South of Bikini 4 The Game is Afoot
- 3 years ago
- 28
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I had just pulled up to the apartment I shared with my sister after a trip to the grocery store when I got a text from her. I shut off the car and checked the text before climbing out.
“I know it’s so weird, but don’t forget my tampons. Please?”
I shook my head and chuckled. Little did she know that my ex-girlfriend had broken me of that phobia. It seemed that every other month she would run out, and I’d have to go to the store for her, to an aisle no man should ever venture into. Other than the sex, it was probably the only good thing to come out of the relationship.
“Already have them. Just got home from the store,” I texted back.
“Sorry to make you go through that, but thank you.”
The store was out of her way coming home from college, but something else wasn’t. “As long as you pick up the free pizza on my account, and it counts as my turn cooking, we’re even.”
“Done. I should be home by five.”
That saved me from having to make something for dinner that evening. Happy with the outcome, I gathered up the eight bags of groceries on one arm, and headed for the apartment. Unlocking the door proved an adventure as usual, but I was determined not to make more than one trip. It was a matter of male pride, and doubly necessary because I’d just bought tampons for my sister.
The place was clean, which was the big plus since Becky had moved in with me. In her last year of college, she was tired of the dorm life. I had an extra room, couldn’t stand the thought of her having to move back in at home, and I’d always got along with her, so her cleaning up and pitching in when she could worked out for us.
Of course, we were both between relationships at that point. I wasn’t looking forward to the weirdness that was sure to happen when one or the other of us hooked up.
Once the groceries were put away, I kicked back and enjoyed my reprieve from cooking duties by watching the last couple of episodes of a series I’d started binge-watching over the previous weekend. Becky would have been pissed if she found out that I watched them without her, but I wasn’t dumb enough to let her find out. The credits rolled with five minutes to spare, and I looked forward to playing it cool when we watched the shocking conclusion together in a couple of days.
Sis arrived with the pizza, and I flipped the box open almost as soon as it hit the coffee table in front of the couch.
“Pig,” she teased as I took the first bite.
“Nag,” I answered with a mouthful of pizza.
She made a gagging sound and said, “Gross.”
The doorbell rang, and before I had time to wonder who it could be, Becky explained, “Vera’s coming over to borrow a book.”
That was one of the disadvantages of living with my sister - the regular stream of her hot little coed friends dropping by. Becky and I had made an agreement years before, while still living at home, that dating each other’s friends was off limits. So the parade of hotties was nothing more than cruel temptation.
Vera was a particular weakness. The redhead was a year older than Becky, and had a smoking hot body. She also loved to flirt with me, knowing I couldn’t do anything about it.
I knew I was in extra deep trouble when Becky opened the door to reveal Vera in a pencil skirt, open-front jacket, heels, and stockings. She looked incredible - classy and sexy - but the stockings were the real kicker. I’ve got a serious thing for stockings and feet. Don’t ask me why, because I couldn’t tell you if I tried. There was no denying it, though.
“So, how is it going at the new job?” Becky asked as she let Vera in.
It was all I could do to eat my pizza and feign disinterest as the redhead’s heels clicked on the tile in front of the door.
Vera answered, “Not too bad. I’ve made a couple of friends, and haven’t screwed anything up yet.”
I’d been waiting for it, and sure enough, she turned toward me.
“Hey, Andy. Have you been hitting the gym?” she asked, and then made a sultry meowing sound.
I rolled my eyes, and said, “Hello, Vera.”
“God,” Becky laughed, and then said, “Come on,” while walking toward her room.
“I just want to borrow him for a few minutes. Or maybe an hour. Or two,” the redhead said as she followed my sister. It earned her a playful slap as they walked in the door, followed by them both breaking out into laughter.
Yep, Vera is pure evil.
The book changed hands, and Vera left, but not before blowing a kiss to me on her way out the door.
“She only does that because it embarrasses you,” Becky said when she plopped down on the couch and grabbed a slice of pizza.
“It doesn’t bother me, so she’s wasting her time,” I lied.
“Oh, that’s why your ears are as red as stop signs, huh?”
Maybe I should amend that to women are evil. Even - or maybe especially - sisters.
I walked in the door after an extra long day at work that Friday, and could hear music coming from the bathroom. I had skipped hitting the can at work to get out of the building a couple of minutes faster, and it was catching up to me.
I knocked on the door, and Becky immediately called out, “Don’t come in. I’m in my underwear.”
“Hurry up. I’m about to piss down my leg here.”
The music stopped, and she asked, “What?”
“I need to piss.”
“Okay. Let me throw on my robe, but hurry so I can finish getting ready.”
I stood outside the door, shifting from foot to foot, wondering how long it could possibly take to put on a robe. I was about to yell that she’d be mopping up a mess if she didn’t let me in when the door finally opened.
“Move, move, move, move,” I muttered as I sidled past her. She laughed at me, of course.
When I left the bathroom, much relieved, Becky said, “Vera will be here in a little bit to pick me up. I was already running behind, so tell her when she gets here.”
Considering the slinky clothes I’d observed hanging in the bathroom, it wasn’t hard to guess where she was going. She was taking full advantage of turning twenty-one, and felt even freer to do so, now that she wasn’t living in the dorm with the grapevine.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t worry about her a little, even though she’d always shown common sense. It hadn’t been that long since I’d been her age, prowling the bars for girls.
Becky returned to the bathroom to continue the unfathomable and seemingly never-ending preparations a woman undertakes before going out. I headed for the fridge to see what I could scrounge up from the leftovers. I had no concrete plans for the evening, and there was no chance I was going to get into the bathroom any time soon to clean up and hit the town.
Shortly after I polished off the last of the chili, the doorbell rang. I was in the middle of sending texts back and forth with my friends to find out what was happening, and absentmindedly answered the door.
Vera’s whole outfit was designed to show off her body, but it was the shortness of her skirt letting me see the top of her stockings that got me. Somehow, I kept it together and told her Becky was still getting ready. As soon as she was inside, I closed the door, stuck my nose back in my phone, and headed for the couch. Thankfully, Vera made a beeline for the bathroom, which put her out of sight.
I blew out a hard breath from between pursed lips and hoped she’d stay with Becky until it was time for them to leave, minimalizing the torture. Naturally, she dashed those hopes on the rocks a few minutes later.
I saw her emerge from the hall in my peripheral vision, and fought off my natural inclination to drink in the vision. I sent another text, confirming a third for our trip to the bar, even though it would be an early evening because of things the guys had to do the next day.
Vera walked up next to the couch and said, “Becky said to tell you we’re taking a cab so you won’t worry about us driving.”
I chuckled and - without looking up from my phone - said, “If I were you, I’d be more worried about her yakking in the car.”
“I heard that,” Becky yelled from her room.
I laughed, and looked at Vera when she snapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her own laughter. She then shook her head and pointed an accusatory finger at me. I shrugged and smiled at her, pointedly looking at her face rather than everything else, which she was advertising so well.
The next thing I know, she’s moving, and before I can react, she turns around and asks, “I don’t have a run in my stocking, do I?”
There I was with her sweet ass in my face - completely dumbfounded.
“Do you see anything?” she asked again.
I could certainly see something, and I wanted nothing more than to grab a handful of it. Her question finally burned through the fog in my brain and I answered, “No.”
“You sure?” she asked in a sly tone.
I looked up and knew I was busted. I tried to play it off anyway and said, “Looks fine to me.”
“Why, thank you,” she said, and then gave her ass a slap before stepping away.
Becky emerged from the hallway to rescue me.
Vera asked, “Ready to go?”
“Yep,” my sister answered while heading for the door. Before she opened it, she said, “Don’t wait up.”
“Don’t get arrested,” I tossed back at her.
As soon as the door closed, I groaned and adjusted my half-a-stiffy. Have I mentioned that Vera is pure evil?
The bathroom was finally free, so I slid off the couch to get ready for my own night out.
I had a good buzz going when the cab dropped me off at home just before midnight. It had been fun, but the ratio of single guys to single girls had been about three to one. Both of my friends had steady girls, so in light of the competition in the place, I decided to just hang out and enjoy the eye-candy.
I was still too wired to sleep, so I grabbed a beer from the fridge and fired up the Xbox. It took me a while to remember where I was in the game, because I hadn’t played in weeks, but I got back into it soon enough. The game sucked me in so deep that I was shocked to see it was going on three a.m. when I heard laughter outside the door.
Vera and Becky stumbled in after much fumbling with the key, still laughing. My sister was absolutely sloshed, only able to remain upright because of an arm over the redhead’s shoulders. I shook my head and chuckled at them crossing the room in fits and starts. At some point in the journey down the hall, they fell hard into the wall, which set off another gale of laughter. Eventually, they made it to my sister’s room, and the closed door muffled their voices.
Once I hit the next checkpoint, I saved and shut the game system down. I still wasn’t very tired, but guessed that wouldn’t last long after dropping out of the artificial world I’d been immersed in. There was no sense in wasting the half a beer I had left, so I kicked back to finish it.
Before I could polish off my beer, I heard the door down the hall open. Vera walked into the room, and rather than leaving, came over and sat down on the opposite end of the couch from me.
“Becky’s totally passed out,” she revealed.
“From the way she looked, I’m surprised she made it home.”
Vera nodded her agreement, and then lifted one foot. A great sigh of relief escaped her when she pulled off her heels. “I probably shouldn’t drive yet. It’s okay if I hang out for a while, isn’t it?”
That struck me as odd. While my sister had been three sheets to the wind, Vera wasn’t slurring or stumbling. She seemed fine to me. I shrugged and answered, “Yeah. Sure. I’m going to go to bed as soon as I finish this beer anyway.”
“Thanks,” she said, and then groaned. The next thing I know, she turns and lifts her feet up on the couch. “These new shoes were killing me all night.”
It was no mean feat to ignore her wiggling her stocking-clad toes. I’d seen them before, and knew she had perfect, dainty feet. I could see her nails through the dark nylon, and they weren’t painted, but her pedicure looked fresh and professional. I wanted so badly to reach out and touch them.
I downed the last of my beer and said, “Well, that’s it for me. Just lock the door when you head out. Don’t worry about the deadbolt.”
“Hey,” she said before I could rise from the couch. “The rumor is that you give great foot rubs, and I could really use one right now. Is there any chance?”
Oh, fuck me, I thought. Hell to the no. Then I said, “I’m tired and it’s three in the morning.”
“Please. I’ll stop flirting with you.”
Her flirting was nothing compared to what having her sexy feet in my hands was going to do to me. I also knew it was a lie. I narrowed my eyes at her.
“Okay, I won’t flirt with you as much. How about that?”
“No deal. It’s going to take more than that,” I said.
“Oh, come on. It’s...” She trailed off, her eyes lit up, and then she said, “Okay, how about this. I know someone who had a huge crush on you, never hung out with Becky, broke up with her boyfriend about two months ago, and she’s starting to feel like dating again.”
“And, I’ll tell you who it is if you give me a foot rub.”
“I suppose she’s hot, huh? I have to take your word for that.”
Vera sighed and said, “It’s just a foot rub. Yes, she’s hot, and it’s worth it. She’s a sweetheart, too. Really, what have you got to lose?”
My cool was what I had to lose. I was absolutely itching to get my hands on her feet, and I knew it was the worst possible thing for me because Vera was verboten.
She must have taken my hesitation as a no, because she said, “Okay, I’ll show you a picture, but you can’t see her face.” Without giving me a chance to say anything about that, she retrieved her phone from her purse. After a few seconds of tapping and swiping, she held her hand over the top of the screen, and turned it toward me.
The picture was a bikini shot, which didn’t leave much to the imagination, though I had no idea who she was. What I could tell is that she had a great body. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see her feet very well.
Vera said, “That was taken this summer, and I’ll introduce you. We work together. I think you’ll really like her.”
“For a foot rub?” I asked, suspicious.
“Well...” she said, and then twitched her eyebrows. “If you hit it off, maybe she’ll tell me some sex stories.”
Now that motive made sense, coming from Vera. The truth was that the harder she tried, the more difficult it was for me to resist something I wanted anyway.
She lifted her feet up in the air, wiggled her toes, and pouted, “Please?”
And with that, she had me. “Okay.”
Vera broke out into a wide grin and removed her hand from the top of the phone, revealing a gorgeous face, red hair, and a stunning smile.
“Do you recognize her? Gina Willis. She moved about six years ago.”
“Yeah,” I said as the name clicked. She was far too young for me to think about dating at the time, but she’d chatted me up more than once, and I knew about the crush. From what I remembered, Vera’s claim that she was a sweetheart was right on the money.
“Good. Get to work then.”
Vera put her phone down, scooted closer, and would have plopped her feet straight into my lap if I hadn’t caught her ankles in my hands. At that point, nothing could have stopped me. With her feet directly above it, my dick immediately started rising as if trying to touch them, too.
Because she was wearing stockings, and didn’t seem interested in removing them - not that I wanted her to - creams and lotions were out. That left me with only pressure to work with, but considering my kink, I’d had plenty of practice.
I started with her left foot, near the ankle, alternating between four fingers and my thumbs. I slowly worked my way down toward her toes. Keeping the pressure light, I tried to find the right touch to accomplish the job without tearing her stockings. Vera left me little doubt that I was on to something when she let out a moan. The sound, while not particularly sexual, sent shivers down my spine and hastened the process going on between my legs.
I had just pulled up to the apartment I shared with my sister after a trip to the grocery store when I got a text from her. I shut off the car and checked the text before climbing out.“I know it’s so weird, but don’t forget my tampons. Please?”I shook my head and chuckled. Little did she know that my ex-girlfriend had broken me of that phobia. It seemed that every other month she would run out, and I’d have to go to the store for her, to an aisle no man should ever venture into. Other than...
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I have a picture of her in my office. She's smiling and looking up at me as if I've just cracked a joke. My arm is around her waist and I have a look on my face like I'm the most content guy in the world. It was taken when we were still getting to know each other. In our twenties, finishing up college and with nothing but future plans on our minds.I have a picture of her on my phone. Well, actuallyI have SEVERAL pictures of her. There are the one's she knows I took... that show her being the...
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It’s almost 2 years after the Battle of the Golden Gate Bridge. In addition to being an X-Man, Kurt has recently begun teaching classes at the School. Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. PROLOGUE: MORNING DEVOTIONS Mein Gott, is the sun coming up already?! Yes, it must be. The windows are getting light. Pfui! It would be so nice to remain here in bed, with the warmth of Logan’s body close against...
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FantasyA few things: First, I was unsure if this should have been categorized as a romance or simply erotic couplings. I feel it is more of a romance once seen as a whole – and I ask your forgiveness if you do not agree with my choice. Second, this is a slightly different story than the others I have written. The love scenes are still hot, in my opinion, but they may not be as frequent as some would prefer. So take that as a warning, because this is a very long story that needs to tell itself at its...
He walked into the crowded bar, hair slightly wet from the drizzle outside. The weekend yuppie crowd had milled in for their Friday evening drinks. He weaved through the throng and saw an empty booth in the corner. When he came closer, he saw that it wasn’t empty, but had one woman slumped against the corner near the window, almost out of sight. Tough for her as she was rather voluptuous. Rounded and soft, curves in a lot of places. “A few dress sizes larger than my preference,” he mused. His...
FetishI live in Northern California now, but a few years ago I was livingin L.A., land of movie stars, traffic insanity and loads of awesomelycute young dudes, in a small house in West L.A. proper. At that timeI considered myself bisexual, but hadn't had nearly as much sex as Iwanted (with either gender). It wasn't that I was bad-looking. Infact, I was flirted with by both genders nearly every day. I waswell-tanned, and worked out enough. Green eyes, buzzed dark brownhair. I was kind of on the...
Something About Mary "Hey, Dillan! Mr. bleach blond!" It wasn't completely out of the blue, but I was certainly caught off guard when Mary called out to me. Though I was hardly one of the school punching bags, I wasn't exactly a popular kid either. I had my small circle of friends that I was happy with and we largely avoided the drama riddled 'upper echelon' of the school hierarchy. So I never expected one of the most popular girls in school to spontaneously...
The second floor corridor of the hotel was deathly quiet. As I walked along the thick carpet in the warm light of the wall-mounted lamps, I checked my lipstick in my compact-mirror and lifted a stray strand of hair from my brow. I arrived at room 212, my Mum Charlotte's room, and knocked on the door. My ex-boyfriend opened it; it was the first time in a year that I'd seen him. He was afraid to meet my eyes. I guessed that this wasn't because of any practised humility, a dutiful gesture...
Sitting on my futon, reading the front page of the Times in an attempt to distract myself from how lonely I was, I was startled by the sound of the phone ringing. Oh god, please let it be him. It had been far too long since he'd wanted to see me and I was aching for his touch."Hello?""I want you to come over here. Now." Him, of course. Who else would give me such a direct order? Who else would I be so ready to obey upon receiving it?"Yes sir," I replied, my voice taking on the unintentionally...
?????????????? Something to help the dreams along. Have you ever felt so totally absorbed by a single person you wish you could mould your body so it became part of theirs?Have you ever trusted someone so utterly and completely you would have laid your life in their hands?Have you ever felt a bond with someone so strong that you knew it was always going to be something much more than just 'love'??Within the words written here you will become to understand how such a bond is formed...
When I was very little, my father cheated on my mother. I had just turned thirteen and I was dealing with the pesky emergence of hormones, as well as the insecurity that occasionally accompanies them. Having my father move out right around the same time dealt me a devastating blow. My father was taken from me, and my mother might as well have been, too. I remember wondering why Dad didn’t live with us anymore. No one would tell me. My grandparents whispered, abruptly closing their mouths and...
I first met Jessie when we were eight years old. My family and I had not long arrived from interstate when my mother got a job working alongside her mother and soon became friends, and we had been invited to Sunday lunch at their place. I remember seeing a red-haired girl with glasses, playing with Legos in their lounge room. I immediately joined her in her building, and we soon became friendly towards each other. In the years that followed we saw a lot of each other, whether it was when one of...
First TimeShe was trying to be sympathetic. The voice on the phone was by turns emphatic, subdued, was male and not obviously drunk but she could tell he’d been drinking. ‘…I called because, because you know the players, you know what I’m up against, you know what I’m going through…’ ‘…again’, she thought as the voice rambled on. ‘You called me because you know I’m three hours ahead of you and I wouldn’t be asleep yet.’ she said, trying to project her half-smile through the miles of fiber-optic...
Introduction: Ever get it in your head that you just want to do something crazy? Not just something out of the norm, but something really over the top? Did you ever do it? Michi and Keiko talked about, now lets see if they really did it? I just want to do something crazy and wild one day. You know, public sex caliber. I could feel the swelling within that started to get me wet even before we entered the spa. Seriously? Michi had me on the public sex thing. She had done it in a park at sunset....
Sodding budget airlines he thought as he looked up at the flight departure screen, all showed a blue colour except the last flight of the night to Glasgow. Every flight was on time or boarding except his, the display flashing, 'Please contact your airline service desk,' in an angry and taunting red. So much for getting home in time for a late dinner. He scanned the terminal and saw a queue of about twenty agitated people off to his right all trying to ask the same questions of the harassed...
CheatingDid you have something you wanted to talk about? By Jamie Clout "Did you have something you wanted to talk about?" mother asked in a concerned tone of voice. "Not really, mother, is there something that you wanted to discuss?" "These aren't my panties," she stated nonchalantly, holding a pair of pink panties at me, expecting me to take them. "And they're certainly not your father's, dear. You wouldn't happen to know who in this home wears such delicate,...
It’s such an enormous cliché, but there really was something in the air that night. There I was, sitting across from the woman I desired more than any other, in a romantic restaurant, enjoying the evening over good food and some wonderful warm smiles. At one point Stacia even leaned over and pressed my thigh with her warm, delicate, hands, emphasizing the passion of something that she was saying. A few inches further up and she might have discovered my own passion.We’d known each other for...
Straight SexThe Invitation You“Do any of you hike?” you ask. The question is addressed to the table but you were looking at her when you spoke. The immediate flurry of responses from everyone making it clear that not one of them has realised who your question is really aimed at.“My fingers do all the exercising I’ll ever need thank you very much!” one laughs.“You wouldn’t catch me dead anywhere near that much nature on purpose!” another exclaims.“Urghhh, I used to a long time ago but I just can’t with the...
LesbianUncle John did, in fact, knock on my door at one. By this time I had decided that being coy was probably a waste of time, so I was already naked. I also had an idea to break the ice, if just being naked wasn't enough. I had taken a quick shower. While I liked the taste of sperm, I wasn't sure Uncle John would, and I wanted him to suck my pussy. That's because Uncle John could do the most impressive impersonation of Gene Simmons from KISS. He had the longest, fattest tongue of any real...
My eyes were shut tight as I kept kicking it. I didn’t want to see the demon on top of me only to remind me it was someone I loved. But what happened to Dex & Josh? Did they kill them? Were they tied up and locked away somewhere? It cried out in pain as my leg connected with what I think was its stomach, letting go of my arms as it rolled off me. I heard a thud as it hit the floor. I wondered how badly my arms were bruised and if I could actually walk or not because of the rape but I didn’t...
Author’s Note: DC Comics owns Superman and related characters. The only thing mine is the following work of literature. ***** The shouting matches are nothing new in any household. But it was much more frequent in the Anderson household. It was just this morning that Daniel had one with his stepson. Hah! He would laugh at the word ‘stepson’. He was no stepson, he was the devil. He had a feeling that something was really weird with Alex. His mother was always able to keep his antics in check....
Having evidently managed to drag myself off the bathroom tiles in the early hours, I awoke in bed the following morning with the sun beating hard against the window, head thumping and Lisa nowhere to be seen. Immediately my sadistic brain began to reassemble the previous night's tawdry antics like some horrifically complex jigsaw, prompting me to burrow deep in the covers to hide my shame. Half an hour elapsed before gingerly I rose and only then because it was too gorgeous a day to waste...
My husband came home unexpectedly, and much to my surprise, he wasn't upset."Oh, I've wanted to have sex with both of you for so long now," Eric said, as he began undressing.Well, having a threesome seemed like a very small price to pay. Although, this was still wrong."Eric, I just cheated on you," I said, as I cried a bit.He immediately came to me in his boxers, and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me numerous times, so he obviously wasn't mad."Hey, you let me have sex with her, I guess I...
IncestI'm a straight white guy but recently have become curious about Tgirls.Tgirls are wonderfully sexy and beautiful, but between their legs is acock. They say that they are women born into a man's body. I'm not sureabout that, but I keep hearing that they really know how to please a man.I would never consider being with another guy, but lately I've beenwondering if I could be with a Tgirl and just enjoy their fem side. Oneafternoon I browsed the t4m section on CraigsList, looking for a Tgirl...
My day started like so many other before. I knew what I was going to do, what was going to happen and I wondered if I could feign interest for another day. This is what my business had become, in a single word, mundane. Yep, this was the exciting life of a portrait photographer. Years before, I had illusions of being creative, breaking new ground, making a statement, all those things that aspiring artists fool themselves into believing. I, however, was going to be different. I wasn’t going to...
Straight SexWhen I read what Michael has written about Kelly having 13 guys in a night I remember that time. I wasn’t there when it happened because we were just neighbors that would say hello in passing and we did not become friends yet. But I remember Kelly telling me about it a couple of times. I thought when she said she had 13 guys she was going to say it was too many or they wore her out or never again or something like that. What she said has been something I always thought about. Michael has...
I walked out through the front door of my work building, and looked up for a moment to admire the tall skysc****r directly across the road. It was one of many buildings commonly associated with my city. I hailed a cab and, as I told the driver the location of my apartment, scanned the streets to gather in all the people. They were all different, each with different stories, different ideas, different lives. It was part of the grandeur of New York, and the unpredictability was one of the main...
I walked out through the front door of my work building, and looked up for a moment to admire the tall skyscraper directly across the road. It was one of many buildings commonly associated with my city. I hailed a cab and, as I told the driver the location of my apartment, scanned the streets to gather in all the people. They were all different, each with different stories, different ideas, different lives. It was part of the grandeur of New York, and the unpredictability was one of the main...
AnalSomething Nice (My Beautiful Backside) It started out as something nice. My girlfriend has a thing about my rear end. She said it's what first attracted her to me, my round, tight ass, on display at the gym where we both work out regularly. Once we started dating (she asked me out as I was much too shy to approach a gorgeous woman such as Alice), she wasted no time in fondling me at every opportunity. She quite quickly made me get rid of all my boxers and buy tight, form-fitting...
Something unlimited is a lewd superhero-themed resource management game. Al that you nerds ever talk about is how hot some superhero slut is or who the fuck would win in a fight. I get it. Some of these babes are hot as all hell. I’d love to have that elastic bitch from the Incredibles all tangled up. Could you imagine the crazy positions you could fuck her in? Damn. Oh, right, superheroes. Don’t you wish you could gather up all of your favorite superhero babes into one place? Imagine binding...
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