GloryHole Gia Dimarco 02 17 2020
- 2 years ago
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Why was she in this terrible situation? Was it all really John's fault? Had she done something wrong to bring it on herself? This was not a new debate in her mind, but suddenly, it became critically important, faced with a new relationship with her son. She had to admit that she was submissive. Her romantic ideal was loving control by a strong man. She thought that was what she had found when she fell in love with John - yes, she had loved him in the beginning. Strong and controlling he was, but the love, if it ever was there from his side, was already gone by the time Dex was born. Looking back, he probably never respected her or put her first, but she was too young and naive to see it. From all appearances he was a catch. She doubted if even today she could make her parents believe what her life was really like.
The romantic ideal of her youth was still there, but now it wore Dex's face! He loved her, of that there was absolutely no doubt. And he thought of her first, to the point of literally risking his life. But he was her son! The control relationship was backwards. But he was already controlling her husband, who controlled her! Could he, would he provide the husband role she yearned for? Was if fair to even ask it of him?
From somewhere she heard Dex calling "Mom! Mom?" then realized he was right there with her, in the shower. Embarrassed and confused, she turned toward him and hugged herself to him. The feeling as he returned the hug sealed the deal. Safe! Loved! Protected! All the things she had dreamed of. God help her, she had no choice! She could only go on if she had those things. She had told him he was her man. He had to be, or she would die.
Even though it was still early for a teenager to retire, he agreed to get in bed with her, naked. There, she poured out her heart to him as she laid in his arms, telling him of her romantic ideal, her needs, her shattered dreams, her love for him. She did not ask him directly for what she really wanted, but he was in tune.
"Mom, I will be your man. I don't know about the husband business, but I know about loving you and protecting you. I... I'll feel funny telling you to do things, but if that's part of being your man, I will try." They kissed tenderly for a long time after that. "Mom, uh... I mean... er..."
"You mean what about sex, don't you? Honey, that is your decision. I will tell you my body aches for you, even though I know it is wrong. Tonight, I think we should hold and touch and enjoy each other. You need to think about what you want to do. Your first time happens only once, and you may not want to waste it on your old Mom."
His reaction at first shocked, then absolutely thrilled her. He sat up in the bed, dragged her across his lap, and spanked her bottom several times, rather loudly but not at all painfully. He scolded her roundly for talking herself down, then began the most arousing caresses she had ever experienced. All over her ass cheeks, then her back and shoulders, he stroked, sometimes with his hand, sometimes his fingertips. Her skin was rippling with pleasure under his touch as he told her how smooth and soft she felt. She didn't want to, but she cried again. This was so good she could not even have dreamed it. She was lost! She was going to Hell! She was an incestuous sinner! But Heaven was right here, right now.
Tears streaming from her eyes, she rose and straddled his lap, then held his perpetually erect cock to her opening and sank down onto it. They gasped in unison at the incredible, forbidden sensations. He was almost catatonic from the shock and the sheer pleasure. She was transported by the wonderful fullness and the absence of pain. When fully impaled, she held still and clung to him, sobbing. "Oh, Dex, I couldn't wait! I couldn't help myself! Forgive me, but it's so wonderful! Oh, my man, I love you so much!" and the sobbing continued. "I told you you could decide, but I couldn't wait," she wailed.
"Mom, I'm glad YOU decided. I don't know if I could have. Oh, I can't believe how good it feels!"
She stopped in mid-sob, and pulled up her head to stare in his eyes. She HAD decided, hadn't she? She never decided anything! He was so good for her! The sobbing started again, but this time it was for pure joy, the guilt forgotten. Feeling almost outside herself, she pushed him onto his back and stammered, "M... my tits, Honey! Please!" He heard her as if from afar, but got the idea and put both hands on her. She leaned herself into his hands and started to move up and down. This was all new to her - she had never been in the top position before. She had never been in control before!
Dex had come twice tonight, but it had been nearly an hour and he had been hard for most of that time. She had gone only a couple of strokes when he grabbed her arms in a panic and shouted "Mom, get off!... Baby!"
She fell forward on top of him, kissing him wildly. "Oh, you sweet man! I can't have any more babies, Honey. Don't worry." With that she started moving again. The fright had softened him somewhat, and she made over a dozen strokes before he exploded into her. She knew instinctively that would not be the end, and sure enough, he did not soften at all. She could feel him flinch slightly when she continued stroking, but he soon filled her as full as before. Their combined juices reduced the friction considerably and she kept moving until her legs began to tire. "Honey, let's roll so you are on top. Hold on, don't pop out!"
The missionary position was not one she thought of fondly, nor was doggy style. She suggested it before remembering the pain and disgust of all the times her husband had leered or snarled above her while plundering her poorly lubricated channel. As soon as Dex was on top, though, every bad memory vanished. The look on his face spoke care and adoration. As he drew on the eons-old instinct and began thrusting in and out, the tingles and the prickly skin started almost instantly. Responding to her own instinct, she wrapped her calves around his buttocks and thrust back at him in rhythm, chanting "So good! So good! So good! Oh, God! So good!..."
As he regained more awareness of the situation, he was able to relish the feelings, but even more the responses from his beloved mother. Every answering thrust, every word, every facial expression, every drop of sweat gracing her face and chest swelled his heart with pride and pure joy. This is what he was made to do! He felt he could go on forever! All the vigor of his youth was poured into every stroke. All the love he felt for her was transmitted through his plunging shaft. Time meant nothing. He would never tire! Only her joy mattered!
Without conscious decision, he sped his pace until he was pistoning in almost a blur. He was gasping for breath when she let out a shriek and grabbed at him so hard she lifted herself off the bed. She hung rigid for a few seconds, then shook with a violence that stunned him. She had no breath to scream and managed only a prolonged groan. He was motionless with shock for a moment, but instinct took over again and he continued his motions. As she settled into smaller tremors, her limbs went limp and she flopped back motionless. He was on his way to yet another release, and kept thrusting. The unconscious ripples from her vagina aided his climb, and he unloaded several more spurts into her inert form.
He held himself above her, panting as he watched her face for her return to awareness. When it came, it was not like a gentle waking. Her eyes popped open to their maximum size and she stared at him in utter wonder. Once, then again, she opened her mouth as if to speak, but closed it again with no sound. He did not detect a single blink as the stare continued. Finally, a drop of sweat fell from his nose onto her cheek, and she let out a long, hissing breath. She managed to get him to roll to his side, and they lay looking into each others' faces, his cock still embedded in her. Bringing her underneath hand up to his face, she pressed it under his cheek and traced her thumb absently over his lips. Once, he made is if to speak, but she pressed her thumb over both lips to keep him quiet.
She closed her eyes and drifted off. His pulse was racing far too fast for sleep, so he held perfectly still and just looked at her. After a few minutes, he too gave in to exhaustion and fell asleep. Some time later, she awoke, chilled. A mess of fluids had run out over her leg and onto the bedclothes. She went to the bathroom and cleaned up as well as she could, bringing back a towel. She soaked up the worst of the puddle and covered the rest with the towel, pulling the blankets over them as she snuggled up to his sleeping form.
In the morning, she awoke first. Returning from her shower, she knelt on the bed and kissed him awake, then put a finger on his lips to indicate he should not talk. She pulled him up from the bed and shooed him toward the bathroom as she stripped the bed. She waited until he turned off the shower before starting the washing machine, having started breakfast while she waited. As he entered the kitchen, she came up to him and kissed him, then again pressed a finger to his lips. He nodded in understanding, ate his breakfast, and left for school without saying a word.
Kathy did not know why it was so important to her to say nothing after their incredible interlude. 'I love yous' were totally unnecessary. Perhaps she feared any hint of apology from either of them. She was sure that once she was alone in the house, the guilt would hit her full force. It never did. She was shocked at this lack of conscience - she had been reared in a very loving, but traditional family. All she could feel now was joy, wonder, and gratitude. Instead of a lifetime of sex as punishment, she could at least taste the joy that loving intercourse could bring. Through all the agonizing, humiliating bouts with John, she could not have imagined how good it could be. How wonderful that the monster could spawn a son with a heart so full of love, courage, and self-sacrifice. If this was sin - if this had doomed her to Hell, why was she singing through her chores for the first time in memory? Why did her eyes sparkle back at her in the mirror? Where were the worry lines? No, what she felt left no room for guilt, and she was not about to make a place for it. She was going to take every priceless minute she could get with her son. She was owed!
It would have been less dangerous for his academic standing if Dex had stayed home sick. Had there been a test of any kind that day, he would surely have blown it. He had barely reached the school grounds when he heard one kid angrily call another a 'motherfucker.' That jolted him to his soul. Is that what he had become?
Instead of listening in class, he constantly replayed the previous night. Strangely, he did not spend the day with a hardon. He was not bombarded by images of his mother's body, but of her face, her eyes, her tears of joy. He believed he had made her happy, and it was the most wonderful feeling he ever had.
His worries centered on how she would feel when he got home. He was very afraid he might have ruined the close relationship they enjoyed. He couldn't stand that, because he knew it was the only positive relationship she had. Would she be angry with him? Would she be ashamed? Would she tell him they could never have sex again? - never be naked together again?
His walk home after school was more agonizing than the day of the spread-eagle incident. The conflicting emotions made every step an act of will. When he finally walked in the door, Kathy met him naked at the door, and his heart fairly leaped from his chest. She practically dragged him to his room where she undressed him, then knelt on the bed with her naked ass toward him.
"Dex, Honey, come into me from behind, please. But first, make sure I am lubricated. Your father never bothers, and it hurts me. I want you to do it right. It will help me so much." She patiently told him how to check to see if she was ready. She was a little moist, but she told him to pretend she was dry. He was unsure of himself, but she lay on her back and held out her arms to him. Once they began kissing, his actions of the previous night came back to him. They kissed, caressed, and fondled for quite a while. After he had sucked on her nipples, he again used his hand to make her cum. When she had recovered, she told him that a woman was always lubricated after an orgasm. In his youthful enthusiasm, he decided he would always make sure she came at least once before intercourse.
Their coupling was again energetic and he again was able to maintain through a climax and bring her off. Afterward, they dressed and finally started to talk.
There were no recriminations or guilt on either side. They agreed they wanted to continue whenever possible. They mostly talked about keeping it secret, particularly from John, Sr. This was the first time it hit them that she would not be able to avoid sex with her husband. This put her into tears and him into an angry funk.
They commiserated for an hour more, with neither feeling much better about their dilemma. She finally explained that she had been going through the motions at his demand for years. Her heart had never been in it. It would be harder for her now, because she knew how it could be, but she assured him only he had her heart. It was a struggle to project some kind of normalcy when John, Sr. arrived home. For once, she was glad he had the sensitivity of a post.
It was obvious that the fear of public disclosure had a major effect on John, Sr. The frequency of his demands for sex dropped way off. It seemed that without the possibility of some brutality, it did not interest him as much. Kathy concealed the pain she was put through on several occasions, not wanting to risk triggering Dex's protective instincts and provoking a confrontation.
Dex knew some of what she was going through, because he spent many nights outside their door. He ached for her distress, but he knew of her concern for him. He also knew it could be worse for her after he was dispatched in a fight.
Whenever the two of them were home alone, they wore no clothes. Somehow, it was extremely important to Kathy to display her body to her son, and to observe his appreciation. Both of them felt a closeness and openness of communication they never had before. It was as if they had defined their own private world where John, Sr. did not exist. In their little world, there was only love, care, and respect. To reach their world, they simply undressed.
Of course, in their little world, there was also sex. Neither experienced any guilt over their incest. It was if they felt owed this form of happiness as compensation for the real-world hell they lived in. In their little world, morality had a totally different basis. If it elevated them, lifted their spirits, strengthened their bond, it was good and acceptable. Many times, their intercourse was quick and frantic, for fear of being discovered in the act. To Kathy, even these couplings were thrilling. When John was out of town, or occasionally when he was passed out drunk, they made love slowly, gently, and with unbelievable intensity.
Even in Junior High, Dex heard plenty of bawdy talk among his peers, and he used those bits of information, or misinformation, as ideas for new things to try. The next time they had a night alone, he asked her, "Mom, what exactly is 'going down' and what does it mean to 'eat out' a woman?"
Feeling very ill at ease with the subject because she had no experience with it, Kathy nevertheless kept her cool and answered as best she could. "Honey, they both mean using your mouth to, uh, stimulate a woman's pussy."
"Yeah. I thought that was it, but it just seemed sort of, uh,..."
"You mean it seems disgusting or dirty?"
"I guess. But the idea is still kinda exciting. Does it feel good to a woman?"
"I... I've never had it done to me. I mean, any contact on a woman's pussy feels good, so I suppose it is exciting or no one would do it."
"Could... could I try it on you, Mom?"
"Oh, Honey, you don't need to do that. I'm very happy with the things we have been doing. I don't want you to have to kiss me down there."
"Mom, I love everything we've done, too. I love everything about you, and I love making you feel good. From the way the guys talk, women really dig this. I really want to try it."
Knowing there was almost nothing she could deny him, and being secretly curious about it, she told him, "Well, let me get extra clean first. And you have to promise that if it is too unpleasant, you will just stop, OK?"
In response, he wrapped her in a tight hug and told her, "So far, there is nothing about you that is unpleasant. Let's go shower, and I'll make sure you are extra clean down there." He proceeded to make good on his promise.
When they reached the bed after their now customary playful, arousing shower, they naturally came into each others' arms. After only about a dozen encounters, his confidence had increased dramatically. Where he lacked confidence, he was learning to fake it, because he knew how important his strength and dominance were to her. He placed her on her back and began at her lips, kissing and licking, with occasional nibbles. He worked all over her face and neck, then down her upper chest to the tops of her breasts. He laved her cleavage and the under side of her breasts before sucking one nipple strongly into his mouth. This caused her to hiss and arch upward, as if trying to push more of herself into his mouth. He spent several minutes worshipping her breasts.
Moving down her torso at last, he placed only a few light kisses on her tummy, his eagerness to get to his real goal overcoming his determination to go slowly. There had been numerous chances already to explore her genitals, but this was different. Long before he started kissing down her belly, he had smelled her arousal. Now, he could clearly see the swelling and darkening of her labia, and his already stiff member became even more engorged. Here, his youth and inexperience sent a wave of uncertainty through him. Almost ready to back off, he heard her pull in a ragged breath, and realized that she wanted this, probably more than he wanted to do it. That was all it took, and the uncertainty vanished.
Eagerness having replaced the uncertainty, he tentatively touched his tongue right in the center of her slit, evoking a jerk and a hiss from her. Thrilled as always by her response to his actions, he started kissing all over the area, much as he had on her upper body earlier. He had worried about the taste, and it was certainly not like anything he had ever ingested before, but, though not really pleasant, it was somehow stimulating. He started licking the coating from her lips, causing her to fairly bounce on the bed with tension and pleasure. Using his fingers, he gently spread her outer lips apart, opening up the pink inside of her surprisingly intricate organ. Pushing aside a little initial revulsion, he traced his tongue lightly over the inner folds. It was hard to tell who was most excited now, as both were panting. It was becoming hard for him to keep his mouth in contact with her because of her wriggling and jerking.
The knowledge that he was bringing his beloved mother pleasure was adding to his own arousal. Wanting to extend his exploration, but nearly in a frenzy himself, he moved up to her nub and kissed firmly around the area while rubbing it with his tongue. It took only a few seconds before she released violently. Her thighs clamped around his head and her slamming pubic bone banged into his nose. His own sexual tension was so high that he started spurting spontaneously. From their very first time, he remembered the importance of keeping contact to prolong her orgasm. Through his own orgasmic haze, he grabbed her hips and pushed against her mound with his face. Sometimes his mouth pressed into her, sometimes his nose or chin. It was enough to hold her through a long, satisfying come.
Exhausted as she was, she pulled firmly on his head to bring him up on top of her. Legs splayed apart, she took hold of his cock to guide him into her, pulling his head down to kiss him after his single-stroke entry. She hesitated for just a moment upon tasting herself on his face, then resumed the kiss with more passion than ever. It was she who started the fucking motions, but he responded quickly. Once into a rhythm, his thrusting went on for a long time, taking her to a smaller orgasm in the process. Before he finally came again, she virtually disintegrated, unable to hold him, unable to speak, and barely able to breathe.
After his second climax, he had no arm strength left and fell to the side, hardly more capable than she was. Both lay semi-comatose and panting for several minutes. She was the first to rouse, and started crying softly. Dragging himself awkwardly up onto his arms, he kissed her eyes and her lips, knowing why she cried, and knowing no words were needed.
"How could you keep going so long, Honey?" she was finally able to gasp.
"I came earlier when you did the first time."
"But you weren't in me then!"
"Yeah! Hope I didn't stain anything."
"You mean, you liked it, too?"
"Silly question, Mom. Liked isn't even close to what I felt. Don't have to ask if you liked it, do I?"
After that session, they were even more anxious for nights when John was away or passed out. Oral sex was not always a part of their intimacy, but when there was plenty of time, they both looked forward to it. After being forced to suck off her husband for so many years, she had not wanted to do it to Dex. However, her first time being eaten out spurred her to try a blow job on him. She found that, just like everything else about sex, her enjoyment depended strictly on who she was doing it with. She was already fascinated with her son's cock, and she soon became almost addicted to it.
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Introduction: Hi there. This is the 3rd version of the first part of my story. Hopefully this time there are no HTML-fragments in.This story contains incest so if you dont like it or you dont want to read that please choose another story. Fave fun, write comments and rate it. Vacation with my family Hi everybody! I am Stephanie or just Steph like all my friends call me and this story is about the first sexual vacations with my family. But first of all let me introduce you to my family. There...
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She was back moments later, still naked and in her stilettos, carrying Barry’s clothes. As she got nearer to our bed, she knelt to pick up our clothes laying in a pile on the floor. Getting up and turning towards me she said, ‘Honey, I just realized that Barry wouldn’t have a fresh uniform to go to work tomorrow. I will put the clothes in the washer and will be right back.’Saying that, she turned and moved out of the bedroom. I was really amused but couldn’t have any revealing expression on my...
ThreesomesSATURDAY PROMISED TO BE HOT. Daytime temperatures that were unpleasant but as compensation the evenings were mild until midnight, sometimes later. I found Aída in the stands and sat down beside her. “Why aren’t you out there today, Aída?” She made a face. “I twisted my ankle a couple of weeks ago, Michael. I’ve got to take it easy for another ten days at least.” She laughed. “Otherwise I’d cream her, and Alex knows it.” My lizard brain immediately wondered exactly what kind of creaming...
Barry woke up in bed alone. Nothing new there. He was curious about what Diane might be up to, but they had agreed that secrets were allowed, and whatever it was, he’d know by Sunday morning.He got up, realised that the shower wouldn’t work because the water was still off and set off downstairs wearing the shorts he’d slept in. There was no new leak. He walked around the carpet a few times — the squelching had gone. The carpet still felt a little damp to his fingers, so he left the heating...
NovelsKat Dior is a lucky girl, she never wins anything, but today she’s won an hour massage from some place called Kinky Spa! She heads down to the spa and when she talks to the masseur about what she’s won, he drops a detail he “forgot” when they were talking on the phone, Kinky Spa specializes in erotic massage, and he plans on making her cum. She’s a little nervous at first, she’s never done anything like this before, but she figures why not? You only live once. She insists on getting at least a...
xmoviesforyouOnce I had to travel to Bangalore for a conference. Unfortunately, I arrived on a wet and gloomy day in the city. It had been raining heavily on and off since the morning. But that didn’t mean business wasn’t going on as usual in that busy city. I hailed a cab from the airport. It finally pulled outside the lobby of what was quite an extravagantly lavish hotel. As I stepped out of the cab, I could see a few staring eyes. I was used to being stared at for my looks. I am taller than an average...
I turned my body around on my slave, so that I was now still sitting on top but with my back to her, and looked down at her legs wide open, seeing her sweet little well shaven pussy just waiting to be pleasured.I placed my hand on her, my fingers resting on her puffed up lips, she felt really wet still as I ran my middle finger from her hole to her clit right between the ridge of her flaps. She groaned a little, awaiting more sensation."I don't think I can quite please it well enough like...
Melissa sat on a bench, her back against the cold wall. The musty dampness of the crypt invaded her nostrils and with her eyes half closed, she rested with her legs pulled up against her chest. Angeline was on the other side of the curtain preparing and placing some of the props for the play. Bernadette, or Berni as she liked to be called, was applying the finishing touches to her clothes. Her bright red hair was glowing, even from the dim lighting that was scattered by the flickering...
OccupationsTania woke up to a loud thump. She sat bolt upright in her bed. It was dark in her room and her eyes were unfocused yet, but she thought the clock said 7:15pm. When did she fall asleep? She really couldn’t remember. Looking off the end of her bed, there appeared to be a yellow glow outside her door, particularly toward the living room. She reached up and rubbed her eyes again. She focused on the glow. It was uncharacteristically quiet. Where were her children? What was this about? Could she be...
I had found it when I was searching for a gag gift for my roommate's birthday. I'm Kyle by the way. A decently attractive 19 year old college guy with a nice athletic build that was the result of years of sports like track and swimming during High School. I have dirty blond hair, some nice defined abs and a nice girthy 7 inch uncut cock that got me plenty of pussy if I do say so myself. I had pledged a frat the first thing on arriving in college and didn't take long to get in one. Spending most...
GayToen ikklaar wasmet de materialen naar het opslaghok brengen, liep ik de kleedruimte in. Er was allang niemand meer. Ik kleedde me uit en pakte douchegel en liep richting de douches. Toen ik bijna bij de deur van de doucheruimte was, hoorde ik iets wat op een douche leek. Ik liep door en opende zachtjes de deur. Ik had het wel goed gehoord, want helemaal achter in de doucheruimte stond jij nog onder de douche. Ik bleef even staan en keek naar je. Het viel me opdat je wel heel lang je buik aan...
A Life Long Journey, Part 9 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. Graduation was approaching. The closer it got, the more depressed I became. Amy, even though she never meant to be,...
My name is Michael, I’m 27, about average in every department you could think of, black hair, hazel eyes. I’m not ashamed of anything about myself, I don’t wish anything was bigger, smaller, more muscular… anything like that. I’m happy with who I am. I was also happy in my relationship with Dani, my partner of just over twelve months. I could lie about how she looked, ‘oh she had a slim as hell waist, her boobs are 44dd’ etcetera, etcetera, but that would make me a liar now wouldn’t it? I...
My name is Mma. Chidimma is okay, but don't call me Chidi. I admit I was a snob in high school. I was stuck up, only dating the handsomest jocks, not even talking to most of the 'ordinary people'. That seemed like a waste of time. I was looking to find the 'coolest' friends, the studliest guys. It turns out I wasn't that successful.But I wasn't mean. It wasn't like I tried to be obnoxious, or ignore people. I would speak to those 'ordinary people' if they spoke first. I even would have nice...
Frisky Photo shootHerbert had been interested in photography since he could remember getting his first camera. At first it was landscapes and then he moved onto people the best photos were the most natural ones. But his family has asked him to start taking local classes to improve his skills and quality with pictures. Over the summer he had taken the local classes which helped a little but he got bored of them quickly most of the “students” were mature and he hated that instead he decided to...
She also wondered if her pussy, still hot and drooling from her first to walks down the runway, would be apparent to the people in the room when she changed. It did cross her mind that if she soaked her way through the swimsuit, at least it was a piece of clothing that was supposed to get wet. Michael pushed open the door to the room, and they were greeted by a team of three makeup artists. Two women and one man. The man’s presence made Brie self-conscious, and she crossed her arms in front...
TITLE????????????????????? : Eve?s Examination AUTHOR????????????? : YamiNoHikariDISCLAIMER?????? : I own nothing! I do not own Black Cat! Don?t bother to sue me because I don?t have any money to give.RATING??????????????????????????????? : NC-17PAIRING????????????? : Train/Kyoko, Doctor/EveNOTE???????????????????? : [bondage] [loli] [watersport] [torture] [toys]TIMELINE???????????? : when the group invaded Apostles' Island, the fight with Doctor. (manga volume...
“What about Kelly and Freaky upstairs?” I asked. “Fuck them, or rather… They probably already are.” “What if they come down?” “They’ll get the shock of their life.” “Kelly already thinks you’re gay.” “What about Anthony?” I ask, but he simply pulls me back into a kiss, and I feel his hands come around to my front as he begins to unzip his pants. Giggling, I began to lower myself, but he quickly put his arm around my back, holding me to him as he did it. After a moment, I felt as if I was...
This story starts off with a girl as all good stories do. This girl though wasn’t like any of the others. It wasn’t her natural brown hair with perfect highlights that made her perfect, nor her impeccable sense of style. To this day I don’t even know what made her perfect; all I know is she changed my life. I was the normal girl in high school. I did my homework and passed with average b’s. I wasn’t gorgeous, but I was pretty. Sure, I had my issues: drugs, parties; boys, but overall I was...
My first time with a guy was three yrs ago. His name is Josh and he is a few years younger than me, probably 35 yrs old. I have always wanted to get with another man, but never had the balls to make a move. I am a straight acting bimale who loves to wear panties and stockings. I am 5'9 athletic dark complected with a 7 inch cock. I shave my body smooth and have a nice bubble butt. I fantasize about sucking dick and getting my ass stretched out by strong men who make love to me as well as pound...
This story is a continuation of the stories of Pastor Sarah submitted several months ago. My schedule changed and I did not have time to continue. Many have requested more Pastor Sarah adventures. Thank you are for your input and suggestions. I hope you enjoy this and future submissions. As always your critiques are welcomed to improve the story line. The Double Marriage Pastor Sarah could hardly sleep Tuesday night after receiving four million dollars for the home for abused women and...
she said what are u doing i was like nothing and then she said that she was embarass and i was like it ok i do it to i start to rub her pussy she no i dont want to do this today come back tommor i went back to my house i was horny i turn on my laptop went to facebook there was nothing then i look up some lesbian position then i start to see some porn my pussy was so wet i took of my shorts and in my cabin there was a vibrator i start to rub my pussy slowly to milf porn i put the vibrator in me...
Charlie After dinner we met it felt strange to collaring Lucy alone since I usually collared my mother at the same time. Now it was Dave who took the chain I had given him and fastened to her necklace. At the same time Sophie fastened her heavier chain to the golden collar which Bill always wore round his neck. When we had done this we led them to the dungeon and ordered them to strip. As the newcomer in our midst I had told Dave he should be the first to order his slave to strip and he did...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
I was a lesbian. It wasn't until I was at university that I could accept it. My family were old school and I was a coward; afraid of what they would say if I brought a girlfriend home. Tanya changed all that. I'd had a busy night. I was a student in my second year of an art's degree and the course was getting difficult. I was single, I was no longer sexually interested in men. It had taken long enough for me to be sure, but I wanted a partner now, not a fuck, and it was only a woman that I...
LesbianI got a call out of the blue from an Ex of mine asking if I would be willing to be the erotic entertainment for his friend’s bachelor party. He said I was the sexiest woman he knew. I got wet just thinking about it. I told him yes. When the day came, I picked a sexy outfit and went to the address he gave me. When I walked in the bartender just smiled and said that they anxiously waiting for me in the back room. I walked in the place erupted in cheers. My pussy gushed. It was going to be a fun...
(Private School Girl Kelli (14) had been abducted, assaulted, raped, and tortured in a city alley. Thinking she was dead the Gangsta’s wrapped her in a plastic sheet and threw her in a dumpster on another side of town.)DUMPSTA TRASH?Where am I? What has happened to me.? ?I can’t move.? The smell was terrible, Kelli was completely disoriented. She couldn’t understand where she was. It was dark, dirty, and awful. Her pain was somewhat numbed but she could remember all too well the torture...
I really didn’t want to make our annual trek to our friend’s beach house but I knew my wife, Krista, wanted me to go so I went. Krista had gone down early in the week with Linda and another friend, Jan, along with Jan’s husband Ted. Linda’s husband Jim and I planned to meet them for the weekend and I arrived mid-afternoon on Friday. Suspecting that everybody would be on the beach, I went straight to the sand and found the women with nearly the entire beach to themselves. Cheerfully greeting...
I awoke at ten on New Year’s morning. The sun was peeking through the windows but that didn't wake me. I woke because my man’s hard cock was pressed against my ass. I was still a mess from the New Years Eve sex we'd had which was awesome as always. I let him enter me and spoon snuggle fuck me till I felt him unload deep inside me. After he withdrew, I felt him kiss me on the neck and then he got out of bed leaving me there to feel his cum drip out or me. I'd been happy to have a sort of boring...
Straight SexNeighborly Lust Don Abdul ©2010I remember the first time I went over to their house; it was my second day as their new neighbor. I had moved into the house next door to Santos and Gabrielle and the next day being Sunday, I went for an early morning run. After my run I returned to my new home only to realize that I had locked myself out of the house.My keys and my cell phone were inside the house and in my hurry to go running I had jammed the door shut locking myself out. “Shit!” I cursed, angry...
VoyeurPart 1 This happened many years ago, before the AIDS scare. My current live-in slave had admitted to me that she wished to be dominated while we were on our first date. For our second date I had her come across town in the pouring rain and when she entered my apartment, it was totally dark. I grabbed her and stripped her and forced her to suck me and swallow (which she had never done before). She came twice during this and then we made love on the floor for her third and fourth. From that...
"Aren't you the sneaky little tart," I managed as her convulsing vagina strangled my penis.For her part, Mary just mumbled, "Yesss."I nuzzled her soft neck as we both recuperated from out mutually satisfying copulation. We held each other trading butterfly kisses for a while. As I softened and slipped from her wonderful entrance, Mary rolled off of me onto her side, facing away. "Spoon me, sexy. I want to feel you against me while we sleep. I assume that you're spending the night since...
MatureDalton took her nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking until Aislinn could barely take it any more. Her back arched, and he continued to ravish her breasts, until she could feel the pressure building up. He moved from her breasts to her neck, gently biting and licking, while his hands went lower to her sweet spot. Aislinn moaned loudly, and Dalton whispered in her ear, “Come for me baby, come on.” She was so close, his fingers moving in and out, her pussy dripping…Aislinn woke from her...
Love StoriesIt was a few days later, when we had all recovered from the encounter with the old woman, that we found out more about what had happened. Of course, we figured out in the meantime that something had drained us of our energy. I shared with them what I had felt at the time, how I had felt suddenly tired and had blacked out from it. Kayla and Erika had added that when they had touched me, they had also felt an overwhelming sense of fatigue. In fact, neither of them could do much at all...
Ella Knox has been having a rough time living with her stepbro and his girlfriend. Stepbro was usually tolerable but the girlfriend was a total bitch. One day Ella decided to fuck with the girlfriend and wear one of her shirts. This lead to a heated argument and a glass of water getting thrown on Ella. It was time for revenge! Later that day stepbro wanted to fool around with his girl, but all she wanted to do was watch her show. This is when Ella came in and blew stepbro right there on the bed...