AbeyanceChapter 5 free porn video

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She took my hand and guided me across the huge room toward the biggest bed I've ever seen. She smiled and asked, "Isn't it beautiful? The judge had it specially made."

It was, indeed, beautiful. The massive headboard and footboard were dark, beautifully carved wood. The bed was at least six feet wider and several feet longer than a king size bed. I don't even know how you would go about having a bed like this made. It must have cost a fortune!

She pulled the comforter back and helped me up onto the silk sheets. Not satin, silk!

It was so luxurious that for just a moment I forgot what was happening here. She got into bed with me and stretched out on her side beside me. Her hand began to explore my body again. I was adjusting to the shock of what was taking place here and I began to let myself enjoy the sensations her educated fingers were causing.

She leaned forward and began to kiss my face lightly. She kissed my ear and teased it with the tip of her tongue. She whispered, "I want you to enjoy what I do to you, my love. But I need you to pay attention. Because when I am finished it will be your turn. I'm going to want you to do these things to me."

She then proceeded to play my body like a violin. I may have been a virgin when I awoke Monday morning. But I was not totally unfamiliar with the pleasure centers of my body. I have been masturbating for a couple of years now and I derive a lot of pleasure from it.

I have enjoyed letting my boyfriend touch me through my clothes. I enjoyed it so much that I was that close to letting him take me some place where we could do it without those annoying clothes getting in the way ... that and anything else we could think of. I enjoyed being touched and being kissed and I enjoyed massaging the hard bulge in Don's jeans and driving him just as crazy as he was driving me.

But my boyfriend's clumsy touch could not compare to what this woman was doing. I really, really didn't want to enjoy this. I was very embarrassed about what I was doing, or what was being done to me. In some ways this was more embarrassing than the rape in judge's chambers.

But she was quickly putting my fears and my doubts to rest. First, because unlike when her husband and the bailiff raped me there was no pain. Now there was only pleasure. Those men had assaulted me violently and they had assaulted all of my senses in that room. They had been clean. But they had assaulted me with salty, sweaty, slimy cocks that tasted foul and smelled of bleach. They hurt me with their hands and they had hurt me with their cocks. They took pleasure from causing me pain.

Now I lay comfortably on silk sheets in this beautiful bedroom. The subtle aroma of this beautiful, sophisticated older woman's perfume flavored every breath of air that filled my lungs. Her lips continued to caress my face and softly touch my lips and her fingers brought pleasure to my body unlike anything I had experienced before.

This woman had done this before and she was very good at it.

I stopped fighting it. I was going to lose. And the truth was that after a few minutes I didn't want to fight off those wonderful sensations. When she started kissing me with more and more passion I quickly began to return her kiss. Though our kiss was passionate, it was controlled, I'm tempted to say lady-like. Not at all the crude sort of kiss that Don and I had exchanged in our necking sessions when we were alone together.

Between the gentle but increasingly urgent kisses and the way her fingers teased my body she brought forth reactions I had never imagined. I don't mean that she was able to tease my nipples to hardness or send shivers of pleasure through my body when she caressed my vulva and coaxed tremors of excitement from that most sensitive area of my body. She did those things. But that was only a small part of the magic she worked on my increasingly cooperative body.

Her fingers were equally effective in areas I had never thought of as erogenous zones. She made me shiver when she lightly ran her fingers over my neck, my shoulders, even my arms! Her touch on my stomach made me gasp and when she lightly played her hands over my thighs, moving them closer and closer to my pussy with each slow caress I nearly had an orgasm.

I realized that I was panting. My body was humming from the pleasure. If this woman had as her goal to seduce me it had worked. I was a willing participant now. I loved what she was doing and I wanted it to continue indefinitely.

And then it got better!

She began to kiss her way slowly down my body. Her tongue lightly grazed my over sensitized skin sending messages of pleasure to my lust numbed brain. I was moaning constantly. I couldn't have stopped if I wanted to. But I didn't want to stop.

When her soft, warm lips and her tongue slowly worked their way around my breasts until they reached my nipples I had my first orgasm of the morning.

Somehow my arms ended up around her head and I was pulling her face tight to my immature bosom. I cried out and my body stiffened. I've had orgasms before. I've been having orgasms for two years. But not like this! Never like this!

My hips came up off of the bed and I very nearly told this woman that I loved her! It was about to roll off of my tongue when I caught myself and bit my lower lip to prevent it. I loved what she was doing, though. God I loved what she was doing!

And she wasn't done yet.

She moaned, with her lips still gripping one of my nipples lovingly. I felt the vibrations and I gasped and moaned as if in reply.

As my orgasm passed I slowly loosened my grip on her head and she continued to kiss her way down my stomach. I felt the muscles in my belly ripple in response to her erotic touch. I knew where she was going. I knew what she was going to do. And now I wanted it. I wasn't afraid anymore. I wasn't embarrassed now. I was anxious now to feel her lips and her tongue on my sex.

I have read about and heard girls talking about oral sex. I can remember when I was younger. When I first heard about it and tried to imagine it. I thought it sounded disgusting. I had a good idea of what my pussy looked like and I didn't think it was all that attractive. The idea of a boy, I never imagined a girl doing it, the idea of a boy putting his tongue inside me there was gross.

But lately, when I was kissing Don and his hands were groping me, I wasn't so sure anymore. After a long session making out and getting every bit as turned on as he was I would end up in bed at night, frustrated and horny. My hands would explore my own body in the dark and as I began to slowly do what little I could to relieve the pressure I would imagine what it must feel like to have a boy eat my pussy.

We had talked about the things we wanted to do with each other if we could ever be alone somewhere safe and private. Don had been enthusiastic about his desire to eat me out. His desire to put his mouth there and my own lust had made the idea of oral sex a lot more acceptable.

Now it was about to happen. It was about to happen in a way I had never imagined. It was about to happen with a woman! I was surrendering to a woman who virtually owned me for the next two months, a woman who was more than twice my age and was forcing herself on me. This strange woman was going to be the first person to perform oral sex on me.

And right at that moment I was fine with that. I didn't know how I was going to feel tonight when I got home. But right at that moment I wanted her mouth on my sex. I had no doubts now.

I felt her lips and her tongue getting closer and closer. With her soft hands she gently pressed my legs apart. She continued what she was doing. But as her tongue moved through my patch of sparse, blonde pubic hair she lifted her body over my leg and nestled between my thighs.

I felt a momentary return of the embarrassment I had felt earlier. A woman was about to put her tongue inside of me! She would see right up inside of me!

But then her tongue touched my clit and my mind went blank.

I screamed when her tongue touched me there. I don't mean I cried out passionately. My ass came up off of those silk sheets and I screamed! And I experienced my second orgasm of the afternoon. I came so hard that I thought I would pass out. My orgasm didn't just center on my pussy. It seemed to envelop my entire body. I thought I was begging her not to stop. But there were no words. There were only sounds.

She knew what those sounds meant, though. She moaned lustfully and pressed her lips against my pussy. She was no longer my gentle lover. She attacked me with her mouth and at that moment it was just what I wanted, just what I needed.

I came and I came again, one breathtaking orgasm after another until I finally regained the use of my muscles and gently pushed her face away. I sounded like I was crying when I begged her to stop. I wasn't crying though. I was gasping for breath, I was panting, I was still moaning. But there were certainly no tears!

I finally opened my eyes and looked down to see her smiling up at me and licking her lips as if they were coated with the most delicious substance she had ever tasted. Our eyes met and she spoke for the first time in a very long time. She quietly said, "That was amazing. You are a very sexual young woman. I'm glad. That will make your time here much more bearable."

Her meaning didn't sink in at first. I think that I heard her seductive tone and was soothed by it at first. But then the words began to chip away at the fluffy wall of pleasure that still surrounded my brain and I heard the implied warning. It was like a bucket of cold water thrown in my face.

I was instantly reminded that I was not here for my own pleasure. I was being blackmailed in order to make me come to this home in the country and submit to rape. And despite the incredible sexual pleasure that had just been visited upon me, I had just been raped.

I didn't even know this woman's name! I knew her last name. But it just seems like if you are going to get naked and spend an hour making love on silk sheets you should know the first name of the person who is eating your pussy. Of course, even if I did know her first name I wouldn't dare use it.

She must have seen the chilling effect her words had on me. She sat up and smiled down at me. She ran her fingers lightly through my pubic hair and said, still smiling brightly, "That's right, Lindsey. Would you like me to tell you more of the things that will happen to you while you are here?"

She waited for my answer, so I guess it wasn't a rhetorical question. I thought about it for a moment and decided that it would only make things worse if I knew. I would waste my time worrying about them and it would serve no purpose but to increase my discomfort.

I finally shook my head and said, "No. I think that I would rather not know."

She grinned and said, "Smart girl. Now move over. Let's see what you have learned."

I sat up and moved over. I didn't understand the point. This bed was large enough for a dozen couples to do just about anything that couples like to do in bed. But I wasn't being blackmailed to think.

I waited for Mrs. Porter to lie down and get comfortable and I stretched out beside her. I started to do the things to her that she had just done to me. But I stopped almost immediately and said, "I need to be on the other side."

She waited while I got up and moved around her on my hands and knees. I got back into position and this time I was able to use my right hand. I had just learned that I wasn't very good at caressing someone with my left hand.

I was not as skilled at Mrs. Porter. But I did those things to her that she had done to me. I was surprised that it wasn't as bad as I feared. I even enjoyed parts of it. I kissed and licked and made love to another woman's breasts for the first time and it was fascinating. I think that I understood for the first time, at least partially, why guys like tits so much. They really are exciting and fun to play with. I'm not sure why. But they are.

She relaxed and closed her eyes as soon as I started. Every few minutes she would offer advice on something I should do that I wasn't doing or on how to do something better. I did whatever she asked. It was in my best interest to please her. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't finding this pleasurable.

I was still nervous about the last thing on the checklist though. Sucking some old broad's tit was one thing. I still had reservations about putting my mouth on another woman's sex organ. I had just been on the receiving end and yes it was very nice. But I had some serious reservations remaining about sticking my tongue in another woman's pussy.

Although I had my doubts, I knew that I was going to do it. I gradually worked my way down to her pussy. She slowly parted her legs and I took that as an invitation. I nestled between her legs and there in my face was a bare, hairless pussy. Hers looked a bit different than mine. Her labia were nearly three-quarters of an inch long. Mine were almost non-existent. I didn't know if that was a function of age or of use or just a natural difference in our bodies.

But different didn't mean bad. I surprised myself when I realized that I thought her pussy was sexy. I wasn't nearly as turned off as I thought I would be. When she parted her legs her pussy had opened slightly. I saw the moisture that her body was producing. I saw the entrance to her vagina. It was my first close-up look at a woman's sex organ and much to my surprise it really wasn't ugly at all!

I leaned my face closer and kissed her pink, swollen vulva. I lifted my face and with my tongue I removed her juices from my lips. There was no taste at all! Encouraged, I leaned down and kissed her a few more times before I began to explore with my tongue.

I was aware of the change in her breathing and the way her body tensed up when my tongue glided through her tight opening. Seeing how much pleasure I was bringing her was turning me on!

I ate her pussy with rapidly increasing enthusiasm and I was nearly as excited as she was when she had her first orgasm at my hands, or I should say my lips. I continued to eat her pussy and she came several more times before she pushed my head away.

But she didn't let me up. She rested my head on her vulva until she calmed down and then she instructed me to eat her some more. We did that three times before she was finally satisfied.

She still didn't let me up. I was glad that we were apparently done. My jaw was so tired I wasn't sure I could talk. But she lay there on her back, resting comfortably and holding my head over her pussy. She ran her hands over my long, blonde hair absently, just relaxing apparently.

It was probably ten minutes before she said, "You are a fast learner. That was very good for a first time. Now get up, dear. I need to use the bathroom."

I sat up and then struggled to my feet. She ordered me not to move from where I was standing. She went into the master bathroom. I glanced at the clock and was a little surprised to see that it was a quarter after three. I didn't know what time the judge got home but it was late enough that I started getting nervous. I wasn't looking forward to seeing him again. He is a cruel man and causing me pain amused him. I was afraid of him, for several very good reasons.

Mrs. Porter came out after what seemed like a long time. She looked me over and said, "Go in and freshen up a little. When the judge gets home he is going to want you all fresh and virginal. He has been looking forward to this all week."

I went into the bathroom and came to a sudden stop. There was marble and glass everywhere. The room was larger than our living room! The walk-in shower was as big as our bathroom at home!

I had to open several doors before I finally found the toilet! It was in a small room next to a bidet. It was the first time I had ever seen a bidet. I realized what it was but I had never seen one before and didn't know how to use it. I used the toilet and then went to the sink and washed my pussy and my face and hands and rinsed my mouth out. I dried off and went back out to the bedroom.

I was incredibly embarrassed now that it was over, or at least it was over for now. I was embarrassed about what I'd done. But more than that, I was embarrassed that I had enjoyed it so much. My day wasn't over yet, though. I still had four hours to go before I could go home. I was sure that there was much more humiliation in store for me.

Mrs. Porter examined me again and then she dabbed a little of her perfume on my body. As she did she said, "Don't get used to it, dear. This perfume is called Number One. It sells for two thousand fifty dollars an ounce. I don't normally waste it on the help. But since this is your first visit I thought we would splurge. It is nice, isn't it?"

I ignored her nasty remark and nodded. It was nice. It was very nice.

This was the fragrance she was wearing. I loved the scent. But the idea of wearing it to please the asshole who raped me on Monday took the pleasure out of wearing such an expensive perfume.

I wanted to ask what time her husband would arrive. But despite everything that we had just done to, or with each other, she was not a very friendly person, at least not with me. As soon as we had gotten out of bed she had become distant. She treated me more like the girl that was being blackmailed and forced to submit to them. She had certainly put me in my place with that remark about being the help.

She glanced at the clock and ordered me to put my clothes back on. She ignored me then and put her own clothes on as if she was all alone in the room.

After we dressed I followed Mrs. Porter back downstairs. We went to a room that was apparently her little office. She sat at the desk and started looking through the mail.

Almost as soon as she sat down a young woman came in to ask if she wanted anything. She asked for a glass of tea. Both women acted as if I wasn't even in the room. I was thirsty, too. But I felt so intimidated that I was too afraid to speak up.

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Cupids Curse part 5

“Mother what's going on? Why are you here?” I asked, trying to figure out what was going on exactly. Not even giving me a small glance, she simply replies with, “Those are questions I cannot answer.” Aeron interrupted us, while sitting down at a table. “Jaden there are many things you don't know, and you do know.” “What do you mean by that?” I asked. Aeron let out a fairly long sigh. “How should I explain this in the most simplest of ways to you brother,” Aeron said as he pulled out a...

3 years ago
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Bahamas Vacation 41

(Background: I took a trip to get away from memories after my fiancee's, Debby’s, death. We had planned to be here, Nassau, Bahamas, on our honeymoon. I met Cinnamon, an employee at the hotel, when I checked in. We have spent the last three nights together. She has 2 days off yesterday she was my tour guide in Nassau. Today we are going fishing which she arranged with the husband of one of her co-workers.) I awoke with my arm still around Cinnamon. I listened to her slow steady breathing....

4 years ago
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CarnivalChapter 3

The guys in school who knew Karen thought she wasn't the type who slept around. 'Probably a virgin' was the opinion, a girl who would give oral at best. This did not matter to Sean in the least; his feelings toward her were genuine. He had plans of marriage after college too. He figured that he would propose before college and be married after he finished. He never believed she would give it out anytime before then. That changed with her parting words the night before of, ""I need to...

3 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle 54

I got home from work Friday to an empty house. This isn't normal, if my wife is haveing a afternoon delite she usally is always home when I get here. I went to the fridge to get a cold water and there on the fridg door was a note. It said " I'm camping with some friends , you are welcome to come up but theres two rules. Number one, you can't stay the night and number two you MUST wear your CB3000." Well I just had to think about that for a while. If I go, I'll be watching my wife being fucked ,...

1 year ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 4

With her business finished in Vancouver, Betsy stepped out of the jet looking fresh and alert. She was happy to be back in Hawaii. She was hungry and needed a little exercise. She somersaulted off the top step to the ground below. It wasn’t that great of a height, but it was enough to boost her energy level up another notch. Stacy followed behind her, looking a little worse for wear. It was obvious that she was tired. She had that rumpled look that came from sitting in a plane for too long....

2 years ago
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That SummerChapter 28

Rick Danfoss, Jason's father, thought it absurd that Kyle's father could have died while serving in a position with the government and yet no details of his death or even return of his remains seemed possible. Rick had been in the service as a young man and knew full well the traditions of "no soldier left behind". To him, that wasn't a tradition; it was a mandate. He asked himself how it could be that anything would be so different for Kyle's father. His first action was to review the...

3 years ago
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Let8217s Fly Tonight 8211 Part II

(For readers coming to this post straight, please read the first part) ..Our lips were entwined for the longest of times. Yes, I jumped on and smooch him hard. He was taken aback a bit. But hell ya, responded within a couple of seconds. That was a hot smooch. And God, he knows how to kiss. We broke the kiss. The kiss was the last test I wanted to do if I’m really up for this adventure. A minute of silence in my mind, despite the blaring sound around, I had decided, this was it “Am fucking this...

3 years ago
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Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Family Donald Trump Jr

Mom had run off to L.A. a few months before, unable to take the stress of Dad’s drinking and temper any longer, leaving me alone with him in our big house in New York City. Mom hoped to get in the movies somehow. She once even said she’d even suck some producer’s penis until it shot gobs of cum into her mouth if it would get her a job on TV. Things had been going OK. I had settled into a routine of going to school, coming home and doing homework, and then cooking dinner. I would eat alone and...

1 year ago
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Adventure in kohnana

Axel was on a mission provided to him by his mum Jill to go and pic up his uncle at the airport. Now having just got his license axel is more then happy to have a excuse to go out in his brand new junker(it being a pice of crap 5 hands removed box) blasting out his burnt cds, Placing mix dics 3 in once he got to the red light about a 3rd the way to the airport (it being a other 48mile drive) and pressing play he's happy to find one of his favourite songs kick in and starts singing along as he...

2 years ago
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Horses For Horny CousinsChapter 4

Wendy was quivering as she led the black stallion from his stall. "You're gonna get fucked, Apollo," she whispered huskily as she stroked the star on his forehead. Apollo snorted and nudged Wendy. "Ewwww," Wendy purred. She jiggled her tits and led the eager horse over to Amy. "You really gonna fuck him?" "As soon as I get his cock hard," Amy murmured as she rocked back and forth. "Get that bench and bring it over here." Wendy hustled over and dragged back the bench as Amy...

2 years ago
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Everything Starts With A Cinema 8211 Part 1

Hi Guys! This is my first story here on this site. My name is Ram(contact id:) and I’m from Coimbatore. I’m 20yrs of age and studying in a reputed college in eastern Indian. Expecting some good response for my first story from women! I’ll be writing a series of stories about my sex life which will be in episodes. This incident happened to me and ex girlfriend about a year ago. Since I was good in my studies during my 12th I got enrolled into one of the IIT’s. I had shifted after my 10th to...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Aunt Neha

Hi ISS! This is my first story on ISS and hope you will enjoy it. The incident I am going to mention happened sometime back when I was in class 12th and preparing for my board exams. I was a virgin at that time and relieved myself with masturbation sometimes called Hand Practice. I have always been a sexually active guy not literally but quite much so in watching porn fantasizing about celebrities and trying to bed any of the fairer sex kind but The problem had always been my shy nature due to...

2 years ago
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Hairdresser Lesbian Experience

After a short summer vacation with too much to do, I thought I'd get my hair done before the school doors open for the year. One thing, one project, one crisis lead to another and I just couldn't get to my usual hair stylist in time. I called three days before school started and she was booked solid, right through the following week. So out of desperation, and with my eyes closed tight, I prayed that things would work out as I, with great hesitation, opened the heavy metal door of this new...

3 years ago
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Mother And Son A Tale Of Forbidden Love Part 4

Priya was woken up by the sound of car honking…It was 3 AM. She put on her night gown and opened the door. Dev hurriedly closed the gates and walked towards his mother. Priya ran to him and hugged him. They kissed on the doorway in wanton lust. Dev dragged her inside and shut the door behind him amidst of the kisses. Priya kissed and licked and bit him. Dev undressed in a haze while Priya took off her gown. He lifted her and placed her on the kitchen table. She took her panties off, spread her...

3 years ago
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Looked Older Part 1

From the first moment those hormones kick in every boy wants to fuck. It is hard-wired into us. Biology spurs us on to spread our seed far and wide. One side-effect of my premature development was that I could attract older girls. It made my friends jealous when girls from the high school would check me out and talk to me while they were still trying to work up the courage to hold hands with our classmates. The fact I had three older sisters meant girls held no mystery or awe for...

3 years ago
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One wild night

For all the guys who have asked me to post this It all started when i was away for a friends daughters hen weekend in Tenby we were out on the second night and after a long day i was getting very tired the younger girls were still going strong and were off to a club i decided to call it a night and told my friends i was heading back she said she would come with me as she had had enough also on the way back to our hotel we called into a pub we had been in the night before to have a quick...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Stephanie

It had been a long haul from New York to Detroit and as I was putting gas in the tank I was debating on whether to get another couple of hundred miles under my belt or find a motel and sack out. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice from behind me, "Excuse me sir" and I turned around to see a very attractive lady standing behind me. "I noticed the Colorado plates on your car and I wondered if you were going to or coming from." "Going to, I'm happy to say" I replied. "Would you like...

2 years ago
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Garage Sales

GARAGE SALES By KK Author’s Note: Once again I want to thank Techsan for proofing this story for me. While fitting in the Loving Wives genre this story, however, does not contain any descriptions of sex scenes. I look forward to your comments. I don’t know what it is about garage sales but they seem to have a calming influence on me. It’s not as though I am out looking for bargains and I don’t go out looking for antiques. I am not sure that I would recognize an authentic antique if saw one...

2 years ago
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I Am Going To Ask Only One More Time

Copyright© 2003 Edited by Rick (circa 2005) There once was a gay young Parisian Who screwed an appendix incision, And the girl of his choice Could hardly rejoice At the horrible lack of precision. I felt the blood suddenly drain from my face and stared in horror directly across the small round table into my son's eyes. So frozen by what he had just told me that I could not even take my hand from between both of his. My heart seemed to have stopped beating and I felt suddenly...

3 years ago
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Lessons From The NeighborChapter 2 The Second Lesson

Megan's bikini bottoms were soaked as she unfolded her chair and laid down on her back, out in the sun for the first time in five days. This part of Texas got some pretty big storms from time to time and the one that had blown in out of the gulf the last five days was no exception. She had spoken to Betina a couple times on the phone over the last week, but she hadn't seen Jamal since he had graciously taught her how to give blow jobs. Megan wanted to tell him that Harold really loved them...

4 years ago
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The Storm

Angie arrived later that night than she was supposed to due to the storm delays with her flights. There she was, lost in the big city...it's storming and rain is coming down in sheets. The taxi drops her off because she's out of money and it's in the worst part of town. She shivers as the wind cut through her. Cold, wet and afraid she hurries over to get under an awning of one of the abandoned buildings that lined the street. She gathers herself and notices a group of men just down the alley...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Death by fucking ch 09

We slept for hours on Saturday afternoon. We had all dozed off after making love for the first time knowing we could get pregnant. It never occurred to me that the act of sex can be so intensified by that knowledge. I don’t know when I’ve wanted to make love so much before. Well, Wednesday evening, the first time Andrew and I were together was incredibly intense. Actually, Thursday was pretty intense, too. I’m starting to sound like a broken record. Every time I’ve made love with Andrew...

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An hour in the life of his sub

Introduction: She knows pleasure. She knows he can give it to her. Shell do anything to make sure that he does. She struts through the door, hips swinging, ass swaying. Her tits defy gravity as they bounce, her hard nipples protruding proudly. Her legs are adorned in sheer stockings, held up by garters, attached to a belt that wraps tightly around her wide hips. Black heels adorn her feet. She lowers her eyes, not even contemplating stopping her show. Looking forward, she sees him, standing...

3 years ago
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Slave in the Theater

Part 1 This happened many years ago, before the AIDS scare. My current live-in slave had admitted to me that she wished to be dominated while we were on our first date. For our second date I had her come across town in the pouring rain and when she entered my apartment, it was totally dark. I grabbed her and stripped her and forced her to suck me and swallow (which she had never done before). She came twice during this and then we made love on the floor for her third and fourth. From that...

1 year ago
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New neighbors

About 18 months ago, the Campbell's, our neighbors since we moved to the neighborhood three years ago, put their house up for sale. My wife Brooke and I were anxious about who might move in as the new next door neighbors. Sam and his wife Donna were a little older than us and both of their k**s had left the home.Donna had wanted to downsize now that the k**s were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had grown extremely close to both of them and they practically treated us...

3 years ago
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Death Becomes Her

There might be a grand plan. But, nobody’s shared it with me. As far as I know, life’s nothing but chance encounters woven into meaning by the choices we make. Nonetheless, karma’s a heartless bitch, and, sometimes she’ll make you wonder why your life sucks. I was in Chicago because conventions are big business. Every convention needs speakers. I’ve been inside at DHS. So, I get requests to talk. That’s why I was in the lineup at one of those godawful events, where nothing makes sense. But...

2 years ago
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Helping Melissa

Chapter 1 Growing up, I had an older cousin, Hank, who taught me some things about life. Maybe not the meaning of life and all that but, well, he taught me about sex. Since I'm a guy, named Richard by my parents, but, of course, called Dick or Dickhead, or Dickwad or Dickbag, or Dickbeater, or Dicklick, oh, you get the picture, you may wonder but Hank and I were and are straight. There was never any stuff going on between us even though he was the one that first told me about masturbation. I...

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Lick ass n sucking n fucking sissy slut

I have a story for my xhamsters Ppl I was married for 19 years me and wifey we was open about marriage we use to do everything together we us to talk about everything we use to have sex party so one time we had a party so my wife set this up herself she ask me this party is special it is a month away i said OK but than she hit me with a twist we can't have sex until the party i was like what she said yes no sex no jackoff no nothing all i want u to do is watch porn and I going to pick the one u...

3 years ago
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Independence day

 ianloansonIndependence Day 4th of July Ian around 4.30 am GMT.I have been torturing myself every day since last Thursday by wanking myself to just before the point of no return!This has been my Mistress M instructions; I do her bidding and do not cum because she is my Mistress after all.I have been following my Mistress instructions.I can’t think straight any more. The thoughts running throw my head are constant day after day.I want to fuck Mistress …be fucked by Mistress… fuck Anna … Mistress...

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Sam to Samantha

Hi my name is Jason and Im 19 years old. I was living with my parents and looking for a job and a place of my own. I did have a job but it was just a part time job at some restaurant, just to kill some time. Anyways, one day my mum called me downstairs and said that Mrs. Fletcher from across the street was asking for me. I went downstairs and there she was waiting for me. Seeing me she said Jason, hi, Im going on a business trip for about two weeks and was wondering if you could look just...

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Caught getting off in public jacuzzi

Caught in the jacuzzi (Some background information first) I'm about 5'10, my cock isn't a 9 inches or anything but it's about 7 inches and really thick. I've always had a thing for public stuff. When I was 10 my family and I would go to the river and at the river there is a jacuzzi. Well one day we went in it there were like five people in it. I was sitting down enjoying my time.. then it happen I turned around when my mom (who was in the pool across from the jacuzzi) called my name to tell me...

3 years ago
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Fishing Buddies

I have always wondered what it would be like to suck on a cock, but I live in a small community where everyone knows your business. It all happened one day while out fishing with my long time friend Kevin. We were out in his boat drinking beer and wishing we were catching fish. After some time of no action we went back to shore and to the local tittie bar for a few drinks and a game of pool, then we decided it was time to hit the water again. An hour had gone by since the tittie bar and I was...


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