Wheals of Fortune Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 47
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I was stood facing Mistress Rosa’s assembled guests, not at all afraid, proud of my position as her slave, my leash held by the trembling little Spanish maid, Pilar, who certainly was scared.
I had been ‘prepared’ to be presented to my Mistress’s guests, and wore a wholly transparent long white dress, which left my breasts and back completely exposed. My nipples were tightly clamped and the clamps connected by a weighted chain, a much smaller weight hung from the ring in my pierced clit, and my ankles and wrists were shackled. I knew I was the perfect picture of a sex-slave, and as I surveyed the people sat around the big table, I could see the lust in their eyes, and revelled in the knowledge that there wasn’t one of them who wouldn’t want to fuck me, man or woman.
Rosa stood, dressed in a soft jade-green silk gown with a plunging neckline, and took the leash from Pilar, who stood aside.
‘This is Julie,’ she announced, ‘she is my slave, and I am very proud to have her services, as is Mr. Gordon. During the evening, one of you, at least, will have the opportunity to make her acquaintance.’
I wondered what she had in store for me, and also mused on the fact that she always referred to her husband as ‘Mr Gordon’ – never using his first name, I didn’t even know what it was.
As my Mistress walked me slowly around the table, I took stock of some of the guests.
I was more than a little surprised when I spotted my old friend and workmate Carla, together with her husband, whose name I couldn’t remember. There she was, Goth as ever, purple, spiky hair above her sharp little features, wearing a flame-red corset which practically cut her in half, so much did it restrict her waist, and pushed up her small, sharp-pointed breasts so that they jutted out above the horizontal. In the short time since I had seen her, she had had her nipples pierced, and a dull metal ring hung from each one. Below her corset, she wore what appeared to be some sort of stiff gauze skirt, and black stockings completed her ensemble. She smiled at me and winked, and I nodded back. Next to her was a spectacular platinum blonde, wearing a fishnet tube-dress and, apparently, nothing else, and she was accompanied by an equally gorgeous hunk of manhood, with bulging biceps threatening to burst from his tee-shirt and pale blue eyes which were just unreal. My eyes lingered upon this fantastic couple, so that I had little time to take in the rest, as my Mistress ushered me on and away from the table, to where my view of everyone was restricted by pot-plants and so-forth. There, I had previously failed to notice a thick chain hanging down from a stout bracket in the ceiling.
‘I am about to suspend Julie here,’ announced my Mistress, to all and sundry, and, unclipping my leash, raised my hands above my head, and deftly clipped my wrist-cuffs into a snap-link on the end of the chain, which she must have previously measured for height, because I was just able to stand, thanks to my heels, although I knew it was going to be acutely uncomfortable, suspended there, if I was going to be there very long, my arms being pulled high above my head.
Mistress Rosa now turned to the expectant gathering.
‘When you’ve finished coffee, you can come and have a good look at her, if you wish, then I shall conduct a charity auction – proceeds to the local multiple sclerosis association – the highest bidder will have an hour with Julie, to do as he or she pleases. Julie is very accommodating!’
I started as the first person who walked up to me, flicking idly at my skirt, was my Mistress’s double, but dressed in a tight black velvet dress. At first I thought Mistress Rosa had changed her dress, then I realised it was her sister, Maria, who had caned me so brutally a few weeks earlier.
‘Ha, so my pupil moved on to greater things, eh?’ she said, and gave a painful tug at the chain connecting my nipple-clamps.
I didn’t reply, but thought how much the caning she had given me had changed my life, and how I had longed for her to take me in her arms afterwards. Something in my expression got through to her, I suppose, because she smiled, and said, ‘My sister is lucky to have found you. We shall meet again soon.’
Her place was taken beside me by the silent Mr Gordon, who raised the back of my skirt to look at the welts his wife had raised on my buttocks, running an exploratory finger along the deepest of them.
‘Mmm,’ he murmured, and let my skirt drop back into place, then nodded to a tall, elegant fifty-something lady, her long auburn hair shot with grey streaks, her unsupported breasts jiggling under a white organdie blouse as she approached me. She came up to me directly, and kissed me full on the lips, a kiss that demanded a response, a response I gave, opening my lips to her, and allowing my tongue to dart into her slightly open mouth, so that she could feel my little stud graze her own tongue. A hand found the chain hanging from my clit, through the flimsy material of my skirt, and she tugged gently at it, sending a new vibration through my body.
She stepped back a fraction.
‘You are very lovely, my dear,’ she said, ‘I shall ask Rosa to loan you to me one day soon.’ Then she too left me, and the platinum blonde and her hunk came up to inspect me.
My arms were feeling very tired by now, but I enjoyed the sight of the two lovely creatures, as they pawed each other and my body alternately – I found myself hoping they had enough money to win the ‘charity auction.’
My old friend Clara was smiling up into my face, looking distinctly envious!
‘And to think, I put you up to this!’ she said.
‘Right now, you could take my place,’ I said, ‘my arms are fucking killing me!’ And the pain I was feeling in those limbs had nothing to do with the sort of pain I loved, the pain that got my juices running, the pain I now knew so well, craved even, when the cruel nipple-clamps bit into my tender parts, when my Mistress’s whip fell on my flesh. No, this was just hurt, the sort of thing you get when you stub your toe, and I was almost oblivious as the other guests filed past me, making comments, some stroking me, tugging at my chain, trying vainly to make me cry out.
Eventually, to my relief, Mistress Rosa appeared, and took me down, massaging my arms, so that the blood came back into them.
‘You poor dear,’ she whispered, ‘I’d quite forgotten about you!’
She clipped my leash into place, and led me to a small dais at one end of the room.
Raising her voice, she said, ‘And now, dear friends, we come to my charity auction. Who will start the bidding? Remember, the prize is an hour with this lovely slave of mine. Let’s start the bidding at five hundred pounds!’
Several hands went up, and the bidding mounted rapidly, with Maria, the elegant middle-aged lady, and the hunk very much to the fore. The hunk and his lady-friend seemed to be acting very much in tandem on this, as far as I could see.
At a thousand pounds or so, Maria dropped out of the reckoning, and my Mistress obviously thought the bidding needed a boost.
‘On your knees!’ she ordered, and I obeyed, my back to the audience. Mistress Rosa, pulled my skirt up to my waist, exposing me to all and sundry, then put her foot between my legs, pushing my knees apart, so that my pussy was lewdly displayed, the weighted chain dangling down from my clit. They could also see the marks of my recent caning, dark red, livid welts.
‘Come on,’ she said, ‘show them your cunt, like a good little slut!’
I obediently reached between my legs, hampered by my wrist-cuffs, and used both hand to spread my labia as wide as I was able, showing the moist pinkness of my pussy, with the warm dark hole of my cunt an invitation to the lucky winner.
‘Now,’ called Rosa, ‘who wants to bid more for this gorgeous creature? Remember, an hour with her – there is no limit to what you can do with her in an hour.
To emphasise the point, she fetched me a resounding slap across my arse, which made me gasp.
Bidding resumed, but I was unable to see who was raising their hands. Things slowed at one thousand eight hundred, and my Mistress finally ‘knocked me down’ at one thousand eight hundred and fifty pounds, to Mr and Mrs Butler.
I confidently expected that they would turn out to be the platinum blonde and the hunk, and looked forward to an hour in the Mistress’s bedroom with them. I fancied the idea of stripping that fishnet tube off the platinum blonde’s delectable body, not to mention being fucked by the muscular ‘hunk.’
My Mistress pulled me to my feet, and said, ‘You’d better meet the winners, my dear!’
I was both surprised, and, to be truthful, disappointed, when she presented me to a studious looking young guy wearing square glasses, a checked shirt and corduroy trousers, accompanied by a pale girl with long brown hair, dressed in a shapeless long brown shift-dress.
‘This, as you now know, is Julie,’ she told them, and gave them directions to her room.
‘I’ve left a selection of toys out for you – feel free to use whatever you want, and don’t feel rushed – you can take more time, if you need it,’ she said, giving the end of my leash to Mr Butler, who told me his name was Gary, and his wife was called Ann. They led me to my Mistress’s room. As I had expected, she had left everything prepared – the curtain which normally concealed the St. Andrew’s Cross drawn back, the chain lowered from the ceiling, a tray of ‘toys’ including a crop, a flogger and two whips, on the dresser. Gary looked around in wonderment.
‘As we have time,’ said Gary, ‘sit with us a minute, while I tell you about us.’
I nodded and the three of us sat on the sofa, me between the two of them, conscious of Gary’s hand on my thigh, gently stroking. I responded by putting mine on the bulge in his trousers, which grew instantly. Ann seemed not to notice at my other side, her own thigh warm against mine.
‘We won the lottery about a year ago,’ he told me, ‘a lot of money. And most of it is still intact. We live well on the interest, but something is lacking in our lives. Ann can’t ….. can’t…..climax.’
I half-turned to look at her, and her gaze was downcast. I turned back to Gary.
‘Have you seen anyone?’
‘Yes – a sexologist says it has to do with her being brutally violated by her stepfather, but can’t offer any help otherwise.’
‘So what do you think I can do?’ I wanted to know.
‘Ann wants me to hurt her, like her stepfather did – keeps saying so, but I can’t bring myself to do it. We thought ……, well, we thought you might do it?’
‘Gary, I’m a slave,’ I said, ‘I’m the one who gets hurt – I need that too!’
‘Please, Julie,’ he said, ‘you know what to do, and you’re used to that kind of thing – please help us!’
I nodded reluctantly, but Gary was already on his feet, pulling Ann to hers. I stood too, and watched as Gary unfastened the clasps at the shoulders of Ann’s shift. It fell from her white body, leaving her stark naked, small, almost non-existent breasts topped by nice, puffy nipples, the outline of ribs visible on her slender frame, long brown hair falling to her waist.
‘Can I wear those, for a start?’ she asked, in a tiny voice, touching the chain connecting my nipple clamps.
‘They hurt!’ I said, unscrewing them. Not as much as they hurt me, I thought! The blood rushed into my tortured nipples, which had been subjected to them – very tightly – for a long time, and I gasped in agony.
I fitted them carefully to Ann’s nice nipples, first kneading and pulling at them to give me room, and she moaned a little at their feel – a good sign, I thought.
‘Unfasten my shackles, Ann, please,’ I told her, and she quickly released my wrists and ankles from their chains. I took off the cuffs from my wrists, and gave them to Gary to put on his wife, while I paid a much-needed visit to the toilet.
When I returned, she was wearing the cuffs, and looked strangely proud, standing there with the nipple-clamps attached, and her wrists cuffed, in nothing but her high heels.
I decided it might be best to hook her up to the chain rather than the cross – giving me more options as to how I could whip her. I told Gary to clip her wrists to the snap link on the end of the chain, which was down at shoulder level, then pressed the button to retract it up to a suitable height, pulling her arms up to near full-stretch.
‘Are you sure about this?’ I asked Ann, and she nodded.
‘That’s not good enough,’ I told her, ‘I want you to ask me to hurt you!’
‘Please, Julie,’ she whispered, ‘whip me. Hurt me, please!’
I took up the flogger, in effect a leather cat o’nine tails, and, for the first time ever, tried it in my hand. It felt easy enough to wield, and made a swish as it flew through the air, but I knew from experience that it did little real harm. I gave her a couple of medium strokes across the tops of her breasts, reddening the flesh nicely, but drawing no more than a gasp from Ann with each blow. Gary stood behind me, and I could hear his breath coming almost in gulps, as his hand snaked around and cupped my breast. He came up closer, and now I felt his big erection pressing into my arse, as I gave hi wife another, harder thwack, this time across her stomach, raising a nice little pattern of red stripes as the thongs bit home. She moaned, and I followed my Mistress’s example, brusquely feeling her pussy, and finding it already moist – her juices were running!
‘She’s damp!’ I told Gary, ‘I think a few strokes of the crop will do the trick.’
I moved around behind her now, and threw the heavy mane of her hair over her shoulder, out of my way, then changed the flogger for the long leather riding crop.
‘I’m going to hurt you now, darling,’ I told her, ‘that’s what you want, isn’t it?’
‘Oh yes,’ she managed to reply, and I saw that Gary now had forgotten any inhibition he may have had, and had his cock in his hand, a nice one too, I thought, and wondered if I’d get it inside me.
Carried away by that thought, I probably lashed Ann harder than I had intended, catching her squarely across the shoulder-blades with the vicious, stinging crop, raining a lovely red wheal, and causing her to cry out loudly.
‘Quiet!’ I said, and repeated the stroke, lower down, raising another pretty stripe on her white, tender flesh.
‘Oh, oh, argh!,’ she wailed, and Gary was suddenly beside me, thrusting his throbbing cock into my free hand, as I lashed his wife again, lower still down her arched back.
‘Oh, oh, oh, I’m cumming, I’m cumming!’ she yelled, and I threw down the crop, putting a hand into the warmth of her sopping cunt, as she convulsed and came with a force born of years of effective celibacy.
‘Julie, ‘ whispered Gary, ‘my turn?’
I dropped to my knees and took his cock in my lips, letting my tongue-stud play for a second on his crown, then pulled him deep within my throat, and sucked him hard. He came in an instant, splattering the back of my throat with his hot pent-up spunk until I thought he would never finish.
‘I’m sorry, Ann,’ he said, when he’d done, and I was letting her down.
‘It’s OK, darling,’ she said, ‘we both owe a lot to Julie.’
Yes, I thought, and I need paying back! I was no dominatrix, but whipping Ann, then having her husband cum in my mouth, had set me well on the way to a climax that was now waiting in the wings. I sat back on the bed, flung up my skirt, and my fingers found their way in between my warm, wet, puffy labia, teasing my already-erect clit into a rock-hard bullet. To my surprise, Ann was by my side, almost before I knew it, and her hand was over mine.
‘Let me do that, please!’ she implored me, ‘I’ve never……’ She didn’t finish the sentence, but if she had been going to declare her inexpe
rience, it wasn’t apparent, as she drove me back onto the bed, kissing me furiously, her fingers busily tugging, fascinated, aat the chain depending from my clit, and plunging deep into my cunt.
‘Oh, Ann,’ I said, ‘that’s lovely. Now eat me, darling! Suck my pussy!’
She needed no further asking, and dived down, her tongue lapping the length of my crack, then driving down within me. I reached down with both hands to stretch open my arsehole, and she took the cue, thrusting in a forefinger, whilst her tongue simultaneously penetrated my fuckhole.
My orgasm came in a sudden, ecstatic rush, the accumulated excitement of the whole evening packed into the moment, as I almost lost consciousness, my juices welled up, and I heard, as if from a distance, Ann saying, ‘Ooh, she’s squirted on me, mmm, lovely!’
I only then realised that Gary had been beside me all the time, fondling my breasts, and watching closely as his wife brought me to my climax.
Afterwards, Gary passed me their card, saying I was welcome to visit them whenever I wanted. I didn’t think I would.
‘Miss Julie, it is beautiful morning. I bring coffee!’ A smiling Pilar was standing by my bed, the morning after my being ‘auctioned off,’ carrying a breakfast tray. I was ravenous. The coffee was hot and I patted the bed, indicating that the maid should sit with me whilst it cooled.
‘Did anyone do anything to you last night?’ I asked, remembering her totally transparent outfit.
‘He try fucky-fuck me, but Mistress she no let him,’ she said.
‘Who tried?’ I asked, amused at her attempt at English.
‘He guapo, with pretty woman,’ she said.
So the ‘hunk’ had tried it on with Pilar, but Mistress Rosa had intervened – wanted to save her maid for something else, no doubt. But Pilar was looking a bit downcast about it, as if she had been deprived of a bit of fun, as no doubt she had.
I didn’t have long to wait to find out more. Over breakfast, in the conservatory, Mistress Rosa asked me if I had enjoyed my evening with Gary and Ann. When I told her about it, she was amused.
‘And I thought you were sure to be whipped,’ she said, ‘never mind, I’ll see to it that you don’t miss out.’
My Mistress was obviously wondering whether to tell me something, and after a while he seemed to make up her mind: ‘Julie,’ she said, ‘there’s something you may be able to help me with. I think Pilar would like to become a slave – I think she has it in her – and my sister has been seeking one for a long time. Would you help me prepare her?’
Why yes, of course, Mistress, if that’s what you want,’ I said.
‘Thank you darling,’ she said, then, ‘come to my room after lunch, will you, dear, I’d like an hour with you.’
I was eager, as ever, to spend time with my Mistress, and lunch couldn’t come soon enough. When it did, I hurried through it alone in the dining room. Then I went back to my room to prepare carefully, as I always did, for my owner.
Knowing she liked jewellery, when I had finished my make-up, I clipped the silver chain she had bought me around my waist, and put in long, long silver pendant ear-rings. I pondered for a long time about what I should wear, and eventually decided on a black silk halter-neck cocktail-dress, mid-thigh length, with a full skirt that swirled around as I walked. My unfettered breasts jiggled around when I danced in front of my mirror. I wondered about stockings, and decided to go completely naked under the dress, so I completed my outfit with an anklet and a pair of ridiculously high Lucite stilettos. I looked critically at my hair, and wondered about putting it up, but thought better of it, and just brushed it out to a silken sheen. I was ready to see my Mistress.
‘Come in!’ she called – she had heard the click of my heels in the corridor.
She looked me up and down.
‘Why didn’t you put your hair up?’ she asked, sharply.
‘I…I thought……..’
‘You didn’t think at all – that’s the truth isn’t it, you little slut?’ she said, and I nodded dumbly, knowing I should have put my hair up, really, as it would be in the way if I was to be whipped. And now I knew I was to be whipped.
Everyone in this story is over 18, and so should you be! It’s a fantasy, carrying on the saga of Julie, which has occupied three parts of this story already, so it will make more sense if you’ve already read them. As with all my stories, the emphasis is on consensual relations – I have no truck with rape and suchlike unpleasantness, and am an ardent feminist at heart. Pilar had left, to become slave to Rosa’s sister Maria, and I was left alone in the house, save for the silent – and usually...
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It was about 10 pm and the streets were empty. I was walking to the bus stand to take the 10.15 bus back to my room when a car came by and stopped to ask about directions. The lady passenger in the back seat asked me if I can show the place and that she would ask the driver to drop me at my house. I agreed and sat next the driver. After the car started moving, I felt a strange smell and before I could turn my head, a cloth with a pungent smell was placed covering my nose and I...
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?Councilman Herb Snell spent the morning peering through a crack in the blinds of his office window watching cars pull in and out of the strip mall parking lot where his insurance agency was located. The appointment wasn?t until eleven but Herb wanted a jump on things.?Right on schedule, a silver Land Rover with two child safety seats in the back pulled into the lot. That would be her.?Glancing at his reflection in the mirror, Herb adjusted his toupee. He turned one way and then...
Society has successfully broken down all inequities, leading to a world in which anyone can have sex with anyone they want. Consent was not abolished, but all barriers that would cause someone to resist consenting have been eliminated. Additionally all sexually transmitted diseases have been eradicated and birth control is 100% effective. In this new world businesses have taken advantage of the relaxed laws around sex in order to drive more customers to their establishments. It is your job to...
Nate was at the end of a long business trip. He'd just worked three-and-a-half weeks straight and finally closed a major deal. It was a deal that would most likely give him a major promotion. Nate essentially focused exclusively on work, leaving most of life's other pursuits behind, including dating. Not that he wasn't good looking or socially skilled; he simply didn't make the time. All of his efforts went into his career and if he looked deep down, he knew he really didn't have what he...
I guess this story starts with a man I never knew. I knew of him, but I'd never seen him or even seen a picture of him. My mother had two brothers named Wendell and James. Some time before I was born James did something that shamed or badly embarrassed the family and he split. As I grew up I would occasionally hear my mother or grandmother say, "I wonder where James is right now" and when I would ask who James was there would be a sudden change of subject. It wasn't until I was seventeen...
Kyle and Lee didn’t want the smaller boxes shown to the ship. It was decided the books and the strange boxes would be stored in the storeroom beside Lee’s Room. They were Kyle’s finds, and that was where he wanted them. Only he and Lee would be able to decipher them anyway. In addition, this area was limited to select personnel. The team told everyone else about the books. However, Lee, Kyle and even Sparky had insisted that the smaller strange boxes should not become general knowledge....
Missy?s Misfortune ?????????????????????????????? Missy?s Misfortune The bus seemed to be taking ages to get to the city, Missy thought, it was only 30 miles from her home town but she seemed to have been on it for ages. Even though it was past 6pm the sun through the windows was still hot enough to make her feel slightly uncomfortable in the school-uniform she was wearing under her long coat. Her mind drifted back a couple of days to that moment at school when she?d finally decided to...
Calculated Misfortune, Chapter 1 Stingray I recently took a vacation to a town where a friend of mine lives due to some work related stuff. I haven't seen my friend for almost two year’s and I looked forward to seeing her. We had always been close to each other and had a special friendship, which allowed us to be there for each other without getting lost in the throws of a relationship. She had moved away and we had always kept in touch with each other, a call every month was always welcomed...
April is a 26-year old woman. She has long dark brown hair and emerald eyes. Her body is extremely beautiful and tall as well. April finds herself in many unfortunate situations constantly, it’s like a curse.
(Lil warning, this is my first story so I am truly sorry if shit turns stupid) Description Piper is a recently turned 18 year old girl who's a blonde with green eyes and has messy curl hair. Her chest size is a d-cup and with pink colored nipples, she as well has a great ass and thighs that are worth dying for. Story time The sound of the alarm brought Piper back from the dream world. She groaned and tried to find her phone by digging her hands into the bed sheet that layed on top of her....
Update 1: Story revealed. Update 2 will host several chapter depths to a path or two. Stay tuned! Preface: This story will take you down different roads rather you are a male or female. Generally the same sort of kinks will play out with differnces peppered around to make them unique in some fashion. The end story should be different regardless what path you take. What to expect from this story is gender transformation, race transformation, all the different kinds of naughty sex and a few...
Fantasy“Oh hi Annie, what’s up?” I asked my sister. “Andy will you come over please, I need to talk to someone,” she sniffled, she’d been crying, that was evident from her voice. “Sure, I’ll be there in thirty minutes, what’s the matter?” I asked. “Just come, please,” there was a plea in her tone. “OK Princess, I’ll be there,” I said as we ended the call. She’d been Princess to me as long as I could remember. Annie is the prettiest, sweetest girl I’ve ever met. I’m twenty-seven,...
I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life from that point forward, but I was sure whatever I decided, flying would be a part of it. I took refresher courses to reactivate my pilot’s certificate, including an instrument ground school and then flew with an instructor for a while to get current again. My Uncle Jake, my mom’s much older brother, and the man who taught me to fly, had passed away six years ago, leaving all his possessions to my mom. That included five small aircraft...
Hi guys !!! this is Rajan again I hope you all loved my previous story ‘My Wife Gang Banged by Tribal Men’. I would now like to continue the story and what happened next. We got to Hyderabad form our wild and unbelievable holiday , my wife kavitha got pregnant due to the gangbang and the hard fucking she got from those tribal men , but we decided to abort the child as we dint know who the father was and could not answer our friends and relatives. After a few days Kavitha recovered her health...
Hi, my dear horny readers. How are you all doing? My name is Deva (not real name). Let me briefly tell you about myself I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic body and average looking. I have my Own Business and I’m a Martial Arts and Yoga Trainer in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai gyms. (Why so many places you will know in the stories. People who may know me might study these stories so I want to keep my identity undisclosed. I’m writing these stories with the permission of few...
Hello indian sex stories dot net Readers, I am Rahul, This is my story when I was living with my parents in Hyderabad. We had a maid for quite a few years, her name was Sandhya; she is about 45 years old but still had very firm boobs and did not wear a bra for most of the times. Whenever she used to sweep, her ample bosoms would be visible; however, I could never stare as my mom was always present there. Therefore, I was always in search for the perfect moment when my mom wasn’t there.That...
Hi, guys, this is raj again with my another experience. After my threesome experience, I posted a story and I got so many emails from ladies and gents. Mostly from ladies and specially 2ladies from Chennai a lady named Laxmi name changed. And Geetha name changed they both emailed me for my service. In this story, I’m going to narrate the story between me and Laxmi how I fucked and satisfied to the core. Any unsatisfied women, divorced women, girls, and lonely needed sex please feel free to...
It was a lazy,bright and Saturday morning. I was home alone doing housework, wearing my favorite lounge clothes, an over sized mens black button up shirt and my favorite pair of black boy shorts. The windows and front door were open, letting in the morning sunshine. I had just finished the dishes and was walking past the front room when I saw that crisp white uniform walking up the drive. It was the tall young recruiter from last week. I instantly had a "cat who ate the canary" grin upon my...
This is Neel from Mumbai, am writing 1 of my best personal experience for the 1st time, am a computer techie by profession& enjoy my work , am gr8 fan of ISS have just started reading stories few months back & found how people share their sex experience here. It was nice reading stories some may’ve been copied but any ways i enjoyed a lot. Reading some stories here encouraged me to put my own little story, so lets begin. Well am 34 year now the story is about 2 years back, i got a call from my...
Part 10 - Stepmother's Sissy Mrs. Monet put another knee high on the exhausted sissy and got an open toed spike heel with a very small opening in the toe of the shoe. Mrs. Monet forced the shoe on the sissy's limp dick, which started to harden within the shoe. "Come on sissy, just three more milkings, I know your balls ache and your sissy stick is red and sore, but you promised to hump my shoes!" his stepmother cooed. Finally, Caroline's sissy stick got hard enough for the just the tip...
When I was 17 years old I fell in love for the first time. Her name was Saoirse, which is the Irish word for ‘freedom’. She was a tall, well-spoken and elegant girl who was 2 months my younger. She had the most striking blue eyes I had ever seen, pale and wispy, but at the same time sharp and piercing. Her smile was always so wide and she wasn’t stingy about showing it. We never got too far, at most managing a peck on the cheek and a hug goodbye, but I was more than delighted to simply hold her...
My wife and I are teachers at a local community college. It is the perfect job as it allows us to spend over two months at our summer house on the lake. We were about to embark on the four hour trek northward. My wife had agreed to give one of her students a lift, her parents lived not too far from our cottage, and she needed a ride home. I had packed the trunk of the car to the brim with our supplies for the summer, so when we went to pick up Jennifer there wasn’t much room for her stuff. ...
I didn’t quite know what category to put this under. But this is the story of me loosing my virginity to my music teacher. This just happened yesterday. I can’t believe it happened, but I’m incredibly satisfied. Let me begin with describing myself. I’m 19, 5′ 11″ and 72 kgs. I have a muscular build, short Dark brown hair, and I never have a hard time finding Chicks. The only reason I was still a virgin, until yesterday, was that I was saving myself for a special girl. Not just a one night...
Joshua C. Hathaway had been a general in the War of Southern Independence and for the second time in that city's history, Chicago had burned to the ground. He'd called it payback for what Sherman had done to his beloved Atlanta during the War of Northern Aggression and so there were a lot of schools named after the man, including the one I was now attending. Hathaway High, which was a segregated school for black students only, for freeborn kids mostly, or those few slaves who wanted to go...
How It Started With The MIL Chapter twoThree days after driving Joy, my Mother In-law home from the Rehab Center the wife informed me she wanted to drive over to visit for a day or two. The huge winter storm that had been predicted fizzled out after one day. I was a bit apprehensive for fear of my Mother In-law saying or doing something that would get me or both of us in serious trouble. I didn’t have much luck avoiding the visit and Saturday morning we set out for an overnight visit.On the...
One particular party I'll never forget. There was this woman there that I had never seen before and I figured a new person in my parent's realm of friends. She was average in height and weight, but I could not notice her large breasts stretching against her low cut dress. She was good looking too. What got to me was that everytime I asked her if she wanted another drink, she would engage me forever in questioning me about my personal life. She would also push herself against me,...
My name is Ed, and I had just turned forty-five years old and my wife Sue was forty-three. Sue had been encouraging me to start exercising to stay in shape. She was going to the gym near our home in the Pittsburgh suburbs, but it was more convenient for me to exercise at work.The insurance company I worked for also encourages its employees to exercise. They installed a work-out area and shower facility in our building. That made it very convenient to go jogging either before work or over the...
BisexualNancy was in her cheerleading uniform for a big game. She looked luscious in the dark-blue skirt, the white pleats, her white vest full of her teener tits. Her tanned legs looked delicious, encased in the blue-knee sox, the blue-and-white tennies. She had her hair in double ponytails, parted in the middle, bangs on her forehead. She met Chrissie after class. "You ready to go turn 'em on again?" Chrissie asked. "Sure." "Let's really be sexy today, okay?" "You wanna?" "Yeah, I...
Note: All persons used in this novel are fictitious. Although the areas used in this novel are real, the points of interest used to make this interesting reading for you, are neither at the exact heights, or in the location described. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this is not the story for you. As I have it notated now, those scenes will be evocative rather than aggressive. They also will be few and far between. This is going to be a ‘SHORT STORY, for your...
Jenny and I had checked into a hotel room. Neither of us wanted to go to her house. She and Courtney both lived with Jessica. We didn’t want to go to my house because that’d just be awkward. And I didn’t want to go to the apartment above the R. Callison Theater because that theater was special to me. I had gotten married to Maxine there and I had made love to her for the first time as her husband. So we picked the nicest hotel we could find nearby. So that’s how I found myself looking at...
When I woke up again, the sun was shining in through the blinds of the camper windows and it looked like it was pretty late in the morning. I lay there for a moment, slowly taking stock of my much changed situation. Today was as different from yesterday as if I'd woken up on Mars. My entire body ached especially my hips and lower back. Surprisingly, my well used and no longer cherry ass didn't hurt at all. Oh, there was a pleasant throbbing in there, I could feel my heartbeat in my hole...
“Go ahead, one more Jason,” I nodded at the bartender and owner of Jason’s Beach Hideaway. Yeah, not a too imaginative name for a bar but that’s what it was. One of the few ramble down dives near the resort area on Eleuthra the locals called home. Old bar stools, older and more scarred bar, and unremarkable reggae type music blasting in the background. My kind of joint given the mood I was in.Jason gave me a squint-eyed look, seeing the collection of empty shot glasses I had stacked up into a...
Hi am a regular reader of ISS and this is my story real story.This incident happened when I was 22 yrs old.This is my first story,my name is Yusuf (name change) am 34 yrs old now this happened sum 10 yrs back, I am having very much interest in sex trying various methods and adventures kind of things in sex.This story is of similar kind.Now coming to the story without wasting more time. This is about my first experience of sex in bus with my hot cheek girlfriend with whom I had good sex affair...
Matt sat in the front seat, silent. His mom spoke first, "So, honey, how are you feeling? You look much better." "Fine." "I should have made sure you were okay before we came here," she said. "It doesn't matter now," he answered. "Oh. Well... " she paused. "So, are you going to be seeing a lot of her?" "No," said Matt, sullenly. God, why did his parents always have to be so nosy? "Oh. I was just wondering," she said. "She seems very nice actually......
Confession of Mizuki the absolutely obedient Japanese wifeMy name is Mizuki Pherson. I had been married to my husband Robert Pherson as his absolutely obedient slave wife for nearly ten years and I have just been recently divorced.All my life I have been a very submissive and obedient Japanese woman. When I was a little girl, I lived in the Japanese countryside, and my father hit me and my sister often to maintain discipline and we had to take care of our male siblings such as bathing my...