Flyover CountryChapter 4 free porn video

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I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life from that point forward, but I was sure whatever I decided, flying would be a part of it. I took refresher courses to reactivate my pilot’s certificate, including an instrument ground school and then flew with an instructor for a while to get current again.

My Uncle Jake, my mom’s much older brother, and the man who taught me to fly, had passed away six years ago, leaving all his possessions to my mom. That included five small aircraft sitting behind what we called the “North Barn,” some three-quarters of a mile away from the house. I put a trio of aircraft mechanics to work in their spare time getting all five back into shape for an FAA airworthiness certificate.

It didn’t take very long; I was paying them for the job, not for the number of hours they worked and I paid them very well. They found they had lots of free time to work on my planes. The five single-engined aircraft passed inspection easily, and I began selling them off to dealers, except for one I sold to a guy with a private pilot’s certificate who wanted to get in more flying hours and not pay exorbitant rates renting aircraft. I gave him a especially good deal because he reminded me, of me. I didn’t make much money selling Uncle Jake’s planes, but I hadn’t expected to—didn’t need to either.

Finally, I only had one left and I wasn’t even trying to sell it. I loved taking it up and getting an hour or two in the sky, just me and the plane.

I was sitting at a picnic table in the shade of a huge pecan tree outside what looked like a dilapidated old building with a relatively small sign out front identifying the place as simply, JESSE’S. To the locals who frequented the place, no further description was necessary. Jesse was an old black man who looked like he’d just been freed from slavery by a troop of Sherman’s cavalry as they galloped past a plantation on their way east out of Atlanta. No one knew how old he actually was, but it didn’t matter. Jesse’s served up the finest barbeque in the known world, though only the locals, and select passers-by from the city were aware of it.

Late August is hot in Texas—no doubt about it—but at just before straight-up noon, under the spreading branches of the tall pecan, and with a gentle breeze blowing, it was pleasant enough. There was a light plume of aromatic smoke lifting from the smokers out back (as it did twenty-four hours a day) which made folks hungry for miles around. Contrary to the apparent state of disrepair, the place was so clean, inside and out, you could literally eat off the floors.

I came here as often as I could, which was fairly frequently since it lay on the best route between the big city and Mom and Dad’s place—my place, now. I couldn’t get used to thinking of my new home as “mine.”

Today, I wasn’t en route to or from anywhere. I just had a craving for some good old Texas brisket and I used the last one of Uncle Jake’s planes, an old Cessna 172, to get to Jesse’s. There was a huge expanse of prairie adjoining the mowed and well-kept grassy expanse around his business, and he didn’t mind at all if I used part of that prairie as a landing strip. It wasn’t his, for one thing.

There were a number of picnic-style tables outside under the trees for general use and I was sitting at one, enjoying the day and a great lunch. I was still finishing up a huge brisket sandwich still dripping some of the barbeque sauce I’d poured over the meat. I was steadily working my way through the borracho beans and mustard potato salad too.

While I ate, I was contemplating going back inside to get a big slab of the pecan pie Jesse made fresh daily. My reasoning was that I was working hard every day and easily working off all the calories I was taking in. Therefore, a little pecan pie wasn’t going to hurt my waistline one darn bit. That was my theory. Hell, it might even have been true.

I wasn’t really paying attention to what was going on around me. I was vaguely aware of the traffic passing by on the worn two-lane blacktop off to my left—the table was roughly at right angles with the road—but I wasn’t watching closely. The shimmer of heat waves rising off the blacktop gave me a headache.

I did know when a couple of carloads of young twenty-something folks drove into the parking lot, but I wasn’t interested enough to bother with looking them over, even though I could hear a number of feminine voices. I was just barely thirty, but with all that had happened in my life, I didn’t have much in common with people who had a 2 as the first digit of their age.

I just kept eating and eyeing Jesse’s front entrance over there in front of me. The brisket virtually melting in my mouth was occupying most of my thoughts, along with increasingly vivid images of delicious pecan pie.

There were voices from the direction of two tables full of yuppies, but I wasn’t listening—until something did finally register.

“You’re gonna just go over there and sit down with ... that cowboy over there?” said a voice I didn’t recognize. “Jeeeze! What if... ?” someone asked incredulously.

That got my attention. In addition to an old pair of comfortable cargo shorts, an old shirt that had been blue at one time, and a pair of sturdy hiking boots, I did have on a cream-colored Stetson, but lots of folks in rural Texas wore that style of hat. I started to look around to see who else might be the target of that comment.

“He’s my ex husband,” replied another voice shortly, cutting off the conversation.

I recognized that voice well enough. I turned my head half-left to see my dear ex wife striding determinedly in my direction. My first thought—a thoroughly unchristian one, I admit—was, “Oh shit! What the hell does she want?”

She paused a couple feet short of my table. “I know you probably hate me,” she began, “ ... but could I sit down and talk with you for a minute?”

I put the remains of my brisket sandwich down and took off my sunglasses so she could see my eyes. Mom taught me many years ago that was only polite. I did it automatically these days.

“I don’t hate you, Faye,” I said quietly. Her friends were sitting were close enough to hear if I spoke loudly, but I didn’t think anything Faye and I had to say to each other was any of their business.

“I hate some of the things you’ve done,” I continued. “But hating you would be too hard on me ... it takes up too much time and energy. So, no, I don’t hate you at all.” I extended my right hand, palm up, fingertips pointing to the bench seat opposite me. “Sure ... please sit,” I added.

“Well ... I wouldn’t blame you if you did,” she sighed, throwing one leg over the bench and bringing the other along behind. She settled down and got comfortable. “I really went off the rails there for a while...”

I didn’t say anything to that. From my point of view, it was undeniably true, but I didn’t feel the need to reiterate how I felt about it. She, of all people, already knew my opinion of what she’d done. She was quiet for a minute, then she took her sunglasses off and put them on the tabletop close to mine to show me her beautiful green eyes.

“How’ve you been, Matt?” she asked, breaking the short silence.

“Doin’ pretty darn good, thanks,” I replied lightly, “ ... and you?”

“I’m good. I’m going to night school ... but you know that. Dad says he told you. I’ll be starting next semester at UT ... I’m going to be a PA, a Physician’s Assistant.”

“Excellent,” I replied. “Glad things’re looking up,” I added. I didn’t know what else to say. I was seriously not interested in anything she was doing. It wasn’t my responsibility to be her cheerleader anymore.

“So ... I ... Matt, I know in all the commotion, I never did tell you that I was sorry for what I did, but I really am. Like I said, I wouldn’t blame you if you hate me, but I hope someday you’ll find a way to forgive me—”

“I absolutely do not hate you, Faye,” I interrupted, “ ... and I’ve already forgiven you.” I paused to organize my thoughts. I shrugged. “I just don’t have enough time or energy to hate you. It would eat me alive, Faye, and it wouldn’t get me anywhere. I think being mad all the time would sour me on darn near everything else in the world and, like they say, life’s too short.”

“Okay ... thank you for that,” she replied. She leaned forward a little on the bench seat toward me, pushing into a comfort zone she had no business, or right, to be inside any longer. “I’m seeing a counselor,” she said in a hushed tone.

I nodded.

“I think we’re making some progress,” she continued. “She’s helped me see that decisions I make have consequences down the line and they affect lots more people than just me,” she offered. I nodded again. “If I’d understood how bad things would be, I never would have done any of what I did, Matt ... and I’m truly sorry for what I put you through.”

I felt my forehead creasing with a frown when she said that. Without really meaning to, I shifted restlessly on the hard bench. Faye noticed my expression and sensed my disapproval.

“What?” she asked with a smattering of irritation in her voice. “I’m trying to apologize here and show you I’m working on being a better person now. I know better than to act like I did back then...”

“Faye ... I think your counselor is wasting your time ... and probably your dad’s money, too,” I returned, “if that’s all she’s trying to get you to understand. Well, I don’t know ... maybe that’s just a first step and she still has some ground to cover.”

I paused to gather my thoughts. “You see, to me, when you tell me you wouldn’t do something because the consequences are too harsh, you’re saying the punishment for ... whatever that something is ... is too tough, so you won’t do it again.”

She was even more unhappy. I was calling into question whether she’d actually changed or not.

“But Faye,” I added as gently as I could, “ ... don’t you understand? That’s a kind of a ‘risk analysis’, isn’t it? You’re saying, ‘I won’t do this or that because I don’t want to get caught and get punished really bad’. See what I mean?”

I stretched my left leg out to the side and scooted my butt that way. I was going to be leaving pretty soon and I was making preparations.

“But, I remember reading one time, someone said ‘Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching’. I just don’t think, Faye ... until you and your counselor get to the point where you don’t have the temptation to have sex outside your marriage simply because it’s the WRONG thing to do, then someday down the line you’ll be tempted again and you’ll decide, in some unique set of circumstances, the consequences won’t be TOO severe, or that no one will be looking, so you won’t get punished. See what I mean?”

She drew in a deep breath. She was still irritated, but maybe she was listening. I couldn’t really tell.

“To me,” I plowed on. There are temptations out there every day for everybody, and we’re human—we’re flawed—but unless a person’s instincts are to ignore a temptation without even thinking about it ... without making a risk analysis, then ... Well, I just think it’ll lead, sooner or later, to a tragedy ... like this.”

She was staring at me, a little pissed off and clearly ready to amp up her anger. “Well ... I guess I’m just not as perfect as some people,” she snapped. She pulled back, biting her lips. Her expression changed and she visibly worked to tone things back down. She shook her head, took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

“I loved you, Matt,” she told me, changing the subject, “whether you believe me or not ... I really did.”

“And I loved you!” I shot back. “I proved it by never cheating on you!” If she could get all pissed off, so could I.

She had the good grace to wince and look away. “But, telling my Mom and Dad, and my brothers and sisters ... and everybody we knew ... you call that love?”

I snorted a little. “Isn’t that a little like blaming the messenger, Faye? All I did was shine a light on what you and the Asswipes were up to. Kinda like turning over a rock and watching all the slimy things scatter, ya know?”

I was getting steamed. I took a deep, deliberate breath and made my jaw muscles relax and forced my shoulders to loosen, even slump a little.

“And ... as for the way it went down,” I said matter-of-factly, “all I did was follow your guidelines.”

She frowned and arched her eyebrows.

“Remember, Faye? You said you fucked around on me because you COULD, and because it was FUN. Well, that’s what I did too.”

“Do you know how hard it’s been for me ever since you told God and everybody—?” Faye started defending herself again.

“That wasn’t one of my considerations!” I told her quickly. “You didn’t consider MY feelings, and you weren’t concerned with what you would be putting me through, now were you?”

She hung her head and didn’t answer.

Abruptly, I was through talking. This had become painful and I just didn’t see the point of rehashing things best left in our past. I put my sunglasses back on, thrust my left foot out further and stood.

“Ahhh ... Faye ... listen, I’m probably out of line for bringing all that up ... it’s just what was on my mind. Probably, the counselor was going to bring the discussion around to a better understanding of what went on sooner or later ... hope I haven’t ruined her planning.

“And ... I need to get going. I’ll leave you to your lunch, okay? Good to see ya!”

I took a half step backward to clear the picnic table, then paused and turned back to Faye. “And Faye, I did love you so very much, but you burned it all out of me one afternoon—there’s nothing left. All I have is the memory of HAVING loved you. I’m sorry, I wish there was more ... but that’s all there is. Goodbye, Faye.”

I turned left and walked beside the low wall behind the picnic area. When I was beyond it, I turned half-left again and strode determinedly toward the gate leading out onto the open prairie and my little Cessna. I dropped the remainder of my meal into a trash barrel on the way.

I wasn’t hungry anymore, not even for that big slab of pecan pie I’d been craving. I was going to miss it later. I’d kick myself for absconding before I got the treat I’d promised myself, but I’d had enough of my ex-wife for now—forever—and I wanted to be somewhere she wasn’t.

Way back when I first conceived the idea of flying from the ranch to Jesse’s to avoid an hour long drive over meandering Texas back roads, I tried—I really tried—to find the owner of the grassland on the other side of the barbed wire from Jesse’s. I wanted permission to land my Cessna on the property, but I could never find the woman the county tax records said owned the land. So I just went ahead and used the prairie as my personal make-do airfield and left the question of landing rights for another day. If the owner came forward to complain, I’d stop using the grassy bit of ground and I would apologize most profusely.

Jesse’s was separated from the wide swath of prairie by a barbed wire fence that had a fifteen foot long gate in it, not more than thirty yards from Jesse’s main entrance. The gate had probably been installed there once upon a time so livestock could be loaded or unloaded from cattle haulers driven there. It was made of galvanized tubular steel and, while the galvanized steel hadn’t rusted over the years, the hinges and the latch mechanism, had.

When I first got the idea of flying in to Jesse’s, I’d examined the gate, found the problems that were there, and bought replacement parts. I spent most of a whole day, working alone, to fix the darned thing. Now there was a nice, wide gate with smoothly rotating hinges and a secure latching mechanism.

The woman was half-leaning forward onto the gate, braced with her hands on the topmost crossbar. She had the most stunning mane of thick, glossy black hair I’d ever seen. She wore it long—down to her buttocks—and it shown in the sunlight. I had an instant yearning to run my hands through it. I wanted to just feel the silken mass against my fingers.

She was of moderate height, maybe five feet, six inches or so and slender of build. She had slim, well-toned legs and delicate ankles over small feet. They were absolutely scrumptious legs. I’ve always been a dedicated leg man and could really appreciate what she had. Boobs begin to droop as soon as a girl gets out of high school, particularly big boobs. But so long as a woman keeps fit and uses her legs for what they were intended, they’ll last for a long, long time.

As I came nearer, I could see her ass was beautifully rounded too, full without being bulbous. Okay, so I like nice butts too. Hey! They’re attached to legs, right? I could feel a smile of appreciation spreading over my face. The memory of that irritating conversation with my ex-wife was fading quickly.

I planted myself a couple of yards to her left, not wanting to come up behind her and give her an impression of an overbearing male or anything. “It’s a Cessna—” I’d been about to give her the model number and tell her a little about it, what its best speed was, and other useless information like that, but she cut me off.

“It’s a little, bitty airplane!” the gorgeous, raven-haired woman told me in a matter-of-fact tone, turning to face me. She tipped her sunglasses forward and looked at me over the top of them. She had the most striking pair of crystal blue eyes I’d ever seen, and they were laughing at me.

“It is!” I replied, grinning back at her. “It barely has a front and a back seat in it and can’t fly as fast as the race cars go at the racetrack. On the other hand, it flies in a straight line and it gets where it’s going a lot quicker than a racecar, “ I told her. I’d never noticed a tendency in myself to babble before, but this gorgeous woman had me doing just that.

I couldn’t stop smiling. She looked as good facing me as she had from the backside when she was looking out over the prairie as I walked up. I was doing all I could to keep my eyes on hers, but I could see with my peripheral vision her breasts were firm and wonderfully rounded globes. They weren’t incredibly big, but they were very, very nice, and she wasn’t wearing a bra so I was treated to the sight of two diamond-hard nipples trying to poke holes in her top.

With her black hair and light caramel complexion, I figured she was of Mexican extraction, but the blue eyes probably meant some Irish son-of-a-gun was back there somewhere in her background ... and the genes from both sides had combined beautifully. I wanted to know this woman much, much better. I checked—there wasn’t a wedding ring on her finger.

We talked for a while, chatting about the plane, the sky, the barbeque—whatever came to her mind. I was genuinely proud of myself for recovering and able to actually converse intelligently with her. Enough so that I didn’t make any truly horrible gaffs, anyway.

“You’re a pilot?” she asked.

“I am,” I affirmed.

“You don’t look like a pilot,” she commented, looking me over from head to foot.

“My pilot’s suit is in the cleaners right now,” I told her with only a faint smile on my lips, “ ... along with my Superman suit, and my Batman cape and...”

She slapped lightly at my forearm. She’d been drifting closer for the last several moments—or was I slipping closer to her? I truly didn’t know which, but the touch of her hand on my arm was electric. I wanted more.

“I really am a pilot,” I continued. “I just flew down from the ranch to get some of Jesse’s barbeque... ‘cause I love it and I’ve been having dreams about it for the last three nights.” I smiled happily.

“It is good,” she concurred with a firm nod.

“So ... wanta go for a ride?” I asked brightly.

“A ride?” she repeated. “You want me to go for a ride in your little bitty airplane?” she asked in a cute tone. It occurred to me she’d been waiting for the offer for a while now and had that line all prepped and ready. Which might mean her mind and mine were tending in the same direction? I knew damned well where my mind was headed—I wanted very badly to get to know her better...

“Sure,” I replied. “I have a mustang out at the ranch ... we can be there in twenty minutes in the plane ... and I’d sure love to see you on her with that beautiful hair of yours streaming out behind you at a hard gallop!” I told her sincerely. I meant what I said—every word of it. I really could envision it happening. Boy, could I ever see that in my head.

She looked me in the eye, then turned away and trotted back toward the group of yuppies she’d come with. “JULIEEEEEE... !” she wailed. The girl had great lungs. I thought the drivers in a couple of big rigs a mile or so down the road could hear her.

Julie sure heard her without any difficulty. A short, busty brunette disentangled herself from the crowd and walked a couple of steps in our direction.

“THROW ME MY STUFF—I’M GOING ON A PLANE RIDE!” my beauty yelled. Apparently that meant something to Julie because a leather clutch purse was quickly in the air, coming to rest only a couple of yards in front of my Latina copilot-to-be. The busty brunette had an arm on her—I was impressed.

After picking up the clutch, my girl sauntered back in my direction with it tucked securely under her left arm. She had her phone out of her back pocket and was looking intently at the screen while I watched her. She touched a couple of icons and then held it to her ear. The little cloud of dust caused by the impact between clutch and Texas dirt began to drift slowly away.

“Stephie?” she asked whoever was on the other end, “ ... Mercy ... hey, I’m going go on a plane ride with Cowboy ... yeah, a plane ride ... and we’re gonna go see his ranch and stuff, okay?”

Mercy, eh? We hadn’t actually gotten around to exchanging names yet. I’d been wondering. And I didn’t know who Stephie was. I knew who Julie was—the girl with the major league arm—but that was all.

“Yeah ... I’m gonna be fine...” Her eyes flicked up to look into mine. “It’ll be fun ... yeah, Cowboy is really nice ... no, you don’t know him ... he’s...”

I sensed someone was giving my gal “Mercy” the third degree about just who the heck she was flying off to an unknown ranch with. I stepped close to her and grinned. I loved being closer to her—she smelled great. I dug my wallet out of my left rear pocket, extracted my private pilot’s certificate, and held it up in front of her eyes.

“Yes I know ... hold on ... I do know that, yes. STEPHANIE! ... quit talking, dang it... !” she said exasperatedly. “Listen ... write this down, Mommy ... I know you worry about me, but listen, okay? You have something to write with?” There was a short silence. “Mercy” rolled her eyes at me, then rocked her head from side to side as she waited impatiently.

She’d taken off her sunglasses to read the card I was holding up for her to read. God, really beautiful blue eyes, a cute nose with just a hint of freckles across it, high cheekbones, and a full mouth with imminently kissable lips. I was able to look more closely, now that the giant shades had been removed and her eyes were unfocused while she was talking to her far away “Mommy?”

“Okay ... his name is Matthew James Singletary ... uh huh, Matthew ... and his pilot’s license—”

“Certificate... , “ I whispered, interrupting.

“His ... uh ... private pilot certificate number is 5555555.” She continued, recovering fast from my interruption. I liked that. She was smart and agile.

She listened again. “Yeah, that’s it and if I should wind up dead or something and the cops have to track Cowboy down, that’s how they’ll know who did me in... ‘cause he’s wearing a big cowboy hat, that’s why!”

Mom—or Stephie or whatever—on the other end of the conversation, took over for a moment. “No ... I don’t know yet... , “ my beautiful Latina said quietly, “ ... I’ll call you later, okay?” She closed her eyes and bit her lips while she listened for a long moment. “Okay, Mommy ... I’ll be careful ... love you, too, BYE!” The girl I knew now as “Mercy” stabbed at the disconnect icon and shoved her phone into her a rear pocket.

I ushered her through the gate, glancing back at the picnic table where I’d been talking with Faye. She wasn’t there, and I couldn’t find her with a quick look at the crowd of people at the two tables. I didn’t look that hard. I was busy tucking Faye back behind a door in my mind marked, “Do Not Open! Ever again!”

“Mercy ... you always talk to your mother like that?” I inquired with a casual grin. I unlatched the wide gate and opened it.

“That was not my mother!” she shot back. “That was my roommate, Stephanie,” she explain, “but sometimes she acts just like my mom!”

“Well ... just shows she cares,” I commented, latching the gate after she passed through.

“She calls me Merci ... M e r c i ‘cause she heard my real Mom call me that one time ... it’s kinda a short form of “Mercedes,” she told me.

I considered the change in names as we walked to the passenger door to the old refurbished Cessna 172. “Mercedes...” I said slowly, relishing each syllable, as she climbed into the passenger seat. “Do you mind if I call you ‘Mercedes’ instead of Merci? It’s a pretty name ... and different—kind of exotic—and it suits you,” I commented, closing the cockpit door for her and securing it carefully. I very carefully didn’t look to see if she minded me calling her by her full name, but she didn’t protest, so I guess it went over okay.

I removed the chocks from around the left wheel, tossed them in the luggage compartment and latched the door closed before climbing up into my seat. I gave her the passenger side headset and set it for intercom only, started the engine and let it idle for a few minutes while adjusting my own headset and testing the intercom by chatting with her.

I taxied away from the barbed wire fence on the oversize tires of the tricycle undercarriage, pointed the old girl into the wind and accelerated away across the prairie. We were airborne in a flash—the responsiveness of the Cessna was one of the reasons I loved the old girl—and I banked around in a wide, climbing circle to the right.

A moment later we were back over Jesse’s restaurant and the crowd of yuppies Mercedes—and Faye—had come with. The young black-haired beauty was waving madly down at them from the right-hand seat. I tightened the bank and made a circle above them so they could see Mercedes clearly and wave back up at her.

From this height, I couldn’t find Faye down there in the group, though she was probably there. In fact, when I walked away from Faye at the picnic table was the last time I ever saw my ex wife.

I broke out of the circle and straightened up on a southerly course for a minute. Then I banked back around and flew over Jesse’s again. I rocked the wings a few times to say goodbye and then started climbing gradually. I picked up a heading that would take us to the ranch Dad and Mom had left me. We’d be there in twenty minutes, give or take. I leveled off when we had enough altitude to not be in any real danger of bird strikes, but not high enough to show up on any controller’s radar.

As we flew, we talked.

“Soooooo... , “ I drawled, “if you don’t mind me sayin’, Ms. Mercedes, “ ... you’re the first Latina I ever met with blue eyes, no offense.”

She shot a quick glance at me. “Well ... first of all, I’m not a Latina ... or Hispanic either, smart boy!” she remarked spiritedly, with a quick frown to accompany her words.

“I beg your pardon,” I said, glancing at her. “I didn’t mean to offend.”

She eyed me with disdain for a moment, then relented with a grin. “You, sir, are in the presence of a genuine Cheyenne maiden and the Cheyenne nation is ‘Native American’, not Hispanic or Latino or any of that stuff.”

I studied her features for a long moment and smiled. “Okay, Ms. Cheyenne warrior princess, for a history project, I once read a bunch of journals written by some of the Mountain Men from way back in the early eighteen hundreds, and I don’t remember a single one of them saying anything about blue-eyed Cheyenne maidens!”

I broke off to check the instruments, then reacquired the horizon.

“So... ‘fess up,” I continued. “There’s got to be some Celtic blood in your Cheyenne warrior maiden background somewhere...”

Mercedes stuck out her tongue, but she was smiling.

“Okaaaaaay,” she admitted, grinning broadly. “I just might have a mother who’s Irish on both sides of her family—satisfied?!” she quipped.

“Ahhhhhh,” I said, nodding wisely, or as close as I could get to ‘wise’. So Dad counted coup on a stray Irish girl wandering around in the wilderness—that being the wilderness of Cheyenne, Wyoming, by any chance?”

“Nope ... Philadelphia,” she retorted smoothly. “And Mom says it was her doing. She says she ambushed a poor wandering Cheyenne warrior and captured him fair and square. Says she felt sorry for him and now he’s all hers.

I laughed, able to visualize the war of words between her mother and father. My Mom and Dad had similar verbal jousting matches, frequently!

“I think I’d really enjoy buying your parents a cup of coffee and sitting down with them for a nice long chat ... they sound like good people!” I told her, patting her left hand lightly, before returning my fist to the controls. I liked touching her hand. It was well-formed and attractive. She could have been a hand model for all I knew. Her skin was silky smooth...

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Homeschooling My BoysChapter 7

So, I got up and took my youngest son's hand and led him down the hall to his room. Once inside, I closed and locked the door. "Would you like to see what I look like? And touch me, too?" I asked and he nodded enthusiastically so I asked him to unbutton my blouse which he did then slipped off and put it on his chair. We had made the same offer for his questions as we had with Andy but he, for whatever reason, had few questions so he'd not seen me naked. I turned my back to him and he...

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Essentially I’m a straight guy but that has never stopped me from harbouring cock sucking fantasies! I’ve been wondering what it would be like to take a nice, thick cock in my mouth since my middle teens. Never in my wildest daydreams did I believe I would actually find out what it was really like. It’s only happened on the one occasion and it was just under a year ago and I was 53 at the time. Fifty three for God’s sake! Why on earth did I wait so long. It was sensational!It would probably...

3 years ago
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un dia de calor

Comienza a caer el sol…pero el calor no para. tu y yo nos encontramos en un punto en el que el sudor se ha vuelto un elemento constante…yo me encuentro sumamente excitada pues dentro de mis vicios esta el mirar pornografía, algo no común de una mujer, pero que importa a mi me excita y eso es lo importante. Tú no tienes idea de que es lo que te espera pero te aseguro te gustara. Desde el balcón te observo y noto que no estás solo. Hay una mujer a tu lado a quien tu tratas de una manera...

1 year ago
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QOS Society

In the near future of a not so dissimilar world, women are increasingly more likely to be in positions of power and decision making, and less dependent on men for anything other than reproduction, and sexual pleasure. The QOS Society is a loose knit collection of social, business, and community organizations with a common goal, to allevieate the world of men who no longer have purpose. In their eyes women are now the dominant sex, and black men are the only men worth having sex with, either for...

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Just An Ordinary Night

She pulls into her driveway having worked all day she is happy to be home. She gets out of her car and stretches as a big smile covers her face. She is glad it is Friday and the start of the weekend. With the smile on her face, she heads to the door opening it. She finds her slave on her knees, hands behind her head. Her slave quickly drops to all fours and crawls to her Mistress kissing her feet. “Good girl.” She says lightly ruffling the hair of her slave. The slave beams at the praise, happy...

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Macks ProgressChapter 10

As Lindsey had suggested there would be, there was a welcoming committee waiting for us at the Wherry. The riverside lights were on and a couple of the lads were waiting on the riverbank, ready to take the launch in hand and moor her securely for us. And, of course, to be the first at the Wherry to congratulate us on our engagement. There was a party atmosphere for the rest of the evening with lots of hugs and kisses and congratulations for Lindsey and me from all of our regulars and their...

1 year ago
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Going GoingChapter 7

Four people in a queen-size bed are a lot. Especially since they had always slept alone. Well, Jenny had not slept with anyone for years. Whenever one of them had moved or turned over, at least one more had been awakened. Kayla felt Michael spoon up behind her. Then she felt his hard cock pressed against her butt. She tried to go back to sleep, but the thought of that cock going unused preyed on her mind. She finally gave up. She reached behind her, lined him up with her entrance, and slowly...

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The Devils Pact Slave ChroniclesChapter 10 Monica My Husbands Slave

Note: Over a year ago, Mark gave Monica the command to do whatever filthy things her husband wants. Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Saturday, June 7th, 2014 – Monica Jephson – Tacoma, WA I woke up bound, the sunlight streaming through the window. My bladder was full, urgent. My husband, and master, snored next to me. I turned my head, trying to ignore the sun and my bladder. It was still early; Jonathon wouldn't want to be woken up before eight, and he would be most displeased if I...

1 year ago
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Seducing my friends wife

I've come over to seduce the long time wife of a friend of mine. He are bi and get together to suck each other off from time to time. We decided to get his wife in on the fun. I'm 6 foot and six uncut inches. They are small, he's 5'7 and 5 cut, she's 5 even, 100 pounds with lovely and perky B-size.He had been talking up a threesome for a while and in recent months she's been increasingly horny. One day a week she has the afternoon off. The plan is for me to come over and install some hardware...

1 year ago
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The Wanderer and His First SlaveChapter 5

Firedancers! That was my first and only suspicion as the gray smoke began seeping into the room. It was no drunken patron having knocked over his candle in the night, no badly cooked breakfast being served. The firedancers had found me! The woman, Nightbreeze, rose at once when she saw the fear in my eyes. As I grabbed at her she grabbed at the bucket of water. Then, as the door in matter of seconds went from dry wood into a blazing inferno that roared and unnaturally flung a vicious fire...

1 year ago
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FilthyMassage Nina Lopez Rubbing Down Nina8217s BIG Naturals

Sexy Latina Nina Lopez is packing a pair of beautiful, big natural tits. Tyler Steel is tasked with oiling them up & rubbing them down. He soaks her top so her fat boobs are visible through her shirt. He unleashes the girls and jiggles and squeezes them, exactly like you know you want to yourself. Nina gets turned on as he puts his fingers deep in her wet pussy. She turns around to expose her naked ass to him – Tyler uses both hands to penetrate her cunt in this position. Nina is...

3 years ago
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Lottie and Tom Ch 03

I would just like to say a massive thanks to you, the reader, for staying with this story through the first two instalments to this, the final part. For those of you who have stumbled upon this, it follows on from Lottie and Tom: Part 1 & Lottie and Tom: Part 2. For completion I suggest you read those before this. All characters are 18 or over. As always, I welcome your comments and please, enjoy. ***** Chapter 1: The ‘fasten seatbelts’ sign turned off above us and I unbuckled mine...

2 years ago
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Kyunki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi 2

Hello ISS Readers! This is episode.002. Please mail your comments to me at Thanks. Recap: Mihir, son of Mansukh and Savita tries seducing Amba, his grandmother on her birthday but in vain. Savita helps him relieve his tension by giving him a wonderful blowjob. In the evening all the three sons and daughter-in-laws of the Viranis go out to some undisclosed places leaving Pragna, their sister at home. After Govardhan and Amba go to sleep, Mihir takes his Aunt Pragna to his bedroom and seduces...

3 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 01

Preface and Dedication This story could not have happened without the initial encouragement of Strickland83, who read a post I made on Nick Scipio’s forum and urged me to consider writing. Of course, that leads me to thank Nick, and also Frank Downey. Their Summer Camp and Dance of a Lifetime books, respectively, were truly inspirational. Cheers, guys. Other authors who contributed, unknowingly, include everyone that I read between the ages of around 8 (When I discovered Arthur Ransome’s...

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Abused By strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of depraved sexual acts, sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! "Wow, you've got a new sissy slut to abuse!" The unfamiliar voice reached me through the sound my gagging on a long silicone dildo being inserted deep into my throat through the ring gag, that is keeping my mouth so invitingly open. I twitch in my bonds as my keeper pushed it in another inch: "Yeah,...

2 years ago
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Drinks Fuck Party

Myself Sneha Rajput, I’m 18 and a half years old from Rajasthan. I’m chubby girl, with 34 sized breasts, chubby cheeks, thick thighs, thick butts, pink lips and dimples on cheeks. My family is very conservative and so there is lots of pressure from their sides. Not to go out, stay in home, not to talk with boys, do not have a boy as a friend. The pressure made me coward and lacked my confidence in taking decision for myself. Decisions are taken for me by my family; some decisions are taken my...

3 years ago
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Abby TwoChapter 2

“Circumstances beyond my control,” Abby explained about the home invasion ... both parties ... government and diplomatic. “I’ve been ‘inconvenienced’ by purported governmental minions.” “What about your Dad?” asked the Judge. “He was rather vocal about governmental interference at the mine. He swore a lot ... kicked my stuffed kitten and stormed out the door. Haven’t seen him in a week,” she held up a finger. “Myndee is missing, Alice is concerned about her mom, Janna Li.” “Figured it out,...

4 years ago
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Highschool exploration chapter 2 The shopping trip with a surprise

Wednesday morning I started to think of a costume for the party. Jim is going to be Batman and his girlfriend will be there to. I needed to talk to her and find out what her costume will be I thought to myself. I finally found her at lunch time in the school cafeteria. She was with Jim and a bunch of other students. Cindy Tompkins was just a regular girl. I mean nothing to special, average looks, small bee sting tits, shoulder length bleach blonde hair. She's really got dark brown hair and...

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A Susie Party

(Author’s Message: The organization and people mentioned in this story are purely figments of the author’s imagination. No such organization and no such people are truly meant or actually exist.) PROLOGUE: They were all at the breakfast table, Earl, Mandy and Little Susie were seated and Susie, who’d gotten it read for them, was only then sitting down. Earl was drinking from his coffee cup and talking softly with Little Susie, when Mandy spoke up: ‘Mommie, Daddy, how did you two meet?’ Earl...

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My time in prison

I spent a couple weeks in prison for something stupid. I got caught sucking dick in public and was put in prison for a couple weeks i got sentenced a few weeks but got out on good first day i was given my clothes and all i had left on me was the panties i had been wearing aready was given a jump suit. I was walked to my cell and met my cell mate. He was this older black man he was taller and had muscles and little bit of a belly. As the door closed behind me I intuduce myself and he...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Susy Gala Slutty Dr Susy Gala Tag Teamed By Colleague and Patient

It’s the beginning of the week and after pleasuring herself and getting fucked by her colleague, horny doctor Susa Gala still isn’t quite satisfied. As she and her colleague who she just fucked are seeing their first patient of the day, she decides to perform the physical examination herself. While she’s doing it, she pulls his pants down and starts blowing him. While his cock is going in and out of her throat, Dr. Susy’s colleague comes up behind her and starts fucking her. From there, the...

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The Big Webcast of 2004

Nerd. It's a title I've worn proudly for most of my life. Actually it's a title I've cultivated. I've always had glasses with the elastic holder around my neck, even though my vision is 20-20. They are only reading glasses, but my public doesn't know that. I have my hair cut in a short, 1950's manner. My clothes are just slightly off kilter, geeky and different. I'm an odd looking guy with the haircut, the clothes, and the glasses. And by the way, I'm a top of the line computer...

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As you,re aware from my previous posts I,m the only one in my marriage who still has strong sexual desires as my poor wife isn,t able to even give me hand relief any more due to ill health. Sadly I have to surf the net for pictures and videos to satisfy my desires and “choking the chicken” is never a substitute for fucking a juicy cunt or tight ass hole or my tongue slurping at a tastey cunt it,s still better than not being able to even think about sex. My memory is still pretty good and I hope...

3 years ago
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Mona Joins My Office

When she came to our office all the boys were floored. And probably the girls were either jealous or scornful of her. To say that she was sexy would have been an insult to her. She was smoldering, the way she moved, she carried herself and the way she dressed. She was wearing a plain white semi-transparent chiffon top, and a body hugging jeans. The top was a sleeveless affair displaying her clean bare arms. It was well cut and stuck to her body accentuating her curves. A normal collar front...

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Tara Exposed Chapter 1

Chapter 1Her clothes for the evening are on the bed. Tara steps out of the shower and wraps herself in a towel. Her skin is smooth with very pronounced tan lines. She just finished shaving in all the right places. She walks into the bedroom to see what Sean laid out for her. He had selected one of her favorites, a form fitting black halter-top that framed her beautiful, freckled shoulders perfectly. The next item is a cleavage enhancing black bra that will make the effect of the black halter...

1 year ago
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BrutalCastings Madelyn Monroe E47

Sexy, blonde, Cali-girl wannabe model Madelyn Monroe finds her way into Bruno’s office and right on his casting couch for an audition she will not soon forget. Of course she’s late, because she’s a blonde from L.A., and Bruno is NOT happy about that. Then, she refuses to get undressed and show him her slamming, sun-kissed, left coast body and large, perky natural tits. Bad call, slut! Now you’re fucked! Actually, fucked is putting it mildly. Master Bruno dominates this...

2 years ago
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Bees saal ki umar

Hi guys,i am back with my another u know about my first experience, after that i was searching for a nice lund whom i can suck and enjoy at my search was over when i went to nepal with my cousin who was 10 years older than me for some family buisness for about 10 days!When we raeched kathmandu we found hotel room after 2 hours of lund hard search and it was too with single bed and only one room ! So we both went in there and i told my cousin–his name is nehul — that if...

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My wife pt1

My wife Lynn and I have been married several years. Lynn is 5'7," 120 lbs. near 40 years old, a slim dishwater blond with nice tits and a very firm ass, works out daily, dresses conservatively, but loves to put on sexy under things, lingerie is very much a turn on for her. She is a sweet and very pretty lady, rather quiet and passive most of the time, even submissive in bed, but she loves sex and gets into it when we make love. If I had a complaint it is that she does not offer much about what...

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We Got Caught by His Wife

I was on my knees sucking Perry's cock and had him on the verge of cumming when his wife burst through the door and caught us. She must have peeked through a crack in the door and seen us because she was already armed with a narrow dress belt. "So," she screamed at me, "do you enjoy sucking my husband's dick, you God-damned faggot?" I tried to get up off my knees, but she thrashed me with the belt across my bare cheeks before I could move. Man, that woman had an arm on her! She...

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Mountain Girls II By Blueheatt * We left off with the twin girls Bella and Jennifer in the backwoods. Jen was holding my own shotgun loaded on me and telling me to take all my clothes off and lay down on the leaves. Jen decided she wanted to tell this part&hellip,. —- __I done loved to force Ben to do things. He was our boyfriend now and he was a makin us feel good. He was a good pussy licker, kisser and had a right nice cock to put in our pussys. After forcein him to hump me and then...

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Paul Raymond

Paul Raymond is a famous dude. How many other human beings can you think of who have their own Wikipedia entry, a writeup on ThePornDude, and their own webpage sharing the same name? Jules Jordan and Rocco Siffredi come to mind, though Raymond’s arguably in a different class than those two. Jordan and Siffredi are widely known both for starring in and creating pornography, though our guy Raymond worked strictly on the publishing side. He’s also long dead, so you wouldn’t want to see him...

Premium Vintage Porn Sites
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Games The Gods Play three

Even if I took a Wraith as a host I would still need to use the sarcophagus, the Wraith don't age and as long they feed they can live forever but Goa'uld symbiotes have a lifespan of 2,000 years. Unlike Human hosts I could keep the same Wraith host forever plus if my Wraith host feeds on a Human and kills him or her I can place that Human in my sarcophagus where that Human will be ressurected and rejuvinated and my Wraith host can feed on him or her again and again and again. Sitting on my...

2 years ago
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On Call DickSucker Gay

My first taste of cock, and cum was when I was young, after we were out of high school, we were 19 and 20 years old.Another k** and I would play strip poker for fun. The looser had to jerk off the winner. But after a while, he brought forward the idea that the looser should have to suck the winners cock.As our game progressed, I found myself in my underpants while he still had his tee shirt, jeans and underpants on.With the next hand he pressed his advantage and of course, I found myself naked...

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Tales of exhibitionism

A few months after I started puberty, I soon learned the pleasures of masturbation. I also learned that it was fun to share my new found joy with others, and so began my adventures as an exhibitionist. I started with my sister, calling her into my room as I lay naked on my bed stroking my stiff little cock.. When she opened the door and walked in my room the look on her face was something to see. At first she tried to look away but quickly her eyes returned to the object of my pleasure as she...

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A long climb up in the elevator

I took the elevator to reach the last floor, where I worked. The small cabin was really crowded that morning. And I was being squished among a lot of people. A wonderful start to that long day, I thought to myself. Suddenly, I felt it. There, again… definitely it was more than just a quick accidental contact. A pair of hands was rubbing my buttocks through my tight skirt. I should normally be offended, but that soft contact felt so good…It was not an aggressive groping. Those hands were...

1 year ago
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Our First Anal With a twist

So me and my Girl Friend have been having sex for a while now, but we haven't had anal sex. So one Friday night I ask her if she would like to try anal tonight. She said sure. So she started to take off her shirt and pants. She paused when she was just in her under garments. I ask her why did you stop? She says that she wants to give me a blowjob first. So she gets on her knees, and I pull down my pants and she pulls out my soft 8 inch penis. She starts off with just the tip in her mouth,...

Group Sex
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The Walk of LifeChapter 13 When Everything Goes to Hell the People Who Stand by You Without Flinching They

Getting Mother’s permission, even with the protests of three of my sisters, was easily done. It was just as Guri said. After getting her permission, I packed up my bag, and we headed back to Danielle’s house. Though the ride to the rental had been silent, I cannot say the same for the ride back. “Believe it or not, I’m still horney. I’m sore, but I’m horney.” Danielle said. “I can believe it. My wife’s the same way. Always horney.” I laughed. “I hope I get to meet her at some point.”...

4 years ago
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My wife and the hot tub Pt1

I had been married to my second wife Sonja for about six months when we were invited to a Saturday barbecue at the house of one of her married friends. Katie was a girlfriend she had known since college and her husband Fernando whom she had known for almost as long. Her friends live in Coral Gables, Miami and since we live in Fort Lauderdale, which is more than an hour's drive, we decided to take an extra change of clothes just in case we had to spend the night from drinking too much, which has...

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A return to old memories

For some unknown reason you called my house and had all intentions of speaking to me. I was out riding my motorcycle and Susie answered the phone. You both were surprised to say the least but you did start talking about what was happening in your lives. The old times, the newer times and other stuff in your lives. I am sure it was a bit awkward knowing your shared history together but you both seemed to try to make the call comfortable. Susie asked if you and your wife,Wanda, would like to...

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If You Were Here

To My Dear Suzy - If you were here for Thanksgiving, this is what it would be like. You would wake up in the morning, and as you came around and your eyes gained focus of the room you would see the box that I had put by your bed the night before but had told you not to open until the morning, & I'd be watching to make sure you didn't. Even though you knew that wasn't true, you enjoyed the excitement of being told not to do something & testing your will power. After ripping through...

2 years ago
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Her Black BF Booty Call Blacken

It was about one in the morning when her phone rang. We had been asleep for a couple of hours. We normally go to bed at eleven. Debbie reached for the phone."Hello baby," she said. "I hoped you would call."Sitting up, Debbie turned on the lap. With the light, I could see the sparkle in her eyes as she talked on the phone. "Sure baby. I will come right over. Just give me a little time to get ready." And then, "Ok. I can't wait too. I am excited. Kisses."With that, Debbie stepped out of bed and...

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Christmas CheerChapter 2

Saturday dawned bright and clear. I was up by seven, and Mike joined me shortly after I began moving around in the kitchen. I wondered if he'd been awake, courteously waiting until he heard me, so as not to disturb me too early. I scrambled eggs and cooked sausage for both of us while Mike manned the toaster. I'd cut up fruit the previous morning, so by the time we were through, we had a nice little buffet. After the dishes were cleared, I suggested an excursion, eager to get out of the...

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Wet Passion 2

After my 1st meeting with Susan, I stayed the night at hers. We had found out we shared a fetish and this seemed to make us easy in each others' company, as if we had been dating for weeks. Susan liked to wee in her knickers, and the night before had pissed all over her kitchen floor while I watched and wanked - it had been an unusual night to say the least! But we had both had amazing orgasms and an exciting night, and after we had cleaned up a bit we had curled up together in her bed until...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 31 Loose Ends

The week had been an extremely tense time in the domestic lives of the husbands. To say that their wives were unhappy would be an understatement of the first magnitude. Michael and Jon'a-ren fled to Steve's home for an hour or two of respite from the angry, reproachful outbursts of their wives. Steve shared their problem, although Marie wasn't swearing or breaking into tearful outbursts. No, she was stalking through the day as if looking for some way to hurl herself into the US on a quest...

3 years ago
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The sentence chapter 3

Chapter #3 It's punishment time., Oh No! Mom has got to be kidding: Mom dragged me over toward the bed, and handed me a pair of pink lacy panties telling me to put them on. I started to cry, as I told her that I wouldn't get in any more trouble. Honest, Mom please, don't make me wear them. To which mom said, you put them on right now young lady, or you're going over my keen. I was now in tears, as Mom got madder and pulled off the robe I was wearing. She then sat on the...

2 years ago
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Scotts Granddaddy part 1

This is a true about the first time I realized I liked much older men.My best friend in HS was Scott. He was 18, a swimmer tall with a chiselled physique. I was 17, shorter, petite and was also a swimmer but I never developed like Scott. Growing up together, we discovered sex together by seeing dirty movies or magazines. We also went from seeing each other naked to masturbating in front of each other to me jerking him off then to me giving him blow jobs. I developed a crush on Scott and wanted...

3 years ago
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Whatever Lola WantsChapter 5

“So, this is the famous Kieran I’ve heard about, then?” Mom surprised Dad in particular with her kind and friendly tone, “a pleasure to meet you, and I do mean that. I’m Jessica Vandekamp, the crazy ex Richard probably warned you about ... but I’m ... coming to my senses. Waking up to my own silliness and immaturity. I used to think that was an exclusively male condition, but I was so wrong about that, too.” “Jess, please ... call me ... Dick. I’ve come to prefer that name now. I’m glad to...

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The Date1

The first few days she had a few messages and started to chat with a couple of them. She was having fun with it and was amazed at the attention she was getting but none of them were really catching her interest in a way she was hoping for. Until she got the message from him. He was very forward and honest in his message, he was a bit older then her, he was looking for much the same thing she was, and he was married and he and his wife were in a very similar situation. They had both agreed to...

1 year ago
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Sex shop

I visit an adult novelty shop occasionally that has video preview booths. The booths are small, about 3' by 4', and dark (until you insert a quarter to turn the TV on). When going into some of the booths there are usually 2 or 3 men standing outside of them, probably waiting for someone, like me, to go into one. Each side wall of the booth has a hole in it that's about 4" diameter. After shutting the door and throwing the bolt to lock it (which never works), and inserting a few quarters, I...

2 years ago
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Long Hot Summer Ch 3

My other employers booked no daytime hours for me on Wednesdays so I could service my yardwork clientele. I mowed five different lawns all within a few blocks of each other. I started around nine in the morning, and it usually took me about six hours or so. The Kaminski’s yard was the last one the list; it’s promise as well as the extra adrenalin it incited helped me push through the tedium and fatigue of it all.I finished Mrs. Fulton’s yard around two o’clock, crossed the street to the...

Straight Sex
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ProfNigma Stories 2 iCarlyVictorious 5

iCarly/Victorious: Who I Did On My Summer Vacation Part 5Freddie woke up, startled as he inhaled some hair, but his freak out instantly ended when he looked down at Jade, fast asl*ep on his chest. Apparently, she had slipped on one of his button up shirts during the night, but didn't bother to button it up. Something about this sight made him feel something really spectacular- he wondered if he might actually be in love with Jade... he'd never felt this way with anyone but Sam.Freddie kissed...

2 years ago
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Online Biplay turns real ndash Part 3

…so far, the night had gone great, but what they Jenny and I didn’t know was how great of a finish we would have. After they had all cum twice now, I thought we would be done for the night, but thought wrong. We were all pretty cummy and sweaty, and Randy and Sally had a room with a Jacuzzi. Time to bath! We go the water nice and hot, and all got in, still naked. We were all sitting on all four corners facing each other and relaxing. None of us were tired, even though we all came several...

2 years ago
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Sharing a room with my sis Jen

I grew up hating myself for being so stupid and trusting. Dad is wrong about me. I'm not a little kid anymore. I shouldn't have to go to bed so early. It’s not fair. Meg is only 10 months older. It just makes me mad that she could stay up with Daddy all night. And there’s no way I could sleep while they play the music that loud so why do I have to stay in my room. Even Jen asks if I could just stay up. Meg doesn’t even know how good she has it, walking back in our room all pissy like her...

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The Model Revisited

It was the summer after my freshmen year of college. In between soaking up the sun and taking trips in the city, I stayed in contact with both Alana and James. Unfortunately though, I hadn't gotten to see either of them again. Of course we flirted and sent naughty pics through texts, but I hadn't felt James's big cock filling up my pussy or Alana's tongue teasing my clit since the last time we met up. That didn't stop me from fantasizing about it though. Many a time I found myself waking up hot...


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