12th Class Ka Sex Desire
- 3 years ago
- 22
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I didn't return to work for the rest of the week, moping around the house most of the time, feeling sorry for myself. I did drive over to the country club to hit some practice balls, but being there just reminded me of Shirley. I was functioning though, just barely, but functioning.
It was sometime over the weekend when I decided that I'd had enough of acting like a lovesick puppy with a broken heart. Shirley had made her choice. My Dad was right about her having the right to change her mind. I had to accept things as they were, not how I wished they were. I knew that all the pain wasn't just going to disappear, but I still needed to live my life. I wasn't going to lay down and play dead anymore.
I had been writing things to myself, ever since I found out that Shirley had left the state. It wasn't a diary, or anything like that. It was more my thoughts on what I wanted to do, and things I felt I needed to accomplish. A lot of it was about my business ambitions. I was hoping to take over running the company sometime in the far future, and I wanted to make sure that I learned all the skills necessary for me to be a successful executive. I also wanted to make a difference in the lives of the boys from St. Cecelia's. I was determined that no other kid would spend as much time living at that orphanage as I had.
I wrote a lot about my thoughts about girls. I knew I needed to change the way I handled my relationships and the sex I'd be participating in. I was a little bitter with the things I wrote at first, probably because I was feeling very sorry for myself. This changed though when I started remembering all of the pleasure I'd gotten from my encounters with the opposite sex. From Bea to Shirley, I'd spent countless hours in conversation, and in the many different stages of romantic activity, ranging from innocent flirtation, to kisses and soft touches, frequently culminating with our taking our frenzied sexual pleasures together.
I was focused on the fact that none of my sexual relationships had lasted, or, had ultimately proved successful. With the exception of Bea, I was no longer speaking with, or enjoying any social contact with any of my former love interests. Brenda, Emily and Shirley were now out of my life completely. I was almost seventeen years old, and I still hadn't learned how to sustain a romantic relationship for any real length of time without fighting or breaking up with the girl I was seeing.
I had been Sure that Shirley was the one for me. We had endured fights, but, we got along for a lot longer than any of the other girls. Shirley had been all I wanted. In a way, realizing that, I felt a little bit better. I had been satisfied with Shirley, it was her that hadn't been satisfied with me. I was curious about what she saw that convinced her we weren't ever going to be a perfect fit. To me, there were times when I'd found myself totally and perfectly content with just being near her. I remembered the peace that surrounded me when I was with her.
I decided that I needed to study relationships. I knew there were books about almost every conceivable topic. There had to be some that dealt with how to enjoy successful romantic relationships. I'd get some and study them until I developed a winning formula for keeping a relationship going.
I went back to work on Monday. At breakfast, both my parents treated my going to work again as if it was nothing worthy of special notice or comment. I was a little anxious about going back. First, there was the matter of my father's instructions about not firing Ellen. I wasn't sure how I'd react the next time I saw her.
There was another problem that worried me, and that was the fact that I sometimes became maudlin when thinking about losing Shirley. When that happened, I often started crying. It had gotten to be a less frequent event, but it had happened to me that morning while I was in the shower. It was only a small shedding of tears, softly, and with a quiet sadness. This was a great improvement over what I had been doing. I had wept torrential tears of despair in the very beginning. I was past that point, but it would still have been upsetting to me if I were to break down in front of any of my co-workers.
I was counting on being able to maintain some self control, in the event my thoughts turned to Shirley while at work. I thought the escape back into my work would prove a distraction, helping me to reduce the time I was spending thinking about my lost love.
Of course, I hadn't known that Ellen had gone to great pains to let everyone know that my girlfriend had dumped me. Monday morning, I could see that everyone I came into contact with was going out of their way to treat me like someone who was fragile and delicate. I hated it. I didn't know about Ellen blabbing all of my personal business then, but, after I found out it was her, I understood why people had been treating me so gingerly.
It was Cee Cee Waters who sat me down and didn't pull any punches in the way she treated me.
"Boy, why are you mooning around over some little girl? She's gone, but there's lots more that can take her place. With those tall, dark, and handsome good looks that you got, and all your Daddy's money, you can get all the poonie you could ever want or need. What makes that girl so special?" I was surprised at the way she talked to me.
"I really loved her, Cee Cee."
"And you'll love fifty more, at the very least, before you're done. That's how the game is played, and you're a player if I don't miss my guess. You can't be taking all these girl's comings and goings to heart, boy, that shit will just eat you up from the inside, if you let it. Make it good when you're with them, and then walk away with a smile when it's all over. It isn't natural for these love things to last forever."
I had never heard that kind of advice from an adult before. I might have expected it, maybe, coming from Bea, or even from Uncle Bunny, a little bit, but not to have it put like that. I didn't believe she was right about what she was telling me though.
I didn't want to spend a lifetime running through fifty or more short term relationships. I wanted forty or fifty years with the same someone, a whole lifetime shared together. I tried to smile for her, and I did manage to shake my head like I'd be thinking about what she told me, but I knew what she was suggesting wouldn't be enough for me.
One of the worst things about coming back to work, was the way Joyce was now treating me. If anything, she seemed even sadder for me than I was for myself. I could tell that she wanted to cheer me up, and I could also tell that she didn't have the slightest idea about how she could manage to do that. I stayed at my desk for the rest of the morning, working on the latest three weeks of sales and delivery numbers.
There had been a marked increase in both sales and deliveries, and the efficiency rate for our deliveries was also increasing due to their being far fewer loading errors. Cee Cee's loading manifests, and her having all of the drivers take a few minutes to check things quickly, before they left the loading area, had combined to prevent any more large delivery problems for us. I knew my Dad would be happy with the report I was going to prepare for him.
At noon, Joyce came into my office and laid a small, neatly typed, report in front of me. On her own, she had come up with a vast improvement of the system currently in use to transfer the finished vending products from the Lucas bakery to our warehouse inventory for later shipment. Instead of loading it onto trucks and trucking it over to the warehouse for off loading and storage, Joyce had found a way for us to eliminate all the off loading and storage steps at the warehouse. Joyce had coordinated her idea with Mildred Taylor, and received all necessary approvals for loading rail cars right in the rail yard.
Now, our trucks could drive straight to the yard at the railroad and load the product directly onto the rail cars. It was a shorter distance to drive for them, and, once loaded on the rail car, they wouldn't need to be off loaded again. One of the best parts of Joyce's report was that she had broken down the standard product mixes for shipments to our current distribution warehouses. The products being ordered were usually pretty standardized. It looked to me like her idea had a lot of merit to it.
"This is fine work, Joyce. I'll be finished with a report I'm making to my Dad an hour after we get back from lunch. We'll take both reports to him then. He's going to love your idea, and the way you were so thorough in appending the usual makeup of the shipments to the distribution centers. We're going to lunch in your new car, and I'll even let you pick the place we eat at."
"I brought my lunch, Mr. Parsons." I could see that Joyce was getting a little flustered again. I thought it was probably because of my praise for her idea, and the enthusiasm I had shown for her actual report.
"What's the matter? Don't you want to show off your new car? I've never been in a new Lincoln. I want to compare the ride of your Lincoln with my Cadillac's smooth ride."
"I have things I need to do today, and I was going to take care of them during my lunch break." Joyce had dropped her head while she spoke to me, and I could barely make out what she was saying to me, because she spoke so softly. It finally occurred to me that she didn't want to go out to lunch with me, and that it had more to do with me than with going out to lunch.
"That's okay, Joyce. Another time, perhaps? I'd still like to take a look at that Lincoln when you have a chance though." I was a little bit hurt by her not wanting to go out to eat with me. With all that was going on in my life right then, I guess I was looking for someone to hang around with. Someone I knew I had no romantic designs toward. Joyce looked up at me and then turned and walked back to her office, sitting behind her desk.
I got up and left my office, making my way down to the maintenance department. All four of the maintenance guys were sitting around having their lunch. I looked at the name tag that Steve Lusby was wearing on his shirt. Like the others, the name stitched on his shirt was John. Earl was the first to see and greet me.
"Hey, kid. I'm surprised to see you here. Word is out that you had some serious problems dealing with breaking up with your girlfriend."
"Where does everyone hear all this stuff? It seems like everyone here knows all about my personal business."
"I heard it from Edith's kid last week. She was telling a bunch of us about how your girlfriend dumped you and moved to Virginia or someplace."
"South Carolina."
"Wherever. The main thing is she was telling us all about how broken up you were about it. You got a lot of friends here. Most of us feel bad that you're hurting, but you're too young to get floored by the loss of some chick. Get right back up on the horse that threw you."
"I wish Ellen would keep her damn nose out of my business."
"Edith told me that her kid really has it bad for you. Maybe she's hoping that she'll be the next one in line with you."
"I guarantee you that that will never happen. Ellen spent half her time here, on the phone with Shirley, trying to make her think I was doing stuff with other girls behind her back."
"Tie a can to her ass then."
"I wanted to, but my Dad said what she did was personal, and I can't let it affect the business. He won't let me fire her."
"No shit? I don't know about that kind of thinking. Seems like he'd be more concerned with what you want than with taking her side of things." Earl was more of a politician than the other three guys. I wasn't sure if he meant what he was telling me, or if he was trying to butter me up for something. Stewie had been quiet the whole time that Earl and I had been talking, but he decided he was going to say something.
"I heard her talking to that little girl, the one you've got assisting you now? She was really giving her the riot act about not socializing with you no more. I heard her say that she was the cause of you breaking up with your girlfriend. The little girl was crying and saying that she didn't do anything. That kid of Edith's though, she kept after her. I felt real sorry for the little kid, but, I didn't step in, or say nothing to them."
Hearing that, I got really upset. How did Ellen justify all this crap she was pulling? I might have gone along with my father's wishes if it had just been me that Ellen was attacking, but I couldn't tolerate her acting that way around Joyce. I left the maintenance area and made straight for the phone order room. I didn't want to stop and rethink what I was going to do. I'd just do what I needed to do, and then I'd deal with the fallout from my father. He could fire me too if he was that upset about me disobeying him. I needed to take action. One way or another, this was going to be the last time I had any contact with Ellen. I arrived at the phone room, and Ellen was sitting in the recliner again, taking a phone order with her headset on. I went over and disconnected the headset from the phone console, terminating the call.
"Ellen, get up and get your stuff. I want you out of here right now. You're fired!"
"I didn't do anything wrong. Why are you firing me?"
"For making threats to another employee, for gossiping about my personal business, for lying to me when you told me you were going to stop causing me trouble. I don't need a reason for firing you anyway. I'm firing you also because I can't stand the thought of having you anywhere around me ever again. Get up, and get out. I'll send your final check home with your mother tonight."
"I'll sue you for firing me, Kenny."
"Go ahead, sue me if you want to. I don't care. Even if I lost the suit, and I doubt that I would, it would be worth it to me to be rid of you." I turned around and left, heading up to personnel to inform them that Ellen had been terminated.
I went by my father's office, but he was out somewhere, and not expected back before three o'clock. I left a message for him with his secretary, Myra.
"Tell Dad I fired Ellen from the phone order desk today. Tell him I'll be coming down to see him after three o'clock."
"Kenny, didn't your father specifically tell you that Ellen wasn't to be fired by you?"
"Myra, I don't care what he said. Ellen needed to be fired and that's what I did. If he hires her back, then I'll quit the business instead. I won't work for any company that has her for an employee. She's been threatening my assistant, and doing whatever she could to come between me and my girlfriend. I warned her before, but, I'm firing her now because she's been telling people here at work my personal business, and because she yelled at and threatened my assistant."
At three o'clock, Joyce and I were waiting by Myra's desk for my father to return. He got back about five minutes later. I followed him into his office, with Joyce trailing right behind me, before Myra had any chance to give him his messages, or to tell him about my firing of Ellen.
"I fired Ellen this afternoon." I put both reports on his desk as I told him that. I put Joyce's report on top of mine.
"No, you didn't, Kenny. I told you that I wouldn't allow that."
"It's too late, it's done."
"Then undo it. She's too valuable to the company for us to fire her over some personal business with you."
"If you bring her back, I'll quit, Dad. I'm not talking about just for the summer either. I'll quit, and I'll sell the stock that Uncle Bunny left for me. I'll never set another foot in any of the companies."
"You can't sell the stock, Kenny. I'm the trustee and I won't allow the sale. You can't let a personal vendetta throw you so far off track that you throw away such a brilliant opportunity. This doesn't make any sense. You need better self control."
"Ellen yelled at Joyce, and then she threatened her. She also told almost everyone here at work about how upset I've been over Shirley. That goes beyond just being personal. She has a screw loose somewhere, and what she's doing indicates mental imbalance. None of that is important right now though. I shouldn't need to justify this any further to you. You need to decide whether you're going to back me, or if you're going to take Ellen's side of it, because those are the only two choices you have now."
"Why don't we let this go for now, Kenny? You take some time to cool off, and we'll speak about it again, at home, tonight. I won't take any action about Ellen until you've had a full chance to convince me that you're right about this."
"I'll quit too, Mr. Parsons. I almost did when it happened. I won't be threatened like that anymore. She scared me with some of the things she promised to do to me. She was trying to scare me enough to quit when she said them." Joyce had been behind me the whole time I was speaking with my father. I'm not even sure he saw her standing behind me like that. He seemed very surprised when she leaned out so he could see her, and she began speaking to him.
"I'm not going to say anything more to try to convince you. You already know enough, Dad. It's either her or me, because I won't work any place where she works. This has been an emotional time for me, but my decision to fire her isn't just an emotional one. We can't allow people to run around threatening people, or doing things to hurt other employees. Any company that would allow that is asking for big heaps of trouble."
"Joyce, are you sure about this plan being approved by the railroad? This would be an incredible advantage for our operation in Omaha. They will let us load there, and still store the product for thirty days?" Joyce seemed unable to cope with the abrupt shift in subject. Finally she nodded that she was sure. "That's really hard to believe. It is so clean and simple too. I would have never thought to ask for something like that."
"Do you have rail service at the vending machine factory, Mr. Parsons?"
"Yes, of course, why?"
"Mildred said we could load and store at the rail yard nearest the manufacturing plant too. If you book everything through her, those shipments count towards your four hundred car commitment too. Mildred told me that she has reciprocating storage deals with all the other rail lines. She said you can park cars almost any place where the railroads have a presence. It would be just like they were stored in her yard, the same type of insurance and access."
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Tuesday morning, a little bit before seven o'clock, Joyce pulled into the employee parking lot. She got out of her car, and a young man slid over behind the steering wheel, and backed out of the parking space before driving away. "That's my brother, Jack. I'm letting him use my car today, so he can look for work. He just got out of the Air Force last month." This was all information she volunteered to me before she got into my car to drive out to the Bolling airport. We were scheduled...
I was very aware that nothing had been resolved by the phone conversation that I'd had with Shirley. What had changed though, was the way I felt about things, having had the opportunity of speaking with her again. I felt less pessimistic. It wasn't that I thought we'd be able to patch things up, or that we'd work out our differences. I didn't believe that we might get back together. It was only that we had somehow changed the direction of our being apart. We weren't still moving away...
I was home by five forty five, sitting in my bedroom, writing down some thoughts about my day. I was really waiting for Brenda to call me at six fifteen. The phone didn't ring though. At six forty five, Gerta called me to come down to dinner, and still there had been no phone call from Brenda. I was relieved in several ways, but disappointed in several other ways too. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I'd been looking forward to having sex with Brenda again. I'd already checked on my...
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It was ten o'clock by the time Emily and I left my bedroom. We had enjoyed another, slower and more relaxing fuck, then, in the shower after, our fooling around had led to the two of us rolling around on the bathroom floor, locked in an energetic sixty nine. Once more back into the shower, before we finally got around to dressing, and making our way out of my bedroom. Mama and Joyce were sitting in the library when we came down to the first floor. Mama pretended that nothing unusual had...
Joyce threw the deadbolt and came right back to where I was now sitting. I'd been standing beside my bed when she had gone to lock my door, but I'd taken a seat on the bed, right before she finished throwing the deadbolt. She saw me sitting there as soon as she had turned back to me. She approached me with that same strange look in her eyes, and on her face. Again, it looked familiar to me, but I still couldn't place where I'd seen it before. She stopped walking when she reached the foot...
Right after the incident in my room with Joyce, Mama and I got into a little situation. That Saturday afternoon, I was in my room eating some sandwiches that I'd asked Gerta to make for me. Mama opened my door, saw me sitting in there eating, then came walking into my bedroom. "Here you are. I wondered where you'd gotten off to. I think you were very insensitive to Joyce's feelings the other night, and I wanted to get a chance to discuss that with you." I put my half eaten, half of a...
Things were progressing smoothly enough with me. School was going well. I had just learned that my application to Notre Dame had been accepted and approved. Emily and I were having fun together, except for the two times that Shirley had phoned me. Shirley called within a week of Emily and I reconciling. We both refrained from volunteering or asking about our dating status. I'd say it was a call between friends, except there seemed to be a slight strain or separation in our choice of topics...
I called Emily several times over the next week or so. Each time I'd reach her, our conversations would only be tired rehashes of her insecurity about where she stood with me, and would end with her making demands that I let her know what our future was going to be as a couple. What she got from me was another declaration stating my total unwillingness to make any changes to the priorities I'd assigned to my life. We couldn't seem to make any progress towards surmounting any of these...
I stopped off at Frank Clooney's office, after leaving my Aunt Donna's house. I told him to inform Aunt Clara that there would be no further funds coming, not to her, and not to her mother. I told Frank to find me a nice older couple in either Florida, Hawaii, or Southern California. I wanted them to be people who were both willing and able to take Anne into their home. They would need to provide her with a clean room, meals, personal grooming care, and a very quiet place for her to live....
When I got done with talking to my Dad, about borrowing the plane, I went right up to my room and called Emily. This was the second, and the most difficult part of the plan I'd been hatching in my mind. I doubted I'd be able to pull this off, but I wanted to try it, because it might help with something else that I wanted to have happen. What I was really hoping for was that Emily would realize that my calling her with this had constituted that much improved offer that she'd warned me I...
Emily and I were together for most of the rest of the weekend. In addition to some very satisfying make-up sex, we also spent time talking together, and just being around each other. Sunday, she and I took four boys from the group homes, out to a ranch that rented horses over in Collier, a town about forty miles west of Ridgeline. At first, all of us were having a great time riding on the trails set up for riding. I think I was the first one to get sore balls, and chafed skin on my thighs,...
The rest of the trip went smoothly. I got up early Sunday morning, dressing and coming downstairs to the lobby to meet with the five equipment executives, or, in some cases, manufacturer's representatives. Each handed me several product brochures and sales proposals, discussing briefly the supposed advantages their product offered over the competition's. My Dad must have told them that I had only a limited amount of time, because each one stayed talking to me for under ten minutes. At...
Shirley called me on the seventeenth of March. They were leaving South Carolina the next morning, and would be in Ridgeline, sometime on the twenty-first. During that conversation, I made it very clear to her that Emily had big reservations about what would happen when she got back, but that I had already made my choice to stay with Emily. "When I get back, we can have a nice talk, and then you can decide, Kenny. I have a lot I want to tell you." "I already did decide. If you come back...
I didn't see or hear from Shirley for a week. I knew that Emily was in contact with her though, and my mother had asked me several questions about whether I knew what Shirley's plans were. I always answered that I didn't know her plans, and wasn't interested in getting involved in any of that mess. Mama seemed a little sad at my attitude concerning Shirley's plight. I knew that she kept bringing Shirley's name up for a reason, and I didn't want to give her any excuse for getting me...
I had been working my grain trading program for a month and a half when I ran into my first real problem. I had been selling into a rising oats market, and had somehow foolishly oversold the entire production capacity of all our oats producing farms. I needed to cover some three thousand contracts that I had sold, and I had less than two thousand contracts of farm production available to me. I couldn't really take the farm production either, because our companies used that to produce some of...
After I drove Emily home, we both went inside to see how the house cleaning had turned out. All four of the cleaning ladies were still hard at work, but I found Gary and Kitty sitting in the family room, watching television, and enjoying bowls of ice cream. I had a difficult time not laughing out loud at them both. I also wondered, if my intervention had really helped any of them. All of the downstairs was finished, and the women were finishing up the last of the upstairs bedrooms. Emily...
At dinner that night, Mama gave me a real earful about being so rude to Brenda. I let her get it all out of her system. She finally ran down and asked me what I had to say for myself. "I saw her at the club, with Richard. She stopped over at the practice range and we talked for awhile. We got into a disagreement about how much contact we were going to have. I suggested none, and she thought I should forget the past and start over again. That's when I started being rude. Before that, I was...
Joyce woke up at around seven thirty, coming out of the bedroom, and finding me sitting alone in the dark in the living room. "Kenny, why did you let me sleep so long?" "You looked like you needed the rest. Brenda called while you were sleeping. She got the notice from Frank. She wanted me to help her with getting Frank to rescind the notice, or by me giving her the money instead. I offered to let her come over and explain why I should give her some money, but she didn't like what I...
"Hi, Brenda, come on in." "Did you decide yet on my money, Kenny?" She was dressed nicely, and I could see she had put on fresh lipstick. Her hair was lustrous from recent brushing. I could never get used to seeing that unusual copper hair coloring. "I didn't call you to discuss money, Brenda. I told you I was horny, and wanted to fuck you." "Good. That's the main reason I came over here, but, I was wondering about those other things we talked about too. You told me you'd call me...
We spent over an hour looking at cars over at the Chevy dealership. They had two Corvettes, one black, and the other one canary yellow. Brenda didn't care for either one of them. Joyce suggested we go see the man who helped her with the lease on her Lincoln, so we all drove over to his office, and spoke to him about what Brenda wanted. There was a new Buick Regal Grand National, with a custom red paint job, that he had sitting there in stock, due to a customer failing to get his credit...
We had a really animated free for all discussion at the dinner table that night. I was getting hit from all sides at once. First, Mama was upset because Grace had phoned her, complaining about what I had told her I was planning for Joyce, Brenda and Emily. The main thrust of Mama's complaint was that I needed to stop discussing my personal business with everyone I met. "Kenny, it worries me sometimes that you don't seem to realize you are creating problem situations where there needn't...
Brenda and I went out and found the van that Virginia had let us borrow, and we headed out for our lunch. I took her to the same steak house I'd taken Emily to. Brenda wasn't as good of an eater as Emily had been, but she enjoyed the small filet she'd ordered. I had the big porterhouse, with extra mushrooms, a baked potato with everything on it, and some bread to dip in the steak juices. They brought some mixed vegetables in a separate little bowl, but I didn't even try those. "How much...
We were all standing around in the kitchen, smelling the spaghetti sauce simmering as Brenda tossed the salad, and put the pasta pot on a burner to bring it to a boil. The table was already set for four places. Brenda had taken out two bottles of red wine, from Uncle Bunny's large wooden wine cellar box, and she had found a corkscrew in one of the drawers. She was just starting to heat up the garlic bread, when the door bell rang. "Get it, Kenny." Brenda looked at me, knowing that I might...
Indiana proved to be a good place for me to start and end my journey. I ended up spending only three days in South Bend, before deciding it was time to head back home again. I spent a day driving back to Uncle Bunny's house. As soon as I got back, I called Mama. "Hello?" "Hey, Hans, it's Kenny. How are you guys doing?" "All good here. You want to talk with your Mama?" "Sure. Say hi to Gerta for me. See you, Hans." "Kenny!" "Hi Mama. You still taking good care of all my girl...
It was sometime in mid September before Joyce asked me again about whether the four X's could have their dinner meeting at my house. This time, I agreed, which surprised and pleased Joyce. That only lasted until I told her I'd be going over to Mama's house to spend the evening with my parents. "Kenny, they all want to see you again. How long are you planning on avoiding everybody?" "Joyce, we've been getting along pretty good lately, because you've been staying inside my comfort...
The trip back home was interesting. I think Joyce wanted to test me, to see whether or not she could get me sufficiently upset to put me over the edge. Like that time when I stopped in South Carolina, and I told her I wanted to play a quick round of golf. It was already three thirty in the afternoon, we'd been on the road since six thirty that morning, and I was tired from doing all that driving. I just wanted to relax a little, and unwind my sore muscles. I was right to do it too, because...
Mike had invited a few friend’s over for a couple of nights to party with my best friend Molly and me. We are young, teenagers in our final year of GCSE’s so 16. Molly has joined Mike and me on the odd weekend for a MFF which turned out to be a great success. Mike invited his five best mates namely Ollie, John, Freddie, Sean and Jack, all friends from 6th Form College.He collected Moll and me from my house and then back to his apartment ready for the guys who were due to arrive around five pm...
The reason Bobby was absent from musical practice while all this was going on was quite simple. First off, the sets were done. But he had received another request from Misty Compton too. She had invited Jasper to come to Nashville, to sell some of his songs. She had also asked Bobby to come with him, and offered to pay his way again. “I feel bad about you spending all this money,” he had told her on the phone. “It’s my money,” she said. “I want to see you.” He had agreed, which was a good...
Diese Geschichte ist ein genehmigter Spinoff der Geschichte https://chyoa.com/story/Eine-Karriere-im-Rotlichtbezirk.34775 von https://chyoa.com/user/Jarl66 Die Erzählung setzt nach dem Kapitel https://chyoa.com/chapter/Monikas-Tag-wird-immer-besser.905673 fort. Was bisher geschah: Die Hauptperson der bisherigen Geschichte ist Simone. Die junge hübsche Frau hat sich bei dem missglückten Versuch, ein Cateringunternehmen zu gründen, schwer verschuldet und hatte gerade zum Ersten Mal Sex mit einem...
Denise woke up. It was Sunday morning. She, Elaine and Susan had spent the whole of Saturday together, just simply enjoying each other’s company. Susan’s bed was crowded with the three of them, and Denise wondered idly for a moment whether she should broach the subject of getting a bigger bed. She twisted over and met the twinkling eyes of Susan. They both heard a soft snore from Elaine, and smiled at one another. Susan mouthed ‘Coffee?’ at Denise, who nodded, so they carefully got out of...
How can I forget that day, the most memorable day of my life, 1 may 2012. It had been 1 year 7 months 7 days to that day but I haven’t forgotten anything about the day. I can clearly remember every minute detail happened on that day. Let me introduce myself. I am Dr. Anagha (obviously my name is changed), 29 years old orthopedic surgeon who runs hubby’s family hospital with hubby. My hubby is 30 years old. Believe me or not but my appearance (i.e. height, figure, color, face, eyes etc) can turn...
Kathy thought it would be so cool. She was sixteen-years-old and it was the last day of term before breaking up for Christmas. Everyone was happy and in the holiday mood already. Kathy got to school early. She was dressed in her school dress which was a blue and white gingham check with short sleeves, a white belt, and short socks . The prank seemed like a good one. Miss Paige, her class teacher, was one of the stricter teachers. She was very quick to make a naughty girl go to the front of the...
SpankingEmma woke up at about 8:00 AM after her date that lasted until 1:00 AM. She had a first date with a guy she had met the previous week at rehearsal for her latest movie. They had seen an enjoyable play and they were getting along great!When he escorted her to her door, they turned to each other and kissed deeply. As their tongues met in her mouth, Emma decided to ask him inside for a drink. What red blooded man could refuse her invitation?Emma was smart enough to know that her invitation would...
I am Michael, in my late twenties, 72 inches tall, 168 pounds, a toned, fit body and genetically lucky to possess a large, thick cock - ten inches when erect. I live in Sydney, Australia and used to moonlight as a gigolo or male escort. That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual...
Epilogue:Both babies arrive and life goes on.The next nine months came and went quickly for both Randi and Jill and before they knew it both had delivered baby girls. All five of them were very happy and the ladies had no problem listing Mike as the father of their daughters.All the men were in the delivery room with their women and the Dr. was very glad he could make this happen. He didn’t care what the hospital policy was. As he looked at it he was allowing the father in with the mother, even...
CuckoldWhen women glory in gangbangs, they adore being called sluts. These are women who know what they want; they get it by pleasing the men who circle them.A slut has special hands. Hardening men’s shafts is her hand’s essential job. She knows that when a cock feels a hand with rings on the finger it puts even more metal into the hardening rod. A hand isn’t enough though to prepare a man, a slut’s tongue and mouth are needed to send further electrical shocks from the point of contact straight...
Hot night. Loud music. Sea of movement. I am on the prowl! I'm in need, and the hunt has begun. Holding mydrink, I let current of bodies carry me slowly around the dance floor. Theair is thick with energy and body heat. One can easily get lost in sensoryoverload; bass drumming deep in the stomach, a kaleidoscope of lights almostpalpable on the exposed skin. Momentarily lightning-like flashes replacedby minute darkness ? ~ where do all these hands go at those times? ~ Couples moving in unison,...
A few months passed, and I found it easy to lose myself with Nadira. She was mesmerizing, and I physically could not bring myself to leave her alone and wanting when she beckoned. I was at work one night, and my mobile went off.“I’m bored.” Nadira had texted me.“Sorry, you know how bad I want to come over, I’m stuck at work.” I replied.A few seconds later, she responded, “Then I’m coming for a visit.”My throat sank at the thought of her showing up, trying to play grab-ass. I had to resist, for...
I am Raju, this is my real name and I am sending herewith one of my fantasy about the famous actress Bhanupriya. I was 16 years when this real incident happened .It was with my cousin sister [Uncles Daughter] Bhanupriya she was aged 23 and was staying in her house at Madras since my uncle was in their native place with her sister Shantipriya. In the big house in Madras I was staying with Bhanuchechi. She is 5’6″ inch height, perfect figure with big round and firm boobs of 38D and a sexy...
By TrueWriter With the moving and school starting we never had a chance to have a real honeymoon. We were able to get away for a long week-end. We went to the Smokey Mountains and stayed in a country lodge. It was a wonderfully marvelous time for the both of us. We were able to focus on each other to the exclusion of everything else. We arrived on a Thursday evening. The desk clerk looked a little surprised when we arrived. I told him we had reservations for the honeymoon cabin in the name of...
Alina Lopez gets a POV pounding from Manuel Ferrara! Alina is looking hot as ever in her red & black lace lingerie with garter, stockings, and black high heels as she teases us with her stunning curves. Manuel helps her remove her top to expose her perfect perky tits, then Alina uses her amazingly long tongue to lick her own nipples before turning around and showing off her ass. She pulls down her panties and spreads her cheeks to give up a great view of her tight pussy & asshole then...
xmoviesforyouThis is a short story that takes place around 'Exchanged' in the Diaper Dimension inspired by PrincessPottyPants. I did not initially publish it to FictionMania because it lacks TG content, however this and another side-tale will have relevance on a new work I'll begin posting then up here following that. Most of my readers should enjoy this tale if they haven't read it already. Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover...
Disclaimer: Fictional story with actors who are consenting adults Reina is tanning by the pool when she tells me she needs help putting on suntan oil. I apply it all over her body then finger her tight pussy and she tells me she wants to thank me by sucking my cock. I fuck her face while she’s sitting on the chair then she rides my cock and I face fuck her in the pool. We go inside and I jump on the couch and fuck her face. She sits on my cock and rides it. I stand up and fuck her face...
xmoviesforyouSarah Lace is relaxing in her bedroom when she calls Donny Sins. She bites her lip, inviting Donny over and telling him that she’s feeling kind of adventurous today…the ANAL kind of adventurous! When Donny comes over later, he walks into Sarah’s bedroom, only to find it empty. But there’s a note on the bed telling him to take his clothes off. Donny smiles with anticipation as he gets naked, lying down on the bed to wait for Sarah. But he doesn’t have to wait for...
xmoviesforyouAs they walked they made small talk and Alex found out that her name was Jennifer and that they were looking for a black lab puppy that had ran away from her house. Alex could tell that Jennifer was a bit shook up about her dog being gone and her tried to comfort her as much as possible. They walked for about 4 blocks when Jennifer stopped in her tracks and broke down crying. She sat down on the ground and Alex sat down beside her and put his arm around Jennifer to try and comfort her....
I was 18 and at the doctor’s for my regular check-up. I was nearly done, just left with the gynecologist to do his regular exam. As I changed into the near transparent gown I cursed the health check-ups for this part. Just as I was sitting down to wait for my doctor to enter, Dr. Phillip entered. ‘Hi,’ he said, then looking at his chart. ‘Hi, Lisa!’ He didn’t remember me from the last time, but I certainly did. Dr.Phillip had an easy way and the way he looked and touched during an exam always...
My wife and I married at a young age and had little money while our c***dren were growing up. While we lived in a modest, suburban area, we could not afford luxuries such as vacations and extravagancies. We felt pangs of regret each time we heard our friends discussing their camping trips and ventures to Disneyland, and vowed to try and save more money to do nice things with our family.This is harder than it seems: both of our c***dren had essentially grown up by the time we were able to afford...
Despite the odds being against them the Elliotts prevailed. John finished school and got a decent job. Then Jackie continued her education once both of the kids were in grade school, and she too got a nice job. They became very active in their local church and enrolled their kids into Catholic school. Jackie had decided to do her best to ensure that her children had better moral values as teenagers than she had so that they would not have to face the early struggles that she and John had...