12th Class Ka Sex Desire
- 3 years ago
- 22
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I was very aware that nothing had been resolved by the phone conversation that I'd had with Shirley. What had changed though, was the way I felt about things, having had the opportunity of speaking with her again. I felt less pessimistic. It wasn't that I thought we'd be able to patch things up, or that we'd work out our differences. I didn't believe that we might get back together. It was only that we had somehow changed the direction of our being apart. We weren't still moving away from each other, and the distance we were apart didn't seem impossibly far to me, not like it had seemed before. She wasn't totally lost to me, because we had reestablished contact.
On Monday, as soon as I arrived at my office, Joyce made a comment about my seeming less troubled and unhappy. I told her that I'd had a good week end, and just left it at that.
My father had spent all of Sunday in his study, going over various reports and thinking about how he could best utilize the information that Joyce had presented to him. At breakfast on Monday, he handed me a list of questions he wanted me to investigate for him. At the top of his list was a notation to me, advising me that he wanted Joyce to be the one who communicated with Mildred Taylor.
"Why do you want her to be the only one from the company to talk to Mrs. Taylor?"
"Kenny, its very obvious to me, from what you told me about the meeting you and Joyce had with her, that she's taken a liking to Joyce. I believe she's going out of her way to help Joyce by offering her concessions she might not otherwise give to us. I don't want to disturb such a development."
"You think she's doing things for us just because she likes Joyce?"
"I think she might be. You said yourself that she chose to address Joyce rather than you, even after she indicated that she knew you were my son. Just from what we've already learned, thanks to Joyce's taking the initiative, our future expansion plans have been greatly enhanced. We have all the room we'll need to store both the vending products and the newly manufactured vending machines. Look at the third item on your list. That is the most critical of the answers I'm going to be needing. I would like Joyce getting advice from Mildred about the easiest way of handling that problem. If we can get that set up, everything else will come together for us."
Item number three was a question about how many days after arrival at the rail yard closest to the delivery destination we would be able to store the rail car. I had assumed that the railroad would just deliver the rail car to the siding at the distribution center, just as soon as it arrived.
"Why would they delay delivery?"
"I'm hoping they'll do it because it would make things a lot better for us if they did. Like any other business, they want satisfied customers. We wouldn't need to store things at the distribution warehouses for as long. We could accept delivery of things as needed, knowing that the material was stored close by. Believe me, having the ability to store product and machines, for two or three weeks, would make a huge difference to us. It would allow us to make much fuller use of our ovens, and that means we'd be able to increase our productivity. More productivity means greater profits."
"What would be the advantage for Mildred?"
"We'd increase the number of rail cars we'd be shipping, and she makes a profit every time we ship anything with her. It would also tie us closer to the railroad, and involve us in shipping more of the company's products by rail. It would also cause us to consider rail distribution as an option for each of our companies. Doing that would solve most of our integration issues with the new companies, and make all four companies, and the vending machine business, operate more efficiently."
"Have you thought about how many extra rail cars this might mean? She'll want to have something specific to consider when she was making her decisions. She's a sharp business person too." I asked him that because I knew Mrs. Taylor would be asking Joyce. I also wanted to have an idea myself, about how big a commitment my father was thinking of making.
"That depends on how close she can bring rail rates to what we're currently getting from our trucking shippers. If she can get us a fifty per cent discount from those single car rates, it could conceivably be more than two thousand rail cars a year, from all of our locations."
I knew that Joyce would love having the opportunity to negotiate with Mrs. Taylor. This was especially true when she had that large of an increase in shipping business to offer as an incentive for the hoped for concessions. I also agreed with my father about Joyce being the one most likely to get Mrs. Taylor to agree to accept the freight rate cuts that my father was hoping to get.
I didn't know if what my father was hoping for was even possible for Mrs. Taylor to deliver. I'd never even thought of delivery delays being beneficial for our companies, or using such delays to effectively store product from our routed delivery schedule. I knew that Joyce would be able to get all that Mrs. Taylor was able to offer, at least in the storage concessions, and that was all my father could expect from her.
Joyce spent all day making and receiving phone calls from Mildred Taylor. In the beginning, Joyce was told that what she wanted wasn't possible. There were too many variables that were controlled by each separately owned and operated rail yard. It was a usual thing for one line to park empty cars in another lines yard, awaiting shipment back to their point of origin. Lines also leased out rail cars to one another, as a courtesy, and to reduce having too many empty cars just sitting around, not producing any revenues. There were so many lesser issues too, not the least of which would be insuring the contents of cars being stored in the smaller yards, ones with less sophisticated security protocols.
Little by little throughout the course of the day, each issue was resolved. Things that had loomed, in the beginning, as insurmountable hurdles, were either solved, or some way was found to work around them. At five that evening, Mildred Taylor was as excited as Joyce.
Mildred was well on her way to becoming a freight broker for us. She had concluded that the only way to make what my father wanted workable, was for her to negotiate terms, individually, with each rail yard. She was excited, because she saw this brokerage service as a potential windfall, earning for her company, hundreds of small commissions, paid for her acting as the freight broker.
She had always handled all of these negotiations separately, in her many years of working in rail freight, but only as the principal, representing her own rail yard. She saw the potential for doing blanket negotiating for the use of storage space at other yards. In a way, what she would be doing was the same as if she had been expanding her own rail operations.
Tuesday, Joyce and I went out to lunch with my father. Joyce outlined the basic terms of what Mildred was offering. Primarily, there was a fifty three per cent price concession from single car rates, but Mildred was holding back five per cent as an offset against any charges or expenses that she might incur when leasing time and space for what my father needed.
Whatever funds she didn't use for this would be released back to us at the end of the first year's contract. Under this proposal, at the very worst, we'd still be getting a net one per cent discount off of our previously negotiated shipping rate. Anything greater in the amount of her leasing costs would be absorbed by Mrs. Taylor and the railroad.
The only way we could lose would be if we failed to ship greater than one thousand rail cars during the first year of the contract. My father commented that he knew he could ship at least twelve hundred cars, and that was with current sales and shipments. He anticipated rapid growth once the new system was in place.
In the event my father decided to store his products in rail cars for a period longer than two weeks, our company would agree to absorb any additional costs that had to be paid for that extra usage.
Mrs. Taylor had mentioned that each yard would be setting their own rates for the accommodation, but that she'd negotiate blanket rates with the ones that we'd be using the most. The difference, Joyce explained to us, was that we'd have fourteen days for however many cars we parked in a location at one time. If one car stayed for three days, once it left the yard, the remaining eleven unused days would pass to the other remaining cars of ours still parked in the yard. By staggering the number of days we'd delay them from completing delivery, some of our cars might be parked, without any extra charges, for more than a month.
It was readily apparent that the proposal being offered was highly acceptable to my father. Once he knew that he could store cars for almost no cost, all over the country, his mind started racing with all the new possibilities this opened up to him.
It was a good lunch for us. All the news was very good and welcome. We returned to the office, both basking in my Dad's effusive praise, knowing that the new proposed contract represented a huge improvement for all of our companies.
Mama called me at work Tuesday, later in the afternoon. She had never called me at work before. I was afraid something bad might have happened.
"Kenny, I need you to do me a big favor."
"Sure, if I can."
"It concerns Brenda." Immediately, I was on my guard. I had thought that my mother was done with trying to get Brenda back with me.
"Concerns her in what way?"
"She has agreed to re-enroll in that school in Ohio, but only on the condition that you drive her there, and that you treat her nicely during the time that you're together."
"No. You know what she'll ask me for if I spend anytime at all with her. If I don't do that, she'll use my refusal to claim that I wasn't being nice. She's just using this as a pretext to get you to help her try to get back together with me again."
"This school has what Bunny wanted for Brenda, Kenny. You know he thought Brenda needed the treatment that this school can offer her. I'm not asking you to do this to help Brenda, I'm asking you because I know Bunny would have asked you himself, if he were around to do so. You can drive up there in a single day. It isn't like you'd have to spend the whole night with her. If there is even the slightest chance that Brenda will go there and successfully complete that program, you have an obligation help her do so."
I hadn't heard Mama ask me for much, and most of what she had asked had concerned Brenda. She had promised me several times that she was done with doing that though. I already knew that I'd do what she wanted. I might have been able to say no if it were just her, but not to both her and Uncle Bunny too. I owed both of them way too much to do that. Since I was going to be doing what she wanted me to do anyway, I decided to try to negotiate something that made more sense to me.
"Is Mrs. Connor going to go with us?"
"No. I thought of that too, but Brenda insists that it just be the two of you. She wouldn't budge from that position."
"Tell her I might agree to drive her there, but not the two of us alone. She wants that three million dollars, just like her mother wants hers. Tell her I wouldn't budge on insisting on another person being there too."
"Kenny, don't be unreasonable. She's not going to attack you. What's the worst that could possibly happen? We both know what Brenda is really asking for. Would it be so bad if you give her what she wants?"
"I won't do that. If that's what you both are expecting, it isn't going to happen."
"We'll speak about this later, dear. I just wanted to call you so that I could tell Brenda you are considering it. I want you to do this for Bunny. Brenda is still one of the loveliest girls I've ever seen. Most boys would be thrilled to give her a ride wherever she wanted to go. I wouldn't ask this of you if you were still involved with Shirley, but, things are changed now, and you're free to do this for us."
"I'm not free. Not in my mind, not in my heart. If I were free though, I don't think I'd be willing to be intimate with Brenda again."
"Kenny, in this life we enjoy together, we all have occasion to do things we'd really prefer not having to do. All of us, but that is just a small part of the greater obligation that we share with each other. It comes with the territory, part of the responsibility of having a family. I love you, and I'd never want to hurt you, or to take any unfair advantage of you, but this is simply too important for me to allow you to refuse to do it. It isn't enough that you are pleading that you have a personal distaste for the duty."
I remembered Mama's statement to Mrs. Connor that she was the strongest member of the family, and that Uncle Bunny was the one who was soft. I knew I wouldn't have been able to refuse Uncle Bunny if he'd asked me to do this. I also know he wouldn't have asked me the same way Mama was.
"Did you tell Brenda that I'd have sex with her if she went back to this school?"
"I didn't have to. She came to me with that offer. I merely told her that I'd try to talk you into it."
"Go back and tell her I offered a counter proposal. If she goes back to this school, and somehow lasts until Christmas vacation, if the school reports that she was cooperative and worked with all the counselors, I'll spend a night with her, in my bedroom, sometime over the Christmas break."
"I think she might agree to that, Kenny, but only if you made her that offer yourself. Will you please call her and see if she's agreeable?"
"I'm only agreeing to do this because of Uncle Bunny, You and I had a deal about Brenda, Mama. You've broken that deal with me again."
"I know I have dear, and I'm going to make it up to you. If you're being honest with me though, you'll have to admit that the thought of spending a night alone with Brenda isn't something that you are really dreading."
"The thought of spending the night with her in my room, during Christmas break, after she's spent four or five months in that school, is less distasteful to me than giving her what she wants now would be. I have a real objection to rewarding her before she's actually done anything that she's promised. I'm not paying her for something she hasn't already done. Who knows, after a few months of counseling, Brenda might decide that letting me screw her up in my bedroom isn't what she really wants or needs?"
"Well, if it helps her get her life back on track, it isn't too high a price for you to pay. I'd be very surprised if she changes so much that she won't want her reward for having gone back to that school."
"I doubt it as well. I never thought I'd be the prize someone was offering to get someone to do something that would help them. I'll call her after we finish talking. I'm afraid if I delay calling her, I'll change my mind and then end up chickening out."
I hung up the phone, and it was only then that I noticed Joyce, standing in the open connecting doorway between our offices. She was looking over at me with a strange expression on her face. I smiled over to her, hoping to set her at ease.
"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but that was a very unusual phone conversation. That was really your mother?"
"Yes. This was an unusual conversation, but it took place because of the very long and involved situation that involved both Brenda and myself. Brenda, the girl we were talking about, she was my first real girlfriend, and she's almost like a part of our family. In fact, my mother still has high hopes that, someday, we'll patch up our differences, and go on to live happily ever after. Brenda is supposed to be going to this school in Ohio. My late uncle was certain that this school would help her become a better person. She needs to change a lot of things about the way she treats other people."
"She wants you to sleep with her as a reward for her agreeing to go to this school?"
"Brenda wants me to get back together with her, and, she's hoping that I'll be more willing to do that, if she can get me to have sex with her again. She knows I have a susceptibility to her charms. She's counting on that to sway me."
"Will you have sex with her?"
"I'm not sure. She does have some kind of weird power over me. I can't even begin to explain it. Even though I've been actually hoping to never set eyes on her again, just thinking about her now, it makes me get all excited." I was very erect, to the point where I was getting uncomfortable. Brenda always had that effect on me.
"She must be very pretty." Joyce wasn't looking at me when she said this. Instead, she was staring down at her shoes.
"Yes, and that's a big part of her problem. If she weren't so pretty, she might treat people nicer. She thinks her looks will get all her other behavior excused. Sometimes, I think she's right to think that, but it makes her a very hurtful person."
"I wonder what it would be like, being able to make people go crazy, just because of your looks?"
"I don't know. In Brenda's case, I think it has hurt her. She's never developed into a caring person. She only cares about herself."
"What about you? How does it affect you?"
"I guess it affects me just like it affects all the other people. I see her, the way she looks, and I put up with things from her that I'd never put up with in other people." Joyce started blushing.
"I meant how does it affect you with the way people react to your looks."
"Nobody goes crazy about my looks, Joyce. I'm just a regular looking guy." Joyce giggled, and then she put her hand over her mouth, turning away from me. She walked back to her desk. I knew there were some girls who liked the way I looked, but not the same way people, both boys and girls, responded to Brenda's looks. Maybe to Joyce I was good looking, but if she ever set her eyes on Brenda, she'd understand what I meant. Compared to Brenda, I really was chopped liver.
Mrs. Connor answered the phone when I called over to talk to Brenda. I identified myself, asking her if Brenda was available to speak with. I looked up while I was waiting for Brenda to come to the phone. Joyce had returned to the connecting door, and was obviously prepared to listen in on my conversation with Brenda. Her interest in this part of my personal life was a little bit shocking, and a little bit amusing to me as well. I decided I'd have some fun with it.
"If you want to listen to me talking to her, Joyce, you can come right on over here and park yourself in this chair. I don't want to have to speak loudly just so you can hear me from way over there." She blushed, an even darker shade of pink than before, but she didn't hesitate, coming forward and sitting demurely in the chair I kept along the side of my desk.
She was so short, her feet didn't quite reach the floor when she was sitting all the way back in the chair. She may have been embarrassed, but she wasn't going to allow any embarrassment to prevent her from listening to what I was going to be saying to Brenda.
"Hello?" Brenda sounded excited when she came on the line.
"Hi Brenda, this is Kenny. How are you doing?" I still hadn't made up my mind about how I was going to approach things with her.
"I'm good, Kenny. Your mother just called mine, to tell her that you'd be calling me. Does this mean you're going to drive me to that school?"
"No, I'm not going to be driving you." I waited, savoring the thought of her being sorely disappointed in my response.
"Well, after you hung up on me the other night, I thought you might not be willing to. I still don't understand why you have to hold such a big grudge against me. All those things happened a long time ago. I'm a lot more mature now."
"I did have a different idea, Brenda. One that I think you might like. I know you wanted me to give you a different kind of ride. Something that's a lot more personal than driving you to that school. Isn't that right?"
"Well, I thought you might want to talk to me while we were driving there. I know you still like the way I look. I guess I thought we might end up doing more than just driving to Ohio."
"Mama really wanted me to drive you. I'm sure she knows what you were really after. She still asked me to do it."
"I already told her what I really wanted. I wasn't trying to trick you, Kenny. She said she couldn't just come out and ask you to do that with me. She's the one who said we should just ask for you to drive me. I'm not going back to that school unless we have sex together again. I already told my mom and I also told yours. That's the price you have to pay if you want to get me to go back there."
"That three million dollars that Uncle Bunny left you in his will? I don't know if you know this, but it goes to me if you don't fulfill the terms he set up for you to receive it. Why should I want you to go to that school? It would actually cost me a lot of money if you did go back."
"I don't care that much about his money. I'm not going back unless you do me again. It wouldn't even take you that long, maybe two hours, and then its done."
"Brenda, please. This is me you're talking to now. I know exactly how much being rich means to you. You'd go back to that school, crawling on your hands and knees to get there, if you had to. I know you're going to go there, whether I do this thing with you, or if I don't. You might be able to fool our mothers into thinking otherwise, but I know exactly how much you love money. No, I'm not a bit worried about you deciding to go back there. Three million dollars, that's a lot of money. I'll bet you play with your pussy at night, thinking about what you're going to be able to do when you finally get all that money." I looked at Joyce's face when I said pussy. She was already leaning forward, listening closely to every word. I didn't know if she was able to hear anything that Brenda said, but I leaned over closer to where she was sitting, and put the receiver a little distance away from my ear to give her a better chance to hear Brenda.
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I slept surprisingly well. I was working on developing my inner calm. So many things had happened to me, things that got me too excited, and too upset. I was trying to take some of my own advice. It didn't make any sense for me to assert to Ellen that she had to take charge of her own life and future, and then not do the same thing for myself. I needed to make some changes too. I knew I loved Shirley, and that she loved me. Nothing had happened to really change anything about that. We might...
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Tuesday morning, a little bit before seven o'clock, Joyce pulled into the employee parking lot. She got out of her car, and a young man slid over behind the steering wheel, and backed out of the parking space before driving away. "That's my brother, Jack. I'm letting him use my car today, so he can look for work. He just got out of the Air Force last month." This was all information she volunteered to me before she got into my car to drive out to the Bolling airport. We were scheduled...
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It was ten o'clock by the time Emily and I left my bedroom. We had enjoyed another, slower and more relaxing fuck, then, in the shower after, our fooling around had led to the two of us rolling around on the bathroom floor, locked in an energetic sixty nine. Once more back into the shower, before we finally got around to dressing, and making our way out of my bedroom. Mama and Joyce were sitting in the library when we came down to the first floor. Mama pretended that nothing unusual had...
Joyce threw the deadbolt and came right back to where I was now sitting. I'd been standing beside my bed when she had gone to lock my door, but I'd taken a seat on the bed, right before she finished throwing the deadbolt. She saw me sitting there as soon as she had turned back to me. She approached me with that same strange look in her eyes, and on her face. Again, it looked familiar to me, but I still couldn't place where I'd seen it before. She stopped walking when she reached the foot...
Right after the incident in my room with Joyce, Mama and I got into a little situation. That Saturday afternoon, I was in my room eating some sandwiches that I'd asked Gerta to make for me. Mama opened my door, saw me sitting in there eating, then came walking into my bedroom. "Here you are. I wondered where you'd gotten off to. I think you were very insensitive to Joyce's feelings the other night, and I wanted to get a chance to discuss that with you." I put my half eaten, half of a...
Things were progressing smoothly enough with me. School was going well. I had just learned that my application to Notre Dame had been accepted and approved. Emily and I were having fun together, except for the two times that Shirley had phoned me. Shirley called within a week of Emily and I reconciling. We both refrained from volunteering or asking about our dating status. I'd say it was a call between friends, except there seemed to be a slight strain or separation in our choice of topics...
I called Emily several times over the next week or so. Each time I'd reach her, our conversations would only be tired rehashes of her insecurity about where she stood with me, and would end with her making demands that I let her know what our future was going to be as a couple. What she got from me was another declaration stating my total unwillingness to make any changes to the priorities I'd assigned to my life. We couldn't seem to make any progress towards surmounting any of these...
I stopped off at Frank Clooney's office, after leaving my Aunt Donna's house. I told him to inform Aunt Clara that there would be no further funds coming, not to her, and not to her mother. I told Frank to find me a nice older couple in either Florida, Hawaii, or Southern California. I wanted them to be people who were both willing and able to take Anne into their home. They would need to provide her with a clean room, meals, personal grooming care, and a very quiet place for her to live....
When I got done with talking to my Dad, about borrowing the plane, I went right up to my room and called Emily. This was the second, and the most difficult part of the plan I'd been hatching in my mind. I doubted I'd be able to pull this off, but I wanted to try it, because it might help with something else that I wanted to have happen. What I was really hoping for was that Emily would realize that my calling her with this had constituted that much improved offer that she'd warned me I...
Emily and I were together for most of the rest of the weekend. In addition to some very satisfying make-up sex, we also spent time talking together, and just being around each other. Sunday, she and I took four boys from the group homes, out to a ranch that rented horses over in Collier, a town about forty miles west of Ridgeline. At first, all of us were having a great time riding on the trails set up for riding. I think I was the first one to get sore balls, and chafed skin on my thighs,...
The rest of the trip went smoothly. I got up early Sunday morning, dressing and coming downstairs to the lobby to meet with the five equipment executives, or, in some cases, manufacturer's representatives. Each handed me several product brochures and sales proposals, discussing briefly the supposed advantages their product offered over the competition's. My Dad must have told them that I had only a limited amount of time, because each one stayed talking to me for under ten minutes. At...
Shirley called me on the seventeenth of March. They were leaving South Carolina the next morning, and would be in Ridgeline, sometime on the twenty-first. During that conversation, I made it very clear to her that Emily had big reservations about what would happen when she got back, but that I had already made my choice to stay with Emily. "When I get back, we can have a nice talk, and then you can decide, Kenny. I have a lot I want to tell you." "I already did decide. If you come back...
I didn't see or hear from Shirley for a week. I knew that Emily was in contact with her though, and my mother had asked me several questions about whether I knew what Shirley's plans were. I always answered that I didn't know her plans, and wasn't interested in getting involved in any of that mess. Mama seemed a little sad at my attitude concerning Shirley's plight. I knew that she kept bringing Shirley's name up for a reason, and I didn't want to give her any excuse for getting me...
I had been working my grain trading program for a month and a half when I ran into my first real problem. I had been selling into a rising oats market, and had somehow foolishly oversold the entire production capacity of all our oats producing farms. I needed to cover some three thousand contracts that I had sold, and I had less than two thousand contracts of farm production available to me. I couldn't really take the farm production either, because our companies used that to produce some of...
After I drove Emily home, we both went inside to see how the house cleaning had turned out. All four of the cleaning ladies were still hard at work, but I found Gary and Kitty sitting in the family room, watching television, and enjoying bowls of ice cream. I had a difficult time not laughing out loud at them both. I also wondered, if my intervention had really helped any of them. All of the downstairs was finished, and the women were finishing up the last of the upstairs bedrooms. Emily...
At dinner that night, Mama gave me a real earful about being so rude to Brenda. I let her get it all out of her system. She finally ran down and asked me what I had to say for myself. "I saw her at the club, with Richard. She stopped over at the practice range and we talked for awhile. We got into a disagreement about how much contact we were going to have. I suggested none, and she thought I should forget the past and start over again. That's when I started being rude. Before that, I was...
Joyce woke up at around seven thirty, coming out of the bedroom, and finding me sitting alone in the dark in the living room. "Kenny, why did you let me sleep so long?" "You looked like you needed the rest. Brenda called while you were sleeping. She got the notice from Frank. She wanted me to help her with getting Frank to rescind the notice, or by me giving her the money instead. I offered to let her come over and explain why I should give her some money, but she didn't like what I...
"Hi, Brenda, come on in." "Did you decide yet on my money, Kenny?" She was dressed nicely, and I could see she had put on fresh lipstick. Her hair was lustrous from recent brushing. I could never get used to seeing that unusual copper hair coloring. "I didn't call you to discuss money, Brenda. I told you I was horny, and wanted to fuck you." "Good. That's the main reason I came over here, but, I was wondering about those other things we talked about too. You told me you'd call me...
We spent over an hour looking at cars over at the Chevy dealership. They had two Corvettes, one black, and the other one canary yellow. Brenda didn't care for either one of them. Joyce suggested we go see the man who helped her with the lease on her Lincoln, so we all drove over to his office, and spoke to him about what Brenda wanted. There was a new Buick Regal Grand National, with a custom red paint job, that he had sitting there in stock, due to a customer failing to get his credit...
We had a really animated free for all discussion at the dinner table that night. I was getting hit from all sides at once. First, Mama was upset because Grace had phoned her, complaining about what I had told her I was planning for Joyce, Brenda and Emily. The main thrust of Mama's complaint was that I needed to stop discussing my personal business with everyone I met. "Kenny, it worries me sometimes that you don't seem to realize you are creating problem situations where there needn't...
Brenda and I went out and found the van that Virginia had let us borrow, and we headed out for our lunch. I took her to the same steak house I'd taken Emily to. Brenda wasn't as good of an eater as Emily had been, but she enjoyed the small filet she'd ordered. I had the big porterhouse, with extra mushrooms, a baked potato with everything on it, and some bread to dip in the steak juices. They brought some mixed vegetables in a separate little bowl, but I didn't even try those. "How much...
We were all standing around in the kitchen, smelling the spaghetti sauce simmering as Brenda tossed the salad, and put the pasta pot on a burner to bring it to a boil. The table was already set for four places. Brenda had taken out two bottles of red wine, from Uncle Bunny's large wooden wine cellar box, and she had found a corkscrew in one of the drawers. She was just starting to heat up the garlic bread, when the door bell rang. "Get it, Kenny." Brenda looked at me, knowing that I might...
Indiana proved to be a good place for me to start and end my journey. I ended up spending only three days in South Bend, before deciding it was time to head back home again. I spent a day driving back to Uncle Bunny's house. As soon as I got back, I called Mama. "Hello?" "Hey, Hans, it's Kenny. How are you guys doing?" "All good here. You want to talk with your Mama?" "Sure. Say hi to Gerta for me. See you, Hans." "Kenny!" "Hi Mama. You still taking good care of all my girl...
It was sometime in mid September before Joyce asked me again about whether the four X's could have their dinner meeting at my house. This time, I agreed, which surprised and pleased Joyce. That only lasted until I told her I'd be going over to Mama's house to spend the evening with my parents. "Kenny, they all want to see you again. How long are you planning on avoiding everybody?" "Joyce, we've been getting along pretty good lately, because you've been staying inside my comfort...
The trip back home was interesting. I think Joyce wanted to test me, to see whether or not she could get me sufficiently upset to put me over the edge. Like that time when I stopped in South Carolina, and I told her I wanted to play a quick round of golf. It was already three thirty in the afternoon, we'd been on the road since six thirty that morning, and I was tired from doing all that driving. I just wanted to relax a little, and unwind my sore muscles. I was right to do it too, because...
Netflix on the tv i wait for him on the couch , wearing my little white panty with the Qos logo over my cage the little white tshirt with Blowjob queen written in fron on my fake silicone sleeve tities iam ready for the guy who is making me his propertyI never could have imagine this happening to me, but the days passed and he started buying me the sissy thing he wanted me to wear until i had become his little sissy princessat fist it only was a bj , i met him at the park as i smoke weed and he...
I used to be that quiet girl, who stood in the back of the room and never really talked to anyone. It was not because I was ugly or did not fit in, it was because I did not know how to be anything other then what I was. I was from a giant family and I was in the middle of them all. Somehow over time, I learned to only speak when I was spoken to, or I was going to be interrupted anyways. I took that frame of mind and applied it to the rest of my life. I was a seventeen year old high school...
IncestShe had just come from that long, hot shower she needed so badly. The room was dim, the vague scent of cinnamon lingering in the corners. As she slipped from her towel to the bed sheets, she realized she was not alone. This was a weeklong business trip for her and though they had planned to meet, he was early. She thought, just for a moment, of saying something, but the day had been harsh and his hands were so strong…firmly tracing the contours of each muscle, kneading away the tension. She...
When Lisa opened her shirt Hopefully you’ll like this story – a true story from just a very few years ago and reposted for your enjoyment …. Please comment as you see appropriate ……… I have known my wife now for the best part of 20 years. She is a school teacher and even now is a very attractive lady. I guess the closest look-a-like I can think of is that she looks very much like an English version of the gorgeous Kim Delaney from NYPD.The thing that attracted me to her at he time we met was...
I was a little scared after having all those STD tests. What if I’ve contracted something from those guys? Mom was even more afraid for me, though, and she was worried that I might get pregnant. But, I assured her that wasn’t going to happen because I was on birth control. Well, I just had to wait for the results. In the meanwhile, I couldn’t have sex with my boyfriend, I couldn’t risk infecting him with something that I might have. I awoke the next morning with my boyfriend’s arm...
Sergei and Elena's eyes widened when they heard the work 'naked.' "Um, ah," stammered Sergei. "We were not told of that by Mr. Brother." "Oh, I see that must have been an oversight on his part," said Lisa wondering if what she said was true. "We are based on a Montessori system. Here is our brochure. I'm sorry I don't have a better copy; they're still at the printers. We printed this one ourselves." Lisa handed the pamphlet to Sergei and Elena. They took it gingerly and began...
It was a small shop. It carried the oddities of the world. The things that odd people needed for their potions and lotions and curative powders. It was dark, no matter how many lights he lit. The windows were covered with old dust and cobwebs. Shelves lined every wall, and every shelf was lined with vials and bottles and boxes of ingredients needed for many an unusual concoction or elixir. It was not a lucrative shop. But it was all he had. All Harold and his mother had, inherited from his...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place before the arrival of Gandalf, Aragorn, and Gimli. Reference is made to Boromir’s passage through Rohan on his way to Rivendell.] 21 February 3019 (Third Age), Edoras “Please stop. We should not. I cannot...” “Peace, my beautiful Lady. We have this time and no other. Let us not waste it in idle protest.” His lips drove into hers, strong hands gripping the muscular firmness of her rear through the thin film of her nightdress. He...
Over the past year on at least 2 days a week we have had an Indian man (Imran) of around 55-60 selling The Big Issue outside our Tesco store. Do looks very good for his age and at some time was I'm sure a very handsome guy. Over the months I have stopped to buy a copy of TBI from him and we have chatted. He told me that he had been thrown out of the family home after his wife caught him chatting online to a young girl and that he now lived in a one room flat alone.. I did notice that all the...
September 3rd 1826. Monmouth House. London We had returned from Grantham the previous evening, Jean-Woodrow was enrolled as a day boy at The King’s School and had remained behind. Mimi shed a few tears when we left him, but knew it was for the best. The Allens were only too happy to have their grandson stay with them, and John Renoir Blanchard Allen, as he was entered on the school register, was already friends with many of those boys of the town who would now be his school companions. We...
Just after midnight Jackie went outside with his cell phone and stayed out for about forty-five minutes. When he came back in he motioned for me to join him in the kitchen and I did. He also made a little hand signal to one of the twins, both of whom seemed to keep their eyes on him all the time now, and she came in without a word and started a pot of coffee. "Julia." Jackie said to her "How do you tell them apart Jackie?" I ask interrupting him. "I'm not really sure Bill, I just...
Is it foolish to voluntarily go to the house of the other woman? I didn’t go there to confront her but was invited by my husband since she was having a party. I was not a kid or even a young adult; I was 31 years old. To this day, I don’t know why I did it, but I will let you decide if this was a good choice or a foolish one.Let me set the scene for you.I was returning home from a work trip and texted my husband that I was heading home. He had left me about a week prior. I wanted to talk with...
TrueKaise ho dosto. Mein kartik phir se meri mallu mummy leela ki chudai ka ek aur part lekar aaya Hun. To the story. Abhi tak aapne pada kaise meine meri mallu mummy ko kutiya bana ke choda aur apne lund ka ras pilaaya. Meine ek hath se mummy ke muh ko ek side ko kar diya aur maa ke hontho ko choomne chaatne laga.meine mummy ko isi pose me kareeb 15 minute tak choda. Fir meine mummy ko ek taraf kar ke lita diya aur mein bhi usi taraf ko muh kar ke let gaya.Meri mallu mummy ki chutad aur peeth...
Introduction: A girl finally gets to fuck her crush. Its Friday night, my friends are at parties, movies, or other places. And where am I? Rehearsal with An hour left. I just wanna go home! Ive literally been sitting in the music classroom behind the stage for 2 hours. Its SO BORING! At least Sam is here. Sam…. The boy Ive had a MAJOR crush on since I laid eyes on him freshman year. Unfortunately, hes graduated now. But I still see him sometimes. Like tonight, he came to help out with tech...
Rich awoke, stretching his lean arms above his hair and over his handsome face he glanced over at the clock which read 9:00 AM. He jumped out of bed and walked into the bathroom to pee, shower, then brush his teeth. Then walked over to his dresser, pulling on his blue jeans and a white T-shirt.He went downstairs to make coffee and collect the morning paper from the porch. He was nearly finished the morning newspaper when he heard the mail van and went out to collect his mail. Suprised to see a...
I had been the water-boy for the varsity football team all four years and was pretty damn positive I loved women. I dreamed about them and saw a fair share of porn, but never actually had a physical encounter with anyone before. There I was a virgin, a senior in high school, and surrounded by dudes all fall season. During the whole season I saw my fair share of guys and their packages. This of course, got me curious and led me to view gay porn. I wasn’t so sure about myself then. I was growing...
Hello everyone Rajat here ye meri 4th story he aur jo mujhe nhe jante unhe thoda bta du me punjab se hu 25 years age aur good looking hu aur agar koi bhe lady jallandhar amritsarjammu ya pathankot aur gurdaspur se interested ho to mujhe mail kre Ab aapko zada bore na krte hue sidha story pe aata hu ye baat last week ke he,mujhe kisi kaam se delhi jana pda to me by train apne ticket book krwale aur yha se train raat ko 11 bje chle jb me train me apne seat pr baitha to maine dekha mere samne...
We caught the City of Saginaw car ferry in time to be sitting at the Ludington Ferry dock to meet Lucy Lou and Daddy as they waited for the ferry drivers to unload the Continental off the Spartan. The Spartan and the Badger were two years old in 1955 and very 'spiff.' One way walk on, Ludington to Milwaukee cost four dollars. A walk on round trip to Milwaukee and back was 6 bucks, bikes were free and a car was $25 one way including the passengers. A stateroom was $14 round trip. If you...
I had asked both sets of parents not to meet us at the airport, but at Balthazar on The Esplanade, where I'd made a reservation for eight – making it family only, excluding whoever the sibs were seeing – at 1930. I'd only been there once before, but I remembered it well. Rachel was glad I'd gotten business class and relaxed through the flight. I read a pamphlet from the Law Society of NSW and re-read Herbert's The Dragon in the Sea. We took a taxi to the Hyatt and were shown to our room....
Albert looks up at Gary with a wicked smile, he takes the hard cock into his mouth about halfway.Gary moans as Albert’s soft, moist tongue slides along his big dick.After a minute of slurping on Gary’s cock, Albert says “Your cock is delicious Gary”.“Thanks buddy.” Gary has heard that many times before, but with this newbie it really means something to him.Albert sucks the big dick, taking it a bit deeper every few slurps.In and out, he tries to do it like Gary sucked him and begins gently...
It was five months after Javila had been raised to Queen and Macro had become Prince Royal. His work had not become less because of this. In addition to his duties as Vice-regent of Tanitsar, he had to fill in for the ageing King frequently, in particular when the duty involved dealings with the public or long travel. Odar wanted his son and successor to bond with the citizens and the common soldiery of the realm. Macro would never be welcomed by the nobility. His power base had to be the...
The bell chimed softly as the door slid open. Two women entered the elevator. The shorter one walked to the glass wall in front of them, resting her hands on the brass railing that guarded the three clear sides. Middle-aged, she was slender with light brown hair tumbling across her shoulders. She wore a simple black dress, held up by thin straps. Black stockings and black heels completed an outfit set off only by a gold locket suspended by a thin chain around her neck. The outfit might have...