The Factory
- 2 years ago
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When Arthur Olsen and his beautiful wife were killed in an auto crash, quite a few people were sad but nobody was surprised. Arthur could best be described as a 'bon vivant' who had shown great skill and fortune, building and expanding a margarine factory. He was a very wealthy man. His love for pretty women and fast cars was well known, so only a few were surprised that he was killed in a crash.
A few days after the funeral his two sons were called to the family lawyer's office for the reading of the will. Jonathan, the older of the two, was an efficient businessman, and after his education was finished, he had worked in the family business. Jonas, the younger of the two, had inherited his mother's talent for music, and at the age of 25 he was now an educated but not very well known composer.
Apart from all the legal mumble jumble and the conditions should his wife have survived him, the will boiled down to:
"To my son Jonathan I leave my factory on the following conditions: 25% of the profits - but never less than 100.000 dollars a year - shall be given to Jonas, and future changes in the structure of the business can only be made if the two can agree. To my son Jonas I leave my Morgan sportscar and my small factory in Italy on the condition that he maintains it as the social experiment it is. The present manager, Signora Mandelli, can be reached at Via Regia Mirabile..." The amount of cash in my different bankaccounts will be about 600.000 dollars which are to be divided equally between the two."
As Jonas and Jonathan had always been good friends, but never really close, they just accepted what they had been given, although the 'small factory in Italy' was a bit of a mystery to them. They knew that their father now and then had gone to Italy to sort out 'things', but he had never revealed the nature of this business.
Three weeks later Jonas packed his favourite keyboard into the Morgan, and on a bright Saturday morning he drove up in front of an old building in Via Regia Mirabile. There were many names on the list inside the front door, but Signora Mandelli's was not there. For a short moment he was afraid his father had made a joke on him, but when he asked for Signora Mandelli at the baker's on the corner, he was told that she had moved out one week ago and that she was now living at 'the factory'. The kind baker told him to look for the big, red building by the lake at the end of the road.
Jonas braked hard when he caught sight of the building. It was huge! 4 stories high, close to 60 meters long, built on the rocks right on the shore with a magnificent view of the lake and the Alps in the distance. It was meticulously maintained and bore no trace of industrial activities. The enormous windows towards the lake was the only evidence of the factory's age and nature.
He started the Morgan again and drove down to the lake. An open gate in the fence allowed him to drive into the yard in front of the building. Well kept lawns and flowerbeds bordered the narrow gravel road up to the front door, and as he brought the Morgan to a halt at the huge front door he could not help himself: He honked the strong horn of the small car.
A minute or two later the door opened, and two women ran down the stairs and shouted: Hi, Arthur. Oh, Arthur, you are back?
When Jonas pulled off the black leather helmet he had found in the Morgan, the women looked very disappointed at first, and with a suspicious stare at him asked: "and who are you then?"
"Good morning, ladies. I'm Arthur's son, and I seem to have inherited this place. Can you tell me where I can find Signora Mirandelli?"
The oldest of the two, an extremely pretty woman, who looked to be somewhere in her late thirties (but he always found it difficult to estimate the age of those Mediterranean women) stepped forward and said: "I'm Signora Mirandelli. And why are you here and not Arthur?"
"My father was killed in an accident 3 weeks ago, and he has left me this factory."
She turned round and said something in Italian to the younger woman, who then disappeared into the building. When Mirandelli turned back to him he saw the beginning of tears in her beautiful black eyes.
"You must be Jonas, then. Arthur has told us a lot about you."
It was only at that moment that Jonas started to wonder that they called his father by his first name.
"How much has he told you about this place?"
"Not a thing. All I know is, that he went here often, but he never told any of us about the place. So kindly explain to me what all this is about."
Jonas got out of the powerful little car, and he was in for another surprise. Mirandelli put her left arm round his shoulder, kissed him on his cheek and guided him towards the front door.
"I'm terribly sorry about your father. We all loved him very much, but we didn't know anything about his death. So we are just as anxious to know better as you are."
They had reached the big door, and once inside she said: "Let's go to my office and have a little talk to clear things out, and then we'll have to meet all the others."
Her small but beautiful office was on the ground floor with an exquisite view of the lake through the huge old-fashioned factorywindow.
"So you own this factory now? And you don't know anything about it?"
"No. My father's will only said something about a 'social experiment' and that he hoped I'd keep it up as such."
"We sure hope so too!"
She looked Jonas into his eyes as if she was probing to find an answer to that question.
"I'd love to, if only I knew what it is all about."
"Well, to tell it the short way: Your very dear father has lent us this factory. He started out in the traditional way hiring workers and producing margarine. After a few years he realised that unmarried mothers were having a very hard time in Italy. That's when he changed everything and why we all love him so much." Once again Jonas noticed Signora Mirandelli's eyes getting wet and shiny, and she was having a hard time not to cry.
"You know, signora, it warms my heart to see that you are so sorry that my father is dead. I loved him very much myself, and I am still in grief over it. Tell me more about this place - maybe I can put you at ease as far as the factory's future is concerned."
"Well, again to put it shortly: This factory can only hire unmarried mothers. The buildings were still Arthur's, but he resigned from taking out any profits from the production. They were all supposed to be used for the benefit of the mothers and their children. He built about 25 nice apartments on the top floor, started a day-care centre on the third floor, and then he left it to us all to cooperate, elect our own leaders and run the factory as a commune."
"Wow, the old guy always had a streak of a socialist in him, but when it came to business he was just as tough as any other guy. I'm happy to hear this."
"Today we are all having a wonderful life here. The production is running smoothly, we have very, very low 'sick days off', the girls are respected in town, and we all have a fairly high income, though we spend a lot of money keeping the place up to the standard we all want to live in."
"I noticed that, coming in here. Not much of a factory to look at."
"That's the way we want it. And about once a month Arthur would come down here to give good advice and to liven up the place."
"Yes, you can tell me that. He was always the one for a good party and a fine woman. All his life."
"Mmmm. That's one of the other reasons we loved him so much. When he arrived the 'girls' were close to fighting for a chance to be with him, because he was so much fun and such a wonderful lover."
"I am not sure I can live up to that reputation - I really don't know that side of his life very well - but I'd sure be willing to give it a try."
"And what about the factory. Would you be willing to give it a try? We all know, that the buildings are yours, but we hope you are not going to sell them."
"You know, I don't think I will. I'm a composer, not a businessman. I'm secured a fair income for the next many years. On the other hand this place could bring me a lot of inspiration for my work. Do you have an apartment where I can stay when I'm down here?"
Mirandelli jumped up and impulsively dragged him to the windows.
"Look down there. That place looking like a boathouse - with the balcony built so it reaches out over the lake? That's Arthur's house. Maybe we should call it Jonas' house from now on?"
"Why not uphold the name to keep the memory of him alive?"
"Oohh. That memory will live for a long time anyway."
"All right, signora. Will you be my interpreter? My Italian is almost non existing, but I hope to learn it quickly. I have an announcement to make. At what time will you be able to get all the women together so I can make a speech to them?"
"I'm sure I can guess what's going on in the factory right now. Angela has told the others that Arthur has died, and right now they are probably not producing any margarine at all. They will be sorry to have lost Arthur and they'll be scared that they'll loose their good life."
"Well, lady. Let's go and put that fear to death."
"You really mean it? You're going to let us continue?"
"Yes, I sure am. Why kill a good thing to make it a factory like thousands others."
Mirandelli turned round. She was one big smile. She threw her arms round Jonas and kissed him enthusiastically. She made small quick jumps of joy which made her beautiful breasts jiggle in the most inticing way. Then she grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the office. She was almost running out into the hall. There she pressed a button, and suddenly a loud ringing sounded through the whole building.
"Come. This way."
She dragged him to the lift and a minute later they were on the first floor. They stepped into a brightly coloured factory hall with all the familiar machines. About 40 young women were gathered there, and a few were still coming in through various doors.
Mirandelli raised her hand and all talking stopped. She said something in Italian out of which Jonas could only understand his own name and that of Arthur's. She turned to him and said:
"And now it's your turn. I haven't revealed anything yet."
Jonas braced himself for the unusual situation. He was definitely not used to make speeches.
"Ladies", he started.
"I bring you the sad news, that my father Arthur Olsen has been killed together with my mother, in a car crash."
Mirandelli translated. Jonas studied the faces of some of the women, and it was clear to him, that they already knew, and that they were genuinely sorry and a bit scared.
"First of all I want to put you at ease concerning your future: I'm not going to change anything !"
When Mirandelli finished her translation a loud roar of appreciation - hurrahs, yeeows, thank God's, etc. broke out. The women were hugging each other, clapping their hands, and a few came up to Jonas to shake his hands.
He raised his hands, and again everything went dead quiet.
"I'm going to stay for a while in Arthur's house so I can get to know you better. I don't speak any Italian, but I hope a few of you can help me and give me some lessons. Any of you speak English?"
5 or 6 hands were raised, and Mirandelli said to him in a low voice:
"And I'd love to bee your teacher too. Unless you think I'm too old, that is."
"I couldn't wish for a more exciting and beautiful teacher. And you're not that much older than I am."
He raised his hands again.
"I hope there will be time to arrange for a dinner party tonight. I want you all to come and to bring your children too. Let's make this evening a party in the memory of Arthur and in the hopes we all have for the future."
Again a loud roar broke out. The women were dancing, clapping their hands, waving to him and blowing him kisses with their fingers.
Mirandelli said a few words in Italian, and they all started getting back to their different workstations. On the way a few of them made short comments to Mirandelli and smiled suggestively to her.
"What was all that about?"
"Well, I told them to get to work and that I'd get you settled in at Arthur's house. And then I'd need a few of them to help me set up the party for tonight."
"And what were those other comments?"
Mirandelli turned red in her face and said: "Well, actually they told me not to wear you out. They wanted you to be ready for tonight's party."
Now it was Jonas' turn to get the red cheeks. He was beginning to get the gist of what his dear father had been doing down here, and to tell you the truth it was no surprise to him and he sure looked forward to keep up everything in his spirit.
"You can leave your car here, if you want, but you can also take the backroad which is used by the lorries who pick up our produce."
"Then you'll have to show me. Jump in."
She directed him back to the baker's corner, down another road, and this time they approached the factory from the other end. Jonas could see a few lorries loading goods, and then she directed him down another gravel path which led to Arthur's house. He picked up his keyboard and the suitcase and followed Mirandelli who had unlocked the front door.
Never in his life had Jonas seen such a beautiful room. The hall was built of shiny and very old, dark timber and boards, and it opened into a huge single room. The blue light from the lake was the first you noticed, and then he looked around to absorb the wonderful furniture which filled the room. Age old antiques and the most avant-garde Italian designs in steel, glass and slate. In one end of the room was a small kitchen, and in the other the only door of the room. Jonas figured it was the bedroom door. He put down his keyboard and said:
"I guess it's the bedroom down there. That's where I put my suitcase?"
"Yes it is."
He started going down there, but Mirandelli intercepted him:
"I hope you knew your father well."
"Oh, well... Yes I think so."
"Just so that his bedroom isn't going to surprise you."
"Well, I know that he was always a horny bastard, and his taste for women was fine. I never understood why my mother put up with his escapades, but apparently she loved him very much."
"Just like we do down here. Then I can let you in without getting embarrassed."
She opened the door and stood aside. The bedroom was Sybaritic. A huge circular bed took up the centre of the room. Mirrors were everywhere, even in the ceiling. Pillows, blankets, chairs and carpets were spread all over, and a few Japanese erotic pictures left nothing to the imagination. Jonas dropped his suitcase on the bed and asked:
"The bathroom?"
"It's right in here." The door opened into a marble bathroom with 3 showers, a huge whirlpool, benches of different kinds, plus a door to a toilet plus bidet.
"God, I could use a whirlpool right now. I've been driving all night, and I'm stiff and dirty. Could you kindly show me how to work that thing?" He pointed to the control panel on the wall which looked more like an airplane cockpit than the simple pool they had had in their house in Copenhagen.
Mirandelli blushed again and said:
"Well, I could. But you see from the position of that panel, that I'd have to join you in the bath to reach it. And I feel a little bit apprehensive about you being 10 or 11 years younger than I am."
"Signora Mirandelli, I..."
"Better call me Sarah, she smiled.
"You are one very beautiful woman, Sarah, and I can't tell how I look forward to have a bath with you."
"All right. This whirlpool takes 15 minutes to fill up. Why don't you go to the terrace, and I'll bring us a couple of drinks while it does."
The sliding doors opened to a terrace built of exquisite dark cedar wood. It had a magnificent view and at the same time it was very sheltered. Nobody could watch what was going on there, there was a roof covering half of the terrace creating shade and shelter at the same time. Once again the furniture was suggestive of things going on there, only this time a bit more subtle than in the bedroom. But the chairs, benches, tables of different sizes were all there. Jonas slumped down in a very comfortable armchair and waited for Sarah to bring the drinks.
When she finally came out onto the terrace with a little tray in her hands, she had changed her clothes for an extremely beautiful housecoat made of creamy white silk which clung to her perfect body. Jonas felt the bloodpressure rising in his whole body.
"My, you ARE a perfect vision."
Sarah blushed a little, made a small movement with her head which made her long, black hair swing around her head and then settle like a black cat, resting on her shoulder.
"I bring you Arthur's favourite for this time of the day: A dry white wine with sparkling water. Good for the thirst and not too strong."
"I love that drink too. And I bet you were his favourite 'dish'."
"I wouldn't say that, but Arthur was my favourite man."
"Come and sit in my lap." Jonas patted his thighs.
"This is still so incredible to me. You have to tell me a little bit more. For instance I get the impression that daddy bedded quite a few of you girls, didn't he?"
She nodded and smiled.
"Now, I want you to be honest with me. I hope he didn't put any pressure on you, or that you would have to... you know, in order to be able to run the factory your way. I neither would or could take advantage of you or the other women."
"Oh, no, no." She shook her head and smiled.
"We were all very, very fond of Arthur, like I told you before. He was such a kind and funloving man, and I guess half of the girls were in love with him ! In Italy, you know, it's not that easy to find a good man who would accept that his girlfriend or wife had a child with another man. And a lot of the girls here don't want a boyfriend at all. They are doing fine on their own, living a sheltered and rich life and they only have to answer to themselves. The only disadvantage is that at times the supply of hormones here tend to rise out of proportion. And then Arthur came: Handsome, funny, horny and wild !" Her smile was genuinely sweet and erotic.
"And now you are curious if I'm the kind of man my father was?"
"And I'm not the only one ! Actually I was asked to seduce you today and report back to the other girls what kind of a man you are !" With that she raised her glass, winked at Jonas, and they drank half a glass. She leaned over and placed her glass on the small table, then she took Jonas' and placed beside it. Her arms raised and she threw them around his neck. He saw the tips of her enticing breasts raise with the movement, and then she started kissing him. She had such a sweet smell and taste. Her lips were soft and shiny, and while he truly enjoyed her kiss he let his right hand move up to cup that lovely tit. It was firm and not too big. Jonas could feel her hard nipple through the thin silk. When he slipped his hand into her housecoat he could really enjoy the firmness of her tit. Warm, smooth, very firm and with very big nipples.
Jonas could feel her pulse going up. Then she lowered her arms, pushed him a little away from her and said with a smile:
"I thought we were going to have a bath, weren't we?"
She got up from his lap, pulled at his hand to get him out of the chair, and at the same time she opened the belt of her housecoat, letting it fall open to reveal her beautiful lightbrown body. Small, pert breasts, a flat tight belly and a delicious, trimmed jet-black bush.
In the bathroom she proceeded undressing Jonas, and when he was stark naked she finally shed her housecoat. Together they immersed in the swirling water. Jonas relaxed for a short moment with closed eyes. The long night's driving was coming to him now, but on the other hand the strong jets of warm water relaxed his muscles and he felt halfway tired and halfway he lusted for Sarah's beautiful body.
"Stand up, Jonas. I want to soap that lovely, slim body you've got."
When he was standing she soaped his whole body using her hands. Soft and delightful they were, and when she started washing his cock and balls his cock rose to the occasion and paid her a compliment she couldn't overlook.
"Oh, my. You are certainly not as strong and broad as your father, but in this department you live up to my highest expectations. I think your cock is both longer and wider than your father's."
"I can't answer to that, 'cause I have never seen his - at least not in this condition," Jonas said.
"But you sure can make it grow. Now, let me wash you a little so I can feel your beautiful body in my hands."
Of course he paid special attention to her pert breasts and her trimmed cunt. It was a delight to feel her up with his hands full of soap. When he had finished washing her he slowly lowered her into his lap with her back to him, and she elegantly obliged by impaling herself on his strong and fat cock. He had his arms round her and was cupping her breasts. When he pinched both her nipples at the same time she let out a deep sigh.
"Oh, this is lovely. My breasts love what you are doing to them. And my cunt certainly also enjoys to be filled like this."
Jonas stretched out one hand and played with some of the controls on the side of the whirlpool. A few of them served to change the direction and power of the jets, and quickly he directed the nearest to hit Sarah right on her clit. His own balls were bouncing around in the jet, and pretty soon Sarah was screaming out her first orgasm. The feeling of her vagina spasming round his fat cock was out of this world and he was close to coming himself.
"God, this was lovely," she smiled to him.
"Yes it was. This pool sure has a lot of possibilities. - But now I want to go into the bedroom and make love to you on that big bed. Come, Sarah."
They dried off in a hurry, and a few minutes later Jonas was exploring her beautiful body with his hands and mouth. Her cunt tasted divine. It was cleaned and fresh, but the plentiful juices running out of her had an exciting musky smell and taste. Jonas felt his cock grow even a little bit thicker and he groaned:
"I have to get it into you now, Sarah. Spread your legs for me."
With a smile she lifted her bent legs and spread them as wide as she could.
"Give me that fat cock and fill me up," she groaned. She reached down and guided him into her hot cunt, and Jonas felt the heat build up in him. He started pounding her slender body hard and fast. Her tits were quivering, and after a couple of minutes she withdrew her lips from her teeth and snarled at him.
"Oh, this is fantastic," she panted.
"Sarah, you are so lovely. I would love it if I could fuck you forever and ever."
Suddenly he felt her cunt begin to spasm again, while Sarah was grunting an starting to yell.
"I'm coming, Jonas. I'm coming. God, you are a damn good fuck. Yeeeaaaahhhhh. Oh, it's great. I'm coming and coming."
The contractions in her silky cunt together with her crying and swearing sent Jonas over the hill. With a roar he pressed his cock the last few millimetres into her cunt and started spewing gush after gush of hot sperm into her.
For a while they cuddled up with his cock still in Sarah's silky cunt. Slowly his cock dwindled and slipped out of her, and with the quiet of the bedroom, all the things he had experienced this lovely morning, plus the hard driving all night, he suddenly felt so dead tired that he knew he was going to fall asleep.
"Sarah, I'm so tired, I just want to go to sleep."
"Come, you lovely man, rest your head between my breasts. When you have fallen asleep I shall leave you so I can make arrangements for the party tonight."
"Oh, yes. I had forgotten about that."
He lifted his head and looked into her beautiful brown eyes:
"And you are going to make another kind of report to the 'girls'?"
Her face turned purple and she closed her eyes for a short moment.
"Yes. I shall have to because I promised it."
"And what are you going to tell them?"
"Actually I'd rather tell them that you are a lousy lay. That way I might have a chance to keep you to myself." She smiled to him and gave him a long, soft kiss.
"But I'm afraid I'll have to tell the truth, and then they'll be swarming all over you tonight."
Jonas smiled lovingly to her. He put his head to rest between the pert, yet resilient breasts, and two minutes later he was far gone into the arms of Morphemes. When he was far gone Sarah lifted his head down to the pillow, slipped her right leg out from under him. She pressed a soft kiss on his forehead and got out of bed. She then proceeded to tidy up in the bathroom and the terrace, humming quietly to herself, whereupon she dressed and quietly left 'Arthur's house'.
Chapter 2Jonas did not wake up until late in the afternoon. For a short while he was really confused as to why and where he was. Images of beautiful Sarah lingered on the inside of his eyelids, and he was very reluctant to open them. The lovely smell of her warm skin still lingered on the bedsheets, and when he lifted the blanket a lovely warm, musky breeze hit his nostrils. And woke him up.
What a lovely mistress she had been. Supple, lucious, hot and wet. Her lovemaking by far exeded anything he had tried up till then.
Then he remembered the plans for the evening. The party, to celebrate that he was not going to change anything on the factory. The women waiting to welcome him. God in heaven, he had NEVER been exposed to so direct advances from such a bunch of pretty, young women.
"Do they really plan to sleep with me?" he thought. "How are they going to tell me about it, and most of all: How are they going to share, if it's really their plan to fuck me by the numbers?"
Jonas felt his cock stir under the blanket. "If this is a dream, don't ever wake me up", he muttered to himself. On the other hand: If it turned out to be real, which was the case up till now, his respect for old Arthur soared sky-high. "I knew you were a horny bastard," he mumbled, "but this beats anything." He felt a deep gratitude towards his dead father. "You were a lot of fun when you were alive" he said, as if his father could still hear him, "and now you have given me the good life: A profession I love, a handsome income and then this heaven on earth. How ever did you get this idea?"
He got up and went to the bathroom to have a shower and get dressed. Towels were laid out, and when he returned to the bedroom and found his suitcase empty, he looked in the closets where everything was laid out or hung up. It was not until he was dressed that he found the note stuck to one of the mirrors in the bedroom:
WILL COME AND ASSIST YOU. Sarah. PS. Thanks for a lovely morning."
Although he had already dressed, his curiosity made him press the button, and then he walked through the vast livingroom and out on the terrace. He was still admiring the view, when he heard the door open and close, and a very pretty woman of about 30 came out on the terrace and said:
"Hello, I'm Joannah. I'm supposed to help you get ready for the party and to tell you what will be going on there."
"Hi, Joannah. And I'm Jonas."
"I know that", she laughed. "Sarah has told us about you, and I'm very happy to be of help to you."
Jonas looked at her again. Joannah was just as beautiful as Sarah. A little taller, her body a little fuller, and then the most amazing thing: Though her hair was jet black and her skin a wonderful, dark colour like fine olive oil, her eyes were sparkling blue. There were smiles in those blue eyes and on her delicately curved lips.
"I had hoped you would call a little earlier so I could have helped you with your shower and the dressing" she said with an inviting smile. "But I guess I'll have to make do with serving you a drink, or something."
Jonas smiled back at her and said: "I think I could do with a drink and also with a little of that 'something'."
"What kind of a drink would you like?"
"I'm not really sure. Something not too strong. Maybe a gin and tonic if you have got it."
"I sure have. Funny, but that was the late afternoon drink that Arthur preferred too. The son is not that different from the father, I guess."
"Well, I don't know about that. But I loved him a lot, and of course on many points it was my boyhood aspiration to be like him."
"Just a second. I'll bring you a gin and tonic and 'something'." With a smile she disappeared into the livingroom.
When Jonas heard the tinkling of ice-cubes against glass he turned round. His jaw dropped for a second at the vision in the open door. Joannah had shed all her clothes and she was so beautiful and erotic that Jonas was silenced completely.
"One gin and tonic and 'something' coming up" she laughed.
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I stood outside the building near the curb as the silver Audi pulled up. I opened the door and squeezed into the confines of the little TT coupe, hearing Carol giggle as I struggled into my seat. "Buckle up, Big Guy," she warned as she sped away. "Did you enjoy your dinner with Ms. Reebeck on Friday night?""Very much," I laughed. "That's quite the condo she has.""Yes, it's a beautiful place," she agreed. "You will be spending a fair amount of time there, I suspect.""That's fine...
Group SexAll Jeff could think about was HOT, WET, GLISTENING, PUSSY as he walked the streets of his small town. Although he considered himself an average guy with an average sex drive. He absolutely had this thing for cunts. He would be perfectly content is SUCK, LICK, FINGER, and SMELL pussy 24 hours a day. His prick always gets hard just thinking about it. Being single and currently without a girlfriend this was very much a dilemma in his "average" life. Sometimes Jeff wondered why he...
The Doll Factory BY ADMIN ON MARCH 8, 2009 · 2 COMMENTS f***ed Mind Control Author: Mr. Pink Elizabeth woke not with a start but with a moan. Her head was aching as if a Sherman tank was parked inside her skull Where am I? she thought to herself . As if she was answering her own question her memories of last night returned. It was the last night before she left for her backpacking trip to Canada, there was no food in the empty flat so she was going to drive to the nearest Macdonald’s for...
The Doll FactoryBY ADMIN ON MARCH 8, 2009 · 2 COMMENTSforced Mind ControlAuthor: Mr. PinkElizabeth woke not with a start but with a moan. Her head was aching as if a Sherman tank was parked inside her skullWhere am I? she thought to herself .As if she was answering her own question her memories of last night returned.It was the last night before she left for her backpacking trip to Canada, there was no food in the empty flat so she was going to drive to the nearest Macdonald’s for dinner. As...
This is the first story I've written for Fictionmania. It probably won't turn you on. But then again, it might. Who knows? Okay, explanation time. I am transsexual. However I am also a transvestite of sorts, which apart from causing me the occasional head-fuck means that I enjoy reading FM. However, I do find myself quite bemused by a lot of the plot devices present in the stories here; most particularly those, which focus on the protagonist being turned into some item of...
Baby FactoryDarla jumped for joy at the positive test result. Right there in front of her was the delightful little â+â mark showing that she was finally carrying the little bundle of joy she had been trying for for several years.Bluntly put, Darla was a slut.A prostitute by profession, she humped as many guys as possible, as often as possible, and insisted on no condoms, ever. She had obsessed about pregnancy since going through puberty years before, but nothing ever seemed to work. Now, at...
The news had hit Elizabeth like a ton of bricks, and she had since walked around dazed. Her uncle, Edmund Ashley, the man who had cared for her since her parents died in the wreck when she was ten, had suffered a massive stroke and passed on. She accepted the sentiments of those who turned out to pay tribute to the Earl, her eyes empty and hollow as she tried her best to be gracious. All she really wanted to do was curl up and cry. He was the last family she had left, as he had never married or...
The Lesbian Factory.When Jill woke she found herself strapped to a bed, nude and spread eagle. Standing around her were several women, also nude."What's going on?" Jill said, confused.A beautiful redhead, with a shapely figure stepped forward. "My name is Erika. Welcome. You have been sponsored into our lesbian society.""But I'm not gay!" Jill said.Erika smiled. "That will soon change.""What? Untie me... let me go!" she said struggling against the leather straps."Each day," Erika continued, "we...
Hello dear readers this is my first story in this forum and all my stories are true and possibly you might enjoy it . Sindhu. I was born and bought up in an very orthodox family and from the young age i knew i was very attractive , i could sense guys ogling my body and deep down a sense of shiver use to pass when i imagined what they would do with them selves in the night thinking about me , well i am naughty inside but never had the courage to experiment , both my parents were working and this...
The Tgirl Factory This is a work of fiction and any similarity to real persons or events is purely coincidental. All characters are over 18. Part 1 Sex dolls have been used for many years. In that time, a diverse range of types have become available; each being more life-like. First it was plain female sex dolls; then male sex dolls. With the more "gender-fluid" and "trans" affiliations; dolls which outwardly appeared one gender but had the anatomy of another started to appear....
One of the real joys of the holiday season is how the kink community comes together to celebrate Charlie and the Chocolate Factory One of the real joys of the holiday season is how the kink community comes together to celebrate.? It seems that everyone is allowed to let their hair down that much more, to party like pagans, and to lose him or herself to pure hedonistic pleasure.? This holiday season, the Houston kink community was coming together not only to celebrate in grand style, to...
It had all begun quite innocently when Jim phoned in response to the ad he heard each morning when he called the “Weather Line” on his home phone. It announced that healthy, non-smoking males and females could earn up to five thousand dollars assisting with some medical research at a local medical research facility. Mike called and talked to a receptionist who didn’t tell him much but asked him some general health questions and then some personal questions about his sex life which he found sort...
EroticThe Inheritance News of my father's death reached me while at was at work. His solicitor called to tell me that he had died in an accident and that the funeral was tomorrow. Although I hadn't seen much of him in the past few years since he re-married I was understandably upset. I told my boss that I had to take off for a few days and headed out of London to the commuter town that my father had lived. On the train I began to regret not spending more time with him when he has alive...
Lilith was pacing her very nice and large house, the divorce with her husband Leon had, up until now, been going smoothly. However the unexpected had happened, her husbands father had died, leaving his considerable fortune to there kid. The timing was awful, as if the child's prime guardian was Leon she wouldn't see a dime, since it was to technically the kid as well she wouldn't even get any of it from Leon. The kid had just turned 18 but they'd still need legal care for another 3 years under...
IncestChase woke up around 2am with a migraine. He often got them when the weather changed from hot to cold or he was really stressed. He assumed it was from the aggravation this whole situation was causing. He got up and went to the bathroom, splashing some cold water on his face. He looked in the medicine cabinet for some aspirin, but found none. Of course, he thought, Satan over there wouldn’t keep any aspirin in the castle. He sat down on the toilet in the dark. The light bothered his eyes and...
Chase wasn’t tired, so he just quietly lay there, holding Elizabeth, basking in the fact that this beautiful woman was going to be his wife. He smiled as he inhaled her scent, his nose in her hair. He tried to figure out what comprised the exotic florally scent, orchids maybe. Later, he counted the little band of freckles that ran across her nose, tallying thirty-seven. He wanted to memorize every curve and line of her face, to engrain it in his mind. Around 10pm, his bladder took over and he...
Chase woke around 7am, Elizabeth wrapped in his arms, her back to him. His dick was hard and nestled between her warm thighs. He could feel her wet heat on his cock. It would be so easy to slide into her and make love to her, but he needed to wait. Only a few more hours and she would be his wife and then he could make love to her whenever he wanted. For now, he used every fiber of resolve he had to just hold her. His arm was heavy under her weight and he tried to shift it without waking her....
This chapter took a bit longer than I had hoped to get out, but things have been nuts with school this week. Thanks to Michchick98 for editing me, since I don’t have the time to do it myself right now-without her invaluable help, this would not be up right now. School ends tomorrow, so hopefully will be able to get chapters done quicker. Happy Holidays!!! * Elizabeth sat on the bed, wondering what just happened. Here she was, giving herself to Chase, her virginity, something she had held...
Chase and Elizabeth arrived in London around noon. They checked their bags at The Mayfair, and took the short walk over to the studio. When they arrived, Chase introduced Elizabeth to the producers and sound mixers as his ‘friend,’ and she smiled and greeted everyone cordially. Chase quickly got to work, discussing the song with these men. She noticed how different Chase was in the studio-serious and dedicated. She wasn’t necessarily surprised, being that he was a very successful artist, but...
‘Las Vegas?’ Chase nodded and smiled. ‘Chase, are you out of your mind?’ Chase just shook his head and kept smiling. Elizabeth had to laugh at him-he looked like a kid on Christmas Day. ‘Isn’t that cheeky?’ ‘No it’s not cheeky. Yeah, if you go get married at one of those drive-thru chapels maybe, but not what I have in mind.’ ‘Drive-thru chapels?’ Elizabeth repeated back very slowly, looking at him a bit scared. Since her parent’s passing, she had never really had the childhood dreams that...
INHERITING A DAUGHTERPrologue May 3, 1908Dear Meg,I find myself in a most tenuous situation, and I’m hoping you can help me out. As you know from my Christmas card three years ago, my beloved Constance passed away with the cancer. Since you and I both lost our families when they were drowned in the Johnstown flood, I have had no one to care for my sweet daughter, Eleanor. Now, it develops, I find that I have...
Inheritance - part 4 We arrived home from the hospital and went into the house - the house that only recently I had owned. Catherine led me into the lounge and sat one of the armchairs. "Take a seat", she ordered. I began to head towards the sofa. "No, over here on the floor," as she motioned towards the carpet by her feet. Obediently I sat on the floor in front of her looking up at her. "The doctor has told me that all this sitting lying around for the past few weeks hasn't...
Inheritance - part 4 Following my photo shoot session I followed Catherine to the car dejectedly. We began to drive towards home but as we neared we pulled off towards a town. I didn't really know the area very well but it looked a bit rough and the Mercedes sports car Catherine was driving appeared out of place. Seeing my concern my evil stepmother calmly said, "Don't worry princess we just need to go to a shop and pick up some stuff. It's the sort of shop that dirty girls like you...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story contains encounters involving gay sex, bi-sex and straight sex which is why it was categorized under Novels and Novellas. ***** PRELUDE I woke up in the queen size bed on Saturday morning and looked over at the lovely person sound asleep next to me. It was a beautiful sight. We were both still naked from the marathon of sex from the night before. In spite of that however, I had a raging morning woody and I was ready for more. The bed sheets covered the lower...
(Author's Note: This is a Chyoo version of a story I am writing on Hentai Foundry. You can find it by searching on there for Inheritance by Galloway. ) Adam let out a sigh as the last of the financial advisors left, leaving him alone in the large office. He sat back in his chair and relaxed, reflecting on the day. After arriving in the morning, he had been in constant meetings with all sorts of people, as the ownership of his great uncle's estate and investments was transferred to him. He had...
Inheritance - part 2 About an hour later we pulled up to the large house in Sutton. The boot opened and Catherine ordered me to get out . We entered the house and went up the stairs and along the corridor. Catherine opened a door. "This is your room now," she said as she allowed me to go into the room. The room was decorated in an extremely feminine manner. The walls were pink with pictures of the covers of old romance novels. In the middle of the room was a 4- poster bed with pink...
As I said I met amber when she was 15. We went out for the first time and we smoked a little weed. She said she had smoked before, so I didn’t think anything about it. We drove for a while and she flirted with me as I flirted with her. She was intoxicating, pushing her young pert breasts towards me. I found it difficult to drive, and view what she was offering. My cock was doing jumping jacks in my pants, as she would do her best to arouse me, and I would do my best to remain calm ...
-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- This is an interactive story about you, a guy, being transformed into a women and forced to perform sexual acts against your will. Just about everyone in the story has the appearance of some famous fictional chick. To help visualize the scene in your head, I've added names in brackets, to let you know who the girl is, even if in the story, you don't know their name! That way, you...
When Jill woke she found herself strapped to a bed, nude and spread eagle. Standing around her were several women, also nude."What's going on?" Jill said, confused.A beautiful redhead, with a shapely figure stepped forward. "My name is Erika. Welcome. You have been sponsored into our lesbian society.""But I'm not gay!" Jill said.Erika smiled. "That will soon change.""What? Untie me... let me go!" she said struggling against the leather straps."Each day," Erika continued, "we will give you a...
Note: The following journal entries are sanctioned by the overseers of the Sissy Training Academy. STA staff believes that this history might prove useful for the future training of young sissies. With that goal in mind, Sissy 16452 has been authorozed to recount her experiences as part of the graduation and release process. As always, STA welcomes any and all comments regarding this sissy's account. Your thoughts are helpful in deciding future training courses for our young...
Fluff Notes from the author This story is slow. If you?re looking for some quick sexual descriptions and/or activities, this is not the story for you. If you on the other hand think that you would enjoy a story about a heroine that falls down the veritable rabbit hole and becomes trapped in a fetishistic world of intrigue, plotting, ritualized lesbianism, institutionalized D/S relationships, the exploration of a artificial culture, the odd love triangle and with a occasional furry...
When Jill woke she found herself strapped to a bed, nude and spread eagle. Standing around her were several women, also nude. “What’s going on?” Jill said, confused. A beautiful redhead, with a shapely figure stepped forward. “My name is Erika. Welcome. You have been sponsored into our lesbian society.” “But I’m not gay!” Jill said. Erika smiled. “That will soon change.” “What? Untie me… let me go!” she said...
Thomas was in the laundry room of his apartment building when he realized that he felt an odd breeze. Some work crews had been down here moving some water and HVAC piping around, but it seemed that something wasn't sealed up correctly. He felt around with his hand, and discovered the breeze was coming from an completely different area. He moved aside a thick partition and discovered a concrete passageway leading away from the laundry room. He followed the passageway for several hundred feet,...
Mind Control"What's Christy want?" Dan asked. "How do you know it's her?" Charlie checked his phone. "Because it's always her, man. Ever since you started dating her it's been, like, nonstop. For real. What's it say?" "It says she has good news and bad news and which do I want first." "Always take the bad news first," Dan took a bite of his square pizza while Charlie texted back, any further rumination on Tony Soprano's fate paused until the disjointed exchange could conclude. "I...
WENDY (continued): Dr. Fielding looked down at me for a moment, then went to the mantle over the fireplace and opened a mahogany box. He froze for a moment and looked over his shoulder at the other girls. "This is where you leave us, ladies," he said. They all smiled and nodded. Willie gave me a reassuring little wave. Dee winked at me. "You're going to LOVE this," Brenda said softly. And they all turned and left the room. As soon as the door had closed behind them, the Prof lifted his...
It's pretty gimmicky sounding, you conclude as you step into the store, immediately bomboarded by an onslaught of business talk, high tech mumbo jumbo, and an almost too good looking saleswoman with words emitting from her mouth like shots off a sling. And yeah, that's true. It is pretty sketchy--the idea, at least. (and they could go with friendlier sales associates...) But being one of a select few to have received an exclusive offer to test one of these babies out for the low low price of...
You still feel a little numb after your long meeting with the lawyer late yesterday afternoon. This has to be some kind of twisted joke. Why would Uncle Dave leave his entire estate to me? I never even remember meeting him, and everyone in the family always told me what a horrible person he was, even if they wouldn't give me details. "Forget about him, he's a pervert and a narcissist. We're all better off without him around," I remember my dad saying to me one day when I asked about my Uncle....
For adults only. All characters and events are fictional. Not intended as instructional. INHERITANCE TAX © Miss Anthropy 2003. Part One ? The First Week "Well," said Sonia, coming down the stairs of Aunt Mabel's mansion with the clothing list in her hand. "It's ten to twelve, so I suppose its time you got changed." "Is there anything fairly unisex I could start with?" asked Amos, standing in the hallway. "Just to get me used to the idea?" Sonia looked doubtfully...
A few years ago I started a story called ‘My Parents Run a Porn Studio, I loved writing it and had so much fun over the years writing it, however it had far too many tangents and I had too many bad ideas for it. I have decided to start again with it, hope you like :) It's been a long day at work, only 18 and I was already tired of work, luckily I was able to go home and relieve some stress with an empty house most days, it consisted of me watching porn and drinking lots of vodka. Today was...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story contains encounters involving gay sex, bi-sex and straight sex which is why it was categorized under Novels and Novellas. A BUSY WEEK The week had been an absolute zoo as I had but in 14 hour days Monday through Thursday. Even Friday was busy and I ended up spending 10 hours in the office. I was looking forward to a stiff drink after work on Friday. Jody had called and said she couldn’t make it which was just as well as I was really tired. We agreed to go out next...
Amanda was always stopping in to the office unannounced. Not that I minded. I was a bit of a pushover for the girl. Whenever she wanted anything, however trivial, she could usually find a way to convince me to release the funds for it. She could be a real brat. A sweet little brat, but a brat nonetheless. There was a certain look that she would give me that always made me melt. No, not a pleading sort of look. A girl like Amanda didn't have to play for sympathy. It was a confident, cocky...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story contains encounters involving gay sex, bi-sex and straight sex which is why it was categorized under Novels and Novellas. ***** SATURDAY WITH JODY After some casual morning sex Thai prepared breakfast for us. Jody was still getting used to him being around all the time. I had one phone call that I had to take and Jody went out to the pool deck and positioned a lounge so that she could sun bathe. I quickly wrapped up my one call and then I threw on my bathing suit....
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story contains encounters involving gay sex, bi-sex and straight sex which is why it was categorized under Novels and Novellas. ***** BETSY’S WEEKEND Betsy arrived early Saturday morning as she wanted to get started early. She was accustomed to morning sex with me in the office so I wasn’t surprised. When she arrived I introduced her to Thai and gave her a quick tour of the house and backyard while Thai made breakfast for us. She loved the place and she was thrilled to...
It all started when my younger brother, John Edwards, died. He had given my wife a ride to see her dentist when the accident happened. It wasn’t John’s fault. He had the green light, it looked safe to enter the intersection, but it wasn’t. A semi coming down the hill into town had lost its breaks. It was carrying a load of granite blocks. There was nothing the driver could do. It was over probably before my brother or wife knew that there was a problem. It turned out that the truck had just had...
You wake up on the bus, which is strange considering you don't even remember getting up this morning. Looking around, you notice something is off - you have long hair, and clean clothes, and you're thin, and you have breasts. Your heart starts racing and feel the sudden urge to get some air. You step off the bus to collect your thoughts...
FetishIt was a cold November night in Squall’s End. Samantha could see her breath as soon as she stepped outside. With a sigh she tucked herself further into her coat, trying to avoid the light snowfall as she fumbled with her keys. She had been given them as soon as she was promoted to Denny's general manager, (a position that paid adequately but had absolutely shit hours), but in the month that followed she had only figured out what two of them were for. She had no idea what the other ten did,...
FantasyIt's late into the night when Alvin awakes drenched in his own sweat. Thinking that it must be a sudden fever or cold, he thinks it's best to go pour a glass of water and run his temperature. But as he moves his body, he feels an intense itch between his thighs. Which forces him to stop moving from the overwhelming amount of ecstasy he feels as a result of even the slightest movement. At this moment, he understands the situation. There was no illness, he was just extremely horny. Taking one of...
Mind Control"Welcome to Manor Rosecatta, young master," greeted a pleasant, 30-something year old maid at the large, double front door. "My name is Emilia, shall I escort you around the manor while your luggage is brought inside?" Excited at being able to live in the grand manor all on your own you almost stutter in answer, "Sure! Mind showing me to my room first? Oh, right name's John, by the way!" "A pleasure to meet you, Master John," she replied, bowing her head and smiling. "Please follow me..." What...