12th Class Ka Sex Desire
- 3 years ago
- 22
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Joyce threw the deadbolt and came right back to where I was now sitting. I'd been standing beside my bed when she had gone to lock my door, but I'd taken a seat on the bed, right before she finished throwing the deadbolt. She saw me sitting there as soon as she had turned back to me. She approached me with that same strange look in her eyes, and on her face. Again, it looked familiar to me, but I still couldn't place where I'd seen it before.
She stopped walking when she reached the foot of my bed. I watched her carefully. Now, she started looking shy again. I thought it was seeming like she wasn't sure about what she should be doing next. I started thinking that we'd taken things as far as we should take them.
"Joyce, if you're getting nervous about this, we don't have to do anything. Maybe it would be better if we both slept on it. Don't you want to think about it some more? Why don't we wait until tomorrow?"
"It would be easier if you went in the bathroom for a minute, Kenny. It isn't nerves, just that I'm still shy around people. If you left for a few minutes, I could take off my clothes, and get under the covers. I really want to see it tonight."
I stood up and walked into my bathroom. I already was hard. What I should have done was undo my jeans, and show her my dick. I knew it would have been better if I just did that. If Joyce was only curious about a boy's anatomy, she could take her good look at it, and then, be able to leave with her curiosity satisfied. By delaying showing it to her, I was bringing the situation further forward than it ever needed to go. In spite of having a hard on, I still believed it was more for the situation we were in, than for any sexual interest I had in Joyce.
Part of what drove me to play the whole thing out with her, was the fact that Joyce had previously shown interest in me sexually, with some of her previous questions, and then she had retreated every time I had questioned if she meant what she'd said or had asked. I wanted to know what her true feelings were, and the only way I'd find out, was if we acted on one of her requests. I didn't want to do anything to harm Joyce, but I did want to know what it was she really hoped for from me.
When I opened my bathroom door to come out, about five minutes later, I had already gotten undressed, except for a thick bathrobe that I'd put on. It had always been hung on a metal hook on the inside of my bathroom door, but I almost never wore it. Joyce was under the bed covers, with them pulled up until they were up under her chin. Next to the nightstand, on the floor, were all of Joyce's clothes. I walked over to the other side of my bed, pulling the covers back, but only just enough for me to slide in beside her, without uncovering her body for me to see it. I didn't want to cut off any possible escape Joyce might try to attempt. As soon as I was under the covers, I removed the robe, holding it up for Joyce to see, before I threw it on the floor, on my side of the bed.
"Are you naked underneath those covers, Joyce?" I had turned, so I was facing her. Some part of me was still hoping that she'd be intimidated or overwhelmed by this, and decide to leave. She looked right at me, a smile playing on her lips. She looked more relaxed and comfortable than I would have imagined she'd be.
"Why don't you look under the covers, and find out for yourself, Kenny?"
Instead of doing that, I reached my hand over to grab hold of my penis, lifting it up, so that it raised a small tent beneath the covers. I watched as Joyce turned her gaze towards the sudden rise below my waist.
"I guess it got hard all by itself, Joyce. You can peek under the covers now, if you still want to, and then we both can sleep in tomorrow morning. Turn out the lights when you let yourself out." I put it that way to allow her to make her own decision. She knew she now had my permission to look. If she wanted anything more to happen, she would have to be the one who initiated it.
Instead of answering me, Joyce pulled the covers up over her head and sat up so that there was room for her to look at my dick.
"Kenny, it's too dark for me to really be able to see much. Pull your side of the covers off, okay?"
I used my free hand to pull back my side of the covers, again, being careful not to accidentally expose Joyce's body to my view. I still had my other hand on my cock, and I'd been squeezing and releasing it enough to keep it erect. When Joyce threw back her covers too, I was surprised. The first thing I noticed was that her face had gotten a little flushed, and that her lips were parted, like she needed to breathe through her mouth. Her tiny breasts had two mini-sized pencil erasers protruding from the small bumps of her breasts. Before I got a good a look at her, she had moved to where she was on her stomach, with her feet partially off the mattress. Her head was raised, because of her weight being supported by her elbows. Her butt was now plainly visible to me. I didn't see any sign of her butt having been developed through puberty. It was a child's butt, without any of the definition or swelling of the hips you saw in post pubescent teen aged girls. I started to lose my erection.
I think Joyce realized what was happening even before I did, because she turned over and presented me with a view of her pussy. Unlike everything else I'd seen on Joyce so far, her pussy really looked fully developed, and like it belonged on an adult. She had a light brown, thick curly hair, that started right under her navel, and covered her whole pubic arch. I could see her pussy lips were opened slightly, but she had quite a bit of hair on either side of those pussy lips. It appeared she didn't do any trimming of her pubes. I heard myself drawing in a deep breath when I first saw her pussy. I looked up at Joyce's face, and once again noticed that strange look from her. Her look was starting to make me a little uneasy.
I felt the blood flowing back into my hard on, or what was becoming once again a hard on. It was difficult to describe the contrast between Joyce's pussy, and the rest of her. She had a woman's pussy, but it was on the body of what appeared to be a twelve year old girl. It was fascinating to me, and I wanted to ask her some questions about it.
"Joyce, you were right about your pussy, it's developed. How did that happen?"
"You mean how come I developed there, and still stayed little everywhere else?" I nodded that this was what I meant. "I don't really know why. It just happened like that. Maybe it was because of what happened to me. The doctor didn't say anything about it when he examined me. I started getting my periods about five months after those rapes happened, and everything just kept being normal for me there. It's know its unusual for me to have hair there, when I have none under my arms, but I still don't have hair under here." She lifted up one of her arms, to show me there wasn't any hair under there.
"Did everything about it develop normally? I mean do you get wet and excited when you think about boys and sex?"
"I play with it a lot, but, I usually don't think about boys or about regular sex too often. Usually, I just think of making it feel good. I like to make myself cum a lot." She moved a hand over to her pussy, and started slowly caressing herself. At first, it was just the sides of her outer lips, and running the backs of her fingers over her thighs and her lower stomach. I watched her as she did that, aware that I was beginning to stroke myself as I watched. "I'm not scared like I thought I'd be. I think its because I trust you, Kenny. I never trusted any other boys to see me like this. I'm glad seeing my pussy helped you get hard again. That really makes me feel good. I hoped so bad that you'd act like this when I showed you." I watched her begin seriously rubbing herself, running her fingers inside her very pink pussy lips. She acted like she was all alone, except she was carrying on a conversation with me as she did it. "You know what I want you to do next?"
"I'd really like it if you'd eat me, Kenny. I've been thinking about that since that time, in your office, when you were talking to Brenda. I think about you doing that when I play with myself at night. If you'd do that, I'd do you after."
"If I did do that, it couldn't ever go any farther, Joyce. We shouldn't even be thinking of doing that much."
"Can I come over and sit on your chest, Kenny? I'd like that, even if you decide not to lick me. I always think about sitting on your chest when I make myself cum. Let me sit on your chest, and I'll just rub myself until I start to cum."
She didn't wait for me to respond, getting up quickly and throwing her right leg over my prone torso. When she eased her little butt down on my chest, I felt the wetness of her juices. From the amount of moisture they had been running out her pussy and down between her legs for awhile. She settled in, straddling me, with the back of her butt on my upper chest area, with her pussy posed near my neck. When she came to rest, her pussy was less than two inches from my chin. She had two fingers busy working in and around her pussy. When she took them out of her pussy, she deliberately pulled them out so that they ended up scraping across my chin and touching both my lower and upper lip. When I made no objection, she pressed herself forward until I felt her pubic hairs surrounding my mouth. I kept my mouth closed, curious about what her response would be when I failed to start licking her. It was simple, she started moving all over me, washing my face with her pussy.
She didn't require my assistance, or so it seemed. For her, it was apparently enough to be using my face as a source of pressure for her pussy. Several times, she would hump herself up against my nose, before sliding back down again, past my chin. I raised both hands and grabbed her at her bony hips. I lifted her up slightly, before running my tongue all the way through her opening, finishing up right on her clit.
When I did that to her, she started whimpering, and then she again started trying to increase the friction from my tongue by moving her hips back and forth. I needed to breathe, and I wanted to concentrate mostly on her clitoris, so I prevented her moving somewhat at first. When I felt her starting to cum, I rolled her over and attacked her pussy hole with my extended tongue, pausing, several times to suck on her little inner butterfly pussy lips.
I can't explain what took place next. She was still convulsing, and I could see her stomach expanding and contracting with her spasms. I lifted myself up onto my hands, and moved over her until my throbbing cock was poised near her opening. I looked right at her face as I stayed poised above her, obviously in a position to fuck her. I wasn't thinking about her rape when she was eleven. In fact, I wasn't thinking at all. It was a primal need I felt, not any thought. Having that primal need would have surprised me, if someone had described it to me twenty minutes before. I don't know how long I might have stayed like that if Joyce hadn't uttered those fateful two words.
"Do it!"
She might not have had a fully developed or grown pussy like she claimed, but you could never prove that by me. Unlike my first time with Emily, Joyce had absolutely no problem with accepting all of me. As I said, I wasn't thinking. I was driven by a need that has driven men for countless centuries. I wanted to plunder her, to drive myself into her, and release my seed inside her body. I wasn't thinking, I was fulfilling a primitive urge, one far stronger than what I could have resisted. It was minutes after I'd flooded her passage with my cum before I started becoming aware of the seriousness of the act I'd just performed. I had taken a chance on getting Joyce pregnant. I'd taken a chance on complicating both of our lives in a way that simply boggled my mind. This thought was quickly followed by the guilt and remorse appropriate for my having taken advantage of a relatively innocent young girl.
The fact that she was squirming around excitedly beneath me, giving me sloppy wet kisses, wherever she could reach, and shouting out, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," didn't in any way lessen my guilt. I should have known better, I knew it was wrong, but I just went ahead and did it anyway. I was a miserable excuse for a man.
as the german shepard poked, and licked at my pussy, he also was pawing at my butt and legs,, then the hands that had grabbed my head jerked it to the front so i could no longer see, but could feel what was going on behind me, as my head turned to the front i glanced up and saw the next door neighbor, sam, looking down at me, and heard him say "i always thought you might be a little sissy bitch, guess i've been right all along" everything then began to happen in rapid sucession, he roughly held...
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Tuesday morning, a little bit before seven o'clock, Joyce pulled into the employee parking lot. She got out of her car, and a young man slid over behind the steering wheel, and backed out of the parking space before driving away. "That's my brother, Jack. I'm letting him use my car today, so he can look for work. He just got out of the Air Force last month." This was all information she volunteered to me before she got into my car to drive out to the Bolling airport. We were scheduled...
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Shirley called me on the seventeenth of March. They were leaving South Carolina the next morning, and would be in Ridgeline, sometime on the twenty-first. During that conversation, I made it very clear to her that Emily had big reservations about what would happen when she got back, but that I had already made my choice to stay with Emily. "When I get back, we can have a nice talk, and then you can decide, Kenny. I have a lot I want to tell you." "I already did decide. If you come back...
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Joyce woke up at around seven thirty, coming out of the bedroom, and finding me sitting alone in the dark in the living room. "Kenny, why did you let me sleep so long?" "You looked like you needed the rest. Brenda called while you were sleeping. She got the notice from Frank. She wanted me to help her with getting Frank to rescind the notice, or by me giving her the money instead. I offered to let her come over and explain why I should give her some money, but she didn't like what I...
"Hi, Brenda, come on in." "Did you decide yet on my money, Kenny?" She was dressed nicely, and I could see she had put on fresh lipstick. Her hair was lustrous from recent brushing. I could never get used to seeing that unusual copper hair coloring. "I didn't call you to discuss money, Brenda. I told you I was horny, and wanted to fuck you." "Good. That's the main reason I came over here, but, I was wondering about those other things we talked about too. You told me you'd call me...
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Brenda and I went out and found the van that Virginia had let us borrow, and we headed out for our lunch. I took her to the same steak house I'd taken Emily to. Brenda wasn't as good of an eater as Emily had been, but she enjoyed the small filet she'd ordered. I had the big porterhouse, with extra mushrooms, a baked potato with everything on it, and some bread to dip in the steak juices. They brought some mixed vegetables in a separate little bowl, but I didn't even try those. "How much...
We were all standing around in the kitchen, smelling the spaghetti sauce simmering as Brenda tossed the salad, and put the pasta pot on a burner to bring it to a boil. The table was already set for four places. Brenda had taken out two bottles of red wine, from Uncle Bunny's large wooden wine cellar box, and she had found a corkscrew in one of the drawers. She was just starting to heat up the garlic bread, when the door bell rang. "Get it, Kenny." Brenda looked at me, knowing that I might...
Indiana proved to be a good place for me to start and end my journey. I ended up spending only three days in South Bend, before deciding it was time to head back home again. I spent a day driving back to Uncle Bunny's house. As soon as I got back, I called Mama. "Hello?" "Hey, Hans, it's Kenny. How are you guys doing?" "All good here. You want to talk with your Mama?" "Sure. Say hi to Gerta for me. See you, Hans." "Kenny!" "Hi Mama. You still taking good care of all my girl...
It was sometime in mid September before Joyce asked me again about whether the four X's could have their dinner meeting at my house. This time, I agreed, which surprised and pleased Joyce. That only lasted until I told her I'd be going over to Mama's house to spend the evening with my parents. "Kenny, they all want to see you again. How long are you planning on avoiding everybody?" "Joyce, we've been getting along pretty good lately, because you've been staying inside my comfort...
The trip back home was interesting. I think Joyce wanted to test me, to see whether or not she could get me sufficiently upset to put me over the edge. Like that time when I stopped in South Carolina, and I told her I wanted to play a quick round of golf. It was already three thirty in the afternoon, we'd been on the road since six thirty that morning, and I was tired from doing all that driving. I just wanted to relax a little, and unwind my sore muscles. I was right to do it too, because...
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Author’s note: Time travel has been the stuff of dreams for generations. It has been the basis of classic fiction (H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine), bad television (Time Tunnel) and popular films (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, and, of course, the Back To The Future trilogy). Recently, a relatively new writer on Literotica, nyte_byrd, wrote an interesting time travel story called, ‘A Journey to Reality,’ in the Non-Erotic category. In her story, the narrator, a woman named Crystal, talks her...
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I returned home following my summer spent cruising along the inland channel. It had been a great summer and one that taught me a lot. Found out that my younger brother had spent the summer in a boy's training school, after getting caught "joy riding" in someone's car. He was now home and like me, getting ready to return to school. For me this would be my last year, then on to college. In actuality ended up going in the service before finishing college. Spent a lot of time with my younger...
"Take that, Mom!" I moaned out loud as the first visceral stream of juice blasted out from my cock and landed in a long icky strand just above her right eye, across the bridge of her nose and over her parted lips before dripping off the end of her chin. More followed with Mom squeaking as I coated her blushing cheeks with more hot fresh jizz until she was covered with frothy gloop. "Henry Peterson!" she gasped as she knelt there with her eyes firmly shut, "What are you doing?!" I was...
THE MAMMARY PUNISHMENT PROJECT James pulled into the long driveway entrance of the luxury Mission Viejo TennisClub in his 600S Mercedes. His beautiful 24 year old wife attired in her classicPolo tennis attire was waiting curbside. As James came to a stop, Nikki openedthe back passenger door, his lithesome but voluptuous brunette wife quicklyentered the vehicle and before she could even close the door James smashedthe accelerator and the 12 cylinders spinned the rear 20? tires in a...
Chapter One - The HavenBy VdiasKatherine Lee was focused on the strenuous task of working on her tan in the warm tropical sun of the Mavudis Island. Around her, other holidayers strolled amongst the palm trees or splashed in the crystal clear waters of the lagoon that the Haven Resort nestled against. She took a sip from a freshly-opened coconut, sighed happily and wriggled against the beach chair, all four foot, nine inches of her. Asians tend to be short, but she was short even for a Chinese...
This is a personal piece of writting honest to the core from my perspectiveenjoy.Sitting at the university cafeteria was an experience you had to go through. It was not that I disliked University but the groups and click groups had become a monotonous bore to me. My group was known as the silent but violent the meaning was we never mixed in other groups and we become silent not for lack of confidence, but pure despondent with the crowds and the useless banter that went on. The violent part was...
Thank you for calling Comic Book Robo-Sluts We are the top selling robotic company of our class. We provided top natch Robotic sex dolls for over 8 years and now have gotten provision from several comic book companies to make a new line of sex dolls based on several of your favorite comic book series and can be customized in any way. Just place an order you will receive within 2-4 business days. Then you can use your robotic lover in any way you see fit. Now please pick a company you'd like a...
Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Baat un dinon ki hai jab meri umar 18 saal ki thi. Mein...
Interview With a Reluctant Sissy By Cassandra Morgan The church was hushed, reverent. There were flowers everywhere, wrapped in lace and red hearts. The organ played old love songs. Sedate. Unintrusive. It was a wedding day for her. And for her. Steven and Miriam sat in the middle of the church, fascinated by what they saw around them. There were obvious cross-dressers, and people they wondered about .There were Mistresses with their pets on leashes. There was a man surrounded...
I was at home, playing online chess when my phone started to ring. It was Jill. I felt blood rushing to my face. My heart was already galloping. I hadn’t seen her more than three months. Back then she told me that we should stop dating and should just be friends. It was very hard for me, but there was nothing I could do. “I need your help, George,” she said. Her voice was strange. As if she had problems breathing. And somehow tremulous. That frightened me. “Jill, are you all...
Ida Mae Ludwig slid into the back of a car and started to cry. They exchanged insurance information."My radiator is smashed how will I get home" she sobbed."Don't get so upset Lady I'll take you"Ida Mae calmed down and found out the boy's name was Brian Martin. He had gone to the same school as her son."Did you know Rick? she ask."Hell yes, he stole my girlfriend" "Was her name Linda?" she ask."That's her""My son dumped her before he joined the Navy" "Damn, she had pregnant she was so happy she...
EroticHey Guys this is Pratap Again. Thanks for the response for my first story “Making of a Cheating Girlfriend into slut.” Guys and gals the story has become bit lengthy but be sure you will enjoy it. Please read the complete story and send me your feedback on Now the story moves forward. After removing my frustration, I got little bit relax. and properly saw her she was lying there with her eyes shut. Her ass was sore and turned red due to heavy spanking. Lot of marks was there on the boobs of...
The diverse extermination of Ginlin's five escort members was far from being subtle as conventional assassination. For Hagen, Zax and Mes, since neither of the five was their real target, as long as they could eliminate them quickly, being showy was tolerable. On the other hand, due to the explosive signals and kills, and the radical fluctuations of mist energy, mostly Hagen's, the reclusive experts who cultivated their souls in the surrounding mountains of the first Savage Cave were...
I like to work out at the gym late at night, because there are fewer people there. I can do my thing in peace and quiet, and I usually don't have to wait for a machine to be available. The other nite, I was one of only two people there (other than the bored-looking young woman at the front desk). The only other person there was a young woman, probably in her early 20s, with dark hear and generous curves. She was wearing black yoga pants and a tie-dye t-shirt. She caught my eye as soon as...