Flyover CountryChapter 8 free porn video

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Sharon was dying. She’d been dying for almost a year, a little more every day. The cancer was an aggressive one; it was literally eating her alive. She’d hung on for almost four months longer than any of the doctors thought possible. But when I brought her back to the hospital this time, we both knew she was never going to leave it.

Her breath was coming in short gasps. The morphine drip wasn’t enough any longer. She was hurting badly, but fighting hard to stay alive for just another minute to be with me and her two babies. But the suffering ... oh my God, how she was suffering.

I got up from the straight-backed chair the hospital allowed next to her bed and leaned over my wife of only a very few years. I kissed her lips. I didn’t think she was still enough with us to know what I did, but maybe ... Her breathing evened out for a few seconds, then resumed the hoarse gasping, but it was weaker now.

I bent closer to whisper in her ear. “Honey, I’ll always love you. Your son and daughter know you love them, and they love you. We’ll all love you forever, honey. You don’t have to fight any more, baby. It’s time to let go. I’ll take care of Tommy and Judy for you, and they’ll take care of me, darling. Don’t worry anymore, we’ll be okay...” I kissed her forehead and her lips again and stood where I was, leaning over her and stroking her wasted arms and face.

After a few seconds, she exhaled softly and simply never took in another breath. The monitoring instruments began to keen a loud, warbling tone, but they were announcing something I already knew. My Sharon was gone.

Wearily, I stood erect, then bent forward again to kiss her lifeless lips one last time. I patted her hand and backed away from the hospital bed to let the doctor and nurses in.

I bit my lips and turned away to embrace Sharon’s mother and father, first Judy and then Bruce. I slipped to the side so they could step to the side of the bed and say goodbye to their youngest daughter.

I searched for the door through my tears. I went out, on my way to find my son and daughter. I had to find some way to tell a three-year-old girl and her four-year-old brother their mother wasn’t ever going to hold them in her arms ever again—that she was a with the angels now and would watch over them for ever and ever...

I drifted for a time, lost in my grief but trying to be the best father and mother to two small children. That meant I had to help them past their grief while trying to get through mine at the same time, and not letting the grieving overwhelm us.

I found myself hating Anchorage, and by extension, the whole state of Alaska. My in-laws lived there, and I had an amazing relationship with them, but there were just too many memories there—memories of places Sharon and I had gone, and things we’d done together.

Like wounded animals, seeking their burrows to heal from injuries, my children and I moved home to Texas where I wouldn’t be reminded every day of what we had lost. Bruce and Judy, my father and mother-in-law, and my children’s grandparents, weren’t happy with my decision, but they understood. They were wealthy. They could fly to Texas any time they felt the need for a visit.

A trust fund a great-aunt set up for Sharon matured the year after Tommy was born, and the money it represented came to me after Sharon passed. I didn’t want it; I tried to give it back, but my in-laws wouldn’t take it, and the great-aunt was deceased. So I became a multi-millionaire overnight. I put it to good use and established two trusts, one for each of my children for college or whatever they decided to do with their lives. The excess sat in a bank and made more money for my children and me than we’d ever be able to spend.

Back home, Mom and Dad had decided they didn’t need to be driving around the country any longer, searching endlessly for that perfect RV camp site. The current plan seemed to be just doing the vagabond thing during the spring and autumn. Winters and summers were considered seasons where travel was just not fun enough. They welcomed me and their two grandchildren home with open arms. Mom and Dad already had a two-bedroom house on the north side of the city and a getaway cabin up in the hill country. They sold that house and moved to one with four bedrooms, hinting broadly Tommy and Judy might want to come visiting sometime.

Mom and Dad were about as happy as I’d ever seen them. They got to see their grandchildren often and started a campaign to spoil the little ones terribly. They said that was their job—it was what grandparents were supposed to do.

I’d just turned thirty-six. I didn’t worry about my advancing age—I had no feeling that time was passing me by or anything like that. I had my son and daughter and I was working hard at taking care of them.

Thomas Bruce Singletary, was five, and Judith Lea almost four now. Times had been rough just after Sharon passed, but she’d been sick for so very long. The length of her illness was a kind of grieving even before her death. The kids hadn’t comprehended much—how could they?—but they understood their Mom wasn’t hurting any more, and that was a good thing. It didn’t make up for the loss, but it was something.

I owned a business. Well, I was a partner in a business. Sharon’s friend, Teresa Cunningham, and I had performed similar functions in the business world and I flat stole her away from my father-in-law. Together, Teresa and I formed a consulting firm that would essentially inspect every aspect of a business enterprise and prepare a report for the owners or board of directors that identified weaknesses in any part of their enterprise.

Teresa ran most of the day-to-day executive functions, only bringing me in when some problem might mean a shift in policy or direction. I’d seeded most of the startup from the trust fund Sharon left me. I owned fifty-one percent of the company. Teresa and her husband, Carl, owned the remaining forty-nine percent. Eventually, I was going to make it easy for them to buy out my interest because I just didn’t want to work very hard, and I wasn’t going to do much work for the rest of my life. It wasn’t that I was that lazy—I just wanted to spend most of my time raising my two children. And that’s just what I did.

On a bright, sunny, Texas kind of day, my son and daughter conned me into taking them to one of those places offering a high grade of cardboard that masqueraded as pizza. As compensation, the place offered many, many dinky little games and rides for young children to enjoy. Even at not-quite-four years of age, Judy knew exactly how to fit a game token in the slot and would pause gleefully at the startup routine and clap her hands. Only when that was over, would she climb aboard the ride or begin playing whatever the “game” required. At times, I wasn’t entirely sure what the game wanted a player to do but my two children seemed to have an instinct for those things. Whatever! They had fun and that was what was important.

I sat in one of the semi-circular booths and watched my two children only a few feet away from me on one of the rides, a four-foot wide merry-go-round that rotated at a pace that seemed to me to be excruciatingly slow. I’d have been incredibly bored riding it myself. They seemed to like it though.

I’d helped them climb aboard and then come around the barricade to sit back down for a while. I was armed, of course. My .45 caliber Glock 38 and I took our responsibility to protect the children against any and all bad guys very seriously. I looked all around at the other bored parents and waited for a specially made pizza I’d ordered as a substitute for the buffet table version. I hoped it would taste a little better than the ones set out on the warming tables under those heat lamps.

The kids would join me when the ride ended to help eat the pizza I’d ordered special, or they’d make their choice from the buffet. I was betting they’d want to go to the tables instead of eating one their Daddy had ordered. I watched their happy faces and smiled myself. Sharon was never going to be forgotten, but we were doing our best to work through her absence. It’d been almost a year since she’d died.

“Hey, Cowboy... , “ came a woman’s warm voice, “got room for a couple a’ girls in there?”

I wore a Stetson outdoors—it was sitting beside me on the plastic seat—so the word “cowboy” wasn’t entirely weird. But why in the world would anyone be... ?

Then I half-recognized the soft contralto. I jerked my head around to find a woman, a beautiful woman, and a little girl standing at my shoulder.

“My God... , “ I whispered, “Mercedes... ?” I was abruptly on my feet and facing a lovely, raven-haired woman with crystalline blue eyes. I had no memory of standing.

She smiled tentatively, then with more confidence. I didn’t know whether to take her in my arms or not. I wanted to, but I’d read about her marriage some years ago. True, I’d read in a magazine she was getting a divorce, but I didn’t know if it was correct or not.

“Hi, Matt,” she said softly. She stepped up to me and kissed me gently on the lips, which solved the immediate problem of not knowing what to do next. I almost wrapped my arms around her to return that kiss with interest. My hands cupped her elbows and I inadvertently urged her closer, and she came willingly for another kiss. I wasn’t about to do anything with a married woman, and she surely understood my feelings on the subject from the time we’d spent together. On the other hand, she wasn’t acting married...

There was a tug on the outside knee of my blue jeans.

I backed away from Mercedes a few inches and looked down at the cutest little girl in the known universe—except for my little Judy, of course. I couldn’t help but smile at her. She wasn’t a bit shy; she returned my smile with a cute grin of her own.

“Are you my Mommy’s friend?” she demanded in a sweet, little-girl voice.

I squatted to get down on her level. I’d always thought it rude of adults who talked down to young people, literally, and figuratively.

“I think I must be,” I assured her. She couldn’t have been anyone else in the world except Mercedes’ daughter—well, perhaps her clone.

“Are you MY frien’?” she asked.

“For ever and ever,” I replied. Miniature Mercedes grinned happily, scootched closer, and put her little hands on my shoulders and gave me a kiss on my right cheek. I couldn’t do anything except give her a hug and a kiss right back.

“What’s your name, sweetie?” I asked.

“Mattea,” she answered in her little voice, “ ... but you can call me Mattie...”

I was shocked. It was clearly a feminine version of my first name ... but was it intentional? I shot a glance up at Mercedes.

She smiled and nodded. She’d named her daughter after me. I was a little shaken. Mercedes mouthed the word, “Later... , “ to me. Most assuredly, I was going to need to know how this came about.

“ ... How old are you, Mattie,” I asked, that being the second question all adults ask a child just introduced them.

“Three!” she answered quickly. She knew all the questions too. She had trouble showing me just three fingers on her right hand and finally had to use her left hand to assist holding an errant little finger down.

I stood up and looked around to find my children. It was about time—yes, the ride they were on had eased to a stop and they were clambering off, eying me and the two strangers with me. I turned to face them as they raced up and went down on my haunches again.

“Tommy ... Judy, I want you to meet some really good friends of mine. This is Mercedes ... and her daughter, Mattie.”

The children stood looking at each other for a moment, not quite knowing what to do. I pushed everyone past the awkwardness, suggesting everyone go get some pizza from the buffet’s warming tables, and refresh our soft drinks—stuff like that. Judy wanted to investigate the soft serve ice cream machine immediately, of course, but I gave her a look. She knew better; she’d thought she’d give it a shot—just pushing the envelope like all children do.

In moments, all three kids were on one side of the booth, stuffing cardboard pizza in their mouths and talking amongst themselves as if they’d known each other all their lives. They started a game of kicking their feet up into the underside of the table just so they could hear the thump.

“ ... I’m pretty sure people who kick tables don’t get ice cream,” I commented at large. The thumps ceased, forthwith, as they say.

In the process of getting plates full of pizza back to the table for three young children and taking possession of the custom pie I’d ordered, Mercedes wound up on the bench seat inside of me on “our” side of the semi-circular booth. There was plenty of room at first, but Mercedes closed the distance almost immediately. She and I were sitting hip to hip, with our elbows and the outside of our upper arms touching. It didn’t bother me one bit. I liked it a lot, but—

“I didn’t get a chance to ask a couple a’ questions,” I remarked, “ ... like ... what’re you doing here and ... stuff like that?” I figured that would get the ball rolling. It didn’t occur to me to be quiet so only Mercedes could hear.

“ ... Hadda fine’ you!” Mattie replied instantly, pointing dramatically at me. Mattie’s reply knifed through all the background noise, loud and clear.

I was taken aback. I don’t THINK my chin dropped to my chest, but it may have.

I shot a glance at Mercedes. Her face was still in the process of turning a dark shade of red; she didn’t look at me.

Mattie was delighted at the impact her comment made on the two adults at the table. She grinned happily and repeated herself a couple of times, dancing on her behind, and making faces at everyone. My two kids joined in, of course.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhh... , “ I told them in a low voice, “ ... eat your pizza ... then we’ll get some ice cream...”

Thank God for the power ice cream has over small children! They shushed immediately and each took a bite from their slice of flavored cardboard.

I looked at a still blushing Mercedes at my side. I was grinning, but it was in appreciation for how cute the two girls and one little boy were.

“Just for the record,” I began, “ ... I’ve been trying to find you too, but my guy couldn’t track you down ... you just disappeared!”

“You were looking for me... ?” she asked, surprised. She looked me in the eye, her blush fading.

“I ... read you were getting a divorce... , “ I told her hesitantly. I didn’t want it to seem like I was stalking her or anything. “I tried getting in touch with you, but couldn’t ever find a phone number or anything, so I hired a private investigator, but he could only go so far ... he lost your trail in ... ahhhh ... Billings, Montana, I think it was.”

She grinned. Well, my Uncle Runs Far ... Great-Uncle Walter Runs Far ... picked me up there and took me to his home down in Wyoming. Mattie and I lived there with him and his girlfriend for a while ‘cause Reggie ... my ex ... was being an ass about everything. We needed to get away to somewhere quiet and ... out of sight!” she explained.

“It worked!” I applauded, grinning. “The investigator I hired said it was like you dropped off the edge of the earth!”

“I’m really glad you came,” I continued. “How long can you stay this time?”

Mercedes studied my face for a moment, searching my eyes for something. She leaned closer. “ ... Until you kick us out... , “ she breathed into my ear.

Instead of answering, I gently kissed her lips, taking my time but not trying for too deep a kiss. Three pairs of bright eyes were observing everything we did.

“What’s that song... ?” I asked, “ ... until the twelfth of never?” I couldn’t stop smiling.

I kissed her again. We turned back to the kids, who’d been watching us the whole time, but hadn’t interrupted. They were busy munching down on the ersatz pizza.

Clearly, they really wanted an ice cream cone and were working hard to be good. Mercedes and I ate the remainder of our pizza one-handed, her left hand was intertwined with my right under the table and neither one of us was about to let go.

“Where are you staying,” I asked. I was going to move the two of them out to the ranch as soon as it could be arranged. I hadn’t debated the issue with myself. Mercedes might have a different view, but I thought I could wear her down if she didn’t want to live with me and my kids.

Mercedes chuckled and shot a look out the window. “We just got here. Mattie and I, and my private investigator ... we were on our way to the hotel when we saw your truck—he knew what it looked like—and I told him to turn in here,” she explained and chuckled again. “He’s in his car out there, with our luggage and everything in the trunk!”

I laughed. Mercedes and I were like two children. It seemed to me rekindling a romance we’d been in before we’d gone our separate paths should be a little more difficult, but things were definitely promising. This felt really good.

“Wanta stay out on the ranch with us?” I asked quietly.

“You still have... ? I thought—”

I nodded. “Sorta—same place, new house,” I explained.

“Can Joe ... his name is Joe Conway ... put our stuff in your truck?” Mercedes asked, not wasting time even appearing to debate the right or wrong of staying at my ranch with herself.

I took out my key remote and pointed it out the big plate glass window. I opened the front and rear doors, and then the tailgate. “I only have two child seats... , “ I warned.

“Got it covered,” Mercedes interjected. “I brought Mattie’s all the way from Cheyenne country!” She disentangled the fingers on her right hand and hauled out her phone.

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[Heathers Narration]Sue and I came from the running a path around the ranch perimeter when Mrs. Donner came up behind us and invited us both for a relaxing sauna. I tried to make a polite exit by saying I really needed a shower.“Nonsense,” Katherine exclaimed. “You mise well take a sauna first, it will relax those tired muscles.”I had been dreading the conversation I had known was coming. I didn’t know why, I didn’t have anything to hide from Katherine. I just didn’t have a good raport with...

1 year ago
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Namitha Aunty Part 2 She Returned The Favor

I thought that Namitha Aunty wanted the same thing that I wanted. But she was upset when I tried to touch her. Later she came to my house. I think she felt sorry for scolding me. Later she moved towards me from behind and hugged me tightly. I was quite surprised and my eyes got popped out. I immediately turned back and I smiled at her with a surprised look. She smiled back and said, “Ranjith I can’t resist anymore, please take me I am all yours.” She caught my head and she started kissing my...

2 years ago
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Watching a Movie

It was Sunday and I had just gotten off the phone with my administrative assistant Jenny who was going to watch the gift shop for me that day as I wanted to rest. The night before was exhausting in a very exciting way. Thinking back, I initially felt regret at what I had done with John but when he woke up naked beside me, both of us did not have much time to consider our regrets as he woke me up with the delicious feeling of his cock moving in and out of my pussy once more and his eyes staring...

3 years ago
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A long night1

Todd muttered under his breath as he wrestled the overstuffed trash bag through the narrow elevator aperture. With an awkward thrust of his elbow he knocked into the "B" button andrested against the back wall, exhaling slowly. Fucking trash day. Down the tubes we go, me and the bag full of refuse. Refuse. I refuse! he thought, and he held that thought with amusement as he plummeted down the gullet of his building into the dark bowels beneath. He shifted his weight underneath his...

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Raping Mother

Amanda was looking forward to a peaceful evening, especially as her thirteen year old son Mark was going to be out at a party half the night, it was a chance to relax and not have to worry about anything but what she wanted for a change. She sighed at the thought of some free time for herself, at the same time wondering just when her son and his two friends, Tom and Bob, would be leaving for this party of theirs. Right now they were downstairs in the living room, talking, well what teenagers...

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Grand dadChapter 7

Sunday night Kate met the plane when Pop and Peggy's flight returned. She had left Paul and Polly home intentionally expecting it would be hard for Peggy to contain herself after her first weekend off with Pop. And truthfully Kate was dying to hear all about their Vegas visit. In fact her excitement was obvious as she drove. When they came off the plane Kate was amazed at how her oldest daughter glowed and how mature she looked. She could easily have passed for an adult the way she was...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 2 Reactions

August 18, 1993, Chicago, Illinois As I expected, bedlam erupted when Michelle and I walked in through the back door. Birgit squealed when she saw me, but there were gasps and stunned looks from the girls in the great room. “Steve?” Kara whispered. I went over to her and took her hand, pulling her up from the couch and hugging her. “What’s going on?” she asked. “Michelle decided to leave the monastery. I promised if she ever did that, I’d make sure she’d get home.” “She’s going...

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The Old Man Wants Head

So as anyone who reads my stories knows I've had a colorful sex life and I'm not shy about sucking a good cock when the urge strikes. There is a dam in a small town about 15 miles from where I look that is a gay hook up place that has been talked about since I was a teen. I've given some good head there over the years, I just don't go there a lot. There are three areas there, a small rest stop with a bathroom, a driveway that leads over the dam to some woods and then a wooded area where you can...

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The smoothness of the panties felt rather pleasurable around my privates as I drove toward her place. She is a switch who complimented me on one of my stories. We conversed on the Internet, and I admitted that I was also a switch. I told her of my experiences both Dominant and as a submissive. The more the conversation progressed the more my old submissive feelings arose. She evidently sensed that as well. I told her that I’d be willing to be her slave. She consented, but she giggled and said...

3 years ago
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Holiday fantasy my girlfriend services two apart

My girlfriend, Janina, and I are planning a holiday to the sun this summer and this is a fantasy we hope might happen…We are staying at a lovely resort and have made friends with a couple of young men who are staying in the apartment next to us Jon and Seb. We see them every day down on the beach, they seem to be good at arriving just after Janina has taken her top off for some topless sunbathing. They simply cant take their eyes off her large round breasts, and they take it in turns to flirt...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Ivy Lebelle Welcomes Manuel To The Neighborhood With Her ASS

Neighborhood slut Ivy Lebelle welcomes Manuel with opens arms and an open asshole! Ivy watches as her new neighbor Manuel moves into his house and waters his lawn while she’s wearing sexy red lingerie with a black skirt and black stockings. She goes over to his house to offer him some “surprise pie” and on her way out happens to drop her keys to expose her perfect tight ass under tiny skirt. Ivy surprises Manuel the next day when he comes home and find her half naked on his...

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The Imposter

Sarah didn’t know that her mother was about to visit her in her chamber and had already surrendered herself to the throes of sexual ecstasy. The warm liquid tongue of one of her handmaids, Cherry, was extruded deep within the inner lips of Sarah’s vulva, while Sarah had thrust an exploratory finger up her servant’s anus. But Lady St. Cuthbert knew better than to interrupt her daughter until the moment of orgasm was achieved, although she observed that Clematis, Sarah’s other handmaid—also naked...

Straight Sex
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Journey In Bus To Vijayawada With Sexy Telugu Aunty

My name is Raj. From tirupathi now 28 years.. It is my first encounter with stranger when I was around 21 years travelling to vijayawada to attend my cousins marriage. I booked my ticket with kesineni travels and boarded bus at 9:00pm got my window seat. It was a very heavy day for me I was tired so slept immediately with sweet blush of air. It was around 10:00pm I noticed a sexy aunty sitting next to me. She might have boarded in between when I was sleeping. She was around 35yrs in my fav....

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The Problem Solver

They like to call you an "exorcist" but you're more than that! You don't only deal with ghosts, demons, and evil spirits! There's also thefts, "murders" , ninjas, etc.! You have a much larger scope than other people actually think you have, you'll solve anyone's problem (as long as there are cute girls involved) because you are... THE PROBLEM SOLVER - handsome - wealthy -fit -and "skilled" ! But how did a mysterious man like you get all this? Well it's quite simple really. Back when you were...

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CHAPTER 11: RETALIATION MISSIONThe next day everything was put into motion and the last details were covered. The armory had devised a low speed blast that we could use to cover our entry and provide the damage on ground to project the illusion of a crash. I would be away from the site anyway as I would appear to be aimlessly wandering. Danna had carefully cut away parts of the suit I was wearing and applied surface cuts into my skin to give the appearance of injury which would be consistent...

2 years ago
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Star ChamberChapter 14 A Galactic Battle II

John looked to the Captain of the Lulu, “Battle Stations Captain! Plan A-1 defend earth.” “Yes Sir! Plan A-1 defend earth.” The two men had worked out communications with the Captain’s limited English, “Sir our sensors are telling us of intruders in the flight bay.” John heard what could pass for a marching song on earth. Some more men and women coming to man the guns on Lulu. “Willa was standing next to John, “They won’t let me do battle up close,” Willa said as she patted her...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 15

Fashion is Our Name – Part 15 – Escape from Zagreb Chapter 38 – Headed to Croatia After the motorcycle escort peeled off with a hearty wave, Ben had us headed straight to the southwest, taking a route toward Graz, avoiding Vienna. He asked if I knew the plans for the evening. After asking Sing to take the passenger seat, I headed to the back, where Anne and Amelia were having a rapid conversation, with a lot of head nodding. I interrupted, ‘Ben needs some directions. What is the plan for...

2 years ago
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For Gwen the adventurer

It is mid October.The light of the day has faded as I pull into the car park, its only three o'clock and but feels like it never really got light. I get out of the car, only just managing to grab hold of the door as the wind takes it, a blast of autumn winter air sending petrol receipts and empty crisp packets in the foot well spiralling rapidly as if trying to escape the interior imprisonment of the car. I pull on my water proof and zip it up. The wind squalls in untidy gusts, sending icy...

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AftermathChapter 6

Thursday at SciTech had been bizarre. The kids wanted to know if I was a 'war hero.' The staff (depending on their politics) thought I was a 'traitor' or a 'victim of state oppression.' I think those were the extremes. When I got home, Patrick was sitting on the grass, digging with a soup spoon. "Urms," he said. "Right, worms," I responded to my budding invertebrate zoologist. "Go fish with gra'pa?" "Not today." Ah, a sportsman! "Want to come in and clean up?" "Sure."...

3 years ago
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Producing Another Husband for Sally

Who am I? Think of me as your confessor if you are in that church, or the closest friend you've ever had, someone who you have known intimately since almost birth. The co-resident within the privacy that other people believe they have in their own thoughts. They don't but you're the only individual I have allowed to realise this. You, unfortunately for your own mental state, know otherwise, don't you? What am I? I am your worst nightmare personified. You have no secrets from me as...

4 years ago
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Random RelationsChapter 4

"We're here." Helen said, pulling up to the kerb outside their house. The cooling engine ticked loudly in the still night air as Elaine lifted her head to look nervously out the window. Not a soul could be seen at this ungodly hour but still she felt reticent about walking around dressed as she was. The pvc suit cut into her crotch and she squirmed uncomfortably. "Do we have to do this?" She asked querulously. "Can't we just have our own fun here?" Her mother lit the interior light...

4 years ago
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My Sisters SlaveChapter 3 Uncle Joe and our 18th Birthday party

For the next month Kara and I were inseparable, I was her sex toy, she would find a boy or a girl, and some grownups too that was willing to pay to have sex with me, and even pee on me. I do not know where she found them. I knew Kara was very popular but these kids were not from our school, and the grownups, I never seen them before. One was a black couple. Their names were Dwayne and Stephanie. Both in their 40s. Kara drove me to their house on a Sunday evening. We got out of the car, Kara...

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the first one

This is a story about my friend, RachelMy first time was with my boyfriend of 9 months. We were both 16, and we loved each other so much. We talked about having sex before, and we both thought we were ready, so we decided that if the chance came up, we would do it.One night I went over his house to hang out. His mom left the house to go out, so we were home alone. We started kissing and making out on the couch, and he put his hand up my skirt, and i had my hand on his crotch. We were getting...

2 years ago
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Vanita8217s lust for sex satisfied

Hi this is my first time sharing with iss for sex lovers… this is something that happened to me a few months back. One of my own secrets that i wanted to share with all sex lovers . It all happened when i was studying in Pune. I was staying with one of my distant relatives. Their family consisted of a father and mom and 2 daughters both of them married. This is about my special relationship with the oldest daughter vanita. She is 32 years old. She was married and had a 6 month old kid. Her...

4 years ago
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Kendra and Dave fuck again

Dave came home Friday night after working out of town all week. Kendra wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him in a tight hug. The contact and the way Kendra’s hair smelled, the way her tits pressed against Dave’s body…well everything about her made Dave’s cock instantly hard. “We’ve missed you,” whispered Dave, kissing Kendra’s ear and pushing his hard dick to her pussy. Dave thought to himself, these are the times to really take it slow and savour Kendra’s intense sexiness. So he...

3 years ago
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Mr BrightsideChapter 3

Jen took another sip of her drink. She fidgeted nervously. She and Michael were at a party, and Vic and Sally were probably going to be there. She hadn't seen Vic since that episode in the restaurant. She was hoping to avoid him. But those hopes were dashed when she saw him walk into the room. He headed straight for her. He glanced quickly around to make sure no one was looking, and then he lead her back through the house and into the guest bedroom. Jen went along because she didn't want...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Violet Myers Stuck In The Friend Zone

Van Wylde just spent the evening with his friend and crush, Kendra Spade, helping her with studying. Unfortunately, they studied so late that Van missed the last bus home. Thankfully, Kendra’s mother let Van stay, although he’s not allowed to stay in the same room as Kendra. Even so, Van tries pushing his luck to wiggle his way into Kendra’s bed, though Kendra tells him that her sister is setting up a mattress for him elsewhere and that she’ll see him in the morning! Van...

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My MILF Weekend Part 3

I guess Tanya had worn me out the night before because I slept in on Monday. I finally got up and took a shower, and when I was coming out of the bathroom I ran into my cousin, who was also just getting up. She asked me to tell her mom that she’d be ready to eat in a little while. I went to the kitchen, delivered the message, and my aunt said she’d make us brunch. When my cousin got to the table there was another gourmet feast, and we all enjoyed the meal.  My cousin told us about the band she...

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Amys Evening In The Hollywood Hills

Perched high in the Hollywood Hills, our generous host's home offers a million dollar view to match it's multi-million dollar price tag. The perfect setting for a brave new adventure long in the making.Seductively smiling at you, I pull you closer.  I can feel the heat of your body while I trace your face with my fingertip, pausing for a moment as it traverses your lips. Your eyes close as I continue down your neck to your collar bone, tipping your head back as I place both hands on your...

3 years ago
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Penetrative Activity

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, just a few nights ago, I woke up with a stiff cock in my cunt . I’d been out partying, and my first thought was that some guy had roofied my drink, taken me home, and was having his way with me. Which I don’t mind: if a chick’s gonna be out drinking, it’s her responsibility to keep and eye on her drinks. I hadn’t, so I accepted the hot, in-and-out thrusting by wrapping my arms around his shoulders and back, while raising my legs and drawing them back, so he...

1 year ago
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Disaster ReliefChapter 2

The Goddam hurricane season seemed endless. This was the third time I had been down here volunteering for the relief agency in the past three months. I was hot, sweaty, smelled bad, and my feet were itching from some new fucking fungus. I saw no hope for having a shower anytime soon. Didn't matter, my shaver ran out of juice yesterday and I couldn't find any 120-volt circuit to plug it in. I had used more mosquito repellant in the last two days than in the last year. I went back to the...

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Teacher teacher chapter 6

You should read the previous chapters to get a handle of their adventures so far. ***** Sandy woke to the alarm clock. It was still dark and she wasn't sure where she was or how she got there. She looked over at it and blinked her eyes trying to focus on the numbers. She rubbed her eyes scrapping off the crust coating them making it hard to focus. It was five thirty. How she got in her bed was a mystery. The last thing her foggy brain recalled was lying on a table and swallowing the...

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