by accident a porno i walked in on my brother watching it... So after that I started looking at women differently and wanted to see more, but only stuck with computer pictures at first, didnt know about videos, and then that was when i started getting a hard on and didnt know what to do with...

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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 13

Life goes on, I need to find someone to scratch and lotion my boobs. They itch. The Chief from the Guard Station in Ludington was right. I might be short but I'm curvy ... very curvy ... and getting curvier. Nice, polite people called it 'entering into your mothers estate'. Monty Python's The Holy Grail called it 'Huge ... tracts of land!' as the king cupped his hands in front of his chest. Along with tits and a butt, I grew into my face. The facial baby fat cheeks migrated to the...

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My wife and our new neighbor part thirteen

I didn’t have work the following day and I waited for her call. I had to wait until almost one-thirty that afternoon for the phone to ring.“Hi, sweetheart,” Christy’s voice sounded excited.“Hi Christy,” I replied, eager to hear her report.“I only have a short time; Kevin and Steve have popped into the store.”“Are you naked?” I asked.“No, I am dressed.”“How was your evening and night?” I asked.“Fucking amazing Steve. Greg gave me a massage, then he spanked me again; it was wonderful.”“Did he...

2 years ago
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The Au PairChapter 3

KREE-KREE-KREE-KREE-KREE-KREE-KREE-KREE "Oh shit!" Ken quickly closed the back door. KREE-KREE-KREE-KREE-KREE-KREE-KREE-KREE "Damn it!" Ken rushed down the hall trying to find the alarm panel. But just as he rounded the corner, he was knocked backwards onto the floor. Ken looked up to see a tall man standing over him, wet, soapy, and naked except for a towel that was grasped tenuously around his waist. The man was of muscular build, hairy chest, bushy eyebrows, and with a friendly...

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08 TogetherChapter 97

Present – Jens, Ben and others – The trip I can’t believe Ben! He really – well I’m not going to describe what he did to me, you will have to use your imagination - but it was fantastic! I walk out into the main area and demand, “I would like one of my manipeds now.” Once again Mira and Ira combine their answers, with Mira starting, “Sorry Ms. Blaine, but this...” Ira finishes, “ ... is still our reading time. Besides, why would we give the manicure and pedicure to you when it was Mr....

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The End of a Long Week

Author’s note: This story, like my previous posting ‘The Gift’, was written for a specific lady and to her particular tastes. I met this lady online and fell in love with her. I found out later, after receiving a suicide email from her, that ‘she’ was as fictional as this story. *Ugh* But, as this was written for a lady and as a sort of cybersexual monologue to a lady, I’m not sure my fellow men will get much from this story. Sorry guys. I debated whether to post this as one really long story...

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update on the dogging story

hello to everyoneAs a note to the previous dogging story I've been asked by the husband to write this update.It's invite only and I won't be giving you the location, or time, or clues as to where it is. If you want an invite then you'll know where to look if you're in NZ. (a website)The husband vets everyone as his wife is in a very high profile position and doesn't want anyone there that might know her.So thanks everyone who's asked me where it is, I'm not saying. Everyone who goes is told...

2 years ago
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Wife takes daughters friends virginity 2

I woke up the next day very early around 5am and my wife wasn't in bed. I went out in the hallway and saw Anthony going downstairs. I was very curious so I quickly grabbed the video camera and went downstairs. I heard muffled voices coming from the kitchen so I turned on the camera and went behind the kitchen door and videotaped though the door crack. I heard my wife saying in a low voice so as not to wake up anybody, "Hi Anthony, what are you doing up so early?"Anthony said, "Hi Mrs. C., I'm...

1 year ago
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Mother and daughter

"Have you initiated Samantha yet?" Carol Green asked her eldest daughter. After taking a long sip of her scalding hot coffee Jill Barton replied, "not yet mom, you know she just turned eighteen a few weeks ago, and I haven't quite figured out how to tell her." "Remember how I did it to you?" Carol chuckled. "Yes I do!" Jill answered quickly. "And it's not funny!" "Ohhhhhhhh, I don't know about that," the sixty year old replied with giggle, "it seemed pretty funny to me." "I was really scared,"...

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Maddy Ch 01

Another long day in the City. The overnight flight from the States was brutal, as I went right from Gatwick directly into an all-day meeting. By 2pm UK time my body said it had had enough, and it was all I could do to stay awake for the rest of the day. Mercifully the day and the meeting ended, and rather than attend the dinner in the evening with everyone I had just had the ‘pleasure’ of spending the day with, I pleaded exhaustion and got myself back to the hotel. After a workout in the hotel...

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Mat Sullivan2Chapter 2

New Mexico Territory, November, 1892 Action had certainly slowed a bit. I had not exchanged gunfire with anyone for several weeks and I was beginning to enjoy it. I wasn't hurting for money since I still had a goodly amount from when I left home in Alabama, plus that big haul I made when I caught Johnathon Slinger. Maybe I should think of retiring? No way! Boredom was too horrible to contemplate! Over $4000 was too much money to carry around in a money belt; if nothing else, it was too...

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It's a dark and stormy night. It always is, isn't . Every time you find yourself in an old mansion with strange people, with a mysterious letter in your pocket, and a dead body on the floor its always a dark and stormy night for some reason. Maybe God's just a lousy writer and that's all he can come up with, maybe bad things need a bad atmosphere to work properly, or maybe its just a really big coincidence. No matter what it is here you find yourself. A skilled private detective, with no money...

2 years ago
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My Day as a Good Little Cum Slut Part I

I was always a good girl, kinky and curious, but I had never been with a guy I was comfortable enough letting see my truly slutty side. Then I met Jonnyboy0621 and everything changed. The dom in him complimented the sub in me so well, that I let him guide me through cam shows, anal, threesomes, foursomes, asphyxiation, and more - loving every second of it, just like a good little sub. It got to the point where vanilla sex just didn't do it for me anymore. It had to be wild and dirty, kinky...

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A Hot Teen Prescription 2 Cocktail

Introduction: Dr. Davenport is struck by inpiration Lets just say Adrianna was very often running through my head ever since her first session. I had exhibited better self control and had been able to do more detailed sessions with her. I convinced her mother to let me do hour and a half sessions with Adrianna, that she needed extra help. It gave me longer to stare at her, longer to try to get details of her escapades. Plus it left me a free half hour until my next patient. Every session lead...

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It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception."I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her!"Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys."Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm...

1 year ago
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Hiding in Plain Sight part 2

Hiding in Plain Sight Part 2 Thank you for the response to part one. It took forever to write, and went through numerous revisions. I settled on the Scream movies as an homage to the genius of Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson (writer of the Scream movies, among others). Setting it in Albuquerque is a labor of love to my 2nd favorite city I have ever lived in. Who knows, I may set one in Eugene, Or someday. For those of you who haven't read the reviews, I pointed out that two...

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Jasons TaleChapter 23 Bridgetown

Exactly what the fuck was I supposed to do with a Cassandran Damsel? I certainly couldn’t rescue her, I wasn’t a Hero and didn’t have that ring I needed to use the portals even if there was a bank handy. Although ... mental note to look through all the jewelry we took off the pirates and see if there were any rings that looked like Eric’s. Meanwhile, I was already planning on going to Bridgetown and Small Cove. I had originally wanted to go just to see what was available there. Small Cove...

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Another day at the park

Last week I was on my way to town when I got a call from a friend I hadn’t seen in several weeks. We talked for awhile and decided after my business in town was finished we should meet someplace and talk. I met her at a public park and she got in my truck. We talked and caught up on what was going on in our lives. All of a sudden she reach over, took my hand and then placed it on her left tit. I remember wanting to touch and caress those tits for a long time. I started to feel her tit as she...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 147 Julia Bullshits Chloe

Friday, April 29, 2005 (Continued) I'll give you Julia's talk with Chloe now. It was spread over a couple of breaks, then mostly at lunch, but I'll simplify by presenting it as a continuous conversation. Julia told Chloe, "I've thought of an idea for getting Mark to tell you what he wants you to do. I'll start by asking Mark to tell me. Do I have your permission to ask Mark that, Chloe?" "What do you mean?" "I'm going to be asking him his personal thoughts about you. They could...

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Not Your Average JoeChapter 8 Facing the music

“Oh good, you’re home,” my mother announced upon my entrance through the door. “Yes, Mom, this is Major Johnson. He is temporarily acting as...” I started to say. “Your bodyguard, yes, I know. It is a pleasure to meet you, Major, and I want to thank you in advance for any effort you put forth in keeping my son safe,” she said graciously. “The pleasure is all mine, ma’am, and I will try not to be too much of an inconvenience to you or your family during my stay here.” he assured her. After...

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New Years Eve Part 1

It was freezing cold, already dark at 5:00, and the roads were icing up from last night's storm. Nothing out of the ordinary for a winter night in a Boston suburb, but that night was just a bit different. It was December 31st, and that can only mean one thing. Party. My friends and I were all home from college for the winter, and most of us were halfway through our Junior year. We went to High School together and worked at the same place in our teens (one of my friends is a manager there...

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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 24 An Unwelcome Visitor

London, Spring 1867 For weeks, Rose was confined to the house while slowly recuperating. Lady Wilkes had left strict instructions for the convalescence, and Priscilla enforced those rules without mercy. In this she found loyal support from Jim who would not allow Rose to exert herself at all. In her enforced idleness Rose busied herself with reading. Outwardly, Priscilla was living in the guest cottage, but for all practical purposes she spent the days and even some nights in the manor...

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Sabine eine junge Schlerin

Warme Sonnenstrahlen kitzelten an Sabines Füßen, während sie langsam erwachte. Draußen war es immernoch Winter und saukalt, aber drinnen war es muckelig warm. Sie räkelte sich und spähte in Richtung Wecker - kurz nach halb Zehn. Zum Glück war es ein schulfreier Samstag. Schlaff ließ sie sich wieder aufs Bett sinken, zufrieden bei dem Gedanken endlich in ihrer eigenen Bude zu wohnen. Knapp über sechs Wochen war es nun her, daß sie bei ihren Eltern aus- und hier am anderen Ende der Stadt, in...

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The Kindergarten Blues

Buddy was a very unhappy young man. He had gotten caught driving with an open bottle and the judge hadn't been very understanding. He sentenced Buddy to community service - six months of community service. And Buddy was on his way to the court clerk's office to find out how he was going to have to spend those six months. The clerk was a dried up older woman whose name tag said "Fran". She wasn't impressed with Buddy and made no attempt to convince him otherwise. "Julian Elementary...

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Sanjits Cabs Part 3 The End Of The Night

The story contains scenes of hardcore sex, racism, graphic violence and rape. Please be warned. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected] Sanjit’s Cabs - Part 3 – The End of the Night Laura was still high on her night’s activities with the taxi drivers. This was a mixture of slight drunkenness from the alcohol she had consumed but more the high from the amount of sex she had had, and the...

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I felt myself rising from a fog of sleepiness, I could feel movement in the room.  For a few moments I studied the ceiling trying to get my bearings.  I sat up in the bed, bunched some pillows behind me and took a deep breath.  She stepped out of the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror over the vanity working on her hair.  Audrey, I thought, her name is Audrey.  She must have caught sight of me sitting up, without turning she said, I thought you were still asleep."  She was comfortable...

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or Marie's Hospitality "Louis," she breathed, her voice trembling, "his hand is on my thigh." Louis looked across the table at the flushed face of his wife, sitting on the soldier's lap. "Yes, I thought as much," he replied flatly, raising his glass. Smiling thinly, he tipped it momentarily toward the stranger, then proceeded to drain it. As he lowered the glass from his lips, he saw that the soldier's glass was empty again. Louis refilled it, then filled his own. He poured the last...

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A Just RewardChapter 29

Becca returned from work the next day to find a bunch of roses plonked in a jug on the kitchen table. There was a card beside it which read: 'Dear Becca, Thank you for a delicious lunch and thank you both for making me so welcome. Love Edward.' "Oh!" she exclaimed. "I ... Oh!" Steven smiled at her. "You've got an admirer," he said. She nodded. "I didn't even try to arrange them for you," Steven added. She shook her head. She stood up slowly and went to look for a vase. She...

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Escape from Buggery Ch 17

Neither Tracey nor Buttercup went to work in the factory the following day: the excuse being that they needed to exchange the proceeds of their day’s labour for more immediately edible items. Neither of them could live on chicken alone. They sought out Theta Seven Six Seven Five. She was very impressed by the wealth of returns the girls had got from their single day there. In fact, she seemed very envious. “I’ve never done as well as this!” she exclaimed. “The men obviously took quite a shine...

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