12th GradeChapter 36 free porn video

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"Hi, Brenda, come on in."

"Did you decide yet on my money, Kenny?" She was dressed nicely, and I could see she had put on fresh lipstick. Her hair was lustrous from recent brushing. I could never get used to seeing that unusual copper hair coloring.

"I didn't call you to discuss money, Brenda. I told you I was horny, and wanted to fuck you."

"Good. That's the main reason I came over here, but, I was wondering about those other things we talked about too. You told me you'd call me when you'd decided."

"I remember saying that. This was an extra call, just because I wanted to see if it still felt as nice when I fucked you. The other things, I haven't had time yet to decide about. If you don't want to do anything with me, that's okay, but I'm not going to decide about anything today."

"I do want to do things. I told you that was my main reason for coming. You think I'm only interested in myself, but that isn't true. Why don't we go in the bedroom, and just try to be friends again? I've been waiting for you to make love to me again for such a long time."

We walked back to Uncle Bunny's bedroom, with me leading the way. Instead of just getting undressed, Brenda sat down on the bed, and looked up at me expectantly. I couldn't resist pulling my zipper down and moving in closer to her head. I stopped, waiting to see what she would do, how she would react to this. She made a slightly unhappy face, but then she lifted her hand and fished my cock out of my pants and underwear.

As she had before, Brenda gave me a very tepid blow job. It was pretty obvious that she didn't enjoy giving me oral sex.

"Brenda, you need to do a better job than that. It makes people feel bad when you make it so obvious that you dislike what you're doing for them. If you don't like it, at least try to pretend, show some enthusiasm." She took her mouth off my dick, a dick that had lost some of its firmness, and made yet another face, as if I had asked her to lick a toilet bowl or something.

"There are just a few things I don't like doing that much. You shouldn't always be so quick to criticize me. It's just as easy for us to do the things I really do like. Emily understands that now, and we're getting along very well."

"Get undressed, Brenda. We'll see if you can still fuck enthusiastically. You used to be a very good fuck."

I was finding myself getting angry at her, and I knew that it wasn't the way to behave around her. She wasn't at all responsive to what other people wanted. She knew what she liked, and what she didn't like, and she wasn't about to make many changes, just because other people preferred them. I could get mad, but it wasn't going to do any good. I reminded myself that I hadn't invited Brenda over primarily for either of our pleasures.

I wanted to show Emily that her hold on Brenda was a very tenuous thing. That didn't mean I wasn't expecting to enjoy myself, just that my enjoyment was a secondary consideration in this instance. I needed to treat Brenda better, to ensure that she felt good enough about this experience that she'd want to keep on repeating it.

Brenda had gotten up and was slowly undoing the buttons on her blouse. I saw that she wasn't happy with the way I'd been acting with her. I smiled and started helping her undress, kissing each of her bare shoulders when she tried to shrug out of her blouse. I took her in my arms then, softly kissing her neck, and running both hands across her bare back and down to the beginnings of her butt. By the time I started kissing her mouth, I could feel her beginning to relax against me. We broke apart then, and I started taking my own shirt off.

Brenda started undressing faster, when she saw me hurrying to get out of my clothes. She wasn't smiling yet, but the look of tenseness and worry had disappeared. We spent a few minutes kissing and touching before I opened up the nightstand drawer and took out a condom.

"You don't need one, Kenny, I'm still on the pill."

"I like them. It makes me feel safer." She made a pouting face at me, acting like she was hurt that I would think she might have any communicable diseases. She didn't say anything though, and, after I put the rubber on, we went back to kissing and touching. I was kissing her breasts, which had grown since the last time I'd seen her naked, and started kissing down to her navel. I hadn't thought about eating her pussy or not eating it before, but, when I got to her navel, I decided I'd hold off on doing that.

When I starting kissing my way back up, Brenda made a disappointed sound, but, again, she didn't speak to me about it. I was kissing her and getting myself in position to enter her. I had manually stimulated her pussy to the point where I'd opened her up enough, and had her wet enough to be able to enter her with my cock.

Once I entered her, things got immediately better for both of us. It was very good physical sex. Brenda was very responsive to what I was doing, and when I lifted her ass up with both hands, we found just the right angle to permit her constant clitoral contact while she moved her hips against my pubic bone. It wasn't a lot of in and out movement that I was used to, it was more a constant grinding together while she did things with the muscle movement of her inner sheath that drove me crazy. Even with me on top, Brenda was doing almost all the work. I loved the milking motion she had going, but I was used to more frictional stimulation, so I managed to hold off from cumming for a good long time.

The whole time we were fucking, we were also kissing with increasing passion, and making noises that were not so loud, but still a constant stream of escaping grunts and hisses. There was certainly nothing wrong with either of our techniques, and we were well suited, physically, as fuck partners. When I finally did cum, it was an intense, draining, experience.

It was strange that both of us were completely sated from only having the one fuck together. I felt relaxed and drained, as though I'd cum at least three or four times. I had no urge to try to do more.

"That was what I've been missing. You've gotten even better, Kenny. It was always the best with you, and now, it was even better, but, you don't love me anymore."

"You've gotten better too. I really like that thing you were doing inside your pussy, that squeezing thing."

"I wasn't doing anything, what do you mean?"

I took my hand and made slow squeezing motions with it. She watched my hand, seeming to not understand what I meant.

"Your pussy kept squeezing my dick, so that's why I didn't have to move much. As far as that other thing you said about not loving you, it's a lot more complicated than just saying that. There is liking, and then there is trusting, and lastly, there is loving. We don't have a lot of all of those things anymore, but we might be able to build back a little bit of each again. You know that I love Emily, right?"

"I know. She tells me that enough, practically all the time. She told me that you were using me to try to get her back."

"She's right, but I thought all of us could use each other, to get what we wanted. I'm assuming that you still are hot for me, because of my money?"

"Not just for that, but if you are rich, that just makes everything else better. I never tried to pretend that money wasn't important."

"No, you never tried to pretend that it wasn't. That's always been a problem for me too, because it always seemed like the money was the most important thing. I'm finding out now, that a lot of people feel the same way you do, but, I still don't like it. That doesn't mean I'm not willing to take advantage of the fact that I have it. Some people will do a lot of what I want, just because they want some of it."

"I will. I've never pretended that your money didn't matter to me, or that I wasn't anxious to make you like me more by doing what you wanted me to do."

"Now though, you keep resisting what I'm asking you to do. I know you don't like certain things, but, sometimes, you have to do things you don't like, to get to what you do want."

"I'm doing things for Emily, just not licking her. I make her cum, so she's happy."

"Brenda, did you like what we just did?"

"Sure. It was my best ever. It was you who was my best ever before though, so you just passed yourself."

"You seemed a little disappointed when I didn't eat your pussy."

"I was. I really like it when you do that. Why didn't you?"

"I thought about it, and I just didn't feel like it. It wasn't something I wanted to do with you. I made you cum several times though, so you should be happy."

"I am happy. You don't have to eat me, not if you're going to make me cum the other way."

"If I'm going to be fucking you, I don't want you seeing Emily anymore. I don't want you doing anything with anyone else, unless I tell you to do it. If I tell you to do it, I want you to do it, and at least pretend you really like doing it."

"Emily said you'd try to do something like this."

"Well, Emily is right again then. You have to make a choice, and I'm not going to let you go back and forth about saying yes and then no. You need to decide."

"What about my money?"

"You have no money, Brenda. I have money though."

"Can I have my own car? Like you gave Emily."

"I'm sure we can get you something, down the road. Before I start investing in you, I have to start believing that you plan to honor the agreement we're making."

"What about what you get to do? Are you going to be with other girls?"

"Yes. In fact, I'm doing this mostly so I can bring Emily back to me. It might not work, but then I'd still have you to fuck whenever I wanted to."

"What about the other girl?"

"Joyce? If you agree to my offer, you'll be licking her pussy before too much longer, and letting her lick yours if she wants to do it. The same goes for Emily. I told you, right from the beginning, that you need to contribute more than you were offering."

"You aren't really promising me anything, but I'm having to make all these promises to you."

"You don't have to make any promises, Brenda. I didn't even bring you here to get you to make any promises. I've been thinking about you, and I really wanted to fuck you again. I did, and it was great. I really enjoyed it. I came so hard, I don't even feel like doing it again, and that never happens to me. Your little kitty is better than it ever was."

"Would I be your girlfriend, or just someone you liked to screw?"

"That depends on how you behave. I'm not interested in telling people you're my girlfriend and then finding out that you're fucking other guys besides me. Have you fucked Gary since you came back?"

"No. I haven't been with anyone."

"I'm going to ask him and Emily. I'll find out if you're lying."

"I haven't even seen him since I came back. I'm not lying to you. I haven't done anything with any boy since way before I went back to that school. I'm not a slut, even if you think I am."

"So, does that mean you would be willing to promise not to do anything with anyone else except me, and whoever I said you could do things with?"

"Would I be your girlfriend or not?"

"I already answered that. I'm going to wait to see how this works, before I decide about that. Emily might decide I couldn't have another girlfriend, and then I'd have to decide if I would let her dictate things like that to me."

"So, even if I was your girlfriend, I wouldn't be the only one, and I'd have to do things I didn't want to with other girls?"

"You don't make it sound very attractive when you say it like that. I'd never make you lick another girl's pussy unless I was already willing to buy you a new car. I would also make sure you get to go with Mama, the next time she wants to go to Springfield, to buy some new clothes. I'd even set it up so you could charge for drinks and meals out at the country club, on my family account. It isn't like I wouldn't be taking care of things that are important to you. You help me, and I'll help you."

Brenda had two tiny tears slide out of her eyes, and run down her cheeks. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears too.

"You want a whore, not a girlfriend. I'm not going to be anybody's whore."

"Did I mention that I'd want to give you an allowance too? I want to make sure you can buy gas, and have some money to get other things you might need. You don't need to think of it the way you are. Besides, you'd be more of a kept woman than a whore. I'd never share you with another guy, only with one or two girls in my life."

"I still wouldn't be rich. I wouldn't have anything more than I do right now, except for a car."

"You'd be the girlfriend of a very rich man. Who knows? Things might change, later on. If I liked you again, and you proved I could trust you, I might fall in love with you all over again. You're still the prettiest girl I've ever seen. My dick stands right up the first second I see you. It doesn't do that with any other girls. I can't just forgive and forget what happened before. You can't expect to get a brand new start with me."

"This isn't what I always wanted for us. You might just be saying these things to get me to help you with Emily. When I do that for you, you might not care about me any more."

"When we were fucking, Brenda, did it feel like I didn't care?"

"No, it felt nice."

"It felt very nice to me too. I knew, when we were making love, that this was real for you too, that you really were enjoying that it was me on top of you. You weren't just pretending to want me inside you."

"I thought you always knew how I felt about you. I've thrown myself at you, ever since I first met you. Now, you're just planning on using me, and with all your money, you end up getting to do whatever you want."

"That's right. I'm using what I have, to get what I want. I guess that's one of the changes in me. I'm not happy not getting what I want, and it doesn't seem very intelligent for me not to use everything I can, to try to get what I want, and to be happier. I'm trying to negotiate better with people. Did Emily tell you about the time we flew out to California? My Dad bought me flying lessons for a graduation present. When I learn to fly, he's going to buy me a new plane. We could take our own trips, whenever we had time off, to go somewhere. If you think back, Brenda, I never treated you bad, not unless you did something you weren't supposed to do."

"You're getting your own plane? Will it be a big one, or just one of those little ones?"

"A smaller one at first, but I'll buy a bigger one later, when I've got more flying experience. Even the small one will be big enough to take three or four people, and all their luggage. You'd like flying places, and telling your friends, later, where you went. It will be great for me for flying back home on the weekends too. That way, I won't have to be so horny all the time, and you won't need to be either. I'd have to make sure you were getting regular fucking from me, so you wouldn't get tempted to end our agreement."

"If you didn't want to have other girl friends, it would be almost perfect for us."

"No, it would be almost perfect for you. That's not why I'm doing this though. I'm doing it so it's almost perfect for me. If you are an important part of my nearly perfect life, I'll treat you good. You can't be an important part though, not if it makes you feel like a whore. I wouldn't be happy, not if you weren't happy too. I want the people around me to be happy, but I don't want to make myself unhappy, just to make anyone else happy. Emily has to understand that too. It isn't just you that has to accept that things have changed."

"She isn't going to like any of this. She doesn't like what you've done so far. She probably won't do what you want. What happens then?"

"I'll either get over her, or else I'll have to keep looking for something she does want enough to be with me, and live with what I want."

"I need to get back home soon, but, can we do it again? Some of the things we've been talking about make me want to see if things would feel the same with you. Today, you've been different than I've ever seen you before. You talk like you don't really care that much about people anymore, but you say other things, things that tell me you've been thinking about what I need too. You must care a little, if you've thought about buying me a new car, and those other things. I just need to feel if you care when you're inside me again."

Brenda was wilder, and even more abandoned this time. She really let herself go, holding nothing back. It was a more frenzied coupling, with both of us working hard, to get as much out of it for ourselves as we could. When I finally rolled off of her again, the mattress and the sheet underneath her was puddled with her juices, and the end of my rubber was full with my cum.

"It isn't fair that you can make me feel like this, even when you don't like me or love me. How can you possibly love her more than me? I should be first, not her."

"If you keep thinking like that, neither of us are going to be happy. You need to concentrate on all the good parts. There will be a lot of good things."

"I'll need you to do that to me a lot, so I can stop thinking about what I don't like. I don't like having to share, or being shared."

"Do you think you're going to get a better offer?"

"Am I supposed to call Emily? Do I tell her that I'm back with you now, and you said I can't see her anymore?"

"You haven't answered my question."

"If I thought I'd get a better offer, I wouldn't have asked my question."

"Call her from here before you leave. Make sure she knows that we fucked, and that it was good for both of us. Tell her I didn't eat your pussy, and that I said I was leaving that job open for someone else."

"You aren't ever going to lick it?"

"Brenda, stop trying to figure out everything before you do what I ask. I already told you what I'm trying to make happen. You need to try to make it happen too, because that's what will make me happy. You make me happy, I make you happy. That's how it works."

I handed Brenda the telephone from the nightstand and watched as she dialed Emily's number. The two of them were talking together for at least ten minutes, and Brenda still hadn't started in talking about any of the things I'd asked her to say.

"I'm over at Kenny's uncle's house." Pause. "Yes, of course he's here." Long pause. "Twice." Pause. "I never said I wouldn't. I said I didn't think he wanted to." Very long pause, and I could actually hear a lot of what Emily was yelling into the phone. "It was better than before. I came all over the place, especially the second time." Pause. "He says I can start trying to be his girlfriend, but that I can't do anything with anyone else, unless he says it's okay." Pause, and a lot more yelling about me being too bossy. "He didn't lick me. He said he was leaving that job open for somebody else." Pause. "He didn't say who, but he did say I couldn't see you anymore. He's buying me a new car." Pause, additional screaming. It sounded like Emily might be crying. Brenda frowned after a few minutes and then handed the phone to me,


"Did she tell you that I predicted you'd try to do this?"

"She said something about you telling her that some things would happen. Did you tell her it would work?"

"It won't work, because I'm still not interested in your plan."

"I guessed as much. You know, Brenda has always preferred me over you. You should see what she just did to my mattress. You could go swimming in all the cum she squirted out of her pussy. It looks like about a quart. Did you ever get a quart from her?"

"I knew you could take her away from me. I just didn't think you'd be so mean when you did it."

"Emily, I've changed. You helped me change. You made me tired of always ending up unhappy. Everybody kept trying to tell me I didn't need to be unhappy, that I was taking things too seriously, but I still wanted to try to play the game fair. I thought it was enough to just be the nice guy, but it never was. I'm not going to be unhappy anymore. If I have to, I'll hire someone to come in and lick Brenda's pussy. She loves having it licked, but when I try to lick it, it reminds me of you, and that just makes me unhappy again."

"I'm not going to do it."

"That's fine, Emily. I don't need you to do it to be happy. Do you think I can't find a hundred girls better looking than you, to do whatever I tell them to do? Love isn't the only thing. I love you, and I've got a lot of things that you want, including Brenda's very tasty pussy. I've got this theory, and you can tell me if I'm wrong. You kept picking fights with me because I was treating you too good. You like being treated like Brenda treats you. Well, you're in luck, because I've finally figured out what it takes to make you happy."

"You're wrong, Kenny."

"Really? Tell me that it didn't hurt you when I told you about Brenda squirting a quart, and that you didn't wish you were here so you could lick it all up. I bet you thought about licking my cock too, so I wouldn't have any of Brenda's juices on it. Brenda thinks you are a lesbian, but you told me you never liked any other girl that way. I think you're just a twisted little girl that gets off on being abused. I'll also bet that you have some interesting reactions when your father treats you mean, and yells at you. Is your pussy wet enough yet, or do you want me to keep talking to you?"

"Why are you being like this to me?"

"Because I love you so much that I can still love you, even knowing what I do about what makes you tick. I can treat you bad if that's what it takes. It isn't what I'd prefer, but I can be happy, knowing that you're happy too. Brenda isn't the only one who can give you what you need."

I looked over at Brenda, and she was staring at me like I was some kind of mutant or something. She couldn't believe I would speak to Emily, or to anyone, like I'd been doing. I reached over to her and gently cupped one of her breasts, and began manipulating it with my fingers. I signaled for her to come closer with the phone receiver I held in my hand. She did slide over, snuggling her back against my chest. I continued toying with her nipple as Emily and I kept talking.

"You're wrong, Kenny. I never wanted you to treat me bad. I wanted you to just love me in a normal way. You might be right about Brenda, but not about you."

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12th GradeChapter 21

Things were progressing smoothly enough with me. School was going well. I had just learned that my application to Notre Dame had been accepted and approved. Emily and I were having fun together, except for the two times that Shirley had phoned me. Shirley called within a week of Emily and I reconciling. We both refrained from volunteering or asking about our dating status. I'd say it was a call between friends, except there seemed to be a slight strain or separation in our choice of topics...

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12th GradeChapter 22

I called Emily several times over the next week or so. Each time I'd reach her, our conversations would only be tired rehashes of her insecurity about where she stood with me, and would end with her making demands that I let her know what our future was going to be as a couple. What she got from me was another declaration stating my total unwillingness to make any changes to the priorities I'd assigned to my life. We couldn't seem to make any progress towards surmounting any of these...

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12th GradeChapter 23

I stopped off at Frank Clooney's office, after leaving my Aunt Donna's house. I told him to inform Aunt Clara that there would be no further funds coming, not to her, and not to her mother. I told Frank to find me a nice older couple in either Florida, Hawaii, or Southern California. I wanted them to be people who were both willing and able to take Anne into their home. They would need to provide her with a clean room, meals, personal grooming care, and a very quiet place for her to live....

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12th GradeChapter 24

When I got done with talking to my Dad, about borrowing the plane, I went right up to my room and called Emily. This was the second, and the most difficult part of the plan I'd been hatching in my mind. I doubted I'd be able to pull this off, but I wanted to try it, because it might help with something else that I wanted to have happen. What I was really hoping for was that Emily would realize that my calling her with this had constituted that much improved offer that she'd warned me I...

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12th GradeChapter 25

Emily and I were together for most of the rest of the weekend. In addition to some very satisfying make-up sex, we also spent time talking together, and just being around each other. Sunday, she and I took four boys from the group homes, out to a ranch that rented horses over in Collier, a town about forty miles west of Ridgeline. At first, all of us were having a great time riding on the trails set up for riding. I think I was the first one to get sore balls, and chafed skin on my thighs,...

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12th GradeChapter 27

The rest of the trip went smoothly. I got up early Sunday morning, dressing and coming downstairs to the lobby to meet with the five equipment executives, or, in some cases, manufacturer's representatives. Each handed me several product brochures and sales proposals, discussing briefly the supposed advantages their product offered over the competition's. My Dad must have told them that I had only a limited amount of time, because each one stayed talking to me for under ten minutes. At...

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12th GradeChapter 28

Shirley called me on the seventeenth of March. They were leaving South Carolina the next morning, and would be in Ridgeline, sometime on the twenty-first. During that conversation, I made it very clear to her that Emily had big reservations about what would happen when she got back, but that I had already made my choice to stay with Emily. "When I get back, we can have a nice talk, and then you can decide, Kenny. I have a lot I want to tell you." "I already did decide. If you come back...

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12th GradeChapter 29

I didn't see or hear from Shirley for a week. I knew that Emily was in contact with her though, and my mother had asked me several questions about whether I knew what Shirley's plans were. I always answered that I didn't know her plans, and wasn't interested in getting involved in any of that mess. Mama seemed a little sad at my attitude concerning Shirley's plight. I knew that she kept bringing Shirley's name up for a reason, and I didn't want to give her any excuse for getting me...

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12th GradeChapter 31

I had been working my grain trading program for a month and a half when I ran into my first real problem. I had been selling into a rising oats market, and had somehow foolishly oversold the entire production capacity of all our oats producing farms. I needed to cover some three thousand contracts that I had sold, and I had less than two thousand contracts of farm production available to me. I couldn't really take the farm production either, because our companies used that to produce some of...

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12th GradeChapter 32

After I drove Emily home, we both went inside to see how the house cleaning had turned out. All four of the cleaning ladies were still hard at work, but I found Gary and Kitty sitting in the family room, watching television, and enjoying bowls of ice cream. I had a difficult time not laughing out loud at them both. I also wondered, if my intervention had really helped any of them. All of the downstairs was finished, and the women were finishing up the last of the upstairs bedrooms. Emily...

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12th GradeChapter 33

At dinner that night, Mama gave me a real earful about being so rude to Brenda. I let her get it all out of her system. She finally ran down and asked me what I had to say for myself. "I saw her at the club, with Richard. She stopped over at the practice range and we talked for awhile. We got into a disagreement about how much contact we were going to have. I suggested none, and she thought I should forget the past and start over again. That's when I started being rude. Before that, I was...

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12th GradeChapter 35

Joyce woke up at around seven thirty, coming out of the bedroom, and finding me sitting alone in the dark in the living room. "Kenny, why did you let me sleep so long?" "You looked like you needed the rest. Brenda called while you were sleeping. She got the notice from Frank. She wanted me to help her with getting Frank to rescind the notice, or by me giving her the money instead. I offered to let her come over and explain why I should give her some money, but she didn't like what I...

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12th GradeChapter 37

We spent over an hour looking at cars over at the Chevy dealership. They had two Corvettes, one black, and the other one canary yellow. Brenda didn't care for either one of them. Joyce suggested we go see the man who helped her with the lease on her Lincoln, so we all drove over to his office, and spoke to him about what Brenda wanted. There was a new Buick Regal Grand National, with a custom red paint job, that he had sitting there in stock, due to a customer failing to get his credit...

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12th GradeChapter 38A

We had a really animated free for all discussion at the dinner table that night. I was getting hit from all sides at once. First, Mama was upset because Grace had phoned her, complaining about what I had told her I was planning for Joyce, Brenda and Emily. The main thrust of Mama's complaint was that I needed to stop discussing my personal business with everyone I met. "Kenny, it worries me sometimes that you don't seem to realize you are creating problem situations where there needn't...

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12th GradeChapter 38B

Brenda and I went out and found the van that Virginia had let us borrow, and we headed out for our lunch. I took her to the same steak house I'd taken Emily to. Brenda wasn't as good of an eater as Emily had been, but she enjoyed the small filet she'd ordered. I had the big porterhouse, with extra mushrooms, a baked potato with everything on it, and some bread to dip in the steak juices. They brought some mixed vegetables in a separate little bowl, but I didn't even try those. "How much...

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12th GradeChapter 39

We were all standing around in the kitchen, smelling the spaghetti sauce simmering as Brenda tossed the salad, and put the pasta pot on a burner to bring it to a boil. The table was already set for four places. Brenda had taken out two bottles of red wine, from Uncle Bunny's large wooden wine cellar box, and she had found a corkscrew in one of the drawers. She was just starting to heat up the garlic bread, when the door bell rang. "Get it, Kenny." Brenda looked at me, knowing that I might...

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12th GradeChapter 40

Indiana proved to be a good place for me to start and end my journey. I ended up spending only three days in South Bend, before deciding it was time to head back home again. I spent a day driving back to Uncle Bunny's house. As soon as I got back, I called Mama. "Hello?" "Hey, Hans, it's Kenny. How are you guys doing?" "All good here. You want to talk with your Mama?" "Sure. Say hi to Gerta for me. See you, Hans." "Kenny!" "Hi Mama. You still taking good care of all my girl...

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12th GradeChapter 41

It was sometime in mid September before Joyce asked me again about whether the four X's could have their dinner meeting at my house. This time, I agreed, which surprised and pleased Joyce. That only lasted until I told her I'd be going over to Mama's house to spend the evening with my parents. "Kenny, they all want to see you again. How long are you planning on avoiding everybody?" "Joyce, we've been getting along pretty good lately, because you've been staying inside my comfort...

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12th GradeChapter 42

The trip back home was interesting. I think Joyce wanted to test me, to see whether or not she could get me sufficiently upset to put me over the edge. Like that time when I stopped in South Carolina, and I told her I wanted to play a quick round of golf. It was already three thirty in the afternoon, we'd been on the road since six thirty that morning, and I was tired from doing all that driving. I just wanted to relax a little, and unwind my sore muscles. I was right to do it too, because...

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service review

KARMA is a Bitch - Part 1Myself Rony. Not to be boasting about, but I am actually a good looking person with a good physique. My height is around 5’11” and my dick is 6.5” long. I am 29 and working in a reputed company in Cochin. I was in a relation with this girl named Anu for around 5 years. In these 5 years, to be honest enough, we never had sex.We saw each other nude, kissed each other, bathed together, made out, but I never penetrated her because I had a feeling that one fine day, I would...

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Step Sons Surprise

Hi, my name's George and I'm 26 now. Until recently, if I had to describe mysexuality I would have said that I was predominantly straight. My dabblingswith my own sex had only ever been few and far between, but recently someevents have unfolded which have made me question my view of my sexualpreferences.About a year and a half ago now I met a young widow, Clair, (8 years mysenior) and we hit it off straight away. We got on so well that I soonmoved in with her and her two sons (Thomas 11 and...

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I have never been attracted to my wife`s sister,let alone had a desire for a sexual episode,on her part she has made it very clear over the years that she fancied me,and was jealous i married her sister,she is three years younger than my wife,nice natured,plain lookin girl,well what happened in the day in question was,my wife got a call out of the blue from her sister,could she come and stay,my wife agreed,i was abit put out,as i had planned some quiet time,for us,anyway i agreed ok,and my wife...

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Meine ersten Erfahrungen mit einem Mann

Es fing alles so an, dass ich immer schon gerne Pornos geguckt habe und dabei viel mir auf, dass fast in jedem Porno immer der Schwanz ganz groß dabei ist. Ich fand es immer geil diese dicken Dinger anzugucken. Besonder wenn eine Frau anal genommen wurde oder mit den Füßen einen Pimmel gewixxt hat. Also hab ich aus Spaß im Suff einfach mal eine Anzeige geschaltet, dass ich einen ältern Herrn suche der mir sein Ding zeigt usw. Daraufhin meldete sich Tobi. Tobi beschrieb sich als normalo Mitte 50...

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After work surprise

I came home from work one afternoon and there were two cars in my driveway. One I knew, and it belonged to a lady (who I’ll call Dixie) we have known for almost 20 years. The other car I hadn’t seen before. When I walked in I immediately heard sounds coming from our bed room. I slowly walked up and peeked in the door. Man was I surprised at what I saw. My wife was on the bed with her legs spread and Dixie was bent over with her head between my wife’s legs obviously eating her pussy very...

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Have FaithChapter 12

Jane moved Faith along slowly. She did not want to scare away her new charge or make her regret her decision. She felt that the twins had been too aggressive with the girl and moved too although, in a way, she was thankful for them doing that. It opened the door to her owning Faith. The twins were allowed to play with Faith and they usually harnessed her up and treated her as a pony. Jane too liked ponygirls but only as an occasional amusement. A full time ponygirl would go out of her mind...

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BreederChapter 4 Little Sister

Rick dozed for a while on the couch, as did all of the humans. He was vaguely aware of the little gray aliens moving around the room. After a while he awoke, surprisingly refreshed after all that had happened. On the couch the alien transsexual Sheila lay almost unconscious, her eyes rolling up under her lids, cum still dipping from her cock. She had been cumming through his entire coupling between Rick and Laura and was exhausted. The alien leader Jon, was propped on one elbow. He seemed...

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The Displaced Detective Part 5

The Displaced Detective - Part 5 by Limbo's Mistress Matthew ascended the steps, pausing at the door to speak to the woman standing there. After a few seconds, she turned around and vanished back inside the house. Matthew looked over in my direction, then gestured for me to come on. As if to emphasize the invitation, he pulled open the screen door and held it for me patiently. Despite still being apprehensive about going inside, an unusual sense of politeness spurred me on....

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How the fun started

Well it all started a few years ago, after growing up well getting into mid-late teens when after you’ve done the usual, in the bedroom and all around the house, while the parents are out or sleeping…lol That we toyed with the idea of doing something extra, which went on for a few months, each of us getting turned on by the fact of it, using what was to hand, then going and getting a dildo, to give some more realism to it, which she loved, and me too - before after and during. We’d already got...

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Imaginary Friends Friday Night

I am an onanist. That is to say, I find my sexual satisfaction through masturbation. It began when I was too poor to be with girls. Then I got good at it and began to like it. It’s simple, convenient, and easy. I do miss the human part of a living sex partner: the chatting and snuggling. But at least the sex is taken care of. Now, I am not lazy nor unimaginative. I pursue an orgasm with the intention of prolonging the experience as much as possible in order to experience as strong an orgasm as...

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A new black lover close to my snoring hubby

My beloved hubby had hired for us a quick week end vacation at Jamaica. As we were making the check-in at the airport, I could notice a young black hunk was watching me; although Victor was by mi side. Later on, when we boarded the plane, that same guy moved behind me and brushed his crotch against my buttocks; making me feel his growing erection. I said nothing, but checked out he sat down a few seats behind us. When we arrived to our hotel, I was surprised to see the same black man was...

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Just a word with Sheila

That Tuesday morning I noticed that my sweet secretary Sheila was not dressed in her usual scrubs; but she was clad in a sexy black skirt and a tight fitting white top. I commented that she looked quite sexy. But then she surprised me; as she bent over and showed me her black string with barely covered her dark asshole.After the ordinary Tuesday’s meeting, Sheila asked me if she could have a quick word with me. She walked into the ladies room and pointed me to enter there.As soon as the door...

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Carribean Surprise

After thirty years of ups and downs as a married couple, my wife Anne and I had decided that we deserved a special vacation to celebrate our anniversary. After weeks of talk and research we finally settled on the Dominican Republic as our destination and we found the perfect resort on the eastern shore of the island. The hotel we picked was the flagship of a four hotel complex that offered a wide array of restaurants and night life, all available for our use at an all inclusive price. Best yet,...

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Wish Shift Epilogue

Wish Shift: Chapter Forty-Three Epilogue Year 1 A.S. Three Months later February Jenny held Sonya while Derek was holding Sammy. Both of them were sleeping right now, but she wouldn't put it past either of them to wake up at any moment. Kira and Dianne were standing together in their wedding dresses just to their left. Jenny had never thought that she would ever be a bridesmaid, but she had never thought that she would be a wife or a mother either just over a year ago. She...

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Caught by the Tide Ch 07

‘My name’s Luke Foster,’ he said without smiling, holding my gaze across Daniel’s shoulder for one more second before turning abruptly to my sister. ‘I’m one of the consultant cardiothoracic surgeons here and I performed Gillian Ashmore’s surgery. And you are…?’ ‘I’m her daughter, Sarah. And this is Graham, my husband–and that’s Rebecca, my sister. With her–with–erm–‘ But even as she struggled to find the right descriptive noun, Daniel let go of me, pushing me aside as he turned. ‘You?’ he...

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Hearts BloomingChapter 3 Romancing a Lonely Heart

I still remember every detail of the day I saw the love of my new life for the first time. The date was Monday, October 10th, and Brad and I were walking together to go to our second hour class when suddenly, out of the blue, this drop-dead gorgeous girl that both Brad and I had never seen before appeared. “Wow, man. Who is she?” Brad asked me. “Gloria Harr, junior, just moved here from California,” I said as I scanned. “So far, she hates it here, and she only digs guys who...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 58 Not What I Expected

July 3, 1996, Chicago, Illinois I blinked several times and took a breath before responding. It didn’t help. The best I could do was contain my visceral reaction at her completely out-of-line request and her wrong-headed assumptions when she had NO idea what had happened in my life the previous eight months. “What makes you think you can make that request after refusing to talk to me for nearly eight months? And equally importantly, without explaining Alexi? And without giving me the first...

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Private Chrystal Sinn Yoga Instructor likes it Outdoors

Today in Private Gold, Sexy Yoga in Paradise we have the pleasure of introducing you to Chrystal Sinn, a beautiful blonde yoga instructor who has just found the perfect Ibiza mansion to teach her classes and of course there’s no better to celebrate than with a fuck! Watch Chrystal with her sexy tattoos and piercings enjoy a stunning debut on www.private.com with stud Potro as she puts her tight little body to work, sucking and fucking in the great outdoors before finishing up with some...

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Flashers delight

It was early afternoon and 14 year old Mark was standing at the entry door to the flat he and his mum had just moved into, the flat was at the top of a tower block there was only one other flat on the landing and the only way onto the landing was through a locked door which you needed a key for or you had to be buzzed in by a tenant of the landing. Mark knew the other tenants were 12 year old Mandy her sister 16 year old Sara and their dad who was a long distance lorry driver and hardly ever...

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Sex With My Teacher At Her Home

When I was studying in class 12 (18 years old ) there was a teacher in our school who taught classes 6-8. She also happened to be my house’s Master while I was the house captain.She was a sexy lady and most of the boys in our class had a huge crush on her. But she was married and had two kids too. I never got a chance to really speak to her. But then our school’s Golden Jubilee function came and I got a chance to work with her. The first day of the preparations was awesome. Really, really...

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The Princes Adventure1

Taryn woke up and felt he could not sleep any more, so he got up and put on his clothes. Instead of his regular, princely clothes, with the recognizable royal colors and emblazoned with the royal seal, he donned a plain, earth-colored tunic. He wanted to fit in and not be recognized as prince where ever he went. He slid his dagger in his belt, got his satchel, and opened the door quietly. He looked around and noticed that the small village near the edge of the woods where they were staying...

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Hooked on BBC PT2 Blacken

THE NEXT DAYI drove slowly towards my date with fate, breathing heavily in an attempt to keep my emotions in check.I'd got myself off several times last night to thoughts of sucking Antony's thick cock again—and the fantasies didn't stop there. I'd cum loudest when I'd imagined him fucking me doggy style.But in the end I had decided that, as exhilarating as the experience had been, it had to stop there. Despite the near breakdown of my marriage, cheating on Bobby didn't go down easily with me....

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