Inherit My Heart Ch. 03 free porn video

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Chase and Elizabeth arrived in London around noon. They checked their bags at The Mayfair, and took the short walk over to the studio. When they arrived, Chase introduced Elizabeth to the producers and sound mixers as his ‘friend,’ and she smiled and greeted everyone cordially.

Chase quickly got to work, discussing the song with these men. She noticed how different Chase was in the studio-serious and dedicated. She wasn’t necessarily surprised, being that he was a very successful artist, but it was a definite change from the Chase who was always cracking jokes and the Chase who mauled her in the pool the day before.

She shuddered a little at the memories from the grotto. Chase had been pretty much hands off the rest of the evening. She finished packing, they ate dinner, and then they watched a movie in the theater afterwards. Elizabeth fell asleep during the film, her head on Chase’s shoulder, and when the movie was over, he gently carried her upstairs and placed her into bed, only placing a light kiss on her forehead before he closed the door to her room. She had awoken when he placed her on her bed, opening her eyes to see him walk away. She had thought about calling out to him, asking him to stay, but remained quiet.

Elizabeth daydreamed until Chase went in to lay down the track. She was familiar with his music and enjoyed it, but watching him in the studio brought a whole new depth forth. She watched him sing with such raw emotion and focus and was mesmerized by his voice. He had such a command of his tone, and only ran through the song three times before the he and the producer were both satisfied and they began mixing the track.

They ordered in a lunch of fish and chips, and ate while they worked. Elizabeth sat back and watched the process. One of the producers then approached her and made small talk. He was very flirty with her, almost as if he was hitting on her, until he said to her, ‘You must be a special one.’

Why is that?’ she questioned curiously.

‘Well, Chase never brings women to the studio with him.’ The man then got called back by Chase, and Elizabeth was left with the thought to chew on.

Chase had been intent on laying down the track as quickly as possible, so he could get out of the studio and they could enjoy their time in London. He hadn’t paid much attention to Elizabeth until Ron went over to her and struck up a lengthy conversation. He knew Ron’s reputation with women, and knew it was almost as bad as his own. So, when he witnessed Ron flirting with Elizabeth, a chord of jealousy was struck within him. He was taken aback momentarily, as he was not a jealous person at all. He quickly dispatched his emotions and regained control of the situation by calling Ron over to help the mixer out with the track. A moment later, he went over to Elizabeth to mark his territory, so that Ron and the others would know to stay away.

‘I know this isn’t really entertaining, we should have stopped and picked up some magazines or something for you beforehand. I’m sorry if you’re bored.’

‘Are you kidding me? This is so neat! Watching you work is just fascinating. You’re so enveloped in the song when you’re singing, it’s amazing!’

Chase smiled at her, and placed his hands on her neck, lightly kneading the muscles there. ‘You’re good for my ego.’

‘Oh, just what you need, a bigger ego,’ Elizabeth replied, smiling back at him.

Chase laughed before bending down and kissing her. The kiss started lightly, but its passion quickly increased as Chase deepened the kiss. Elizabeth wound her hands into the bottom of Chase’s shirt, holding him close to her.

The mixer came over the microphone, ‘Uh, Chase, can you tear yourself away for a moment, so that we can finish this up here?’

Chase shot the guys and evil look and they laughed. He gave Elizabeth one more quick kiss, her cheeks now flushing with embarrassment before he winked at her and went back to work.


They walked back towards the hotel, stopping at a few shops along the way. Elizabeth found a dress and shoes to wear to dinner, but wouldn’t let Chase see it, as much as he pouted. They walked back to the hotel hand in hand. When they entered the elevator, Chase pulled Elizabeth against him and possessively wrapped his arms around her waist. He rested his head on her shoulder as the elevator took them up to the penthouse suite.

When Chase opened the door to the suite, Elizabeth’s jaw about hit the floor. She had never seen a hotel room this large. There was a full kitchen, bar, living area, and three bedrooms, each of which had a bathroom. The décor was modern, with rich black leather and cream tones. Though she lived in a castle, she had never seen a space designed this impressively before. The view was also breathtaking, floor to ceiling windows surrounded two sides of the suite, giving them bird’s eye views of Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace so many floors below.

Elizabeth approached the windows and marveled at the view outside. Dusk was just beginning to creep in on the city, the lights illuminating the buildings and street lamps below. ‘This is beautiful.’

‘It’s nothing compared to the view I’ve got from over here,’ Chase said, leaning against the kitchen counter.

Elizabeth turned and leered at him, ‘Sod off!’

‘What? It’s true.’

‘Chase, I’m not one of your groupies. Your cheeky lines aren’t going to work here,’ she said as she walked towards her bedroom and closed the door.

Once inside she leaned against the door and closed her eyes. The truth was she melted every time he flashed a smile her direction. She pushed off the door and began undressing, walking into the bathroom to run the shower. As she stripped, the room heated and the steam created a fog within. She stepped into the shower allowing the hot water to run down her body, tilting her head back to soak her hair. She washed her hair and then used the body wash to slowly soap up her body. She shivered as her hands ran over her breasts and she tweaked her nipples. She ran her fingertips up her neck and back down to her breasts, lightly circling the nubs and wishing that it was Chase’s hands on her, not her own. In her haze of arousal, she realized what she had to do.

After Elizabeth left Chase in the kitchen, he retired to his room and took a shower of his own. Standing under the hot water, his cock stood at attention, his hard-on constant as it had been for the past couple of days. He slowly soaped his wide chest up and let his hand slide down to his cock. He began stroking himself slowly, and increased his pace as he envisioned Elizabeth’s plump lips wrapped around his tool. He wrapped his left hand around the tip, palming his cock and imagining he was hitting the back of her throat. He squeezed his eyes shut and growled as he shot his load into the shower, his powerful release slamming through him. Chase fell back against the cool wall of the shower, struggling to regain his breathing as he slammed his hand against the faucet, shutting the water flow. He brushed his long hair back out of his face and slowly opened his eyes, allowing them to readjust to the light. He pushed off the wall, weak kneed, and slowly stepped out of the shower. What is this girl doing to me? He wondered. He wrapped the towel around him and went back into the bedroom to get dressed.

Chase sat in the living room, trying to get the Yankees score. He hated being oversees and having to view highlights on the TV. He was flipping through the channels of the satellite service, when he heard heels clack against the marble floor. He turned to the right and gasped when he saw her.

Elizabeth wore her hair down, her curls gently flowing around her shoulders. She had make up on, something he hadn’t seen since the first day he met her, when she was yelling at Abbey. It was much darker though this evening, more suited to going out. Her eye shadow was dark and smoky. She wore a red halter dress t
hat was fitted to her waist before it gently flared out and stopped mid thigh. There was a deep cut between her breasts, exposing a vee of her ample cleavage, a silver pendant rested there. Her legs were wrapped in neutral stockings, her feet enveloped in open toed patent leather red four inch pumps.

Chase felt himself instantly go hard and his mouth went dry. She struggled to say something, but nothing would come out. He gulped again and looked her up and down, speechless. In front of him, in his hotel suite, stood the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Elizabeth smiled down at Chase, knowing the reaction she elicited. He wore black dress slacks and a dark red, almost burgundy silk shirt. ‘You ready to go?’

Chase slowly stood and Elizabeth could see the bulge in the front of his pants. He grabbed his phone and wallet off the table, and she turned and headed towards the door, her hips swaying under the dress, mesmerizing Chase. He looked up and saw that the entire back of her dress was open to her waist as well, leaving her practically naked in front of him. He wondered what he was getting himself into.

They rode the elevator in silence-Chase visibly uncomfortable. When they reached the lobby and the doors opened, Elizabeth grabbed his arm and practically pulled him out of the elevator. She confidently walked across the lobby, every man and some women turning to stare at her beauty and elegance, and outside to their car.

They sat inside and she told the driver an address. Chase was still quiet and uncomfortable. She comfortably grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together and looked out the window, marveling at the effect she was having on him. A slow smile crept across her face as she watched the buildings pass by.

Chase leaned against the corner of the seat and just watched her, watched the slow rise and fall of her breasts. He couldn’t believe that the sexy, confident woman sitting next to him was the same one he had been sparring with just days earlier-the same woman who seemed meek and vulnerable the past two days. Who was she really? he wondered.

The car pulled up to their destination and she slowly exited, her long legs lingering in his view. He took a deep breath, opened his door, and walked around to the curb where she was waiting for him. Elizabeth grabbed his arm again and led him inside.

Fiesta Havana was dimly lit, the walls painted bright shades of blue and orange. The small, intimate tables encircled a dance floor with couples salsa dancing. A DJ was off in the corner spinning the heady latin beats. The maître d led them to a table in the corner and they sat. She ordered them a pitcher of sangria and then silently began to page through the menu.

Chase stared at Elizabeth in awe. When she said she would make their dinner plans, a place like this was the last place he thought he would end up in. He also never thought the woman sitting before him would surprise him in the way that she was. Finally he spoke, ‘How did you find this place?’

Elizabeth looked up at him and smiled, ‘When I was at University, a couple of my girlfriends and I would come here every so often. It has a nice ambiance and the food is brilliant. It’s one of the few places in all of England to get decent latin food. Plus, the dancing is fantastic. Can you dance?’

‘Uh, I can dance, but I don’t know if I can dance like them,’ he said pointing towards the couples on the floor.

‘Well, I guess we’ll see after dinner,’ she said, smiling, before she looked down at her menu again.

The waitress brought them their drinks and Elizabeth ordered the paella valenciana and Chase the pato cubana fajitas.

Chase finally confessed, ‘I don’t get you at all.’

‘What do you mean?’ Elizabeth asked coyly.

‘Um, you know exactly what I mean. First, you were abrasive and hating me. Then you were sweet and gentle and were warming up to me, and now, now I don’t know what to make of you-you have this sexy temptress thing going on. Which one is the real you?’

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, a bit hurt by his comment, ‘Why can’t they all be who I am? Yes, I did hate you and this whole situation in the beginning, but I decided to go into it with an open mind when I asked you to stay. This wasn’t my idea of an ideal situation-you know that. And, as far as my changes in personality go as you say, this is who I am. I like to dress up, and I like to get dirty. I like to go out just as much as I like to stay in and read a book or go for a ride on my horse. And I’m smart and sensitive and at the same time, I’m hard and guarded because it is just who I am.’

Elizabeth sat there staring at Chase, his expression blank. He stared down at the table.

‘You know what, maybe this whole thing wasn’t a good idea.’ Elizabeth rose from her chair and walked past Chase. She got about ten feet from the table when he grabbed her hand and spun her around.

‘Chase let go of me,’ she said lowly, unable to meet his eyes, as hers were welling up.

He pulled her close to him and wrapped his arms around her, the beat of the music now slowed. ‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered into her ear, ‘This is just unchartered territory for me and you just really surprised me this evening and caught me off guard. I just wasn’t sure if this was really you or if you were putting this whole ensemble together tonight because this is what you thought I wanted. I’m so used to people just telling me what they think I want to hear or acting the way they think that I want them to act.’ He pulled back from her and lifted her chin so that her eyes met his, ‘I just want to know the real you, that’s all.’

‘Well, this is it,’ she said sniffling, ‘What you see is what you get.’

‘Good, because I really like what I see.’ Chase leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to her lips. He wiped her tears away before wrapping his arms around her again. Elizabeth slowly gave in and slid her arms around his neck. Chase ran his hands possessively over her bare back, tracing patterns over her velvety skin. The contrast of his warm hands under the breeze from the fans that were pushing cool air down onto them made Elizabeth shudder and her nipples grow taut, pressing into his firm chest. Chase lowered his head and ran a slow trail of kisses across her shoulder. As he approached her neck, he gently nipped at her skin, not intending on leaving a mark, just as a symbol of his control over her body.

As he bit into her shoulder, Elizabeth felt a rush of wetness flow from her slit. As much as her head was telling her to stay mad at him for questioning her intentions, her body was betraying her and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Luckily, the song ended and she was able to slowly pull away from him, seeing that their dinner was being served. She led him back to the table and they sat down to their meal.


They arrived back at the hotel suite around one am. After dinner, it seemed as if they were able to forget about their earlier altercation as they alternated dancing and drinking. The sangria turned into tequila as they worked up a sweat on the dance floor. Chase was amazed by Elizabeth’s sense of rhythm as he struggled to hold his own. She freely ground herself against him, as she shook her ass and shimmied to the latin beats. He was again surprised that this woman had such a sexuality about her and how she was able to channel it into her dancing. When they fell into the car for the short ride back to the hotel, they were both under the influence of a handsome buzz. Elizabeth let her inhibitions fly out the window, as she closed the divider between them and the driver and straddled Chase’s lap. She initiated an intense make out session that continued into the elevator and up to the entrance of the penthouse as Chase struggled to get the keycard into the slot.

Once they got into the room, Elizabeth walked past him and threw her purse on the counter. She walked over towards the window, looking out at the city ill
uminated below. Chase came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, as she clasped her hands over his. Together they silently looked out at the city streets below, still bustling.

Chase rested his head on Elizabeth’s shoulder. ‘I’m sorry I fucked up our first date earlier.’

‘You didn’t fuck it up, We still had fun.’

‘Yeah, but I never even told you tonight how stunning you look. When I first saw you tonight, you took my breath away.’

‘Only when you first saw me?’ she questioned acerbically.

‘Don’t joke, I’m trying to be serious,’ he said as he pulled away from her and went to go sit on the arm of the couch. ‘Every man who saw you tonight looked at you like he wanted you. Even earlier today Ron was all over you. I’m not used to being in a position where I feel like I’m jealous. Women have always come easy to me, and I’ve never had to work for anything. But, for some reason, you make me nervous and I don’t know why. I feel like an idiot when I’m with you sometimes. I don’t know, I’ve been drinking, I’m rambling. All I was trying to say was that I think you are amazing, and you look really, really hot in that dress.’

Elizabeth stared at him for a moment. Chase was admitting that he was jealous and insecure around her. Why? He’s a rock star and I’m a nobody, she thought. What did it really matter though? He could have any women he wanted and he had spent the past six days with her. He could have turned around and walked away. He didn’t need the castle or the money. He was with her right now because he wanted to be.

Elizabeth closed the gap between them and draped her arms around his shoulders. She bit her lip as she looked at him. ‘I have a bit of a confession to make.’

Chase looked at her, worried, ‘What?’

‘Yes, I do like to dress up and go out and all, but I wore this dress tonight to drive you crazy, and I took you to that club for the same reason.’

Chase closed his eyes, and breathed a sigh of relief, ‘It worked. I’ve wanted to rip that dress off of you all night.’

She leaned in towards his ear and whispered, ‘So, what’s stopping you?’

Chase grabbed her waist and pushed her back a step, ‘Don’t tease me,’ he warned.

Elizabeth grabbed his hands that were at her waist and pulled him off the arm of the couch. She slowly led him to his bedroom. When they got to the foot of his bed, she turned to face him.

‘Ar-are you sure about this?’ he asked.

Her response was to slowly start unbuttoning his shirt. She pulled it from the waist of his pants and finished opening it with shaking fingers. After she had the last one undone, she pushed the shirt back off his shoulders and ran her hands down his smooth chest to his abs. Chase’s muscles fluttered under her touch.

Their eyes locked as she sat on the edge of the bed and pushed herself up to the middle. Chase pulled off her heels before he knelt down on the bed. He pulled her up to her knees and lowered his lips to hers. The kiss started slow, but became deep and frantic in a hurry. Chase unhooked the material of the halter that wrapped around her neck and slowly peeled it down the front of her, exposing her breasts. He wrapped his arms around her, pushing the dress down past her bare ass. He squeezed her cheeks, pulling her closer to him, smashing her breasts into his chest. His mouth went to her neck and sucked her flesh, knowing he would leave a mark. She groaned and clung to his shoulders, wanting, needing to feel more of him.

‘Chase, I need to talk to you about something.’

‘Shhh, you talk too much.’ Chase covered her mouth with his, muffling her protests.

He laid her back on the bed and kneaded her breasts, tweaking her nipples. She moaned his name and got lost in the sensations that were running through her body, forgetting about her thoughts a second before. Her head became foggy as Chase pulled her dress off of her legs, and she lay on the bed, clad only in the stockings and garter belt. Her hands moved to cover her mound, but Chase grabbed her hands.

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It's pretty gimmicky sounding, you conclude as you step into the store, immediately bomboarded by an onslaught of business talk, high tech mumbo jumbo, and an almost too good looking saleswoman with words emitting from her mouth like shots off a sling. And yeah, that's true. It is pretty sketchy--the idea, at least. (and they could go with friendlier sales associates...) But being one of a select few to have received an exclusive offer to test one of these babies out for the low low price of...

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The Great Adventures of Marcus Lionheart

Marcus Lionheart, a sorcerer from the village of Redwood, was lounging on the ground next to Crystal Lake. He yawned as he thought about all the hardships his party had experienced so far. They had risked their lives (most of them had almost died), fought hoards of monsters, solved masterful traps, and even killed a Lich. And for what? Some mythical item that might not even existed. The idea of even seeing the magic device was enough to cause the young mage to laugh out loud. The device in...

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DRAGONHEARTINTRODUCTIONBY IKEMANUnlike many of my stories, this is a stand-alone, single, long chapter story. This is a fantasy story with sex but has large portions that is story-telling. I would appreciate not having it rated negatively simply because of the amount of sex having given this warning ahead of the story. I do hope you will enjoy it as a story, though.This story takes place in a mythical time and place. Mankind is the same as mankind seems to have always been. Mythology, beliefs,...

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Redenhart The music throbbed around them. Ray was in a daze. The heavy bass had numbed his senses and unconsciously he moved through the crowd, more a part of the aimless crowd than his own self. Was it the alcohol that had killed his senses or was it the atmosphere of the nightclub. She moved behind like an animal stalking its prey. She knew what she wanted and how to get it. She closed behind Ray weaving her magic; even so nothing about this encounter would be memorable to the...

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Gossip City Chapter 1 Revenge of the Kindhearted

In this segment, Mayor Meg helps Gina, (an innocent girl, accused of sluttiness, who had been framed by an actual slutty bitch) escape from prison. There have been many times in my life, when I found myself dreaming of a world without bitches. Then one night, I woke up from one of those dreams, and had an epiphany. I sat up in bed, and an invisible light bulb, as bright as a helicopter search light went off above my head. "What if all the raving bitches could all be contained in one place?" I...

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Blackheart by captv8td [email protected] 1 – BedeviledShe leaned out over the edge of the ship and drank in the salt air as the breeze tousled her hair.  Her jet black mane flowed and ebbed with the air currents and stray tendrils of her hair whipped at her face.  She took in a deep breath.  It had been a long day.The Bedeviled was at anchor now.  She and her officers had seen to the securing of the ship for the night.  Now the duty watch was doing what duty watches do and the rest...

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Categories: MC, FF+, modification, reluctant.????????? ****????????? Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Do not continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material, this is a pure fantasy. All the other characters are pure fiction.Note_2: the story is based on Unseen_Unread picture story that can be found here.Note_3: Darkheart, shockwave and Lady Psy are used with the artist's permission.????????? ****????????? Chapter 1: fun and games.Michelle...

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Adult Thearter

Well it starts off with me going to a "theater" with a friend...a XXX theater. When we arrive there are 4 or 5 other guys in there, but no other women or couples. Most are watching the movie and most were stroking their cocks.My friend, Mark, starts kissing me and slides his hand inside my top. Mark cups my breasts and starts pinching my nipples. I pull my bra and top down for his better access, completely revealing my breasts. I reach over and unzip his pants, and pull his stiffening cock out...

1 year ago
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It was the dream that she loved and hated; her greatest fantasy that would never come true. Yunami was stretched out on the bed, naked beneath the sheet pulled up just above her breasts. Her auburn hair was scattered around her head on the sumptuous pillows like a halo. The sheer curtains hanging around the bed allowed her to see the rest of the room but hid her from the eyes of her approaching lover. She watched as Daeghen walked towards the foot of the bed. He was naked, his body sculpted...

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I Always Knew She Was BrokenChapter 11 Escapes and Heartbreaks

"Hurry," whispered Bess as soon as I picked up the phone. "What's going on?" I asked. Her voice could barely be heard. "He knows about us. He demanded I stop loving you. I laughed in his face. Come quick. I don't know what he'll do or I'll do. I'm barricaded in, but ... I gotta go. Hurry." I arrived too late. An ambulance sat on the round driveway. "Fucking bitch," muttered the King laid out on a gurney--his left chest wrapped in gauze and bandages--an ambulance attendant...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVII 10 Aid for Heartaches

"Tim?" "Jennifer? What's wrong?" "Jennifer, please... Where are you?" "I'm... I'm home... " "Are you hurt?" "No... My mom... " "Your mom did something? Did she hit you?" "NO!" "Honey, please stop crying long enough to tell me... What is WRONG?" "She... she cut her thumb... " "What? You're mom? She cut her thumb?" "Yes! And then... " "And then what? Jennifer! Tell me!" "She's...

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Hearts BloomingChapter 4 Aid for Heartaches

Since I had planned to spend the four day weekend with my family and Jennifer, I had insisted on doing most of my sluts due those days on that Wednesday. I had been warning them all that I wasn’t going to be doing these weekly fucks one on one much longer and had had threesomes with most of them at least once. I had not yet done anything more than use my magic touch on any of them, but I decided I would take it to the next level that evening. As I drove to my home, I completely forgot about...

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Jacobs is a muscular build guy, long blond hair and has a tanned complexion. Though he is an absolude playboy, yet many gals would risk anything to know him. But, though lots of gals surrounded him, he didn't quite liked anyone of them. However, there is one girl, he totally was damn mad about her. Her name was Cynthia, 4 years younger than him, red haired, and petite breast. She loved to wear sports bra just everywhere. Her tight long jeans showed her madly curved shape and the outline of her...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XXIII The Knave of Hearts

Alice felt a blush spread through her cheeks as the Knave of Hearts scrutinized her appearance, commenting to himself on her comely legs and the shape of her bottom and the perkiness of her breasts, her making her feel more like a precious commodity than a young woman‘I should be quite cross at being examined in such a matter, and yet, I am not, and I find that most curious,’ she thought to herself, glancing up through her lashes at the man, admitting to herself that he was quite handsome,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Inheritance Includes a Houseboy Ch 03

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story contains encounters involving gay sex, bi-sex and straight sex which is why it was categorized under Novels and Novellas. ***** SATURDAY WITH JODY After some casual morning sex Thai prepared breakfast for us. Jody was still getting used to him being around all the time. I had one phone call that I had to take and Jody went out to the pool deck and positioned a lounge so that she could sun bathe. I quickly wrapped up my one call and then I threw on my bathing suit....

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Inheritance Includes a Houseboy Ch 04

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story contains encounters involving gay sex, bi-sex and straight sex which is why it was categorized under Novels and Novellas. ***** BETSY’S WEEKEND Betsy arrived early Saturday morning as she wanted to get started early. She was accustomed to morning sex with me in the office so I wasn’t surprised. When she arrived I introduced her to Thai and gave her a quick tour of the house and backyard while Thai made breakfast for us. She loved the place and she was thrilled to...

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Inheritance and Discovery

It all started when my younger brother, John Edwards, died. He had given my wife a ride to see her dentist when the accident happened. It wasn’t John’s fault. He had the green light, it looked safe to enter the intersection, but it wasn’t. A semi coming down the hill into town had lost its breaks. It was carrying a load of granite blocks. There was nothing the driver could do. It was over probably before my brother or wife knew that there was a problem. It turned out that the truck had just had...

4 years ago
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You wake up on the bus, which is strange considering you don't even remember getting up this morning. Looking around, you notice something is off - you have long hair, and clean clothes, and you're thin, and you have breasts. Your heart starts racing and feel the sudden urge to get some air. You step off the bus to collect your thoughts...

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It was a cold November night in Squall’s End. Samantha could see her breath as soon as she stepped outside. With a sigh she tucked herself further into her coat, trying to avoid the light snowfall as she fumbled with her keys. She had been given them as soon as she was promoted to Denny's general manager, (a position that paid adequately but had absolutely shit hours), but in the month that followed she had only figured out what two of them were for. She had no idea what the other ten did,...

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It's late into the night when Alvin awakes drenched in his own sweat. Thinking that it must be a sudden fever or cold, he thinks it's best to go pour a glass of water and run his temperature. But as he moves his body, he feels an intense itch between his thighs. Which forces him to stop moving from the overwhelming amount of ecstasy he feels as a result of even the slightest movement. At this moment, he understands the situation. There was no illness, he was just extremely horny. Taking one of...

Mind Control
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Inheritance of an Unfinished Gift

"Welcome to Manor Rosecatta, young master," greeted a pleasant, 30-something year old maid at the large, double front door. "My name is Emilia, shall I escort you around the manor while your luggage is brought inside?" Excited at being able to live in the grand manor all on your own you almost stutter in answer, "Sure! Mind showing me to my room first? Oh, right name's John, by the way!" "A pleasure to meet you, Master John," she replied, bowing her head and smiling. "Please follow me..." What...

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PLANNING AND MAKING SURE I WANT TO SUCK BILL`S COCK . A few days went by luckily i shook the whole thing with Bill off and had had a few sessions with the wife just to get pussy on my mind and put the thought of bills cock to the back of my mind, i also avoided Bill for a few days, but eventually i had to go over to help him to put some shelves up that i`d promised a few weeks back to do and today was the chosen day.As soon as i went through the door bill asked me if i wanted tea and then...

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Inheritance Envelope 4

Envelope 4 We were napping in front of the TV on opposite ends of the same huge couch when the 5:45 invitation to the clinic came. This time the chosen envelope contained an ominous "Pacifier.," The expressionless clinic nurse went into the back room and came back with a square box about the size of a grapefruit. She opened the top and took out what looked like a giant baby's pacifier with two straps hanging off it. She intoned, "Open up.," Having agreed to the experiment, I opened...

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Inheritance Envelope 5

Envelope 5 "Animal Mask and Paws." Great, this couldn't be good. A dark brown hood of some sort was pulled over my head. There was thick glass of some sort built into the eye holes and i could feel the leathery mask bulged out away from my mouth to form some type of snout. Firm rubbery flaps protruded from the snout into my mouth just past my lips and almost to my teeth. Plugs also went into my ears. I could feel the mask tighten around my head as the back was sealed close with the...

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Inheritance Envelope 6

Envelope 6 My sixth envelope said 'Baby Clothes'. Out of the frying pan and into fire, as the saying goes. Marion knew the nurse's name but to me she was just the one who said, "Go behind the screen and take your shirt off." For the shirt was all I had on. I need so rather cheerfully. Not because I wanted to wear baby clothes but because I was a little loopy with the freedom of having the mask off. I was also still relieved that Marion and I had a working plan. We were going to make it...

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Inheritance Envelope 7

Envelope 7 So, there I was naked and hairless from the neck down as I left the clinic. I was trying to embrace the naked and the new normal in it. The nurse had been waiting for me when I got there. She, of course, had been watching and could have gotten me from the car earlier. She seemed indifferent as she held out the envelope box. But, I suspected she enjoyed letting me sleep knowing I was adding to my sentence. The seventh envelope read, "Naked". I was once again asked to go...

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Three Hearts

Three Hearts "You can't be serious! This is only March 31! Save that stuff for tomorrow. Really, now Bailey, you don't expect us to believe that, do you?" "You got that candle from an old Gypsy lady in a horse and wagon right here in Lilyville? There hasn't been a horse and wagon in this town in sixty years! C'mon now, Bailey, can't you wait for April Fool's Day?" "I'm telling you, girls, it's true. Do you think I'd lie to you the night before our...

4 years ago
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King of Hearts

Hi Folks, this one is little bit different. This one was inspired by Chrissie Steele's song "King of Hearts." Those of you who checked my twitter page for the update kind of knew that and hopefully were able to listen to the song. I hope it put you in the mood so you can get a better feeling for the story. As with most of my stories, sex plays a very small part in it, so those of you who need an outlet might want to skip it. The first two thirds of the story were edited by the incredible...

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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 11 The Fall of the Queen of Hearts

The Baron took her hand and led the Queen towards the couch bed. Her new larger breasts swayed and jiggled as she walked. He sat her on the bed and she scooted back so that he could kneel between her legs. "What do you want her to do, Sam?" asked Selassie. "Do you want an airhead bimbo? Do you want a slave? Do you want her to call you master?" "Master would be nice," answered the Baron. He ran his large black hands down her smooth wide legs and pulled them apart. "Semen Sez call him...

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Playing the GameChapter 5 Truth or Dare Hearts

Two days later, Jake and I were over at his house playing on his Pong game in the basement. It was raining buckets outside, and we were bored. We heard the back door open, and Kayla and Jaimie came pounding down the stairs, laughing and shouting. They came bursting into the playroom and stopped suddenly when they saw us there. They obviously weren't expecting us to be downstairs. They were soaked through, hair plastered to their heads, and their T-shirts were nearly transparent. They both...

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The Purest of Hearts

The Purest of Hearts Introduction: Hello everyone, this is my first story ever written on fictionmania, but it comes at no better than when fictionmania is about to reach 30,000 written stories! I've written a lot of short stories on DeviantArt, but I've only read those who have made the way for writers like me on here and I would love to contribute to this amazing website today. As a reminder, this story is for Adults Only as it does contain sexual acts, cursing, and nudity written in...

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Student Nurse Part 1 Kates Heartbreak

Student Nurse Part 1: Kate’s Heartbreak At home over Christmas break of her last year in nursing school, Kate found it tough to stay true to her boyfriend, Brad. Seeing her parents and friends and relations was fun, but one handsome old boyfriend tried to date her and a very broad shouldered guy came on to her at a party and again New Year’s Eve. She was sorely tempted. Nearly two weeks passed since she and Brad enjoyed a wild night and morning together, but she held out. She arrived back on...

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Student Nurse Part 1 Kates Heartbreak

Student Nurse Part 1: Kate’s Heartbreak At home over Christmas break of her last year in nursing school, Kate found it tough to stay true to her boyfriend, Brad. Seeing her parents and friends and relations was fun, but one handsome old boyfriend tried to date her and a very broad shouldered guy came on to her at a party and again New Year’s Eve. She was sorely tempted. Nearly two weeks passed since she and Brad enjoyed a wild night and morning together, but she held out. She arrived back on...

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Recovering from Heartbreak

I was sitting in a hotel room on a Saturday morning. I could have easily picked up someone to spend time with that evening, but I was seeing someone back home whom I cared about. The more I sat there thinking about it, the more I realized that I did not want to live without her. My name is Mike Carter. I'm 25 years old and I live in Atlanta. I work for a company that has offices in many cities around the country. About four times a year, they send me to a few of them to make certain that the...

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