Carmen and Alyssa Pt 2 An Afternoon Snack
- 4 years ago
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There is no sex in this story, if that is what you want I suggest you go elsewhere. This is a story about an older man and two much younger women, the relationship they form and his ultimate reward. I'm not sure how to categorize this story. I guess its best just to say it's a story. This is a little different tale than I have written before. I hope you enjoy it. Appreciate the comments, both good and bad. It is the only way a writer knows if his work is worthwhile. On with the story.
The snow storm was getting worse. It was about ten miles to the next town and I began to wonder if I would make it. The Ford F250 I am driving is four wheel drive, but even the big truck was having a hard time staying on the road. The snow storm was almost blizzard like and there were short periods of white out. These conditions made visibility minimal at best. I literally couldn't see much more than thirty feet in front of the truck. I had slowed to five mph trying to stay on the road.
As I drove, I thought of why I was here in the middle of a small blizzard.
My name is Patrick Ryan O'Rourke. (Not Pat, Patrick). My wife would kick your butt if you called me Pat. As the name indicates I am of Irish descent. I am 59 years young, well I don't really know about the young part. Young is not how I'm feeling lately. At six feet even and 195 pounds, I have a fairly athletic body. I'm no Sean Connery, but I'm not an ogre either. You wouldn't be ashamed to be seen in public with me. My hair is sort of salt and pepper, with more pepper than salt. The beard I wear is just the opposite; it's mostly gray. I go into these details so you, kind reader, know what you have to work with.
I am medically retired from the United States Marine Corp. I was a Marine lifer for twenty years and was mustered out with a medical discharge. I am also retired from the security and surveillance field after another twenty years. I am drawing two pensions and medical disability check. A word about my disability pension; I was medically discharged after being wounded in some third world shithole of a country and the retirement was not my choice. My retirement rank was as a Gunnery Sergeant E7. I probably would have retired as First Sgt E8 or Master Gunny E9, but I had a bad habit of telling young officers to get their head out of their ass. I kept getting busted down in rank. Always made it back to Gunny, but I would again open my big mouth again and miss out on the next promotion. I am currently unemployed. My pensions, disability, and other investment income gives me a pretty much do what I want life style. That's not a bad thing.
My wife Molly and I were married for 35 years. I say were because she was killed in an auto accident a year ago. It was the day after I retired and we were on the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) driving north from San Diego. We were going to take a couple of months to drive up the coast and into Canada and then east across Canada to Quebec. We never made it past L.A. A large truck lost control, rammed our car from the rear, and then rolled over us. I was seriously hurt, but Molly was crushed and died at the scene. Still trapped in the wreckage, I was holding her hand when she smiled at me, whispered "I love you" and passed away. The light of my life had just gone out.
I spent about three months in the hospital, had two surgeries on my left leg and one on my left arm. The driver's door of our car had done a lot of damage to that side of my body. The prognosis was good and I eventually regained about 90 per cent usage of both limbs.
Part of the investment income, I mentioned before is the settlement I received from the trucking company. Their driver had been drugged up on speed and he was trying to make up time on his delivery run. This cost the company a lot of money, I mean a lot of money. They settled out of court to keep their drugged up driver out of the media. It didn't work; they paid me all that money and I still went public and raised as much hell as I could. Didn't do any good but it made me feel a little better.
When I was released from the hospital, I had to spend three months in rehab, and then several more months getting back to normal. After I regained the almost full, use my left side, I resumed my life. I took some of the money and bought a big Ford pickup. My idea was to finish the trip Molly and I had planned; but with a bigger vehicle. I made it from Southern California to Oregon, before I ran out of steam. It wasn't the same without Molly. I enjoyed the country I drove through, but I kept thinking how much she would enjoy this and it took the wind out of my sails.
I decided to suspend the trip and drive home to Arizona. My plan was to head east through Idaho and then south through Utah. It was getting pretty late in the season and the people I was staying with suggested that I retrace my steps and go back south on the PCH [Pacific Coast Hwy.]. They were worried about snow in the high country going the route I had chosen. My Ford can make it through anything I told them and took off. I made it to Brian's Head Resort near Cedar City, Utah and ran into a snow storm. This is where I started my tale.
The big Ford must have hit a patch of black ice and it started to skid toward the shoulder of the road. I was going to ride it out when I saw two people in the truck's path. Hitting the gas and turning to wheel as far as possible, I was able to swing the truck around and miss the two figures. When the truck stopped, I jumped out to see if they were okay. I wasn't okay; I was shaking like the proverbial leaf in a storm. I yelled to them asking if they were okay. Silence from them both.
Now I had a chance to get a better look at the two people I almost ran over. They both were wrapped up in what looked like blankets. One was taller, about 5 feet 6 I guess. The way the taller one stood and was checking over the other made me think it was a female. The shorter one was about 5 feet 2 and sorta hanging on the taller one.
"I'm sorry; the truck hit some ice and skidded right at you. Are you okay?" Still no answer from either of them.
"What are you guys doing out here in this storm?" Again not a word.
"Look you can't stay out here, you will freeze. Come get into my truck and I will take you where you need to go."
The smaller one tried to pull away, but the taller of the two stared at me intently. The tall one said "Okay, but no funny business."
They both climbed into my truck, and sat squeezed against the passenger door. I got the truck turned around and head back toward the town I had been trying to get to. I turned the heater on high to help them warm up. They must be freezing being out in that storm, I thought.
"There's hot chocolate in that thermos if you guys want, it will help you warm up. My name is Patrick O'Rourke by the way."
The taller one grunted thanks and opened the thermos, poured some into the cup and handed it to the other one. The cup of chocolate lasted almost 30 seconds. Another cup was poured and the biggest one pulled back the blanket and the parka hood to drink. My god it was a woman or a girl but the light wasn't good enough to tell her age. The other one unwrapped herself and proved to be a younger girl.
A little aside here; there is a scene in the movie, "The Magnificent Seven" where Chris, played by Yul Brynner, is asked where he's from. He gestures over his shoulder with his thumb indicating behind him. Then asked where he's going, he points with his forefinger in front of him.
That's what I got when I questioned my riders. No info just gestures, indicating they came from back there and are going that way. Strange I thought. One would think after the close call on the road, they would be talkative and excited. What I got the most was silence.
"Look, I am going south to Arizona, but I can drop you off in the town up ahead. You can stay there until this storm blows over."
"Can we go," the taller one asks.
"Go to the town, sure." I answered.
"No, I mean, can we go to Arizona with you? We won't be any trouble and we have money. We can help pay for the gas and food."
I was stunned. Two strangers, girls at that, wanted to go to Arizona with me. Well, maybe not with me, but away from here anyway. I wondered what was going on. There was something under the surface here and did I want to get involved?
It took another hour to get to the town. I was thinking the entire way about my very quiet guests". I saw a diner that was open and decided I should eat, so I stopped. The girls just sat there as I got out of the truck, taking the thermos with me to refill.
"Come on girls, you can't stay out here. The truck won't offer much shelter without the heater running, so come on into the diner. I'll spring for dinner or supper or whatever it is."
Slowly and cautiously the two got out and followed me into the diner. I slid into one side of a booth and they sat across from me. There was only two other customers in the diner; they looked like truckers sitting out the storm. After a couple of minutes the girls took off their blankets and parkas and I got my first good look at both of them.
The bigger of the two was about 16 I guessed. She wasn't really pretty, but sorta wholesome with the girl next door look. The smaller one was a few years younger. It was obvious they were related, the family resemblance was very strong.
After the waitress had taken our order, I turned back to the girls and said, "Okay, what's the deal ladies? Why were you on the road in this storm and why do you want to go to Arizona with me? And by the way, who are you?"
The older one answered, "This is my sister Alyssa Kelly. We need to get away from here and I thought we could go with you. I have a little money and can help with the gas. I'm a good driver and could help; after we get out of this storm, anyway."
"What is your name, young lady and why away from here? It must be something serious to make you try to run away in this storm."
"My name is Molly Kelly," she answered.
I almost fainted when she told me her name. MOLLY! It seemed too much of a coincidence for her to have the same name as my wife. I must have heard her wrong. "Molly?'
"Yeah, I was named after my grandmother. The reason we need to leave is sort of personal, mister."
"If I'm going to be taking two young girls across state lines, I think I have a right to know why. Even if it is personal; so talk."
Molly told me a sad and horrifying story. She was 16 and Alyssa 13. They were living with their step father, Ralph Henning. Their mother Alice had been killed, in of all things, an auto crash two months ago. They had stayed with their step father because they didn't have anywhere else to go. Their mother had a sister Jennifer somewhere, but the girls hadn't seen or heard from her in over two years. Ralph had been sexually abusive to Molly for over a month now. No intercourse but he fondled and pawed her almost every day. He watched her dress and bathe then touched her in places that no young girl should be touched. Molly felt she could stand it because she and Alyssa needed a home. There were no other relatives and Molly didn't think she could support them. Then things got worse.
Ralph started to pay attention to Alyssa last week. He would stroke her arm or breast or butt when she walked by him and try to catch her changing clothes or in the bath. Earlier today, he told Molly she would have to be nice to a couple of guys tonight and he would take care of Alyssa while she was busy. Molly knew what he meant and decided no home was better than what they had. So they ran away and that's when I came into the picture. They didn't care where I was going just as long as it wasn't here.
I don't believe in fate or any of that type of stuff, but this scenario really stretched the laws of coincidence. I mean a girl in trouble with the same name as my late wife. She and her sister were left alone when their mother was killed in a car crash, just like my wife. I had goose bumps the size of golf balls. I stared at the girls as they ate their dinner. Finally I sighed; I had made up my mind. Fate or coincidence or whatever, these girls needed help. Help is what my wife and I had done for thirty years together; it is a hard habit to break. Don't even know if I want to break it. Their situation sounded like something out of a bad movie, but I was going to help them get out of Dodge.
When the girls finished their food, I told them, "Go to the bathroom, wash up, use the toilet, wrap up, and meet me at the truck. I guess you gals are going to see Arizona. I will get some food to go and more hot chocolate while you are gone."
They both looked at me with tears in their eyes and started to babble. "Thank you, we will be a big help" and on and on. I couldn't really understand most of it, they were talking so fast.
"Go on, get going. We aren't going to stop except for gas until we get closer to my home. Don't want this Ralph to track us down. Now git!"
I bought some sandwiches, packaged snacks, filled the thermos and headed for the truck. As I left the diner, I heard one of the truckers ask the waitress if the girls were Ralph's kids. The waitress replied that yes that was Molly and Alyssa. I thought, oh shit, we have got to boogie. The girls met me at the Ford; we climbed in and beat feet out of there. I told the girls about the waitress knowing them and that we needed to get as far away as possible as quick as possible. I hoped my skills are up to the speed I was driving in this storm, because snow or no snow we needed to get some miles behind us.
I kept an eye on my rear view mirror for the next three hundred miles, watching for a sign of pursuit. As far I as I could tell no one was after us. Using secondary roads, we continued south on U.S. 89 to Arizona. We took 89A at Sedona to my home in Prescott. I don't know if we got enough of a head start that Ralph couldn't catch us or if we were just lucky or some divine intervention kept him off our butts. Don't know don't care. We made it to my house without problems; well I did have to stop more than I wanted to so the girls could use the restroom, but other than that we made good time. You know how women are.
To help pass the time on the drive I learned more about the girls. Their mother, Alice, and Ralph had only been married for two years when she was killed. Molly and Alyssa couldn't understand why their mother had married him to begin with. Alice had told them she needed someone to help with the living expenses. She didn't seem to love Ralph, but did like him. At least for the first year, then he became abusive to their mother. Ralph was not a nice man. He started to hit Alice and yell at her a lot. He also complained about having to raise the girls. He didn't appear to be too broken up at Alice's death. Maybe because of the insurance money he received.
I told them about my wife and me, our years together and the accident that killed her. Then I explained the trip I was on that brought the girls and me together. Molly thought it was "cool" that she and my wife have the same name. Molly, Alyssa, and I had become friends; at least friends of convenience, if nothing else.
My house is an old hotel, just off Whiskey Row in downtown Prescott. The bottom floor houses an upscale restaurant that leases the space from me. The upper two floors have been converted into two large apartments, one on each floor. My wife and I bought the place at a bankruptcy auction about 20 years ago, when I retired from the Marines. The restaurant was thinking of leaving because of the auction. Before the sale we talked to them and made them an offer they couldn't refuse to get them to stay. We froze their rental cost for a period of ten years. That lease paid the mortgage and a lot of the cost of the conversion of the top floors to apartments. All and all, the place didn't cost us much more than the down payment. My wife kept one of the apartments for our use and rented out the other. We used the apartment as our base; we traveled a lot with my job in security. When Molly died, I quit renting out the top floor apartment; I just didn't want the hassle. After ten years we gave the restaurant the same deal for another ten years. I would continue the same lease rate for as long as the restaurant wanted to. Other than maintenance and utilities, the place cost me nothing and the lease was a good source of income.
I got Molly and Alyssa settled into the top floor apartment. They had their pick of three bedrooms and two private baths. The girls had been living in a four room shack, with one bathroom. My place was the lap of luxury in comparison.
After the girls had two days to acclimate to my home and town, I took them shopping. They only had jeans, sweatshirts, heavy cold weather boots, and parkas. The clothes were too heavy and hot for our climate in Prescott. Women must be born with the ability to enjoy shopping. These girls weren't women yet, but they had a great time trying different things on and debating which items were best. We spent the better part of the day going to different stores and the girls trying on clothes. I had the feeling that this was something new for them. If so, they took to it like ducks to water. For the first time, I saw actual smiles and heard laughter from those two. In the end, I spent about five hundred dollars on the girls and had to almost force them to take the things I bought for them. They didn't have anywhere near that kind of money and said they didn't feel right in letting me spend that much. I told them the experience of watching them and their smiles were worth the expense.
The next day I took Molly and Alyssa to a ladies spa at a nearby resort. I had set it up while the girls were shopping yesterday. I went in with them, told them they were getting the works, and I would pick them up in five hours.
I was setting in front of the spa in my truck waiting for the girls to come out. Two very pretty young ladies came out of the door but I didn't pay them any attention. That is until they walked up to my truck and said hello to me. My god, it was Molly and Alyssa. They had changed so much that I hadn't recognize them when they came out. All the way home the girls talked about what had been done at the spa and their new clothes. When we got to the house, they both thanked me with a hug.
Molly and Alyssa were in the kitchen the next morning when I got there. They had fixed breakfast for all of us and were waiting for me. Molly said she wanted to talk to me. I told her go ahead.
"Why are you doing this, Patrick? I mean, you saved us from the storm, fed us, and helped us get away from Ralph."
"You needed someone's help and I was there," I answered.
"Okay, I can maybe see the ride to town and some food, but why the rest of it. You brought us to your home, gave us a place to stay, and now the clothes and spa. Why?"
"It's what my wife and I did our whole life together. We didn't ask why or should we when someone needed our help; we just helped. It's the way we lived and the way we were. I don't see any reason to change because Molly is gone."
"You could have left us at the diner or turned us over to the sheriff instead of taking us with you. It would have been easier for you."
"Yeah I guess so except when I tried to go to sleep. I would have known that the real problem, Ralph, had not been taken care of. Just to ease your fears, I'm not Ralph. I'm not planning on bothering you ladies in that way. I don't molest children."
"We know that much Patrick. You're too nice of a man for anything like that. You are like a big bear, a big teddy bear."
"I have one other reason for helping and it's a little weird, so don't freak out on me. Molly and I never had children, we wanted kids but it didn't happen. If we had, your mother Alice would have been about the right age to be our daughter. That makes you young ladies about the right age to be my granddaughters. That's how I think of you. Like I said, it's weird
Molly and Alyssa looked at each other and I saw tears welling up in their eyes. They both turned to me and said, "Thanks Grandpa." The girls grabbed me in a big family type hug and I had a hard time seeing through the tears. I must have gotten something in my eye. I have no excuse for what happened soon afterward. The only thing I can say is my ignorance caused a storm to come to my home.
The girls couldn't just sit around my place, they need to go to school; both because of their education and they needed friends their own age. What I should have done was hired a tutor and home schooled them. Hindsight is 20-20, believe it.
I contacted Shirley, a family friend. She worked for the school system as a high level administrator. I explained about the girls, where they came from and their story. Shirley agreed to help get them into school without any hoopla and to keep it as quiet as possible. Problem was the principal at the school contacted the girl's former school for their records. He didn't do it to cause trouble; he was trying to help the girls by getting them into the right grades.
The principal at their old school was a fishing buddy of Ralph's. He of course called Ralph and told him what was going on. Now Ralph knew where the girls were.
I don't believe that Ralph really cared about the girls, except as sex toys. Plus he wanted them at home so he could draw aid from the state on the two motherless children. It was more money for him to piss away and not have to work for it. That's my theory anyway.
The first sign of trouble was about six weeks after the girls started school. They both came home from school all worked up, scared, and almost crying.
"Molly, what is wrong? Why are you guys so upset?
"Nothing Patrick, some boy was teasing us," she lied.
"Bullshit Molly, you are a lot of things but a good liar isn't one of them. What is going on?"
"Alyssa and I saw Ralph going into the school office this afternoon. We are just upset that we will have to go back with him."
"You stepfather was at the school? How did he find you? I need to call Shirley and find out what is going on. You ladies go change and start dinner while I call."
"Shirley, this is Patrick," I said when she answered the phone. "My girls told me they saw their step father at school today. What the hell is going on? I thought you were going to keep this quiet."
"Patrick, I'm so sorry. Mr. Bolton, the principal, contacted their old school for their records. He was just trying to help the girls, but it lead their step father to them. I guess they will have to go back with him until something can be worked out through the courts."
"My girls are not going back with that asshole. I don't care what the courts say. If they go back he will be pimp them out within a week. No damned way. You hear me, no way."
Shirley said, "I will stall him as long as I can. You had better get some legal help. Stay within the law Patrick, don't try your Semper Fi Marine logic on this one."
I laughed, "You know me too well Shirley. Okay, I'll get an attorney and do this the legal way. At least at first, but I told you before, my girls are not going back to that asshole. I don't care what the courts decide; that son of a bitch is not getting his hands on them again, period."
The next day, I told the girls they shouldn't go to school for a few days. At least until I can solve this problem with Ralph. It didn't break their hearts to miss school. I called an attorney, an old friend of mine, and got an appointment for 9:00.
"Molly, Alyssa, I'm going to see a lawyer so I'll be gone for awhile. Lock up after I leave. You have my cell number so you can call me. The attorney's office is only a few blocks from here; I can be back in less than 5 minutes if you need me. Okay?"
"We'll be okay Patrick. Don't worry. The T.V. works so we'll be okay," Molly said. "We trust you Grandpa." Then she and Alyssa both giggled.
Jake Summers was the attorney I went to see. He was also a retired Marine. Jake had been in Judge Advocate's Office while in the Corps. We had met at one of our Marine company reunions. I walked into the outer office, there was no one there. He yelled from his office to come on in. He rose from his desk and walked to meet me and shook my hand.
"Hi Patrick, how are you?" What can I do for you?"
"Hello Jake, I'm fine." I filled him in on what was happening, my history with the girls, and what I wanted.
"You have no standing legally as far as the girls go. No blood relationship. However, this Ralph has no standing either. This is going to be interesting if nothing else."
"No standing, what the hell? I saved them from a child molesting asshole and I have no standing. What kind of shit is this?"
"Take it easy Patrick. We're not completely unarmed here."
"Are you going to help me Jake?"
"Semper Fi, Patrick. Besides, I haven't tweaked the local courts nose in some time. This is going to be fun."
"I'm not interested in fun; just put a stop to this shit Jake. I'll cover all the costs and your fee; just send me a bill when it's over."
"Don't worry about that; if I work it right the state will have to pay on this one."
My cell went off and I picked it up. It was the manager of the restaurant on the ground floor at my place. He told me there was a strange guy sneaking around in back of the building. The car the guy was in has Utah plates on it. I thanked him, told Jake I had to ditty mao. (Means get going fast). About half way home, my cell rang again; it was Molly. Ralph had climbed the fire escape and was trying to open a window.
"Molly grab Alyssa, get into my bedroom and lock the door. No one short of a swat team can get in there. Don't come out until I tell you to. I'm 3 minutes away, be right there."
I slid the truck to a stop in the front and sprinted up the stairs to my apartment. As I entered my place, I could hear a window break in the dining room. I keep a .45 Colt over the door, in case of a home invasion. I grabbed the Colt put it under my belt in the small of my back and walked into the dining room.
Ralph was crawling through the window into my house. I guess it was him, I had never seen the asshole.
"Son, you are about to make a bad career move. I suggest you go back the way you came. This is the only warning you'll get," I told him.
"Screw you old man. I'm Ralph Henning and I came to get my daughters. Where are my girls?"
"Two things. First, they are not your daughters or your girls. You never adopted them, so you are not their father."
Ralph got through the window and stood up facing me.
"Second, you are going to be really embarrassed to tell the sheriff that this "old man" kicked your ass. Last warning, it would be in your best interest to leave."
He yelled and started for me, throwing a round house right. I won't go into the details of the altercation here; I will just tell you the results.
It took almost ten seconds and poor old Ralph was finished. He was sitting with his back against the wall to hold himself up. His right shoulder may have been dislocated, his nose was bleeding profusely possibly broken, and his left knee was starting to swell. The "old man" as advertised had kicked his ass. I heard a police car with its siren screaming pull up in front of the building...
I walked to the door and waited on the sheriff to come up the stairs. Nodding at him, I pointed to the dining room and followed him into the room.
"What going on Patrick? Molly called me. Who is this guy?" The sheriff, Bob Smalls, asked me.
"Don't know who he is, said he's Ralph Henning. I caught him breaking into my house. I asked him to leave, but he attacked me. I had to defend myself Bob."
"Did you have to beat him so bad?'
"I blocked his first punch and only hit him twice after that. Believe I'm within my rights to defend my home."
"Yeah you are, but the medical bills for him are going to cost the county a lot. Couldn't you have taken it a little easier on him?"
"I did take it easy on him. He's still breathing isn't he? I slowly pulled the Colt out and showed it to Bob. "I could have just shot him, I guess."
The sheriff got Ralph to his feet and led him down to his car. Bob turned and said, "You'll need to come down and sign a complaint this afternoon."
I nodded and went to my bedroom; knocking on the door I said, "You can come out, he's gone."
They rushed over to hug me. "I thought you would be hurt, Grandpa," Alyssa said. "How did you stop him?"
"He fell coming in the window and hurt himself. The sheriff got here before he recovered."
"It's not nice for me to say, but bullshit Patrick," Molly laughed.
Things settled down for a few days. One morning as I was walking to my truck a man approached. He asked, "Patrick O'Rourke?"
"Yeah, what do you want?"
"You have been served," he said. He handed me an envelope and walked away.
It was a summons to appear in the question of custody of Molly and Alyssa. The custody hearing was set for the next day. I had no intention of letting the court take the girls away. I called Jake right away; he was aware of the summons and was prepared for the hearing and told me not to worry. My door bell rang and the sheriff was standing there when I opened it.
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Alyssa and I Chapter 1. The day I turned 22 was also the day I graduated from college. Pretty cool--what better birthday present could there be than a shiny new diploma! I knew the world was my oyster as I walked across the stage to shake hands with the university President, very conscious of the admiring eyes of my parents and little sister as they led the general acclamation that accompanied the arrival of each new graduate on stage. After the ceremony, my family and I came back...
After getting Madison, my sister, back for being a bitch with the help of my three best friends Chris, Jake, and Joey, I couldn’t help but think about all the time for the last two days about what Alyssa said: “I’d love to do this again sometime.” Chris had asked what Alyssa said to me and I just lied and said I couldn’t understand her. I mean did she really say that to me? I and my friends tied her up and fucked her and Madison and their friend Lauren too. But she said what she said. I was...
Liz Morrison, Kayla’s mother has been charged with child endangerment, and possibly more charges are pending because she ignored Kayla when she told her about the way the man touched her inappropriately, and the fact she feared he’d do something worse during her week long stay at the church retreat. Being as the state filed charges against her, the single mother lost custody of her only daughter. Needless to say, Liz Morrison’s in big trouble for forcing her daughter into Jim Jones’s so...
Chapter 20. Forgiveness, Jack and Grace make up After telling Alyssa to leave, so he can talk with her mother Jack kissed Grace with every ounce of passion he has, for what seems like an eternity. He’s still nude from the waist down, after being caught red handed; so to speak, having sex with his teenage stepdaughter by his wife; her mother of all people. If it weren’t for Alyssa’s quick thinking, and the way she ever so sweetly reminded them of the marriage vows they took two years ago;...
~ D. H. Lawrence. Chapter 23. Welcome home Brad. Alyssa’s been waiting impatiently all morning long for Brad to return home, finally at just a little past noon Brad came through the front door. Completely surprised and totally excited with her lovers return, she ran across the living room and threw her arms aound the tall dark haired brown eyed teenage boy. He’s about to speak, but she quells his voice planting a deep kiss on his lips. “Oh calm down Alyssa,” says Grace. “Give the...
After Halloween, Alyssa and I became an “official” couple. We were together for just over six months, and it was awesome. I wish I could say that meant we had sex every single day, but we didn’t. I wish I could say that meant we had sex every week, but we didn’t. We did have sex as often we could though, and that was a lot. In that time I learned a few things about Alyssa. First of all, she really did have the most amazing body. I would just lay there next to her and stare at every...
Introduction: There are at least 12 chapters to this story. Each ratchets the story up one more notch. If you like them, comment, and Ill keep them coming. I have written 12 chapters to this story so far. It is something of a family affair, and we get to learn about tons of new, extreme experiences from the perspectives of four different family members. The incest in this chapter is light, but most subsequent chapters will be way racier. Just setting the stage here, but I think youll like the...
Today was Alyssa’s 32nd birthday. She had been invited by her girlfriends to go out and celebrate tonight and “get wild” as they put it. They suggested going to the infamous Hawt Dogz male strip club to try and see how much trouble Alyssa could get into. She loved the idea and had fantasized about doing something like that on a number of occasions. Unfortunately, she had promised her boyfriend, Jim, that she would stay home with him instead. Apparently, Jim had something “big” planned. She...
Jamie was resting on top of Marc. She could feel how she was about to slide into sleep time and again but she knew it would be a hell of a hard time sleeping on the sofa. She had to get Alyssa's spare mattress and to get that she needed to get into Alyssa's room. She started wondering if something was going on between Alyssa and Scott and suddenly she was fully awake. She slid out of the sofa and when Marc wanted to know what was up she told him she was getting some beddings. Soon they...
“Whatcha building?” I had not heard or seen her enter the garage, but when I heard the question and looked up from the board I was sawing, I recognized her immediately. I did not know her name, but I knew she had moved in across the street a few days prior. When I’d first noticed her playing in her front yard, I was struck by her youthful beauty. Just a few hours before she showed up there in my garage, I had watched her playing basketball in her driveway with her father while I was mowing...
We had Alyssa sideways on her bed with her head hanging over and Chris steadily and easily face fucked her. Her face was a mess with cum drool and saliva dripping down her face. Or was it up her face since she was upside down? It looked fun. From the other side of the bed, I just deposited a good cum load in Alyssa’s ass. It was a good way to start fun with Alyssa. “Hello?” a strange voice said. I jumped and turned toward the voice. It was a girl with shoulder length blonde hair. It was...
Everybody knows Alyssa Milano from TV and films and I'm sure many would jump at the chance to spend a Night with her. This is my fantasy about a "very" beautiful woman. I'm single with a great job and living in California. I should be living high off the hog with women left and right looking to hook up with me. Truth of the matter is, I'm painfully shy. Shy to the point that I haven't had sex in almost a year, and that one time was when I was so inebriated to the point that I wasn't...
She’s late. Martin had prepared everything. He had carefully considered what to say, arranged with Damien to not disturb them and made a comfortable cuddling spot in the hay. Now he just needed Alyssa to show up. He even had his special aid. As he thought about it, he felt into his pocket. It was starting to melt. She’d better come soon. He decided to store it in the hay. “Martin?” The feint whisper came from downstairs. “Martin?” “I’m over here.” He called back. It was getting dark and...
AnalMarc laughed and took a sip from his beer while his eyes stayed on the blonde woman. "What?" she finally asked with an irritated frown. "I'm not falling for the brat-routine," Marc replied. "The what!?" Alyssa came out of the rest rooms and Scott spotted her immediately. She stopped. She was on a public place and she had no panties on. She was virtually naked. If someone flipped up her skirt, if she fell, if she... She felt vulnerable, and horny. And Jamie was just behind her......
Alyssa Like Kassidy, I had known Alyssa since we were all in grade school. Alyssa was also a gymnast and came to the same gym as Kassidy and me, at least for a while. Alyssa had since quit the gymnastics team and taken up soccer. Her and Kassidy however, remained best friends. Kassidy and Alyssa did everything together. School, camp, sports, shopping, if you found one of them, you probably found the other as well. This even applied to dating. Often times Kassidy and her boyfriend would double...
Marriage; what’s a marriage? I leaned back in this big comfortable leather chair; one of several found here in the reception of the country club we belonged to thanks to my ex-father-in-law’s exceptional wealth. I allowed my eyes to wander over to the clock in the shadows on the wall. It was past 7:00 p.m.; soon it would be time to go home. Alyssa Taylor Trevelyan nee McCloud was still gabbing about some of the odd and strange things that have occurred in her insane life. Alyssa is my former...
Mr. Ryan walked into the teachers lounge only to be surprised by seeing one of his students there. Alyssa Olsen, oblivious to the fact that someone else had walked in was trying to clean up water she had just spilt. “Alyssa! Why are you here” Mr. Ryan asked. “Well you see uhh….”Alyssa stuttered, she was too embarrassed to finish her sentence. Mr. Ryan clearly seeing the girl was upset immediately softened his tone. “You know you can tell me if something is bothering you.” “Well...
At sixteen Brad Wilson can have any girl he wants. He's a tall good looking boy with thick black wavy hair, warm brown eyes and a charming smile. Over the years, he's used his charming ways to seduce more than a few girls. His mother died four years ago, two years ago his father married a forty year old widowed mother, she has a daughter named Alyssa. For the passed two years, he's watched Alyssa grow from a sassy little chestnut haired green eyed brat to a fourteen year old vision of...
I had to talk Morgan into keeping it low-key at school. There would still be a lot of flirting. One time we were sitting at the lunch table and she practically had her hand on my pants. I wanted to just take her right then and there on the lunch table! My friends knew, her friends knew, but everyone just kept their mouths shut about it. I would always grab her ass when I passed her in the hall. She would whisper the naughtiest things in my ear, or slip the sexiest notes into my hand. Every...
Alyssa puts her blonde hair back in a ponytail and takes a deep breath while smiling. A random chain of events to be certain but Alyssa doesn’t care, all she can think about is when the next opportunity to get some black cock will be! Alyssa wakes up as the car continues to zoom down the dark highway. She kinda wipes her face a bit as she pulls her phone out to see thats it three in the morning. She looksup at the front of the car where her dad is driving and her mom is sleeping. Hey dad...
Dana bounded out of the Invictus, leaving Alyssa and Jade behind her, as she hurried to meet up with High Councillor Rathus and the dozens of Ashanath engineers who were staring at her expectantly. She was surprised at her surging confidence, having previously hated being the centre of attention, especially when there were more than a handful of people watching her. Instead of feeling the familiar crippling fear of public speaking, she was eager to get started and speaking to everyone at...
(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); Alyssa puts her blonde hair back in a ponytail and takes a deep breath while smiling. A random chain of events to be certain but Alyssa doesn’t care, all she can think about is when the next opportunity to get some black cock will be! Alyssa wakes up as the car continues to zoom down the dark highway. She kinda wipes her face a bit as she pulls her phone out to see thats it three in the morning. She looksup at the front of...
Alyssa 3 – Mom’s trap After Gary’s party I still saw Morgan at school every day, but now it was different. Now any time we crossed paths there was an obvious, almost irresistible draw to each other. I would always smile, or perhaps leer is a better word, and watch her pass by. I had to be very careful that Alyssa never saw, but I did watch her every time. I did get together with Morgan once or twice on the side when Alyssa had to go out of town for lacrosse games or some other event. We never...
“And we are put on earth a little space that we might bear the beams of love ~ William Blake Chapter 1 It's nine o'clock on a Friday night as Brad sets leaning back on an old but comfortable leather sofa in their apartment living room, watching an episode of Game of Thrones. There's a pleased smile crossing his lips, not a smile caused by the sexy soft core sex scene playing out on the television screen before his very own brown eyes but better yet caused by the feeling of...
Chapter 1 I never asked for this! Christ, I was Philosophy major in undergrad. I only got my teaching certification because it occurred to me one night, what the fuck was I suppose to do with feeble philosophy degree. I had no idea they would put me in this position, I thought perhaps I would supervise over a study hall or teach me other bullshit class. I never imagined they would think I had the qualifications for this, and with a degree in slacking and bending the rules, what else would...
Vines hung from the branches and ocelots raced through the undergrowth as she made her way through the shrubbery. The sun bounced off of her glossy, black hair. Her eyes swooped down the valley to a small body of water at the bottom. She scanned the surrounding area, looking for a way down into the canyon. Moving to the edge for a better look, she noticed a thin green thing on a ledge just below her. It looked up at her, its jet black eyes staring into hers, and began to hiss. Smiling, she drew...
SupernaturalAlyssa I arrived at Alyssa’s house about half an hour later. At this point I really had no idea what to expect. She opened the door, dressed in just her bathrobe, threw her arms around me, and gave me the most passionate kiss I could ever remember. Then she finally pulled me into the house and closed the door behind us. After finishing a rather intense welcome kiss, Alyssa started apologizing for running out on me. “I’m so sorry, I never should have run off like that. I just couldn’t...
I met Paul in school. We were both social misfits and outsiders. We loved to be in this status even if it meant occasionally being the target of some jock bully. I felt that I had met a kindred spirit. There was something vaguely feminine about Paul that stirred feelings in me. He had chestnut brown hair that fell down to his shoulders, a round face, and a pair big brown eyes. He was quite slight and pale, but possessed an exceptionally large penis, which I stole quick , nervous glimpses at...
I had known Alyssa since we were probably nine or ten years old. She was one of the many girls I knew from the gym. She was also Kassidy’s best friend. They did everything together, school, camp, dating, sports, if you found one of them you probably found the other. Even though Kassidy and I had had a couple of amazing sexual encounters, she actually did have a boyfriend all this time. So a few times when they wanted to go out, and Alyssa didn’t have a date for the night, Kassidy called me to...
I had fantasized for years about the two of us having a relationship but never expected anything to happen. I did not feel to be good enough being old at almost sixty , fat , disabled with back problems and just overall unattractive. It would have been like beauty and the beast. That is when fate decided to intercede. I went to a medical appointment which involved a wheelchair and medical transport there and back. I arrived at the doctors office being wheeled and the first one I saw was Alyssa...
Alyssa Milano came out of the bathroom, still a little wet from the shower she had just taken. She had not slung a towel around her magnificent nude body. She simply enjoyed walking around naked. She had tried to cool her off but when she was towelling down and rubbed over her large breasts and between her legs she became slightly aroused. Now she was fingering her cunt absentmindedly as she headed for her sleeping room. Suddenly her dog Digger appeared out of another room. He walked over to...
Alyssa was dressed in a sexy outfit with flat black shoes , dark thigh high silky nylon stockings , a very short black skirt with a silver belt , and a sheer white silky collarless , sleeveless blouse that buttoned up the front. Kayla was dressed the same except her skirt was a dark burgundy red and her blouse was a light pink. Alyssa and Kayla walked out of the school and headed to their car in the parking lot. Almost to the car when a student ran up to them saying that a fight was starting...
As his name suggests, he was indeed a Blue Dragon, in the highest order, a protectorate of Malygos. But that was before all this happened. Before the Scourge raided his home, and killed so many of his people, turning them into frost wyrms and flaming dragons of bone. He had been enraged. But he remembered little of it now. It didn't matter either way. He'd just heard a noise. He advanced toward cover, seeing a door-less passage with a broken statue sticking out of it, he dove for it....
Since I took over my father's talent agency out here in L.A., I haven't really had to go chasing talent to bring onboard for the company. Thankfully, he left me a large stable of great actresses and musicians who are not only talented, but also hot as hell and sexy. And as great as the sex had been with the clients I had gotten personally involved with, I was still looking for something more. A more meaningful relationship. Sure, there was always the fall back to my personal assistant Julie...
This story is for mature readers only. If things like lesbian rape of a teenager offend you, please do not read further. If you want to re-post this story on another site, please email me first and get my permission. The young girl in this story is a real person that I found on Facebook. This story is from my imagination thinking about her. If you would like to make a comment about this story, make a suggestion, or just want to chat, please contact me. Alyssa’s Lesbian Rape By:...
Alyssa was still an attractive woman at the age of 33. Even after two kids and 12 years of marriage, Alyssa had kept her youthful beauty, standing 5'3" with long auburn hair and large piercing green eyes. Her pale skin was covered with a small spattering of freckles that she hated but her husband found irresistible. Years of exercise and diet had left her slender body trim and well toned. She knew that a good many men found her attractive but she had never strayed from her husband. Alyssa was...
It was a number of years into my marriage and my wife just was notsatisfying the "darker" sexual urges of mine. As I had grown sexually overthe years I came to enjoy being the dominant partner and my wife had arather vanilla and puritanical view of sex that I hadn't fully recognizedwhen we were dating. Eventually I decided to look online for a submissivegirl to chat with and maybe meet. This is the story of my first meeting with "alyssa", a woman I ended uphaving a relationship with for...
Molly: Making of a SlaveMolly was a very unfortunate young girl. Life had thrown many obstacles in her path at an early age. Attractiveness wasn’t one of her problems though, she didn’t look like a model by any means, but that’s not to say she wasn’t a beautiful young girl. She was really more cute, a cute beautiful. Molly stood 5’3? tall and had shoulder length red hair much befitting her Irish heritage. Her skin was a very light, interspersed with freckles, which only intensified her...
THE SEDUTION OF MOLLYCHAPTER 1 ''You mean she's really coming mom?'' The young girl asked with such excitement in her voice. Molly had been waiting for nearly three years to hear those words. The words that told that her Aunt Hazel was coming to town. Molly Jean is just your normal s*******n year old high school girl. She is beautiful and smart. She loves her mom and dad, and her little brother Sam. She loves hanging out with her friends from school, and church. In a few weeks she will be...
Molly and Jacob sat at their kitchen table for breakfast, each doing homework. The twins may have looked the same, but the outgoing Molly had established her dominant role early on, despite being born second. "Hey shit head, what did you get for that polynomial factor question?" she asked without looking up from the binder she was scribbling in with a short pencil. "Bite me, cunt lips," he replied. "Did you figure it out or got bored half-way through and jerk off?" she looked up with a...
John Castle sat in the Airport waiting the arrival of Molly his 24 year old daughter. He had lucked out getting a parking place close to the terminal and consequently had a bit of a wait before her plane was due to land. It was almost 5 years since the terrible event that had changed their lives. Maureen so dear to both of them as Wife and Mother had been killed instantly when a drunk driver ran a Red light. John and "Mo", as Molly called her before she could say Mom, had gone to grade school...
Ashleigh smiled around the cock of the boy thrusting in and out of her mouth, sucking at it a bit harder. She was lying on her back in the middle of a group of men, some who she knew, some who she didn’t. Her best friend had just turned twenty one and of course threw a party, complete with alcohol, illicit drugs, and an endless supply of sex. Ashleigh had a cock in each of her hands, and she stroked and pumped them to the best of her ability, spreading their pre-cum over the lengths of the...
Molly held Tom’s cock and started to rub it up and down, it was the first time she had wanked Tom’s cock his shaft was real thick and a huge cock head, she was scared to have it in her, Tom and Molly had been together for 2 years and wanted to take their relationship to the next stage they had done the preliminary fondling and had made Molly have a small orgasm, she so wanted to have Tom inside her but still being a virgin she was scared it would hurt, Tom groaned as she rubbed it a bit faster,...
Molly was pissed. “How did I get talked into this?” She thought as she pulled on her tight jeans and sucked in her breath so she could close the zipper. As reluctant as she was to keep this appointment, it had taken her longer than normal to get going. Now she was running very late and was fumbling around her bathroom in a half-hearted attempt to look presentable before she went out. Her vibrant and usually smiling features required little in the way of enhancement, a little lipstick...
Molly was pissed. “How did I get talked into this?” She thought as she pulled on her tight jeans and sucked in her breath so she could close the zipper. As reluctant as she was to keep this appointment, it had taken her longer than normal to get going. Now she was running very late and was fumbling around her bathroom in a half-hearted attempt to look presentable before she went out. Her vibrant and usually smiling features required little in the way of enhancement, a little...
Straight SexKiss, kiss Molly’s lipsKiss, kiss Molly’s lips— the VaselinesWe were on a bike ride. Originally, there were four of us — my daughter, her friend Ruth, her friend Molly and me. They were all home from college, energetic young women who had grown up together and were looking to relive some of the sights and activities of their c***dhood.That’s what led us to Gusse Woods, a large forest preserve criss-crossed with bike paths. About 10 years earlier, the four of us had been here on an ill-fated...
these events actually happened. Names have been changed. Geographical locations have not, as it ads to context. The week after Christmas, 1982 up to New Year 1983. Those were some of the happiest years of my life up to that point. The week between Christmas and New Year was a busy one for both of us. Molly, being a manager spent, literally, opening and closing at the return/exchange booth. I on the other hand, was dropped to 25 hours. My saving grace is people that had purchased new...
Wednesday after dinner, Molly and Bert sat together monitoring one of the more popular chatrooms. It was a new and rather disturbing feeling for Molly to sit by her naked, hunky brother and try to do a normal activity. On the drive home, she had thought about him and had longed for just this chance. Now, sitting with her shorts-clad leg touching his bare one, his body seemed to scream for her attention. Raising her hand to the keyboard rather than letting it drop to his crotch became a test...
I sampled a couple of beers and the bartender told me of an old pub down the road a little way. I figured, I want to go to a real pub and hang out so I went. I arrived already slightly buzzed. I sat down and after a short time a few younger women cam over and sat down. Now I'm not homely, I'm 6'3" 215 lbs and I sport about an 81/2" cock. I talked to the girls for awhile, as best as I could anyway. One young woman in particular struck my fancy. Molly was about 5'6" slightly chubby but...
Chapter 1 I was still learning the layout of the school on the first day and was grateful that my first class was my free period. I was wandering the halls in search of the teachers’ lounge, and more importantly a cup of coffee, when a gorgeous, petite blonde ran into me as I rounded the corner. I staggered back briefly and instinctively wrapped my arms around the energetic woman. We both stared at each other for a moment; then she blushed brightly. I followed the crimson wave as it...
I love scents. People undervalue our sense of smell. As John and I sat for breakfast that morning - inside this time as it had started raining - the delightful aroma of our croissants and coffee blended with the gorgeous scent of Tom’s cum wafting up from my tits while we ate. I kept closing my eyes to replay what had just happened; rubbing some of the cum into my skin.“God, what a beautiful cock he has!” I said to John, as if he needed reminding, having just watched me devour it. “The way he...