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''You mean she's really coming mom?'' The young girl asked with such excitement in her voice. Molly had been waiting for nearly three years to hear those words. The words that told that her Aunt Hazel was coming to town.

Molly Jean is just your normal s*******n year old high school girl. She is beautiful and smart. She loves her mom and dad, and her little brother Sam. She loves hanging out with her friends from school, and church. In a few weeks she will be graduating from high school. An event that she was looking forward to. In the next few weeks Molly would be a very busy young girl, with prom and parties to attend. But as excited as she was about all these events, it was seeing her Aunt Hazel that she was most looking forward to.
She smiles as she walks into her white and pink bedroom and falls back on her bed. The thoughts of her beautiful and sexy Aunt Hazel floods her mind. She still can't stop thinking about the last time they saw each other, and what almost happened between them. She still wonders to this day what would have happened if Sam hadn't come home when he did. She wonders just how fur they would have taken it.
Hazel Davis was Molly Jean's favorite aunt. She was nothing like her younger sister. Molly's mom, who was rather up tight about so many things. However, her big sister, Hazel was always a free spirit. Molly could never figure out her mom and her Aunt. How two women born to the same two parents, and grow up in the same house could be so different from each other.
Its not that they didn't love each other, because they did. Even when they were fighting, Molly knew that her mother loved her only sister dearly. But there was always this wall between them. It wasn't until Molly was around thirteen years old that she started to put the pieces together. Oddly it started when Molly was beginning to discover her own sexual appetites. For some reason Molly had never been into boys, she thought that they were just a waste of her time. However, when it came to other girls, Molly was all in.
She really can't pin point when it happened, all she knew is one day she just looked up and she noticed this beautiful dark eyed girl that sat in back of her in math class. She couldn't help it, the instant she saw her, Molly just knew that one day she would have her. The first blush of love or intense attraction can be the most powerful force on earth, Molly could surly attest to that.
Maggie Gomez was her name. A beautiful dark eye Mexican girl with long curly black hair. Her lovely olive skin was smooth like silk, and even at such a young age her body had a rare womanly quality to it. She was the new girl in class, and Molly wanted nothing more then to be Maggie's friend. The fact that Molly followed Maggie around for weeks without even saying one word to the girl had both of them twisted up in knocks.
Maggie really didn't know what to make of it. She was use to having guys follow her around. But for another girl to do it was just a bit off as fur as Maggie was concern. She knew what all those guys wanted from her. After all it was her big brother Arthur who schooled her, and then bragged to anyone who would listen how he took his little sister's cherry. According to Arthur his k** sister Maggie was an easy lay. Describing in great detail to his locker room buddies just how tight her pussy was the first time he fucked her seem to give him a great thrill. To see the looks on their faces knowing how much each and every one of them wanted her, but knowing he was the one who had her first gave him a sense of pride and ownership. However, it was not only her brother that used her. Just about every male member of her family have had their way with her, including her own father.
The day came when Maggie had had enough. Molly was becoming a problem that Maggie couldn't shake. Everywhere she went for some reason Molly always seemed to show up. This was becoming real scary as fur as Maggie was concern.
It happened during lunch one Friday afternoon. As usual Molly was at her usual table. It was the table that gave her a better view of her beloved Maggie. Maggie knew that she was being stocked by Molly, she just hoped that the pretty green eyed red haired girl was as harmless as she seemed. However, Molly's little game had gone on for weeks, and Maggie was tired of it. Maggie knowing that Molly would follow her anywhere she would go, so Maggie formed a plan to get Molly alone, so she could get the whole crush thing or what ever it was behind them.
It was after lunch and Maggie had an hour of free time. She decided to get Molly in the girl's bathroom for their much needed over due talk. As she was about to slip into the girl's bathroom Maggie checked around to see if Molly were around. Sure enough there she was just standing there watching Maggie's every move. Maggie caught Molly's eye, and with a wink and a shy smile she let Molly know that she was indeed interested, Maggie slipped into the girl's bathroom to await her pry.
When Molly walked into the girl's bathroom Maggie was no where in sight. If she were in one of the stalls then Molly would have surly seen her feet, but as Molly looked under every stall there was still no singe of Maggie. That is until she reached the handicapped stall, and that is when the door suddenly flew opened and Molly was pulled in and the door was quickly closed and locked. The sudden movement caught Molly off guard, but when Molly saw the look on Maggie's face she just knew that this wasn't going to go as she had hopped.

''Why are you always following me, what do you want?'' Maggie spat out.
Molly took offense to the tone of her question, she really didn't know what she wanted from Maggie, except to be her friend. ''I don't want anything from you, I just thought that we could be friends, that's all.''
''I don't believe you. You want something from me, I just don't know what it is yet.'' Maggie accused.
The painful look in Molly's eyes ripped Maggie's heart out. It was that look of rejection and pain that seemed to cause Maggie to slow down and take stock of the situation.

Maggie hated that feeling of rejection, it was a feeling that she knew all too well. At that moment when she looked into Molly's beautiful sad eyes there was something inside her that melted away any kind of anger or doubt. Maggie realized that maybe this was nothing more then just a lonely girl looking for friendship.

''I'm not a liar. You can believe me or not, but I'm telling you right now that all I wanted was to be your friend. But if you don't want my friendship then fine, I don't know why I even bothered.
''Hey, look I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to accuse you of anything, its just that I... oh well I'm sure you don't want to hear about all of my crazy hangups.'' Maggie said with a gentle sweet smile.
''Well I guess its my turn to say I'm sorry, and I'm sure that your hangups are no crazier then mine.'' It was at that moment that the two girls started to bound. It was a bound that would grow so strong over the next few months that it would be unthinkable for anyone to ever think that they could come between them.
''Look maybe we should start over. Hi my name is Molly Davis, what's yours?

In the coming weeks their bound as friends, sisters, and then finally as lovers began to grow into something that neither one of them could denied. It was a little over a month before either one made the first move. It was on a hot Sunday afternoon and Molly had invited Maggie to spend the weekend at her house. Molly knew that they would have the house to themselves on Sundays, because her mom, dad and little brother always spend all day Sunday in church. Molly had stopped going to church must to the dismay of her parents over a year ago. Her Sundays now consist of reading trashy novels, flipping though her father's secret stash of dirty magazines, and then topping her day off with pleasuring herself for hours before her folks got back home.
However this Sunday would be different for Molly. This would be the day that would change the course of her life forever. In the few short weeks that they had known each other Molly and Maggie had discovered things about each other that not only shocked them, but the feelings that had been awakened in both girls were both scary and delightful all at the same time.
Maggie who never really felt love from her family, used maybe, but never loved. At least not in the way that most young girls would feel love from their families. Maggie had been giving the role of her family's fuck toy. It was not just her brother that used her, she had been used and discarded by more then one member of her family. Looking the way that she looked, and having the body that she was blessed with, how she could not be the object of lust and desire. However, over the years Maggie had discovered that she truly loved sex, with women.
Her discovery happened one night when she was seduced by one of her father's girlfriends. Up until that night she had only been with men. But the night that Mary Anderson first laid hands on her, and kissed her in a way that no man has ever kissed her before. To be in the loving arms of a woman who knew how to give love, and not just use her body for pleasure only. It opened up a whole new world for her. Now that she has met Molly and has gotten to know her, it seemed to have opened up Maggie's heart and mind to new ideas about her life. She wasn't sure of her feelings for Molly, was it love, or just an intense attraction. What ever it was Maggie had come to the conclusion that if the opportunity presented it self that she wouldn't mind exploring a relationship with Molly.
The girls had been busy all that weekend. They had watched movies all night on Friday. The next day Molly's mom dropped them off at the neighborhood mall. They walked hand in hand though the mall. Darted in and out of shops, trying on cloths and shoes. They had lunch at the local pizza places where all the k**s from school hang out. The fact that it was a Saturday afternoon and the place was packed with wall to wall teenagers, but no one really noticed them. It was like they were in their own little world when ever they were together. The fact that they were holding hands, and looking like two teenagers in love should have set off alarm bells. Just the way that they looked at each other should have been a clue to their growing feelings for each other.
That evening they finished watching the movies they had started the night before. While they never said a word it was clear that something was in the air that night. An unspoken desire that neither one could bring herself to express,
The next morning Maggie woke to find Molly's empty bed. Siting up she wondered where her best friend could be. Laying back on her pillow she begin to think back to the first time she saw Molly. She had to admit that she didn't think much of the little skinny bitch. If anything Molly was a pest who followed her around all day. But now it felt so different. She had becomes Maggie's closest friend. They had shared so much, that now it seemed like the two was now of one mind.
Maggie walked into the kitchen still half asleep, but in very much in need of a cup of coffee. Molly looked up from the funny paper that she was reading to see Maggie as she sat across from her. Maggie couldn't stop thinking about just how cut and sexy Molly looked in her bike shorts and tank top. Molly had a great body, there was no getting around that fact.
There was a silent undercurrents between them that was so strong that it scared the hell of of both of them. But what ever these feelings were that drove their attraction to one another, Molly and Maggie felt that it needed to be explored. There had been weeks of tension between the girls, yes you can say that it was sexual tension. The fact that a friendship between to sweet innocent young girls had now turned into lustful tension between them was something neither one of them expected.
''Hey'' Molly greeted her house guest.
''Where are your folks? Maggie asked when she noticed that they were no where around.
''They went to church. Molly answered with just a touch of excitement in her voice.
''Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you miss church.'' Maggie said.
''Oh believe me you're not making me miss a thing, I stopped going to church months ago. I guess being the good little church girl didn't appeal to me anymore.'' Molly confused.
Maggie thought Molly's confusion was kind of sweet. She saw Molly as a strong young woman, capable of making the hard calls in her life. Maggie had grown to love so many things about her dear friend. Her her zest for life itself was such a clear turn on for Maggie.
''How long will your mom and dad be gone?''
''All day.'' Said Molly.
''You mean they are going to be in church all day?'' Maggie exclaim
''Yes, all day. We have this whole house all to ourselves to do whatever we want.'' Molly said with a wink, and a sexy sexy smile.
Looking away, there was so many thoughts that went though Maggie's head. In those times when she were being honest with herself she knew that she wanted Molly. She had dreamed of having a relationship with a woman someday. Due to her relationships with the men in her family, Maggie had a bad taste in her mouth when it came to men as a whole. She really liked girls, and saw nothing wrong in expressing how she felt. It was very clear that there was a connection between the two girls, a connection that both of them were tired of fighting.
Maggie knew an opening when she saw it. Deciding to make the first move Maggie approached Molly where she was sitting with the funny paper and a mug of coffee still sitting in front of her. When Molly looked up she suddenly felt Maggie's lips on hers. It took a few seconds for Molly to realize what was happening. But once reality sat in there was no other choice but to give in.
Their passion was a force of nature that neither of them wanted to contain. Tongues and hands explored new and exciting territory, and nothing on this earth had felt as right and as good as what was happening between Molly and her first female lover.
As sudden as it started, it suddenly ended when Maggie broke their first kiss and pulled away. ''Oh Molly, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me, I would never do anything to... just as she was apologizing for going after something she wanted, it was Molly's turn to declare what she wanted.
Grabbing Maggie and pulling her back into her arms they shared another long deep slow kiss. It was what she had dreamed of from the moment she saw her. Molly wanted Maggie, she ached inside for this woman. And given that it was Maggie who made the first move made it even more real and special to her.

''Oh Maggie baby please don't apologize. I have wanted this for weeks. God you are so beautiful and sexy, and the only thing I want right now is to be with you.'' Maggie was so touched by Molly's heart felt confession that the very idea of turning her down was now far removed from her mind. Looking into each others eyes, Maggie and Molly spoke to each others hearts.
Taking Molly by the hand. Maggie gently kissed the palm of her hand. ''Yes I would like that too.'' Maggie said as Molly lead the way back to her bedroom.
The atmosphere was filled with the passion of a new found love. Walking hand in hand the two young girls entire their own world of pleasure. Once they were behind closed doors the freedom to discover and explore an unspoken passion soon took root. It was Maggie who took the lead on their first journey into their world of passion and lust.
Mary Anderson had taught her well, and Maggie felt that she was ready to explore her own needs as a woman. For some reason she wasn't ready to label herself as a lesbian, that would come later. But for right now she was ready to explore this new beautiful world.
For some reason that she could not fully understand at the time, this felt right to her. Maggie gently took Molly in her arms once again and slowly began to explore her body. She wanted to feel her, know her, and give her the kind of love that she knew she was capable of giving.
Starting at the top and working her way down Maggie kissed and fondle every inch of her new lover. Molly was not about to fight her. Maggie was everything Molly wanted and so much more. The two girls discarded their cloths as they stood before each other strip down naked of any inhibitions. They saw it in each others eyes. The beauty of two people discovering each other for the first time.
Holding, loving, caressing, and finding in one another the things that furled their passion for one another. For Molly it was what she felt comfortable with. It was what she wanted to know above all else, the feel of a woman's touch. For Maggie it was a question of being in control. That was something she has never had with any of her male lovers. They had never seen anything as beautiful as each other. They kissed a few more minutes. Their love play set the stage for their day of undeniable passion.
The sight of Molly''s naked body nearly left Maggie speechless as she took charge of her lover's beautiful body. It was the day that Maggie discovered so much about herself. What she liked and what she didn't like. One thing was very clear from the start, Maggie liked being in control. As she begin to discover Molly, love Molly she became more aware of her true nature to love a woman.
The touch and feel of Molly's naked body made Maggie come alive inside. Her skin felt like pure silk to Maggie's fingertips as she explored the soft surface of her lover's body. Her tits were as perfect as they come, and Maggie wanted to devouter them on sight. She could not help herself, those lovely round hard nipples seemed to call out to her, begging her to come and taste the sweetness that they gave. She could not keep her hands or her mouth off them. Maggie truly couldn't believe anything could ever compare to Molly's sweet tits. However, she still had so much to discover and learn. And before their Sunday rump would end they will both be aware just how deep their connection will be.
She pushed her down on the bed Working her way down it felt as if Maggie was following a road map that would lead her to Molly's hidden treasurers. Every inch of her body felt like a well deserved reward for all the hell that she had been put though. Maggie had not had an easy life, but on this beautiful Sunday morning it seemed that God was smiling down on her, giving her something that she had never had before, someone to love.

By now Maggie was in full control. Taking a long good look at what was about to become hers, Maggie's mouth suddenly went dry at the thought of her lips wrapped around Molly's little rose bud. She knew that it was now or never as Maggie lowered her head and found one of Molly's hard little nipples just waiting for her. Rolling her tongue around her perfect little nipple it created such a feeling of bless that Molly could barely stand it. The small flame that had been ignited weeks ago now felt like an all consuming fire in her core. Arching her back to give Maggie all that she desired Molly was not about to let the chance of showing Maggie just what their friendship meant to her. The hunger that she has felt for Maggie from day one seem to be always with her. Molly had never been good at hiding her true feelings. As a result Molly had made a pest of herself when it came to Maggie.
The fact that she followed Maggie around for weeks was as odd as odd could be, and of course Molly knew how she must have looked to not only to the woman of her dreams, but to the rest of the world as well. However, she wanted Maggie, and Molly made the decision that whatever it took to get Maggie's attention that it would be worth whatever she had to endure. And now it was all about to pay off.
It was clear that Maggie was in full control of their first time at being lovers. Molly's body was so soft and beautiful as Maggie explored every inch of her. Maggie's hands never left her body as she wanted to know every lovely inch of it. Sweet gentle kisses covered her as her lover as she discovered her first of many treasurers. She had a exquisite pair of tits that was full and form. Her nipples was hard and round and when Maggie was feasting on them it was like nothing she had ever known. Maggie's lips and tongue became a tool of pleasure as Molly and Maggie found their true selves, and she tasted oh so good.
Maggie slowly made her way down Molly's beautiful toned body. Leaving trails of soft kisses as she made her way to Molly's glorious treasurer. Suddenly she saw it, the end of her rainbow. The treasurer that she has been looking for. It was right there in sight, and it was the most beautiful thing that she had ever laid eyes on. It was nearly bald, but with just enough hair to make it look almost womanly. And the smell, she smelled so dam good. The first whiff of Molly's pussy had Maggie's senses going off the charts. Everything in her wanted to claim Molly in every way. Slipping a finger between her tight lips Maggie slowly started to pry her pussy lips apart. Molly's pussy began to ache with the need of her lover. She spreads her legs wider offering Maggie easier access to her pussy. Kissing and licking it until she found the key to unlock her box. Once her box was unlocked, Molly's pussy unfolded like a magic carpet.
There was no holding back now as Maggie plunged two fingers deep into Molly. Her moans and screams echo though out the room as she gave in to the pleasure her body was feeling. The look in Molly's eyes told her lover that she was as the right track as Maggie added a third finger to the mix. With all inhibitions whipped away Molly and Maggie gave each other the kind of pleasure the they had only dreamed about.
Molly was close to paradise as her body was on the edge of something so divine that no words could ever describe it. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the power of her first girl girl fuck. Maggie loved playing with Molly's pussy. It was a beautiful thing, all nice and smooth, and it tasted even better.
With a hand full of dark hair Molly held Maggie's head in place between her legs as Maggie's tongue played inside Molly''s magic box. In those very few moments Maggie had found what she had been looking for all her life. She loved the feel of another woman's body next to hers. She loves the way a woman body responses to her touch. She had never felt this way before, in control and loving.

Molly often flattered with the idea of being with a girl, but did she really think it would happened, perhaps. But this went way beyond her wildest dreams. Maggie had her on some kind of high. It was a high that she had never felt before, and as fur as Molly was concern she wished it could go on forever. The minutes she felt Maggie's tongue invade her pussy, Molly lost it, she went to a magical place where she only felt love and joy. With a hand full of long soft dark hair Molly pushed her lover's head further down, allowing Maggie to get a better taste of her.
Maggie couldn't believe her luck. She was so sweet and giving, it would be so easy to full for Molly. ''Oh Maggie baby please, please, don't stop. God this feels so dam good.'' Molly moaned in joyful pleasure.
Molly's words spears on her lover's advances. Without any warning Maggie took-it to the next level when she climbed between Molly's legs. Their small hairless pussies connected in a way that would seal their fate as lovers. Grinding their bodies together in a fast and furious first fuck the girls entered into a world of pure bliss. Maggie couldn't get enough of Molly's sweet young body, catching one of her sweet nipples in her mouth she sucked and grind both their bodies into a state of pure pleasure.
They fucked for hours, nether one wanting to let go of what they had found. The discovery of soul mates, drawn to each others pain, and distant to heal it, Maggie and Molly became one in both mind and body on a glorious Sunday afternoon.

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"Don't you dare cum!" I told my Slave-Brother seriously, slapping his ass while he licked up the remains of Cheryl's orgasm. "Don't worry, Mistress, he won't," Cheryl smiled at me from her lounger, red faced and shiny with my juices spilled all over her pretty face. "Yes, Mistress," my brother replied obediently. "Go get my cock, slut. I want to fuck you now," Cheryl pushed at her husband with her foot. "After I'm finished you can dump your dirty sperm in Katrina if you have...

3 years ago
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A New PastChapter 44 Flying High

“Do you have it all figured out?” Jeryl asked as she peered over my shoulder at the wire-frame model of PTO-1, our orbital lab. “I think so,” I said as I pointed at the screen. “We’ll have to shift some modules, but the re-configuration will give us a lot more long-term growth options.” Right now, we had four types of modules in orbit. One was a junction module, a six-meter rounded cube that had a docking ring, standard power and environmental connectors and a pressure door on each of its...

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It started out taking pictures

Tiffany's friend invited us over for a dinner thing but we ended up going out to eat and came back to her place and sat around talking a bit about stuff. The subject turned to taking pictures of stuff and she brought up that I send her pictures in her text messages some time. So her friend asked what kind of pictures? Well, Tiffany paused and said, Let me show you. She pulls out her phone and shown her friend some of of them and her friend grabs her phone and starts scrolling through them....

1 year ago
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Sarah Carerra 315 The Princess of the Castle

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: May 21, 2012) Chapter 15 - The Princess of the Castle Sunday afternoon brought me down from the high of the concert when I listened to the Countdown. 'You Can't Hurt Me' fell in the rankings once again,...

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IBE The Days Of WanderingLake Salvador

I went to sleep on a chair on the promenade deck. I left the room, and that’s where I ended up. I wasn’t upset. She had taken it surprisingly well; I was expecting her to freak out. I don’t think she was going to write me out of my kids’ life. I felt relieved, really. I finally got that off my chest. She knew who I was now. I knew with some certainty that she didn’t want to marry me. I realized that I had one last load to get off my chest. Well, three, really. The first was that I needed to...

1 year ago
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BFFs Freya Von Doom Macy Meadows Violet Gems Team Captain Quality

Soccer girls Freya, Macy, and Violet are hot for Sergeant Miles, their new coach. At the field, they goof around, flashing their boobs and teasing each other. After soccer practice, the three best friends invite the coach to watch the first USA soccer game against Wales in Qatar’s World Cup together. But things start to get hot and heavy when the game starts because the lusty gals compete for the love of the coach to try and win the captain spot of the soccer team. After separately sucking his...

1 year ago
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Cruising in PuebloFirst time

I remember my first times cruising. The very first time I went to Mineral Palace park I was just out of high school and 18, getting ready to enter the military. I was at the park with my cousin and his girlfriend and we were drinking a few beers. I went to the public bathroom and saw some of the graffiti written and it intrigued me. I had an excited, tingly feeling. When my cousin and his girlfriend took me home, I borrowed my mom's car and went back to the park. By this time it was...

2 years ago
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Friends and Lovers

Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She’d been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the pain it caused her. In her mind there was no valid, justifiable reason to date someone who she knew was going to be a liar from the very beginning; she had enough respect for herself to not date someone else’s man. Because she was bisexual, the same theory applied to women as well. Women were...

3 years ago
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More Sharing Her Creamy Quim

My girl had unlocked the door and after having done so, was waiting by the kitchen table. I closed the door and walked over to kiss her.She was wearing a very revealing see through sexy nighty that showed a lot of those large breasts I loved so much. I was surprised at what she was wearing and asked her about it. She held her finger up to her lips and signaled for me to follow her, heading for the shed outside. Once in the shed she gave me a hug and told me she would explain, but had to do it...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 3

Ben sat upon the rise and waited, watching in the growing light of the new day for his prey to step out into the open, and into his line of fire. He didn’t have long to wait. Ben had gone hunting just as Blossom had ordered him the night before. Much to his chagrin the old woman had roused him from his slumber well before sunrise, insisting he should get up. Ben had grumbled about it, not wanting to crawl out from under the warmth of his blankets, but the old woman had been very persistent....

4 years ago
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SpiralsChapter 17

Tracey and I spent nearly the entire Christmas weekend working. I was either at Hardesy's or waiting tables for Tracey. It wasn't the most fun I'd ever had over the Christmas holidays, but Tracey was very, very happy, as she must have catered a half dozen Christmas parties over the four day weekend. Plus, I knew Missy was going to be gone until school started again in January, so I made sure Mr. Hardesy knew I was willing to work as many hours as he would give me. I could see the finish...

3 years ago
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My First Encounter with Kat

I moved into my place about 12 years ago and became quick friends with all of my new neighbors, most of who had young kids that I have had the pleasure of watching grow up. The oldest of the kids was Kat who is now 23 and what can I say but she has grown into an amazingly beautiful young woman. She is about 5’ 10” with long brownish red hair and a perfect body that I attribute to her long dance career. As Kat got older I began to notice what a beautiful young woman she had become. We would talk...

1 year ago
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First time with Zak

My boyfriend of three years was being an ass. The relationship was clearly going no where but we were stuck. We had three months left on a lease together and I was trying to make the best of it. It was a Friday night and he decided to have another boys night out when we had plans made plans to see a movie with another couple. I was angry when he left, but partially relieved. I knew I would have a better night without him anyway. I called Kate and told her that she and Tim would have to go to...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 151

LeRoys' last support payment: Today is my baby girl's 18th birthday. I be so glad that this be my last child support payment! Month after month, year after year, all those payments! So I call my baby girl, LaKeesha, to come to my house and when she get there, I say: "Baby girl, I want you to take this check over to yo momma house and tell her this be the last check she ever be getting from me, and I want you to come back and tell me the 'spression on yo mama's face." So, my baby...

2 years ago
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Strangers in the night

On that night in mid November, a handsome young man was walking down the road home from work, has he happen to pass a local bar he decided to pop in for a drink before going home. Has he turned round from the bar to find somewhere to sit and ponder on his day, he caught a glimpse of a beautiful lady sitting all alone at the table in the window. She looked sad as through she had been rejected or stood up by the person she was meeting. The Handsome young decided to go and see if this beautiful...

7 months ago
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21st Century Subterranean Slavery Part V

A guard appeared calling out: “One-eight-Six and Thirty-seven, let’s go move it!” She got up; moving out in the hall where neck chains were connected and wondered what was in store for them. They marched through several hallways and then entered a small room. The guard signed their log cards, handing them to another guard and left. The ball and neck chains were removed and short chains were connected between their ankles and the wrists behind their backs, making it difficult to walk. They were...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Converted To Slave

Hi, mera naam rahul h aur me delhi se hu. Me yaha apni true story btane aaya hu. 1 baar me gurgaon me 1 club me apne frnds ke sath clubbing karne gaya tha, waha mujhe 1 ladki mili. She is so hot and tempting, wo akeli thi , to usne mujh se baat start ki. Mujhe laga wo jugaadu ladki h , to maine starting me hi usey bol diye ki mere pass paise nahi h, aur me call girls ke sath nahi karta. Ye sunn ke wo ladki waha se chali gayi, kuch derr baad mujhe laga ki maine jyada bol diya, to me usey sorry...

3 years ago
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Rainstorm with the Man I Love

I’ve always enjoyed standing and dancing in the rain during a rather hard rain storm. The wind wraps around you like a lovers arms, and the rain falls upon your skin like light kisses, yearning for your skin. For a long time I stood in the rain all alone. I had nobody else to share it with. That is, until I met Bob. Our love for the romance of a rain storm drew us to it even more. It made us tremble, and desire each other even more. I ached for his arms around me, to have him holding me, and...

3 years ago
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Tiny Cock 2

My wife and I have been married for ten years, and we have two kids. Up until a week ago, everything was perfect…A week ago my wife came home from work, and had me delay supper so we could have sex. Her pussy was full of cum. She told me about her new boss and his eight-inch cock, and how he had screwed her on his desk, and how great it was. She wanted to do it again. I told her she’d have to get permission.She just called, and asked if she could bring her boss home, so that they could fuck...

1 year ago
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Tushy Jillian Janson Anya Olsen Hot Vacation With My Best Friend

Anya and Jillian are best friends. They are staying in a rented house in LA for the week after a road trip across California, and when they run into the guy they are renting the house from, they are both super attracted to him. As the week progresses, the girls’ attraction grows until they come up with a plan to seduce him when he comes to pick up the keys on their last day at the house. When he arrives, he knows that something is going on, and when he sees the girls, he can’t believe his eyes...

2 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 35

It’d been months since the great divide! I was almost forty and feeling older. Did any of it matter? Not really. Over the past while, my ass had damn near turned to concrete sitting in this goddamn chair. But I suppose it wasn’t all bad. I had a good woman. I had peace here in the San Fernando Valley of California. The weather was uniformly good. And I was eating regular. Hell, I had it made. But life is full of surprises and interruptions and distractions even here in our previously...

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Mother Daughter and the Old Pizzaman

A girls night in, myself the mother, and my daughter, who at f******n was a sexual libertine, a girl whose morality changed with her first periods, and whose body blossomed too quickly, developing breasts and an a libido, in equal measures, a development that even I was surprised by that night, the night she ordered a pizza, and drew me into her sexual web of deceit, poor pizza guy, his cock never stood a chance.We had some wine, after all we were in the house, so what could be the harm giving...

3 years ago
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The Guy Next Door Chapter 4

The Guy Next Door - Chapter 4It felt far too long after Jane’s fuck with Matt and his friend Jenny. For some reason Bill had not been going out as much as he used to. It was now Saturday and Jane needed a fuck badly. The texts were flying between the two houses.‘I am so in need of a fucking…can we meet somewhere?’‘How about you just sneak out of the house and come round here…shall I bring a ladder and rescue you- lol’‘HaHa can you meet me at the station in 30 minutes…I have an idea.’‘But it’s...

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Breakin at the Doctors Office

The small clinic had just two staff members. One aging doctor and a young 20 something nurse. The building had four rooms. A lobby, two examination rooms and a lounge for the staff. The clock struck 5 PM on a rainy Friday evening as a stranger walked in the front door. No one waited for the doctor. 5 PM was closing time. He had another patient today but Sue had not arrived. She was late and that would cost her dearly. The stranger approached the blond nurse in scrubs leaning over the desk and...

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The RescuedChapter 46 SM03Tau Day 7

Steve woke that morning with his wives Anna and Lorraine lying on top of him, one on each side. For a change, he was able to get untangled without assistance, because Priya and Sarah were cuddled up behind Anna, lying in each other's arms instead of snuggling against Anna and pinning his arm down. Since his bladder wasn't complaining yet, Steve refrained from exercising his freedom of movement, and lay there reviewing his new life. It was hard to imagine it was only a week since he'd...

3 years ago
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Ranchland Chapter 5

It promised to be another warm and sunny day at Ranchland, with a gentle breeze to cool off the worst of the day’s heat. A rainstorm the previous night had washed down some of the dust that always fills the air after a dry, hot spell. But Amy Morrison was completely unaware of all that. In fact, she was only aware of two things. First, she had woken up to the tingling in her pussy as it spread down her silky thighs and beyond, and upwards through her smooth young belly to her breasts, with...

1 year ago
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Sweet Mother Love

What was supposed to be a quiet night at home turned out to be much more than I could ever have dreamed of. I just got home from working a 12 hour shift, dead on my feet. All I wanted was a cold drink, some no brainer movie and my feet up on the couch. I live in a complex of about 5 homes so quiet time sometimes is hard to find and just as I was thinking this quiet was too good to be true there was a knock on the door. I guess some good company wouldn't be a bad idea. I opened he door and saw...

2 years ago
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WenatcheeChapter 5 Upside Down

August turned out to be one of the hottest on record. The growers fretted about sun scorch and finding enough labor for the harvest. My parents had that all looked after. It was a family affair, and we would work early in the morning and late in the evening to avoid the heat of the day. The packing houses stayed open late to receive the totes, knowing they had to be cooled quickly to preserve the fruit. Terry knew my schedule and we worked around it at the shop. It was a week to ten days...

1 year ago
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Little Tommy

Introduction: Foster kid gets my juices flowing Can I sleep with you? Came the timid voice of my New foster sibling of the month. Tommy is his name and he is about — or so. I dont really care how old he is, he is just another kid that my parents get paid by the state to watch because whoever is supposed to be watching them is unable to, usually it is because of drugs or alcohol. Once in awhile one of them will only stay for a few days until a relative can come take them. But normally they are...

2 years ago
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Black family and White Slut

Introduction: chapter (4) About noon, I called James. I was still reeling from the night before. Hello James?, I asked. Yes, he answered. This is Dottie, can you talk freely?, I asked him. Sure! he shot back quickly. I wanted to tell you that all the guys cant wait for another session with you, he told me. Thank you, I said. Thats sort of why I am calling you, I told the boy. Really! he said. Yes, I have been thinking of your beautiful black cock, fucking my ass. My cunt is wet now just...

1 year ago
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Meeting Caitlyn VI

*Meeting Caitlyn V was so awesome and so many ppl emailed me about that so i'm happy to present the sixth one! have fun!* Missing Laura's sweet face already, Alyssa dragged herself into the shower...alone. Caitlyn was out on a Saturday for some school activity, leaving Alyssa unattended. Alyssa took her time, taking half an hour to shower and get dressed into appropriate clothes. She took another half an hour to make herself some pancakes and she took an hour to eat. Taking a bite every five...

1 year ago
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Dead or Alive Last Round

Trent was on his way catching hist newest trophies, the girls of the Dead or Alive Tournament. He smirked he would fuck the hell of all DOA girls. He would use his supernatural powers to subdue them to his will. His first target was Tina Armstrong the busty american beauty.

2 years ago
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B6 Chapter 13 Summer Transformed Summer Is Gifte

Chapter 13: Summer Transformed - Summer Is Gifted Both Vantha and Rayleena had left their respective quarters, and were now roaming the hallways of the Island, eagerly in search of new partners to satisfy their seemingly endless sexual lust and excitement. Because of the relative closeness of Tiffany and Ebony's quarters on the one side of the Island, and the layout of the corridors, it was only a few moments before Vantha and Rayleena met each other in the hallway. Both girls instantly knew...

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Another Welcomed Guest 5

Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister of Zeus Ares - Son of Zeus and Hera, god of war Apollo - Son of Zeus and Leto - god of the sun and light, music and poetry, healing and plagues, prophecy...

1 year ago
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Best Buddy Is Now Sex Goddess

By: Kksheen I’m K.Khan, from Kashmir now at Mumbai 28 years old 5.10 inches and athletic build. I am good fan of I.S.S and usually read the different sex encounters from last few years submitted by the readers. It gives immense pleasure and also motivates in submitting my sex encounter. Nelofar and I were best buddies almost from birth. Her parents and mine were all old friends and apparently the two of us often shared a crib when we were infants. As we grew up we did everything together. The...

3 years ago
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Happy Incest Family

Hi! Welcome to my first story on Chyoa. I'm hoping to update fairly frequently for a while but we'll see how it goes, but comments, suggestions, and additions are all welcome! ~~ Sam Jones pulled the covers off herself and climbed out of bed, stretching her toned, naked body. She never slept with clothes anymore, not once all three of her brothers turned 18. She felt herself get wet at the thought of that party. Jared, the birthday boy, had enjoyed her all night (not that the others hadn't...

1 year ago
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Too Good to be True

It all started when I replied to a sex ad online. There was a woman, in her early 50's, looking for someone to hook up during the day while her husband was at work. What was amazing after talking to her is that we lived only blocks away from each other. We exchanged several emails and agreed to meet just a few days after my initial response. I arrived at her house over my lunch hour. She met me wearing just a silk nightie. We hugged and started kissing. She led me to the bedroom. I agreed to...

1 year ago
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Ana rides a huge black piece

Ana rides a huge dark piece Victor was out of town for the weekend and that Friday evening I was at the gym, trying to get rid of my bad mood…I was running in a tread mill, when a tall handsome black man came into and started running on next to me. He was in great shape with a muscular build, a nice dark skin. After jogging for a few minutes the man removed his sweat T-shirt.I did my best to keep my eyes forward, but I could not do it. I glanced over and saw his muscular chest glistening as the...

4 years ago
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Ascension Of The Alpha Male Turbulent TimesChapter 11

The Wizard's questions kept running through Wei Lin's mind: "Are you happy with the limits imposed on your people for so long? Will you sit idly as the few freedoms so recently gained are stripped away? If you had it within your means to finally deliver the benefits of liberty and freedom to your people, would you do so? If some personal sacrifice was required to set your people free, would you make it?" Here she was part of an all volunteer unit preparing to re-enter China and do battle...

3 years ago
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Tommy Never Found Out And I Never Forgot

This tale is a direct result of a private chat I had with my girl Lindzy. I tried to keep it as real as possible to the chat as to how she recounted her experience. It aroused me and I hope arouses you too! This all happened when I was 17 for Tommy's 20th birthday party at his apartment. We had been dating for a year and he was my first. Not dating in the traditional 'going out to dinner and a movie.' We were fucking, every day, often several times. He had lots of parties but I never fucked...

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