12th Class Ka Sex Desire
- 4 years ago
- 22
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We spent over an hour looking at cars over at the Chevy dealership. They had two Corvettes, one black, and the other one canary yellow. Brenda didn't care for either one of them. Joyce suggested we go see the man who helped her with the lease on her Lincoln, so we all drove over to his office, and spoke to him about what Brenda wanted.
There was a new Buick Regal Grand National, with a custom red paint job, that he had sitting there in stock, due to a customer failing to get his credit approval for the lease. The red color looked more like orange to me, but Brenda really liked the car. The leasing guy told me our company could lease the car for three years, under what he claimed were extremely favorable terms, owing to the forfeited lease deposit. I looked at the color of the car and thought I understood why he was being so generous to us.
I asked him what kind of deal we could get on a straight cash purchase, and was very pleasantly surprised by the amount he quoted me. Compared to a Corvette, Cadillac or a Lincoln, it was very reasonable. Because Brenda liked it so much, I bought it for her, putting the car in my name, and purchasing full insurance coverage from the lease company representative.
After all the paperwork was completed, I told Brenda to follow me in her new car, and set out for Gracerie Cocina, thinking that we could get something to eat, and I'd have a chance to ask Grace how everything was going. We were all sitting together in a big table, towards the back of the restaurant, Grace, Brenda, Joyce and myself, with Marie coming and going as she brought out small plates of different foods she wanted us to try.
Marie was always trying to make little changes to the menu. Grace would print up little three by five cards to clip to the regular menu, showing whichever new Marie Special currently being featured. It was less expensive than constantly replacing the restaurant menu would have been.
I had been busy eating, and trying to explain my new living philosophy to Grace, but it kept coming out sounding wrong. The way I was explaining it, my idea sounded like I was only taking advantage of, and exploiting, Joyce, Brenda and Emily. It sounded like my only reason for doing this was so I wouldn't have to be unhappy.
"Kenny, this is such a crummy idea for you to have. How could you even believe something like that would work?" Grace was trying to restrain herself as she spoke, probably in deference to Brenda and Joyce's feelings. I knew, as she spoke, that I'd failed to adequately explain the other parts of my deals. I'd only been talking about what I was getting out of my new way of looking at things.
"I'm taking care of things for them too, Grace. It isn't as one-sided as you think it is."
"Taking care of them by buying them things, Kenny?"
"Not just that. I help each of them get what they want and need too. Joyce, do you feel like I'm taking any kind of advantage of you?"
"No. I think this works out fine for me. I'm getting exactly what I want."
"How about you, Brenda? I know you don't like some parts of this, but, everything considered, do you think what I'm doing is unfair to you?"
"Maybe it isn't unfair to me, Kenny, but you don't let each of us pick the parts we want. If we could do that, it would be a lot better. We don't get to have any choices. You have all the choices."
"I made the proposal, and you had the choice of either accepting or refusing."
"Kenny, is it fair to tempt someone with what you know they want, just to get them to do what you want, when you know they don't want it too?" Grace asked me the question as soon as Brenda stopped speaking.
"That's how you run your business, Grace. You tempt people to come in and give you their money, which they don't want to do, in exchange for the great food that Marie is cooking for them. They want the food, and you want their money. A fair trade."
"Yes, but I don't make them fuck me, in order to get served."
"If you did, this restaurant would be profitable in no time." Grace reached over and slapped my arm, but she was laughing at what I'd said too
"Brenda, would you still let Kenny have sex with you, even if you weren't getting a new car?" Joyce jumped in to help me out. Grace was feeding into Brenda's own sense of being exploited. She was always looking for anything that made it seem she wasn't getting what she deserved.
"Sure. Having sex with him is one of the good parts. It was a big part of the reason I agreed to do this."
Grace stood up, concern still showing on her face.
"It's still taking advantage, even if they all go along with it. It isn't something that you would have even thought of doing, back when I first met you." Grace looked down at me when she spoke.
"I'm getting smarter now. I understand what needs to happen for me to be happy. I'm not hurting any of them. Two of the girls involved were ones who helped make me unhappy. I'm just trying to set things up so we can all get what we want from each other. Brenda and Emily weren't happy with the way things were. Emily is still unhappy, but that's because we haven't figured out what it takes for her to want to join the deal."
"Did you talk this over with your mother?"
"She knows, Grace. She knows enough about what's going on. She might not know all the particulars, but she has a good, general, idea."
"Do what you want to, Kenny. To me, it sounds like you're using your money to buy what you want."
"In some ways I am, but I'm also using it to set things up so they can have what they want. It would be like you say, if all I did was pay them some money, then take what I wanted, but that isn't what I'm doing."
After lunch, which had gotten me into a bad mood, because I wanted Grace to like me, and to think well of me, we drove back to Ridgeline. Before we got in the cars, I told Brenda that Joyce and I were going over to Uncle Bunny's house, to talk about what to do about Emily, and to decide if we wanted to go to the dance at the club that night. I invited her to come to Uncle Bunny's too, but said she could decide to go back home by herself.
"Are you two going to be doing anything together?"
"Probably not. We already fooled around this morning."
"Are you going to try to call Emily?"
"I don't think so. I don't know what more I could tell her. If she isn't interested, there isn't much more to do."
"She'd come over to your uncle's if I asked her to come. She'd just want to know what we'd all be doing there."
"What you mean is she'd come over to be with you?"
"Probably mostly for that, but I feel bad that you made me stop being her friend. I could still be her friend, but without any of the other sex stuff. She could hang out with us, and not have to do anything. I don't see what that would hurt."
"Instead of calling her, you can drive over and show her the new car. Don't do anything sexual with her though. No kissing, nothing. Tell her we're all over at Uncle Bunny's talking about what's going to be happening. Invite her to come, and tell her no one is going to be doing anything."
We drove over to Uncle Bunny's, and Brenda followed behind, us until we turned off. When we did turn off, at Uncle Bunny's house, she continued on, driving over to Emily's house. Joyce and I were sitting in the living room, talking about what Grace had said to me, when my phone rang. It was Emily. I knew then that Brenda had shared my number with her.
"Why did you send her over to see me?"
"She wanted to show you her new car, and she said she felt bad that I wouldn't let her stay friend's with you."
"She said you wanted me to come over there?"
"I thought we could talk. I don't see why you're all upset about any of this. You said you were done with me anyway."
"I was, but I never said I was done with Brenda. You did that just to hurt me."
"I did it because I wanted to fuck her. Why should you get to keep all the good pussy just for yourself? I was willing to share, up until you started being such a pain in the ass."
"You didn't need Brenda. Didn't you tell me you could find a hundred girls, all prettier than me, to do whatever you told them to?"
"Prettier than you, but not prettier than Brenda. Brenda is special. I like having Brenda around me again."
"Even if we talked, I don't see how anything would change. I'm never going to do what you're asking."
"Maybe not, but it doesn't cost anything to talk. I think Brenda misses having you around to fawn all over her. I don't treat her the same way you do."
"Because you don't care about her."
"Let's not get into who cares about who, okay? You can come over with Brenda, or you can stay home. Brenda's coming over here, and then we're going to make some plans."
"How come you're giving her a job? Is it because you don't trust her when you're off working?"
"No. It's because I have a bedroom off of my office, that I've never had a chance to use. I figured that Joyce and I might like taking breaks at the office. Brenda could help make our breaks a lot more interesting."
"I'm going to tell her what you just said. You only want her for one thing."
"Fine. it will save me the trouble of having to explain it to her myself. I appreciate your help."
"If I came over and talked to you, what would you do for me?"
"What would you want me to do?"
"Tell Brenda that it's all right if we do things together."
"No. Brenda doesn't really want to do that, and just talking to you isn't anything that would be worth something like that. If I was fucking you at the same time, I might let you eat her, but Joyce gets to watch us doing that."
"I'm not going to do that."
"Tell Brenda she needs to get back here. I need to talk to her about who we're going to get to take your place."
"I would do part of what you first asked, but not with Joyce watching."
"I would do what I first offered, but not with Joyce watching, and not with Brenda being eaten."
"Why would I want to do that?"
"Because I'd fuck you really good."
"I don't want to do anything with you anymore."
"Tell Brenda I need her here. If she's so anxious to have her pussy licked, I'll either do it myself, or have Joyce do it."
"Come back here, Brenda, Emily doesn't want to play with us."
"She hasn't told me that. If you want her to come talk to you, you just have to be nicer to her."
"Do you want to keep giving me advice, or do you want to do what we both agreed you'd do?"
"You said I was supposed to help you get what you wanted."
"Are you sure you aren't trying to get what you want, Brenda? Are you missing Emily's tongue that much?"
"That isn't why I'm trying to do what you asked. You keep saying things like that to me, and I'm going to start wishing I hadn't agreed to your plan."
"I'm sorry, Brenda, really. Talking to Emily gets me upset sometimes, and I'm taking part of that out on you. Thank you for trying to help me. You go home, Brenda. We'll talk again later."
"I'm not planning on doing anything I shouldn't be, Kenny. If I stay here and talk to Emily some more, it might help."
"Okay, Brenda, if that's what you think might help. Try to remember what I told you though. If you do what Emily wants, that is going to end our agreement."
"Joyce is your friend, you're my friend, and Emily is my friend. That's being honest. I worry about how you are treating her now, and about what this is doing to her. She is having the most problem with how you're suddenly changing everything around. Plus, she's worried about what you're doing with me. I've been telling her that this is what I want too, and it's what Joyce wants."
"Brenda, I already told you that you can stay there and talk with her. I'm not accusing you of anything bad. I just wanted to remind you that you can't have things both ways. You can't do what Emily wants, and do what I want too. You have to choose."
"I'm going to stay here for a little while longer. I understand what you don't want to happen, and it won't. I promise. Did you decide yet about tonight?"
"I think Joyce and I will stay here tonight. I don't feel much like dancing. Remember what I said. If you want to come over later, you're welcome to."
It was only about thirty minutes later that Brenda called, telling me that she was at home. There was some tension in her voice when she was speaking to me. She seemed upset that I hadn't trusted her enough when she asked me about her staying with Emily. I told her honestly, that it would take me a while to not feel the need to remind and warn her of my fears and concerns. I told her that I wanted Emily to know that she first had to go through me if she wanted to spend time doing more than talking with her.
"I could have gotten her to come over to your uncle's house if you'd only treated her nicer."
"I could have gotten her over here by myself, if I wanted to let her have her own way with things. She had a chance before, that's when she could have gotten things her own way. She didn't want it when I offered it to her. Don't worry about her. She has to decide for herself what she wants."
Joyce and I watched television until eleven o'clock, then we went to bed. We ended up sleeping in Elizabeth's old bedroom, because the bed linen in Uncle Bunny's bedroom hadn't been changed yet.
We didn't do anything, except snuggle close. I wasn't in the mood for anything. In spite of what I'd said to Grace, and later to Brenda, I was troubled by what I was attempting to do with Emily. She wasn't reacting the way I had expected. I wondered if I really wouldn't be better served to just leave her alone.
Even if she decided to join us now, it was obvious to me that it wouldn't be because of me. I couldn't believe I'd be happy with having Emily come to me only so she could be with Brenda.
Sunday, Brenda called me at eight thirty, wanting to know if I wanted to go for a drive with her in her new car. She made it clear that she wanted it to just be the two of us. I let Joyce leave in my car, telling her that I'd catch a ride home with Brenda.
I was really beginning to appreciate the way Joyce treated everything. She never acted disappointed by anything that happened, and she never tried to go against what I had decided to do. It was enough for her that I included her in my plans, and that she got to be around me more this way. I know she appreciated the sexual attention I was paying her.
Brenda wanted to drive somewhere that was a long distance, so we decided on going to Topeka and back. We had just gotten started, only halfway to Bolling, before Brenda started telling me her news.
"Emily called me last night, and we talked for a long time. You didn't tell me not to talk to her again."
"I didn't think I needed to tell you that. What did you two finally decide?"
"She told me that if it was just us three, she could go along with it."
"That isn't anything new. She told me the same thing yesterday."
"It would be a lot better to me too, if Joyce wasn't included. I'm sorry, but I don't want to do anything with her. Emily doesn't want to either."
"Everyone wants to change things to be the way they want them. Joyce has to be a part of any deal I make. My mother would insist, and I think it's for the best too. I'm probably going to marry her someday."
"You'd pick her over us?"
"I'd pick what I want, what my mother wants, and what Joyce wants, over what you and Emily want. I told you and Emily about the money."
"You already have enough money."
"Brenda, that's a stupid thing for anyone to say. It surprises me, hearing you say something like that. Do you have any idea how much half a billion dollars is? You could spend a million dollars a month, without ever touching the principal."
"You aren't going to change your mind?"
"No. It isn't just the money either. I really like Joyce. She takes good care of me in ways that you and Emily can't. I can plan things I need to do with her, and she helps me think of ways to get done what needs doing. I live a much better life, just because she's a part of it. Of the three of you, she's the one I'd have to give up the most if I ever lost her."
"If she has to be a part of things, then you shouldn't make Emily and I have to do things with her."
"It wouldn't be right to exclude her. She should be an equal partner in this. I had the same kind of problems doing things with her too, but, once you know her better, it goes away."
"Emily told me she wasn't going to change her mind about Joyce."
"What about you? Is this going to be a deal breaker with you, too?"
Brenda took her eyes off the road long enough to look over at me. I knew she'd like to take a chance and say it would be a deal breaker. I'd already decided that I'd make her turn around and take me back to her house if she said it. I'd drive myself home in the Buick. She must have noticed the determined look on my face, because she asked me another question instead of answering mine.
"If I said it was all right, that I'd do things with Joyce, would you consider not making Emily have to do things with her also?"
"I'm not negotiating with you about Emily. Emily can do her own negotiating with me. My question was, are you willing to do what I tell you to? With Joyce, or anyone else I tell you I want you to do things with?"
"No other guys though, just girls?"
"No other guys. If Emily isn't going to be joining us, I'll get someone else, but whoever I get, I'll still expect you to do what I ask you to do."
"I'll do it, but I'd rather not have to. I don't mind doing some things with girls, but I'd much rather do them with Emily, instead of with Joyce, or some other girl I didn't even know."
"I'm not telling you that you need to enjoy it, Brenda. You have to at least pretend that you do though, and not go around making everyone feel bad about you having you do those things with them."
"Emily told me to ask you to call her tonight. She told me to tell you that, if you wouldn't accept what she offered."
The rest of the day, we had a good time. Brenda didn't bring anything up about the agreement, after she gave me Emily's message. We had a lunch in Topeka, then Brenda and I each bought a pair of these really warm boots that we saw being sold along the side of the road that we were driving on, right after having eaten. It was a native American family that was selling them, and the boots had this heavy interior lining inside. It looked to me like it was some kind of wool lining. They weren't very expensive, and Brenda liked having us stop off just to see what they were selling.
We ended up going over to Uncle Bunny's house later that afternoon. I didn't know if Joyce had said something to Gerta or not, but the bed linens had been changed in all the bedrooms while I was gone. I didn't eat her pussy this time, and I didn't ask her to suck me either. It was comfortable sex. I don't know what she was thinking about, but I was thinking about whether I should call Emily or not. I wanted to call her, but I thought my calling would represent a backward, retreating, step for me.
Afterwards, when Brenda dropped me off at home, I told her I'd decided not to bother calling Emily.
"I don't want you talking to her anymore either. If she calls you, tell her I'm not interested in changing anything to please her. Tell her that I said you can't talk to her anymore. After you tell her that, say goodbye, then hang up."
"Should I call her if she doesn't call me?"
"No. If she doesn't call, you don't need to give her my message. I'll look around for someone else, maybe someone older than us. I wish I had a phone number for Bea."
"Bea? That girl that lived at your house before? She wouldn't be too bad. I kind of liked her, after I got to know her."
"She liked you too. She knows a lot about girl's pussies. I'll ask Hans and Gerta if they've heard from her. Bea wouldn't have any problem doing any of this, with you, or with Joyce either."
I never had any intention of getting in touch with Bea. I just said that because I knew Brenda would tell Emily that I was considering replacing her with Bea. She knew all about Bea, and about Bea and my Aunt Clara. Emily thought Bea was very pretty, so she'd consider her a legitimate threat, and that was what I wanted.
I had told Brenda to meet me at my house, at seven thirty the next morning. I still hadn't told my Dad about my hiring her as my assistant, but he wouldn't object if I told him that Joyce and I both wanted her working with us. Even if he did object, I was certain that Mama would make him change his mind.
After dinner, Joyce and I went upstairs to her room. I filled her in about my day, telling her about Brenda's attempt to negotiate with me, some of it for herself, but really, mostly for Emily.
"You could have just let her have what she wanted, Kenny. I wouldn't mind at all."
"Emily would take any giving in I might do, as though I was admitting that I needed her. She'd see it as some kind of weakness on my part. If I let her get away with refusing to do things with you, there would just be other demands from her later. Better for me to hold off, and then wait to see if anything happens on her end. I'm doing fine right now, just with how things currently stand. I'm not just sitting around feeling sorry for myself. I'm starting to wonder if it would be good to get Emily back this way. She doesn't seem to care that much about me now."
At ten thirty, we put away the group homes stuff we'd been working on, and went to bed. I slept in her bed this time. I told her I wanted her to suck my dick. When she first started doing it, she made a face at me, and then took it out of her mouth.
"Brenda's pussy juices, Joyce. I thought I'd give you a little, preview, taste. I also didn't have time for a shower if I was going to be back in time for dinner. You don't have to give me a blow job now, not if you don't like the taste of her."
Joyce put my dick back in her mouth, and started making her little tongue a lot more active than it was before. I finally had to practically pry it out of her mouth, before rolling her on top of me and sinking myself up inside her. I let her do all the work, but I did toy with her little, budding, titties, because it was something we both liked doing.
She was humping her pussy back and forth on top of me, trying for another cum, when I started talking to her about all the nasty things I was going to force her to do with Brenda and Emily some day. We'd had never talked about me making her do anything before. It was always left vague, like she could do things if she wanted to. By switching things up on her and letting her know I'd be making her do things too, I hoped to make her feel like she was an equal part of the equation we were forming. I wanted her to know that I felt like she was the equal to any of those other girls.
When she finished with me, which only occurred because my dick wilted and fell out of her, after my second cum, she rolled off of me, and then kissed me with a lot of passion. She settled herself down beside me, fitting down until she had her little butt pressed against my wet crotch area. We slept like that, and I woke up at six, with her giving me another blow job. As soon as she knew I was awake, she pushed me so that I'd roll over on my back, and then climbed up on top of me again. We had a nice time fucking, for about fifteen minutes, before I lifted her off me and carried her over to the bathroom.
"We both need to shower, Joyce. Brenda's coming over in a few minutes. Today's her first day at work, and we should get in by eight. I don't want her thinking we keep banker's hours. By the way, if Dad asks you, you want Brenda as an assistant too. Otherwise, he's going to think I only hired her, so I could take her to work and fuck her."
"He'd be wrong to think that?"
"Of course he would. I'm hiring her, so both of us can fuck her." Joyce started giggling uncontrollably, when I told her that.
"On our desks?"
"Did you ever wonder what's behind that door against the wall there in my office?" She nodded that she hadn't. "It's a bedroom, with a bed, and there's another room, a bathroom, with a huge shower and everything. It was Mama's father's office, back when he ran the company. I guess it just runs in the blood, liking to fuck girls at work. We're going to take Brenda in there today, and we're going to find out if she really meant what she said, or if she was just saying it so I wouldn't be mad at her."
"Not today, Kenny, we can't. I need to do a lot of things to finish up what I've been working on. I need to really work today, so I'll be ready for tomorrow's meeting."
"I guess you're another one who doesn't understand all the rules that you've agreed to yet, Joyce. If you're going to be one of my girls, then making me happy has to be your first priority. We won't take all day fucking, but we can spare an hour or so. We'll eat in. At least you and Brenda will." I smiled at her, knowing that she was getting nervous about what was coming. It was one thing when it was just us talking about things. Now, when I told her that the day had arrived, she was having doubts and second thoughts. "Joyce, I can't let you have any more privileges than any of my other girls. I have to make you do all the same things I'm making them do." Joyce was beaming at me as I told her that. I think I'd finally managed to convince her that I valued her the same as I did Brenda or Emily.
Brenda got to the house at seven fifteen. Joyce and I were eating with Mama in the dining room when she arrived. Mama went and answered the door, after I tried to jump up to get it myself. You could tell that Mama was excited to see Brenda invited to the house again. Brenda had dressed up nice for her first day at work. All of us made comments about how nice she looked.
"You look wonderful dear. I'm so happy to see that you and Kenny are getting along once more." Mama was sitting Brenda down right next to her, so that she was directly across from me. Joyce had seated herself on my right when we joined Mama for breakfast.
"She looks good enough to eat. Don't you agree, Joyce?" I was pleased to observe all three ladies blushing at my remark. Joyce recovered first.
"Very nice. That blouse really makes your hair look nice, Brenda." Brenda smiled at Joyce's compliment. She liked nothing better than sitting with us, having us all complimenting her beauty.
"Mama, I didn't mention to Dad yet that I'm hiring Brenda to be my intern. You don't think he'll mind, do you?"
"Of course not, sweetheart. Brenda is very close to being considered a part of our family. All of the Connors family are. Why should he mind that we're hiring her? Welcome to the company, Brenda. If Kenny tries to work you too hard, you come and see me. I'll make him quit it."
"Mama. You don't want to spoil her on her first day. She's going to be working under Joyce and me. We won't work her too hard, will we Joyce?"
"See, Mama? Joyce won't let me abuse Brenda too badly."
We got in my car again, with Brenda once again choosing to sit in the middle. We weren't even out of the driveway before I had my hand up under her full skirt. Brenda made no protest, and Joyce made it a point to not be looking at what we were doing.
"Looking forward to your first day, Brenda?"
"What will I be doing? You never told me."
"We'll have you phoning people to get questions answered about some things. We might have you call your dad and ask him to quote us a price for a grain order we're thinking of placing with a broker. If he has the best bid, we'll probably give him the extra business. We'll let you call him last too." I had a finger up inside her panty leg, and was trying to get it inside her pussy, but without any success. "We also will eat our lunch with you. We have a special lunch room in my office. I think we'll order out, and have it delivered to us."
"Will I have to type or anything like that?"
"No, but you will have to take notes when you get those answers for us."
"What about my pay? You never said how much."
"Two hundred a week, but after they take out taxes and deductions, it will be more like one fifty." I felt Brenda's legs opening, just enough to allow me to turn my hand, so that I could get a finger up inside her. I guess she was happy with her projected earnings. It could also have been that she was a little horny from all my earlier fumbling around, and wanted to help me get to where we both wanted me to go.
"Emily called last night, and I told her what you said. I didn't hang up right after, because she kept asking me questions. I told her what you said about Bea." My finger was sliding in and out of her very welcoming sheath. She was moving a little too, helping things along. I was a little distracted too.
"Did you answer all her questions?"
"I think so. She isn't happy that you won't let me talk with her again. Before, when you said I could call my father last, did you mean I could call him, and let him know what the lowest previous bid was?"
as the german shepard poked, and licked at my pussy, he also was pawing at my butt and legs,, then the hands that had grabbed my head jerked it to the front so i could no longer see, but could feel what was going on behind me, as my head turned to the front i glanced up and saw the next door neighbor, sam, looking down at me, and heard him say "i always thought you might be a little sissy bitch, guess i've been right all along" everything then began to happen in rapid sucession, he roughly held...
The following Wednesday the weather was unusually mild for the time of year, I was looking forward to my date with Alan. We met outside the cinema which was a common practice in those days. I did worry a bit that I might have shocked him by having sex on our first date, things were so different then and he was happy to see me. He bought the tickets and we settled into seats in the back row to watch the picture.This was known as 'lover's row' as it was mostly teenagers who would sit there; they...
Straight SexIt took me over a week to convince Dad that I needed an assistant. Somehow it offended his sense of what was right and proper. I was still over a month away from having my seventeenth birthday, for one thing. Way too young to have any need for an assistant. Dad already knew that it was Shirley I had in mind to assist me, and he worried that I'd forget about business, and only concentrate on having fun with her. I assured him that my mind would be firmly fixed on business. "Kenny, because...
It was early in June, three weeks later than originally scheduled, before the grand opening of the golf learning center finally occurred. The delays had been caused by some of the sub-contractors not meeting their deadlines, and by Mama not being satisfied with some of the work that had already been done. If Mama wasn't satisfied, she wasn't going to release the final large payments. There were a lot of threats of legal proceedings against her, but she knew exactly what she wanted, and...
I went in to work with my Dad on Wednesday. I sat up front, and talked to him about this latest development with Shirley. I didn't say anything about Ellen's suicide attempt, just that she was upset about some personal things, and that Shirley wanted me to take her out on a few dates to try and cheer her up. I tried explaining how it really bothered me about Shirley being willing to lend me to Ellen like that. "Kenny, women think differently than men do. You shouldn't make assumptions...
I had just finished answering Shirley's question about who I'd decided to give her old assistant's job to. "Kenny, why would you do that? You knew I wanted you to give Ellen that job. What did Ellen say when you told her?" "I don't remember what she said. She sounded disappointed though." We were sitting alone at the dinner table, eating a very good dinner that Gerta had prepared for us. She served us in the dining room, treating us both like adults. I had my fork poised in front of...
I slept surprisingly well. I was working on developing my inner calm. So many things had happened to me, things that got me too excited, and too upset. I was trying to take some of my own advice. It didn't make any sense for me to assert to Ellen that she had to take charge of her own life and future, and then not do the same thing for myself. I needed to make some changes too. I knew I loved Shirley, and that she loved me. Nothing had happened to really change anything about that. We might...
I went into work Monday morning early, arriving in my office before seven. Joyce wasn't due in for another hour, but I looked on her desk to see if she might have left any work out that would give me an inkling of whether or not she'd managed to make any progress on solving my Dad's storage problems. There was nothing. I'd checked the top of my own desk earlier, and it was just as free of anything as it had been when I'd left on the previous Tuesday. Sunday night, while we were at...
Tuesday morning, a little bit before seven o'clock, Joyce pulled into the employee parking lot. She got out of her car, and a young man slid over behind the steering wheel, and backed out of the parking space before driving away. "That's my brother, Jack. I'm letting him use my car today, so he can look for work. He just got out of the Air Force last month." This was all information she volunteered to me before she got into my car to drive out to the Bolling airport. We were scheduled...
I didn't return to work for the rest of the week, moping around the house most of the time, feeling sorry for myself. I did drive over to the country club to hit some practice balls, but being there just reminded me of Shirley. I was functioning though, just barely, but functioning. It was sometime over the weekend when I decided that I'd had enough of acting like a lovesick puppy with a broken heart. Shirley had made her choice. My Dad was right about her having the right to change her...
I was very aware that nothing had been resolved by the phone conversation that I'd had with Shirley. What had changed though, was the way I felt about things, having had the opportunity of speaking with her again. I felt less pessimistic. It wasn't that I thought we'd be able to patch things up, or that we'd work out our differences. I didn't believe that we might get back together. It was only that we had somehow changed the direction of our being apart. We weren't still moving away...
I was home by five forty five, sitting in my bedroom, writing down some thoughts about my day. I was really waiting for Brenda to call me at six fifteen. The phone didn't ring though. At six forty five, Gerta called me to come down to dinner, and still there had been no phone call from Brenda. I was relieved in several ways, but disappointed in several other ways too. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I'd been looking forward to having sex with Brenda again. I'd already checked on my...
I got an unexpected phone call from my Aunt Clara, telling me that she had just learned that Mother Superior had cancer in some of her internal organs, her stomach, liver, and pancreas, and that she was being relieved of her duties by the church hierarchy. Aunt Clara said this was being done in order to allow Mother Superior to spend her final days in prayer, and in quiet contemplation and anticipation of the after life. I heard the news, and it filled me with more sadness than I would have...
It was about a week later before I finally broke down and phoned Helen at her house. Instead of being glad that I'd called her, she started in by complaining about all the time that had passed when I hadn't called her. I listened to her until she wound down enough to finally ask me why I'd called. "I was thinking about you, and I wondered how you were doing. I didn't know that you'd be angry because I hadn't called you. I told you, that night, that I needed more time to work through...
It was ten o'clock by the time Emily and I left my bedroom. We had enjoyed another, slower and more relaxing fuck, then, in the shower after, our fooling around had led to the two of us rolling around on the bathroom floor, locked in an energetic sixty nine. Once more back into the shower, before we finally got around to dressing, and making our way out of my bedroom. Mama and Joyce were sitting in the library when we came down to the first floor. Mama pretended that nothing unusual had...
Joyce threw the deadbolt and came right back to where I was now sitting. I'd been standing beside my bed when she had gone to lock my door, but I'd taken a seat on the bed, right before she finished throwing the deadbolt. She saw me sitting there as soon as she had turned back to me. She approached me with that same strange look in her eyes, and on her face. Again, it looked familiar to me, but I still couldn't place where I'd seen it before. She stopped walking when she reached the foot...
Right after the incident in my room with Joyce, Mama and I got into a little situation. That Saturday afternoon, I was in my room eating some sandwiches that I'd asked Gerta to make for me. Mama opened my door, saw me sitting in there eating, then came walking into my bedroom. "Here you are. I wondered where you'd gotten off to. I think you were very insensitive to Joyce's feelings the other night, and I wanted to get a chance to discuss that with you." I put my half eaten, half of a...
Things were progressing smoothly enough with me. School was going well. I had just learned that my application to Notre Dame had been accepted and approved. Emily and I were having fun together, except for the two times that Shirley had phoned me. Shirley called within a week of Emily and I reconciling. We both refrained from volunteering or asking about our dating status. I'd say it was a call between friends, except there seemed to be a slight strain or separation in our choice of topics...
I called Emily several times over the next week or so. Each time I'd reach her, our conversations would only be tired rehashes of her insecurity about where she stood with me, and would end with her making demands that I let her know what our future was going to be as a couple. What she got from me was another declaration stating my total unwillingness to make any changes to the priorities I'd assigned to my life. We couldn't seem to make any progress towards surmounting any of these...
I stopped off at Frank Clooney's office, after leaving my Aunt Donna's house. I told him to inform Aunt Clara that there would be no further funds coming, not to her, and not to her mother. I told Frank to find me a nice older couple in either Florida, Hawaii, or Southern California. I wanted them to be people who were both willing and able to take Anne into their home. They would need to provide her with a clean room, meals, personal grooming care, and a very quiet place for her to live....
When I got done with talking to my Dad, about borrowing the plane, I went right up to my room and called Emily. This was the second, and the most difficult part of the plan I'd been hatching in my mind. I doubted I'd be able to pull this off, but I wanted to try it, because it might help with something else that I wanted to have happen. What I was really hoping for was that Emily would realize that my calling her with this had constituted that much improved offer that she'd warned me I...
Emily and I were together for most of the rest of the weekend. In addition to some very satisfying make-up sex, we also spent time talking together, and just being around each other. Sunday, she and I took four boys from the group homes, out to a ranch that rented horses over in Collier, a town about forty miles west of Ridgeline. At first, all of us were having a great time riding on the trails set up for riding. I think I was the first one to get sore balls, and chafed skin on my thighs,...
The rest of the trip went smoothly. I got up early Sunday morning, dressing and coming downstairs to the lobby to meet with the five equipment executives, or, in some cases, manufacturer's representatives. Each handed me several product brochures and sales proposals, discussing briefly the supposed advantages their product offered over the competition's. My Dad must have told them that I had only a limited amount of time, because each one stayed talking to me for under ten minutes. At...
Shirley called me on the seventeenth of March. They were leaving South Carolina the next morning, and would be in Ridgeline, sometime on the twenty-first. During that conversation, I made it very clear to her that Emily had big reservations about what would happen when she got back, but that I had already made my choice to stay with Emily. "When I get back, we can have a nice talk, and then you can decide, Kenny. I have a lot I want to tell you." "I already did decide. If you come back...
I didn't see or hear from Shirley for a week. I knew that Emily was in contact with her though, and my mother had asked me several questions about whether I knew what Shirley's plans were. I always answered that I didn't know her plans, and wasn't interested in getting involved in any of that mess. Mama seemed a little sad at my attitude concerning Shirley's plight. I knew that she kept bringing Shirley's name up for a reason, and I didn't want to give her any excuse for getting me...
I had been working my grain trading program for a month and a half when I ran into my first real problem. I had been selling into a rising oats market, and had somehow foolishly oversold the entire production capacity of all our oats producing farms. I needed to cover some three thousand contracts that I had sold, and I had less than two thousand contracts of farm production available to me. I couldn't really take the farm production either, because our companies used that to produce some of...
After I drove Emily home, we both went inside to see how the house cleaning had turned out. All four of the cleaning ladies were still hard at work, but I found Gary and Kitty sitting in the family room, watching television, and enjoying bowls of ice cream. I had a difficult time not laughing out loud at them both. I also wondered, if my intervention had really helped any of them. All of the downstairs was finished, and the women were finishing up the last of the upstairs bedrooms. Emily...
At dinner that night, Mama gave me a real earful about being so rude to Brenda. I let her get it all out of her system. She finally ran down and asked me what I had to say for myself. "I saw her at the club, with Richard. She stopped over at the practice range and we talked for awhile. We got into a disagreement about how much contact we were going to have. I suggested none, and she thought I should forget the past and start over again. That's when I started being rude. Before that, I was...
Joyce woke up at around seven thirty, coming out of the bedroom, and finding me sitting alone in the dark in the living room. "Kenny, why did you let me sleep so long?" "You looked like you needed the rest. Brenda called while you were sleeping. She got the notice from Frank. She wanted me to help her with getting Frank to rescind the notice, or by me giving her the money instead. I offered to let her come over and explain why I should give her some money, but she didn't like what I...
"Hi, Brenda, come on in." "Did you decide yet on my money, Kenny?" She was dressed nicely, and I could see she had put on fresh lipstick. Her hair was lustrous from recent brushing. I could never get used to seeing that unusual copper hair coloring. "I didn't call you to discuss money, Brenda. I told you I was horny, and wanted to fuck you." "Good. That's the main reason I came over here, but, I was wondering about those other things we talked about too. You told me you'd call me...
We had a really animated free for all discussion at the dinner table that night. I was getting hit from all sides at once. First, Mama was upset because Grace had phoned her, complaining about what I had told her I was planning for Joyce, Brenda and Emily. The main thrust of Mama's complaint was that I needed to stop discussing my personal business with everyone I met. "Kenny, it worries me sometimes that you don't seem to realize you are creating problem situations where there needn't...
Brenda and I went out and found the van that Virginia had let us borrow, and we headed out for our lunch. I took her to the same steak house I'd taken Emily to. Brenda wasn't as good of an eater as Emily had been, but she enjoyed the small filet she'd ordered. I had the big porterhouse, with extra mushrooms, a baked potato with everything on it, and some bread to dip in the steak juices. They brought some mixed vegetables in a separate little bowl, but I didn't even try those. "How much...
We were all standing around in the kitchen, smelling the spaghetti sauce simmering as Brenda tossed the salad, and put the pasta pot on a burner to bring it to a boil. The table was already set for four places. Brenda had taken out two bottles of red wine, from Uncle Bunny's large wooden wine cellar box, and she had found a corkscrew in one of the drawers. She was just starting to heat up the garlic bread, when the door bell rang. "Get it, Kenny." Brenda looked at me, knowing that I might...
Indiana proved to be a good place for me to start and end my journey. I ended up spending only three days in South Bend, before deciding it was time to head back home again. I spent a day driving back to Uncle Bunny's house. As soon as I got back, I called Mama. "Hello?" "Hey, Hans, it's Kenny. How are you guys doing?" "All good here. You want to talk with your Mama?" "Sure. Say hi to Gerta for me. See you, Hans." "Kenny!" "Hi Mama. You still taking good care of all my girl...
It was sometime in mid September before Joyce asked me again about whether the four X's could have their dinner meeting at my house. This time, I agreed, which surprised and pleased Joyce. That only lasted until I told her I'd be going over to Mama's house to spend the evening with my parents. "Kenny, they all want to see you again. How long are you planning on avoiding everybody?" "Joyce, we've been getting along pretty good lately, because you've been staying inside my comfort...
The trip back home was interesting. I think Joyce wanted to test me, to see whether or not she could get me sufficiently upset to put me over the edge. Like that time when I stopped in South Carolina, and I told her I wanted to play a quick round of golf. It was already three thirty in the afternoon, we'd been on the road since six thirty that morning, and I was tired from doing all that driving. I just wanted to relax a little, and unwind my sore muscles. I was right to do it too, because...
Chris geht in die 12. Klasse eines Gymnasiums. Er sitzt gerade im Deutsch Unterricht bei Frau Schmidt und beobachtet seine Klasse. Er war in einer Klasse voller versauten Mädels und ein paar notgeilen Jungs. Ganz vorne saß Samira die Streberin, sie war ca. 160cm groß hatte lange braune Haare und 75B Brüste sie war definitiv noch Jungfrau. Nicht wirklich Chris's Fall aber dennoch akzeptabel. Neben Ihr saß Jana. Sie war etwas dicker und hatte dementsprechend auch extrem große Titten. Jana hatte...
TeenOne thing about sleeping packed tightly with five women is that I've found that at least one of them will need to get up for some reason during the night. That doesn't normally bother me as I am a fairly heavy sleeper. I did notice it when both Lana and Laura got up at the same time, since I had been sleeping between the two of them. I couldn't seem to get back to sleep and lay there wondering if this was an extension of women always going to the bathroom in pairs when you take them out to...
Chapter 9 - Games In The Evening The captain let me sleep the rest of the afternoon. When I awoke he was gone. I opened the tiny porthole and saw the sun was almost touching the water. It would be dark soon. Quietly I opened the captain's door. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to leave but nature was calling me desperately. To my surprise Robb, the cabin boy, stood outside. He grinned at me. "The captain tired you out, eh?" I blushed and looked away. "I need to use the bathroom." He nodded...
Everytime I'd go to the Adult book store, I'd head straight over to the pumps. I've looked and looked at them. I wanted one so bad my pussy throbbed for one. It was a Friday evening and some friends and I were sitting around having a few drinks and talking. Of course we got on the subject of Xhamster. I started telling them that my next set of pictures I post, I want it to be of me using a pussy pump. As I was talking about it I could feel my pussy swelling up and getting very wet. So I shared...
This is my 3rd part of my amazing sexual relationship with my own brother, after that night we again had a chance next evening, my brother and me decided to go to a movie, I still remember the movie, it was air force one, as I was getting ready my brother asked me to wear leggings with short kurti( I didn’t understand that then as why he asked me to wear that) , I was 6 pm show, As soon as the lights went out in the theatre, my brother held my hands and started squeezing them hard and I too...
IncestMy wife Kat as most of you know loves to get into the panties of a married woman for the first time, she has different ways of doing this. Here is her last one. It was Thursday night we were sitting eating supper when Kat tells me that she is going away for the week-end she is taking off tomorrow and driving north, not sure where but she'll be home late Sunday. I try to get more info but none comes. The next morning Friday she is up and gone before I get up. Like she said heading north she...
“Let’s go for a drink across the road. Fancy some more cross dressing?” Anna asked as we went into our bedroom, having just fucked on our daughter’s bed. Both k**s were at her mother’s for a sleepover. When they’re away we try to fuck in every room of the house and generally enjoy ourselves. “Can I try your new football kit?”“Why not?” I said. I watched as she peeled off the damp split crotch panties and took off her bra and went into the en-suite to have a shower. “But just wait there a...
As we sat, finishing our meal, you spoke. “That lunch was great!” “It really was, the food here is excellent,” I glanced at my watch “but it is almost four so we should probably get going.” “Yeah, speaking of time, why did we eat such a late lunch today” you asked. I simply smiled. “Because we won’t be back until late for dinner.” Approaching the exit, I opened the door to the restaurant. The sun shone in like a divine light illuminating the path to paradise, and paradise it was. As we...
Paul, my husband, likes my erotic adventures. He is the one and only man in my life who inspires, supports, and encourages me to move on to pastures new. 'Don't dream your life, do it for yourself and my sake' he likes to say, and I reply 'be careful, what you wish for.' Sure, the topic of cheating comes up too. To my surprise, he said,' it's okay as long as you don't fuck another guy without me. I know you love showing yourself off, and I know your tits being touched drives you crazy. Your...
I didn't write this story, I found it online, but felt the need to share it!It was early, slightly before dawn, and, as was his habit, Garrett Jackson had sat up, stepped out of bed, stretched out briefly to loosen up, padded into the kitchen for the coffee that was waiting for him, and now sat in his living room, looking out over the city vista below. Though the view was entrancing, it barely registered in the handsome former college football star’s consciousness. Garrett’s thoughts were...
My name is Alyssa. I am 23 years old. I’m 5 foot with, blonde hair and around a hundred pounds. Men say I am very pretty for my size and very sexy. Kind of built like a gymnast. I don’t feel my breasts to be very big, but boyfriends in the past have liked to rub on them. My friend works at a local restaurant and of couple guys she works with, detail cars. I was interested in getting my car detailed and she said that she could probably help me out. So I took my car to the restaurant...
It was a good day 25 degrees and the eye candy was everywhere how is it that average looking girls look stunning in the sun longer legs better cleavage its a great time of year I had not had a shag for a couple of weeks and my balls were aching .I had done a couple of calls and signed up new customers so feeling good. The mobile rang it was Trudy Goodbody my boss, Hi where are you? I need you now ! I am putting a presentation together and the laptop has frozen,I was about 30 mins away, she was...
For this video, I will need a guy to come to me and stay at our house. My husband will pay for you plane ticket and all of your expenses. I'm walking down the sidewalk that's in front of my house. I feel like someone is watching me, but I turn around, and don't see anybody. I walk up the driveway towards my house, and I still feel like I'm being watched. I hear a car behind me... I don't turn around, I just run towards the front door. My hands are shaking as I try to open the door with...
I approached the hotel doors looking at my watch 8:15 it showed, I was late. Bet this hasn’t even started yet, I though, already regretting my decision to attend the athletic award ceremonies. My mind trailed back to last year’s awards and the unending speeches. My daydream was mercifully ended when I reached the doors and saw the smiling face of Lucy Connelly. Lucy was a waitress in the hotel and more importantly, a MILF. She is around 45 but could easily pass for 25. She is, although...
The Woman of the House and Her Girls. We would have been some sight for any boy from my old school passing by, our mum and her three daughters. Only, what would any such boy be doing in our living room? Mum was wearing a nightie, which suited a sophisticated woman of her age and which was rather less provocative than the red lace neglig?e that my older sister, Cara, was wearing or the white silk and lace slip my younger sister Sharon was wearing or the black silk and lace slip I w...
Oh, I'm just so nervous!" Rachel shouted to Monica from inside the shower. Monica was sitting on the toilet with the lid down, working on a TV guide crossword puzzle (addressed to Ms. Chanandler Bong".)"Sweetie, you're only going to a movie. There's nothing to be nervous about. You've been doing this since high school.""I know, but I really like him. What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm too... Oh, I don't know... too fragrant?""If men didn't like the smell of perfume, they wouldn't...
Gender bent – The ultimatum I Stared at my phones screen as I watched a video on me getting fucked not even 24 hours ago. I was angry. How could they do this? Why? I needed answers and fast. What if someone would recognize me? I would be ruined. I paused the video and look at who posted it. The user was called “The Feminizer” and private account meant I couldn’t even look at his pictures or his bio. All I could do is leave a message which I did. “Dave. Dude what the hell. This is Nick the one...
"This way.", she whispered. The three hurried down the gangway to the small ship, looking behind to see if they were being followed. The hatch to the ship was open and they ducked inside and pulled the door closed behind them.Safe, for now. Captain Senna tried to catch her breath and looked over at Ensign Torr and Science Officer Beck. They seemed similarly winded but unhurt. Her academy training had not prepared her for this. Commanding a scout ship was one thing. Navigating her crew safety...
All credit belongs to Seahawk76© .Hello. My name is Melissa and I'm an exhibitionist. I didn't actually say those words out loud; I just imagined standing up and saying them to the twenty or so people sitting in this community center meeting room. I was also fantasizing about stripping off all of my clothes as I spoke, which probably helps explain why I ended up at an AA meeting in the first place. You see, my addiction has nothing to do with d**gs or alcohol, although it can be as potentially...
I listened half-attentively as Sarah answered the ringing phone, Weekend of Surprises, Part 1 ? Bob Aganoush Note:? If you?re looking for wall-to-wall sex, this story isn?t for you.? There?s quite a bit of sex, but also at least a modicum of plot and character development.? So you need to have some patience to enjoy this story. ?Wow, how are you?? I haven?t talked to you in what, about three years?? Where?? When?? Absolutely, we?re not doing anything, we?d love to see you!? Okay, give...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Béla Book 5: New BeginningsChapter 8Copyright 2004 Revised 2013
I fell asleep thinking about Michelle dominating me this weekend and wake up thinking about it as well. It scares me yet turns me on so much I can hardly stand it. I roll over reaching for Michelle and she is gone and that is when I realize it is entirely too light outside. I look at the clock and see it says 10:00. I find a note by the clock that reads, My submissive slut you looked too peaceful to disturb this morning and I do want you well rested for this weekend remember. Don’t worry I...
Group Sex