Molly's Fortune free porn video

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(From A Suggestion By MordMorgan)

Molly Kerrigan, like many people, dreaded going to the dentist. It was an apprehension she'd carried over from her childhood. The core of which was her fear of the dreaded drill. Many people dealt with their phobia in different ways, the most common of which was to simply avoid going until they had a problem that had to be taken care of.

Thankfully, Molly didn't go that far, realizing at an early age that to simply ignore dental care was only inviting worse problems down the line. Still, her apprehension was enough to put finding a new dentist after she had relocated from Boston to San Alejandro far from the top of her list of things to do. In fact, anytime it came up; she found some excuse to put it off.

The most common excuse, she usually told herself, was that her recent relocation to the West Coast had just left her with too many other things to do. Added to that, was the fact that she'd left Boston in somewhat of a rush.

Eighteen months before, while on a vacation in California, Molly had set up a few interviews with various school districts in the area. Never in her wildest dreams did she think any of them would really be interested in hiring her. After all, the then twenty-four year old had really no record to even speak of, having just finished her probationary period. The interviews had only been intended to provide the basis of claiming the trip as a professional expense in the eyes of the IRS.

So it came as somewhat of a shock when, only a few weeks ago, she had received a phone call asking if she was still interested in teaching in California. If she had taken the interviews seriously, the San Alejandro school system was hardly her first choice, or even her third, fourth or fifth. Still, the offer at least matched what she was making now, and more importantly, had come at a most opportune time.

Over the last two years, Molly had gone through a number of girlfriends, none of which had worked out, to put it mildly. The majority of those relationships had ended civilly enough, with a simple acceptance by both parties that the spark simply wasn't there. Yet there had also been a few that she wanted to bury and forget in the worse way.

Paramount among these had been her relationship with Evelyn Rossiter, which at the time had seemed to hold the most promise of her affairs. Nine years her senior, the attractive dark haired woman was the district's special education coordinator, a position that brought her into contact with Molly on a number of occasions since that was also the area in which she had specialized in, if on a more local level.

At first, it didn't seem that unusual to Molly when Evelyn had invited her to lunch a few times. After all, there was no reason for her to think the older woman was interested in discussing anything other than education concerns. It wasn't until lunch gave way to a dinner at a rather intimate restaurant that Molly realized that the interest was more than professional.

"I guess I missed all the signs," Molly had laughed the next morning when she'd woken up naked in Evelyn's bed.

It was an assessment that she didn't find all that surprising since, while she didn't go out of her way to hide her sexual orientation, she usually kept it so separate from her professional life that another woman would've had to strip naked in front of her to spark her interest. Evelyn hadn't had to go that far, but the older woman had been so captivatingly interesting that she easily overcame whatever hesitations Molly might've had about letting her two worlds mix.

Before she knew it, that one night stand had evolved into something a lot more. Evelyn had been everything Molly believed a lover should be, caring, attentive, and most of all, incredible in bed. The thirty-three year old was able to switch from gentle lovemaking to hard-core fucking with ease, depending on her lover's wants and needs. They had been going out almost six months when Molly unexpectedly discovered part of the reason Evelyn was so good. She got lots of practice and not all of it was with her.

It had all come to a head one Saturday afternoon near the end of the school year when Evelyn canceled out on their plans, saying that she had a ton of work to catch up on and was going to stay home to do it. Molly decided to surprise her lover and, picking up a gourmet picnic lunch, headed over to her apartment. After all, she still needed to eat, didn't she?

It turned out to be Molly who got the surprise as, walking into the lobby of Evelyn's apartment building, she encountered her lover coming out of the elevator. Under each of her arms was a young girl in her early twenties. Two girls who bore a striking resemblance to each other, both being freckled redheads with ample chests.

The two of them were also familiar in more ways than one. It took a few stunned seconds for Molly to remember where she'd seen the two of them, and then it hit her. Amber and Julia, as she recalled their names, had been introduced to her as new teachers in another school at a luncheon last month. Evelyn hadn't even bothered to go out of the district to find someone to cheat on her with.

Molly wasn't a prude, far from it. She'd had her own share of one-niters, as well as an instance where she'd even had sex in a rather public place, coming very close to being caught. However, she also believed in fidelity in a relationship. If you weren't seeing anyone, a quick fuck was fine. But the rules were supposed to change when you were involved.

With Evelyn, she thought she'd found a solid relationship. One that, despite the age difference, she really believed was going to work. Obviously that hadn't been a belief shared by the district coordinator. What made it worse was that in the two girls, Molly also saw herself. Shave off a couple of years, and either one of them could've been her, right down to the red hair, freckles and big boobs.

When the job offer had come two weeks later, Molly accepted it without the slightest hesitation.

After settling into a new apartment in a new city, Molly discovered that, while she had no problem finding a new doctor, her employer's health care plan was only taken by a small number of dentists. And when she called to try and make an appointment, all of them appeared to be booked up for several months. A situation she found still to be true when she tried again two weeks later.

Finally, she found one that had only recently been added to the listing as a replacement for a dentist that had retired. The doctor had only recently gone into private practice and was still building a patient base. They said they could fit her in for a check up at the end of the month, some two weeks away. So Molly jotted down that she had an appointment with Dr. J.T. Vitola, DDS and went on about her business with one less problem to deal with.

The weekend before her dental appointment, Molly had some errands to run and found herself down by where a traveling carnival had set up shop. Feeling the need for some diversion, she decided to give it a look. After a few minutes of checking out the sights, she passed a small tent where a sign advertised that you could have your fortune told. Not believing in such things for a moment, she nevertheless decided to have a little fun and see what the stars held in store for her.

Stepping inside, she found a rather attractive young woman dressed in traditional gypsy garb. The fortune teller, more girl than woman, Molly decided, directed her to a seat at the small table in the center of the tent. A quick exchange of the amount that had been listed on the outside sign followed and the girl quickly went into her act, spreading a number of picture cards across the face of the table.

"You are not from this area," the girl said, not really impressing Molly as her Boston accent as well as the college ring on her finger giving a good clue to that assumption.

"That's right," Molly said, faking surprise as to get into the spirit of things.

"You came here to get away from someone," the girl continued, "someone who hurt you deeply."

That actually impressed Molly. It was a pretty specific statement to make, especially since the odds were that it would be wrong more than right for most people.

"There is a hole in your heart," the reader said as she turned another card face up on the table, "but it is a void that I see filling soon."

"Really?" Molly asked, thinking that was something everyone wanted to hear.

"I see someone new coming into your life very soon," the girl went on with yet another card. "Someone older, with dark hair and a very handsome face. They will heal the wound in your heart."

"Oh please," Molly thought, but didn't say, "at least she could've come up with something more original than the old tall, dark and handsome stranger routine."

The reading continued for a few more minutes, with a few more generalized predictions about Molly's future. By the time she was done, the redhead knew why the fortune teller made sure she got paid in advance.

"Even if I met this tall dark stranger," she wanted to tell the little fake, "there isn't a chance in hell that I'll have any interest in him. Unless of course he has a cute sister."

Stepping back onto the pathway outside, Molly also noted that as far as cute went, the fortune teller certainly fell into that category. Still, even if she was legal, she was a little young for her tastes. Thinking she'd wasted enough time, the teacher decided to head home where she knew waited some papers that had to be graded.

The following Monday, Molly left school a little early, giving herself some extra time to get down to the dentist's office as it was in a part of town she wasn't that familiar with yet. And of course there would be the inevitable insurance and medical forms that would have to be filled out before her exam.

The cute Hispanic girl behind the receptionist's desk, who the nameplate identified as Consuelo, was quite helpful with the paperwork. So much so that Molly might've imagined that there might be something more than just helpfulness had she not seen the engagement ring on the girl's finger. So she thanked her for the assistance and helped herself to one of the old magazines that were the staple of any medical office, while she waited for her appointment.

Twenty-five minutes later, her name was finally called by the dental technician. Following the girl past the reception desk and down the hall to one of the examining rooms, the redhead took note of the graceful sway of her ass. Reminding her again that once things settled down with the new job, she definitely had to see about finding a new girlfriend.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Vitola," a throaty voice said, interrupting Molly's study of the dental assistant's gait.

Molly turned to see a woman in her mid-thirties, wearing a white lab coat of the sort that was the uniform of her profession. Beneath which she had on a light blue blouse and black slacks. A head taller than Molly's five foot six, the doctor had a dark Mediterranean coloring that was consistent with her surname. Not especially beautiful, or even pretty, there was still a certain magnetism to her face that was immediately apparent. Few women could be called handsome, but Dr. Vitola was one of those few.

"Zoe will take care of a few preliminaries and I'll be right with you," the dentist said before stepping back into one of the other rooms where another patient was waiting.

"Hmmm, maybe that fortune teller was right after all," Molly thought, smiling at the coincidence.

After the assistant had taken x-rays and did her cleaning, Molly found herself sitting in a half finished examining room. The referral service had said that the doctor was just starting up her own practice, and evidently the offices hadn't been finished when she had.

"Well, lets see what we have," Dr. Vitola said as she clipped the strip of x-rays to a screen and examined them.

Molly really wasn't paying that much attention to what the doctor was saying, thinking instead of all she had to do once she had been given a clean bill of health. It became impossible to ignore the doctor, however, when she leaned over her to take a first hand look into her mouth. Especially when, in adjusting the hanging light, the dentist illuminated a chest even more impressive than Molly's own.

"I'd glad all my patients don't have teeth as good as yours," Doctor Vitola said as she checked Molly's mouth, moving the small mirrored probe from side to side, "otherwise I'd probably go out of business before I've really got started. They're almost perfect."

Upon hearing the word, almost, Molly's attention shifted from the doctor's breasts to what she was saying. Never in her life had any dentist said they were anything but perfection itself.

"It's only a little thing," the woman in white said, seeing the sudden concern in her face. "One of your back molars has a small crack in it, nothing major but it's best to take care of these things before they become something worse."

Molly quickly agreed, knowing that if there was even the smallest problem with her mouth, it would drive her crazy until it was fixed.

"The only problem is that I won't be able to get to it today," she said as she turned off the exam light, "and we're going to be closed next week while the contractor finally finishes up the office. Would it be possible for you to come back in, say this Thursday night and I could do it. If not, it's really nothing that can't wait a week or two."

"No, Thursday would be fine," Molly quickly replied.

"Okay, just tell Consuelo that I said to give you the last appointment for Thursday and we'll take care of that without a problem." Doctor Vitola said as she took off the Plexiglas face shield that she had worn during the exam, revealing a beautiful pair of bright blue eyes.

"Thanks," Molly said as she watched the older woman head off to take care of yet another patient.

"Thursday at six-thirty," Consuelo said as she handed Molly a card with the appointment. "If you can't make it, please try to let us know beforehand. Especially since we're closing the office for vacation after that. My fiancee is taking me down to Catalina."

"Well we wouldn't want you to miss that," Molly smiled back at her, thinking that even if it wasn't the version of it that she preferred, it was nice to see that someone was getting laid regularly.

The next few days passed rather quickly and Molly soon found herself back at the door to Doctor Vitola's office. Stepping inside, the first thing she noticed was that there seemed to be a large number of people in the waiting room for this late in the day. The second was that the receptionist seemed to have an especially harried look on her face. Stepping up to the desk, Molly soon found out why.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Kerrigan," Consuelo said in an apologetic tone, "but the doctor is running a little behind. Zoe had a family emergency and had to leave. It's pretty hard getting a substitute on such short notice so J.T. has been doing double duty."

Zoe, Molly remembered, was the cute dental assistant whose ass she had so admired on her first visit.

"I hope everything is all right," Molly said, her concern genuine.

"Oh it is," Consuelo replied. "Her son had a little accident on the baseball field, but he's already been checked out by the family doctor and he's okay."

"That's good," Molly said as she headed for one of the empty seats, taking out the paperback that she remembered to bring with her this time from her bag. From the looks of things, she was going to be there a while.

After a few minutes, Molly looked up from her book and noticed that the woman sitting across from her was staring at her. When she noticed Molly looking back, she buried her head in a magazine. At first, the teacher didn't think anything of it, but a few minutes later, she looked up again and saw that the woman was again staring.

About Molly's age, the woman was of Indian descent with small, round breasts. Taking a longer, closer look, the redhead noted that she was also braless, allowing her large puffy nipples to be seen through her blouse. Molly flashed the cute woman an inviting smile, which elicited the same in response. Unfortunately, Consuelo called her name a moment later and when the woman finished, she exited the office through the other door.

Bit by bit, the chairs around her began to empty and eventually Molly was the only one left. When Doctor Vitola came out of her office to hand Consuelo the chart of the next to last patient, the teacher had been waiting over an hour past her original appointment time.

"I'm so sorry to have kept you so long," the dentist said as she took the near empty folder that contained Molly's chart from Consuelo. "It's been one of those impossible days."

"I understand," Molly said as she headed down the hall to the examination room the doctor indicated.

"Why don't you take off, Consuelo," J.T. said before she followed Molly into the room. "I can finish up here and put away the files when I'm done. I'm sure Jason is waiting for you to get home."

"Are you sure?" Consuelo asked, hoping the answer was yes.

"I'm sure, now pack up and go."

She didn't have to be told a second time as the twenty-two year old picked up her bag from under the desk and tossed a few things in it that she wanted to take home.

"Oh and Consuelo," J.T. said, causing the shorter woman to pause at the door. "Thanks for all the extra help today, enjoy your week off."

"You too, J.T.," she said as she closed the door behind her, waiting on the other side until she heard the doctor lock it from the inside.

"Well, this shouldn't take too long," the doctor said as she stepped into the examination room. "Let me just give you a shot so it doesn't hurt."

"Couldn't you fill it without a shot?" Molly asked, feeling like the little girl she once was.

"I'm afraid that the drill would be quite uncomfortable without it," J.T. said as she filled the hypodermic needle. "Don't worry, I promise it won't hurt."

"Don't all dentists say that?" Molly asked as she accepted the inevitable and tilted her head back, opening her mouth wide.

Shutting her eyes, the redhead was pleasantly surprised that it actually hadn't hurt at all. She had felt worse when she cut her legs shaving.

"We'll just have to give the Novocain a few minutes to take effect," J.T. said as she sat down on a stool next to the dental chair.

Normally, she would use this time to start work on someone in one of the other rooms. But with only her and Molly in the office, getting to know her new patient a little better seemed as good a way to pass the time as any.

"Consuelo tells me that you're new to San Alejandro," J.T. said.

Molly responded yes as she explained that she had just moved from Boston to take a local teaching position.

And so it went for the next few minutes as Molly told her the sanitized story of what led her to start her life over. J.T. in turn related how she decided to strike out on her own after the older dentist she had been working for decided to retire. Thankfully, a good number of his patients had made the move with her, otherwise she'd be having a rough time of it right now.

"Have you sampled the local nightlife yet?" J.T. asked as she pressed a gloved hand against Molly's lower lip, testing the effects of the anesthetic.

"I haven't had the chance, what with the new job and all," Molly said, her speech slightly slurred by her now numb jaw.

"Do you like clubs?" J.T. asked, deciding to give it another minute or two since this was the first time Molly had taken Novocain and she wanted her to feel confident of its pain deadening effects.

"I love them," the redhead replied. "Back in Boston I used to practically live at one called Scarlett's Rose."

No sooner had the name passed from her lips, Molly admonished herself for using it. She didn't hide her sexuality but neither did she wear it around her neck like a sign. Besides, her favorite club was three thousand miles away, and the name really didn't tell much about what kind of club it was. She'd be really stretching things to think that she'd have to find yet another new dentist because this one thought she was making a pass at her. A conclusion that, with all the staring that Molly had been doing, might've been encouraged if J.T. had a few more facts to add to it

"I've heard of it," the doctor said as she tested Molly's lip one more time and decided she was ready.

"You've heard of it?" Molly mumbled in surprise.

"Well not the one in Boston," J.T. said as she tested the drill by pressing on the foot pedal, "but there was one up in Sacramento where I went to school. Now just lay back and relax, this is only going to take a few minutes."

Molly didn't even feel the drill as it evened out the small jagged hole in her tooth. The revelation that J.T. knew about Scarlett's had made her mind as numb as her jaw. What exactly did what she had said mean? A lot of straight women knew about Scarlett's back in Boston, Sacramento probably wasn't any different. J.T. hadn't said that she actually went there, just that she had heard of it.

"All done," J.T. said after she finished smoothing out the filling. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"No," Molly managed to say, her tongue feeling like it was twice normal size.

"Just try and not chew anything for the next few hours and it'll be fine in the morning."

"Thank you," the redhead nodded as she got up out of the chair.

Freeing herself of the face shield and rubber safety gloves, J.T. walked Molly to the door to let her out. The doctor had just unlocked it when she turned to her.

"I'm afraid that you're not going to find anyplace like Scarlett's here in San Alejandro," she said as she held open the door and Molly stepped out into the empty hall, "but you might try the Candy Store over on Piedmont Avenue, it draws a nice crowd of pretty friendly people. I sometimes drop by there on the weekends."

With that, she said goodnight and wished the stunned woman a safe trip home. It would be a good two minutes before Molly thought to move from in front of the now locked office door.

Saturday night found Molly doing the same thing that she had spent her weekends doing since moving to San Alejandro, catching up on paperwork from school. She now understood why the school district had been willing to reach across the country to find new teachers. With the limited budget they had to work with, just about every teacher did double duty, taking care of work that a clerical staff would've done back in Boston.

Still, even with the extra work, Molly had no cause to regret what she now could look at as an impulsive decision to come out to California. It was already late Fall and the weather was still warm and comfortable. Back East, she would've already been making sure of her winter gear.

The people on what her father had always referred to as "the left coast" were also an interesting mix. Molly had been surprised to discover that there was an open lesbian on the staff. Madeline Stein had been a teacher for almost thirty years and no one seemed to care that she had been living with another woman for two thirds of that time.

Another interesting person was Andrea Kelpler, who managed the small registrar's office with unbelievable skill. A twenty-two year old whose, at first impression, sole qualification for her job seemed to be a thirty-eight inch bust. That wasn't something Molly usually held against a woman, especially if she was holding it against her. School gossip made no secret of the fact that Andrea's main job function under Steven Manchester, the recently retired Principal, was helping him with stress relief. Said relief taking the form of coffee break and lunch hour blow jobs. Still, people were more than willing to overlook how she got the job since they couldn't remember the last time the office had run so well.

Another staff member who might not have been welcomed in most schools was Benjamin Logan, who had already been a teacher when Molly was just starting high school. As a teacher, Ben really knew his job and in that regard, she had no complaints. The problem was that the forty-three year old had the political sensitivity of a brick. There were already no less than four complaints from minority personnel about comments he'd made this year alone. That Ben was black didn't seem to matter.

Strange as it was, Molly really felt at home with these people. If only for the reason that what really seemed to count was how good a teacher you were, and not what else was important to you in your life.

"Evelyn really would've hated this place," Molly said to herself as she put down the last of the files, remembering what a control freak the coordinator was at times.

The mention of her unfaithful lover reminded the redhead of her still unfulfilled promise to look for a new girlfriend. Glancing at the clock on her desk, she noted that it was still only a quarter to nine. Most clubs wouldn't even be warming up by now.

"Enough of this crap," she said as she got up from her desk. "This is one lady who needs to get laid."

Heading into the bathroom, she stripped off the T-shirt and shorts she'd been wearing and turned on the shower. Stepping under the hot water, she remembered the club Doctor Vitola had mentioned. Since she hadn't any other prospects, she might as well check that out.

As for the doctor herself, Molly had finally decided that while the dentist was probably into women, she really didn't have an attraction to her newest patient. Otherwise, she wouldn't have waited until she was literally out the door before mentioning the club to her. She could've just as simply asked Molly out for a drink or something.

No, no magic there, Molly thought as she got out of the shower and dried herself off. Still, it was nice of her to mention the club in the first place, giving the redhead someplace to at least start looking for Ms. Right.

Moving to the bedroom, she pulled panties from one of the dressers and a favorite dress from the closet. While the school was pretty lenient as far as a dress code went, this went pretty far beyond their limits. It had the right combination of comfort and sexuality. A sleeveless black number just low cut enough to accent the deep valley of her breasts. If she wanted to make an impression, this would certainly do it. The dress practically screamed "Fuck Me".

After checking her appearance in the mirror, she combed out her short red hair. Molly then applied just the right amount of make up and finished off her outfit with a small gold chain around her neck. From which hung an Egyptian Ankh, a gift from an old love that she always felt gave her luck.

Leaving her work problems sitting on the table, Molly headed downstairs to wait for the cab she had called for a few minutes before.

She didn't have a long wait as the cab showed up only five minutes later. As she climbed into the back seat, the young man driving the car turned around as to give himself an eyeful of the body he had only gotten a quick look at as he pulled up.

"And where can I take you tonight, pretty lady?" he asked, a smile on his face and his eyes glued to her breasts.

"I'm not really sure of the address, but I know it's on Piedmont Avenue," Molly said, ignoring his stare. "It's a club called The Candy Store, do you know where it is?"

The sudden change in his expression told Molly more than any thing he said that not only did he know where it was, he knew exactly what kind of woman went to a club like that. With a simple okay, and not another word, he turned around and started the meter as the cab pulled out into the light traffic.

During the short trip, Molly caught the driver taking a few peeks at her in the rear view mirror. No doubt, he was trying to imagine her doing things with another woman. Long used to such narrow-minded people, she just ignored him.

"Here we go," he finally said as the cab came to a stop on a deserted street. "That'll be eleven twenty-five."

Molly handed him a ten and a five, telling him to keep the change. The tip didn't make him any more sociable as the cab took off the minute she stepped out onto the curb.

It wasn't hard to locate the club as it was the only place open on the entire block. The rest of the businesses in the area were more suited to the nine to five crowd. Originally built as a disco back in the late eighties, the club had gone bust a decade later and reopened two years back catering to a narrower clientele.

"Well, Doctor Vitola was right about one thing," Molly thought as she stepped inside, "it's certainly no Scarlett's."

Still, it was far from the worst place she'd been in. A long bar took up the left side of the club, with the other two thirds taken up by a dance floor. There was space for a band but at the moment, the music was coming out of a CD filled juke box that was hooked up to the wall speakers. The lighting was subdued, but enough to see where you were going, and more importantly, who you were talking to.

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“Welcome everybody to this new episode of The wheel of fortune. Today another beautiful lady is trying to win the grand price of €1.000.000. Of course whilst the game, she may loose some or maybe all of her clothes. Let’s introduce the first lady of tonights show.” *applause* The first competitor of today’s show walks into the studio. “Good evening miss, what is your name? How old are you? What do you do for a living?”

1 year ago
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Reversal of Fortune

[ In the spirit of changing times; in the spirit of a long over due redress of well earned grievances of the so-called 'Third World', or the 'Developing Nations' (generally non-white), here's some encouragement to both whites who are more aware of their ancestor's exploitation and suppression of these nations and their people, as well as to they, themselves, who thirst for justice. And, in this particular scenario, we will see what may turn out to be the only truly significant form of redress,...

3 years ago
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A Privateers Good Fortune

It was like a curtain going up in a dark theater when the squall rumbled on southward and revealed a two-masted side-wheeler flying the stars and stripes. We closed quickly, hailed her after a shot across her prow, and she luffed her sails and stopped her engine. We lay alongside and I boarded her with a couple of my foulest-looking men. I met the startled captain, told him I was making his fine bark a prize and asked him to get his people off. He said he had some passengers and they soon were...

3 years ago
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Outlandish Fortune

Copyright© She sat back and sighed softly. "That was beautiful, wasn't it?" I wasn't sure just what she meant but I said, "Yeah, it was." She might have been talking about her body, which right then was sitting glistening with perspiration and stark naked on top of my schlong, which had been inside her hot cunt in one position or another for the last 80 minutes. Or she might have been referring to the four orgasms she'd had when my tongue had been exploring her cunt and tickling her...

4 years ago
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Emmas adventures and misfortunes

Introduction: Some sentences are a bit messy, but I couldnt think of a way to make them better. Anyhow, this is my first attempt at writing and posting a story… hope you enjoy. Today is June 16th, a day since Emmas school year came to an end, while also the day on which her mother Evelyn is having several interviews with potential candidates for a job of a live-in nanny. Even though Emma feels glad to be away from boring school and excited about her free summer, shes also both slightly worried...

3 years ago
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Genie misfortunes

*Note* This is my first story I’ve done on this site so I apologize in advance for mistakes, and I will make it public once I’ve finished the base chapters. Feedback and comments are welcomed. As John sits in his bedroom, he wonders why his luck with the other sex has always been terrible. It wasn’t his looks for sure, being a modest 5’9” decent build and a nice 9.5” cock when erect. Yet somehow he has failed to meet a good match yet, as he hasn’t even made out with a female being 20, almost...

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Jessica Nigri unfortune

Jessica had just woken up in her queen sized bed with drool going down her cheek onto the pink pillow that she was resting her head against. Her long blond hair was a mess like it always was in the morning. It was hard for her to resist just staying in bed all day but she knew that if she ever started to become too lazy it could effect her career. It took a good few minutes before she could muster the strength and will to get out from underneath her covers. She dragged herself across the room...

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Molly: Making of a SlaveMolly was a very unfortunate young girl.  Life had thrown many obstacles in her path at an early age.  Attractiveness wasn’t one of her problems though, she didn’t look like a model by any means, but that’s not to say she wasn’t a beautiful young girl.  She was really more cute, a cute beautiful.  Molly stood 5’3? tall and had shoulder length red hair much befitting her Irish heritage.  Her skin was a very light, interspersed with freckles, which only intensified her...

4 years ago
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THE SEDUTION OF MOLLYCHAPTER 1 ''You mean she's really coming mom?'' The young girl asked with such excitement in her voice. Molly had been waiting for nearly three years to hear those words. The words that told that her Aunt Hazel was coming to town. Molly Jean is just your normal s*******n year old high school girl. She is beautiful and smart. She loves her mom and dad, and her little brother Sam. She loves hanging out with her friends from school, and church. In a few weeks she will be...

2 years ago
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Molly Jacob and Camden

Molly and Jacob sat at their kitchen table for breakfast, each doing homework. The twins may have looked the same, but the outgoing Molly had established her dominant role early on, despite being born second. "Hey shit head, what did you get for that polynomial factor question?" she asked without looking up from the binder she was scribbling in with a short pencil. "Bite me, cunt lips," he replied. "Did you figure it out or got bored half-way through and jerk off?" she looked up with a...

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John Castle sat in the Airport waiting the arrival of Molly his 24 year old daughter. He had lucked out getting a parking place close to the terminal and consequently had a bit of a wait before her plane was due to land. It was almost 5 years since the terrible event that had changed their lives. Maureen so dear to both of them as Wife and Mother had been killed instantly when a drunk driver ran a Red light. John and "Mo", as Molly called her before she could say Mom, had gone to grade school...

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Molly and Ashleigh

Ashleigh smiled around the cock of the boy thrusting in and out of her mouth, sucking at it a bit harder. She was lying on her back in the middle of a group of men, some who she knew, some who she didn’t. Her best friend had just turned twenty one and of course threw a party, complete with alcohol, illicit drugs, and an endless supply of sex. Ashleigh had a cock in each of her hands, and she stroked and pumped them to the best of her ability, spreading their pre-cum over the lengths of the...

1 year ago
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MollyTom Carmel

Molly held Tom’s cock and started to rub it up and down, it was the first time she had wanked Tom’s cock his shaft was real thick and a huge cock head, she was scared to have it in her, Tom and Molly had been together for 2 years and wanted to take their relationship to the next stage they had done the preliminary fondling and had made Molly have a small orgasm, she so wanted to have Tom inside her but still being a virgin she was scared it would hurt, Tom groaned as she rubbed it a bit faster,...

3 years ago
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Molly Entertains I Dare You

Molly was pissed.   “How did I get talked into this?”   She thought as she pulled on her tight jeans and sucked in her breath so she could close the zipper.   As reluctant as she was to keep this appointment, it had taken her longer than normal to get going.   Now she was running very late and was fumbling around her bathroom in a half-hearted attempt to look presentable before she went out. Her vibrant and usually smiling features required little in the way of enhancement, a little lipstick...

4 years ago
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Molly Entertains I Dare You

Molly was pissed.   “How did I get talked into this?”   She thought as she pulled on her tight jeans and sucked in her breath so she could close the zipper.   As reluctant as she was to keep this appointment, it had taken her longer than normal to get going.   Now she was running very late and was fumbling around her bathroom in a half-hearted attempt to look presentable before she went out. Her vibrant and usually smiling features required little in the way of enhancement, a little...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Molly N In the Wet Wet Woods

Kiss, kiss Molly’s lipsKiss, kiss Molly’s lips— the VaselinesWe were on a bike ride. Originally, there were four of us — my daughter, her friend Ruth, her friend Molly and me. They were all home from college, energetic young women who had grown up together and were looking to relive some of the sights and activities of their c***dhood.That’s what led us to Gusse Woods, a large forest preserve criss-crossed with bike paths. About 10 years earlier, the four of us had been here on an ill-fated...

2 years ago
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Molly the Manager Part 6 Happy New Year 1983

these events actually happened. Names have been changed. Geographical locations have not, as it ads to context. The week after Christmas, 1982 up to New Year 1983. Those were some of the happiest years of my life up to that point. The week between Christmas and New Year was a busy one for both of us. Molly, being a manager spent, literally, opening and closing at the return/exchange booth. I on the other hand, was dropped to 25 hours. My saving grace is people that had purchased new...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 16

Wednesday after dinner, Molly and Bert sat together monitoring one of the more popular chatrooms. It was a new and rather disturbing feeling for Molly to sit by her naked, hunky brother and try to do a normal activity. On the drive home, she had thought about him and had longed for just this chance. Now, sitting with her shorts-clad leg touching his bare one, his body seemed to scream for her attention. Raising her hand to the keyboard rather than letting it drop to his crotch became a test...

3 years ago
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Molly gets a creampie finally

I sampled a couple of beers and the bartender told me of an old pub down the road a little way. I figured, I want to go to a real pub and hang out so I went. I arrived already slightly buzzed. I sat down and after a short time a few younger women cam over and sat down. Now I'm not homely, I'm 6'3" 215 lbs and I sport about an 81/2" cock. I talked to the girls for awhile, as best as I could anyway. One young woman in particular struck my fancy. Molly was about 5'6" slightly chubby but...

4 years ago
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Molly Chapter One

Chapter 1 I was still learning the layout of the school on the first day and was grateful that my first class was my free period. I was wandering the halls in search of the teachers’ lounge, and more importantly a cup of coffee, when a gorgeous, petite blonde ran into me as I rounded the corner. I staggered back briefly and instinctively wrapped my arms around the energetic woman. We both stared at each other for a moment; then she blushed brightly. I followed the crimson wave as it...

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Molly Comes To Find Us Part Two

I love scents. People undervalue our sense of smell. As John and I sat for breakfast that morning - inside this time as it had started raining - the delightful aroma of our croissants and coffee blended with the gorgeous scent of Tom’s cum wafting up from my tits while we ate. I kept closing my eyes to replay what had just happened; rubbing some of the cum into my skin.“God, what a beautiful cock he has!” I said to John, as if he needed reminding, having just watched me devour it. “The way he...

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Molly And Kellys Delightful Ipanema Rendezvous

Since surviving the terrible erotic activities, Molly had been tricked into participating in that night on the Island off the Brazilian Coast; the unpleasant memories had eventually faded with the passing of time. Molly was still happy she had done it for Antonio. However after—both knew they never wanted to attend any other of the Group's harsh and cruel activities. Molly, greatly relieved, had settled back into her comfortable familiar routine. She thought happily to herself, I love Rio de...

2 years ago
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Molly the Manager Part Five

This is a long and true story. Names have been changed. Geographical locations such as buildings, towns, defunct department stores are true. These events happened from November 1982 to about March 1984. [Sunday Morning After Solstice. After not necessarily a marathon session, complete with clapping and cheers from the DINK (Dual Income no k**s) neighbors, I awoke with the aroma of fresh coffee and Molly sitting on the bed. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead. We are going to Church. It's about...

1 year ago
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Molly Grows Up

Molly Grows Up A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Mark had never been to the officers of Albert Setter, Head of Security. It was on the ground floor of their large office block in Durham Street. When he entered he was surprised how large it was - he had expected a small office suited to a man who dished out the pass cards. In fact, the office was well appointed with bookshelves, a lounge area and a large old style desk, behind which sat the heavy set Albert Setter. "See here my...

3 years ago
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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 14

Later in the afternoon, Molly was up and looking somewhat rested. She found Curt at his computer. Putting her hands on his shoulders, she looked at his screen and asked "Talking to someone?" "No, just adding to the 'Surviving' website. Look at this." He showed her what he had gotten from Kendra. "I made it into a suggestion for kids at any school to try. Your brother's idea is another one I put up." Molly pulled up a chair next to him. What she really wanted to do was sit right on...

2 years ago
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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 2

"Come on, I'll go with you. The women are all here right now." At the entrance to the kitchen, Bert backed away, and Molly had to talk hard to him. She was losing, but Erma, the cook, just happened to come out where they were. It was questionable who was the most shocked, but they got through the explanation, and the fifty-year-old Erma was able to joke around and tease Bert in her usual fashion, calming him a little. Erma was a wonderful cook and had been with them for twelve years. She...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 4

"But ... but ... the whole point is that we're against the Naked In School Program!" Curt pointed out. "She's right, Curt," Molly said. "I'm not against it on the basis of nudity being wrong. I don't like showing my body to strangers, but the problems with the Program go way beyond that. We've both said that it's a matter of human rights. If we go on TV naked, it would destroy the prude argument. Where would that leave them?" "They would have to fall back on the psycho-babble...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 17

"You know what Penny and Bert are doing, don't you?" Lisa asked Molly as they and Cassie relaxed in loungers by the pool. "No ... you mean!?" At Lisa's nod, Molly asked "Does that make you sad?" "Sad?" Lisa asked in puzzlement. "Oh, you mean am I jealous? I couldn't expect Bert to feel that way about me. I'm happy for Penny. She's had a rough time at home, too." Molly, like everyone else, could not help but be impressed by the sweetness of Lisa. How anyone could put her...

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Molly Alyssa and Me

There is no sex in this story, if that is what you want I suggest you go elsewhere. This is a story about an older man and two much younger women, the relationship they form and his ultimate reward. I'm not sure how to categorize this story. I guess its best just to say it's a story. This is a little different tale than I have written before. I hope you enjoy it. Appreciate the comments, both good and bad. It is the only way a writer knows if his work is worthwhile. On with the story. The...

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Molly and Jess

My heart groans as I attempt to write this, but I know the story needs to be told. I know I need to reach deep within myself and find the courage to tell it. It all started when I carried out my childhood dream – to be a camp counselor. I applied to a YMCA camp when I was 18 years old and made the High Ropes staff. I could not be happier. As my senior year in high school came to a close, jitterbugs entered my stomach. A lot of old-timers would not be returning and I had no idea who would make...

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Molly Was Just a Teen Whore

This is another improbable romance in the genre of, ‘Pretty Woman’. It includes a sweet tale of love with more than ample stroke material. He walked through the door of what was euphemistically known as a ‘lingerie modeling studio’. For twenty five bucks at the front door a hopefully young and attractive women would dance seductively in revealing lingerie while the customer sat in a chair and jerked off. As long as she didn’t show any pink, ass hole or nipple and there was no bodily contact it...

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Molly and Marilyn and MeChapter 2

During the summer, I scored a big contract with the town school board and began working with an architect on a new school design. It was to be a departure from the conventional school configuration and I was, for the first time in a long time, really excited about something. On top of that, although the contract for materials would go through the bid process, local suppliers would be given preference. I was pretty sure my employer would get a better than even chance to win what would be a...

3 years ago
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Molly and Me and the Bikers

Note; Read Molly and Me for the first part of this story. So my girlfriend Molly and I had just finished fucking when we head the rumblings of motorcycles. It came from the big parking lot. Molly is my DD girlfriend who together with her friends, Cathy in particular, like to go to bars, strut their stuff, get free drinks and then bail out on the now excited guys in the bar. Molly would call me and then I would go and pick up her and if her partner, usually the aforementioned Cathy,...

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Molly Marilyn Me Ch 01

My thanks, as always, to ErikThread, for this excellent work and helpful suggestions. Any errors or omissions are mine alone. * More often than not, things don’t work out the way you plan them. The unexpected pops up to surprise you. Such was the case with Molly and Marilyn and me. The Pickled Pumpkin has a very nice new location. It re-opened a few months ago, nestled among the fir trees at the base of a mountain. It used to be housed in a dark, sprawling building across the street, but the...

2 years ago
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Chapter OneMrs. Wilson had taken Molly from the orphanage years ago, and Molly knew she ought to be grateful: Mrs. Wilson could have hired a maid with some experience, and she had recently decided that Molly ought to be trained up in order to get a job as a paid companion someday.  But Mrs. Wilson was strict, and Molly couldn't even count the number of times she'd been birched or whipped or otherwise punished for breaking some small object or rule.?Do you know why I have asked you to stand here...

4 years ago
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Molly Ahern

Molly Ahern made her way to the front of the bus. It was her stop to get off, or so she thought, it was late and dark outside and she couldn't see where she was exactly. "Mind the step there dear" the driver said as she stepped down. The door hissed shut behind her and the bus drove away ... its lights slowly diminishing into the distance. It was then she realized she'd made a terrible mistake. Frobisher Rd was over on the other side of the industrial estate and not where the driver had...

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Mollyrsquos Boobs

Molly was a sister of my best friend Tom. She was 6 years younger than Tom, a little cutie who played in the garden, while Tom and me were busy doing all the important things teenage boys do. We built a hut, ride bikes, steal cherries and apples from other gardens, and sometimes we went fishing instead of going to school. We fought, too. One day when I got beaten by a group of older boys Tom helped me throwing stones at them. Well, one stone hit me, but the other stones hit the bullies and the...

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Molly the Manager Part 3

This is the story of my year and a half relationship with my first long term friend/lover. The names of people have been changed. Geographical locations, names of long defunct retail establishments are real. As we had finished Thanksgiving dinner, we hated to eat and run, but both Molly and I had to work the next day. Molly's older sisters gave me the perfunctory hug and the peck on the cheek. Both her parents hugged me. I had never met a family so happy. Perhaps they were happy to see...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 8

The four teens ate lunch on the patio, even though it had gotten very warm. Eleanor and Win ate inside, and Penny was reluctant to eat with Win when she was naked. When he saw her start to dress, Bert quickly stopped her and asked Erma to serve them outside. It was evident that Lisa was suffering in the heat. She wore loose shorts and a baggy top, but that was quite a bit in the August heat. Bert was sensitive to her extreme body-shyness, but he could also tell that she needed relief from...

1 year ago
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Molly and Me Part 1

I keep telling them that this behavior will eventually get them in trouble, and this story is just how much they trouble they got into, and dragged me into it too. First, Molly and Cathy share a few attributes. They are both blond, cute and stacked. I know Molly is a 38DD because I have sucked and kissed them on many a date. I also know Cathy's DD too, because one afternoon, after Molly and I got up off the rug in Cathy’s apartment, Cathy would let us meet there because it was a...

2 years ago
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Molly Girl

Molly Girl Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "I know that you don't think so, but after what you did, this is going to happen regardless, unless you want to move out that is! That was the very last straw! Now just stand still while I lace this up!" I stood there like a dummy as the corset was laced tight, compressing my waist to an unimaginable size, then watched as the outfit was pulled over my head and buttoned up the back. After I stepped into the shoes and she...

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Molly The Manager part 4

This is a true story. I have changed the names. Mi categorized this as voyeur even though we were not watching, nor was anyone watching, as much as when Molly and I had our romps in bed, we definitely put on an audible show for the neighbors. So much so as they would applaud. Molly and I dated, rolled in the sheets for a year and a half. Our career choices made us grow apart. The story does not have a sad ending. This is part five of a multi part story. This is more of a reconture of...

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Molly and Me

There I was, wandering around the hotel's public rooms, somewhat furtively asking people I vaguely remembered meeting in the previous few days if they'd seen my wife Molly, and at the same time trying not to make it too obvious that I'd completely lost track of her. I'll be honest with you, I was getting more than a little worried; I'd last seen Molly about three hours previously and she'd been in conversation with the very disreputable Gordon Hamster. Hamster wasn't exactly a...

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Molly Masturbates

Molly brushed her bangs out of her eyes, the wind gusts blowing her shoulder-length straight red hair around as she stood on the front steps of her house, waving goodbye to the car that was pulling out of the driveway. She could see her father through the car window as he drove away; her mother turned back in the passenger seat to wave back at her. As the car moved down the street, Molly waved again, and turned back to go inside the house. Although it was very bright and sunny, it was still...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 10

NiS is purely fictional, so this story is SciFi. I had to build a culture where something so bizarre could happen. I chose to use today's political parties and extrapolate from there to some future an indeterminate number of years from now. The resulting future parties have 'evolved' from today's equivalents. Which 'evolved' party would be the most likely to implement NiS? Despite the angry responses of offended Democrats, it seems pretty obvious to me. Right-wing governments are...

4 years ago
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Molly Chapter Three

Chapter 3 “What the FUCK are you doing here?” Sandra screamed at me. Gee, I guess she hasn’t gotten over my part in her getting expelled. But I wasn’t here to talk about the past, I was more concerned with the future. “Nice to see you too Sandra. I need to talk to your sister.” “She isn’t here asshole, so go away or I’ll call the cops.” I knew that arguing with her was a bad idea, so I tried a different tactic, “Look, I’m here to help her. She could get into a lot of trouble for...

3 years ago
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Molly the Manager Part 3 Afterglow home cooked

This is a true story. I changed the names of the people, but geographical locations, names of defunct department stores are real. Molly lay on her back, still breathing heavy for a couple of minutes. The warm glow of the candles she lit and the wine I had consumed in the hot tub made the events surreal. "Either I had multiples or I had one long, long orgasm. I have never had that before. " "Everything just happened. I guess it started when you were running your hands on my chest. That...

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Molly Chapter Two

Chapter 2 I went home for Christmas break the next afternoon. I was afraid to face Molly after the encounter in the limo. She called twice while I was away and I let it go to voice mail both times. I called when I knew she would be busy and left a message for her. Megan called as well, but didn’t leave a message. I didn’t call her back. What could I say? I was infatuated with her married sister and even though it was never going to go anywhere, I could never be with her as I knew it...

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