SeniorChapter 17: Convincing Cookie free porn video

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Megan let me sleep until seven-fifteen before she woke me with a glass of orange juice in hand.

As I staggered to the bathroom, I saw her taking her seat at the folding tables. I shaved, showered, and got ready for school. Megan was studying feverishly. We left early to give us time to walk the two miles to school.

"I can't wait to see what your friend has in store for us this quarter," she said.

Her mention of Doctor Mercer made me realize that I hadn't seen him for a month.

"Bring your running togs over tonight. We'll go for a run," I said, thinking, 'did I just invite her to stay with me a third night in a row?'

"I don't think that's a good idea, Sammy. What if Professor Mercer sees us and thinks I'm tagging along with you in order to be noticed by him?"

"That's not the reason. We haven't run for over a week. It'll do you good to work up a sweat after studying."

"You're probably right," she said, giving my hand a squeeze as we parted.

I saw her again in the one class we had together, Business Management. Professor Ballard announced that there had been another drop out, and since Megan's group had been reduced to three members, they would join our group.

Casey, Kalian, and I were acquainted with our new team members from previous years, but Megan didn't know that. She introduced Chase and Gifford to us. We shook hands, and I excused myself, saying my Architectural class was on the other side of the campus.

With a student body the size of Pontiac, everyone knew everyone else. By this time of the year we even knew the freshmen, if not by name, certainly by recognition. I'd had classes with Chase and Gifford in past years. Currently, Chase was in my Applied Business Theories class, and Gifford was in my Managerial Accounting class. Casey and Kalian had other classes with our new team members, too. I didn't foresee any problems with the six of us meshing. Actually, I was happy to have Megan on my team.

After the Architectural class, I sat in the cafeteria with Victor until a group of drama students arrived. Zelda joined us saying that she was enrolled in an acting class this quarter.

"I hope you're not leaving because I'm here," she said when she saw me get up.

"I've got a busy afternoon," I said.

"He has lunch with Megan," Victor said, speaking confidentially to Zelda.

She cupped her hand to her mouth and whispered, "From what I hear he takes all his meals with Megan. Skip says they danced every dance together at the wedding."

"Skip wouldn't know about that. He and Laura left the reception at nine o'clock," I said, as I left them.

I got a table in the cafeteria where I could read my Architectural notes and watch for Megan to enter the serving line. She and Kalian arrived together. They waved at me, and I signaled that I would hold the table until they came to claim it.

Megan was wearing heavy slacks and a sweater under her parka. Her hair was arranged in its customary ponytail; only the small curls looked out of place.

Casey took his place at the end of the line. I waved at him, and then I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. A guy that I recognized as a junior was talking to Megan. She smiled and shook her head. He persisted. She smiled and shook her head again, more vigorously, making the ponytail swish back and forth.

"What was that about?" I asked when she placed her tray on the table.

"What?" she asked.

"You know what," I said before heading for the end of the serving line.

While I was in line, I saw two more guys come to our table and speak to Megan. She smiled at them and said a few words.

"Okay, what's going on?" I asked her when I joined the others at the table.

Kalian spoke up. "They were asking Megan for a date."

I was dumbfounded. "All those guys were asking for dates with you? What did you tell them?" I asked.

I'm sure Megan was not a stranger to drawing attention from males, but she had a look of concern in her eyes, like she didn't know how to handle it. Just then, she looked up and my eyes followed hers. Joe Kerrigan was approaching our table.

I knew Joe from previous years. We'd been in classes together. He tapped me on the shoulder as he leaned over the table. His right hand was inches from my plate. "Ms. Freeman, Scent of a Woman is playing in town this week. Would you like to see it with me?"

Megan smiled at Joe the same way she'd smiled at the others. "Thank you, but Sammy's taking me to see it on Saturday night if he gets back in time."

Joe jumped at the opening. "Will you go with me if Oldham doesn't get back from wherever he goes on Saturdays?"

Megan smiled, but looked uncomfortable.

"I'll be back on time," I said.

"I wasn't talking to you, Oldham. I was speaking to Ms. Freeman," Joe said.

"Get your hands off this table and get lost, Kerrigan," I said, squeezing my fork between my thumb and finger.

Megan's voice was surprisingly calm as she reached for my hand. "Please don't make a scene, Sammy."

Kerrigan got in a final shot before he left. "Everyone knows your relationship with Ms. Freeman is strictly platonic, Oldham. Go back to your redheaded girlfriend and give me a chance with her."

Megan's hand on mine was all that kept me from going after him. My eyes followed hers to my right hand. She patted it and smiled when she saw how my fork was folded into a U shape. I smiled too, and heard Kalian release a breath of relief.

I straightened the fork to near its original shape, but found I wasn't hungry. Kalian filled me in on what had been discussed with Chase and Gifford after I left. "We tried to talk them in to meeting with us at your apartment, but they weren't interested," she said.

"Chase sits near me in my next class. I'll try to talk to him," I said.

I was still on edge during Applied Business Theories. Professor Irene Ramsey said it was time to apply the theories we had been exploring the first quarter. She split the class down the middle, calling my side of the room company A and the other side company B. We had eleven students; there were twelve students in company B. Chase and Casey were in company A. Kalian was in company B.

The rules were simple. Our company plan was due on Thursday. It was to include names of our officers, the type of business we intended to pursue, and how much capital we had raised. The maximum investment was optional, up to ten dollars per student.

Chase took over the discussion of our group and was immediately named company president. The vote was unanimous. As we discussed the investment everyone was willing to make, I overheard company B talking about bake sales and setting up a stand to sell candy bars.

Our company was just as bogged down with disagreement over our capital investment as company B was over the type of business they would operate. Near the end of the hour, I offered my apartment as a meeting place. Four of the other males were agreeable to meet at eight o'clock that night, but Chase and the other male joined the four females in refusing to come to the center of town. I appealed to the only female I knew. Angie was the girl I'd rescued from the clutches of my roommate when we were freshmen. She later dated Charlie and had lived with him briefly in my apartment. Angie agreed to come to my apartment, making the vote six in favor of accepting my offer to five against. Chase quickly charmed the others into joining us, and our meeting was adjourned when the bell rang.

Chase overheard me telling Casey to come early for our Business Management meeting. Casey went to catch up with Kalian, and Chase walked part way with me to my last class of the day, Managerial Accounting.

"You were quite persuasive with that girl. Do I smell some history between you?" he asked.

"I was acquainted with Angie a long time ago, but there's no history," I answered.

"You seem to hold some mysterious power over Casey, too. I was impressed with the way he barked when you told him to fetch."

"Not as impressed as I was at the way you took over our group," I said in retort.

"What's with you and the blonde? I hear its all show. Do you mind if I try my luck with Megan?"

I stopped walking, and glared at him. "What did you hear?"

Chase was a little taller than me, not bad looking, and charismatic as hell. He didn't answer me. "I'll get in touch with Gifford. We'll be at your place at seven," he said, turning and walking briskly away.

'Skip, ' I said to myself as I walked into my accounting class. It was our first meeting of the second quarter, and I had trouble concentrating. I was too busy thinking of what I was going to do to Skip for repeating what I'd told him the day before about my relationship with Megan.

"Who did you tell?" I asked as soon as he came to the phone.

"What?" he asked, playing dumb.

"You told someone about Megan and me pretending to be a couple. It's all over school. I witnessed four guys hitting on her, and that was only while we were together."

"I said something to Kent, but he knew about your arrangement with Megan," Skip said. "He's the only one I told, honest."

I put it together. Skip had told Kent and he had told Amy. She had told a couple of friends, and by lunchtime, it was perceived by everyone in the school that Megan was available. "It's not your fault that Megan is being pursued by every guy with a dick between his legs."

"With a frame like that girl has, I'm not surprised," Skip said.

"What's your girlfriend's number?" I asked.


"I want to tell her how stupid you are. She'd be crazy to marry you."

"I'm not giving you Laura's number," he said, defiance dripping from his tongue.

"I was just kidding, Skip. I need the number for her store. I want to ask her about those belly bracelets we were talking about yesterday."

"They're called hip huggers," he corrected me.

"Okay, hip huggers. What's her number?"

I had to promise him that I wouldn't repeat what he'd told me about his hesitation to accept a job from Laura's father. He gave me the number.

Laura sounded apprehensive. "Did something happen to Skippy?" she asked.

"Nothing happened to Skippy. I want to talk to you about hip huggers. Do you stock them?"

She said there wasn't much call for hip huggers, but she carried a small stock. I told her about Irene Ramsey's class and my idea for our company to market hip huggers. She said she'd had the same course from Irene, and gave me some tips for carrying out my idea. We discussed it for several minutes, and I talked her into faxing the information to me. She said her father would fire her if he found out the discount she agreed to give us. "I wouldn't do this for just anyone," she said.

"Thanks, Laura. I appreciate it."

"I wasn't talking about you, Sammy. I'm doing it to further the business curriculum at my Alma Mater."

While saying goodbye to Laura, I noticed a fax had arrived from Wally about my car. It said he'd received the quotation from the body shop and had already received approval from the insurance company to proceed with the repair. I immediately sent him a fax to thank him for the prompt action.

I called the body shop and spoke to Ollie's friend. "Your insurance administrator must carry a big stick. I've never seen a claim approved this fast before," he said.

"He handles the insurance for all our buildings. I guess it pays to put all your business in one bucket," I laughed.

I didn't press him on how soon my car would be ready and he didn't volunteer a date.

One of the questions I had asked Laura was how to size the bracelet to fit properly. She said that some of the bracelets were adjustable, but a tape measure is the required tool to ensure proper fit.

I needed to stock the kitchen with groceries, but my first stop was the dress shop. Aunt Olivia laughed when I told her why I needed a tape measure. She not only gave me one, she said she could obtain more for us if we went ahead with my plan.

On the way to the grocery store, I looked in the window of the only jewelry store in town. There was one hip hugger on display. The price was forty-five dollars. After shopping for groceries, I stopped at the bakery and bought three dozen cookies of various shapes and sizes. I was planning to serve hot chocolate and cookies to my guests.

Next, I telephoned Kelley at her office. She seemed surprised to hear from me, but she understood the reason for my call when I told her about the two meetings that were going to take place in the apartment.

"I suppose that means that you don't want any interruptions from me," she said, sounding hurt that I didn't have time to take calls from her.

"The meetings may not end until ten o'clock, and then we're going for a run. I'll call you at eleven if you want me to," I offered.

"I suppose 'we' means Megan and you?"

"Well, yeah."

"I suppose that means she'll be staying the night?"

I didn't want to say anything about Megan being besieged with requests for dates. But I had to give Kelley a reason for Megan's continued stay in the apartment.

"It's a good thing she was here last night. I had a nightmare," I said.

"Oh my, have you been to see a doctor?"

"No," I laughed.

"Sammy, what kind of nightmare was it? Did you have an out-of-body experience?"

I should have known that she would want to hear about the nightmare. "It was ghastly dream. I was driving the Jeep up the incline where the accident happened, and the truck pulled out in front of me. I couldn't make the brakes work, and I dreamt that I was killed immediately. But the dream continued. I didn't wake up until Megan shook me, telling me that I'd pulled all the covers off of the bed."

"Did she ... comfort you?"

"We put the covers back and she held me while I told her about the dream."

"Why didn't you call me, Sammy? You told her, but you're just now telling me," she said, sounding hurt.

"I didn't tell her everything."

"You didn't?"

"I didn't tell her the part about you. You're the only one that will ever know the rest of the dream."

"That's sweet of you, Sammy."

"I dreamt about the night I asked you if you had inserted your diaphragm and you said you didn't remember. I dreamt that you had a baby boy and you named him Sammy K. Oldham, Junior."

"Sammy, I told you I was teasing you about that. I also told you that I would never trick you. You really disappoint me."

"It was just a dream, Kelley."

"Dreams are often telling. Your dream suggests that you don't trust me."

"I told you about my dream because I trust you. I didn't ask you to analyze it."

"I think you should see a doctor. It doesn't make sense for you to have that dream on the very same night I told you I'd gotten my period."

"Dreams don't always make sense," I reasoned.

"You have a busy night ahead of you, Sammy. If you want to talk when you get back from your run, I'll be near the phone."

"Would you have preferred if I hadn't told you about my dream?"

"No, I'm glad you told me. I'm glad you trust me."

"I love you for saying that," I said.

"I love you for being you. Goodbye for now," she said.

Checking the time, I decided I had a half hour to read the case study we'd been assigned for our Business Management class. I was making notes when Kalian called to find out what I meant by coming early. I told her to come at six. "I'm making bratwurst and sauerkraut," I said.

I was in the kitchen when Debra and Megan came in. Charlie followed, carrying Megan's bag.

"I'm making bratwurst and sauerkraut," I greeted them.

"We didn't come to eat. We came to find out what you're going to do about all the guys hounding Megan for dates," Debra said with scolding urgency in her voice.

"I'm serving brown bread," I said, and saw Charlie nod his head.

"All right, if you're going to twist our arms, we'll stay for dinner," Charlie said.

Debra saw me looking at the bag Charlie was carrying. It was bulging. I wondered if Megan was planning to move in. "Don't get your hopes up, Sammy. She didn't pack her diaphragm."

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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 8 Another Chocolate Chip in the Cookie

This is a continuation of the series ‘Memoirs of a Bisexual.’ I recommend reading chapters 1-7 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. Chapter 8 Spring Break was upon us and I was temporarily living with Felecia. Something happened with the plumbing in the bathroom of my apartment and the maintenance people had to tear into some walls to fix it. So instead of sharing the other bathroom with my two roommates, Felecia said I could stay with her until everything was fixed. She...

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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 8 Another Chocolate Chip in the Cookie

This is a continuation of the series "Memoirs of a Bisexual." I recommend reading chapters 1-7 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. Chapter 8 Spring Break was upon us and I was temporarily living with Felecia. Something happened with the plumbing in the bathroom of my apartment and the maintenance people had to tear into some walls to fix it. So instead of sharing the other bathroom with my two roommates, Felecia said I could stay with her until everything was fixed. She is...

Group Sex
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hump day cookie

Well i am bi. So i like women too. And this 1 chica was just what i needed. Sophia was so fine with 42 dd tits, ass for dayz, long black mexican hair and a sexy body that makes ya hard just thinking about it. Well any ways, she was on the bus with me and we startd chatting and she was licking her lusious lips told to me in my ear" get off with me." So we got to her casa and kickd it. Looking at her i was hard as steel. I could cut glass with my rod. She brought some wine in her red thong and...

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girl scout cookies

I was home one saturday morning , when my doorbell rang. I was in my robe with nothing under when I open it. It was my neighbor 18 year old daughter. She was selling cookies for her little sister. She is a knockout nice round breast with a slim body. I have watched her lay by there pool many times ,and get an hard on and bad thoughts. She came in an we sat on the couch ,and she explained why she was helping her little sister sell cookies. I said ,I would take 4 boxes, I didnt realize my cock...

5 years ago
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Milk and Cookies

T'was the night before Christmas, and in MzDominica's house, Santa crouched next to the Christmas tree, pulling packages out of his sack. The ornaments and lights on the tree twinkled and shimmered, even though no one else was in the room to appreciate them. Suddenly, from somewhere in the tree, a light mist, like an air freshener, sprayed into his face. Santa's thoughts went blank for a moment, and he did not realize that MzDominica had entered the room and was standing next to him, until...

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I took some convincinghellip

I had been thinking about having sex with a man for many years. I came close multiple times. I had always come to a point where I had to choose whether or not I was going to go through with it. I had always chickened out. This time was different.I was traveling for work. Being alone in a hotel room gives a married guy too much temptation. I jumped on Squirt and surfed around looking for some attention. That's when Jonathan instant messaged me. Jonathan was older than I was. He was in his mid...

3 years ago
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Convincing My Wife For Exhibiting And Fucking A Stranger

Hi story lovers, My name is AN ( cannot reveal full name for obvious reasons) 31 years old and married to girl who is 26 now. I am working in Riyadh and my wife lives with me here. We have been happily married since last 4 years. I will straight away come to the incident; our sex life was great, we were having sex daily; some days it goes up to twice or thrice also. My wife is not a very good looking type of girl but she is of the kind that when you see her you feel like fucking her. She is...

2 years ago
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I was out late looking for a cheap hooker with £15 in my wallet I should at least get a blowjob. After 20 minutes of searching I see a young girl stood on the corner. I pull up along side her she tall long legs short skirt stockings m holdups long dark hair as she bends down I tell her how much for a bj. For u darling £10 for everything I m more than happy with that. Once in the car she tells me to drive down the road and take 2nd left. We end up down a dark alley at the end a quite car park....

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Convincing the ModelsChapter 3 Convincing Peter

Peter wasn't sure what to expect when he arrived the next day to pose for Debbie again. However, she didn't say anything about yesterday's events, so he didn't bring them up either. The only thing that indicated anything out of the ordinary was going on was the way Peter kept checking the door to make sure it wasn't going to suddenly pop open. He knew he wasn't going to be able to see the door once he started posing though. Once she got Peter posed, Debbie had a dilemma. She had...

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Convincing the ModelsChapter 5 Convincing Meagan

"Hello, Mom? Why are you calling the house from your cell phone? Aren't you in your art studio with, um, the hunk?" "Yes, Peter is still here, but he's getting dressed. I mixed up some awesome colors for his painting, but it's finished now." "So why are you telling me this?" "Because I think those colors would be awesome for a painting of you too, but they're water based. They'll dry quickly, so you need to get down here in a hurry." "But I didn't agree to pose...

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A Soldiers Cookies

Cookie smoothed down her best gray pleated skirt and adjusted the hem of her pink sweater. She giggled as a brown curl slipped out of her bun and down her forehead when she bent over to slip on her black heels. She was going to see her soldier who was away at training and treat him to a nice dinner after he’d had a week of being out in the field with no civilized contact. She smiled just thinking about him and her brown eyes twinkled with excitement. One of his roommates signed her onto the...

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Convincing Mother

The incident that triggered it occurred in our home one day when my mother returned from work early. We were in the process of packing to move out to her brother’s place a couple of states away, just my mother and me. My two younger brothers had already gone with my uncle, a week or so earlier, and we had planned to spend a couple of weeks packing stuff up and drive out there later with a U-haul trailer. Dammit, she normally parked in front of the house, where we would have heard her pull up...

2 years ago
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Convincing Me Pt 01

There was that familiar gooey feeling in the pit of my stomach again. All it took was for her to grace me with a slight glance, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips, a knowing glitter in her eyes and I was a goner. She knows she has me wrapped around her little finger, but it wasn’t always like that. There was a time when I thought I hated her and her, well she was adamant. We went to school together, for fourteen years. We did not belong to the same circle, in fact I made sure I...

3 years ago
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Naruto Baransu Byou The chunin exams Chapter 1 Convincing Iruka

The chakra is formed by two part, the mental one, known as Yin Chakra, and the body part, or Yang Chakra. Women and men are both able to use chakra, with a small problem, known as Balance disease or Baranzu Byou. Men suffer from abundance of the Yang chakra, which makes them more impulsive the more abundance there is, causing them temperament problems. Women suffer from a shortage of the Yang chakra, compared to their Yin chakra. This makes them more prone to discomfort and mood...

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I didnrsquot need as much convincing as I thought

I have been thinking about having sex with a guy for a very long time. I am in my 40s. I’ve been thinking about this for probably the last 20 years. I’ve come close a few times. I’ve gone into bookstores and into the body booths. I had a guy come in to my booth once. He kissed my neck and felt me up through my jeans. Then we masturbated in front of one another. Another time, guys would look through the cracks in the door jam to watch me jerk off. I left the door slightly open once and a guy...

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Convincing A Teenager

Hi, I’m a 27 year’s old married man, medium looks, good height and weight, I like teen girls very much, I love to watch the girl in school uniform with skirt. I love to see their legs wow man it will be awesome feelings. I stay at kavalbyrsandra, RT nagar Post, Bangalore. This is story which happened few months back and we recently moved to new home in exactly opposite to our building a girl with her parents and brother was staying, On the first day itself my eyes were on her, she was fair...

2 years ago
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Convincing Robin to try her first BBC

After I finally convinced Robin to try a bbc while we were out of town where no one really knew us we decided to try a blavk nightclub near a hotel we were staying at. We were standing at the bar and struck up a conversation with a black gentleman named Ed . My wife invited Ed to dance to some nice slow enticing music that was playing and their nearness made me as horny as I had ever been. Their anxiety was no less evident! This quickly led to Ed’s hands finding themselves placed firmly against...

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Convincing Karen

Dateline: September, 1995. When John Adams first got transferred to Washington, DC, he was not happy at all. Until then, he had lived within six miles of his parents in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He loved the fishing and hunting that Michigan offered. As an engineer with Medfix, a software developer specializing in systems for doctors, and hospitals, he was pulling in big bucks. Medfix had started as a little twelve man company. Demand for their product skyrocketed, as did the workforce, forcing...

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Convincing the ModelsChapter 1 An Unexpected Surprise

Meagan didn't know it, but her mother's interest in painting was about to have a profound impact on her life. Meagan was a gorgeous 8th grader who returned home from school on what appeared to be an ordinary day. There was about a month left in the semester, but the the buzz of excitement emanating from the students eager to be out on summer break was nothing compared to what Meagan was about to see. Meagan knew that when Debbie, her mother, didn't great her it meant she was painting. She...

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A Convincing Disguise

All of that went fine and I ended up getting a bid to the frat that I wanted. After the rushing process, depending on the fraternity, there are a number of different initiation rituals that you have to go through. My pledge classes first initiation was “Disguise Day”. On Friday all the pledges were supposed to dress up in a disguise for the entire day. It was pretty simple actually. Pledges needed to try and not be found from 8:00 in the morning until midnight. During that time...

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Convincing Todd To Confess His Crush

I leaned towards him on the couch. "Come on, ask your sister out. Quit eyeballing her thong, and tell her that you want to tug it off her with your teeth. She is your sister, so she will let you do it. Then once you are both naked, fuck her senseless doggie style. I know you have a big cock, so do it already and quit stalling. It is something that we both want.""Mom, it is not that easy," he groaned through his teeth, failing to make eye contact.I just watched him. 'Yes, eyeball your sister as...

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Convincing the Wife part 3 The final chapterhellip So

When my wife and I first got married, we were young and full of energy. We fucked all the time. We learned about chat rooms on the Internet and got into cybersex for a while. Back then, that meant basically Sexting on the computer without pictures. You would touch yourself and tell the other person what you want to do to them, etc. There were times I would wake up in the morning and go to the computer chair and sniff it. It was clear my wife had been sitting her wet pussy on it just a few hours...

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Convincing the Wife part two

A few weeks, maybe a month, later, I was in bed with the laptop. I was researching some purchases I needed to make for work. It was late and I was ready to finish up and go to sleep. My wife came in to get ready for bed. She saw the laptop and joked, “Looking at hot guys jerking off again?” “No, that’s your job. I could get it set up again if you want. I just need to copy the model number off this laser printer first.”“So sexy,” she laughed and went into the bathroom. While she was there I...

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Convincing the Wife part 1

When nobody is home, sometimes I take the laptop out and log into dirtyroulette. It’s a site in which random strangers can video chat with each other for the sole purpose of sexy time. I keep the camera below my chest and never show my face. I just stand there slowly stroking my big cock and clicking the next button in hopes of finding a woman to watch me, or who I can watch, or both. It doesn’t always happen. There’s a lot of cock on the side, and very few pussies. But every so often I get...

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Convincing Mother

The question on the minds of thinking men and women is:“Why does every (not all admit it) boy/man want to fuck his mother?”Perhaps the following story will put the question to rest.Jeffery came to visit his widowed mother. On temporary assignment he decided to stay with her rather than a hotel. After all she could use the help and he could pocket his per diem. Jeff and Ann got along well. She had never been to so many dinner, shows and movies. They built a bond that had not existed prior. Jeff...

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Harry Potter Convincing Him

The Hog's Head Inn in Hogsmeade was filled with students when Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley led Harry Potter inside. Harry took one look at the overflowing pub, turned to his friends with a strange look, and stormed out."Ehm… hang on, all, I'll check what is wrong," Hermione excused herself to the assembly, and she ran after Harry. Ron elected to stay with the group. By the time she caught up with him he was halfway back to the carriages."Harry! Hold up!"He stopped and let her catch up with...

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Convincing My Sister

When I was about eighteen, I started to become quite attracted to my little sister who is two years younger than I am. It was no big deal at first. She was cute and I assumed it was normal and temporary. I didn’t think much of it. Then, one day, when I was home on break from college, I happened to notice a pair of purple cotton panties in the hamper and I sniffed them and got so horny that everything changed. I was now obsessed, but my family and my sister are all very conservative religious...

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Sarahs Submission Ch 22 Convincing Natalie

Conner called Sarah later that afternoon with the good news that he had found the extra couple to join them for prom night, Joe and Natalie. Joe being another football player didn’t surprise Sarah. She knew him of course, but not well. With his dark hair and a dark complexion, Sarah guessed he probably had an Italian heritage. Attractive and strong as an ox, Sarah immediately pictured him fucking her while she clutched his tight abs, bringing a quick tingle to her pussy. Natalie also...

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Convincing the ModelsChapter 2 Meagans First Time Posing that Is

After dinner that night, Debbie broached the subject of modeling with her daughter. Meagan was dressed the same as when she had come home, except she had put on a hat which she pulled down over her eyes to keep from having to make eye contact with her mother. She was still rather embarrassed from what she had seen earlier in the day. "Meagan honey, can I talk to you about something." "I don't want to talk about it. I know it's OK to paint nudes, but I just want to forget about...

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