Frank and Cookie
- 3 years ago
- 27
- 0
Monday morning at the office was a minefield. One misstep, and I'd give my boss's boss Dick Tashun cause to complain because I didn't meet his boss Clyde Hunter's high expectations. After grinding through the paper trails, I was close to identifying a pattern in the mess of project status memos and scraps of poorly organized handwritten notes. They all pointed to a vendor named Omniscient Software, whoever they were.
I scanned my emails for the important project-related ones. My fellow employees created spam every day and didn't even realize it. Messages that had nothing to do with me, or messages on which I was copied so a peer could show off. Damn! Only every once in a while, a juicy one, one that grabbed my attention. And there it was, in black and white. Our company had signed a contract for a comprehensive software suite from Omniscient Software that would impact our servers, desktops, laptops and handheld devices. Only one problem - it duplicated a perfectly fine system composed of third-party applications integrated with our own homebrew applications. If the contract was executed, we'd face the same old connectivity issues we did when I was an associate programmer just starting with the company. And every ongoing project would be impacted by the implementation, which is why conversion dates were slipping and costs were overrunning. That always happens when the vendor is in charge.
I wondered why we'd gone to the expense of such a massive endeavor when in flounced Reese, Dick Tashun's niece. As usual, she oozed sex: silky beige blouse that more than hinted at her bust, a modest brown skirt below the knee, dark nylons and spiked heels. One shoulder was weighed down with a large rectangular sample case.
"Hello, Harvey." Her voice was smooth and deep, and sexy as all hell. My cock twitched and she was still fully dressed.
"Hello, Reese. To what do I owe the honor?" If she was consistent, she'd want me in between her legs. And that could be arranged, but not in my office. Not with everything else I had to do. Maybe later, as a reward, when I straightened everything out, I'd let her straighten me out.
"We're going to be working together." Reese put the boxy sample case on my credenza on the sidewall. She repositioned it several times, turned back to me, and then adjusted it again. Zenellis had been a professional at videotaping his guests up in Wisconsin. His daughter had been good student of her father, trying to videotape her secretary and me in her office. Compared to them, Reese was a rookie. The fat briefcase held a video camera, and Reese was attempting blackmail, and badly.
Just to frustrate her, I slid my chair to the back edge of the desk mat, out of the frame. She pursed her lips and repositioned the briefcase yet again. "Really? How so?"
"Didn't Uncle Dick tell you? I'm your account rep from Omniscient Software."
I rolled back close to my desk, mostly to hide my growing erection, and nodded. "You got Tashun, uh, Uncle Dick, to slide the contract and subsequent purchase order right through." Just like his cock and mine had slid right between her labia. Multiple times for me.
She put her fists on her hips. "He did not! I got your order myself without any of his help. In fact, he advised against!" Her face got redder, clashing with the beige and browns.
Maybe there was hope for a rational Tashun after all. "So I guess I'm stuck with you." After she'd leave, I'd review the contract for escape clauses. She didn't deserve to know my next move. Unless it was pelvic in and out.
She moved close to my desk but made sure not to block me from the hidden video cam. "I'd prefer if you were stuck in me. You got time for a nooner?"
I checked my watch. It was barely ten-thirty. "I'm afraid not. I've just gotten back to this position, and that purchase impacts everything we're doing. Mr. Hunter assigned me to project manage-"
"Wonderful." Her fingers toyed with the buttons on her blouse. "Then I'll be working under you. So I guess you'd better be getting on top."
I was tempted to shut my door, block it with a side chair and fuck Reese on my desk. I knew just how good it would feel. I started to rise up from my chair to implement my plan when the phone rang. I held up a single finger to Reese and answered the phone. "Hello, Marcus speaking."
Reese kicked my door shut.
"Hello? This is Elizabeth Harden. You probably don't know my name-"
Damn solicitor. I wanted off the phone so I could have my quickie with Reese before we were detected. "If you could get to the point-"
"It wasn't easy to track you down." There was a loud sigh. "I saw you briefly at Underwuud Studios. I was in the hallway?"
This was the stunning beauty? Reese had completed unbuttoning her blouse and draping on the side chair. Her fingers were working the zipper on her skirt. I wasn't sure if I was more turned on by Reese or the memory of that gorgeous creature who had her photos taken by Angie and then made out with her in public. Maybe a bit of both. "Yes, I remember you." Who could forget a woman who looked like that?
"It's bothered me ever since that you saw us - me and Angelina - being intimate. That's what I'd like to speak with you about. Can you come over for dinner on Wednesday night?"
There was more to the story? But who was I to refuse having dinner with such a beautiful woman? I flipped the pages of my paper desk calendar. Wednesday had "Bowling?" as a notation, but seeing Elizabeth again would be better than a three hundred score. And maybe I'd score with her. Nah, no chance with a woman like that. "Wednesday would be fine." Reese's skirt was in a circular pile around her feet. Her panties were sheer, almost see-through. "Very fine."
"Good. We have a penthouse in Trump Tower. Six o'clock. My husband Unger and I will be expecting you."
Husband? "Uh, yeah." Damn! So much for intimacy.
"Until then, Mr. Marcus."
I hung up. Reese stripped down to bra, panties, stockings, garter belt and heels, shifting her weight from one leg to the other. She was horny and I was the cure. A few moments previous, I'd actually considered the possibility of a quickie. But with the interruption-
Reese squeezed her breasts almost launching them over the top of her bra. "We're going to have such fun, working together. And we can start right now, if you're ready." Her thighs rubbed together, making a sensual rasp.
I was well-hung and firm for action. As I reached out for Reese to come closer, the phone rang again. Damn. I shrugged. Reese pouted something fierce. "Hello, Marcus speaking."
"Hold for Mr. Abel." The line flipped to classical Muzak, my least favorite kind. I didn't know any Abel.
"Marcus, this is Unger Abel. I've got a job for you."
The name Unger is not all that popular and I'd just heard it. "Elizabeth's husband?" He probably wasn't too pleased that his wife was inviting me over. And then the name rang a bell. Unger Abel, Chairman of Abel Industries, a huge corporation that rivaled both MultiMax International and Iverson Media Group.
"Yep. And you come well recommended. By Arcuda Zenellis."
"I'm flattered." And confused. Why would Zenellis recommend me for anything, especially after an accident in his product development laboratory turned everybody into sex maniacs and killed his stock price? The old guy died of a heart attack and I was partially to blame. After the stock price bottomed out, MultiMax International picked up the company for a steal. "Did he talk about my technical savvy and creativity?" I hoped.
"Nope. Said you fucked up his Wisconsin orgy."
I choked.
Abel continued. "Well, that's what it was. Said you were 'a smart asshole that knew how to use his wits and his prick.' Is that you?"
Sounded like Zenellis himself. "Maybe I was the only one who stood up to his conniving and cheating."
"Maybe that's why he both despised and looked up to you. Made me curious, so I dug a bit deeper. Found some interesting things. Then I was chatting with Max at the club. Maximillion Vinibaldi, the name familiar?"
I nodded and swallowed hard, but Abel couldn't see or hear my reaction. "Uh, yes. I've met him."
Abel laughed. "Max was pissed about getting his wife all fancied up with surgery because she cheated on him, incessantly. He scowled when he mentioned most of the incidents, all of which he knew about, but this smile came over his face when he told about catching her in flagrant in a storage shed. With guess who, Mr. Marcus?"
Abel already knew, so why deny it? "Guilty as charged."
Reese's expression was one of puzzlement. What did she think I admitted guilt about? Tired of standing, she sat in my guest chair along the wall and crossed her legs.
"Seems you have a propensity of intimacy with the wife's and daughters of very rich and influential men. Men that are not to be trifled with."
The idea hadn't crossed my mind, but the pattern was there, all right. "So is this blackmail?" Then I remembered that his wife had just invited me for dinner. Was he worried about her fidelity?
"Hardly. You have no assets except the money Zenellis paid you. By the way, you should do something better than a bank account if you don't want that wife of yours finding out."
"Thanks for the financial advice." Abel knew much too much. He probably had a security department that rivaled the FBI. Probably knew what I had for breakfast. "So then why-"
"I could buy and sell you a million times over. Elizabeth told me she was inviting you to dinner. To talk about something that's bothering her. Quite a coincidence, since I was going to call you myself. Tell me the truth, now. Do you find my wife attractive?"
That's a trick question. "Yes, from the brief glance I had." Reese was listening closely.
"Would you have intercourse with her?"
That was an even trickier question, because of the honest answer. I lied. "Of course not."
"Not even if I approved?"
Huh? "Excuse me?"
"Marcus, I've never had children. A huge legacy and no one to pass it down to when I'm gone. Oh yes, Elizabeth will get it all. But what she really wants more than anything is a family, and I want an heir. I'm afraid my sperm are just too feeble. Had your DNA tested, dear boy. No diseases, no genetic weaknesses."
"You did what?" Abel had invaded of privacy. My DNA was my business, not his. I wondered where he'd gotten a sample. "So you want me to donate?" I didn't say sperm because it was none of Reese's business. "I think you've got the wrong guy."
"I've got the right one, and I know it. But no artificial stuff. Too high a risk of failure. The natural way, you and her together."
Just because I'd fucked Maximillion's wife didn't mean I was a cock for hire. Or was I? I felt constrained in what I could say with Reese as a witness. Any comments about sex and she'd be in my lap. "How do you expect-"
"Elizabeth will raise the child as ours. The tike will lack for nothing."
Except for its real father. "That's good to know." Was I agreeing because I couldn't say what I wanted to say in front of Reese? Like 'go to hell'?
"In exchange, I'll double what Zenellis paid you, and set up an offshore account for all of your money - his and mine. No charge for the financial services. Just one thing-"
There always was. "Yes?"
"Having sex with Elizabeth must be her idea. Got it? She has to ask, or you do nothing. And I mean nothing. Not even a kiss."
I relaxed. No rape, not even coercion. Lovely Elizabeth invites me to bed or I'm off the hook. I was safe, she'd never cheat. "Done. I'll see you both Wednesday."
"Oh, and Marcus? We never had this conversation."
"Of course. Good bye."
I hung up. Reese stood up, her arms crossed under her tits. Her bra hung loose. Had she unclasped it when I wasn't looking? "What was that all about?"
"Something you've very familiar with." I wondered what kind of birth control Reese used. Was it possible for me to get her pregnant? I unzipped my pants. Reese heard the sound and smiled.
Just as I pulled my pecker from my pants, in pranced Dick Tashun, her uncle. "Reese! What are you doing? Marcus?"
I remained seated, my cock hidden by my desk. "There's no controlling your niece. I was taking business calls and she decided to undress. I only just found out she works for Omniscient Software. Were you going to tell me that at some point?"
"Reese, put your clothes back on." He stepped past her. "I didn't think it mattered."
Reese positioned herself in the circular pool of skirt material. When she bent over to pull up her skirt, her bra fell forward, and her lovely tits were exposed. She let the bra drop off her arms to the floor. I pushed my stomach up to my desk, so Tashun wouldn't see my exposed and hardening penis.
Tashun leaned on my desk. "I wasn't in favor of this deal, but Hunter had it signed and sealed before I found out." He glanced over his shoulder at his niece, still mostly naked. "Reese, I said get dressed!"
She reached behind to zip up her skirt, thrusting her tits forward. I remembered caressing and sucking them. My cock flinched and struck the bottom of my center drawer. Tashun looked down. I pounded the desk with my fist. "Can't you keep your niece under control? What kind of upbringing did she have, anyway?"
Dick snatched her blouse from the chair and held it out for her. She didn't take it. "I can't excuse her behavior, but Hunter says the contract language specifies her as our representative. We can't remove her without cause." He threaded her arms back into the sleeves of her blouse. Before she buttoned, she reached down and picked up her bra and flashed her bare tits once last time. "And stripping in your office doesn't meet the test, I'm afraid. Come on, dear, your visit with Marcus is over."
She buttoned the middle three buttons, still exposing some cleavage, grabbed her oversized sample case, the one that documented her strip tease and my non-action. At least her blackmail scheme failed. "So long, Harvey. I'll see you Thursday."
Oh no! I'd have to go through this again on Thursday? Well, if she wanted to document bad behavior, two could play at that game. And I had an expert on my side. After I was alone, I dialed up Lorraine Ambury, Lore for short. She'd been Zenellis's audio/video professional for the Wisconsin orgy, Abel's word. Although she didn't know what was being filmed. Only after I exposed the coordinated sex did she agree to help me steal Zenellis's disk array full of father/other daughter videos. And the disk drives were still in my basement, awaiting assembly. Maybe I could kill two birds with one stone.
I dialed her folks because I didn't have Lore's number. Actually, I had her 'number', pretending my penis was her Lucky Peter. Fucking me got her dreams to come true, and both of us to cum. "Hello?" It was a familiar voice. I'd gotten lucky with Lore before, and again with this call. She was at her folks' house to answer.
"Lore, this is Harvey Marcus."
"Oh, Mr. Marcus, this is like you were reading my mind. I'm living back here at my folks'. You know I was laid off by MultiMax, didn't you?"
'"No, I'm so sorry." I should have asked Maximillion to keep Lore employed as a favor, instead of asking to fuck his sister-in-law. Screwed up priorities. Again.
"But good news. I have an interview tomorrow and I was wondering if you'd rub some of your luck off on me. Like last time?"
Last time was a wild fucking session in her apartment. Lore called my cock her Lucky Peter. I didn't believe that rubbing my prick against her was lucky, but it was hard to argue with success. And I was hard, thinking about how easy it would be to have sex with her. "Sure, but I need two favors."
"I need you to put the video array back together-"
"The one from Wisconsin? You still have the drives?"
The hard disks and the motivation to see the videos. "Yes, and I bought a disk array enclosure that should be perfect. But I also need a set of miniature cameras and microphones, for my own surveillance. Maybe you have some left over?"
"I have a whole box full. I had to uninstall them from all of the rooms afterwards, you know? And Zenellis never told me what to do with them, so I just kept them."
"Great. Bring a couple of sets, and we'll test them out."
"I've also got a small compatible recorder, if that would help."
"Even better! Can you come over tonight? I mean, the drives and cabinet are at my place, and I wouldn't want your folks walking in while I was letting my luck rub off in you. I mean, on you."
"Oh, in me is what I want. I really want. I'll come by after dinner."
That meant I'd be cuming after dinner as well. "See you later."
Harriett and Winifred settled in for the night in front of the living room TV watching cable soap operas. I went down into the basement, preparing for Lore's arrival. The disk array enclosure was in position next to the computer chassis, along with a black and white monitor I'd found at a garage sale. Connected to an analog output port, it was only nine inches diagonal but big enough to view the stealth sex videos captured during Zenellis's father and daughter orgy in Wisconsin. The four bare drives were still in the bubble-wrap shipping. Static-free bags would have been preferred, but I needed to get the drives out quickly before Zenellis discovered I'd ripped him off.
I heard footsteps on the stairs. Lore came through the door with a grocery bag. "Mr. Marcus!" She put the bag on the floor and ran over. When she hugged me tight, memories of holding her, both clothed and naked, rushed back to me. She leaned back, her face flush with anticipation.
I was sure she felt my erection against her belly. "Hi there." I leaned forward and kissed her.
The patented lip quiver was still there. "This is like perfect timing. I just applied for a new job and I could use some of your luck."
She meant fuck. "You know there's no cause and effect, don't you? My Lucky Peter is just a normal penis with no special properties."
Lore's blush spread down her throat. "I know. But I wore my lucky panties today, just in case. Wanna see?"
There was no stopping her. She stepped back, reached under her skirt, I thought to lift and expose. Nope, she pulled the panties down and stepped out of them. She tossed the garment to me. "See?"
Two dice with a total of seven dots exposed adorned the front. "Yep. Lucky seven." She was preparing for both of us to get lucky.
"I brought you the cameras, mikes and recorder in the bag. You can do whatever you want with them."
And her, I expected.
She caressed my camera on its tripod in front of the carpeted stage and backdrop. "Oooh, maybe you take my picture?" She spun, exposing her pussy.
I pointed at the table of equipment. "There's the-"
"Got it. Business before pleasure. Let's get that disk array assembled." I sat back in my armless swivel chair. Lore unwrapped the drives as efficiently as she'd shed her skirt. She bent over, putting drives into their bays. My dick throbbed, her pussy bay on display with each insertion. I desired my own insertion. But Harriett and Winifred were upstairs. Too risky. Lore would have to settle for rubbing crotches through our clothes. "How did you know what order to insert the drives?"
"Silly! I installed them originally in ascending serial number sequence." She turned quickly, her skirt spinning up just to tease. "Done. Now we'll just turn it on and see what happens." She plopped down onto my lap. "Ooh, you're excited even before we see any of the videos."
She called it, I was turned on. But her attitude seemed positive and excited about the videos. "You were grossed out, okay, maybe shocked, at the hotel when I showed you what Zenellis had arranged. What's changed?"
"Yeah, because I didn't know that's what was being videoed. It was a shock, that's for sure. But I've had horny dreams ever since about being one of the invited daughters." The disk array icon appeared on-screen. Lore opened the drive and a directory of video files appeared. "Can I pick?"
Lore opened one of the files. The video was in black and white, some father and someone else's daughter. She was on all fours, him behind, dipping his fingers into her pussy. Their clothes were strewn around the bed and floor. Lore squirmed on my lap. "Is this what you expected?"
"I didn't know what to expect. But I'm not surprised."
"Neither am I." Lore scooted away from my body, reached behind and unzipped me. "You're always hard."
"Not always. But we can't-"
"We won't. I'm just releasing you to alleviate the pressure."
With some help from her probing fingers, my prick popped through the gap in my jockeys.
"Oh, Mr. Marcus, they're doing it doggie style!"
The man had finally achieved penetration and was fucking the young woman from behind, with mutual enthusiasm. Lore put my cock against her labia. "I bet it felt good." She lowered herself. "Oooh, yes, just like this."
All pretense was gone. Our mutual promise had been broken. I put my hands on Lore's waist and hoisted my hips. Lore was moist and ready, and her pussy felt terrific. At least in this position, Lore's skirt hid our dirty deed. Although, Lore sitting in my lap was hardly innocent. I kept listening for sounds of movement one floor above. No noise. The TV show must have been compelling.
We sat, silently fucking, watching another couple do the same. I slid one hand inside her pullover, her naked tit in the palm of my hand, her nipple pointy and hard. The stealth fucking was completely erotic.
I heard footsteps on the stairs and stopped humping. "Shhhh."
A voice called down the stairs. "Harvey? I'm sending Justine down." What was Harriett doing? Who was Justine?
"Stand up. Come on. We've got company." I lifted Lore's hips. Her skirt fell to cover her privates. She straightened her top. I pressed my vertical cock against my belly, inhaled, and zipped up my pants.
The door inched open. Through it stepped a young woman in khaki vest over a white blouse with matching khaki skirt, ending at the knee. The vest was covered in sewn-on patches, like some kind of Scout. But she was too old for Girl Scouts, wasn't she?
"Hello?" She took one step past the doorframe and stopped.
Lore approached our visitor. "Hi. I'm Lore and that's Mr. Marcus. What can we do for you?"
The girl pointed behind her to the stairs. "Mrs. Marcus told my mother that her husband was a photographer, and maybe he could help me earn my badge?"
I turned off the monitor, which was still showing the doggy style encounter and stood up. "She did? But aren't you too old for Scouting?"
"Oh, I'm an Ambassador Girl Scout, the highest level. This is my last year, and I'm trying to earn as many badges as I can. See?" She pulled a single colored page from a slash pocket of her skirt.
Lore handed me the document. It was like a page from a Scouting catalog, showing all of the badges and awards a Scout could earn and then buy. I assumed a Scout couldn't just order them all without validation. There were many unfamiliar categories in business and art and science. Didn't the Scouts just do stuff like starting fires with two sticks and selling cookies? I looked up from the page. "What are these, Behind The Ballot and Textile Artist?"
"Politics and weaving. Scouting has many different opportunities for members to learn new skills. Like photography." She walked over to my photography area with the professional backdrop and tripod, my camera still mounted. "Can you show me how to use this?"
I walked over and stood beside her. "Sure."
"I'll be the model." Lore moved to a stage area, just a few wooden skids covered in carpet with the Underwuud's backdrops behind. "Is here okay?"
I looked at the LCD screen. "Perfect." I pointed out the relevant controls. Justine watched my fingers intently. "You can zoom in and out here, and take the picture here."
"Great!" The spring in her step bounced her large breasts.
While Justine focused on the camera, I stared at the uninvited guest. She was a big girl, in the vernacular. Not fat, but proportionately larger than Lore in every department. Larger legs, wider hips and a much bigger chest. The vest both hid and accentuated just how big her tits were. My erection hadn't gone down, and imagining Justine with less clothing was quite erotic. I wasn't normally attracted to larger women, but something about Justine was making me even hornier than pantyless Lore.
"How many pictures can I shoot?" Justine asked.
"As many as you'd like. The memory card is empty." I'd copied the last photos to a password-protected area on an external hard disk, away from prying eyes.
Lore leaned against a stool in the center of the platform. "Go ahead, direct me. Tell me what you want me to do."
One part of me wanted our invited guest to take a few shots, leave, and let Lore and me resume our video watching. And simultaneous fucking. Another part wanted Justine naked, legs spread, begging for me to fuck her. And at any moment, Harriett or Winifred could decide to come downstairs. The jeopardy was absolutely part of the turn-on.
Justine asked Lore to turn, one way and then the other. Lore maintained conservative poses, as conservative as Lore could be with a short skirt. She turned in profile and pulled the top tight against her chest. Her nipples pointed in my direction. Then without Justine's direction, she sat down with her legs crossed. When she opened her legs wide, Justine froze.
Lore came off the stood and stood, rear facing the camera. "What's wrong?" Then she flipped up her skirt, showing her bare ass and privates.
Justine's face turned red. "You're not wearing panties!" It was almost a whisper.
"Mr. Marcus was making me lucky for a job interview when you came in."
"And you had to take your panties off for that?" Justine shot me a glance.
"Uh huh. He touches me with his Lucky Peter and good things happen."
Justine's hand slipped to her crotch. Was she excited at seeing Lore's privates? "Like what?"
"Well, I got into my first choice for college, and I've had two great jobs."
"I could sure use some luck." Her head bobbed.
The idea of having sex with this well-developed Scout was both outrageous and thrilling.
Lore shook her hips from side to side, like a bullfighter taunting the animal with a cape. Except I was the animal, with one extended horn. "And the best part is, the bonus."
Justine had no clue but I knew what she meant. Sex and an orgasm.
"Zoom in and shoot me from the waist up."
Justine fiddled with the controls. "Okay, you're framed."
"Good, now take some bust shots." Lore waited for a few clicks before she hoisted her top over her head. Those were bust shots, all right. Well-formed with perky nipples. The choice was clear. I wanted our Scout chaperone to depart so Lore could return to my lap. My Lucky Peter was waiting impatiently.
"Oh my! You have such nice breasts. Mine are way too big." Justine looked over at me, taking in the strip show. "Is it okay for me to be taking pictures like this?"
I nodded. "If you have your subject's permission."
"And you do." Lore wiggled a finger at me. "Come on over, Mr. Marcus. We need a little variety."
I crossed my arms. "No, that's okay. Justine is doing just fine."
"Okay, then come here because I want you to." Lore pouted. "Having you in the frame will make the shots more interesting."
Lore kept playing to the camera, pushing back her shoulders and aiming her pointy nipples at the lens. Then turning her back to the camera, she dragged her skirt to the side, exposing a bare buttock. I moved closer for a better view but stopped short of the stage. "Come up here, Mr. Marcus, we can pose together."
I waved my hand. "No, I really don't think-"
"But I'll need a variety of subjects if I'm going to get my badge." Justine's eyes were big and seductive.
"See, you want Justine-" Lore paused. "-to get her badges."
Justine doesn't need no stinking badges, I thought. "Oh, all right." I mounted the stage and stood next to her. Lore forced an embrace, her lips on mine.
"Oh my!" Justine kept snapping.
Lore turned her back to me and tugged my arms around her. While I stood there, hugging her, she unlatched and dropped her skirt. She was bare from the waist down.
"Oh my!" Justine was in shock but didn't stop clicking the shutter.
I felt Lore's hand on my groin. I stood still as I heard my zipper in retreat. "Do you really want a photographic record of this?"
"You're over dressed. Shouldn't we match?"
My cock had a mind of its own, especially in Lore's grasp. "I guess so."
I definitely saw Justine touch her crotch again. Watching Lore, and the prospect of us acting like a couple, was exciting her. Justine's breathing was expanding her blouse. I stepped back, reluctantly took off my pants and stepped back up on the carpeted stage. "Okay, where do you want me?" I knew it was the wrong thing to say as soon as I said it.
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Introduction: This is a re-working of Its cookie time! I changed the title, the beginning and added a bit. Thanks again for the comments and votes Cookie or nookie, Abby giggled. She laid a chocolate-covered Girl Scout cookie on her blond pussy mound. Its a simple choice, Tyler. She tried for a serious face, before dissolving into a giggle fit. The teenage boy broke up, laughing hysterically. The naked young couple lay in the back seat of Tys dads big car, parked by the lake. The bluish air...
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She laid a chocolate-covered Girl Scout cookie on her blond pussy mound. "It's a simple choice, Tyler." She tried for a serious face, before dissolving into a giggle fit. The teenage boy broke up, laughing hysterically. The naked young couple lay in the back seat of Ty's dad's big car, parked by the lake. The bluish air wafting in the car was fragrant with marijuana smoke. After smoking way too much pot, Abby and Ty had started eating Abby's Girl Scout cookies, which were supposedly...
Part 1 The year was entering its final phases. Bonfire Night had just passed and for Paul the times were getting difficult. He had just started that very September his final year at school, and that meant exams. The teachers had all given their lectures on how everything between September and May was to be focused on those all important GCSEs. For Paul getting good results in those exams was important. It wasn't that he feared getting bad results - he was fairly good at most...
HumorA sandwich cookie is simple in design, yet complex in its duality in taste. A popular treat among many it can be made with a variant of flavors. The recipe at hand is of common flavors such as cinnamon and vanilla. How to make such a delicious item requires the expertise and patience akin to that of a pastry chef. In a seaside home bordering the shores of the Mediterranean, Chef Izador prepares a pot of coffee in the midst of a dark, morning breeze. With the exception of cinnamon he has...
Sitting at the bar one evening Brian was bored but as horny as hell. The place wasn’t exactly pumping and the few guys that were there weren’t registering anything above four on his lust-o-meter. He had formerly been to bed with two of the men milling about, but those encounters had been infinitely forgettable.Lifting his glass he sipped the last bit of wine before putting the empty glass back on the table. He looked at his watch and contemplated leaving. Brian’s cock then twitched, giving him...
Gay MaleThis story is not intended for commercial use and is not to be posted at any other site without the author's permission. This is not suitable reading for minors. Thanks to Kelly Ann Rogers for her editorial assistance, as well as Josie for allowing me to borrow her name. Josie swears she's never lost at cards. Unlucky at Cards -- "It's your deal." He flushed as he handed over the cards. The blood was rushing to his cheeks. From drinking two Brandy Alexanders? Possibly....
As he sits in his bedroom moping, he gets a call from one of his friends, Mike. “Hey Lucky, you wanna come over and chill? I’ll pick you up.” “Sure, why not, ain’t shit else to do” says Lucky. While they rode in the car, Lucky ain’t had shit to say. He felt so miserable about his life. Mike ain’t say nothing. He didn’t want to make the situation more sad than what it is. Finally, they got to Mike crib and Mike’s girl just happen to be ringing his doorbell. As they got out the car and Mike...
Marla, my wife of three years,and I were staying at my son's house in Albuquerque for a couple of weeks. My wife had just left to visit her parents across town. I was in the living room reading a book when the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and encountered a woman, probably mid-thirties, standing there with a big smile on her face. She held out her hand and said, "Hi, my name is Linda." I told her my name was Peter. She continued, " My daughter and I live just down the street from...
Well it's fund raiser time again for the Girl Scouts and as you know, they go door to door selling their cookies. This is my first time at trying to sell my cookies, and I'm not having much luck. I've tried a couple dozen houses in my neighborhood and have found that someone from another troop has already been there. I was feeling rather defeated as I walked up to the last house within walking distance from my house. It was an older home and I knew that an older man lived here because he...
(Part One) Cookies Stepping from the shower, I caught a reflection of my nude body in the full-length mirror on the back of my bathroom door. I'd always wished I was taller than my 5 foot 9 inches, but I had no other regrets about the muscular build of my masculine 30-year-old body. Unconsciously, my eyes lingered for a minute on the stiffened erection between my legs. During my bath, my manhood had been swelling and getting harder. As a confirmed bachelor, I had no serious lady in my life....
© 2002 Couture Sharon didn't care very much for her new supervisor, nor, did most of her co-workers. It wasn't as if any of them held any great love for their former supervisor either, but at least Mrs. Feldman had been tough enough and canny enough that they didn't mind thinking of her as their boss. However, the new supervisor, Kristie was fresh out of college and green as spring wood. To make matters worse, Sharon had put in for the job and didn't get it. As a result, Sharon was...
Thanks to my editor, AnInsatiableReader, for helping my clean this up. Also, thanks to my fiancee, for putting up with the time it takes for my neurotic ass to write, and for helping me clean it up, too. This is my entry in the 2012 Winter Holidays contest. Vote, comment and send feedback! * ‘Now I know what he likes for a late night snack, for years now it’s been bringing him back, milk and cookies…’ I kept my voice mostly to myself, but I still sang along to Clint Black’s tribute to...
Behind her, William was jogging as well, appreciating the view of Emily's ass in front of him as he listened to his iPod. He increased pace slightly when she had passed him to keep this view. His cock had been hard for a while now and was at the point of throbbing. Seeing a small clearing ahead with a picnic table, he sped up. As Emily reached the point of the path closest to the table, she felt a pair of firm sweaty hands grabbing her by her waist & pushing her to the side, by the table....
I saw him standing outside, looking in. My front door was open, and , I guessed he was selling something.He slowly began walking up my steps. I was standing about 3 feet from my door, and just came out of my shower. I decided to tease him a little, and,purposely removed my towel. I pretended not to notice him. He never rang the doorbell, he just stood there and stared. I was facing the door and squated. I acted like I was wiping a spot on the floor with my towel. I made sure my legs were...
As i walked through the doors of Ashelys parentless house i instantly knew i was going to have an amazing time. The music was blasting and the smell of rum made my mouth water. It was already packed with people of all ages. The plan for the night was a sleep over party after the crouds of people emptied out. It was an all girls party and i was definitly looking forward to it. Needless to say, i didnt know what was going to make this party even more live then it already had become. i was sitting...
LesbianChapter One Twenty-eight days before Christmas I found myself in a remote, fortified camp in what seemed to be a million miles from nowhere. I am Lieutenant Eric Steiger, United States Navy, and I command a mixed unit of Marines and Navy SEALs. Our mission is to gather intelligence on arms being transported from Iran into Afghanistan. ‘Hey, Lieutenant. The supply helo is about ten minutes out. Do you have anything that needs to go back to headquarters?’ Chief Petty Officer Thomas Kincaid...
Megan let me sleep until seven-fifteen before she woke me with a glass of orange juice in hand. As I staggered to the bathroom, I saw her taking her seat at the folding tables. I shaved, showered, and got ready for school. Megan was studying feverishly. We left early to give us time to walk the two miles to school. "I can't wait to see what your friend has in store for us this quarter," she said. Her mention of Doctor Mercer made me realize that I hadn't seen him for a month. "Bring...
No, sweetie, itll be fun! said Kimiko, speaking into the phone. Its not like youll be doing anything you never did before. Remember that time with Richard? That was different, Kimi, protested Holly. Richard was my boyfriend, not some total stranger! Holly was Kimis freshman-year roommate in college, a petite blue-eyed blonde whose child-like facial features made her look much younger than she actually was. Kimi had discovered that Holly was bi-sexual almost by accident, at a frat party they...
I saw him again, with his books spreading over a small table and himself sitting in a chair he was studying in his backyard. I went to the wall that separated our backyards and I bent over it. I called his name. He looked at me, starred at my cleavage and I smiled looking at him. He was eighteen, a little shy with lots of dirty thoughts in his mind. My cleavage was enough to make his young cock hard like steel. I noticed him adjusting his cock under the table, and he looked down feeling...
Note: I am not the original author(s) of this story, though I may add to it once I finish transferring over the original story. I am moving this story over from editthis for the better functionality of chyoa. I am editing the chapters as I move them over, so some chapters may be combined or eliminated based on the new format. I have made the following changes right off the bat: I am clarifying that the two girls are 18 (they are in their last year of high school, so they can continue to be Girl...
TeenPhoebe Grant had to laugh as she looked at herself in the small bathroom mirror as she finished getting dressed. The reflection that greeted her was one that had become quite familiar over the last few weeks, but still filled her with a certain amusement all the same. What would her co-workers at the bank think if they could see her now? She was an Elf, right down to the pointed ears and the equally pointed bright green shoes. "Well it's not the worst job I've ever had," the twenty-two...
The next time Cameron thought of going out to pick up girls was when his friend Mark suggested it during a lecture at college. "Hey man, you haven’t gotten out much lately, have you?" he asked quite randomly during a boring unimportant part of the professor's rant. "Who me?" Cameron was surprised Mark would even take notice. Cameron usually went to great lengths to go out alone so that none of his so-called friends could sabotage his chances with a girl by telling her unnecessary details...
Finally he had what he wanted, a new life with a new reputation. He of course used this reputation to gain friends and girls. The first few times he went on dates with girls at college things went well. After a while though, a new rumor started to spread; the rumor that Cameron was not very good in bed. Any girl that went out with him said the same thing. He was a disappointment; a bit on the small side and lacking in the skill to provide his partner with any pleasure. Eventually he could no...
In a small city in the US lives a girl called Jennifer. She is a blonde girl with blue eyes and a rather pleasent face along with a large pair of breasts. Apart from her appearance though she is a rather average seeming woman. She goes to a regular college, has a couple of friends and she lives alone in a small apartment. This would come to be a rather extraordinary day for her though as she will probably come to beat the record for the number of times a woman has taken a hit to the vagina in a...
FetishClick "Oh no, not again! " pestered Lucy. She just heard the door click behind her and was now locked out. Well it was embarrassing to have to seek help to get inside the house but there was worse. She was naked! The worse part was that it was not a new experience to her. In the last years she seemed to be cursed with some bad luck that ended with her being stripped or humiliated. And now once again she was locked out without a stich on and no way to get inside. Lucy was a tall blonde with...
Ok, so there has been a few break ins in the neighborhood, some bored k**s wit nothing to do when adults are out at work. Most went uncaught, all except this one that tried to do my house. She was not as quick as her friends, and wasnt able to hop my fence. Guess when my wife left for work, they didnt expect me to be home. So after her friends got away, she was persuaded to come into my garage so we could discuss her punishment....persuaded my a 12 gauge pump shotgun. The racking noise freezes...
That Thursday evening Tove got back from work later than she usually did. And it was not just due to a lot of traffic on her way back home. She had been in an awful lot of meetings. Nothing had worked out. The day started off with a review of the project she had just finished. At nine she had still been oozing confidence and thought the review would be a breeze. She had hoped to get promoted another three steps in the mars hierarchy and get the job in strategic marketing she had always...
“I’m so glad we decided to take this trip.” Agnes smiles up at her boyfriend as they walk in Bogotá’s El Dorado International Airport. It’s grand and bustling with people, many of them tourists with tanned skin and relaxed shoulders getting back to their regularly scheduled lives after a stay in Colombia. David, Agnes’ boyfriend, directs them throught baggage dispatch, then the security line. Agnes is distracted by her phone up until the point that a grumpy-looking worker tells her to put it...
“I’m so glad we decided to take this trip.” Agnes smiles up at her boyfriend as they walk in Bogotá’s El Dorado International Airport. It’s grand and bustling with people, many of them tourists with tanned skin and relaxed shoulders getting back to their regularly scheduled lives after a stay in Colombia. David, Agnes’ boyfriend, directs them throught baggage dispatch, then the security line. Agnes is distracted by her phone up until the point that a grumpy-looking worker tells her to put it...
Hello there reader, you ready to be lady un-lucky as you go around and just mess up a good day for women? If you are, then I highly suggest you continue onwards, so we can find the first women we plan to tourment with badluck. Makesure it's a good one too, and go as hard, or soft if your kinder, with the badluck.
BDSM“Well, aren’t you the cutest little Girl Scout?” he said to me. “I love the pigtails.”I couldn’t believe I actually did it! He seemed to like it, though. I found a way-too-short, sexy Girl Scout costume online and ordered it to surprise him. It came in yesterday. The thin green material really set off my red hair and the short dress showed half of my ass when I was walking erect. I had pondered wearing white cotton panties or my new lace designer thong, but I opted for nothing at all beneath...
Straight SexWhen she waved a hand in front of her face. The midsection of the man dissipated like he was made of light dust. Only his cock remained, and it continued to spew ancient semen with a hundred times the normal sperm count down her gullet. If only the jizz was as easy to disperse, she wouldn’t be constantly digesting a bloated stomachful. But at least, until the white dust reformed into a prehistoric, hip-thrusting Neanderthal, she had her answer: the room was bright. It was morning. And she...
T'was the night before Christmas, and in MzDominica's house, santa crouched next to the Christmas tree, pulling packages out of his sack. The ornaments and lights on the tree twinkled and shimmered, even though no one else was in the room to appreciate them. Suddenly, from somewhere in the tree, a light mist, like an air freshener, sprayed into his face. Santa's thoughts went blank for a moment, and he did not realize that MzDominica had entered the room and was standing next to him, until She...
Adult HumorMingh was apprehensive. She had gone back to Suzhou, China to pick up her daughter, Wing Kee Lin, to bring her home with her. Mingh had been married to Lin's father for abut ten years until he had divorced her. Divorce is very uncommon in China. He was wealthy enough to have more than one wife if he chose. She had married him when she was fourteen. She had been the second wife. By the time she was about twenty four, she was the fourth wife. She had not been able to have any children. Her rich...
She leaned over the kitchen counter, intently looking at her phone. Rich came from behind her, wrapping one arm around her slender waist and gently slapping her taught ass, only the lace fabric of her pajama shorts separating their bare skin. Carmen closed her eyes as she enjoyed the love tap. She was petite; standing about five feet four inches with dark brown hair, a smile that could distract the most focused concentration, eyes so soft that they made anyone melt and her perky tits which Rich...
Quickie SexThis is a continuation of the series ‘Memoirs of a Bisexual.’ I recommend reading chapters 1-7 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. Chapter 8 Spring Break was upon us and I was temporarily living with Felecia. Something happened with the plumbing in the bathroom of my apartment and the maintenance people had to tear into some walls to fix it. So instead of sharing the other bathroom with my two roommates, Felecia said I could stay with her until everything was fixed. She...
This is a continuation of the series "Memoirs of a Bisexual." I recommend reading chapters 1-7 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. Chapter 8 Spring Break was upon us and I was temporarily living with Felecia. Something happened with the plumbing in the bathroom of my apartment and the maintenance people had to tear into some walls to fix it. So instead of sharing the other bathroom with my two roommates, Felecia said I could stay with her until everything was fixed. She is...
Group SexWell i am bi. So i like women too. And this 1 chica was just what i needed. Sophia was so fine with 42 dd tits, ass for dayz, long black mexican hair and a sexy body that makes ya hard just thinking about it. Well any ways, she was on the bus with me and we startd chatting and she was licking her lusious lips told to me in my ear" get off with me." So we got to her casa and kickd it. Looking at her i was hard as steel. I could cut glass with my rod. She brought some wine in her red thong and...
I was home one saturday morning , when my doorbell rang. I was in my robe with nothing under when I open it. It was my neighbor 18 year old daughter. She was selling cookies for her little sister. She is a knockout nice round breast with a slim body. I have watched her lay by there pool many times ,and get an hard on and bad thoughts. She came in an we sat on the couch ,and she explained why she was helping her little sister sell cookies. I said ,I would take 4 boxes, I didnt realize my cock...
T'was the night before Christmas, and in MzDominica's house, Santa crouched next to the Christmas tree, pulling packages out of his sack. The ornaments and lights on the tree twinkled and shimmered, even though no one else was in the room to appreciate them. Suddenly, from somewhere in the tree, a light mist, like an air freshener, sprayed into his face. Santa's thoughts went blank for a moment, and he did not realize that MzDominica had entered the room and was standing next to him, until...
Introduction: Second installment of one day in my crazy early twenties. liberties have been taken with names and details. You wanted to see me, Mr. Shaver? Pete asked, somehow managing to pull his gaze from my nakedness while the young Travis groped me. His eyes quickly shot back when I gasped slightly, a shiver going down straight from my breasts to my crotch as Travis rubbed his splayed palms in a circular motion over my tightened nipples. I watched him lick his lips, obviously becoming...
His eyes quickly shot back when I gasped slightly, a shiver going down straight from my breasts to my crotch as Travis rubbed his splayed palms in a circular motion over my tightened nipples. I watched him lick his lips, obviously becoming aroused at my exposure and humiliation. “I hear you’ve been harassing my administrative assistant in the elevator.” Mr. Shaver’s stern voice contrasted greatly with his casual pose behind his desk. I watched the confusion and worry pass over...
I shook my head, bringing myself back to reality and threatening the pins that held my thick auburn hair in a tasteful coil at the back of my head. Just then Pete Townsend entered the car, somehow squeezing his tall lean body through two layers of men to push up against my right side. I hate Pete Townsend. But I didn’t bother pulling away as he brushed his hand against the back of my thighs, just below the hem of my skirt. It never did any good. “What floor?” A tall young man asked,...
Introduction: My first foray into erotic non-fiction. Although its been three years so I took some liberty on detail and dialogue. Go easy on me, guys The elevator stopped at the ground floor, and I shuffled in ahead of the crowd, taking a spot in the corner and fidgeting with the hem of my too-short skirt. It was warmer in the elevator than the hall, but as was so often the case, the brush of the silk blouse over my otherwise bare breasts kept my nipples rigid. It was all men who filed in...
Lucky was desperately disappointed; she’d missed going to university in her first year because of the pandemic and now she was doing on-line classes in her second year. She switched off the computer after her final class of the day just as her dad walked into the kitchen. He saw her pouting.“Why the pout, baby?” David said. “You know that makes me horny.”She rolled her eyes at him. “Dad,” she giggled, “everything I do makes you horny.”They kissed passionately, his tongue massaging hers. They...
IncestStay there i will just go and get lucky. Oh my god I couldn’t fight lucky off when i wasn’t tied.. Then he came back in with lucky. There you go mum enjoy yourself. I tried to get away from him but there was no where to go. Lucky followed me i think he new he had all the time in the world to do what he wants. He grabbed at my t shirt binding my arms and dragged me backwards to the bed. He weighed a lot more than me and he had four legs i couldn’t stop him. He jumped up dragging me back on...
I watch her come into the bar on a hot Saturday afternoon. I cannot help but stare, my eyes following her as she makes her way across the room to the bar. Her wavy red hair is flowing over her shoulders, almost as far down as her what have to be DD breasts bouncing in her Chicago Cubs crop top. The bottoms of her breasts are uncovered and her nipples are proudly poking small tents in her top. Her tight midriff is covered in a light sheen of sweat and leads down to what I suppose are daisy...
BisexualTammy raced across the house and into the shower. As she did this she wiped the cum off of her face with her boyfriend's soccer towel. The scent of old sweat wouldn't normally be a turn on, but in this instance it was. Her soccer boy was hot. She was still wiping off the cum with the towel when she began running the water. She peeled off her tight T shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath because she had wanted to tease her boy with the thin material and her hard nipples. When you have...
Friday early morning We had all checked in and turned in our gear by 0130 hours. “Everyone is off until Saturday morning. Report for PT at 0700 hours Saturday,” Lt. Commander Ferguson barked, eliciting a loud cheer from everyone. “Before you go, each of the fire team leaders needs to submit a brief overview of your team’s actions tonight. Aside from that, we have video coverage from the grav sleds and everyone’s helmet cams. Anyone who has something they feel should be added should see me...
A few days after Ian had called there was a knock at the door. Ian stood there with a young girl and a dog. HI can I bring these in. Ok This is Suzy she is here to learn the trade so to speak. And this is rex. Is your mum in. I lied and said no I didnt really want strangers just turning up and fucking my mum. She wasn’t a prostitute. Suzy only looked a couple of years older than me. Now Suzy I want you to do anything matt tells you. If I hear bad reports it could be trouble. OK I will...
I went out to feed Lucky he grabbed my jumper and dragged me to the kennel. I have never known him so rough. He dragged me part way in. He was scratching me on the sides as he dragged me in. then he squeezed out and shoved me in till I was wedged sat up in the kennel. I was panicking I tried to stop him. He bared his teeth. and bit my ankle quite badly. Then he grabbed hold of my trainers. He bent my legs through the door and rammed them into the roof of the kennel. I couldn’t move. He...
Angela was wet in that special place. She was wearing no bra and no panties. She was on her back in bed. She was alone except for lucky. She needed to do something about her urges or she would go just as nuts as her boy friend. Looking over at the dog's raging red shaft she sighed. She wanted it, but at some level she knew that it would break her in half. Some girls go for black guys based upon cock size. They really need to get themselves a good dog if that's the only thing they're...
I am a single mom of 31 years. There's just me and my son now as my husband died in a car crash 2 years ago.. Being single, times were tough for us, I had to work two jobs mostly to support us in even the worst conditions. We lived pay check to pay check until one fateful day I received a letter from my great aunts lawyer. My great aunt had unfortunately passed away in her sleep only a week before. I was being contacted in order to collect an inheritance that my aunt had put aside for me. I...
“Dorothy Shaw, Director of the Lucky Jim Historical Society provided the first ‘official’ verification of the Lucky Jim credential,” The President continued. “Dorothy, are you still sure about your authentication?” Dorothy was next to Jim and stood up. “I am even surer today than I was the day I originally agreed that he was Lucky Jim. Before meeting him, I’d met with numerous claimants to the title Lucky Jim and none of them met the standard. When I met with Jim, he made no claim to the...