The Tgirl Factory
- 3 years ago
- 20
- 0
That Thursday evening Tove got back from work later than she usually did. And it
was not just due to a lot of traffic on her way back home. She had been in an awful
lot of meetings. Nothing had worked out.
The day started off with a review of the project she had just finished. At nine she had
still been oozing confidence and thought the review would be a breeze. She had
hoped to get promoted another three steps in the mars hierarchy and get the job in
strategic marketing she had always aspired to. She was looking forward to the new
job which could have meant responsibility over of five not to mention the extra wage.
The project had been a full success. She was always on top of things and had learnt
quickly throughout. On a number of occasions her boss had expressed his content
with her work. There had been only one minor disagreement which she had already
forgotten about.
She did her presentation without nervousness and was sure that her presentation
would find the approval of her boss and the ones who were there to assess her and
to decide upon her future. Right after she had finished, the first question arrived. The
human resource guy brought up an incident in France. She had had a disagreement
with the local product manager who she a lot of difficulties to get on with. The
disagreement erupted in a brief heated exchange of arguments. Luckily for Tove they
hardly worked together after the incident and so she forgot about it quite quickly.
Now Tove was gutted. She hardly remembered the incident and was entirely
unprepared for this situation. The HM guy exaggerated the situation and put her in a
very bad light which cast severe doubt on her personal management skills. Not
finding the right arguments to defend her and to put the whole incident into
perspective she found herself in the middle of a trial she was about to loose bitterly.
While she spoke there was constant discussion under way distressing her further.
The atmosphere turned against her and was decisively frosty. They had not wasted a
single word on the outcome of the project. Instead Martin Wegin pointed out that the
meeting had already lasted 45 minutes and that they should a conclusion. Tove?s
heart was beating like a drum; her hands were wet when the HM briefly presented
their decision. Arguing that she was lacking personal skills they decided to give her
just one step. In another sentence he mentioned that her work in France had been
insufficient. This was a severe blow. She did not understand what happened to her.
In a few seconds everybody hustled out of the conference room not saying a word to
her. Tove collected her things and retreated. Originally she had planned to celebrate
her new job by taking a few days off. Now she would need these days to lick her
With her bag and coat in her hand she slowly walked down the corridor. In her mind
she?s already sitting in her car and on the highway back home.
"Mrs Almstr?m? Please stop"
The unknown voice sounds rather commanding. "Shit, don't bother me. I want to go
home!" she?s thinking but turns around regardless.
"Please follow us. We would like to ask you a few questions"
"Is that really necessary? I would like to go home now." she responds almost
"Unfortunately we must insist."
"What is it about?"
"We don't know, but you will be informed soon"
The guards take her between themselves and walk with her down several corridors
into part of the factory complex where she?s have never been before. A big door
opens and all three enter the central office of the guards. Five important looking men
including the head of production are awaiting her. They look tense and angry.
"Mrs. Almstr?m?"
"I reckon you know why you are here."
"No idea. Nobody told me and I haven't got time. It?s Friday night and I want to go
home ASAP"
"Well it's not you to decide that. We have reason to believe hat you have
misappropriated sensitive information to a competitor. We need to know who you
sent it to and when before we call the police."
At this moment you get nervous and protest
"No I haven't done that, that's not true"
"But we have intercepted email traffic from your account which indicates that you
were going to pass product plans to an outsider"
"That's not true"
"You'll stay here until you have provided us with the details"
"But I've got nothing to say"
"You've got nothing to say? Sure? Well we'll see. We'll make you speak." He waves
to one of the guards who walks over to you.
He looks uneasy as he relays the message and speaks in a low voice.
"Mrs. Almstr?m? I have to ask you to undress right now"
"I know Mrs. Almstr?m. Could you please take your clothes off?"
"Are you mad? I'm not going to undress..."
The rest of the sentence drowns in a sudden scream of the head of production.
"You heard just right. You will get naked. Right here and in front of us"
"No I won't"
"I'm not sure you understand how serious the situation is. Either you give names or if
you don't you either get naked yourself or these polite men from Securicor will
demonstrate what they have been taught." he screams at the top of his voice.
"No, that?s outrageous. I will call the police" Tove stammers and retreat toward the
door but two factory guards block the door while another one holds her arm.
"Leave me alone you don't have the right to do this"
"Down here we have the right to do just anything is necessary. These two gentlemen
have just proved that. Listen you maybe a smart woman but smart doesn't count her
unless you give names. Strip her!"
She screams in protest as another one approaches her and removes the cardigan
although you are trying to escape from them. He reaches out for you and tears the
blouse open. Several buttons rip off and roll across the floor. The open blouse
reveals her rounded breasts covered by an expensive silk bra.
"Stop it for a second. Still sure you don?t want to share anything with us. So you've
changed your mind?"
"No I've got nothing to say and I'm not allowing them to strip me."
"Ms. Almstr?m, if you don?t allow them you will have to do it yourself. You will strip
right down to your last sock. I don?t want to see no necklace, no rings, no glasses and
not even a clip to hold your hair on your body. You will stand in front of these men as
god created you. And don?t forget to hand your clothes over to the gentleman on your
Stiff with fear, but too proud to allow them to humiliate her by stripping her, she takes
off her clothes bit by bit. Blouse, bra, trousers, panties, socks and jewellery. Tove
looks down to her feet to avoid the brash stares. Some clear their throats nervously
as the trembling woman bares her body. She has always difficulties to accept her
slight overweight. Tove always wanted to be perfect in. She had a cute face and had
graduated with flying colours because she was extremely bright. Her body though
resisted all her diets and continued to frustrate her. Thus she was always at unease
at beaches and jealously looked at slim, attractive women.
"Stand up right with your hands down. Eyes ahead"
"We should clearly ask HR to pay more attention to the looks of the women we hire.
Ms. Almstr?m, you won't be surprised to hear me say that you are not exactly an oil
The atmosphere is tense, nobody responds.
"What do you think?" he addresses a young intimidated guard.
"I don't know"
"Well, maybe the tits of the bitch, excuse me of Ms Almstr?m tits are passable, don't
you agree. Big enough and seemingly surprisingly firm compared to the rest of her
"Yes her uhm tits are quite good. You are right"
"Ms Almstr?m you are lucky. At least one person in this room likes your looks. But
back to the reason you're here. Will you give us the names of your recipients?"
"I told you. I haven't done anything. I don?t know what you are talking about"
"We know you have. We've got prove but need more details"
She begs for them to let her go but he is relentless.
"Ms Almstr?m, or should I say Tove? This could be a long night for you if you
continue to refuse to cooperate"
You cry and beg but to no avail. He waves to a guard who produces a camera with a
big flashlight and takes ten or twenty pictures of her in full nakedness.
You are urged to sit down on a chair. Another man opens your legs allowing the
photographer to take pictures of her most private parts before he returns to his desk.
"Ms Almstr?m, have a look at these pictures. What do you think how your colleagues
would react if by accident they were to set there eyes on these beautiful pictures? Of
course they will be touched up a bit. They will show pictures of a sad naked and
slightly overweight woman, who shows her pussy for the fun of it."
He presses a few buttons and pictures of her disappear on all screens of the
command centre.
She blushes and cries "...but I haven't done such a thing. Please let me go."
"I'm surprised to see how stubborn you are. It seems you still haven't understood how
serious this is. Tell us there names. Who have you been in touch with?"
A few minutes later and after a period intense silence he gets up from behind the
huge desk because he still did get the desired response. He walks around her a few
times and scans her body coldly. Eventually he lays his hand on her naked shoulder
like a father that is about to give his son some good advice.
"Ms Almstr?m, you are very uncooperative I must say. My attempts to convince you
have all been in vain and I don't know any other legally permitted means to get a
response from you. I am a man who always respects the law and has its morals and I
know I have responsibility to protect you, but there?s me and another five male
guards in this room. Although you are not a very beautiful woman, you're after all a
blonde, Swedish woman who is reasonably attractive to the men in this room. You've
got nice enough, firm breasts, a rounded bottom and a shaved pussy. Do you expect
these men to ignore what they are seeing before them? They aren't made of wood.
Although they are not saying anything I?m sure they would love to lay their hands on
you. How could I protect you from them? You should reconsider your position
because the alternative amid these men may not be pleasant."
"But I haven't done anything.."
"Tat-tat, you're not stupid or are you?"
"Please let me go. I won't say anything if you leave me"
"Sure you won't say anything. God, I don't understand you and do not know what to
do with you. We'll continue the interrogation in 20 minutes. Get her out of the room.
Take good care of her but treat her like a lady."
That said three guards grab her arms and escort her to the guard?s break room. It?s lit
by cold neon light and full of cigarette smoke. One guy her lays his arm around her
shoulder and starts to fondle her breast.
"He was right. Your breasts are firm and really nice. Actually I don't agree with what
he said. To me you are quite attractive. I don't even mind your bottom. A bit big
maybe but I think you are a real babe" he says and his hand explores her buttocks
and slides in between her legs."
Tove trembles with fear and close her eyes to not witness the humiliation.
"Do you enjoy that Ms Almstr?m? I'm sure you do. I always dreamt of your breasts. I
remember when you arrived here for the first interview. From that day on, when you
passed by the entrance I always wondered what it would be like to suck at your
"Don't get too carried away, buddy. Let me have my share" another voice says. Two
strong hands slightly coarse hands knead her tits.
"Do you feel my erection Ms Almstr?m? I'm so horny and I'd love to fuck you. I hope
you don't mind."
Your hand is placed on the trousers of one of them. There is an enormous bulge.
"But first of all, Ms Almstr?m take my dick into your mouth and suck it"
They push you down to your knees. The belt buckle of someone frantically removing
his pants drops to the tiles floor with a bang. Then a big erect penis hits your face
and rubs against it. The owner moans heavily.
"Please suck it Ms Almstr?m" he says and her head with both hands. The girl is
immobilized by the look in the eyes of the dumb and scruffy man. Yet nothing is going
to stop him now. He wants that woman who is so above him so badly.
"Ms Almstr?m, you are so beautiful. I love you" he says and smiles at her. Her
stomach cramps as she expects the worst to come.
"You're so beautiful. I want to fuck your beautiful face"
Then he shoves his dick between her lips and thrusts it hard against the back of her
mouth. One hand at your throat restricts proper breathing; the other one at the back
of your head moves her head back and forward. He doesn?t notice how the girl is
choking on his penis and desperately trying to breathe while her arms are locked
behind her back.
"Suck it Ms Almstr?m, fuckin suck it".
As one fucks your face the belt buckle of another one hits the floor. She knows what
is going to happen next and shortly later a leg pushes her legs apart, some one's
hand rubs heavily against her pussy.
Oh my god, I don?t want them to do this - she thinks but the big penis is ready to be
rammed into her most private, sensitive fold. Never ever has a man fucked her in
such a rough way. Bang ? it explodes into her pussy and followed by heavy moans
and thrusts. She?s treated like lifeless toy.
Meanwhile the man in front approaches orgasm.
"Swallow my cum Ms Almstr?m!" he says and pinches her nostrils with two fingers.
Then he pushes her head firmly between his legs and onto his dick and rests it there
before ejaculating into your mouth. Unable to breath she gulps it down, choking and
struggling against the firm grip of his hand. Slowly he releases the grip and takes a
deep breath followed by heavy coughs. The salty taste of sperm burns in your mouth
you feel sick to your stomach. She has never swallowed cum before.
Yet it's not over yet. Tove?s pussy is still heavily pounded by a rock hard penis.
She?s still too dizzy to understand the words he says. He calls your name but is he
talking to you? Seconds later they lift the girl over to a nearby couch. They put you on
your back. You're still choking and your vision is not clear but you can see a heavily
breathing man who pushes your legs apart before he thrusts his dick into her again
and flings his full weight onto her. For a moment the fucking slows down. He's caught
interest of the rest of the girl?s body and frantically licks and sucks her breasts before
moving his wet tongue up to her face. There are glistening pearls of sweat on his
forehead as he stares at her mad with lust.
Then he closes his eyes and presses his lips onto hers. With one hand on the back
off her head he pulls your face tightly onto his while the other kneads a breast. His
tongue swirls in your mouth like mad and he resumes fucking you. By the time he
comes half your face is covered with saliva. Finally he lets out a loud grunt like an
animal and the sweaty body collapses on you.
He doesn't rest there for a long time though. Moments later the Tove is back on her
feet and scuttled to a bath room.
Their voices sound frantic.
"We got to soap her up to remove any trace of us."
The three almost empty a bottle of shower gel over you. Face, stomach, tits, bottom
and legs. No corner of your body is left untouched.
"Turn her around" someone says. Then cold water hits your crotch and someone
hectically fumbles her pussy. Suddenly something hard and unpleasant is shoved
into it. Then cold water fills the inside of the vagina. Desperately she tries to break
free but the grip is too firm. It seems to take an eternity. The two other guys have
finished their job and hold you in a tight grip as the other one rinses your pussy with a
water hose.
Before the guards lead the naked girl back to the command centre, they rub her dry
with paper towels.
"So, Ms Almstr?m. Have you changed your mind?"
Obviously the girl is no longer in a state to respond. She's quietly sobbing and
obviously in a mess.
He takes a deep breath.
"I?m sorry, maybe we got the wrong one after all. In any case we have to keep your
pictures on file, so don't do anything stupid and tell anybody about this meeting.
You may dress and leave now. Please note that you have to leave the premises
within ten minutes as you have not submitted an extension request"
While the broken woman picks up her ripped clothes from the bin and puts them back
on, the guards return to their desks or leave the room. Nobody pays attention to the
girl who quietly sobs and eventually leaves the command room.
Because it's already late, she walks down empty corridors and without meeting a
single person except the guard who is sitting at his desk near the exit. Normally you
fly past him, give the chap casual smile and wish him good-bye. Only 40 minutes ago
he had cum in your mouth.
"Good-bye Ms Almstr?m. Have a nice evening and see you Monday morning"
Tove?s stomach cramps and she accelerates on the way out without saying a word.
The evening is already pitch dark and welcomes you with cold air. The lamps of the
parking lot are switched off so you walk across an almost empty parking lot which is
divided into smaller lots by tall hedges. The car is parked in a dark, far end corner.
Tove?s about to turn the key in the lock as she hears steps not far from her
"Ms Almstr?m, would you please have moment? We just saw you by the car and
would like to ask you something."
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Hi Readers. Thanks for the feedback for first two part of the story. This is a continuation for the first and second part of Factory Love in Maid Section. It’s a classy Indian Sex Story… NO INCEST… NO DIRTY…I request the new readers to have a glimpse at first two parts Anyhow, I have tried to shorten my first two parts of story shortly in next two lines… “I am offered a job in a government manufacturing company. Manisha is a gorgeous girl in the factory and reshma is voluptuous girl who stand...
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Dear Diary, You may think that living in a city famous for lesbians would guarantee me a girlfriend by now, but that's just not the case for me. I spend every night alone with no one to pleasure me. Lucky for me, the city just built a new pleasure house, Factory O, for the women in this city like me, to keep down prostitution, and tonight's the night that I've been waiting for. I'm gonna cash my paycheck and spend all night at Factory O until my aching pussy can take no more. May 16,...
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Introduction: Tara visits Factory O again and has a thrilling new experience June 1, 2038 Dear Diary, I visited Factory O again last night. I havent been able to stop thinking about it since my last visit, when four girls worked my pussy raw. I got a new paycheck and decided to quench my thirst for another big orgasm (or maybe some more!) at Factory O. As I was showering off in the locker room, a mandatory practice at Factory O, I looked around and realized how busy it was. Naturally, I was...
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Thanks for the wonderful response folks. That to Rishma(Indian Sex Stories) for encouragement. This is continuation of Factory Love series.. Enjoy Cheers… I got a free license to have two girlfriends and I am happy and proud about that. Both Manisha and Reshma love me and I love both of them. As they accepted in front to everyone in the factory that they love me, there is no cat fight between them, but they don’t talk between each other. I am not really worried about it as long as they are fine...
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It doesn't matter if you haven't read Part 1 - enjoy!PART 2 – FACTORY VISITFucking Nigel was supposed to have been a one off thing – just a bit of fun to kill time. It was Nigel’s fault we kept going - I was so jealous that Phea was getting regularly fucked at the office and I wasn’t – boo hoo, so sad for me. Problem is – I do enjoy a good cock, especially the ones that cum inside me. It’s not that Nigel stopped fucking Phea, and why would he, she is a very cute little fuck buddy – she was...
Dear Diary, I visited Factory O again last night. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since my last visit, when four girls worked my pussy raw. I got a new paycheck and decided to quench my thirst for another big orgasm (or maybe some more!) at Factory O. As I was showering off in the locker room, a mandatory practice at Factory O, I looked around and realized how busy it was. Naturally, I was excited because that meant I got to look at a variety of women during shower time....
I am a simple man with a few credentials in my life. But the most important one is that i was born on the right place, which put me on the right side . The one that won the war, a war that split the world into two groups. Those of us who still walk the earth free, and those who are slaves, with virtually no rights. After the war was over i got a job as a guard at the first human milk factory that was created, shortly after. The pay wasn't much, but it was an easy job and i had plenty of time...
I am a simple man with a few credentials in my life. But the most important one is that i was born on the right place, which put me on the right side . The one that won the war, a war that split the world into two groups. Those of us who still walk the earth free, and those who are slaves, with virtually no rights. After the war was over i got a job as a guard at the first human milk factory that was created, shortly after. The pay wasn't much, but it was an easy job and i had plenty of...
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This is continuation of the Factory Love I. I request the viewers to have a glimpse at part I to get the full picture. Hope you will like this.. I need step back to 15 days back to start this story with Reshma’s chapter. Reshma is young, unmarried, very beautiful and very voluptuous, excellent structure with very tight well grown ass. She might fit to any type of dresses that she wears. Most of the employees working over there have an eye on her. I didn’t get a chance to flirt with her as she...
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I’ve always been a pretty girl, short at 5’5”, 123 pounds with long flowing strawberry blonde hair. My full lips dark blue eyes and long eyelashes as well as my alabaster white skin were great attributes to have, but my long legs and sizable breasts were always what got me noticed by the boys. I could never blame the boys for staring though, my breasts are 36DD’s and I always wore some type of short skirt to school showcasing my shapely legs. Because of those good looks, all through high...
Let me tell you a story. A story about lust. A story about the flesh. Some people resist better than others. Some people are less lustful than others. Lust is of course, one of the seven deadly sins. We are all born in original sin. But for some, at some part of their lives, lust of the body was part of their destiny. I say that because this is how Daisy and myself reconnected... at a strip club. Lillian, one of the girls that guys went crazy for in high school... is a bartender.... in a strip...
MoneyLet me tell you a story. A story about lust. A story about the flesh. Some people resist better than others. Some people are less lustful than others. Lust is of course, one of the seven deadly sins. We are all born in original sin. But for some, at some part of their lives, lust of the body was part of their destiny. I say that because this is how Daisy and myself reconnected... at a strip club. Lillian, one of the girls that guys went crazy for in high school... is a bartender... in a strip...
MoneyThey say in this generation, dating is almost nonexistent. Which I almost agree with. This is because we are blunt and we know what we want. However, I don’t even know what the hell to call my relationship with Daisy. Is she my girlfriend? Are we fuck buddies? I do know one thing. I love when she calls me “Daddy.”It was mid-afternoon on a Saturday when she called me via FaceTime. “Hey, daddy,” She said.“What’s up, baby girl?" I responded.“Getting ready for work, you?"I cursed to myself. I...
MoneyI stood outside the building near the curb as the silver Audi pulled up. I opened the door and squeezed into the confines of the little TT coupe, hearing Carol giggle as I struggled into my seat. "Buckle up, Big Guy," she warned as she sped away. "Did you enjoy your dinner with Ms. Reebeck on Friday night?""Very much," I laughed. "That's quite the condo she has.""Yes, it's a beautiful place," she agreed. "You will be spending a fair amount of time there, I suspect.""That's fine...
Group SexAll Jeff could think about was HOT, WET, GLISTENING, PUSSY as he walked the streets of his small town. Although he considered himself an average guy with an average sex drive. He absolutely had this thing for cunts. He would be perfectly content is SUCK, LICK, FINGER, and SMELL pussy 24 hours a day. His prick always gets hard just thinking about it. Being single and currently without a girlfriend this was very much a dilemma in his "average" life. Sometimes Jeff wondered why he...
The Doll Factory BY ADMIN ON MARCH 8, 2009 · 2 COMMENTS f***ed Mind Control Author: Mr. Pink Elizabeth woke not with a start but with a moan. Her head was aching as if a Sherman tank was parked inside her skull Where am I? she thought to herself . As if she was answering her own question her memories of last night returned. It was the last night before she left for her backpacking trip to Canada, there was no food in the empty flat so she was going to drive to the nearest Macdonald’s for...
The Doll FactoryBY ADMIN ON MARCH 8, 2009 · 2 COMMENTSforced Mind ControlAuthor: Mr. PinkElizabeth woke not with a start but with a moan. Her head was aching as if a Sherman tank was parked inside her skullWhere am I? she thought to herself .As if she was answering her own question her memories of last night returned.It was the last night before she left for her backpacking trip to Canada, there was no food in the empty flat so she was going to drive to the nearest Macdonald’s for dinner. As...
This is the first story I've written for Fictionmania. It probably won't turn you on. But then again, it might. Who knows? Okay, explanation time. I am transsexual. However I am also a transvestite of sorts, which apart from causing me the occasional head-fuck means that I enjoy reading FM. However, I do find myself quite bemused by a lot of the plot devices present in the stories here; most particularly those, which focus on the protagonist being turned into some item of...
PROLOGUE: 20 year reunion “And you are all checked in miss. We hope you enjoy your stay here at the Virgin Gorda, where your pleasure is our guarantee, do you have any questions about our services before I let you go?” Bill tried his hardest to make eye contact with the woman in front of him. Of all the things you could get fired for at Virgin Gorda, ogling a guest is right at the top of the list. Usually that was not a problem, considering the usual clientele of the hotel ranged from the...
FetishFriday after breakfast Jonas received a call from Bruno in Verona. "Hello, Jonas. I've got two pieces of good news for you. Your equipment will arrive Saturday morning by special transport. If you want to, I could bring it to you Saturday before lunch, and if you want me to, I can hook up everything and give you the first instructions. Do you have special plans for Saturday?" "No. Nothing I know of, at least. That would be very kind of you." "Yeah, well, it's good for me too. It's...
I was a fairly normal girl in a fairly normal town. I lived in a small apartment with my older brother Nathan. Our parents had died when we were young, leaving us alone to fend for ourselves. We were both heartbroken, but Nate was strong and helped me cope and move on. We worked odd jobs every once in a while and I had a paper route that made me a little money. Unfortunately, the rent on our tiny apartment was being raised and it didn't look like we'd have enough money by the end of the...
***story of a 28 year old single man -John, after his abduction.* *** Part 1, the beginning. I slowly opened my eyes. Where the fuck am I ? I had been stripped naked. I was in a cold steel room with only a door with a small barred window near the upper middle area. I must be in prison for something? I’m not a terrorist or anything, what could it be? I go over to the door and try to look out through the bars. I cant see much. it’s a very tall door. Its pretty quiet, although it sounds like I can...
Erotic FictionSitting at the bar one evening Brian was bored but as horny as hell. The place wasn’t exactly pumping and the few guys that were there weren’t registering anything above four on his lust-o-meter. He had formerly been to bed with two of the men milling about, but those encounters had been infinitely forgettable.Lifting his glass he sipped the last bit of wine before putting the empty glass back on the table. He looked at his watch and contemplated leaving. Brian’s cock then twitched, giving him...
Gay MaleThis story is not intended for commercial use and is not to be posted at any other site without the author's permission. This is not suitable reading for minors. Thanks to Kelly Ann Rogers for her editorial assistance, as well as Josie for allowing me to borrow her name. Josie swears she's never lost at cards. Unlucky at Cards -- "It's your deal." He flushed as he handed over the cards. The blood was rushing to his cheeks. From drinking two Brandy Alexanders? Possibly....
PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...
a real quick write – not a literary masterpiece, but fun – hope you enjoy it. I know I did – dedicated to J, who inspired it. ,) Mist hung like a spectral curtain, clinging to everything inthe heart of downtown Vancouver, turning the night primeval. A brick wall, dingy and home to graffiti rose from rain soaked concrete and was seemingly lost in the clouds. Reflected streetlights and traffic signals shimmered in the puddles and gutters, trembling with the beat of distant thunder that spilled...
“You work here?” I said.“Yeah,” my cousin Raven responded. I looked back at Lillian, incredulously. She had the same look.“You’re related?” Lillian questioned, tilting her head.“Yeah,” I said.“Distantly, but still…” Raven added.“Raven… you are a waitress here, right? You don’t strip?” I asked her.~~~My phone vibrated. It was Daisy. It read… With clients right now.I thought: 'Clients?'~~~Meanwhile…“Uh, about that…” Lillian chimed in.“Oh, shit, another one?” I asked.“Actually, all of us got...
Money“You work here?” I said.“Yeah,” my cousin Raven responded. I looked back at Lillian, incredulously. She had the same look.“You’re related?” Lillian questioned, tilting her head.“Yeah,” I said.“Distantly, but still…” Raven added.“Raven… you are a waitress here, right? You don’t strip?” I asked her.~~~My phone vibrated. It was Daisy. It read… With clients right now.I thought: 'Clients?'~~~Meanwhile…“Uh, about that…” Lillian chimed in.“Oh, shit, another one?” I asked.“Actually, all of us got...
MoneyIt had been a while since I had been back to the Factory. Even though I had not been in some time, I didn’t want to seem like some perverted strip club addict or something. I think that ship has sailed already. My thoughts were filled with undressing women. Lillian. Keisha. And…“Hey, Shawn!”I jerked out of my trance for one second. It was Daisy in her car.“Need a ride?” Daisy said. I was waiting on the next bus. I quickly contemplated my options.“Hey, Daisy. Where you going?” I said.“Where you...
MoneyIt had been a while since I had been back to the Factory. Even though I had not been in some time, I didn’t want to seem like some perverted strip club addict or something. I think that ship has sailed already. My thoughts were filled with undressing women. Lillian. Keisha. And…“Hey, Shawn!”I jerked out of my trance for one second. It was Daisy in her car.“Need a ride?” Daisy said. I was waiting on the next bus. I quickly contemplated my options.“Hey, Daisy. Where you going?” I said.“Where you...
MoneyAbout a week later, I started thinking about her again. Why was I thinking about her? Daisy… I mean, Charlie was actually a stripper at a strip club I went to. And I actually had an inkling she was one.“You know where I am, Daddy. Ask for Charlie…”The way she said that turned me on so much. I wanted more of her. Knowing the consequences, I still wanted it. So, when I told my boys…“Wait. Daisy’s a stripper? And you fucked her?” My best friend Bruce said. I nodded in affirmation.“Daisy? Dirty...
MoneyAbout a week later, I started thinking about her again. Why was I thinking about her? Daisy… I mean, Charlie was actually a stripper at a strip club I went to. And I actually had an inkling she was one.“You know where I am, Daddy. Ask for Charlie…”The way she said that turned me on so much. I wanted more of her. Knowing the consequences, I still wanted it. So, when I told my boys…“Wait. Daisy’s a stripper? And you fucked her?” My best friend Bruce said. I nodded in affirmation.“Daisy? Dirty...
MoneyLet me tell y'all a story about a woman I used to know.I walked through the Factory on a cold night in January. When I walked through, all my olfactories felt a tingle. I looked around at the people for a symbol. This was no Willy Wonka chocolate. Past athletes from my childhood, married men committing infidelity, singles... This was a whole different kind of thing for your sweet tooth.Nonetheless, I still walked through the Factory with thoughts that can fill a diary. What was I doing here? I...
Money. I very recently started work in a factory on the edge of town, where they make underwear for teenagers mostly. In my department were two girls who were obviously lesbians, I found myself being strangely attracted to them. One was a bit butch called Jenni, but she still looked pretty, and the other was very casual in her appearance, named Emma, slightly more rugged looking, I was to later find out that they were an item.I got to talk to them a lot over the coming weeks, they were ever so...
Baby FactoryDarla jumped for joy at the positive test result. Right there in front of her was the delightful little â+â mark showing that she was finally carrying the little bundle of joy she had been trying for for several years.Bluntly put, Darla was a slut.A prostitute by profession, she humped as many guys as possible, as often as possible, and insisted on no condoms, ever. She had obsessed about pregnancy since going through puberty years before, but nothing ever seemed to work. Now, at...
Hey Dudes & Forks, I am Karthik. I came from an upper middle class family. I am good at studies, desperate to get a job on my own. Finally I got offer in a Steel company located somewhere in the border of Andra and Karnataka with a very good package. My parent were so happy, they have provided all gifts costly watch, golden chain, three rings and sent off me like a bridegroom. I reached the city where I am gonna with in, get settle there in two / three days. My job is to replace an old computer...
Hi friends its me from Pakistan Karachi aaj mai aap ko aik apni real story sunata ho mai aik garment factory mai kam karta tha or wo bhi wohi kam karti thi dekhnai mai to wo mujhai bohat shareef si larki lagti thi magar thi intihai kameeni meri us k sath dosti bari mushkil sai hoe kio k wo kisi sai bat hi nahi karti thi isi waja sai wo mujhai bohat achi lagti thi mai us sai sirf dosti karna chahta tha kisi bhi keemat pe or mujhai aik din mooka bhi mil gaya us ki birthday thi mujhai us ki dost...
“Ok, so, tell me, what made you take this job?" I said.“I have kids to feed. I lost my old job not too long ago... Not that it was a good one.”“People romanticize stripping. It is sexy but it’s dangerous,” I said. “That being said, let me give you a few points by working here. The first and most important one being: It will take more than that beautiful curvaceous ass of yours to make men crumble. Watch the performances, you'll see.”“Coming to the stage... Peaches!" the DJ introduced.I looked...